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Clinical Drug Trials

and Tribulations
Second Edition, Revised and Expanded

edited by

Allen Cato
Lynda Sutton
Cato Research Ltd.
Durham, North Carolina

Allen Cato III

Cato Research Ltd.
San Diego, California

Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York • Basel

ISBN: 0-8247-0314-6

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Executive Editor
James Swarbrick
PharmaceuTech, Inc.
Pinehurst, North Carolina

Advisory Board

Larry L. Augsburger David E. Nichols

University of Maryland Purdue University
Baltimore, Maryland West Lafayette, Indiana

Douwe D. Breimer Stephen G. Schulman

Gorlaeus Laboratories University of Florida
Leiden, The Netherlands Gainesville, Florida

Trevor M. Jones Jerome P. Skelly

The Association of the Alexandria, Virginia
British Pharmaceutical Industry
London, United Kingdom

Hans E. Junginger Felix Theeuwes

Leiden/Amsterdam Center Alza Corporation
for Drug Research Palo Alto, California
Leiden, The Netherlands

Vincent H. L. Lee Geoffrey T. Tucker

University of Southern California University of Sheffield
Los Angeles, California Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Sheffield, United Kingdom

Peter G. Welling
Institut de Recherche Jouveinal
Fresnes, France

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


A Series of Textbooks and Monographs

1. Pharmacokinetics, Milo Gibaldi and Donald Perrier

2. Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals: A Plan for Total
Quality Control, Sidney H. Willig, Murray M. Tuckerman, and William
S. Hitchings IV
3. Microencapsulation, edited by J. R. Nixon
4. Drug Metabolism: Chemical and Biochemical Aspects, Bernard Testa
and Peter Jenner
5. New Drugs: Discovery and Development, edited by Alan A. Rubin
6. Sustained and Controlled Release Drug Delivery Systems, edited by
Joseph R. Robinson
7. Modern Pharmaceutics, edited by Gilbert S. Banker and Christopher
T. Rhodes
8. Prescription Drugs in Short Supply: Case Histories, Michael A.
9. Activated Charcoal: Antidotal and Other Medical Uses, David O.
10. Concepts in Drug Metabolism (in two parts), edited by Peter Jenner
and Bernard Testa
11. Pharmaceutical Analysis: Modern Methods (in two parts), edited by
James W. Munson
12. Techniques of Solubilization of Drugs, edited by Samuel H. Yalkowsky
13. Orphan Drugs, edited by Fred E. Karch
14. Novel Drug Delivery Systems: Fundamentals, Developmental Con-
cepts, Biomedical Assessments, Yie W. Chien
15. Pharmacokinetics: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Milo
Gibaldi and Donald Perrier
16. Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals: A Plan for Total
Quality Control, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Sidney H.
Willig, Murray M. Tuckerman, and William S. Hitchings IV
17. Formulation of Veterinary Dosage Forms, edited by Jack Blodinger
18. Dermatological Formulations: Percutaneous Absorption, Brian W.
19. The Clinical Research Process in the Pharmaceutical Industry, edited
by Gary M. Matoren
20. Microencapsulation and Related Drug Processes, Patrick B. Deasy
21. Drugs and Nutrients: The Interactive Effects, edited by Daphne A.
Roe and T. Colin Campbell
22. Biotechnology of Industrial Antibiotics, Erick J. Vandamme
23. Pharmaceutical Process Validation, edited by Bernard T. Loftus and
Robert A. Nash

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

24. Anticancer and Interferon Agents: Synthesis and Properties, edited by
Raphael M. Ottenbrite and George B. Butler
25. Pharmaceutical Statistics: Practical and Clinical Applications, Sanford
26. Drug Dynamics for Analytical, Clinical, and Biological Chemists,
Benjamin J. Gudzinowicz, Burrows T. Younkin, Jr., and Michael J.
27. Modern Analysis of Antibiotics, edited by Adjoran Aszalos
28. Solubility and Related Properties, Kenneth C. James
29. Controlled Drug Delivery: Fundamentals and Applications, Second
Edition, Revised and Expanded, edited by Joseph R. Robinson and
Vincent H. Lee
30. New Drug Approval Process: Clinical and Regulatory Management,
edited by Richard A. Guarino
31. Transdermal Controlled Systemic Medications, edited by Yie W.
32. Drug Delivery Devices: Fundamentals and Applications, edited by
Praveen Tyle
33. Pharmacokinetics: Regulatory · Industrial · Academic Perspectives,
edited by Peter G. Welling and Francis L. S. Tse
34. Clinical Drug Trials and Tribulations, edited by Allen E. Cato
35. Transdermal Drug Delivery: Developmental Issues and Research Ini-
tiatives, edited by Jonathan Hadgraft and Richard H. Guy
36. Aqueous Polymeric Coatings for Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms,
edited by James W. McGinity
37. Pharmaceutical Pelletization Technology, edited by Isaac Ghebre-
38. Good Laboratory Practice Regulations, edited by Allen F. Hirsch
39. Nasal Systemic Drug Delivery, Yie W. Chien, Kenneth S. E. Su, and
Shyi-Feu Chang
40. Modern Pharmaceutics: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded,
edited by Gilbert S. Banker and Christopher T. Rhodes
41. Specialized Drug Delivery Systems: Manufacturing and Production
Technology, edited by Praveen Tyle
42. Topical Drug Delivery Formulations, edited by David W. Osborne and
Anton H. Amann
43. Drug Stability: Principles and Practices, Jens T. Carstensen
44. Pharmaceutical Statistics: Practical and Clinical Applications, Second
Edition, Revised and Expanded, Sanford Bolton
45. Biodegradable Polymers as Drug Delivery Systems, edited by Mark
Chasin and Robert Langer
46. Preclinical Drug Disposition: A Laboratory Handbook, Francis L. S.
Tse and James J. Jaffe
47. HPLC in the Pharmaceutical Industry, edited by Godwin W. Fong and
Stanley K. Lam
48. Pharmaceutical Bioequivalence, edited by Peter G. Welling, Francis L.
S. Tse, and Shrikant V. Dinghe
49. Pharmaceutical Dissolution Testing, Umesh V. Banakar

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

50. Novel Drug Delivery Systems: Second Edition, Revised and
Expanded, Yie W. Chien
51. Managing the Clinical Drug Development Process, David M. Coc-
chetto and Ronald V. Nardi
52. Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals: A Plan for Total
Quality Control, Third Edition, edited by Sidney H. Willig and James
R. Stoker
53. Prodrugs: Topical and Ocular Drug Delivery, edited by Kenneth B.
54. Pharmaceutical Inhalation Aerosol Technology, edited by Anthony J.
55. Radiopharmaceuticals: Chemistry and Pharmacology, edited by
Adrian D. Nunn
56. New Drug Approval Process: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded,
edited by Richard A. Guarino
57. Pharmaceutical Process Validation: Second Edition, Revised and Ex-
panded, edited by Ira R. Berry and Robert A. Nash
58. Ophthalmic Drug Delivery Systems, edited by Ashim K. Mitra
59. Pharmaceutical Skin Penetration Enhancement, edited by Kenneth A.
Walters and Jonathan Hadgraft
60. Colonic Drug Absorption and Metabolism, edited by Peter R. Bieck
61. Pharmaceutical Particulate Carriers: Therapeutic Applications, edited
by Alain Rolland
62. Drug Permeation Enhancement: Theory and Applications, edited by
Dean S. Hsieh
63. Glycopeptide Antibiotics, edited by Ramakrishnan Nagarajan
64. Achieving Sterility in Medical and Pharmaceutical Products, Nigel A.
65. Multiparticulate Oral Drug Delivery, edited by Isaac Ghebre-Sellassie
66. Colloidal Drug Delivery Systems, edited by Jörg Kreuter
67. Pharmacokinetics: Regulatory · Industrial · Academic Perspectives,
Second Edition, edited by Peter G. Welling and Francis L. S. Tse
68. Drug Stability: Principles and Practices, Second Edition, Revised and
Expanded, Jens T. Carstensen
69. Good Laboratory Practice Regulations: Second Edition, Revised and
Expanded, edited by Sandy Weinberg
70. Physical Characterization of Pharmaceutical Solids, edited by Harry
G. Brittain
71. Pharmaceutical Powder Compaction Technology, edited by Göran Al-
derborn and Christer Nyström
72. Modern Pharmaceutics: Third Edition, Revised and Expanded, edited
by Gilbert S. Banker and Christopher T. Rhodes
73. Microencapsulation: Methods and Industrial Applications, edited by
Simon Benita
74. Oral Mucosal Drug Delivery, edited by Michael J. Rathbone
75. Clinical Research in Pharmaceutical Development, edited by Barry
Bleidt and Michael Montagne

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

76. The Drug Development Process: Increasing Efficiency and Cost Ef-
fectiveness, edited by Peter G. Welling, Louis Lasagna, and Umesh
V. Banakar
77. Microparticulate Systems for the Delivery of Proteins and Vaccines,
edited by Smadar Cohen and Howard Bernstein
78. Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals: A Plan for Total
Quality Control, Fourth Edition, Revised and Expanded, Sidney H.
Willig and James R. Stoker
79. Aqueous Polymeric Coatings for Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms:
Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, edited by James W.
80. Pharmaceutical Statistics: Practical and Clinical Applications, Third
Edition, Sanford Bolton
81. Handbook of Pharmaceutical Granulation Technology, edited by Dilip
M. Parikh
82. Biotechnology of Antibiotics: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded,
edited by William R. Strohl
83. Mechanisms of Transdermal Drug Delivery, edited by Russell O. Potts
and Richard H. Guy
84. Pharmaceutical Enzymes, edited by Albert Lauwers and Simon
85. Development of Biopharmaceutical Parenteral Dosage Forms, edited
by John A. Bontempo
86. Pharmaceutical Project Management, edited by Tony Kennedy
87. Drug Products for Clinical Trials: An International Guide to Formula-
tion · Production · Quality Control, edited by Donald C. Monkhouse
and Christopher T. Rhodes
88. Development and Formulation of Veterinary Dosage Forms: Second
Edition, Revised and Expanded, edited by Gregory E. Hardee and J.
Desmond Baggot
89. Receptor-Based Drug Design, edited by Paul Leff
90. Automation and Validation of Information in Pharmaceutical Pro-
cessing, edited by Joseph F. deSpautz
91. Dermal Absorption and Toxicity Assessment, edited by Michael S.
Roberts and Kenneth A. Walters
92. Pharmaceutical Experimental Design, Gareth A. Lewis, Didier
Mathieu, and Roger Phan-Tan-Luu
93. Preparing for FDA Pre-Approval Inspections, edited by Martin D.
Hynes III
94. Pharmaceutical Excipients: Characterization by IR, Raman, and NMR
Spectroscopy, David E. Bugay and W. Paul Findlay
95. Polymorphism in Pharmaceutical Solids, edited by Harry G. Brittain
96. Freeze-Drying/Lyophilization of Pharmaceutical and Biological Prod-
ucts, edited by Louis Rey and Joan C. May
97. Percutaneous Absorption: Drugs–Cosmetics–Mechanisms–Metho-
dology, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded, edited by Robert L.
Bronaugh and Howard I. Maibach

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

98. Bioadhesive Drug Delivery Systems: Fundamentals, Novel Ap-
proaches, and Development, edited by Edith Mathiowitz, Donald E.
Chickering III, and Claus-Michael Lehr
99. Protein Formulation and Delivery, edited by Eugene J. McNally
100. New Drug Approval Process: Third Edition, The Global Challenge,
edited by Richard A. Guarino
101. Peptide and Protein Drug Analysis, edited by Ronald E. Reid
102. Transport Processes in Pharmaceutical Systems, edited by Gordon L.
Amidon, Ping I. Lee, and Elizabeth M. Topp
103. Excipient Toxicity and Safety, edited by Myra L. Weiner and Lois A.
104. The Clinical Audit in Pharmaceutical Development, edited by Michael
R. Hamrell
105. Pharmaceutical Emulsions and Suspensions, edited by Francoise
Nielloud and Gilberte Marti-Mestres
106. Oral Drug Absorption: Prediction and Assessment, edited by Jennifer
B. Dressman and Hans Lennernäs
107. Drug Stability: Principles and Practices, Third Edition, Revised and
Expanded, edited by Jens T. Carstensen and C. T. Rhodes
108. Containment in the Pharmaceutical Industry, edited by James P.
109. Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals: A Plan for Total
Quality Control from Manufacturer to Consumer, Fifth Edition, Revised
and Expanded, Sidney H. Willig
110. Advanced Pharmaceutical Solids, Jens T. Carstensen
111. Endotoxins: Pyrogens, LAL Testing, and Depyrogenation, Second
Edition, Revised and Expanded, Kevin L. Williams
112. Pharmaceutical Process Engineering, Anthony J. Hickey and David
113. Pharmacogenomics, edited by Werner Kalow, Urs A. Meyer, and Ra-
chel F. Tyndale
114. Handbook of Drug Screening, edited by Ramakrishna Seethala and
Prabhavathi B. Fernandes
115. Drug Targeting Technology: Physical • Chemical • Biological Methods,
edited by Hans Schreier
116. Drug–Drug Interactions, edited by A. David Rodrigues
117. Handbook of Pharmaceutical Analysis, edited by Lena Ohannesian
and Anthony J. Streeter
118. Pharmaceutical Process Scale-Up, edited by Michael Levin
119. Dermatological and Transdermal Formulations, edited by Kenneth A.
120. Clinical Drug Trials and Tribulations: Second Edition, Revised and
Expanded, edited by Allen Cato, Lynda Sutton, and Allen Cato III
121. Modern Pharmaceutics: Fourth Edition, Revised and Expanded, edi-
ted by Gilbert S. Banker and Christopher T. Rhodes
122. Surfactants and Polymers in Drug Delivery, Martin Malmsten
123. Transdermal Drug Delivery: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded,
edited by Richard H. Guy and Jonathan Hadgraft

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

124. Good Laboratory Practice Regulations: Second Edition, Revised and
Expanded, edited by Sandy Weinberg
125. Parenteral Quality Control: Sterility, Pyrogen, Particulate, and Pack-
age Integrity Testing: Third Edition, Revised and Expanded, Michael
J. Akers, Daniel S. Larrimore, and Dana Morton Guazzo
126. Modified-Release Drug Delivery Technology, edited by Michael J.
Rathbone, Jonathan Hadgraft, and Michael S. Roberts
127. Simulation for Designing Clinical Trials: A Pharmacokinetic-Pharma-
codynamic Modeling Perspective, edited by Hui C. Kimko and Ste-
phen B. Duffull
128. Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis in Pharmaceutics and Biopharma-
ceutics, edited by Reinhard H. H. Neubert and Hans-Hermann Rüt-
129. Pharmaceutical Process Validation: An International Third Edition,
Revised and Expanded, edited by Robert A. Nash and Alfred H.
130. Ophthalmic Drug Delivery Systems: Second Edition, Revised and
Expanded, edited by Ashim K. Mitra
131. Pharmaceutical Gene Delivery Systems, edited by Alain Rolland and
Sean M. Sullivan


Biomarkers in Clinical Drug Development, edited by John Bloom

Pharmaceutical Inhalation Aerosol Technology: Second Edition, Re-

vised and Expanded, edited by Anthony J. Hickey

Pharmaceutical Extrusion Technology, edited by Isaac Ghebre-Sellas-

sie and Charles Martin

Pharmaceutical Compliance, edited by Carmen Medina

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


The drug development industry continues to be a highly charged, fascinating,

and ever-evolving field. The industry has changed significantly in the 14 years
since the first edition of Clinical Drug Trials and Tribulations was published,
and this second edition of this book addresses those changes and continues to
explore the problems and challenges that individuals in this industry experience
The information presented is directed both at the fortunate individuals al-
ready involved in drug development and at those adventuresome sorts who are
considering entering the field. We hope this book will provide readers with in-
sights into this exciting arena and begin to explain the complicated process of
developing a promising new drug.
Although this book has some elements of a ‘‘how-to’’ publication, it really
is meant to address the ‘‘whys’’ of development, such as why certain decisions
are made in the development of a new chemical entity and the consequences of
those decisions. Certainly, the one rule of clinical drug development seems to
be that things never turn out as designed or expected. The number of difficult
decisions that must be made during the course of clinical drug development seems
endless, as are the daily tribulations and challenges that have never before been
encountered. We explore these issues by discussing topics such as international
regulation and deregulation, venture capital investment, the Investigational New
Drug application process, informed consent, and changes in manufacturing.
These areas are affecting the way nonclinical and clinical studies are conducted
today, and examining them brings to light many of the intriguing tribulations of
clinical trials.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

No book is ever written alone, and we are thankful to the many individuals
involved in the production of this one. First, we want to thank all the chapter
authors, who contributed their time, energy, and expertise to this effort despite
busy work schedules. In addition, we acknowledge the efforts of the individuals
who assisted with the issuance of the first edition, in particular Linda Cocchetto,
Robert Sutton, and Paul Stang. We also thank Barbara Proujan, Tricia Eimers,
and Paula Brown for their work on this project. And lastly, thanks to Trish Nolan.
Without her perseverance, the second edition as presented now would not exist.
Our everlasting gratitude goes to all of these dedicated, hard-working people.
Although we’re sure they could write about their own tribulations in producing
this volume, together we have produced a book that will provide further insight
into this challenging field.

Allen Cato
Lynda Sutton
Allen Cato III

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.



1. Current Challenges and Future Directions of Drug Development

Allen Cato, Lynda Sutton, and Allen Cato III

2. Preclinical Drug Discovery and Development

David S. Duch and Robert M. Ferris

3. The IND Process for New Drug Products

David M. Cocchetto

4. Performance and Interpretation of Laboratory Tests

W. Leigh Thompson, Rocco L. Brunelle, and Michael G. Wilson

5. Issues in Endpoint Selection

Karen D. Weiss and Jay Philip Siegel

6. Dix, Cent, Mille: Proof of Principle with $10 Million,

100 Patients, and 1000 Days
W. Leigh Thompson

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

7. Clinical Drug Trials in Pediatrics: Dilemmas of Clinical Drug
Trials in Pediatric Populations
Allen Cato and Myron B. Peterson

8. Electronic Capture of Clinical Trial Information

Daniel C. Cato and David B. Thomas

9. Providing Patient Access to Promising Investigational Drugs

Peggy J. Berry and Allen Cato

10. Issues in the Review of Clinical Drug Trials by IRBs

Dale H. Cowan

11. Personal Care and Randomized Clinical Trials: Understanding

the Ethical Conflicts
Paul J. Reitemeier

12. Informed Consent in Clinical Trials: Emerging Issues

Cheryl K. Fiedler and H. Russell Searight

13. Orphan Drug Development: David and Goliath

Allen Cato, Susan L. Watts, Lynda Sutton, and Marlene E.

14. Single-Event Adverse Drug Reactions: Tribulations in Ascribing

Nelson S. Irey

15. How to Deal with a Sudden, Unexpected Death in Clinical

Allen Cato and Lynda Sutton

16. Clinical Trial Material—The Fuel for Clinical Research

David F. Bernstein

17. The Role of Pharmacokinetics in Drug Development

Allen Cato III and Richard Granneman

18. Building an NDA/BLA

Diana E. Fordyce and Angela Cahill

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

19. International Planning of Drug Clinical Trials
David L. Horwitz

20. Uncertainty in Drug Development: Approval Success Rates for

New Drugs
Joseph A. DiMasi

21. Contract Clinical Research: Value to In-House Drug

F. Richard Nichol

22. Package Inserts as Viewed by the Busy Private Practitioner

Jean M. Findlay

23. New Directions in Pharmaceutical Promotion: Regulatory

Concerns and Contrivances
Louis A. Morris and Peter H. Rheinstein

24. The Campus Researcher and Industry: Issues of Intellectual

Property and Technology Transfer
Todd S. Keiller

25. Anatomy of Drug Withdrawals in the United States

Marion J. Finkel

Appendices: Routine Clinical Analyte Test Results

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


David F. Bernstein, Ph.D. Cato Research Ltd., Corona del Mar, California

Peggy J. Berry, B.S., R.A.C. Department of Regulatory Affairs, Dey Labora-

tories, Napa, California

Rocco L. Brunelle, M.S. Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

Angela Cahill Bethesda, Maryland

Allen Cato, M.D., Ph.D. Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina

Allen Cato III, Ph.D. Cato Research Ltd., San Diego, California

Daniel C. Cato, M.S. Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina

David M. Cocchetto, Ph.D. United States Regulatory Affairs, GlaxoSmith-

Kline, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Dale H. Cowan, M.D., J.D., F.A.C.P. Community Oncology Group, Cleve-

land Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio

Joseph A. DiMasi, Ph.D. Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development,
Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

David S. Duch, Ph.D. Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina

Robert M. Ferris, Ph.D. Retired, Charlotte, North Carolina

Cheryl K. Fiedler, Pharm.D. SCIREX Corporation, Hartford, Connecticut

Jean M. Findlay, M.D., F.A.A.P. Regional Pediatric Associates, Durham,

North Carolina

Marion J. Finkel, M.D. Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Consultant, Morris-

town, New Jersey

Diana E. Fordyce, Ph.D., R.A.C. Department of Regulatory Affairs, Cato Re-

search Ltd., Durham, North Carolina

Richard Granneman, Ph.D. Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Illinois

Marlene E. Haffner, M.D., M.P.H. United States Food and Drug Administra-
tion, Rockville, Maryland

David L. Horwitz, M.D., Ph.D. LifeScan (a Johnson & Johnson Company),

Milpitas, California

Nelson S. Irey, M.D.† Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C.

Todd S. Keiller, M.B.A. Healthcare Business Development, Inc., Hopkinton,


Louis A. Morris, Ph.D. Louis A. Morris & Associates, Dix Hills, New York

F. Richard Nichol, Ph.D. Nichol Clinical Technologies Corporation, Newport

Beach, California

Myron B. Peterson, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.A.P. Cato Research Ltd., Washington,


Paul J. Reitemeier, Ph.D. National Center for Ethics, Veterans Health Admin-
istration, White River Junction, Vermont, and Department of Medicine, Dart-
mouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire

† Deceased

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Peter H. Rheinstein, M.D., J.D., F.A.A.F.P., F.C.L.M. Department of Medi-
cal and Clinical Affairs, Cell Works Inc., Baltimore, Maryland

H. Russell Searight, Ph.D. Department of Community and Family Medicine,

St. Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri

Jay Philip Siegel, M.D., F.A.C.P. Center for Biologics Evaluation and Re-
search, United States Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland

Lynda Sutton, B.S. Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina

David B. Thomas, M.A. Department of Clinical and Regulatory Affairs, Roche

Molecular Systems, Inc., Pleasanton, California

W. Leigh Thompson, M.D., Ph.D., Sc.D., F.A.C.P., F.C.C.M.* Eli Lilly and
Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

Susan L. Watts, Ph.D. Department of Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assur-

ance, Family Health International, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Karen D. Weiss, M.D. Office of Therapeutics Research and Review, Center for
Biologics Evaluation and Research, United States Food and Drug Administration,
Rockville, Maryland

Michael G. Wilson, M.S. Michael G. Wilson and Company, Inc., New Pales-
tine, Indiana

* Retired

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Current Challenges and Future
Directions of Drug Development

Allen Cato
Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina

Lynda Sutton
Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina

Allen Cato III

Cato Research Ltd., San Diego, California

It may be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a
new chemical entity to reach the marketplace. Drug development is a long and
costly process fraught with tribulation. The tortuous pathway traveled by a new
drug from synthesis to sale requires the constant percolation of data through rigor-
ous clinical and regulatory filters. This process is complex, and success cannot
be guaranteed. The ability to always predict which drug will have all the qualities
necessary to gain regulatory approval and to be marketed remains as elusive as
a camel in a needle’s eye.
New drugs do make it from discovery to the market, but only at the approxi-
mate rate of one in every 10,000 new molecules synthesized. It is a long, costly,
and extremely risky process involving a steady progression through multiple
stages, with treacherous decision points along the way. Most of all, it is a process
involving the constant percolating of data through rigorous filters strewn with
tribulations and complicated by the difficulty of making decisions that affect
human health when all the facts are not known.
Despite the daunting challenge of bringing a new drug from discovery to
market, new medicines continue to be developed that may have a significant
effect on our health. You may wonder, ‘‘What has medicine done for man-
kind lately?’’ In the United States, the adult life expectancy increased by nearly

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

30 years over the last century, primarily because of the availability and manage-
ment of vaccines and immunization schedules, antibiotics, and sanitation mea-
sures. As evidenced by the following statistics from the Centers for Disease Con-
trol (CDC) (1), the development of vaccines has had a major impact on our health:

Smallpox killed an average of more than 1500 people per year between
1900 and 1904; it is now eradicated worldwide, and children are no
longer vaccinated against the disease.
Polio struck more than 16,000 people annually in the early 1950s; today,
it has been eliminated from the Western Hemisphere.

During the past 50 years, vaccines also have been responsible for drastically
reducing the morbidity and mortality from measles, Haemophilus influenzae
type b (Hib), diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (DPT, typically administered together),
hepatitis B, and chicken pox. In addition to improved health, substantial economic
benefits have been realized. For example, the CDC estimates that the United
States recoups its investment in the eradication of smallpox every 26 days. De-
spite the obvious advances of modern medicine, many patients still have infec-
tious, chronic, or genetic diseases and will benefit from the research of today
finding the effective treatments of tomorrow. Pharmaceutical research targeting
the top 12 major medical needs exceeds $645 billion annually in direct medical
expense and lost productivity. The diseases included in this figure are Alzhei-
mer’s disease, arthritis, asthma, cancer, congestive heart failure, coronary heart
disease, depression, diabetes, hypertensive disease, osteoporosis, schizophrenia,
and stroke (2). Just as it did 50 years ago, innovation continues today to bring
us new knowledge through genetic research, molecular biology, and enhanced
computer technology. This is the promising future of drug development.
However, developing the vaccines or any of the drugs potentially used to
treat the indications listed above is a substantial undertaking. To comprehend
clearly the magnitude of the drug-development process, it is useful to consider
the many different areas involved. Figure 1 depicts some of the key disciplines
contributing to the process. Information from each of these areas feeds into a
common funnel with a filter, where multiple decisions must be made progres-
sively regarding the compound’s survival, or lack thereof.
Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the process broken down into preclinical and
clinical segments. Keep in mind, however, that the process is a dynamic one.
The various disciplines listed are constantly interacting, and the entire flow of
data requires constant feedback and fine tuning. For example, a compound’s tox-
icity, however slight, may be considered to outweigh its pharmacological effect.
This information would be given by the toxicologist to the chemist, who would
make other compounds with slight modifications, attempting to retain the pharma-
cological effect while decreasing or eliminating the toxic effect.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 1 Overall drug development.

Once a compound has been synthesized in the lab and tested in animals,
an Investigational New Drug (IND) application is submitted to the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration (FDA), requesting permission to initiate clinical studies
of the drug in humans. The IND summarizes the preclinical work and includes
the first clinical protocol. It is not until the drug has been experimentally tested
in humans under controlled conditions (after Phase III) that the company may
file an application to market the drug (a New Drug Application [NDA] if filed
with the FDA, or a Marketing Authorization Application [MAA] if filed in Eu-
rope). The application summarizes all preclinical (safety and efficacy in animals),
clinical (safety and efficacy in humans), and manufacturing data known about
the drug, and requests permission to market this new drug.
Figure 4 illustrates the attrition ratio of a new chemical entity as it works
its way from synthesis through preclinical development to IND, and subsequently
through clinical development to NDA. An attrition ratio of 10,000:1 (not consid-
ered good betting odds by most people) is the bad news. The good news is that
95% of all drugs for which an NDA is submitted are ultimately approved for

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 2 Preclinical drug development.

The tribulations involved in getting a compound through all the decision

funnels is a costly process, as seen in Fig. 5. The cost per new drug approved
is growing steadily every year. On average, the cost in 1987 was $231 million
per approved drug, but by 1998 that figure had increased to $500 to $600 million
or more (3). As figures demonstrate, the costs are approximately split between
preclinical and clinical development. This average cost represents the expenses
in maintaining a full preclinical and clinical research unit for each new drug
approved. It perhaps makes it easier to understand why large pharmaceutical
companies are sometimes reluctant to pursue development of new drugs likely
to have a sales potential of less than several hundred million dollars per year
(see Chapter 13 on orphan drugs for a more thorough discussion). This reluctance
on the part of large companies leaves opportunities for smaller companies to
develop new drugs with smaller potential earnings. If successful, these smaller
companies may then grow into large pharmaceutical companies and provide addi-
tional treatments that otherwise might have never been made available to patients
in need.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 3 Clinical drug development.

Drug development is not only a costly process, it is time-consuming as

well (Fig. 6). Although all pharmaceutical companies and many doctors and pa-
tients would like to see the FDA approval times reduced, it is obvious that if
approval times were substantially reduced, it would still require many years for
the development of a new chemical entity. In fact, the average time of review
by the FDA has decreased over the past few years, but the actual time to market
has remained about the same because the clinical development time has increased
The lengthy time required for drug development markedly reduces the pat-
ent life remaining after drug approval for marketing (Table 1). The shrinking
patent protection afforded newly marketed drugs is one reason patent applications
are usually not filed with the first synthesis of a new compound. Pharmacological
and toxicological testing is usually performed before a patent is filed; it usually
takes a year or two before the patent is accepted and officially issued. Therefore,
the remaining patent life is still slightly greater than the original patent life minus
the total developmental time (Fig. 6). The delay in patent filing helps explain
why pharmaceutical companies are somewhat secretive about their preclinical
research process. The danger in delaying filing for a patent is the risk that another

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 4 Attrition rate for overall drug development (average).

Figure 5 Average cost of overall drug development.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 6 Average time required for overall drug development.

Table 1 Average Effective Patent Life (from NDA approval date)

Patent life without Patent life with

Year extension Waxman-Hatch extension

1966 13.6 years NA

1979 9.5 years NA
1984 9.2 years 11.1 years
1987 10.4 years 12.2 years
1995 7.8 years 11.1 years
NA ⫽ not applicable—before Waxman-Hatch enacted.
Total patent life (from patent approval date) 20 years
Before June 8, 1995 17 years
After June 8, 1995 20 years

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

company or individual may discover the same treatment modality and be the first
to file the patent.
Having looked at an overview of the drug development process, it is appro-
priate to explain how the decision filter works. In preclinical testing of a drug,
a toxicological screen is performed with the intent of demonstrating not only a
safe dose, but also the toxic effects. In general, doses of drug that will induce
significant toxicity are administered to animals. Some types of toxicity are more
acceptable than others; for example, if animals were to die unexpectedly and
sporadically throughout several dose ranges without less severe, prodromal pre-
ceding toxicities, administration to humans would be prohibitive. There would
be no way to assure that the same phenomenon (e.g., unexpected death) would
not occur in humans.
How, then, are such judgments made regarding ‘‘acceptable’’ potential tox-
icities? As an example, a great need exists for new antipsychotic compounds.
One such compound was shown to induce lipidosis in the rat after 3 months’
exposure, though no such effects were seen in the dog (Table 2). Lipidosis is the
deposition of fat in cells, and if carried to an extreme, can kill the cell. In particu-
lar, lipidosis-induced vacuoles in the rat were noted in the spleen, liver, and
lymphocytes. Because the anticipated dose in humans was 5–10 mg/kg per day,
this finding in rats at 12–100 mg/kg per day was a cause of concern. The com-
pound looked promising if the lipidosis problem could be solved. To help with
the decision, a review of the literature was performed. As shown in Table 3, only
one marketed compound known to have caused lipidosis in rats also had a similar
effect in humans. Thioridazine (Mellaril), a widely used compound in humans,
was used as a positive control (Table 2). In addition, many other compounds
have been shown to induce lipidosis in rats but not in humans (5). These agents,
like our compound, are mostly for central nervous system diseases. A decision
had to be made to proceed to humans or to stop developing the compound. What
would you do?
The actual decision made in this case was to proceed to clinical trials. The
reasoning was as follows:

Table 2 Preclinical Toxicology (Anticipated dose in humans: 5–10 mg/kg/day)

Dose Time
Species Drug (mg/kg/day) (months) Effect

Rat Inv. drug 12–100 3 Lipidosis

Rat Mellaril 24 3 Lipidosis
Dog Inv. drug 20 3 No effect
Dog Inv. drug 40 3 Increased liver weight

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Table 3 Drugs Known to Induce Lipidosis

Drug Therapeutic action

In animals
Imipramine (Troframil) Antidepressant
Fenfluramine (Pondimin) Anorectic
Thioridazine (Mellaril) Antipsychotic
Chlorcyclizine (Fedrazil) Antihistamine
Zimelidine Antidepressant
In humans and animals
Chloroquine (Plaquenil) Antimalarial

1. Other marketed compounds are known to induce lipidosis and lympho-

cyte vacuolization in laboratory animals, but not in humans.
2. A peripheral marker is available. Although the drug may induce fatty
vacuolization in the liver, a liver biopsy is not needed to detect it be-
cause the process, should it occur, would likely be detected in the lym-
3. The cytoplasmic vacuolization observed in animals was found to be
reversible when the drug was discontinued. Should lipidosis occur dur-
ing clinical trials, subjects or patients should undergo a full recovery
when the drug is discontinued.
The drug was subsequently tested in humans at dosages as high as
500 mg/day for up to 6 weeks. Blood was routinely drawn for careful examination
of the lymphocytes and liver chemistries; no toxic effects were discerned. The
compound ultimately failed the decision filter, however, because of its lack of


The case described represents just one of many decisions that must be made
before beginning clinical trials. Clinical drug trials are described as Phases I–V.
The first trials in humans that test the drug for safety are considered Phase I.
These studies usually employ normal volunteers, and may expose about 50 indi-
viduals to the drug. For known toxic compounds such as anticancer agents, only
patients with the targeted illness would be used.
The first studies to define efficacy are considered Phase II. These studies
are typically conducted to determine the best dosage regimen for the Phase III
efficacy studies. In general, 100–300 patients would be entered into various con-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

trolled clinical trials during this phase. Phase III, considered an extension of
Phases I and II, exposes a larger number of patients (e.g., 1000–3000) to the test
drug under controlled trials to further delineate the safety and efficacy profile of
the drug. For example, special studies in the pediatric or elderly population may
be performed during Phase III (although the studies themselves may be Phase I-
type studies). After a successful Phase III program, an NDA may be filed with
the appropriate regulatory agency.
Phase IV studies may be done for two different reasons. Marketing-oriented
trials may extend the recommended duration of treatment, or they may be primar-
ily instructive in nature to help familiarize more practitioners with the drug’s
efficacy and side effects. Phase IV trials may be required by the FDA as a condi-
tion of approval to extend the knowledge of the pharmacological effects of a
drug while allowing simultaneous availability to patients. Phase V studies may
extend the indications of a drug to an entirely different disease state. For example,
propranolol (Inderal) was first marketed for the management of angina pectoris
caused by coronary atherosclerosis. Indications were later extended to manage-
ment of hypertension, reduction of mortality after myocardial infarction, ad-
junctive therapy for pheochromocytoma, management of hypertrophic subaortic
stenosis, and prophylaxis of migraine headaches.


Before discussing some of the problems that can arise during clinical trials, a
brief review of some of the basic components constituting a clinical trial is in
order. Figure 7 illustrates the study periods providing the framework for any
clinical trial.
Prestudy activities include design and setup of the study, and poststudy
activities include data entry, analysis, and report generation. Inclusion and exclu-
sion criteria are determined early in the clinical development process, during the
screening period. Before entry into the study, baseline determinations are made
to which all subsequent changes will be compared. The heart of a trial is the
treatment phase, which consists of drug safety modules and auxiliary modules
(Fig. 8), many of which will repeat measurements made at the time of the initial
screening or baseline. For Phase II and Phase III trials, specific parameters of
efficacy will be assessed. The posttreatment period is the stage at which final
measurements are made for safety; it is also the time to assess the effect of with-
drawal of drug relative to elimination of the disease state or a return toward the
baseline state.
Complex problems reach the decision filter at every stage of drug develop-
ment, even in the early clinical pharmacology phase (Fig. 9). To delineate the
pharmacokinetics of the compound in humans, it is common during Phase I to

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 7 Primary clinical data modules in clinical trials.

Figure 8 Primary clinical data modules in clinical trials.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 9 Investigational drug development.

measure blood concentrations of the test drug as dosage is increased. Sometimes

the pharmacokinetic data of a study can illuminate problems inherent within the
study. A case in point is the development of a drug in which three similar Phase
III studies were conducted. In one of the studies, no patients in the active group
had measurable concentrations. The placebo group’s samples were then analyzed
and it was discovered that the randomization scheme was reversed for this study.
A second case in point is a Phase I bioequivalence study in which two patients
with similar initials each had a single sample that drastically deviated from their
expected profile. When the concentrations were transposed to each other’s profile,
they seemed to make sense, pharmacokinetically. Reanalysis confirmed the con-
centrations. The Phase I unit, which used bar-coded wristbands, emphatically
denied that there could have been a mixup. A battery of tests was conducted on
the remaining samples and proved that the samples had been switched. Several
pages of the pharmacokinetic report discussed this issue, and, convincingly, the
bioequivalence analysis was then conducted on the samples belonging to the
appropriate subjects. The products were bioequivalent. Without moving the data
to their appropriate places, the products were not bioequivalent.
A final case in point relates a problem that occurred during Phase I testing
of an antidepressant compound. It illustrates that no matter how prepared you
think you are, the unexpected or unanticipated can happen. The incident took
place during a double-blind, placebo-controlled, dosage-titration trial in normal
volunteers. Both plasma and urine samples were being collected for quantitative
analysis of drug levels. Results demonstrated detectable levels of drug in all of
the volunteers at the lowest dosage given. However, at the highest dosage admin-
istered, much to everyone’s surprise, drug was not detected in some of the volun-
teers. Many possible explanations exist, including the following:

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

1. The drug is inhibiting its own absorption at higher dosages. Even if
this phenomenon were true, detectable levels should exist in all volun-
2. The assay was not working properly. The appropriate amount of drug
was recorded from spiked samples randomly distributed throughout
the test samples; this procedure made assay problems less likely.
3. The drug is inducing its own metabolism. Even so, although levels of
drug at higher dosages might be lower, they should not be undetectable.
4. Some volunteers failed to ingest drug. The test site used elaborate pro-
cedures to ensure that volunteers ingested the test drug. This type of
problem was endemic when prisoners were commonly used as volun-
teers. They would swallow the drug, then go to the bathroom and in-
duce vomiting.
5. Placebo and active drug are mixed. Such a situation could arise either
before dosing (packaging error), or after dosing (sampling or labeling
error after blood and urine are collected). If blood and urine specimens
were mislabeled, some instances might occur in which detectable drug
existed in blood but not in urine, or vice versa. In no instance, however,
did this situation occur. Because blood and urine samples were col-
lected from the placebo volunteers to keep the study double-blind,
those specimens were analyzed. In some cases, drug was detected, with
both urine and blood samples correlating positively or negatively. Fi-
nally, drug was analyzed that had been packaged for backup volunteers
in case of dropouts. An absence of drug was demonstrated in some of
the ‘‘active’’ volunteers, and drug was detected in some of the ‘‘pla-
cebo’’ volunteers.
Because an elaborate system of checks and crosschecks was in place to
guard against the possibility of drug mispackaging, it was impossible to think
about such a wholesale mixup. After considerable inquiry, an almost impossible
reason surfaced. A disgruntled employee had deliberately sabotaged the packag-
ing by intentionally mixing drug and placebo.
A packaging error such as the one described is extremely costly. In this
case, the study had to be repeated, with the following consequences:
1. Volunteers had to be reexposed to the test drug and associated proce-
2. The cost of doing the Phase I trial doubled.
3. The development of the drug was delayed for 3 months.
A new drug can potentially reach sales of hundreds of millions of dollars
in its first year. The ultimate dollar cost of a 3-months’ delay is obvious, in
addition to the fact that patients are denied the use of the drug for 3 months. The

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 10 Investigational drug development.

situation above in the Phase I trial describes a tribulation that can occur at any
point in clinical drug development. However, many issues specific to Phases II
and III also must be anticipated. As seen in Fig. 10, different types of efficacy
studies may be undertaken (see Chapter 6). Special studies, such as tests for
addictive potential or studies allowing compassionate use of the drug (see Chapter
9), occur during these phases.
As already shown in Fig. 8, information regarding safety is collected in
every study. An attempt is always made to determine any adverse events that
may be caused by the drug. The process is especially difficult in patients, because
illness itself is defined by a grouping of adverse events. The critical question
when any adverse event occurs during a clinical trial is, ‘‘Why did it occur?’’
Did the event occur spontaneously, or as a result of an underlying disease, or as
a result of a procedure conducted? Or was it caused by the drug?
What data are needed to answer those questions? Figure 11 depicts points
along the course of a clinical trial at which data must be gathered to make an
assessment. Figure 12 lists some of the numerous information points required
before an accurate judgment can be made.
If Figures 11 and 12 seem unnecessarily complex and unduly detailed rela-
tive to the assessment of causality for an adverse event, consider the study of an
antidepressant. A probe was made at baseline just before initiation of treatment

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 11 Information required for reporting adverse experiences.

(see Fig. 11) to determine the clinical status of the depressed individuals who
were about to enter into the study. As seen in Table 4, an impressive background
of complaints existed before any drug medication. In a 6-week study, multiple
probes will be performed to detect adverse events. Consider, then, if headache
is reported as an episode during treatment (Fig. 11), it will be extremely difficult
to assign causality relative to baseline when more than half the patients reported
headache at baseline.
The symptoms listed in Table 4 afflict all of us from time to time, but
assessments of causality for more serious events should not require the detailed
data reporting depicted in Fig. 12, right? Wrong! Table 5 lists serious adverse
events not present at baseline but occurring during placebo treatment. If these
events had taken place during active therapy, it would have been very difficult
to avoid assigning causality to the drug (see Chapter 14).
Any type of adverse event must then flow through the decision filter. The
tribulations associated with assessing causality can be multiplied if case report
forms (CRFs) are improperly designed. Poorly designed CRFs during Phase II
will compound and multiply the problems encountered in Phase III. Proper design
of CRFs at the start of clinical trials will create a firm foundation for passing
through the multiple decision filters on the way to new drug approval.
A type of tribulation that occurs more in Phase II, and particularly in Phase
III trials, involves adherence to the drug regimen. Drug adherence is loosely
described as the number of dosages actually taken by a patient compared with
the number prescribed. Alas, as with most things in life, further reflection reveals
a far more complex subject. Were dosage administrations properly spaced, were
they taken with meals (if required) or without food (if required), were they taken
with forbidden concomitant medications? With larger Phase III outpatient studies,
the variability of adherence is exaggerated. Adherence is further hindered by
prolonged or complex prescriptions. It can destroy the statistical validity of an
otherwise carefully controlled trial.
Consider the extreme example of a 71-year-old patient who was admitted
to the intensive care unit after being found unconscious at home. Because of his

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 12 Information required for assessing adverse experiences.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Table 4 Observed Adverse Events at Baseline

Event Percent of patients

Insomnia 92
Tiredness/fatigue 74
Anorexia 59
Headache 54

deteriorating condition, he had been prescribed 13 different medications at one

time or another, but no one had ascertained whether he had adhered to his dosage
regimen. The ambulance staff found 46 bottles containing 10,685 tablets for 13
different medications in his room (6)!


Although the search for new chemical entities or natural product extracts to treat
diseases is likely to continue for years to come, changes are underway that will
have a profound impact on how we diagnose and treat disease. The identification
of various active entities such as cytokines and delineation of their functions has
already led to a new class of molecular therapies. This process is going to take
a quantum leap forward now that the entire genetic code of a human being is
accessible on the Internet.
One new area generating interest and huge investment is called pharmaco-
genomics—an attempt to identify therapy targeted to an individual’s specific
genetic composition. The desired result would enhance efficacy, or minimize
toxicity, or both. A consequence of deciphering the human genetic code is the
increasing number of blood tests that can reveal disease-gene mutations and pre-

Table 5 Serious Adverse Events

Not Present at Baseline and Occurring
During Therapy with Placebo

Marked EKG changes

Grossly abnormal EEG
Acute renal failure
Sudden death

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

dict with varying degrees of certainty the chances of progressing to a disease
state. However, with this new technology, new tribulations immediately appear:
Do you want to know that when you are 40 or 50 years of age you may be
diagnosed with Huntington’s disease, a degenerative brain disorder for which no
treatment currently exists?
A huge knowledge gap exists between knowing a gene’s structure and un-
derstanding its function. Some functions are currently known, however, and some
of these genes are the reason for the enthusiasm many hold for gene transfer,
creating a permanent or semipermanent change in the human body. Many tribula-
tions face gene transfer such as getting the gene into a cellular nucleus, having
it express the necessary protein, and having the DNA remain long enough for it
to do its job. Probably the first successes will be with genes that are needed only
for a short time, such as those expressing for angiogenesis. Likely within a few
years (not decades), advanced coronary arterial disease will be treated with gene
coding. Rather than, or perhaps in concert with, coronary arterial bypass grafting,
there will be an ability to grow new vessels to supply oxygen to arterial tissue
that continues to be viable.
Although gene transfer may be the wave of the future, its safety and efficacy
must still be satisfied through the drug development process. Regulatory scrutiny
has already exceeded its previous bounds, but there continue to be areas that can
reduce the time and cost of drug development. Technologically trailing only
slightly behind gene transfer is electronic data capture and real-time data analysis.
Once this technology is implemented, data capture and analysis times for all
studies can be greatly reduced, creating substantial cost savings. The sheer ton-
nage of data required to pass just the clinical decision filter (Fig. 13) is enormous.
If each case report form has an average of 200 data characters, with 25 pages of
CRFs per patient, the total data bits required for a conservatively sized NDA of
2000 patients or volunteers would be 10 million. Information technology will
help manage these data in efficient and less expensive ways.

Figure 13 Quantity of clinical data characters required for an NDA.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


Guiding a new chemical entity through the tribulations involved in the drug test-
ing and approval process is a task that is exciting and rewarding as well as long
and complex. Advances in gene transfer, electronic data capture, and real-time
data analysis all promise to increase our chances of success. Ultimately, however,
it is through dedication, skill, and lots of luck that the drug development process
is successful and we can provide a new medication to the people who need it to
fight the pain and suffering of illness. At those times, the camel truly has made
its way home through the eye of a needle.


1. Impact of vaccines universally recommended for children—United States, 1900–

1999. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 1999 Apr 2; 48(12):243–248.
2. The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. Pharmaceutical Indus-
try Profile 2000. Washington DC, 2000.
3. Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development. Outlook 2000. Boston, 2000.
4. Spilker BA. The drug development and approval process. In: New Medicines in
Development [PhRMA Web site], September 18, 2000. Available at: http:/ / Accessed October
1, 2000.
5. Lullmann H, Lullmann-Rauch R, Wasserman O. Lipidosis induced by amphiphilic
cationic drugs. Biochem Pharmacol 1978; 27:1103–1108.
6. Smith SE, Stead KC. Non-compliance or misprescribing? Lancet 1974; 1:937.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Preclinical Drug Discovery
and Development

David S. Duch
Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina

Robert M. Ferris
Retired, Charlotte, North Carolina


The major change that has occurred in the drug development process over the
last 15–20 years has been the introduction of significant advances in new technol-
ogies that expedite the design, screening, and identification of new chemical enti-
ties. A brief review of these technologies, together with a review of the various
approaches used in the discovery of new chemical entities, is presented to update
the readers and encourage their deeper involvement in areas pertinent to their
interests. The use of these technologies has forced the drug discovery process to
evolve into a rapid, integrated, and usually very targeted process. In addition,
changes in regulatory requirements, as well as the introduction of International
Conference on Harmonization (ICH) Guidelines, have led to new concepts for
the timely and cost-efficient development of drugs for registration in world mar-
kets. The authors’ experiences in interpreting these guidelines and applying them
to the drug development process are presented for the readers’ consideration.


A. Source of Molecules Used in Drug Discovery Process
Anyone interested in drug discovery must first address the issue of the source of
molecules that will ultimately provide the new drugs. Some of the oldest sources

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Figure 1 Structures of natural products.

of drugs have come from plants and their analogs, microbial broths containing
various metabolites of microorganisms, animal cells and their extracts, animal
and marine toxins, and, more recently, genetic engineering (Fig. 1).
Recent advances in technologies such as combinatorial chemistry and com-
puter-assisted design have markedly increased the ability of the chemist to supply
new chemical entities for study. However, diversity of molecules is not easily
obtainable, even with the advent of these new advances in technology. In fact,
high-throughput screening techniques have made the process of screening mole-
cules so rapid that the diversity of structures available for screening has dwindled
to the point that the search for natural products with their inherent diversity is
now taking on additional importance.

B. Methods Used in the Drug Discovery Process

1. General Screening
Many previous drug discovery programs were based on the random screening of
large numbers of chemically diverse compounds through one or more biological

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

assays in hopes of finding a therapeutically useful property. These biological
assays consisted of in vitro assays (e.g., enzymes or binding assays), assays in
isolated tissues, and in vivo animal models. However, it is probably fair to say
that few pharmaceutical companies are presently synthesizing compounds with
the intent of putting them through a general screening program. Most compounds
are now made with a specific therapeutic target in mind. It should be recognized
that many innovative leads for new drug development have come from the general
screening process. It is expected that, as the quest for diversity in new molecules
intensifies, the demand for general screening will increase in order to identify
the novel pharmacological properties of these agents.

2. Targeted Screening
Many pharmaceutical companies test compounds in assays specifically selected
to reveal the therapeutic activity of interest. Such a process is usually referred
to as targeted screening. For example, large-scale, cell-based assays have been
developed to screen for potential antitumor agents (1). As an outgrowth of earlier
antitumor screening methods, the National Cancer Institute has developed a
disease-oriented approach to drug discovery that uses a total of 60 human tumor
cell lines derived from eight cancer types (lung, colon, breast, melanoma, kidney,
ovary, brain, and leukemia). The initial design proposed that leads demonstrating
disease specificity would be selected for further testing based on disease type
specificity in the assay, unique structure, potency, and demonstration of a unique
pattern of cellular cytotoxicity or cytostasis, since this pattern could indicate a
unique mechanism of action or intracellular target. Computerized programs have
been developed to prioritize and enhance the diversity of compounds entered into
the screen as well as to analyze the data obtained in relation to the other com-
pounds in the database. Results obtained using this cell-based assay have recently
been reviewed (2).
An alternative approach to the evaluation and selection of antitumor agents
based on targeted screening has been developed by Von Hoff (3). This assay
determines the response of the individual patient’s tumor to specific antitumor
agents and has been used both to screen for new agents, as well as to determine
tumor types against which an agent will be active.
Evaluation of the activity of different molecules on a specific enzyme or
receptor, for example, on dopaminergic D2 receptors, in search of a novel anti-
psychotic agent is an additional example of targeted screening. This approach is
generally more cost-effective and more rapid than a general screening program
(4). Targeted screening can improve specificity, efficacy, and duration of action,
while minimizing side effects. However, compounds having activity against other
targets would not be selected using this limited approach. Since compounds made
for one purpose frequently demonstrate pharmacological properties in other areas

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

(5), it can be argued that it is probably prudent to subject a compound library
periodically to some form of general screening.

3. Molecular Modification
Identification of a lead structure rarely yields a compound that possesses all the
properties needed for full clinical development. Most of the time, the compound
has to be modified to improve potency, reduce side effects, increase bioavail-
ablilty, decrease metabolism, decrease toxicity, or alter its properties in some
other favorable way to make the compound a viable therapeutic agent. This pro-
cess is called lead structure optimization. Maxwell has divided this process into
two classes, enlightened or unenlightened opportunism (5). An example of en-
lightened opportunism is that of discovering new pharmacological properties at
an early stage and developing better agents than the original with this activity
(Fig. 2).
For example, cisplatin, an important chemotherapeutic agent, has dose-
limiting nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity. Additional studies yielded an analog,
carboplatin, that had mylosuppression as the limiting toxicity. Further synthesis
yielded oxaliplatin and later DWA 2114R, which have sensory neuropathy and
neutropenia, respectively, as the limiting toxicities. Additional examples of en-
lightened opportunism can be found in a review article by Maxwell (5).
Enlightened opportunism is in contrast to unenlightened opportunism,
where, at a late stage in the development of a compound, one attempts to make

Figure 2 Examples of enlightened opportunism.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

yet another close chemical variation in a therapeutic area where multiple agents
already exist. Unenlightened opportunism is often referred to as the me-too ap-
proach. An example of this approach can be seen in the development of the
tricyclic antidepressants, illustrated in Fig. 3.
In addition to the example given above, enlightened opportunism may also
take the form of combining the important structural features of two or more
classes of compounds into one molecule in an attempt to achieve a superior thera-
peutic agent (5).
A third type of enlightened opportunism can come from the early utilization
of new knowledge developed in biochemistry, physiology, and other biological
sciences (5). An example would be the recent impetus give to drug discovery
by initiation of the genome project.

4. Rational Drug Design

Rational drug design, the basic research approach to drug discovery, is based on
the premise that a thorough knowledge of the biochemical and physiological
mechanisms that are responsible for the normal functioning of a particular organ
system will allow an understanding of any pathophysiology of the same system.
This understanding will in turn permit drugs to be designed that will affect the

Figure 3 Tricyclic antidepressants.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

altered target (e.g., enzyme, receptor, or cell) and correct the deficiency. Such a
rationale has led to very targeted screening approaches such as receptor-oriented
drug research, reversible and irreversible enzyme inhibitors, inhibitors of voltage-
and receptor-operated ion channels, and inhibitors of transporter systems (6). For
example, the synthesis of nucleoside analogs as chemotherapeutic agents has been
based on the concept that these analogs will inhibit nucleic acid synthesis, which
will in turn result in disruption of cell replication, and ultimately, cell death (7).
Fluorouracil, cytosine arabinoside, and 6-mercaptopurine are examples of drugs
rationally designed for cancer chemotherapy. Some early inhibitors of mono-
amine oxidase, dihydrofolate reductase, and angiotensin converting enzyme were
derived from rational concepts (6). For interesting reviews of this subject, see
Maxwell (5) and Kubinyi (6).

5. Clinical Observations
Many innovative drugs have originated from the astute observations of physicians
who recognized that what appeared to be apparent side effects of drugs were
actually novel therapeutic properties. The discovery of the diuretic and glucose-
lowering activities of the antibacterial sulfonilamides, which were developed into
three distinct classes of sulfonamide drugs (i.e., antibacterials, diuretics, and hy-
poglycemics), is often cited as an example (6). Consider as well, the antidepres-
sant effects of the tuberculostat, iproniazid; the anxiolytic properties of the neuro-
leptic, buspiron; and the antirheumatic effects of the antibacterial, penicillamine
(5,6). This source of drug discovery has slowed markedly in recent years, possibly
because of the imposition of regulatory guidelines needed to ensure the safety
of drug development (5).
An interesting case description and analysis of research that led to innova-
tive therapeutic agents since World War II can be found in the book, Drug Dis-
covery, A Casebook and Analysis, by Maxwell and Eckhardt (8).

C. Influence of Recent Developments in Technology

on Present and Future Discovery Processes
The above approaches to drug discovery always have and will continue to be the
basic guidelines by which new drugs are discovered. However, during the last
decade, major changes have occurred in the development of new technologies
that have in turn revolutionized our approach to drug design and discovery. These
new technologies have had enormous impact on the strategies and costs of drug
development today, and they will continue to play an increasingly dominant role
in drug development processes in the future. In the section that follows, several
of these new technologies will be discussed with the intent of introducing the
readers to the basic concepts involved in each area and then, hopefully, serving

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

as an impetus to encourage them to delve further into those areas of particular

1. Compound Libraries and Combinatorial Chemistry

As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the major pharmaceutical companies are
interested in accumulating large numbers of compounds with a great diversifica-
tion of chemical structures for use in establishing new leads for drug develop-
ment. These chemical libraries can be prepared synthetically or biosynthetically
and screened for pharmacological activity in a variety of different formats (e.g.,
libraries of soluble molecules; libraries of molecules tethered to resin beads, silica
chips, or other solid supports; or recombinant peptide libraries on bacteriophage
and other biological display vectors) (9). Some companies exchange small collec-
tions of compounds to increase the different classes of agents available for screen-
ing, and collections of compounds or plant extracts are available from indepen-
dent brokers (10).
These libraries are valuable resources, because they may contain the new
protypes for new therapeutic classes of drugs (11). Each year, new biological
targets are discovered; therefore, these libraries are constantly being rescreened
year after year in novel assays. The systematic and repetitive, covalent connection
of a set of different building blocks of varying structures to each other in order
to yield a large array of diverse molecular entities is referred to as combinatorial
chemistry (9). The primary strategies of combinatorial chemistry are to make a
large number of chemical variants all at one time, to test them for biological
activity, and to isolate and identify the most promising compounds for further
development (12). These chemical libraries contain so many compounds that spe-
cial methods of cataloging, storage, and retrieval are required to use the library
effectively. Two general methods of synthesis are used to create combinatorial
libraries. The first is split synthesis, in which compounds are assembled on sur-
faces of beads or particles (12). In a split-and-combine technique, either specific
mixtures or individual compounds are synthesized on single beads. In a series
of steps, the beads are divided into several groups, and a new building block is
added. The different groups of beads are then recombined and separated again
into new groups. The next building block is added, and the process continues
until the desired combinatorial library has been assembled. Each bead in the
library holds multiple copies of a single library member (12). Split synthesis is
generally used to produce small quantities of a relatively large number of com-
pounds, requires a solid support, and permits assays to be performed on pools
of compounds.
The second method for creating combinatorial libraries is parallel synthesis.
In this process, which is usually automated, compounds are synthesized in sepa-
rate vessels (most recently microtiter plates, but solid support can be used) with-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

out remixing. Parallel synthesis yields larger quantities of a relatively small num-
ber of compounds, and can be done on either solid or liquid support. Assays can
be done on individual compounds (12). Excellent reviews of this subject have
been published (13–16).

2. Combinatorial Chemistry and High-Throughput Screening

The number of potential drug targets that could emerge from molecular biology
research such as the Human Genome Project, as well as the demands for improved
or novel therapies for cancer, cardiovascular, and neurological diseases have cre-
ated the need for the synthesis and rapid testing of large numbers of compounds.
These demands are being filled through the development of combinatorial chem-
istry combined with high-throughput screening. These techniques have been and
continue to be developed and used throughout the pharmaceutical industry. Al-
though these techniques have not yet yielded drugs that have been approved for
marketing, several candidates have been discovered using these techniques and
are currently being tested in clinical trials. The status of combinatorial chemistry
within the pharmaceutical industry has recently been reviewed (17).
It has been proposed that combinatorial chemistry will allow access to the
constantly increasing number of new targets, will speed up the drug discovery
process, will markedly increase success rates from the classic 1 in 10,000, and
will enable rapid, continuous analoging and optimization of active compounds
to drug candidates. The development of combinatorial chemistry has led to the
need for assay systems capable of determining the activity of large numbers of
compounds. Numerous high-throughput assay systems have been developed, al-
though a large number of these screens remain proprietary and are not generally
accessible. The development of high-throughput screening has been aided by
the significant advances in automation and robotics. These systems allow the
continuous analysis of combinatorial libraries with a wide variety of targets.
Combinatorial chemistry has evolved rapidly from its early focus on the genera-
tion of large numbers of molecules to a powerful combinatorial design technology
for the generation and optimization of pharmaceutical leads to produce drug can-
didates (18). Among the techniques that have been used in high-throughput
screens are mass ligand binding, yeast cell-based assays using reporter genes,
and scintillation proximity assays (13–16). In addition, techniques that incorpo-
rate both compound creation and screening of large libraries in one process have
also been described (19,20).

3. Bioinformatics
The immense growth in biotechnology, together with the marked expansion of
information technology, has lead to the formation of a new concept called bioin-
formatics (21). The impetus for this birth probably came from the development

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

of rapid DNA sequencing methods that emerged in the mid-1970s (22). One of
the most significant advances in data acquisition has come from the proliferation
of Internet resources devoted to the life sciences. The Internet can serve as a
starting point for a data search (21,22). The data are comprehensive, up to date,
validated, and rapidly accessible (21). The Internet provides integrated informa-
tion retrieval, homology searching, exon identification, and mapping data (22).
Bioinformatics is playing an important role in the drug development process and
is vital for integration of the much less collated and systematized data that exist
for drug absorption, toxicity, excretion, metabolism, and distribution. Computer
resources now play an integral part in high-throughput screening techniques, lead
optimization and lead discovery, the use of robotics in synthesis and screening,
the design of ligands, and in molecular modeling. Bioinformatics will revolution-
ize the process of drug discovery and development in the near future.

4. Chirality
Today, preclinical development of new chemical entities must take into account,
at very early stages, the issue of whether the molecule possesses any chiral cen-
ters. If so, the enantiomers should be resolved, and their efficacy, toxicity, and
safety should be assessed. The results of these studies will help determine whether
to develop an individual enantiomer or the racemate. The decision to develop a
racemate or an enantiomer should be made only after a thorough understanding
of the pharmacological, toxicological, and pharmacokinetic properties of the sub-
stance. Although not all-inclusive, the following examples illustrate typical situa-
tions in which a racemate might be developed (23):
The enantiomers have been shown to have pharmacological and toxicologi-
cal profiles similar to the racemate.
The enantiomers are rapidly interconverted in vitro and/or in vivo so that
administration of a single enantiomer offers no advantage.
One enantiomer of the racemate is shown to be pharmacologically inactive,
and the racemate is demonstrated to be safe and effective.
Synthesis or isolation of the preferred enantiomer is not practical.
Individual enantiomers exhibit different pharmacological profiles, and the
racemate produces a superior therapeutic effect relative to either enan-
tiomer alone.
The decision to market one enantiomer or the racemate should be made on a
case-by-case basis after considering all available data.

5. X-Ray Crystallography
The goal of rational drug discovery and development is the enhancement of the
activity of a ligand to obtain a clinically useful agent. The development of thera-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

peutic entities from lead compounds requires the systematic modification of the
chemical structure of the lead compounds to optimize the activity desired. One
of the techniques that has been used in this process is x-ray crystallography. A
knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of the pharmacologically relevant
receptor-ligand complexes at the level of resolution achieved by using x-ray crys-
tallography has the potential to speed the discovery and development of lead
compounds into clinically effective drugs. Through these techniques, the specific
interactions that are important in the molecular recognition and binding of the
ligand to its macromolecular target can be ascertained. In addition, the develop-
ment of the technology for obtaining large amounts of the target macromolecule,
such as recombinant DNA technology and the technology for the analysis of
the ligand–macromolecular interactions, has aided the rapid development of new
chemical entities for clinical evaluation.
X-ray crystallography has been instrumental in the design of inhibitors ac-
tive in the renin–angiotensin system (24) and in the design of lipophilic inhibitors
of the enzyme thymidylate synthase (25). However, the development of inhibitors
of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) protease can be considered as one of
the best examples of the extensive use of x-ray crystallography for the structure-
assisted design of inhibitory molecules. The identification of the HIV protease
as a member of the aspartate protease family facilitated the design of inhibitors
of this enzyme, since earlier studies using x-ray crystallography had been carried
out on aspartate proteases such as renin. Detailed reviews on the structure and
function of HIV protease and its inhibitors have recently been published (26,27).
Since the publication of the first crystallographic structure of an inhibitor com-
plexed to the protease appeared, hundreds of structures of such complexes have
been solved in dozens of laboratories. These studies have led to the clinical devel-
opment and use of several protease inhibitors as therapy for HIV infection.

6. Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationships

Intermolecular forces are important in the interaction of drugs with their targets.
Parameters such as lipophilicity, polarizability, and electronic and steric parame-
ters have been used to describe the intermolecular forces of the drug–receptor
interaction and the transport and distribution of drugs in a quantitative manner
and to correlate them with biological activities. Many types of biological data,
such as affinity data, rate constants, inhibition constants, and pharmacokinetic
parameters, can be described by quantitative structure–activity relationships
The most widely used QSAR analysis has been the Hansch analysis (28),
an extra thermodynamic, linear free energy-related analysis, which describes the
affinity of ligands or other biological activities in terms of physicochemical pa-
rameters, such as lipophilicity. A second, though less widely used, approach was

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

described by Free and Wilson (29). This is an additivity model, which is based on
a strict additivity concept of group contributions to biological activities. Studies
stemming from attempts to map a receptor surface from the results of Hansch
analyses led to the development of three-dimensional QSAR. An extensive re-
view of the development and advances in QSAR has recently been published

7. Monoclonal Antibodies
The pioneering work of Milstein (31) initiated the development of monoclonal
antibodies as a therapeutic entity. Normal immune responses of B lymphocytes
are polyclonal in nature and yield a heterogeneous mixture of antibodies. In order
to produce monoclonal antibodies, murine antibody-producing cells were immor-
talized by fusion with plasma cell tumors incapable of producing immunoglobulin
but capable of supporting antibody synthesis and secretion. Subsequent cloning
of the hybridomas yielded clones that are capable of producing large amounts
of homogeneous murine antibody that react with a single epitope.
However, the use of murine antibodies in humans is restricted because of
the immunogenic nature of the immunoglobulins. Repeated use of murine anti-
bodies elicits an anti-immunoglobulin response known as the human antimouse
antibody (HAMA) response. In addition, other limitations to the use of antibodies
have been observed and have been overcome in part through the use of genetic
engineering to humanize the murine antibodies (32). The redesign of murine anti-
bodies using these techniques has resulted in the formation of antibodies that
elicit a considerably reduced immune response relative to the murine antibody.
Although monoclonal antibodies have been most widely used for the diag-
nosis and treatment of cancer, they are also being evaluated as therapies in other
areas as well. For example, abciximab (c7E3 Fab) is a chimeric human-murine
monoclonal antibody Fab fragment that binds to the platelet glycoprotein IIb/
IIIa receptor and inhibits platelet aggregation. The addition of abciximab to stan-
dard aspirin and heparin therapy reduced the incidence of ischemic complications
during the initial postoperative period in high-risk patients who were undergoing
percutaneous coronary angioplasty or directional atherectomy. Abciximab also
reduced the incidence of clinical restenosis when compared with placebo during
a 6-month follow-up of these patients (33).
Monoclonal antibodies have been widely used for the diagnosis, localiza-
tion, and treatment of cancer (34). Their advantages include a relative selectivity
for tumor tissue coupled with a relative lack of toxicity. However, their ability
to affect tumors is minimal unless aided by other mechanisms, the amount of
antibody delivered to tumors is low, and the diffusion of antibody through tumors
is often poor. The development of a HAMA response is also limiting. To aid in
the antitumor effectiveness of monoclonal antibodies, antitumor drugs such as

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

doxorubicin, toxins such as the ricin A chain, and radionuclides have been conju-
gated to the antibodies (34). In addition, unconjugated antibodies can mediate
complement-dependent cytotoxicity and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxic-
ity. For example, the effect of the monoclonal antibody 17–1A, a monoclonal
antibody against colorectal cancer, has been evaluated in patients with Dukes’
Stage C colorectal cancer who had undergone curative surgery and were free of
manifest residual tumor. After a median follow-up of 5 years, antibody treatment
reduced the overall death rate by 27%. Effectiveness was most pronounced in
patients who had distant metastasis as the first sign of relapse, and toxic effects
were infrequent (35).

8. Gene Therapy
Human gene transfer is a therapeutic approach in which the genome of human
somatic cells, but not germline cells, is modified for the purpose of treating dis-
ease. It has also been used to generate a population of marked cells for the purpose
of tracing the origins of recurrent tumors. A large number of gene therapy proto-
cols have been designed to treat cancer, HIV infection, and diseases caused by
a gene defect, such as cystic fibrosis, familial hypercholesterolemia, and severe
combined immunodeficiency caused by adenosine deaminase deficiency (36,37).
The transfer of genes to the target cells has been accomplished through the
use of viral vectors or nonviral delivery. Nonviral delivery systems include in-
vivo delivery using plasmid–liposome complexes, direct injection of naked DNA,
and transfection of target cells ex vivo. The viral vectors that have been the most
widely studied include retroviruses, adenoviruses and adeno-associated viruses;
however, the use of herpes virus for delivery to the central nervous system (CNS)
and vaccinia virus vectors have also been investigated (38,39).
Each of these means of transfer has advantages and disadvantages. Gene
delivery using either liposomes or naked DNA has no involvement of viruses
and thus could not replicate or recombine to form infectious agents, Moreover,
use of these methods of delivery would cause fewer inflammatory or immune
responses and can be used to transfer genetic material of unlimited size. These
advantages are offset by the inefficiency of transfer and the temporary expression
of the transferred gene. The viral vectors have a greater efficiency of gene trans-
fer. Retroviral vectors require dividing cells for integration of the genetic material
whereas adenoviruses and adeno-associated viruses do not require cellular prolif-
eration. Retroviruses and adeno-associated viruses, but not adenoviruses, result
in a stable incorporation of the genetic material into the genome of the target
cell. With adenoviruses or liposomes as vectors, the transferred genetic material
remains epichromosomal, and consequently, there is only short-term expression
of the transferred gene. Therefore, to maintain persistent expression, frequent
administration would be required. Since adenovirus is immunogenic, repeated
use of this vector could be limited by an immune response. A potential advantage

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

of adeno-associated virus is that it has never been shown to have any pathogenic
effect in humans.
As of the end of 1995, more than 40 clinical trials involving the transfer
of genes to humans have been reported (36, #13648). The majority of these trials
utilized a retroviral vector and involved treatment of neoplastic disease. However,
trials for the treatment of cystic fibrosis, familial hypercholesterolemia, and aden-
osine deaminase deficiency have also been initiated. The results so far indicate
that human gene transfer is indeed a viable form of disease therapy.

9. Genomics
One of the goals of the Human Genome Project is to determine the sequences
of the 100,000 genes in the human genome. In general, the approach has been
to sequence sections of cDNA from libraries created from RNA of various tissues
to obtain ‘‘expressed sequence tags.’’ Since the source cDNA libraries from vari-
ous human tissues are normalized to remove housekeeping genes, the frequency
that certain cDNAs appear in the various tissue-specific databases will be a re-
flection of their expression levels. Using the present techniques, the sequencing
rate is relatively slow. However, new sequencing techniques are being developed
that will be more rapid, efficient, accurate, and cost-effective (40).
High-throughput methods using DNA arrays for the monitoring of gene
expression patterns in a highly parallel fashion have been developed (41,42).
DNA arrays of genomic fragments, cDNA clones, or oligonucleotides are also
allowing genome-wide genetic mapping, the cloning of members of gene families
within and across species, the scanning for mutations in genes, and the definitions
of networks of genes controlled by particular transcription factors (43).
Genomics will provide a large number of potential targets. However, one
of the challenges inherent in the use of these targets for drug development is the
identification of targets that cause a specific disease rather than those that just
correlate with the disease. It has been reported (44) that the most important dis-
eases for which treatment is needed number between 100 and 150. Many of these
diseases are caused, at least in part, by genetic factors. On the basis of multigene
involvement in many genetic diseases as well as other assumptions, it was con-
cluded that there was a potential for 3000 to 10,000 new and interesting drug
targets. Since targets for which therapies presently exist number only slightly
over 400, the potential targets for which there are no drugs far outnumbers those
for which there are (44).


Once a compound has met the criteria to justify calling it the ‘‘lead molecule’’
of choice, it undergoes more advanced studies aimed at determining its potency

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 4 Typical pathway for new drug discovery and development up to Phase I trials
in humans.

in vivo in the appropriate animal models. Some indication of oral bioavailability

is obtained, together with preliminary data, to indicate whether the primary activ-
ity resides in the parent molecule or a metabolite. The therapeutic ratio is deter-
mined, and an indication of the toxicity profile of the compound is obtained.
These studies are always designed with a focus on the primary indication intended
for humans. This type of orientation is necessary to obtain the data needed to
fulfill the regulatory requirements for the Investigational New Drug Application
Figure 4 illustrates a new drug development plan of the preclinical strate-
gies necessary for creating the preclinical data package for submission of an IND
to regulatory authorities.

A. Pharmacology
At the present time, regulatory agencies do not define precise requirements for
submission of pharmacological data for an IND, New Drug Application (NDA),
CTX, or Marketing Authorization Application (MAA). The following recommen-
dations have been suggested as appropriate procedures to be followed for submis-
sions to the United States, United Kingdom, and European authorities. In the

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

following sections, the actual guidelines dealing with submission of pharmaco-
logical data to regulatory agencies in the United States, United Kingdom, and
Europe are presented as close as possible to that stated in the regulatory guide-
lines. The comments immediately following a specific guideline are the authors’
interpretation of how these guidelines should be executed. This interpretation is
based on personal experience and information gained from many years of work
in these areas.
Each of the regulatory agencies requires that the pharmacological proper-
ties of the compound be presented in three separate sections: (1) primary pharma-
cology, which should discuss activity related to the proposed therapeutic use; (2)
secondary pharmacology, which should describe other activities; and (3) drug
interactions, which is required when relevant.

1. Primary Pharmacology
The primary pharmacology is concerned with defining the pharmacological ac-
tions relevant to the proposed therapeutic use. The term pharmacological actions
encompasses all potential therapeutic actions as well as conventional pharmaco-
logical activities.
Listed below are the actual guidelines that deal with the requirements nec-
essary for adequate presentation of the primary pharmacology of a new chemical
entity (NCE).
Where possible, it is desirable to present data that establish the mechanism
of the principal pharmacological action.
Frequently, it is not possible to fully explain the mechanism of action of
a particular compound. This is particularly true for CNS-active compounds. At
other times, it may be simple to explain the mechanism of action of a compound
(i.e., antidepressant activity achieved through inhibition of monoamine oxidase,
or antihypertensive activity resulting from beta-receptor blockade). It should be
kept in mind that this guideline is not meant to delay the filing of an IND while
the researcher attempts to elucidate the mechanism of action of a compound. It
is simply a request to do what is reasonable without undue delays in filing.
The validity of models used should be established where practicable.
Validity means that accepted models, either so established in the literature
or through appropriate defensible studies conducted in one’s own laboratories,
should be used. Nevertheless, there are always inherent dangers in being totally
confident that any animal model will be predictive of a drug’s efficacy in humans.
For example, the reversal of tetrabenazine-induced sedation and ptosis in mice
has been routinely used in some laboratories as a reliable and predictive test for
antidepressant activity in humans. However, it was soon discovered that, while

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

the test was predictive for antidepressants of the noradrenergic class, it failed
to detect antidepressants working through serotonergic mechanisms. That is, it
detected amitriptyline, but not fluoxitine. Thus, if one relied solely on the antitet-
rabenazine test for selecting antidepressant drugs, key discoveries in serotonerigic
area, such as prozac, would be missed.
As another example, in vivo antitumor studies were most frequently carried
out using tumors implanted subcutaneously or intraperitoneally. Although these
models gave useful information regarding the in vivo activity of a drug candidate,
they lacked many of the intrinsic characteristics of the tumors in humans. Even
when human tumors were used, tumors grown subcutaneously lacked the natural
microenvironment of the original tumor; the implanted tumors had, in most cases,
been passaged for many generations either in culture or in animals and were
therefore subject to change or selection during this period of time; the host ani-
mals lacked an efficient immune system; and metastatic disease was rarely a
factor. These problems were addressed, to some extent, through intravenous ad-
ministration or orthotopic implantation of tumor cells. The importance of the
tumor microenvironment to the response to chemotherapy has been studied using
both murine tumors and human tumor xenografts (45,46). Murine or human colon
carcinomas were implanted subcutaneously or into different visceral organs and
the response of the tumors to either 5-fluorouracil or doxorubicin, were deter-
mined. Marked differences in response to chemotherapy were observed. For ex-
ample, subcutaneous tumors were sensitive to doxorubicin whereas lung or liver
metastases were not. In contrast, sensitivity to 5-fluorouracil was less dependent
on sites of tumor growth. Tumors growing in liver were resistant to both drugs.
These results indicated that tumors implanted subcutaneously, the model most
widely used for antitumor drug development, appeared to be an inappropriate
and overly sensitive model for chemotherapy in humans.
Many of the limitations of the tumor models have been overcome through
the establishment of transgenic models of tumor development (47). More than
two dozen tumor types have been modeled. As one example, transgenic models
of prostate cancer have been developed that possess many of the characteristics
of the disease in humans (48). Mice develop spontaneous autochtonous disease
that progresses through mild to severe hyperplasia and ultimately to metastatic
disease and therefore would provide a more suitable model for testing both che-
mopreventive or therapeutic drug candidates.
An alternative method for producing disease specific models uses homolo-
gous recombination of a gene construct in cultured embryonic stem cells to pro-
duce a cell line having a precise gene replacement that can be used to create
animals transmitting the gene replacement through the germline. The goal of
these methods is to make a null mutation, known as a knockout, and replace the
specific gene of interest with one that is inactive or altered. Models of a wide
variety of human disorders have been constructed using this technique (49). These

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

models have been used to study the pathology, as well as to evaluate potential
therapies, of these diseases. For example, knockout mice have been used to deter-
mine the effectiveness of the very-low-density lipoprotein receptor gene as a
therapeutic gene for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia (50) and to evaluate
the chemopreventative effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on intesti-
nal adenomatous polyposis (51). A number of Internet sites are dedicated to
transgenic and knockout strains (52).
Some limitations to the extrapolation of animal data for the prediction of
the human response include the following (53):

There may be pharmacokinetic differences between test animals and hu-

Idiosyncratic adverse events in humans, the mechanism of which are poorly
understood, are not normally demonstrable in animals by standard inves-
Underlying pathological conditions or drugs may exacerbate underlying
diseases in humans which do not exist in healthy animals.
Relationships that might exist between the drug and its metabolites on the
one hand, and an underlying disease on the other, that cannot adequately
be investigated or predicted from studies which have been conducted in
Species differences in anatomy and physiological functions.
Species differences in tolerance and enzyme induction.
Adverse drug events that can only be communicated verbally by the patient
are not normally recognized in animals.
Some evidence of pharmacological activity should be demonstrated by the
proposed clinical routes of administration.
Comparison with other standard drug substances of the same therapeutic
class is desirable.

Comparison of the data for the compound under development to a standard

or reference drug is highly desirable and is an encouraged and recommended
practice. However, there are examples where comparison with standards could
be very time-consuming and could delay the filing of an IND. Once again, one
must use the best managerial and scientific judgment in order to arrive at a reason-
able course of action.

Results should be expressed in quantitative terms (e.g., dose- and time-

related effects).

These data will ultimately have to be correlated with pharmacokinetic and toxico-
logical data. In fact, it is advisable to do joint pharmacodynamic and pharmaco-
kinetic studies when feasible.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

2. Secondary Pharmacology
A general pharmacological profile, that is, secondary pharmacology, of a new
chemical entity is also required, with special attention to any effects additional
to the primary pharmacological action. The aim of the secondary pharmacological
studies should be to establish the effects on the major physiological systems by
using a variety of experimental models. More extensive investigation is required
if the doses producing secondary effects approach those producing the primary
pharmacological (therapeutic) effect. Both in vitro and in vivo data should be
presented. Good scientific judgment is required to determine the nature and extent
of these studies.
Studies conducted to define the secondary pharmacology should be classi-
fied under the following headings:
Enzyme effects

3. Drug Interactions
Interaction of the drug substance with other compounds, when relevant to the
proposed therapeutic usage, should be investigated. These interactions are primar-
ily concerned with drug–drug interactions, but could also include interaction with
excipients. Recently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has frequently
required metabolism studies (P450 studies) to be conducted as part of the submis-
sion package. For additional information, see Sec. III. C.

B. Toxicology Studies
1. In Vivo Versus In Vitro Studies
Toxicological evaluation of a drug candidate has traditionally been carried out
in-vivo, usually in mice, rats, dogs, or monkeys. However, there has been an
increased effort to develop and use in vitro models for toxicological, as well as
pharmacokinetic, evaluation during the development process. The use of in vitro
systems has been stimulated by the rapid scientific advances that have been made

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

with regard to the structural and functional multiplicity of mammalian drug-
metabolizing enzymes and the genetic and environmental factors that affect their
expression. The role of these enzymes in drug metabolism and detoxification and
the increased availability of human tissues have also stimulated the development
of in-vitro systems, as has the actions of animal rights activists against the use
of animals for drug development and toxicological studies.
The in-vitro systems that are being used in drug discovery and development
have been classified empirically into three categories: validated screens, value-
added screens, and ad-hoc mechanistic screens (54). With regard to the validated
in-vitro screens, the in-vitro methods have been shown to reflect activity observed
in vivo, the mechanism of action is well understood, and the models have become
highly standardized. The level of confidence in the predictability of these models
is high, and they can be used to make a decision concerning the selection or
advancement of a candidate drug. Examples of validated assays are the genotox-
icity screens and the LAL assays for measuring the presence of endotoxin (55,56).
The value-added screens are used in conjunction with traditional in-vivo
studies to facilitate the decision process with respect to lead candidate selection
and advancement. A large number of the in vitro screens, which have become
an integral part of the drug development process, fall into this category; however,
the incomplete standardization of these assays do not allow their use alone in
making decisions regarding candidate selection or advancement. The in vitro
assays described in Sec. III.C include a number of in vitro assays that are used
in this way. The use of Caco-2 human colon adenocarcinoma cells in culture to
study intestinal transport, metabolism, and toxicity, as well as the use of the
human tumor cloning assay to determine the potential benefits of antitumor drugs
in individual patients, also fall into this category (3,57,58).
In vitro systems have also been used to study in an ad-hoc fashion mecha-
nisms of cellular damage and toxicity in a system lacking the complex in vivo
interactions. Although mechanisms of drug toxicity are often quite complex, the
mechanistic studies in vitro can frequently facilitate the prediction of the relevance
of preclinical toxicology data to human therapeutic use. However, these types of
studies are rarely performed early in the development of a drug candidate (54).
In the United States, the minimum absorption, distribution, metabolism and
elimination (ADME) requirements for an IND reflect an emphasis on safety eval-
uation. ADME data should support toxicology studies by showing evidence for
absorption. In addition to the development of an analytical method for measuring
unchanged drug, toxicokinetic studies in two species, conducted according to
Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) regulations, are required. Toxicokinetics is de-
fined as the generation of pharmacokinetic data, either as an integral component
in the conduct of nonclinical toxicity studies or in specially designed supportive
studies, in order to assess systemic exposure. The primary objective is to describe

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

the systemic exposure achieved in animals and its relationship to dose level and
the time course of the toxicity study. FDA guidelines for the conduct of toxicoki-
netic studies have been published (59).
The primary species used in preclinical disposition studies are the rat and
the dog, since these are the species generally used for the initial toxicology stud-
ies. However, if the metabolic profiles for a compound in rat and dog differ
quantitatively from those observed in humans, it may be necessary to determine
the major routes of biotransformation in other species to select those that will
be relevant models for assessing potential long-term toxicity in humans.
Initial toxicology studies performed before administration to humans, that
is, acute and subacute studies in two species, are designed to characterize poten-
tial toxic effects and should be of sufficient duration to allow the clinician to
undertake tolerance studies in humans. In addition, other exploratory or dose-
range finding toxicity studies may also be done in conjunction with other preclini-
cal studies in the initial stages of compound evaluation. A regulatory review of
preclinical drug development has been recently presented (60).
The development of a typical drug for chronic/intermediate or sustained
administration would proceed as follows:
A new drug candidate is generally tested acutely in at least two mammalian
species, usually rat and dog. If there are sufficient data available to sug-
gest that another species more closely represents humans than these two
species, then it should be used instead (e.g., monkey.)
The route of administration should be the route intended for use in humans.
In practice, intraperitoneal, oral, and at times, intravenous routes are all
usually tested in the initial single, dose-rising, acute toxicity test.
The purpose of the acute, single, dose-rising study is to define the adverse
effect profile of the drug and to achieve an extrapolated estimate of the
LD50 of the agent. These studies are usually done in rat and mouse.
Once the data have been obtained for the acute, dose-rising study, the
single-dose (acute) toxicity study can be designed.
The single-dose (acute) toxicity for a pharmaceutical should be evaluated
in two mammalian species (usually rats and dogs ) prior to the first
human exposure. A dose-escalation study is an acceptable alternative
to the single-dose study.
These studies, in male and female animals (usually groups of 10–30 rats and 2–
4 dogs per sex and dose), usually last from 1 to 2 weeks. Animals in the acute
toxicity studies (usually groups of 10–30 rats and 2–4 dogs per sex and dose)
are observed for one to two weeks following dosing. Acute toxicity studies will
support clinical trials ranging from a single dose to dosing of up to 2 weeks in

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

A repeated-dose toxicity study in two species (one non-rodent) for a mini-
mum of 1, 3, or 6 months would support human clinical trials for up to 1, 3, or
6 months’ duration, respectively.

C. Pharmacokinetic and ADME Studies

As part of the drug discovery and development process, pharmacokinetic and
ADME studies have become an integral step in the early evaluation of drug candi-
dates. Absorption, half-life, and metabolism are being measured early in the de-
velopment of a drug candidate in order to exclude those compounds that are
poorly absorbed or rapidly metabolized or eliminated. Traditionally, most ADME
studies have been carried out in vivo, usually in mice, rats, and dogs. However,
increased knowledge of human drug metabolism, as well as the increased avail-
ability of human tissues, have led to a greater use of in vitro metabolism studies,
using preparations from human tissues, in early drug development. The metabolic
profile, as well as species differences in metabolism of the drug candidate can
be obtained. Data obtained from these studies can help determine the human
enzymes that are responsible for the metabolic clearance of the compound, and
the choice of the most appropriate animal species to be used for in vivo evalua-
tions. The metabolic profile could also be useful for characterizing a species-
specific toxic and/or pharmacological effect of the compound. FDA guidelines
for in vitro studies of drug metabolism and drug interactions have recently been
Biotransformation of most drugs occurs primarily in the liver, although
some metabolism can also occur in the gut. In vitro methods that are used to
study hepatic metabolism of drugs can be divided into whole-cell preparations,
which include isolated perfused livers, liver slices, and hepatocytes, and broken-
cell preparations, which include subcellular preparations and purified enzymes
A significant part of the in vitro studies of human drug metabolism has
been carried out using subcellular fractions. Subcellular fractions can be classified
into three types: microsomes, which are vesicles formed from the endoplasmic
reticulum during homogenization; the cytosol; and the S9 fraction, the fraction
remaining after removal of nuclei and mitochondria from a liver homogenate.
Therefore, the S9 fraction contains both the microsomes and the cytosol. These
fractions contain enzymes that catalyze both Phase I and Phase II reactions. Phase
I metabolism adds or exposes polar functional groups on a lipophillic substrate,
whereas Phase II metabolism catalyzes the addition of a polar endogenous sub-
strate to these functional groups, yielding a highly polar conjugate readily excr-
etable from the body. The advantages of the subcellular preparations include ease
of preparation and use, ease of cross-species comparisons, and good viability
during long-term storage of the fractions. These fractions can be stored for at

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

least 1 year without significant changes in the metabolic activity of the fractions.
The subcellular fractions, as well as the individual purified enzymes discussed
below, can be used to characterize the metabolic profile of a compound, to deter-
mine the enzymes responsible for the metabolic clearance of the compound, to
investigate the formation of toxic metabolites, and to compare the profile of hu-
man metabolites with the profile generated by subcellular fractions obtained from
other species. These systems can also provide early information on potential
drug–drug interactions (61).
A large number of the drug metabolizing enzymes found in the subcellular
fractions have been purified and characterized. Of the human enzymes involved
in drug metabolism, the cytochromes P450, which constitute a superfamily of
hemoproteins, have been the most widely studied. Over 200 P450 genes have
been classified on the basis of structure into 36 gene families. Twelve of these
gene families exist in all mammals examined to date, and three of these families,
CYP1, CYP2, and CYP3, are thought to be responsible for the majority of hepatic
xenobiotic metabolism. Under many conditions, a single P450 may be exclusively
or primarily responsible for the detoxification or bioactivation of a particular
compound (62). A major disadvantage of using purified enzymes is the amount
of work required to prepare sufficient quantities of the enzymes needed to carry
out studies. However, the availability of the cDNA for specific isozymes of hu-
man cytochromes P450 has made the production of large quantities of many of
these enzymes possible.
One of the disadvantages of broken-cell preparations is that these prepara-
tions lack the functional integrity present in living organisms. In contrast, whole-
cell preparations in general are more predictive of in vivo conditions since they
have coupled Phase I and Phase II metabolism, competing enzyme pathways,
normal cellular levels of cofactors, and an intact cellular membrane. Whole cell
preparations include hepatocytes, liver slices, and intact isolated perfused livers.
Hepatocytes are whole-cell preparations lacking the intact architecture of
liver slices or whole liver and are used either as suspension cultures or as mono-
layer cultures grown on a matrix of collagen or similar material. Hepatocytes in
suspension lose viability after 4–6 hr in culture, whereas monolayer cultures are
functional for a period of several days, although there is a loss of cytochromes
P450 with time. A comparison of the metabolism of several model compounds
by hepatocytes with that observed in vivo indicates that human hepatocytes are
an excellent model of human drug metabolism (63).
Liver slices maintain the cellular architecture, structural heterogeneity, and
intracellular communication between various cell types in liver and are not sub-
ject to potential damage of cellular membranes by collagenase, as is the case in
the preparation of hepatocytes. The increased use of liver slices has been stimu-
lated by the development of the Krumdieck tissue slicer, which allows the rapid
preparation of uniform slices that are thin enough to allow adequate oxygenation

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

of the whole slice during incubation while causing minimal damage to the hepato-
cytes. Liver slices can be maintained in culture for periods up to 72 hr. Liver
slices prepared in this manner have been shown to reflect accurately the metabolic
capabilities of the liver in vivo (61,63).
The isolated perfused liver can be used to examine metabolism at the level
of the whole organ. The organ remains viable for 4–6 hr, but viability declines
rapidly after this time. Perfused livers can be used to measure uptake from the
circulation as well as the release of metabolites into the circulation. However,
the complexity of the system limits its utility for the routine study of drug metabo-
A recent approach to the study of the role of the cytochromes P450 in drug
metabolism and toxicology has involved the development of knockout mice
which have altered or deficient drug metabolism (58). For example, a knockout
mouse lacking CYP1A2 has been developed and has been used to show the utility
of this approach for determining the role of specific enzymes in metabolic and
pharmacokinetic processes.


In this chapter, we have described approaches to the discovery and development

of new chemical entities for the treatment of human diseases. Although all ap-
proaches discussed above will not be used in the development of each compound,
the basic pharmacological and toxicological processes and requirements that are
necessary to advance a drug candidate to the IND stage, that is, selection of the
lead molecule and demonstration of efficacy and safety, will be a part of the
development of all potential drugs.


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Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

The IND Process for New Drug

David M. Cocchetto
GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina


A. What Is an IND?
An IND is an Investigational New Drug application, i.e., the documentation re-
quired for submission by the sponsor and clearance by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) in order to use a drug product not previously authorized
for marketing in the United States. The IND provisions apply to new drugs, new
antibiotics, and new biologics. Critical review of the contents of the IND is the
means by which the FDA protects the public health from new drugs with un-
proven safety and unproven efficacy.

B. When Is an IND required?

An IND is always required prior to initiation of a clinical study of an investiga-
tional new drug in the United States. In addition, an IND is required before initia-
tion of a clinical study of a drug approved for some uses, but to be studied clini-
cally for a new indication or at unapproved doses or if the new clinical study is
intended to support promotion of the product. The following examples may be
A sponsor wants to initiate animal toxicology studies of an investigational
new drug in the United States. Is an IND required? An IND is not re-
quired, because no studies in humans are proposed at this time.
A sponsor has a novel antihypertensive drug with supporting pharmacol-
ogy, toxicology, and manufacturing information. In order to initiate a

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single-dose pharmacokinetic study in humans in the United States, an
IND must be submitted to the FDA.
A sponsor has a drug that is approved by the FDA for the treatment of
hypertension. New clinical studies are planned to evaluate the drug in
the treatment of congestive heart failure. An IND is required, since the
drug is investigational with respect to its unapproved use in patients
with congestive heart failure.
A sponsor has a drug that is approved by the FDA for the treatment of
hypertension. The sponsor wants to initiate a new clinical study to com-
pare the drug with a major competing antihypertensive product. Both
drugs will be used at doses consistent with the FDA-approved labeling.
In this case, an IND is required if it is the sponsor’s intent to use this
study for promotion of its product.

C. What Is the Legal Basis for an IND?

The requirement for an Investigational New Drug application is defined in the
law governing development of new drugs in the United States, i.e., the Federal
Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act). The FD&C Act became law in 1938,
and it has had several major amendments since that time. Today, the fundamental
requirements of the FD&C Act for new drugs are as follows:

Proof of safety
Substantial evidence of efficacy
Informative labeling for the product
Demonstration of manufacturing of the product to the desired strength,
quality, purity, and identity

The FD&C Act requires that all drugs distributed in interstate commerce
in the United States have proof of safety and substantial evidence of efficacy;
an investigational drug (which by definition lacks such demonstration of safety
and efficacy) may be administered to patients in the United States in order to
gather evidence of safety and efficacy after such a drug obtains an exemption
(i.e., an IND) for conduct of specific clinical studies for specific indications by
specific clinical investigators in the presence of ongoing sponsor commitments
to monitor these studies and provide certain information to the FDA.
The FD&C Act itself defines the requirement for an IND, but it does not
provide more detailed information on the procedures and operational approaches
to be used in drug development in order to satisfy these legal requirements. In
order to provide operational details, subsequent to passage of the FD&C Act, the
FDA developed the implementing regulations governing drug development. Most
of these regulations are found in Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

The following list identifies the major regulations governing development of in-
vestigational drugs:

Part number
in Title 21 Regulation

50 Informed Consent
56 Institutional Review Boards
201 Prescription Drug Labeling
202 Prescription Drug Advertising
211 Current GMPs
312 Investigational New Drug Application
314 New Drug Applications
320 Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Requirements

Beyond these regulations, which are enforceable as law, the FDA provides
guidance documents on the drug development process. These guidance docu-
ments take the form of guidelines, ‘‘Points to Consider’’ documents, and ‘‘Infor-
mation Sheets.’’ Such guidances are informal communications from the FDA in
that they reflect the FDA’s best judgment at the time of their preparation, but
neither the FDA nor sponsors are legally obligated to adhere to the provisions
of guidances.


