Complete The Sentences Using Future Continuous or Future Perfect

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Name:________________________________ Date: _____________________

 Complete the sentences using future continuous or future


1. George ____ ________________(study) for 6 hours by dinner time.

2. How long _____ ____________they _____________ (work) when the factory


3. In another 5 minutes, we __________________ (wait) for 3 hours for the tickets.

4. This June we _______________________ (pay) the mortgage for 20 years.

5. He __________________ (play) football for 90 minutes when the game finishes.

6. __________________ you ______________ (study) long when we meet this


7. Next Saturday they _________________________________ (date) for 1 year.

8. Jim _____________________ (not/learn) English long when he goes to England.

9. This time next year, I ___________________________ (celebrate) because I will

have bought my new house. I'm so excited.
10. _____________ you __________________ (work) at the office this weekend?

11. I _________________(go) back in London by next Saturday.

12. I ____________________________(help) you with your project tomorrow at three


13. By next year, I __________________ (sell) my old car and I will purchase a new

14. Don't disturb Steve now. He _______________________(have) lunch now!

15. The thieves _________________________ (steal) everything by the time the

police arrives.
 Homonyms
16. My colleagues are ___ of the nicest people I know.
a. some
b. sum

17. The golfer yelled ___ as he swung his club.

a. for
b. fore
c. four

18. His military rank carries some ___ at the bargaining table.
a. wait
b. weight

19. I ___ my right to an attorney.

a. waive
b. wave

20. Sometimes elderly people ___ food in their rooms when they live in nursing homes.
a. hoard
b. horde

21. She ran until she felt a pain in her ___.

a. sighed
b. side

22. Why don't you ___ down and enjoy the scenery?
a. sloe
b. slow

 Write the homograph that completes both sentences.

1.Tie a ______________ to finish wrapping the present. Take a _______________ when
you finish your performance. 2.All the girls started screaming when a _______________
flew into their camp cabin. The softball team gave their star player a new
_______________ for her birthday. 3.I hoped my best friend would sit in my
_______________ at school. We had to ______________ the boat all the way across the
lake to get home. 4.Since my books were late, the librarian told me to pay a
_______________. Gabriel was sick yesterday, but today he’s feeling _______________.
5.When Allan fell off of his bike, he got a bad _______________ on his leg. Lisa
_______________ up the duck toy and let it waddle down the hallway. 6.Mom said I could
improve my sculpture by ______________ out the bumps. My father doesn’t get home
from work until late in the _______________. 7.In science I learned that my stomach
expands and _______________ as I eat. My class had to sign behavior
________________ as a promise to behave. 8.When they asked who would go first, I
volunteered to _____________ the way. I had to find a regular pencil because mine was
out of _____________.

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