F97105 DC HN9 S Ua KMoo Ub

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 Rigid Body :
A body whose size and shape cannot be
changed, however large the applied force may
be is called rigid body.
There is no perfectly rigid body in nature.
 Deformation force :
The force which changes the size or shape or both relative displacement of layers
of a body without moving it as a whole is called Shearing strain 
distance between the layers
deformation force.
 Restoring force : x
 
The force which restores the size and shape of L
the body when deformation force is removed is This strain is due to the change in shape of the
called restoring force. body.
Magnitude of restoring force is equal to the defor- Volumetric strain (or) Bulk strain
mation force. But they are in opposite direction.
change in volume  V
They do not form action, reaction pair. This force  
is responsible for the elastic nature of the original volume V
body. Shearing strain = 2 x e
 Elasticity : (e is longitudinal strain).
The property of a material by virtue of which it Bulk strain (or) Volumetric strain = 3 x e
regains its original size and shape when defor Longitudinal strain : Shearing strain :
mation force is removed is called elasticity. Bulk strain = 1 : 2 : 3.
Ex : Steel, Rubber. . Elastic limit :
No body is perfectly elastic, but quartz is the The maximum value of the stress with in which
nearest example. the body regains its original size and shape is
Elasticity is molecular property of matter. called elastic limit.
 Plasticity : . Hooke's law :
The property of a material by virtue of which it With in the elastic limit, stress is directly propor
does not regain the size and shape when the de tional to strain.
formation force is removed is called Plasticity. Stress
Ex : Putty dough, Chewing gum, Lead sholder.  E  const.
No body is perfectly plastic but putty is nearest With in the elastic limit, stress-strain graph is a
example. straight line passing through the origin.
 Stress : Slope of the graph is E.
The restoring force per unit area is called stress. Spring balance works on the principle of Hooke's
restoring force F law.
Stress = = Modulus of elasticity depends on the nature of
area of cross section A
the material, but it is independent of dimensions.
Unit : N/m 2 or Pascal. Young's modulus (Y) :
 Strain :
longitudinal stress F
The change produced per unit dimension is called Y 
strain. longitudinal strain Ae
If load attached to the wire is M, then F = Mg,
change in dimension
Strain  and A  r 2
original dimension
change in length e Mgl
Longitudinal strain   Y e
original length  r2e


If the load attached to the wire and y are con The graph between load and elongation is a
stant straight
line passing through the origin.

e Behaviour of a wire under increasing load.
If length is also constant
If volume of the wire is constant
1 1
e  2 ; e  2
; e 4
A r
 Elongation of a wire under its own weight

l 2dg
e ( d is density). Proportional limit (A) :
2Y Upto the point A stress is directly proportional
If 1 ,2 are the lengths of a wire under tensions to the strain and the wire obeys Hooke's law.
Elastic limit (B) :
T1 & T2 then the length of the unstretched wire.
In the region AB, the wire does not obey Hooke's
1T2  2T1 law but it regains, the original length when load
 is removed.
T2  T1
Yield point C:
When a load is suspended from a wire its elon The point where elasticity ends and plasticity
gation is e. If the load is immersed in a liquid of begins is called yield point.
density '' then the new elongation. Here the wire behaves like fluid and it elongates
with time.
e1  e(1   / d) Permanent set (OP) :
d is density of load The permanent increase in length of the wire af
 Stress required to double the length of the wire ter removing the load is called permanent set.
is numerically equal to the Young's modulus. Permanent set = OP x 
If a load 'M' produced elongation e in a wire,
 Breaking Point : The point in the graph where
the raise in temperature required to produce same
the wire breaks.
 Breaking Stress :
Mg Mg The stress required to break the wire is called
   ;  
AY AY breaking stress.
Two wires of same length and radius are joined The maximum stress the material can with stand
end to end and loaded. If Young's moduli of the without breaking is called breaking stress.
Breaking stress
materials are Y1 &Y2 , the Young's modulus of
breaking force
2 1 1 2Y1Y2 =
  initial area of cross section
the combination is ;Y 
Y Y1 Y2 Y1  Y2 Mg Adg
   dg
For a perfectly elastic material e = 0. So Young's A A
modulus is infinity. The maximum length of the wire that can hang
For a plastic material the Young's modulus is zero. without breaking under its own weight
From Searle's experiment the Young's modulus
of the material of wire. breaking stress
Y Breaking stress depends on the nature of the
r 2e material, but it is independent of dimensions.


Breaking stress per unit area is called tensile decreases the elastic property.
strength. Hammering and rolling increases with elastic
Breaking force = Breaking stress x area property.
Breaking force is independent of length of the Elastic property of a material increase with ad
wire, but it depends on the nature of material dition of impurity.
and area of cross section.  Thermal force :
F  A, F  r 2 When a metal bar is fixed between two supports
and heated, it tries to expand and exerts force
If we cut a wire that can support a maximum
on the walls. This is called thermal force.
load W into two equal parts, then each part of
the wire can support a maximum load W. F  AY 
 Elastic fatigue : Thermal force is independent of length of the bar.
The state of temporary loss of elastic property Thermal stress (linear compressive stress)
due to continuous strain is called elastic fatigue. force AY
If some rest is given to the wire, it regains the   Y .
elastic property. area A
Due to elastic fatigue  Rigidity modulus :
a) A wire can be broken with in the elastic limit. With in the elastic limit, the ratio of tangential stress
b) A wire can be cut into two pieces without to the shearing strain is called rigidity modulus.
using instruments. tangential stress
c) Railway tracks and bridges declared unsafe Rigidity modulus =
shearing strain
after long use.
d) Spring balance show wrong reading on long F
use. A
e) If the material doesn't break after the elastic a) If n is small for a wire, it can be twisted eas
limit, it is used to prepare thin wires. It is called ily.
ductile metal. b) As the rigidity modulus of phsphor bronze is
Ex : Copper, Silver, Gold etc. low, it is used as supspension wire in moving
f) If the material braeaking after elastic limit, it is coil galvanometer.
not used to prepare thin wires . It is called brittle c) A rod of length 'l' and radius r is fixed at one
metal. Ex : Glass. end.If the other free end is twisted through an
 Elastic after effect : angle  . Then the angle of shear '' is given
The delay in regaining the original state on re
moval of the deforming force on a body is called r
by   .
elastic after effect. 
For a perfectly elastic body, the elastic after ef
fect is zero.
For a perfectly plastic body, the elastic after
effect is infinity.
For a given load the elongation of steel wire is
less than rubber. So steel is more elastic than
rubber.  One end of the rod is fixed the other free end is
Springs are made of steel, because it is more twisted through an angle  by applying a torque
elastic.  . The work done on the rod is
Elasticity of a material will decrease with increase 1
of temperature. W 
For rubber elasticity will increase with tempera
ture. When a spring is stretched, the strain involved is
For invar steel elasticity is independent of tem shear.
perature. When a helical spring (thickness is large) is
Annealing means slow cooling after heating. It stretched, the strain involved is longitudinal and
shearing strain.


 Bulk modulus (K) Relation among elastic constants y,n,k.
With in the elastic limit the ratio between volume 9 1 3 9nk
stress and bulk strain is called bulk modulus. i)   (or) y 
y K n 3K  n
volume stress
Bulk modulus  ii) y  2 n (1  )
bulk strain
iii) y  3k (1  2)
V F  PV 3K  2n
K A   iv)  
 V V A V 6K  2 n
V  Punching a hole
Punching a hole of radius 'r' in a metal plate of
(- sign shows decrease in volume) thickness 't'. The force required is calaculated
i) If a block of coefficient of cubical expansin  by the formula.
is heated through a rise in temperature of  , F = breaking stress x 2rt
the pressure to be applied on it to prevent its  Spring
expansion = K where K is its bulk modu
lus. For a given spring F x ; F  kx ; k 
ii) When a rubber ball of volume V, bulk modu
k is called spring constant (or) force constant
lus K is taken to a depth 'h' in water decreases
(or) stiffness constant.
hdgV Spring constant interms of Young's modulus area
in its volume V  .
K yA
(d = density of material) of cross section and length k  .