The FDA uses an introductory part of its IND regulations (21 CFR 312.22) to
present several important principles of the IND submission. These four principles
should be carefully heeded since they provide insight into the key concepts used
by the FDA in reviewing INDs and they can help the sponsor prepare IND docu-
ments that meet the FDA’s expectations.
The first important principle is that the IND must present adequate informa-
tion to permit the FDA to evaluate the drug’s suitability for use in the proposed
clinical study. An application that provides insufficient information to enable a
specific and detailed review of all elements relevant to the proposed clinical study
is unlikely to be allowed to proceed. Similarly, as clinical studies progress over
the years under an IND, subsequent submissions to the IND must continue to
present an adequate set of information to enable appropriate evaluation by the
FDA of proposed clinical studies. For a clinical study in an IND to be acceptable
to the FDA, it must meet the safety standard (i.e., human subjects will not be
exposed to an unreasonable and significant risk); further, the FDA must be con-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

vinced that the study has an acceptable likelihood of providing data capable of
meeting statutory standards.
The second important principle is that the central focus of the initial IND
should be the general investigational plan and the protocol for the first proposed
human study. These documents should inform the FDA of the history of discovery
and nonclinical development of the drug, as well as the overall objectives of the
first human study under the IND, in the context of the plan for other studies
throughout the first year of this IND. A well-conceived, well-written general
investigational plan places the development plan for the drug into perspective
and can help the FDA anticipate the sponsor’s needs for feedback and guidance.
The specific aspects of the proposed protocol (i.e., dose, duration of administra-
tion, subject selection criteria) must be supported by appropriate nonclinical phar-
macology and toxicology studies. If a new drug has had no prior human use
outside the United States, and thus the initial study under the IND is the first
study in humans, both the sponsor and the FDA understand that a highly detailed
investigational plan must be contingent on the outcomes of the first clinical study,
as well as other early studies. Sponsors are expected to exercise considerable
discretion regarding the information submitted in each section of the IND, de-
pending on the available information, type of drug, and the proposed human
study. Therefore, a general investigational plan that outlines the important con-
cepts of the proposed clinical development is usually acceptable.
The third important principle is that the first proposed human study must be
a logical extension of the supporting information in the IND; further, subsequent
amendments to the IND that propose additional human studies must build logi-
cally on the previous submissions to the IND and be supported by additional
relevant information. For example, an initial IND for a novel antibacterial drug
must include a proposed initial human study that builds logically on nonclinical
pharmacology results (e.g., data from in vitro studies and in vivo animal studies
showing antibacterial activity) and nonclinical toxicology results (e.g., the drug
was tolerated in animal studies at exposures above that proposed for the first
human use). Later in the IND process, a new clinical protocol (e.g., one that
proposes to increase the duration of drug administration from 10 days to 30 days
for selected patients) must build logically on appropriate supporting information
reported to the IND. Such information would typically include the results of
longer-duration nonclinical toxicology studies, as well as the safety results for
subjects in prior clinical studies with shorter durations of treatment.
The fourth important principle is that the FDA’s most important act in
reviewing an IND is the ongoing need to assure that human subjects who partici-
pate in the proposed study will not be exposed to unreasonable and significant
risk. Clearly, this focus of the review is consistent with the FDA’s fundamental
charge to protect the public health. Sponsors will be wise to provide information
supporting safety that is as clear and as compelling as possible. In this regard,

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

sponsors should bear in mind that it may be helpful to the FDA, in certain areas
of therapeutics, for the sponsor to present background information on the safety
of currently available therapies for the target disease. This approach can help
establish the context for the FDA’s assessment of the reasonableness of the safety
aspects of the proposed human study in the IND.


The standard contents of an initial IND is described specifically in the regulations

in Part 312. These contents are also listed in the FDA standard covering form
for INDs, i.e., Form FDA 1571. Further explanatory guidance on the content and
format of INDs can be found in regulatory documents (1,2).
The standard contents of an initial IND are listed in Table 1. The concept
underlying this contents of an initial IND can be readily understood if you con-

Table 1 Standard Contents of an Initial IND

Item number Contents of section

Item 1 Form FDA 1571

Item 2 Table of Contents
Item 3 Introductory Statement & General Investigational Plan
a. Introductory Statement
b. Summary of Previous Human Experience
c. Withdrawal from Investigation or Marketing
d. Overall Plan for Investigations
Item 4 Reserved
Item 5 Investigator’s Brochure
Item 6 Protocol
Item 7 Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control Data
a. Drug Substance
b. Drug Product
c. Description of Placebo
d. Labeling
e. Environmental Assessment
Item 8 Pharmacology and Toxicology Data
a. Pharmacology
b. Toxicology
Item 9 Previous Human Experience
Item 10 Additional Information
a. Drug Dependence and Abuse Potential
b. Radioactive Drugs
c. Other Information

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

sider the contents within the six technical sections that comprise all regulatory
submissions. The six technical sections of U.S. drug regulatory applications (i.e.,
Pharmacology & Toxicology, CMC, Clinical, Microbiology, Statistics, and Hu-
man Pharmacokinetics & Bioavailability) are illustrated in Fig. 1. In Fig. 2, the
items in an initial IND are shown within the technical sections. This information
and its associated documentation can be extensive. In the 1980s and 1990s, until
1996, initial INDs for new chemical entities presented this information in suffi-
ciently complete detail to enable a comprehensive review, including review of
raw data, not simply summaries of data. Typically, an initial IND would comprise
4000–6000 pages (e.g., 10 to 15 volumes of 400 pages per volume). For such
initial INDs, the nonclinical pharmacology and toxicology information typically
comprised the largest portion of the IND.
Regulatory reform efforts in the 1990s led to the FDA’s issuance of its
guidance (in November 1995) regarding streamlining the contents of an initial
IND to specifically support an initial Phase I study (2). FDA’s guidance states
that ‘‘if the guidance specified in this document is followed, IND submissions
for Phase 1 studies should usually not be larger than 2 to 3, three inch, three-
ring binders’’ (i.e., approximately 1200–1800 pages). Obviously, successful
implementation of this guidance could lead to substantial reduction in documenta-

Figure 1 Six technical disciplines that comprise all drug regulatory applications in the
United States.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 2 Diagrammatic representation of each item in an initial IND.

tion needed for an initial IND. Given the youth of this new guidance, its imple-
mentation bears close observation.



A critical component of an initial IND is the results of nonclinical toxicology

studies that support human use of the investigational drug. Fundamentally, non-
clinical toxicology studies are conducted to explore and characterize the spectrum
of the drug’s toxicity in vitro and in animals. Some of these nonclinical studies
(i.e., preclinical studies) must be completed before the drug may be administered
for the first time to humans. Such preclinical studies provide the sponsor with
some expectation of which organ systems are likely to exhibit toxicity-related
findings in humans, as well as an expectation of the magnitude of drug exposure
at which such toxicities may occur. Therefore, an adequate characterization of
the drug’s toxicity is an essential precursor to initiation of human studies of the

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

drug. After initiation of the first study in humans, additional nonclinical studies
must be conducted concurrently with human studies. It is critical to establish
close coordination between nonclinical and clinical testing, since nonclinical test-
ing must progress to longer durations of exposure and characterization of the
drug in special populations (e.g., juvenile animals) ahead of proposed clinical
studies using these longer durations of treatment or special patient populations.
Successful coordination enables the relevant aspect of the clinical program to
begin without toxicology-related delays. Each new proposed human study must
build logically on the results of appropriate toxicology studies which are reported
to the IND (as Information Amendments) prior to submission to the FDA of the
new human protocol.
Typically, each new drug undergoes a series of toxicology studies in ani-
mals, beginning with single-dose studies (i.e., acute toxicity studies) and prog-
ressing through subchronic and chronic toxicity studies. Characterization of the
toxic effects of a drug in animals with repeated drug administration over time
provides some insight into the drug’s likely effects in humans, given that many
drug-induced effects are related to the dose, frequency of administration, duration
of administration, and various pharmacokinetic measures of drug exposure. It is
important to consider a typical series of toxicity studies that would be conducted
before the first human use of a new drug in the United States. Although the
information that follows is representative of a typical series of studies, each new
drug must have customized aspects to its nonclinical toxicology program, de-
pending on the unique chemical, pharmacological, and toxicological properties
of the drug, as well as the specific proposed therapeutic use of the drug in humans.
Several authoritative reviews and regulatory guidelines are available to describe
the requirements for nonclinical toxicology studies in the United States (3–9).
These requirements have not changed radically since publication of the Gold-
enthal guidelines in 1968 (3).
Assume, for example, that a new drug is being developed for oral adminis-
tration for treatment of a human disease. Table 2 lists a typical series of toxicol-
ogy studies that should be completed and reported in the initial IND to support
initiation of human studies. Usually, each acute and repeat-dose toxicity study
assesses at least three different doses of the drug in order to characterize the
dose–response relationship of toxic effects on various organ systems in both male
and female animals. If toxicologically adequate, this series of studies would sup-
port repeat-dose administration of the drug to human subjects for up to 4 weeks,
i.e., the longest duration of repeat-dose administration in animals. The rationale
for this series of studies bears explanation.

Acute and repeat-dose toxicity studies provide a screen for initial detection
and characterization of the spectrum of the drug’s toxicity on all major
organ systems. Note that the classical single-dose LD50 study (i.e., deter-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Table 2 Example of Nonclinical Toxicology Studies Needed Before Initiation of
Studies in Humans of a New, Orally Administered Drug

Route of
Type of study Species or test administration

Acute toxicity studies Rat Oral

Rat Parenteral (IV or IP)
Mouse Oral
Mouse Parenteral (IV or IP)
Repeat dose-studies Rodent, 2 weeks dosing Oral
Nonrodent, 2 weeks dosing Oral
Rodent, 4 weeks dosing Oral
Nonrodent, 4 weeks dosing Oral
Toxicokinetic (ADME) stud- Rodent and nonrodent Oral and parenteral
ies (as components of acute
and repeat-dose studies)
Antigenicity testings Guinea pig or rabbit Dermal application
Mutagenicity testing Assay for genetic muta-
tions in bacteria (e.g.,
Ames test)
Assay to detect clastogens
(e.g., rodent bone mar-
row micronucleus test or
human peripheral lym-
phocyte test or mouse
lymphoma assay)

mination of a dose that is lethal to 50% of animals) is not required or

routinely recommended by the FDA (10).
Toxicokinetic components of these acute and repeat-dose studies enable
correlation of findings with measures of drug exposure across different
Mutagenicity studies provide initial evidence that the drug is not a mutagen,
as reflected by detection of point mutations, frame shifts, or aberrations
in individual chromosomes. Lack of mutagenicity is important since
chemical mutagens are more likely than nonmutagens to pose a higher
risk of heritable damage via germ cell mutations, as well as being more
likely to be carcinogenic in humans.
Antigenicity testing is required for drugs that can contact skin. Such testing
provides a means of screening for a drug’s sensitization ability.
Again, this series of toxicology studies should be sufficient to support human
studies with up to four weeks of dosing.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

For some drugs, the sponsor may want to assure that the status of toxicology
studies does not limit the rate of progress of Phase I and II studies in humans.
In such cases, the sponsor may be wise to complete 3-month repeat-dose studies
in rodents and nonrodents, as well as major parts of the reproductive toxicology
studies. Specifically, the sponsor may complete Segment I (study of fertility
and reproductive performance) in a rodent species (usually rat) and Segment II
(study of organogenesis) in male and female rodents and nonrodents (usually
rabbit). Submission of this larger set of results to the IND usually supports clinical
trials well into Phase II with repeat-dose administration to male and female
patients for up to 3 months. However, as originally described in the Golden-
thal guidelines in 1968, some situations still merit completion of Segment I
in female rodents, Segment II (rodent and nonrodent), and preliminary evi-
dence of clinical safety and efficacy in male humans in order to justify
inclusion of female humans of child-bearing potential in Phase II and III clinical
trials. Note that it is usually acceptable to complete the Segment III study (study
of perinatal and lactation periods) in a rodent species later during the IND
A second example may also be helpful. In some cases, the goal of the
sponsor is to introduce a lead member of a novel series of new chemical entities
into human investigations as rapidly as possible. An initial IND for an orally
administration drug, for example, could be submitted with results of single-dose
acute toxicity studies in rat and mouse, 7-day repeat-dose toxicity studies in ro-
dent and nonrodent (e.g., dog), and 2-week repeat-dose toxicity studies in rodent
and nonrodent. These toxicity studies will usually be sufficient to support initia-
tion of a single-dose, dose-ranging study of the safety and pharmacokinetic prop-
erties of an orally administered drug as the first study in humans. This IND could
subsequently be amended to supply the FDA with the results of the 4-week
repeat-dose toxicity studies in rodent and nonrodent (e.g., rat and dog), as well
as results of human studies (for single doses and multiple doses for up to 3 days),
as a precursor to initiating human Phase I or II studies that require drug adminis-
tration for up to 4 weeks.
Initiation of clinical investigations in special patient populations may re-
quire supporting nonclinical studies. To enable inclusion of pediatric patients in
U.S. clinical trials, juvenile toxicity studies should be completed in rats, with
drug administration beginning in animals at the fourth day of age and proceeding
through 21 days of age. Typically, three different doses of drug and a control
are assessed. In some cases, juvenile toxicity studies may also be done in a nonro-
dent species (e.g., dog) when pediatric use of the drug is a major anticipated
clinical use or when the class of drug is known to be associated with pharmaco-
logical effects on development. Of course, in practice, many sponsors and some
divisions of the FDA do not consider it prudent to initiate clinical studies in
pediatric patients until they have collected an appropriate amount of laboratory

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

and clinical safety data, as well as pharmacokinetic data, in adults. Further, some
sponsors obtain clinical experience in descending order by age, i.e., first obtaining
clinical experience in adults, then proceeding to study adolescents, then studying
older children, then younger children, and finally infants.
In summary, for the United States, the following toxicology studies are
generally needed to support various clinical trials:

Minimum duration of treatment in toxicology studies

Proposed duration of drug (R ⫽ rodent and NR ⫽ nonrodent)
administration (oral or
parenteral) in humans Phases I and II Phase III

1 day 2 weeks R and NR

3 days 2 weeks R and NR 2 weeks R and NR
7 days 4 weeks R and NR 3 months R and NR
4 weeks 4 weeks R and NR 3 months R and NR
3 months 3 months R and NR 6 months R and NR
ⱖ6 months 6 month rodent and 12 month

Each toxicology study should be done with drug administration via the intended
clinical route. Each study should elicit sufficient toxicity findings to enable char-
acterization of the toxicity profile of the drug, within the constraints of the studies
completed to date. For drugs with limited bioavailability by the intended clinical
route of administration, adequate characterization of the toxicity profile may be
facilitated by conduct of some repeat-dose toxicology studies using parenteral
administration of the drug. Typically, the duration of human use in Phases I and
II may be as long as the duration of animal studies. However, in Phase III, longer-
term animal studies must be complete, since the duration of human use cannot (in
general) exceed one-half the duration of treatment in animal toxicology studies.


The FDA must have time to review an initial IND before the investigational drug
is shipped and the first clinical investigation is initiated. This review time is
essential to protect the public health because the FDA must assure that, based
on the evidence presented in the initial IND, it is reasonable to proceed with the
first proposed clinical investigation. The more specific nature of the FDA’s re-
view is described in a separate section below. The 30-day review clock begins

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

on the day of the FDA’s receipt of the initial IND, not on the day the sponsor
mails the application. Thirty days after the FDA receives the IND, unless the
FDA has notified the sponsor that the proposed clinical investigation is subject
to a clinical hold, the IND becomes effective and the first proposed clinical inves-
tigation may be initiated. The sponsor may not send or deliver the investigational
drug to any investigator named in the IND until the IND has become effective
(unless the FDA has authorized otherwise).
The reader should note that the FDA does not ‘‘approve’’ INDs; rather,
the FDA allows acceptable INDs to come into effect so that human investigations
can proceed. The regulations do not require an active step with verbal or written
notification by the FDA to the sponsor so that the sponsor is notified that the
IND is in effect. By default, the IND goes into effect 30 days after the FDA
receives it, assuming that no clinical hold has been imposed. Many sponsors, as
well as divisions of the FDA, are uncomfortable with this passive aspect of the
regulations. These sponsors and divisions typically rely on teleconferences to
learn verbally whether the FDA will allow the IND to come into effect.


A. FDA Divisions that Receive INDs for Drugs
Initial INDs for investigational drugs are sent by the sponsor to the appropriate
reviewing division of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
(CDER). Each of the 15 reviewing divisions is responsible for sustaining
medical/scientific expertise and regulatory responsibility for drugs within a spe-
cific therapeutic area. For example, The Division of Neuropharmacological Drug
Products reviews drug products that exert their effects through actions on the
central or peripheral nervous systems, such as anxiolytics, antidepressants, and
anticonvulsant drugs. The Division of Antiviral Drug Products reviews, for exam-
ple, antiretroviral drugs, as well as drugs active against the herpes simplex virus.
These 15 reviewing divisions are organized into five Offices of Drug Evaluation
(ODE), each of which reports to the Office of Review Management within the
CDER. The organizational structure of the CDER, as well as the names of the
current Directors of each ODE, can be readily viewed on the FDA’s web site
Each reviewing division maintains a cadre of reviewers in three of the six
technical disciplines found in drug regulatory applications, i.e., physician/medi-
cal reviewers, pharmacologists/toxicologists, and microbiologists (e.g., in the
case of the Divisions of Anti-Infective Drug Products and the Division of Antivi-
ral Drug Products). Reviewers in the other three technical disciplines are adminis-
tratively located outside the reviewing division, but are assigned to the reviewing

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

division through a matrix organization. That is, the Chemists are in the Office
of New Drug Chemistry, the Statisticians are in the Office of Biostatistics, and
Pharmacokineticists/Biopharmaceutics Reviewers are in the Divisions of Phar-
maceutical Evaluation within the Office of Clinical Pharmacology and Biophar-
maceutics. In some cases (such as the Division of Antiviral Drug Products), these
matrix chemistry, statistical, and biopharmaceutics reviewers are co-located in
office space within the reviewing division to which they are assigned.
INDs and New Drug Applications (NDAs) are assigned by therapeutic cate-
gory to the relevant FDA reviewing division. Within that division, a review team
is assembled to work in a multidisciplinary collaborative effort to review the IND
or NDA. The review team consists of a regulatory/scientific reviewer from each
of the six technical disciplines plus a review coordinator (entitled Consumer
Safety Officer or Project Manager or Regulatory Health Coordinator). The mem-
bers of the review team are illustrated in Fig. 3. Each of these members will
evaluate the acceptability of the application, first from the perspective of their
own technical discipline and then from an integrated perspective in concert with
the reviewers across all six disciplines. In view of this review system at the FDA,
it is wise for the sponsor of the application to perform a similar multidisciplinary
review and defense of the application in the course of preparing and submitting
the application.

Figure 3 Members of the FDA’s review team for a drug regulatory application.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

B. Nature of FDA Review of an Initial IND
FDA reviewers ultimately assess an initial IND against a set of specific criteria.
These criteria are as follows:

The IND contains sufficient information to allow reviewers to assess risk

to humans who will enter the proposed study.
Humans will not be exposed to unreasonable or significant risk of illness
or injury from the drug.
The proposed clinical investigator is qualified by training and experience
to conduct the proposed study.
The Clinical Investigators Brochure is not misleading, erroneous, or materi-
ally incomplete.
Upon completion of their review, each primary and supervisory reviewer
at the FDA must sign an internal review cover sheet to signify that it is reasonable
and appropriate to proceed with the proposed clinical investigation.


FDA reviewing divisions have at their disposal a specific regulatory mechanism

to delay initiation of a clinical study which they find objectionable or to suspend
conduct of an ongoing clinical study which has become objectionable. This regu-
latory mechanism, called a ‘‘clinical hold,’’ is ‘‘an order issued by the FDA to
the sponsor to delay a proposed clinical investigation or to suspend an ongoing
investigation’’ (21 CFR 312.42). The clinical hold order may apply to one study
governed by an IND, more than one study governed by an IND, or all studies
governed by an IND. The consequences of a clinical hold are significant, and
thus INDs must be constructed in such a way as to provide sufficient information
to avoid clinical holds. If a proposed clinical protocol is placed on clinical hold,
no human subject may receive the investigational drug under that protocol. If an
ongoing clinical protocol is placed on clinical hold, no new human subject may
be recruited into the protocol and no new human subject may receive the investi-
gational drug; the disposition of subjects already enrolled in the protocol must
be agreed between the sponsor and FDA.
The grounds for imposition of a clinical hold are specific and detailed. For
ease of reference, these regulatory grounds are presented in detail in Table 3. In
essence, a clinical hold may be imposed if there is a significant safety hazard to
humans receiving the drug, if the investigational plan or protocol is so deficient
that it cannot meet the stated objectives, if the clinical investigator is not qualified
to conduct the investigation, or if the contents of the Clinical Investigators Bro-
chure is fundamentally flawed.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Table 3 Grounds for Imposition of a Clinical Hold on a Clinical Protocol Conducted
Under an IND
Situation Grounds for clinical hold

Clinical hold of a Phase I 1. Humans subject are or would be exposed to an unreason-

clinical protocol able and significant risk of illness or injury.
2. The clinical investigators named in the IND are not quali-
fied by reason of their scientific training and experience to
conduct the investigation described in the IND.
3. The Investigator Brochure is misleading, erroneous, or ma-
terially incomplete.
4. The IND does not contain sufficient information required
under 21 CFR 312.23 (format and content of the IND) to
assess the risks to subjects of the proposed studies.
Clinical hold of a Phase II or Reasons 1–4 above also apply in this case, plus one
III clinical protocol additional criterion:
5. The plan or protocol for the investigation is clearly defi-
cient in design to meet its stated objectives.
Clinical hold of any clinical Reasons 1–5 above also apply in this case, plus one
protocol that is not de- or more of the following 7 additional criteria:
signed to be adequate and 6. There is reasonable evidence the investigation that is not
well controlled designed to be adequate and well controlled is impeding en-
rollment in, or otherwise interfering with the conduct or
completion of, a study that is designed to be an adequate
and well-controlled investigation of the same or another in-
vestigational drug.
7. Insufficient quantities of the investigational drug exist to ad-
equately conduct both the investigation that is not designed
to be adequate and well controlled and the investigations
that are designed to be adequate and well controlled.
8. The drug has been studied in one or more adequate and
well-controlled investigations that strongly suggest lack of
9. Another drug under investigation or approved for the same
indication and available to the same indication and avail-
able to the same patient population has demonstrated a bet-
ter potential benefit/risk balance.
10. The drug has received marketing approval for the same in-
dication in the same patient population.
11. The sponsor of the study that is designed to be an adequate
and well-controlled investigation is not actively pursuing
marketing approval of the investigational drug with due dili-
12. The Commissioner determines that it would not be in the
public interest for the study to be conducted or continued.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


After submission of an initial IND and its acceptance by the FDA, the sponsor’s
effort to develop the drug continues, leading to collection of new information
and the need to submit this information to the FDA. The FDA must be kept
informed of the evolving, increasing scientific knowledge of the drug. The objec-
tives of subsequent submissions to the IND are to maintain the IND in ongoing
good regulatory standing, as well as to assure that new information is submitted
to the FDA before action is initiated by the company. For example, implementa-
tion of a new facility for manufacturing drug product should be adequately docu-
mented and submitted to the FDA before initiation of use of resulting drug prod-
uct in human studies governed by the IND.
The types of submissions to an established IND are as follows:

Reference in Title 21

Protocol Amendments (new protocols, protocol amend- 21 CFR 312.30

ments, new investigators, and changes in investigators)
Information Amendments 21 CFR 312.31
Response to FDA Request for Information
IND Safety Reports 21 CFR 312.32
IND Annual Reports 21 CFR 312.33
Response to Clinical Hold 21 CFR 312.42 (e and f)
General Correspondence (e.g., request for a meeting)

These submissions are required by the IND regulations in order to assure that
the sponsor provides the FDA, on an ongoing basis with diligence, with new
information as it becomes available on the investigational drug. The FDA’s crite-
ria for review of these subsequent submissions are essentially the same criteria
as applied to the initial IND, i.e.:
Submissions continue to build logically on the base of scientific information
about the drug.
Submissions support the conclusion that humans will not be exposed to
unreasonable or significant risk.
The evolving clinical plan or new protocol must be adequate in design to
meet its stated objectives.


The IND process for novel investigational drugs gives the sponsor the opportunity
to prepare a logical and integrated collection of scientific information to support

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

the first clinical investigation under the IND. After submission and acceptance
of the initial IND, the IND process gives the sponsor the opportunity to build
logically and efficiently on the knowledge base about the drug so that subsequent
clinical investigations will continue to be justified on the basis of this growing
knowledge base. As the investigational process continues, the sponsor must con-
tinue to coordinate parallel, integrated development in each of the technical disci-
plines of drug development (i.e., clinical; statistical; chemistry, manufacturing,
and controls; nonclinical pharmacology and toxicology; human pharmacokinetics
and bioavailability; and microbiology). Such integrated growth of knowledge in
each of these technical disciplines is a logical means to lead to construction of
an approvable New Drug Application.


1. Final rule. New drug, antibiotic, and biologic drug product regulations (‘‘IND re-
write’’). Fed Reg 1987; 52(53):8798–8857.
2. Food and Drug Administration. Guidance for industry: content and format of investi-
gational new drug applications (INDs) for Phase 1 studies of drugs, including well-
characterized, therapeutic, biotechnology-derived products. Washington, DC: Food
and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, No-
vember 1995.
3. Goldenthal EI. Current views on safety evaluation of drugs. FDA Papers 1968
4. General Considerations for the Clinical Evaluation of Drugs. Washington, DC: Food
and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Sep-
tember 1977.
5. General Considerations for the Clinical Evaluation of Drugs in Infants and Children.
Washington, DC: Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Health, Edu-
cation and Welfare, September 1977.
6. Traina VM. The role of toxicology in drug research and development. Med Res Rev
1983; 3:43–72.
7. Hoyle PC, Cooper EC. Nonclinical toxicity studies of antiviral drugs indicated for
the treatment of non-life-threatening diseases: evaluation of drug toxicity prior to
Phase I clinical studies. Regulatory Toxicol Pharmacol 1990; 11:81–89.
8. Scales MDC, Mahoney K. Animal toxicology studies on new medicines and their
relationship to clinical exposure: a review of international recommendations. Ad-
verse Drug React Toxicol Rev 1991; 10:155–168.
9. Cartwright AC, Matthews BR, eds. International Pharmaceutical Product Registra-
tion: Aspects of Quality, Safety and Efficacy. London: Ellis Horwood, 1994:411–
10. LD50 test policy: notice. Fed Reg 1988; 53:39650–39651.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Performance and Interpretation
of Laboratory Tests

W. Leigh Thompson*
Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

Rocco L. Brunelle
Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

Michael G. Wilson
Michael G. Wilson and Company, Inc., New Palestine, Indiana

Symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests are the inputs to health decisions about
prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment. The quality with which they are elicited and
interpreted limits the quality of health decisions.
Symptoms are God’s reminders to visit your physician or modify your be-
havior. Symptoms are elicited from patients or their companions, and a skilled
practitioner knows not only what questions to ask, but in what order, with what
flavoring, and with careful observation of the nonverbal and verbal responses.
Signs are detected by the health practitioner using her or his five primary
senses: seeing a rash, hearing a murmur, feeling the pulse, smelling the fetor
hepaticus of liver failure, and tasting the sweet urine of a patient with diabetes
mellitus. The best practitioners have a sixth sense, poorly defined, that the patient
is sick or dying, that the patient is recovering, or that the patient is faking. When
a nurse with this sixth sense tells a physician that the patient is going sour, a
bright physician hastens to patientside.
God provided us with a few sensors for a narrow bandwidth of energy
spectra more suitable for living than diagnosing. Our elegant eye–brain visual
system, which can detect the subtle yellowing of jaundice under the tongue, has
been supplemented with shorter-wavelength detectors of Röntgen rays, magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) detectors of electron spin in radio frequency fields,

* Retired

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

and longer-wavelength infrared detectors of thermography and the echoes of ul-
trasound. The skin’s limitation to direct vision has been supplemented with fiber
optic extenders into our innermost secrets.
Our 20- to 20,000-Hz ears, which can hear a subtle murmur in a neonate,
have been supplemented by ultrasonic visualizers of fetal heartbeats.
Our temperature receptors, which feel fever, are supplemented by precise
trends in core and surface temperatures.
Our touch receptors, which detect an erratic pulse, have been supplemented
by noninvasive monitors of blood circulation and gas transport.
Our olfactory and gustatory chemoreceptors, which modulate our diet and
detect diabetes mellitus from urine taste, have been supplemented by a host of
microchemical reactions that can measure many chemicals, even a single gene,
in biological samples taken from the body, sampled via intrusive needles, or soon
through noninvasive glucose sensors worn like a watch.
Formerly it took decades to hone the skills of the expert clinician, who,
like Sherlock Holmes, could amaze with her online integration of subtle symp-
toms and expertly elicit signs to elaborate an elegant differential diagnosis, prog-
ress through a sophisticated decision tree, and focus on the proper decisions about
prognosis and disease management.
Today a clerk can report that the computer signaled that the patient’s blood
serum bilirubin concentration reported value is, in someone’s estimate, abnormal.
The training, experience, expertise, and patientside time of the clinician that was
formerly revered has been complemented by highly reimbursed laboratory tests
that properly supplement but sometimes supplant that clinician’s intellect.
Perhaps because these tests can be counted and accounted with imagined
precision, they have become the reimbursement scaffolding that seems to replace
both physicians and patients in formulating diagnoses (e.g., hyponatremia) or
treatment (e.g., a limit of 4 days inpatient care with no more than two sodium
measurements per day). Older clinicians will remember when health decisions
were made by those who touched, saw, heard, smelled, and tasted the patient
directly, not vicariously or vacuously.
In 1769, James Watt patented the steam engine that began the industrial
revolution. Objects that had been handmade with parts finely honed to fit together
perfectly were now stamped out of machines that made interchangeable parts.
Workers too became interchangeable as their tasks were simplified so that they
did not need to speak a common language, require training, or learn to understand
more than the simple repetitive task they did amidst time–motion and other effi-
ciency studies.
Medicine withstood the industrial revolution for two centuries, continuing
as a cottage industry feeforsaurus. Today, laboratory tests are just part of the
managed-care race to the industrial revolution of medicine, where customers (pa-
tients) have interchangeable parts and workers (physicians and nurses) are

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

dumbed down to simple tasks described by numerical codes. Imagine Sir William
Osler performing a 17.3 (office visit routine) or Halsted describing his mastec-
tomy procedure as a 376 and racing to discharge every such patient in 3 days.
Let us consider how to interpret laboratory tests, individually and multidi-
mensionally, and how the astute clinician braids them with symptoms and signs
into an elegant relevance diagram (the linear transform of an exponential decision
tree) to enhance the quality of health decisions, refine prognostic divinations, and
formulate a health plan with the patient.
Sample identification: Everyone considers the linkage of the patient sample
with the identification of the patient, the date and time of sampling, the bodily
source of the sample, the processing and transport of that sample, the date and
time of analysis, and the technique used in analysis. Fewer consider the position
of the patient, prior food or exercise and meals, the duration of tourniquet isch-
emia, circadian or menstrual cycles, prior medications, or subtle lysis of or leak-
age from blood cells and platelets. Repeating a sample with an unusual test result,
perhaps with a few confirmatory tests and observations, can help validate the
legitimacy and consistency of the original observation or spark an inquiry into
errors and neglected factors. Miracles do occur, but less frequently than labora-
tory error (1,2).
Test performance: Imagine that you just discovered your ability to quantify
the concentration of myocardial actin elements (MACE) in blood serum with a
noninvasive ray gun and you wish to adjust the red and green lights on the ray
gun so that red will indicate myocardial ischemia and green will indicate no
ischemia. Your first concern may be sensitivity. Should your settings be such that
only very severe ischemia is indicated, or do you wish to include mild ischemia as
well? Using a ‘‘gold standard,’’ such as following closely the course of typical
patients with all the standard tests, you discover a range of settings from high
levels that only turn red for the most severe ischemia to low levels that turn red
for many patients who do not have ischemia. Sensitivity (true positive rate) is
the fraction of patients with a condition (such as ischemia) who have a positive
test (the red light turns on). In terms of true (T) and false (F) positive (P) and
negative (N) test results, sensitivity is TP/(TP ⫹ FN). You might find a red light
setting that made your test pathognomonic with no false positives—if the red
light is on, the patient is certain to have ischemia by gold standard tests (3,4).
Specificity (true negative rate) is your other concern. Specificity is the frac-
tion of patients without the condition who have a negative test: TN/(TN ⫹ FP).
If patients with a red light are immediately injected with an expensive and danger-
ous drain opener or have a rotorooter procedure, you may wish to minimize false
positive tests.
A graphical representation of sensitivity and specificity on a single test that
is commonly used is taken from radio receiver operating characteristic curves
(ROC) in which noise (1 ⫺ specificity) is on the abscissa and signal (sensitivity)

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

on the ordinate (5). The upper left (0,1) is perfect sensitivity and specificity—
all positive tests indicate the condition and all patients with the condition have
a positive test. If the test has no ability to discriminate between patients with and
without the condition, the characteristics of the test are a straight line from lower
left (0,0) to upper right (1,1). Most tests, characteristics describe an upwardly
convex curve above the diagonal and a point may be selected (defining the TP,
TN, FP, and FN proportions) for desired performance.
For your MACE assay you would test many patients with very diverse
characteristics and health conditions with your ray gun and with all the conven-
tional gold standard tests to construct the ROC curve of your device. Then you
would consider which operating point on the ROC curve to select for switching
from a green to red light.
If a false negative sends the patient home to die of myocardial infarction,
you might want a very sensitive test. But if false positives lead to expensive,
dangerous treatments, you might want a more selective point. There is no perfect
answer to adjusting the cost–quality function of a test, but the test cannot be
considered in isolation from the patients to whom it is applied and the decisions
that will be conditioned by the test result.
Pretest probability of the condition being diagnosed should be considered
as well. Suppose you find your MACE ray gun to have an excellent ROC with
a point that has sensitivity and specificity of 0. 98. Suppose you used it to screen
the first 1000 patients entering your emergency department. If this population
has a prevalence of myocardial ischemia of 0.1%, then your test is 98% certain
of detecting the one patient with myocardial ischemia, but your red light would
also brighten for 20 other patients who do not have this condition. Would your
test seem better if it were applied only to patients with chest pain, or to patients
with chest pain plus an abnormal electrocardiogram?
Information theory and Bayes’ law best describe the value of one or a group
of laboratory tests. If the probability of the patient having the disease or condition
before testing (pretest probability) is 0 or 1, the test adds no value to the classifi-
cation of that patient and thereby imparts no useful information for the purpose
of classification. In information theory, the test has 0 bits of information.
If the test alone provides perfect information to classify the patient, it con-
tains 1 bit of information. The extent by which the test reduces uncertainty about
the classification can be expressed as a fraction of one bit of information. Shannon
and Weaver (6) developed this information theory as an expression of the infor-
mation and noise in an audio signal transmitted via telephone.
The information content of a test in an individual patient can be calculated
from the probability of the patient having disease before the test [ p(D⫹)], the
true positive rate or the probability of a positive test given that the patient has
disease [p(T⫹ |D⫹)], and the false positive rate [ p(T⫹| D⫺)]. Informational con-
tent is 0 when p(D⫹) is 0 or 1 and reaches a peak at some intermediate p(D⫹).

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

George Diamond et al. (7) derived the equations for calculation of information
content of diagnostic tests and showed how the average information content and
its variance can be calculated over a population of patients.
Diamond et al. applied information theory to the ST segment depression
on an exercise test in a population of patients who later had coronary artery
disease determined by angiography (their gold standard). In an ordinal (categori-
cal)-scale analysis they segregated responses by ST depression: 0.5 or more, 1.0
or more, etc. The information content of this test was greatest near a pretest
probability of 50%, determined from symptoms, where there was maximum un-
certainty about classification of the patient before applying the test. Even so,
considering all patients given the test, the average information content was only
0.11 bit. Had the test been perfect for this population of patients, the average
information content would have been 0.72 bit.
They also performed a compartmental analysis in which each ST segment
was analyzed on a continuous scale rather than solely in classes such as 0.5 or
greater. Such continuous-scale analysis increased informational content by 41%.
For example, in a patient with a pretest probability of 0.5, a positive ST segment
depression of 1.0 mm or more increased the probability of coronary artery disease
to 0.81 overall, but if the depression were negative (less than 1.0 mm), the posttest
probability was reduced to 0.29. See how this can easily demonstrate the test
value to a patient and be used to calculate the cost-effectiveness of this test.
Categorical analysis using the actual ST depression further sharpened the
informational content. A positive ST depression led to a posttest probability of
0.68 for 1.0-mm depression to 0.98 for 2.5-mm depression. Similarly a negative
ST depression led to posttest probabilities of 0.19 for 0-mm depression to 0.48
for 0.5-mm depression.
The importance of pretest probability cannot be overemphasized. In this
study, Diamond et al. (7) found that the ECG stress test contained 0.05 bit of
information when applied to asymptomatic patients (with a pretest probability of
4.5%), as compared with 0.28 bit when applied to patients with atypical angina
(pretest probability 49.9%). One might conclude that in routine testing of asymp-
tomatic patients in a clinical trial, the informational content of all those tests
would be at a minimum and their cost–benefit therefore problematical.
Sometimes diagnostic tests are described by likelihood ratio. This is the
ratio of true positive rate to false positive rate. It neglects prevalence of disease
and is not weighted for the frequency of occurrence of the observation. In some
cases it correlates negatively with information content and therefore is a mis-
leading tool (7). Combining the results of multiple tests to provide a discriminant
function may enhance sensitivity and specificity. A combination of serum concen-
trations of bilirubin, gamma glutamyltransferase, alkaline phosphatase, alanine
aminotransferase, and aspartate aminotransferase will sharpen the discrimination
of patients with clinically significant liver dysfunction from those without. With

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

modern numerical methods, many functions can be explored for different patient
classes. One function might minimize false positives and negatives when applied
to Caucasian men who are more than 50 years old and who claim not to smoke
or drink ethanol. Another function might be found to be better for other patient
Thus tests should not be considered in isolation. Patient characteristics may
change your operating point that switches from expected to notable, prevalence
must be considered, and combinations of tests may be more informative than
individual tests.
Now let us focus on the use of laboratory tests in clinical trials in which
outcomes of patients are related to different classifications (e.g., diagnoses or
strata) or different interventions (e.g., placebo and experimental therapies). We
would employ laboratory tests (8), as well as signs and symptoms, in six ways:
1. To select patients for inclusion in a trial
2. To exclude from the trial patients who might be unsuitable
3. To prehoc stratify patients into groups expected to have differences in
4. To protect patients during the trial if signals indicated the need for a
change in treatment
5. To detect unexpected consequences of treatment
6. To assess outcomes themselves
Inclusion criteria should be considered carefully in any trial. The definition
of those included may be narrowed to minimize variability, but this also restricts
generalization of the results. If you study drug kinetics in young, healthy, Cauca-
sian, nonobese men who do not smoke, drink, exercise, or abuse drugs while
they are eating a defined regular diet and have only normal routine blood and
urine chemistry laboratory test results, will these observations help you select
doses to use in a population of patients who actually use your new drug? If
you are testing a drug for treatment of anemia, should all patients have a blood
hemoglobin concentration less than 10 g/L, or should menstruating women have
blood hemoglobin concentrations less than 9 g/L, or should all patients have
blood hemoglobin concentrations less than those expected in 99% of healthy
patients of similar age, gender, race, smoking, and ethanol drinking habits?
Exclusion of patients who will die, disappear, or be removed from a trial
before its conclusion will minimize concerns about analyzing results in such pa-
tients together with those that complete the trial. Thus patients with test results
suggesting drug or ethanol abuse, pregnancy, metastatic cancer, or other rapidly
lethal conditions might be excluded.
Likewise, patients with chronic diseases that fluctuate in intensity may be
excluded if exacerbations of the concomitant disease may be confused with ef-
fects of the illness being studied or its treatment. Thus, patients with chronic

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

active hepatitis might be excluded, lest exacerbation of this illness be confused
with liver toxicity of a treatment.
However, one may not wish to exclude healthy elderly, young, or obese
subjects or those with stable diseases unlikely to confound your observations, to
ensure that your results can be generalized to most of the population of patients
to apply your recommended prognoses or treatments.
Prehoc stratification is a powerful tool that should be considered in any
trial. Random allocation attempts to distribute patients evenly among groups so
they are otherwise comparable in all characteristics except those you use to define
the groups (e.g., active drug or placebo).
If you can predict characteristics that you expect to correlate with the out-
come of interest, then proactively, prospectively ensure that patients with these
characteristics are distributed evenly among the groups. Thus in treating an illness
you might prehoc stratify on the severity or duration of the illness at intake and,
if age or gender or both might affect outcome, you could also stratify on those
During a period of observation of any patients, some will develop illness
that requires special attention. Patient safety can be improved if, in addition to
symptoms about which you have instructed the patient, signs are assessed at
periodic physical examinations, and laboratory tests are employed at appropriate
Active treatments and placebos will cause adverse events that are undesired
and often unexpected. Are such events causally related to treatment or assignment
of patients to groups, or are they unrelated to your protocol and manifestations
of concomitant drugs, behaviors, and illnesses? Such events should be well char-
acterized by careful assessment of signs, symptoms, and laboratory test results
over their duration so that similar events can be clustered and alternative causa-
tion explored.
Sometimes laboratory test results may themselves define the outcomes of
interest. Treatment of diabetes mellitus might be defined by the concentration of
glycosylated hemoglobin or treatment of moderately severe depression might be
defined by the score of the Hamilton Depression Scale.
In any of these uses, one must assess which test results are usually expected
and which are notable. Epidemiologically one might assess a symptom, sign, or
test result in a well-characterized population of subjects and describe the distribu-
tion of results.
Scales: For a dichotomous scale variable there may be a binomial result—
present or absent. Thus, all the population might be found to have a detectable
heartbeat. A classification scale would assign subjects to discrete sets such as
blonde, brunette, or red-haired. For an ordinal-scale variable you might assign
continuous or discontinuous numerical values in which the ratios of values are
not meaningful: ⫹, ⫹⫹, ⫹⫹⫹. A ratio scale has a defined zero and ratios among

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

values are meaningful. A patient who loses from 160 to 140 pounds has the same
proportional weight loss as one who goes from 120 to 105 pounds.
How precise must be your measurement? Would you count the pulse until
you could assert a heart rate of 72.6 min⫺1? In this case, you palpate many heart
beats not to achieve precision in defining the rate but to detect the infrequent
abnormal beat. If you feel only 100 heartbeats, you have a 95% probability of
detecting at least one abnormal beat if abnormal beats make up 3% or more of
all heartbeats.
If you measured heart rates in many patients, how would you describe the
distribution of heart rates in your population? Perhaps there would be many be-
tween 65 and 75 min⫺1. There might be a few less than 35 min⫺1 and a few greater
than 130 min⫺1. For many biological variables the distribution approximates a
mathematical function described by Gauss and often called the normal distribution.
Close examination of most variables will show that this approximation is
a poor fit in the tails of the distribution, partly because living beings are more
unusual than the Gaussian function would predict and partly because samples
may include members from other populations.
If one is interested only in the central tendency of the distribution, the
mean, median, or mode, then the tails are relatively less important.
In medicine and in clinical trials, however, it is the unusual observation
that is of greatest interest. We are less concerned about patients with relatively
low levels of liver test results, but we are intensely interested in those with unusu-
ally high levels. Unfortunately, our statistics generally address the center of distri-
butions and we are unaccustomed to tests that define whether just the tails fit a
Gaussian curve or how to test just the tails. In a clinical trial of a new diuretic
you might ask whether the mean serum urate concentration is different among
the treatment groups, but a more important observation might be of patients with
high urate concentrations.
Because we often lack sufficient observations to test whether the tails fit
a mathematical function precisely, it is best to use nonparametric tests.
Modern numerical methods using computers provide sophisticated distribu-
tion-free analyses of the tails of distributions and help us define notable observa-
tions as distinguished from expected observations.
Most laboratories will provide a reference range for their tests (9,10). Many
assume that this range will include 95% of healthy subjects. But how is health
defined? Often these are observations of a few young, Caucasian, nonobese males
who do not smoke, drink ethanol, or abuse drugs. Unusual values from this sam-
ple may be censored just because they are several standard deviations from the
mean and make the curve messy. In one case we found the reference range to
be constructed from eight employees, but the results from one were censored.
Errors in defining reference ranges or alert values can greatly complicate
a large clinical trial. The average New Drug Application to the Food and Drug

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Administration contains about 573,000 laboratory test results—the sponsor might
be evaluating thousands of results each day.
For a more useful reference range in clinical-trial patients, we examined
routine laboratory test results of 5560 consecutive patients, withdrawn from prior
therapies, who were attempting to qualify for trials of hypertension, cardiac dys-
rhythmia, or peptic ulcer (1).
Reference ranges of the major central laboratory that performed all the
assays were said to exclude 2.5% of healthy subjects in each tail. But in this
sample, only 4 of 36 analyte distributions defined 1.25% to 3.75% of the values
as falling beyond the reference ranges.
In examining a large number of published reference ranges for routine ana-
lytes, we could not find any that reliably predicted the outliers for our populations
of patients.* Therefore, we defined clinical-trial candidate reference ranges using
20,102 patients similar to those described above (2). This population resembled
closely the general U.S. population, as 54.9% were female (U.S., 52.8%), 78.2%
were Caucasian (U.S., 84.1%), 59.8% were less than 50 years old (U.S., 67.4%),
64.5% said they were nonsmokers (U.S., 70.2%), and 51.5% said they did not
imbibe (U.S., 59.2%). These values were collected from two large well-known
central laboratories by Patrick J. Simpson and Randy L. Walker of Eli Lilly and
Company (1,2). The first and 99th percentile values for each of 36 analytes are
shown in Appendix A at the end of this text.
Then we tested to see if any patient characteristics influenced the distribu-
tion of analyte results. It is known, for example, that hemoglobin concentrations
are smaller in women, low neutrophil counts are more common in blacks, and
men have higher concentrations of creatinine, urate, gamma-glutamyltransferase,
and urea. Rocco L. Brunelle, Michael G. Wilson, and Gregory G. Enas of Eli Lilly
and Company (1,2) performed Brown-Mood tests to see if patient characteristics
influenced the proportion of patients segregated into the tails of the analyte val-
ues. For 39 blood and urine analytes, significant ( p ⬍ .05) differences were found
in 50% of the tails (⬍1% and ⬎99%) of distributions according to gender (male
or female), 46% according to race (Caucasian or other), 47% according to age
(⬍50, ⬎49 years), 39% by smoking (current by history, yes or no), and 36% by
ethanol consumption (recent by history, yes or no). In many cases, the differences
were quite large (12).
For example, the upper 99th percentile for gamma-glutamyltransferase is
94 U/L in Caucasian men over 49 years of age who smoke but deny drinking

* Subsequent to our initial publications, approved guidelines for the definition and determination of
reference ranges were published by the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards in
1995 (11). That work of the EPTRV proved to be a most useful basis for the development of the
NCCLS guidelines. Basically, the a-posteriori method as described by the NCCLS protocol guide-
line was the methodology employed to construct our ranges.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 1 Blood hemoglobin concentrations in 20,102 subjects applying for clinical
trials on a probability plot in which a Gaussian distribution is linear. Eight demographic
groups are shown.

ethanol and 460 U/L in similar patients who are non-Caucasian and admit to
imbibing ethanol. Similar creatinine kinase activities upper tails vary from 218
U/L in young Caucasian women who smoke but do not drink to 2770 U/L in
young non-Caucasian men who smoke and drink.
Consider the distribution of blood hemoglobin concentrations. This illustra-
tion shows a Gaussian probability distribution on the abscissa. On this scale, a

Figure 2 Blood serum gamma—glutamyltransferase activities in subjects applying for

clinical trial. Gaussian distributions would be linear. Note that few of these values are
within textbook reference ranges for this analyte.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Gaussian distribution would be a straight line. Note that hemoglobin values are
relatively Gaussian throughout. Also note that values tend to be greater in males
and non-Caucasian subjects. Because the sample was drawn from hundreds of
investigators throughout the United States, these hemoglobin measurements re-
flect some subjects living at relatively high altitudes and some who were not
excluded by a history or signs and symptoms of anemia or polycythemia from
participating in this initial blood sampling to qualify for a clinical trial. Clearly
these patients are not a healthy population, but they may be representative of
ambulatory subjects who are not seriously ill and who are volunteering for partici-
pation in a clinical trial.
Contrast this with the distribution of activities of serum gamma-glutamyl-
transferase. Obviously, the higher values are not described well by Gaussian
statistics. Probably some of these patients have values influenced by imbibing
ethanol. Serum creatinine kinase distributions are similar.
Neutrophil concentrations are not Gaussian. Note the S curves on this prob-
ability distribution. Also observe that non-Caucasians (mostly blacks in this pop-
ulation) have distinctly lower neutrophil counts at the lower tail.
The effects of age on the serum creatinine concentrations is apparent espe-
cially in non-Caucasians.
Thus, it is prudent to use reference ranges from a population of patients
that resemble your individual patient. To this end, we (2) constructed 32 reference
ranges for dichotomized values of gender, race, age, smoking, and drinking etha-
nol as described above. These are used routinely by many laboratories and regula-

Figure 3 Serum creatinine concentration in 20,102 consecutive patients applying for

participation in clinical trials. No patient values were censored. Older patients have higher
values of creatinine.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 4 Blood neutrophil counts in an uncensored population of patients applying for
clinical trials. Non-Caucasians, mostly Blacks, have lower neutrophil counts which may
be confused with neutropenia.

tors in defining notable versus expected analyte values. The first and 99th percen-
tile values for the 32 demographic groups are reprinted in Appendixes B to E.
Almost all of these tests were performed in adults. The difficulty of establishing
pediatric reference ranges has been emphasized (13,14).
Are 1% tails suitable? Remember, you are trying to identify notable results.
In this reference population we can predict what proportion of patients will have
notable results using the 1% and 99% tails. If the analyte results are not correlated,
we would identify 1 ⫺ (.98)36 ⫽ 52% of patients as having one or more notable
values. If we repeated the observations at five intervals, and the results were not
correlated, we would identify 97% of patients as having one or more notable
Are the first and 99th percentiles appropriate for panic values that lead to
immediate notification of the investigator and sponsor? Probably not. Kost (15)
surveyed U.S. medical centers to establish a consensus of critical values for ur-
gent clinician notification.
Reference ranges describe one measurement in a defined population. But
what of intraindividual variation between repeated measurements? To estimate
this, we sampled 3556 patients from the population above who had duplicate
samples drawn at intervals of 1–2 weeks (1). The largest 1% of decrements and
increments between paired samples were called delta limits. These were not found
to be related to the patient characteristics. The delta limits (2) are reprinted in
the appendixes. You may find them a useful standard against which to compare
intraindividual variation in your clinical trial patients.
At the start of a trial, one might exclude patients with underlying liver

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

dysfunction by excluding any with five liver test values exceeding the 99th per-
centile for that patient’s demographic group. You would expect a positive correla-
tion among these analytes and therefore you would exclude less than 5% of your
population. If you were willing to exclude up to 10% of your applicants, you
might also exclude those with creatinine kinase and creatinine values that exceed
the 99th percentile and those with neutrophil, platelet, or erythrocyte values that
fall below the first percentile.
During the course of your patients’ participation in the protocol, routine
laboratory values that fall outside the reference values for the demographic group
or changes in analyte values since baseline that fall outside the delta limits can
be flagged for special observation. If significantly more patients in one treatment
group have notable values for an analyte, that suggests a causal relationship
should be explored.
We prefer to monitor continuously the proportion of test results after base-
line that fall outside the appropriate reference range or delta limit for each treat-
ment group. We also group all five liver tests and examine only the high values,
all five kidney tests, etc., and monitor the proportion of patient liver tests after
baseline notable by reference range or delta limit for each study group. Thus a
patient with very abnormal liver test values would have 10 values entered, but
a patient with one isolated high test value would have only one or two entries.
If there is a significant difference among groups, this deserves further analysis.
Another test among groups is to rank for each analyte the most extreme
values observed after baseline and the most extreme change from baseline. Thus
the largest serum bilirubin concentration, either as a concentration or transformed
into a percentile for that patient’s demographic group, would be assigned a rank
of 1. Then sum these ranks across all five liver tests. The patient who had the
worse liver tests and changes in tests might have a summed rank as small as 10.
Test the distribution among groups of these summed ranks for the top 5% of
patients. If the summed ranks in the group given a new drug are significantly
smaller (more extreme) than those in the group given placebo, then a causal
relationship should be explored.
What is three times the upper limit of normal? Is this thrice the upper limit
of a reference range? This point is just an arbitrary large value. No patient would
survive a serum sodium twice the upper limit of normal, but a creatinine kinase
or gamma-glutamyltransferase thrice normal is common. A limit might be more
useful as the point that would be exceeded by only one in one thousand ‘‘usual’’


1. Thompson WL, Brunelle RL, Enas GG, Simpson PJ. Routine laboratory tests
in clinical trials: interpretation of results. J Clin Res Drug Devel 1987; 1:95–119.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

2. Thompson WL, Brunelle RL, Enas GG, Simpson PJ, Walker RL. Routine Laboratory
Tests in Clinical Trials. Indianapolis, IN: Eli Lilly, 1990:1–63.
3. Thompson WL. Decision Quality for Health Professionals, Patients, and Managed
Care. Indianapolis, IN: Eli Lilly, 1993:1–144.
4. Barnett RN. Medical significance of laboratory results. Am J Clin Pathol 1968; 50:
5. Metz CE, Goodenough DJ, Rossman K. Evaluation of receiver operating characteris-
tic curve data in terms of information theory, with applications in radiology. Radiol-
ogy 1973; 109:297–306.
6. Shannon EC, Weaver W. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Chicago:
University of Illinois Press, 1949.
7. Diamond GA, Hirsch M, Forrester JS, Staniloff HM, Vas R, Halpern SW, Swan
HJC. Application of information theory to clinical diagnostic testing. The electrocar-
diographic stress test. Circulation 1981; 63:915–921.
8. Wallach JB. Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Wil-
liams & Wilkins, 2000.
9. Solberg HE, PetitClerc C, Dybkoer R. Approved recommendation (1986) on the
theory of reference values (parts I–VI). J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1987; 25:337–
342, 639–644, 645–656, 657–662, and 1988; 26:593–598.
10. Galen RS, Gambino SR. Beyond Normality: The Predictive Value and Efficiency
of Medical Diagnoses. New York: Wiley, 1975.
11. Sasse EA, Aziz KJ, Harris EK, Krishnamurthy S, Lee HT, Ruland A, Seamonds B.
How to Define and Determine Reference Intervals in the Clinical Laboratory; Ap-
proved Guideline. Villanova, PA: National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Stan-
dards, pub. C28-A, 1995.
12. Wilson MG. Lilly Reference Ranges. In: Chow S-C, ed. Encyclopedia of Biophar-
maceutical Statistics. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2000.
13. Burritt MF, Slockbower JM, Forsman RW, Offord KP, Bergstralh EJ, Smithson WA.
Pediatric reference intervals for 19 biologic variables in healthy children. Mayo Clin
Proc 1990; 65:329–336.
14. Whitley RJ. Reference values in pediatric medicine (editorial). Mayo Clin Proc
1990; 65:431–435.
15. Kost GJ. Critical limits for urgent clinician notification at U.S. medical centers.
JAMA 1990; 263:704–707.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Issues in Endpoint Selection
Karen D. Weiss
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, United States Food and
Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland

Jay Philip Siegel

Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, United States Food and
Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland


The goal of any clinical trial is to yield valuable and reliable scientific information
that can ultimately guide medical practice. To that end, appropriate attention to
study design, including the selection of reasonable and relevant trial endpoints,
is essential for success. Trial endpoints are events or measurements that reflect
the effects of an intervention on the study participants. Most trials are designed
to collect data on many different endpoints, the nature and number of which will
depend on the condition or disease of the individuals who are in the study, the
anticipated pharmacological and toxic effects of the intervention, and the objec-
tive of the clinical investigation. In the initial studies, where safety and dosing
information is of prime interest, study endpoints usually are measurements of
pharmacokinetics and safety. In later clinical development, there is growing em-
phasis on evaluation of activity and, ultimately, efficacy. Efficacy is generally
evaluated by using adequate and well-controlled clinical trials designed to show
that the intervention meaningfully affects the trial’s efficacy endpoints.
Efficacy endpoints either directly characterize the clinical benefits of the
intervention or are surrogates believed to predict clinical benefit. The choice of
efficacy endpoints involves selection of an outcome measure, determination of
when and how to measure it, and determination of how to analyze the results.
These choices have profound effects on the success of a trial.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


Several characteristics should be considered when selecting an endpoint. An

endpoint should be feasible to measure, meaning that it should be possible to
obtain the endpoint measure in all or nearly all subjects. Factors such as the
following may result in endpoint data being missing from a substantial number
of patients:

Patients may refuse to consent to the endpoint measuring procedure.

Patients may die or withdraw before endpoint measurement.
Patients may miss the critical visit for endpoint measurement.
Technical problems may invalidate some data.

Missing data may substantially reduce the ability to draw valid inferences from
a trial; appropriate selection of an endpoint can reduce the amount of missing
data and its effect on the study.
An endpoint should be sensitive to the desired effects of the interventions
under study. Selection of an endpoint sensitive to the hypothesized differences
in treatment effects between the experimental and control arms will increase the
likelihood of demonstrating a difference (i.e., power) or decrease the size of study
required to demonstrate a difference.
An endpoint should be clinically meaningful. In general, an endpoint
should be a direct measure of an important benefit to patients, such as longer
survival, less pain, or improved physical functioning. Endpoints based on scoring
systems should be validated to ensure they reflect true clinical benefit. Endpoints
that do not directly measure benefit (e.g., laboratory tests, x-rays) are of value
as primary efficacy measures only when they correlate with and predict clinical
It is desirable that an endpoint be one whose meaning can be readily com-
municated to those who will receive the results of the trial. Communication of
the results of a trial and the nature and magnitude of a drug effect, whether in
a manuscript, a presentation, or a package label, is easier if endpoints have a
readily understood clinical meaning (e.g., percentage survival at 1 year), than if
alternative endpoints are used (e.g., an unfamiliar scoring system). Selection of
endpoints that are readily communicated potentially can enhance the impact of
a trial on medical practice.
It is desirable that an endpoint be objective, particularly in trials in which
subjects or investigators may be unblinded or in which the study treatment has
unblinding effects. Many factors may introduce bias into the assessment of an
endpoint that is subjectively assessed by patients or assessors; objective endpoints
reduce bias.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


Some endpoints assess events, while others provide a measurement of an out-

come. Events occur at a specific point in time and their assessment is binary,
i.e., either the event has occurred or it has not. Examples of events are death,
stroke, cure of infection, progression to AIDS, myocardial infarction, or a flare
of asthma. In contrast, measurements have several or many potential values that
may change over time. Examples of measurements include blood pressure,
strength, weight, CD4⫹ cell count, tumor size, quality of life scored on a standard
scale, and visual acuity. Several factors may affect the decision to use a measure-
ment-based or an event-based endpoint. Measurements can detect a broad range
of change in the outcome measure in each patient; therefore, measurement-based
endpoints will often be more sensitive and yield greater power than event-based
endpoints. Measurements, however, may detect very small changes, and therefore
may raise more questions about clinical meaningfulness.


In clinical trials, measurements are sometimes turned into binary, eventlike end-
points through the establishment of one or more cutpoints. For example, rather
than assessing the change in measurements of CD4⫹ cell count, weight, or visual
acuity, one can assess the prevalence of a drop in CD4⫹ cell count below 200
cells/µL, a loss of at least 5 kg body weight, or improvement of vision by two
lines on an eye chart. Such approaches generally sacrifice sensitivity because
changes that do not involve crossing the cutpoint are ignored in the analysis.
Despite such loss of sensitivity, cutpoints are often used in an attempt to
ensure that only clinically meaningful changes affect the endpoint. In determining
what size of change to consider meaningful when creating a cutpoint, two sepa-
rate considerations are relevant. First, because of the variability inherent in all
measurements, one may wish to choose a size of change that has a high probabil-
ity of reflecting real change rather than measurement variation. Second, one may
wish to choose a size of change that indicates clear and meaningful clinical ben-
With regard to the first consideration, that is, distinguishing real changes
from measurement variation, it is important to note that a sufficiently large clini-
cal trial may be able to detect real differences between treatment groups of a
magnitude within the range of error or variation for individual measurements.
For example, suppose that in a clinical trial of an antiretroviral agent for HIV
infection, the plasma viral load, on average, remained unchanged in the control
group and showed a twofold decrease in the treatment group. If a twofold change

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

is within the measurement error of day-to-day variation of the measurement,
one may not be able to determine for an individual patient in the treatment
group whether the twofold decrease in level of viremia was a real drug effect.
However, in a sufficiently large trial, statistical analysis may lead to the conclu-
sion that the observed twofold difference between treatment groups was highly
unlikely to arise by chance because of measurement error or day-to-day variation.
One could therefore conclude that a true drug effect was demonstrated. Because
statistical assessments may thus help distinguish small but real changes from
measurement variation, it is generally not necessary to use cutpoints for this pur-
As noted above, cutpoints and minimum change size may be used not only
to ensure that observed changes do not arise from measurement error or random
variation, but also to ensure that such changes are sufficiently large to indicate
clear and meaningful clinical differences. One should note that although changes
exceeding a specified size or crossing a specified value may be more meaningful
than smaller changes, smaller but real changes often also provide some level of
benefit. Where small changes imply small benefit, one should consider choosing
the more sensitive endpoint (i.e., the endpoint that incorporates all changes) as
the primary endpoint, reserving a cutpoint for use in secondary and exploratory
analyses. When cutpoints are used in the primary analysis, supportive analyses
that include analyses without cutpoints and analyses using other cutpoints will
generally be of value.


A landmark analysis of an event endpoint assesses the proportion of patients in

whom an event has occurred by a specific point in time. It does not take into
account how soon before that time point the event occurred. This type of analysis
is most appropriate when the time during the trial at which an endpoint occurs
is of far less clinical significance than whether or not the endpoint occurs at all.
Typically, this situation arises in relatively short trials in which the risk of an
endpoint event potentially affected by the study intervention is largely limited
to a short period after enrollment. Trials of treatments for acute sepsis syndrome
and acute myocardial infarction often use landmark mortality at 28 or 30 days
as a primary endpoint, thus essentially considering all deaths before this time
point as equally bad outcomes.
A time-to-event analysis (frequently called a survival analysis, even when
the endpoint does not involve mortality) takes into account the timing of an end-
point event (1). The outcome of a patient who experiences an adverse outcome
event (e.g., death, tumor progression) early is considered (i.e., is ranked as) worse
than that of a patient who experiences the event later.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

An example of a trial with a time-to-event endpoint is the study of Avonex
(interferon beta-1a) in primary relapsing, remitting multiple sclerosis. The pri-
mary endpoint was the time to progression in disability (2). In this study, all
subjects had some degree of disability at the onset, and all were expected to
progress in disability eventually. Delay in the progression of disability was clini-
cally meaningful and desirable.
Usually, time-to-event analyses are displayed graphically by using Kaplan-
Meier survival methods, and nonparametric rank tests are used to test for differ-
ences between groups (3). These methods facilitate meaningful graphic presen-
tation and analysis of survival data when the length of follow-up on patients
enrolled early in the trial is substantially longer than the follow-up on patients
enrolled more recently.
Although use of cutpoints may make a measurement-based endpoint more
like an event, use of time-to-event analyses may make an event-based endpoint
more like a measurement. For interventions that only delay events or that both
delay and prevent events, a time-to-event analysis is likely to be more sensitive
to differences in effect than a landmark analysis. However, particularly in short-
term studies such as those described above, a time-to-event analysis may detect
differences of little clinical meaning. Theoretically, for example, a new treatment
that reduces mortality in an acute disease might appear inferior to the control
group if the deaths in the treatment group occurred a few days earlier than the
deaths in the control group.
When a landmark analysis is chosen for the primary endpoint, it is impor-
tant that the time point selected for the analysis be late enough so that it captures
most of the events potentially affected by the intervention(s), but not so late that
many endpoint events (e.g., deaths) are captured that are likely unrelated to the
disease or treatment under study. If the time point is too early, not only might
sensitivity be lost, but also the validity and reproducibility of the endpoint find-
ings may be impaired by the fact that minor variations in the time of occurrence
of important, treatment-related events could result in the event not being counted
at all.
Although a single analysis of the primary endpoint is desirable (see below),
it is often advisable to plan prospectively and perform landmark analyses as well
as time-to-event analyses at several time points. The results will usually correlate
strongly; if they do not, the outcome data should be explored for unexpected
relationships to time.


For diseases manifested by recurring events, such as asthma with periodic attacks
or multiple sclerosis with periodic relapses, and for treatments intended to reduce

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

the frequency of such events, assessment of the frequency of recurrence of the
primary endpoint event over the study period may be more useful than a time-
to-event or landmark analysis. Not uncommonly, this is accomplished by count-
ing the total number of events in each treatment group and dividing by the number
of subjects or subject-years. However, the validity of this method rests on as-
sumptions that often are incorrect, for example, the assumption that patients who
have experienced a first event on study are no more or less likely to experience
further events than are patients who have not experienced one. A few individuals
in one treatment arm who experience multiple events could lead to erroneous
conclusions about treatment effect. To avoid this phenomenon, it is usually more
appropriate to analyze recurrent-event data by using ranks, that is, to rank out-
comes from least desirable (i.e., most events) to most desirable (i.e., no events)
and to evaluate groups by comparing ranks.


Use of a single primary efficacy endpoint is generally desirable in Phase III trials.
With increasing numbers of endpoints comes increasing concern regarding Type
1 error, that is, erroneously declaring that an endpoint was affected by the inter-
vention. Type 1 error is particularly of concern in Phase III efficacy trial(s) in
which the outcomes are intended to form the basis for establishing the product’s
efficacy and safety. A study with one primary endpoint is more likely to generate
a straightforward analysis and therefore minimize ambiguity in interpreting the
results. This type of study also often allows the trial to be more focused, simplifies
the trial design, and improves the power of the study.
In cases in which it is not known which efficacy outcome is most likely
to reflect the drug effect or which efficacy effect is most clinically relevant for
a new therapy in a specific disease setting, it is often useful to evaluate multiple
efficacy endpoints in a Phase II trial. Although such a study may not give defini-
tive results about the product’s effect on each endpoint, the results may be used
to identify the endpoint(s) most appropriate for Phase III testing.
If, in planning a Phase III trial, more than one clinical outcome is thought
to be critical to the primary evaluation, several approaches are available to limit
Type 1 error. Some approaches retain multiple primary endpoints with correct
application of statistical tests that adjust for multiplicity and preserve overall
Type 1 error rates (4–6). As a result of these adjustments, the effect on any one
of the endpoints must be more definitive (i.e., larger in magnitude and associated
with a lower nominal p value) to ensure statistical significance. Thus, when com-
pared with selection of a single endpoint, these approaches to correcting for multi-
plicity generally reduce the power to observe a drug effect on each of the indi-
vidual endpoints. Alternative approaches involve assessing multiple outcome

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

variables as part of a single primary endpoint through use of a composite endpoint
or a scoring scale, as described below.


A composite of several types of events may serve as a single endpoint in a clinical

trial. For example, in persons who test HIV-positive, a commonly used endpoint
has been progression to AIDS, defined as the occurrence of any one of several
AIDS-defining illnesses (7). By including several types of events, a composite
endpoint increases the likelihood that a subject will experience an endpoint event
and avoids the problem of multiplicity. Thus, the power of the study is increased,
and fewer study subjects are needed to show an effect of a given magnitude.
Results on composite endpoints are most readily interpretable when all
components of the composite have similar levels of clinical impact and when
any differences in effects between study treatments occur in the same direction
for all components. If these conditions are not met, a small effect on a high-
clinical-impact component of the composite, such as mortality, may be out-
weighed in the analysis by a larger but less important effect on a relatively minor
component of the composite, such as morbidity. Nonetheless, it is often not possi-
ble to satisfy these two conditions. Although the conditions are desirable, they
are not requirements. Many composites include mortality or another event of
singularly important clinical consequence together with less important events.
Divergent effects on components may occur.
Weighting or ranking of components of the composite may be employed
to compensate for the disparate clinical effect of the components, though neither
weighting nor ranking is entirely satisfactory. Weighting outcomes involves sub-
jectively assigning individual values according to each outcome’s relative clinical
effect. Ideally, the weighting method should be validated before use in an efficacy
trial. Rank-ordering outcomes still requires some subjectivity, but often general
consensus can be reached on a limited number of ranks (e.g., mortality, then
survival with morbidity, then survival with no morbidity). Such ranking dimin-
ishes the likelihood that an effect on a less important outcome will outweigh an
opposite effect on a more important outcome. However, ranking components only
partially accounts for differences in impact; such ranking does not take into ac-
count differences in the degree of superiority of some ranks over other ranks or
differences in the impact of outcomes within a rank.
Regardless of whether the components are weighted or ranked, an analysis
should be undertaken showing how each component is affected by the interven-
tion. This allows better understanding of the treatment effects, including an as-
sessment of whether a benefit in one component has occurred at the expense of
another component.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Another potential concern regarding the use of a composite endpoint is
that the ability to communicate results may be impaired. It is relatively easy to
communicate a finding of a statistically significant decrease in the incidence of
a specific event, by giving the estimated effect size and confidence interval. In
contrast, when a treatment causes a statistically significant decrease in the inci-
dence of a composite of events, particularly with no clearly significant effect on
the individual elements of the composite, it is harder to communicate the nature
and extent of clinical benefits demonstrated.
In some settings, use of a composite endpoint offers the potential to dimin-
ish problems with missing data. In serious diseases, the ability of a therapy to
affect the occurrence of a particular undesired event (e.g., end-stage renal failure,
stroke, amputation), may be complicated substantially by the occurrence of a
significant number of deaths before the endpoint is reached. By combining death
with the undesired event in a composite endpoint, the patients who die would
be counted as dying because of treatment failure, and a valid measure of clinical
benefit may be able to be developed with fewer missing data. The EPIC trial
comparing ReoPro (abciximab), which is a platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibi-
tor, and placebo in prevention of ischemic complications in patients undergoing
a percutaneous intervention successfully used a composite endpoint. The compo-
nents were death, myocardial infarction, or an unplanned urgent revascularization
procedure for recurrent cardiac ischemia. Mortality was very low in the trial
and not different between treatment and control arms, but treatment-associated
reduction in the incidence of the other components of the composite led to a
positive result (8,9).


One type of outcome measure that frequently involves a composite of several

events or measures is the use of a scale or index. Scales and indices used in
clinical trials are generally disease-specific, such as the ACR20 for rheumatoid
arthritis, the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) for multiple sclerosis, the
National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), and the Crohn’s Disease Ac-
tivity Index (CDAI) (10–13). Most scales or indices comprise individual mea-
sures of physical or psychosocial function pertinent to the particular disease. Typ-
ically, a scoring system is developed that assigns points for each level of
functioning achieved, usually on each of several outcome measures. The points
are summed to derive a single numerical score. Thus, many scales and indices
are weighted composites and carry the same potential cautions and advantages
discussed above. Some scales have been subjected to rigorous validation in earlier
studies, offering an advantage over some other composite endpoints. However,
even if validated, a scale not in widespread clinical use may not communicate

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

as readily the nature and degree of drug effect as would a single event or simpler
As with other composite endpoints, when scales are used, it is often helpful
to look at the effects of an intervention on the subparts of the scale or index to
ascertain differential effects. Many scales and indices are a mixture of objective
as well as subjective assessments. When the treatment has unblinding side effects,
it is particularly reassuring if the more objective elements are affected in the
same general manner as the more subjective components.
As described above for other measurement endpoints, scores on scales or
indices may be analyzed as binary, eventlike endpoints by using cutpoints. This
practice may help ensure that the findings are clinically meaningful, but may
decrease the information, power, and sensitivity of the measurement. In the set-
ting of acute stroke, trials are often conducted by using a dichotomized stroke
scale in which complete or near-complete recovery is a success, and all other
scores that indicate lesser degrees of recovery, including death, are failures.
A scale or index should be assessed to determine the extent to which patient
scores are reproducible among different raters (interrater reliability). The use-
fulness of any scale or index to describe a given condition should be made in
the context of the following features of validity.
Criterion validity—How well does the test measure up to a generally ac-
cepted measure of patient outcome?
Construct validity—How well does the test measure what it is supposed
to measure?
Content validity—How appropriate are the choice and weighting of each
component of the scale/index/questionnaire?
Face validity—Are the individual components assembled in an overall
measure that makes sense?
Discriminant validity—Can the test discern the smallest change that would
appear clinically significant (14)?
Quality of life (QOL) assessments have gained considerable attention as
endpoints in clinical trials, particularly for chronic disorders. QOL indices are
usually based on questionnaires that patients or their caregivers answer over the
course of the trial. Typically, assessments are made in each of several QOL do-
mains that cover different aspects of physical and mental well-being. Because
QOL may be influenced by many factors in addition to treatment and because
assessments are subjective in nature, randomization and masking greatly facilitate
making valid inferences about any results observed in a trial. The factors affecting
QOL vary among diseases and treatments; therefore, disease-specific QOL ques-
tionnaires should be developed and validated for the particular disease being
studied and, similarly, for any treatment adverse effects that may significantly
affect QOL (15). The QOL scale should be sufficiently sensitive to the course

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

of disease and the therapy to detect meaningful changes. The length and amount
of detail in the QOL questionnaires should not be so great that compliance be-
comes an onerous task, for if this happens, the likelihood that the QOL question-
naires will be completed may decrease. Special care should be taken in the acqui-
sition, analysis, and reporting of QOL data (15,16); a detailed discussion of these
issues is beyond the scope of this chapter.


Ideally, the primary efficacy endpoint(s) should be a direct measure of clinical

benefit. Such endpoints are clinically meaningful, facilitate communication of
observed benefits, and generally allow quantification of benefit that can be
weighed against toxicity to assess net clinical value. However, direct measure-
ment of clinical benefit may require large, lengthy trials or may otherwise be
impractical or impossible to accomplish. Therefore, in many trials, efficacy of a
therapy is measured indirectly by using surrogate endpoints. Surrogate endpoints
are laboratory or other measurements that do not directly indicate clinical benefit
but that are expected to correlate with or predict clinical benefit. The principal
concern with the reliance on a surrogate endpoint to establish efficacy is that the
surrogate endpoint is not clinically meaningful in its own right and that the ability
of the surrogate to predict clinical benefit may be overestimated.
Use of a surrogate endpoint is often considered when direct measures of
clinical benefit arise (are available) only after a lengthy period of observation.
For example, the principal clinical sequelae of chronic hepatitis C are the develop-
ment of end-stage liver failure, hepatocellular carcinoma, or death. These out-
comes typically occur many years to decades after diagnosis, therefore using
them as endpoints to assess new treatments for chronic hepatitis C would require
very lengthy trials. In the trials of interferons for treatment of chronic hepatitis
C infection, decreases in levels of circulating liver enzymes, improvements in
liver histopathology, and, more recently, loss of detectable virus in the plasma
have been used as surrogate endpoints because these types of improvements are
thought to indicate a decreased likelihood of serious, long-term clinical sequelae.
Similarly, in trials of antiviral agents for the treatment of patients with early HIV
infection, effects on CD4⫹ lymphocyte counts and on plasma viral levels can
be measured well before any effect might be observed on clinically significant
events such as AIDS-related opportunistic infections, and they are thought to
predict such effects for some types of interventions.
Another reason for using surrogate endpoints is that they may be more sensi-
tive to drug effects. Often measures such as blood pressure, tumor size, or CD4⫹
cell count, are used as surrogates for clinical events such as stroke, death, or

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

progression to AIDS. As noted above, measurement endpoints are generally more
sensitive to drug effects than are event endpoints and thus allow greater power.
A third reason for using surrogate endpoints is that they are often more
objective measures than are the true clinical endpoints. For example, measure-
ments on x-rays of arthritic joints may be more objective than assessments of
inflammation or pain, and changes on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
scan in a patient with multiple sclerosis may be less subjective than reports of
disability. Use of objective endpoints can offer substantial benefits in protection
against bias, particularly in unblinded trials and trials partially unblinded by drug
Despite the attractive features of surrogate endpoints listed above, consider-
able caution should be observed in using a surrogate as the primary endpoint in
an efficacy trial. Surrogates may prove to be less reliable predictors of benefit
than one had hoped. Although more detailed discussion of this issue can be found
elsewhere (17,18), two common pitfalls will be highlighted here. First, a marker
should not be assumed to be a good surrogate simply because it correlates with
prognosis of the disease, absent treatment. For example, the presence of pulmo-
nary metastases is undoubtedly a poor prognostic sign in patients with a primary
adenocarcinoma; however, the excision of the metastases, although improving
the ‘‘surrogate,’’ may not alter prognosis at all and is highly unlikely to restore
to the patient a prognosis comparable to that of a patient who had not developed
a metastasis. Second, a surrogate marker should not be assumed to be valid simply
because it has been validated as a surrogate for efficacy in trials of other treat-
ments for the same disease acting by a different mechanism. For example, in-
creases in circulating CD4⫹ lymphocyte counts have predicted clinical benefit
for some antivirals used to treat patients with HIV, but similar increases in re-
sponse to an infusion of CD4⫹ lymphocytes are of unknown value.
In her review article in Science, Nowak states ‘‘the vast majority of clinical
trialists contacted by Science agree on one thing: the most potentially damaging
flaw in clinical trials today is the inappropriate substitution of ‘surrogate’ markers
for well-defined clinical endpoints . . .’’ (19). The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppres-
sion Trial (CAST) is a classic example in which a drug effect on a surrogate
marker that correlates strongly with prognosis did not predict an effect on the
clinical outcome (20). Individuals who have experienced an acute myocardial
infarction (AMI) are at increased risk for ventricular arrhythmias and sudden
death. Based on observation, ventricular arrhythmias were considered to be an
effective surrogate endpoint to predict sudden death. Encainide and flecainide
were in common off-label use to suppress asymptomatic arrhythmias after AMI
because of the belief that suppression of these ectopic beats would improve
survival. In CAST, patients in whom the drugs had been shown to suppress
high-risk arrhythmias were randomized to receive drug or placebo. The trial was

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

halted after an interim analysis indicated that the treatment was associated with an
increase in sudden death and total mortality, despite the reduction in arrhythmias
Use of a surrogate as the primary efficacy outcome in a Phase III trial is
least likely to be misleading when the surrogate has been validated for the drug
(or class of drugs) and the disease. Validation of the surrogate is accomplished
by assessment of both the clinical and the surrogate endpoint in the same trials
to establish that most or all of the clinical effects of the drug on the clinical
endpoint can be predicted by effects on the surrogate (22). Rigorous validation of
a surrogate requires much clinical outcome data, and such data are not commonly
available, particularly before a drug is proven effective. Generally, one can only
make an educated guess at the likelihood that the surrogate will correctly predict
benefit, based on epidemiological, pathophysiological, or clinical trial data link-
ing the surrogate with the clinical outcome. In 1992, the Food and Drug Adminis-
tration issued regulations that permitted market approval of drugs or biologics
for serious or life-threatening diseases based on clinical data demonstrating an
effect on an endpoint deemed reasonably likely to predict clinical benefit. This
type of product approval is generally contingent on the postmarketing acquisition
of additional trial data that confirms the clinical benefits of the drug (23). Impor-
tantly, although surrogates may allow determination of efficacy in a shorter or
smaller trial, sometimes the critical factor dictating the number of patients and
the duration of treatment is not the determination of efficacy but rather the need
for safety data. When a large or long trial is necessary to generate controlled
safety data, the benefits of a surrogate efficacy endpoint may be substantially
A significant problem often arises in assessment of net clinical benefit when
surrogate efficacy endpoints are used to assess agents with significant toxicity.
Even when a surrogate endpoint is determined to be reasonably likely to predict
clinical benefit, it is rarely possible to make a precise estimate of the amount of
clinical benefit predicted by a given change in the surrogate. Therefore, assess-
ment of net clinical benefit requires weighing uncertain benefit of unknown mag-
nitude against significant toxicity.
After an acute myocardial infarction, thrombolytic agents increase coronary
artery patency (surrogate) and improve mortality (clinical endpoint), but they may
also cause a hemorrhagic stroke. One might well determine that a 1% decrease in
mortality makes an acceptable associated 1% increase in stroke rate. However,
even if one assumed that improved patency is likely to predict improved survival,
because the quantitative relationship between patency and survival is unknown,
one could not determine how acceptable improved patency made a 1% increase
in stroke rate.
Despite their problems, surrogates have important roles in clinical develop-
ment. They can be of substantial value as secondary or supportive endpoints in

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Phase III trials, providing further information about the nature of a drug’s effects.
Surrogates are particularly likely to be useful as efficacy endpoints earlier in
clinical development (e.g., in Phase II). Although uncertainty about the validity
of the surrogate may necessitate use of a clinical benefit endpoint in an ultimate
efficacy trial, reliance on clinical benefit endpoints in all trials of a drug could
be extremely costly and time-consuming and may prevent development. Trials
with surrogate markers may be used effectively to determine if an agent is suffi-
ciently promising to warrant investment of the time, effort, and money to conduct
a trial measuring clinical benefit and may also be used to determine the optimal
dose, regimen, target population, or concomitant medications for such a trial (24).
Decisions based on such trials may be suboptimal if the surrogate is not valid.
However, because a clinical benefit trial will ultimately be performed in Phase
III, use of a surrogate in earlier trials will not lead to an incorrect final determina-
tion that an ineffective treatment is effective.


The choice and the analysis of endpoints is a critical issue in design of a clinical
trial. Desirable characteristics of an endpoint include feasibility of measurement,
sensitivity to drug effects, meaningfulness, objectivity of measurement, and use-
fulness in communicating results. These characteristics will depend, in part, on
the type of endpoint chosen (e.g., events, measures, composites, scores, surro-
gates). Careful consideration of the characteristics of potential endpoints will
generally facilitate the development and selection of an appropriate endpoint.


1. Friedman LM, Furberg CD, DeMets DL. Fundamentals of Clinical Trials. 3d ed. St
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disease progression in relapsing multiple sclerosis. MSCRG. Ann Neurol 1996; 39:
3. Collett D. Modelling Survival Data in Medical Research. London: Chapman & Hall,
4. Westfall PH, Tobias RD, Rom D, et al. Multiple comparisons and multiple tests.
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clinical trials. Control Clin Trials 2000; 21:527–539.
6. Gong J, Pinhero JC, DeMets DL. Estimating significance level and power compari-
sons for testing multiple endpoints in clinical trials. Control Clin Trials 2000; 21:

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

7. 1993 revised classification system for HIV infection and expanded surveillance case
definition for AIDS among adolescents and adults. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep
1992 (Dec 18); 41(RR-17):1–19.
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10. Felson DT, Anderson JJ, Boers M, et al. American College of Rheumatology. Pre-
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11. Kurtzke JF. Rating neurologic impairment in multiple sclerosis: an expanded disabil-
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12. Clark WM, Hourihane JM. Clinical stroke scales. In: Herndon RM, ed. Handbook
of Neurologic Rating Scales. New York: Demos Vermande, 1997:161–186.
13. Best WR, Becktel JM, Singleton JW, Kern F Jr. Development of a Crohn’s disease
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14. Fayers PM, Machin D. Quality of Life: Assessment, Analysis, and Interpretation.
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in clinical trials, with potential applications in cancer and AIDS research. Stat Med
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19. Nowak R. Problems in clinical trials go far beyond misconduct. A close look at
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20. Echt DS, Liebson PR, Mitchell LB, et al. Mortality and morbidity in patients receiv-
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21. Rapaport E. Limitations of clinical trials. In: Pitt B, Julian D, Pocock S, eds. Clinical
Trials in Cardiology. London: Saunders, 1997:43–71.
22. De Gruttola V, Fleming TR, Lin DY, Coombs R. Perspective: validating surrogate
markers—are we being naı̈ve? J Infect Dis 1997; 175:237–246.
23. 57 Fed Reg 58942, December 11, 1992 (codified at 21 CFR 314 and 601, Ap-
pendix 4).
24. Fleming TR. Surrogate markers in AIDS and cancer trials. Stat Med 1994; 13:1423–

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Dix, Cent, Mille: Proof of
Principle with $10 Million,
100 Patients, and 1000 Days

W. Leigh Thompson*
Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana


The product decision to invest enormous sums in pivotal studies of safety and
efficacy of a new treatment should be made when the probability of success has
grown to 90% from the 10% on choosing a new molecule. This point can be
reached in less than 1000 days after 100 patients for $10 million. For optimal
speed, minimal waste resources, enhanced ethics, and maximal information from
each subject, the chemistry, toxicology, and clinical studies should not be done
en bloc in series, but rather elegantly braided together in a stronger, shorter con-
tinuum of data capture, analysis, and utilization to plan the next dose. A clear
focus on the goal—a better-quality investment decision—will aim this braid
straight to that target with no unraveling of unnecessary studies, with conserva-
tion of living subjects, and with maximum decision-critical information per min-
ute. Only three things are needed to achieve this new paradigm of efficiency:
clear thinking, an elegant informatics system for all data and users, and a plan
based on the relevance diagram of the product decision.


The goal of early therapeutics development research is to reach a critical decision

on continuing investment into pivotal large studies—the product decision. This

* Retired
Note: See Appendices on pp. 439–449 for Routine Clinical Analyte Test Results.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

decision point should be after most predictable failures when the probability of
successful marketing is high. About 90% of new molecules chosen for develop-
ment fail before marketing or are soon withdrawn from market. After the first
dose in a human the failure rate is 78%. To reduce the failure rate to 10%, how
many chemical tests, toxicology protocols, and patient studies must be per-
Data from the Center for the Study on Drug Development, the Centre for
Medicines Research, industry benchmarking surveys, and Eli Lilly and Company
suggest that late failures of truly innovative and medically important therapies
occur with:
Unpredictable toxicity in animals, such as carcinogenicity despite negative
tests for genotoxicity
Unpredictable infrequent severe clinical reactions, such as aplastic anemia
or agranulocytosis, with no animal or clinical premonitory signs
Unexpected early marketing of equivalent, better or cheaper competitive
Avoidable errors in the planing of manufacture, marketing, pricing, reim-
bursement, or pharmacoeconomic proofs of cost-effectiveness
If all the avoidable and predictable failures are eliminated, the probability
of global marketing should be nearly 90% for most drugs after careful compre-
hensive studies of about 100 patients who have the target illness and are given
appropriate doses of the new molecule for periods of up to 3 months. Enough
should then be known to write a comprehensive product label and to complete
sufficient studies of the markets, disease epidemiology, and competition to allow
a very well-informed, high-quality product decision.
For many decades we have followed a rubber-stamp paradigm of complet-
ing in a lockstep series:
Chemistry studies: analytical standards, analytical assays for feed and bio-
logical samples, bulk synthesis routes, formulations, formulation stabil-
ity, metabolism, impurity identification, kinetics, metabolite identifica-
tion and synthesis
Animal studies: efficacy in too many animal models; in-vitro and ex-vivo
toxicology; in-vivo acute, subacute, and chronic toxicology; metabolism
and kinetics in many species
Phase I clinical studies: often in healthy homogeneous volunteers examin-
ing kinetics and symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests suggesting adverse
Phase II efficacy and safety studies: in relatively healthy homogeneous pa-
tients with a single target disease and no concomitant confounding fac-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Such studies are often done in series, with toxicology demanding completion of
the chemistry before they will set doses, clinicians demanding final reports of
the toxicologists, and each group of prima donnas focusing only on their own
navels. This wastes chemists, animals, and patients as well as time, money, and
If studies are restricted to homogeneous subjects, it may provide no basis
for predicting product performance in a heterogeneous marketplace, and it is
exactly this error that has caused many of the postmarketing product withdrawals.
Everyone should realize the goal is not submitting a New Drug Application
(NDA), gaining market approval, obtaining an appropriate price, or initial
launch—it is sustained dominance of the global market.


Contrast the plodding en block linear ooze described above with smoothly inte-
grated, seamless streams of data from chemistry, toxicology, and clinical studies
deftly interwoven into a comprehensive knowledge braid that reaches a high prob-
ability of future success with the least time, money, effort, and expertise. To
accomplish this elegant braiding requires only a global focus on two critical ele-
ments—the ethics of human exposure to innovative molecules and a single pur-
pose of predicting success and failure with the least effort. Nothing should be
done that is not entirely ethical, but also, nothing should be done that is not
essential to reach a product decision at which you have a 90% probability of
regulatory, reimbursement, and pricing approvals in the desired markets. This
is no time for hidden agendas, meanders unraveling the braid, or ‘‘feel good’’
Why should we change the successful paradigms of the past? They served
us well in an era of high profitability, low competition, leisurely research and
marketing, and risk-averse avoidance of change. We might not have liked the
lengthening times and escalating costs, but we could then afford them and the
devil of change was ominous. Today, faster, more efficient decisions are impera-
tive. A new molecule in 2001 requires $1 billion investment to pay for the failures
and for global support of the launch. The Centre for Medicines Research esti-
mates that about 40 new molecules are launched worldwide annually at a current
investment of $50 billion. If research investments are 16% of sales, the average
molecule must achieve $6 billion in sales over its lifetime. If 1 million patients
use the treatment each year for 10 years of exclusivity, each must pay $600
(wholesale) to achieve this reimbursement of the investment. Currently one must
invest for 15 years to reach launch in the United States and about 12.8 years
worldwide. About 11% of new drugs that begin development, with teams focused
on them, will be launched. Perhaps one in four that is launched will earn a true

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

profit beyond the fully allocated investments. Surely new drugs are the most
prolonged, most risky of investments.


Before Gutenberg abolished illiteracy with cheap linear codes for thoughts, peo-
ple could recite oral histories in different verse orders or study stained glass
windows and statues in any order. After Gutenberg we learned the first page
before the second, courses proceeded from front cover to back, and you didn’t
spoil the mystery by peeking at the last page.
Henry Ford developed the mindless linear assembly line. The chassis was
built first, then the axles were applied before the wheels went on. Workers from
different countries, speaking different languages, could be minimally trained to
perform a single mindless function, such as adding the left rear wheel. No com-
munication was needed, and all the cars were identical, black, with interchange-
able parts—not the perfectly fitted, hand-crafted parts of a skilled artisan, but
inexpensively standardized modules linearly assembled.
Linearity was embellished during World War II by multiple assembly lines
making an airplane or submarine with product streams, each from its own assem-
bly line, arriving in proper order. Today we have refined this to just-in-time re-
sourcing, but the linear thinking hasn’t changed—in fact, it has spawned the
mathematical/management discipline of linear programming.

A. Hyperlinking Media
Your eye–brain isn’t linear. It soaks up all the data available, processes it in
priority order, and acts upon it before you consciously think chasm, tiger, or stop
sign. Speech leaps from one thought to the next. Transcripts of my lectures are
ungrammatical nonsense as I leap among media and thoughts.
Hyperlinked multimedia may restore in one generation the sentient capaci-
ties of homo sapiens, and make her more worthy of her species appellation. How
do these new tools simulate our natural eye–brain? The MIT Computer Sciences
Laboratory ‘‘smart room’’ sucks up images from CNN, print from The Wall
Street Journal, references from NLM, audioclips from your message machine,
and your own musings. It then braids these data for you by concept, learned from
observation of how you use the materials, the order you prefer to use it, and how
long you spend with each subject. It then presents to you new material in your
priority order—leaping from image to text to sounds almost as effortlessly as
your eye–brain to create a knowledge braid optimal for your interests. As these
tools become more user-seductive and we learn to communicate through virtual
reality and real-time language translators that seamlessly assume our individual

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

knowledge levels, we will become less and less conscious of them as tools, as
today we are not conscious of the technology of TV, just its content.
Children who learn from hyperlinked multimedia encyclopedias seem to
retain their creativity. They explore rich solution spaces with intuitive quests for
solutions that work, rather than being immobilized by fear of failure and mired
in linear analysis of what might be perfect. They just do it. Soon the World Wide
Web will vanquish the linear chains of Gutenberg and liberate our right brains.

B. Hyperlinking Research
In rethinking decision research we need to be facile in braiding chemistry, toxi-
cology, and clinical studies into a tight synergistic web of data, all of which are
quickly validated, organized, analyzed, and displayed before the next step.
When climbing a mountain you seamlessly integrate data from positional
sensors, tension sensors in muscles, vision, wind sensors, etc., before each step.
Similarly, we need to acquire all the essential data, just in time, valid, analyzed,
displayed, and integrated into our decision for our next step. And each step, even
if it seemingly veers off to a ridge, should be the optimal path to the goal—the
best possible product decision.
What chemistry tasks are essential for your next toxicology study? What
toxicology tasks are essential for your next clinical study? Must the formulation
used in the first human be that which you will market worldwide? Of course not.
Consider what must be, what is essential, what is sine qua non for each step of
toxicology and clinical studies. Make each task modular and complete the mod-
ules just in time—no module before its time means no wasted resources.


If your goal is predicting market acceptance of your product from a few human
studies, should you study healthy, young, nonobese, Caucasian, nonsmoking
males taking no drugs or ethanol, eating a prescribed diet, and having no sex or
exercise while incarcerated in a closed ward for weeks? By definition these are
the subjects least likely to be taking your drug when you market it. What will
they tell you? They will have very little variability in the kinetics of your drug.
The halftimes will be almost identical and the confidence limits about the plasma
concentration–time curves will be very narrow. The graphs in the publication
will be beautiful.
Unfortunately, these data will not predict the responses to the drug of chil-
dren, fat old French women, Native Americans athletes, patients with multiorgan
failure taking many other medicines, and patients with aberrant drug metabolizing

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Diversity is key. You cannot predict the average weight of fruit at a green-
grocer by measuring precisely with a micrometer the diameter of grapes. Al-
though diameter is a good surrogate of weight, grapes are not representative of
all fruit. Your sample should include apples, watermelon, kiwis, limes, etc.
Study diverse patients early. Include only patients with your target disease,
but ensure that they vary in age, gender, race, size, obesity, diets, habits, activities,
smoking, ethanol use, concomitant ills, and use of concomitant prescription, over-
the-counter, illicit, and health products. Consider a multidimensional grid repre-
senting values of each of these patient variables and disperse your patients widely
in this space of patient characteristics.
When Lilly examined the effects of some of these variables on routine
laboratory tests, we found that many of these factors caused large differences in
the test results. So we created 32 reference probability distributions for each
laboratory test to be able to interpret the results seen in trials of patients differing
in age, gender, race, smoking, and use of ethanol. Lilly employs a single clinical
protocol in two dozen countries simultaneously to achieve the diversity needed
for proper prediction of market responses.
What of pivotal trials? Must they also be diverse? Use the data from the
decision-phase research to design these trials. You might restrict the young or
the very old, but you should plan on reflecting that lack of knowledge in your
label. At least you will have meaningful data, from all sources, on which to base
the design of those pivotal trials.
Must these first decision clinical trials be pivotal proofs of safety and effi-
cacy? Of course not. They are exploratory to fill in your vision of the vast space
of patient responses to different doses. Later you can design elegant, precise
dose–response pivotal trials with all the good clinical practices to prove your
point to regulators, payors, practitioners, and patients.


Should the first human be healthy? Why? Won’t you learn more from patients?
If the target disease makes the patient so fragile that he is at special risk for an
unexpected serious adverse reaction, begin with a healthy volunteer but move
quickly to patients. Phase I trials can include both volunteers and patients braided
There are not many such diseases. Life-threatening hepatitis B severely
compromises patients. Fialuridine, a nucleoside that seemed very promising in
a National Institutes of Health (NIH) trial in hepatitis B, killed five patients de-
spite liver transplants through very delayed unexpected toxicity. This toxicity
was not observed in extensive animal and prior clinical studies in several patient
populations. Perhaps the toxicity is only manifest in humans with fatally progres-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

sive chronic hepatitis B. Healthy volunteers might have contributed nothing or
even false encouragement to these trials. If the deaths had been in healthy volun-
teers instead of patients, would that be more ethical?
Patients may respond favorably to a new treatment. They may manifest
improvement in at least surrogate endpoints and thereby contribute more informa-
tion for their risk of participation. As a reward, they can be promised that they
will be allowed to participate in later pivotal efficacy trials and they may be
promised compassionate use of the drug until a regulatory decision is made about
its marketing, pricing, and reimbursement.

