United States Patent (19) : Findlan Et Al. Patent Number: Date of Patent

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United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,236,517
Findlan et al. 45) Date of Patent: Aug. 17, 1993
54) FLUX FORMULATION FOR UNDERWATER 4,86,392 8/1989 Grabe ... - - - - 148/23
WET FLUX-CORED ARC WELDING OF 4,994,640 2/1991 Kiser ............ ... 219/145.22
NICKEL-BASED AND AUSTENITIC 4,999,478 3/1991 Bushey et al. ... 219/137 WM
STANLESS STEELS 5,003,155 3/991 Chai et al. ...................... 219/145.22
5,009, 105 4/1991 Richardson et al. ................. 73/621
(75) Inventors: Shane J. Findlan; Gregory J. 5,055,655 10/1991 Chai et al. ....... 219/145.22
Frederick, both of Harrisburg, N.C. 5,059,384 10/1991 Dixon et al. ........................ 376/260
(73) Assignee: Electric Power Research Institute, Primary Examiner-Peter D. Rosenberg
Palo Alto, Calif. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Heller, Ehrman, White &
(21) Appl. No.: 937,960
(22) Filed: Aug. 28, 1992 (57) ABSTRACT

(51) Int. Cl. .............................................. B23K 35/34 A flux formulation particularly suited for underwater
(52) wet flux-cored arc welding of nickel-based and austen
(58) itic stainless steels, such as internals of reactor pressure
vessels, is free of halogen-containing components and
56) References Cited has the following composition:
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 40-80%: Rutile, Titania (TiO2),
3,691,340 9/1972 Landis et al. ....................... 29/146
0-30%: Zirconium oxide (ZrO2),
3,742,185 6/1973 Parks .................. 29/146 0-10%: Silicon oxide (SiO2),
4,214,141 7/1980 Okuda .... ... 148/26 0-5%: Potassium titanate (K2O/TiO3 at ratio of 3:1).
4,361449 11/1982 More ...... ... 148/26 0-30%: Lithium silicate (Li2SiO3),
4,367,394 1/1983 Sakai ..................................... 148/26 0-15%: Lithium carbonate (Li2CP3),
4,510,374 4/1985 Kobayashi et al. ... 219/146.1
4,571,480 2/1986 Sakai et al. ......... ... 219/146.3 provided that the sum of the contents of lithium silicate
4,683,011 7/1987 Weaver ................................. 148/26 (Li2SiO3) and lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) be no less
4,723,061 2/1988 Munz et al. ........ . 219/146.24 than 10%.
4,843,212 6/1989 Shneerov et al. .............. 219/146.23
4,848,647 7/1989 Gentry et al. ....................... 228/263 9 Claims, No Drawings
and calcium fluoride components of the prior art flux
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Flux formulations for underwater wet flux-cored arc
This invention relates to underwater flux-cored arc welding of nickel-based and austenitic stainless steels
welding and, more particularly, to flux formulations for according to the present invention are characterized as
such welding for performing repairs to nickel-based and not including any halogen-containing component and
austenitic stainless steel materials. 10 being of composition given as follows:
Most internal components of a reactor pressure vessel 40-80%: Rutile, Titania (TiO2),
are made of nickel-based and austenitic stainless steel 0-30%: Zirconium oxide (ZrO2),
materials. Because of the high radiation field and inac 0-10%: Silicon oxide (SiO2),
cessibility of components in the lower section of such a 15 0-5%: Potassium titanate (K2O/TiO3 at ratio of 3:1).
vessel, automated underwater wet welding is consid 0-30%: Lithium silicate (Li2SiO3),
ered the most practical method of performing repairs to 0-15%: Lithium carbonate (Li2CO3),
materials for such internals. The mechanical methods provided that the sum of the contents of lithium silicate
presently being used for this type of repair application than 10%.(Li2SiO3) and lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) be no less
produce crevices, and this promotes concerns about The above compositions are based on the use of com
so-called intergranular stress corrosion cracking 20 mercial grade minerals and ores which contain traces of
(IGSCC), crevice corrosion and pitting. A welded re other minerals generally not affecting weldability. Of
pair would offer a permanent fix without creating addi the flux formulations satisfying the conditions given
tional crevice locations. So-called underwater wet
shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) has been success 25 below are considered the optimum compositions
above, those with approximate given
for underwater wet
fully used to repair components in radiation areas in flux-cored arc welding of nickel-based and austenitic
upper sections of reactor pressure vessels, although this
is a manually operated process not feasible for remote stainless steel materials:
60%: Rutile, Titania (TiO2),
applications. 10%: Zirconium oxide (ZrO2),
The flux-cored arc welding process (FCAW) has 30 5%: Silicon oxide (SiO2),
been developed because of its ease of automation, out 1%: Potassium titanate (K2O/TiO3 at ratio of 3:1).
of-position welding proficiency and self-shielding capa 19%: Lithium silicate (Li2SiO3), and
bilities. The flux-cored arc welding process is character 5%: Lithium carbonate (Li2CO3).
ized by the use of a continuously fed consumable weld The principal application of the flux formulations
ing wire comprised of a metal sheath filled with flux and 35 according
alloying elements. A flux formulation for a self-shield internals oftoreactor the invention is to the underwater repair of
pressure vessels. Secondary applica
ing flux-cored wire is used to form a slag and to produce tions include improvement of existing underwater wet
a shielding gas to protect the molten transfer and weld FCAW capabilities of stainless steel and nickel-based