For an incompressible material, V  0 , so
 P.E.energy of a streched spring
bulk modulus is infinity.
Solid possess y,n and k 1 2 1 F2
E Kx  Fx 
Liquids and gases possess only K. 2 2 2K
Isothermal bulk modulus of the gas = Two spring having force constants K1 & K 2
Adiabatic bulk modulusof the gas = p ( K1  K 2 ) are stretched by same amount then
Cp more work is done on the first spring W  K .
(where   ) Two springs having force constants
K1, K 2 (K1  K 2 ) are stretched by same force
The reciprocal of bulk modulus is called com
pressibility then more work is done on the second spring.
 Poisson's ratio (  ) W 1 / K .
The ratio lateral contraction strain to the longi If energy is same for both the springs the relation
tudinal elongation strain is called Poisson's between force and spring constant F K .
 The work done in stretching a wire
lateral contraction strain
 1
longitudinal elongation strain W Stress x Strain x Volume
transverse strain r / r r
  = 1 1 e 2 AY
longitudinal strain /   x r W Fe 
2 2 l
i) As it is a ratio, it has no units and dimension.  Strain energy per unit volume (energy density)
ii) Theoretical limits of   1 to 0.5
1 1
Practical limits of   0 to 0.5 E x stress x strain  Y ( Strain) 2
2 2
iii) For an incompressible substance   0.5
( Stress )2  Stress 
Also, E   Y  Strain 


CONCEPTUAL QUESTIONS 13. Reason for the deformation of a regular body is
1. The breaking stress of a wire depends upon 1) bulk strain 2) shearing strain
3) linear strain 4) lateral strain
1) material of the wire 2) length of the wire 14. A copper wire and a steel wire of the same diameter
3) radius of the wire 4) shape of the cross section and length are connected end to end and a force is
2. A wire can sustain the weight of 40kg before applied so that their combined length stretched by
breaking. If the wire is cut into 4 equal parts, each 1cm. The two wires have
part can sustain a weight of ...kg 1) same stress, same strain
1) 40 2) 160 3)10 4) 20 2) same stress, different strains
3. Which of the following relation is not correct ? 3) same strain different stress
4) different stress, different strains
y y 15. The poisson's ratio cannot have the value
1)  2(1    2)  1  2
n 3k 1) 0.7 2) 0.2 3) 0.1 4) 0.3
y 9kn y y 16. A metallic rod of length 'L' and cross-section 'A' has
3)  4)  3 Young's modulus 'Y' and coefficient of linear
n 3k  n n 3k expansion 'a'. If the rod is heated to a temperature
4. When an elastic material with young's modulus 'y' is 'T' the energy stored per unit volume is :
subjected to a stretching stress 's', the elastic energy
stored per unit volume is 1 1
1) Y  T 2 2) YA  T 2
2 2
s2 ys2 s ys
1) 2) 3) 4) 1 1
2y 2 2y 2 3) YA 4) YA 2   T 2
2 2
5. When an elastic material of young's modulus 'y' is
subjected to certain stress, the strain is 'x'. The elastic 17. Three wires A, B, C made of different materials
energy stored per unit volume is elongated by 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 mm, under a load of 5kg. If
the diameters of the wires are the same, the most
1 2 x2 y2 elastic material is that of
1) yx 2) 3) 4) xy 2 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) All
2 2y 2x
18. Three wires A,B, C made of the same material and
6. A wire extends by 'I' on the application of load 'mg'. radius have different lenghts. The graphs in the figure
Then, the work done is show the elongation-load variation. The longest wire is
1) mgl 2) mgl/2 3) mg/1 4) mgl 2
7. Elongation of a wire under its own weight is
independent of
1) Length 2) Area of cross section
3) Density 4) Young's modulus
8. The following substances which possess rigidity modulus
1) Only Solids 2) Only liquids
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) All
3) Liquids and Gases 4) Solids, Liquids and Gases
19. In the above problem, all the wires have the same
9. The young's modulus of a wire of length 'L' and radius
'r' is 'Y'. If length is reduced to L/2 dimensions but are madeup of different, materials.
The most elastic wire is
and radius r/2, Youngs modulus will be
1) Y/2 2) Y 3) 2Y 4) 4Y 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) All
10. A spiral spring is stretched by a force, the resultant 20. A wire is under a load. If  is the longitudial strain
strain produced in the spring is and Y, the young modulus of the material of the wire,
1) Volume strain 2) shearing strain the elastic strain energy per unit volume of the wire is
3) longitudinal strain 4) all the above
11. A long string is stretched by 2cm and the P.E. is U. If 1  Y Y2
1) Y 2) 3) 4) 2Y
the string is stretched by 10cm its P.E. will be 2 2 
1) U/25 2) U/5 3) 5U 4) 25 U 21. The modulus of elasticity is dimensionally equivalent to
12. Steel is preferred for making springs over copper
1) Stress 2) Surface tension 3) Strain
4) Coefficient of viscosity
1) Y of steel is more than that of copper
22. Modulus of elasticity for a perfectly elastic body is
2) Steel is cheaper
3) Y of copper is more than steel 1) Zero 2) Infinity 3) 1 4) 2
4) Steel is less likely to be oxidised


23. A wire of length 'L' and radius 'r' is fixed at one end. A 32. A wire elongates by 1 mm when a load W is hung
force 'F' applied to the other end produces an extension from it. If the wire goes over a pulley and two weights
'l'. The extension produced in another wire of the same W each are hung at the two ends, the elongation of
material of length '2L', radius '2 r' by a force F is the wire will be
l 1) 0.5mm 2)1 mm 3) 2 mm 4) 4mm
1) l 2) 3) 8 l 4) 2 l 33. The graph shows the behaviour of a steel wire in the
region for which the wire obeys Hooke's law. The
24. An iron bar of length l, cross section A and Young's graph is a part of a parabola. The variables x and y
modulus Y is heated from 0 to 1000C. If this bar is might represent.
held so that it is not permitted to bend to expand, the
force F that is develped, is proportional to
1) l 2) l 3) l0 4) l-1
25. As temperature increases the Young's modulus of the
material of a wire
1) x = stress ; y = strain 2) x = strain ; y = stress
1) increases 2) decreases
3) x = strain ; y = elastic energy
3) remains the same 4) becomes infinite
4) x = elastic energy ; y = strain
26. When a rubber cord is stretched, the change in volume
34. A student plotted a graph from his readings on the
is negligible compared to the change in its linear
determination of Young's modulus of a metal wire
dimension. Then poisson's ratio for rubber is
but forgotten to label. The quantities on x and y cannot
1) infinite 2) zero 3) 0.5 4) -1 represent.
27. Hooke's law states that
1) Stress is inversely proportional to strain
2) Stress is directly proportional to strain
3) Stress is independent of strain
4) Stress is proportional to elastic modulus 1) weight hung and extension
28. If stress is numerically equal to young's modulus, the 2) stress applied and extension
elongation will be 3) stress applied and strain produced
1) 1/4 the original length 4) stress applied and energy stored
2) 1/2 the original length KEY
3) equal to the original length 01) 1 02) 1 03) 3 04) 1 05) 1 06) 2
4) Twice the original length 07) 2 08) 1 09) 2 10) 3 11) 4 12) 1
29. Force vs Elongation graph of a wire is shown in the 13) 2 14) 2 15) 1 16) 1 17) 1 18) 3
figure. Then, at two different temperatures T1 & T2 19) 1 20) 1 21) 1 22) 2 23) 2 24) 3
25) 2 26) 3 27) 2 28) 3 29) 2 30)4
31) 1 32) 2 33) 4 34) 4
1. A 20 Kg load is suspended by a wire of cross section
0.4 mm2. The stress produced in N/m2 is
1) 4.9 x 10-6 2) 4.9 x 108
1) T1 = T2 2) T1 < T2 3) T1 > T2 3) 49 x 108 4) 2.45 x 10-6
4) cannot be predicted. 2. A force of 30N acts on a rod of area of cross section
30. A material has poisson's ratio of 0.5. If a uniform rod 5 x 10-6 m2. The stress produced in dyne/cm2 is
suffers a longitudinal strain of 2 x 10-3 the percentage 1) 6 x 106 2) 6 x 07 3) 6 x 105 4) 0.16 x 10-6
increase in its volume is
3. The length of a wire is 4m. Its length is increased by
1) 2% 2) 0.5%3) 4% 4) 0% 2mm when a force acts on it. The strain is
31. The elastic after effect shows that the 1) 0.5 x 10-3 2) 5 x 10-3 3) 2 x 10-3 4) 0.05
1) strain in a material is lagging behind stress 4. The length of a wire under stress changes by 0.01%.
2) strain produced is quick The strain produced is
3) elasticity of the material vanishes 1) 1 x 10-4 2) 0.01 3) 1 4) 104
4) stress is developed very slowly.