A. Labeled First Dose

Gather the most information from each patient. In the first patient, besides toler-
ance of a small dose, determine the metabolic routes and kinetics of the drug by
using a labeled dose. Use a stable label such as deuterium and mass spectrometry
to trace the metabolites or use a radioactive tracer.
Before I have taken small doses of radioactive test drugs, I have asked
about the distribution and persistence of the label in two appropriate species after
single doses. If the label does not accumulate in any special organ, such as eyes
or testes, and if it is eliminated promptly, then I would not be concerned about
any damage from the label.
If the drug is excreted in urine of several species, then my kidneys will
probably eliminate it. If the drug is metabolized by a pathway defined in animals,
and if I am known to have similar pathways, then the drug should not persist
This concept could be tested further by measuring the metabolism of the
drug in ex-vivo preparations of human liver microsomes, or even individual hu-
man drug-metabolizing enzyme isoforms. Having identified the specific isoform
that metabolizes the drug ex-vivo, I could be tested with a safe common drug to
ensure that I have a normal level of activity of that specific isoform via which
to eliminate the test dose promptly. My own blood could be tested ex-vivo to
examine the binding of test drug and label to cells and proteins and to see if any
ex-vivo transformation of the substance occurs.

B. First Dose
Examining the distribution of test substance among my blood cells, proteins, and
water, one can calculate what dose, if fully absorbed and distributed only in my
blood, would achieve a plasma water concentration one-half to one-third that
which produced any detectable change in any other species. Perhaps that is an
appropriate first dose. For many molecules, the first humans can be dosed for 1
day based on acute toxicology in two species. That day of dosing can begin with

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

an intravenous-labeled dose, and 23 hours later, depending on the results, a larger
oral dose.
Analyzing my exhaled air, saliva, urine, feces, sweat, stomach juices, blood
cells, blood plasma proteins, and plasma water over time should provide an accu-
rate picture of how I have absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted the
small dose of labeled drug.
How should that first dose be administered? Should it be in a beautiful
capsule filled with excipients and analyzed for purity and stability? Of course not.
It should be freeze-dried, dissolved at bedside, and consumed in an appropriate
beverage or instilled in the stomach through a small feeding tube inserted into
the stomach (bypassing the taste buds).

C. Intravenous Dosing
Even more appropriate, in my opinion, would be to give the first doses by intrave-
nous infusion. One can start with a very very small dose and gradually increase
the infusion rate over several hours, perhaps sampling plasma concentrations as
a guide. One can mimic any pattern of absorption from other administration sites
using a programmed pump and intravenous infusions. One can also give unla-
beled material by mouth and labeled material intravenously to measure absolute
bioavailability and define gastrointestinal absorption and presystemic elimina-


All the important data from the first patient should be available in 48 h. Consider
the toxicokinetic data in several species. At what blood concentrations have the
animals begun to manifest effects? What were the concentrations in the first hu-
man? Considering the acute toxicity in animals, should you next give a dose to
the second human that will achieve one-third or two-thirds the minimal effective
plasma water concentration in animals? Give the second patient labeled material
and complete the studies in 48 hours. From the first patient you have begun to
recognize which samples are the most important to analyze immediately. As you
approach the minimally effective dose, institute efficacy and surrogate efficacy

A. Blinding
If you wish to believe data, especially subjective data about adverse events, blind
the patient and investigators and determine why the sponsor should not also be
blinded. Placebos are inexpensive, although they may be toxic. They have saved

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

many drugs when an influenza epidemic swept through the laboratory and altered
liver tests and created many adverse events. Placebo use does add data, but with-
out placebos you will have difficulty interpreting data. Did those patients really
have drug-induced bizarre dreams, trouble thinking, and penile erections? Avoid
exsanguinating a patient with unnecessary samples after a placebo dose, but do
blind everyone appropriately. Blind the switch from placebo to active drug—
often subjects anticipate adverse events at this moment.

B. Dose Escalation
For each new patient, use all the data at hand from chemistry, toxicology, and
prior patients to choose the dosage regimen. Control each patient through rapid
analysis of plasma drug concentrations. If a patient has unexpected slow elimina-
tion, perhaps a multiple dose should be reduced. If a patient has unexpected low
plasma concentrations, quickly study the patient and determine why. If the patient
has an adverse event, does it correlate with plasma concentrations? Will sensitive
psychomotor tests predict subtle brain effects that indicate drug passage through
the blood–brain barrier?
This Bayesian approach of using all data was employed in the transition
from traditional LD 50 testing to more modern methods. In olden LD 50 testing,
large batches of animals were each given one dose and observed for death. Per-
haps seven doses would be tested at once, with 10 animals of each gender per
dose. Perhaps the survivors were 20/20, 19/20, 17/20, 13/20, 8/20, 3/20, 0/20.
One could calculate that the LD 50 was between the fourth and fifth dose and you
could estimate the most likely value and its confidence limits. But this would
use 140 animals.
Instead, dose the first animal with your best estimate of the LD 50. If that
animal lives, dose the next animal with a larger dose. If that animal dies, dose
the next with a smaller dose. Continue a march through a few animals, converging
rapidly on the domain of the LD 50. If you model this you will find there to be
great efficiencies in using all data in planning the next dose. If you were paid to
minimize the number of rodents employed in such testing, I am sure you would
use an efficient Bayesian dosing regimen.

C. Dose–Response Versus Dose Ranging

Never do dose ranging. Dose ranging allows the investigator to escalate the dose
within a patient, or from patient to patient, using only a vague protocol. Histori-
cally, this technique leads quickly to maximum tolerated doses, often overshoot-
ing the minimal effective dose by 10-fold or more. When Federico Dies, MD
PhD, at Lilly studied penbutolol, a beta-blocker, he found that the efficacy was
fully manifest at one-tenth the dose at which it was marketed by another firm in

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Europe. Bob Temple, MD, of the FDA can rattle off the names of more than a
dozen similar overdosage errors made through dose ranging.
Instead, do parallel, predefined dose–response studies in which the dosage
of each patient is carefully planned based on the plasma concentrations and re-
sponses of prior patients. If doses cause adverse events, the algorithm should
diminish future doses. If doses are ineffective, the algorithm should augment
future doses. This algorithm can be decided in advance and implemented blindly,
with periodic reassessments.
The dose–response escalating algorithm for the first patients is a variant
of the adaptive allocation algorithm I prefer for pivotal trials. This is a prospec-
tive, triple-blinded (the sponsor is also blinded), randomized dose–response de-
sign in which the first patient has equal probability of assignment to placebo,
small, medium, or large dose, or active comparator. A control variable is chosen
to express the patient’s response to therapy. This variable may be just the global
opinion of the patient or investigator. It must correlate positively with the primary
efficacy variable, but it can be any surrogate.
Suppose the patient assesses the treatment on the Goldilocks scale: too
little, too much, just right. If the first patient’s assessment is too much, the proba-
bility of assignment to that specific therapy or any larger doses of it is reduced.
If the assessment is too little, the probability of assignment to that therapy or
any smaller doses of it is reduced. If the assessment is just right, the probability
of assignment to that treatment is increased slightly.
As the study proceeds, more and more patients are allocated (blindly and
randomly) to doses and products that are effective and not toxic, and fewer and
fewer patients are assigned to doses that are less effective or less safe. The exact
behavior of the algorithm can be modeled easily for different dose–response
curves for the population being tested.
Adaptive allocation helps regulators who insist on placebos see that place-
bos will be used, in at least a few patients, throughout the study. For regulators
who abhor placebos, they can see how placebo allocations will diminish if place-
bos don’t work. A larger proportion of patients are on helpful doses, thereby
enhancing the ethics of the investigation and the power of the study to provide
helpful information in the marketplace.

D. Toxicology
What toxicology do you need for the first tiny labeled dose in a human? I would
ask about the kinetics, tissue distributions, behavioral signs, laboratory tests, and
autopsy results in two appropriate species given very large single doses. De-
pending on these findings, I might also ask about the effects of multiple doses
given over 2 weeks, but in many cases I would be interested only in the single
large doses.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Are fertility studies needed if the first patients are sterilized or otherwise
infertile? Think of the savings if you have not perfected a lovely formulation,
completed stability studies, or have started chronic toxicology if a few doses in
humans shows the drug to be unsuitable. Just in time and only what is relevant
for the decision are the tests to apply.

E. Chemistry
What chemical tests are needed? I would want to have reasonably well character-
ized material used in the toxicology studies and in me to ensure that no new
toxic contaminant has appeared in my dose, but if we are doing only single-dose
or short-term studies in animals there will be little need for stability studies,
testing animal feeds containing the test drug, etc. Using labeled material early
can be a major help before sophisticated assays are perfected.
If metabolism in the first human is unexpected, and significant metabolites
are seen that have not been observed in animals, one might wish to return to
other animal species and strains to find one in which the human metabolites can
be evaluated. Perhaps this metabolite will cause dose-limiting toxicity. Perhaps
knowing the toxicity of this metabolite in animals will make one wish to abort
the project or alter plans about the tolerated dose.

F. Effects
As the plasma concentration is increased, with larger doses one may begin to
see effects in the patients. Hopefully there is an acute surrogate that will predict
efficacy. Relate these effects to plasma concentration profiles. Soon you will be
ready for multiple doses.
The first multiple-dose patient might be given just a few doses. Shouldn’t
this be one of the single-dose patients in whom you can predict precisely the
plasma concentration profiles after multiple doses from studying the single dose?
Later patients might be treated for as long as test animals have indicated repetitive
dosing to be safe.
In every patient, dosing should be based on all the knowledge gained from
all prior animal and clinical studies, from everything known about that patient,
and from the best prediction of what plasma concentrations will be achieved after
the dose.

G. Protocols
Using all information before each dose is safer and more ethical, but it makes
it impossible to write a rigid protocol in advance. In some cases doses will esca-
late rapidly as plasma concentrations in humans are less than expected. In other

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

cases doses will advance slowly. Sometimes multiple doses may begin with the
third or fourth patient. Sometimes they will begin after 10 or more patients have
been given single doses.

H. Fail Fast/Smart
Failure lurks with every dose. Suppose the first dose is eliminated at startling
speed by a unique human enzyme. Suppose the first dose is not absorbed from
the gut. Suppose the first dose has nearly complete presystemic elimination in
the liver. These may abort the project after one or a very few patients. We should
always prepare for failure and plan our studies to minimize the number of patient
exposures and overall patient risk as well as time and effort to failure. Tom Wat-
son of IBM always admonished his scientists to fail fast. I would say fail smart.
Science respects failures that inform and denigrates stupid successes.

I. Kinetics Versus Dynamics

In these early studies you are separately determining the relation of plasma con-
centrations to dose and biological effects to plasma concentration. Both kinetics
and dynamics show variation with patient age, gender, race, diet, disease, habits,
etc. Diversity is key to predicting responses in your marketplace to your product.
Select diverse patients and study them intensively to learn the predictors of re-

J. Rechallenge
The single-dose patients are excellent choices for the first multiple-dose trials.
Single-dose patients also can be rechallenged for specific studies of kinetic vari-
ables. Study the same patient given a test dose together with drugs that will alter
plasma protein association or urine pH. To define oral absorption, give a second
test dose together with divalent cation-containing antacids or after a proton pump
inhibitor or during diarrhea, which can be induced with oral hypertonic mannitol
or sorbitol. Give a test dose together with activated charcoal to see if this is
effective therapy if a child overdoses on a dose taken home. Give a dose into
the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, or rectum, or sample the succus entericus
to see if drug appears in the bile or intestinal secretions.
These are the patients in whom a second dose can define absorption from
nasal installation, a skin patch, sublingual administration, rectal suppositories,
enemas, enteric coated capsules timed to disintegrate in the cecum, or regular
enteric coating. If the material is not irritating, and you have tolerated one dose,
why would you want special toxicity studies for these unusual routes of adminis-
tration? I wouldn’t.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Measure subtle psychomotor effects of the test drug alone and when given
together with concomitant drugs such as ethanol and sedatives. Will driving be-
havior deteriorate further? Should future clinical trial patients be warned?

K. Ethics vs. Regulations

Must these studies be done under strict U.S. FDA Good Laboratory Practices, Good
Manufacturing Practices, Good Clerical Practices rules? No. They must be ethical.
You must carefully think through the risks, benefits, and ethics. You should engage
an appropriate ethical review committee in your culture to ensure that the studies
will be viewed as ethical when described in your news media. You should ensure
that the investigators and the local ethical review committee(s) are cautious, conser-
vative, ethical, and attuned to the risks and benefits of the volunteering patients.
Ensure that the investigators and their ethical review committees monitor the pa-
tients and the study thoroughly and ensure that they receive prompt reports of any
safety concern. Consent must be truly informed and the patients must be protected
and followed meticulously. Do no studies in the homeless vagrants who populate
so many Phase I farms—maybe that is where the word ‘‘farmacology’’ began.
Must these studies be suitable for submission to the U.S. FDA as pivotal
trials? Of course not. These decision-phase studies must permit you to design
and effect the most elegant and efficient pivotal proofs of safety and efficacy
with proper doses, patients, and test procedures. But these early decision-phase
patients themselves are only to provide you with the best-quality product decision
about further investments and to prepare for those pivotal trials. Obviously, all
data will be considered by all regulators. With proper design and interim analyses,
however, many decision-phase protocols can be extended and expanded through
product decision to serve as one or both pivotal studies.

L. Braiding
Some of the long stream of chemical testing must be done before the first toxicol-
ogy study. Some will be needed for the first human. If the project has not failed,
other chemistry studies will be needed before multiple doses or before using solid
dosage forms or inhalation techniques. Unexpected human metabolites or new
contaminants will necessitate further chemistry studies. Certainly much will be
required before the pivotal trials. But if 9 of 10 projects fail, think how many
chemistry studies can be saved by doing them just in time, as they are needed.
Some toxicology will be needed before the first human dose. The findings
in that first patient will guide additional toxicology. New rodent strains or other
species might be needed to simulate the kinetics and metabolites in humans. If
a key metabolite is observed only in humans and ferrets, perhaps ferrets would
be a good model to test.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


We need more diversity in test animals. We have stuck to a few strains of mice
and rats because they are predictable and cheap, but are they as helpful as they
might be? Wouldn’t one animal metabolizing a new drug exactly the way it is
metabolized in humans be far more useful than thousands of animals that don’t
metabolize it? Why don’t we use rodents expressing selected human drug metabo-
lizing enzymes? Would you be interested in cancer promotion in transgenic ani-
mals with knocked-out tumor suppressor genes or promoted oncogenes? If
plasma protein association is a dominant feature, why don’t we have animals
expressing human plasma albumin? Would it be more informative to do our stud-
ies on variegated herds of mice and rats from many different strains, of different
ages, levels of obesity, etc? If you knew that certain of these diverse creatures
had unusual responses, wouldn’t that be interesting? Is it better to be ignorant
of these observations? Do we pursue ostrich research in the same sand box over
and over?


A single user-seductive informatics system is fundamental to the elegant braiding

of data from chemistry, toxicology, and clinical studies into a coherent stream
of information predicating good decisions. Data should be captured directly from
all sources with as little human intervention as possible. Human hands and brains
err. Instead, have the implanted chips in animals signal their movements, eating,
and weight as they pass over scales. Why pay psychiatrists to ask patients how
they sleep, eat, and make love? Ask the patients directly, using questionnaires,
touchtone telephones, pen-pads, computer games, desktop and portable comput-
ers, and interactive TV.
Validate the data quickly with human and machine audits. If the weight of
the patient is recorded as 30 pounds less than on the last visit, ring a bell and
ask what limb has been amputated. Organize the data into a single relational
database that can be easily queried by the unsophisticated, or prepare and test
standard queries in advance. Especially effective are predefined extractors that
download data into familiar simple spreadsheet programs that can be easily inte-
grated with graphics and text for high-level desktop publishing of reports.
Include in the informatics system electronic mail, bulletin boards, online
databases such as Medline, and the ability to facilitate high-level meetings. A
one-round Delphi questionnaire before the meeting is helpful in eliminating time
wasted discussing subjects on which everyone agrees. The Delphi results can
order the agenda according to the disparity of opinions. Real-time voting during
meetings, whether same-place or videoteleconferencing, will guide discussion,

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

show disagreements, and speed closure of each topic as constant re-voting dis-
plays convergence during discussions.
Many meetings can be held in choice time, choice place rather than in same
time, same place. Some can contribute during flights to other business locations.
Others will review the data at night. Why restrict insight and innovation to 9 to
5 in one time zone?

A. Decision Trees
Decision research should follow a decision tree through a series of decisions.
Most decisions can be mapped in advance. Many variables that will help you
make the decisions can be mapped. Each of these can be estimated, with the
information you have at the beginning, and then the estimates can be refined as
you proceed through the decision tree. Some variables will be defined precisely
and become deterministic. In many cases you will be surprised to find that only
a few observations of the variable will refine your estimates enough to make
further refinement irrelevant for the following decisions. This is one of the most
important features of decision analysis in research—you can measure precisely
the value of information and pay for information only if it will influence a subse-
quent decision.
At the beginning of decision research, write the product label. This exercise
will expose a number of decisions that must be made and the knowledge that
will help you make better-quality decisions. From this, design the decision tree
of your decision-phase research. Estimate all the variables from the information
you have. Then see how the variables will alter subsequent decisions. For the
most critical variables, see if they can be studied first. Don’t follow a rubber
stamp, but design the studies dynamically, the order in which they will be com-
pleted, as well as the extent of data to be collected. If the next datum will not
influence a decision, save it until an affirmative product decision is made. No
datum before its time—all data just in time.

B. Relevance Diagrams
Ron Howard, ScD, invented the relevance diagram as a linear transform of the
exponential decision tree. On one page you can represent 10–20 decisions and
50 or more nodes representing variables. The relationships are shown by arrows
that indicate which variables are relevant (influenced by) other variables. If you
were to estimate the halftime of a new drug in the first human, you might predi-
cate your estimate on the halftime in animals, the age of the patient, the liver
and kidney function of the patient, etc.
A well-constructed relevance diagram is the map to research. The decisions
are highlighted. Before each decision there are variables you should estimate

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

and variables you should measure directly. You can test the value of additional
information at any node. Some variables will surprise you with the importance
of precise information, but the studies can be designed specifically to acquire that
information with only the precision that will improve the quality of the decision.
The science of decision analysis, and especially its relevance diagram, is
perhaps the modern elegant hyperlinked multimedia embellishment of the World
War II operations research, linear programming, PERT charts, and flow diagrams.
It focuses attention on the critical decisions, defines the timing and precision of
tests, and provides a framework for discussion. It minimizes waste of intellect
and energy, speeds the flight of this braid to its decision goal, and keeps everyone
on track and focused.

A. Savings
Designing elegantly braided decision research from a relevance diagram should
save half or two-thirds of traditional time, effort, and expertise. A few drugs
might not reach 90% probability of success at product decision if they have very
delayed effects. You may have to make the product decision based on surrogates
such as plasma cholesterol concentration or markers of bone metabolism without
knowing for sure that the drug prevents heart attacks or vertebral fractures until
you have treated thousands of patients for years. But your investment decision
will be based on decision-phase studies of surrogates designed in elegant braided

B. Value
What value is created in discovery, in decision-phase research, or in registration
research leading to launch? If the probability of launch is only 0.1, then your
expected value is 10% of the product’s value at launch. When you reach first
human dose, and an industry-average 0.22 probability of regulatory approval,
your expected value has increased 120% from the 0.1 probability point. At prod-
uct decision, if your probability of successful launch is 0.9, you have increased
your expected value 900% from the start of decision research. These expected
values might be the maximum you should expect a partner to pay for your project.
If the partner is risk-averse, he will pay even less until you have eliminated much
of the risk. At what point should a small inventor firm try to sell its product?

C. Value/Assets
Examine the assets employed to move the project from milestone to milestone.
From molecule selection (start) to completion of single-dose animal studies in-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

cluding toxicokinetics should cost $1–3 million but might increase the probability
of success from 0.1 to 0.15. From there to the first human might cost $1–3 million
but increase the probability to 0.22. From there to the 20th human might cost
$1–3 million, but increase the probability to 0.4. From there to the 100th patient
at appropriate doses might cost $2–6 million, but increase the probability to 0.9.
If the certain-to-launch present certain equivalent value is $300 million, examine
a risk-neutral track of value generated per assets employed:
0.05 ($300M)/$2M ⫽ 7.5
0.07 ($300M)/$2M ⫽ 10.5
0.18 ($300M)/$2M ⫽ 27
0.5 ($300M)/$4M ⫽ 37.5
Overall: 0.8($300M)/$10M ⫽ 24

More expected value per asset employed is generated as research proceeds toward
the product decision. After the product decision, however, there may be the need
to spend $100M to eliminate that last 0.1 of uncertainty and harvest the value
in the marketplace. This expense can be predicted accurately and there is little
associated risk after the product decision.
If the firm undertaking the pivotal studies is successful and spends
$100M to reap the equivalent of $300M, that would seem to be a good
investment. How much should be shared with the originator who has spent
perhaps $30M on discovery and $10M on development? Perhaps $100M to
the originator will provide a 250% profit and leave a 200% profit to the new

D. Failure
Unfortunately, the above summary neglects failure. If nine discovery projects
fail for this one to succeed, and if each costs $30M, who will have paid the
$270M? In decision-phase research the developer will be careful to evaluate the
project at each milestone and use an options model to decide whether to make
the next investment. Thus failure in development will usually cost less than $10M
of development investments, but may cost all of the $30M of discovery invest-
ments unless a second molecule, with greater probability of success, can emerge
from the same discovery efforts.

E. Synergies
A small firm may have its future fixed to one product or a cluster of related
products and either thrives or dies on its success. A large firm diffuses the risk
and funds failures from successes. As long as a small firm can raise funds, it will
continue decision-phase research to reap the greatest value when it strikes a deal

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

with a partner to harvest the value. Unfortunately, when the product begins to
pale, fund raising becomes more difficult.
Another reason for synergy among large and small firms is that only the
large firms can afford asset-intensive combinatorial and computational chemistry,
high-throughput robotic screens, process and pilot plant chemistry, and manufac-
turing excellence. However, the frontier of biology moves quickly and at low
cost into genes and gene products. Small companies linked with academia can
exploit inexpensive biological tools to move rapidly through these emerging tech-
nologies to select biological targets suitable for screening with chemical libraries.
Surely this can be the magic of large company chemistry and small com-
pany biology, if these collaborations can be braided elegantly into thoughtfully
planned and efficiently executed projects. Such collaborations in discovery can
be fashioned to use the more risk-neutral and risk-diffusing large enterprise to
help buoy the smaller, more fragile enterprises.


Why haven’t we always done research this way? We treat patients one at a time,
using all available knowledge. The early statisticians and trial design specialists
were explorers who valiantly sifted through data to generate hypotheses and test
them. They used all the data they could find. Then frequentist statistical thinking
began to dominate. It arose from agriculture research in which large fields could
be planted in various ways, manured, and, much later, the crops harvested and
assessed. The frequentist would then make inferences about the population from
which the samples were drawn and about future samples that could be drawn
from the same population. These slow, plodding, smelly trials may be suitable
for crop cycles, but patients are at your door needing care. You can’t send them
away until the study is harvested. You must treat them using all your knowledge
The second problem with traditional frequentist statistics is that it focuses
on the central tendency—the mean. For approval, the U.S. FDA demands two
studies that have shown the means of two samples, for example, your test drug
versus placebo—to vary enough that the alpha error is .05 or less. But we don’t
treat patients in herds. Unfortunately, the U.S. FDA thinks of patients in just that
way. What is the proper dose of digoxin if you treat 100 patients each with the
same dose? The answer might be 0.5 mg per day orally, but some with hyperthy-
roidism and atrial fibrillation will be undertreated and others with hypomagnese-
mia or hypokalemia or renal failure will be overdosed.
This is what is so malignant about the U.S. FDA restricting access to drugs
until their frequentist statistical studies of herds has resulted in data that pleases
them, rather than focusing on the patients in need now. It also leads the U.S.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

FDA to believe that their crisply defined sets of diseases are correct, when every
practitioner knows that patients come in very fuzzy sets of joint pain, not classical
Still’s Disease, or cancer, not the stage IIIB lymphopenic tumors that made up
the herd that won drug approval. No wonder so many cancer patients are treated
off-label—their practitioners are classical Bayesians who use all information to
select the best treatment regimen and view patients as individuals, not members
of herds.
Today, with hyperlinked data and high-dimensional multivariate analyses,
patients can be studied as though they were individuals with some common fea-
tures. By studying such patients thoroughly, we can learn the predictive character-
istics that will allow us to choose the best therapy. We may not always be correct,
but we can always make the best decision based on all the available information.
That is why it is so critical that the U.S. FDA stop its embargoes on data that
do not fit its definition of approved, crisp diagnostic sets in its approved labels.
Under any circumstances such censorship is insulting to health practitioners
charged with the best care of their patients. When the patient is suffering and
dying, such censorship is immoral, unethical, and reprehensible.
Why use half a brain if you have both halves? We are the victims of the
left-brain, frequentist, post-hoc thinking. After the study is over, we analyze it
to death and we become the world’s best Monday morning quarterbacks (perhaps
Tuesday morning, after the Monday night game). But we’ve lost the resilience
of our ancestors who learned to cope, predict the best they could, innovate, try,
and make it work. Of course, those primitive Bayesians must have known how
to bet when in the past they sailed thousands of miles in Polynesia with the stars
and a few sticks or today open a hot belly and master whatever they find.
Tomorrow our newborns will be problem solvers in virtual reality, surfing
libraries, sampling historical CD-ROMs, invoking sophisticated analysis pro-
grams, and consulting online oracles all for that third-grade term paper. They
will visit museums where there are pens, dictionaries, newspapers, and linearly
scheduled TV programs, and they will wonder how the Nowanderthals ever sur-
vived without real-time translators, voice input, and attention-focusing knowbots.
Too futuristic for you? Remember how shocked you were at 2001: A Space Odys-
sey, when it appeared, and how contemporary it seems today.
We can leap forward toward tomorrow, enhancing the ethics of our research
by reducing needless patient exposures and reducing the time and cost of thera-
peutics development, through elegant braiding of chemistry, toxicology, and clin-
ical studies supported by comprehensive informatics and a relevance diagram
map. There will still be risk and failure and expense, but more patients will live
through earlier access to innovative treatments, and more patients will be able
to afford them.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Clinical Drug Trials in Pediatrics:
Dilemmas of Clinical Drug Trials in Pediatric

Allen Cato
Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina

Myron B. Peterson
Cato Research Ltd., Washington, D.C.


Because of unique physiological, ethical, legal, and economic factors, drug devel-
opment in the pediatric population (patients aged 16 years or younger) is a com-
plex process. Approximately 80% of the prescription drugs approved by the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and marketed in the United States are not
approved for use in children or are restricted to older age groups because of
limited clinical trials. Thus, children have been denied the benefit of many ad-
vances in therapeutics and remain, as Dr. Harry Shirkey (1) described them some
33 years ago, therapeutic orphans.
The failure to conduct pediatric drug trials for the proper labeling and for-
mulation of drugs is directly related to the following six factors:

1. Study expense is too large for a small potential market.

2. Small patient numbers limit the feasibility of statistical analysis.
3. Ethical issues are more complex in children.
4. Approval process may be prolonged because of patient recruitment
5. Pediatric clinical investigators are few in number.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

6. Once approved and marketed for adults, drugs will be used off-label
for children, so why conduct pediatric trials?
Other mitigating factors, such as questions of delayed toxicity, mutagene-
sis, and pharmacokinetic variability, are also germane to the pediatric age group.
These factors, however, do not normally impose a barrier to drug development
in children, although specific cases may prevent the initiation of clinical trials
with certain drugs.
Despite these issues, pediatric clinical trials and testing can be properly con-
ducted if careful steps are taken to ensure the safety of the subject and of the drug.
Recent regulatory efforts to require pediatric studies to be a part of the labeling
process for all drugs, with some exceptions, are certain to increase the numbers
of pediatric clinical trials in the near future. This focus on the need to improve
drug development in children came to the fore when Dr. David Kessler, a pediatri-
cian, was commissioner of the FDA. His recognition of the drawbacks of off-label
prescribing practices in pediatrics was largely responsible for the stepped-up efforts
by regulatory authorities to intervene in this process in recent years.
The decision to conduct a pediatric drug study and the relative timing of
such a study, is based on the following underlying factors:
1. Severity of the disease
2. Availability of alternative therapy
3. Safety/efficacy versus toxicity ratio
4. Distribution of the disease in pediatric populations
5. Duration of the disease
6. Practicality of conducting the study
7. Regulatory influence
This chapter discusses each of these seven decision points and provides specific
examples that demonstrate the application of these principles. Special emphasis
is placed on regulatory changes of the past decade.


A. Severity of the Disease
The basis for determining the necessity and urgency of conducting clinical trials
in the pediatric population is related directly to the severity of the disease process.
For this discussion, we will classify disease process ‘‘severe with high mortality’’
(e.g., HIV), ‘‘clinically significant, but not usually fatal’’ (e.g., hepatitis), or ‘‘mi-
nor’’ (e.g., acne). The greater the severity of the disease, the greater is the obliga-
tion to conduct trials in younger patients.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

B. Availability of Alternative Therapy
The need to identify a new drug in the pediatric population depends on whether
suitable alternatives exist. There may be no available therapy to treat a disease,
the therapy available may result in significant treatment failures, or it may be
associated with unacceptable side effects. Often overlooked is the fact that an
otherwise acceptable therapy may be unavailable in a dosage formulation suitable
for infants and children. Appropriate dosage sizes, lack of liquid formulations,
and strange tastes decrease compliance with treatment modalities, directly or indi-
rectly. In many instances, parents must divide an adult tablet to obtain the appro-
priate dose prescribed for their child. This practice often results in imprecise
dosing, with a poor therapeutic response. At times, drugs are prepared in liquid
forms by pharmacies in a well-intentioned attempt to aid parents. This effort,
however, gives rise to formulations that have not been tested for expiration, stabil-
ity, or efficacy. In effect, the lack of adequate drug formulations renders a therapy
unavailable for children.

C. Safety and Efficacy Versus Toxicity Ratio

The balance among safety, efficacy, and toxicity is a major concern in the deci-
sion to engage a pediatric subject in drug research. From birth through adoles-
cence, a child is constantly changing, both physiologically and metabolically.
These dynamic changes contribute to the increased susceptibility of these individ-
uals to certain types of undesirable effects from drugs. Consider the following
Delayed toxicity. Certain completely unanticipated types of toxicity have
been shown to develop long after exposure to the offending agent. Examples
include retrolental fibroplasia (a scarring of the retina that occurs in children
months to years after exposure to oxygen in the neonatal period), and uterine
cancer (has been linked to the offspring of mothers exposed to diethylstilbestrol
while pregnant (2–4).
Mutagenesis. During the early developmental years, individuals are espe-
cially vulnerable to genetic alterations from drug effects.
Drug interactions. Unique and important drug interactions occur in the
pediatric population. For example, infants have special needs for certain dietary
components, such as vitamins, amino acids, and calcium, to maintain normal
growth and development. The efficacy of these dietary elements may be enhanced
or diminished by drugs. Calcium (found in milk), for example, significantly inter-
feres with the absorption of some antibiotics, limiting their therapeutic effective-
ness. In addition, antibiotics can alter the intestinal flora, potentially resulting in
diminished absorption of certain vitamins. Although the same may be true in
adults, one normally does not attach the same importance to these ancillary

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

interactions because the effects on cognitive and physical development in adults
are not an issue.
Pharmacokinetics. The absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excre-
tion of drugs in children can be dramatically different than in adults (5), substan-
tially restricting the ability to extrapolate data from adults to children. The phar-
macokinetic behavior of chloramphenicol, for example, is markedly different in
neonates because hepatic glucuronidation is not well developed in infants. When
this antibiotic was first administered (off-label) to neonates, excessive concentra-
tions of chloramphenicol occurred and were associated with abdominal disten-
tion, hypotension, hypoxia, and poor perfusion. The gray appearance secondary
to poor perfusion gave rise to the term ‘‘gray baby syndrome’’ used to describe
this condition. Consequently, chloramphenicol is now contraindicated in the neo-
natal population.
Bioavailability. For all the reasons previously discussed, infants and chil-
dren usually require drug formulations unique to their age group to assure ade-
quate delivery of a drug.

D. Distribution of the Disease in Pediatric Populations

The distribution of a disease in the pediatric population determines not only
whether the drug will be studied, but also how such studies will be timed in the
continuum of drug development. If the disease is rare with no alternative therapy,
or if it occurs primarily in children, deviations are permitted from the usual safety
and efficacy requirements. In such cases, a Phase I study may be initiated directly
in children, permitting pediatric pharmacological evaluations to begin in the ab-
sence of comparable data from adults. After minimal pharmacokinetic studies
have been completed, it may be reasonable for pilot efficacy studies to proceed
in children, and greater flexibility may be extended to investigators with regard
to efficacy requirements. Additional leeway is often granted concerning the fre-
quency and amount of doses that may be used without extensive preclinical
If a disease occurs in both adults and children, the initial single-dose and
short-term multiple-dose studies are usually initiated in adults (frequently in nor-
mal volunteers) to define a dosage range suitable for human pharmacological and
toxicological effects. If and when pediatric investigation ensues, the initial studies
are usually conducted in pediatric pharmacology research units (PPRUs), which
have with adequate facilities and personnel to carefully monitor and execute the
pharmacokinetic bioavailability and clinical studies. These units are funded by
the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and constitute a
formal network that was established to provide access to large numbers of infants
and children with a correspondingly large number of diseases. These research

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

units are also geographically distinct, thus distributing both the risk and the bene-
fit of clinical investigation across the entire pediatric population.
Subsequent pediatric investigation is conducted in small numbers of chil-
dren and usually consists of studies using single-dose schedules or short-term
multiple doses with an escalating dose schedule. Pilot studies assessing efficacy
are initiated only after studies establishing evidence of pharmacological activity
and toxic dosage ranges are completed in the adult population, unless an indica-
tion is limited to children.

E. Duration of the Disease

The duration of the disease to be investigated with a new compound affects the
timing of the investigation. The normal investigative period involved in attaining
FDA approval consists of four phases of study (Phases I through IV clinical
trials). If a disease is acute and short-lived, pediatric patients are usually studied
during Phases I and II. When the disease is chronic, however, pediatric trials are
usually not initiated until Phase III or Phase IV. Some drugs, such as psychoactive
compounds, must be administered to children over many months or years. In
such cases, special preclinical tests should be completed before the initiation of
pediatric trials. Such studies would include animal studies testing for the effect
of the compound on growth, development, pubescence, and reproduction—the
effects of long-term administration. Typically, these studies are not completed
until Phase III. Studies in pediatric patients should be scheduled so that the effects
of the test drug can be assessed during various stages of development, especially
during periods of rapid growth and development.

F. Practicality of Conducting the Study

A factor often overlooked when addressing the lack of pediatric drug trials for
new drug development is the practicality of conducting the study. The number
of investigators trained in pediatric pharmacology is quite limited. In addition,
the number of pediatric patients available to participate in a study may be insuffi-
cient, either because the disease is much less common in the pediatric population,
or because the pediatric population is scattered, rendering the study impractical.
Although the latter problem has been partially addressed by the advent of the
PPRUs network, it still can pose a significant barrier to clinical trials in certain
types of patients.
The measurements necessary to obtain a definable endpoint may be unob-
tainable in neonates and infants. Pulmonary function tests, for example, are not
easily performed in subjects under the age of 6 years. This clearly can affect
asthma studies and may cause the investigator to use alternative endpoints, such

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

as asthma questionnaires that provide less objective data. Validated, subjective
test procedures, such as measurements on a visual analog scale, are obviously
impossible when a patient has not yet learned to speak. Hence, methodology, or
lack thereof, may be crucial. Furthermore, it was only a short time ago that the
clinical laboratory was adapted adequately to use the smaller volume of biological
fluids available in pediatric patients to measure drug bioavailability, chemistries,
electrolytes, and other parameters needed to evaluate drug safety and efficacy.
Even now, many tests do not lend themselves to use in the pediatric population
because of blood volume considerations in small children.
Finally, trials conducted early in the development of a drug often involve
either hospitalized patients or patients who can be grouped together and kept
under close supervision. This poses limitations when studying children, where the
importance of being permitted to remain in the secure and comforting environs of
home is tantamount. Thus, pediatric clinical trials must be designed to limit pa-
tient inconveniences such as discomfort, travel distance, and time. Outpatient
trials, which may be more convenient, usually come later in the course of drug

G. Regulatory and Legal Issues

When initiating pediatric studies, many important, sometimes political, regulatory
and legal issues must be considered. Regulations affecting pediatric drug trials
differ widely from country to country. Even in the United States within the FDA,
opinions often vary, although in many cases this variation results from the many
clinical and practical issues discussed above.
In the United States, many regulatory issues are governed by Institutional
Review Boards (IRBs), which play a major role in deciding the timing, conduct,
and design of pediatric investigational trials. The IRB (or a proxy IRB) must
review every pediatric drug protocol submitted to the institution. The composition
of the board is specified by law and must include individuals such as priests,
homemakers, and other nonmedical personnel. Given such a mix of participants,
it is hardly surprising that opinions vary widely from institution to institution
regarding pediatric trials. This situation is further complicated by the fact that
not every IRB has members with experience or training in the conduct of clinical
trials involving children.
One specific important regulatory and legal concern is the difficult issue
of consent versus assent. Some people argue that it is impossible for a child of
any age to give true informed consent. It is certainly impossible for an infant
even to assent to a clinical trial, much less give informed consent. Clearly, the
parent or guardian must give consent for the child, but removing consent from
the individual most affected by the trial further complicates the approval process.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Also complicating this process is the rise in the numbers of single parents and
the often-contentious custody issues surrounding these situations.
Finally, judicial findings play a major role in the decision to study a drug
in a pediatric population, as exemplified by the story of Bendectin. Bendectin
was the only FDA-approved drug ever indicated for use during pregnancy for
nausea and vomiting. First marketed in 1956, it was subsequently used by 33
million pregnant women. Inevitably, liability suits were brought against the man-
ufacturer, Merrell-Dow, by the parents of deformed babies whose mothers had
ingested Bendectin during pregnancy. The scientific facts were impressive. Nu-
merous teratology studies in multiple animal species had failed to show any asso-
ciation of Bendectin with teratological risk. Perhaps most impressive were the
results of several large epidemiological studies in humans, which assessed sub-
jects exposed to Bendectin and failed to suggest any teratological potential. The
sad fact is that many congenital abnormalities occur in babies; there is a baseline
incidence of these defects regardless of maternal ingestion of any medication.
Despite these facts, Merrell-Dow was found liable in a legal case brought
by parents of a child born with limb-reduction deformities after in-utero exposure
to Bendectin. A flood of lawsuits followed this verdict, as one would expect. The
company’s insurance premiums tripled in 3 years, reaching $1 million per month,
with sales of Bendectin exceeding $15 million per year. With 325 suits pending,
Merrill-Dow ceased production of Bendectin in 1983. Thus, a judicial, rather
than scientific, decision leading to the subsequent withdrawal of Bendectin left
the medical community with a significant therapeutic void, because severe cases
of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy may lead to serious maternal nutritional
deficiencies linked to damaging effects in the fetus.


To illustrate how the factors outlined in the Introduction may be used in practical
applications (i.e., before submitting a New Drug Application to the FDA), con-
sider the following two examples.

A. Example 1: Tracrium
Tracrium (atracurium besylate), is a nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking
agent with an intermediate duration of action (45 min).

1. Severity of the disease. This compound was intended for use during
surgery, and hence would be considered a clinically significant agent.
2. Availability of alternative therapy. No other agents of intermediate

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

duration were available; the commonly used neuromuscular blocking
agents available for children at that time were either very short or very
long in duration of action. Furthermore, all previously available neuro-
muscular blocking agents caused significant cardiovascular side effects
(e.g., bradycardia, hypertension, tachycardia, malignant hyperthermia)
in a portion of the pediatric population.
3. Safety/efficacy versus toxicity ratio. Because Tracrium was only to be
administered as a single dose, there was no reason to expect any de-
layed toxicity. Moreover, because its effects were of intermediate dura-
tion, its actions were expected to approximate the duration of surgery
in many pediatric cases. Furthermore, at the time of administration,
minimal cardiovascular effects at therapeutic doses had been observed
in 500 adult patients during Phase II trials, and no significant abnormal
laboratory or electrocardiogram data had been found.
4. Distribution of the disease in pediatric populations. Surgery occurs
uniformly often in the pediatric population.
5. Regulatory influence. Because of the safety/efficacy ratio previously
demonstrated in adults, it was easy to enlist the approval of the IRBs.
Additionally, parents and children were cooperative and freely gave
consent to participate. One center required at least verbal assent for
children age 7 and older, and another required only parental consent.
6. Duration of the disease. Surgery is acute.
7. Practicality of conducting the study. Surgery is a frequent occurrence
in the pediatric population. In addition, all patients were necessarily
hospitalized and under the direct care of an anesthesiologist with ready
systems for life support. Good follow-up also was available. One com-
plicating factor was that preoperative and postoperative chemistries are
not routine for uncomplicated pediatric surgery cases, and thus this
information had to be included in the informed consent. These two
otherwise unnecessary venipunctures did have the potential for nega-
tively influencing patient entry. Therefore, to optimize the entry rate
and obtain safety data, a quota system was devised wherein the proto-
col required the collection of laboratory safety data from at least 30%
of patients studied. When the study was conducted, investigators were
actually able to obtain data from 47% of the patients between 2 and 10
years of age; however, no laboratory data was collected in the patients
between 1 month and 2 years of age.

When the New Drug Application (NDA) for Tracrium was approved by
the FDA, adequate dosing instructions for pediatric patients were included in the
approved package insert.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

B. Example 2: Flolan
Flolan (prostacyclin/epoprostenol sodium) is an example of a drug that was stud-
ied in the pediatric setting very early in the course of its development. Flolan is
a naturally occurring substance, synthesized primarily by vascular endothelial
cells. It is the strongest vasodilator and antiplatelet aggregation agent known.
Given its pharmacological profile, the drug was studied very early in its develop-
ment in relation to a disease called persistent fetal circulation of pulmonary hyper-
tension of the newborn.
1. Severity of the disease. Persistent fetal circulation is an extremely se-
vere disease, with a mortality rate of ⬎90% in those newborns who
fail to respond to conventional treatment.
2. Availability of alternative therapy. The only treatment available was
hyperventilation and 100% oxygen. This combination was considered
to be a relatively low-risk therapy, but the failure rate was unacceptably
high, at approximately 40% treatment failure.
3. Safety/efficacy versus toxicity ratio. Owing to the extreme pharmaco-
logical potency of the drug, hypotension, flushing, nausea and vom-
iting, and headaches were known to occur. Offsetting these limitations
was its short pharmacological half-life, which is 3 min in adults and
is similar in children.
4. Distribution of the disease in pediatric populations. Persistent fetal
circulation occurs only in neonates, at or shortly after birth.
5. Regulatory influence. Given the severity of the disease and the unfavor-
able outcome for those patients who fail to respond to conventional
therapy, the FDA, IRB, and parental consent were all favorable.
6. Duration of the disease. The course of the disease is acute, with recov-
ery or death within days.
7. Practicality of conducting the study. Considerable negatives weighed
against the decision to proceed with the study: the frequency of the
disease was rare, with only one or two resistant cases per year in large
medical centers; neonatologists are not usually trained in drug develop-
ment; and cardiac catheterization was required (a procedure that might
not otherwise be needed) to make the measurements necessary for en-
trance into the study and to measure efficacy. On the positive side,
however, the patients were always hospitalized.
The decision was made to proceed with the Flolan study. Only the worst
cases were enrolled. Unfortunately, after accumulating approximately 12 patients,
the study was suspended because of lack of sufficient data demonstrating efficacy.
One very interesting and surprising bit of data emerged: neonates could tolerate
5 to 10 times the dosages of Flolan that would make adults quite ill.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

This drug was subsequently used to treat primary pulmonary hypertension,
a disease of unknown etiology that occurs in both children and adults. The first
treatment of primary pulmonary hypertension with Flolan was given to an
8-year-old child in 1980 (6). The first adult study for the same indication was
performed later, in 1982 (7). This indication was pursued and Flolan was finally
approved for primary pulmonary hypertension in New York Heart Association
Class III and Class IV patients. No approval has ever been granted for use in
pediatric patients.
These two examples demonstrate the decision-making process that goes
into a drug development plan. In one case, the decision was successful. In the
case of Flolan, the study was not successful, and the trial was suspended with
the possibility that another study might be attempted after more was known about
the drug. It is curious indeed that this occurred for a related, although not identi-
cal, indication in adults. Children with the same disease were never studied; thus
this potent agent is now used off-label in the pediatric population because no
alternative treatment exists for the disease.



The fact that, for years, very few drugs were labeled safe and effective for pediat-
ric use led the FDA to issue labeling requirements in 1979 (8) to address this
problem. These regulations required that specific pediatric indications be de-
scribed in the Indications and Usage section and the recommended pediatric doses
in the Dosage and Administration section of the drug label. Recommendations
for pediatric use had to be based on substantial evidence derived from adequate
and well-controlled trials in the pediatric population, unless the requirement was
waived. If safety and efficacy could not be proved, or if the drug posed specific
hazards to children, specific comments were to be included in the Pediatric Use
section of the label.
Although the intent of these new regulations was to promote pediatric label-
ing, it had the opposite effect because it called for enhanced data collection in
children, which was often difficult or impractical to gather. During a 5-year period
(1984–1989), the American Academy of Pediatrics found that about 80% of all
drugs approved had no pediatric use information.
Because of concerns related to inappropriate use or nonuse of these drugs,
the FDA wrote a new pediatric rule in 1994 (9). This rule was an attempt to both
clarify the FDA position vis-à-vis the 1979 requirements, and at the same time
simplify the requirements for industry to provide adequate pediatric information.
The requirement that pediatric labeling must be based on adequate and well-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

controlled trials in children was amended to allow submissions of other data
when these trials were not or could not be performed. This essentially per-
mitted the extrapolation of adult data to pediatric populations, although additional
pediatric safety and pharmacokinetic information had to be submitted upon re-
quest. This rule also increased the responsibility of the sponsor to justify those
instances when pediatric labeling should not occur. Finally, the fact that inactive
ingredients can pose hazards to children was also recognized. Still very little
progress was made after the 1994 rule. In 1996, only 15 of 40 new molecular
entities (NMEs) thought to have pediatric applications included any pediatric
labeling. By 1997, only 9 of 27 potentially useful NMEs included pediatric use
When it became clear that voluntary compliance would not achieve the
stated goal of increased pediatric labeling, the FDA issued a new rule in 1998
(10). This rule mandates pediatric studies for all NMEs, new active ingredients,
new indications, new dosage forms, new dosing regimens, and new routes of
administration. Waivers may be given and deferral of information may be granted
at times. Furthermore, if a sponsor is not compliant, legal proceedings may be
Drugs that have already been marketed may also be affected if at least one
of the following is true:
1. Substantial pediatric use occurs for the marketed indications, and lack
of labeling may pose significant risk.
2. Increased therapeutic benefit can be achieved over existing therapy in
pediatric patients, and lack of labeling may pose significant risk in this
At present, substantial use is defined as 50,000 children with a specific
disease or condition. In a pediatric subpopulation (e.g., neonates), 15,000 patients
must have a specific disease or condition. Meaningful therapeutic benefit means
significant improvement in prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of disease com-
pared with marketed products that are labeled for pediatric use. Increased patient
compliance, decrease or elimination of drug reactions, and efficacy and safety
in a new subpopulation also constitute significant improvement.
The 1998 rule also requires the constitution of a panel of pediatric experts
to advise the FDA on matters concerning the conduct of pediatric clinical trials,
including ethics, trial design, and questions pertaining to substantial use and sig-
nificant therapeutic benefit.
Waivers are granted when it is clear that no pediatric benefit exists—that
is, that the number of cases is small and the therapeutic benefit is minimal or
nonexistent. Examples of diseases that meet these criteria are breast cancer, Alz-
heimer’s disease, osteoarthritis, and lung cancer, all of which result in automatic

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

waivers. Waivers may be requested if too few patients exist with a pediatric
disease, or if those who are affected are geographically dispersed and hence too
difficult to study. If evidence suggests that a drug would be ineffective or unsafe
in children, a waiver may also be granted.
A deferral of pediatric information until after approval may be granted if
safety and efficacy data need to be on hand before conducting pediatric trials, or
if conducting the pediatric studies would result in a delay in the development
process, thus limiting the availability of the therapeutic agent to adults. If a new
drug is not likely to offer benefits over and above those drugs already approved
for children, pediatric data submission may also be deferred. In such instances,
until pediatric studies are conducted, the approved label must advise against use
in children and, if appropriate, suggest other drugs in the same class that have
been labeled for pediatric use.
To further increase compliance with pediatric labeling, Congress has pro-
vided economic incentives in the form of a 6-month extension of exclusivity
within the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997 for products
(antibiotics and most biologics are excluded) that have exclusivity or patent
rights. Exclusivity extensions are granted via three steps: (a) the sponsor receives
a written request from the FDA; (b) the sponsor reports the results of the requested
studies; and (c) the FDA determines whether the report meets the terms of the
written request.
Written requests from the FDA are sent in response to a proposal from a
sponsor, manufacturer, or an interested party on behalf of either the sponsor or
the manufacturer. The proposal is submitted under an appropriate Investigational
New Drug (IND) Application or NDA, and can include references, planned stud-
ies, analyses, description of suitability for children, and so forth. Analysis of the
literature alone is not acceptable. If the proposal is adequate, the FDA sends a
formal written request to the applicant that details exactly what needs to be done
and a time frame that must be followed. Upon receipt of the report, the FDA
makes a determination based on a review division’s findings, which are endorsed
by a pediatric panel. Granting of exclusivity is not connected to approval; the
pivotal factor is whether the applicant complied with the terms of the written
request. As of April 1, 2001, 218 proposed pediatric study requests had been
received, and 188 written requests had been issued. In addition, as of February
26, 2001, 38 total exclusivity determinations had been made, of which, 27 were
approved. As of March 1, 2001, 16 changes to pediatric exclusivity labeling had
been made.
Congress has recently requested that the FDA publish an annual list of
drugs that may produce benefits in children. These are termed ‘‘essential drugs’’
for children and are targeted as a developmental priority for children. As far back
as 1979, the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Committee on Drugs made a list

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

of hundreds of drugs in 33 therapeutic groups thought to be useful for children,
but not labeled as such. This list was created under contract with the FDA. How-
ever, no effort was made to rank these drugs, and the FDA never took official
action concerning this list. In 1984, a second list of 103 drugs was made, under
contract, and sent to the FDA. Again, no attempt was made to rank the drugs.
Subsequently, the FDA did request a list of 10 important drugs used parenterally
in neonates, which finally resulted in some progress: pediatric information was
eventually added to five of these drugs.
The recent request from Congress includes every drug approved for any
indication found in children. Also included is a priority section consisting of
drugs that are already approved for an adult indication, which have the same
potential pediatric indication and, if approved for children, would result in a sig-
nificant benefit over products already marketed. Any such drug must meet the
additional criterion of being prescribed at least 50,000 times yearly, and it must
be needed for additional therapeutic or diagnostic use.
At present, this list is used for internal FDA review purposes, but it will
likely find wider application in the future. Industry investment in pediatric drugs
is disproportionately concentrated in antimicrobials, probably because of market
potential. Other important drugs such as sedatives or hypnotics, inotropes, and
antiarrhythmics are not labeled for pediatric use or are not available in appropriate
formulations for children. For example, Adenocard IV (adenosine), a drug
widely used in children to convert supraventricular tachycardia to sinus rhythm,
has never been studied in a controlled trial in the pediatric population. Proper
application of a carefully designed priority list will be one way of helping to
correct this imbalance.


Although pediatric clinical trials are difficult to conduct, well-designed studies

can and should be conducted for drugs that will be, or may be, used in children.
The FDA is developing guidelines for pediatric clinical trials that address trial
design, the use of placebos, and the role of data and safety monitoring boards
in modulating these studies. Off-label use of drugs for children is a practice that
should be discouraged, because it is essentially the use of a drug that has not
been approved by the FDA. An adult indication does not directly translate to a
pediatric indication, and it is not acceptable for a physician to assume the risk
of using a drug off-label merely because it has not been tested in children.
The new regulations described above represent an important step toward
correcting the inequities that exist between adults and children in contemporary
drug development.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


1. Shirkey H. Therapeutic orphans. J Pediatr 1968; 72:119–120.

2. Olitsky SE, Nelson LB. Disorders of the retina and vitreous. In: Behrman RE, Klieg-
man RM, Jenson HB, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. Philadelphia: Saunders,
3. Herbst AL, Cole P, Colton T, Robboy SJ, Scully RE. Age-incidence and risk of
diethylstilbestrol-related clear cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina and cervix. Am J
Obstet Gynecol 1977; 128:43–50.
4. Mattingly RF, Stafi A. Cancer risk in diethylstilbestrol-exposed offspring. Am J
Obstet Gynecol 1976; 126:543–548.
5. McManus MC, Peterson MB. Developmental pharmacology. In: Todres ID, Fugate
JH, eds. Critical Care of Infants and Children. New York: Little, Brown, 1996:570–
6. Watkins WD, Peterson MB, Crone RK, Shannon DC, Levine L. Prostacyclin and
prostaglandin E1 for severe idiopathic pulmonary artery hypertension. Lancet 1980;
7. Rubin LJ, Groves BM, Reeves JT, Frosolono M, Handel F, Cato AE. Prostacyclin
induced acute pulmonary vasodilation in primary pulmonary hypertension. Circula-
tion 1982; 66:334–338.
8. 44 Fed Reg 37434, June 26, 1979.
9. 59 Fed Reg 64240, December 13, 1994.
10. 63 Fed Reg 66631 (Part 231), December 2, 1998.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Electronic Capture of Clinical Trial

Daniel C. Cato
Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina

David B. Thomas
Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., Pleasanton, California


The drug development process has matured into a system used primarily for cap-
turing information on paper. Although this process is entrenched in industry pro-
cedures and is well understood, documented, and accepted, it is also recognized
as somewhat inefficient and costly. To date, the greatest progress in moving clini-
cal trial information by electronic modes has been in the transfer of patient testing
results from centralized laboratories to trial sponsors’ databases. This technical
innovation was made by the central laboratories that had the electronic technolo-
gies available through their own laboratory information systems and saw an op-
portunity to attract business from clinical trial sponsors by offering efficient trans-
fer of testing information to the sponsor.
For more than 20 years, various proposals have been made for expanding
electronic data capture to encompass an increased portion of trial information.
The motivation behind these proposals has been the quest to (a) reduce the time
it takes to collect and verify trial information, (b) simplify the collection process
of trial information in hopes of increasing the accuracy of study data, and (c)
reduce the resources (costs) involved in conducting trials. Only in the last few
years has the technology been available to help us see how these goals might be

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

This chapter discusses various methods of electronic clinical trial data cap-
ture that use a variety of technologies intended to improve the clinical drug devel-
opment process. In addition, consideration is given to some regulatory issues that
have emerged as a result of the initiatives to integrate electronic data capture
technologies into the clinical trial process.


A. Optical Character Recognition
One intermediate step in improving the efficiency of paper-based systems is to
use technology to handle paper more efficiently. For example, extracting data
from case report forms (CRFs) by using optical character recognition (OCR) from
scanned or faxed images of CRF pages has been employed for some time. This
technology allows sponsors to route, archive, and disseminate electronic versions,
rather than paper versions, of the study data. However, until the last few years,
the limited accuracy of OCR systems had restricted the efficiency of this process.
Today, using forms designed for OCR data entry and using state-of-the-art tech-
nology, it is possible to scan data into a database with a high degree of accuracy
However, although OCR continues to improve, as long as some error in
transfer is possible, an operator will be required to oversee the product and to
verify and correct questionable data. Additionally, some studies are more suitable
for OCR data entry because their CRFs can be carefully designed to optimize
the technology. For example, the best results can be obtained from studies whose
CRFs contain a high percentage of predefined data options (i.e., check boxes)
and limited requirements for hand-written text entries. Various vendors now offer
systems employing form, fax, and OCR database entry for use in clinical trials.
(A fairly comprehensive source of information technology [IT] vendors for clini-
cal trials is available in the annual IT Solutions of the journal Applied Clinical
Trials.) Although these systems are not perfect, they represent a relatively inex-
pensive technological investment, and they can be readily integrated into tradi-
tional paper-based trial management systems.

B. Bar Coding
Another time-consuming yet critical aspect of paper-based systems is tracking
the source documentation pages of original data or data changes. Traditionally,
this task has been done by some system of numbering CRF pages and other study
documentation. These numbers must be accurately applied to each document and
then placed in the study database as indication of the source of information en-
tered. A filing system must then be maintained that allows retrieval of each page.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Paper systems are cumbersome to maintain and are difficult to manage, particu-
larly when questions arise about the study data.
A technology that has shown promise to improve this system is bar coding.
Applying such codes to documents provides quick and highly accurate coding
of trial data and obviates the need to code each study document manually. Again,
this technology is relatively cheap, available, and in the case of most industry-
sponsored trials, is likely to be used within the quality and manufacturing opera-
tions of the trial sponsor.



The delay between the patient visit and the time the data are entered into the spon-
sor’s database is a problem inherent in paper-based study data collection systems.
If CRFs are collected by the sponsor when the patient completes the study, then,
in a year-long study, at least a year will have passed between the patient’s first
visit and the time the data are entered into the database. Most sponsors increase
the efficiency of their process by requiring that CRF data be submitted to a central
data management center at specified intervals during a patient’s progress through
the trial. The advantage of such a procedure is that questionable or invalid data
can be identified and data issues can be resolved on an ongoing basis. However,
in practice, it is often difficult for clinical sites to keep up with the sponsor’s expec-
tations for the prompt and accurate completion and submission of CRF data. In
addition, when the sponsor receives the CRF data, it takes some time before it can
be screened and entered and items can be identified that need to be returned to the
site for resolution. During this time, the site personnel may be unaware that the
sponsor has issues with the site’s interpretation of the study protocol or completion
of the CRFs, and the particular problem may continue unchecked.
One way industry has tried to decrease the time between the investigator’s
evaluation of the patient and entry of that data into the database is by implement-
ing remote data entry (RDE) systems. In an RDE system, data entry and capture
capabilities are provided at each study site. Personnel at each site are trained
to enter the data upon completion of the CRF or after each patient visit. In this
way, the data, although not necessarily checked by the clinical monitor, are avail-
able to the sponsor in a more timely manner. After entry, the data can be sent
to the sponsor by upload over a modem connection or by mailing removable
storage devices (e.g., floppy disks, CDs). Therefore, data questions from the spon-
sor can be posed earlier in the process, when the site is still familiar with the
Although RDE systems have been used successfully, many problems exist
with the overall strategy. RDE requires additional work at the site because data

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

must be recorded on paper CRFs before being entered into the RDE system.
Because the requisite computers are usually provided by the study sponsor, that
company will likely limit the use of the RDE computers to only their study.
Therefore, the company imposes upon the study site additional space require-
ments for a dedicated computer required for each RDE study being conducted
at that location. In addition, because RDE systems are not standardized, the site
personnel probably will also need extensive training on each system; this is fur-
ther complicated by study site staff turnover. Once implemented and imple-
mented correctly, RDE systems can provide quick turnaround and review of the
study data. Realistically, however, they provide only minimal advantage over
simply faxing completed CRFs (or completed portions of CRFs) promptly to a
data management group.
However, the data entry process can be shortened by one full step if, using
those same data entry and data capture systems, the CRF data are entered directly
into a digital format (electronic data capture [EDC]) rather than first being tran-
scribed by the site onto written CRF pages. This saves the laborious process of
data entry of the CRFs either at the site or back at the sponsor’s location.
In addition to CRF data, other information that might be electronically cap-
tured (digitized) at a clinical site and transmitted to the sponsor includes the

Study documentation (investigator’s agreements, CVs, contracts, investiga-

tional product accountability, etc.)
Study data (CRFs, adverse experience reports, imaging and other assess-
ment records, etc.)
Patient-initiated records (study diaries, event reporting, remote sensing rec-
ords such as Holter Monitoring readings)
Study data queries and their resolution

Until recently, the implementation of remote data capture systems was sig-
nificantly hindered by issues related to the regulatory standard that all information
from trial sites be attributed to an individual qualified to certify the accuracy of
the data. Traditionally this standard had been fulfilled by a qualified investigator
or designee who signed and dated a form. Because there was no alternative to
the written signature, data submitted electronically by the site at some point still
had to be printed and sent back to the investigator for review and signature. In
effect, the signature process negated some of the efficiency gained through remote
data entry. However, in 1997, a Food and Drug Administration ruling (1) recog-
nized the validity of electronic records and electronic signatures. Title 21 of the
Code of Federal Regulations, Part 11, represents a significant step forward in
electronic data capture and submission of clinical data.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


With the range of technologies available today, a variety of systems exists for
the remote electronic data capture of trial data into the sponsor’s central database,
and the workflow from EDC systems can be fairly uncomplicated. Site personnel
enter study data directly into the EDC system instead of first transcribing the
information onto paper CRFs. To reduce data queries, logic checks can be built
into systems so that inconsistent or out-of-range values can be flagged at the time
they are entered. This allows erroneous data to be corrected before it is committed
to the trial database, and it prompts for additional explanatory information that
may assist in interpretation of the data submitted.
Alternatively, the data may be entered into a locally stored database and
then transmitted to the sponsor’s database, where it is edited. At some point
during the entry process, the system should provide for site review and certifica-
tion that the information being submitted is consistent with the source documenta-
tion (e.g., patient records). For information derived from source documentation at
the site, monitoring will still be necessary to verify that the submitted information
matches the source database and to reconcile any discrepancies—the same as in
paper-based systems.
EDC systems for clinical studies can be categorized as offline or online,
differentiated by whether or not an active connection to the study’s central data-
base is required. Each type of EDC system is discussed below.

A. Offline EDC Systems

Offline EDC systems with local data capture and transmission to the sponsor’s
database can have various configurations. Generally, all involve some hardware
that allows data entry into a configuration defined by the study protocol (e.g.,
CRF page formats). The system may involve a sponsor-supplied database to be
run on the site’s personal computer (PC), or a turnkey system provided by the
sponsor (i.e., hardware [PC] and database). Advantages of the turnkey configura-
tion are that the site database (and PC) can be supplied in a validated state and
data can be edited against protocol requirements as it is entered. Accepted
data can be transmitted in batch mode to the sponsor via modem (telephone)
upload, or sent on some type of removable medium (floppy disks, CDs, etc.).
Although this configuration for managing data from multicenter trials was de-
scribed more than 20 years ago, it is only with the recent drop in PC prices and
the availability of reliable off-the-shelf software that such configurations have
become attractive.
A more sophisticated configuration of direct input into the sponsor’s study
database involves ‘‘thin’’ client configurations. In these systems, the site need

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

have only a simple PC equipped with a browser and a modem. Data entry from
the site is accomplished by dial-up to the sponsor’s database so that the data
entry formats are communicated from the central database to the browser. Screen
entry of data by the site goes directly into the central database with no information
stored on the local PC. In this configuration, data may be edited, queried, and
accepted or rejected during the entry process or at the end of a data entry session.
Some advantages of thin client solutions are the low cost, the flexibility regarding
the PC configuration at the site (only the compatibility of the browser influences
compatibility with the sponsor’s database), and the availability of thin client soft-
ware (products from Microsoft and Citrix are the most commonly used). Because
these systems do not require a high-quality phone connection, a powerful PC, or
additional validation, sites almost anywhere in the world can participate in trials
using this technology. An added security advantage exists for the trial sponsor
in that the data are never stored outside the central database. Thin client technol-
ogy also provides the sponsor with numerous options for performing data entry.
For example, the sponsor may choose to offer RDE capability to some sites,
while using its own staff to perform the data entry activities on behalf of other

B. Online EDC Systems

Online EDC systems require users to establish and maintain an active connection
with a central server or at least have the capability to log into a Web site. This
is the model on which most Internet-based clinical trial systems are structured.
The data reside on a central server that users access via the Internet. In these
systems, the site must have appropriate access to a PC and an Internet connection
consistent with the trial requirements. Although this technology seems readily
available, it is sometimes a problem for the participating clinical sites to access
the Internet as required by a study. The central database is maintained on a server
connected to an Internet gateway. Although it is possible for the sponsor to main-
tain a Web site to support clinical trial protocols, it is now both cost-effective
and highly reliable to place the study database on a server through an Internet
service provider who maintains such applications. These ‘‘server farms’’ support
continuous online availability of the database and have highly developed security
systems assuring that access is appropriately controlled.
As these ‘‘e-trial’’ systems have developed, some firms have emerged that
will develop databases for Internet-connected servers and manage the connectiv-
ity portion of the trial. These firms are sometimes referred to as application ser-
vice providers (ASPs). Besides providing Internet technology expertise, using
these firms has proven to be an entry point into EDC-based trials that do not
require large technological commitments. This strategy has proven particularly
attractive because of the rapid evolution of Internet technology and the difficulty

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

of making a technology investment in this environment. However, most of these
ASPs are venture capital-funded start-ups that emerged in the mid- to late 1990s.
With the recent downturn of the equity markets in developed countries, several
of these firms have abruptly gone out of business. This trend has been sufficiently
worrisome to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that the Agency
has recently reminded trial sponsors that they are responsible for the integrity of
trials: the failure of an ASP does not relieve the sponsor of its obligations to
assure that all Current Good Clinical Practice requirements are met regardless
of the need to make abrupt changes in mode of data capture in the trial. Again,
because no standardization of e-trial systems exists, sites participating in trials
with multiple sponsors are likely to have requirements for training their staff on
multiple systems.
The development of Internet sites to support RDE trials has moved in the
direction of providing fairly complete Web-based trial management systems. For
instance, the Web site can maintain a bulletin board for sponsor communication
with the clinical sites, other sponsor sites that are participating in the trial, or
local monitors. Information on the status of the trial, such as enrollment, can be
posted, and access can be controlled through passwords. Although some of these
systems have become quite elaborate, it is probably too early to decide whether
they add much value or are largely embellishments.

C. Advantages of EDC Systems

In principle, EDC systems can provide the sponsor with more rapid access to
study results and, by providing continuous monitoring of data, decrease the vol-
ume of study data queries, resulting in reduced study costs, less frustration at the
study sites, and more rapid data lock when compared with paper-based systems.
Although extravagant claims have been made about the increased efficiency of
EDC-based trials, the results to date have been mixed. It is clear that to incorpo-
rate EDC technology efficiently into trial systems, sponsors must adapt their pro-
cedures and department organizations to accommodate the IT support and the
changes in staff roles. In some cases, it may be that the database itself becomes
the source document (e.g., patient diary data uploaded through a browser with
associated patient electronic signature). However, in most cases, just as with pa-
per CRF submission, site visits to monitor protocol compliance and verification
of data will still be required.
A major issue for manufacturers and contract research organizations is the
acceptability of EDC systems by FDA-reviewing divisions. This point has been
discussed in a variety of forums; agency spokespersons have not raised particular
concerns, but have noted that any EDC system used must meet the requirements
of the agency’s guidance document for Computerized Systems Used in Clinical
Trials (2). However, as this chapter is written, no marketing applications have

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

been submitted to the FDA in which pivotal trials employing a strict EDC-based
process of data collection were included. This may be attributable to industry
caution when it comes to incorporating new technology into the high-stakes mar-
keting application process, more than it reflects on the immaturity of EDC tech-


In a recent survey (3), EDC appears to be gaining acceptance by the industry.

Most (78%) of the respondents (a mixture of personnel from clinical sites, phar-
maceutical companies, and contract research organizations) viewed their EDC
experiences in a positive or neutral way. Respondents cited the primary advan-
tages of working with an EDC system as earlier and continuous data collection,
less paper, savings in cycle time, reduction in errors, and facilitation of query
resolution. Included in the responses, when asked what they liked least about an
EDC system, were insufficient support, excessive downtime, increased training
time for sites, too many bugs in the applications or systems, and lack of user


The technologies employed in EDC systems for clinical trials are now fairly well
established and are evolving rapidly. The business argument for improved data
quality and the associated reduction of study cycle time using these technologies
seems both rational and compelling. The difficult decisions for trial sponsors
relate to technology choices and how to integrate new study management and
data capture technology into ongoing clinical trial programs. It is fair to say that,
to date, the early adopters of these technologies have not gained an obvious ad-
vantage over those organizations that stayed with traditional paper-based CRF
systems. However, going forward, it is difficult to imagine that EDC will not
dominate the clinical trial data management process.


1. 62 Fed Reg 13429 (1997) (Electronic Records; Electronic Signatures; Final Rule.
Codified at 21 CFR § 11).
2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Guidance for Industry. Computerized Systems
Used in Clinical Trials. April 1999.
3. Feller RE. Electronic data capture: survey 2000. Association of Clinical Research
Professional publication. The Monitor, Spring 2001; 14:37–43.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Providing Patient Access to
Promising Investigational Drugs

Peggy J. Berry
Dey Laboratories, Napa, California

Allen Cato
Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina


While enrolling subjects into a well-controlled clinical study, it is certain that

some patients, although they have the disease or condition being studied, will
have to be excluded from the study in compliance with certain criteria defined
in the clinical protocol. The exclusion may be due to any number of reasons,
from age to disease state to personal history or habits (such as smoking cigarettes
or drinking alcohol). In most of these situations, even though the patient has been
excluded from the clinical trial, the standard of care for the given disease—that
is, the marketed prescription or over-the-counter drugs or combinations of such
drugs or other means of clinical management of the condition, such as diet modi-
fication—is still an option for the patient and is not less desirable for the manage-
ment of the patient’s health. However, what happens when patients are excluded
from clinical studies of investigational drugs and no clinical management tech-
nique is known to be effective or no other marketed drug is available to treat the
disease or condition? Or what if the patient has already failed to respond to avail-
able marketed drugs for the disease or condition? If an investigational drug exists
that may provide necessary relief to the patient by reducing or curing the symp-
toms of the disease or that may provide hope of increasing the life of the patient,
is it unethical to refuse or withhold treatment to the patient? The answer to these

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

questions and the resulting important issues and considerations are discussed in
this chapter.


Until recently, the use of investigational drugs outside the scope of well-con-
trolled clinical studies was almost nonexistent. Patients who were not eligible
for ongoing clinical studies were not given access to some potentially promising
drugs that might have made a positive difference in their quality or length of
As a result, awareness began to emerge that patients with certain diseases
or conditions who were afforded a limited number of, or often no, treatment
options or who were unresponsive to all available treatments, would likely be
willing to accept much greater risks when being treated if it was possible that
they would receive some benefit from the treatment. A recognized need led to the
development of a mechanism that would allow these patients access to otherwise
unavailable investigational drugs.
In developing a mechanism for patient access to therapy, many issues had
to be considered. First, it would be imperative for a physician to recognize the
need for treatment with the investigational drug. Second, the physician would
have to be willing to accept the responsibility of using an investigational drug
and monitoring the patient at closer and more controlled intervals than might be
necessary with marketed drugs. Third, to avoid compromising the scientific study
of the safety and effectiveness of investigational drugs through well-planned,
well-controlled clinical studies, the patient must be deemed ineligible for all on-
going clinical studies with the drug. The result was a compassionate-use excep-
tion, granted upon documented justification, for investigational drugs to be used
to treat an individual patient. By identifying an individual patient’s need, con-
tacting a drug company to confirm availability of the drug, and submitting a case
study and other documents to and receiving approval from the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and the Institutional Review Board (IRB), the physician
could treat the patient with the investigational drug. The physician was obligated
to become familiar with the investigator’s brochure for the product and to report
back to the FDA and the drug company sponsor on the results of the treatment.
A few years’ experience reviewing and granting compassionate-use excep-
tions made clear the need for more definitive regulations. It was believed that
not all patients were being given the opportunity to receive promising new thera-
pies when their condition could benefit from early treatment. In addition, it was
noted that in some cases, after a drug had been demonstrated to be effective and
safe in at least one clinical study but was not yet approved by the FDA or in
wide distribution, patients with severe diseases who could benefit from treatment

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

with the drug were not being given access to the treatment. The FDA required
physicians providing investigational drug access to patients on a compassionate
basis to submit separate paperwork for each patient. Each case was then reviewed
individually and subject to approval by the FDA before such an allowance could
be made.
Recognizing that the process was cumbersome and significantly time con-
suming, and realizing that patient access to promising therapies could be ex-
panded without compromising the development program of the product, the FDA
changed the law to provide for the use of investigational drugs in the treatment
of an individual patient or small group of patients in a managed way. The original
considerations of physician involvement and patient management remain; how-
ever, the way in which permission is received from the FDA is more clearly
defined and somewhat different. Three distinct mechanisms exist for treating pa-
tients. The first is called the single-patient-use protocol, formerly referred to as
the compassionate-use protocol. This protocol may be submitted by an investiga-
tor (in the form of an Investigational New Drug Application [IND]) to the FDA
to treat between one and five patients (as specified in the protocol). Additional
patients may be added to the protocol by filing an amendment to the IND.
The second mechanism is called a treatment protocol. The treatment proto-
col is a protocol submitted by the study drug sponsor to provide broader access
to an investigational product before receiving approval from the FDA to market
the product. The protocol typically allows for the treatment of tens to hundreds
of patients under the care of any interested physicians who wish to treat patients
with the product. Physicians gain participation in the protocol by directly con-
tacting the study drug sponsor and completing a small number of regulatory docu-
ments. The necessary documents are then filed by the study drug sponsor as an
amendment to their IND.
The third mechanism is called emergency use. This mechanism is used only
when no other alternative exists. If an investigator determines that a subject must
be provided with an investigational drug immediately (i.e., within 30 days) and
the study drug sponsor does not have a treatment protocol open, the investigator
may request the investigational drug from the study drug company and may treat
the patient with the drug if the following conditions are met:

The patient’s condition is severe or life-threatening.

No other treatment option exists for the patient, or all other treatment op-
tions have been tried and have failed.
Delay in treatment with the investigational drug could be fatal to the patient.
There is not sufficient time to prepare and submit to the FDA the necessary
documents for a single-patient-use protocol.
Notification is provided to the FDA by rapid communication (fax, tele-
phone), indicating the urgency of the request.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

The IRB is notified and provides approval of the emergency treatment (ap-
proval by the full committee is not required—the committee chairperson
may make approvals for emergency treatment, if the institution’s proce-
dures so allow).

Within 1 week after the emergency use, the investigator must file documentation
to the FDA along with all completed regulatory forms. Emergency-use treatments
with an investigational drug must be documented fully and completely and are
subject to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) regulations.
These expanded-use protocols not only afford the patient access to promis-
ing investigational drugs, they also provide the sponsor with an opportunity to
study the drug in a broader population. These studies provide useful data for
premarketing surveillance and may serve as a natural transition to the observa-
tional surveys that characterize Phase III and Phase IV development.
Along with the decision to proceed with the expanded use of the investiga-
tional drug, numerous important issues must be considered, including the issues
resulting from the decision itself.


Expanded-use protocols are conducted through cooperation between the sponsor,

the investigator, and the FDA to achieve the primary objective of getting drugs
to patients who need them as early as possible. Although the primary reason for
conducting these protocols is treatment of the patient, expanded-use trials that
are properly conducted and well managed have many more benefits. Expanded-
use protocols contribute to academic, medical, and scientific education, foster
the cooperative effort between the sponsor and the FDA, and allow the sponsor
to obtain additional information on long-term safety in a cost-effective manner.
As clinical development progresses with an investigational drug, the ques-
tion arises about whether an expanded-use program should be initiated and, if
so, when (during the course of late Phase II or during Phase III). An expanded-
use protocol cannot be considered unless the FDA agrees that such a study is
warranted. This agreement is obtained through submission of an IND just as it
is for well-controlled studies. The protocol must also be reviewed and approved
by the IRB and is subject to the same informed consent documentation and Good
Clinical Practice regulations as are well-controlled investigational studies.
For the expanded-use protocol to be justified, sufficient information regard-
ing the efficacy and short-term safety of the drug should already have been estab-
lished. However, the drug still has not completed the necessary rigorous testing
to ensure safety and efficacy. Therefore, the expanded-use protocols are generally
limited to diseases that are life-threatening or severely debilitating and to patients

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

who have no alternative therapy. What liabilities do the drug company, investiga-
tor, and FDA assume when treating patients under this instrument?

A. Legal Issues
Can a patient sue the FDA or the drug company for access to an investigational
or nonmarketed drug? Once given access, can the patient sue the investigator,
the drug company, or the FDA for damages sustained while taking the drug under
expanded-use protocols? The answer to both questions is yes. The patient has
the right to sue or to pursue other available avenues (such as petitioning Congress
or the FDA) to demand access to a drug that he believes he needs. The patient
does not give up any legal rights at any time before, during, or after participation
in a typical or expanded-use clinical study and therefore may seek legal remedy
to any damages he alleges.
Patients have applied public pressure through visible campaigns to gain
access to drugs whose distribution may have been discontinued or strictly limited.
One such example, pimozide (Orap), was provided to patients with Tourette’s
syndrome (an orphan disease). Public pressure from orphan-disease groups and
a visible public education campaign coerced McNeil into continuing its supply
of the drug after the company had decided to quit producing it (1).
Political and public pressure can influence decisions of the FDA and of
independent advisory committees. A recent example was spurred by a debate
over experimental gene therapy. A politically well-connected 51-year-old female
presented with Grade 4 glioblastoma (2). After the patient underwent brain sur-
gery twice, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and an experimental radioactive mono-
clonal antibody treatment, a San Diego physician proposed, as a last recourse,
providing her with an experimental vaccine treatment with interleukin-2. The
treatment was presented for compassionate approval to the National Institutes of
Health’s (NIH) Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC) and to the FDA.
The RAC did not have policies in place to review expeditiously the treatment
and safety issues and to respond to requests for compassionate use of gene ther-
apy. Lacking substantial information on the use of gene therapy and lacking for-
mal procedures for review of such requests, the RAC determined that the experi-
mental gene therapy treatment was not yet developed enough to be used in
compassionate requests. The request for use was denied at least until the RAC
could discuss its policy for handling gene therapy requests, scheduled for the
next meeting—3 months later.
After the denial, Senator Tom Harkin (D, Iowa) wrote a letter persuading
the RAC chairperson to seek a temporary solution to the problem of policy until
the issue could be further discussed and to give timely consideration to individual
requests for compassionate use from terminally ill patients. Review by the FDA
was occurring in parallel to review by the RAC. The FDA’s review of the gene

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

therapy protocol resulted in its agreement to the treatment. With the FDA’s agree-
ment to the treatment, the chairperson of the RAC overturned the decision made
by the full committee and granted approval for the use of gene therapy in this
case (3).
The literature and news media are unrelenting in exposing side effects and
multimillion-dollar lawsuits stemming from side effects not observed during the
controlled trials of the drug. This type of legal action is becoming increasingly
common in controlled clinical trials and, despite the image of the expanded-use
protocol as a humanitarian effort by the drug company, will probably also find
its way into the expanded-use study.
A company may be liable in cases where physicians enter inappropriate
patients under an expanded-use protocol. These physicians may not be familiar
with the clinical research process, and thus the drug may be inappropriately moni-
tored. Although the physician is advocating in the patient’s best interest, patients
may be given the investigational drug even though they are responding to another
drug or when they have a condition other than the indication targeted for the
investigational drug. Sometimes drugs in expanded use receive large amounts of
publicity or are used frequently enough that they acquire a reputation for effective
treatment of a plethora of problems (the panacea principle). The misapplication
of the drug not only increases the company’s liability, but also potentially may
contribute negatively to the safety and efficacy database.

B. Regulatory Issues
1. Drug Availability
The availability of the drug may lag far behind demand for the drug, and this
factor can temper the motivation of the FDA to approve its use. The lack of
commercial amounts of drug supply or the expense of obtaining raw materials
to make the drug could also lead to use of the drug under conditions similar to
expanded use.
The synthesis of a compound may entail many steps in a small laboratory
and be quite time-consuming and expensive. The initial scale-up to commercial
production may leave impurities and, because the process changes, stability data
may not be available. Lack of supply poses a difficult problem. If the drug is for
use by patients who have incurable diseases and no alternative treatment exists,
the sponsoring drug company must decide whether to institute an expanded-use
protocol. If a protocol is employed, a decision must be made to determine how
patients will be selected, because insufficient supply exists for all patients with the
disease or condition. This was an especially troublesome problem in the trial of
potential medications for AIDS (4). When treatments are offered that have even

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

the smallest potential for effectiveness, patients with devastating illnesses and their
families are willing to take enormous risks with virtually untested therapies.

2. Paperwork, Monitoring, and Control Responsibility

The expanded-use protocol does have some regulatory benefits. Because multiple
INDs can drain FDA resources that would otherwise be dedicated to the approval
of drugs, most expanded-use studies are required to be carried out under the
supervision of the sponsor’s IND. This procedure removes the FDA from any
direct responsibility for monitoring the appropriate conduct of the study protocol
and study sites. This procedure places the responsibility for monitoring study
conduct and verifying, tabulating, and reporting the data to the FDA with the
study drug sponsor. FDA maintains direct responsibility for the emergency-use
protocols and the single-patient-use protocols submitted by investigators.

3. Package Insert
Marketing approval may be facilitated by the increased number of patients ex-
posed to the investigational drug under an expanded-use protocol. Labeling of
new drugs is typically conservative until the drug has been marketed and used
in larger numbers of patients and on a long-term basis (if required by the indica-
tion). By employing the expanded-use protocol, which would include broader
patient populations and variations of the indication, the sponsor may gain more
liberal labeling from the increased exposure. However, by attempting to achieve
more liberal labeling, the sponsor runs the risk that a delay in marketing approval
could occur if difficulties develop in the interpretation of the data from an ex-
panded-use study.
Side effects and drug interactions observed during the expanded-use study
are required to be included in the package insert (which will generally increase
the incidence of the side effect). By admitting patients who would be ex-
cluded from the controlled clinical study, the chance also exists that side effects
and drug interactions that were not observed during the tightly controlled pre-
marketing studies will be reported. These effects and interactions will require
further characterization by the drug company and may need to be included in
the package insert. In a severely ill population where the course of the disease
is poorly understood, it may be difficult to ascribe causality to either drug or
disease. A well-designed expanded-use protocol and study controls help to mini-
mize the speculation that accompanies causality of adverse events during clinical
During an expanded-use study (5) of FK 506 in liver transplant patients
presenting with dysfunction who had failed previous treatment, it was concluded
that the incidence of side effects observed during the expanded-use study was

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

higher than in controlled trials. It was reported that the difference in serious
adverse events ‘‘may be related to the poor condition of the patient’’; however,
the labeling for the product had to include all incidences. The study was valuable
in suggesting that FK 506 be used as an initial treatment for liver transplant
patients, potentially allowing future trials and final labeling to be more precise.
Conversely, an expanded-use study of ondansetron (4) in chemotherapy
patients with uncontrollable nausea and vomiting who had failed to respond to
standard antiemetics were shown to respond favorably to ondansetron. This study,
conducted in 190 patients, confirmed the effectiveness of ondansetron as an anti-
emetic, allowed for broader labeling for the approved product, and offered hope
to patients with no other alternative.

C. Drug Development Issues

In addition to the areas described above that relate to drug development, the
expanded-use protocol provides an excellent substrate for training and education.
Because the drug is being administered to a more heterogeneous population, the
monitoring of the study may require more depth of knowledge about the product
and its metabolism. These studies closely simulate the actual use of the drug once
it becomes available on the market, so the study drug sponsor can gain experience
and insight into postmarketing conditions.
As indicated previously, these expanded-use conditions often foster the rec-
ognition of adverse events and drug interactions that would not be recognized
during the more restrictive controlled trials. The expanded-use protocol is
complex and demanding. It increases the company’s demand for monitoring
resources because the sites are often scattered across the country, and each
might enroll only a few patients, either because the number of eligible patients
is limited or because the sites conducting the expanded-use protocols may not
be experienced in conducting investigational drug trials and may not enroll larger



The introduction of a new chemical entity into the New Drug Application (NDA)
process often heralds the formulation of a unique mode of therapy for patients
with a specific diagnosis. During clinical development, the patient populations
identified in protocols are rigorously defined and screened under stringent
inclusion/exclusion criteria. This is done to minimize ‘‘background noise’’ in
clinical studies, making the results easier to interpret and side effects easier to

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

identify and analyze. An expanded-use protocol is generally designed to circum-
vent these criteria and to provide select patients with a therapeutic advantage not
otherwise available to them. Patients enrolling in expanded-use studies typically
do not qualify for any of the controlled studies with the drug. These patients also
generally have no other treatment available to them or were nonresponders to or
nontolerators of alternative treatments.
Expanded-use protocols are often instituted during late Phase I or early
Phase II, before the toxic effects are adequately characterized and certainly before
efficacy has been demonstrated. By initiating an expanded-use protocol in a seri-
ous illness where few if any alternatives exist, efficacy is implied and may there-
fore generate a great demand for the product before controlled trials are com-
pleted. In some cases, initiation of such a protocol can make it difficult to
complete controlled trials.
By extending the patient population outside the boundaries defined in the
original protocol, the statistical likelihood of side effects increases, as does the
potential that a side effect will present itself that can lead to a new indication or
formulation of the drug. Many new indications have been discovered by investi-
gating the side effects reported during clinical testing of a new chemical entity.
The expanded-use protocol can provide for those patients who responded
to the investigational drug in early controlled trials to continue to receive the
drug until it becomes commercially available. Patients who cannot tolerate the
long-term effects of currently marketed drugs may also be eligible for this type
of study. Patients who were nontolerators, nonresponders to alternative treatment,
and certain patients who could possibly benefit from the use of investigational
drugs are other common benefactors of the expanded-use protocol. It is not appro-
priate to enter those patients who respond to current available therapy unless
some clinical advantage is especially desirable and can be justified given the
limited knowledge about side effects.



For the expanded-use study to be cost-effective for the sponsor, little or no fund-
ing should be expended for patient expense reimbursement or for investigators
who desire to prescribe the investigational drug to their patients. However, it is
the sponsor’s responsibility to provide clinical trial material (investigational study
drug) with appropriate labeling and instructions for use (including but not limited
to the investigator brochure), appropriate recording instruments, and the medical,
scientific, and monitoring expertise to conduct the trials in accordance with the
expanded-use protocol and the current FDA regulations and guidelines.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

A. Marketing Issues
The expanded-use protocol is a good selling tool. It allows the physician to be-
come familiar with the drug before its actual marketing. However, it also creates
the opportunity for overly enthusiastic drug representatives to try to sell the physi-
cian on the drug before FDA approval to market the drug and approval of the
final package insert text. This may appear to be advertisement for the drug before
its approval, which is prohibited by FDA regulations and, as such, would be
subject to legal action by the FDA. It may also create a false sense of hope and
security among patients and physicians and flood the sponsor with expanded-use
requests for a compound that is in limited supply.
During the expanded-use protocol, the drug is generally provided free to
patients even though the regulations do provide for the possibility of payment.
Offering the drug at no charge fosters a positive and benevolent image of the
company. Conversely, charging patients for a drug before marketing it can create
an equally negative public opinion of the company. Preexisting marketed drugs
may also face competition from unapproved agents sold under a large expanded-
use IND program, despite the lack of evidence to support safety and efficacy.
Charging for the drug under an expanded-use program requires prior approval,
by the FDA. The charge for the drug may not exceed the cost of developing the
drug, which may further put the sponsor at risk for negative publicity after ap-
proval when patients learn the difference between preapproval costs and retail

B. Ethical and Practical Issues

Decision points are reached during the course of an expanded-use trial that bear
on both practical and ethical reasoning.
Difficulties arise in informed consent because adequate clinical data are
not usually available and patients (often desperate for therapy) are willing to
enter expanded-use studies under any circumstances with the hope of obtaining
a therapeutic solution to their illnesses. If a drug demonstrates efficacy in an
individual patient during a short-term clinical trial, is it ethical and practical to
continue that patient on the test drug without the benefit of accurate data on the
long-term effects and toxicology of the compound? Is payment to the investigator
or patient considered coercion in an expanded-use trial (or in any trial)?
Limiting participation in the expanded-use protocol to those patients who
have participated in previous studies with the drug is an additional consideration
for the sponsor. The patient who was not fortunate enough to meet the rigorous
criteria defined in the previous Phase II–III studies may be denied access to a
promising compound. Should patient enrollment be limited at each center, or should
the protocol be opened up for all patients who would benefit from treatment?

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Company resources and drug supply considerations can weigh heavily in these
The supply of drug is limited by what the sponsor is able to produce, and
using the drug in an expanded-use protocol places a great strain on the supply
available for conducting controlled trials. This is especially important when ther-
apy is long-term and demand is great. How are patients selected to receive the
drug? If the compound is in short supply, how will those seeking expanded use
be excluded from the study? Companies often question the risk versus benefits
of providing high-cost, long-term drug in an expanded-use protocol to patients
who ultimately provide little or no helpful study data while potentially excluding
patients from the controlled studies with the drug. For example, 2000 patients
are enrolled in studies, 1500 in controlled trials lasting 6 weeks and 500 under
expanded-use protocols (which will continue until approval) with one tablet that
is administered four times a day. The controlled studies will require 252 tablets
per patient or 63,000 tablets for the controlled study. The 500 expanded-use pa-
tients will require 730,000 tablets for the first year, at least a 10-fold increase in
resources. The company must continue to supply drug to patients under the ex-
panded-use protocol long after the controlled trials have ended and the NDA has
been submitted. This is a large commitment of drug to a relatively small compo-
nent of the study population.
If a drug company makes a decision to begin limiting the number of patients
in an expanded-use program, they may be met with public protest. When Glaxo
(now GlaxoSmithKline) was conducting an expanded-use study (6) with their
drug 3TC (lamivudine), they announced that supplies of the drug were running
low and planned to decrease the number of new patients entering the study. This
announcement came when it was also revealed that controlled studies with the
drug looked promising. Several weeks later, after tremendous pressure from the
AIDS community and doctors, Glaxo announced that after final inventory review,
supply of the drug was not as low as they had initially thought. They nearly
doubled their new patient entry for the study.

C. Monitoring
These nonpivotal studies provide a base from which research personnel can be
trained and educated. Because few formal training programs in clinical research
are available, more direct exposure and interaction can be established between
the sponsor and investigators interested in drug development. This exposure helps
prepare both investigators and industry personnel in clinical development, provid-
ing more cost-effective expertise in the development of future NDAs while im-
proving the quality of scientific interactions.
Monitoring is especially tenuous under these expanded-use protocols, and
the data obtained can often be difficult to interpret. No matter how simplistic a

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

protocol may appear to be or how late in the process of the clinical development
of the drug it is implemented, the sponsor and the investigator may strive to
maintain the highest clinical research standards but be unable to wade through
the many variables that are added by the expanded-use studies. Lack of close
scrutiny may lead to improper use of the drug in the field because of the physi-
cian’s unfamiliarity with the product. Although most companies are reluctant to
devote resources to the long-term follow-up of these patients, that may be the
best way of obtaining information about the long-term safety of the drug under
the conditions of routine clinical practice.


As safety is the primary concern in the introduction and maintenance of any drug
in the commercial marketplace, the expanded-use protocol provides an opportu-
nity for obtaining long-term data not captured in the shorter and more expensive
efficacy and safety trials. Most important, the opportunity to gain insight into
any possible unpredicted toxicity not evident in the controlled clinical trial pro-
gram could emerge early to enhance acceptable balances of benefit and risk. Side
effects can also reveal themselves that could lead to a new indication for the
compound or modification of its use. Although the number of patients participat-
ing in an expanded-use protocol would not approximate the larger number of
patients involved in the Phase IV epidemiological studies, information on previ-
ously unseen risks can be extrapolated so that the safety parameters that protect
the consumer can be anticipated.
It is the rare patient who suffers from an isolated disorder and takes only
a single medication. In the expanded-use protocol, much information can be
gained by evaluating potential drug interactions with the current medications the
patient may be taking. Frequently, this information has tremendous impact on
the overall therapeutic efficacy of the investigational drug and its risk and benefits
when given with other forms of therapy.
It is a distinct advantage to the sponsor to limit the number of centers to
include only those investigators who have had previous experience with the drug.
Such action may succeed in carefully controlling the information and data being
obtained during the monitoring of these studies, but it does not fulfill the overall
obligation of implementing this type of protocol.
With the initiation of the expanded-use protocol, the sponsor must construct
a safety data management program within the home facility or with a contract
organization so that the sponsor can fulfill its reporting obligations to the FDA.
In data management, because of the expanded-use, uncontrolled nature of the
studies, efficacy data may be of academic value only, but all information (both
safety and efficacy data) must be appropriately tabulated for reference. Negative

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

efficacy data, even in this small population, could be of substantial value, while
positive efficacy data may be insightful, but is usually difficult to interpret.


The lag in NDA approval has long been known to be an aggravating and expen-
sive proposition for both the FDA and sponsors. These investigators’ IND re-
quests can be eliminated by referring the investigator to the sponsoring company
for the supply of clinical material and an appropriate protocol under which to
conduct their clinical studies, which are filed under the sponsor’s IND. Thus,
investigators who would normally apply for their own IND would save the FDA,
sponsor, and themselves excess paperwork and would still be able to conduct
the investigational study. Although a company may not wish to support a full
expanded-use program, it may consider supplying the drug to investigators who
wish to pursue their own IND. Submission of numerous INDs of this type, how-
ever, may drain the FDA’s and the sponsor’s resources.
Also, when side effects do occur with the investigational drug, it allows
the sponsor to effectively channel this information to the FDA rather than having
individual reports trickle into the regulatory agency. Furthermore, these studies
allow the sponsor to obtain early cost-effective safety data (while substantiating
efficacy data) that will ultimately benefit the patient. This type of collaborative
effort, coordinated by the sponsor, could foster a closer network among the FDA,
investigator, scientists, and patients. This strategy could substantially ease the
FDA workload and expedite approval of the NDA for the benefit of everyone
The FDA has developed regulations for the treatment, use, and sale of
investigational drugs (7). The regulation states that an investigational drug may
be used to treat patients outside a controlled clinical trial if the disease is ‘‘seri-
ous’’ or ‘‘immediately life-threatening,’’ if no satisfactory alternative drug/ther-
apy is available, if the drug is currently being investigated in a controlled clinical
trial under an IND, and if the sponsor is actively pursuing marketing approval
of the drug. The FDA commissioner can deny a request for use if insufficient
evidence exists of safety and effectiveness to support its use. The regulations
further provide safeguards for placing a treatment IND on clinical hold and a
mechanism for obtaining prior FDA approval for the sale of an investigational
drug during a clinical trial. Many companies, rather than filing a formal treatment
protocol, will conduct an expanded-use, single-patient-use, or ‘‘continuation’’ or
‘‘extension’’ protocol under their IND. Although these other types of protocols
are not defined in the regulations, a provision exists for the single-patient-use
protocol (which is the same as the expanded-use protocol). If the company de-
cides to allow expanded-use type of enrollment only to those patients who have

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

been enrolled in former clinical studies with the drug, this can be done through
a continuation or extension protocol.


