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2018 Division Seminar- Workshop in Campus Paper Production

July 26-28, 2018


Based on Survey

Regscihyers nod abolition of SK

It’s not strange that Regional Science High School (RSHS) students approved the scrapping of the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK)
since news in the national newspapers and televisions exposed how it turned out to be the breeding grounds of future corrupt
This is how Supreme Student Government (SSG) president Jewel Maribie G. Luis reacted a fter knowing the results of the survey
conducted by The Excelsior showing that 73 percent of the whole RSHS populace approved the abolition of SK.
“While it is true that the organization has been infested by devious elders, we cannot deny the fact that t here are still ‘good ones’ who
remain untarnished despite being immersed in the rotten system,” she said.
The SK, Luis suggested, needs to be overhauled by using mechanisms that prevent politicians in dipping their hands to the
“We need not to abolish SK because history tells us how the youth became agents of change in the past. What we need is to plug
the leaks in the organization,” she claimed.
The SSG president also mentioned the crucial role of schools in molding future leaders, saying that when the schools instill
among youth the values of a transformative leader, they would turn out to be the ‘good ones’ who can fix the SK’s present
Source: The Excelsior
Sixth Place in News Section, NSPC 2013

Based on Interview

All systems go to curb bullying, says Balag

Regional Science High School (RSHS) principal Inocencio T. Balag confirmed that all mechanisms and strategies are now set to
end bullying among children in school.
Balag said the Child Protection Committee (CPC) composed of representatives from the administration, faculty, student body,
parents association, and community already adopted policies that provide special protection to children.
“With the CPC and DepEd’s Child Protection Policy in place, the students are now assured that the school is their ally when
they are bullied and intimidated,” he said.
Aware that the bully and the bullied are both victims in any case of bullying, Balag said the school should see to it that even the
bullies are helped through proper intervention of the school’s guidance counselor.
Part of the school’s mechanism in its campaign against bullying was the conduct of Stress Management Training among
teachers last October 2 where they were given tips on how to handle difficult situations in schools and even at home.
The principal also included the parents and the community in the school’s anti-bullying drive and shared that the members of
the CPC are finalizing the scheme that would maximize their participation.

Source: The Excelsior

Sixth Place in News Section, NSPC 2013

Based on Speech

ASDS Macalling to RSHS family

Excel in academics, character

A Regscihyer can easily be identified from the rest because he shines without even trying, but he can shine the brightest if he
excels not only in academics but also in character.
This was the contention of Isabela OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent (ASDS) Madelyn L. Macalling, Ph.D., when
she addressed RSHS students and teachers during the school’s 19 th Foundation Day at Tumauini Community Center, Tumauini,
Isabela, September 8.
Recalling her teaching days at RSHS with a handful of students coming from the different parts of the region, Dr. Macalling said
that to be a teacher at RSHS is a ‘challenging’ job since it requires one to be expert in the field to meet the needs of students she
considered ‘intellectually-elite.’
“But more than just expertise in teaching, one needs to have burning passion and commitment to ensure that every student
entrusted in his care will come out from RSHS truly excellent both in academics and character,” she said.
The ASDS also recognized the achievements of RSHS in the National Achievement Test (NAT) and in various national academic
competitions and challenged the students to sustain the school’s standing as top performing school in the region.
“Sustaining excellence is tough but going beyond it is an ambitious dream. But nothing is impossible to a Regscihyer for your
achievements in the past are testaments that you can transcend excellence,” she quipped.

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