5) Two steel wires have equal volumes. Their diameters 1) Wire of length 1 m and diameter 1 mm
are in the ratio 2 : 1. When same force is applied on 2) Length 2m, diameter 2 mm
them, the elongation produced will be in the ratio of
3) Length 3m, diameter 3 mm
1) 1:8 2) 8:1 3) 1:16 4) 16:1
4) Length 0.5m, diameter 0.5mm
6. Two wires of the same material and length have
17. An elongation of 0.1% in a wire of cross section
diameters in the ratio 2 : 3. When they are stretched
by same force, the ratio of energies stored in them is 10 6 m2 causes a tension of 100N. Y for the wire is
1) 2 : 3 2) 3 : 2 3) 4 : 9 4) 9 : 4 1) 1012N/m2 2) 1011N/m2
7. The diameters of two steel wires are in the ratio 2 : 3. 3) 1010N/m2 4) 100 N/m2
Their lengths are equal. When same force is applied 18. When the load on a wire is slowly increased from 3
on them, the ratio of the elongation produced is to 5kg wt, the elongation increases from 0.61 to 1.02
1) 4 : 9 2) 9 : 4 3) 3 : 2 4) 2 : 3 mm. The work done during the extension of wire is
8. A metallic wire of force constant 'k' is cut into two (g=10ms-2)
parts of lengths in the ratio 1:2. The force constant 1) 0.16J 2) 0.016J 3) 1.6J 4) 16J
of larger one is 19. A rod has poisson's ratio 0.2. If a rod suffers a
1) k/3 2) 3k/2 3) 2k/3 4) k/2 longitudinal strain of 2 x 10-3, then the percentage
9. The force that must be applied to a steel wire 6m change in volume is
long and diameter 1.6mm to produce an extension of 1) +0.12 2) -0.12 3) 0.28 4) -0.28
1mm [y=2.0 x 1011 N.m-2] is approximately. 20. The breaking force for a wire of radius 'r' is 'F'. The
1) 100N 2) 50N 3) 67N 4) 33.5N breaking force for the wire of same material but
10. Two wires A and B of same material have lengths in double the length and double the radius is
the ratio 1:2 and diameter in the ratio 2:1. If they are 1) F 2) 2F 3) 4F 4) 8F
stretched by same force, the ratio of the increase in 21. Young's modulus of material of a wire is 200G.Pa. The
their lengths will be stress required to produce a strain of 4 x 10-3 in pa is
1) 2:1 2) 1:4 3) 8:1 4) 1: 8 1) 8 x 1012 2) 0.2 x 10-11
11. A wire of length 'l' and radius 'r' is clamped rigidly at 3) 5 x 107 4) 8 x 108
one end. When the other end of the wire is pulled by 22. A wire of 10m long and 1mm2 area of cross section is
a force 'F', its length increases by 'x'. Another wire stretched by a force of 20N. If the elongation is 2mm, the
of same material of length '2l' and radius '2r' is pulled young's modulus of the material of the wire (in pa) is
by a force '2F', the increase in its length will be
1) 1 x 109 2) 2 x 10-9
1) x 2) 2x 3) x/2 4) 4x
3) 1 x 10 11
4) 1 x 1012
12. The area of cross section of a wire is 10-6m2. When
23. The force required to double the length of a steel
its length is increased by 0.1%, a tension of 1000N is
wire of area of cross section 5 x 10-5m2
produced. The young's modulus of the wire will be
(y=20 x1010pa.) (in N) is
1) 1012N/m2 2) 1011N/m2
1) 107 2) 106 3) 10-7 4) 105
3) 10 N/m
10 2
4) 109N/m2
24. The lengths of two wires of the same material and
13. A steel wire of length 1m has cross sectional area 1cm2. diameter are 100cm and 125cm. If same force is
If young's modulus of steel is 1011 N / m 2 , then force applied on them, the elongation in the first wire is 4mm,
required to increase the length of wire by 1mm will be then the elongation in the second wire (in mm) is
1) 1011N 2) 107N 3) 104N 4) 102N 1) 4 2) 5 3) 0.8 4) 1.25
14. If the poisson's ratio of a solid is 2/5, then the ratio of 25. Ratio of lengths of two brass wires is 3 : 4; their
its young's modulus to the rigidity modulus is areas of cross section are in the ratio 2:3. When same
1) 5/4 2) 7/15 3) 14/9 4) 14/5 force is applied on them, the elongations produced
will be in the ratio:
15. Force required to increase the length of a wire of
area of cross-section 'A' by one percent, (Y is young's 1) 9 : 8 2) 8 : 9 3 ) 2 2 :3 4) 1 : 1
modulus) is 26. The length of two wires are in the ratio 3 : 4. Ratio of
1) AY 2) AY/10 3) AY/100 4) AY/1000 the diameters is 1:2; young's modulus of the wires
16. Four wires made of same materials are stretched by are in the ratio 3:2; If they are subjected to same
the same load. Their dimensions are given below. tensile force, the ratio of the elongation produced is
The one which elongates more is ? 1) 1 :1 2) 1 :2 3) 2 : 3 4) 2 : 1