The expanded-use protocol, when initiated with careful scientific thought and
when appropriately managed, can be an extremely important instrument for ob-
taining cost-effective information for the FDA, the scientific/medical/academic
communities, and the patient. It can provide a training ground for enhancing
the quality and cost-effectiveness of future clinical trials. Most important, those
patients who have been nontolerators or nonresponders to alternative treatments,
those who have responded well in the controlled clinical trials of the investiga-
tional drug, and those who are in life-threatening situations can benefit tremen-
dously and are the primary motivation for this protocol. During the course of the
drug development of any compound, a balance must be struck between the risks
and benefits of initiating the expanded-use protocol. The high standards applied
to the early development of the clinical study must not be compromised during
the conduct of the larger, open study. It is the responsibility of the investigator,
the sponsor, and the FDA to maintain a collaborative environment so that these
studies can serve a patient population in need of the drug before its approval and


1. Myers AS. Orphan drugs and orphan diseases: the consumer’s viewpoint. In: Brewer
GJ, ed., Orphan Drugs and Orphan Diseases: Clinical Realities and Public Policy.
New York: Liss, 1983:147–157.
2. Thompson L. Gene therapy. Harkin seeks compassionate use of unproven treatments.
Science 1992; 258(5089):1728.
3. Healy B. Remarks for the RAC Committee meeting of January 14, 1993, regarding
compassionate use exemption. Hum Gene Ther 1993; 4:195–197.
4. Berry WR, House KW, Lee JT, Plagge PB, Meshad MW, Grapski R. Results of a
compassionate-use program using intravenous ondansetron to prevent nausea and
vomiting in patients receiving emetogenic cancer chemotherapy. Semin Oncol 1992
Dec; 19(6 Suppl 15):33–37.
5. Murio JE, Balsells, J Lazaro JL, Charco R, Margarit C. Compassionate use of FK
506 in liver transplantation. Transplant Proc 1995; 27(4):2336.
6. Tastemain C. Confusion reigns over compassionate use of AIDS drug. Nat Med 1995
Oct; 1(10):986.
7. Department of Health and Human Services. Investigational New Drug, Antibiotic,
and Biological Product Regulations: Treatment Use and Sale. Fed Reg 1987; May
22, 52:19466.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Issues in the Review of Clinical
Drug Trials by IRBs

Dale H. Cowan
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio


Clinical drug trials represent research with human subjects. All research involv-
ing human subjects that is supported by the U.S. federal government or the results
of which are to be used in applications for drug or device approval must be
conducted in accordance with regulations promulgated by the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS) (1) and the U.S. Food and Drug Adminis-
tration (FDA) (2). The regulations of both the HHS and the FDA require that an
Institutional Review Board (IRB) ‘‘shall review and have authority to approve,
require modifications in (to secure approval), or disapprove all research activities
covered by [the] regulations’’ (3).
The review of clinical drug trials by IRBs raises a number of interesting
and difficult issues. These relate to the origin and sponsor of the proposed trial,
the nature of the institution the IRB serves, and the manner in which the norms
for determining ethical conduct in clinical trials can be applied to specific trials.
This chapter will review the ethical principles underlying research involv-
ing human subjects, the legal authority for IRBs, and the regulatory requirements
affecting the operations of IRBs. It will then discuss the role of IRBs in reviewing
clinical trials by examining how IRBs can assess the scientific design of trials,
the competency of the investigator, the manner of selecting subjects for the trial,
the balance of risks and benefits, informed consent, and provisions for compensat-
ing for research-related injuries. The chapter will conclude with observations
regarding the role of the lay members of IRBs, problems of reviewing multi-
institutional trials, and how to monitor the conduct of trials that are approved.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


Among the basic ethical principles that are generally accepted in our cultural
tradition, three are particularly relevant to the ethics of research involving human
subjects (4). These are the principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and

A. Respect for Persons

The principle of respect for persons was formally stated by the philosopher Im-
manuel Kant: ‘‘[P]ersons should always treat each other as autonomous ends and
never merely as means to the ends of others . . . persons are rational agents of
unconditional worth who must not be treated merely as conditionally valued
things incapable of choosing for themselves’’ (5). This principle incorporates two
moral requirements.
One requirement is to acknowledge the autonomy of individuals, their right
to self-determination. This formulation of the principle of respect for persons
finds expression in American jurisprudence in the statement written by Judge
(later Justice) Benjamin Cardozo: ‘‘Every human being of adult years has a right
to determine what shall be done with his own body’’ (6). This interpretation of
the principle underlies the concept of informed consent. Its application demands
that human subjects participate in the research voluntarily and with adequate
information about the potential benefits and risks to make an informed decision
regarding their participation.
The second requirement is to protect individuals with diminished auton-
omy. An autonomous individual is one who is capable of deliberating about per-
sonal goals and of acting under the direction of such deliberation. Not every
individual is capable of self-determination. Individuals who are immature or who,
having once attained maturity, have lost their capacity for self-determination
wholly or in part due to illness, mental disability, or circumstances that severely
restrict their liberty, may require protection while they are immature or while
their are incapacitated (7).
Although some individuals may require protection even to the point of
excluding them from activities that may harm them, overprotection may be dehu-
manizing and represent a lack of respect. Thus, a balance must be struck between
protecting the welfare of individuals and not repudiating their autonomy.

B. Beneficence
The principle of beneficence states that ‘‘we . . . have a moral duty to weigh and
balance possible benefits against possible harms in order to maximize benefits

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

and minimize risks of harm’’ (8). The concept that physicians have a moral duty
to promote the welfare of their patients can be found in Western writings as early
as the Hippocratic oath: ‘‘I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the
sick according to my skill and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injus-
tice’’ (9). The aim of the relationship between physicians and patients is to benefit
the patient.
There are, then, two complementary formulations of the principle of be-
neficence. These are (a) maximize possible benefits and minimize possible harms,
and (b) do not harm (10).
The obligations that derive from the principle of beneficence affect indi-
vidual research projects and the research enterprise in general. In the case of
individual research projects, investigators are obligated to design studies so that
benefits to both subjects and society at large are maximized and the risks to the
subjects are minimized. With respect to research in general, physicians need to
recognize the long-term benefits and risks that may result from the generation
of new knowledge and the development of new medical therapies. Additionally,
it may be argued that the principle of beneficence obligates physicians and society
to pursue investigative activities, improve medical care, and thereby benefit so-
As with the principle of respect for persons, implementation of beneficence
in human research can lead to difficult choices in specific situations. An example
is participation of individuals with diminished capacity to give informed con-
sent—e.g., children—in research that presents more than minimal risk without
immediate prospect of direct benefit to the individuals themselves. Resolution of
such conflicts requires a careful analysis and balancing of the complementary
formulations of the principle of beneficence.

C. Justice
The principle of justice represents the concept of fairness. It requires that the
benefits and burdens of any activity, such as participation in clinical trials, be
distributed equitably across the population. In short, it states that equals should
be treated equally.
The Belmont report identifies five widely accepted formulations of just
ways to distribute benefits and burdens. These are (a) to each person an equal
share, (b) to each person according to individual need, (c) to each person ac-
cording to individual effort, (d) to each person according to societal contribution,
and (e) to each person according to merit.
Historically, the burdens of serving as research subjects fell largely upon
socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, whereas the benefits tended
to accrue to the more affluent members of society. One of the most flagrant exam-
ples of this inequity was the Tuskegee syphilis study, in which disadvantaged,

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

rural black men were used (without their consent) to study the course of a disease
affecting the entire population and were deprived of effective treatment in order
not to disrupt the project long after such treatment became available.
The obligations of the principle of justice require that research subjects be
individuals who are representative of the population that is at risk for the condi-
tion or disease being studied. This means that individuals should not be selected
as research subjects because of ‘‘their easy availability, their compromised posi-
tion, or their manipulability, rather than for reasons directly related to the problem
being studied’’ (11). Additionally, it requires that care must be taken to avoid
selecting ‘‘undesirable’’ individuals for research that entails risk and reserving
participation in potentially beneficial research to individuals who are viewed
more favorably.


The legal authority for IRBs derives from two parallel sets of federal regulations.
One set of regulations was promulgated by the Department of Health and Human
Services and implements the 1974 amendments to the Public Health Service Act
(12). These regulations are codified in Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR), Part 46. The second set of regulations was promulgated by the FDA under
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (13). These regulations are codified
in Title 21 of the CFR; regulations pertaining to IRBs are in Part 50 and those
pertaining to informed consent are in Part 56.

A. HHS Regulations
The HHS regulations cover research supported or conducted by the Department
of Health and Human Services. They represent the basic policy of HHS for pro-
tecting human research subjects. The applicability of the regulations is restricted
to those activities that meet the definition of research: ‘‘a systematic investigation
designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge’’ (14). Although
the regulations technically apply only to those research projects that are con-
ducted or funded in whole or in part by HHS, virtually all public and private
granting agencies require that all research they sponsor that involves human sub-
jects be conducted in accordance with the HHS requirements.
Subpart A of the regulations specifies that each institution ‘‘covered
by th[e] regulations shall provide written assurance to the Secretary (of HHS)
that it will comply with the requirements set forth in th[e] regulations’’ (15).
The regulations further specify the minimum elements for such assurances. Addi-
tionally, they specify requirements for IRB membership, function, and operation,

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

and the criteria according to which approval may be given for conducting re-
search. Finally, the regulations set out the general requirements for informed
Subparts B, C, and D set out additional protections that apply, respectively,
to research, development, and related activities involving fetuses, pregnant
women, and in-vitro human fertilization, biomedical and behavioral research in-
volving prisoners as subjects, and those applying to children as subjects in re-

B. FDA Regulations
The FDA has the legal authority to regulate clinical investigations in the United
States when the investigational products move across state or national boundaries.
Under FDA regulations, review and approval by an IRB is required for any ex-
periment that involves a test article and one or more human subjects, either pa-
tients or healthy persons, and that is subject to the requirements for prior submis-
sion to the FDA (16). Such review is also required for any experiment the results
of which are intended to be submitted later to, or held for inspection by, the
The regulations of the FDA are identical or similar to those of HHS in
nearly all essential respects. Such differences as do exist reflect the different
statutory authority under which the separate sets of regulations were promulgated
and the difference in mission between the FDA and the National Institutes of
Health (NIH), the agency within HHS charged with overseeing the implementa-
tion and enforcement of the HHS regulations. The difference in mission between
the FDA and the NIH is reflected in the FDA’s approach to compliance with its
regulations utilizing its traditional tools of inspections and audits. The NIH, as
noted previously, relies on the assurance mechanism.
The FDA regulations, like the HHS regulations, specify requirements for
IRB membership, function, and operation, and the criteria according to which
approval may be given for conducting research. Since these requirements are
similar, a single committee can be established to undertake the activities required
by both sets of regulations. Additionally, the FDA regulations allow a wide vari-
ety of ways in which private practitioners not affiliated with an institution can
obtain necessary IRB review of their clinical research activities. These include
review by an institutional IRB that agrees to assume this additional function or
by IRBs formed by a local or state health agency, a medical school, a medical
society, a state licensing board, or a nonprofit or for-profit independent group.
All IRBs, regardless of sponsorship, that are assuming responsibilities for re-
viewing and approving clinical research protocols subject to FDA authority must
comply with the IRB regulations set out by the FDA.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


The FDA and HHS regulations specify the duties and membership requirements
of IRBs and the criteria for approving research. Since the two sets of regulations
are similar, these will be reviewed by reference to the HHS regulations.

A. Duties of IRBs
IRBs are required to review and have the authority to approve, require modifica-
tions in, or disapprove all research activities covered by the regulations (17).
They must require that information given to subjects as part of informed consent
is in accordance with the general requirements for informed consent that are set
out in the regulations. Additionally, they may require that other information be
given to subjects when they judge that such information would further protect
the rights and welfare of the subjects (18).
IRBs must require documentation of informed consent in all studies except
those specified in the regulations in which documentation may be waived (19).
Clinical drug trials are not among the classes of studies in which documentation
of informed consent may be waived.
IRBs must provide written notification to investigators and institutions of
their decisions to approve, require modifications in, or disapprove proposed re-
search activities (20). Decisions to disapprove proposed research proposal must
be accompanied by a statement of reasons for the decision and provide the investi-
gator an opportunity to respond in person or in writing (21).
IRBs must conduct continuing reviews of research they approve at least
once each year. More frequent reviews may be required if the risk of a particular
research project so warrants (22). IRBs have the authority to suspend or terminate
approval of research that is not being conducted in accordance with their require-
ments or that has been associated with unexpected serious harm to subjects. Such
action must be accompanied by a statement of reasons for it and be communicated
to the investigator, appropriate institutional officials, and the Secretary of HHS
The regulations require that IRBs must follow the written procedures that
are set out in the assurances they have filed with HHS (24), review proposed
research at convened meetings at which a majority of IRB members are present,
vote approval by a majority of members present at the meeting (25), and be
responsible for reporting to the appropriate institutional officials and the Secretary
of HHS ‘‘any serious or continuing noncompliance by investigators with the
requirements and determination of the IRB’’ (26).
Institutions that are cooperating in multiinstitutional studies, such as clini-
cal drug trials, must each review and approve the proposed studies. Such institu-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

tions may, however, use joint review, rely on the review of another qualified
IRB, or utilize similar arrangements to avoid duplication of efforts (27).

B. IRB Membership
The regulations require that ‘‘[e]ach IRB shall have at least five members, with
varying backgrounds to promote complete and adequate review of research activi-
ties commonly conducted by the institution. The IRB shall be sufficiently quali-
fied through the experience and expertise of its members, and the diversity of
the members’ backgrounds . . . to promote respect for its advice and counsel in
safeguarding the rights and welfare of human subjects. In addition to possessing
the professional competence necessary to review specific research activities, the
IRB shall be able to ascertain the acceptability of proposed research in terms
of institutional commitments and regulations, applicable law, and standards of
professional conduct and practice. The IRB shall therefore include persons
knowledgeable in these areas’’ (28).
Additional requirements specify that IRBs may not consist entirely of men
or women or members of one profession (29), must include at least one person
who is a nonscientist (30), and must include at least one individual who is other-
wise not affiliated with the institution (31). Finally, the regulations expressly
forbid members participating in an initial or continuing review of a project in
which the member has a conflicting interest (32).
The requirements for IRB membership have particular relevance to the
manner in which they carry out their assigned functions.

C. Criteria for IRB Approval of Research

The regulations specify that ‘‘[i]n order to approve research . . . IRB[s] shall
determine that all of the following requirements are satisfied:
1. Risks to subjects are minimized: (i) by using procedures which are con-
sistent with sound research design and which do not unnecessarily ex-
pose subjects to risk, and (ii) whenever appropriate, by using procedures
already being performed on the subjects for diagnostic or treatment pur-
2. Risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits, if any,
to subjects, and the importance of the knowledge that may reasonably
be expected to result.
3. Selection of subjects is equitable.
4. Informed consent will be sought from each prospective subject or the
subject’s legally authorized representative. . . .
5. Informed consent will be appropriately documented’’ (33).

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Additional requirements are that adequate provisions exist for monitoring
the data collected, that adequate provisions exist to protect the privacy of subjects
and maintain the confidentiality of the data, and that appropriate safeguards are
included to protect the rights and welfare of subjects who are ‘‘vulnerable to
coercion or undue influence . . . or persons who are economically or educationally
disadvantaged’’ (34).



Having reviewed the ethical principles underlying research with human subjects,
the legal authority for IRBs, and the regulatory requirements affecting IRB activi-
ties, it is useful to consider the manner in which IRBs can carry out their responsi-
bilities in reviewing clinical drug trials.

A. Assessment of Scientific Design

IRBs are established to safeguard the welfare of the subjects of research and
not to provide rigorous peer review of the scientific merits of a proposed study.
Nevertheless, the norm of sound scientific design, based as it is on the ethical
principles of beneficence and respect for persons, and the statement of policy
that flows from it, require that IRBs review the scientific basis for proposed clini-
cal trials and assess the scientific and statistical design of the trial. Among the
information needed for this review and assessment are (a) the results of animal
studies and of previous clinical studies or experiences in humans, (b) whether
there are similar studies currently underway elsewhere, (c) the scientific rationale
for the study being proposed, and (d) the statistical basis for constructing the
The manner in which an IRB processes relevant information is illustrated
in the following example. A cardiologist wishes to evaluate a new antiarrhythmic
agent. An IRB reviewing the proposed study should ask whether the drug has
been previously tested in animals or humans and, if so, under what circumstances
and with what results. The IRB should also inquire whether similar trials are
presently being conducted elsewhere and whether all patients in the proposed
trial will receive the drug or patients will be randomly allocated to receive either
the drug being evaluated or current standard therapy. If the trial is designed as
a randomized clinical trial, the IRB should satisfy itself that it is constructed in
a manner allowing for the accrual of sufficient numbers of patients and allocates
subjects between the proposed treatment and the standard therapy in a manner
that allows the investigators to draw conclusions regarding the relative effective-
ness of the two treatments.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

A thorough analysis of these matters generally requires substantial medical
and statistical expertise. It is to be remembered that the federal regulations require
that the membership of IRBs not be drawn exclusively from one professional
group, e.g., physician-investigators. Rather, IRB membership should include rep-
resentatives of a variety of disciplines and professions in order to reflect more
appropriately the values of society at large. Given their composition, how can
IRBs exercise their responsibilities for review of research design?
It is suggested that one of two approaches may be adopted by those IRBs
lacking the requisite expertise to assess research design. One approach, which
may be particularly suitable for IRBs in community hospitals, is merely to accept
the information included in the project proposal as providing an adequate basis
for justifying the study and a suitable design for achieving its purposes. This
approach might be acceptable in the case of a multi-institutional clinical trial
conducted under the sponsorship of one of the National Institutes of Health. Such
trials have had the benefit of outside review groups such as the National Heart,
Lung, and Blood Institute and the FDA during their development and prior to
their submission to IRBs for approval.
In the development of the proposal, the investigators responsible for the
study would have addressed the specific issues of scientific rationale and statisti-
cal design. These individuals or others with whom they might have consulted
would presumably have the training and experience in the disease being treated
and in statistical methods. The design of the proposed trial would be reviewed
by personnel from the sponsoring Institute and, in the case of trials involving
investigational new drugs, by the FDA. The proposal submitted to the IRB would
have had the benefit of an analysis with respect to research design substantially
more extensive and more sophisticated than that which could be undertaken by
most IRBs. Under these circumstances, it would be appropriate for an IRB to
take cognizance of the prior review and not proceed with an independent analysis
of scientific design. Indeed, it could be argued that an additional review of scien-
tific design by an IRB lacking the expertise available to a scientific peer review
group would not contribute further to safeguarding the welfare of the subjects.
This approach would not be acceptable in the case of a clinical trial pro-
posed by an individual investigator that had not been exposed to review by out-
side agencies. In the case of such proposals, IRBs have a quasi-peer review role
in assessing the design of the studies. In these instances, IRBs have a relatively
more significant function in safeguarding the welfare of potential subjects than
when proposals have had prior outside peer review. It is unjustified to omit this
assessment simply because of the practical problems in carrying it out. Addition-
ally, to do so would result in the IRB being out of compliance with the spirit
and the letter of the federal regulations.
To carry out the review of research design of investigator-initiated propos-
als, IRBs can adopt an alternative approach, that of soliciting the opinions of

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

outside consultants. This approach can be utilized by university hospitals as well
as by community hospitals and is applicable to the review of multi-institutional
trials as well as those proposed by individual investigators. The consultants
should be individuals familiar with the medical issues in question and with statis-
tical analysis. They would determine whether suitable information exists to jus-
tify the proposed trial and whether the trial as designed would achieve its intended
The outside reviews would not be intended necessarily to determine
whether the proposed trial is the best one that can be done. They could well lead,
however, to improvements in the study design that would benefit both subjects
and investigators. The use of consultants would thereby enable IRBs to compen-
sate for limitations of expertise on the part of their members and allow them to
meet their responsibilities for assuring satisfactory research design.

B. Competence of the Investigator

Related to the norm of good research design is the norm that the investigator
should be competent. IRBs should determine that the investigators responsible
for conducting clinical trials are qualified by background and experience to man-
age the diseases being treated and the treatment regimens being tested. This can
be accomplished by confirming that the investigators have met the standards for
competence established by national groups that certify medical specialists. For
example, several years ago an investigator sought to undertake a study that in-
volved the administration of insulin using an insulin pump. A review of the inves-
tigator’s credentials revealed that he lacked board certification in the subspecialty
of endocrinology and had no prior experience with the use of an insulin pump
or with performing clinical trials. The IRB voted not to approve the proposal
because of its concern that the investigator lacked the qualifications for oversee-
ing the proposed study.
IRBs should also certify that the investigators do in fact practice in confor-
mity with the standards of the specialty in which the investigators are members.
This can be both a delicate matter for inquiry and difficult to do. The difficulty
can arise from the fact that much of an investigator’s clinical practice may occur
in an office setting, a setting not ordinarily subject to hospital peer review. In
order to fulfill their obligations to safeguard the welfare of prospective subjects of
clinical trials, IRBs should inquire from others within the professional community
whether a particular person is qualified to act as an investigator. This inquiry can
be facilitated by asking the chairperson of the department to which the investiga-
tor belongs to confirm that the investigator is qualified to assume the responsibil-
ity to conduct the research.
In addition to certifying that investigators possess the necessary medical
qualifications for conducting clinical trials, IRBs should ascertain that the investi-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

gators manifest ‘‘a high degree of professionalism necessary to care for the sub-
ject’’ (35). This determination requires an inquiry into the relationship of the
investigator to the prospective subjects. Investigators can relate to subjects in
two capacities: as physician and as investigator. In the traditional physician–
patient relationship, the physician’s primary concern is the patient’s welfare. The
physician acts as the patient’s friend or ‘‘advocate’’ and seeks to do that which
is in the best interest of the patient. In the investigator–subject relationship, the
investigator has a major interest in the furtherance of the research goals. A poten-
tial conflict exists in which pursuing the goals of the research may conflict with
actions that promote a patient’s welfare. Although the conduct of the research is
ideally a cooperative venture between investigator and subject, the physician act-
ing as investigator has a potential conflict of interest between his or her allegiance
to the patient and to the goals of the research.
An example of this conflict is a clinical trial of a new antineoplastic chemo-
therapeutic agent for the treatment of newly diagnosed, nonresectable, non-small-
cell carcinoma of the lung confined to the thorax. The physician-investigator
knows that radiation therapy is considered to be standard treatment for this disor-
der. However, such treatment is only rarely curative. More commonly it provides
only partial, short-lasting control. He may agree that the proposed drug regimen
is at least rationally based and merits testing. But he also knows that hitherto
non-small-cell carcinoma of the lung has been relatively unresponsive to chemo-
therapy. In determining whether to proceed with radiation therapy or enlist his
patient into the clinical trial, the physician has to balance his primary duty to act
in furtherance of his patient’s best interest against his desire to contribute to the
generation of new information regarding the treatment of this disease. A potential
conflict may arise that affects the recruitment by the physician-investigator of
the patient-subject into the clinical trial and the ability of the latter to exercise
free and informed choice with respect to his or her participation in it.
It is important, therefore, for IRBs to inquire into the sensitivity of investi-
gators to the existence of potential conflicts of interest and to the manner in which
these conflicts can be minimized or avoided so that the interest in the research
does not override the interest of the patient-subjects.

C. Selection of Subjects
The norm that subjects shall be selected equitably is based on the principle of
justice. The principle of justice requires that the benefits and burdens of research
be distributed fairly. It is inappropriate for subjects of clinical trials to be drawn
primarily from members of a specific subpopulation of the community unless the
disease being treated affects only members of that group. For example, it would
be inappropriate for a clinical trial of a new antiarthritic drug to be undertaken
solely with individuals from lower socioeconomic groups who receive their care

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

in municipal hospital clinics. Rather, the trial should include individuals from
all socioeconomic groups and racial backgrounds. No single socioeconomic or
minority group should bear the burdens of the research (36).
The recommendations of the National Commission for the Protection of
Subjects of Research stated that ‘‘the burdens of participation in research should
be equitably distributed among the segments of our society, no matter how large
or small those burdens may be’’ (37).
To determine that prospective subjects of proposed clinical trials are se-
lected equitably, IRBs should determine (a) the patient population from which
subjects will be selected, (b) the basis or rationale for selecting subjects, and (c)
the precise manner in which subjects will be selected.
IRBs should ascertain that subjects will not be selected exclusively or even
primarily from groups whose dependence on the institution is such as to cause
them to be reluctant to decline to participate for fear of loss of benefits. This
precaution is particularly important for IRBs at Veterans Administration hospi-
tals. IRBs at such institutions, where the majority of patients constitute potentially
vulnerable populations, may have little opportunity to insist that subjects belong-
ing to these groups not constitute the major source of participants in clinical
trials. In these settings, IRBs acting on behalf of the potential patient/subjects
must certify that the setting for selecting subjects and obtaining informed consent
is such as to minimize to the extent possible the coercive atmosphere that poten-
tially exists.

D. Balancing Benefits and Risks

The norm that the balance of benefits and risks be favorable rests on the principles
of beneficence and respect for persons. This norm is expressed in all codes of
ethics and is a specific duty of IRBs. The federal regulations state that IRBs must
determine that ‘‘risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits
to the subjects and the importance of the knowledge to be gained’’ (38).
To balance the benefits and risks of a clinical trial, IRBs must consider the
disease being treated, the specific details of each treatment regimen, and the man-
ner and setting in which treatment will be administered and responses of patients
monitored. To illustrate, consider a proposed clinical trial intended to study the
effect of a new drug for the treatment of breast cancer. To date, drugs that are
active in this setting can induce partial or, occasionally, complete remissions,
ameliorate symptoms, and improve the quality of life of affected patients. They
do not, however, cure the cancer or prolong survival.
The benefit of pursuing this trial is judged by reference to the natural history
of the disease both in the absence of any therapy and with interventions using
existing treatments. It is related to the estimated likelihood that the new drug
will induce remissions in a greater percentage of patients than those responding

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

to existing drugs, ameliorate symptoms more rapidly, completely, or for a longer
time than existing drugs, and/or increase overall survival.
To estimate the risks that might be associated with the clinical trial, consid-
eration must be paid to the nature and potential severity of specific side effects
from drugs being tested and the possibility of less favorable outcomes in women
in control groups receiving standard therapy. In this trial, the side effects include
nausea, vomiting, hair loss, neurological deficits, fluid retention, and reduced
blood cell counts. In addition, there could be asthenia that commonly occurs with
chemotherapy, the time spent in receiving treatment, the costs of the treatment,
and the side effects, time, and costs associated with administration of growth
factors given to counteract the decrease in blood cell counts.
The calculus of risks must also include considerations as to whether side
effects can be anticipated, detected, and treated, including whether facilities exist
to treat side effects in the event they occur. For example, in the clinical trial of
metastatic breast cancer, it should be confirmed that blood counts will be checked
before treatment and that appropriate treatment is available in the event that se-
vere depression of blood counts occurs. Detailed information regarding the vari-
ous medical issues involved in clinical trials will likely be known only to individ-
uals with expertise in the disease or condition being studied. IRBs will therefore
have to determine from the description of how the proposed trial will be per-
formed or from advice of consultant experts that appropriate preventive and anti-
dotal measures are intended to be utilized when necessary.
Balancing benefits against risks is in a sense trying to compare apples and
oranges. The issue comes down to the question of whether the anticipated side
effects and potential harm associated with either receiving treatment or being a
member of a control group receiving ‘‘standard’’ therapy or no therapy is justified
on the basis of the expected benefits to be attained.
Allowing for the essential uncertainty that surrounds the calculations of
benefits and risks, the task can be substantially simplified if there are complete
descriptions of the pertinent information in the proposals submitted for review.
Thus, members of IRBs should be able to make informed judgments regarding
the relative benefits and risks of clinical trials from the information that is pro-
vided by the investigators. Although a consultant can facilitate the interpretation
of the information, the need for outside guidance is less in balancing benefits
and risks than in assessing research design.

E. Informed Consent
Assuring that adequate provisions exist for securing informed consent is a central
duty of IRBs. The requirements for informed consent are specified in the federal
regulations. These require that investigators ‘‘shall seek such consent only under
circumstances that provide the prospective subject . . . sufficient opportunity to

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

consider whether or not to participate and that minimize the possibility of coer-
cion or undue influence. The information that is given to the subject . . . shall
be in language that is understandable to [him]’’ (39). The regulations further
stipulate that ‘‘No informed consent, whether oral or written, may include any
exculpatory language through which the subject . . . is made to waive or appear
to waive any of the subject’s legal rights, or releases or appears to release the
investigator, the sponsor, the institution or its agents from liability from negli-
gence’’ (40).
The federal regulations specify the information that shall be provided to
each subject:
(1) A statement that the study involves research, an explanation of the pur-
poses of the research and the expected duration of the subject’s partici-
pation, a description of the procedures to be followed, and identification
of any procedures which are experimental;
(2) A description of any reasonably foreseeable risks or discomforts to the
(3) A description of any benefits to the subject or to others which may
reasonably be expected from research;
(4) A disclosure of appropriate alternative procedures or courses of treat-
ment, if any, that might be advantageous to the subject;
(5) A statement describing the extent, if any, to which confidentiality of
records identifying the subject will be maintained;
(6) For research involving more than minimal risk, an explanation as to
whether any compensation and an explanation as to whether medical
treatments are available if injury occurs and, if so, what they consist
of, or where further information may be obtained;
(7) An explanation of whom to contact for answers to pertinent questions
about the research and research subjects’ rights, and whom to contact
in the event of a research-related injury to the subject; and
(8) A statement that participation is voluntary, refusal to participate will
involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is otherwise
entitled, and the subject may discontinue participation at any time with-
out penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is otherwise entitled

In addition to these basic elements of informed consent, IRBs shall also

require that information shall be provided, where indicated, to the effect that (a)
the particular treatment or procedure being tested may involve risks to the subject
that are currently unforeseeable; (b) foreseeable circumstances may exist under
which continued participation by the subject may be terminated by the investiga-
tor without regard to the subject’s consent; (c) additional costs to the subject may
result from participation in the research; (d) the consequences of a decision to
withdraw; and (e) significant findings that may influence a subject’s continued
participation will be related to the subject (42).

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

In addition to the elements enumerated in the federal regulations, IRBs
must consider whether consent forms should include the fact of randomization
in the case of prospective randomized clinical trials. Numerous arguments have
been made for and against disclosing to prospective subjects the fact that their
treatment will be selected by a randomization procedure (43).
Those who feel that the fact of randomization need not be disclosed to
prospective subjects argue that since the alternative treatments to be tested are
not known to produce significantly different results and since the physician would
have to make an arbitrary selection of one treatment or the other for a particular
patient, notification that selection of treatment is by computer rather than by the
patient’s own physician does not provide additional protection for the subjects
and is unnecessary. The response to this contention is that a subject’s ability to
exercise full autonomy over what will be done with his or her own body is best
served by notifying the subject as to how the treatment will be selected and by
whom, even if the selection process is equally arbitrary whatever process is used.
The weight of the arguments favors the notion that for consent to be fully
informed, subjects must be notified that their treatments will be allocated in a
random manner, i.e., selected by a process other than the judgment of their own
physician. The meaning of the concept of randomization and the fact that it will
be the manner by which treatment is selected is therefore considered to be an
important and integral part of informed consent for participation in randomized
clinical trials.
Implicit in the elements that comprise informed consent for subjects partici-
pating in clinical trials is that subjects will be notified of the nature of their
disease. Current bioethical thinking views this to be essential in order for patients/
subjects to give legally effective informed consent. The current practice in the
United States is that informed consent to participate in clinical trials requires that
patients be notified of their diagnosis. Accordingly, a statement regarding the
diagnosis is required in consent forms for participation in clinical trials that are
sponsored by national cooperative groups. It is of interest that other Western
countries do not feel that it is necessary or even appropriate to inform patients
of their diagnosis as part of the consent process.
The elements listed above that need be provided for consent to be informed
must be expressed in a written consent form. It is evident that a consent form with
all these elements will be a lengthy one. In fact, consent forms for participation in
clinical trials often run to three or four single-spaced typewritten pages. However,
the anecdotal experience of those involved in clinical trials is that the majority
of the patients appreciate the full explanation provided in the consent forms and
that these explanations do aid patients and their families significantly in determin-
ing whether to participate. Although there was widespread concern that these
detailed, extensive explanations would frighten patients and reduce the incidence
of participation in clinical trials by prospective subjects, there are no data indicat-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

ing that this has occurred. Rather, the evidence appears to be that the more fully
informed patient is able to participate in a clinical trial in a more meaningful
way, thereby making the trial a cooperative venture between the patient/subject
and the investigator. IRBs should therefore not be deterred from requiring that
consent forms be truly informative and should include all of the elements de-
scribed above.
Two additional questions remain regarding informed consent in clinical
trials. The first question is who should prepare the consent forms. Although it
may be argued that a layperson, such as a lawyer, might be able to take the
information provided in the clinical trial protocol and cast it into a form that
would be most readily understood by prospective subjects, it is suggested here
that the investigator is in a better position to perform this task. The investigator
is the one who is fully informed as to the various issues that pertain to the clinical
trial. Accordingly, the investigator is potentially in the best position to express
the necessary information in a manner that is comprehensible to laypersons. This
requires that the investigator must be capable of explaining the issues involved
in terms that are understandable to the nonphysician. IRBs should insist that, if
an investigator wishes to have patients participate in clinical trials under his or
her authority, he or she ought to be able to explain to prospective subjects pre-
cisely what is involved in terms that subjects can understand.
The second question is whether a physician should act in the dual capacity
as physician and investigator with respect to his or her own patients. Depending
on the particular circumstances, IRBs may be satisfied in allowing physicians to
enlist their own patients in clinical trials in which they serve as investigators and
to act as the caring physician during the trial. Alternatively, IRBs may wish to
require that a knowledgeable third party, for example, another physician familiar
with the disease and its treatment, or a party whose concern for the patient is
without any apparent conflicts of interest, such as a close family member, partici-
pate in the recruitment process and in a monitoring capacity throughout the dura-
tion of the trial.
In most university-affiliated and community hospitals, the matter should
be decided with reference to the particular clinical setting for the trial, the type
of patient/subject involved, and the nature of the disease entity under study. For
example, in a community hospital having no medical oncologist, cardiologist,
etc., other than the physician/investigator, and where the prospective subjects are
all private patients of the investigator, it may be appropriate that a patient advo-
cate in the person of a family member or a member of the nursing service be
present at the time of the consent proceeding. In a municipal hospital that is
university-affiliated and has specialists on staff other than the investigator, it may
be appropriate for one of the other staff members to be present at the time consent
is enlisted so that the coercive elements that some deem to be inherent in such
settings may be minimized. IRBs have to review each proposed clinical trial and

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

specify conditions in which informed consent will be obtained on a case-by-case

F. Compensation for Research-Related Injuries

The norm of compensation for research-related injuries derives from the principle
of justice. As stated by the Task Force on Compensation of Injured Research
Subjects, ‘‘human subjects who suffer physical, psychological, or social injury
in the course of research conducted or supported by the PHS [Public Health
Service] should be compensated if (1) the injury is proximately caused by such
research, and (2) the injury on balance exceeds that reasonably associated with
such illness from which the subject may be suffering, as well as with treatment
usually associated with such illness at the time the subject began participation
in the research’’ (44).
The norm was initially propounded in interim final regulations in which
HHS specified that the availability of compensation must be included as an ele-
ment in the informed-consent form. It now constitutes a basic element of in-
formed consent in both HHS and FDA regulations. Those regulations stipulate
that informed consent must include an explanation regarding the availability of
compensation and medical treatment in the event of research-related injury (45).
The application of this norm by IRBs to clinical trials can be illustrated
by considering a study in which administration of streptokinase in the coronary
arteries to patients with acute myocardial infarction was being assessed. In this
trial, half of the patients were randomly allocated to receive streptokinase via
intracoronary artery perfusion. The patients in this group had to undergo catheter-
ization of the coronary arteries in the immediate postinfarct period. The other
half of the patients were allocated to be treated in the conventional way. They
did not undergo coronary artery catheterization or receive streptokinase, although
they were anticoagulated with heparin. The treatment being tested could have
produced complications similar to those occurring with standard treatment, e.g.,
bleeding, or from the disease itself. However, the investigational arm of the study
could also have introduced additional risks, e.g., those arising from the coronary
artery catheterization.
IRBs called upon to review a trial such as this can satisfy the norm for
compensation for research-related injury in one of two ways. First, they might
interpret the regulations that embody the norm strictly. They might merely ascer-
tain that the consent form includes a statement regarding the availability of com-
pensation, without inquiring further as to whether the investigators or the institu-
tion should provide compensation. Since schemes for providing compensation
are not readily available, this approach would not impose upon the investigators
or the institution requirements that they would have difficulty meeting. It would,
however, serve to alert prospective subjects to the issue of research-related injury

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

and allow them to consider the loss from such injuries in their decision to partici-
pate trial.
Alternatively, IRBs might determine which potential complication might
arise from the disease or the standard therapy and hence would not be compensa-
ble simply because they occurred in an individual participating in a clinical trial.
They could further determine which complications, if any, could be attributable
to the investigative component of the clinical trial. The IRBs might then recom-
mend that the investigators and/or the institution signify a willingness to compen-
sate subjects injured as a result of their participation in the trial or provide medical
treatment without additional cost to the subject.
This approach may very well increase the cost for doing research and might
make the performance of the clinical trial unacceptable to the investigators and
the institution. IRBs do not have the authority or power to require that compensa-
tion be made available. Consequently, a recommendation by the IRB to this effect
would not be enforceable. A recommendation, however, would alert the investi-
gator and the institution to the potential existence of a compensable injury. To
the extent that this would promote additional safeguards for preventing such in-
jury, the patient/subject would be benefited.
It is important that IRBs keep the matter of compensation in perspective.
Many medical experts are of the opinion that the best treatment is often provided
in the course of clinical trials. The legitimate concern regarding the cost of re-
search-related injuries to particular subjects of clinical trials should be balanced
against the benefit arising from trials to individual subjects and to classes of
subjects of which individuals may be members. It is suggested that this can be
best accomplished by IRBs ascertaining that the potential subjects of clinical
trials be notified as to the availability of compensation for research related injuries
and that they be similarly notified as to the standards that apply in determining
whether injuries are in fact research-related and therefore compensable.


Five special issues arise with respect to the role of IRBs in reviewing clinical
trials. These are the role of lay members of IRBs, the review of multi-institutional
trials sponsored by national cooperative groups, the duty to monitor the trials,
the financial risk assumed by patients entering clinical trials, and adherence to
new policies promulgated by the FDA or HHS.

A. The Role of Lay Members of IRBs

Members of IRBs fall into three general classes: scientific, nonscientific profes-
sional (lawyers, philosophers, clergy), and laypersons. Although all members will

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

make some assessment with respect to each of the ethical considerations that
enters into a decision regarding the acceptability of a research proposal, it is
understandable that members having varying backgrounds and expertise will
weigh differently the factors that affect the decision. The scientific members of
IRBs are best able to evaluate the scientific issues of proposed clinical trials, the
anticipated benefits and risks associated with the trials, and the competence of
the investigators to conduct the trials. In contrast, the nonscientific professionals
and the lay members on IRBs can be expected to play more prominent roles in
judging the adherence of proposed clinical trials to the norms of informed con-
sent, equitable selection of subjects, and compensation for research-related inju-
ries. Depending on their particular training and background, nonscientific profes-
sionals analyze the issues raised by proposed clinical trials in the light of
prevailing legal, ethical-philosophical, or religious standards and norms. Lay
members, by contrast, presumably reflect and represent general community atti-
tudes (46).
It is anticipated and perhaps desirable that the nonscientific members not
acquire an intimate understanding of the scientific basis and methods of the pro-
posed research. To do so may result in their identifying more with the interests
of the investigators and less with those of the subjects, assuming that the two
interests are not identical. It is necessary, however, that they develop sufficient
understanding of the science involved so that they can, like a jury, make reason-
able, informed judgments as to the several issues involved in the research pro-
The different roles of the several nonscientific members of IRBs can be
illustrated by considering how they assess the procedures proposed for selecting
subjects and obtaining informed consent. Whether there is equitable selection of
subjects, particularly from presumably vulnerable subpopulations, is analyzed by
individuals representing different professional or community constituencies in
terms of equal protection, distributive justice, or prevailing standards of fairness.
The adequacy of the consent procedure—whether consent is informed—is ana-
lyzed by attorney-members of IRBs in terms of battery and negligence and the
objective standard of what the reasonable person similarly situated would want
to know. It is analyzed by the philosopher in terms of the ethical principle of
autonomy or respect for persons. Finally, it is analyzed by the lay member in
terms of what the average ‘‘man-in-the street’’ would want to know. The lay
member is perhaps best able to act as a surrogate for prospective subjects and
indicate the setting that should exist for consent proceedings as well as the partic-
ular information that should be imparted in order for the subject to decide whether
to participate in the study.
This analysis of the roles of different classes of IRB members in reviewing
proposed clinical trials leads to two conclusions. The first is that the different
members of IRBs should be expected to represent different perspectives. Their

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

perceptions of the relative weight to give to different factors and the manner in
which they think about and judge these factors are intended to be different. This
diversity of viewpoints is complementary so that the final decision represents a
consensus derived from balancing competing considerations and values. The sec-
ond is that the role of IRB members reviewing clinical trials is similar to that
with respect to any other research proposal. The anxiety and frustration that non-
scientific members of IRBs in particular experience when reviewing clinical trials
(at least as seen by this writer) can be minimized if these two points are kept in
mind (47).

B. Review of Multi-institutional Trials

The review of clinical trials that are sponsored by national cooperative groups
and/or involve the cooperative efforts of multiple institutions can present special
problems for IRBs. The federal regulations state: ‘‘In such instances, the grantee
or prime contractor remains responsible to the Department (of HHS] for safe-
guarding the rights and welfare of human subjects. Also, when cooperating insti-
tutions conduct some of all of the research involving some or all of these subjects,
each cooperating institution shall comply with [the] regulations as though it re-
ceived funds for its participation in the project directly from the Department’’
The scientific background that underlies these trials and their statistical
design is often complex and may not be readily understood by individuals, includ-
ing physicians, who are unfamiliar with the area of medicine involved. The role
of IRBs in reviewing such protocols can be determined by considering the norms
that define the conditions that should exist for the ethical conduct of clinical
These norms involve considerations that are scientific as well as ethical.
Assessment of the scientific issues can be done by utilizing consultants, joint
review, the review of another qualified IRB, or another arrangement that avoids
duplication of effort.
Assessment of the ethical issues, such as informed consent and equitable
selection of subjects, can be competently undertaken by all members of IRBs.
There is no need to treat proposed clinical trials sponsored by national cooperative
groups and multi-institutional trials differently from any other research involving
human subjects.
There is, to be sure, some difference of opinion regarding whether IRBs
can request changes in the study protocol without effectively disapproving the
involvement of the institution in the trial. Levine has stated, ‘‘any deviations
from the protocol render useless to the cooperative study the involvement of the
institution in which such deviations occur. One cannot, therefore, request changes
in drug doses, inclusion criteria, and the like (49). Rather, the multi-institutional

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

randomized clinical trial should be viewed by the IRB as a package—take it or
leave it.
In contrast, Freedman asks ‘‘whether a local research review committee
can fulfill its regulatory, legal, and ethical responsibility without undertaking its
own active review of any research to be conducted locally. Does the integrity of
the research review process allow for two sets of standards of ethics and science,
one to be imposed on local research and another, more cursory set, reserved for
use in multicenter trials?’’ (50).
Freedman answers these questions by asserting that IRBs have an obliga-
tion to review multi-institutional trials in order to exercise their responsibility to
safeguard subject safety and assure scientific validity of the study in question
(51). In particular, he argues that IRBs should assess the eligibility criteria used
for selecting subjects for such trials and should be prepared to request, if not
require, changes in these criteria, if circumstances warrant. He disputes assertions
that changes in eligibility criteria requested or required by IRBs should prevent
participation of the institution in the trial.
Freedman further suggests that a process should be established that per-
mits IRBs to know the names and addresses of contact persons of the IRBs con-
sidering multi-institutional trials to facilitate communication regarding issues
identified in the course of reviewing the studies (52). Ultimately, however, the
responsibility for safeguarding the rights and welfare of prospective subjects of
research conducted within an institution lies with that institution’s IRB. That
responsibility cannot be deferred or abnegated simply because the source of a
proposed clinical trial is a national group or organization that exists outside the
Ultimately, the responsibility for safeguarding the rights and welfare of
prospective subjects of research conducted within an institution lies with that
institution’s IRB. That responsibility cannot be deferred or abnegated simply be-
cause the source of a proposed clinical trial is a national group that exists outside
the institution.

C. The Duty to Monitor

The federal regulations state that IRBs ‘‘shall conduct continuing review of re-
search . . . at intervals appropriate to the degree of risk, but not less than once
per year, and shall have authority to observe or have a third party observe the
consent process and the research’’ (53). Continuing review must be substantive
and meaningful (54).
The regulations outline the minimum requirements for continuing review.
These specify that the IRB should review ‘‘the protocol and any amendments as
well as a status report or the progress of the research, including (a) the number
of subjects accrued; (b) a description of any adverse events or unanticipated prob-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

lems involving risks to subjects or others, withdrawal of subjects from the re-
search, or complaints about the research; (c) a summary of any recent literature,
findings, or other relevant information, especially information about risks associ-
ated with the research; and (d) a copy of the current informed consent document’’
Additionally, it is required that review of the currently approved consent
document must ensure that the information is still accurate and complete. IRBs
must ensure that any significant new findings that may relate to a subject’s will-
ingness to continue participation is or has been provided to the subject as required
in Section 46.116(b)(5) of the federal regulations.
The regulations do not provide specific instructions to IRBs on how to
undertake continuing review within the framework of the regulations. A major
consideration for IRBs, therefore, is how to monitor the progress of clinical trials.
A related issue is whether, how, and to what extent IRBs should monitor the
preliminary data being generated by clinical trials.
Arguably, preliminary data generated during the course of a clinical trial
may indicate trends that may be of interest to prospective subjects deciding
whether to participate. On the other hand, such trends may not hold up as the
trial continues. To notify prospective subjects of trends that may be appearing
in preliminary data may lead to their deciding on the basis of incomplete informa-
tion not to participate in the study. This may impair the ability of the study to
achieve statistical significance and to reach a definitive conclusion. However, not
to notify prospective subjects of preliminary trends that may be of interest to
them may impair their ability to make an informed decision whether to participate
and may conceivably expose them to a greater risk of harm.
Few IRBs are in a position to monitor adequately the ongoing performance
of clinical trials and the data being generated on a continuing basis. This is due,
in part, to the time lag between the generation of the data and the analysis of it.
It is due also to the fact that the data in many drug trials are reported to statistical
offices that are remote from the local institutions. Thus, practically speaking,
IRBs are not in a position to exercise their responsibility for continuing review
of the outcomes of clinical trials, particularly those sponsored by cooperative
The question remains, then, how can IRBs carry out their duty to monitor
clinical trials? One specific action is to require the investigator to report any
planned changes in the conduct of the study for review and approval by the
IRB, the occurrence of specific unanticipated events that pose significant risks
to subjects, new information that may affect the assessment of risks and benefits,
and any change that must be implemented immediately in order to protect the
subjects of the research.
Second, IRBs can require investigators to certify that the selection of sub-
jects and the procedures used are consistent with those set out in their research

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

protocols. Finally, IRBs can request copies of signed consent forms and/or moni-
tor the consent process to ensure that the subjects are being fully informed as to
the trial in which they are participating and that consent is being obtained consis-
tent with the research protocol.

D. Financial Risks of Clinical Trial Subjects

Clinical research, including clinical drug trials, are most commonly sponsored
by government, business, private agencies, or foundations. These organizations
generally provide funding for those aspects of the clinical trials that are clearly
associated with the experimental activities: drug costs, special laboratory testing,
data manager support, and investigator salaries. The costs associated with clinical
services that would be utilized by the patient in the course of standard practice
are usually not paid for by the research sponsor. Rather, they are considered the
responsibility of the patient and are expected to be paid by the patient’s health
Increasingly, health insures, both governmental and private commercial
payors, expressly disallow payment for medical services that are labeled experi-
mental. Many insurers include in this prohibition all services provided to patients
who are subjects of clinical trials even if much of the care provided is the same
as that provided patients with similar conditions who are not enrolled in clinical
Thus, patients who consent to participate in clinical trials risk losing health
insurance benefits otherwise available to them because of their willingness to
serve as research subjects. This loss of benefits may apply to the care provided
while the patient is being treated and, in some instances, to the care that is pro-
vided to treat complications or side effects of the treatment. Stated simply, pa-
tients entering clinical trials may incur significant financial risks as a consequence
of their participation in the trials.
Until recently, IRBs have tended not to address this issue. With the advent
of managed care and the disinclination of managed-care organizations to pay for
all services related to experimental therapy, it is reasonable and appropriate that
the IRB address the financial risks assumed by patients in the course of reviewing
proposed studies.
This review may vary in scope. It may consist simply of ensuring that the
informed consent process and the consent form clearly identifies the potential
risk for each prospective subject. Or, the IRB may wish to require that the investi-
gator and/or institution hold the patient harmless against any costs incurred dur-
ing the study that are not paid for by the patient’s health insurer.
At the very least, IRBs should be prepared to address it as one aspect of
their mission of safeguarding the rights and welfare of prospective subjects of
clinical research (56).

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

E. Compliance with New Federal Regulations
To comply with the assurances filed with HHS and FDA, IRBs are required to
adjust their policies and procedures to conform with newly promulgated federal
guidelines and procedures. In order to do so, either the staff of IRBs or the office
of legal counsel for the institution must be responsible for knowing when such
guidelines or regulations are issued. The IRBs must then incorporate any such
changes into their operations and advise investigators of the new requirements.
An example of one guideline of particular relevance to clinical drug trials is
the Guideline for the Study and Evaluation of Gender Differences in the Clinical
Evaluation of Drugs, which the FDA published on July 22, 1993 (57). This guide-
line was developed to address a growing concern that the drug development pro-
cess was not producing adequate information about the effects of drugs in women.
One reason for this deficiency was the 1977 FDA guideline, General Consider-
ations for the Clinical Evaluation of Drugs, that excluded women of child-bearing
potential from participation in early studies of drugs.
The revised guideline, adopted in 1993, withdrew the restriction on the
participation of women of child-bearing potential in early clinical trials. It stated
instead that, in accordance with good medical practice, women should be coun-
seled against becoming pregnant during the trial and should be advised to take
appropriate precautions to avoid pregnancies.
The FDA stated that the change in the policy set forth in the guidelines
would not by itself cause IRBs to alter restrictions they might impose on the
participation of women of child-bearing potential. It did state, however, that IRBs
have broader discretion to encourage entry of a wide range of individuals into
the early phases of clinical trials. Additionally, the FDA urged IRBs ‘‘to examine
carefully study protocols to see whether entry criteria needlessly exclude women
or other groups in the target population of the drugs, or set up entry criteria that
are difficult for women to meet’’ (58).
The guidelines on the participation of women in clinical drug trials are
similar to those published in 1989 to ensure that elderly patients would be in-
cluded in clinical drug studies (59).
Another example of a guideline of relevance to IRBs reviewing clinical
drug trials is the procedures for IRB review of National Institutes of Health (NIH)
multicenter clinical trial protocols that include NIH-approved sample informed-
consent documents. The procedures state:

(1) The Office of Protection from Research Risks (OPRR) now requires
that each local IRB receive a copy of the NIH-approved sample consent
document and the full NIH-approved protocol as a condition for review
and approval of the local informed consent documents.
(2) Any deletion or substantive modification of information concerning
risks or alternative procedures contained in the sample informed con-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

sent document must be justified in writing by the investigator and ap-
proved by the IRB.
(3) The justification for an approval of such deletions or modifications must
be reflected in the IRB minutes. For trials sponsored by the National
Cancer Institute (NCI), investigators must forward copies of such IRB-
approved changes, with their justifications, to the appropriate Coopera-
tive Group headquarters (60).

The directive quoted above, issued by the OPRR, asserts that the policy
contained in it does not reflect any change in the OPRR’s policy concerning the
importance of local IRB review. Rather, it reiterates the requirement that ‘‘[e]ach
IRB must continue to review all protocol and informed consent documents with
the greatest of care, regardless of any prior review at the national level’’ (61).
These two examples illustrate that IRBs must remain current with federal
guidelines and regulations and be prepared to implement them when they become


The review of clinical drug trials by Institutional Review Boards can be difficult
and challenging. Adequate review by IRBs requires a firm understanding of the
ethical principles that underlie the participation of human subjects in research,
the legal authority under which IRBs operate, and the regulatory requirements
that inform IRB activities. Resolution of specific issues requires careful balancing
of competing considerations. Judicious decision making on the part of IRBs can
enable important research into the treatment of disease to proceed while assuring
that adequate safeguards exist to protect the rights, safety, and well-being of the
subjects of the research.


Portions of this chapter were drawn from material previously prepared by the
author that appeared in Human Subjects Research (Plenum Press, New York,
1982), and are used with the permission of the publisher.


1. The regulations of HHS that provide for protection of human research subjects are
set out at 45 CFR 46.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

2. The regulations of the FDA that provide for protection of human subjects are set
out at 21 CFR 56.
3. 45 CFR §46.109(a); 21 CFR 556.109(a).
4. The Belmont Report (1978). Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of
Human Subjects of Research. Report of the National Commission for the Protection
of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. Washington, DC:
DHEW Publication (OS)780012. Hereinafter, The Belmont Report.
5. As published in Beauchamp TL, and Childress, JF. Principles of Biomedical Ethics.
2d ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983: 60.
6. Schloendorif v. Society of New York Hospital, 211 N.Y. 125, 105 N.E. 92, 93
7. The Belmont Report. Supra note 5, at p. 4.
8. Beauchamp and Childress, Supra note 5, at p. 159.
9. Id. App. II, at p. 330.
10. The Belmont Report. Supra note 5, at p. 4.
11. Id. at p 5.
12. National Research Act. Pub.L. 93–348. July 12, 1974.
13. 21USC §301 et seq.
14. 45 CFR §46.102(e).
15. 45 CFR §46.103(a).
16. 21 CFR §50.3, 56. 103.
17. 45 CFR §46.109(a);21 CFR §56.109(a).
18. 45 CFR §46.109(b);21 CFR §56.109(b).
19. 45 CFR §46.109(c);21 CFR §56.109(c).
20. 45 CFR §46.109(d);21 CFR §56.109(d).
21. Id.
22. 45 CFR §46.109(e);21 CFR §56.109(e).
23. 45 CFR §46.113; 21 CFR 556.113.
24. 45 CFR §46.108(a); 21 CFR §56.108(a).
25. 45 CFR §46.108(b); 21 CFR §56.108(b).
26. 45 CFR §46.108(c); 21 CFR §56.108(c).
27. 45 CFR §46.114; 21 CFR §56.114.
28. 45 CFR §46.107(a); 21 CFR §56.107(a).
29. 45 CFR §46.107(b); 21 CFR §56.107(b).
30. 45 CFR §46.107(c); 21 CFR §56.107(c).
31. 45 CFR §46.107(d); 21 CFR §56.107(d).
32. 45 CFR §46.107(d); 21 CFR §56.107(e).
33. 45 CFR §46.111(a)(1–5); 21 CFR §56.111(a)(1–5).
34. 45 CFR §46.111(b); 21 CFR §56.111(b).
35. Levine RJ, and Lebacqz K. Some ethical considerations in clinical trials. Clin Pharm
Ther 1979; 25:728–741, p. 730.
36. Research Involving Children. The National Commission for the Protection of Human
Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. Washington, DC: DHEW Publica-
tion (OS)77–0004, 1977: 4–5.
37. 45 CFR §46.404(a)(6) 31793, Fed Reg 1978.
38. 45 CFR §46.111(a)(2); 21 CFR §56.111(a)(2).

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

39. 45 CFR §46. 116.
40. Id.
41. 45 CFR §46.116(a)(1–8).
42. 45 CFR §46.116(b)(1–5).
43. Levine RJ, and Lebacqz K. Supra note 35.
44. DHEW Secretary’s Task Force on the Compensation of Injured Research Subjects.
Washington, DC: DHEW Publication No. (OS)77–003, 1977.
45. 45 CFR §46.116 (a)(6).
46. Ghio JM. What is the role of a public member on an IRB? IRB Rev Hum Subj Res
1980; 2(2):7.
47. Cowan DH. Scientific design, ethics, and monitoring. IRB: A review of randomized
clinical trials. IRB Rev Hum Subj Res 1980; 2(9):1–4.
48. 45 CFR §46.114.
49. Levine RJ. Ethics and Regulation of Clinical Research. 2d ed. Baltimore: Urban and
Schwarzenberg, 1986: 211.
50. Freedman B. Multicenter trials and subject eligibility: should local IRBs play a role?
IRB Rev Hum Subj Res 1994; 16(1,2):1–6, at p. 3.
51. Ibid., at p. 5.
52. Id.
53. 45 CFR §46.109(e); CFR §56.109(e)
54. Ellis GB. OPRR Rep 95–01. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, January
10, 1995.
55. Id.
56. Lind SE. Dilemmas in paying for clinical research: the view from the IRB. Rev
Hum Subj Res 1987; 9(2):1–6.
57. Fed Reg 58(139):39406–39416. (July 22, 1993).
58. Suydam LA. Letter issued by Food and Drug Administration to IRBs, 1994.
59. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Guideline for the Study of Drugs Likely
to be Used in the Elderly. Washington, DC: Food and Drug Administration, 1989.
60. Lin MH, Miller JG. Local IRB review of multicenter clinical trials. OPRR Rep 93–
01. Washington, DC: OPRR, 1992.
61. Id.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Personal Care and Randomized
Clinical Trials:
Understanding the Ethical Conflicts

Paul J. Reitemeier
National Center for Ethics, Veterans Health Administration, White River
Junction, Vermont, and Department of Medicine, Dartmouth Medical
School, Hanover, New Hampshire

The moral convictions of thoughtful and well-educated people are the data
of ethics, just as sense perceptions are the data of science.
W. D. Ross, The Right and the Good, 1930


Medical researchers, their supporting institutions, and governments have long

recognized an ethical obligation to develop more effective medical treatments to
improve public health through improving the welfare of individual patients. This
effort to constantly improve the effectiveness of medical therapies may be termed
the scientific imperative (SI). The SI requires individual physicians to determine
for a given illness which therapy among several options is the best therapy for
a particular patient. For example, patients seeking treatment for cancer of the
prostate might be referred to or otherwise seek the opinions of a medical oncolo-
gist, a urological surgeon, and a radiotherapist. Each specialist may recommend
a different therapy with different incumbent risks as the best therapy for prostatic

The opinions of the author expressed in this essay are personal and do not reflect those of the National
Center for Ethics, the Veterans Health Administration or the federal government.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

cancer. Making a choice among chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation (or a com-
bination of two or more therapies) is not something most patients are emotionally
or intellectually prepared to do. Therefore, the patient may rely on his primary
care physician for advice on which specialist’s recommendation to take. To make
this determination, physicians need to know the results of therapy comparisons.
Typically this involves consulting the published reports of clinical trial compari-
sons of the various therapeutic options.
Ethically sensitive procedure requires that these comparison studies be de-
signed with as little burden to subjects and as little waste of resources as possible.
In this chapter, I discuss the ethical issues inherent in conducting therapy compar-
ison trials and I examine several proposals to address the ethical issues.

A. Research Design
Two significant obstacles to comparing medical therapies are the extensive time
and the large number of subjects required to complete such studies with sufficient
accuracy for the results to be reliable. To minimize both the time required and the
number of subjects needed, research designs have been developed that emphasize
statistical power and validity. For more than 40 years, blinded, randomized clini-
cal trials (BRCTs) have been the ‘‘gold standard’’ of study designs because they
emphasize both statistical power and validity and provide for economy of re-
sources. BRCTs have definitively established some treatments as effective and
eliminated others as ineffective (1). Large, multicenter trials often use data moni-
toring boards to provide an added degree of regulatory oversight so that the safety
and interests of research subjects are maximally protected (2,3). This is most
common when one of the therapies is experimentally new. Therefore, the need
to identify the most effective therapies as quickly as possible can best be met if
researchers conduct BRCTs.
But ethical concerns in BRCT research have been raised by several com-
mentators (4–10). Physicians who conduct BRCT research must adjust their med-
ical treatment of enrolled patients so it accords with the research protocol require-
ments. Adherence to these requirements is necessary to produce therapy
comparison results that will be most compelling from a scientific point of view,
so clinicians are persuaded by the results and use them in selecting therapies to
offer to patients in the future. Conducting well-designed comparison trials on a
few patients will enable many more future patients to benefit by avoiding what
the trial reveals to be the inferior therapy. The comparison process is driven
and success is measured by the objective endpoints specified in the trial design.
Endpoints typically include either time-to-death (survival) of subjects or a speci-
fied physiological change such as tumor shrinkage, blood-count level, or other
objective measures. Trial endpoints are specified by the study investigator so
analysis of aggregate subject outcomes can be measured independently of the

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

individual patient’s subjective judgment about the therapy. Thus, the ethical justi-
fication for conducting BRCT research is outcome-centered.
It is presumed that BRCTs are conducted only by physicians and research-
ers who genuinely believe that, as competent scientists, they stand in clinical
equipoise in relation to other investigators considering the same therapeutic
choices for patients (11). That is, they believe the advantage of one therapy over
another is not currently known or, alternatively, that the negative effects of the
standard and experimental therapies are judged to be comparable. The crucial
feature for ethically responsible decision making in this circumstance turns on
what counts as the relevant information or knowledge needed to form a well-
considered judgment among therapeutic options (12,13). An individual clini-
cian’s beliefs about the relative merits of individual therapies often differ from
the rest of the community of informed commentators (experienced clinicians and
statisticians). Equipoise may not exist at the individual level; each specialist will
claim to know what therapy is best for his or her patients. However, different
specialists may also disagree on which therapy is best for identically situated
patients, as in the case of the patient with prostatic cancer described above. At
the level of the community of informed commentators, these individual disagree-
ments will result in a collective conflict indicating that in the informed commu-
nity, community equipoise exists (14). That is, without the results of a completed
BRCT comparing therapies, no choice among these treatment alternatives can be
known collectively to be the best therapy to the general satisfaction of well-
informed clinicians as a group. Thus, for primary care physicians to make an
ethically responsible recommendation and for patients to have the best chance
for receiving the most effective therapy under circumstances of uncertainty, en-
rolling in a multiarmed BRCT appears to split the difference among the conflict-
ing recommendations from specialists.
Because of known toxicities and mortalities associated with standard and
experimental treatment options, the earlier one therapy can be known with some
confidence to be superior to alternative therapies, the better it will be for patients.
Thus, an ethical concern for clinician-researchers is to reach a nonarbitrary judg-
ment about the comparative efficacy of different therapeutic interventions as early
as possible so that further BRCT study is not required. This is especially true in
cases where the illness under study is life-threatening and the currently accepted
standard treatment is not significantly effective in most cases, such as with pan-
creatic cancer.


As patient advocates, physicians have an ethical obligation to recommend to pa-

tients and to help them acquire what the physician believes is the best treatment

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

for their illness, all things considered. This obligation is a cornerstone of the
physician–patient model, which Fried has termed personal care, and it is the
predominant model used in training new clinicians (15). Indeed, it often is de-
scribed as an ethical imperative in learning the professional standard of care for
clinicians. This personal care imperative (PCI), sometimes termed the therapeutic
obligation (12,13), is grounded in the presumption that patients and physicians
come together to form a highly personal relationship within which they each have
discernable roles. They share some, but not all, values and principles related to the
patient’s care, but they both seek the same clinical outcome objectives: maximal
beneficial response to therapy. Moreover, this relationship is diachronic; it per-
sists over a period of time with multiple interactions and circumstances requiring
shared decision making.
Physicians who embody the PCI acknowledge their duty to respect patients’
rights, which are described by Fried as lucidity, fidelity, humanity, and autonomy
(15). In a complementary way, patients are expected to participate as reasonable,
if often highly vulnerable, consumers who make efforts to understand the limita-
tions and uncertainties associated with specific medical therapies. Patients, there-
fore, need to be competent to give informed consent or informed refusal to the
various treatment options as explained by their physician.
In contrast to the outcome-centered SI, the ethical perspective of the PCI
is patient-centered; the therapeutic process is driven and success is measured
according to the willful, subjective desires of the informed and consenting patient.
Because these subjective desires are often idiosyncratic, patients may forego en-
rolling in BRCTs in favor of alternative therapies or pursue the same therapy
off-protocol so as to avoid the additional research requirements. If they do enroll
in research, some patients may elect to withdraw before the trial is completed.
In any event, the PCI emphasis on patient preference satisfaction and autonomy
does not easily accommodate the procedural requirements of many BRCTs



Clinicians typically do not have a clear choice between either a well-established

and effective standard of care or perfect equipoise concerning multiple treatment
options, including investigational ones. Some evidence usually exists to prefer
one treatment alternative over another, even if that evidence is merely anecdotal.
When analysis of aggregate study results indicates that no therapy preference can
be rationally justified to the community of experts by differences in effectiveness
of treatment outcomes, then collective equipoise exists. Individual practitioners
may have a personal preference for one therapy over another, but the numbers

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

of those with preferences and the reasons for their preferences may balance each
other out.
At the same time, the patient’s personal preferences or circumstances may
contribute to the patient having a rational preference for one therapy over another.
Under the PCI, a patient’s preference for therapy choice under these cir-
cumstances of collective clinical equipoise ought to be determinative unless that
preference can be shown to be against the patient’s true interests. Even then, it
may still be ethically appropriate to support the patient’s pursuit of therapy prefer-
ence. Therefore, to follow a BRCT protocol and use random assignment mecha-
nisms to determine therapy for a particular patient is to ignore the PCI and to
violate the patient’s rights of fidelity and humanity because the patient’s particu-
lar vulnerabilities and preferences are not taken into account. Indeed, if the patient
elects to enroll as a subject in a BRCT, unless clearly harmful results to the
patient can be reasonably foreseen, Fried argues that patients should even be
provided interim research study results* if they desire, so that continued informed
consent can be assured (15). Individual patient autonomy is a prominent part of
ethically valid clinical trials (15). But while they may choose to do this, it surely
involves a value judgment about the seriousness of the consequences of being
wrong. Moreover, it also virtually assures that patient accrual in sufficient num-
bers for statistical power and validity will be significantly prolonged or even
precluded. Adequate subject accrual into clinical trials has been a vexing problem
for researchers, especially in adult populations (16,17).
At the level of ethical theory, the conflict between obligations generated
by the SI and PCI may reflect a friction between a rights-based ethical theory
and a goal-based ethical theory. The PCI rights-based theory values most highly
the respect for individual patient autonomy, whereas the SI goal-based theory
grants primacy to discovering reliable clinical measurements with the least net
harm to subjects. But neither the superiority of one ethical theory over the other
nor the reconciliation of one with the other has ever been established to the gen-
eral agreement of commentators from either bioethics or clinical research. This
ethical conflict has proven to be very difficult, and several proposals to address
it have generated considerable discussion in the professional literature (4–10).

* The notion of what constitutes ‘‘information’’ in this context is a long-debated issue and essentially
divides along frequentist versus Bayesian lines. Clinical investigators begin by assuming protocol
A is equivalent to protocol B (on whatever metric is important). Random variability, especially in
the earliest stages of the study, will produce interim outcomes that look different simply by chance.
However, investigators choose to assume the null hypothesis (that there is no difference) continues
to be true until such time as the available data provide sufficient information to conclude they are
no different. In this regard, all information short of that allowing a choice to be made is considered
noninformative. [I owe this important clarification to Professor James Anderson, University of Ne-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

A. Avoiding Conflict by Alternative Designs
A patient’s rights to personal care are violated when the physician does not incor-
porate the patient’s personal choice when making treatment decisions (15–19).
BRCTs require that patients be randomly assigned to therapy options, thereby
precluding the possibility of incorporating any existing personal preferences for
treatment selection. Therefore, enrolling a patient in a BRCT violates, in at least
some cases, the personal care imperative.

1. Prerandomization
Zelen (20) has suggested that investigators who are in clinical equipoise with
respect to multiple therapy options privately use a randomization mechanism
to select the treatment option for their patients, and then inform the patient
which treatment will be used if the patient consents to participate in the study.
This technique is known as prerandomization, and two versions of it have
been developed. In both versions one-half of the patients are secretly prerandom-
ized to the standard care arm A and followed without their knowledge (or con-
sent) of participating in a trial.* The difference between the two schemes is
how the second half, those secretly prerandomized to the experimental arm B,
are treated.
In version 1, the patients prerandomized to experimental arm B are in-
formed of the treatment and then asked for consent to receive the experimental
treatment B. If the patient refuses treatment B, he or she is offered the standard
treatment arm A and asked to consent to be followed as part of the research
study. In version 2, patients prerandomized to the experimental arm B are asked
for their preference of A or B, and that preference determines which treatment
they receive. To make the relevant statistical comparisons among all participants,
all the group 2 patients (those prerandomized to the B arm and then asked to
choose between A and B) have to be compared with all the group 1 patients
(those prerandomized to A, but not asked to choose). As the group 2 patients
express an aggregate preference for one arm over the other (either A ⬎ B or
B ⬎ A), the total number of patients enrolled in the study must enlarge to main-
tain statistical validity.
The main advantage of Zelen’s two prerandomization designs is that they
allow investigators to accrue subjects into protocols more effectively because
one-half of the subjects are ignorant of their participation (21).

* It may be the case that in actual clinical practice, all of these studies using prerandomization obtain
consent from subjects randomized to all of the treatment arms. Accordingly, it is unclear whether
the single-arm design is used, or ever has been used. [I owe this empirical caution to Professor
Donald Marquis, University of Kansas.]

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Critique. For subjects prerandomized to arm A, patient autonomy is vio-
lated by precluding the possibility of the patient providing informed consent to
participate. Because the patients do not know about the study, they do not know
about the possible experimental options. Therefore, their consent cannot be fully
informed, and their autonomy is necessarily and unjustly curtailed (18,19). This
is to commit the moral wrong of failure to respect the subject as a person with
moral rights, especially the right of personal autonomy. In a 1990 California
lawsuit, the court explicitly used both the fiduciary-duty doctrine and the in-
formed-consent doctrine to establish a legal obligation for researchers to disclose
to participants both the fact of their research participation and any economic
interests the investigators may have in that research (22). This is not a new finding
of responsibility, however, because the ethical—if not legal—requirement for
informed consent for research subjects dates to at least the late nineteenth century

2. Expert Selection
Before conducting a course of clinical therapy under BRCT conditions, inves-
tigators can identify an initial probability distribution for subject outcomes
based on the reported prior clinical experience of patients similarly situated
and treated. Kadane (25) has suggested that, as trial data accumulate, this ini-
tial probability distribution should be updated and made more accurate through
regular review by a panel of experts. Over time, as improved therapies are devel-
oped, research goals can be refined and the detailed prognostic variables and
determinants better identified and firmly established. As the process continues
further, the experts’ opinions about the relative merit of each treatment option
become further refined, and computer models of the opinions are generated. Even-
tually, individual prognostic variables can be entered into a computer program,
and a model of all the experts’ opinions concerning treatment selection for a new
patient can be consulted before entering the trial. At this point, a treatment may
be offered to the patient if, and only if, at least one expert finds it is the best
treatment for that patient. Patients are intentionally not informed of the existence
of the experts’ opinions for fear that patients may (erroneously) favor one expert’s
opinions over another’s, or make their participation decision based on idiosyn-
cratic personality factors that may influence the statistical validity of the trial
Critique. Failure to provide patients who are prospective research subjects
information concerning the opinion of experts regarding the therapy offered to
them diminishes the patient’s autonomy by withholding information potentially
relevant to the patient’s perspective (26). The experts’ opinions are directly
sought by the study designers for their own purposes, so it is reasonable to assume
that at least some patients also may feel these opinions are of material interest

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

to them. To intentionally refrain from sharing the opinions of the potentially
interested subject is to fail to respect him or her as a person of moral worth. The
ethical analysis must conclude that the investigators’ obligations of personal care
toward study subjects (the PCI) have not been met using either Zelen’s or Ka-
dane’s research enrollment designs.

3. Uninformed Consent
A third approach is to either autocratically decide not to inform prospective sub-
jects about the interim results of the different arms of the research study at all,
or to mention that the data will exist, but then ask them voluntarily to waive their
rights to lucidity and informed consent when they enroll in a clinical trial (27,28).
This approach eliminates the need for the patient and investigator to make several
important choices by eliminating all but one option for treatment, namely, the
one selected by random assignment. Interpretation of interim study data about
the relative efficacy of the two arms is prohibited, as is looking at interim study
data about reported side effects. All subjects enrolled in the trial are followed to
completion. Investigators using this approach must ask potential research sub-
jects, in effect, whether they wish to waive their rights to informed consent and
to give uninformed (or at least underinformed) consent to participating in a
BRCT. In dialogue, it might sound like the following:
We cannot conduct the best possible research if we have to tailor the therapy
according to individual patients’ personal preferences. Therefore, we would
like to ask you to agree to be treated according to the research protocol we
have designed and which you can review, but to await the results of the
completed study before making any treatment decisions that are in conflict
with the study being conducted.

A more coercive version of this would add a subject-nonwithdrawal-agreement

Critique. Some patients may indeed be willing to waive their right to in-
formed consent regarding important aspects of selecting and receiving therapy
for a serious illness. For many, belief that their physician is doing everything
possible on their behalf is as far as they wish to investigate the nature of the
research study itself. However, when patients do agree to provide uninformed
consent to participate, such waivers should precipitate a very careful exploration
of the patient’s reasons for agreeing (29). For example, if the patient is so scared
of disability or death as to be incapable of understanding relevant and material
aspects of the research (e.g., treatment selection and outcome monitoring require-
ments), or if the patient can articulate no rational basis for weighing the antici-
pated balance of potential risks and benefits, such a patient is not capable of
giving informed consent—or informed refusal—to participate in the research. In
such cases, allowing a patient to waive informed consent is unethical because

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

the alternative—giving one’s informed consent—is not a realistic option for the
patient. Only those patients who are truly capable of providing informed consent
can be offered the option of waiving that right and participating as an uninformed


In addition to the ethical concerns raised in regard to subject autonomy, Rabeneck

et al. (1, p. 511) have described procedural and conceptual problems in the con-
duct and analysis of BRCTs. The authors write:

Clinical medicine is inherently an interactive process in which the patient

and physician continuously modify treatment. This dynamic process of clini-
cal care cannot usually be captured by the inflexible rules of traditional RCT

As a result of this tension between serving the patient’s needs for personal
care (the PCI) and the study design’s needs for careful protocol adherence (the
SI), changes in the physician’s intention to treat the patient frequently arise after
the occurrence of certain events. Such events include partial adherence to proto-
col, withdrawal of subject participation, errors in following the protocol, changes
in the subject’s clinical state, changes in dosages in response to hematological
or other changes in the subject, and discontinuation of the study as a whole.
Rabeneck (1, p. 509) argues that changes in the physician’s intention to treat a
study subject is a problem in clinical research is because:

. . . [a]ny treatment changes that occur after randomization are ignored and
all outcomes are charged to the originally assigned therapy. This intention
to treat policy (ITT) protects the validity of the answer because it is assumed
that no adequate adjustment for bias is possible after the subjects have been
randomized to the treatment groups.

In direct contrast to the ITT method, alternative policies involving subject

removal have been developed that allow the extracting and discarding of data
for all subjects whose treatment is modified relative to the research protocol de-
sign (1, p. 509).

This [removal] policy attempts to answer the question of the effect of treat-
ment as taken [italics added). However, as with the ITT policy, it fails to
reflect the entire clinical experience in all patients and again limits the scope
of the trial’s results. . . . [But] when there are significant modifications of
the randomly assigned treatments, clinical treatment of patients is not ad-
vanced by either the policy of entirely excluding treatment changes from

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

consideration in the analysis or the policy of excluding the subjects who
experience those changes.

This dilemma between the all-inclusive versus the all-removal policies ap-
pears to create an ineliminable conflict of interest for the BRCT physician-
researcher, and a conflict of interest, by its very nature, threatens the professional
integrity of the physician-researcher. Purtillo (30, p. 4) has noted that

. . . [t]he scientific ethos is a social contract setting in which members volun-

tarily chose to participate and therefore there is a responsibility on the part
of the members to either follow the rules or make rules that are more consis-
tent with the appropriate ends of the group. . . . Virtues or character traits
that are ascribed to ‘‘good’’ researchers include integrity and constancy, ex-
actitude or attention to detail, trustworthiness, curiosity, and rigor. The
‘‘telos’’ or end toward which the community rightfully strives is the discov-
ery of truth.


At what cost to current research subjects’ welfare can scientific certainty and the
benefit to future patients be pursued ethically? Can we continue to conduct
BRCTs in the face of their assault on subject autonomy in deference to the scien-
tific imperative? On the other hand, can we afford not to conduct BRCTs in light
of their superior economic ability to establish statistical power and validity in
comparing different therapies’ benefits to subjects with the least overall risk to
current subjects?
Attempts to resolve the conflict between the obligations of the PCI and
those of the SI have been made from three different approaches, each without
success. First, resolving the conflict at the level of ethical theory is not possible
unless and until general agreement is reached on which overarching fundamental
ethical theory is best for purposes of clinical research: a duty- and rights-based,
patient-centered theory or a goal-based, outcome-centered theory. Prospects are
not promising for such an agreement to emerge in the near future. The second
approach, exemplified by Zelen’s prerandomization alternatives and Kadane’s
Bayesian study designs, do not resolve the conflict, but only supplant it with
other difficulties, most notably deception of subjects through nondisclosure of
research participation and the risk of misrepresentation of scientific uncertainty
to patients. The third approach, asking subjects to waive informed consent or to
provide underinformed consent to the risks inherent in BRCT participation, may
provide a solution at the theoretical level, but in practice, patients and physicians
do not behave as purely rational, intentionally uninformed agents. They do not
select medical treatment, especially in cases of serious illness, from behind a veil

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

of ignorance. In addition, patients are more likely to withdraw early from a study
in which they can see little chance of direct personal benefit and have little or
no control of decision making. This risk of interrupting clinical trials through
subject withdrawal may be increased by the skepticism patients may have of the
trial succeeding if they are informed of the concerns Rabeneck and others have
raised concerning scientific uncertainty (1). Moreover, even many well-educated
subjects cannot understand clinical designs, and others are too dependent on their
physicians to decide for them which treatment to undergo (18,19) and conse-
quently may feel less obligated to remain in the study if continued participation
becomes at all burdensome.
Thus far, this discussion has emphasized the ethical primacy of subject
autonomy in deciding whether to enroll and remain in a BRCT. Now we turn to
consideration of whether patients may have particular responsibilities to partici-
pate in clinical research as part of an ethical obligation to support the SI.



Many more patients are treated off research protocols than are treated on them.
Taylor et al. (31) reported a 1993 study in which 80% of the study subjects
were enrolled by 10% of the more than 1700 physician members of an oncology
cooperative study group. All respondents of the study indicated they had a ‘‘sys-
tematic pattern of patient preselection for entry onto trials beyond the formal
inclusion/exclusion trial criteria.’’ Eighty-three percent defined randomization
and adherence to trial protocol as serious challenges to their ability to make indi-
vidualized treatment decisions.

A. The Argument from Fairness over Time

Whenever two groups of similar patients are under a physician’s professional
care, other things being equal, it is discriminatory and, therefore, unjust to consis-
tently serve the interests of one patient group over the interests of the other group.
Depending on the exact nature of the relationships between the physician and
patients and the role responsibilities entailed by those relationships, at least some
of the time the interests of each patient group must be acknowledged and pro-
moted. This is especially true if the net trade-off between the two sets of interests
is roughly equivalent; that is, if the interests of individual patients in each group
are either promoted or hindered by the (same) physician’s actions to the same
This analysis becomes considerably more complicated, however, when the
two patient groups are the current and future patients of individual physician-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

investigators. The therapy interests of future patients require that prior efforts
at developing effective therapies be optimally pursued so the treatment options
available to them (in the future) are the best possible. This implies that at least
some BRCTs should be conducted on prior (i.e., current) patients. Accordingly,
the proper research question for clinicians is not whether BRCTs should be
done, but what safeguarding conditions are needed to conduct BRCTs with one’s
current patients in as ethical a manner as possible. However, more needs to be
said about the obligation of physicians to serve the interests of their future pa-
Having an interest in X is not the same as having a rights claim to X.
Without establishing a rights claim to having one’s interest served, there is little
basis for recognizing a correlative duty on anyone else to serve that interest. For
example, I may have an interest in having highly detailed maps available to enable
me to navigate remote areas of wilderness for recreational camping purposes,
but that interest does not encumber anyone else with a duty to provide those maps
for me. Therefore, we must find a connection between future patients’ interests in
having optimal medical treatments options available and their having a right to
have that interest served by current physicians and their current patients. If the
important ethical rights and interests of current research subjects are abrogated,
then no possible scientific outcome leading to future therapeutic benefit can, retro-
spectively, legitimize those research methods. Therefore, future patients’ interests
in having available optimally effective medical therapies cannot entail that cur-
rent researchers and subjects may behave immorally to bring about those thera-
pies. Consequently, we must become clear on what sort of obligations and duties
present researchers and subjects have, if any, in serving the future interests of
future patients.
Critique. The two types of rights claims made in the fairness-over-time
argument have important differences. Current patients who claim the right to
personal autonomy and the right to decline or to withdraw from BRCTs make
that claim to their actual physician in the present. If the rights claims of current
patients are respected and subject accrual in BRCTs is thereby slowed or even
rendered insufficient to complete the clinical trials, then scientific progress will
not advance as quickly as it would if BRCTs were conducted more quickly. But
future subjects’ interests in having the best possible therapy available can be
optimally satisfied only if the best testing and confirmation methods are con-
ducted in the present. And that seems to require conducting sufficient BRCTs
now so as to maximize the rate of progress in developing effective therapies.
Thus, future patients can be assured their interests in effective therapy will be
optimally respected only if current patients’ interests in autonomy and personal
care are compromised and their medical therapies are determined by random
assignment in a BRCT. In effect, serving the interests of future patients (now)

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

requires not maximally serving the interests of (at least some) current patients
and vice versa.
But what sort of a right is the right to have medical research previously
conducted so that one may benefit now from its results? And against whom is
this right directed so that they have a correlative duty to produce such research?
Such a right perhaps is best understood as an opportunity right. An opportunity
right is a right to have in place certain structures and processes in society so one
may have an equal opportunity to pursue the good life when compared with other
persons. For example, we have opportunity rights of access to good schools and
teachers and roads so our individual potentials to flourish in society are not abro-
gated by avoidable obstacles. Equality of opportunity has long been one of the
touchstones of the American way of life and serves as a moral beacon for the
judicial branch of U.S. government.
Persons with serious illness are often effectively prevented from pursuing
their own conception of the good life unless they can receive effective medical
therapy for their illness. If effective therapy is not currently available, then a
choice between the best therapy available (which may not be very effective) and
the possibility of enrolling in a clinical research trial to improve therapeutic op-
tions in the future will provide them the greatest opportunity to pursue the good
life. Using analogous reasoning, we can argue for construction of schools and
roads and the training of teachers and other professionals so as to benefit future
members of the community. It is hard to object, then, on ethical grounds, to a
claim that medical research should be conducted so that optimally effective thera-
pies as pathways to the good life exist in the present or, if such research previously
was not done, that it be begun now. Unless compelling reasons exist to the con-
trary, it seems the rights claim to have both prior medical research conducted
and current research opportunities available, understood as opportunity rights, is
well grounded.
However, to ensure that current research efforts produce the necessary
range of effective therapies that will be desired in the future, certain obligations
on current researchers are logically entailed. Even if we agree that an equal oppor-
tunity to benefit from medical research is the ethical minimum below which no
member of our society should be allowed to fall, because such opportunities
define a level of functioning beneath which a minimally acceptable life is not
possible, no theory of ethical rights can support entitlement or opportunity claims
that engender unreasonable burdens on others or that are impossible to fulfill. A
sense of balance must be struck among all the competing claims for medical
research among all known illnesses. Microallocation decisions about the effort
and resources devoted to various research initiatives are always required. Respect
for future patients’ opportunity-rights claims for effective therapy must be bal-
anced with consideration and pursuit of other relevant goals of medical research.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Rights claims by future patients are not the only relevant rights or necessarily
even the most powerful rights claims to obligate current researchers and patients
to participate in medical research.

B. Sorting out Duty to Patients: Here and Now Versus

There and Then
Leaving aside considerations of current patients who will continue to be patients
in the future, it is not possible for a physician-investigator to have a personal
relationship in the present with a future patient. Therefore, future patients’ (fu-
ture) claims that their interests were frustrated by the earlier actions of physicians
must be understood correctly. Today the interests and lives of future patients are
statistically real projections of future realities. It is reasonable to presume that
in the future some patients’ interests in maximally effective therapy will be mea-
sured in terms of duration of life. But it is also reasonable to presume there will
be other patients whose therapy interests focus primarily on having pain-free
mobility, intact cognition and memory, etc., rather than, perhaps even in exchange
for, a maximal length of survival. The former group of patients’ interests are best
served by conducting BRCTs now so as to produce the most effective therapy
possible for, maximal length of survival. The latter group of patients’ interests,
however, are best served by developing effective pain-relief methods without, at
the same time, encumbering cognition or memory or producing unpleasant side
effects. Thus, because individual investigators can only do a limited amount of
research, and resources are finite for all types of clinical research, investigators
now cannot act so that both sets of interests are simultaneously equally max-
imized. Therefore, when investigators consider their professional obligations to
act in the interests of their future patients, they must recognize that they will
frustrate some future patients’ interests and enhance other future patients’ inter-
ests whatever action they take now.
Morally reflective physician-investigators who are cognizant of these coex-
isting and mutually exclusive obligations must decide what approach to take to-
ward communication and decision making with each of their current patients.
The most important ethical conclusion that can be drawn is that physician-investi-
gators cannot presume to know what is in the best interests of any particular
patient without discussing all of the options with the patient. Risks and benefits
of all alternatives must be discussed, but the patient’s duties and responsibilities
should also be discussed.

C. Patients’ Obligations to Participate in BRCTs

Two related arguments from social justice can support the conclusion that patients
who are suitable candidates in BRCTs have an ethical obligation to seriously

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

consider participation. Similarly, the physician has a corresponding ethical obli-
gation to offer patients the opportunity for research trial participation when they
are eligible to participate.

1. The Argument from Social Duty

Among our moral convictions are that certain responsibilities are owed to fellow
community members by virtue of shared community fellowship and that those
responsibilities are reciprocal. This principle was stated in its most general form
by the legal theorist H. L. A. Hart: ‘‘When a number of persons restrict their
liberty by certain rules in order to obtain benefits which could not otherwise be
obtained, those who have gained by the submission of others to the rules are
under an obligation to submit in their turn’’ (32). Individual responsibility to
participate in medical research, therefore, arises from a complex social and ethical
structure of shared fellowship and common response to challenge.
Insofar as we have benefited individually, either directly or indirectly, from
the voluntary participation of other subjects in prior medical research, including
the training of our current medical practitioners, and insofar as we desire those
benefits to exist in our future and in the futures of our loved ones and their loved
ones, then to that degree, we have an obligation to participate in medical research
when the opportunity is presented. To fail to fulfill one’s ethical responsibilities
arising out of a shared community and mutual challenge is to fail to contribute to
the moral improvement of our community and to fail to contribute to that commu-
nity for the prior sacrifices of those who made our current well-being possible.
For example, consider the increase in student fees to defray the costs of a
new library building on campus. Those who pay the fees will be long gone before
the building is ready for use. On the other hand, they have been using buildings
that were paid for with fees from earlier students, who never had an opportunity
to use them. In the longitudinal picture of community, justice and morality combine
to require a communitarian orientation where community includes members whose
lives span at least one generation ahead and one generation behind our own.
Patients’ consideration of their duty to benefit the future human community
should be facilitated by their physicians who have to consider the interests of
their patients in the future as part of their current and future professional responsi-
bilities. Patients also have personal responsibilities to their children and indirectly
to personal intimates of their children, all of whom likely will be medical patients
at one time or another. Patients who are candidates for BRCTs should consider
their capacity and opportunity to contribute to the improved welfare of future
patients out of recognition of their social duty to benefit the future community.
To fail to address this consideration is to fail to be a contributing member (per-
haps even to refuse to consider oneself as a member) of an ongoing moral commu-
nity of interdependent persons of equal moral worth.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

2. The Argument from Reciprocity
According to the argument from reciprocity (AR), insofar as current patients
benefit from access to more therapeutically effective medical treatment than
would be the case if there had been no prior clinical research, then to that degree
such patients have an obligation to participate in the continuation of that research
effort out of consideration of reciprocal fairness. Virtually all persons currently
under medical care have experienced such benefits either through direct improved
welfare or the avoidance of harms that prior research prevented from becoming
available, such as thalidomide and Laetrile.
Critique. Because an ineliminable disconnection exists between most re-
search participants and the future beneficiaries of that research, the ethical persua-
siveness of AR relies on the view that all beneficiaries of therapy developed from
prior clinical research share a common dependency on, and therefore a moral debt
to, prior research subjects. The ethical question is whether and to what degree
this dependency and debt requires reciprocal participation in clinical research.
In medical care and research, if person A voluntarily participates in a BRCT
whose results lead to an improved therapy, but not until after A has died, A’s
participation makes the larger domain of clinical research more efficient, and
medical care for the future human community is thereby enhanced. Similarly, if
current patients desire to have competent care providers and effective therapies
both in the present and in the future for themselves, their loved ones, and their
loved ones’ loved ones, they must recognize the need to participate in the training
of student professionals and in the conduct of clinical research when those oppor-
tunities arise.
We must carefully examine the relationship between ethics and justice in
this context because, although they are intimately related, they are not identical
nor are they coextensive. Multiple ethical theories exist, as do multiple concep-
tions of justice operating in different spheres of social living and decision making.
What is just in regard to the provision of public education or roads and utilities
may not be just in regard to environmental protection or divorce proceedings or
medical research. Particular conceptions of justice and just relationships may
exist and operate in separate spheres (33).
Just acts are not always ethically right; sometimes the just act will result
in great harm to innocent others, in which case it should be foregone and the
unjust action done. For example, sacrificing animal subjects to the goals of medi-
cal research may be unjust, but without doing so, many thousands of human lives
would be lost that otherwise could be saved. Moreover, the just act—refusing
to sacrifice animals and requiring the use of only human volunteers for every
stage of research—would result in avoidable harm occurring to humans, which
is unethical. Therefore, the ethically right thing to do is the unjust thing. We can
try to minimize the injustice of sacrificing animals by requiring specific standards

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

of care for them, but we will never eliminate the injustice completely, no matter
how successful we are in animal husbandry. That ineliminable conflict between
ethics and justice in certain contexts is what fuels the debate about many aspects
of medical research. Neither political nor ethical theory alone can solve these
questions because no theory can go all the way down to the local data of individ-
ual lives and relationships, which is where one needs to think about actual con-
flicts in the duties and rights of the affected parties.
So now we must turn to the question of assessing how compelling is this
ethical obligation to participate in medical research. What if someone refrains
from participating? Two types of moral consequences result from not dutifully
participating in medical research. A direct consequence is that one suffers the
loss of benefits and avoids the potential harm that would have occurred from
participating in the research itself. Depending on the nature of the research and
the likelihood of benefits and risks to the subject, this loss of benefit or avoidance
of harm may be significant. An indirect consequence is the foregoing of an oppor-
tunity to benefit others. That is, by refraining from participating, one contributes
to bringing about a future that lacks more effective medical treatment as a result
of under-researched medical conditions and illnesses.
Consider the case of human blood and plasma. Most persons are unlikely
ever to need a transfusion, so failure to donate blood is unlikely to result directly
in a net loss of personal benefit. However, at the same time, we must acknowledge
that we already have benefited from many types of research conducted on previ-
ously donated blood from other community members. If we refuse to participate
in blood collection efforts, we will be morally culpable in failing an important
ethical responsibility of reciprocity to the larger community by knowingly, inten-
tionally, and therefore selfishly seeking to gain a net advantage from earlier blood
donors. By failing to participate when offered the opportunity, we should foresee
that we will be contributing to bringing about, even if we do not always directly
intend it, a future with less effective medical treatments. That future will contain
risks to both ourselves and to all of our loved ones to whom we have moral
responsibilities of safekeeping.
In failing others in regard to this duty we also may be failing ourselves.
Part of the moral life is the recognition, acceptance, and fulfillment of one’s duty
toward others. Intentionally refraining from fulfilling that duty, or being pre-
vented from fulfilling it, can lead to a diminishment of our own moral capacity,
and consequently, to our humanity. William May (34) has argued the following:
Medical ethics concentrates exclusively on the ethics of the caregiver, but
not those of the care receiver. It emphasizes the patient’s rights, but not the
patient’s duties. We may subtly dehumanize patients when we do not take
seriously the question of their virtues and vices, the nobility or meanness of
their responses to ordeal. We act and reflect as though the patient does not
have a moral life.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

With the moral life comes both moral tragedy and moral responsibility. If we do
not wish to surrender our personalities and lives when under professional care,
we must assure we have both a reasonable opportunity to, and the expectations
of our care providers that we will, fulfill our moral duties as patients or research
Participation in medical research can be viewed as an ethical responsibility
in the same way donating blood is an ethical responsibility. Both obligations
arise from our membership in a social community with shared challenges and
desires for continued and increased benefit in the future. This responsibility also
arises as a clear opportunity to make reciprocal contributions to the public
good for benefits we have already received from the prior participation of other
community members. Like opportunity-rights claims, the ethical responsibility
to participate must be balanced against other worthy social responsibilities.
Not every eligible prospective subject must participate in medical research, but
all who refuse the opportunity must provide an ethical account of their reasons
to decline. Similarly, physicians who do not discuss research opportunities
with their study-eligible patients have an ethical obligation to account for that
Participation in medical research can be construed as an ethical duty, but
only in the very limited predictive sense of duty describing what we can expect
if we collectively fail to fulfill our responsibility to participate. We can expect
not to have the same rate of development of effective treatments to benefit our-
selves and our loved ones in the event of serious medical illness in the future.
We have the moral duty now to reflect on the fact that our failure to participate
helps to bring that darker future into being. Ethical rights and their correlative
duties that are unsupported by coextensive legal rights and duties exist only by
virtue of the power of persuasion among persons who share similar interests in
bringing about a common ethical objective. But the parties to this shared objective
do not have to have a personal relationship to have a personal duty or right with
respect to each other. For example, the authors and the readers of this book share
the common ethical objective of having accurate and useful information. One
group’s interests are as producers, and the other group’s interests are as consum-
ers of that information. In pursuing that common interest, the authors have a duty
to the readers to follow the usual standards and procedures of checking facts,
citing original sources, etc., and the readers have the correlative right to expect
these duties will be fulfilled by the authors. None of the parties needs to have
any personal relationship to any other for the correlative duties and rights to exist.
Thus, future patients have at least ethical interests in and possibly a weak form of
rights to having well-researched, optimally effective medical therapies available.
Similarly, current researchers have at least ethical interests in and possibly a weak
form of duty to producing those therapies for use in the future.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


The traditional view of the relationship between individual physicians and their
patients has been characterized by Katz (35) as follows:
Physicians have esoteric knowledge . . . which patients are incompetent to
understand . . . so patients must trust physicians’ altruism, and . . . allow
physicians authority over them.

