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National Capital Region

Schools Division Office

Caloocan City
Globalizing Filipino Skills and Competencies
S.Y. 2017- 2018

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Strand: ________________________Grade & Section: ______________________ Score:____________________


Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a group of computers interconnected with one another. 1.
a. Networking b. Switch c. Router d. Hub
2. A type of computer network within the town or city. 2.
a. WAN (Wide Area Network) b. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
c. Network Interface Card or NIC d. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
3. This type of computer network is the largest because it is a global interconnection of computers. 3.
An example of this is the Internet.
a. WAN (Wide Area Network) b. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
c. Network Interface Card or NIC d. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
4. It is a local area networking device which serves as a central connection for all network 4.
equipment and handles a data type known as frames.
a. Networking b. Switch c. Router d. Hub
5. The role of router is to route packets to other networks until that packet ultimately reaches its 5.
a. Networking b. Switch c. Router d. Hub
6. It is a network adapter which is also an expansion card that enables a computer to connect to a 6.
network such as a LAN or the Internet using an Ethernet cable
a. WAN (Wide Area Network) b. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
c. Network Interface Card or NIC d. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
7. It is a type of copper cabling that is used for telephone communications and most Ethernet 7.
a. UTP Cable b. STP Cable c. Coaxial cable d. Fiber optical cable
8. Each pair of wire is wrapped in metallic foil to better shield the wires from noise. 8.
a. UTP Cable b. STP Cable c. Coaxial cable d. Fiber optical cable
9. It is a copper-cored cable surrounded by a heavy shielding, use to connect the computers to the 9.
rest of the network.
a. UTP Cable b. STP Cable c. Coaxial cable d. Fiber optical cable
10. It is a glass or plastic conductor that transmits information using light. 10
a. UTP Cable b. STP Cable c. Coaxial cable d. Fiber optical cable
11. It is the cable that has a thicker core than single-mode cable. It is easier to make, can use 11.
simpler light sources such as Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), and works well over distances of a
few kilometers or less.
a. Single-mode b. Multimode c. Straight-through cable d. Cross-over cable

12. It is the cable that has a very thin core. It is harder to make, uses lasers as a light source, and 12.
can transmit signals dozens of kilometers with ease.
a. Single-mode b. Multimode c. Straight-through cable d. Cross-over cable
13. Ethernet cable is used in local area network to connect a PC to a network hub and router. This 13.
is the standard cable used for almost all purposes.
a. Single-mode b. Multimode c. Straight-through cable d. Cross-over cable
14. Can be used to connect two network devices directly, without the need for a router in the 14.
middle. It simply reverses some of the pins so that the output on one computer is being sent to
the input of another.
a. Single-mode b. Multimode c. Straight-through cable d. Cross-over cable
15. It governs how files such as text, graphics, sound, and video are exchanged on the World Wide 15.
a. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol b. FTP: File Transfer Protocol
c. SSH: Secure Shell d. IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol
16. It provides services for file transfer and manipulation. FTP allows multiple simultaneous 16.
connections to remote file systems.
a. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol b. FTP: File Transfer Protocol
c. SSH: Secure Shell d. IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol
17. A tool that has a razor blade that will do the trick in cutting the wires of UTP and STP cable. 17.
a. Crimping tool b. Plier c. Cutter d. Scissor
18. It is used to securely connect to a remote computer. 18.
a. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol b. FTP: File Transfer Protocol
c. SSH: Secure Shell d. IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol
19. Cut into the plastic sheath _____ from the end of the cut cable. 19.
a. 2 inches b. 1 inch c. ½ inch d. 2 ½ inches
20. 1. A straight cut across the wires ______ from the cut sleeve to the end of the wires. 20.
a. ½ inch b. 2 inches c. 2 ½ inches d. 1 inch
21 It is an application used to connect to a remote computer that lacks security features. 21
a. Telnet b. IP address
c. SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol d. POP3: Post Office Protocol
22. It is also used to download e-mail from a remote mail server. 22.
a. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol b. FTP: File Transfer Protocol
c. SSH: Secure Shell d. IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol
23. It is used to download e-mail from a remote mail server. 23.
a. Telnet b. IP address
c. SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol d. POP3: Post Office Protocol
24. It is used to send e-mail to a remote e-mail server. 24.
a. Telnet b. IP address
c. SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol d. POP3: Post Office Protocol
25. It is a number that is used to identify a device on the network. 25.
a. Telnet b. IP address
c. SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol d. POP3: Post Office Protocol


Direction: Identify if true or false. Select letter A if the statement is correct and Letter B if NOT.
26. Make sure that the tools you are using are in good working condition. 26.
27. Watch what you are doing, and take your time. 27.
28. Make sure that you do not cut yourself or place anyone in danger. 28.
29. Always wear safety glasses when cutting, stripping, or splicing cables of any kind. 29.
30. Wear gloves whenever possible, and dispose any waste properly. 30.
31. Use common sense when installing cables and fixing network problems. 31.
32. Call for assistance for tasks that you cannot do on your own. 32.
33. Read the labels on the ladder, and follow any safety instructions written on it. 33.
34. Cordon off the area with caution tape or safety cones. 34.
35. Make sure that the tools you are using are in good working condition. 35.

A. Identify the color of wires of Straight-through cable in proper arrangement, select your answer
from the choices below. 37.
36. Choices for no. 26 to 29 38.
37. a. Green
38. 39.
b. Blue
39. c. Brown Choices for no. 30 to 33 40.
40. d. Orange a. White Green 41.
41. b. White Blue
42. 42.
c. White Brown
43. d. White Orange 43.

B. Identify the color of wires of Cross over cable in proper arrangement, select your answer from
the choices below.
44. Choices for no. 26 to 29 45
45. e. Green
46. 46
f. Blue
47. g. Brown Choices for no. 30 to 33 47
48. h. Orange e. White Green 48
49. f. White Blue
50. 49
g. White Brown
h. White Orange 50

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