27. The compressibility of water is 4 x 10-5 per unit 37. The 'Y' of a material of a rod is 200G pa. Its
atmosphere pressure. The decrease in volume of coefficient of linear expansion is 15 x 10-6/0C. It is
100cm-3 water under a pressure of 100atm will be fixed at two ends and is cooled by 1000C. The thermal
1) 0.4 cm3 2) 4 x 10-5cm3 stress produced in the rod
3) 0.025 cm3 4) 0.04cm3 (in N .m 2 ) is
28. A uniform wire of length 4m and area of cross section 1) 3 x 10-7 2) 3 x 108 3) 3 x 106 4) 0.33 x 107
2mm2 is subjected to longitudinal force produced an
38. The fractional change in the volume of oil is 1 percent
elongation of 1mm. If Y=0.2 x 1011 NM-2, elastic when a presure of 2 x 107 N/m2 is applied. The bulk
potential energy stored in the body is modulus and its compressibility is
1) 0.5J 2) 0.05J 3) 0.005J 4) 5.0J 1) 3 x 108 N/m2, 0.33 x 10-9 m2/N
29. A solid sphere hung at the lower end of a wire is
2) 5 x 109 N/m2, 2 x 10 10 m2/N
suspended from a fixed point so as to give an
elongation of 0.4mm. When the first solid sphere is 10
3) 3 x 109 N/m2, 5 x 10 m2/N
replaced by another one made of same material but
twice the radius, the new elongation is 4) 3 x 10+9 N/m2, 5 x 109 m2/N
1) 0.8mm 2)1.6mm 3) 3.2mm 4)1.2mm KEY
30. The ratio of lengths of two wires made of same 01) 2 02) 2 03) 1 04) 1 05) 3 06) 4
material is 2 :3. The ratio of their respective 07) 2 08) 2 09) 3 10) 4 11) 1 12) 1
longitudinal stress to produce same elongation is 13) 3 14) 4 15) 3 16) 4 17) 2 18) 2
1) 4 : 9 2) 9 : 4 3) 2 : 3 4) 3: 2 19) 1 20) 3 21) 4 22) 3 23) 1 24) 2
25) 1 26) 4 27) 1 28) 3 29) 3 30) 4
31. The elongation produced in a copper wire of length
31) 3 32) 1 33) 4 34) 3 35) 3 36) 4
2m and diameter 3mm, when a force of 30N is applied 37) 2 38) 3
is [y=1x1011N.M-2]
1) 8.5mm 2) 0.85mm 3) 0.085mm 4) 85mm
32. The breaking stress of a material is 106 N.m-2 and its FL FV 1
5. e  2 ,e 4
density is 3 x 103 kg.m-3. The least length of the wire AY A Y r
which when suspended vertically breaks under its
1 1 F2 L 1
own weight (in m) is g  10m / s 2 6. E Fe  ; E 2
2 2 AY r
1) 34m 2) 3.4m 3) 0.34m 4) 0.034m
33. A metallic rod undergoes a strain of 0.05%. The Km 
m  nk
energy stored per unit volume is m
(Y=2 x 1011 Nm 2 ) 14. Y  2n 1   

1) 0.5 x 104 Jm-3 2) 0.5 x 105 J m-3 1

3) 2.5 x 105 J m-3 4) 2.5 x 104 Jm-3 18. Y  F1e1  F2e 2 
34. The strain is 0.01%. Young's modulus for the material
of the wire is 20 x 1010 N/m2. The stress on the wire is V
27. Compressibility =
1) 5 x 104 N/m2 2) 20 x 104 N/m2 VP
3) 20 x 106 N/m2 4) 20 x 108 N/m2 32. Breaking stress = l dg
35. A steel wire of length 4m is stretched by a force of
37. Stress = Y  t
100N. The work done to increase the length of the
wire by 2mm is LEVEL - 2
1) 0.4J 2) 0.2J 3) 0.1J 4) 1J 39. A load of 4.0 kg is suspended from a ceiling through
a steel wire of length 20m and radius 2.0mm. It is
36. The length of a wire of cross sectional area 1 x 10-6 m2
found that the length of the wire increases by 0.031
is 10m. The young's modulus of the material of the mm. as equilibrium is achieved. If g=3.1 x  ms-2 ,
wire is 25 G.pa. When the wire is subjected to a tensile the value of young's modulus in N.m-2 is
force of 100N, the elongation produced in mm is
1) 2.0 x 1012 2) 4.0 x 1011
1) 0.04 2) 0.4 3) 4 4) 40
3) 2.0 x 1011 4) 0.02 x 109


40. The stress produced in a wire of young's modulus 1.2 52. Two exactly similar wires of steel (y=20 x 1011 dyne/
x 1011 N.m-2 is 7 x 106 pa. The strain it undergoes is cm 2) and copper (y = 12 x 10 11 dyne/cm2) are
1) 5.8 x 10-5 2) 3.5 x 10-3 3) 3.5 4) 0.35 stretched by equal forces. If the total elongation is
41. Two wires of equal cross section, but one made up 1cm, elongation of copper wire is
of steel and the other copper are joined end to end. 1) 3/5 cm 2) 5/3 cm 3) 3/8 cm 4) 5/8 cm
When the combination is kept under tension, the 53. A rubber cord of length 40cm and area of cross section
elongations in the two wires are found to be equal. If 4 x 10-6 m2 is extended by 10cm. If the energy gained
Ysteel = 2.0 x 1011 N.m-2 and Ycopper = 1.1 x 1011 Nm- is 20 joule, young's modulus of rubber is
, the ratio of the lengths of the two wires is
1) 108 Nm-2 2) 2 x 108 Nm-2
1) 20 : 11 2) 11:20 3) 5 : 4 4) 4 : 5
3) 4 x 108 Nm-2 4) 1.5 x 106 Nm-2
42. A rope of 1 cm in diameter breaks if tension in it
54. At 00C, a square steel bar of 1 cm side is rigidly
exceeds 500N. The maximum tension that may be
clamped at both ends so that its length cannot
given to a smaller rope of diameter 2cm (in N) is
increase. Young's modulus for steel is 20 x 1010 Nm-
1) 500 2) 250 3) 1000 4) 2000 2
and coefficient of linear expansion of steel is 11 x
43. A stress 10 pa produces a strain of 4 x 10-3. The energy
10-6 per 0C. When the temperature is raised to 100C,
stored per unit volume of the body (in J.m-3) is the force exerted on the clamps is
1) 2 x 103 2) 2 x 104 3) 2.5 x 1010 4) 0.8 x 104 1) 2200N 2) 1100 N 3) 100N 4) 50N
44. The force constant of a spring is 4 x 104 N.m-1. The
55. A steel wire is 1 m long and 1mm in area of cross-
energy stored in the spring when it is stretched by
section. If it takes 200N to stretch this wire by 1mm,
1cm in joules is
the force that will be required to stretch the wire of
1) 1 2) 2 3) 0.2 4) 4
the same material and cross-sectional area from a
45. Young's modulus of a metal is 15 x 1011 pa. If its poisson's
ratio is 0.4. The bulk modulus of the metal in pa is legnth of 10m to 1002 cm
1) 25 x 1011 2) 2.5 x 1011 1) 100N 2) 200 N 3) 400 N 4) 2000N
3) 250 x 10 11
4) 0.25 x 1011 56. When load is applied to a wire, the extension is 3mm.
46. Young's modulus of a metal is 15 x 109 pa. Its rigidity The extension in the wire of same material and length
modulus is 6 x 109 pa. Its poisson's ratio is but half the radius extended by the same load is :
1) 0.25 2) 0.5 3) 0.2 4) 0.15
47. If Young's modulus of iron be 2 x 1011 N/m-2 and 1) 0.75mm 2) 6mm 3) 1.5mm 4) 12.0mm
interatomic distance be 3 x 10-10m, the interatomic 57. Two wires A and B of the same dimensions are under
force constant will be loads of 4 and5.5 kg respectively. The ratio of Young's
1) 60 N/m 2) 120 N/m 3) 30 N/m 4) 180 N/m moduli of the materials of the wires for the same
48. Breaking stress for steel is 8 x 106 N/m2. The density elongation is
of steel is 8 x 10 3 Kg/m 3 and g =10m/s 2. The
maximum length of steel wire which can be hung 1) 64 : 121 2) 11 : 8 3) 11:8 4) 8 : 111
without breaking under its load is
1) 200m 2) 100m 3) 50m 4) 25m 58. A force of 10 N is applied on the uper surface of a

cube of side 10 cm, keeping the lower surface fixed.