More recently, however, alternative characterizations of this relationship have

been offered seeking to empower patients as coequals in shared decision making
(36). This difference is of ethical importance in how it affects the process of
decision making regarding medical therapy choices. Potentially beneficial alter-
natives to any medical treatment course almost always exist. Patients and physi-
cians are presumed to have some differences in their personal values, plans, and
preferences and will make different judgments about their relative importance.
Therefore, in circumstances of uncertainty or conflict, the patient’s perspective
ought generally to rule the way treatment decisions are made unless the physician
can provide compelling reasons why the patient’s choices do not, in fact, reflect
the patient’s own acknowledged best interests. The primacy of enabling patient-
desire satisfaction (sometimes interpreted as autonomy) then becomes the ethical
guide for resolving treatment conflicts between the dictates of the therapeutic
imperative and the patient’s personal desires.
Though failure to respect a patient’s personal selection and idiosyncratic
ranking of values and preferences in medical care violates that patient’s auton-
omy, to abandon one’s patient amidst a set of almost incomprehensible technical
therapy choices is also to violate the patient’s autonomy. It is to withhold inten-
tionally the physician’s highly valued skills of scientific interpretation and expla-
nation from a patient struggling amid the uncertainties of medical practice and
The physician-investigator is recognized as an authority in medical science
because of specialized knowledge and skill, but is not in authority over patients
in the sense of being one who commands obedience (37). Therefore, the primacy
of informed consent and shared decision making as the determining influence in
therapy choices remains the investigator-subject model most widely taught and
promoted. Despite this prevailing pedagogy, its wide acceptance in practice has
been slow to emerge, and many authorities recognize that it does not exist in
practice in most situations. If truly informed consent and refusal were to begin
to occur on a wide basis in nonresearch clinical situations, the ethical problem
of consent in experimental clinical trials would be more easily resolved. But until
that occurs, the ‘‘informed-consent solution’’ will be merely a theoretic solution
and likely will not be effective at the level of practice.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


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Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Informed Consent in Clinical Trials:
Emerging Issues

Cheryl K. Fiedler
SCIREX Corporation, Hartford, Connecticut

H. Russell Searight
St. Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri


Research informed consent is developed in a parallel, yet distinct, manner from

its clinical counterpart. While clinical guidelines have largely been shaped by
the courts, informed consent guidelines for clinical research have been developed
through ethical principles governing the professions, federal regulations, and ad-
ministrative policies of specific institutions or networks, such as the Veterans
Administration (1).
Informed consent regulations in research are usually traced to the Nuremberg
war trials tribunal. During the trials, it became apparent that many concentration
camp internees and prisoners had been subjected to cruel experimental procedures
including irradiation of the gonads and extended immersion in cold water. These
procedures were conducted without subjects’ informed consent and often were not
guided by any clear scientific rationale (2). The American physicians who served
as expert witnesses at the Nuremberg tribunal were asked to describe basic ethical
standards for conducting human research. The resulting principles included re-
quired voluntary consent before a procedure is implemented, prior investigation
with animals, and proper medical supervision of the experimental procedure (1).
In the early 1960s, research in the United States was almost exclusively
regulated by non-binding ethical codes (1). By the mid-1960s, several controver-
sial discoveries raised serious questions about the protection provided by existing
principles. The birth defects associated with thalidomide were well publicized in

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

the United States. Additionally, the anesthesiologist Henry Beecher published a
provocative article detailing ethical violations in studies published in major medi-
cal journals. It became increasingly apparent that clinical ethics were often not
applicable to the research setting. The roles of physician and investigator as well
as that of the patient-subject were governed by divergent agendas (3).
The U.S. government articulated clear standards for research consent in
1966. An international consensus code for research ethics, the Declaration of
Helsinki, was established in 1967 (1). The U.S. guidelines, developed by the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), were largely based on the Declaration of
Helsinki and Nuremberg Codes. By 1978, with the Belmont Report, a detailed
research policy emerged. The Belmont Report, published by the U.S. Department
of Health, Education and Welfare (now the Department of Health and Human
Services) was founded upon three fundamental ethical principles: (a) respect for
persons—individual well-being and autonomy takes precedence over research
objectives; (b) beneficence—benefits should be maximized and harm avoided;
and (c) justice—benefits and personal costs of research should be equitable (4).
With these newly established principles, external review of research was
also initiated. Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) provided prospective analyses of
research procedures to assure that they were in conformity with federal guidelines.
The basic principles of informed consent include: (a) a description of the
study, its purpose(s), and a clear labeling of the project as research; (b) risks or
reasonably foreseeable adverse effects; (c) description of possible benefits; (d)
availability of alternative treatments; (e) confidentiality of data and description
of the parties having access to subjects’ data; (f) availability of compensation in
case of injury; (g) contact person for questions about the study and responsible
party in case of adverse event; (h) statement that participation is voluntary and
that the subject may withdraw at any time without penalty (1,4).
Studies are often categorized according to the level of risk involved. These
categories are: ‘‘(1) research involving more than minimal risk; (2) research in-
volving more than minimal risk but with potential for direct benefit; (3) research
involving a slight increase over minimal risk without direct benefits; and (4)
research not otherwise approvable.’’ (5, p. 274). This risk: benefit ratio becomes
particularly important when research is conducted with vulnerable populations.
Examples of these groups include children and the frail elderly.
There are additional elements of disclosure left to the discretion of Institu-
tional Review Boards. Among these include statements of unforeseen risks, con-
ditions for terminating subjects’ participation, consequences of early withdrawal
from a study, and the impact of new findings about study procedures on continued
participation (1). The IRB can modify or waive the basic informed consent ele-
ments as necessary—particularly in research posing minimal risk and/or prior
to participation. In this latter case, subjects should be provided with relevant
information as soon after their participation as possible.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


The federal requirements for the type of information that must be present in an
informed consent document are presented above. While there are specific require-
ments regarding the content of the informed consent document, there is no accom-
panying mandate to ensure patient comprehension of the information. If the goal
of the informed consent process is to allow the patient to make a truly ‘‘in-
formed’’ choice, every effort must be made to assure patient understanding of
the information presented to him or her. Sorrell (6). has suggested that, to promote
subject comprehension, the informed consent document should be as brief as
possible, direct, not complex, and written at a grade level commensurate with
the subject’s reading ability (generally eighth grade or less). The information
must be presented, preferably by a professional directly involved in the research,
in a nonthreatening manner; the ideal is to present the information verbally to
supplement the written document. Patients must also be allowed to ask questions
Even when all the above measures are undertaken (which may be seldom),
research has shown that subjects’ memory of information provided to them during
the informed consent process is fragmentary; some information is retained while
other material is either never comprehended or forgotten, either completely or
‘‘selectively.’’ When this occurs, the question of whether informed consent has
been obtained is often raised. Ethicists would argue that, to be truly informed,
subjects must not only be given information at the outset of the study, but the
information must be retained and used on an ongoing basis for decision making
(7). Historically, research in the area of retention of information during the in-
formed consent process has focused on the subjects’ ability to recall or recognize
specific study information given to them during the consent process (7–11). This
research is typically conducted by a test, written or otherwise, that is given to
the subject at a predesignated time after signing the informed consent document.
While results may vary among studies, specific patterns have emerged.
When interviewing a large number of cancer patients, Cassileth et al. (12)
found the amount of information (as perceived by the study subject) contained
in the informed consent document was positively associated with scores on a
recall-type quiz. This test was given to the participants a short time after the
informed consent document was signed, and then patients were asked to rate the
amount of information as ‘‘just right,’’ ‘‘too little,’’ or ‘‘too much.’’ Patients
who perceived that the amount of information presented to them was ‘‘just right’’
had significantly higher scores on the test than did patients who perceived the
amount of information was either ‘‘too little’’ or ‘‘too much.’’
The degree of complexity of an informed consent document with respect
to reading difficulty level may also influence comprehension or understanding.
Consent form readability has been the subject of empirical study. Investigators

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

have relied on two formulas—the Fry Readability Scale (13) and the Flesch
Readability Formula (14). The Fry system involves a syllable count as well as
a computation of the number of sentences in a 100-word passage. The result is
expressed as a grade-level equivalent. In the Flesch method, data are referenced
according to the level of a particular publication type (e.g., comic book, scientific
journal) as well as according to grade level.
In a study by Grundner, surgical consent forms from five different major
medical facilities were analyzed (15). The forms were found to be ‘‘more difficult
to read than materials in the popular press and slightly less difficult than articles
founds in medical journals.’’ Riecken and Ravich studied consent forms at four
Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals and found they required college-level
reading ability (16). This despite the fact that only 27% of the patients interviewed
had more than a high school education. Even if consent forms are at an ‘‘accept-
able’’ grade level for most research subjects, this does not assure comprehension
of the information presented. A study by Mariner and McArdle found that while
the reading level of a consent document used in childhood immunizations was
appropriate for most of their research subjects (i.e., twelfth grade), few subjects
were able to answer correctly more than 4 of 10 factual questions regarding the
study (17). Of particular interest is a recent direct comparison of two research
consent documents—one written at the seventh-grade level with the other form
requiring twelfth grade reading skills (18). While participants rated the seventh-
grade version as easier to read, comprehension did not differ between the two
forms. Comparison rates were slightly below 60% for both versions (18). When
taken together, these studies seem to suggest that readability is just one component
of comprehension and must not be used alone to assess comprehension. Neverthe-
less, the reading ability of the research subject should not be ignored. In a study
using a validated tool to measure comprehension, Miller (Fiedler) et al. found a
moderately positive correlation between the subjects’ scores on the comprehension
test and their reading ability, as assessed by the Wide Range Achievement Test—
Revised (WRAT—R), a standardized measure of reading vocabulary (19).
A remaining question centers on the criteria for determining the adequacy
of consent form comprehension. Redish and Selzer (20) note that a common
criterion for readability is the level at which half of the sample comprehends half
of the printed material. While this standard may be acceptable statistically, it
raises practical dilemmas. How much of the consent form should be compre-
hended before a signature for study participation is considered valid? As noted
earlier, informed consent is obtained much like any medical procedure. Subjects
assent to their participation but are not required to demonstrate their understand-
ing underlying the decision being made.
There are suggestions that consent form readability is enhanced by a writing
style with active versus passive voice and relatively short sentences (21). Com-
pound sentences and those with embedded clauses should be used only when

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

related concepts are presented together to enhance understanding (20). Word fa-
miliarity appears to be more important than number of syllables (20).
Many researchers have studied the effect of time on memory and/or com-
prehension of the consent document information. In a study of hypertensive pa-
tients entering a controlled clinical trial, patients were given a multiple-choice
test regarding the information presented to them during the informed consent
process (22). The percentage of correct answers on the test given 2 hours after
the informed consent document was signed was approximately 72%; the percent-
age of correct answers 3 months later was 60%. In a similar study, subjects were
given a recall/recognition test within 60 days of obtaining informed consent (23).
Recall of specific information regarding the study was exceptionally low on some
items, leading to speculation that the long time interval between obtaining in-
formed consent and the interview was likely to have compromised participants’
recall. Additionally, in a subsequent study by the same researchers using a vali-
dated tool for measuring comprehension, the change in comprehension over time
was positively associated with declining scores on the comprehension test (19).
While studying patient retention of information over long intervals of time may
initially appear nonapplicable or unimportant, it must be remembered that many
clinical trials are months or even years in duration; a considerable length of time
may exist between obtaining informed consent and completion of the trials. In
these studies, participants are expected to retain specific information about diet,
dosing schedules, and medication side effects for the duration of the study. They
also must be aware of possible side effects and risks that may occur for which
medical attention may be required. Therefore, patient knowledge of the informed
consent material may be just as important during the study as it was at the time
of study enrollment (20).
Other factors identified as contributing to decreasing retention and/or mem-
ory of the consent document information include increasing age (9,24,25), acute
illness (26,27), and lower education levels (16,28). However, these issues do not
entirely account for the apparent inability to retain or recall information. In a
study evaluating research subject retention and recall of information presented
in the consent form process, Miller (Fiedler) et al. tested over 150 patients who
had completed an over-the-counter analgesic study (23). The patients were not
acutely ill at the time of study enrollment and all were given the same information
both verbally and in writing via a standardized presentation. Subjects had a mean
education of more than 12 years and were generally college-age. Subjects were
contacted with 60 days of participation in the study and asked a series of questions
regarding the information presented to them and their participation in the trial.
Almost 100% of the subjects remembered participating in the trial and signing
the informed consent document. The study purpose was accurately stated by ap-
proximately three-fourths of the subjects. However, when asked to name the two
study medications, fewer than 20% could do so correctly, and an almost equiva-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

lent number were unable to recognize either drug from the list. This despite the
fact that the study participants were almost unanimous in reporting they ‘‘thor-
oughly’’ understood the study and that the consent form accurately represented
the actual conduct of the investigation. In a subsequent study by the same authors
using a validated tool to measure comprehension rather than recall or recognition,
study subjects comprehended approximately 70% of the information presented
to them (19).
Finally, research has shown that medical patients as well as research sub-
jects selectively block out or ‘‘forget’’ threatening or unpleasant information
(18,11,22). Examples include information regarding possible side effects of the
medications or treatment and the possible risks of a study. In the study by Miller
(Fiedler) et al., over one-half of the patients could not recall a single medication
side effect (23). When given a list of possible correct answers, only 5% correctly
identified one-half or more of the side effects. Bergler found that only 2 hours
after signing the informed consent document, less than one-third of the patients
were aware of the side effects (i.e., wheezing and slow pulse) which had been
described to them (22). When given the same multiple-choice test 3 months later,
only one subject recalled both potential side effects. Many other researchers have
found similar information regarding patients’ recall of threatening information.
In a study by Schultz et al., 50 patients were tested regarding their understanding
of the informed consent document (29). Of all areas included in the test, the
questions related to risks were answered appropriately less than 20% of the time.
Robinson and Merav studied patients 4–6 months after the informed consent
process (27). Although recall in general was inadequate, the recall of potential
risks and complications was exceptionally low (10%). Finally, Muss interviewed
100 cancer patients to assess understanding of their chemotherapy regimen (30).
Approximately 49% of the patients were unaware of the potential lethal complica-
tions of infection and bleeding. Although the authors felt this might be due to lack
of clarity in the consent document, it is also possible that the patients selectively
‘‘forgot’’ this unpleasant information.
Often, investigators or ancillary study personnel are uncomfortable with
discussing the potential untoward effects of a clinical study. This discomfort may
lead them to minimize, downplay, or completely omit this type of information
from their verbal presentation of the consent document. There may also a fear
on the part of the researcher that full disclosure of all potential side effects might
lead to a biased sample, with only those subjects who are not anxious about the
possibility of risks consenting to participation.
It has also been suggested that patients who do not, at least initially, experi-
ence a side effect of a study drug may forget the negative information and dismiss
it as something that does not apply to them (8). And finally, patients may decide
that the potential benefits are worth the risks and, because the patients desire to
participate in the study, they ‘‘forget’’ the negative information (8).

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Although there is a large body of research regarding comprehension and
retention of study information, many of the studies vary in methodology or have
limitations that prevent drawing clear, generalizable conclusions. Many studies
in the area of informed consent involved patients of insufficient numbers to yield
statistically meaningful results. The type of subjects studied has also varied.
Memory impairment, such as that seen in many geriatric or psychiatric patients
(9,24,25), may affect retention or comprehension of the consent material. Time
periods between initially providing participants with informed consent informa-
tion and subsequent assessment have varied from several hours to over a year.
Perhaps the greatest concern is the definition of exactly what is being mea-
sured in any given study. Many investigations have employed recognition and recall
tasks interchangeably as measures of comprehension, without an appreciation of
these two memory processes as distinct (10). Research tools such as multiple-
choice, true–false, and lists of items from which to choose measure predominately
recognition rather than comprehension. One study by Miller (Fiedler) et al., which
addressed this problem, involved the development of an open-ended questionnaire
given in both written and verbal form to the subject (19). The test was validated
using a known standard for assessing verbal skills, the vocabulary subtest of the
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Revised (WAIS—R).



Patients consenting to medical treatment at the suggestion of a personal physician

enter into this agreement with the expectation that the therapy, whether palliative
or curative in nature, will be of direct benefit. Although there may be inherent
risks with the treatment or procedure and no guarantee of success, the intent is
to provide individual care that will ultimately improve the patient’s health and/
or quality of life. In contrast, when signing an informed consent document to
participate in a research study, the subjects cannot assume the choice of treatment
is made with their best interest in mind. Many study designs mandate that treat-
ment be assigned in a random, blinded fashion; often the possible treatments
include either no intervention or placebo. Therefore, the goals of research are
very different from that of general medical care. The intent of research is not to
benefit any individual patient, but to use the patient to generate data and obtain
generalizable knowledge. While the ultimate outcome of a study may benefit
society as a whole, there is no guarantee this outcome will happen or that subjects
will not be harmed during the process.
Although research subjects are informed of the possible risks associated
with a study, some do not make the distinction between usual medical care and
research. This phenomenon has been labeled by Appelbaum as the ‘‘therapeutic

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

misconception’’ (31). Because research is often carried out in a medical clinic or
hospital and involves numerous evaluations and tests, many subjects incorrectly
assume that they are receiving care that is superior to that rendered by their
private physician. From this process, they may also surmise that the research
study is of direct benefit and decisions are being made with their best interest in
Several aspects of methodology have been identified which may play a role
in the therapeutic misconception. These include the use of placebos, control
groups, random assignments to treatment, and blinding of treatment regimens.
Research has shown that patients may distort, deny, or fail to hear what has been
told to them regarding elements of study design. In a study of psychiatric patients
participating in a research study, patients were informed that one of three groups
would receive usual hospital care (i.e., no treatment intervention) rather than
social skills training (31). However, when interviewed later, 10 of 13 subjects
believed that all participants would receive social skills training. In a similar
study, subjects were explicitly told that they would receive placebo or an inactive
medication. When interviewed later, 16 of 18 subjects indicated that they knew
some subjects would be receiving placebo; however two of these thought it would
be used only in those who had no need for medications. Two other patients were
completely unaware that a placebo was being used.
Park and Covi reported on 15 patients who were told they would be treated
with placebo. Of these, only three indicated they were aware of the possibility
of placebo treatment one week later; six of these patients believed that they had
been treated with active medication (32). This phenomenon of apparent distortion
of study facts was also noted in a study of 14 research subjects who were inter-
viewed after completing participation in one of two ambulatory clinical research
studies (8). While most participants could provide a reasonable definition or de-
scription of a placebo, and all patients recognized that placebos had been used,
a number of them volunteered that they ‘‘were sure’’ they had received the active
Blinded randomization to study treatment or intervention is commonly em-
ployed in research studies as a means of minimizing patient and investigator
bias. In contrast to usual medical care, randomization deprives the patient of
individualized treatment, since doses and active versus inert treatments are cho-
sen randomly rather than based on patient or disease characteristics. However,
patients may not understand or choose not to believe the possibility exists that
the dose of medication used may not be the optimal or safe dose for them as an
individual. One study found that approximately 70% of subjects in a clinical
research trial did not understand the double-blind randomization process even
though they had been informed of the possibility that treatment would be ran-
domly assigned (31). One subject, when asked how the investigators decided
which drug to give him, indicated that he supposed they would take his condition

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

into consideration and thus choose the best drug for him. This response indicates
the presence of the therapeutic misconception and the lack of understanding of
study methodology or research goals. In contrast, in a study by Searight and
Miller (Fiedler), all participants demonstrated an understanding of randomly as-
signed treatment (33). Subjects generally described the process as ‘‘the drug com-
pany rolls the dice,’’ or ‘‘it was random; depends on who walks through the door
next.’’ It is important to note that these patients received a verbal as well as
written presentation of the information contained in the informed consent docu-
ment. Phrases such as ‘‘rolls the dice’’ were quoted verbatim from this presenta-
tion. Although not scientifically proven, verbal presentation in lay terminology
of complex research concepts may be beneficial when explaining such material
to the patient.
Previous research has also revealed that patients often believe that they
understand information presented to them when, in fact, they may not. In an
earlier study, we found that almost all patients rated their understanding of the
informed consent document as ‘‘thorough’’ and the consent form as ‘‘highly
accurate’’ with regard to explaining study procedures. However, less than 1% of
the respondents could name all three parties that had access to their study records
and over one-half failed to name any possible side effects of the study medication
(23). It is unknown whether the patients actually perceived themselves as in-
formed or were reluctant to admit to the investigators that they lacked knowledge
concerning the study. When studying patient perceptions of research, Searight
and Miller (Fiedler) noted that a number of patients viewed the consent form as
a tool for protecting the investigators and drug company from legal liability (33).
It is disturbing that these patients who otherwise exhibited a high degree of
knowledge about often complex study issues (e.g., randomization, blinding),
viewed the informed consent document primarily as a legal tool designed to pre-
vent litigation. There appeared to be little, if any, educational value placed on
the document or the consent process.


Institutional Review Boards focus their attention almost exclusively on the con-
sent form itself. Relatively little attention is devoted to whether subject recruit-
ment is actually carried out as described and whether protection of participant’s
rights follows established guidelines (1). For practical purposes, the informed-
consent document has become the focus for external review of a study’s ethical
Oral presentations are a helpful adjunct to the written form but may not
be required. More brief consent documents with accompanying oral presentations
may be permitted under certain conditions such as when obtaining consent from

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

minors. From the subject’s perspective, a signature on a consent form appears to
have similar status as a signed contract. In our qualitative study, research subjects
emphasized that the consent document was for the investigator’s legal protection
(33). It appears to be viewed similarly to signing a contract to purchase a house
or car. Despite the written protection that subjects may withdraw at any time, it
is likely that the signed consent has an implication of irrevocability to the research
participant. From a regulatory perspective, the signed consent form is ‘‘proof’’
that the subject has voluntarily agreed to participate in the study.
The consent process emphasizes protection from coercion and deception.
However, little attention is paid to subjects’ understanding of this information.
Current regulations provide no criteria for determining the adequacy of subjects’
knowledge of relevant ethical or study information (1). There is also no guidance
for investigators when subjects’ understanding appears to be deficient. For exam-
ple, a 25-year-old male with a high school diploma is provided with a consent
form and a verbal explanation for a double-blind placebo trial involving a new
analgesic. After being presented with the information, the investigator asks the
subject if he has any questions. The subject responds, ‘‘I’ll get real medicine,
right?’’ The investigator tries to clarify: ‘‘We don’t know if you’ll get the real
medicine or the placebo.’’ The subject nods and, while signing the consent form,
says, ‘‘Well, you are all doctors. I know you would not give me any pills that
wouldn’t help me.’’ Although the subject’s statements suggest that he does not
fully understand that he may receive a placebo with no direct benefit, available
regulations provide no clear guidance for the investigator in this situation. From
a strictly regulatory perspective, the subject’s signature on the consent form
would allow him to be enrolled in the study.
In cases where a patient is determined incompetent, a legally authorized
representative may consent on the patient’s behalf (1). Surrogate decision makers
are determined by state law. There are several areas of ambiguity surrounding
patients with possible impairment in decision-making capacity. First, the majority
of subjects who exhibit questionable decision-making capacities have not been
determined legally incompetent. Eliciting consent from a patient who exhibits
signs of impaired decisional skills in a clinical context typically involves seeking
treatment authorization from the next-of-kin. However, until a legal decision has
been made by the courts rendering the patient incompetent and a second legal
decision has established a surrogate decision maker, the surrogate’s authorization
is invalid (34). The process by which treatment authorization for a patient with
apparent cognitive impairment is automatically sought from a family member is
commonplace in acute hospital settings. However, this common automatic pro-
cess may not be legally sound.
The authority of a legally recognized surrogate decision maker to consent to
treatment decisions may not extend to research. The applicability of a surrogate’s
authority would be even more questionable in a placebo control condition and/

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

or clinical trial in which little direct benefit is likely to accrue to the individual
subject. More troubling would be a surrogate’s authorization to withdraw a
patient-subject from moderately effective drug to initiate a new experimental
treatment with less well established efficiency.
Decision-making capacity is usually cast as a dichotomous choice—the
patient is or is not competent to decide. Most clinicians will recognize, however,
that many geriatric patients often demonstrate fluctuating levels of decisional
skills. These capacities may vary according to time of day, surroundings, or ef-
fects of psychoactive drugs (35). While these circumstances frequently arise in
‘‘real life,’’ there are no guidelines for clinical investigators. Caplan suggests
that in cases of fluctuating competency, family members may function as ‘‘ampli-
fiers’’ of subjects’ wishes (35).



When examining the issues surrounding comprehension and informed consent,

special consideration must be given to populations who have either lost or who
have diminished capacity to make informed decisions. Included in this group are
the elderly and/or the otherwise demented patient. The number of elderly people
in the United States is growing and will continue to grow in the coming years
(36). As such, the number of therapeutic agents used to treat diseases associated
with aging (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease) is also increasing. Because of the growing
number of elderly and their obvious impact on the health care system, the number
of social, behavioral, and quality-of-life studies in this population is also increas-
ing. For these reasons, the elderly, many of whom are unable to understand the
study information, weigh the risks and benefits, and make an informed, voluntary
decision whether to participate, are being recruited for these clinical trials.
The Belmont Report identified three important elements with regard to
informed consent: providing adequate information to the subject, comprehension
of this information by the subject, and voluntariness on the part of the subject
to participate in the research (4). As age increases, often the subject’s ability to
comprehend the information decreases, which calls into question the ability of
the elderly to comprehend sometimes technical information regarding a research
Therefore, if one cannot assure the information presented to a potential
study subject was understood, comprehended, and used in the decision-making
process, then voluntary participation cannot be guaranteed.
When faced with the situation in which a study subject is unable to give
valid informed consent, the researcher has two options. The first is to exclude
the patient from the study altogether. While this decision may be one of frustra-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

tion for the investigator, it seems the most conservative way to proceed to assure
the patient incurs no unforeseen risks; on the surface, no harm is done if the
subject is not entered into the study. However, as will be addressed later in this
section, this may not necessarily be the case, especially if the treatment being
studied is unique (i.e., no current therapy for the disease exists), potentially life-
saving, or able to improve the quality of life. Additionally, if a behavioral or
social study reveals information about the subject of which others may have been
unaware (i.e., caretaker abuse), then denying the patient entry into the study may
not have been in the subject’s best interest.
The second option when a study subject is unable to give informed consent
is to obtain permission from another party, or ‘‘proxy.’’ A proxy is a third party,
either a legal guardian, durable power of attorney, or a family member or friend,
who acts as a surrogate decision-maker for the one deemed unable to make deci-
sions for himself. The ‘‘ideal’’ proxy would be one who knows the wishes of
the patient before he can no longer make decisions for himself. Although it seems
that consent by proxy would be an alternative that would allow ethical research
to be conducted in the elderly, several potential problems exist.
The most frustrating issue for researchers is that many elderly and/or de-
mented patients have no court-appointed or legally designated proxy or guardian.
In a recent study involving patients with dementia, one-third of the potential
subjects did not have a legally appointed surrogate (37). In clinical practice, when
medical or other basic care decisions must be made, these choices are often auto-
matically made by a relative, usually a spouse or adult child. Many elderly pa-
tients or their families do not take the steps necessary to have a legal guardian
appointed by a court for all decision making for that family member. This seems
to be less of an issue, however, with the medical community in general. When
a patient requires medical care, including surgery or hospitalization, often the
next-of-kin will be required to sign consent for this to be performed. This is
deemed acceptable even if the next-of-kin is a distant relative (e.g., nephew) or
even unrelated to the patient (i.e., friend or acquaintance). While it is desirable
to obtain permission from a legal guardian for medical care, most institutions
accept the consent of a relative or friend, especially if the outcome would clearly
be worse if treatment was withheld from the patient (e.g., surgical removal of a
ruptured appendix). However, Institutional Review Boards often do not view
research in the same context as medical care. Unless the compound under study
is a life-saving alternative or a ‘‘last-ditch’’ effort to save the patient, it cannot
always be assured that including a patient in a clinical study is in the patient’s
best interest. Therefore, many IRBs require the investigator to obtain consent of
a legal guardian and/or durable power of attorney to allow the patient to partici-
pate. Of particular concern is Baskin and colleagues’ recent finding that 18% of
surrogates were determined to exhibit impaired capacity themselves and could
not meaningfully consent to their ward’s study participation (38).

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

A common scenario is one like that of an elderly nursing home resident
(MB) who was transported to the hospital for surgical debridement of a pressure
ulcer. The attending physician wanted to enroll MB in a research study involving
the use of an investigational antibiotic, and sought consent from his wife, who had
accompanied MB to the hospital and had already given consent for his surgery.
However, MB’s wife was not designated as his legal guardian or durable power
of attorney, and the IRB was unwilling to allow her to consent to his participation
in the study. The study drug was similar in antimicrobial spectrum to the control
agent, which had previously been approved for general use by the FDA. The
patient also would have received, among other benefits, free medical care for the
ulcer as well as free cultures and laboratory tests. The IRB ruled that since there
was approved therapy available and MB had no legal guardian or durable power
of attorney, risks to him should be minimized by treating him with a known,
FDA-approved agent.
Consistent with the IRB’s stance is a recent New York court ruling that
potential subjects exhibiting impaired decisional skills could not be enrolled in
studies that included a nontherapeutic element (39). This decision has been criti-
cized on several grounds. First, it could result in depriving individual’s with cer-
tain conditions such as Alzheimer’s from participation in treatment research for
the condition itself. Hainowitz and colleagues note that if the proposed study
includes a procedure such as a PET scan that has a minor risk, Alzheimer’s pa-
tients would not be able to participate in a project otherwise of potential direct
benefit (39).
Time may be a critical factor in situations where consent from a legal guard-
ian is required of a patient to participate in a research study. A recent example
is that of a study for an investigational agent for the acute treatment of stroke.
The nature of the disease requires that the investigational drug be administered
within 6 hours of the patient presenting with signs of a stroke. Often elderly
patients, especially nursing home residents, will be transported to the emergency
room unaccompanied by a family member or legal guardian. In many instances,
a family member has signed, in advance, permission for care to be rendered in
case of emergency. This permission typically does not apply to participation in
research studies. If a proxy for the patient cannot be located in a timely fashion,
the subject may be denied entry into the trial. In this example, there are no ap-
proved agents that slow or arrest an evolving ischemic process. However, the
investigational agent may have unforeseen risks and it is possible that its use
may result in more harm than no treatment at all. Again, the risks and benefits
must be weighed, and IRBs are typically unwilling to allow the patient to proceed
without the consent of a proxy and possibly even a court-appointed guardian.
Indeed, if the compound proves effective, this patient may be denied therapy that
might have improved her medical status, quality of life, and save substantial
health care dollars. In situations where a drug is not available for treatment or

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

cure of a disease state, it may be argued that the patient is receiving a disservice
by not being allowed to participate in the trial.
Even if the IRB approves of consent by a proxy who was not appointed
by the courts, the proxy may be unwilling to allow the patient to participate in
an investigational protocol (36,40). One study evaluated the decisions made by
proxies for nursing home patients about whether to permit patients’ participation
in a relatively low-risk study (36). The initial study involved looking at the mor-
bidity from the long-term use of urinary catheters among nursing home patients.
One hundred patients (50 with long-term use of catheters and 50 without) were
required for the study. Required study procedures (i.e., phlebotomy and x-rays)
were minimal with respect to risk to the patient. Of the 168 proxies approached
for the purpose of obtaining informed consent, 78 (46%) refused to grant consent
for the patients’ participation in the study. Subjective characteristics, such as
those based on the proxy’s believes, perceptions, and attitudes, were helpful in
determining why many of the proxies refused participation. When asked open-
ended decision questions about why they refused, the following were reasons
given: ‘‘She’s been through too much already,’’ and ‘‘I don’t want her to go
through more than she really has to.’’ The four factors most commonly given as
important in the proxies’ decisions to refuse consent were the belief of the proxy
that the patient ‘‘had already been through too much’’ and the fact that the proxy
‘‘didn’t want the patient disturbed,’’ ‘‘didn’t want the patient upset,’’ and thought
the patient was ‘‘too sick.’’ Additionally, many of the proxies were uncomfort-
able making that type of decision for the patient, and many stated that the patient’s
advanced age was an important factor in their decision. This stance was taken
despite the fact that most proxies were not inherently opposed to medical research
in general. Of all proxies, 96% thought research in general was important for
medical care, and 83% thought that elderly people should participate in research.
Obviously, the proxies were uncomfortable making this decision for another per-
son, and it may have been easier not to decide and thereby forfeit the patient’s
participation in the trial.
An ongoing issue in the area of proxy decision making is who should be
designated as a proxy for a patient who is unable to make choices for himself
(41). How does one assure that the proxy will make ethical decisions that are in
the best interest of the patient? Research and common sense tell us that we cannot
assume that a proxy, even if she is a close relative who has assumed the responsi-
bility of care for another individual, would always put the patient first when
deciding what is best (41). One disturbing finding from the previously cited study
was that one-third of the proxies who believed the patient himself would not
have consented to participation in the research study consented to the patient’s
participation anyway (36). Clinical studies often offer substantial incentives that
may be attractive to the guardian and influence his or her decision-making. Bene-
fits offered to study participants at no cost often include medical care, physician

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

evaluations, procedures (e.g., x-rays, CAT scans), laboratory testing, and study
medication. If the patient can obtain all these at no cost through a research proto-
col, this may well translate into monetary savings for the patient and, ultimately,
the legal guardian. In addition, study patients are often paid substantial cash sti-
pends for participation in a research protocol. An obvious conflict of interest
exists if the legal guardian stands to gain monetarily by the patient participating
in a research study.
Although a number of unresolved issues are associated with proxy consent,
some guidelines which should be considered by researchers and/or IRBs when
conducting research with elderly or incompetent patients are available (40–43).
Certainly, the known risks of the study should be taken into consideration when
deciding the ‘‘level’’ of proxy consent required (i.e., legal guardian versus family
member). IRBs might relax their proxy requirements if the risk to the patient is
minimal and confidentiality issues have been addressed; examples of this include
retrospective chart reviews or quality-of-life surveys. A second situation where
legal consent might not be obtained is when the investigational drug has potential
to be life-saving or superior to the current standard of care. This issue is dealt
with more extensively in the critical-care research literature.
If the wishes of the patient prior to the loss of cognitive ability are know
by the proxy, these should always take precedence over the decision or feelings of
the proxy or the investigators. Among Alzheimer’s dementia patients, obtaining
informed consent and appointing a guardian can in most cases occur during the
early stages of the disease, when cognitive deficits are relatively mild (37). The
concept of ‘‘substituted judgment’’ is also helpful (42,43). According to this
principle, the proxy should decide the way the patient would have decided if he
or she had been able to do so. Sometimes this is the best point of reference by
which a proxy can make a decision. Substitute judgment also speaks to the need
for someone closely associated to the patient to be designated as proxy.
Finally, if the patient herself refuses participation in a research study, even
if the patient is deemed incapable of making such a decision, the wishes of the
patient should always be respected (36). Investigators should consider all consent
by the elderly or demented patient a ‘‘temporary consent,’’ meaning that the
patient is asked before every procedure, questionnaire, etc., if she still wants to
participate in the trial. If she declines, she is not forced to continue at that time.
The investigator may return later or the next day to see if the patient has changed
her mind.


Minors constitute another ‘‘vulnerable’’ population. The research consent issues

are somewhat different than with the elderly. Definitions of ‘‘adult’’ and ‘‘mi-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

nor’’ are largely determined by state law, with the vast majority of states using
age 18 as the criterion for ‘‘adult’’ status.
With some exception, most persons aged 17 and under do not have the
legal right to independently seek medical care or enter into research without a
parent’s or guardian’s approval. Some states do allow minors to receive contra-
ception, substance abuse treatment, or mental health services without parental
authorization or notification (1). Most states also recognize ‘‘emancipated mi-
nor’’ status, which is determined by the courts or can be established though mar-
riage, child bearing, or entry into the military.
With respect to research participation, there are suggestions that many ado-
lescents do not differ cognitively from adults in their capacity to provide informed
consent. Results of several studies suggest that by age 14 or 15, adolescents of
average intellect are as able as adults to understand legal aspects of treatment
consent and the elements of research consent (5,44).
A useful distinction in research with minors is ‘‘assent’’ versus ‘‘consent.’’
‘‘Consent’’ implies comprehension of the conditions of one’s research participa-
tion. ‘‘Assent’’ sets the lower standard of the ‘‘child’s agreement to participate
in research’’ (45). Developmentally, children aged 6 and up can usually meaning-
fully assent to their research involvement if information is presented appropri-
ately. Even with parental authorization, children who refuse to agree or who
voice reservations should not be enrolled. Minors should also sign the consent
document along with their parent or guardian.
Another dimension used to determine childrens’ research participation is
the degree of risk involved and potential benefit to be derived. Ethicists have
presented three key criteria for enrolling children in research that does not have
potential for direct therapeutic value to the participant: (a) minimal risk of adverse
events; (b) some anticipated benefit with slightly more than minimal risk; and
(c) societal benefit with ‘‘not more than a minor increment over minimal risks’’
(46, p. 352).
Voluntariness and coercion are issues with minors as well as with elderly
subjects. In studies involving financial compensation, parents may enroll their
child without serious reflection about risks and benefits in order to receive remu-
neration. However, at the same time, many conscientious parents would have
reservations about young children receiving a significant financial sum (e.g.,
$100.00) without parental control over its use. To our knowledge, there are no
well-established guidelines around paying minors for research participation. The
situation may arise when a minor wishes to be in a study and the parent refuses
participation. With older adolescents, this conflict raises ethical issues regarding
the limits of autonomy. However, from a legal perspective it would be unwise
to enroll a minor in a study without signed parental approval. At the time of this
writing, federal legislation is being debated about whether adolescents should
continue to be able to participate in a low-risk anonymous survey research with-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

out parental consent. Teenagers had been able to complete surveys about issues
such as drug/alcohol use and sexuality with parental notification only. Parents
who did not wish their teenagers to complete the study could inform the investiga-
tors of their desire for their child not to participate. In the absence of parental
refusal, however, adolescents could complete the study. This policy is currently
undergoing review by Congress because of concerns about invading family pri-
vacy and usurping parental authority. If these restrictions are passed, it is likely
that survey pools will shrink dramatically and become less representative.
Standards for enrolling adolescents as research subjects may be more strin-
gent than legal requirements for independently seeking medical treatment. How-
ever, two general guidelines are employed to determine the appropriateness of
enrolling adolescents without parental consent. First, the study should involve
no more than minimal risk. Second, adolescents who do volunteer should be
cognitively mature enough to comprehend the study’s purpose and other informed
consent elements. The adolescent should ideally be assisted by a clinician who
has no vested interest in the research project and who can assist the teenager
with decision making (13).
In involving adolescents in a clinical trial, a further qualification is that the
‘‘risk benefit ratio must be at least as favorable as that presented by available
therapeutic alternative’’ (5, p. 267). This guideline would prevent enrollment of
minors into randomized, placebo-controlled trials in which there are effective,
established alternative treatments. With illness involving an experimental treat-
ment with no established standard of cure, cognitively mature adolescents who
do not have an available legal guardian probably should be able to provide inde-
pendent consent (47). However, investigators should be certain that involvement
of minors in research with more than minimal risk is consistent with state law.



Our research suggests that well-educated clinical trial participants appear to com-
prehend about 70% of the standard consent material. Among the basic informed
consent dimensions, risks and possible adverse events may be less well retained
or comprehended (23). One strategy to improve subjects’ understanding would be
repeated testing with a structured interview or written test such as the Deaconess
Informed Consent Comprehension Test (DICCT). The DICCT is a 14-item struc-
tured interview test that assesses subjects’ comprehension of the informed con-
sent material. The questions are based on the informed consent elements included
in the Belmont Report (14). Subjects are instructed to respond in their own words.
Each DICCT question is scored on a 0, 1, 2 scale depending on the quality of
the reasoning demonstrated. Our early studies with the DICCT indicated that the

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

test could be scored by more than one person with a high degree of agreement.
In addition, the DICCT’s validity is suggested by moderate correlations with
established measures of cognitive and academic functioning (19). The DICCT
items can be adapted for a variety of investigatory protocols. The DICCT and
other such instruments could be employed ‘‘diagnostically’’ to determine specific
areas of weakness in comprehension. Based on this information, investigators
could then highlight deficit areas in a subsequent presentation of the consent
elements. Multimodal presentations including flip charts featuring key points, as
well as video tapes added to verbal and written presentations, could further im-
prove comprehension.
Given current concerns about institutional liability and periodic reports of
maltreatment of research subjects, it is unlikely that consent forms will be sig-
nificantly reduced in length. Instead, these documents, emphasized by IRBs as
the primary vehicle for educating subjects about a clinical trial, are likely to
become even more detailed. Since increased consent form length is associated
with decreased comprehension, adjunctive procedures will become even more
important for clinical trials participants to be adequately knowledgeable. Educa-
tional research suggests that periodic testing—particularly with clear objec-
tives—will also improve subjects’ comprehension of study information.
Results of our qualitative study suggest that while subjects may understand
basic elements such as purposes, procedures, and confidentiality, important con-
textual dimensions may not be readily grasped. The distinction between medical
procedures conducted as part of a research study and personal medical care does
not seem to be understood. This difference is not customarily highlighted in clini-
cal research (1). It is assumed that participants implicitly understand that medical
treatment received through a research protocol may not be of direct personal
benefit. Though our respondents demonstrated knowledge that their study was
randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled, they continued to believe that
they would receive direct treatment through the protocol. There seems to be a
disjunction such that study participants can correctly define ‘‘randomized pla-
cebo’’ as a concept but do not recognize what this condition means for them,
personally. To assist understanding, subjects could be explicitly told, ‘‘Half of
the people in this study will receive a placebo—a sugar pill; the other half will
receive the experimental drug; we do not know if you will receive the real medi-
cine or the sugar pill. There is a 50% chance of receiving the sugar pill.’’
Appelbaum and colleagues point out that in medical research, subjects make
inferences that are based on clinical care (1). There is minimal expectation that
procedures will not be harmful, and a common perception that the subject will
receive immediate benefit. This ‘‘therapeutic misconception’’ can be corrected by
making a clear distinction between research and customary clinical care: ‘‘Because
this is a research project. . . we will be doing some things differently from what
we would do if we were simply treating you for your condition’’ (1, p. 251). ‘‘It

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

is possible that you won’t receive any direct treatment for your illness from being
in this study.’’ If strict adherence to a protocol is part of the study, this aspect
should also be made explicit: ‘‘Ordinarily doctors change the amount of medica-
tion according to how their patients are doing. Here, in order to test the usefulness
of the medications we are trying out, we will leave your dosage at the same level
for 4 weeks—unless you suffer a severe reaction to it’’ (1, p. 2521).
When there is the option of established medical treatment outside a research
protocol, this option should be clearly communicated to potential subjects. In
addition to conveying a clear distinction between research and clinical care, sub-
jects’ understanding of study information will likely be enhanced if a ‘‘process’’
versus ‘‘event’’ approach is employed (1). Subjects in studies requiring multiple
visits could be provided with descriptive material at each contact with encourage-
ment to ask questions (1). Investigations which include these additional safe-
guards more closely capture the genuine intent of informed consent as a principle
for promoting individual autonomy.


There is a growing body of research indicating that the ethical and educational
objectives of informed-consent are incompletely realized. Subjects do not appear
to retain and/or comprehend important aspects of the information that they are
given at a study’s outset. Our research with the DICCT suggests that about 30%
of relevant study information is not comprehended and/or retained over a 1-hour
period. More disturbingly, under current consent procedures, subjects do not
make the important distinction between personal medical care and their research
These findings leave a number of potentially disturbing implications for
the clinical investigator. How much knowledge about a study should a potential
research study be able to demonstrate? Is 70% adequate? 60%? 90%? Even if
screening tests were employed as a prerequisite to enrolling study participants,
the absence of a clear quantitative standard for adequate performance prevents
these measures from having practical utility. A process-oriented approach to in-
formed consent could address this issue. Repeated testing about a study’s pur-
poses, etc., with further review of failed areas for retesting until a specified crite-
rion is reached could better assure subject comprehension. For studies involving
multiple contacts, investigators, together with IRBs, could agree on a core body
of information that subjects must know at enrollment, with additional information
presented at later visits. This sequential presentation would likely optimize acqui-
sition of information.
From the perspective of enrolling the maximum number of subjects, inves-
tigators have probably benefited from the therapeutic misconception. If subjects

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

are explicitly told that medical procedures within a research study are not neces-
sarily of direct benefit, there is a very real risk of a greater refusal rate. However,
the consumer rights movement that has made patients more skeptical of all profes-
sionals will also continue to be directed toward medical research. While the num-
ber of ethical safeguards that biomedical researchers have been required to adopt
has dramatically increased over the past 30 years, there are suggestions that these
guidelines may become even more demanding. Clinical investigators should be
preemptively considering ways to improve the informed consent process and be
developing efficient, practical procedures toward this end.


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2. Rothrnan D. Strangers at the bedside. New York: Basic Books, 1991.
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Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Orphan Drug Development:
David and Goliath

Allen Cato
Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina

Susan L. Watts
Family Health International, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Lynda Sutton
Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina

Marlene E. Haffner
United States Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland


Orphan products, which include drugs and biologics, are an often-neglected area
of clinical research. Orphan products are used to treat rare diseases or conditions
that by definition, affect fewer than 200,000 people (or up to 1 in 1300) in the
United States. Approximately 5000 orphan diseases have been identified, most
of which lack effective drug treatment (1).
The names of some rare diseases have become familiar. For instance, amyo-
trophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as Lou Gehrig disease, is an
orphan disease affecting between 20,000 and 40,000 people in the United States.
ALS is one of the 40 neuromuscular diseases supported by the Muscular Dystro-
phy Association, the highly visible national organization behind the annual Labor
Day telethon for muscular dystrophies. Then there is Huntington’s chorea, a rare
disease that affects a population of 14,000 to 20,000 and became widely recog-
nized after claiming the lives of folksinger Woody Guthrie and boxer Izzard
Charles. Other well-known orphan diseases include Tourette’s syndrome (affecting

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

100,000 Americans) and sickle cell anemia (affecting approximately 70,000
Americans of various ethnic origins). And although the number of people who
meet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s definition for AIDS ex-
ceeds 200,000, fewer people are affected by each of the various opportunistic
infections associated with AIDS, which permits some manifestations of the dis-
ease to be classified as orphan under the Orphan Drug Act.
For each familiar rare disease, however, many others are much less well
known, such as Gaucher’s disease (affecting 30,000 Americans), Turner’s syn-
drome (affecting 60,000 U.S. females), acute graft-versus-host disease, acute
(adult) respiratory distress syndrome (13,000 to 27,000 cases annually), and Pa-
get’s disease of bone (estimated to affect 100,000 or more Americans). Indeed,
no telethons are held for von Hippel-Lindau disease or myelodysplastic syn-
drome, and no hospital wings have been dedicated to the study of epidermolysis
bullosa. Whether such diseases are less ‘‘glamorous’’ to study or are victims of
the drug manufacturing system, orphan drug development presents a peculiar
quandary that pits human welfare against government regulation and industrial
development—David versus Goliath.
Pharmaceutical firms traditionally have had little interest in developing
drugs with a sales potential of less than $20 million because of the high costs
associated with developing, manufacturing, and marketing drugs. Today, many
large pharmaceutical companies avoid developing drugs that have less than sev-
eral hundred million dollars in potential yearly sales because sale of those small-
market drugs typically just do not recoup the companies’ developmental costs
(see Chapter 1). In the early 1990s, an estimated $290 million was required to
bring a new drug to market (2). By the late 1990s, that price tag had risen to
$500 million (3). It should be noted, however, that these development-cost figures
actually reflect the costs of maintaining a company’s entire research effort. Most
companies can reap larger profits by investing in the development of more lucra-
tive drugs. Even ‘‘super’’ drug manufacturers have limited resources to commit
to drug development, so the most obvious choice from a financial viewpoint is
for them to pursue drugs with a reasonable chance of success—drugs with annual
sales potential of at least several hundred million dollars—rather than pursuing
several drugs with only $20 million potential in sales. Because of the rarity of
patients with orphan diseases, orphan products suffer from a limited commercial
market that lacks a cost-effective benefit to the company developing that product.

A. Varying Perspectives
The government, academicians, individual patients, and industry present different
perspectives regarding orphan drug development. The government—with a re-
sponsibility to maintain the public’s health and welfare—is ethically bound to
mandate that the patients with rare and debilitating diseases have access to effec-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

tive treatment equal to that of those with more common ailments. There should
be no favoritism.
Academicians may synthesize new compounds by accident or for treatment
of those patients whose diseases are recalcitrant or without alternative therapy.
In return, the academician receives public recognition, publication, career en-
hancement, and greater credibility in obtaining grants and equipment for research.
Drug development is an extensive and arduous process, and the major disadvan-
tage for academicians involved in this process is that they are often removed
from mainstream research, and their already shrinking time and resources are
Patients with rare diseases have a personal investment: they need treatment
for diseases the general population is usually unaware of. But no matter how rare
the disease, that disease is a very real issue for the patients who have it and for
their families.
Industry is motivated to develop orphan drugs for scientific and medical
research reasons. Seemingly little financial incentive exists (except tax credits
granted by federal law and User Fee exemptions), and most companies view
‘‘service drugs’’ and companies serving in the public interest as echoes of a
bygone era.

B. Special Groups
Although orphan drugs conjure up images of isolated populations of suffering
patients overlooked by mainstream medical science, there are also three rather
large groups of patients for whom few drugs are being specifically developed:
children, the elderly, and pregnant women. Most prescription (and nonprescrip-
tion) drugs contain warnings against prescribing them for children; nonetheless,
many of these drugs are used to treat children. Such warnings—usually found
in the official labeling or package insert of the drug—are necessary because insuf-
ficient clinical study data in pediatric use prevent the sponsor from making appro-
priate recommendations (see Chapter 7).
Elderly patients also metabolize drugs differently than younger adults—
something for which drug formulations do not always account. Although children
and elderly patients are routinely treated with nonrecommended drugs, most preg-
nant women are advised not to take any drugs at all for the duration of their
pregnancy because of unknown risks of drug teratogenicity.
It is curious to consider that, in the face of medical and drug therapy ad-
vances, pregnant women have lost medications once employed to help them with
some of the more unpleasant and health-threatening side effects of their condition.
Heightened coverage by the media and the ensuing liability trials buried Bendec-
tin and thalidomide. Bendectin (doxylamine and vitamin B6) fell victim to nonsci-
entist jurors who had to make decisions that extended beyond their understanding

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

and that were based more on emotion than on scientific fact (4). Enormous liabil-
ity settlements exacted large sums from the manufacturer, and the drug combina-
tion was removed from the market in 1983. These court settlements were reached
despite independent reviews presenting overwhelming scientific and medical evi-
dence that Bendectin is a safe combination drug and not teratogenic (5). Similarly,
thalidomide was removed from foreign markets; at the time, however, it had
never been marketed in the United States. On July 16, 1998, the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) approved thalidomide as a treatment for erythema
nodosum leprosum, a severe and debilitating condition associated with leprosy.
Researchers are also assessing thalidomide as a potential treatment for other indi-
cations, including some of the opportunistic infections associated with HIV
infection, various forms of cancer, and chronic graft-versus-host disease after
bone marrow transplant. But no inroads have been made in drugs for pregnant


The first major attempt to address the special needs and inadequate resources for
particular patient diseases was the 1972, voluntarily initiated Department of
Health, Education and Welfare Interagency Committee on Drugs of ‘‘Limited
Commercial Value.’’ This committee outlined all the legal and insurance road-
blocks and recommended removing them. Furthermore, it identified the availabil-
ity of governmental and industry support and the need for incentives to stimulate
interest. It also recommended further study.
A new task force was convened in 1978 with broader representation and
considerable input from special-interest groups. The Office of Technology As-
sessment of Congress and a special commission appointed by the Secretary of
Health, Education and Welfare contributed additional data and clarification of
issues; in addition, professional staff in the executive office of the White House


These earlier efforts culminated in the Orphan Drug Act, which was initially
introduced in the House in 1981 by Representative Henry Waxman, then chair
of the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment of the House Committee
on Energy and Resources. After several amendments by both Houses, the bill
finally passed in December 1982 and was signed into law by President Ronald
Reagan in February 1983.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

The Orphan Drug Act enables the FDA to provide specific recommenda-
tions for the animal and human toxicity studies that would be necessary to ap-
prove a drug that has achieved orphan status. This greatly streamlines the devel-
opment process and minimizes the anxiety and guesswork in applying to the FDA
for approval of these products. There have been some cases in which the FDA’s
Office of Orphan Products Development (established in 1982) assembled infor-
mation for evaluating orphan drugs, solicited orphan drug applications, and even
offered to perform the laboratory animal toxicity and reproductive studies.
The Orphan Drug Act also provided several incentives for pharmaceutical
companies to develop drugs and recover their costs. A 50% tax credit was offered
for certain clinical trials; and for those drugs not patentable, the act provided for
a 7-year period of exclusive marketing rights. Four million dollars a year for the
ensuing 3 years was requested for orphan drug research. The money, however,
was not appropriated until 1985, when the act was reauthorized by Congress.
When the act was reauthorized, amendments to it extended the authoriza-
tion for research grants, expanded the market protection to a full 7 years after
FDA marketing approval for patented and unpatented drugs, and established the
20-member National Commission on Orphan Diseases to evaluate government
research on rare diseases. Again, $4 million was appropriated for each of the
ensuing 3 years to fund grants for drug research for which the FDA could not
find a sponsor. This money was now also available to support animal testing.
In 1988, another amendment to the act established that the orphan drug
application had to be made before the submission of an application—New Drug
Application (NDA) or Product License Application (PLA)—for marketing ap-
proval. To qualify for the incentives, the drug in question must not have been
previously approved under an NDA or PLA for a specific orphan disease and
must have had an adequate pharmacological basis for being considered an orphan
product. Orphan status applies only to that disease or condition. To receive orphan
status, a drug company must submit a ‘‘Request for Designation of a Drug as
an Orphan Drug’’ application to the FDA (6).
Despite the success of the Orphan Drug Act, more amendments were con-
sidered in 1990 and were passed by Congress only to be vetoed by the president.
These amendments tried to address products with high revenues and, presumably,
high profits. Amendments were again introduced in 1991 to establish a sales cap
for orphan drugs beyond which the drug developers would lose exclusivity, but
these changes were not voted on.
In 1992, the FDA issued final regulations for orphan drug development.
The regulations outline the process by which the FDA provides written recom-
mendations for the nonclinical and clinical studies required for approval of a
marketing application for an orphan drug, designate what an orphan drug is,
encourage sponsors to make orphan drugs available for treatment under an
‘‘open protocol’’ before the drug is approved for general marketing, and provide

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

exclusivity for 7 years after the date of the drug’s marketing approval (7). Exclu-
sivity, which is awarded when the NDA or the PLA is approved, provides a 7-
year license to market the product to the first sponsor developing an orphan drug
approved for a specific indication. Identical drugs, however, can be approved for
other indications.
The act authorizes the U.S. Congress to appropriate funds for grants and
contracts to physicians and companies developing orphan drugs. In fiscal year
2001, these funds totaled $12.5 million. Grants may cover up to $150,000 for
Phase I studies or up to $300,000 for Phase II/Phase III studies. Grant money
may be applied toward the direct clinical development costs for up to 3 years
for new products or for unapproved new uses of marketed products. Each year
the FDA issues a request in the Federal Register for applications for orphan drug
development. These applications are then reviewed by a panel of experts from
outside the FDA and are funded based on a priority score.
In addition, because of the continuous and rapid evolution of molecular
biology, the regulations help clarify the criteria for determining whether two simi-
lar drugs are different for the purposes of marketing. According to the FDA, two
drugs are considered the same if the principal, but not necessarily all, structural
features of the two drugs are similar. For micromolecular products, the FDA
considers two drugs to be the same if the active moiety is the same. For macromo-
lecular products, two products are considered to be the same if the principal
molecular structural features, but not necessarily all structural features, are the
same. In addition, if a drug can be shown to be clinically superior (i.e., provide
greater efficacy or greater safety, or offer a major contribution to patient care)
to a similar drug with orphan exclusivity, it will be considered different. Drugs
with significantly improved safety profiles also might qualify for this designation
if they produce fewer side effects (8).
The regulations address the issue of medically plausible subsets of pa-
tients—that is, when a drug might be beneficial for a subset of patients and not
all patients with the same condition. A subset is defined by the disease process
(e.g., petite mal seizures would be a subset of seizures), the characteristics of the
therapy (e.g., toxicity limiting the use of a drug), and special characteristics of
the patient population (e.g., pediatric patients).
Another result of the act was the creation of the National Organization for
Rare Disorders (NORD), a voluntary group of national health agencies and sup-
port groups that helped pass the act. NORD provides information on orphan dis-
eases, clinical trials being conducted for various diseases, and other help to people
with rare diseases (9).
According to the FDA’s Office of Orphan Products Development, in 1983,
when the Orphan Drug Act was passed, only 10 orphan drugs were on the market.
Within 2 years after passage of the act, 90 drugs and biologics had been desig-
nated orphans and were under development or were approved. At the end of

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

1998, 15 years after the act was established, 184 orphan products had market
approval, benefiting a potential patient population of approximately 8 million
people. Today, 221 orphan products have been approved, with a potential patient
population of 10 to 11 million (Marie L. Moses, OOPD [[email protected]],
e-mail, January 30, 2001). These drugs include a significant number to treat ill-
nesses found in children and a smaller number used to treat illnesses associated
with the elderly. Obviously, the act has stimulated the industry to develop hun-
dreds of orphan products that for many years may have languished in a laboratory.
Consequently, the patients with the many rare diseases and conditions targeted
by these products can lead better lives.*


The images of philanthropy and the political advantages of offering orphan com-
pounds are often motivation enough for a company to pursue orphan drug re-
search and development. Because of the tremendous resources and expenditures
necessary for drug research, pharmaceutical companies tend to be the only facili-
ties capable of developing drugs. Therefore, these companies have an ethical
obligation to promote and support the research necessary for the development of
these compounds. Industry, unlike academia or private enterprise, has the unified
communications network crucial for the investigation, data collection, interpreta-
tion, and reporting of the information gathered during the characterization of a
new chemical entity (see Chapter 2). For industry to ignore this obligation, seek-
ing only the most profitable ‘‘Goliath’’ drugs, is unacceptable indeed, and poten-
tially shortsighted, as discussed previously.
Considering the incentives provided by the Orphan Drug Act to pharmaceu-
tical companies, it is surprising that more companies have not aggressively pur-
sued orphan drug development. This lack of activity may stem from a fear of
stigmatizing a drug as an orphan, thereby limiting its sales potential.
Orphan drugs, in theory, undergo the same rigors of testing and develop-
ment to which drugs with more widespread application are subjected. Pharmaco-
logical, safety, and efficacy parameters all undergo similar scrutiny, although
differences arise in determining therapeutic categories and dosing administration.
Because many orphan diseases are serious or life-threatening, development is
expedited (as is efficacy testing and data collection) and costs may be minimized;
as a result, the reduction in time and the tax credits afforded orphan drug research
make the development of drugs with orphan status appealing.

* The following Internet site provides a list of products currently designated as orphans by the Office
of Orphan Products Development:

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Because research time is reduced, so is the time in potential discovery and
development of related compounds and alternative indications of the orphan com-
pound. Historically, the approval time for orphan drugs has been shorter than for
non-orphan drugs. Expedited approval is indicative of the FDA’s awareness of
the importance of orphan drugs that may be the only treatment available for a
specific life-threatening disease. The NDAs for orphan drugs, also tend to be
slimmer than for non-orphan drugs because typically fewer patients are studied
and analyzed and therefore the review takes less time. The institution of User
Fees, however, has mandated standard review times for all marketing applica-
Orphan drug development also is expedited by the Subpart E section of
the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, which provides guidelines on devel-
oping drugs for serious and life-threatening illnesses, especially where no alterna-
tive therapies exist. This section of the legislation enables the FDA to be flexible
in interpreting the standards for evaluating drugs and provides detailed guidance
during the development program.
Treatment Investigational New Drug (IND) status also is often used to help
speed the development and marketing of orphan drugs. In 1987 the FDA created
the Treatment IND in a further attempt to help make treatments for serious or
life-threatening illnesses available sooner than they would be if following the
normal process. Many of the Treatment INDs that have been granted are for
orphan drugs, such as mecasermin (trade name Myotrophin) for treatment of
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Certainly, not all drugs that begin as orphans remain orphans. Zidovudine,
one of the first antiviral drugs marketed specifically to treat human immunodefi-
ciency virus (HIV) infection, is an example of an orphan drug that, because of
the devastating nature of the disease it treats, experienced rapid FDA approval
and a streamlined clinical trial (10). Furthermore, with the number of patients
infected with HIV reaching epidemic proportions, manufacturers reaped large
profits from orphan drug development. The Orphan Drug Act did not consider
the effect of an epidemic such as HIV infection.
The old pharmaceutical maxim that a drug used in one population will
undoubtedly be applicable for others characterizes another advantage of orphan
drug development. Human growth hormone was designated for treating hypopitu-
itary dwarfism, but now also is used to treat severe burns and osteoporosis. Eryth-
ropoietin was developed to help patients receiving dialysis, but its usage has
expanded to include treating patients with anemia related to cancer or AIDS.
The utility of orphan drug trials as probes of potential applications in other
fields is limitless. There is no credo preventing a drug originally developed as
an orphan drug from being applied to a much larger market. This is especially
advantageous because the safety and efficacy profiles have been defined by earlier
trials. Prostacyclin, a potent vasodilator, platelet inhibitor, and potentially danger-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

ous drug, was tested in neonates with the rare and often fatal syndrome of primary
pulmonary hypertension (PPH). The data from the PPH studies were then applied
to the problem of secondary pulmonary hypertension, which has a considerably
larger market. Invasive techniques such as catheterization were not necessary
in the secondary pulmonary hypertension studies because important data from
catheterized patients were obtained in earlier PPH trials. The earlier PPH trials
gave the company pharmacological and clinical data that enabled it to expand
the application of the drug and to streamline the investigative process.
Historically, the mechanism of action and the characteristics of the orphan
compound are usually well known and may already have been given to humans
in some form. This decreases the likelihood of failure (and increases the likeli-
hood of success). Digibind, an antibody product for digitalis overdose, was first
discovered by scientists seeking a method to assay digitalis in human blood sero-
logically. Its mechanism of action was well known, as was the problem and phar-
macokinetics of digitalis toxicity, which affects more than 65,000 patients annu-
ally. This life-saving drug was a spin-off from basic research in which a well-
defined mechanism of action was applied to a well-defined clinical problem. With
a defined mechanism of action and a defined disease state, the only problem that
could prevent a drug from being approved was if the drug was found to be more
toxic than the disease.
Orphan drug development also gives industry scientists the opportunity to
work with novel compounds and to work with a disease and drug that are probably
not being studied by anyone else: the state of the art is literally defined by their
work alone. Furthermore, clinical applications for orphan diseases may be a logi-
cal extension of basic research. Similarly, some extensions of orphan research
have logical applications for basic clinical problems. The research group is able
to obtain good information that then can be reprocessed and applied elsewhere
(as discussed above). The patient always comes out ahead, because a new com-
pound will be available to them where once there was none.
Patients suffering from orphan diseases tend to be ‘‘clean’’ subjects: they
lack the complicated array of confounding medicinal problems typically found
in other patients and tend to manifest well-defined and characterized clinical traits
that are often the result of genetic syndromes. This characteristic alone is attrac-
tive to most researchers, who seek to gather data uncontaminated by extraneous
human characteristics.


The crucial problems in orphan drug development center on the quality of the
clinical research. Often too few patients exist to demonstrate efficacy statistically.
Patients are often dispersed throughout the country, and great efforts (and money)

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

are necessary to bring them into referral centers. The paucity of patients also
affects the evaluation of different dose levels and frequencies. Furthermore, study
designs, especially parallel, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, may be virtu-
ally impossible with the few patients available for study. Safety is difficult to
determine definitively because of the small patient numbers, and dosing regimens
are difficult to optimize because of the lack of subjects.
Some problems with orphan drug development still center on money. There
is a limit to how many orphan drugs a company can afford to develop, because
companies must generate profits if they are to retain sophisticated equipment and
good scientists. This financial discrepancy is balanced by the realization that new
applications are often developed from orphan drugs that may have wider and
more profitable applications (e.g., prostacyclin and PPH and secondary pulmo-
nary hypertension). A breakthrough in progeria, a rare disease of rapid aging,
could have a profound effect on the wider market of drugs developed to treat the
associated physiological responses to aging (osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, senility,


Orphan drug development is an emotional issue that attempts to even the odds
for the underdog. The success of the Orphan Drug Act has been far greater than
anticipated and continues to encourage manufacturers to develop such drugs.
Government incentives to stimulate research have been successful in afford-
ing those rare patients the hope many have sought for their disease. In the first
10 years after enactment of orphan drug legislation, the pharmaceutical industry
produced many new orphan drugs that helped more than 2 million Americans
suffering from rare diseases (11). Today, that number is more than 10 million.
Some few orphan drugs may be very profitable. Whether the motivations are
philanthropic, egalitarian, or profit-based, all sectors appear to have reaped re-
wards from orphan drug legislation, and the future should bring even greater
orphan drug availability and access to therapies. David now has a much better
chance of slaying Goliath.


1. The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. Pharmaceutical Indus-

try Profile 2000. Washington DC: 2000:42.
2. The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. PhRMA Policy Pa-
pers: strong patent protection is essential. Available at http:/ /
policy/federal/protect.phtml. Accessed September 20, 2000.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

3. Spilker BA. The drug development and approval process. New Medicines in Devel-
opment [PhRMA Web site]. Available at http:/ /
newmeds/devapprovprocess.phtml. Accessed October 1, 2000.
4. Barash CI, Lasagna L. The Bendectin saga: ‘‘voluntary’’ discontinuation. J Clin Res
Drug Devel 1987; 1:277–292.
5. Hearing before the Fertility and Maternal Health Drug Advisory Committee, Depart-
ment of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, FDA, vol. 1, Sept. 15,
1980; vol. 2, Sept. 16, 1980.
6. The FDA’s orphan drug development program. In: Mathieu M, Evans AG, Hurden
EL, eds. New Drug Development: A Regulatory Overview. 2d ed. Waltham, Massa-
chusetts: Parexel International, 1994:264.
7. 57 Fed Reg 62076 (Dec. 29, 1992) (codified at 21 CFR Part 316).
8. Levitt JA, Kelsey JV. The orphan drug regulations and related issues. Food Drug
Law J 1993; 48:525–532.
9. Rare diseases: what patients need. In: Thoene JG, Smith DC, eds. Physicians’ guide
to Rare Diseases. Montvale, New Jersey: Dowden, 1992:xvii–xix.
10. Myers MW. When and at what stage should a new therapy for AIDS be evaluated
in a randomized clinical trial. J Clin Res Drug Devel 1988; 2(1):47–51.
11. Haffner ME. Orphan Products—ten years later and then some. Food Drug Law J
1994; 49:593–601.


Haffner ME, Kelsey JV. Evaluation of orphan products by the U.S. Food and Drug Admin-
istration. Int J Technol Assess Health Care 1992; 8(4):647–657.
Henry V. 1992 Le Tourneau Award. Problems with pharmaceutical regulation in the
United States. J Leg Med 1993; 14:617–639.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Single-Event Adverse
Drug Reactions:
Tribulations in Ascribing Causality*

Nelson S. Irey†
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C.


The analysis and evaluation of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) is a major problem
in the clinical practice of medicine, the development of new drugs, controlled
clinical trials, and the postmarketing surveillance period. Just as there are stan-
dards and requirements established as guidelines in the chemical, pharmacologi-
cal, and toxicological phases preceding the marketing of a new drug, there are
also guidelines for causality assessment of individual human cases in both the
premarketing and the postmarketing phases of new drug development.
This chapter presents an algorithm that is applicable to the individual: the
single-event ADR case. This methodology, relating to the use of therapeutic,
diagnostic, and prophylactic-type drugs in a clinical setting, should permit the
diagnostician to make one of three responses after an assessment of an ADR
case: an assured yes, a firm no, or a reasoned admission of uncertainty.

* The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the author and are not to be
construed as official or as reflecting the views of the Department of Defense, the Department of
the Army, or the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. The author is grateful to Phyllis S. Bojnowski
for her expert typographical support.


Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

There are three basic points to consider:

1. The drug ‘‘explosion’’ that has taken place in recent decades has added
a new dimension to the practice of modern medicine: an iatrogenic
category-the ADR.
2. The possibility of the occurrence and presence of an ADR should be
a constant component of the modern physician’s differential diagnosis,
along with the already well-established infectious, neoplastic, meta-
bolic, degenerative, and vascular groups of disease.
3. The clinicopathological picture presented by the ADR case is often not
readily distinguishable from non-drug-induced diseases. The clinical
and morphological findings of ADRs have the same limited number
of final common paths that characterize these other (non-drug) human


There are three major requirements for establishing the occurrence of an ADR:

1. The possibility and likelihood of a causal relationship between the drug

and the ADR must be confirmed by establishing its eligibility.
2. The drug must have a linkage with the clinicopathological findings.
3. The degree of certainty of this drug linkage should be determined.

As an initial background for developing this algorithm or methodology,

Fig. 1 is offered for consideration and orientation. This figure has the basic ele-
ments of a ‘‘time flow chart,’’ which has considerable utility in evaluating ADR
In this graphical representation of an ADR, the ordinate (Q) represents any
of the findings of an ADR. Specifically, Q may be a symptom (pain, nausea, etc.),
a sign, a clinical laboratory result, a radiological finding, a morphological finding,
or any combination of these. Synonyms for Q include marker, disease marker,
signal, indicator, parameter, detector, response, and effect.
The abscissa is the time element (T ), related to both the time of drug admin-
istration and to the dating of disease marker data. Both are usually plotted on
the same time flow chart in a particular case.
This graphical representation of an ADR case will be used frequently in the
assessment of eligibility and linkage determinations of ADRs. The four eligibility
criteria are listed in Fig. 1, and will be discussed.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 1 An adverse drug reaction (the curve Q) is plotted against time (the abscissa
T ). Dashed lines show the three courses an ADR can take: increasing severity to death;
leveling off to chronicity; or return to the abscissa, indicating recovery. Four criteria that
must be met before the drug is eligible to be an empiric correlate of Q (the adverse drug
reaction) as listed. (From Ref. 6, by permission of the publisher.)

A. Eligibility of the Drug

1. Identification of the Drug
In most cases, it is tacitly assumed that the drug ordered by the physician is the
one received by the patient. This assumption is not always correct, as illustrated
in the following case reported by Golbert and Patterson (1).

Example: A patient complained of recurrent urticaria, with occasional wheez-

ing, dyspnea, nausea, and vomiting. He was receiving two drugs, thyroid
extract and ascorbic acid, neither being likely candidates for producing this
clinical picture. As part of an assessment of this case, a laboratory analysis
of the ascorbic acid revealed that it was mislabeled: it was actually benzyl

While it is not practical or even necessary in most cases to question the

‘‘identification’’ of the drug, it is advisable to keep in mind the possibility of a
mislabeling, particularly in a difficult case that presents unique and contradictory
features. It is evident that misidentification can occur at any point along the phar-
maceutical–pharmacy–physician–nurse–patient chain of events.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

2. Administration of the Drug
As it is with accurate identification of a drug, so it is that its ‘‘administration’’
must at times be held in question. Patient compliance with the doctor’s orders is
an omnipresent problem in medical therapy. Complete noncompliance sometimes
occurs, as in the following instance.
Example: A male diabetic receiving tolbutamide developed renal dysfunc-
tion. Renal biopsy revealed interstitial granulomatous nephritis. There is
precedent in the literature for an association between granulomas and sulfo-
nylurea compounds (tolbutamide is in this group). With this possible (or even
probable) relationship in mind, follow-up information disclosed that the pa-
tient had never taken this medication, even though prescriptions had been
regularly written and given to him for more than 2 years.

3. Temporal Eligibility
The time factor in assessment of ADRs is a very important one and in some
cases is of critical diagnostic importance. This is true not only in establishing
‘‘eligibility’’ of the drug, but also in linking the drug to the reaction. On the
other hand, the time element may be equally important in denying eligibility and
also may make linkage of the drug with the clinicopathological picture a most
unlikely possibility.
It is quite apparent that a drug cannot be responsible for an ADR if the latter
is already in progress before the drug is first administered. This dys-synchrony is
illustrated in the following cases.
Example 1: A 50-year-old white male with a long history of rheumatoid ar-
thritis had a terminal illness of 5 weeks’ duration that was dominated by
cardiac and cerebral symptoms and signs. He had been receiving indometha-
cin, and a low platelet count had been one of the features of the laboratory
findings during this final 5 weeks. The case was diagnosed an indomethacin-
induced thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.
At autopsy, there were thrombotic vascular lesions of the small vessels
of the heart and brain that were compatible with this morphological diagno-
sis. However, the medication data in the patient’s chart revealed that the
indomethacin was not started until the beginning of the fourth week of his
terminal 5-week illness. Indomethacin was therefore ineligible to have initi-
ated his terminal illness and could not have been responsible for the throm-
botic lesions found at autopsy in the heart and brain.

Example 2: A jaundiced middle-aged man had been receiving prochlorpera-

zine. A liver biopsy showed cholestasis. The drug and liver abnormality were
initially through to be causally related. However, time-related chart informa-
tion revealed that the jaundice was present for 3 days before this tranquilizer

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

was first administered. The prochlorperazine was therefore ineligible to have
initiated the jaundice and cholestasis.

4. Latent Period
Latent period refers to the time interval between the initial administration of the
drug and the onset of the ADR (in Fig. 1, it is the interval T0 to T1). The latent
period is not rigidly fixed or exactly predictable, but it tends to fall within certain
Characteristically, cyanide deaths occur in seconds to minutes. Most ana-
phylactic deaths occur within 20–30 min after contact with the lethal antigen,
while jaundice associated with chlorpromazine has its onset within 3 days to 3
weeks after the beginning of therapy. The fatal pancytopenia following chloram-
phenicol appears in 1–3 months, while hepatic angiosarcoma related to thorium
dioxide has a latent period of one to several decades. The ultimate in length of
latency is one to several generations from a drug-induced mutational germ cell
change to its manifestation in a conceptus.
Consideration of the latent period in an ADR is of use in an ADR assess-
ment in one of two ways: the latent period may be too long, or it may be too
Example 1: An overlong latent period was noted in the case of an inadvertent
overdose of meprobamate given to a 4-year-old male child, who suffered
cardiorespiratory arrest 16 h later. During the intervening 16 h following the
400-mg dose there were no signs or symptoms indicating any problem. The
demise of the patient was associated with a sudden cardiorespiratory arrest,
with no premonitory symptoms or signs. Although meprobamate was initially
blamed for this cardiorespiratory death, it was thought to be an unlikely can-
didate because of the prolonged latent period: this drug usually reaches a
peak blood level within 2 h, and slowly declines over the next 10 h.
Further clinical information and the autopsy findings provided a more
likely cause of death. There had been a number of prior episodes of non-
drug-related cardiorespiratory arrests. Further, the autopsy revealed multiple
congenital anomalies of the central nervous system: hypoplasia of the cere-
bellum and spinal cord, polymicrogyria and pachygyria, and hydrocephalus
ex vacuo.
While the clinical history and autopsy findings showed a non-drug-
related cause for this death, the prolonged latent period alone would have
essentially disqualified meprobamate as the responsible agent.

Example 2: An illustration of a too-short latent period is afforded by the case

of a 52-year-old woman being treated with sulfamethoxazole for a urinary
tract infection, with subsequent death associated with pancytopenia. Sulfa-
methoxazole was initially held responsible for the blood dyscrasia.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Additional clinical and laboratory information, however, revealed that
she was already described as ‘‘weak and anemic’’ 6 days after initiation of
this therapy, and with an ‘‘abnormal’’ blood count (not otherwise defined).
Four days later (10 days after this drug was started) the hemoglobin level
was down to 6.6 g. Considering that the half-life of the red cell is 120 days,
with no evidence of either hemolytic disease or blood loss, and with the
assumption that she had a normal hemogram when therapy was begun (there
is no evidence to the contrary), the 10-day interval between initiation of the
sulfamethoxazole and the demonstrated anemia was too short to be attributed
to this drug.

In summary, identification, administration, temoral eligibility, and latent

period are the four criteria for establishing the eligibility of a drug to have caused
an ADR. Emphasis should be placed on obtaining sufficiently detailed time-
related data on drug administration and on the appearance of ADR markers. These
data are a sine qua non in the assessment of drug eligibility.

B. Linking the Drug with the Clinicopathological Findings

The second major task in analyzing an ADR case is to establish a connection or
linkage between the drug and the clinicopathological findings (making empiric
correlates of the drug and these findings).
Figure 2 is a time flow chart representing an ADR that itemizes six ways
of making this linkage.

1. Exclusion
Exclusion consists of selecting one drug from a group of drug candidates by the
use of the time flow chart.

Example: A 15-year-old black male with pulmonary blastomycosis was

treated with a succession of five drugs over a 3-month period. During this
interval, renal failure developed. A renal biopsy showed an interstitial nephri-
tis with granulomatoid features. Cultures from this renal biopsy were nega-
tive for fungi, acid-fast bacilli, and anaerobic organism.
Figure 3 plots the drugs administered, dates of administration, and the
blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels over this 3-month period. It is evident from
this time flow chart that only one agent (stilbamidine) was temporally eligible
to have initiated the renal dysfunction. The remaining four drugs were admin-
istered after the BUN had risen to abnormal levels and were therefore ineligi-
ble to have caused the renal dysfunction. Notably, the graph shows a return
of the BUN to normal range soon after the stilbamidine was discontinued.
This dechallenge response reinforces the thesis that stilbamidine caused the
kidney changes.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 2 The six methods of linking a drug with an adverse drug reaction. (From Ref. 6,
by permission of the publisher.)

Figure 3 Time flow chart demonstrating the temporal eligibility of stilbamidine to have
produced the elevation of the BUN in the case described. (From Ref. 7, by permission
of the publisher.)

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

The exclusion method also includes instances in which drug candidates are
themselves excluded from causation status because a non-drug etiology is clearly
demonstrable (environmental or occupational factors, radiation injury, the under-
lying disease of the patient, or a co-mobrid state) that can reasonably account
for the clinicopathology findings.
An illustrative case involves renal failure in which tetracycline and a throm-
botic vascular lesion were candidates for having caused the renal failure.
Example: A 70-year-old white male underwent repair of an atherosclerotic
aneurysm of the abdominal aorta. Tetracycline was given postoperatively for
6 days. As this therapy with tetracycline was terminated, a progressive rise
in the BUN began, with terminal oliguria and anuria about 21/2 weeks later
(Fig. 4).
The drug was initially considered to be the cause of the kidney dys-
function, on the basis of temporal eligibility, latent period, and literature prec-
edent. However, it was noted that a translumbar aortogram done 9 days be-
fore death had been reported as showing ‘‘no flow in the left kidney and a
minimal or no flow in the right kidney.’’

Figure 4 Time flow chart illustrating the temporal eligibility of tetracycline in relation
to the subsequent renal failure (creatinine, dotted line; BUN, solid line). (From Ref. 7,
by permission of the publisher.)

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

The reason for the vascular compromise was revealed at autopsy: both
renal arteries were occluded by thrombotic masses that had propagated from
a second abdominal aortic aneurysm located cephalad to the previously re-
paired aneurysm.

This case met the ‘‘eligibility’’ criteria but failed to meet the ‘‘exclusion’’
part of the linkage criteria. Drug causation was eliminated because of the finding
of a concurrent co-morbid state (bilateral renal artery thromboses) substantiated
by a special radiological procedure and by the morphologic findings at autopsy.
The value of a broadened database is illustrated in this case and is generally
a requirement when attempting to analyze the frequently complex problems pre-
sented by ADR cases.

2. Dechallenge
The principle involved in the dechallenge method of linkage is that if there is a
reversible effect present, then removing the cause will eliminate the effect.
Example: A 56-year-old hypertensive and diabetic white male was treated
with 11 drugs for more than 5 years. About midway in this interval, he devel-
oped a progressive anemia and leukopenia.
Figure 5 presents curves on the disease markers (hemoglobin [Hgb]
and white blood cells [WBC]) and time-related drug administration informa-
tion on the 11 drugs with which he was being treated. The horizontal lines
indicate the dates the drugs were started, duration of administration, and
when they were discontinued.
Assessment was made in this case in the spring of 1977 (at the junction
of the solid lines with the dashed lines on the Hgb and WBC markers). At
that time, hydralazine was judged to be the most likely drug candidate, if
indeed the hematological changes were drug-related. The other 10 drugs were
eliminated for the following reasons: they were given for too short a time
(Lasix, Pro-Banthine, and Indocin), they were temporally ineligible (quinine,
Elavil, and chlorthalidone), or they were given continuously and over too
long a time with no evident ADR (chlorpropamide, propranolol, hydrochlo-
rothiazide, and Dimetapp). The one drug that was the most likely candidate,
from the time flow chart, was hydralazine, which showed temporal eligibility
and was given continuously during the drop in the hemogram elements.
On the basis of this graphical analysis, a presumptive diagnosis of
hydralazine-induced anemia and leukopenia was made, and it was recom-
mended that this drug be discontinued.
During the next 3 months, rises in the Hgb and WBC curves (shown
in the dashed lines of the graph) were noted. The final diagnosis of a
hydralazine-induced dyscrasia was based on the return toward normalcy of
the hemogram and on the failure to find a non-drug-related cause for these
hematological abnormalities.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 5 Time flow chart demonstrating the correction of the anemia after hydralazine
was discontinued. Other drugs were eliminated because they were given for too short a
time (Lasix, Pro-Banthine, and Indocin), were temporally ineligible (quinine, Elavil, and
chlorthalidone), or were given continuously (chlorpropamide, propranolol, hydrochloro-
thiazide, and Dimetapp). (From Ref. 8, by permission of the publisher.)

3. Rechallenge
The principle involved in the rechallenge method of linkage of a drug to an ADR
is implied in the phrase post hoc, ergo propter hoc (after this, therefore because
of this). As applied, if a drug has been incriminated with a reaction, and the
ADR disappeared when the drug was discontinued, a rechallenge with this drug
followed by a return of the ADR would increase the probability that the drug
and the ADR were empiric correlates.
While intentional challenge is not often done, such a rechallenge may occur
Example: A 64-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism,
and Raynaud’s disease was treated for 6 years with chlorambucil and predni-
sone. She died of progressive liver failure, pancytopenia, and necrotizing
Figure 6 is a time flow chart on this case. The markers of the ADR
in the liver are serum glutamic oxaloautic transaminase (SGOT), lactic dehy-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 6 Time flow chart showing fluctuations in SCOT, LDH, and alkaline phospha-
tase during a succession of dechallenges and rechallenges with chlorambucil. (From Ref. 8,
by permission of the publisher).

drogenase (LDH), and alkaline phosphatase. They show three sequences of

fluctuations, each with increasing levels of these three markers during the
administration of chlorambucil. During two dechallenges, these disease
markers (liver function tests) dropped toward normal, but on the two rechal-
lenges, they rose to abnormal levels.
At autopsy, the liver weighed only 800 g and was the seat of multiple
foci of necrosis, moderate cholestasis, portal fibrosis, and acute and chronic

While this case was chosen to illustrate the method of linkage by rechal-
lenge, it also illustrates two episodes of dechallenge. Further, since there is litera-
ture precedent for an association between liver damage and chlorambucil, this
case also demonstrates the fifth method of linkage (pattern) as listed in Fig. 2.

4. Singularity of the Drug

The principle involved in the singularity method of linking a drug with an ADR
is based on two assumptions: Only one drug was administered, and there was
no basic disease or co-morbid state that could be related to the ADR marker
being used in the assessment.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Example: A 24-year-old epileptic black female had been treated with diphen-
ylhydantoin for several years. While on a trip, she suffered a seizure and
was hospitalized under the care of another physician. He prescribed this same
drug in the same dosage as she had been receiving in the past.
Unbeknown to this new physician, she continued to take her usual
dosage of this antiepileptic agent in addition to her ‘‘new’’ dosage. She thus
inadvertently doubled her intake of diphenylhydantoin.
After 12 hours of this double jeopardy, she developed a complex of
symptoms and signs that included fever (to 103°F), ataxia, nystagmus, confu-
sion, hallucinations, slurred speech, and somnolence.
When it was discovered that she was receiving a double dose, the
diphenylhydantoin was discontinued completely. Her symptom complex be-
gan to improve in 12 h, and 12 days later she was completely recovered.
She was discharged from the hospital with no evident residuals.
The diagnosis of diphenylhydantoin-induced toxicity was made on the
following basis: there was no evidence of her receiving any other medication,
there was temporal eligibility and a reasonable latent period for the effects
of the ‘‘overdose’’ to become manifest, and dechallenge was followed by

In this era of polypharmacy, it is rare to encounter a case involving only

one drug, but this case had considerable evidence to support the thesis of ‘‘singu-
larity of drug.’’
This method of linkage is more likely to be applicable in well-controlled
preclinical trials than in the postmarketing phase of new drug development and

5. Pattern
The pattern method of linking a drug with an ADR shifts the focus of attention
to the clinicopathological findings in an ADR, and away from the identification
of the causative drug. This shift of emphasis is necessary when detailed time-
related drug and disease marker data are denied to the evaluator of the case. The
site-process profile may than be used as a guideline for searching past experience
and the literature for cases that have matching features. Matching features found
in the literature may include associations with certain drugs or chemicals, which
serve as a guideline for a focused examination of the patient’s history for the
causative agent.
Example: A 36-year-old white male was hospitalized after he developed jaun-
dice. A liver biopsy revealed a generalized centrilobular zonal loss of hepato-
cytes (zonal necrosis), central collapse of the lobular reticulum, and promi-
nence of Kupffer’s cells containing both lipofuscin and hemosiderin.
The morphological changes seen in this liver biopsy are consistent

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

with those produced by hepatotoxic agents, including hydrocarbons, but they
are not drug- or chemical-specific. Using the ‘‘pattern’’ approach, the search
for an etiological agent would be focused on ‘‘hepatotoxic’’ agents, including
a variety of hydrocarbons. A retrospective search back into the history of
this patient did reveal exposure to carbon tetrachloride while working in a
confined and poorly ventilated room.
The sequence of assessment events included an initial determination
of what morphologic changes were present in the liver; a knowledge from
precedent literature of the possible etiologies of these changes; and back-
tracking into the history of the case, which disclosed one of the agents capa-
ble of producing these morphologic changes.

This ‘‘pattern’’ method may also be used in excluding drugs. If the drugs
or chemicals suggested by the morphological findings are not identified or dis-
closed by historical or toxicological efforts, then the morphological changes ap-
pear to remain non-drug-related or non-chemical-related.

6. Quantitation of Drug Level

Assessing an ADR case by quantitation of drug level brings our focus back to
the search for, and the identification of, the causative agent by quantitative and
objective data based on laboratory analysis of body fluids and/or viscera. This
method is applicable and essentially limited to drug overdose cases. The feasibil-
ity of this approach is based on the availability of dependable information on
lethal levels from past experience. Without this comparison information, there
is no judgmental significance to toxicological levels in the case at hand (2).
Quantitated levels of drugs have limitations in diagnostic value. In adverse
reactions in the hypersensitivity, idiosyncratic, and pharmacogenetic categories,
drugs have been administered in therapeutic (not toxic) amounts, and blood and
other body fluids and tissue levels have been found to lie within therapeutic
ranges. Such analyses will confirm any prior administration of the drugs, but the
problem of the etiological differential diagnosis will still remain.
Example 1: A 21-year-old white male with respiratory distress was admitted
to a hospital. Before he died, he stated that he was sensitive to chloroquine
and that he had taken one tablet of this drug just prior to the sudden onset
of his respiratory distress. He died shortly thereafter, in cardiorespiratory
The subsequent autopsy revealed no anatomical cause of death. The
prosector had taken samples of blood and viscera for toxicological examina-
tion. The following levels of chloroquine were reported (in mg%): blood,
6.5; kidney, 24.0; brain, 2.5; and lung, 23.0. These blood and tissue levels
could not have been related to the ingestion of one 50.0-mg tablet of chlo-
roquine. These levels were within lethal range as reported elsewhere (3).

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Based on these quantitative finds, the case was placed in the toxic
category (overdose). The original impression that this death was in the hyper-
sensitivity category was discarded.

In addition to the quantitative approach, qualitative identification of a drug

or chemical may be of value in appropriate instances.
Example 2: A 22-year-old woman developed (apparently de novo) multiple
subcutaneous masses in the anterior abdominal wall. Biopsy of one of them
revealed multiple cystic spaces that contained a clear viscid fluid. The lesion
was a benign one and had some resemblance to a lymphangioma.
Its exact nature and etiology remained undetermined until a history
was elicited of prior breast enhancement by silicone injection. Aspirated fluid
from one of the cystic lesions was subjected to infrared spectrophotometry
and was identified as silicone. It is presumed that gravitational migration
along fascial planes moved some of the silicone from the breasts to their
abdominal wall location (4).

This qualitative procedure identified what was there; how much was there
was immaterial.

7. Multiple and Simultaneous Methods of Assessing ADRs

In some cases of ADRs, more than one of the six methods of drug linkage that
are listed in Fig. 2 may be used in causation analysis. In fact, multiple methods
in the same case strengthen either the confirmation or the rejection of an ADR
and its etiology.
Example: A 55-year-old Oriental female sustained multiple and serious inju-
ries in an auto accident. Death occurred in 7 weeks and was associated with
liver failure. During this 7-week period, a number of agents and circum-
stances were identified that might have been responsible for her hepatic fail-
ure: she had three epidoses of hypotension, she was given blood transfusions,
and she was administered halothane anesthesia twice.
Hypotension: The first episode occurred on the day of the accident
and happened 21 days before the first evidence of liver disease. The latent
period was too long. The other two hypotensive episodes occurred after the
liver damage was already apparent. Temporal ineligibility disqualified these
episodes from having initiated the liver damage. They may have had a proxi-
mate effect on the liver status, but they could not have initiated it.
Blood transfusions: The possibility that the liver failure might have
been due to viral hepatitis transmitted via transfused blood was part of the
differential diagnosis in this case.
It is virtually impossible on morphological grounds alone to differenti-
ate between drug hepatotoxicity and viral hepatitis in instances of massive
liver necrosis. In this case, the liver necrosis was submassive. Typically, the
viral hepatitis lesion is spotty and focal while the lesion in drug-induced

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

hepatotoxicity is universal, zonal, and centrilobular. Morphological changes
in the liver in this case were centrilobular and zonal. This morphological
picture was more consistent with drug hepatotoxicity than with viral hepati-
tis. Thus, liver damage related to the blood transfusion appeared most un-
Halothane anesthesia: In this case, there were three items that favored
liver damage secondary to the use of halothane:

1. Liver dysfunction (as monitored by liver function tests) was evident fol-
lowing the second exposure to this anesthetic (multiple exposures to hal-
othane often precede liver damage).
2. Unexplained fever occurred on the third day after this second exposure
(a part of the profile of halothane-liver damage).
3. The centrilobular and universal zonal necrosis is consistent with the
findings in the liver associated with drug hepatotoxicity.

The liver damage and subsequent hepatic failure in this case was
judged as probably due to the halothane anesthetic. It was possible to arrive
at a reasoned choice of one of the three candidates discussed above because
there were adequate, detailed, and time-related data on the therapeutic agents
used, the adverse clinical circumstances, the liver function tests, and the tis-
sue changes reflecting the liver damage. The multiple methods utilized in-
clude latent period, temporal eligibility, exclusion, and morphological/
clinicopathological patterns.

8. Difficulties in Assessing ADRs

Requirements for establishing eligibility and methods of linking a drug with an
illness have been presented in the preceding discussion. This algorithm should
constitute a blueprint for solving many if not most of the ADR problems in this
area of medical diagnostics.
However, in the hands-on practice of the assessment of ADR cases, there
are at least four major difficulties that stand in the way of such high diagnostic
expectations. These four obstacles include the following.

1. Incomplete information: Incomplete information is not unique to ADR

evaluation but is common to all areas of medical practice. The lack of sufficiently
detailed, time-related data on drug administration and disease markers may make
it impossible to render a reasoned judgment on many ADR cases, leaving them
in their original and unsatisfactory anecdotal status. Denial to the diagnostician
of access to these required facts makes it impossible to make judgments on latent
period and temporal eligibility; time flow charts cannot be utilized in exclusion,
dechallenge, and rechallenge techniques. The diagnostic data base should also

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

include information on other drugs being administered, concurrent co-morbid
states, and the existence of occupational and environmental hazards.
2. Polypharmacy: In this medical era, polypharmacy is the rule rather
than the exception. Patients with complicated and prolonged illnesses may have
20–30 medications in their medical background. Cases of this sort may be of such
complexity that even with ideally complete drug and disease marker information,
diagnostic success may be elusive.
3. Lack of objective means of linking the drug to the ADR: Tests and
procedures that specifically and causally connect a drug to an illness are lacking.
We do not have the equivalent of the special stains and cultural methods that
identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis with some granulomatous lesions. Our high-
tech laboratory instrumentation is capable of identifying and quantifying ex-
tremely low levels of drugs and chemicals, but this type of information falls short
of establishing causation.
4. The limited number of clinicopathological reaction patterns in human
disease: There are a limited number of generic morphological reaction patterns
that diseases fit into (inflammatory, congenital, neoplastic, degenerative, infiltra-
tive, vascular, functional). In parallel, there are also a rather limited number of
clinical symptoms and signs (pain, nausea, fever, lumps, etc.) that come to the
attention of the practicing physician. There are a multitude of causes and a multi-
tude of clinical conditions that funnel into these clinicopathological ‘‘final com-
mon paths.’’ The algorithm previously described is an attempt to move from the
generic to the specific in analyzing ADR causation.
Of the four difficulties cited above, only the first (incomplete information)
is subject to at least some degree of improvement.
To illustrate the results that can be obtained by overcoming this first diffi-
culty, at least in part, a study of 94 phenothiazine-related hepatic ADRs is cited
(5). The bar graph on the left in Fig. 7 shows the judgment of degree of certainty
as to the drug causation of the liver damage, based on initial information. The
‘‘possible’’ category predominated, meaning that a definitive and categorical di-
agnosis could not be made.
The right side of the bar graph in Fig. 7 was constructed after requesting
and receiving more clinical information and additional morphological material
on 95% of these 94 cases. By overcoming the handicap of inadequate information,
the uncertain middle group was reduced from 43% to 13% and there were corre-
sponding significant increases in the categorical diagnoses excluding or substanti-
ating drug causation of the liver damage.

C. Degree of Certainty
The third major task in analyzing and assessing ADRs is determining the degree
of certainty one has as to the causal relationship between the drug and the clinico-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 7 Graph illustrating the value of more complete information in a study of 94
cases of phenothiazine-related hepatoses. First evaluation on left, second evaluation on
right after obtaining additional information. Note inversion of curve and reduction of pos-
sible group after a more complete study. Note large overall group (50%) after second
evaluation. (From Ref. 7, by permission of the publisher.)

pathological findings. Interposed between the definite causative and negative cat-
egories are three shades of certainty (probable, possible, and coincidental) that
titrate between these two extremes. These degrees of certainty are defined as

1. Causative: Cases in this class are those in which there is no doubt that
a drug has caused the reaction. This category is essentially limited to drug over-
dose cases or those cases in which the causative agent can be objectively identi-
fied (asbestos bodies; alpha tracks of thorium dioxide, etc.).
Parenthetically, the overdose cases with drug levels in lethal ranges
should have an important negative findings: no anatomical cause of death at au-
2. Probable: This term is equivalent to the phrase ‘‘consistent with,’’ and
cases in this category of certainty fall short of the ‘‘causative’’ designation be-
cause they lack an objective and quantitative laboratory finding that is the sine
qua non of the causative category. Cases placed in this category have the follow-
ing characteristics.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

(a) The criteria of temporal eligibility and appropriateness of latent period
have been met.
(b) The clinicopathological features are consonant with previous experi-
ence and literature precedent for the drug in question.
(c) Other causes (the basic disease, co-morbid states, and other modalities
of therapy) have been eliminated from consideration.
(d) One or several means of linkage of the drug to the ADR have been
utilized: exclusion, dechallenge, rechallenge, singularity of the drug,
and pattern.