puddle, similar to the SMAW process. Conventional materials and expansion of the welding parameter enve
filler materials, however, include harmful halogen-con lope of underwater wet FCAW of austenitic stainless
taining components, such as calcium fluoride (CaF2)
and cryolite (Na3AlF6) A typical prior art self-shielded steel tions
and nickel-based alloys. A range of flux formula
utilizing lithium silicate and lithium carbonate as
flux chemistry contains: substitutes for calcium fluoride and cryolite have been
50-70%: Rutile, Titania (TiO2), tested in Inconel 625 and stainless steel 308L flux-cored
5-20%: Zirconium oxide (ZrO2), 45 wires. A test matrix of a welding parameters' was con
2-7%: Silicon oxide (SiO2), ducted at a depth of 3 and 20 feet, utilizing automated
1-3%: Cryolite (Na3AlF6), FCAW process. It has been found that calcium carbon
10-30%: Potassium titanate (K2O/TiO3 at ratio of ate (CaCO3) may be used as a substitute for lithium
3:1). carbonate, although lithium carbonate provides supe
The halogens that dissociate in the welding arc form 50 rior arc stability.
free halogen ions, and the halogen ions introduced into In summary, the flux chemistry according to the
water attack passive corrosion-resistant layers typical of present invention is designed specifically for the wet
austenitic stainless steel and nickel-based alloys, pro underwater FCAW process, for the welding of austen
moting corrosion cracking. itic stainless steels and nickel-based alloys such as Inco
It is therefore an object of the present invention to 55 nel. The flux chemistry of the invention is designed to
provide a self-shielded flux formulation to accommo address wet welding application of nuclear components
date underwater wet flux-cored arc welding process for such as internals of reactor pressure vessels and other
repairing components of a reactor pressure vessel. stainless steel or nickel-based alloys where a halogen
It is another object of the invention to establish a flux free water chemistry must be maintained. The flux
formulation with high underwater weldability without chemistry according to the present invention has been
including halogen-containing elements. found to provide readily detachable slag, typically re
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION moved by a light brushing or vacuuming.
What is claimed is:
Formulations according to the present invention, 1. A flux formulation for underwater wet flux-cored
with which the above and other objects can be accom 65 arc welding, said flux formulation being free of halogen
plished, may be characterized as containing an experi containing components and having the following com
mentally determined minimum amount of lithium sili position:
cate and/or lithium carbonate in place of the cryolite 40-80%: Rutile, Titania (TiO2),
0-30%: Zirconium oxide (ZrO2), 40-80%: Rutile, Titania (TiO2)
0-10%: Silicon oxide (SiO2), 0-30%: Zirconium oxide (ZrO2),
0-5%: Potassium titanate (K2O/TiO3 at ratio of 3:1). 0-10%: Silicon oxide (SiO2),
0-30%: Lithium silicate (Li2SiO3), 0-5%: Potassium titanate (K2O/TiO3 at ratio of 3:1).
0-15%: Lithium carbonate (Li2CO3), 0-30%; Lithium silicate (Li2SiO3),
provided that the sum of the contents of lithium silicate 0-15%: Lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) or calcium car
(Li2SiO3) and lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) be no less bonate (Ca2CO3),
than 10%. provided that the sum of the contents of lithium silicate
2. The flux formulation of claim 1 having approxi (Li2SiO3) and lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) or lithium
mately the following composition: O silicate (Li2SiO3) and calcium carbonate (Ca2CO3) be
60%: Rutile, Titania (TiO2), no less than 10%.
10%: Zirconium oxide (ZrO2), 5. A welding wire of claim 4 wherein said flux formu
5%: Silicon oxide (SiO2), lation has approximately the following composition:
1%: Potassium titanate (K2O/TiO3 at ratio of 3:1). 60%: Rutile, Titania (TiO2),
19%: Lithium silicate (Li2SiO3), and 15 10%: Zirconium oxide (ZrO2),
5%: Lithium carbonate (Li2CO3). 5%: Silicon oxide (SiO2),
3. A flux formulation for underwater wet flux-cored 1%: Potassium titanate (K2O/TiO3 at ratio of 3:1).
arc welding, said flux formulation being free of halogen 19%: Lithium silicate (Li2SiO3), and
containing components and having the following com 5% Lithium carbonate (Li2CO3).
position: 20 6. The welding wire of claim 4 wherein said flux
40-80%: Rutile, Titania (TiO2), formulation has approximately the following composi
0-30%: Zirconium oxide (ZrO2), 60%: Rutile, Titania (TiO2),
0-10%: Silicon oxide (SiO2), 10%: Zirconium oxide (ZrO2),
0-5%: Potassium titanate (K2O/TiO3 at ratio of 3:1). 25 5%: Silicon oxide (SiO2),
0-30%: Lithium silicate (Li2SiO3), 1%: Potassium titanate (K2O/TiO3 at ratio of 3:1).
0-15%: Calcium carbonate (Ca2CO3), 19%: Lithium silicate (Li2SiO3), and
provided that the sum of the contents of lithium silicate 5%: Calcium carbonate (Ca2CO3).
(Li2SiO3) and Calcium carbonate (Ca2CO3) be no less 7. The flux formulation of claim 1 which is contained
than 10%. 30 inside a metal sheath to serve as a filler.
4. A welding wire for underwater wet flux-cored arc 8. The flux formulation of claim 2 which is contained
welding, said welding wire comprising a flux formula inside a metal sheath to serve as a filler.
tion and a metal sheath filled with said flux formulation, 9. The flux formulation of claim 3 which is contained
said flux formulation being free of halogen-containing inside a metal sheath of serve as a filler.
components and having the following composition: 35 s: k k





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