49. A wire can be broken by 400kg.wt. The load required
to break the wire of double the thickness of the same The upper surface shifts by 0.05 cm parallel to itself.
material will be The rigidity modulus of the material of the cube is
1) 800 kg.wt 2) 1600 kg.wt. 1
3) 3200 kg. wt 4) 6400 kg. wt. 1) 5 x 108N/m2 2)  10 8 N / m 2
50. A cube of gelatin 7cm on an edge is resting in a dish.
Pushing horizontally on the top face with a force of 3) 2 x 109 N/m2 4) 1010 N/m2
0.21N causes the top to undergo a displacement of 59. A sphere contracts in volume by 0.01%. When
3mm. Then, the rigidity modulus of gelatin is subjected to a pressure of 100 atmosphere. The bulk
1) 100N/m2 2) 10N/m2 3) 1000N/m2 4) 104N/m2 modulus of the material of the ball is (1 atm = 105 pa)
51. A sphere contracts in volume by 0.01% when taken 1) 1010 N/m2 2) 109 N/m2
to the bottom of lake 1km deep. If the density of 3) 5 x 10 N/m10 2
4) 1011N/m2
water is 1gm/cc, the bulk modulus of water is 60. A lift is tied with thick iron wire and its mass is 1000kg.
1) 9.8 x 105N/m2 2) 9.8 x 108N/m2 If the maximum acceleration of the lift is 1.2 ms-2
3)9.8 x 10 N/m10 2
4) 9.8 x 106N/m2 and the maximum stress of the wire is 1.4 x 108 Nm-
what should be the minimum diameter of the wire ?
1) 10-2 m 2) 10 4 m b 3) 10 6 m 4) 0.5 x 10 2 m


61. On taking a solid rubber ball from the surface to the its free end. The elongation in the wire in mm is (if y
bottom of a lake 200m deep, the reduction in volume = 2.0 x 1011 N.m-2, g =10ms-2)
is found to be 0.5%. If the density of water is 103 1) 2.4 x 10-5 2) 2.4 3) 0.024 4) 0.0024
kgm-3 and g=10 ms-2, find the bulk modulus of rubber.
67. A force of 15N increases the length of a wire by
1) 2 x 108 Pa 2) 4 x 108 Pa 1mm. The additional force required to increase the
length by 2.5mm in N is
3) 6 x 108 Pa 4) 8 x 108 Pa
1) 22.5 2) 37.5 3) 52.5 4) 75
62. Mild steel ruptures, when a shear stress of 5 x 108
Pa is applied. Find the force needed to punch a 1 cm 68. Two wires each of length 1m and area of cross section
diameter hole in a steel sheet 7mm thick. 1sq.mm are joined end to end and suspended at the lower
end of composite wire. If their young's moduli are 2 x
1) 2.2 x 105 N 2) 3.3 x 105 N 1010 pa and 5 x 1010 pa, the total elongation in mm is
3) 4.4 x 105 N 4) 1.1 x 105 N 1) 2 2) 2.5 3) 3 4) 3.5
63. On loading a steel wire of radius 0.5mm and length 69. A piece of copper wire has twice the radius of steel
2m by a mass of 250 kg, it extended by 20mm and wire. One end of the copper wire is joined to one
suddenly broken from the point of support. Find the end of steel wire so that both of them can be subjected
rise in temperature of the wire if the density of steel to the same longitudinal force. Y for steel is twice
is 9000 kgm-3 and specific heat is 420 Jkg-1K-1. that of copper. When the length of copper wire is
1) 3.1o C 2) 4.7 o C 3) 4.1o C 4) 5.1o C increased by 1%, the steel wire will be stretched by
64. A body of mass 10 kg is attached to a wire 0.3m 1) 2% of its original length 2) 1% of its original length
long. Its breaking stress is 4.8 x 107 Pa. The area of 3) 4% of its original length 4) 0.5% of its original length
cross-section of the wire is 10-6m2. What is the 70. A uniform metal rod of 2mm2 cross section is heated
maximum angular velocity with which it can be from 00C to 200C. The coefficient of linear expansion
rotated in the horizontal circle ?
of the rod is 12 x 10-6/0C. Its young's modulus of
1) 1 rad/s 2) 4 rad/s 3) 3 rad/s 4) 2 rad/s elasticity is 1011 N/m2. The energy stored per unit
KEY volume of the rod is
39) 1 40) 1 41) 1 42) 4 43) 2 44) 2 1) 2800 J/m3 2) 1500 J/m3 3) 5760 J/m3 4) 1440 J/m3
45) 1 46) 1 47) 1 48) 2 49) 2 50) 3
71. A 8m long string of rubber, having density 1.5 x 103
51) 3 52) 4 53) 3 54) 1 55) 3 56) 4
kg/m3 and young's modulus 5 x 106 N/m2 is suspended
57) 4 58) 3 59) 4 60) 1 61) 2 62) 4
from the ceiling of a room. The increase in its length
63) 3 64) 2
due to its own weight will be (g = 10m/s2)
1) 9.6 x 10-2m 2) 19.2 x 10-5m
47. Interatomic force constant = Yr
3) 9.6 x 10-3m 4) 9.6 m
52. Stress is equal esys = ecyc
72. A steel wire of length 20cm and cross sectional area 1.0
eYs mm2 is clamped at both the ends. The coefficient of
e  es  e c ; ec  linear expansion for steel  = 1.1 x 10-5/0C and Y=2 x
Ys  Yc 1011 N/m2. If the temperature of wire is reduced from
400C to 200C, the tension developed in the wire will be
1 e 2 AY
53. E  1) 2.2 x 106N 2) 8 N 3) 16N 4) 44N
2 1 73. A brass rod has a length of 0.2m, area of cross section
54. F  YAt 1.0cm2 and young's modulus 1011 Nm-2. If it is
compressed by 5kg.wt. along its length, then the
F1l1 F2 l 2 change in its energy will be
55. 
e1 e2 1) an increase of 2.4 x 10-5 J
LEVEL - 3 2) a decrease of 2.4 x 10-5J
65. A wire of length 1 m fixed at one end has a sphere 3) an increase of 2.4 x 107 J
attached to it at the other end. The sphere is projected 4) a decrease of 2.4 x 107 J
horizontally with a velocity of 9g . When it 74. A 20 kg load is sxuspended from the lower end of a
describes a vertical circle, the ratio of elongations of wire 10cm long and 1mm2 in cross sectional area. The
the wire when the sphere is at the top and bottom of upper half of the wire is made of iron and the lower
the circle is half with aluminium. The total elongation in the wire is
1) 2 : 5 2) 5 : 2 3) 3 : 5 4) 5 : 3 (Yiron = 20 x 1010 N/m2, YAl = 7 x 1010 N/m2)
66. One end of a wire 2m long and 0.2cm2 in cross section 1) 18.9 x 10-3m 2) 17.8 x 10-3m
is fixed to a ceiling and a load of 4.8kg is attached to 3) 1.78 x 10 m-3
4) 1.89 x 10-3 m