3. Possible: Cases are put in this category when the relationship between
the drug and the clinicopathological findings can be neither confirmed nor denied.
There are three subdivisions in this category.

(a) Cases with potential causes other than the drug in question. The clini-
copathological picture could have been produced by the basic disease,
a co-morbid state, or by some other modality of therapy.
(b) Cases in which some of the criteria for eligibility and linkage have
been met, but some have not because of lack of adequate information.
Such a case could be put in this category temporarily while awaiting
more information or placed here permanently if it were evident that
further data would not be forthcoming.
(c) Cases that have met all the criteria of eligibility and linkage but for
which there is no known precedent literature. Such a case might be
a new and emergent ADR. It could be placed in the ‘‘possible’’ group,
awaiting the appearance of similar cases for cluster studies at a later

4. Coincidental: Cases in this category include those with a patient who

was indeed exposed to the drug in question but in which assessment of the case
clearly reveals only an anecdotal association.
5. Negative: This category applies to those cases in which the alleged
drug was not or could not have been in the patient’s system at the time of the
ADR. This circumstance could be related either to noncompliance, mislabeling
of the drug, or historical misinformation.

The statistical breakdown of 3800 cases in the Registry of Tissue Reactions

to Drugs is shown in Fig. 8. Confirmation of the presence of an ADR was found
in about half the cases (combining the causative and the probable categories for
a consolidated ‘‘yes’’); denial of the presence of a validated ADR was the judg-
ment in about one-fifth of the cases; uncertainty as to the presence of a validated
ADR was seen in one-third of the cases. This latter was the largest single group
in this graph. These findings are not unexpected in view of the all-too-frequent

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 8 Graph showing distribution of degrees of certainty as to the relationship be-
tween the drug and the alleged ADR in 3800 cases. (From Ref. 8, by permission of the

lack of adequate information and the resultant inadequate data base for the assess-
ment of ADR cases.


The thrust of the foregoing development of an ADR algorithm is to outline a

methodology for assessing the relationship between a drug (or drugs) and the
clinicopathological findings of a particular illness, with emphasis on the ways
and means of evaluating the relationship between the drug and the illness. The
issue faced in this discussion on ADRs is more how to diagnose ADRs than what
to diagnose.
This methodology should enable one to confirm, deny, or admit uncertainty
as to the role of a drug in a patient’s illness, be it in the limited clinical trials of
the premarketing phase, or in the postmarketing surveillance phase of new drug


1. Golbert TM, Patterson R. Recurrent anaphylaxis caused by a misidentified drug. Ann

Intern Med 1968; 68:621–623.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

2. Winek CL. Drug and Chemical Blood-Level Data 1989. Pittsburgh, PA: Fisher Scien-
tific, 1989.
3. Kiel FW. Chloroquine suicide. JAMA 1964; 190:398–400.
4. Delage C, Shane JJ, Johnson FB. Mammary silicone granuloma: migration of silicone
fluid to abdominal wall and inguinal region. Arch Dermatol. 1973; 180:104–107.
5. Ishak KG, Irey NS. Hepatic injury associated with phenothiazines, clinico-pathologic
and follow-up study of 36 patients. Arch Pathol 1972; 91:283–304.
6. Irey NS. Tissue Reaction to Drugs, Teaching Monograph, American Journal of Pathol-
ogy, vol. 82, no. 3, pp. 617–647, New York: Harper & Row, 1976.
7. Irey NS. Diagnostic problems in drug-induced diseases. In: Drug-Induced Diseases,
vol. 4, Meyler L, Peck HM, eds. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica, 1972:chap. 1.
8. Irey NS. When is a disease drug-induced. In: Riddell RH, ed. Pathology of Drug-
Induced and Toxic Diseases. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1982.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

How to Deal with a Sudden,
Unexpected Death in Clinical

Allen Cato
Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina

Lynda Sutton
Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina


Clinical trials, regardless of how well controlled and well designed, always face
unavoidable potential risks and unexpected events. Perhaps the most challenging
event is the unexpected death of a subject—the ultimate adverse effect (1). In
spite of such events, investigational drug trials must be performed, for no alterna-
tive way exists to test new drugs safely and effectively before they are brought
to the attention of the medical community. As stated in 1865 by Claude Bernard
(2), a nineteenth-century physiologist:
The principle of medical and surgical morality, therefore, consists in never
performing on man an experiment which might be harmful to him to any
extent, even though the results might be highly advantageous to science, i.e.,
to the health of others. . . . So, among the experiments that may be tried on
man, those that can only harm are forbidden, those that are innocent are
permissible, and those that may do good are obligatory.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


The possibility of a sudden, unexpected death of a patient is an event that always

looms in the study monitor’s mind during the course of a clinical trial. Some
possible reasons for an isolated death during a clinical trial are listed below:
Natural causes
Unnatural causes (e.g., a fatal motor vehicle accident)
Disease-related causes
Study-related causes
Drug-related causes
Lack of efficacy
Unknown causes
Although the list of potential causes of a death may be long, the crucial
question facing the monitor is, ‘‘Was the death caused by the test agent?’’ The
future of the test agent and the clinical trial depends on the answer to that ques-
tion. Important decisions must be made as quickly as possible after such a death.
The results of those decisions could have a profound effect on all present and
future patients and therefore must be derived through a careful, thorough investi-
gation of the event. Because of the nature of clinical trials, the investigation is
most often conducted in two stages. Each stage involves specific actions that
must take place over two distinct periods.
Stage 1 of the investigation of a sudden death involves decisions that have
to be made immediately—within 24 hours of the death. Investigation at the study
site must begin as soon as possible to make a preliminary judgment of the rela-
tionship of the death to the test drug. A quick decision has to be made about what
must be done, who will perform the investigation, and how it will be conducted. If
medical monitors are not prepared to deal with an unexpected death, they may
overlook important information and make faulty decisions that could jeopardize
the lives of others, as well as place in question the future of the test drug. There-
fore, it is important before study initiation to have a plan in place detailing how
a medical monitor will address an unexpected death.
Stage 2 of the investigation involves a period of 1 week to approximately
2 months after the event. During this time, a comprehensive investigation is un-
dertaken to arrive at a final decision regarding the relationship of the death to
the test drug.
An example of the activities in these two stages can be seen in a case taken
from the first Phase II study of a new anticonvulsant agent in humans in which
the fifth subject died. The study was a Phase II, single-dose, increasing titration
trial of six subjects. The subject was a 31-year-old woman who, at the end of a 2-
week treatment period, had just been released from the hospital with no abnormal

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

findings. Two days after discharge, the subject called the investigator, complain-
ing of generalized aches and pains, a slight cough, and a warm feeling. She was
given permission to take Darvon and was instructed to see a physician if her
condition persisted. The next day she was found dead by her husband. Because
this death was an isolated event, it could not be subjected to rigorous statistics.
The decisions must be based on this case alone.

A. Stage 1 Investigation
Stage 1 of the investigation begins by obtaining a preliminary history of events
surrounding the death. A telephone call between the medical monitor and the
investigator is usually conducted before any other actions are taken. From prelim-
inary data obtained in this telephone call, the medical monitor and the clinical
team can more readily initiate the specific tasks that must begin as soon as possi-
ble. The medical monitor may then ask the investigator to request a complete
autopsy, which can be very valuable in understanding the cause of death. Unless
the case is deemed a medical examiner’s case, however, autopsies, although often
requested, are difficult to obtain because the wishes of the deceased’s family
must be respected. Samples of blood and cerebrospinal fluid should be obtained
as soon as possible so that levels of drugs and metabolites can be measured.
Cerebrospinal fluid is important to examine because some drugs cross the blood–
brain barrier and some (e.g., bromide) do not. In addition, the investigator should
expedite a faxed or e-mail written summary of the death to the medical monitor.
If the test agent is still in Phase I clinical trials, all dosing of the test agent
at study sites should be temporarily discontinued. Even if a test agent is not
known, as in a double-blind, controlled study, the blind should be broken immedi-
ately, but only for that subject. Even if the blind reveals that the medication was
placebo, the investigation should proceed as though the medication were active
drug. This practice will ensure that the appropriate information is collected,
whether or not the patient is on placebo. It could be found later that an error in
packaging or dispensing of the medication, or related factors of the study itself,
including the study protocol, design, or site execution, are implicated in the death.
Also at this time, analysis of the clinical trial material should begin in order to
confirm the content (i.e., drug or placebo) of the clinical trial material taken by
the deceased. Therefore, clinical trial material should be immediately shipped
back to the sponsor or appropriate laboratory for analysis.
Having initiated the specific actions, the monitor or other qualified person
should go to the study site to obtain all available additional information by thor-
oughly investigating all of the records, including not only the medical chart, but
also nurses’ notes, pharmacy records, and clinic charts. Information from the
subject’s history, including peculiar events such as experimental therapy that oc-
curred before their entry, will often reveal facts that may now be relative to the

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

death. Additional information can often be obtained by talking to relatives or
friends of the subject, although these conversations are usually carried out by the
investigator or the study coordinator. Table 1 summarizes Stage 1 investigations.
In our case example from the anticonvulsant Phase II study, the patient’s
medical records and data collection forms were intensively reviewed: the pa-
tient’s compliance in taking the test drug was checked; records of concurrent
medications were reviewed; and preliminary results from the autopsy, cerebrospi-
nal fluid sample, and blood-level analyses were reviewed.
During that first 24-hour period, after all available data are obtained and
scrutinized, a preliminary decision is made regarding the likelihood of the drug
contributing to the death. This decision determines whether to continue with the
study. Assuming the preliminary decision is made that the death is thought to be
unrelated to the test drug, several actions must still be taken until a final decision
is reached. If the test agent is in Phase I, the investigator can now be informed
to continue dosing of patients, but not to increase dosage more than the maximum
dose allowed at the time the death occurred. Also at this time, no new patients
should be entered into the study. Other subjects in the study at that site should
be informed of the death and given the option to discontinue. In addition, investi-

Table 1 Stage 1 Decisions to Be Made Immediately to Within 24 h of Death

1. Phone contact with investigator by medical monitor or other qualified person

a. Obtain preliminary, general information surrounding patient’s death.
b. Discontinue temporarily all dosing at site.
c. Break code for that patient, if a double-blind study.
d. Request the following:
(1) Autopsy
(2) Blood levels for drug(s) and metabolites
(3) Cerebrospinal fluid
e. Initiate steps to have clinical trial material analyzed.
f. Obtain from the investigator a written summary of the death.
2. Trip to study site by monitor or other qualified person
a. Begin thorough investigation of all records to obtain all facts and events
surrounding the death:
(1) Review intensively all medical records and patient’s data collection
(2) Check compliance, concurrent medication.
(3) Obtain preliminary results of autopsy, cerebrospinal fluid, and blood
b. Obtain past history and information about any peculiar events or previous
experimental therapy by talking to relatives.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Table 2 Stage 1 Actions to Be Taken if Preliminary Decision Indicates Death Is
Probably Unrelated to the Test Drug

1. Inform investigator to continue dosing, with no increase in dose (maximum dose at

time of death).
2. Enter no new patients.
3. Inform all patients at site of the death, and give the option of discontinuing.
4. Contact all other investigators (if any), informing them of preliminary results.

gators at other sites should be informed of the preliminary results of the investiga-
tion into the cause of death. Table 2 summarizes these actions.
In our anticonvulsant case example, all patients in this study were known
to be taking the test agent, so the cause of death had to be determined quickly.
All steps in Stage 1 of the investigation were performed, with the following

Autopsy: Cause of death undetermined

Blood levels: Normal
Cerebrospinal fluid: Not obtained
Compliance check: OK

Therefore, the preliminary decision was that the death was probably not drug
related. Thus dosing could continue, but no new patients could be entered. The
other study investigators were informed, and patients at the study site were told
of the death and given the option to discontinue. Of the patients hospitalized at
the site, only one chose to remain in the study.

B. Stage 2 Investigation
Stage 2 of the investigation lasts 1 week to 2 months and involves a thorough,
intensive review of all information. The following actions are taken:

Obtain and review final results of the autopsy, blood levels, and cerebrospi-
nal fluid.
Compile and review any available data from other study sites.
Conduct a more intensive review of the subject’s records and data collec-
tion forms.
Review the literature for any epidemiological factors that may be relevant
to the diseases or the population being studied.
Contact outside consultants.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Table 3 Stage 2 Investigation Activities 1 Week to 2 Months After Event

1. Obtain final results of autopsy, blood levels, and cerebrospinal fluid.

2. Conduct intensive review of data (data collection forms and hospital records).
3. Contact outside consultants from pertinent branch of FDA, academia, etc.
4. Compile and review all available data from other study sites.
5. Notify the FDA (within 3 days).
6. Check literature (epidemiological data).

Notify the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the death as soon as
possible, but within 3 days of the incident.

Table 3 summarizes the actions to be taken at this point in Stage 2 of the investi-
Having obtained all results, the determination can now be made as to the
relationship of the death to the test drug. Assuming the final decision is that the
death was not drug related, some specific actions must be taken. The investigator
can now be informed to allow an increase in dosing, permit new subjects to
enter the study, and continue the study according to protocol. Also, all other
investigators should be notified of the results and reminded to inform their Institu-
tional Review Boards. The FDA should be notified, and sent a complete written
report of the death. This report should include all available information on the
subject, including data collection forms, autopsy report, investigator’s report,
clinical trial material analysis report, pharmacist’s report, and monitor’s report
(Table 4).

Table 4 Activities After Determining the Death Is Unrelated to Test Drug

1. Inform and allow investigator to increase dosing.

2. Permit new patients to be entered into study.
3. Continue the study according to protocol.
4. Contact all other investigators:
a. Inform them of the results.
b. Remind them to inform their Institutional Review Boards.
5. Contact the FDA:
a. Inform them of the results.
b. Send them a complete written report of the death. (Report should include all
available information on the patient, including data collection forms, autopsy
report, investigator’s report, clinical trial material analysis report, pharmacist’s
report, and monitor’s report.)

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

In the case under discussion, all of the Stage 2 steps described above were
performed, with the following results:
Final autopsy: Cause of death undetermined
Data review: Not drug related
Consultants’ review: Not drug related
The literature was reviewed and it was found that sudden, unexpected death in
patients with epilepsy is not an uncommon occurrence, even in patients with an
average age of 32 years at the time of death (3). The FDA was sent a full written
report of the death; they concurred that it was not drug related. Therefore, the
study resumed as originally planned, without harmful effects. The only negative
effect of this death occurred later, when an Institutional Review Board at another
site refused approval of a proposed study because of the death.



This case report of an actual death was presented as an example to demonstrate

the steps required in a two-stage investigational process to determine the cause
of the death. It is worthwhile to mention the subsequent deaths that occurred in
this study, and the outcome of these events.
About 6 months later, another death occurred at a different site. This death
was the 50th patient entered in the study. The monitor had a serious decision to
make at that point. As a monitor, what would you do? Would you continue enter-
ing patients, or would you stop the study?
This patient, too, was a 31-year-old individual who died suddenly and unex-
pectedly in his home. Notably, however, the patient was only at baseline in the
study and had not received any medication; therefore, the decision was made to
continue the study. Had he already received test drug, the decision to continue
would not have been as clear-cut.
Another death occurred about 3 years later, in Phase II. The patient was a
26-year-old woman in the last week of the first treatment period of 12 weeks in a
multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of outpatients with epilepsy.
Because this was a placebo-controlled study, after receiving a call about her sud-
den, unexpected death, the code was broken for her alone. She had been assigned
placebo. Immediate steps were taken to confirm that the dispensed drug contained
no active medication. Analytical results confirmed within a few hours that the
packaged medication contained placebo, yet the same actions were taken to inves-
tigate the cause of death, to gather information for FDA reports, and to further
evaluate any relationships between the death and the study site. After a thorough
investigation, it was concluded that the patient was on placebo. Additionally, the

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

cause of death was disease related and in no way implicated the test drug, concur-
rent drugs, or study methodology. Therefore, clinical studies at all other sites
proceeded according to protocol.
In this example study of 225 patients with epilepsy, two other deaths oc-
curred. One death occurred in a man on treatment drug in an open Phase II study.
This death, however, was deemed disease related. The patient evidently had a
seizure while exercising with barbells and subsequently died of asphyxiation in
the accident.
Another disease related death in this study occurred when a 31-year-old
man had a tonic clonic seizure. However, he was still at baseline; thus, he had
never received the test drug.
Although this project progressed to Phase III in development, and in spite
of the fact that many of the patients became seizure free while on the drug even
though other antiepileptic medications did not control their seizures, the develop-
ment of the drug was discontinued. The placebo effect was not significantly dif-
ferent from the drug effect.


Assuming that a death is possibly or probably related to a test drug is another

matter. Actions must be taken to have all test drug discontinued and to recall
any unused test drug. The FDA should be notified and sent a full, written report.
All other investigators should be notified of the decision to discontinue.
What evidence will prove that death is drug related? It is hard to prove a
drug-related fatality conclusively. Evidence that might imply a drug effect is
given in Table 5.

Table 5 Evidence Needed to Prove a Death Is Related to Test Drug

1. Abnormally high blood levels of drug or metabolite.
2. A side effect appearing just before death and known to be related to the drug from
animal studies or other human data studies.
3. Some defined causes of death that would be unexpected in a given patient (e.g.,
acute kidney failure, aplastic anemia heart attack or stroke in a young,
nonhypertensive patient)


The placebo in a clinical trial should not be automatically dismissed as a possible

cause of a sudden and unexpected death in a clinical study. Consider the following

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

case from a Phase II study of an antidepressant drug. The study involved 64
depressed outpatients and had a 1-week placebo lead-in with 6 weeks of double-
blind, b.i.d. dosing. A 45-year-old woman missed her Week 6 visit. The study
site contacted the family and discovered that the subject had died unexpectedly.
Autopsy and assays were scheduled. The medical monitor reviewed all treatment
and test records, including the patient’s medical chart, case report forms, compli-
ance, clinical trial material, concurrent drugs, preliminary autopsy results, and
postmortem results. The patient’s history was reviewed by talking with family
members, and any pertinent information about unusual events and past experi-
mental therapies was noted. In addition, the unused clinical trial material was
shipped to the sponsor for analysis. The results of these investigations were as
Prior adverse experiences: None
Concomitant medications: None
Prior serious medical problems: No
Blood pressure: Normal
Serum chemistry: Normal, except slight cholesterol elevation
Hematology: Normal, except transient eosinophil elevation
ECG: Occasional PVCs; one instance of shortened QTc
Preliminary autopsy report: Cause of death undetermined
The patient had received clinical trial material for 5 weeks. After breaking the
blind for this patient, it was found she had been on placebo. Because the death
was not related to the test drug, the decision was made not to interrupt dosing
at the site.
The next step was to confirm that the patient was, in fact, taking placebo.
The remaining clinical trial material that had been returned to the sponsor was
analyzed, and the subject’s body fluids were examined for drug levels. All analy-
ses indicated placebo, so the adverse event was deemed to be serious and unex-
pected, but not associated with the active drug.


Although a clinical program may be progressing without any significant safety

issues, it is important to follow comparable compounds. ‘‘Class effects’’ have
been observed in the past. For example, a series of antiarrythmic compounds were
discovered to produce sudden unexpected death. Several companies pursuing that
class of compound choose to discontinue future studies even though sudden death
may not have been observed with their compound.
On the other hand, a sudden unexpected death in the same field could nega-
tively affect a program even if the death has no relationship to the product being
studied. For example, the sudden unexpected death of Jesse Gelsinger, who was

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

enrolled in a gene transfer protocol at the University of Pennsylvania, halted the
majority of gene transfer clinical trials in the United States. After an investigation
by the FDA, National Institutes of Health, Congress, and the press, the death was
reported to have been related to the vehicle (adenoviral vector) used to deliver
the gene to the target cells. Nonetheless, all gene transfer programs, whether or
not an adenoviral vector was used, were negatively affected by this unfortunate


A sudden, unexpected death is a possible occurrence in any clinical drug trial.

Although such an event is never easy to deal with, being prepared for the possibil-
ity of a death will help with the subsequent investigation and decisions that must
be made in the aftermath. Certainly, any unexpected death has the potential of
immediately ending a clinical program. Therefore, the situation must be dealt
with in a systematic and efficient manner that not only will determine the connec-
tion of the test agent to the event, but that still respects the dignity of others
involved in the study and the family of the deceased. Having a plan in place and
understanding the class of compound being studied and the field of use that is
being pursued will prove to be integral elements in the investigation.
In this chapter, we have presented various examples of deaths occurring
in clinical studies. The first death occurred in a subject known to be taking the
study drug, the second subject was still in baseline, and the third subject was on
placebo. The basic manner of investigating all three deaths was the same and
will generally apply to any unexpected death in a clinical trial. During the stages
of investigation, however, the medical monitor should keep in mind the Hippo-
cratic oath taken by physicians before entering practice. The oath states, ‘‘I will
prescribe regimens for the good of my patients, according to my judgment and
ability, and never do harm to anyone. To please no one will I prescribe a deadly
drug, nor give advice which may cause his death.’’


1. Cato A. Premarketing adverse drug experiences: data management procedures. Unex-

pected death occurring early in clinical trials. Drug Inf J 1987; 21(1):3–7.
2. Bernard C. An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine. Greene HC
(trans.). New York: Dover, 1957:101–102.
3. Terrence CF Jr, Wisotzkey HM, Perper JA. Unexpected, unexplained death in epilep-
tic patients. Neurology 1975; 25(6):594–598.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Clinical Trial Material—The Fuel for
Clinical Research

David F. Bernstein
Cato Research Ltd., Corona del Mar, California


In the context of clinical research, the preparation of clinical trial material (CTM)
satisfies the short-term objective of providing the correct, blinded drug product
(including various doses of the investigational drug, matching placebos, and
matching competitive products) according to a randomized medication allocation
scheme for a specific clinical study. As such, investigational products and their
packaging, labeling, and assembly into patient kits are customized for each clini-
cal study.
In the context of overall drug development, the preparation of CTM contrib-
utes to the evolving scientific database that is the basis for a New Drug Applica-
tion (NDA). This satisfies a long-term objective of product approval from the
chemistry, manufacturing, and controls (CMC) perspective. Often, the prepara-
tion of ever-increasing amounts of a variety of investigational drug products can
identify manufacturing or processing problems that can be corrected in future
batches. Stability data on CTM (which is required to support the specific clinical
study) can be used to identify potential commercial packages and, in selected
cases, can be used as supportive stability data for registration.
Since both clinical research and CTM preparation require a lengthy, multi-
year development process, the technical issues surrounding the clinical supply
chain are themselves evolutionary. The greatest challenge in drug development
from the CMC perspective is that CTM preparation is a miniproduction operation
conducted in a research and development (R&D) environment. The principles
and practices for manufacturing, packaging, and labeling that are well established

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

for commercial products need to be modified and adapted for the specialized
clinical supply environment.
In contrast to commercial products, where manufacturing processes, formu-
lations, specifications, analytical methods, and stability profiles are well estab-
lished, CTM is prepared under an evolutionary umbrella where every technical
aspect of a product is under continual change. Early in Phase I, of the clinical
development process, multiple strengths of investigational drug products are re-
quired to provide flexibility in dosing for ascending-dose tolerance safety studies.
Later, in Phase III of clinical development, multiple strengths may be required
for dose-ranging studies. Typically, formulations and manufacturing procedures
to support these two types of studies are different, reflecting advancing CMC
development and focusing of the desired clinical doses.
In addition, placebo products that match the active investigational product in
visual and organoleptic properties must also be developed. Often, Phase III studies
include a positive control drug or comparator product, which pose particular blind-
ing challenges. Due to extremely lengthy lead times in obtaining comparator prod-
ucts and then in performing manipulations to blind all products, these challenges
must be identified and addressed up to 15 months before the intended start of the
clinical study. The formulation and manufacturing process for capsules and am-
pules, which may be preferentially developed for a Phase I clinical study, will need
to be continually refined to accommodate scale-up and an increasing technical
knowledge base. These early dosage forms may need to be modified to tablets or
vials, which are preferred for expansive late clinical-phase development and com-
CTM is prepared under the legal requirements of Good Manufacturing
Practices (GMP) and the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) Good
Clinical Practice Consolidated Guideline (See sections 4.6 and 5.13 of ICH E6).
Complete compliance with GMP is expected for the first Phase I study, except
in several well-defined areas where strict compliance is impossible or impractical.
In these areas, alternative practices based on Good Common Sense, Good Docu-
mentation Practices (GDP), Good Scientific Practices (GSP), and Good
Housekeeping Practices must govern CTM operations. The areas where alterna-
tive compliance strategies must be devised involve the evolutionary nature of
CMC drug development.

Validation of manufacturing processes (based on three replicate batches)

is not expected in early CTM operations, since replication is the excep-
tion rather than the rule. Extensive process evaluation represents a GSP
as it contributes to the evolving scientific database. However, due to the
safety considerations inherent in injectable products, validation of either
aseptic process parameters or terminal sterilization is required for the
first-in-man (FIM) study.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Validation of analytical methods can be abbreviated. However, since far-
reaching decisions (e.g., release of CTM, data suggesting future develop-
ment problems) are based on analytical data, a reliable analytical method
that is capable of detecting the active pharmaceutical ingredient, any
impurities, and any degradation products should be available for FIM
Specifications are usually wide, since an insufficient number of batches
have been prepared on which to base typical tight commercial specifica-
Final, approved standard operating procedures (SOPs) may not be com-
plete. In these cases, all CTM operations can be conducted according to
a thorough, written protocol that defines exactly what will be done for
this clinical supply operation.
In contrast to the above examples, where flexibility is provided by the GMP
requirements, sponsors need to adopt more traditional approaches to some GMP
issues, including the following.
Trained scientists and technicians are required. Due to the highly special-
ized nature of all aspects of the preparation of CTM, commercial manu-
facturing technicians are rarely suitable for the customized packaging,
labeling, and assembly operations.
Manufacturing facilities may be small-scale versions of GMP-compliant
commercial manufacturing or facilities devoted to investigational prod-
ucts. In either case, attention to facility design, equipment qualifica-
tion, and written procedures governing all production operations are re-
Procedures to clean equipment and techniques to demonstrate and test that
residues of either the active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) or deter-
gents used in the cleaning do not remain are required. This cleaning issue
is a particular challenge when using contractors or multi-use equipment,
since neither the toxicological profile of the API or impurities has been
established. Even for a Phase I study, it would be inappropriate to have
yesterday’s drug residue in today’s investigational product.
Written formulation, manufacturing process, specifications and analytical
methods must be based on good science. These are the critical elements
that must be included in the IND.
GMPs provide minimum requirements. There are several areas requiring
controls that are more stringent than those normally used for commercial opera-
tions, including the following.
An easy-to-use change control system is necessary. Change is inevitable
during the preparation of investigational drug products, and deviations

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

to planned operations should be expected. Documentation of these devia-
tions contributes to a continual improvement process.
Quality assurance (QA) oversight is imperative, but the company must fos-
ter an attitude that quality is each employee’s responsibility. QA person-
nel should be cognizant of the specialized requirements inherent in the
preparation of investigational products.
Due to the lookalike nature of drug products in lookalike containers with
look-alike labels, written systems to eliminate any chance of mixups
must be in place. This is imperative, since mixups cannot be easily de-


The visible portion of the investigational supply process begins with the ordering
of drug supplies and ends with shipment of investigational products to the clinical
site. This is a sequential process that is not amenable to conducting operations
in parallel with the intent of saving time. These sequential processes require a
well-developed scenario, since each investigational supply project has a defined
cascade of activities. This cascade of activities needs to begin with excellent
communication of the overall clinical plan to clinical supply scientists and ends
with post-use accountability, reconciliation, return and destruction of CTM.
The preparation of CTM is customized in response to specific clinical pro-
tocols. The specialized nature of CTM operations does not lend itself to mass
production. Consequently, there is no clinical supply drug store that could imme-
diately supply the wide variety of investigational drug products in the wide vari-
ety of packages that are typically employed in clinical research. Packaged con-
tents (e.g., 30 capsules, 5 mL) are selected based on dosing frequencies and the
frequency of patient visits to clinical sites. Label copy, label text, and label sizes
are all customized and are subject to strict approval mechanisms, control and
separation of labels and inventory requirements. Global multicenter studies re-
quire language-specific labeling that addresses both domestic and international
regulatory requirements. Patient kits are not standard items; a 2-week, 6-week,
or 3-month supply of CTM would require three different-sized patient kits.
The investigational supply process is understandably time-consuming. It
would be nice if attempts to truncate time could be associated simply with in-
creased cost; however, projections of time frames are initially aggressive, and
attempts to shorten them often compromise quality. Any compromise of quality
during the preparation of lookalike drug products which are associated with spe-
cific patients can, and has, compromised an entire clinical study. Since it is diffi-
cult to detect mixups in even the best situation, sponsors often ask, ‘‘Are you
sure you packed my CTM correctly?’’ when the goals of a clinical study are not

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

realized. Only those firms that have conducted CTM operations according to GSP
and GDP will be able to answer that question.


Clinical supply projects are complex; they involve numerous separate functions
(manufacturing, packaging, labeling, testing), all of which usually follow differ-
ent departmental priorities. When multiple contractors are involved, the concept
of just-in-time clinical supplies is nice theoretically, but it is almost impossible
to achieve in practice.
Clinical supply projects that have had the benefit of parallel conceptualiza-
tion of the CMC program, the clinical program, and the resultant CTM program
have typically been completed in realistic, attainable, yet challenging time
frames. Defining any clinical supply project requires an early alert of the overall
clinical program so that bulk API or manufactured drug product requirements
and their lead times can be anticipated.
Since even draft or final clinical protocols often overlook many clinical
supply concerns (e.g., the frequency of CTM dispensing, overages needed to
account for missed clinical visits, packaging options to promote patient compli-
ance), these issues must be explored by alternative mechanisms. An early interac-
tive discussion among clinicians, statisticians, and clinical supply scientists can
identify and address the majority of issues that are inherent and unique to each
clinical study. In this way, trade-offs and options can be explored and the ‘‘best
way’’ and best time frame can be agreed to by all. Then, as the clinical protocol
is being finalized, clinical supply operations create a definition document. This
protocol covers all manufacturing, packaging, labeling, assembly, testing, and
distribution activities and identifies the responsibilities for and the details of each
of these activities.


Ordering CTM should occur in two stages, bulk and specific packaged product,
reflecting the lengthy lead times for manufacturing and the shorter lead times for
customized packaging activities.

Bulk supplies (the number of capsules, tablets, liters of liquid for an in-
jectable product) for the immediate clinical study, as well as the entire
clinical program, need to be estimated and manufactured. These projec-
tions need to include different dosage forms for bioavailability studies,

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

different strengths for dose–response studies, comparator products for
comparisons with the innovator, and placebos.
It is understandably difficult for clinical researchers to predict with certainty
their needs 6 or 12 months in advance in the specificity required by CMC
development experts. However, a substantial attempt must be made to
identify the maximum number of bulk supplies that could be required,
since the clinical supply chain begins with the availability of the API,
which itself requires 4 to 12 months in advance of CTM operations.
Once a clinical site is initiated, specific shipments can be directed to desig-
nated investigators for a specified number of potentially enrolled pa-
Obviously, due to the sequential nature of clinical supply operations and
the lengthy lead times for the preparation of the API (especially for complex
biotech products), projections of bulk supplies must be made early in the develop-
ment process and must consider all users, including toxicology, CMC develop-
ment, analytical development, as well as projected clinical requirements. Projec-
tion of specific shipments needs to be finalized at the time that the CTM definition
document is created, since numerous components (e.g., containers, closures, la-
bels, kit boxes, and shippers) need to be identified and acquired in addition to
the bulk drug product.


Investigational drug products are often manufactured to supply CTM for specific
clinical trials. The preparation of CTM is conducted under the umbrella of evolu-
tionary CMC activities that are directed at developing increasingly rugged and
sophisticated formulations and manufacturing processes. At some point in devel-
opment, CMC activities that have focused on CTM preparation need to be redi-
rected to supply the scientific and technical database for marketing registration
documents and commercial manufacturing.
An example of this evolutionary dosage form development process would
involve the development of a rudimentary, ‘‘simple’’ drug plus lactose hand-
filled capsule suitable for Phase 1 studies. Manual capsule operations can produce
500–1000 capsules per hour. As clinical requirements become larger, it will be
necessary to incorporate additional formulation ingredients (starch, lubricants)
that would be amenable to a semi-automatic encapsulation machine with its out-
put of 4000–8000 capsules per hour. The next variation suitable for expanded
Phase III studies and commercialization would involve high-speed encapsulation
(1000–1500 capsules per minute) and require the incorporation of additional for-
mulation ingredients (binders, disintegrants). If all three variations of this capsule
dosage form were to be developed, each would require preformulation studies
to determine drug–excipient compatibility and formulation studies to determine

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

the qualitative and quantitative amounts of all formula ingredients. Each variation
would require stability programs to demonstrate that the respective clinical prod-
ucts were stable throughout the clinical study.
Alternatively, and depending on the degree of difficulty of formula and
process development and the sales and marketing preferences between capsules
and tablets, one could develop a first-generation capsule that would be used early
in clinical development and supplanted by a second-generation sophisticated cap-
sule for later studies. During the lengthy Phase III studies, the CMC pharmaceu-
tics group would develop a tablet and offer that product to the clinical program
when available. In this case, a bioequivalence trial between the capsule and tablet
dosage form would ensure that the clinical data generated from the capsule dosage
form would be relevant to the intended tablet commercial dosage form that is
the subject of the NDA.
The evolving dosage form development process requires an appreciation
of the following two key interactions between clinical and product development.

What dose strengths will need to be developed? For Phase I ascending-

dose tolerance studies, subjects could receive multiple dosage units of
the no-effect dose, which would minimize the number of different formu-
lations to be developed and, hence, the total development time.
What dosage form and dose strength will be needed for the next series of
clinical trials?

The second question is of critical importance due to the asynchronous na-

ture of CMC and CTM development. This out-of-synchrony is due to the much
longer time frame for dosage form development, and manufacturing, packaging,
and labeling of CTM compared with clinical protocol development. Simply
stated, CTM for Phase I clinical trials must be formulated and manufactured prior
to the IND, and Phase III CTM must be developed and manufactured while Phase
II clinical trials are being conducted. These strategic issues are unique to each
clinical program and each clinical study, and efficient drug development pro-
grams will incorporate concomitant development of the overall clinical program
with the overall CMC program.
In contrast to commercially approved products, solid-dosage-form CTM
cannot contain a logo or other identifying trade dress in order to supply suitable
drug products for blinded studies. Bulk solid-dosage-form drug products are usu-
ally manufactured based on projected clinical requirements, equipment capabili-
ties, and availability of the API. Only the immediately identified clinical require-
ments and the nonclinical regulatory requirements (i.e., retained samples, test
samples, stability samples) are packaged. The balance is kept in bulk drums until
it is needed for future clinical or CMC studies. For injectable products, sterility
concerns require that the compounded liquid is filled into ampules or vials as part
of a manufacturing process. Since manufacturing operations for blinded clinical

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

studies often involve matching placebos, these look-alike drug products must be
strictly segregated, since there is no easy nondestructive technique to tell them apart.


The packaging of CTM is driven by the clinical protocol. Usually, to minimize

waste and maximize in-trial accountability, primary packages containing the drug
product are designed to accommodate a patient-visit schedule or a medication-
dispensing scheme. In an attempt to streamline this customized activity, large
pharmaceutical companies have attempted to standardize the bottle sizes that are
available from commercial production stock and to use them for a variety of
products regardless of the number of dosage units within the container. Small
companies without production facilities or companies that outsource clinical
packaging must treat the acquisition of packaging components (e.g., containers,
closures, seals, liner, rubber stoppers) as a custom activity in response to the
particular requirement of the protocol.
Primary packaging involves the selection of the container that is in contact
with the medication. The packaging components should be selected on the basis
of availability of adequate amounts of appropriate components, compatibility be-
tween the container closure system and the drug product, and corporate culture
(ampules versus vials, glass versus plastic bottles). Secondary packaging is dis-
cussed below in Sec. VIII.


Label is defined as the information and directions printed on the immediate con-
tainer; labeling refers to all other printed matter. In the United States, the only
legal requirement for label information is the ‘‘Caution—for investigational use’’
statement (21 CFR 312.6). However, other information is usually contained on
a label; some of this information is referred to in 21 CFR 201. The following
are usually included on CTM labels:
Name of sponsor.
Patient number or kit reference number.
Directions for use: For outpatient studies, specific patient directions are
recommended to promote patient compliance. Directions to refer to the
protocol are not helpful, since CTM dispensers and the pharmacy dis-
pensing the medication do not usually have access to the protocol.
Code number, which is a reference to the specific assembly operation. Since
this number must be the same for all products in a clinical trial, traceabil-
ity from an assembly operation to the specific batches of each product
used must be assured.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Caution statement, or in the European Union (EU), a statement that the
drug is intended for clinical trial use only.
Contents, which refers to the quantitative contents and dosage form or route
of administration (30 capsules, 10 mL for IV injection).
Clinical protocol number (or IND number)
A Caution Statement to keep the drug out of reach of children (for outpa-
tient studies only).
Storage statement (e.g., keep in refrigerator, store below 30°C [86°F]).
*Name of an investigator or clinical site reference code.
*Use by date, expiry or retest date.

Those items marked with an * are also required in the EU.

Multiple tear-off panels are used to document the manufacturing activity
downstream from primary packaging (e.g., reconstitution of a powder by the
clinical-site hospital pharmacist) or a dispensing operation (this panel would be
placed on the case report form). A variety of suppliers of computer-generated
labels or print shop labels are available, as well as several excellent systems
intended for in-house label generation. As in most CTM operations, due to the
specialized nature of clinical labeling, the generation of labels should be preferen-
tially handled by those familiar with the uniqueness of CTM labeling activities
rather than by a commercial printer.
Traditionally, patient numbers were preprinted on labels that were affixed
to the immediate container of the various drug products according to the medica-
tion allocation randomization code. This technique preallocated CTM to the spe-
cific patients who could be enrolled at a given site. Since predicted patient enroll-
ment often does not materialize and dropouts do occur, there is a greater potential
for unused CTM. While the preprinted patient number remains the major tech-
nique to associate a specific patient with the randomized treatment, alternative
techniques intended to conserve CTM are also being used.
These alternative techniques have been referred to as minimization, double
randomization, or material pooling. Basically, these techniques link specific pa-
tient kits to specific patients only at the time of enrollment. Since label operations
must attach specific labels to specific medication containers according to GMP
documentation requirements and the randomization code, each container is la-
beled with a unique alphanumeric code, which itself can be randomly generated
as shown in Table 1. This ‘‘kit randomization’’ needs to be associated with the
traditional patient randomization, and this linkage is done at the time of patient
enrollment. Table 1 illustrates that CTM containers for the active product are
labeled with randomized reference codes 521, 364, 905, and 872, while the pla-
cebo product is similarly labeled with its unique reference codes. As the first
patient is enrolled, a link is made between the patient name and Patient Number
101. The clinical site calls a central registration office that assigns the kit number
to be dispensed. The central registration office may be manned or will utilize an

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Table 1 Double Randomization

Patient randomization Kit randomization

Patient Drug Drug Kit

101 A A 521
102 P A 364
103 P A 905
104 A A 872
105 P P 244
106 P P 385
107 A P 191
108 A P 774

Interactive Voice Response System. The central office will then look up the drug
assignment for Patient 101 (which is active) and inform the site to dispense Kit
521. Similarly, the second patient at that site would be assigned Kit 244. Both
the clinical site, and central office document that Patient 101 received Kit 521.
This technique minimizes the CTM required at any clinical site, where space for
CTM is often at a premium, and reduces the potential for unused CTM due to
incomplete enrollment.


Assembly of CTM into patient kits is also known as secondary packaging, since
the actual drug product is not exposed to environmental conditions during this
operation. The use of patient kits facilitates dispensing by the clinical site, usage
by the patient, and return goods accountability by the clinical monitor.
The specific configuration of a patient kit depends on the frequency of
dispensing visits during the clinical trial. Examples of the contents of patient kits
are provided in Figs. 1 and 2.
Patient kits are often used even for ‘‘simple’’ Phase I studies involving
a less than simple dispensing scheme. In a placebo-controlled, ascending-dose
tolerance safety study, the no-effect dose of 10 mg was followed by dose escala-
tion to 20, 40, 80, 160, and 240 mg. Two cohorts of nine subjects (six on active,
three on placebo) would alternate doses so that each would take three doses.
Since it was impractical to develop seven different formulations (the six different
drug doses plus placebo), capsules containing placebo and 10 and 40 mg of drug
product were developed. Each subject took six capsules; depending on the dose
and the random allocation to active or placebo, the subject would need to take

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 1 Contents of patient kit.

a combination of the various capsules in order to obtain the correct dose, as

shown in Table 2.
Each individual patient bottle contained six capsules. Since each subject
was to take three doses (e.g., the subjects in cohort A were randomized to receive
10, 40, and 160 mg, while the subjects in cohort B were randomized to receive
20, 80, and 240 mg) and one of the three doses would be placebo, it was impera-
tive that the clinical site dispense the correct bottle in the exact sequence that
would preserve the ascending dose scheme and the random, predetermined as-
signment to placebo. There were two options for the preparation of the subject

Dose-level boxes that contained nine bottles of CTM, one bottle for each
patient could be prepared. In this option, six dose-level boxes, each con-
taining nine bottles and each bottle containing six capsules, would be
required. Label information would require that the dose level and patient
number be clearly highlighted. Since subjects for the initial 10-mg dose
level would be enrolled over a very short time period and all nine subjects

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 2 Contents of patient kit.

dosed on the same day, the dose-level box option facilitated the dispens-
ing process at the clinical site.
Subject kits that contained only the three bottles of CTM required for each
subject could be prepared. Eighteen subject kits, each containing three
bottles and each bottle containing six capsules, would be required. This
option provided greater control over specific subject CTM, but would

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Table 2 CTM Configuration for a ‘‘Simple’’ Phase I Protocol

Number capsules/bottles

Dose group Placebo 10 mg 40 mg

10 Active 5 1 —
10 Placebo 6 — —
20 Active 4 2 —
20 Placebo 6 — —
40 Active 5 — 1
40 Placebo 6 — —
80 Active 4 — 2
80 Placebo 6 — —
160 Active 2 — 4
160 Placebo 6 — —
240 Active — — 6
240 Placebo 6 — —

require that a specific bottle be located and dispensed to preserve the

ascending-dose scheme. While this can be easily accommodated by using
cap labels (since the caps are seen when the kit box is opened; see Fig.
2) that indicate first dose, second dose, and third dose, this scenario re-
quires the clinical site to search for one of 18 boxes.
Since the dose-level option involved only six boxes and since all subjects
would be dosed on the same day, the first option was chosen. Since this option
required customized labels (the dose-level box label would indicate ‘‘Contents—
nine bottles, dose level A, each containing six capsules,’’ while the subject kit
box label would indicate ‘‘Contents-three bottles, patient XXX, each containing
six capsules’’ and a ‘‘use first, use second label’’), a dialogue between clinical/
medical and clinical supply professionals encourages the ‘‘best way’’ to prevail.
These interactive discussions help to avoid false starts and last-minute changes
that can delay the initiation of clinical studies.


The release of CTM for distribution involves procedures that are similar to those
required for commercial products. However, basic differences between commer-
cial products and CTM require additional attention due to the following.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Since early CMC efforts may be minimal, the resulting formulation of an
early clinical drug product may be regarded as rudimentary. Manufactur-
ing processes have not been validated and since reasonable dose-to-dose
variations and acceptance limits cannot be any less stringent, occasional
batch failures can be anticipated. In one unfortunate case, a Phase III
clinical study was initiated using a ‘‘rudimentary Phase I formulation’’
for which powder blending time and efficiency had not been studied or
While the assay value (obtained by compositing the contents of 20 cap-
sules) was within the 95%–105% of label-claim acceptance limits, the
content uniformity (obtained by the analysis of 10 individual capsules)
did not pass the 85%–115% limit for this test. In this case, individual
capsules contained from 65% to 155% of label claim. Since individual
capsules were administered, a patient could receive a dose that was ran-
domly 2/3 to 11/2 times what was intended. Obviously, any clinical results
would not be based on a definitive dose and, hence, would be worth-
Investigational drug products are prepared from APIs that are undergoing
continuous refinement. During attempts to increase efficiency, yield, or
economies of larger scale, modifications of the chemical or biotech syn-
thesis are continual during early development. Often, unanticipated and
unintended new impurities appear in the API and are incorporated into
the drug product. Since toxicology studies have not been conducted on
these materials, the analytical method used to test investigational drug
products must be capable of detecting any new impurities. In addition,
since stability data are very limited for investigational drug products,
the analytical method must be equally capable of detecting degradation
products. It is important to note that degradation products occur as a
result of chemical change of the API or impurity over time, while impuri-
ties are organic volatile compounds or other unwanted chemicals that
result directly from the API synthesis.
In contrast to the testing and issuance of a Certificate of Analysis for the
entire batch of commercial products, investigational products involve a
two-step release. The GMP release (known in the EU as the technical
green light) may involve the release of only the portion of the batch
actually packaged for a specific clinical study. This approval must be
followed by a GCP release (known in the EU as the regulatory green
light), where it must be evaluated whether and confirmed that the IND
is current, Forms FDA 1571 and 1572 are filed and Institutional Review
Board (IRB) approval has been obtained.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


Once CTM is prepared into patient kits, shipment to clinical sites can be dictated
by patient enrollment. For multicenter studies, initial supplies can be used to open
a clinical site where resupply frequency is dependent on actual patient enrollment
at any given site.
Shipment of CTM should ensure that the drug products are protected
against exposure to undesirable environmental conditions. Often, early in the
development process, the absolute sensitivity of a drug product to excursions
outside acceptable ranges of temperature, humidity, or shear are unknown. In the
cases where drug is very expensive or in very limited supply, trial shipments to
a variety of dummy locations are made using placebo drug product where actual
environmental conditions are measured by markers, recorders, or high-tech de-
vices involving computer chips. These techniques are highly recommended for
biologics, proteins, or topical semisolid products, where freezing or refrigerated
conditions must be maintained or avoided or where freeze/thaw or refrigerated/
room-temperature cycling would be detrimental to product integrity.
Shipment by the sponsor is usually accompanied by a shipment/receipt
form intended to be completed by the clinical-site pharmacist or CTM study
coordinator and returned to the sponsor. This form represents the point in the
chain of custody of CTM which is at the interface of GMP (21 CFR 211.150)
and GCP (21 CFR 312.57, 312.59, and 312.62) requirements.


Returns of commercial products are usually associated with a recall situation

caused by a drug product not meeting its stability and shelf-life specifications.
In contrast, returns of CTM (or empty primary containers) are specifically re-
quired (refer to 312.59) regardless of whether it was unused, partially used, or
completely used so that reconciliation and accountability can be performed. Rec-
onciliation and accountability contribute to assessments of patient compliance,
the degree of which can influence the reliability of the clinical data. A growing
trend is to perform this accountability at the clinical site and then to send the
CTM directly for disposal.
In the EU, because of the requirement that an expiry or use date be printed
on the label, CTM that reaches the expiry date prior to the trial completion must
be returned so that replacement CTM can be supplied or, if warranted, the expiry
date can be extended. In the latter case, a relabeling operation (with the trial
reference number and the new revised expiry date) would need to be performed.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

This operation could also be performed at the clinical site. If this option is se-
lected, the relabeling should be performed by sponsor representatives who are
trained in the documentation procedures required by GMP.


In recent years, there has been a growing trend for outsourcing of various portions
of the investigational supply process. This need has resulted from the growth of
the large number of small, emerging firms that do not have facilities or the internal
expertise for manufacturing, packaging, or testing of CTM, coupled with the
trend for large pharmaceutical companies to out-source portions or all of their
clinical supply chain.
This trend can be seen by examining any list of contract services; there are
now over 12 formulation groups that focus on the preclinical development of
divergent dosage forms; over 25 analytical laboratories that can develop new
analytical methods, especially those for complex proteins; 7 manufacturing orga-
nizations devoted solely to CTM (not commercial) manufacturing; and 8 contract
packagers dedicated to clinical supply packaging and labeling.
Most contractors, especially those dedicated to clinical supply operations,
do a good job. Their effort can be universally measured by how well the project
is defined. Virtual companies that do not possess internal CMC/CTM expertise
are particularly vulnerable, since simply giving a contractor a draft clinical proto-
col and short time frame may result in a CTM configuration being barely adequate
and not meeting the overall project needs. Such firms should enlist the services
of competent clinical supply consultants who can assist them in the definition
process, suggesting the best approaches, and monitor contractor operations.
Since CTM operations are customized, contingency plans should be devel-
oped and changes should be anticipated because even the best definition docu-
ment may not address all the realities that appear during actual production opera-
tions. This is easily done by having a person in the plant during all critical CTM
activities; any deviations or unanticipated contingencies can then be addressed,
and client input and approval can be obtained immediately.


The preparation of CTM under GCP, GMP, GDP, and GSP represents good busi-
ness practices, since quality investigational materials need to meet both short-
term (i.e., specific clinical study) and long-term (i.e., NDA) objectives. As clinical
research progresses from Phase I to Phase III, early rudimentary investigational
drug products are replaced by sophisticated, fully evaluated formulations and
manufacturing procedures. Since changes to the formulation and manufacturing

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

process can effect product performance and, hence, clinical efficacy, a critical
concept that needs to be clearly addressed in the preparation of the NDA is the
link between the investigational drug product used for clinical studies and the
proposed commercial product.
The ideal scenario would require that a final formula, validated manufactur-
ing process, final analytical test methods and specifications, and the commercial
container closure system be identified and used during Phase III studies; therefore
the only difference between the investigational drug product and commercial
drug product is a less than 10-fold manufacturing-scale difference and specific
trade dress. Since most scenarios involve multiple changes in one or more of the
above aspects, product equivalence must be assured.
When CMC development has been compromised due to an early bare-bones
program, poor or inadequate technology transfer, last-minute changes to market-
ing package configurations, or increases in manufacturing batch size beyond the
10-fold limit, this linkage becomes more challenging and difficult. In some cases,
a bioequivalence study between the investigational drug product and proposed
commercial product may be needed. While this requires additional time and
money (estimates of 4 months and $100,000 would be reasonable), there is no
guarantee that these two products will indeed be bioequivalent. Accordingly, any
change in any of the CMC parameters discussed above should be evaluated ac-
cording to strict scientific guidelines (e.g., Scale Up and Post Approval Change
[SUPAC]). If this analysis indicates that a bioequivalence study would be prudent
(regardless of whether a regulatory agency would require one), good business
practices suggest that the study be conducted prior to submission of the NDA.
If this approach is adopted, a side benefit would be obtaining the experience of
producing a full-scale commercial batch.
Under contemporary regulatory policies, an NDA can be approved when
full-scale commercial manufacturing formulas and procedures are specified in
the submission even though this batch size has never been produced. Firms must
complete a formal process validation exercise prior to shipment, where three
replicate commercial batches must be prepared and meet predetermined specifi-
cations. In several cases, failure to validate the commercial manufacturing pro-
cess has been traced to an inadequate CMC development program. In these cases,
the manufacturing process must be tweaked or changed so that a commercial
drug product meeting the specifications can be consistently produced. These new,
changed process parameters also necessitate the demonstration of the link be-
tween the investigational drug product performance and the revised commercial
product. In isolated cases, these last-minute changes to manufacturing parame-
ters, coupled with an inadequate explanation of this link, have resulted in the
clinical database being questioned and the need to repeat one or more clinical
studies. These unfortunate scenarios, although rare, have occurred and could have
been prevented by proactive conceptualization of the clinical program in concert
with the CMC program.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

The Role of Pharmacokinetics
in Drug Development

Allen Cato III

Cato Research Ltd., San Diego, California

Richard Granneman
Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Illinois


Pharmacokinetics, a branch of biopharmaceutics, is a part of the pharmaceutical

sciences that describes the relationship between the processes of drug absorption,
distribution, metabolism (biotransformation), and excretion (ADME) to the time
course of therapeutic or adverse effects of drugs (1). Efficacy is determined by
the drug concentration at the site of action, which generally is correlated with
the drug concentration in the blood. The ultimate goal of pharmacokinetics is to
characterize the sources of variability in the concentration–time profile which
may be correlated with variability in efficacy and adverse events. Pharmacokinet-
ics can be used to guide dosage regimen selection and thereby optimize pharma-
cological effects and minimize toxicological effects when a drug is administered
to an individual patient. Thus, while the basic pharmacokinetic properties of a
drug are identified during the earliest stage of clinical drug development, the
many factors affecting the pharmacokinetics in the patient population must be
identified throughout the drug development process to enable proper dose selec-
tion for individuals.
Many factors within an individual are potentially capable of influencing
the drug concentration at the active site. These factors include (a) demographics
such as age, body weight or surface area, gender, and race; (b) genetics, particu-
larly for drugs metabolized by the polymorphic cytochrome P450 isoforms (e.g.,

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

CYP2D6, CYP2C19, CYP2A6); (c) environmental factors, such as smoking, diet,
and exposure to pollutants; (d) physiological and pathophysiological factors, such
as pregnancy, renal or hepatic impairment, and other disease states; (e) interac-
tions from concurrent administration of other compounds; and (f) other factors
which have been shown to affect drug pharmacokinetics, such as nature and tim-
ing of meals, circadian effects, activity and posture, and adherence to the dosage
regimen (compliance). Reduced efficacy or increased toxicity may result from
the inability to predict the resulting systemic drug concentration–time profile.
While pharmacokinetics describes physiological disposition events and
rates of a drug, it is a tool for achieving a variety of multidisciplinary research
and therapeutic goals. Pharmacokinetics is an applied, hybrid scientific discipline
that achieves its greatest potential when applied prospectively during the earliest
stages of drug development (2). Linking the pharmacokinetics and pharmacody-
namics (observable pharmacological response) of a drug in a descriptive quantita-
tive model may provide further insight into the factors influencing drug effects.
Additionally, population pharmacokinetic analysis can supplement information
obtained from classical pharmacokinetic studies, particularly for special popula-
tions of patients for which few complete pharmacokinetic profiles exists.
Recent advancements in molecular biology have led to an enhanced under-
standing of the diversity of function and expression of the drug-metabolizing
enzymes which may ultimately allow a more rational dosage selection. During
the drug development process, pharmacokinetics can provide a wide range of
information, from generalized ADME information to predictions based on sophis-
ticated mathematical models, all of which help to enable the safe and effective
therapeutic management of the individual patient. This chapter will first provide
a description of several basic pharmacokinetic concepts. The generalized scheme
of pharmacokinetic studies during drug development has changed little from the
description provided by Drs. Lai, Fleck, and Caplan in the first edition (3). Also,
many sources of pharmacokinetic variability and typical pharmacokinetic studies
conducted to characterize the variability will be highlighted. Finally, another ap-
proach to identifying the sources of pharmacokinetic variability, population phar-
macokinetic analysis, will be presented.


The brief history of pharmacokinetics has been described in detail previously

(4). The dramatic growth in the discipline of pharmacokinetics within the past 30
years may be attributed to the advent of digital computers and improved analytical
instrumentation allowing the measurement of very low concentrations of drugs
in biological fluids, on the order of a few picograms per milliliter (3). The pro-
cesses of absorption, distribution, biotransformation, excretion, and pharmaco-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

logical response are quite complex, but fortunately, fairly simplistic models may
be used to describe the observed concentration–time profile of many drugs. In
fact, model-independent methods are used to characterize the pharmacokinetics
of many drugs, particularly during the initial stages of drug development. Devel-
opment of models to accurately describe the pharmacokinetics may assist in the
design of future studies (i.e., dosage regimen and sample collection times).

A. Pharmacokinetic Models and Parameter Estimates

One of the most important applications of pharmacokinetics is the ability to make
predictions based on available data. To predict concentrations, a model must be
developed which can apply mathematical principles to the various physiological
processes involved in the pharmacokinetics of a compound. Compartmental mod-
els may be used to describe the pharmacokinetics of a compound; one-compart-
ment, two-compartment, or other multicompartment models may be developed.
The type of model is reflective of the pharmacokinetics of the drug. Some models
that attempt to incorporate specific physiological processes can become quite
complex, but all models are extremely simplistic depictions of the actual fate of
a drug in vivo. Fortunately, models need only to be adequate for the intended
use, and simple one- or two-compartment models describe the disposition of
many drugs fairly accurately. The most simplistic model is often selected, particu-
larly in the analyses of sparse ‘‘population pharmacokinetic’’ data from Phase
II and Phase III studies.

B. Absorption Rate and Extent

Particularly for immediate release formulations, the factors that influence the rate
and extent of absorption must be determined. During the preclinical phase of
drug development, the basic physicochemical properties are characterized, two
of which are the aqueous solubility as a function of pH and a measure of lipophil-
icity (e.g., the octanol–water partition coefficient, expressed as log P). For drugs
with high solubility, a positive log P value, and a low rate of degradation under
acidic conditions, few development difficulties would be expected for an oral
formulation. If these characteristics are not met, development of an oral formula-
tion with good bioavailability may pose significant challenges, and additional in-
vitro testing such as Caco-2 cell line examination of absorptive processes may
be warranted.
Routinely, promising drug candidates are screened in vivo through intrave-
nous (IV) and oral (PO) crossover studies to determine the absolute bioavailabil-
ity in animals. If the PO/IV area under the curve (AUC) ratio is high in one or
more species, this provides a cautiously encouraging projection for humans. If
the ratio is low but log P and solubility are high, low bioavailability could be

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

due to poor absorption or extensive first-pass loss of the drug. Examination of
the clearance after intravenous administration would provide additional insight.
The well-stirred model of hepatic metabolism is a useful tool in the estimation
of the extent of first-pass metabolism. According to this model, which assumes
extensive hepatic metabolism and complete absorption, the degree of hepatic ex-
traction (E ) is the ratio of clearance (CL) after intravenous administration to the
hepatic blood flow (Q h):
E⫽ (1)
If the IV blood CL of the drug is in the range of hepatic blood flow in that species
(2.5 L/h in the dog to 5 L/h in the mouse), low bioavailability may be due to
extensive first-pass metabolism.
For drugs with high first-pass metabolism in animals, many approaches
exist for predicting the CL and first-pass metabolism in humans. These are be-
yond the scope of the present review, but there are several techniques which have
had varying degrees of success (5). Allometric scaling (6,7), which assumes that
CL is dependent on body weight taken to some fractional power, often is used
to predict human CL by regressing the log CL in animals against weight and
extrapolating to the average weight for a person (70 kg). Unfortunately, CL in
people does not often fall on the regression line, usually deviating low, which
has prompted empirical corrections based on factors such as species longevity.
Other approaches involve scaling from in-vitro parameters, which also often re-
quire correction factors to account for disparities between animal in-vivo versus
in-vitro results. In any case, interspecies scaling usually has limited use in drug
discovery and development because typically few animal data are available when
the initial dose in humans is chosen.
Once human data are available, the apparent extent of first-pass metabolism
can be estimated with or without intravenous data. Using the foregoing assump-
tions for the well-stirred model, the apparent clearance after oral administration,
CL oral ⫽ (2)
reflects the intrinsic clearance (Cl int) of the drug. The fraction of the dose surviv-
ing first-pass hepatic metabolism ( f h) may be estimated as
fh ⫽ (3)
Q h ⫹ Cl oral
assuming complete absorption ( f abs) and no metabolism within gastrointestinal
cells ( f gi). In general, if CL oral is substantially lower than hepatic blood flow
(human hepatic blood flow rate ⬇ 90 L/h, plasma ⬇ 50 L/h), the extent of first-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

pass metabolism is probably low. If CL oral is higher than hepatic flow, it is likely
that either first-pass loss or poor absorption or both contribute to the low systemic
bioavailability. Intravenous administration of the drug and mass balance data are
essential to further define the pharmacokinetics of the compound.
Thus, the extent of absorption may be estimated, but substantial caveats
exist. The systemic bioavailability of a drug (F) is a composite product of f abs ,
f gi , f h , and perhaps additional factors in some cases. Certain drugs are highly
metabolized by enzymes within the gastrointestinal (GI) cells, particularly the
metabolizing enzyme cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A). Estimation of f gi is not
easily obtained. Determination of portal blood drug concentrations in hepatic
transplant patients during the anhepatic phase have shown that for some drugs
f gi may be as important of a determinant of bioavailability as f h . Absorption of
these drugs, many of which are CYP3A substrates, may be affected by a carrier-
mediated transporter composed of an ATP-dependent exsorptive system identi-
fied as the multidrug-resistant protein P-glycoprotein (Pgp) (8,9). This transporter
returns absorbed drug back to the lumen, where the drug may be reabsorbed or
excreted. If reabsorbed, the increase in GI tissue residence time provides addi-
tional opportunities for metabolism, which in turn affects f gi .
Traditionally, the rate of absorption is characterized by the pharmacokinetic
parameters peak concentration (C max) and the time elapsed to C max (T max). Other
approaches to characterize the rate of absorption have been suggested, most of
which are deficient under certain conditions. In addition to having the dimension
of a rate constant (h ⫺1), C max /AUC takes into account differences in the extent of
absorption (10). While the apparent absorption rate constant (k a) can be estimated
through modeling, it is a composite term that reflects the rate of systemic appear-
ance of the drug and does not allow differentiation of the potentially complex
rates of dissolution (k diss), transit to the absorptive site (k t) and absorption (k abs).
Additionally, modeling without IV data as a reference is subject to identifiability
errors for cases in which k a is comparable in magnitude to other processes of
distribution or elimination. With IV reference data, simultaneous modeling and
deconvolution techniques can characterize the rate of appearance of drug, but still
do not necessarily distinguish absorption from other presystemic events. With
controlled-release formulations where k diss ⬍ k abs , resolution is possible. In this
case, extensive regulatory guidelines exist for in vitro (dissolution)/in vivo corre-
Sources of interpatient differences in the rate and extent of absorption often
vary on a case-by-case basis. For drugs that are slowly or incompletely absorbed,
fundamental questions to be considered include: (a) the effect of GI pH on drug
degradation, which may be affected by antacids or antisecretory drugs, (b) the
effect of complexation or precipitation, (c) the effect of drugs that alter gastroin-
testinal motility such as prokinetic drugs or macrolides, and (d) disease states or
physiological conditions that might affect absorption or GI transit.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

C. Distribution
For many drugs, distribution of the drug throughout the body is essentially instan-
taneous. Conceptually, the entire body is contained within this compartment (one-
compartment model), and the drug is dosed into and is eliminated from a single
compartment. If a drug distributes immediately throughout a central compartment
which is composed of blood and highly perfused organs such as the liver, and
more slowly into a peripheral compartment such as adipose tissue, the disposition
profile may be described with a two-compartment or other multicompartment
model. The amount of drug administered and the apparent volume within which
the drug distributes (volume of distribution, V) will determine the concentration
of the drug within the systemic circulation. Although the blood volume is about
5 L in a typical adult (11), the apparent volume of distribution could be much
greater due to the distribution of the drug into extracellular or intracellular fluid
or into body tissue. If a drug distributes into an apparent volume of about 15 L,
its distribution may be limited to extracellular fluid. Volumes of distribution
larger than 15 L generally indicate intracellular partitioning and reflect the ratio
of unbound drug in the intracellular and extracellular compartments

V ⫽ 7.5 ⫹ 7.5 ⋅ f u ⫹ 27 ⋅
冢 冣
f uR

where f u is the fraction unbound in plasma and f uR is the fraction unbound in

tissue (12). If binding is similar for plasma and cellular components, the distribu-
tion volume may approximate body water (42 L). If tissue binding is high, such
as for many basic, lipophilic drugs, distribution volumes of 1000 L or more can
result (13). The distribution of a drug into tissues may vary widely, depending
on the nature of tissue, but the distribution volume is strongly affected by the
tissue to plasma (T/P) ratios of muscle and fat, which together comprise approxi-
mately half of total body weight.

D. Clearance
Expressed as volume/time, CL refers to the volume of plasma from which the
drug is totally removed over a specified period of time. The total CL of a drug
is a combination of individual clearances by any mechanism such as biotransfor-
mation, renal excretion, or biliary excretion. Clearance is one of the most impor-
tant of the pharmacokinetic parameters because it determines the AUC for a given
dose, and along with the distribution volume, determines the terminal-phase half-
life. In particular, clearance provides significant insight when compared to the
blood or plasma flow to the eliminating organs.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

For renally eliminated drugs, the net plasma renal clearance,
CL R ⫽ (5)
where A e is the amount excreted unchanged, is the sum of glomerular filtration
(maximum of 7.5 L/h, or 125 mL/min) and tubular secretion (maximum of
around 40 L/h) minus the effect of reabsorption. The glomerular renal clearance
of a drug is dependent on the product of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and
f u , whereas tubular secretion is dependent on total renal blood flow and the intrin-
sic clearance of the carrier protein. Tubular reabsorption is sensitive to luminal/
plasma pH gradients for ionized drugs (e.g., urine alkalization enhances elimina-
tion of weak acids), and is often affected by urinary flow rates (e.g., low urinary
output may enhance reabsorption). Drugs with significant secretion components
(CL R ⬎ f u ⋅ GFR) may display nonlinear clearance and be subject to competitive
inhibitory effects mediated at the same carrier (e.g., cephalosporins and probene-
cid). For any drug in which CL R is a significant component of total CL, the
characterization of the pharmacokinetics in subjects or patients with various de-
grees of renal dysfunction is essential.
For drugs that are extensively metabolized, a number of models have been
developed to predict the factors affecting CL. Of these, the well-stirred model
is the most basic and widely used for conceptual purposes. Briefly, the CL of
unbound drug after IV administration is dependent on two factors: blood flow
rate to the liver and the intrinsic clearance of the eliminating enzymes:
Q h ⋅ fu ⋅ CL int
CL ⫽ (6)
(Q h ⫹ fu ⋅ CL int)
where Q h is hepatic blood (or plasma) flow, f u is the unbound fraction, and CL int
is the intrinsic clearance. The Michaelis-Menten equation describes CL int:
CL int ⫽ (7)
Cs ⫹ Km
where V max is the capacity of the enzyme (or carrier) system, C s is the systemic
concentration, and K m is the Michaelis constant.
For drugs with low intrinsic clearance in which f u ⋅ CL int ⬍ Q h , first-pass
hepatic metabolism is low after oral administration, and interpatient differences
in clearance are mainly dependent on the level of expression of the enzyme (i.e.,
CL ⬃ f u ⋅ CL int). For drugs with high intrinsic clearance in which f u ⋅ CL int ⬎⬎
Q h , first pass metabolism is extensive, and clearance is largely affected by hepatic
blood flow (i.e., CL ⬃ Q h). The interpatient variability tends to be high for drugs
with high intrinsic clearance because a number of factors affecting Q h can affect
first-pass and postabsorptive metabolism. For example, changes in posture,
meals, and concomitant administration of certain other drugs can produce tran-
sient changes in Q h by 50%.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

E. Biotransformation
Screening of potential new drug candidates is now a multifaceted, interdisciplin-
ary effort. An essential aspect of screening is the initial characterization of the
enzymes involved in the clearance of extensively metabolized drugs. Knowledge
of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoforms involved in the metabolism allows initial
predictions of the potential for nonlinearity, high interpatient variability, and
drug–drug interactions. CYP isoform identification commonly involves (a) corre-
lation studies in which the rate of metabolism for the drug is regressed against
the rate of metabolism for standard specific probe substrates in a library of human
microsomes, (b) inhibitor studies in which specific inhibitors for the various iso-
forms are added to incubations of the probe substrate, (c) isoform-specific anti-
body studies, and (d) studies of the kinetics of oxidation of the drug using micro-
somes from cell lines that have been transfected with high levels of a specific
human CYP isoform. Given comparable pharmacological, toxicological and
pharmacokinetic characteristics, a drug with metabolism by multiple isoforms,
or elimination by several routes, would typically be selected over a drug that
depends on a single CYP isoform or route of elimination. Similarly, drugs with
dominant metabolism by one of the genetically polymorphic enzymes have a
higher risk factor for continued development.
In addition to identification of the isoform(s) involved in metabolism of
the drug, the interaction potential of the new drug, including its effects on cosub-
strates, and the effects of known inhibitors on the new drug candidate may be
determined. From a simplistic approach, drugs with high affinity (low K m) to a
specific isoform have a high potential of being inhibitors of that isoform. Drugs
with low affinity are prone to large effects from other drugs that are potent inhibi-
tors of that isoform. With two-way interaction data in vitro with human micro-
somes or cDNA expressed systems, the qualitative spectrum of drug interactions
may be estimated, and occasionally the estimates of the magnitudes of effects
may be similar to observed clinical effects. With appropriate in-vitro information,
and the knowledge of the drugs likely to be used concomitantly with the new
drug, a rational program of drug–drug interaction studies can be devised.
In humans, seven isoforms account for most of the identified CYP-mediated
metabolism: CYP1A2, CYP2A6, CYP2C8/9/10, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP2E1,
and CYP3A4 (14). It has been estimated that CYP3A is involved in the metabo-
lism of more than 50% of the CYP-metabolized drugs in current use (15). The
fraction of total P450 for the isoforms has been characterized in human micro-
somes as 30% CYP3A, 20% CYP2C, 13% CYP1A2, 7% CYP2E1, 4% CYP2A6,
1–5% CYP2D6, and ⬍1% CYP2A6 (16).
The most abundant and voracious isozyme, CYP3A is capable of metabo-
lizing a wide variety of substrates, including calcium channel antagonists, triazo-
lobenzodiazepines, and numerous natural products. Although polymorphism for

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

CYP3A4 has not been demonstrated, it is highly variably (⬎10-fold) expressed
across individuals, and is induced by dexamethasone, rifampicin, and several
anticonvulsants (17). CYP3A is also present in several tissues, most notably intes-
tine (18).
Because CYP3A metabolizes a large number of substrates, a new drug
with dominant CYP3A metabolism may exhibit competitive inhibition. In-vitro
experiments that define the drug as a strong inhibitor or easily affected by strong
inhibitors are valuable information. Strong inhibitors of CYP3A include the azole
antifungals, macrolides, and calcium channel antagonists. If the drug does not
appear to be a likely inhibitor of other CYP3A substrates (i.e., typical steady-
state concentration ⬍⬍ K i or IC 50 for a probe substrate), then formal clinical inter-
action studies may be unnecessary. However, in-vitro to in-vivo extrapolation is
generally only semiquantitative, and at least one confirmation of in-vitro results
typically is necessary.
For a new drug that has a high fraction of total clearance by CYP3A metab-
olism, interactions with other drugs that are strong inhibitors of CYP3A would
be expected. The magnitude and relevance of the interaction are difficult to pre-
dict, and typically require a clinical drug–drug interaction study. For example,
for a drug with 40% CYP3A metabolism and a wide therapeutic index, 50%
CYP3A inhibition (i.e., an AUC increase of less than 30%) is not likely to achieve
clinical relevance. While formal Phase I interaction studies can be conducted
with strong inhibitors, another approach that is becoming increasingly utilized is
population pharmacokinetic analyses of data obtained from Phase III studies.
CYP2D6 is polymorphic, but most people have the extensive metabolizer
(EM) phenotype. Approximately 8% of the Caucasian population have the poor
metabolizer (PM) phenotype of CYP2D6 (19). The PM phenotype is more rare
in African-Americans (20–22), Spanish (23), Turkish (24), and Saudi Arabian
populations (25), with the lowest prevalence among Orientals (⬃1%) (26). A
small fraction of the population are very rapid metabolizers, apparently because
of gene amplification (27) or duplication (28). Induction of CYP2D6 activity has
not been demonstrated. CYP2D6 has relatively well-defined requirements for
substrates: an extended hydrophobic region and a positively charged basic nitro-
gen positioned from 5 to 7 Å from the site of oxidation (29,30). Quinidine, fluox-
etine, norfluoxetine, and paroxetine are potent inhibitors of CYP2D6, and can
confer PM status to extensive metabolizers (31–38).
For drugs that are extensively metabolized by CYP2D6, there is often high
interpatient variability in the pharmacokinetics. The high variability is due in part
to polymorphism of the isozyme, but other aspects, such as the overall low level
of expression of this enzyme resulting in a low V max , also contribute to high
variability. For some substrates of CYP2D6, the binding affinity can be quite
high with a low capacity, potentially resulting in nonlinear pharmacokinetics.
Also, because many agonists and antagonists of biogenic amines have a basic

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

nitrogen with oxidizable functional groups at the requisite distance, a variety of
psychotropic and cardiovascular drugs are substrates of CYP2D6.
In the selection of drug candidates for development, extensive metabolism
by CYP2D6 is generally viewed as a liability. Genotyping or phenotyping pa-
tients prior to treatment may be required. Accordingly, evidence of partial metab-
olism (⬎50%) by other enzymes (CYP1A2, CYP3A) or glucuronidation is ade-
quate for advancement of a candidate to clinical status. Even if a drug candidate
is partially metabolized by CYP2D6 and K m or K i are 0.1 µM or higher (compared
to typical concentrations of less than 0.1 µM), the predictability of in-vivo interac-
tions based on in-vitro data generally is poor. The reasons for the low predictabil-
ity are not entirely clear; however, the tissue-to-plasma ratios for these drugs
tend to be high (⬎5), and plasma concentration-to-K i ratios (C p /K i ) tend to under-
estimate the magnitude of interactions in vivo.
The CYP2C family comprises CYP2C8, CYP2C9, CYP2C10, and
CYP2C19 (CYP2Cmp). The most information is available for CYP2C9 and
CYP2C19. Phenytoin, hexibarbital, and S-warfarin are well-known substrates of
CYP2C9 (39), which appears to be inducible. One of the most noteworthy sub-
strates of the CYP2C19 isoform is S-mephenytoin, which is used for phenotyping
(40). CYP2C19 also oxidizes the proton pump inhibitors (e.g., omeprazole and
lansoprazole), and diazepam (41–43). The enzyme is polymorphically expressed,
with the PM phenotype being more prevalent in Orientals (⬃20%) than in Cauca-
sians (⬍5%) (42). A small portion (less than 1%) of the population may be defi-
cient in this isoform.
CYP2E1 oxidizes a limited number of small substrates (e.g., acetamino-
phen, chlorzoxazone, and volatile anesthetics), and has been widely studied in
relationship to toxic metabolites and alcoholism (44,45). CYP2E1 is inducible
by ethanol, which could lead to an increase in the metabolism of drugs that are
metabolized at least in part by CYP2E1 (46). In addition, isoniazid can change
CYP2E1 activity (47).
CYP2A6 is best known for its role in the metabolism of coumarin, and
CYP2A6 is one of several enzymes capable of converting nicotine to cotinine.
Expression of the enzyme is low and genetic polymorphism has been described,
with approximately 2–5% deficient alleles (48). The enzyme is inhibited by sev-
eral compounds, including imidazole antifungals, methoxsalen, and pilocarpine
The CYP1A family consists of CYP1A1 and CYP1A2. CYP1A1 is ex-
pressed in extrahepatic tissues, notably lung, lymphocytes, and placenta.
CYP1A2 substrates are typically planar aromatics, including antipyrine (50),
acetaminophen (51), tacrine (52), clozapine (53,54), theophylline (55), and caf-
feine (55). CYP1A2-mediated oxidation is a minor pathway in the metabolism
of many other drugs, and this isoform is inhibited by fluvoxamine (56). CYP1A2
is easily inducible, and induction has been associated with carcinogen activation.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Potent inducers of this isoform are typically small planar aromatics. Most
substrates with significant CYP1A2 metabolism also have relatively large differ-
ences (typically two-fold) in CL between people who smoke and those who do
not. Thus, evaluation of the effect of smoking on CL is standard for any drug with
substantial elimination by CYP1A2. For theophylline, interpatient differences in
clearance by CYP1A2 appear to be affected by numerous factors related to diet,
including protein content, caloric content, and intake of cruciferous vegetables
and charbroiled meats.
Although glucuronidation by glucuronosyl transferases (GTs) is often a
secondary metabolic pathway for elimination of oxidation products, there are a
large number of drugs that are directly conjugated (57). The most common sub-
strates are carboxylic acids (e.g., valproic acid and nonsteroidal anti-inflamma-
tory drugs), and hydroxy-substituted drugs such as alcohols and phenols (e.g.,
morphine, propranolol, steroids). Tertiary amines (e.g., imipramine, amitripty-
line) and aromatic amines (e.g., nicotine, lamotrigine) are also directly conju-
gated. Compared with CYP isozymes, less information is available about the
substrate specificity of the human GTs, and predictions of pharmacokinetic conse-
quences of GT metabolism based on in-vitro data are rarely accurate.
There are three major GT gene families, of which two—UGT1A and
UGT2B—are the most frequently involved in drug elimination. Nine human GTs
have been cloned, and there is considerable overlap of substrate specificity.
Within the two families, three isozymes are the most frequently involved in glu-
curonidation: UGT1A4 (conjugation of amines), UGT1A7 (flavonoids, β-block-
ers, propofol), and UGT2B7 (valproate, NSAIDS, morphine). The genes are inde-
pendently regulated, but several drugs that induce CYP isoforms also increase
the activity of GTs. At least two inborn errors, Crigler-Najar disease and Gilbert’s
syndrome, result from conjugative defects. The latter is fairly common (5–12%),
but the kinetic consequences for drugs that are conjugated are not well character-
Conjugation by GTs presents several pharmacokinetic challenges in drug
development. For drugs forming glucuronides, animal data may reflect a high
degree of enterohepatic recycling (ER), particularly for the rat. Unfortunately,
data in animals may not be relevant to humans, and estimation of the extent of
ER in humans is formidable. Often, secondary peaks in the plasma concentration-
versus-time profile accompanied by recovery of unchanged parent drug in feces
is indicative of ER. Pharmacokinetic modeling of ER in some cases may provide
estimates of the degree of ER. Unrecognized extensive ER can result in substan-
tial errors for prediction of the extent of first-pass metabolism based on oral
clearances using the well-stirred model. In some cases, the glucuronides are un-
stable at physiological pH.
In addition to the extent of glucuronidation, predictions of drug interactions
based on in-vitro or animal data are difficult for GT substrates. For example,

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

co-administration of valproate (UGT2B7) can decrease the clearance of several
compounds conjugated by the same or even different isoforms, such as lorazepam
(presumptively, UGT2B7), lamotrigine (UGT1A4), and zidovudine (unknown).
However, valproate has no effect on some other conjugated substrates such as
acetaminophen (UGT1A6). Although competitive inhibitory effects are certainly
a likely mechanism for interaction, transient depletion of UDP-glucuronic acid
also is a possibility.

F. Pharmacodynamics
While pharmacokinetics describe the processes and rates of drug movement from
the site of absorption into the blood, distribution into the tissues, and elimination
by biotransformation or excretion, pharmacodynamics describes the drug effects
once it has reached the site of action (58). Typically, pharmacodynamics are
described by the parameters estimated from a mathematical model which may
have a biological or empirical basis. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
are often modeled simultaneously because estimation of pharmacodynamic pa-
rameters using observations of drug effects in vivo requires a description of drug
concentrations at the time of the effect. A commonly used pharmacodynamic
model is the E max (or sigmoid E max) model. Concentration is the link between the
pharmacokinetic model (PK), relating dose to concentration, and the pharmaco-
dynamic model (PD), relating concentration to effect.
For drugs that cause an effect that is easily measured (e.g., change in blood
pressure), PK/PD modeling can provide insight to various factors influencing the
effects. Once the concentration–effect relationship has been defined, pharmacoki-
netic changes can be used to predict the change in intensity of a specific therapeu-
tic effect or adverse event. Predictions based on pharmacokinetic changes can
help optimize experimental designs and potentially can reduce the number of
studies conducted to improve the speed of drug development. In addition, the
results of PK/PD modeling can help to chose an appropriate dosage form and
regimen with respect to both efficacy and safety (59). Unfortunately, for many
drugs (e.g., anticancer drugs), PK/PD modeling is difficult at best because of the
nature of the efficacy data. However, PK/PD modeling of toxicity data may be



Clinical drug development follows a sequential process, with preapproval seg-

ments Phase I–III and a postapproval segment Phase IV. The definitions of the
three preapproval phases have relatively clear separations. However, the different

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

phases refer to different types of studies rather than a specific time course of
studies. For example, bioequivalence studies or drug–drug interaction studies are
both Phase I studies, but they may be conducted after Phase III studies have been
initiated. The generalized sequence of studies may be tailored to each new drug
during development. Regulatory agencies have specific guidelines for the format
and content of the clinical pharmacokinetics and bioavailability section of a New
Drug Application (NDA). The pharmacokinetic section of a NDA typically con-
tains information pertaining to the following:

Protein binding
In-vitro testing methodology
Analytical methodology
Bioavailability/bioequivalence information (including food effects)
Pharmacokinetic parameter estimates
Dose proportionality
Special populations
Drug–drug interactions
PK/PD relationships
Population PK/PD analyses
Support of labeling

A. Phase I
New drugs should be studied in people as early as safety allows. The initial
introduction of a new drug into subjects are the first Phase I studies. These studies
are closely monitored, typically conducted in healthy adult men, and are designed
to obtain information on the safety, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacological ef-
fects of the drug. In addition, the metabolic profile, adverse events associated
with increasing doses, and evidence of efficacy may be obtained. The primary
goal of Phase I studies is to demonstrate safety in humans while collecting suffi-
cient pharmacokinetic and pharmacological information to permit the determina-
tion of the dosage strength and regimen for Phase II studies. Because most com-
pounds are available for initial studies as an oral formulation, the initial
pharmacokinetic profile usually includes information about the absorption phase.
Additional studies, such as drug–drug interactions, assessment of bioequivalence
of various formulations, or other studies involving normal subjects are included
in Phase I.
Generally, the first study in humans is a rising, single-dose tolerance study.
The initial dose may be based on animal pharmacology data, such as 10% of the
no-effect dose. Doses are increased gradually according to a predetermined

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

scheme, often some modification of the Fibonacci dose escalation scheme (60),
until an adverse event is observed which satisfies the predetermined criteria of
a maximum tolerated dose (MTD). While the primary objective is the determina-
tion of acute safety in humans, the studies are designed to collect meaningful
pharmacokinetic information. Efficacy information or surrogate efficacy mea-
surements also may be collected. However, because a multitude of clinical mea-
surements and tests must be collected to demonstrate safety, measurements of
efficacy parameters must not compromise the collection of safety and pharmaco-
kinetic data.
Appropriate biological samples for pharmacokinetic assessment, typically
blood and urine, should be collected at discrete time intervals based on extrapola-
tions from the pharmacokinetics of the drug in animals. Depending on the assay
sensitivity, the half-life and other pharmacokinetic parameters in healthy volun-
teers should be evaluable, particularly at the higher doses. The degree of exposure
of the drug is an important factor in understanding the toxicological results of
the study. Pharmacokinetic linearity (dose linearity) or nonlinearity will be an
important factor in the design of future studies.
Once the initial dose has been determined, a placebo-controlled, double-
blind, escalating single-dose study is initiated. Generally, healthy male volunteers
are recruited, although patients sometimes are utilized (e.g., in testing a potential
anticancer drug which may be too toxic to be administered to healthy volunteers).
These studies may include two or three cohorts of six or eight subjects receiving
the active drug and two subjects receiving placebo. The groups may receive alter-
nating dose levels which allows assessment of dose linearity, intrasubject vari-
ability of pharmacokinetics, and dose response (i.e., adverse events) relationship
within individual subjects.
Participants in the first study are hospitalized or institutionalized so that
clinical measurements can be performed under controlled conditions and any
medical emergency can be handled in the most expeditious manner. The study
is placebo-controlled and double-blind so that the drug effects (e.g., drug-induced
ataxia) can be distinguished from the non-drug effects (e.g., ataxia secondary to
viral infection). The first study in humans should not be considered successfully
completed until an MTD has been reached, because the relationship between a
clinical event (e.g., emesis) and a particular dose level observed under controlled
conditions could be extremely useful information for the design of future trials.
Also, the dose range and route of administration should be established in Phase
I studies.
A multidose safety study typically follows completion of the first study in
humans. The primary goal of the second study is to define an MTD with multidos-
ing prior to the initiation of well-controlled efficacy testing. The study design of
the multidose safety study should simulate actual clinical conditions in as many
ways as possible; however, scientific and statistical validity must be maintained.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

The inclusion of a placebo group is essential to allow the determination of drug-
related versus non-drug-related events. The dosing schedule, including dosages,
frequency, dose escalations, and dose tapering should simulate the regimen to
be followed in efficacy testing.
Typically, dosing in the second study lasts for a minimum of 2 weeks. The
length of the study may be increased depending on the pharmacokinetics of the
drug so that both drug and metabolite concentrations reach steady state. Also, if
the drug is to be used to treat a chronic condition, a study duration of 4 weeks
may be appropriate. To obtain information for six dose levels with six subjects
receiving active drug and two receiving placebo for each of two cohorts, a mini-
mum of 24 subjects would be anticipated to be enrolled. Similar to the first study
in humans, these subjects would be institutionalized for the duration of the study.
Also similar to the first study, obtaining pharmacokinetic data is an impor-
tant objective, because these data will be used to help design dosage regimens in
future efficacy trials. The new pharmacokinetic information that can be gathered
includes: (a) whether the pharmacokinetic parameters obtained in the previous
acute safety study accurately predicted the multidose pharmacokinetic behavior
of the drug, (b) verification of pharmacokinetic linearity (i.e., dose proportionality
of C max and AUC) observed in the acute study, (c) whether the drug is subject
to autoinduction of clearance upon multidosing, and (d) the existence and accu-
mulation of metabolites that could not be detected in the previous single-dose
study. A number of experimental approaches can be utilized to gather this infor-
mation, and all require frequent collection of blood and urine samples. The chal-
lenge to the clinical pharmacokineticist is to design an appropriate blood sample
collection schedule to maximize the pharmacokinetic information that can be
gathered without biasing the primary objective—determination of safety parame-

B. Phase II
After the initial introduction of a new drug into humans, Phase II studies focus
on efficacy while using the pharmacokinetic information obtained in Phase I stud-
ies to optimize the dosage regimen. Phase II studies are not as closely monitored
as Phase I studies, and are conducted in patients. These studies are designed to
obtain information on the efficacy and pharmacological effects of the drug in
addition to the pharmacokinetics. Additional pharmacokinetic and pharmacologi-
cal information collected in Phase II studies may help to optimization the dosage
strength and regimen, and may provide additional information on the drug’s
safety profile (e.g., determine potential drug–drug interactions).
Efficacy trials of the drug should not to be initiated until the MTD has been
defined. In addition, the availability of pharmacokinetic information in healthy
volunteers is key to the design of successful efficacy trials. The clinical pharmaco-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

kineticist assists in the design and execution of these trials in addition to analyzing
the plasma drug concentration data upon the completion of the efficacy studies.
During the planning stage of an efficacy trial, the focus of the clinical phar-
macokineticist is the dosage regimen and its relationship to efficacy measure-
ments. Based on the mathematical model derived from the first two studies in
humans, the pharmacokineticist can simulate plasma drug concentrations for vari-
ous dosage regiments. The disease and/or physiological states of the test patients
(e.g., organ dysfunction as a function of age), concurrent medications (e.g., en-
zyme inducers or inhibitors), and the safety data obtained earlier must be taken
into consideration before arriving at an optimal regimen for inclusion in the proto-
col. In addition, if the targeted site of the drug is in a tissue compartment, the
clinical pharmacokineticist can simulate theoretical drug levels in this compart-
ment and recommend appropriate times for efficacy measurements.
During the execution of the study, the services of a clinical pharmacokinet-
icist can be especially useful when serious adverse experiences occur. A clear
understanding of the pharmacokinetics of the drug definitely helps in tackling
overdose cases with respect to the selection of a remedy. Furthermore, plasma
drug level data in combination with pharmacodynamic information sometimes
may allow the distinction of whether an unusual response to the drug has a phar-
macokinetic versus a pharmacodynamic basis. For drugs with narrow therapeutic
margins such as antiarrhythmics, therapeutic drug monitoring by a clinical phar-
macokineticist will increase the safety of the patients during efficacy trials. Thera-
peutic drug monitoring becomes even more important if there exists the possibil-
ity of a toxic metabolite.
Upon completion of the efficacy trial, the clinical pharmacokineticist can
define a therapeutic window in terms of plasma drug levels by reviewing the
correlation between plasma drug concentrations and key safety and efficacy pa-
rameters. The goal is to improve efficacy and safety of the drug by individualiza-
tion of dosage regimen, based on previous plasma drug concentrations in the
same patient.

1. Clinical Pharmacokinetic Studies to Evaluate Drug

For the clinical development program of an oral drug, the drug can only be evalu-
ated in patients as a formulation containing several other excipients. A vehicle
must be developed for the delivery of the drug, and hence the drug generally is
formulated as a solution or an immediate-release tablet or capsule. Furthermore,
the original formulation used in clinical trials often will not be selected for mar-
keting for a variety of reasons. The justifications for developing a new formula-
tion for marketing are many and may include the need for a more stable product
(i.e., a longer shelf life), minimization of production cost via streamlining the

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

manufacturing processes, portability of the medication by patients, patient accep-
tance of the formulation as revealed by marketing surveys, and specially shaped
tablets (e.g., to identify an innovator’s compound from a generic formulation).
A bioequivalence study is the key to applying data collected in clinical
trials that utilized the original formulation to the new formulation. While the
desirable outcome of efficacy trials is to find a statistically significant difference
(i.e., to find the drug superior to placebo), the desirable outcome of a bioequiva-
lence study is the lack of difference between two formulations. If the new formu-
lation delivers to the systemic circulation the same amount of drug as the original
formulation, the new formulation should elicit the same clinical response. Bio-
equivalence studies generally are conducted in healthy volunteers because of the
extensive sampling regimen, but there is no specific reason that patients could
not be included. The studies can follow an open-label, crossover, single-dose
Although the data of bioequivalence studies continues to be analyzed by
analysis of variance (ANOVA), confidence-interval techniques for C max and
AUC 0–∞ are the primary parameters used to test for bioequivalence. In addition,
failing to demonstrate a difference between formulations is not the same as dem-
onstrating that they are the same. Bioequivalence is achieved when the confidence
intervals for C max and AUC are between 0.8 and 1.25, and there is at least an
80% chance of detecting a 20% difference. For most drugs, 18 to 36 subjects are
adequate. Relatively simple methods to determine sample size for bioequivalence
studies exist (61), but an estimate of intrasubject variability is required. Data
from the first two studies in which at least two cohorts of subjects were included
may be used to estimate the intrasubject variability. A four-way crossover study
may be required to determine bioequivalence for highly variable drugs (62).


In the application packages submitted to regulatory agencies, certain pharmacoki-

netic data are required, and serve as the foundation for product labeling. Charac-
terization of the sources of variability in the pharmacokinetics should be detailed,
which most often requires elucidation of the factors affecting interpatient differ-
ences in both CL and response (desired and undesired). Even for identical doses
of a drug within a group of individuals, large differences in pharmacological
response may occur. Interindividual variability in the response may be due either
to differences in effect produced by a given drug concentration (pharmacody-
namic variability) or differences in the drug concentration produced by a given
dose (pharmacokinetic variability).
Traditionally, the pharmacodynamic variability of most drugs was assumed
to be low, and variability in effect was assumed to be related to high pharmacoki-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

netic variability, particularly for compounds with nonlinear pharmacokinetics or
high first-pass metabolism. This hypothesis led to many concentration-controlled
trials with dosage alterations based on Bayesian forecasting algorithms. Unfortu-
nately, the results were generally not encouraging, often because of the high
intrapatient variability which defeated the feedback controls and high interpatient
variability in response to a given concentration. In fact, it is often the pharmaco-
dynamic response that is highly variable, as demonstrated by Levy, who found
in a survey of a number of drugs across several therapeutic classes that variability
in EC 50 was 10-fold or greater (63).
A major challenge to predicting interpatient variability is that drug concen-
tration only predicts 20% or less of the variability in response. The reasons for
poor predictability are numerous and often obscure. Many physiological or dis-
ease states are multifactorial, and drugs with high specificity for one enzyme or
receptor may have limited effect due to differences in expression of the target
receptor. In certain serious indications, such as some infections, the drug may
be administered at high dosages to ensure that average concentrations greatly
exceed the EC 95 (effective concentration in 95% of the organisms). Thus, individ-
uals with a high drug clearance are given the best opportunity for successful
treatment. For the treatment of HIV infection, in which viral turnover is extraordi-
narily high (10 10 /day) and mutation is frequent, even the EC 95 goal may be inade-
quate, as is demonstrated by the current use of multiple drugs with different
mechanisms of action to treat this disease.
Pharmacokinetic variability is often more easily characterized than pharma-
codynamic variability, because pharmacokinetic variability is usually dependent
on a variety of identifiable factors, including demographics, disease states, drug–
drug interactions, environmental components, and genetics.

A. Demographics
1. Body Size and Composition
Several factors relating to body size and composition often affect clearance and
apparent distribution volume (hence half-life) of a drug. Weight, gender, and age
are often confounded because early pharmacokinetic studies during drug develop-
ment generally require a narrow age range of subjects, exclude women, and stipu-
late that subjects have a body size within ⫾10% of their ideal body weight based
on their height. Population pharmacokinetic analysis of data from Phase III stud-
ies which include women can be a powerful source of information because the
number of patients studied is much greater and the ranges in body size and age
are larger than in previous studies.
Body size is often correlated with drug CL because CL is often correlated
with liver size, which is related to overall metabolic capacity. The relationship

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

between CL and body weight is often nonlinear, but may be proportional to
weight raised to a fractional power. With large data sets, lean body mass (LBM)
or body surface area (BSA) may be better predictors of interpatient differences
in clearance than weight. Typically, dosage adjustments due to body size are
unnecessary except for children and for unusually small or obese adults. Because
body surface area may be a more accurate indicator of organ size and function
(i.e., cardiac output, glomerular filtration rate, and hepatic metabolic ability), esti-
mates of the dosages for children may be based on the recommended adult dose,
corrected for body surface area differences.
The volume of both total body water and extracellular fluid in adults with
average body size is directly proportional to body weight. Thus, there is a rela-
tionship between the apparent volume of distribution and body weight, particu-
larly for drugs with low protein or tissue binding. If both clearance and distribu-
tion volume are directly dependent on weight, then half-life would be independent
of body size. However, this relationship also may be nonlinear, and log(CL) is
often more highly correlated with weight than untransformed CL. For drugs that
have greater distribution into adipose than muscle, differences in the amount of
adipose tissue may affect the distribution volume. If the tissue/plasma ratio for
muscle is greater than that for fat, men may have a larger distribution volume
per unit weight than women, and women may have higher maximum concentra-
tion values but shorter half-lives for equal clearances.