75. A body of mass 10kg is attached to a wire 0.3m long. 83. The volume of oil contained in a certain hydraulic
It breaking stress is 4.8 x 107 N/m2. The area of press is 0.2m3. The compressibility of oil is 20 x 10-6
cross section of the wire is 10-6m2. The maximum per atmosphere. The decrease in volume of the oil
angular velocity with which it can be rotated in a when subjected to 200 atmospheres is (1 atmosphere
horizontal circle without breaking is = 1.02 x 105 N/m2)
1) 2 rad/s 2) 4 rad/s 3)6 rad/d 4) 8 rad/s 1) 4 x 10-4m3 2) 8 x 10-4m3
76. The rubber cord of a catapult has a cross-sectional 3) 16 x 10-4m3 4) 2 x 10-4m3
area 1mm2 and total unstretched length 10cm. It is 84. One end of uniform wire of length L and weight W is
stretched to 12cm and then released to project a attached to rigid point in the roof and a weight w1 is
missile of mass 5gm. Taking 'Y' for rubber 5 x 108 suspended from its lower end. If S is the area of
N/m2, the velocity of projection is cross-section of the wire the stress in the wire at a
1) 10m/s 2) 15 m/s 3) 20 m/s 4) 25 m/s height (3L/4) from its lower end is
77. A mass 'm' kg is whirled in a vertical plane by tieing it at
  w  3w
the end of a flexible wire of length 'I' and area of cross- w 1  w1  
 w1   w 1  w 
section 'A' such that it just completes the vertical circle. 1) 2)   3)  4  4)
When the mass is at its lowest position, the strain produced S S S S
in the wire is (Young's modulus of the wire is 'Y')
85. A steel wire is suspended vertically to a rigid support.
1) AY/ 6 mg 2) 6mg/AY 4) 5mg/AY 4) AY/5mg When loaded with a weight in air, it extends by la and
78. Two rods of different materials having coefficient of when the weight is immersed completely in water,
linear expansions 1 and  2 and Young's modulii y1 the extension is reduced to lw. Then, the relative
and y2 are rigidly fixed between two pillars. If they density of the material of weight is
are raised to the same temperature and they do not
bend, the ratio of their elasticities for the same stress la la lw lw
1. 2) 3) 4)
to be developed in the two, will be lw la  l w la  l w la
1) 2 : 3 2) 1 : 1 3) 3 : 2 4) 4 : 9 86. A solid sphere of radius R made of material of bulk
79. When a sphere of radius 2 cm is suspended at the modulus K is surrounded by a liquid in a cylindrical
end of a wire, elongation is 'e'. When the same wire container. A massless piston of area A floats on the
is loaded with a sphere of radius 3 cm and made of surface of liquid. When a mass 'm' is placed on the
the same material, the elongation would be : piston to compress the liquid, the fractional change
8 27 4 9 R
1) e 2) e 3) e 4) e in the radius of the sphere is
27 8 9 4 R
80. A wire suspended from one end carries a sphere at
its other end. The elongation in the wire reduces from mg mg mg 3mg
1) 2) 3) 4)
2 mm to 1.6mm on completely immersing the sphere AK 3AK A AK
in water. The density of the material of the sphere is KEY
1) 3200 kg/m3 2) 800 kg/m3 65) 1 66) 3 67) 1 68) 4 69) 1 70) 1
3) 1250 kg/m3 4) 5000 kg/m3 71) 1 72) 4 73) 1 74) 3 75) 2 76) 3
81. The length of an elastic spring is 'a' when tension is 4 77) 2 78) 3 79) 2 80) 4 81)2 82) 3
N and 'b' when the tension is 5N. The length of the 83) 2 84) 3 85) 2 86) 2
spring when tensionis 9N is HINTS
1) 4a - 5b 2) 5b - 4a 3) 5b + 4a 4) 5(b-a)
82. A uniform pressure 'P' is exerted on all sides of a 65. Vtop  xrg ; Vbottom  x  4rg
solid cube at temperature 00C. In order to bring the
volume of the cube to the original volume, the Vtop  5g
temperature of the cube must be increased by t0c. If
 is the linear coefficient and K the bulk modulus of mv 2b
Tbottom   mg  10mg
the material of the cube, then t is equal to r
3P P P P
1) 2) 3) 4) mv 2t
K 2 K 3K K Ttop   mg  4mg


et 4mg R 1 V
 
e b 10mg R 3 V
68. e  e1  e 2 but e  e 2 
AY 1. Two wires of same material and same diameter have
lengths in the ratio 2:5. They are streched by same
e force. The ratio of workdone in streching them is
69. F  AY  = constant
1 (E-2005M)
1) 5 : 2 2) 2 : 5 3) 1:3 4) 3 : 1
e e 2. The radii and youngs modulus of two uniform wires
A s Ys    A c Yc   A & B are in the ratio 2:1 and 1:2 respectively. Both
 1 s  1 c the wires are subjected to the same longitudinal force.
75. mrw2 = B  stress x A If increase in the length of wire A is 1% . Then the
increase in length wire B is (2005 E)
1 1 YAe 1) 1 2) 1.5 3) 2 4) 3
76. mv 2  Fe; F 
2 2 l 3. The increase in length of a wire on stretching is
0.025%. If its Poisson's ratio is 0.4, then the
F percentage decrease in the diameter is :
77. F  6mg strain  (M-2004)
1) 0.01 2) 0.02 3) 0.03 4) 0.04
78. Y11  Y2  2 4. A metallic ring of radius 'r' cross sectional area 'A'
is fitted in to a wooden circular disk of radius 'R'
ew ds  d w (R>r). If the Young's modulus of the material of the
80.  ring is 'Y', the force with which the metal ring
ea ds
expands is : (M-2004)
1.6 d s  d w AYR AY(R  r )
  d s  5000 kg / m 3 1) 2)
2 ds r r
81. Let 'l' be the original length, then Y(R  r) YR
3) 4)
Ar Ar
4 5 9
y   5. Consider the statements A and B, identify the correct
Aa   Ab   Ax   answer given below :
(A) : If the volume of a body remains unchanged
 x  5b  4a when subjected to tensile strain, the value of poisson's
ratio is 1/2.
P V
82. k  ;  t  3t (B) : Phosper bronze has low Young's modulus and
V V high rigidity modulus. (M-2003)
V 1) A and B are correct
2) A and B are wrong
V 3) A is correct and B is wrong
83. = PC (C is compressibility) 4) A is wrong and B is right
6. Bulk modulus of water is 2 x 109 N/m2. The pressure
3 required to increase the density of water by 0.1% in
84. Force acting at length from bottom N/m2 is : (M-2003)
1) 2 x 109 2) 2 x 108 3) 2 x106 4) 2 x 104
3 7. The elongation of a spring of length 'L' and of
F= w+w1
4 negligible mass due to a force is 'x'. The spring is
cut into two pieces of lengths in ratio 1 : n. The ratio
la mg
85.   eF of the respective spring constants is (M-2002)
lw  1  1) n :1 2) 1 : n 3) n2 : 1 4) 1 : n2
mg1   8. Two springs of force constants 1000 N/m and 2000
 d rel  N/m are stretched by same force. The ratio of their
respective potential energies is : (M-2002)
V F mg
86.   1) 2 :1 2) 1 : 2 3) 4 : 1 4) 1 : 4