2. Gender
Although gender-dependent differences in the pharmacokinetics of many drugs
have been demonstrated, these differences are often minor. The recent review by
Harris et al. provides comprehensive details (64). Apparent gender differences
in clearance are usually not as pronounced when corrected for weight or BSA
differences. However, for some drugs, relatively small mean differences in
plasma concentrations can mask large differences for some individuals, thus un-
derstating the individual effect on efficacy or toxicity. There is no a-priori basis
for the assumption that pharmacological effects would be the same in men and
The sources of nonanthropometric differences due to gender are diverse,
ranging from absorptive effects attributed to differences in gastric secretion and
gastrointestinal motility (65,66) to effects of estrogen on metabolic activity (67–
70). In addition, the inhibitory effect of ethinylestradiol on CYP3A and CYP1A2
activity (17) demonstrate the potential importance of obtaining information about
the effects of menopause and the use of oral contraceptives for population phar-
macokinetic analysis. Thus, while early Phase I and sometimes Phase II studies
typically have been conducted with young healthy men, women are being in-
cluded in studies sooner for drugs intended for use in both men and women.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

3. Race
The effects of race on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics should be as-
sessed for new drugs, particularly for those that are metabolized by the polymor-
phic CYP isoforms. Differences in clearance may be associated with race. Popu-
lation pharmacokinetic analysis may be the best method to study the effects of
race, assuming a database of a large number of patients of various races exists,
allowing comparison among groups other than Caucasian and African-American.
Particularly now that new drugs may be developed globally, differences between
Caucasians and other races should be evaluated. For example, the frequency of
CYP2D6 deactivating mutations is greatest in Caucasians, whereas Orientals
have a higher fraction of CYP2C19 PMs compared to other races. Other than
genetic effects, unexpected apparent interracial differences may be a secondary
result from lifestyle and diet.

4. Age
In the past, new drugs were studied almost exclusively in adults due to safety
concerns. Today, there is increased emphasis by regulatory agencies on the col-
lection of pharmacokinetic information for children and elderly populations.
Again, due to safety concerns, it is vitally important to combine the pharmaco-
kinetic information obtained for adults with the knowledge of the potential
age-dependent changes in the pharmacokinetics of individual drugs to chose an
effective and safe dosage for children and elderly. Age-dependent changes in
pharmacokinetics may be the most complex source of variability. The functioning
of many different organs may change with age. Also, protein binding, percent
lean body mass, volume of extracellular fluid, and other characteristics of individ-
uals may change with age.
In general, renal function is lower in neonates and the elderly compared
with young adults. Similarly, hepatic function typically is lowest in newborns,
improves with age (most efficient in children and young adults), and declines
during aging (71). In addition, phase I reactions (e.g., oxidation) generally occur
at a slower rate in newborn as compared to adults; cytochrome P450, NADPH,
and cytochrome c reductase activities are approximately one-half the adult values
Unfortunately, the heterogeneity of the CYP system precludes the use of
total CYP enzyme content as a meaningful predictor of the rate at which an
individual substrate is metabolized. Both the absolute amount and the relative
proportion of different isozymes may be age-dependent. The fact that enzymatic
activities involving various substrates are influenced by gestational age to differ-
ent extents and follow different maturational patterns (73) may be due to age-
dependent changes in isozymes as opposed to total CYP content.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Although information in humans regarding age-dependent changes in spe-
cific isozymes is limited, the CYP3A subfamily changes substantially as a func-
tion of gestational age. The predominant prenatal isoform is CYP3A7. In the
perinatal period, expression of this isoform declines with concurrent appearance
of CYP3A4. The overall metabolic capacity increases in the early neonatal pe-
riod, although longitudinal data are lacking to characterize the time course and
variability thereof. CYP3A7 constructs (e.g., lymphoblastoid microsomal prepa-
rations) are not currently commercially available to allow determination of the
catalytic spectrum and affinity of CYP3A7 relative to CYP3A4. Age-dependent
metabolism in vivo is complicated further by the fact that the rate of biotransfor-
mation is affected not only by enzyme activity but also by factors such as hepatic
blood flow and the degree of protein binding (74). In addition, age-dependent
changes in endogenous compounds such as free fatty acids (75) and dietary differ-
ences may affect metabolism.
As an example of age-dependent change in pharmacokinetics, the mean
half-life of diazepam varies from 55 ⫾ 35 h in premature newborns to 31 ⫾ 2
h in full-term newborns, 10 ⫾ 2 h in infants, 17 ⫾ 3 h in children, and 24 ⫾
12 h in young adults (76). However, because diazepam is metabolized by both
CYP2C19 and CYP3A, extrapolations from these data should be guarded, partic-
ularly since half-lives reflect both intrinsic clearance and distributional differ-
ences. Phenobarbital shows similar changes, with a serum half-life ranging from
234 ⫾ 43 h in premature newborns to 146 ⫾ 23 h in full-term newborns, 58 ⫾
7 h in infants, 37–73 h in children (data from separate studies), and 132 ⫾ 18
h in adults (76,77). The CYP isoforms involved in the metabolism of phenobarbi-
tal are unknown, and transintestinal elimination appears to contribute substan-
tially to the overall clearance.
Another example of age-dependent change in the rate of metabolism is the
change in clearance of phenytoin. Larger dosage on a body-weight basis for pedi-
atric patients compared with that for adults are required for phenytion (78). In-
vivo estimates of the Michaelis-Menten parameters have shown that while V max
is not influenced by age, K m values in children less than 15 years of age are 43%
less than those of older patients (79). A similar increased rate of metabolism in
childhood compared with both neonatal and adult rates requiring dosage adjust-
ments also has been described for carbamazepine and ethosuximide (74). How-
ever, these apparent differences may be an artifact originating with the assump-
tion that clearance is directly proportional to total body weight.
Clearly, changes in the rate of metabolism of some compounds may be
altered during development. Oxidative metabolism of several drugs has been
shown to decline (e.g., antipyrine, quinidine, nortriptyline, and verapamil) or re-
main relatively constant (e.g., acetanilide, digitoxin, midazolam, prazosin, warfa-
rin) during aging (80–82). A reduced rate of oxidative metabolism during aging

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

has been reported for various anticonvulsants, including benzodiazepines, diaze-
pam, chlordiazepoxide, desmethyldiazepam, desalkylflurazepam, alprazolam,
and clobazam (83). Providing further evidence that hepatic enzymatic activity
may be not only age-dependent but also isozyme-dependent, enzyme induction
has been shown to decrease (80,82) or remain relatively constant with age (81).
In general, the rate of biotransformation (i.e., oxidative metabolism) increases
during development, reaching peak rates that may be higher than those observed
in mature adults, then declines during aging.
Age-dependent changes in protein binding may affect the pharmacokinetics
of a drug. In elderly patients with hypoalbuminemia, systemic phenytoin clear-
ance may be accelerated due to the lower degree of plasma protein binding, which
facilitates hepatic uptake (84). In contrast, reduction in the intrinsic clearance of
valproate in the elderly may result in higher unbound serum valproate concentra-
tions in the elderly compared to young subjects given equivalent doses. However,
the total concentrations of valproate in serum may not differ in the two groups
because of the concurrent reduction in valproate binding to serum proteins in the
elderly (74).
While similarities in the age-dependent changes in the rate of metabolism
by phase I and phase II reactions exists, phase II reactions (e.g., conjugation,
such as glucuronidation) are generally more compound-specific. Many phase II
reactions occur at a slower rate in newborn humans (particularly premature neo-
nates) compared with adults (74,78). During development, the enzyme systems
responsible for conjugation mature at different rates—more slowly for glucuro-
nide conjugation compared with other pathways such as sulfate conjugation. De-
velopment of the glucuronidation capacity varies depending on the substrate be-
ing investigated because of the heterogeneity of the GTs (83). However, adult
values of glucuronidation activity usually are reached within 3 years of age (74).
Information on the rate of phase II reactions in the elderly human is limited.
Aging, however, seems to affect the rate of glucuronidation much less than the
rate of oxidation. The elimination of compounds that are primarily glucuronidated
(e.g., oxazepam, lorazepam, and temazepam) is not much different in the elderly
compared with the young adult (80,81). High compound specificity and extensive
variability in age-dependent changes in the rate of glucuronidation make it diffi-
cult to predict age-dependent changes in the rate of conjugation of a new drug.
The significance of these observations is that clearance in neonates and
children or clearance in the elderly are not always prospectively predictable based
on adult values. A pharmacokinetic study must be conducted to characterize age-
related differences if the drug is to be used in these populations. The traditional
approach to detect age-related pharmacokinetic differences is to conduct a single-
dose pharmacokinetic study with tight inclusion and exclusion criteria in age
groups. Often, specific studies are not conducted, and data from Phase I and II

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

studies are compared after categorizing by young and old. Because a large num-
ber of patients over a range of ages are enrolled in Phase III efficacy studies,
population pharmacokinetic analysis may be a more efficient tool to study the
effect of age on pharmacokinetics.
Both approaches have their respective merits, and the selection of a particu-
lar approach will depend on the drug being developed and the overall strategy.
Obviously, the success of the hypothesis-testing approach depends on the accu-
racy in predicting specific problems that might or might not occur in geriatric
patients, whereas the success of the pharmacokinetic screen usually depends on
the sample size of each subgroup, since statistical power is needed to support
any meaningful statement for the package insert.
For pediatric patients, defining age-related differences in pharmacokinetics
is more problematic than for elderly patients. While similar reasoning can be
evoked in the design of clinical studies with pharmacokinetic components in
pediatric patients, ethical concerns should carry more weight, because minors
legally cannot give written informed consent for themselves. Thus, pharmacoki-
netic studies in healthy pediatric volunteers are unusual, but studies in pediatric
patients can provide invaluable pharmacokinetic information.

5. Disease States
The two standard approaches to evaluating the effects of disease states on the
pharmacokinetics of a new drug are controlled Phase I evaluations, and Phase II–
III population pharmacokinetic approaches. The latter has the benefit of greater
heterogeneity as well as reflecting actual usage in the target population. Drug
disposition may be altered in many disease states, particularly renal or hepatic
diseases for drugs that are primarily eliminated by those routes.
Dysfunction of the major organs of drug elimination may lead to reduced
drug clearance and increased t 1/2 . If clearance is reduced with no change in the
volume of distribution, the dose may be similar to that of a healthy person, but
the interval between doses may be increased to provide similar systemic exposure
while preventing accumulation of the drug to toxic concentrations. Thus, the
pharmacokinetics of new drugs often are determined in patients with renal or
hepatic impairment. The design of these studies is dependent on the sources of
clearance and routes of elimination of the drug.
The typical study conducted to assess the effects of renal impairment on
the pharmacokinetics of the drug includes subjects with end-stage renal disease
who require hemodialysis, subjects with various levels of renal function, and
subjects with normal renal function. Because subjects who require hemodialysis
have virtually no renal function, interpatient variability should be relatively low
and meaningful information can be obtained from a few (4–6) subjects. Informa-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

tion on the ability of hemodialysis to remove the drug from the subjects also can
be obtained from end-stage renal failure subjects, and may prove beneficial in
the management of overdoses.
End-stage renal-failure subjects represent the worst possible case of renal
dysfunction, and it can be assumed that all other subjects with renal impairment
will fall between the subjects with normal renal function and those with end-
stage disease. Depending on the therapeutic index of the drug, the duration of
therapy, and the magnitude of the difference between subjects with normal renal
function and those with end-stage renal disease, data from the subjects with end-
stage renal disease may be adequate to describe the effects of renal function on
the pharmacokinetics of the drug.
For most drugs with renal-dependent elimination, it is necessary to study
the pharmacokinetics of the drug in subjects with various degrees of renal func-
tion. Because of the large potential for intersubject variability, it is necessary to
study a greater number of subjects than in the previously mentioned study; how-
ever, it is often easier to obtain these subjects than it is to obtain subjects with
total renal failure. When the relationship between renal function and clearance
of the drug is known, dosing nomograms or guidelines can be established to
ensure safe usage of the drug in patients with renal disease.
One of the major problems in studying subjects with mild to moderate
renal failure is in determining accurately the level of renal function. Creatinine
is produced by muscle tissue at a fairly constant rate, and is filtered by the glomer-
ulus but neither secreted nor reabsorbed in the renal tubule. Thus, creatinine clear-
ance is a reflection of the glomerular filtration rate. To determine creatinine clear-
ance accurately, it is necessary to collect all urine formed over a given time
interval (usually 24h) to determine the amount of creatinine excreted during the
interval. It also is necessary to determine the serum creatinine concentration at
some time point during the interval. Creatinine clearance is defined as the ratio
of the amount of creatinine in the urine to the concentration of creatinine in the
serum adjusted for the time of the urine collection and the units of measurement
so that the result can be expressed as milliliters per minute.
Methods of estimating creatinine clearance based on the patient’s age,
weight, height, gender, and serum creatinine concentration (85–88) have been
developed because timed urine collections are difficult to obtain. Implicit in all
of these methods of estimation of creatinine clearance is that the rate of creatinine
formation is a function only of muscle mass, and that muscle mass can be deter-
mined from the more readily measured variables of age, weight, height, and gen-
der. It has been demonstrated that these methods of estimation of creatinine clear-
ance tend to be inaccurate when the patient’s actual weight differs significantly
from his or her ideal weight. Thus, the usefulness of creatinine clearance as an
indicator of renal function is only as good as the assessment of creatinine clear-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

In contrast to renal dysfunction, it remains difficult to apply the results of a
well-controlled pharmacokinetic study in patients with liver dysfunction to design
dosage regimens without collecting some efficacy and safety information in the
same subpopulation. Although there is a wealth of information about the influence
of hepatic disease and impairment on drug disposition (89), hepatic diseases (in-
cluding cirrhosis, acute viral hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis, fibrosis, tumor,
and fatty liver) are heterogeneous. Regardless of the etiology, they can affect
other vital organs and, hence, affect both the pharmacokinetics and pharmacody-
namics of a drug. In addition, biotransformation of foreign compounds by the
liver is an extremely complex process—one that can be impacted by both changes
in physiological variables such as hepatic blood flow and cardiac output and
biochemical variables such as effect of liver disease on the activity of different
CYP enzymes and other proteins produced in the liver. An additional complica-
tion is that the correlation between common blood chemistry tests such as serum
bilirubin concentration and pharmacokinetics of model drugs such as antipyrine
is sporadic at best, often depending on the stage of the disease.
The effect of hepatic disease or impairment is not consistent and can have
highly variable, sometimes opposite, effects on the plasma concentrations of the
drug and its active metabolites. As a result, the efficacy and safety of a drug
which is subjected to extensive metabolism in this subgroup of patients should
be evaluated in a specific clinical trial. Pharmacokinetic studies can serve the
useful functions of explaining the outcomes of these trials. It is also advisable
to match the age, weight, height, and gender of the subjects with hepatic impair-
ment to those with normal hepatic function. For example, in a study to determine
the effect of hepatic impairment on azimilide pharmacokinetics, subjects with
normal hepatic function were demographically matched to subjects with mild or
subjects with moderate hepatic impairment (90). The two groups of subjects with
normal hepatic function had substantially different mean pharmacokinetic param-
eter values (AUC and C max differences of 40% and 60%, respectively), but mean
pharmacokinetic parameter values were similar to their respective demographi-
cally matched group of subjects with hepatic impairment.

B. Drug Interactions
In many disease states, the use of polytherapy is quite common, and the risk of
drug–drug interactions is high, both from pharmacokinetic and pharmacody-
namic perspectives. The likelihood of drug interactions and semiquantitative esti-
mates of magnitude may be predicted from in-vitro data (17). The potential for
interactions needs to be evaluated from two perspectives: (a) the potential that
the new drug may affect the kinetics of other drugs, and (b) the potential that
other drugs may affect the kinetics of the new drug. The former generally depends
on the ability of the new drug to affect various enzyme- and carrier-mediated

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

clearance processes. Most notably, this concerns the CYP isoforms, but could
also involve conjugative enzymes and transporters such as Pgp. Drugs may be
an effective inhibitor without being a substrate of the CYP isoform, as is the case
for quinidine’s inhibition of CYP2D6.
The potential for significant drug–drug interactions caused by other drugs
requires knowledge of the components of clearance for the new drug, and the
likelihood that known inhibitors will be co-administered. For drugs with multiple
pathways and a broad therapeutic index, the need for formal interaction studies
may be limited. Population pharmacokinetic analyses of data obtained from Phase
III studies may help to discover and quantify drug interactions due to classes
of drugs often associated with inhibition (e.g., macrolides, systemic antifungals,
calcium channel antagonists, fluoxetine, and paroxetine) or induction (e.g., anti-
convulsants and rifampin).
Pharmacokinetic drug–drug interactions can be classified into two main
categories: interactions that take place at the absorption site (including incompati-
bility of two dosage forms, effect on gastrointestinal tract motility, or chelation)
and those that occur after the drug has been absorbed (including enzyme induc-
tion, enzyme inhibition, and displacement from binding sites). Pharmacokinetic
drug–drug interaction studies generally have two key purposes: confirmation of
the phenomenon and demonstration of the extent and time course of the interac-
tion. Such information is essential in developing dosage recommendations for
use by clinicians.
Although drug–food interactions have been documented for many drugs,
from a clinical drug development perspective it still is not possible to predict
with certainty whether food will significantly affect the bioavailability of the
drug. Furthermore, if there is an interaction with food, the next question naturally
is whether food interacts with the drug substance or with the formulation. Thus,
a drug–food interaction study should be conducted. A three-way single-dose
study of the solid dosage form administered after fasting, the solid dosage form
administered with food, and an oral solution administered with food can deter-
mine whether the food effect, if there is one, is on the drug substance itself or
on the formulation. For drugs with a narrow therapeutic margin, a food effect
on the order of 15–20% decrease or increase may be considered clinically sig-
nificant and must be noted in the package insert. A food effect on the order of
50% may seriously jeopardize the continual development of the drug if the margin
of safety between therapeutic and toxic doses is between 1.5 and 2.0.

C. Environmental Components
Another factor contributing to intersubject pharmacokinetic variability is the en-
vironment, in particular, alcohol, tobacco, and diet. The effects of alcohol are
complicated because alcohol may either inhibit or induce drug metabolism. To-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

bacco smoke tends to have a general induction effect on hepatic isozymes, partic-
ularly CYP1A1 and CYP1A2, and can lead to increased clearance. Thus, subjects
who regularly consume relatively large amounts of alcohol and subjects who
smoke are usually excluded from pharmacokinetic studies during the early phases
of drug development. However, the effects of alcohol consumption and smoking
on the pharmacokinetics of the drug often are evaluated at some time during
development, particularly for drugs metabolized by CYP2E1, CYP1A1, or
Dietary factors have been shown to have various effects on drug metabo-
lism, ranging from induction to inhibition, and knowledge of the principle pro-
cesses of elimination can direct the research in this area. Recently, foods such
as grapefruit juice (91–93) and watercress (94) have been shown to substantially
decrease clearance by interacting with CYP3A4 (95) or CYP2E1 (96), respec-
tively. Dietary-induced inhibition of CYP activity may cause increased drug con-
centrations in plasma resulting from not only decreased hepatic metabolism but
also decreased intestinal metabolism and a higher bioavailability. Compounds
with extensive first-pass metabolism that are metabolized by CYP3A are appar-
ently the most affected by dietary factors compared with drugs metabolized by
other isozymes. Dietary effects on drugs metabolized by CYP1A2 may be similar
to those of caffeine and theophylline, which have well-defined effects associated
with diet protein content, cruciferous vegetables, and charbroiled meats. Al-
though foods that may alter CYP activity are often avoided and all meals are
standardized and identical between regimens of pharmacokinetic studies, dietary
effects of various food classes on the pharmacokinetics of the drug should be
addressed at some stage.

D. Genetics
Genetic factors may have the most substantial impact on intersubject variability
of the hepatic CYP mono-oxygenases (97). The ability to predict the rate of drug
metabolism in individuals depends on the ability to gauge the activity of the CYP
enzymes in various human subpopulations. Special attention may be required for
drugs in which a polymorphic enzyme such as CYP2D6 or CYP2C19 is responsi-
ble for a large fraction of total clearance. In these cases, the magnitude of differ-
ence in clearance between PMs and EMs of probe substrates or genotyped indi-
viduals should be assessed. Inevitably, the question will arise as to whether PM
status confers greater efficacy or increased rates of adverse events under fixed-
dosage study designs.
The current technology allows genotyping for CYP mutations at a reason-
able cost. Proponents of genotyping claim that knowledge of genotype predicts
clearance which would allow prospective dosage adjustment for better control
over therapy. While this may be true for the ‘‘average’’ patient (i.e., population

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

mean), the success for an individual patient is dependent on the product of the
percentages of variance in clearance that is predicted by genotype and in efficacy
(or adverse events) that is predicted by concentration. If the two percentages are
50% and 20%, the overall predictability of 10% is not likely to have a large
impact on clinical practice. For example, if the percentages are higher, success
becomes more likely, but broad utilization, including the education of physicians
and pharmacists, may take some time to develop.
While much attention has been focused on CYP2D6 and CYP2C19, other
CYP isoforms are polymorphically expressed, including CYP2A6 and CYP2C9.
Polymorphisms are described for other enzymes as well, including N-acetyl trans-
ferases (NAT-1 and NAT-2) (98,99) and thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT)
(100). Differences in these isoforms can be clinically relevant. For example, indi-
viduals with low erythrocyte expression of TPMT have greater azathioprine-
associated neutropenia and are more susceptible to the toxic effects of the 6-
mercaptopurine metabolite.

E. Other Sources of Pharmacokinetic Variability

1. Circadian Effects
A number of physiological processes have circadian rhythms or diurnal fluctua-
tions, and in some cases efficacy can be enhanced and adverse effects minimized
with proper selection of dosing times (101). In addition, circadian rhythms may
affect the pharmacokinetics of the drug. For drugs that are administered two or
more times daily, absorption after an evening meal often is delayed and more
protracted compared with an isocaloric morning meal (102). Absorption of poorly
soluble drugs may be related to the presence of bile acid, and biliary secretion
is variable throughout the day (103).

2. Activity and Posture

Because both activity and posture can affect GI transit, they are standardized in
bioequivalence studies. More important, drugs with high extraction ratios are
greatly affected by hepatic blood flow, and their clearance may fluctuate through-
out the day as a function of changes in cardiac output and portal blood flow
associated with changes in activity and posture.

3. Dose Regimen Adherence

While adherence is generally guaranteed under the rigid controls of Phase I stud-
ies, adherence is not guaranteed under Phase III trials. Assessment of adherence
is an important element in evaluating efficacy and in population pharmacokinetic
analyses. A useful review of adherence monitoring has recently been published
(104). Electronic devices with time- and date-stamping microcircuitry is perhaps

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

the best current method to objectively assess adherence. Coformulation of the
drug with small amounts of a chemical with slow metabolism used as a marker
may complement the electronic method, which does not ensure that vial opening
is followed by ingestion of the drug.
Techniques used to monitor adherence have shown surprisingly low levels
of adherence, which tends to be lower with drugs that have to be administered
several times daily. According to a survey of several studies, 1 of 3 patients
adheres more than 40% but less than 80% of the time, and another 1 of 6 patients
adheres less than 40% of the time (104). In addition, patients may follow a certain
administration regimen meticulously, but fail to follow the guidelines of the
study. For example, in a study in which patients apply a topical medication for
a type of skin cancer, control lesions should not to be treated. It would be difficult
for patients who attain efficacy for the treated lesions to avoid applying the medi-
cation to the control lesions. Similarly, it can sometimes be impossible to prevent
a patient from determining whether their drug is active or placebo. For example,
it may be quite easy to determine the difference between a drug that is formulated
as a solution and the placebo which is the vehicle with identical taste and appear-
ance. If the drug has low solubility in water, the vehicle alone may be miscible
with water, but addition of the drug formulation to water may produce a precipi-
tate indicative of the presence of the drug.

4. Enterohepatic Recirculation
ER is a recurrent cycle in which compounds are excreted by the liver as compo-
nents of bile into the intestine, reabsorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the
systemic circulation, and reexcreted after reuptake by the hepatic cells. For some
drugs and compounds such as bile acids, no change in the structure of the com-
pound occurs during recirculation. For drugs such as valproate, the glucuronide
metabolite is excreted in the bile, and the parent drug is regenerated by hydrolysis
of the glucuronide by β-glucuronidase before being reabsorbed. The process of
ER would be expected to increase the time during which the compound is present
in the systemic circulation and possibly increase the duration of effects. For com-
pounds that are toxic or are metabolized within hepatocytes to toxic metabolites,
enhanced toxicity could result from efficient ER.
Glucuronidation is one of several critical steps in the process, and a suitable
functional group (i.e., phenols, alcohols, and carboxylic acids) must be present
in order for glucuronidation to occur. As an example, glucuronidation of val-
proate occurs at the carboxylic acid group. Other compounds eliminated in the
bile as glucuronides that undergo ER include morphine, DDT, diphenylacetic
acid, mefanamic acid, and the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug carprofen
Changes in the extent of ER (e.g., age-related changes in glucuronidation)

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

may lead to changes in the duration of effect or degree of toxicity of the com-
pound. Perhaps the most widely recognized example of a perturbation in ER
leading to potentially serious consequences is the interaction between oral contra-
ceptives and antibiotics. Reduction in the ER of oral contraceptives by antibiotic-
induced reduction in hydrolysis of the glucuronide could lead to inadequate blood
concentrations of the oral contraceptive resulting in ovulation and the potential
to become pregnant.


Population analyses allows characterization of pharmacokinetics of a drug using

data collected in treated patients, without extensive plasma sampling from any
single individual. Usually, Phase III pivotal and long-term studies can be the
source of substantial information about the factors affecting drug clearance. Typi-
cally a relatively large number of patients is studied, with several concentrations
at various times postdose for each patient. When properly planned and with suf-
ficient controls and data collection, the additional sample collection and analyses
can usually be cost-effective. For example, a 300-patient study with an average
of four samples per patient will generate 1200 samples, requiring the expenditure
of approximately $48,000 to $60,000 for analytical costs. For each pharmacoki-
netic question answered by the analysis (effect of age, renal function, gender,
race, concurrent disease, or drug interactions), the need for certain Phase I studies,
costing in excess of $100,000 each, may be averted.
From these data, estimates of the population central values as well as factors
affecting inter- and intra-subject variability are obtained. Several computer pro-
grams are available for analyses of population pharmacokinetic data. NONMEM,
the nonlinear mixed effects modeling program introduced by Sheiner and co-
workers (106–108), is the most widely used program. Other computer population
analysis programs (P-Pharm and NPEM) are available.
While these analyses hold substantial promise, there are several restrictions.
First, adequate simple models must be available from preceding traditional phar-
macokinetic studies. Second, the dosage history of the drug (timing of the sam-
pled dose, and several preceding doses) and concomitant medications is crucial
to the success of the analyses. Success is more likely when the population analysis
is prospectively planned. This ensures that critical information is collected in the
case report forms. If absorption rate or extent is dependent on meals, the timing
of meals relative to dosing may be important for certain drugs. In general, drugs
with short half-lives and frequent dosing present difficulties because of adherence
issues and the likelihood of diurnal effects in absorption.
The important pharmacokinetic issues are entirely different for a renally
eliminated drug versus a CYP3A substrate, versus a CYP2D6 substrate. If the

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

major component of clearance is due to one of the genetically polymorphic en-
zymes, this will be critical in the modeling of the interpatient variability, which
may be bimodal or a mixture of distributions, and which may be racially depen-
dent. For these cases, genotyping or phenotyping patients may be necessary. In
some cases the metabolite-to-parent concentration ratio may serve as an internal
phenotype, thus correlating with overall clearance. Complete information about
concomitant drug use (and underlying rationale), including over-the-counter
preparations, may be quite beneficial in identifying causes for outlying data, as
would objective measures of adherence.
The sampling times chosen depend on the issues to be addressed. Often,
random sampling across a dosing interval taken at several of the visits during
the duration of the study will provide information about the basic parameters
(e.g., k a , CL/F, and V/F ) as well as addressing issues of time dependence of
both the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. It has been our experience
in open, long-term safety trials, that if only interdose ‘‘minima’’ are specified
by the protocol, samples are collected over a wide variety of times postdose, and
estimation of k a is difficult. For this reason, partitioning the dosing interval into
segments, with equal randomization of sample collection times for the segments,
may improve the final analysis . Another approach that has been used is to have
more extensive sampling at selected clinical sites to serve as a foundation data
set, with more sparse sampling from the other study sites.
The standard analysis involves preparation of the data set, followed by an
initial analysis with a basic pharmacokinetic model. At this stage, the Bayesian
post-hoc estimates of clearance and the residual errors for each sample for the
individuals are obtained and are subjected to stepwise multiple regression with
the various covariates. Because scores of exploratory covariates may be tested,
standard statistical approaches are more efficient than population analysis pro-
grams. Significant factors (after accounting for multiplicity of testing and re-
peated observations) are then examined through the population analysis model-
ing. Special attention is directed to extremely outlying data, often prompting
additional inquiries. Once a final model is constructed, the individual clearances
can be used to explore relationships between concentration and effect, including
logistic regression of adverse events against concentration. Although population
analyses require additional expense and more rigid experimental control, the tra-
ditionally underutilized data from these trials can provide a wealth of information
in the understanding of the drug’s pharmacokinetics and effects.


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Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Building an NDA/BLA
Diana E. Fordyce
Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina

Angela Cahill
Bethesda, Maryland


This chapter provides an overview of the process used in submitting New Drug
Applications (NDAs) and Biologics License Applications (BLAs) to the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and provides methods for organizing infor-
mation in the marketing application.

A. What Is an NDA/BLA?
A marketing application, as defined in Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(hereinafter referred to as 21 CFR) § 312.3(b), is an application for a new drug
submitted under section 505(b) of the act or a biologics license application for
a biological product under the Public Health Service Act. The ultimate goal of
clinical development of a new medicinal product is to obtain regulatory agency
authorization to sell and market the product. In the United States, the Food and
Drug Administration must approve the marketing application (i.e., the NDA or
BLA) before the new medicine can be marketed.
The marketing application is meant to provide evidence that the product
is both safe and effective when used under specified conditions and manufactured
appropriately and, therefore, provides all the information that supports each state-
ment in the proposed labeling for the product. Whether paper or electronic, from
the United States or of international origin, the marketing application consists of
many pages of documentation that support one to two pages of product labeling
(i.e., the Package Insert or the foreign Summary of Product Characteristics, and
labels on the containers) that the general public and physicians read and use.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

B. Roadmaps for an NDA/BLA—Begin with the End in
A fundamental rule of constructing and executing the product development plan
is to ‘‘begin with the end in mind’’ (FDA. CDER. ODE IV Pilot. Targeted Prod-
uct Information). Two documents—the proposed product labeling and the com-
prehensive table of contents for the NDA/BLA—should be used as ‘‘roadmaps’’
for the development plan and should be updated as a continuum to ensure compli-
ance with appropriate regulations and guidelines and to solicit FDA feedback.
When used jointly, these two documents can facilitate the expeditious completion
of NDA/BLA information.
The advent of initiatives such as the FDA Modernization Act of 1997 and
the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) initiatives for the global
dossier or Common Technical Document (CTD, ICH guidance document M4),
scheduled to be completed and implemented by 2002 or 2003, may change the
information format and content standards. In addition, there are the electronic
submission standards to consider. It is therefore important to choose a technique
for compiling information that can be flexible and adaptable to incorporation
of completed modules of technical information (nonclinical reports, nonclinical
summary tables, etc.). The information compiled must be appropriate for current
regulations (i.e., for U.S. NDAs and BLAs and for foreign Marketing Authoriza-
tion Applications) and for future applications (i.e., for the CTD). Many software
developers for the pharmaceutical industry are now tapping into the potential to
sell a variety of systems to help sponsors organize marketing applications.



Form FDA 356h (Application to Market a New Drug, Biologic, or an Antibiotic

Drug for Human Use) is used for the NDA, the BLA, and the Abbreviated New
Drug Application (ANDA). Regulations for these applications can be found in
21 CFR Part 314 for NDAs and abbreviated applications and in Part 601 for
BLAs. Form FDA 356h can provide valuable insight into content and require-
ments of the applications, and give strategic considerations for the product. Form
FDA 356h is provided with an instruction sheet entitled ‘‘Instructions for Filling
Out Form FDA 356h.’’ Components of the form are described in detail in the
following sections.

A. Product Information—Naming, Indication, and Review

Classification Considerations
The product description information should be determined early in the develop-
ment process, to avoid possible confusion and costly changes to documentation.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Establishing product name conventions may require early consultation with
United States Pharmacopeia (USP) or United States Adopted Names (USAN) and
the FDA Nomenclature Standards Committee (Washington Drug Letter, 1997).
Because the trade name may change at the time of FDA approval, the trade name
should be used only in the proposed labeling, and the established or generic name
should be used on all other NDA and BLA documentation.
The application number for drugs, but not for biologics, can be obtained
before submission. The application number is then part of the FDA’s Orange
Book, or Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations
(the List) guide to obtaining information regarding the application. The Orange
Book also includes the application number, the generic and trade names, the
strengths, the applicant (holder of the application), patent number and expiration
date, exclusivity code (including orphan drug) and expiration date, and equiva-
lence evaluation information.
The indication is the part of the proposed product labeling that is used to
guide expedient product development. Determination of the proposed indica-
tion(s) early in development will ensure adherence to appropriate treatment-
related regulations and guidelines, and it provides a way of determining if the
product has any existing comparator treatments. The existence and review of
comparator treatments can be used early in the development program to deter-
mine the regulatory and marketing strategies involved. For example, clinical trials
may involve comparator controls and the proposed labeling claims may indicate
no difference, equivalence, or superiority. In addition, the product and the pro-
posed indication may have been the subject of a recent marketing application
that was submitted, reportedly close to receiving approval, or approved. The prod-
uct may have an active patent and terms of exclusivity that should be considered
in the regulatory and marketing strategy considerations (exclusivity consider-
ations are discussed in the next section of this chapter).
The ‘‘uniform’’ terms provided in the Orange Book are helpful indicators
of appropriate listing of dosage forms and routes of administration. The dosage
form, strengths, and route of administration may affect the classification* of the

* FDA classification policy [Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER);
cder/da/da.htm#notes] includes:

Type 1: New molecular entity

Type 2: New derivative
Type 3: New formulation (new dosage form or new formulation of an active ingredient already
on the market)
Type 4: New combination
Type 5: New manufacturer, already marketed
Type 6: New use
Type 7: Drug already legally marketed, but without an approved NDA

A product can be assigned more than one type.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

product, which in turn may affect regulatory or marketing strategy considerations
such as the application type, associated development program, and exclusivity
considerations. As an example, if XY is a fixed combination drug product being
considered for clinical product development, consider the scenarios described
1. If X and Y are currently sold separately for the same indication
in the same formulation, then combination XY may be considered a
New Combination and must follow the regulations (21 CFR §
300.50) for these types of products, which stipulate specific types
of clinical trials. The application may be considered a 505(b)(1)-
type or 505(b)(2)-type NDA application depending on the amount
of, and right to reference, information from the original applica-
in a different formulation, then combination XY may be considered
both a New Combination and a New Formulation, which may re-
quire clinical trials for the new combination (21 CFR § 300.50) and
the new formulation. The application may be considered a
505(b)(1)-type or 505(b)(2)-type NDA application depending on the
amount of, and right to reference, information from the original ap-
2. If X and Y are already sold as a fixed combination XY for the same
in the same formulation, then combination XY may be considered suit-
able for an ANDA (i.e., a generic product), which stipulates bioequi-
valence trials (21 CFR Part 320).
in a different formulation, then combination XY may be considered a
New Formulation, which may require clinical trials to demonstrate
a comparison with the existing formulation. The application may
be considered a 505(b)(1)-type or 505(b)(2)-type NDA or efficacy
supplement application depending on the product and on the amount

Efficacy supplement codes: SE1 (a new indication or significant modification of an existing

indication, including removal of a major limitation to use, such as second line status); SE2 (a new
dosage regimen, including an increase or decrease in daily dosage, or a change in frequency of admin-
istration); SE3 (a new route of administration); SE4 (a comparative efficacy claim, including compara-
tive pharmacokinetic claim); SE5 (a change in sections other than the ‘‘Indications and Usage’’ sec-
tion that would significantly alter the patient population to be treated, such as addition of pediatric
use and/or dosing information or geriatric use and/or dosing information); SE6 (an Rx-to-OTC
switch); SE7 (supplement–accelerated approval); SE8 (efficacy supplement with clinical data to sup-
port labeling claim).
The classification policy also includes status identifiers such as P (priority review), S (standard
review), orphan (V), E [Subpart E at Investigational New Drug Application (IND) stage; Subpart H
at NDA stage for drugs or equivalent to Subpart E at license application stage for biologics].

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

of, and right to reference, information from the original applica-
tion(s). Alternatively, a formulation may differ only in inactives that
are permissible within ANDA regulations. In addition, if an appli-
cant is seeking approval for a different dosage form for an already-
approved combination product, an ANDA suitability petition could
be submitted to request permission to file an ANDA for a new dos-
age form (21 CFR § 314.93). If the petition is approved, an ANDA
may be submitted. The ANDA applicant would have to conduct and
meet the appropriate bioequivalence/bioavailability requirements
for approval.
Clearly, in this example, careful consideration of the product characteristics
and associated classification with appropriate FDA consultation, consideration
of the applicant’s patent and exclusivity terms, and the ability to conduct an
appropriate development program are critical early in the development process.

B. Marketing Application Types—NDA [505(b)(1),

505(b)(2)], ANDA, BLA—Regulatory, Strategic,
and Exclusivity Considerations
The application types (NDA, BLA, ANDA) are provided on Form FDA 356h
with the appropriate regulatory reference.
The type of NDA is specified according to the section of the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act in which it is described [i.e., 505(b)(1), 505(b)(2)]. The
types of applications differ in terms of content (codified in 21 CFR Part 314
Subparts B and C) and possible terms of exclusivity (codified in 21 CFR §
314.108). The submission and effective approval of ANDAs or 505(b)(2) applica-
tions for similar conditions of approval is affected by the terms of exclusivity.
Exclusivity does not prevent the submission or approval of a full NDA. Exclusiv-
ity provisions begin on the effective date of approval, which refers to the date of
final approval and not to the date of tentative approval. Exclusivity considerations
should be considered in concert with patent term information. Briefly, the types
of NDAs are described as follows:
The 505(b)(1) is characterized as a ‘‘full NDA.’’
The required content is codified in 21 CFR § 314.50; all information
is required.
Up to 5 years’ exclusivity (as codified in 21 CFR § 314.108) may
be received for a new chemical entity.
The 505(b)(2) is characterized as an NDA for a drug that represents
a modification (such as a new formulation or new indication) from

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

a listed drug* (21 CFR § 314.54) in which one or more of the
investigations relied upon by the applicant ‘‘were not conducted
by or for the applicant and for which the applicant has not obtained
a right of reference † or use’’ from the original applicant [21 CFR
§ 314.3(b)]. Drug products with a rate or extent of absorption that
exceeds or is otherwise different from the 505(j) ANDA standards
for bioequivalence compared to a listed drug may be submitted as
a 505(b)(2). [Therefore, a product that is more bioavailable such
that a lower dose is equivalent to the existing dose of a listed drug
may be submitted as a 505(b)(2) application.] A 505(b)(2) cannot
be submitted for products that could be considered an ANDA [21
CFR § 314.101(d)(9)] or for inability to qualify as an ANDA
within acceptable bioequivalence criteria (i.e, if the product’s only
difference from the listed drug is that its extent of absorption is
less or the rate is unintentionally less than the listed drug; 21 CFR
§ 314.54).
The required content is codified in 21 CFR §§ 314.3(b) and 314.54;
all information is required as detailed in 21 CFR § 314.50 (includ-
ing appropriate patent information and certification) with the ex-
ception that nonclinical and clinical data are required as needed to
appropriately support the modification(s) from the listed drug.
Up to 3 years’ exclusivity [as codified in 21 CFR §§ 314.50(j)(4)
and 314.108] may be received if the clinical investigations (other
than bioavailability or bioequivalence) are:
New (i.e., the results of the clinical investigation(s) have not
been relied on by the FDA to demonstrate substantial evi-
dence of effectiveness of a previously approved drug prod-
uct); and
Essential to approval [i.e., certification that the applicant has
thoroughly searched the scientific literature and, to the best
of the applicant’s knowledge, the list of published studies
and publicly available reports of clinical investigations is

* In accordance with the definition provided in 21 CFR § 314.3(b), listed drug status is ‘‘evidenced
by the drug product’s identification as a drug with an effective approval in the current edition
of FDA’s ‘Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations’ (the List) or any
supplement thereto, as a drug with an effective approval. A drug product is deemed to be a listed
drug on the date of effective approval of the application or abbreviated application for that drug

In accordance with the definition provided in 21 CFR § 314.3(b), right of reference or use refers
to the ‘‘authority to rely upon, and otherwise use, an investigation for the purpose of obtaining
approval of an application, including the ability to make available the underlying raw data from
the investigation for FDA audit, if necessary.’’

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

complete and accurate and does not provide sufficient basis
for the approval of the conditions for which the applicant is
seeking without reference to the new clinical investiga-
tion(s). It should be noted that the FDA decides whether a
study is essential to approval at the time of approval of the
application and, therefore, scientific literature available after
the time of submission and during the review process of the
application is considered (Abbreviated New Drug Applica-
tion Regulations: Patent and Exclusivity Provisions, Final
Rule, Federal Register, Vol. 59, No. 190, October 3, 1994)];
Conducted or sponsored by the applicant [i.e., the applicant
was named in the Form FDA 1571 for the Investigational
New Drug Application (IND) under which the new clinical
investigation(s) that is essential to approval of the application
was conducted] and supported by the applicant (e.g., certifi-
cation that the applicant provided 50% or more of the cost
of conducting the study).
Interestingly, the 505(b)(2) is often described as a regulatory bridge be-
tween an ANDA and a full NDA because the 505(b)(2) provides a mechanism
through which an applicant that is not the original listed drug applicant (innova-
tor) of a product can gain approval for certain changes to that product. The
505(b)(2) is similar to a 505(b)(1) efficacy supplement except that the 505(b)(2)
is typically sponsored by an applicant other than the original listed drug applicant,
the investigations that are relied upon from the original listed drug application
were not conducted by or for the applicant, and there is not a right to reference
or use. If the drug product is an active ingredient that has been previously ap-
proved (e.g., in a different formulation) under another applicant and no longer
under patent or exclusivity provisions, it may be helpful to consider not duplicat-
ing some nonclinical and clinical work and filing a 505(b)(2)-type application.
Appropriate bridging studies and investigations would have to be conducted to
support the modification(s) from the listed drug. This strategy may shorten devel-
opment time for innovative products of an existing listed drug. Up to 3 years of
exclusivity possible [compared with 5 years of exclusivity possible for a
505(b)(1)-type application]. This type of application is described further and in
detail in review articles such as US Regulatory Reporter, Guide to 505(b)(2)
Submissions (1995) and the Draft Guidance for Industry: Applications Covered
by Section 505(b)(2) (1999). Pursuing a 505(b)(2) application should be discussed
with the FDA early in development of the product.
Abbreviated applications (ANDAs) are categorized and the content codified
in 21 CFR § 314.94. A suitability petition to submit an ANDA may be

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

approved for a drug product that is different from a listed drug; the prod-
uct can be a new dosage form, new strength, or new route, or a change
in a combination product of one of the active ingredients to a different
one that is listed and in the same class (21 CFR § 314.93). A suitability
petition for an ANDA will not be approved if safety and effectiveness
investigations (information derived from animal or clinical studies or
literature beyond limited confirmatory testing) is required.
Supplemental applications are categorized and the content is codified in 21
CFR § 314.70 for new drug applications (often referred to as SNDAs)
and in 21 CFR § 314.97 for abbreviated applications.
The exclusivity provisions for drug products (up to 5 years for NDAs, 3
years for supplemental NDAs, and 0.5 years for ANDAs), according to Title I
of the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act (Hatch-Waxman
Act or 1984 Amendments), currently do not apply to biological products, but are
under consideration by the FDA [The Pink Sheet, Waxman/Hatch Should Be
Expanded to Cover Biologics (1998)].
It is also important to note that 7 years of exclusivity is possible, effective
the date of FDA approval of a marketing application, for a product and indication
that are the subject of orphan designation (codified in 21 CFR § 316.31).
The type of application also requires different user fees (see Item 18 of
Form FDA 356h). A provision of the FDA Modernization Act of 1997 (Sections
101 to 107) is the re-authorization of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act
(PDUFA) of 1992, which permits the collection of user fees from prescription
drug manufacturers to augment FDA resources for the review of human drug
applications. Full NDAs are subject to the full fee. Under the reauthorization
provisions of the Modernization Act (PDUFA II), orphan drugs and supplements
for pediatric use are exempt from a user fee.
Cross-references to related applications [License Applications, INDs,
NDAs, and device applications] and drug or biologic master files (DMF or BMF)
should be listed. The document type, number, holder, product, and other relevant
information should be provided.
Master files may be useful to cross-reference because they may provide
information about the following such that the information can be updated in only
one document rather than several applications:
Manufacturing site, facilities, operating procedures, personnel (Type I)
Drug substance, drug substance intermediate, and material used in their
preparation, or drug product (Type II)
Packaging material (Type III)
Excipient, colorant, flavor, essence, or material used in their preparation
(Type IV)
FDA accepted reference information (Type V)

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

The holder of the master files can authorize an applicant to reference master file
information. It should be noted, however, that the master file information is not
approved or disapproved by the FDA and will be reviewed only in conjunction
with the marketing application. Important information regarding master files is
located in the Guideline for Drug Master Files and in 21 CFR § 314.420.

C. Prescription and Over-the-Counter Status—Labeling

The applicant is required to state the proposed marketing status as prescription
(Rx) or over-the-counter (OTC). Labeling requirements are codified in 21 CFR
§ 201 Subpart B for Rx and Subpart C for OTC. A marketing application would
be required for a product that deviates from the applicable OTC monograph*
(21 CFR § 330.11). OTC monographs specific for some types of products are
provided in 21 CFR Parts 331–358 and discussed in MAPP 6020.5. The use of
the labeling requirements as a tool for development and regulatory or marketing
strategy considerations is described later in this chapter.

D. Index—Comprehensive Table of Contents

The checklist for the items provided in Form FDA 356h should be used to indicate
which types of information are contained within a particular submission. The
Form FDA 356h instruction sheet entitled ‘‘Instructions For Filling Out Form
FDA 356h’’ indicates that the numbering system is not intended to specify a
particular order of inclusion of the sections in the submission, but recommends
that the Index be the first section and that the Index clearly provide the location
of the sections. For the purposes of ensuring easy navigation within the NDA/
BLA, the numbering system in the checklist is most often used for numbering
the items (e.g., Item 8 is the Clinical Data section even if Item 7 is not applicable
for the product; Item 10 is the Statistical section even if Item 9 is not applicable
as in the case of an original submission).
It is important to note that although Item 1 is entitled ‘‘Index,’’ it is de-
scribed in the regulations [21 CFR § 314.50(b)] as ‘‘a comprehensive index by
volume and page numbers,’’ which indicates that a comprehensive index is actu-
ally a comprehensive table of contents.

E. Compiling the NDA

Form FDA 356h requires that the volumes submitted be identified (referring to
the archival copy of the submission) and that it is identified whether the applica-

* Monographs establish conditions under which OTC drugs are generally recognized as safe and
effective and are not misbranded.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

tion is paper, electronic, or both. Because the electronic guidelines for submission
of an NDA/BLA are in the initial stages of implementation, it is important to
confer with the appropriate FDA reviewing division for what is an acceptable
format for electronic media.

1. Paper Copies
The paper review copies contain copies of Form FDA 356h, cover letter, letters
of authorization/certification items, comprehensive table of contents (index),
summary section, and particular technical sections. The review copies are distrib-
uted to the individual reviewers at the FDA, thus permitting concurrent reviews
to occur. The field copy, required for drug products as of 1993, is a copy of the
Chemistry review copy, and certified as such, that is sent to the applicant’s
‘‘home’’ FDA district office and used for preapproval inspections. The archival
copy is the FDA’s official copy (it includes the case report forms and tabulations)
and serves as a resource for reviewers.
The Guideline on Formatting, Assembling, and Submitting the New Drug
and Antibiotic Applications (1987) includes a tabular summary for the compila-
tion of the archival and review copies of the new drug application. It should be
noted and accounted for, however, that the tabular summary in this guidance is
not consistent with the updated Form FDA 356h.

2. Electronic Copies
The FDA plans to move to a paperless regulatory process by the year 2002. As
part of this goal, CDER and CBER have issued guidance documents for the
electronic submission of NDAs [Guidance for Industry: Providing Regulatory
Submissions in Electronic Format—NDAs (1999)] and BLAs [Guidance for In-
dustry: Providing Regulatory Submissions to CBER in Electronic Format—Bio-
logics Marketing Applications (1999)]. A general guidance document provides
a comprehensive review of the history of electronic submission guidances and
procedures [Guidance for Industry: Providing Regulatory Submissions in Elec-
tronic Format—General Considerations (1999)]. The advent of the electronic
submission should offer advantages to the FDA, the applicant, and the environ-
ment. An average archival submission is approximately 100–150 volumes (each
volume is 2 in. thick), with review copies of technical information adding many
more volumes to this count. The applicant has to coordinate this enormous effort
with the paper copy; the FDA has to coordinate the distribution, review, and
storage of the paper copy.
The guidance documents for electronic submissions provide detailed speci-
fications and information on format. Key factors in submitting the electronic doc-
ument are as follows.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

The document should be hypertext linked and bookmarked to ensure appro-
priate and efficient navigation. Bookmarks and hypertext links should
be provided to each item cited in the table of contents including tables,
figures, publications/references, and appendixes. Full text indexes and
document information fields are provided for technical items to find doc-
uments or search for text within documents.
The document must be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF).
PDF has been accepted as a standard for providing documents in elec-
tronic format by ICH.
A folder-naming system as provided in the guidances.

If both a paper and an electronic submission are used, the specifications

for the paper and the electronic copy should be discussed and confirmed with
the reviewing division at the pre-NDA/BLA meeting.

F. Certification
Form FDA 356h includes a certification statement that must be signed by the
applicant’s representative agent or authorized official. The statement specifies
that there are no false statements in the application and that the applicant will
adhere to requirements for compliance with regulations for safety updates, GMPs,
labeling, prescription advertising, supplements, and annual reports.



Constructing the NDA/BLA should be thought of as a continuum throughout the

development process. Commonly, documentation obtained during development
is put together on an as-needed basis, with format and content dependent on the
preference of the sponsor at that time. The NDA/BLA may not be compiled until
the end of Phase 3, with considerable effort needed to compile the information
in a similar format. For example, sponsors have been known to conduct five or
more studies with five or more data collection and reporting standards (because
of differences in contract research organizations or internal differences). That
sponsor would be required to embark on the time-consuming and costly effort
to rework key study information into a consistent format to logically display
safety, pharmacokinetic, and efficacy information. Some pieces of information
that are commonly compiled in the last months of development that should be
compiled as a continuum throughout development are the package insert, data
set integration, report synopses, primary quantitative tabular summaries of re-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 1 Construction of the NDA/BLA.

sults, overall tabular summaries of clinical studies and nonclinical studies, and
chemistry documentation.
Although each application presents unique considerations, our experience
indicates that submission of a marketing application will be delayed significantly
if the applicable information is not incorporated immediately after completion
into a report, summary tables, and the proposed labeling. For an average market-
ing application, several months delay is often the difference between obtaining
exclusivity provisions or a marketing advantage or both over a competitor’s prod-
uct. In addition, sponsors must deal with decisions very late in development that
can greatly affect the speed at which a marketing application is compiled and
possibly reviewed. Examples of some of these decisions are whether to provide
a uniform format for study numbering, report synopses, tabular summaries of
safety and effectiveness, patient narratives (and corresponding case report forms),
and location of statements of compliance to GCPs, GLPs, or transfer of sponsor
The pyramid concept for construction of the NDA/BLA can aid in devel-
oping a sense for the building block components and organization of a marketing
application. As shown in Fig. 1, the proposed labeling is developed at the IND
stage (i.e., the Investigator’s Brochure progresses to the Package Insert). The data

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

from each technical discipline (chemistry, nonclinical, and clinical), collected
according to the appropriate regulatory requirements as appropriate (GMP, GLP,
GCP, respectively), are then compiled into individual reports, overview tabular
summaries, and the respective ‘‘Items’’ of the NDA/BLA. Unique to U.S. mar-
keting applications, the integrated summaries of clinical information, with rele-
vant nonclinical and chemistry information, are then developed. This information
is then provided as cross-references (annotation) to support the statements in the
proposed labeling.
The NDA/BLA project team assigned to the product should be very famil-
iar with all components of the NDA/BLA. The NDA team normally includes
representatives from regulatory, project management, clinical, biopharmaceutics,
biostatistics, pharmacology/toxicology, and chemistry. The team should have one
person or group responsible for coordination and assembly of the NDA. The team
should discuss content issues, data presentation, and target dates. In addition, the
team should be aware that the NDA is a document that supports each statement
of the labeling. Our experience indicates that the team can ensure efficient project
execution and change control with the use of status reports and meetings that
review and track target completion dates of sections of the NDA/BLA working
table of contents and related tasks (i.e., Gantt charts).
The following sections in this chapter provide modules that can be started
early in development and updated as a continuum for the most expeditious com-
pletion of clinical information for the marketing application.

A. Package Insert Annotation

The regulations require annotations to the summary and technical sections [21
CFR 314.50(c) and (d)] and the guidelines suggest annotation to the volume and
page number [Guideline for the Format and Content of the Summary for the New
Drug and Antibiotic Applications (1987)]. Annotations can be tracked throughout
development by providing the study report number or comments in the annotation
section that supports the proposed labeling statements.
This concept of using the proposed product labeling as a way of tracking
information and updating the proposed labeling throughout product development
is the subject of an FDA pilot program with CDER’s Office of Drug Evaluation
IV and is referred to as the Targeted Product Information document [The Pink
Sheet, ‘‘Targeted Product Information’’ Pilot Uses Labeling Goals at IND Stage
(1999)]. The Targeted Product Information document (or TPI) is described by
the Web site ( as an evolving
version of the proposed labeling that can be used by the sponsor to: (a) guide
the design, conduct, and analysis of clinical trials; (b) facilitate communication
with the FDA; and (c) promote a shared understanding of the sponsor’s drug
development program. The TPI is essentially a proposed package insert with

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

the supporting study identification information (i.e., preliminary annotation). The
TPI is expected by the FDA to provide a greater amount of information than the
General Investigational Plan submitted with the IND and can: (a) be updated
with the Annual Report to the IND (the Annual Report regulations indicate the
requirement for the general investigational plan for the coming year), (b) be used
at milestone meetings, and (c) enable communication about such critical subjects
as the number of adequate and well-controlled studies required to support an
indication and patient population.

B. Summary of Comparator Products

A summary of the product and comparator products existing for the treatment
of the proposed indication(s) can be developed early in the development program
and updated throughout development. This table can be in the form of a side-
by-side comparison of the package inserts for the products. The information can
correspond to the preliminary annotation of the package insert to support compo-
nents of the clinical development plan that are ongoing. This type of table can
be used as a multipurpose tool for (a) ensuring appropriate considerations and
marketing strategy for the proposed labeling, and for (b) inserting into the inte-
grated benefits/risk section of Item 8 of the NDA/BLA.

C. Summary of Studies
A summary table of studies for each technical discipline (i.e., nonclinical, clinical,
and chemistry) should be created to summarize the studies and data. This sum-
mary is then supported and cross-referenced to the full study reports.
Using the summary table of clinical studies as an example, this table pro-
vides an overview of all the clinical studies, portions of which are then provided
in the Clinical Pharmacology, Controlled, Uncontrolled, and Other studies sec-
tions according to the guideline for Item 8 of the NDA/BLA [Guideline for the
Format and Content of the Clinical and Statistical Sections of New Drug Applica-
tions (1988)]. When updated as a continuum throughout the development of the
product, this table can be used to present an overview of study information in
the end-of-Phase 2 and pre-NDA/BLA meetings with the FDA, in addition to
the final form appearing in the NDA/BLA. Information that this table should
include is the following.
1. Identifier, title, and site(s) where the study was performed. The study
identifier system should be clear to the reviewer. Status of the study
such as the start and completion dates, GCP status (a statement of
which is required), and the study category. It is important to note what

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

date was used as a cutoff date for incorporation of study information
into the marketing application. Typically, the cutoff date is 3–6 months
before submission of the marketing application. Studies that are ongo-
ing at the time of submission would be listed as ongoing, but critical
information up to the cutoff date such as deaths, discontinuations be-
cause of adverse experiences, serious adverse experiences, and expo-
sure should be submitted from ongoing studies. The study category is
used to identify the categories the study represents [i.e., clinical phar-
macology, pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic, and any appropriate
subcategories; controlled studies in the indication(s) of the application
and any appropriate subcategories; uncontrolled studies in the indica-
tions(s) of the application; and studies in indications other than those
that are the subject of the application]. If there are many studies or if
the categorization of the studies is complex (for example, if the studies
are subcategorized into United States and foreign or sponsored by the
applicant and not sponsored by the applicant), it may be appropriate
to precede the table with a summary or flowchart of the categories of
studies with the corresponding study identifiers.
2. Subsequent columns contain the critical information regarding the
study for a succinct review of the methods used (i.e., study design,
control type, dose/route, regimen) and the results [i.e., columns for
summary data for demographics and breakdown of subpopulations (to-
tal number of subjects enrolled/completed; and total number of sub-
jects by race, gender, and age group or provide mean age and age
range); pharmacokinetics; safety; and effectiveness].
3. Cross-referencing information to the rest of the application for where
such items as the full protocol, report, publication(s), raw data, case
report forms, and case report tabulations (or listings) can be located.
In addition, the study is cross-referenced to previous submissions to
the regulatory agency (e.g., the study would be cross-referenced to the
IND serial number if it was previously submitted in the IND).

D. Summary of Regulatory Interactions

The guideline for Item 8 (Background/Overview) of the NDA/BLA [Guideline
for the Format and Content of Clinical and Statistical Sections of New Drug
Applications (1988)] suggests that regulatory interactions regarding major issues
and agreements should be referenced. This type of tabular summary of regulatory
interactions or regulatory database output may be useful to track regulatory his-
tory and ensure that FDA requests and joint sponsor–FDA agreements have been
satisfied throughout the development program. Submissions of nonclinical and

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

clinical reports and chemistry information are also recorded. Reports that have
not been previously submitted to the FDA at the time of the NDA/BLA submis-
sion are to be identified in the table of contents of the submission.
This type of table can be organized into clinical, nonclinical, and chemistry
technical disciplines and provided with the corresponding NDA/BLA items to
facilitate review of the information. The table can also be used as an attachment
to the cover letter of the application to document significant instructions or deci-
sions with the FDA that affect the information contained in the NDA/BLA.

E. Summary of Literature-Search Strategies

The guideline for Item 8 of the NDA/BLA [Guideline for the Format and Content
of Clinical and Statistical Sections of New Drug Applications (1988)] indicates
that literature should be summarized as part of the controlled, uncontrolled, and
other studies with a description of the search strategy used to assess the world
literature. In addition, regulatory requirements to demonstrate that clinical inves-
tigations are ‘‘essential’’ for claims of exclusivity indicate that the applicant pro-
vide a ‘‘list of all published studies or publicly available reports of clinical inves-
tigations known to the applicant through a literature search that are relevant to
the conditions for which the applicant is seeking approval.’’ Also, a ‘‘certification
that the applicant has thoroughly searched the scientific literature’’ [21 CFR §
314.50( j)(4)(ii)] must be provided. Similar to the ongoing studies, it is important
to note the cutoff date for incorporation of literature search information into the
marketing application.
This type of table can be organized into clinical, nonclinical, and chemistry
sections and can be provided with the associated items of the marketing applica-
tion to facilitate review of the information.


The completed application is reviewed within the initial 60 days to determine if

it is fileable or if it will be a refusal-to-file (RTF) application. Usually, a ‘‘45-
day meeting’’ is held within the reviewing division at the FDA to determine if
the application is acceptable for filing. In accordance with 21 CFR § 314.101,
the FDA may refuse to file an application or abbreviated antibiotic application
or may not consider an abbreviated new drug application received for any of the
following reasons:

Does not contain a completed application form (i.e., Form FDA 356h)
Is not submitted in the form or does not contain the information required

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

of an NDA (in accordance with 21 CFR § 314.50) or ANDA (in accor-
dance with 21 CFR § 314.94)
Does not include a complete environmental assessment (in accordance with
21 CFR § 25.40) or provide information for categorical exclusion (in
accordance with 21 CFR §§ 25.30, 25.31)
Does not contain an accurate and complete English translation of each part
of the application that is not in English
Omission of statements of compliance with the requirements set forth in
21 CFR Part 58 (i.e., GLP) or 21 CFR Parts 50 and 56 (i.e., GCP)

Once accepted for filing, the FDA ‘‘review clock’’ then starts and the multi-
disciplinary review process begins. Safety updates are submitted by the applicant,
or a waiver requested, during the review process. The FDA ‘‘review clock,’’
according to 21 CFR § 314.101, is 180 days; review times, however, have histori-
cally always been longer. PDUFA was enacted (originally in 1992 and reautho-
rized in 1997) to permit collection of prescription drug applicant submission fees
to provide payment for additional reviewing staff at the FDA such that review
times can be more expeditious. Review time goals are now 10–12 months for
standard review and 4–6 months for priority review [PDUFA II Five-Year Plan
(1998)]. The FDA may have questions that require responses throughout the re-
view period. If the response to the request or of additional submitted information
is substantial, the information may be considered an amendment to the applica-
tion, and the review clock may be extended or restarted.
‘‘Rolling reviews’’ or ‘‘rolling applications’’ are attractive to applicants
because they represent a way in which to start the review process earlier and
potentially may allow for an earlier approval date. In accordance with 21 CFR
§ 314.50(d)(1)(iv), the Chemistry section of an application can be submitted 90–
120 days in advance of the remainder of the application, and review is dependent
on resources. The FDA Modernization Act of 1997 ‘‘Fast Track’’ initiative (Sec-
tion 112) for drugs intended to treat a serious or life-threatening conditions with
an unmet medical need allows for submission of components of the application
before the complete application, but stipulates that the application needs to pro-
vide a schedule for submission of sections that would make the application com-
plete. In this case, the review clock would begin once the application is complete.


The marketing application requires maintenance not only before submission, but
also after submission, during the review process, and after approval. Some of the
presubmission and postsubmission processes that effect the NDA/BLA content
are outlined below.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

A. Pre-NDA/BLA Meetings
Pre-NDA/BLA meetings (i.e., end-of-Phase 2 and Pre-NDA/BLA meetings) are
important meetings to exchange information with the FDA regarding the prod-
uct’s development and resulting data and to indicate intentions for format and
content of the NDA/BLA. The FDA Guidance documents entitled Formal Meet-
ings with Sponsors and Applicants for PDUFA Products (2000) identifies proce-
dures applicable to requesting and holding meetings, and it outlines recom-
mended content for premeeting information packages.
Consistent with the FDA’s 2000 guidance, a table of contents for the pre-
NDA/BLA meeting information package may comprise the following*
1. Background/overview, including †
Product name and application number (if available)
Chemical name and structure
Proposed indication(s), including scientific rationale, development
plan, and regulatory information (include references to previous
regulatory interactions and resolution of action items) ‡
Dosage form, route, regimen (frequency and duration)
General purpose of the meeting and objectives or outcomes expected
from the meeting, including the general nature of questions to be
asked, how the meeting fits in with the development plan, and a
brief discussion of the specifics of the NDA/BLA and the
completed/planned studies/data
2. Specific questions †
3. Proposed labeling and intended use ‡
4. Proposed NDA/BLA table of contents ‡
5. Clinical data summary
6. Nonclinical data summary
7. Chemistry data summary

* Reproduced from D. Fordyce, ‘‘Establishing the Format and Content of an NDA/BLA’’ in S. Lin-
berg (ed.), Expediting Drugs and Biologics Development—A Strategic Approach, 2nd ed., with
permission from Parexel .

This information will be included in the request for the meeting and should be updated in the pre-
meeting information package.

Although this information is not specifically cited in the aforementioned guidance document, it is
appropriate to include this information to obtain FDA feedback on the structure of critical elements
of labeling and the plan for organization and submission of the application (e.g., plans to submit
abbreviated reports versus electronic reports) and recommended in division-specific pre-NDA meet-
ing guidance. Regulatory information should include a summary of previous meetings, agreements,
and requests for information and subsequent responses, and should reference components of the
submission that address any outstanding issues.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

The premeeting information package should be as concise as possible. It
should be fully paginated, with a table of contents and appropriate tabs, cross-
references, indexes, and appendixes. The FDA’s 2000 guidance indicates that the
specific questions should frame much of the meeting content and, therefore, the
specific questions should be as precise and comprehensive as possible.

B. Safety Update
In accordance with 21 CFR § 314.50(d)(5)(vi)(b) and 21 CFR § 601.2, safety
updates are required 4 months (120 days) after filing the application, after receiv-
ing an approvable letter, and at other times as requested by the FDA. The safety
updates are required to be submitted in the form of the integrated summary of
safety information. In addition, case report forms for all patients who died during
a clinical study* or who discontinued because of an adverse experience are re-
quired. According to the Guideline for Format and Content of the Clinical and
Statistical Sections of an Application, if the total exposure has changed substan-
tially, generally increased by 25% or more, the overall analysis of both new and
old data is required. Because a substantial increase in exposure could greatly
effect the conclusions of the application, it is appropriate to consider data cutoff/
lock dates such that the information is inclusive up to several months before the


A. FDA Modernization Act (FDAMA of 1997)
A comprehensive summary of the FDA Modernization Act of 1997 can be found
in several sources, including the F-D-C Reports summary prepared by Hyman,
Phelps & McNamara, P.C. (1997). This legislation improves the regulation of
drugs by streamlining the review process with several key initiatives. The
FDAMA initiative regarding the reauthorization of PDUFA (PDUFA II) and user
fees (Sections 101–107) to provide resources for application reviews was dis-
cussed briefly earlier in this chapter. Additional selected initiatives aimed at
streamlining the review process are summarized as follows:

* Generally, this includes information 4 weeks after a study is completed, or otherwise discontinuing
drug, or more if the product has a long half-life or has known late occurring effects [Draft Guid-
ance—Reviewer Guidance Document for Conducting a Clinical Safety Review of a New Product
Application and Preparing a Report on the Review (1996)].

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Fast Track Status for drugs intended to treat serious and life-threatening
conditions with an unmet medical need (Section 112): This initiative
essentially codifies the FDA’s accelerated approval regulations for drugs
and biologics (21 CFR 314 Subpart H and 21 CFR 601 Subpart E). This
information is described in detail in the Guidance for Industry—Fast
Track Drug Development Programs—Designation, Development, and
Application Review (1998).
Clinical Investigations (Section 115): This initiative allows for approval
based on substantial evidence of effectiveness from one adequate and
well-controlled trial and confirmatory evidence. This information was
previously outlined in the Draft Guidance for Industry—Providing Clini-
cal Evidence of Effectiveness for Human Drug and Biological Products
Data Requirements for Drugs and Biologics (Section 118): This initiative
allows for submission of abbreviated reports for studies that are not in-
tended to contribute to the evaluation of effectiveness or support infor-
mation included in the labeling. This information is detailed in the Draft
Guidance for Industry—Submission of Abbreviated Reports and Synop-
ses in Support of a Marketing Application (1999).
Content and Review of Applications (Section 119): This initiative provides
a requirement for the FDA, upon written request, to meet with the spon-
sor of an IND or applicant of and NDA or ANDA to establish the clinical
trial design to form the basis of effectiveness claims and provide minutes
of these agreements. This information is described, in part, in the PDUFA
II Five-Year Plan (1998) and the Guidance for Industry—Formal Meet-
ings with Sponsors and Applicants for PDUFA Products (2000).

B. International Harmonisation—Common Technical

The ICH initiative for the global dossier or Common Technical Document (CTD)
[ICH guidance document M4: Common Technical Document, divided into quality
(M4Q), safety (M4S), and efficacy (M4E) components], scheduled to be com-
pleted and implemented by 2002 or 2003, may change the information format
and content standards of the marketing application. The CTD is based on identical
modules of technical information that can be accepted worldwide.
The techniques chosen for compiling information, therefore, should be
flexible and adaptable to incorporation of completed modules of technical infor-
mation (i.e., nonclinical reports, nonclinical summaries/summary tables; clinical
reports, and clinical summaries/summary tables). The information compiled
must be appropriate for current regulations (i.e., for U.S. NDAs/BLAs and for

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

foreign Marketing Authorization Applications) and for the future (i.e., for the


Special thanks to Gordon Johnson of Lachman Consultants and the Former Dep-
uty Director of the Office of Generic Drugs at the FDA for his input and expertise
regarding 505(b)(2) NDA applications.


http:/ /
http:/ /
Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations. 21st edition. ‘‘Or-
ange Book.’’ U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Ser-
vice, FDA, CDER, Office of Information Technology, Division of Data Manage-
ment and Services, 2001 (http:/ /
Federal Register. Abbreviated New Drug Application Regulations: Patent and Exclusivity
Provisions, Vol. 59, No. 190, October 3, 1994.
Federal Register. Biological Products Regulated Under Section 351 of the Public Health
Services Act; Implementation of the Biologics License; Elimination of Establish-
ment License and Product License, Proposed Rule, Vol. 63, No. 147, July 31, 1998.
Form FDA 356h, Application to Market a New Drug, Biologic, or Antibiotic Drug for
Human Use. http:/ / html; http:// html; http:/ /
PDUFA II Five-Year Plan, 01 July 1998. http:/ /
FDA. CDER. ODE IV Pilot. Targeted Product Information. http:/ /
F-D-C Reports. The Pink Sheet, FDA ‘‘Targeted Product Information’’ Pilot Uses Label-
ing Goals at IND Stage, Vol. 61, Issue 11, March 15,1999.
F-D-C Reports. The Pink Sheet, Waxman/Hatch Should be Expanded to Cover Biologics,
Vol 60, Issue 46, November 16, 1998.
Food and Drug Modernization Act of 1997. Summary Prepared by Hyman, Phelps, and
McNamara, F-D-C Reports, Inc. Summary Prepared by the Biotechnology Industry
Organization. http:/ / (by subscription only.)
Fordyce, D. Establishing the Format and Content of the NDA/BLA. In: S. Lindberg (ed.),
Expediting Drug and Biologics Development—A Strategic Approach, 2nd ed.,
chap. 9. Parexel , 1999.
U.S. Regulatory Reporter. Guide to 505(b)(2) Submissions. Vol. 11, No. 11, May 1995.
Washington Drug Letter. FDA to Issue ‘‘How-To’’ Guide for Naming Drugs. August 18,

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations § 201. Labeling.
Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations § 314. Applications for FDA Ap-
proval to Market a New Drug or an Antibiotic Drug.
Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations §§ 600 and 601. Biological Products:
General; Licensing.
Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations § 320. Bioavailability and Bioequiva-
lence Requirements.
Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations § 330. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hu-
man Drugs Which Are Generally Recognized as Safe and Effective and
Not Misbranded.

Selected FDA Guidelines (
Guidance for Industry: Applications Covered by Section 505(b)(2), Octo-
ber 1999.
Guideline for Drug Master Files: September 1, 1989.
Guidance for Industry: Fast Track Drug Development Programs—Designa-
tion, Development, and Application Review, September 1998.
Formal Meetings with Sponsors and Applicants for PDUFA Products, Feb-
ruary 2000.
Guideline [for Item 3]—Format and Content of the Summary for New Drug
and Antibiotic Applications; February 1, 1987.
Guideline [for Item 4]—Format and Content of the Chemistry, Manufactur-
ing and Controls Section of an Application, February 1, 1987.
Guideline [for Item 5]—Format and Content of the Nonclinical
Pharmacology/Toxicology Section of an Application, February 1, 1987.
Guideline [for Item 6]—Format and Content of the Human Pharmacokinet-
ics and Bioavailability Section of an Application, February 1, 1987.
Guideline [for Item 7]—Format and Content of the Microbiology Section
of an Application, February 1, 1987.
Guideline [for Items 8 and 10]—Format and Content of the Clinical and
Statistical Sections of New Drug Applications, July 1, 1988.
Guideline on Formatting, Assembling and Submitting New Drug and Anti-
biotic Applications, February 1, 1987.
Guidance for Industry: Organization of an ANDA, February 1999.
Guidance for Industry: Providing Electronic Regulatory Submissions in
Electronic Format—General Considerations (IT 2), January 1999.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Guidance for Industry: Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic
Format—NDAs (IT 3), January, 1999.
Guidance for Industry: Providing Regulatory Submissions to CBER in
Electronic Format—Biologics Marketing Applications, November 1999.
Providing Clinical Evidence of Effectiveness for Human Drug and Biologi-
cal Products, March 13, 1997.
(Draft Guidance—) Reviewer Guidance Document for Conducting a Clini-
cal Safety Review of a New Product Application and Preparing a Report
on the Review, November 1996.
Guidance for Industry: Submission of Abbreviated Reports and Synopses
in Support of a Marketing Application, August, 1999.

Selected ICH Guidelines (

ICH M4: Common Technical Document
ICH E3: Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports, 1996.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

International Planning of Drug
Clinical Trials

David L. Horwitz
LifeScan (a Johnson & Johnson Company), Milpitas, California


Today’s fast-paced pharmaceutical development virtually requires that the inter-

national registration of a drug be part of the initial development plan. This re-
quires consideration of both nonclinical and clinical requirements in every coun-
try where the drug has commercial value. If only one country’s requirements are
considered, valuable time is lost making up deficiencies when registration is de-
sired in other countries. Fortunately, efforts at international harmonization have
led to increasing uniformity of regulations. However, the harmonization process
remains incomplete, and even when uniform regulations have been accepted the
implementation of those regulations is subject to considerable local interpreta-
International clinical trial programs are desirable for several reasons (Table
1). However, implementation of an international trial program introduces several
degrees of complexity that are not seen in single-country trials (Table 2). This
chapter will discuss when an international clinical drug trial should be considered,
explore the difficulties associated with such trials, and suggest how some of the
difficulties may be resolved. In the chapter, the words ‘‘international’’ and ‘‘mul-
tinational’’ will be used interchangeably. Some authors and speakers use ‘‘inter-
national’’ to indicate two or more countries and ‘‘multinational’’ when three or
more countries are involved, but the distinction is not necessary in this con-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Table 1 Reasons for International Clinical Trial Programs

Increased patient population

Explore population/genetic differences
Varying medical practice standards
Develop local base of support and expertise
Potential cost savings by use of low-cost countries


A. Patient Population
There are various reasons to consider implementing a clinical trial program in
multiple countries. The most important are summarized in Table 1. The sponsor
of a clinical trial must consider the reasons that are most applicable to a particular
situation. As discussed below, addition of each new country to a trial increases
the complexity and incremental expense. Therefore, identification of the relevant
reasons for international expansion of a trial is critical to justify the inconvenience
and cost that is introduced.
In many drug trials, patient recruitment is the slowest part of the trial.
Therefore, increasing the base of available patients may be the best way to speed
up a trial. However, it does not always work out this way. Sometimes, adding
more centers in the same country is much easier, faster, and less expensive. Typi-
cally, the centers participating in a multicenter trial will not all be equally produc-
tive, and if a study has been properly planned those centers that are likely to
produce the most subjects are identified early in the planning process and entered
into the trial. Hence, addition of new centers will usually mean addition of pro-

Table 2 Difficulties with Multinational Clinical Trials

Cultural differences
Language differences
Regulatory differences
Communication logistics
Differences in clinical practice standards
Transportation of clinical trial drug supply and blood and tis-
sue samples

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

gressively less productive centers, until there is a point of diminishing returns
where the patients added by a center are not worth the additional time and money
it takes to add the center. This is clearly a good time to consider international
expansion of a trial if it has not already been considered for other reasons.

B. Population and Genetic Differences

Both clinicians and regulatory bodies are becoming increasingly aware of ‘‘phar-
macogenetic’’ differences in the way populations respond to drugs. These may
result from differences in drug metabolism or frequency of concomitant geneti-
cally related conditions. The disease being treated may itself be manifest differ-
ently in different populations. For instance, chronic hepatitis B seems to show a
different natural history in Chinese populations than in Western or even other
Asian populations. This may affect the drug’s safety or effectiveness in a given
diseased population. Some countries, notably Japan, insist on clinical trial data
in their own population. Others do not have as rigid a requirement, but are never-
theless uncomfortable approving a drug until there has been at least some local
confirmation of safety and efficacy. The sponsor must consider when it is most
advantageous to get such data as part of a multinational preapproval pivotal trial,
and when regional studies can be deferred to be done as smaller single-country
trials after completion of the pivotal trial program.
Some guidance in these issues is provided by the International Conference
on Harmonization (1). The ICH suggests that a drug’s sensitivity to ethnic factors
may be predicted on the basis of a number of factors, including linearity of phar-
macokinetics, steepness of dose–response curve, and mode of metabolism. Poten-
tial for drug–drug, drug–diet, and drug–disease interaction are also important.
Studies involving drugs with the greatest sensitivity to ethnic factors are the least
transportable from region to region. This is even more reason for carefully de-
termining whether such data are best obtained as part of the pivotal trial program
or later, perhaps as a bridging study between populations.

C. Differences in Medical Practice

Some drugs may show a greater effect in one system of health care delivery
than in another (for instance, as part of a ‘‘high-tech,’’ multifaceted approach to
treatment as opposed to single-agent therapy). The reasons for the differences
may be difficult to elucidate. Some cultures appear to follow a doctor’s instruc-
tions better than others, and hence there is a real difference in compliance with
taking the study medication. Use of alcohol, tobacco, or other recreational drugs
may differ from one society to another, and this can have effects on immune
competence as well as overall health. Inhaled drugs, for instance, may simply
behave differently in populations that have a large proportion of smokers. Avail-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

ability of nursing staff or other health educators will vary, and this can affect
both compliance and reporting of adverse events. Drugs for chronic injection
may require daily office or hospital visits for the injection in some settings, while
others may teach self-injection. Availability of advanced diagnostic equipment
may make it easier to detect both changes in the studied disease and adverse drug
events. Some populations may take large amounts of folk remedies, or even have
a diet with a high content of pharmaceutically active food ingredients, and these
do not show up on lists of concomitant medications. To some extent, it is desir-
able to eliminate as many of these variables as possible in the pivotal trials, so
that any effects seen are limited to the investigational drug. However, even the
best-designed protocol is unlikely to cover every contingency. And ultimately,
of course, it is desirable to know how a drug will function in the ‘‘real world,’’
when therapy is not controlled by a protocol. A well-designed multinational pro-
tocol will control, through entry criteria and restrictions in treatment options,
those variable that can be controlled, but will give information that will be valid
for a number of attainable practice settings.

D. Developing Local Support and Expertise

Once a drug has been approved in a country, the sponsor will want to establish
a commercial market for the drug as quickly as possible. A recognized way of
doing this is by having local thought leaders who can present the benefits (and
risks) of the drug and educate other physicians in its proper use. Inclusion of
these thought leaders among trial investigators will assure that they are already
knowledgeable about the drug even before it is approved for marketing and, if
the trial has been successful, that they are a supporters of the drug. Also, if they
have been involved from the start of trial planning, it is likely that the trial will
have addressed any specific national concerns that may arise in their country. On
the other hand, thought leader support can be developed in other ways, such as
smaller trials done following the pivotal trial, perhaps while the dossier is being
reviewed. Also, many of the recognized thought leaders are at points in their
careers where they spend the majority of their time in research and teaching, and
have a relatively small clinical practice so they are not likely to be able to contrib-
ute many subjects to the trial. Thus, inclusion of an investigator primarily to
obtain local support must be balanced against the logistical difficulties introduced
each time a country is added to a trial, and is recommended only if there are
other valid reasons for including a particular investigator.

E. Potential Cost Savings

It is indisputable that the conduct of clinical trials, like health care itself, can
have very different costs in different parts of the world. It may be tempting to

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

select a site primarily because it is ‘‘cheap.’’ However, if the data quality of a
site is questionable, the entire trial is at risk and then any cost savings disappear.
Cost considerations are discussed in more detail below, in the section on choosing
countries for clinical trials. Most important, cost should be considered a factor
in deciding on a multinational trial only when use of low-cost sites will not com-
promise the integrity of the trial.


For a trial to be truly international, every country should be doing the same trial
in the same way. Otherwise, it is just a series of parallel single-country trials.
Doing the trial in the same way in each country implies more than just having
the same protocol. Trial monitoring, case report forms, and information flow
should all be uniform, so the data are easily merged. The proper way of conduct-
ing a clinical trial for the purpose of obtaining drug registration is generally called
Good Clinical Practice, or GCP. The initial emphasis of GCP regulations was to
assure the ethical conduct of a trial, but the concept has gradually expanded to
include issues of scientific conduct and data integrity. Guidelines for Good Clini-
cal Practice specify obligations of the investigator, sponsor, and Institutional Re-
view Board (IRB).
Ten years ago, there was sufficient diversity in GCP standards that it was
useful to have publications comparing various systems (2). At the present time,
considerable harmonization has been achieved (3). The ICH guidelines should
guide the conduct of all international trials. For the most part they do not conflict
with any national laws, but at times conflict is avoided by making the ICH guide-
line somewhat nonspecific and deferring to national regulatory requirements for
further definition. This is especially true in the areas defining institutional review
boards and informed consent. In the more technical areas such as protocol devel-
opment, study monitoring, quality assurance, accountability of clinical trial drug
supply, and documentation, it should be possible to use similar procedures in all
countries participating in a trial. The format of the Investigators Brochure is de-
fined somewhat differently by the ICH (3) and by the U.S. Food and Drug Admin-
istration (FDA) [21 CFR §312.23(a)(5)]. However, in the author’s experience it
has not been difficult to prepare an Investigators Brochure that successfully meets
the requirements of both formats.
As noted, the portions of the GCP guidelines that control the ethical conduct
of the study, namely, those relating to the IRB and to informed consent, are likely
to be most problematic. The need to do studies in an ethical manner is not in
question. However, due to legitimate cultural differences there is not uniform
agreement on, for instance, the proper composition of an IRB, how much needs
to be disclosed to consider a consent as ‘‘informed,’’ and the situations in which

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

written, as opposed to oral, consent is needed. Cultural differences arise between
the assumption that the individual physician is the best-qualified person to look
after a patient’s interests and the assumption that the patient himself bears the
ultimate responsibility. It is not easy even to approach these questions outside
one’s individual cultural biases. Difficulties arise when a sponsor wishes to use
clinical data from one country to support approval in another country. If the
sponsor is not able to document that the study was done according to the ethical
precepts of the country receiving the data, the data may not be acceptable even
though it was obtained following all of the rules of the country where it was
produced. These principles arose at a time when it was felt that some sponsors
of clinical trials were exploiting the population of a foreign country to conduct
a study that would not be allowed in their own nation. Such practice is certainly
not common today, but its regulatory legacy can continue to affect us. Planners
of international clinical trials must ascertain before beginning a trial if any trial
site will not meet internationally accepted GCP standards and either decide not
to use that site or acknowledge the possibility that data from that site may not
be internationally acceptable.


The previous section considered some cultural considerations that can affect the
informed-consent process from a regulatory standpoint. Other factors to be con-
sidered are regional practices on what the physician traditionally tells the patient.
For instance, in some countries, especially in Asia, physicians often do not tell
patients that they have cancer. While the family is informed, both the family and
the physician are expected to ‘‘protect’’ the patient from knowing the diagnosis.
How, then, can such a patient give an informed consent to participate in a trial
of a new therapy for cancer? Like many such questions, there is no answer that
can be separated from one’s personal ethical background. A local IRB may be
very comfortable dealing with this issue, but a foreign regulatory authority may
find the consent process to be unacceptable. While there is not a solution to this
problem, it is critical that the sponsor understand in advance that such a situation
exists, so that an intelligent decision can be made on the feasibility of a multina-
tional trial in this circumstance.
Cultural considerations may also affect experimental design. In some coun-
tries, the concept of a placebo control is simply not acceptable. The norm is to
treat everyone, and so the control must be an alternative treatment or a lower
dose of the study drug. In other situations, an oral or topical placebo may be
acceptable, but an injectable or suppository placebo may not be because it is felt
that such intrusion without potential therapeutic benefit is not ethically accept-
able. The sponsor’s only alternatives may be to omit such locations from the

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

clinical trial or using an altered protocol at those sites, with the resulting reduction
in data that can be pooled.
In other environments, compensation of the patient becomes an issue. At
one end of the spectrum, it may be felt that offering the patient access to poten-
tially effective new therapies is sufficient compensation. At the other extreme,
patients receive cash payments for their time, inconvenience, and possible risk
taken. In between may be monetary payments limited to out-of-pocket expenses
such as bus fare or parking. Access to free treatment may not be an incentive to
patients who live in countries where a national health service would provide
treatment in any case. Patients who learn that they have been randomized to a
placebo group may resent the fact that they have seemingly received nothing for
their efforts. In some settings, the investigator may be able to argue successfully
that the patient has, through his or her participation, contributed to our knowledge
of a disease from which the patient personally suffers. However, in some cultures
the physician will also feel that placebo patients require special compensation.
A commonly suggested solution is a crossover design assuring that all subjects are
eventually treated. However, such a design may not be optimal for the scientific
questions being studied, and conflicts between sponsor and investigator over ex-
perimental design may ensue.
The most difficult cultural issue to deal with is investigator compensation.
While many would like to deny that it is an issue, the fact is that such concerns
exist and, if not addressed, may undermine the best-planned trials. Many investi-
gators participate in a trial predominantly for intellectual stimulation, for the op-
portunity of publication, or because their institutions urge them to seek grant
support to defray a portion of salary. Modern economic realities are such that
direct support of investigators is expected in some regions. This is discussed later,
in the paragraph on choosing countries under the section on trial costs. A sponsor
must be aware that in some cultures the need for such direct payments is not
overtly brought up by the investigator and must be volunteered by the sponsor.
As long as such payments are reasonable compensation for the time required to
recruit and examine patients, to complete documentation, and to meet periodically
with the monitor or the sponsor, such payments are fully acceptable. Sponsors
are advised to determine, at the onset, whether payments will go directly to the
investigator or to the host institution, and the currency of the payment. Payment
tied to the outcome of the study, or payment in shares of the sponsor’s stock, is
almost never acceptable and will raise serious questions with regulatory authori-
ties. It may be advisable to withhold some portion of the payment until all com-
pleted case report forms have been received; this should be specified in advance
in an investigator agreement. Ownership of the data and publication rights should
also be specified in advance. Many institutions will not permit an agreement that
allows the sponsor to determine whether the data can be published depending on
the results of the study, but it is usually acceptable to have an agreement that

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

allows the sponsor to defer publication pending establishment of intellectual
property rights. If a publication is anticipated, it is best to have agreement before
the trial over who the authors will be and their order of appearance and to what
national or international journals any manuscripts might be submitted.


For those of us who live in English-speaking countries, it is fortunate that English

is the primary language of science. It is generally not difficult, in any country,
to find a qualified investigator who is sufficiently fluent in English to permit
written and verbal communications. Therefore, protocol development and investi-
gators meetings rarely present a problem. A bigger problem can be reaching
investigators through secretaries who do not speak English, or dealing with study
staff, such as clinical coordinators, who have less language skills. These factors
should be considered when deciding whether an international trial will be fea-
Even though trial planning can be done in English, some documentation
may need to be translated to conduct a trial. Protocols may have to be in the
local language for submission to health authorities or ethics committees. Written
informed-consent forms must always be in the local language. In some countries
with more than one official language, or with local dialects that are not mutually
understandable, some documents may need to be prepared in several languages.
Case report forms can present a real challenge (Table 3). Can English be
read by those completing the forms, by those auditing the data, and by those
doing data entry? Are multilingual forms necessary, or must versions be prepared
in multiple languages? Even if English is used, will it be American or British
spelling (hemoglobin or haemoglobin)? If abbreviations are used, are they com-

Table 3 Choosing a Language for Case Report Forms

What language is used by those completing the form?

What language is used by those monitoring the trial and
auditing the data?
What language is used by those doing data entry?
Are there specific formats for proper names that must be
considered. Is the family name first, last, or in the
Are nonstandard abbreviations being used?
Are units of measurement the same in all countries?

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

monly used in a similar way at all sites (does the hematology laboratory do a
Complete Blood Count, CBC, or a Full Blood Count, FBC)? Do all sites use SI
units (many in the United States do not, but other countries generally do)? Do
we instruct the investigator to mark a box with a ‘‘check’’ or with a ‘‘tic’’? An
example may be the easiest way to give the instruction.
Names can be a special problem. Patient names are often omitted from case
report forms to protect confidentiality, but investigators’ names and names of
others completing the form are necessary. If we provide specific spaces to enter
the name, we may without thinking ask for first name, middle initial, last name.
It is important to be aware that the family name may come last, as it often does
in names of Northern European origin, but may also come first, as in names of
Chinese origin. In Spanish names, the name in the middle is of key importance.
Some options are to label spaces on the form for ‘‘family name’’ and ‘‘given
name,’’ or to have only a single space for the entire name and use the technique
often seen on customs forms of asking the person completing the form to under-
line the family name. Proper name completion is especially important to avoid
errors at the time of data entry. With regard to patient names, use of study num-
bers eliminates most problems (investigator numbers can also be used to avoid
confusion). However, some forms also ask for patient initials as a double check
on identity. In countries with nonphonetic writing, the concept of initials does
not always apply, so special provision must be made in these cases.


GCP standards require that clinical trials done for registration purposes be ade-
quately monitored. Monitoring is done to assure that the rights and well-being
of human subjects are protected; that the reported trial data are accurate, com-
plete, and verifiable from source documents; and that the conduct of the trial is
in compliance with the currently approved protocol, with GCP, and with the
applicable regulatory requirements. Generally, this monitoring is accomplished
by periodic visits to each clinical trial site by an appropriately trained monitor.
The monitor is often the primary contact between the investigator and the
sponsor, and so must play the difficult role of being both a public relations spokes-
person for the sponsor and also an authoritative ‘‘police’’ figure when necessary.
To do this well requires a person with exceptional interpersonal skills. In an
international trial, it is critical that the monitor be culturally sensitive to the cus-
toms of each country visited. Especially in the early stages of a trial, errors are
sometimes made in following the protocol or, more commonly, in completing
case report forms. The monitor is obligated to point out these errors and see that
they are corrected. However, in some cultures, acknowledging that one has made
an error results in ‘‘loss of face,’’ and many are unwilling to do it. If an error

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

was made by a senior investigator, junior members of his or her staff may be
unwilling to point out the error and may want to cover it up rather than correct
it. A culturally sensitive monitor should know when it is inadvisable to say, ‘‘this
is wrong,’’ and will instead say, ‘‘let me show you how the sponsor needs to
have this done to meet U.S. requirements.’’ The stigma associated with making
a mistake is so strong in some cultures that the author has seen study coordinators
copy entire sets of case report forms rather than acknowledge an error through
the practice, which is taken for granted in the United States, of simply drawing
a line through the error, initialing and dating it, and writing in the correct informa-
In addition to cultural sensitivity, adequate language skills are needed by
the international monitor. As noted previously, site study coordinators may not
be fluent in English. Primary source documents are usually in the local language.
An ability to speak the local language is often necessary simply to find one’s
way to the proper location for reviewing the documents, and for requesting any
needed documentation. Therefore, to conduct an international trial properly, a
sponsor should carefully determine whether adequate monitoring can be done
before accepting a site into the study.


Data collection in all trials is being increasingly automated. Through the use of
direct electronic data entry at the site, electronic transmission by modem or In-
ternet connection, or through faxed transmission of data on paper, collection of
data from multiple sites has become almost trivial. However, as the transmission
process becomes simpler, the efforts needed to assure the accuracy of the data
transmitted become more complex. For instance, if direct electronic entry of data
is done at each site, the computer screens used to enter the data must be designed
with the same attention to differences in language and specific use of terms and
abbreviations that was noted above when case report forms were discussed. Be-
cause predesigning computer screens is often more complex than redesigning
paper case report forms, this is sometimes more difficult to do. If data are trans-
mitted to a data processing center directly by the investigator, rather than being
collected on site by the study monitor, the data ‘‘clean-up’’ at the end of the
study is likely to take longer and, because it is done farther in time from the actual
creation of the data, may be more difficult to do—especially if investigators,
co-investigators, or their staff have changed or if source documents have been
misplaced. Most automated data analysis systems now being used to process
clinical trial data routinely generate a ‘‘query’’ when results appear to be missing
or inconsistent, or fall outside predetermined ranges. These queries often must
be brought to the investigators’ attention for resolution, and they frequently lack
the cultural sensitivity discussed above under monitoring.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

If case report forms have been prepared in multiple languages and are being
sent to a central center for data entry and processing, some simple steps can help
minimize data entry errors. Apart from the language differences, the layout of
the case report forms should be similar so the data entry technician can enter
data by location on the form rather than by the label of the item. As an extra
safeguard, it is useful to have a small number identifying each data field on the
form, and this number should be uniform across all language variants of the form.
This is especially important in long columns or rows of items, so the data techni-
cian can use the field number rather than the foreign language label to confirm
that the proper data field is being entered into each location in the database.



Many factors must be considered when considering the countries to participate

in a multinational trial (Table 4). Certainly, the considerations that apply to a
single-country multicenter trial also apply here. Specifically, all centers should
be able to produce data of equally high quality. One center or one country should
not dominate the trial, but there should be enough subjects in various sites in the
involved countries so that center-to-center and country-to-country comparisons
can be made. The trial may not need to be statistically powered to detect inter-
country differences (it is advisable to explore this question with regulatory author-
ities before starting the trial), but it should be clear that there are no major incon-
sistencies between centers or between countries. If the results of a trial are driven
largely by unusually good results from only one site or only one country, health
authority reviewers are likely to be skeptical of the overall findings.
The preceding discussion has pointed out many of the problems that may
occur in international trials, and has repeated suggested factors that may lead a
sponsor to decide that a particular country or individual site may not be suitable

Table 4 Choosing Countries for Multinational Clinical Trials

High prevalence of condition being studied

Appropriate patients accessible through health care system
Suitable Infrastructure
Knowledgeable investigators
Acceptable laboratory facilities
Available Institutional Review Boards
Timely regulatory review when required
Reasonable cost of conducting trial

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

for a specific trial. Having eliminated such sites, there will usually be many sites
that remain potential trial centers. The following factors may help in this further

A. Disease Prevalence
If one is expanding a trial internationally primarily to enhance patient recruitment,
knowledge of the demographics of the clinical condition in question is critical.
While no one is likely to go to northern Europe to study malaria, or central Africa
to study cystic fibrosis, the decisions are usually more subtle than this. Often,
market research will have already been done to determine the largest markets
for the disease, and these will frequently (but not always) be the best places to
go for clinical trials. They will also be the countries where the needs of local
populations, local thought leaders, and local regulatory bodies must also be con-
sidered, and so turn out to be the logical nations to consider first.

B. Subject Accessibility
A good country for a clinical trial must not only have a reasonably high preva-
lence of the condition being studied; the patient population must be accessible for
study. Countries with a strong national health care system may have centralized
registries of patients, allowing those with a given diagnosis to be readily found.
Countries with large tertiary referral centers, often associated with universities,
will be helpful if the disease is one which is often referred to such centers. On
the other hand, if the condition is generally managed by primary care providers,
the sponsor must either find investigators with a very large practice or be able
to attract patients to study centers. The local cultural climate regarding physician
referral of patients, patient self-referral for a study, and patient advertising to
recruit subjects must be carefully evaluated to see if adequate trial enrollment
will be possible. It is unwise to assume that patient recruitment techniques that
have proven successful in one’s own country will be equally successful in another
country. Indeed, they may prove to be illegal or ethically unacceptable to the
local medical community.