9. The increase in pressure required to decrease the 18. An iron wire of length 4m and diameter 2 mm is
200 litres volume of a liquid by 0.004% in kPa is : loaded with a weight of 8kg. If the young's modulus
(bulk modulus of the liquid = 2100 MPa) (M-2002) 'Y' for iron is 2 x 1011 N/m2, then the increase in the
1) 8.4 2) 84 3) 92.4 4) 168 length of the wire is (M-1998)
10. The Poisson's ratio of a material is 0.4. If a force is 1) 0.2 mm 2) 0.5mm
applied to a wire of this material, there is a decrease 3) 2mm 4) 1 mm
of cross-sectional area by 2%. The percentage 19. The Poisson's ratio  should satisfy the relation
increase in its length is : (M-2002) (M-1998)
1) -1<  <0.5 2) -0.5<  <1.0
1) 3% 2) 2.5% 3) 1% 4) 0.5%
3) 0.5<  <1.0 4) -1.0<  <-0.5
11. A metal cube of side length 8.0 cm has its uper
20. A copper solid cube of 60mm side is subjected to a
surface displaced with respect to the bottom by 0.10
pressure of 2.5 x 107 Pa. If the bulk modulus of
mm when a tangential force of 4 x 109 N is applied copper is 1.25 x 1011 pascals, the change in the
at the top with bottom surface fixed. The rigidity volume of cube is (M-1997)
modulus of the material of the cube is (M-2001) 1) -43.2 mm3 2) -43.2m3
1) 4 x 109 N/m2 2) 5 x 109 N/m2 3) -43.2 cm3 4) -432 m m3
3) 8 x 10 N/m
9 2
4) 1x 108 N/m2 21. A wire whose cross sectional area is 2 mm2 is
12. The length of an elastic string is 'a' metres when the stretched by 0.1 mm by a certasin load. If a similar
longitudinal tension is 4N and 'b' meters when the wire of triple the area of cross section is stretched
longitudinal tension is 5N. The length of the string in by the same load, the elongation of the second wire
metres when the longitudinal tension is 9 N is would be (E-1996)
(M-2001) 1) 0.33m 2) 0.033mm
1) a-b 2) 5b-4a 3) 2b-(1/4)a 4) 4a-3b 3) 0.3mm 4) 0.0033 mm
13. When a tension F is applied, the elongation produced 22. According to Hook's law of elasticity, the ratio of
in uniform wire of length 'L', radius 'r' is 'e'. When stress to strain (M-1996)
tension 2 F is applied, the elongation produced in 1) does not remain constant 2) remains constant
another uniform wire of length '2L' and radius '2r' 3) increases 4) decreases
made of same material is (M-2000) 23. Possible value of Poisson's ratio is (M-1995)
1) 0.5e 2) 1.0e 3) 1.5e 4) 2.0e 1) 1 2) 0.9 3) 0.8 4) 0.4
14. When a uniform wire of radius r is stretched by a 2 24. Strain energy in a stretched string is (M-1995)
kg weight, the increase in its length is 2.00 mm. If 1) 1/2 x stress x strain 2) stress x strain
the radius of the wire is r/2 and other conditions 3) (stress x strain)2 4) stress / strain
remain in the same, increase in its length is 25. When a certain force is applied on a string it extends
(E-2000) by 0.01cm. When the same force is applied on
1) 2.00mm 2) 4.00 mm 3) 6.00 mm 4) 8.00mm another string of same material, twice the length and
15. Y, k, n represent respectively the young's modulus, double the diameter, then the extension in second
bulk modulus and rigidity modulus of a body. If string is (M-1995)
rigidity modulus is twice the bulk modulus, then 1) 0.005 cm 2) 0.02 cm 3) 0.08 cm 4) 0.04 cm
(M-1999) 26. The length of a cube increases by 0.1%, what is the
1) Y = 5k/18 2) Y = 5n/9 bulk strain ? (E-1995)
3) Y = 9k/5 4) Y = 18k/5 1) 0.003 2) 0.006 3) 0.002 4) 0.001
16. The elongation of a steel wire stretched by a force 27. Two wires made of same material have their lengths
is 'e'. If a wire of the same material of double the L and 2 L and the radii 2R and R. If they are stretched
length and half the diameter is subjected to double by the same force, their extensions are e1 and e2,
the force, its elongatin will be (E-1999) then e1 : e2 (M-1994)
1) 16e 2) 4e 3) (1/4)e 4)(1/16)e 1) 1:8 2) 8:1 3) 1:4 4) 2:1
17. A spring balance is suspended from a ceiling and 28. Which of the following relations is not correct Y =
another spring balance is attached to the end of the young's modulus, K = bulk modulus, n= rigidity
first. A 5 kg mass is hung to the lower balance. Then modulus,  = poisons ratio (M-1994)
(M-1998) 1) 1/Y = 9n K/(3K +n) 2) Y/n = 2(1 +  )
1) Both balances will read 5kg weight each 3) Y/3 K = 2(1 -2  ) 4) (Y/n) +(Y/3K)=3
2) the upper reads 5kg weight and lower zero 29. A steel wire of length 5m is pulled to have an
3) both of them read 2.5 kg weight each extension of 1mm. Its Y is 1.9 x 104 N/m2. The
4) the reading may be different but add up to 5kg energy per unit volume stored in it is(E-1994)
weight. 1) 3.8 x 10-4 J/m3 2) 7.6 x 10-4 J/m3
3) 1.9x10 J/m
-4 3
4) 0.95 x 10-4 J/m3


30. A spring of force constant K is cut into two equal 42. A copper and steel wire of same diameter and length
parts. Then the force constant of each piece is are connected end to end and a force is applied which
(E-1994) stretches their combined length by 1 cm, the two
1) 2K 2) K/2 3) 4K 4) K wires will have (M-1988)
31. An aluminium wire and steel wire of the same length 1) The same stress and strain
and cross section are joined end to end. The 2) The same stress but different strains
composite wire is hung from a rigid support and a 3) the same strain but different stresses
load is suspended from the free end. The young's 4) different stress and strains.
modulus of steel is 20/7 times the aluminium. The 43. A wire extends by 1 mm when a force is applied.
ratio of increase of length of steel aluminium is Double the force is applied to another wire of same
(M-1993) material and length but of half the radius of cross-
1) 20/7 2) 400/49 3) 7/20 4) 49/400 section. The elongation of wire in mm will be (M-1986)
32. The extension of a wire by the application of a load 1) 8 2) 4 3) 2 4) 1
is 0.3 cm. The extension in the wire of the same 44. A wire is subjected to a longitudinal strain of 0.05. If
material but of double the length and half the radius its material has a Poisson's ratio 0.25, the lateral
of cross section in cm is (E-1993) strain experienced by it is (E-1986)
1) 3 2) 0.3 3) 1.2 4) 2.4 1) 0.00625 2) 0.125 3) 0.0125 4) 0.0625
33. For a material Y = 6.6x1010 N/m2 and bulk modulus 45. A tensile force of 2 x 105 dynes doubles the length of
K = 11x1010 N/m2, then its Poissons's ratio is an elastic cord whose area of cross-section is 2 sq.
1) 0.8 2) 0.35 3) 0.7 4) 0.4 cm. Young's modulus of the material of the cord is
34. A steel wire is 1 m long and 1 mm2 in area of cross- (M-1985)
section. If it taken 200 N to stretch this wire by 1 1) 1 x 105 dynes /cm2 2) 2 x 105 dynes /cm2
mm, how much force will be required to stretch the 3) 0.5 x 105 dynes /cm2 4) 4 x 105 dynes /cm2
wire of the same material and diameter from its
normal length of 10 m to a length of 1002 cm KEY
(M-1992) 1. 2 2. 2 3. 1 4. 2 5. 3
1) 100N 2) 200N 3) 400N 4) 2000N 6. 3 7. 2 8. 1 9.2 10. 2
35. A uniform spring of force constant K is cut into two 11. 2 12. 2 13.2 14. 4 15. 4
pieces whose lengths are in the ratio 1:2. The force 16. 1 17. 1 18. 2 19. 1 20. 1
constant of the larger piece of the spring is 21. 2 22. 2 23. 4 24. 1 25. 1
(M-1992) 26. 1 27. 1 28. 1 29. 1 30. 1
1) 2K/3 2) 3K/2 3) K/2 K/3 31. 3 32. 4 33. 4 34. 3 35. 2
36. When a spring is stretched bya force the resultant 36. 3 37. 1 38. 4 39. 2 40. 1
strain is (M-1992) 41. 2 42. 2 43. 1 44. 3
1) longitudinal 2) transverse 45. 1
3) shear 4) both longitudinal and transverse
37. If the work done in stretching a wire by 1 mm is 2 J, QUESTIONS FROM OTHER
the work necessary for stretching another wire of COMPETITIVE EXAMS
same material but withdouble radius of cross section 1. Dimensional formula of youngs modulus is
and half the length by 1mm is in joules B.TECH-1983
(M-1991) 1) M1 L-1 T-2 2) M1L1 T1
1) 16 2) 8 3) 4 4) 1/4 3) M-1L2T-1 4) M-1L3T-2
38. For a given material the Young's modulus is 2.4 times 2. An iron bar of length L, cross-section A and Young's
that of its rigidity modulus. Its Poisson's raio is modulus Y is pulled by a force F from ends so as to
(M-1990) produce an elongation  .Which of the following
1) 2.4 2) 1.2 3) 0.4 4) 0.2 statements is correct ? (NCERT-76)
39. The stress required to double the length of a wire of
Youngs modulus E is (M-1990) 1 1
1)  2) l  A 3)  4) Y
1) 2E 2) E 3) E/2 4) 3E L A
40. The Poisson ratio cannot have the value 3. A wire of length L and radius r fixed at one end and
(M-1989) a force F applied to the other end produces and
1) 0.7 2) 0.2 3) 0.1 4) -0.5 extension  . The extension produced in another wire
41. The Y of a material having a cross section area of 1 of the same material of length 2L and radius 2r by a
cm2 is 2 x 1012 dynes/cm2. If the length is to be force 2 F is (NCERT -1980)
doubled the force required is (M-1989) 
1) 1 x 1012dynes 2) 2 x 1012dynes 1)  2) 2  3) 4) 4 
3) 0.5 x 1012dynes 4) 4 x 1012dynes


4. Two rods of different materials having coefficients KEY
of linear expansion 1 : 2 and Young's modulii Y1 : 1)1 2) 3 3) 1 4)3 5) 2
6) 1 7) 1 8) 1 9) 1 10) 1
Y2 are fixed between two rigid massibve walls. The
rods are heated such that they undergo the same 11) 2 12) 3 13) 3
increase in temperature. There is no bending of the
rods. If 1 : 2 =2 :3, the thermal stress developed NEW MODEL QUESTIONS
in the rods are equal, provided Y1 : Y2 is equla to 1. Consider the following two statements A and B and
IIT-1989 identify the correct answer .
1) 2 : 3 2) 1 : 1 3) 3 : 2 4) 4 : 9 A. A metal wire held vertically is longer than when
5. A fixed volume of iron is drawn into a wire of length it placed on a horizontal table.
 . The extension produced in this wire by a constant B) Due to its own weight, some elongation is
force F is proportional to (MP-PMT=1999) produced when it is held vertically.
1 1 1 1) Both A & B are true 2) A is false but B is true
1) 2) 2 3) 4) 3) A is true but B is false 4) Both A & B are false
3  2
6. A force of 106 N/m2 is required for breaking a 2. Consider the following two statements A and B and
material. If the density of the material is 3 x 103 kg/ identify the correct answer.
m3, then what should be the length of the wire made A) The bulk modulus for an incompressible liquid is infinite.
of the same material so that it breaks by its own B) Young's modulus increases with raise of
weight ? (g=10m/s2) (ROORKEE-1979) temperature.
1) 34m 2) 3.4m 3) 34cm 4) 3.4cm 1) Both A & B are true 2) A is true but B is false
7. A ball falling in a lake to a depth 200m shows a
3) Both A & B are false 4) A is false but B is true
decrease of 0.1% in its volume at the bottom. What
is bulk modulus ? AFMC - 1997 3. Consider the following two statements A and B and
1) 19.6 x 108 N/m2 2) 19.6 x 10-10 N/m2 identify the correct answer.
3) 19.6 x 1010 N/m2 4) 19.6 x 10-8 N/m2 A) The reciprocal of rigidity modulus is called
8. Consider an iron rod of length 1m and cross section compressibility.
1 cm2. We wish to calculate the force by which the B) Elastic restoring forces are strictly conservative
two ends must be pulled to produce an elongation only when Hooke's law is obeyed.
of 1mm. it is equal to 1) Both A & B are true 2) A is false but B is true
(Y=1011 N/m2) (NCERT-76)
3) A is true but B is false 4) Both A & B are false
1) 104N 2) 1011N 3) 103N 4) 1012N
4. Consider the following two statements A and B and
9. On stretching a wire, the elastic energy stored per
identify the correct answer.
unit volume is (MPPMT-88)
A) The product of bulk modulus of elasticity and
1) Fd  /2A  2) FA/2  3) F  /2A 4) F  /2 compressibility is one.
10. A wire of 1m length and 4mm radius is clampted at B) Tangential stress applied on the body only produes
upper end. The lower end is twisted by an angle of change in shape but not in size.
300. What is the angle of shear ? (NCERT-90) 1) Both A & B are true 2) A is true but B is false
1) 0.120 2) 1.20 3) 120 4) 0.0120 3) A is false but B is true 4) Both A & B are false
11. A steel wire of mass 3.16 Kg is stretched to a tensile 5. Consider the following two statements A and B and
strain of 1 x 10-3. What is the elastic deformation identify the correct answer.
energy if density  =7.9 g/cc and y=2x1011 N/m2 ? A) When the length of a wire is doubled, the Young's
(ROORKE98) modulus of the wire is also doubled
1) 4 KJ 2) 0.4 KJ 3) 0.04KJ 4) 4J B) For elastic bodies Poisson's ratio is + Ve and for
12. What percent of length of a wire will increase by inelastic bodies Poissons ratio is -Ve
applying a stress of 1 kg. wt/mm 2 on it. 1) Both A & B are true 2) A is true but B is false
[Y=1x1011Nm-2 and 1 kg wt = 9.8N] (MNR-99) 3) A is true but B is true 4) Both A & B are false
1) 0.0078% 2) 0.0088% 3) 0.0098% 4) 0.0067% 6. Consider the following two statements A and B and
13. A wire of density 9 x 103 kg/m3 is stretched between identify the correct answer.
2 clamps 1m apart and is subjected to an extensionof A) We cannot define Young's modulus and rigidity
4.9 x 10-4m. The lowest frequency of transverse modulus for liquids and gases.
vibration in the wire is (Y = 9 x 1010 N/m2) B) The theoritical limits of Poissons ratio are
(UPSET 2000) -1 to 0.5
1) 20 Hz 2) 30 Hz 3) 35 Hz 4) 40 Hz 1) Both A & B are false 2) A is true but B is false
3) Both A & b are false 4) A is true but B is false


ASSERTION AND REASON TYPE QUESTIONS 12. A : Stress is the internal force per unit area of the body.
Directions : R : Rubber is more elastic than steel
A : Assertion 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
R : Reason 13. A : Stress is restoring force per unit area.
A) If both Assertion and Reason are true and R : Interatomic forces in solids are responsible for
the Reason is correct explanation of the the property of elasticity
Assetion. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
B) If both Assertion and Reason are true, but 14. A : Young's modulus for a perfectly plastic body is zero.
Reason is not correct explanation of the R : For a perfectly plastic body, restoring force is zero.
Assetion. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
C) If Assertion is true, but the Reason is false. 15. A : Bulk modulus of elasticity (K) represents
D) If Assetion is false, but the reason is true. incompressibility of the material.
7. A : Steel is more elastic than rubber.
R : Under a given deforming force, steel is deformed P
R: K  , where symbols have their standard
less than rubber. V / V
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D meaning.
8. A : Lead is more elastic than rubber. 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
R : If the same load is attached to lead and rubber 16. A : Rigidity modulus of a liquid is infinity.
wires of the same cross-sectional area, the strain of R : For a ductile material yield point and breaking
lead is very much less than that of rubber. point are separated by larger distance than for brittle
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D materials on the stress-starin curve.
9. A : Two identical solid balls, one of ivory and the 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
other of wet-clay are dropped from the same height 17. A : Silver is a ductile material,
on the floor. Both the balls will rise to same height R : For a ductile material yield point and breaking
after bouncing. point are separated by larger distance than for brittle
R : Ivory is more elastic than wet-clay. materials on the stress-strain curve.
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
10. A : With increase of temperature, elastic property 18. A : The elastic potential energy of a spring increases
of a substance decreases. when it is elongated and decreases when it is
R : Elasticity is due to intermolecular forces which compressed.
decreases with the increase of intermolecular distance. R : Work done on spring is stored in it as elastic
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D potential energy.
11. A : Addition of carbon to iron increases the elastic 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
property. KEY
R : Carbon and iron belong the same group of 1.1 2. 2 3. 4 4. 1
elements. 5.4 6. 3 7. 1 8. 1
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 9.4 10. 1 11. 3 12.2
13. 1 14.1 15. 2 16. 4
17. 1 18.4



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