C. Investigator Qualifications
In addition to a suitable patient population, a good country for a clinical trial must
have a good investigator population. If the trial will be used for multinational
registrations, it is imperative that the investigator have a thorough understanding
of the principles of a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Investigators who are
unwilling to properly randomize patients or to follow a protocol rigorously will

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

weaken the entire clinical program. Fortunately, it is now becoming fairly easy
to find investigators who have trained in internationally recognized centers and
who have participated in a controlled trial at an earlier phase of their career.
However, it is not rare to encounter a physician who may have considerable
prestige nationally or internationally, and who may indeed be an excellent clini-
cian and teacher, but who is not prepared to accept the limitations on free choice
imposed by a defined protocol. These individuals are often most valuable when
used in a consulting capacity or on a review committee, but may not be suitable

D. Laboratory Support
Laboratory measurements are frequently primary end points in drug clinical trials.
Therefore, the availability of acceptable laboratories is critical. It is often desir-
able to use a single reference laboratory for all measurements in a multicenter
clinical trial, and this is generally accomplished by having each center ship its
samples to the reference lab or by using a service (often provided by commercial
reference laboratories) that picks up the samples from each site. When multiple
countries are involved, the logistics quickly become complex. If multiple labs
are used, each must be audited for compliance with acceptable laboratory prac-
tices, an acceptable quality assurance program, and timeliness of reporting. While
some laboratory proficiency testing programs are available internationally, not
all labs use them. Records may be kept in different languages, and different re-
porting units may be used. A common requirement for clinical trials is that each
center must have a certified laboratory, but not all countries have national certi-
fying bodies, and the standards of certification may be variable. Thus, particular
scrutiny is needed when multiple laboratories are to be used in a trial intended
for multinational drug registration.
Other types of complexities arise if it is decided to use a common reference
laboratory. The sponsor will almost always have to arrange for shipping of sam-
ples, as few, if any, commercial reference laboratories provide this service on
an international basis. Because of public health concerns, there is considerable
restriction on movement of medical samples that consist of body fluids. Some
countries require export approval from the Ministry of Health; others require
import approval. Packaging of samples must be done in ways that protect both
the sample and the carrier from accidental breakage. If samples must be sent at
controlled temperatures, delays in customs must be anticipated. Many air carriers
will not accept any shipments in Dry Ice on a passenger flight. Shipping costs
and the cost of customs brokers can add considerable expense to a trial. All of
these factors must be considered early in the trial planning, and a trial site (and
country) should be selected only after it is confirmed that provision can be made
for adequate handling of laboratory specimens.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

International standards are being developed for clinical laboratory testing
(ISO TC 212). As these are implemented, comparison of laboratories and choice
of a reference laboratory will be simplified. And in situations where multiple
laboratories are used in a trial, comparisons between labs will be potentially far

E. IRB Reviews
Regulatory requirements vary from country to country, and must also be consid-
ered in the trial process. Some countries require government approval for any
trial on a new drug [similar to the U.S. Investigational New Drug (IND) applica-
tion]. In other countries, there is no formal government review and the govern-
ment will defer to the expertise of an institutional ethics committee. Virtually all
countries require that human studies be approved by an institutional review board
(IRB) or an ethics committee and, even if it is not required, the sponsor will
generally want such a review to be completed to assure that the trial will be
accepted internationally. Thus, in selecting trial sites the sponsor must inquire
about the availability of an IRB, how frequently it meets, and the timeliness of
its reviews. In some centers, an IRB may meet frequently and complete review
of all protocols submitted to it, and a review can be guaranteed within a specified
time period. In other jurisdictions, the IRB may meet only occasionally, meetings
may not be held during holiday periods (which may last a month in some coun-
tries), and the IRB will review only a fixed number of applications at each meet-
ing, resulting in a backlog if the protocols submitted exceed this number. All of
this needs to be determined in advance.

F. Government Regulation
When formal government review is required, the length of the process must be
considered. Some countries, like the United States, follow a relatively rapid pro-
cedure and allow a trial to begin 30 days after an application is received unless
the government acts to delay the start. In other countries, formal approval is
required before beginning. In some, the application to the government cannot be
made until after IRB approval is obtained, and the delays can be considerable.
In addition, for approval to begin the trial, permission must be obtained to export
the drug from the country of manufacture, and import it into the trial countries.
Export rules vary from country to country. In the United States, they have recently
been simplified, particularly for shipments to the more developed countries. Im-
portation, on the other hand, can be quite complex and may require multiple
approvals from several government jurisdictions. Generally, an in-country re-
source is needed to manage the process, and sponsors without an international

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

presence will usually require considerable consultation with experienced local
advisors to carry out the process successfully.

G. Trial Cost
Finally, the cost of the trial must be considered. Sometimes, the perceived ability
to reduce the cost of a trial is a primary reason for doing a trial in a specific
country. Sometimes the costs reduction is very real. Particularly when a study
involves hospitalization, hospital costs may be substantially less in some parts
of the world. Differences in stipends to investigators may also be quite different,
due to regional differences in cost of living. On the other hand, additional costs
are incurred, as noted above, due to shipping of drug supply, lab samples, and
case report forms. Also, cultural differences may make it difficult to settle on
what the true study budget really is. In the United States, for instance, there is
usually a research agreement that specifies a fixed budget that includes out-of-
pocket costs (such as local lab tests) and the portion of the investigator’s salary
that will be provided, as well as any institutional overhead. In other parts of the
world, less is committed to writing and it is assumed that the sponsor will provide
investigators with travel to international meetings and other incidental costs of
research. It can be very difficult, especially if one is not familiar with the local
language and does not understand the culture, to gain an understanding of this.
The first clue that one is not meeting the expected obligations may not come
until it is noticed that an investigator who appeared to be enthusiastic is spending
less time recruiting patients and may be devoting himself more to other trials. It
is critical that these issues be explored prior to beginning the trial. With good
communication, many potential misunderstandings may be avoided. Once again,
consultation with someone who is familiar with local customs, and who may
know what investigators have received in other clinical trials, may be instrumen-
tal in establishing a proper relationship with the investigator.



This chapter has limited its scope to those considerations that, in the author’s
experience, are important in assuring that an international clinical trial will go
forward with the greatest possible efficiency. Many other matters may come up
in the development of international trials that are similar to those seen in single-
country trials. Many of those are discussed in other chapters of this book. Some,
however, have additional complexities introduced when the intent of a trial is to
support multiple-country registrations. These are summarized in Table 5, which
may also serve as a final checklist for some key factors for every trial.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Table 5 Special Considerations for International Clinical Trials

Will the clinical trial protocol, including entry criteria and end points, support the ulti-
mate labeled indication, package insert, or summary of product characteristics that is
desired in each country where registration will be sought?
Are there sufficient nonclinical data or preliminary clinical data to support commenc-
ing the trial in all countries of interest?
Is a mechanism in place to assure that all adverse events, regardless of where they oc-
cur, are collected on a timely basis and reported according to the regulatory require-
ments of all countries where the trial is being conducted, and that serious adverse
events are reported within statutory time limits?

Obviously, organizing a clinical trial introduces an additional level of com-

plexity. Organizational schemes have been proposed to deal with this (4). Often,
the sponsor will be working with functionally separate corporate affiliates or with
independent development partners or distributors in conducting the international
trial, and issues of overall management, coordination of data collection, and own-
ership of data must be resolved early in the process.


An international clinical trial offers the opportunity of an expanded patient popu-

lation, parallel registration in many countries, and early development of market
support on a worldwide basis. To carry out such a program successfully requires
awareness not only of multiple sets of regulatory requirements but also of cultural
and linguistic differences, and differences in style and standards of clinical prac-
tice. Logistic problems involving transportation of clinical trial supplies, blood
and tissue samples, and data must be identified and solved. A well-trained moni-
toring staff must be available. With proper preparation, an international clinical
trial can be both intellectually and financially rewarding.


1. European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products Human Medicines Evalu-
ation Unit. ICH Topic E 5: Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials. Note for guidance
on ethnic factors in the acceptability of foreign clinical data, 1997.
2. Waxman RD, ed. GCPs in the U.S., E.C., and Nordic Council: an International Com-
parative Report. Cambridge, MA: Parexel International Corporation, 1991: The Bar-
nett International Education Program, Clinical Research Education Series.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

3. European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products. Human Medicines Evalu-
ation Unit. ICH Topic E 6: Guideline for Good Clinical Practice, 1996.
4. Simmons R. Management and Implementation of Multinational Pharmaceutical De-
velopment Programs. In: Simmons R, ed. Multi-Company Multi-Country Clinical Tri-
als: Implementation, Monitoring, and Regulations. Buffalo Grove, IL: Interpharm
Press, 1993: 257–278.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Uncertainty in Drug Development:
Approval Success Rates for New Drugs

Joseph A. DiMasi
Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development, Tufts University,
Boston, Massachusetts


The viability of new drug development is critically dependent on the success

rates that pharmaceutical firms face when they decide to pursue promising inves-
tigational drugs. Despite the fact that when a new drug enters the development
pipeline the expectations of the drug’s sponsor are that this particular drug will
succeed in development and reach the marketplace, an undeniable axiom of drug
development is that only a small percentage of such drugs will actually make it
to market. Drug developers are well aware of this reality, but they must make
decisions to proceed with clinical testing of investigational drugs on the basis of
limited information about what their effects, good and bad, will be in humans.
Depending on the type of drug and the condition that the drug is intended to
treat, animal models can be more or less useful in making predictions about the
effects in humans. In all cases, though, the uncertainty is substantial.
If firms knew in advance which drug candidates will fail in testing, then
they certainly would not spend millions of dollars and years of effort on what
will turn out to be a futile enterprise. For an individual drug, its ultimate fate is
the outcome of a binary process. Either the drug will be approved for marketing
or it will not. At any point in development, when considered in isolation, the
decision to go further with a particular drug must be made on the basis of an
evaluation of the likelihood that the drug will turn out to be scientifically success-
ful and commercially viable. Industry averages may mean much less to this kind

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

of decision than do the data that have already been gathered on the drug. Nonethe-
less, decisions regarding the management of large portfolios of drug candidates,
the relative benefits and costs of allocating R&D dollars to different therapeutic
programs, and the allocation of venture capital to start-up firms with limited drug
portfolios can be usefully informed by data on industry averages about attrition
rates and approval success rates for drugs as a whole and for drugs in various
therapeutic categories. Public policies that can affect the drug development pro-
cess can also be better formed if reliable information about technical risks (i.e.,
the likelihood of obtaining marketing approval) are made generally available.
Given that quantification of the technical risks in drug development can
benefit decision makers in industry and government, it is useful to have gathered
in one place what the literature on the new drug development process can tell
us about these important risks. This chapter is an effort to fill that need. The
chapter surveys the published results on attrition and success rates for new chemi-
cal entities (NCEs) and new biopharmaceutical entities (NBEs) and also offers
updated information on some of these risks using information in Tufts Center
for the Study of Drug Development (CSDD) databases.



Studies of clinical success rates for new drugs have focused on periods following
enactment of the 1962 Amendments to the federal Food Drug & Cosmetics Act.
This emphasis can be explained by at least two facts. Development data for pe-
riods prior to enactment of the Amendments are limited, and the addition of a
proof of efficacy requirement introduced by the Amendments substantially altered
the new drug development process.
The methods used to determine success rates have ranged from descriptive
statistics on the proportions of investigational drugs first tested during a given
period that have, up to some point in time, been approved for marketing, to infer-
ential statistical techniques designed to predict the proportion of a group of inves-
tigational drugs that will eventually be approved. The ultimate fate of the set of
investigational drugs under consideration is what we most want to know. How-
ever, useful information can be garnered from observing the pattern of approvals
up to the end of the study period, especially if nearly all of the drugs in the group
have reached their final outcomes.
A series of studies dating back to the 1970s has documented observed suc-
cess rates for investigational NCEs contained in a CSDD database (1–6). In par-
ticular, these studies use survey information on the development history of NCEs
taken into clinical testing in the United States by a large number of pharmaceuti-
cal firms. The group of firms included in each study varies somewhat from survey

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

to survey, but, by some measures, these firms have conducted about 90% of
U.S. NCE development (6). Cumulative success rates at successive years from
investigational new drug application (IND) filing for various IND filing periods
are presented in these studies.
The Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) has also ex-
amined success rates in this manner using data obtained from the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) (7). Most recently, using CSDD databases, Gosse et al.
(8) have presented cumulative success rates for NBEs with first IND filings in
the 1980s and compared them to corresponding success rates for NCEs.
While observed success rates at a given point in time provide useful infor-
mation, by themselves they do not tell us anything about what will be the fate
of the drugs in the group under consideration that are still in active testing or
are under review by regulatory authorities. A number of studies have used nonsta-
tistical mathematical modeling to account for the contribution that drugs still
active at the time of the study will have on the final approval rate (9–11). These
studies apply the experience of drugs whose fate has already been determined to
those drugs that are still active. Typically, the assumption is made that the ratio
of the number of drugs that have been discontinued in a clinical phase to the
total of drugs that were either discontinued in the phase or had moved on to the
next phase can be used as the discontinuance rate for those drugs that were still
active in the phase at the time of the study. This allows for the calculation of
phase transition probabilities and an overall clinical approval rate determined as
the product of these transition probabilities. A number of other studies have used
this approach to estimate phase attrition rates, but have used other means to deter-
mine an approval rate for drugs that enter clinical testing (12–14).
The confidence that one can have in these transition probabilities depends,
of course, on the extent of the uncertainty, i.e., the proportion of drugs that are
still active at the time of the study. It also depends on whether the uncertain fate
of drugs that are still active tend to be mirrored by the experience of drugs that
have already attained their ultimate outcome. This can be problematic if, for
example, the rate of discontinuance (or approval) varies systematically with the
amount of time spent in testing. The drugs that are still active may be predomi-
nantly those that have long testing periods. Given that the study periods in these
analyses are usually defined in terms of when clinical testing began, the issue is
more likely to arise for drugs that are in late-stage clinical testing (i.e., for the
late clinical phase transition probabilities).
A number of studies have used statistical techniques to predict clinical ap-
proval rates when some of the drugs under consideration are still active. Early
formulations of this approach were done by Cox (15) and by Sheck et al. (16).
The methods were expanded and refined in a number of later studies (12–14,17).
In these analyses the estimation problem is decomposed into two stages. Survival
analysis is used to estimate the probability that some outcome will occur a given

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Table 1 Success Computations for Hypothetical Portfolio of 100 NCEs
Years Conditional Cumulative
from Number Number Percent Percent probability Probability probability
IND abandoned approved active completed of approval of approval of approval

2 25 0 75 25 0 0 0
4 23 2 50 25 .08 .02 .02
6 17 3 30 20 .15 .03 .05
8 6 4 20 10 .40 .04 .09
10 4 4 12 8 .50 .04 .13
12 3 4 5 7 .57 .04 .17
14 2 3 0 5 .60 .03 .20

number of years from the start of clinical testing. A binary regression technique
is then applied to the data to estimate the probability that the outcome will be a
success (i.e., marketing approval). Combining the estimates yields an estimate
of the probability that a drug will be approved a given number of years from the
start of clinical testing. A final success rate is then obtained by summing the
estimates for each year (more precisely, by integrating over time in the usual
continuous formulation of the estimation problem).
The basic approach can be illustrated with a simple example. Table 1 shows
the hypothetical outcomes of clinical testing on a group of 100 NCEs. Outcomes
are given at 2-year intervals from the date of IND filing. The fate of all drugs
in the portfolio is determined at 14 years from IND filing. In this case we know
what happens to all the drugs over time, but in a real success rate analysis there
would be some uncertainty because some of the data would be censored (i.e.,
some drugs would still be active at the time of the study). The fifth column of
the table (percent completed) gives the probabilities that an outcome will occur
in each of the 2-year intervals (survival analysis). The sixth column gives the
probability that the outcomes will be successes given that an outcome occurs
(binary regression). The seventh column (probability of approval) is the product
of the fifth and sixth columns; it gives the probabilities that a success will occur
in each of the 2-year intervals. In the last column the probabilities in the sixth
column are cumulated. The last element of this column is the final approval suc-
cess rate.


DiMasi (17) presents the most recent comprehensive results on clinical approval
success rates for NCEs. Both observed and predicted success rates were deter-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

mined for the NCEs of a large number of pharmaceutical firms by IND filing
period. Observed success rates were shown for approvals through the end of
1993. We can extend that analysis and observe approval success rates for the
same set of firms through the end of 1995. Figure 1 shows the pattern of approvals
over time for self-originated NCEs (i.e., NCEs developed entirely by one firm)
for various IND filing periods. For comparative purposes, the 1975–1979 IND
filing period results are shown in both parts of the figure. Only 13.7% of the
NCEs with INDs filed from 1964 to 1969 have been approved. For the 1970s
and the early 1980s IND filings, approval success rates are approaching 20%
(18.7%, 19.3%, and 17.7% for 1970–1974, 1975–1979, and 1980–1984, respec-
tively). Further approvals for these groups can be expected, as a number of the
NCEs from these periods are still active. Only 8.7% of the NCEs with INDs filed
in the late 1980s have been approved, but given the lengths of the drug develop-
ment and regulatory review processes, many of the drugs from this period should
eventually be approved. Some of the drugs in this group have had little more
than 6 years from IND filing to reach a final outcome. The approval experience
of this group through 1995 shows approval rates that are about 2 percentage
points lower than those of NCEs with INDs filed in the 1970s and early 1980s
at 6 years from IND filing.
Drugs that have been licensed-in or otherwise acquired tend to have much
higher success rates than do self-originated drugs. DiMasi (17) found predicted
success rates for acquired drugs that were more than double those of self-origi-
nated NCEs for IND filing periods up to the 1980s. The difference in success
rates was not as large, but still substantial for NCEs with INDs filed in the early
1980s; the predicted success rate was 48% higher for licensed drugs (30.3% ver-
sus 20.5%). A plausible explanation for the much higher approval rates is that
acquisition candidates effectively undergo a screening process in which the candi-
dates that are acquired tend to be those with the best prospects. Often some clini-
cal testing experience is available before a decision is made to acquire an investi-
gational drug. Figure 2 shows the success rate patterns for self-originated and
acquired NCEs combined. The general pattern of changes over time is similar
to those for self-originated drugs, but, as expected, the approval rates are higher
when acquired drugs are included in the analysis. Through 1995, 16.2%, 22.7%,
23.3%, 19.9%, and 12.2% of the NCEs with INDs filed during 1964–1969, 1970–
1974, 1975–1979, 1980–1984, and 1985–1989, respectively, had been approved.
The two-stage statistical estimation process described above was used in
DiMasi (17) to predict success rates by IND filing period. Figure 3 shows these
predicted approval success rates for self-originated and for all NCEs. The amount
of time available to obtain approvals was too short to make predictions for the
1985–1989 period. Final success rates increased notably after the 1960s, but they
have remained relatively stable since then. Since the 1970s, approximately one
in five self-originated NCEs that enter clinical testing in the United States will

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.



Figure 1 Cumulative approval success rates for self-originated NCEs with INDs filed
from 1964 to 1989. Success rates are shown for the IND filing periods, 1964–1969, 1970–
1974, and 1975–1979 in (a), and for the periods 1975–1979, 1980–1984, and 1985–1989
in (b). Approvals are counted through December 31, 1995.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.



Figure 2 Cumulative approval success rates for all NCEs with INDs filed from 1964
to 1989. Success rates are shown for the IND filing periods, 1964–1969, 1970–1974, and
1975–1979 in (a), and for the periods 1975–1979, 1980 to 1984, and 1985–1989 in Panel
(b). Approvals are counted through December 31, 1995.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 3 Predicted final approval success rates for self-originated and all NCEs by IND
filing period. (Data from Ref. 17.)

be approved. Success rates for all NCEs are about 3%–4% higher than for self-
originated NCEs.
The same methodological approach to estimating final approval success
rates can also be applied to estimating the likelihood that a new drug application
(NDA) will be submitted to the FDA. Figure 4 shows predicted NDA submission
success rates for IND filing periods. The pattern of change over time is similar
to that for approval success rates. These results can be used with those in Fig.
3 to infer an NDA success rate (i.e., the probability that an NCE with an NDA
submitted will eventually obtain marketing approval). These calculations indicate
a weak downward trend in NDA success rates, ranging from 86.7% for INDs
filed from 1964 to 1969 to 82.2% for INDs filed from 1980 to 1984.

A. Success Rates by Therapeutic Category

Technical success may be more or less likely for some therapeutic categories.
In a study of R&D costs by therapeutic category, DiMasi et al. (13) found differ-
ent clinical success rates and phase attrition rates for a number of therapeutic
categories. A sample of self-originated NCEs first tested in humans from 1970
to 1982 was partitioned into therapeutic classes. Enough data were available to

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 4 Predicted final NDA submission success rates for self-originated and all NCEs
by IND filing period. (Data from Ref. 17.)

determine estimates for R&D costs and attrition rates for four categories. Statisti-
cal modeling was used to determine approval success rates for drugs entering
clinical testing, and the approach to determining phase transition probabilities
described above was used to determine attrition rates for clinical phases. The
proportion of drugs in the sample that were still in active testing was relatively
small (9.7%).
Figure 5 shows estimated probabilities of marketing approval by therapeu-
tic category for this sample of self-originated NCEs. The probabilities for Phase
I are approval success rates for drugs that enter clinical testing. The likelihood
of approval for drugs that enter Phase II and Phase III are also shown. The highest
overall clinical success rate is for the anti-infective category and the lowest is
for the neuropharmacological group. These results likely reflect, to some extent,
differences by category in the capacity for preclinical in-vitro and in-vivo testing
to predict human efficacy. The risks in neuropharmacological development re-
main substantial throughout the process. The results indicate that only about one-
half of the neuropharmacological drugs that enter Phase III testing will make it
to marketing approval. Overall, more than one-third of the NCEs that enter Phase
III testing will fail to make to the U.S. market.
The data for this study were also used to examine differences by therapeutic
category in dropout rates at various points in the development process. Figure 6

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 5 Estimated probabilities of attaining U.S. marketing approval by therapeutic
category and clinical phase for a sample of self-originated NCEs first tested in humans
anywhere in the world from 1970 to 1982. (Source: Ref. 13.)

shows these dropout rates by clinical phase and therapeutic category. Relatively
few neuropharmacological failures are screened out in Phase I. Only 10.3% of
neuropharmacological NCEs are dropped in Phase I (12.9% of all neuropharma-
cological failures), compared to 25% for all NCEs (32.5% of all failures). Con-
versely, a relatively large number of cardiovascular NCEs are dropped in Phase
I (36.1%, or 48.9% of all cardiovascular failures). At the other end of the develop-
ment process, the performance of neuropharmacological NCEs is also notewor-
thy. Nearly one-fourth of all neuropharmacological failures occur after Phase III,
the most expensive of phases, is entered.

B. Reasons for Failure

Aside from submission and approval success rates, the DiMasi (17) study also
reports on trends in the distribution of reasons why research is terminated on
investigational NCEs. The CSDD database of investigational NCEs that was used
to estimate success rates also provides information on the reasons why research
was terminated on the drugs that were abandoned. The primary reasons for aban-
donment were grouped into three broad categories: efficacy (e.g., ‘‘activity too

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 6 Estimated probabilities of research abandonment by therapeutic category and
by clinical phase for a sample of self-originated NCEs first tested in humans anywhere
in the world from 1970 to 1982. (Data from Ref. 13.)

weak’’ or ‘‘lack of efficacy’’), safety (e.g., ‘‘human toxicity’’ or ‘‘animal toxic-

ity’’), and economics (e.g., ‘‘commercial market too limited’’ or ‘‘insufficient
return on investment’’).
Figure 7 shows two notable trends in these data. First, efficacy’s share of
the primary reasons for abandonment of research has declined since the 1960s.
Second, economics became a relatively more important factor in decisions to
terminate research. One qualification to these results is that since the time avail-
able for drugs to reach a final outcome is necessarily limited, the termination
results are biased in favor of reasons that tend to be discovered relatively early
in the process. The bias would be greatest for the later IND filing periods. This
caveat, however, serves only to reinforce the evidence for an increasing trend
for the economics category. As shown in Fig. 8, decisions to terminate research
for economic reasons tend to occur later in the process than do decisions based
on safety or efficacy; for all periods, the median time to abandonment was longest
for economics. The trend toward abandonment for economic considerations is
consistent with a changing marketplace for pharmaceutical products as managed
care in the United States and cost-consciousness by foreign reimbursement au-
thorities has grown over time. As purchasers seek ways to control expenditures,
fewer development projects will be seen to be commercially viable, especially

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 7 Percentage distribution of the primary reason for abandonment of research on
NCEs by IND filing period. A small percentage of terminations in each period could not
be unambiguously categorized. (Data from Ref. 17.)

Figure 8 Median time to abandonment of research by primary reason for termination

of research and by IND filing period. (Data from Ref. 17.)

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

products that appear to be therapeutically similar to others that have already made
it to market.



The biotechnology revolution has matured to the point where a large number of
drugs have entered clinical testing and some have reached the marketplace. Sev-
eral studies have been conducted in recent years to examine the success rates for
biotechnology-derived investigational drugs. Bienz-Tadmor et al. (10) examined
success rates for biopharmaceuticals using a database of therapeutic protein drugs
that entered clinical testing from 1980 to 1988. Biopharmaceuticals were defined
as drugs derived either through recombinant DNA technology or through hybrid-
oma technology (monoclonal antibodies). Given the limited amount of time avail-
able for these products to have proceeded through development and regulatory
review at the time of the study, Bienz-Tadmor et al. (10) defined success to
be the submission of a product license application (PLA) with the FDA. PLA
submission success rates were estimated by applying a nonstatistical mathemati-
cal approach that used the final outcomes that had occurred at the time of the
study to predict what would happen to drugs that were still in testing. Struck
(11) succeeded this study with an analysis of phase transition probabilities and
approval success rates for biopharmaceuticals that were in development from
1983 to 1991. The data included biologicals derived from nonrecombinant pro-
duction methods.
Both Bienz-Tadmor et al. (10) and Struck (11) found success rates that are
much higher than those that have been found for NCEs. Bienz-Tadmor et al. (10)
predicted that the probability of PLA submission for NBEs will be in the range
56%–64%. Multiplying estimated phase transition probabilities, Struck (11)
found an approval rate of 71% for biopharmaceuticals that enter clinical testing.
For the purpose of estimating success rates, however, both studies used datasets
that had strong limitations. For the Bienz-Tadmor et al. (10) analysis, 55% of
the drugs in the sample were still active at the time of the study (i.e., they had
neither been discontinued nor had a PLA submitted). In the case of Struck (11),
90% of the products were still in development or regulatory review. In addition,
using lengthy study periods for a new and evolving technology sector can disguise
important changes that occur during the period analyzed. Specifically, implicit
in these studies is an assumption that success and attrition rates for biopharmaceu-
ticals would be the same for the early 1980s, when the first investigational drug
candidates entered clinical testing, as they would be for the late 1980s or early

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

The most recent study of biopharmaceutical success rates is Gosse et al.
(8). This study has the advantage over the earlier ones of being able to use a
dataset for which the outcomes of drugs that entered clinical testing in the 1980s
were observed over a longer period. The authors obtained information on discon-
tinuations and approvals through the end of 1995. The nature of the data was
such that a full statistical modeling to predict future success rates was not feasible.
While survival analysis was used to estimate that rate at which drugs drop out
of active status (either through abandonment or marketing approval), the data
did not fit binary regression models sufficiently well to conduct a second-stage
analysis on the conditional probability of approval.
The Gosse et al. (8) study presented cumulative success rates at successive
years from IND filing. The first recombinant proteins and therapeutic monoclonal
antibodies (TMAbs), which that entered clinical testing during 1980 to 1994,
were analyzed. The recombinant proteins were grouped into two categories: new
recombinant entities (NREs) and recombinant versions of already-approved prod-
ucts (NRVs). NREs were defined to be proteins derived from recombinant DNA
technology that had not previously been tested in humans. The outcomes for
NREs and TMAbs through 1995 have been tabulated from results in Gosse et
al. (8) and are shown in Table 2. Combining the NREs and TMAbs (arguably
the most innovative of the groups of drugs analyzed), we observe that only one

Table 2 Approval and Discontinuance Rates for New Recombinant Entities (NREs)
and Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies (TMAbs) Entering Clinical Testing in the
United States, 1980–1994

IND Number Number of Number of Percent percent
filing period of INDs approvals discontinuations approval approved

NRE 16 6 9 37.5 43.8
TMAbs 4 1 3 25.0 25.0
NREs ⫹ TMAbs 20 7 12 35.0 40.0
NRE 43 3 27 7.0 37.2
TMAs 45 1 32 2.2 28.9
NREs ⫹ TMAbs 88 4 59 4.5 33.0
NREs 65 1 16 1.5 75.4
TMAs 55 0 17 0 69.1
NREs ⫹ TMAs 120 1 33 0.8 72.5

Data source: Gosse et. al., Clin Pharmacol Ther, 1996; 60:608–618.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

of the 20 drugs that had a first IND filed from 1980–1984 had not attained a
final outcome by the end of 1995. For the 1985 to 1989 first IND filings, 28%
of the drugs were still active at the end of 1995. Relatively few of the NREs and
TMAbs with first IND filings during 1990–1994 have reached a final outcome;
71% were still active at the end of 1995.
The results in Gosse et al. (8) reveal a notable change in success rates for
biopharmaceuticals over time. While 35% of the NREs and TMAbs with 1980–
1984 IND filings have been approved, only 7% of the NREs and 2.2% of the
TMAbs with first INDs filed from 1985 to 1989 have been approved. The gap
in success rates between these two periods will surely narrow, since a much
higher percentage of the biopharmaceuticals with IND filings in the late 1980s
are still in active testing than is the case for drugs with filings in the early 1980s.
However, even if all of the active drugs are eventually approved, the approval
rates for the late 1980s would still be lower than for the early 1980s (last column
of Table 2). Additionally, the gap is so great at this point in time that it appears
very likely that the final approval rates for the late 1980s will fall well short of
the maximum approval rates. The approval rate at 6 years from IND filing is
nearly three times as large for the 1980–1984 filings than it is for the 1985–
1989 filings.
The apparent decline in success rates for biopharmaceuticals is consistent
with a theory of the development of new technologies that posits in effect that
the low-lying fruit will tend to be picked first. That is, early development will,
for the most part, be focused on projects that have the most favorable technical
prospects. As biotechnology matures, success rates for biopharmaceuticals may
be seen to be similar to those for traditional chemical compounds. In fact, the
success rate through 1995 for the NCEs of the firms included in the DiMasi (17)
study with INDs filed from 1985 to 1989 is comparable to that of one group of
biopharmaceuticals with INDs filed in the same period (8% for the NCEs versus
7% for NREs).


New drug development is unquestionably a risky endeavor. The question of just

how risky drug development is in a technical sense (likelihood of reaching the
market) has been the focus of a number of studies. Analyses of new drug success
rates have consistently shown that the vast majority of investigational drugs will
never be approved for marketing. Since the 1962 Amendments to the federal
Food Drug & Cosmetics Act, U.S. approval rates for NCEs have risen from the
approximately one in seven for testing that began in the 1960s to between approx-
imately one in five and one in four for later periods. Success rates for NCEs
appear to have peaked for U.S. clinical testing that began in the late 1970s and

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

declined somewhat for the early 1980s. Limited evidence for the late 1980s sug-
gests a further decline, although a definitive conclusion awaits further study.
Biotechnology continues to hold great promise as a source of new therapeu-
tic drugs and as a tool used in the development of small molecules. Important new
therapies have already been brought to market, and undoubtedly, other important
discoveries will be made. However, despite an impressive early record of success
in reaching the marketplace, biopharmaceuticals that have been taken into clinical
testing since the mid-1980s are faring no better than traditional chemical com-
pounds. The evidence, however, is still limited, and so further study of approval
success rates for biopharmaceuticals is warranted.
New drug success rates are important determinants of the financial viability
of new drug development for pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms. Although
the clinical research costs for a drug that makes it to market tend to be greater
than the costs for a drug that fails at some point in testing, in aggregate the costs
of research failures are substantial (12–14). Managerial and technical innovations
that reduce the number of projects tested in humans that will ultimately have to
be abandoned or that allow for earlier decisions to terminate research on such
projects can have large economic payoffs. In turn, these efficiency gains can
increase incentives to discover and develop safe and effective new therapies. In
a marketplace in which pressures to contain costs through generic substitution,
therapeutic substitution, drug utilization review, and other means have limited
profit opportunities, firms may respond not only by seeking ways to improve the
efficiency of the drug development process but also by altering their new drug
project portfolios. Greater emphasis may be placed on discovering and devel-
oping breakthrough products and less emphasis may be given to products for
markets that are already well served. A changing market environment and high
(and likely rising) R&D costs make examination of approval success rates and
of the nature of the drugs that enter the development pipeline worthy topics for
continued research.


1. Wardell WM, Hassar M, Anavekar SN, and Lasagna L. The rate of development
of new drugs in the United States 1963 through 1975. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1978;
2. Wardell WM, DiRaddo J, and Trimble AG. Development of new drugs originated
and acquired by United States-owned pharmaceutical firms, 1963–76. Clin Pharma-
col Ther 1980; 28:270–277.
3. Wardell WM, May MS, and Trimble AG. New drug development by United States
pharmaceutical firms with analyses of trends in the acquisition and origin of drug
candidates, 1963–79. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1982; 32:407–417.
4. Mattison N, Trimble AG, and Lasagna L. New drug development in the United
States, 1963 through 1984, Clin Pharmacol Ther 1988; 43:290–301.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

5. DiMasi JA, Bryant NR, and Lasagna L. New drug development in the United States
from 1963 to 1990. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1991; 50:471–486.
6. DiMasi JA, Seibring MA, and Lasagna L. New drug development in the United
States from 1963 to 1992, Clin Pharmacol Ther 1994; 55:609–622.
7. Pharmaceutical R&D: Costs, Risks, and Rewards. (OTA-H-522). Washington, DC:
U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, 1993.
8. Gosse ME, DiMasi JA, and Nelson TF. Recombinant proteins and therapeutic mono-
clonal antibody drug development in the United States: 1980–1994. Clin Pharmacol
Ther, 1996; 60:608–618.
9. Tucker SA, Blozan C, and Coppinger P. The Outcome of Research on New Molecu-
lar Entities Commencing Clinical Research in the Years 1976–78. (OPE Study 77).
Rockville, MD: Food and Drug Administration, 1988.
10. B Bienz-Tadmor, DiCerbo PA, Tadmor G, and Lasagna L. Biopharmaceuticals and
conventional drugs: clinical success rates. Bio/Technology 1992; 10:521–525.
11. Struck MM. Biopharmaceutical R&D success rates and development times. Bio/
Technology 1994; 12:674–677.
12. DiMasi JA, Hansen RW, Grabowski HG, and Lasagna L. Cost of innovation in the
pharmaceutical industry. J Health Econ 1991; 10:107–142.
13. DiMasi JA, Hansen RW, Grabowski HG, and Lasagna L. Research and development
costs for new drugs by therapeutic category: a study of the US pharmaceutical indus-
try. PharmacoEconomics 1995; 7:152–169.
14. DiMasi JA, Grabowski HG, and Vernon J. R&D costs, innovative output, and firm
size in the pharmaceutical industry. Int J Econ Business. 1995; 2:201–219.
15. Cox C. A statistical analysis of the success rates and residence times for the IND,
NDA and combined phases. In: Lasagna L, Wardell WM, Hansen RW, eds. Techno-
logical Innovation and Government Regulation of Pharmaceuticals in the United
States and Great Britain. Washington, DC: National Science Foundation, 1978.
16. Sheck L, Cox C, Davis HT, Trimble AG, Wardell WM, and Hansen RW. Success
rates in the United States drug-development system. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1984; 36:
17. DiMasi JA, Success rates for new drugs entering clinical testing in the United States.
Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1995; 58:1–14.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Contract Clinical Research:
Value to In-House Drug Development

F. Richard Nichol
Nichol Clinical Technologies Corporation, Newport Beach, California


The contract clinical research industry had its genesis in the biotechnical con-
tracting industry that was essentially established in the late 1940s, as a result of
the application of selected technologies developed during World War II, to the
life sciences industry. Organizations such as Battelle, Stanford Research Institute,
and others provided services to the pharmaceutical industry in the areas of chemi-
cal synthesis subcontracting and related technical services. At about the same
time, the contract toxicology laboratory industry was established, and govern-
ment regulations evolved during the 1950’s which aided the growth of that indus-
try. These contract providers grew rapidly after the passage of an updated version
of the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1962. This set of regulations required pharma-
ceutical manufacturers to demonstrate both safety and efficacy as a requirement
for approval of the sale of new medications in the United States This milestone
provides impetus for what ultimately evolved into the contract clinical research
industry, commonly referred to today as the ‘‘CRO industry.’’
During the balance of the 1960s, pharmaceutical companies established
medical research departments, biostatistical and regulatory affairs units, and re-
lated corporate functions to comply with the relatively new U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) regulations requiring safety and efficacy. By the mid-
1970s, it was obvious to some in the industry that additional resources might be
needed to complement pharmaceutical company resources, which could supply
additional capabilities relative to the requirements of preclinical and clinical de-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

velopment of new pharmaceutical products. At that time, there was both internal
resistance and little economic incentive for companies to outsource clinical re-
search functions, and so the infant CRO industry grew slowly between 1975 and
During the 1980s, the cost of pharmaceutical product discovery and devel-
opment soared, and parallel increases in annual health care costs were in the
double-digit range. By the late 1980s it was apparent that these trends could not
continue, and in the early 1990s, particularly with the advent of the managed
care industry and the election of President Bill Clinton, it was obvious that sig-
nificant cost control pressures would be promptly applied to the health care indus-
try during the 1990s. This led to pharmaceutical companies considering strategies
involving consolidation, streamlining, outsourcing, and virtual corporation struc-
tures. Additional momentum was provided by the rapid emergence of the biotech-
nology industry, which frequently was more creative and more productive in
leveraging resources than traditional pharmaceutical companies.



Today the CRO industry is robust, with annual growth rates in the 20% range
and total revenue in the $5.0 billion range. It is not surprising that this rapid
growth has attracted many additional service suppliers, many in the niche cate-
gory. The following are characteristics of the CRO industry.
From a financial perspective, there are approximately 10 CROs with annual
revenues of over $60 million, with the largest companies in the market having
clinical research revenues of over $6.3 billion per annum. In addition, large, full-
service, multinational CROs such as PPD, Quintiles, and Parexel, have expanded
via acquisition into vertically positioned service areas. For example, Quintiles
provides services in all disciplines required for product registration, including
preclinical pathology and toxicology, reference laboratory services, and outcomes
research services, and related functions, such as packaging, formulation, and con-
tract sales services. Large CROs will continue to make strategic acquisitions to
increase market share, which will be necessary for publicly traded CROs to sup-
port their market valuations.
Diversification into genomics, health care database management, and man-
aged care has occurred. Looking at the CRO market as a pyramid, the lower
segment is occupied by companies with specialized services. Companies with
strength in product registration, strategic planning, and regulatory consultation,
such as CATO Research, serve an important segment of the market, particularly
for biotech companies, and have reduced emphasis on capital-intensive elements
and related labor-intensive services common to large CROs. There are also a

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

number of providers who specialize in physician, medical institution, and patient
resources, and they are enjoying rapid growth as they offer niche services to
pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and large, full-service, multinational CROs. Net-
works of physicians in specialty and subspecialty areas—urology, psychiatry,
etc—have evolved, as well as providers of potential patient populations utilizing
the Internet and other electronic patient identification technologies. These service
offerings are expected to expand and increase in popularity in Eastern Europe,
South America, and the Far East, as product sponsors and CROs desire larger
market share outside the three major pharmaceutical markets of North America,
Western Europe, and Japan.
Contract research organizations have traditionally been ‘‘commercial’’ in
nature, but the intense cost control pressures in the health care market have cre-
ated a need for medical schools, teaching hospitals, and research institutes to
increase their clinical research services as commercial enterprises. A number of
such institutions have begun to offer services similar to CROs—for example,
Duke, Columbia, the University of Wisconsin, and Penn State’s Hershey Medical
Center. By developing a user-friendly clinical research resource base, these insti-
tutions can provide services to the major customers they serve, e.g., managed
care providers, as well as the National Institutes of Health, pharmaceutical, bio-
technology, and CROs.

A. Full-Service Multinational CROs

Full-service, multinational CROs have evolved to occupy the central and top
portion of the CRO market pyramid, and have been generally highly successful
in the public equity market. They are financially sound, experienced, and capable
of undertaking ‘‘turnkey’’ development projects, worldwide, as well as providing
‘‘unbundled’’ services to clients on a stand-alone basis.
Approximately 10–12 firms exist which have fully integrated service offer-
ings under their complete control; alliances of different companies having com-
plimentary service and geographic presence exist, but lack of central control,
different financial capabilities, and cultural differences are major problems with
such groups.

B. Specialized Service Firms

A wide variety of specialized service contractors have evolved in the industry,
and today it is believed that over 3000 firms exist worldwide to offer selected
services in all of the areas required for product development and registration.

1. Preclinical pathology, toxicology, and animal pharmacology compa-

nies. Offering a wide variety of support services for the development

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

of potentially promising therapeutic entities, these services can be con-
tracted on a free-standing basis or as part of a full-service CRO devel-
opmental package.
2. Analytical chemistry and methods development contractors. Special-
ized services in areas of both methods development and related tech-
nology, such as stability testing and dissolution studies, are available
from such providers. They frequently work in concert with large prod-
uct development companies, CROs, and Phase I contractors.
3. Clinical pharmacology companies. Phase I contractors can be both
commercial and academic, and are frequently chosen on the basis of
the specific expertise and experience of clinical pharmacologists and
clinical specialists in specific therapeutic and disease areas. Some ven-
dors in this area serve primarily generic and branded generic compa-
4. Contract manufacturing and formulation companies. Contract manu-
facturing companies, some of which are primarily generic manufactur-
ers, can provide synthesis of products for both preclinical and clinical
evaluation which comply with Good Manufacturing Process (GMP)
standards. This may also involve incorporating dosage forms from
other subcontractors who provide unique delivery system technology.
Selection of such firms should be based on reputation, price, and tech-
nical experience. Choosing the contract manufacturer is one of the most
important decisions a product company makes in outsourcing of clini-
cal development services. Some of the more complicated and challeng-
ing contracts involve the manufacture of polypeptides and vaccines,
although commercial synthesis of therapeutic compounds and metabo-
lites can also be very problematic, particularly if they are relatively
insoluble, requiring creative formulation approaches.
5. Contract packaging. Contract packaging firms can be retained indepen-
dently or as part of a full-service multinational CRO. Expertise in these
areas has benefited from the availability of experienced personnel from
large pharmaceutical manufacturers who down-sized and right-sized
during the 1990s.
6. Clinical data management and information technology. Effective man-
agement of clinical data requires significant expertise from clinical data
management experts working closely with information technology pro-
fessionals. This area is one which is often neglected at small pharma-
ceutical and biotech companies, and service providers in this sector
can supply important services to smaller sponsors.
Investment in cost-effective technology in data management has
often not kept pace with other advances in clinical research. This is

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

particularly true in the ‘‘front-end’’ data collection function at investi-
gative sites. Successful evolution of the site management organization
(SMO) (see Sec. III) industry will be partially dependent on such ad-
vances, especially by SMOs that wish to differentiate their service of-
7. Other Services. The management of clinical studies is the responsibil-
ity of the sponsoring firm, but elements of the program can be delegated
to CROs or unbundled to specialty service providers and managed on
a ‘‘modular’’ basis. A vast array of these specialty companies exist in
the marketplace, and one of the significant challenges of pharmaceuti-
cal and biotechnology product companies is to assess the likelihood
of performance, quality, and price in this highly segmented market
prior to vendor selection.



The SMO industry began in early 1975, when the Institute for Biological Re-
search and Development (IBRD) began contracting with Multispecialty Group
Practices (MSGP) for exclusive rights for outpatient clinical trials. By 1978,
IBRD had exclusive, 5-year sales and clinical research management contracts
with 52 MSGPs, primarily in the Western, Midwestern, and Southwestern United
States. In 1983 the company began adding CRO services and evolved into the
first CRO/SMO in the United States.
During the 1990s, the number of SMOs increased rapidly. In early 1999,
nearly 60 commercial SMO organizations existed, from small two- and three-
person groups to companies with more than $20 million in annual revenues.
Many SMOs originated as networks of specialists and sub-specialists; the
majority of SMOs are in the United States. Many specialty-oriented networks
are now expanding into other areas in order to sustain growth, spread financial
risk, and benefit from economies of scale.
SMOs have two primary customers: large and middle market pharmaceuti-
cal and biotechnology companies (product sponsors), and large CROs. To date,
SMOs have avoided ownership or special relations with CROs, since such ar-
rangements may preempt them from being vendors to other large CROs.
In the future, large CROs may buy or affiliate with large national physi-
cians’ networks for the purpose of creating their own SMO. Some CROs have
begun to provide management services to physician groups, with the interest of
capturing exclusivity for their studies at that site. Eventually, SMOs may reach
sufficient size and diversity to create a buying opportunity for large CROs.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


Product development companies (sponsors) must consider several factors when

determining the need for outsourcing of clinical development services. The expe-
rience of the internal team in the therapeutic area is important, and if it is avail-
able, it can be used to leverage outside resources using a virtual approach to
product development. Individuals in key development areas internally who have
experience with the type of product being developed can then function as internal
project management staff, and manage the identification, evaluation, selection,
contracting, and management of various support functions from different contrac-
tors, which have been approved by the ‘‘gatekeeper.’’
If internal experience does not exist in the product development area, which
may occur in smaller companies, or if capacity is unavailable, then significant
consideration must be given to the selection of a full-service multinational CRO.
These companies are listed in multiple directories, and most pharmaceutical and
biotechnology firms have direct experience with such firms, or have personnel
who have had relevant experience dealing with external service providers.


The CRO industry has grown rapidly since the mid-1980s, and several directory
services can provide useful information regarding the profiles of large and small
contractors. As mentioned, larger sponsors have ‘‘gatekeepers,’’ who can be very
helpful in matching internal needs with the right CRO in terms of size, price,
experience, geography, and interpersonal ‘‘chemistry’’ with the therapeutic team.
If the sponsor has contracted with the group previously, and had a positive experi-
ence in the same research area, requests for specific vendor personnel to be as-
signed to the new project may be accommodated by the CRO.
Absent a previous working relationship with the vendor, the following are
key elements of due diligence which can lead to a successful relationship.

Experience. The CRO should have experience in the disease area, with a
project of similar clinical research complexity. Programs with multiple
indications (i.e., duodenal and peptic ulcer disease at the same site), inpa-
tient versus outpatient (e.g., bone marrow transplant studies versus late
Phase III outpatient hypertension), and simultaneous multinational regis-
trations offer different challenges, and vendors need to have the capacity
and experience to accommodate these different sponsor needs.
Capacity. It is crucial to determine the capacity of the vendor to provide
quality services to the sponsor. This is one of the most difficult areas to

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

assess for a sponsor, as new contracts, in the same therapeutic category
or other areas, can impair the quality of the CRO’s service. Quality CROs
will reserve capacity given commitments by sponsors, and capacity is-
sues are key drivers of CRO–sponsor preferred vendor agreements.
Financial stability. A significant number of CROs are publicly traded, so
financial information is available. Nonpublic CROs can provide financial
information through bank references and disclose the principal owner-
ship of the company, should financial guarantees be an element of their
corporate financial policy. Usually, the degree of financial risk, which
may affect the ability of the CRO to remain viable for completion of
the contract, decreases with the length of time the CRO has operated
successfully. Significant caution needs to be applied to consideration of
using a clinical contractor which has over 50% of current revenues and
backlog with one study sponsored by one sponsor.
Confidentiality/conflict of interest. It is difficult to assess the level of con-
fidentiality that a CRO maintains. This is one of several instances where
client references are valuable. Also, sponsors should be satisfied that
the major shareholders of a CRO are not in a position to benefit from
confidential clinical data generated by a trial conducted by the contractor.
Reputation. The single most important element of CRO selection is the
reputation it has developed with other sponsors, particularly in the dis-
ease area where the new clinical trial is to be conducted. It is common
for both gatekeepers and therapeutic team leaders to share information
on CROs they have engaged, and relocation of product development
personnel from one sponsor company to another is also common. A reli-
able measure of customer satisfaction in the CRO and SMO industries
is the percentage of repeat business the vendor has secured with its cli-
ents. The competency and quality of CROs has little to do with their
size; as in most cases involving service provider selection, careful con-
sideration of experience, quality, and price is the key determinant of
value. CRO reputation involves many factors, including regulatory com-
pliance, history, enthusiasm, integrity, experience and the sense of ur-
gency of the personnel, ‘‘on time, on budget’’ performance history, and
performance history with investigators, including prompt grant pay-
ments, when warranted. It is useful to contact several investigators who
have had experience working with the CRO to assess their level of satis-
faction with the contractor.

With regard to selection of potential vendors, it is important to conduct

thorough site visits to several potential vendors, where a direct comparison of
experience, reliability, personnel experience and turnover, and general working
conditions are assessed. It is exceptionally important that the sponsor have a well-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

developed plan of registration, since time and money can be saved if there is a
clear set of targets and goals in the clinical plan that is both realistic and achiev-
able. Protocols, case record forms, and clinical brochures should be reviewed by
potential vendors prior to bid preparation. It is also important to indicate to poten-
tial contractors the budgets relevant to the registration project, and if these are
not within the range considered feasible by the contractor, then alternative strate-
gies can be considered.
Once a short list of potential vendors has been established (usually three),
site visits need to be scheduled unless a preferred vendor agreement exists. These
should be at least one day in length, and should involve presentations from execu-
tives and staff in all functional units that will provide services on the project. A
checklist of all functions should be prepared by the sponsor, and each presentation
graded by quality of presentation, experience of staff, knowledge of the specific
area, capacity, and a clear indication from the CRO regarding the percentage of
time each participant will charge to the project. This is also important when
analyzing budgets for billable-hour expectations and commitments. The sponsor
should make clear the deliverables it expects at agreed-upon milestones, and
should also commit to a timetable of its own for vendor selection, so the success-
ful vendor can reserve key personnel for the project.
Once site visits are complete and project specifications finalized, a bid con-
sisting of line items of charges and labor rates should be submitted to the spon-
sors’ ‘‘team leader’’ and gatekeeper. Bids should be prepared within 10 working
days of final specifications, as this is a routine practice for CROs utilizing compu-
terized bidding formats. If a CRO takes longer than 2 weeks to prepare a bid when
specifications are available, this should be viewed as problematic and possibly
indicative of future difficulties. Bids submitted to sponsors should be signed off
by the senior ranking officer for the CRO’s clinical operations unit and chief
financial officer, not just the sales or business development manager. Bids should
be effective for 60 to 90 calendar days from the date of bid, and include a ‘‘change
order’’ provision during the bid process and in the contract.
Project prices can be fixed or based on actual cost plus a percentage of
profit for the vendor. There are different views of which is best, but most sponsors
prefer a fixed-cost format with a ‘‘change order’’ provision to protect them and
vendors from significant changes in the project which affect investigators, pa-
tients, protocols, or other important elements of the program. Fixed-cost con-
tracting provides sponsors with an element of comfort regarding the control of
the study to ensure improved odds of ‘‘on time, on budget’’ performance by the
CRO. The ‘‘change order’’ provision usually provides sufficient flexibility for
both sponsor and contractor.
While public corporate status can be valuable to CROs in many ways, cli-
ents can benefit from review of quarterly and yearly Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) information disclosing the financial state of a U.S.-based

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

company. Careful attention should be paid to the operating profit and the sales,
general, and administration (SGA) data contained in the financial reports. CROs
with SGA exceeding 25% are usually enjoying financial benefits at the expense
of their customers, and sponsors can utilize this information to negotiate reduced
prices, as margins can be preserved by the vendor by cutting overhead burden
and not quality of services. Prices should be negotiated before the contract is
finalized, with rates and charges fixed for the duration of the contract, depending
on the length of the engagement.
Once the bid is accepted, the contract finalization is critical to the success
of the project. If sales personnel are not completely conversant with all elements
of the contract and contract language, this is troublesome. While virtually all
CROs use a ‘‘team sell,’’ the quality of sales personnel can be a reliable barome-
ter of the quality of the organization and its likelihood of success on the project.
Contracts should be clear and straightforward. Clinical research is an im-
precise activity at best, and contracts should reflect that reality. Penalty and per-
formance clauses should be avoided, since they can be misconstrued legally
should a damage claim arise from subjects or patients in a clinical study. As a
service provider, a CRO’s most precious asset is its reputation, so rewards and
penalties should not be necessary in the contract.
Contracts should include payment language tied to the agreed-upon sched-
ule and quality of deliverables and prices contained in the final bid. An orderly,
well-understood mechanism for change orders is essential, in the event they are
needed. Contract amendments should be reserved for major changes only, as they
often require review by the sponsor’s legal department. If ‘‘preferred vendor’’
arrangements exist with several CROs, a master contract usually exists, and
amendments can be promptly executed.
Disputes can arise, and in the past usually arose due to some CRO’s de-
laying investigator grant payments that had been made to them by sponsors. Cur-
rently, most sponsors pay investigators directly, based on performance milestones
provided by the CRO and validated by the sponsor’s staff.


Once the selection process has been completed, it is essential that timelines with
appropriate deliverables be published to all members of the internal and external
development team. Assuming all clinical supplies are available and properly
packaged, the pre-study meeting represents one of the most important steps in
the entire development process. These meetings are usually held at pleasant and
relaxing sites with appropriate amenities, ensuring a positive kick-off to the regis-
tration process. This meeting will include investigators and their support person-
nel, members of the sponsor’s development team, and all managers from the

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

contracting firm who will have a direct role in project management, field monitor-
ing, data management and analysis, and related functions. Since this meeting is
designed to ensure that investigators and their support personnel are clearly ori-
ented toward the objectives of the study and the importance of compliance with
federal regulations, it is exceptionally important that competent medical person-
nel from the sponsor and the contractor play an active role in the pre-study meet-
ing. The protocol should be finalized prior to the pre-study meeting. Also, given
the importance of adverse reaction tracking and related regulatory issues, a regu-
latory presence from both sponsor and contractor is essential.
If at all possible, an agenda for the meeting should be delivered to partici-
pants at least one month in advance, and protocols, case record forms, and other
pertinent regulatory information need to be part of the preliminary package. Fre-
quently, slight modifications are made to the protocol at this meeting; particularly
if the protocol has been reviewed with the FDA, modest adjustments to the study
documents can be considered. As mentioned above, it is highly unlikely that
major protocol changes can be made, but tips on patient recruitment, co-investiga-
tor cooperation, and data collection and quality can be very helpful.
Once the study has been initiated, frequent contacts between the project
management staff of the contractor and the responsible parties of the sponsor are
paramount. These meetings should be designed to support the partnership devel-
opment strategy, and should be managed carefully, including specific agenda
items which relate to enrollment, adverse reactions, quality of data, and other
important deliverables in the project management process. All full-service CROs
and most sponsoring companies have well-developed project management soft-
ware systems, which can be exceptionally valuable in the management and re-
porting process. Thus, electronic communication can be on a daily basis regarding
the study status, and meetings can be both face to face and via electronic telecon-
ferencing. Within well-developed CROs, the project management software sys-
tems are integrated into the bidding process, which supports sales, as well as the
accounting process, so that payables can be promptly managed in accordance
with the performance deliverables specified in the contractual agreement.
The area of clinical data management is one that is exceptionally important
to the development process. Significant amounts of investment in technology
which can improve both the quality and timeliness of data have been developed
over the last few years, and sponsors will have considered this expertise in the
CRO selection process. Data management is an area of potentially high labor
cost, so efficient control of this function by both vendor and sponsor is essential.
Investigative sites are also very important, as delayed or defective data can cause
budget and return-on-investment problems.
There are a wide variety of automated clinical data collection methodolo-
gies, which utilize fax, Internet, and wireless electronic data transmission. All of

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

these methodologies have positive and negative features, and the expense associ-
ated with each data retrieval, transport, and analysis platform is unique. In addi-
tion, the compatibility of the data collection technology with the investigative
site’s resources is exceptionally important, as are issues of confidentiality.
As is the case with virtually all technology, it needs to be carefully inte-
grated into the total process, which includes training of investigative site support
personnel. In addition, the human resource aspect of this process is exceptionally
important, since availability of personnel, their competence, and their motivation
must be considered in the development paradigm. On long-term development
projects, especially those involving a multinational registration strategy, the evo-
lution of the clinical data management process is paramount, particularly as tech-
nologies move rapidly toward higher levels of efficiency and performance.
Virtually all submissions to regulatory authorities can currently be made
in an electronic format. In planning a good relationship with the reviewing group
within a regulatory agency, accommodation of their preferences regarding elec-
tronic or hard-copy clinical data is crucial. As electronic submissions increase
in regularity and their reliability is validated, it is likely that significant hard-
copy validation data may be eliminated, particularly if there is a rapid movement
toward electronic patient record systems in most investigative environments.
One of the key elements of a constructive relationship between sponsors
and CROs is the issue of payments. These are defined in the original contractual
agreements, but are frequently affected by changes in development strategies
necessitated by a multitude of factors, including drug toxicity, regulatory
changes, and even in some cases the approval of competitive therapeutic agents.
In the difficult financial environment that health care entered in the early 1990s,
strains appeared in the financial relationships between sponsors and some CROs.
As the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries continue to evolve and be-
come more familiar and comfortable with outsourcing, these problems will de-
Issues regarding payment schedules and amounts are normally dependent
on milestones, sponsor and contractor business practices, and, with regard to
multinational trials, currency exchange rates. It is also possible that advanced
payments can be part of the developmental package, and are usually negotiated
on a customized basis when the original contract is executed.
Once the study has been completed, summary reports, return of study mate-
rials, potential regulatory issue follow-up, and CRO performance evaluations are
all important. Many vendors will submit questionnaires to members of the devel-
opment team from the sponsoring company, getting a frank appraisal of their
impressions of the vendor’s performance during the study. These are quite impor-
tant to vendors, as they reflect a feedback mechanism which can improve the
service offerings of both large and small contractors to their customer base.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


The evolution of the CRO industry over the last 25 years has been remarkable,
and the industry currently is going through significant metamorphosis as it re-
sponds to changes in the health care environment, customer requirements, and
the intense competition which exists in the market. Combined with CRO access to
public equity, which commenced in 1993, this will ultimately result in significant
improvements in quality. CRO businesses will expand and prosper. When com-
bined with progressive attitudes and creativity in the contractor market, which
is absolutely essential because of the high level of competition, this may result
in innovations and developments that may exceed the financial resources and the
core competency of sponsoring companies. This represents a major shift in spon-
sor philosophy, but in other industries, particularly telecommunications and infor-
mation technology, interlocking relationships, and alliances between vendors and
manufacturers, have been the key to success in highly competitive markets.
As the cost and risk of development of pharmaceutical products increases,
and as the impact of 21 CFR part 11 and HIPAA regulations emerge, careful
and appropriate reliance on contractors can be the difference between financial
success and failure, especially for small companies. Sponsors will learn to recog-
nize and utilize vendors who can produce higher-quality deliverables at a lower
cost, and much of this enhancement of the development process will be strongly
influenced by capital availability and the vision of management in the CRO
It is also likely that a trend will evolve in the middle-market segment of
the CRO industry. Also, niche providers will offer components of the develop-
ment process which can be integrated into a sponsor’s virtual development model,
and will probably compete on a very aggressive price and service basis, as large
multinational CROs, particularly those that are publicly traded, continue to evolve
toward larger multinational contracts with more desirable pricing structures.
Middle-market growth has occurred in retailing, information technology, and a
host of other highly competitive young but evolving industries, and it is expected
to occur in the CRO industry.
Taken together, the combination of highly qualified, experienced, and reli-
able niche providers in concert with the full-service large multinational CROs
gives customers a substantial choice, which will result in lower costs and higher
quality deliverables with improved time frames. Overall, the trends in the industry
appear to be quite favorable to sponsors, as the natural evolution of this service
industry moves toward maturation via investment in cost-effective technology.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Package Inserts as Viewed by the
Busy Private Practitioner

Jean M. Findlay
Regional Pediatric Associates, Durham, North Carolina


Package inserts were originally intended to provide drug information to practicing

physicians. Drug labeling regulations began in 1906 with the enactment of the
Pure Food and Drug Act and were expanded in 1938 with the passage of the
Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. The latter act required all drugs be dis-
pensed with information regarding method and duration of use, as well as warning
information about unsafe dosages. After the thalidomide tragedy in Europe, label-
ing requirements in the United States were strengthened in 1962 by amendments
to the act. The warning labels were required to include information regarding
the active ingredients, the indications and directions for use, the mechanism for
drug action, and potential adverse effects of the drug. Over the years, these warn-
ing labels have expanded in their content and scope, and are commonly referred
to as package inserts.
Although originally intended for physician reference, few actual package
inserts are handled by physicians, with the exception of drugs dispensed in office
settings, such as samples, injectables, and vaccines. Instead, physicians com-
monly use the Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR), a compilation of copies of the
actual package inserts. The PDR was first published in 1946 and contained about
300 pages; in 2001, it contained about 3500 pages. Updated editions are published
annually, and supplements are distributed as needed.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

A. Medical, Informational, and Legal Considerations
The design of the package insert has to take into consideration the concerns and
interests of groups whose needs vary greatly. Physicians need basic, concise in-
formation that will enable them to make the best decisions regarding the risks
and benefits of any given drug. Not only must that information be assimilated
by the prescribing physicians, it must also be translated into the writing of each
prescription, so that the necessary information is conveyed to the patient in a
manner the patient can understand. For pharmaceutical companies, the consider-
ations for package inserts have to weigh strongly in favor of protecting the liabil-
ity of the company at the same time as promoting a product for as wide a use
as possible. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has to protect the
patients’ welfare and protect itself from liability.
During the last decade, the FDA, with input from the pharmaceutical indus-
try and from medical and pharmaceutical informational professional groups, has
done much to adapt the package insert. One objective has been to adapt the insert
to communicate more effectively to professional users, especially health care
practitioners in clinical practice. The second objective has been to improve patient
information by introducing inserts designed specifically for consumers, and the
third objective, which has now been initiated, is to improve the labeling for pedi-
atric use.


To understand the primary care practitioner’s use of the package insert, it is first
useful to review the practitioner’s reasons for using the document, as summarized
in Table 1. To establish clearly the risk–benefit ratio of the drug, practitioners
may review the adverse reaction section of the package insert just before prescrib-
ing. At the same time as physicians decide whether the risk–benefit ratio is ac-
ceptable, they also decide what risks to describe to the patient. This is clearly

Table 1 Physicians’ Purposes for Using Package Inserts

I. Prescribing a drug
A. To establish a risk–benefit ratio
B. To decide what information to convey to the patient
C. To establish necessary monitoring procedures for the new medication
1. Frequency of monitoring
2. Laboratory determinations
D. To evaluate potential drug interactions
II. Choosing between various drugs for the same indication
III. Searching for documentation that a given adverse effect is associated with the
drug in question

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

necessary for medico-legal purposes, but it is also a critical transaction in educat-
ing patients and allowing them to share responsibility for the decisions about
their medical care. As a backdrop in this process of comparing risks and benefits
and assessing medico-legal implications, practitioners must constantly weigh the
differences between serious and nonserious adverse effects.
In a busy practice, time constraints weigh heavily on these decisions. Pedia-
tricians in our practice see 25 to 45 patients per day, depending on the season.
We prescribe medications 10 to 20 times per day and recommend at least as
many over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Reviewing the entire package insert
for every prescription is clearly impracticable. We rely on prior review of litera-
ture, memorization of the important details of each drug, update information pro-
vided by individual pharmaceutical companies, and information from pharmaceu-
tical representatives visiting the office. One package insert for a newer antibiotic
was 3 ft long and 2.25 in. wide, with fine print on both sides consisting of approxi-
mately 1100 lines with 63 characters to the line. That is equivalent to about 24
pages of this book condensed into leaflet form, then folded into a small wedge
of paper and attached to the bottle being dispensed. Not even a speed-reader
without presbyopia (farsightedness) could assimilate all that information in the
time allowed. It is simpler for physicians to refer to a handy guide such as the
Harriet Lane Handbook, in which drug information is presented in extremely
brief format. In this guide, in usually fewer than 10 lines, and 4 columns, the
most critical information is condensed: brand and generic name; how supplied;
dose for each age group or weight or dose specific for each usage; general precau-
tions and warnings; and monitoring requirements or suggestions. Additionally,
software is now available for handheld electronic devices used by many physi-
cians, for quick reference to this information.
Another factor that must be taken into consideration is the individual con-
cerns of the patient or family member. This person’s need for information will
be influenced by things such as prior knowledge, anxiety level, input from media,
friends and family, as well as personal experience. In one instance, a patient may
need the reassurance that the benefits of a medication far outweigh the risks. An
example of this would be vaccines, whose adverse events have received intense
public scrutiny. Conversely, a physician may have to caution strongly against
the use of a drug. For instance, antibiotics or steroids may be requested for a
more speedy return to work or daycare, and the effects of indiscriminate use may
have to be strongly worded to the patient. Additionally, the patient may read or
listen to the information provided, and then ask questions that have already been
answered, or simply ask, ‘‘What do you recommend?’’ Documenting the fact
that information has been provided becomes crucial for medico-legal reasons.
This is also the essence of the content of the package insert. It is the legal docu-
mentation that the information has been provided to the physician, who, along
with the pharmacist dispensing the drug, is then responsible for conveying that
information to the patient.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

The physician reviewing the package insert information must also deter-
mine the monitoring procedures necessary for the new medication. Decisions
must be made about the frequency of physician evaluation, and the need for
periodic laboratory work to follow potential adverse effects. At the same time,
potential drug interactions with medications the patient currently uses can be
identified. It should be noted, however, that not all patients give an accurate
history of concurrent medications, for various reasons, including embarrassment,
use of more than one physician, lack of knowledge, or the notion that OTC medi-
cations do not ‘‘count.’’ Pharmacists with a computer system or listing of other
medications prescribed may be in a better position to detect potential drug interac-
Physicians often refer to package inserts to choose between various drugs
for the same indication. Factors considered in this decision include adverse reac-
tions, cautions for use in certain populations, efficacy, contraindications, cost,
and, in the pediatric population, the form in which it is supplied (many young
children cannot swallow a pill, or the dosage of the medication may be inappro-
A final reason physicians may refer to package inserts is for information
to confirm that a patient’s reported adverse experience is actually associated with
the drug being taken.



Package inserts are prepared by many different individuals and groups, and may
vary considerably in their content. The FDA requires that all labeling include
the following information:

1. Description
2. Clinical pharmacology
3. Indications and usage
4. Contraindications
5. Warnings
6. Precautions
7. Adverse reactions
8. Drug abuse and dependence
9. Overdosage
10. Dosage and administration
11. How supplied
12. Animal pharmacology or animal toxicology or both
13. Clinical studies

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 1 Comparison of adverse reaction sections for a drug approved more than 25
years ago with one recently approved.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Although the FDA requires these standard categories of information to be
included in the package insert, a standardized method of gathering and presenting
the information does not currently exist. The information for the insert may be
gathered in scientifically different ways, and then presented in formats that vary
from one label to another. For instance, one package insert may list adverse reac-
tions by body system category, another by relative frequency of the side effect,
and still another by comparison to other drugs in the same class or to drugs having
the same therapeutic effect. The format for the presentation of this information
may be descriptive or in table form, with numerical frequency rates or percent-
ages. Important information and warnings may be capitalized or framed in a
The amount of information contained in the package insert may vary ac-
cording to the age of the drug and how much information was required by the
FDA before approval of the drug for each indication. Data on adverse effects
may be collected in different ways. Data may represent a specific premarketing
clinical trial experience, or they may include postmarketing data. They may be
with or without comparison to placebo or active drug. In Fig. 1, the adverse
reaction section of an antihistamine approved more than 25 years ago is con-
trasted with one more recently approved. The adverse reaction section of the
more recently approved drug specifies that the adverse events described were
from both controlled and uncontrolled clinical trials. It gives the range of drug
exposure before the adverse reaction report and describes the usual dose pre-
scribed. It includes a comparison of placebo with active control, and separates
adverse events reported in controlled studies from all clinical studies. The adverse
reaction section from the drug approved more than 25 years ago does not describe
the frequency of any of the reported adverse effects, nor does it quantify the
duration of exposure to the drug before the report.



Considerable recent interest has arisen in providing drug labeling that is easier
for busy practicing physicians to use. Research has shown that most physicians
use the PDR or package insert primarily as a reference tool. The results of a
physician survey conducted by the FDA were presented at a public meeting on
October 30, 1995 (Federal Register, Vol. 65, No. 247, December 22, 2000,
p. 81084). In addition to presenting the survey data, information and input were
solicited from interested parties regarding professional labeling for practicing
physicians. Of 204 primary care physicians and 200 specialists who responded
to questionnaires, only 5% used the package insert directly, and 88% used the

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

PDR. Reference to labeling was made at least once a week by 95% of primary
care providers and by 83% of specialists. Table 2 shows the frequency of referral
to the PDR and the relative importance placed on each section.
Of the respondents, 106 physicians offered the following suggestions for
items to be omitted: clinical pharmacology (44%), chemical composition/formula
structure/pharmacokinetics (10%), and common adverse events (9%). Fifteen
percent indicated the information should be condensed. Of 190 physicians who
suggested changes, the following new sections were recommended: cost or cost
comparisons (23%), drug interactions (15%), adverse event occurrence rates
(9%), generic availability (8%), pediatric information (6%), and pregnancy/lacta-
tion information (5%).
The three factors most likely to trigger referral to labeling were (a) new
drug, (b) patient overdoses or severe adverse event, and (c) patient adverse events.
Factors least likely to trigger a referral were (a) seeing an advertisement for the
drug, (b) manufacturer representative mentioning the drug, and (c) drug appearing
Suggestions for format changes included increasing the type size used,
highlighting the most important information, adding an abstract of the most im-
portant information, and using more tables, graphs, and lists. Highlighting impor-
tant information was preferred over providing an abstract by 62%; increased type
size was preferred by 77%; and tables, graphs, and lists were preferred by 83%.
Abstracts were preferred over increased type size by 65%, and over tables,
graphs, and lists by 72%. Thus, it appears that most practicing physicians are
asking for a more concise document in a more easily consulted format.

Table 2 Referral Frequency and Relative Importance of PDR

Sections a
Section Referral Importance

Dosage and Administration 3.4 3.8

Contraindications 3.2 3.7
Warnings 3.1 3.7
Adverse Reactions 3.0 3.6
Precautions 3.0 3.5
Indications and Usage 2.7 3.4
How Supplied 2.7 3.3
Overdose 2.1 3.0
Clinical Pharmacology 2.0 2.9
Drug Abuse and Dependence 2.0 2.8
PDR ⫽ Physicians’ Desk Reference.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


As previously described, rapid access to the most important information is critical

to busy physicians. They must make fast, careful decisions about prescribing,
including assessing the risks of a particular drug and weighing the consequences
of not treating. Because such a burden of responsibility rests on the physician,
it seems reasonable to demand a format for the package insert that could realisti-
cally be assimilated in the time available. Table 3 lists some suggestions for
improving the writing of such a document.
Review of the survey of practicing physicians is very helpful in making
suggestions for writing the package insert. Generally, it seems to be agreed that
the original labeling should not be superseded by a shorter form. This is largely
because health professionals need a reliable source to answer any specific ques-
tions regarding a particular drug’s use. It is also of great importance to the phar-
maceutical manufacturer to disseminate enough information, especially regarding
adverse effects. The survey indicated that physicians would continue to refer to
the larger insert for specific issues, even if a brief summary were made available,
and that they would continue their present use of the insert as a reference guide.
However, they would include the most important features requiring the most
urgent attention in the proposed brief summary.
At another public meeting in February 1995, representatives from the FDA
presented a proposal for a brief summary. Figure 2 shows a prototype for one

Table 3 Suggestions for Writing Package Inserts

I. Format suggestions.
A. Separate serious from nonserious adverse effects.
B. Highlight the adverse effect in the text.
C. Provide tables of dosages for specific indications.
II. Quantitation of adverse effects.
A. Provide the relative frequency of adverse effects, and explain how data was
B. Compare the frequency and occurrence of adverse effects from long-term vs.
short-term therapy.
III. Additional sections or subsections to include.
A. Provide more information regarding use in specific populations.
B. List drug interactions.
C. Give information on drug abuse and dependence.
D. Supply patient counseling information.
E. Add a separate section specifying recommendations for baseline and periodic
laboratory work.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 2 Prototype of a proposed package insert summary.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

drug’s brief package insert. It lists, in very concise form, with capitalized head-
ings, tables, and bulleted listings, the following sections:

Indications and Usage

Dosage and Administration
How Supplied
Drug Interactions
Specific Populations

This summary is then followed by a table of contents for the package insert that
is organized by section and number (3.1, 9.4, etc.).
Although this format was greeted favorably by physician groups, represen-
tatives from the pharmaceutical industry raised objections based both on the extra
cost of production and the increased medication packaging size needed to enclose
the even greater bulk of the revised package insert.
Other package insert areas under review are the patient information leaflet
and changes in labeling for pediatric use. The first of these is still under consider-
ation, and although some companies have already initiated their own patient in-
formation package in easy-reading lay language, the issue of regulation versus
recommendation is still being studied. The second area was addressed in a final
rule by the FDA issued in May 1996, (Guidance for Industry, Content and Format
for Pediatric Use Supplements, May 1996. http:/ /
GDEPED.pdf). This rule revised the current ‘‘pediatric use’’ subsection. It con-
tinues to permit a pediatric indication for a particular drug (e.g., desmopressin
for childhood enuresis), but also allows labeling for pediatric use based on ade-
quate and well-controlled trials in adults, together with other information regard-
ing pediatric use. This is of particular importance to pediatricians who prescribe
medications that, although commonly used in the pediatric age group, have not
been officially approved for pediatric use. The rule also requires dosage instruc-
tions for each age group, including adolescents, who were previously grouped
with adults in dosage recommendations.


Designing package inserts for use by busy practicing physicians involves several
conflicting issues. Physicians must rapidly make decisions regarding use of a
particular drug by gathering as much information as possible. The more easily
available the information, the better. Patients have a right to know what their
choices are when trying to make responsible decisions about their health. Pharma-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

ceutical companies are interested in promoting products in which they have in-
vested a large amount of time and money, and at the same time protecting them-
selves from liability due to untoward effect or inappropriate use of the product.
Lastly, the FDA has a responsibility to the public in general, both to allow the
use of a drug that may significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality from a
particular disease, while also protecting the same public from harm caused by
such a drug. The sooner a suitable solution can be reached, the sooner patients
will benefit.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

New Directions in Pharmaceutical
Regulatory Concerns and Contrivances

Louis A. Morris
Louis A. Morris & Associates, Dix Hills, New York
Peter H. Rheinstein
Cell Works Inc., Baltimore, Maryland


Since the 1962 amendments to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the
Act), overseeing pharmaceutical promotion has been under the jurisdiction of
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Under the Act, the FDA regulates
pharmaceutical advertising and labeling to assure that promotional materials are
not false or misleading and that they provide adequate risk disclosures.
During the initial years of FDA regulation, pharmaceutical marketers pro-
vided a continuous flow of materials to health care providers. For the most part,
these materials described the results of scientific studies and the clinical impact
of pharmaceutical products. The materials were directed primarily at health care
providers, particularly prescribing professionals. FDA staff reviewed promotional
materials for compliance with the Act and regulations and provided feedback to
the industry, primarily in the form of letters noting marketing claims and practices
considered to be false or misleading, lacking in fair balance, or otherwise in
violation of the Act.
Over the past two decades, the FDA has continued to review promotional
materials and provide regulatory feedback regarding observed violations. How-
ever, in our view, much has changed in the nature and type of promotion. Innova-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

tion in the development of new pharmaceutical products and an explosion in the
number of distribution channels for advertising information have dramatically
changed the face of pharmaceutical promotion. Our speculation is that two funda-
mental changes in the pharmaceutical marketplace—the increase in generic com-
petition and the movement to managed care insurance coverage—have produced
profound changes in pharmaceutical marketing. We further speculate that numer-
ous technological, demographic, and economic changes have also played signifi-
cant parts in dramatically shifting the focus, means, and desired endpoints of
pharmaceutical promotion.
It is difficult, if not impossible, to prove causal relationships for broad,
societal change. However, one is free to conjure up presumed explanations. Our
belief is that in the late 1970s and early 1980s pharmaceutical brand managers,
for the first time, faced the prospect of losing the majority of their market share
within a few years of patent expiration. Generic competition placed a great burden
on marketers to recover developmental costs in ever-briefer time frames. Market-
ing managers reacted with early and aggressive marketing for their products.
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, pharmaceutical marketers began to com-
pete on the basis of economic value, sometimes attempting to demonstrate prod-
uct benefits in direct comparison to market competitors. Proving that a drug was
safe and effective was necessary for regulatory approval but no longer sufficient
for marketplace acceptance. In crowded therapeutic markets, being cheaper than
competitors, bundling products or otherwise increasing ‘‘market value,’’ or dem-
onstrating cost effectiveness, became a necessary precondition for success. Power
in the pharmaceutical distribution channel shifted to large purchasing groups that
could move volumes of product and effectuate changes in market share. These
groups demanded value as a purchasing requirement.
Changes in medical marketing have also served as a background for rapid
transformations in pharmaceutical promotion. New informational technologies
have produced many new promotional outlets. New audiences for pharmaceu-
tical messages have led to the development of a portfolio of information, not
only for the traditional dispensers and prescribers, but also for the users and the
There are also new messages used to promote drugs. Driven by vertical
integration (such as the merging of drug manufacturers with mail-order pharmac-
ies), new ‘‘informational products’’ are being developed. These promotions com-
bine the traditional descriptions of clinical effects with information about compar-
ative resource effects and ‘‘value-added’’ aspects of the product. These aspects
of the ‘‘extended product’’ include patient education programs, formulary man-
agement incentives, disease management algorithms, drug utilization review in-
formation, provider incentives, and other information-based interventions. New
messages often seek to persuade purchasers of the product’s value through cost-
effectiveness or quality-of-life analyses.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

The FDA has adapted to these dramatic shifts in pharmaceutical promotion,
seeking to apply the regulatory concepts developed during the 1960s and 1970s
to modern marketing interventions. Rules prohibiting false or misleading promo-
tion and required disclosure of balancing information remain a solid cornerstone
of regulatory philosophy and legal enforcement. However, questions about the
application of these principles to certain messages, certain audiences, certain
channels of communication, and under certain conditions have been raised in
legal proceedings, in public forums, and in direct response to the FDA’s invitation
to make presentations in formal hearings.
The purpose of this chapter is to review some of the current controversies
regarding pharmaceutical promotion. We organize this review by focusing on the
five structural communication elements: message, channel, audience, source, and
effects. For many of the elements we discuss, regulatory philosophy and policy
are under review. Therefore, much of this chapter focuses on the controversies
and the issues facing the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry.
Before prior to reviewing these issues, we first discuss the basis of the
FDA’s authority and responsibility as described in portions of the Act and in
advertising and labeling regulations.


The Act specifies that a drug is considered misbranded (a prohibited act) if its
labeling or advertising is false or misleading. Labeling is defined as written,
printed, or graphic material that accompanies the drug. Advertising is described
as being composed of various examples including print advertisements in journals
and broadcast through television and radio. As a general principle, labeling and
advertising material distributed by drug companies must be consistent with, and
not contrary to, the approved product labeling. In addition, there must be adequate
risk disclosures to assure that the audience is not misled and that recipients of
the promotional intervention have adequate access to prescribing information.
The false or misleading provisions of the Act not only cover what is stated, but
failure to reveal material facts in light of what is stated is also considered mis-
branding a drug.
To avoid being misbranded, both labeling and advertising pieces must con-
tain adequate information about drug usage, effects, and risks, to permit safe and
effective use of the product. This information is in the form of ‘‘full disclosure’’
(i.e., reprinting the entire package insert) for labeling pieces and ‘‘brief sum-
mary’’ disclosure (i.e., reprinting most of the major sections of the label except
indications, clinical trials, and dosage and administration) for advertisements.
For broadcast materials, advertisements must contain a brief summary, and
important product risks must be summarized in a ‘‘major statement’’ included

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

in the advertisement. Alternatively, companies may include the major statement
and make ‘‘adequate provision’’ for the dissemination of full product labeling.
Recently, the FDA announced that a multiple-component distribution system
(e.g., toll-free telephone number, concurrent print advertisements, Internet ad-
dress, reference to health professionals) would be considered an acceptable
method of distributing prescribing information.
Although most advertising material must conform to the disclosure require-
ments of the Act and regulations, there are a few significant exceptions. Reminder
advertisements, which mention the drug name but make no suggestions or repre-
sentations about the product, do not require brief summary disclosures. Similarly,
price advertisements, which make no suggestions or representations except price
information (or general claims of being less costly) do not require brief summa-
ries. Also, ‘‘institutional’’ advertisements, which seek to promote the drug com-
pany or which seek to stimulate help seeking for medical conditions, are not
considered advertisements for prescription drugs and, therefore, do not require
risk disclosures.


With changing themes and distributional vehicles, the industry presents promo-
tional information that constantly tests the limits of the FDA’s interpretations of
the Act and its regulations. For the remainder of this chapter, we review some
of these changes and the FDA’s regulatory responses. We start with some of the
newer messages that the industry seeks to deliver.


Prescription drugs are approved on the basis of their safety and effectiveness.
When innovative new products are approved in classes in which no competition
exists, communication of the mere presence of a product to treat an otherwise
untreated (or poorly treated) condition is often sufficient to market a product
successfully. However, when products are introduced into crowded markets, a
comparative advantage is important to differentiate the new product from the
Comparative claims representing direct, head-to-head studies of competing
products can provide audiences with highly informative and persuasive informa-
tion. Accordingly, the scientific basis for such claims must be firmly established.
FDA regulations require ‘‘substantial evidence’’ for comparative claims, gener-
ally defined as two adequate and well-controlled clinical trials.
Comparative claims denoting clinical improvement can be met by head-
to-head clinical trials. The FDA reviews such evidence to assure that the trials

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

are fair or unbiased (e.g., the dosages of competing products are equivalent).
More complicated claims are derived from ‘‘equivalency’’ trials, in which an
innovative product is compared to an existing product to enable claims of ‘‘no
difference’’ among competing products. Such studies are reviewed to guard
against such methodological pitfalls as insufficient power, insensitive measure-
ments, and equivalence due to no effect (i.e., all of the examined products are
ineffective in the particular study, thus necessitating the inclusion of a third-arm
placebo control in the trial to assure that at least one of the investigated products
is effective).
Other types of comparative claims have evolved in recent years as compa-
nies have become more interested in making claims about products’ comparative
economic value (e.g., cost-effectiveness claims) and humanistic value (e.g., qual-
ity-of-life claims). The FDA’s position has been to view claims of comparative
economic value as being composed of two parts, a statement of comparative
safety or effectiveness (e.g., clinical outcomes) and a statement of economic valu-
ation (e.g., dollars expended). Historically, the FDA has asked for disclosure of
the economic valuation portion of a claim and substantiation for the clinical out-
come portion of the claim. For example, claims based on the assumption of equal
clinical outcomes but differences in economic valuation (e.g., cost-minimization
claims) such as, ‘‘we’re cheaper’’ or ‘‘a good value,’’ are common in pharmaceu-
tical promotion. For such claims, FDA asks that the claims be truthful and that
the source of the economic claims be disclosed.
However, for claims based on presumed differences in clinical outcomes
(e.g., fewer physician visits are needed because of a less pronounced side-effect
profile), the FDA has sought substantiation of the claims based on evidence from
adequate and well-controlled studies. This position has remained controversial
because critics have maintained that such evidence is not needed for cost-effec-
tiveness claims, and that data-based evaluations or single clinical trials could be
used for substantiation.
It must be noted that although there has been much discussion about com-
parative claims, relatively few studies have been submitted to the FDA for review.
One may speculate that this is because of the difficulty of the necessary methodol-
ogy, the extra costs incurred in doing these studies, and the probability that it
is extremely difficult to demonstrate difference among therapeutically similar
Differences among products on noncomparative humanistic outcomes, such
as the influence of a pharmaceutical product on the patient’s health-related quality
of life (HRQL), have grown in importance for pharmaceutical companies. HRQL
is measured by a number of scales that seek to assess outcomes along a variety
of dimensions. Single-dimension utility scales are often used as part of broader
pharmacoeconomic evaluations (e.g., cost–utility analyses using a standard gam-
ble technique) and are usually not considered to be primary HRQL outcome mea-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

sures. Multidimensional HRQL scales focus on either general health status (e.g.,
the SF36 scale) or on disease-specific outcomes (e.g., asthma, epilepsy, or
migraine-specific quality-of-life scales). For the most part, pharmaceutical com-
panies have begun to concentrate on disease-specific quality-of-life measures be-
cause these measures are generally more sensitive (i.e., they are more likely to
discern real difference among products).
The FDA has expressed concern about the measurement and analysis of
HRQL. The psychometric qualities, especially the validity, of such scales are
often questioned. Examination of some claims has resulted in the FDA determin-
ing that the scales were not sufficiently well validated and that the claims were
not substantiated. For example, in one case the manufacturer selected only a few
items from an existing multi-item scale, profoundly influencing the validity or
meaning of the measured concept. Other concerns, such as the selective reporting
of data (reporting outcomes on some dimensions but not on others), failure to
account for multiple analyses (inflating alpha levels), and other biases, have been
expressed by its review of HRQL data.


Examination of recent enforcement letters sent by the FDA’s Division of Drug

Marketing, Advertising, and Communications (DDMAC) indicates the incredible
diversity of source documents (i.e., promotional channels and materials) that
served as vehicles for violative promotional messages. Violative messages were
sent through traditional sources such as journal advertisements and letters to
health professionals, contemporary sources, such as television and telephone
communications, and newly evolving sources, such as Internet communications.
It is clear from such an examination that pharmaceutical marketing involves an
increasingly broad array of communications channels for message delivery.
The Internet: Technology has continued to modify the way promotional
messages are delivered. Perhaps the most dramatic new information channel is
the use of the Internet to provide a large variety of messages. Many pharmaceuti-
cal manufacturers have developed home pages and/or specific product/disease-
oriented Web sites. These sites offer Web users the opportunity to obtain a variety
of communications regarding the company, as well as information about services,
products, and selected health conditions.
The FDA held Part 15 hearings about Promotion on the Internet in October
1996. At those hearings, the FDA posed several questions. These included the

Should products that are listed on the Internet as ‘‘in the pipeline’’ be con-
sidered institutional statements or preapproval promotion?

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

To what extent should pharmaceutical companies be held responsible for
chat rooms, news groups, and linkages?
How should FDA regulate international messages?
Comments submitted in response to a Federal Register announcement as well
as comments made at the meeting ranged from a request for the FDA to carefully
consider restricting information flow, to suggesting that technological solutions
were preferred over regulatory solutions. Although some advocated no federal
government involvement, others suggested the need for regulatory oversight.
The DDMAC has taken several regulatory actions through enforcement
letters to companies that have posted information on their Web sites that was
considered violative of the Act. In several cases, news releases have been the
focus of the FDA’s actions. In all cases, false or misleading promotion claims
have triggered the regulatory actions. Web messages are reviewed by the FDA
for compliance with the Act and regulations just as if they were delivered through
more traditional communications channels. It is also clear that some contentious
issues await resolution. The international implications of Internet communica-
tions present some of the most challenging regulatory problems. What is consid-
ered violative in one country may be perfectly acceptable in another country. In
May 1997, the World Health Organization passed a resolution calling for the
formation of a working group to collect information and present recommenda-
tions for international regulation of Internet communications now available.
The FDA also uses the Internet and views it as an important communica-
tions tool. Through its own Web site, the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation
and Research (CDER) posts its newly issued regulations, guidances, and internal
operating procedures or MaPPs (Manual of Policies and Procedures). Further,
since the fall of 1996, the CDER has posted copies of enforcement letters on its
Web site. This provides the industry and other interested parties easy access to
letters regarding recent regulatory actions.


A. Consumers
Although direct-to-consumer (DTC) promotion has been a popular form of com-
munication for pharmaceutical manufacturers for many years, 1996 was the first
year in which the amount of money spent advertising products to consumers
surpassed the amount spent on advertising to physicians. It is estimated that ap-
proximately $600 million was spent on DTC promotion in 1996. Much of this
money has been spent on magazine or newspaper advertisements that inform
readers about the product’s uses, benefits, and side effects. Magazine and newspa-
per advertisements contain sizable labeling disclosures (called ‘‘brief summa-
ries’’) that often entail an extra half to a full page for the advertisement.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

In addition to print advertisements, manufacturers have also used television
advertisements to promote the use of prescription products. Television advertise-
ments have remained primarily in the form of help-seeking or reminder advertise-
ments, neither of which requires brief summary disclosures.
Full product advertisements have recently appeared on network television
after the FDA announced a change in its interpretation of requirements for ‘‘ade-
quate provision’’ for the distribution of labeling information. According to FDA
regulations, if brief summary information is not made available in conjunction
with the advertisements, then ‘‘adequate provision’’ must be made for the distri-
bution of labeling information to the audience that views the broadcast advertise-
In October 1995, the FDA held a Part 15 hearing to gather public percep-
tions about DTC advertising. While a variety of opinions was expressed about
DTC, the majority of those presenting viewed some disclosure requirements as
overly burdensome.
In addition to these administrative actions, a lawsuit was filed in December
1995 questioning the FDA’s authority to regulate DTC advertising under the
current regulations and alleging that the inferred requirements were overly bur-
densome. The FDA filed a motion to dismiss the action in March 1996, citing
the lack of ‘‘standing’’ of those bringing the suit (three consumers and two health
professionals) and the lack of ‘‘ripeness’’ for the case in light of the FDA’s
continuing administrative actions. In May 1997, a federal judge granted the
FDA’s motion to dismiss the case.

B. Formularies
Another new audience for pharmaceutical companies is the formulary committees
of managed care organizations (MCOs). Formularies have existed for many years
in hospitals and at MCOs. However, MCOs have recently begun to use formular-
ies more aggressively as a means of controlling the cost of operations. By limiting
the purchase of medicines to a few members of drugs in a class, the MCO can
engage in bulk purchasing and selection of less costly medications. Since formu-
lary members are usually charged with reviewing drugs to determine the most
cost-effective products in the therapeutic class, they have, in some instances, been
a prime target for pharmaceutical marketers.


Not only has the audience for pharmaceutical messages changed, the source of
those messages has also changed. Horizontal and vertical integration in the phar-
maceutical industry has changed the face of medical marketing. Drug companies

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

have begun to integrate physical distribution and disease management strategies
into their basic marketing focus.
The development of new chemical entities has always been the primary
method through which pharmaceutical companies innovate. However, some com-
panies have begun to view their offerings as ‘‘disease treatment’’ programs rather
than merely as chemical entities. Thus, some companies have created ‘‘extended
products’’ that include a range of ‘‘informational products’’ in addition to the
prescription drug chemical. These information products include informational
services necessary to treat the diseases for which the prescription drug is indi-
cated. For example, disease treatment protocols have been offered that specify
algorithms to treat different diseases. The marketing of extended products has
transformed the drug company’s focuses beyond their own products. To serve
the needs of MCOs more fully, pharmaceutical companies may suggest the use
of competing products to treat certain aspects of the disease (e.g., early stages
or less serious forms of the ailment), reserving its more potent medication for
more serious disease states.
The promoted effects of a drug are no longer limited to the safety and
effectiveness of the product. Rather, pharmaceutical companies conduct analyses
that seek to demonstrate cost-effectiveness, especially in the environment in
which the drug will be used. While the concept of ‘‘moving market share’’ often
entails the promotion of pharmaceutical products to MCOs, pharmaceutical mar-
keters have not abandoned the individual prescriber or user of the product as a
promotional target. Even if a MCO purchases a product, a physician must pre-
scribe it and a patient must use it. This ‘‘elongated’’ focus of marketing messages
recognizes the importance of understanding the process of drug-usage decision
making and the roles of a variety of individuals in diverse roles. Pharmaceutical
marketing has become increasingly complex as these new audiences for market-
ing messages become a focus of marketing interventions.


Although pharmaceutical marketing has gone through an explosion of new audi-

ences, new channels, and new messages, the basic premise of the Act, that adver-
tising must provide truthful, nonmisleading, and balanced communications, re-
mains the goal of FDA regulation. Clear, substantiated, and balanced messages
remain the cornerstone of FDA regulatory actions, regardless of whether the mes-
sage is delivered through a hand-printed sign or an Internet Web site; whether
it is delivered to a formulary chair or a consumer; or whether it involves the
pharmacokinetics or the pharmacoeconomics of the product. As the relationship
between the pharmaceutical industry and MCOs continues to evolve, and as tech-
nology changes, the role of the FDA will also evolve.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


We would like to express appreciation to our colleagues at the Food and Drug
Administration who made helpful comments on earlier versions of this manu-
script. The views expressed are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the
policy of the Food and Drug Administration. The authors prepared this manu-
script in 1997.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

The Campus Researcher
and Industry:
Issues of Intellectual Property
and Technology Transfer

Todd S. Keiller
Healthcare Business Development, Inc., Hopkinton, Massachusetts


An often-overlooked source of potential new drugs is the academic research lab.

This chapter discusses how technology from these labs is accessed and how the
intellectual property process works in academia. In addition, because funding
this early-stage technology can be a major problem, this chapter looks at various
funding alternatives.


A. Public Benefits
In 1996, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) released the results of
a study showing that 45 biotechnology companies nationwide either had founders
associated with MIT or had licensed technology patented by MIT (1). These
companies employed nearly 10,000 people and produced aggregate annual reve-
nues of $3 billion. Overall, the academic sector has had a huge economic effect
on research. According to the Association of University Technology Managers
(AUTM) Licensing Survey for Fiscal Year (FY) 1999 (2), the 190 universities
surveyed reported that academic discoveries licensed to industry generated over

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

$40 billion in economic activity and supported 270,000 jobs during that fiscal
year. According to the survey, since 1980, almost 3000 new companies have
been formed based on licenses granted from the academic community.
This collaboration between academia and business began with the passing
of the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980. The objective of this act was to encourage aca-
demic institutions receiving federal funding for research to take an active role
in patenting and licensing their intellectual property. The federal government
recognized that universities were not capable of aggressively transferring ideas
from basic research to tangible products in an efficient manner. The Bayh-Dole
Act allows these academic institutions to seek patents, market these patents to
commercial entities, and receive royalties that will be distributed to the inventor
and the institution.
Many products resulting from the patenting and licensing of intellectual
property have had tremendous public benefit. According to the AUTM FY 99
Licensing Survey (2), some recent examples are as follows:
Natura  hearing aids (Brigham Young University)—hearing aid that is cus-
tomized to correct each customer’s particular impairment and can selec-
tively suppress noises.
Periostat  (State University of New York at Stony Brook)—a nonantibiotic
dental treatment to protect bone and gums from collagen-destroying bac-
teria in our mouths.
Cohn Cardiac Stabilizer  (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)—a de-
vice that assists surgeons performing beating-heart, open-heart surgery.
Green Steel (University of Pittsburgh)—a lead-free, machinable steel that
frees factories from the need to protect their workers from lead fumes
and from the lead-containing scrap produced when the steel is machined
into parts.
NiAl (Carnegie Mellon University)—new thin-film magnetic disk drive
memory medium that allows increased density for laptop hard drives.
In previous years, products have included a topical treatment for Kaposi’s sar-
coma, an aid in wound healing, and a product that provides replacement skin for
burn victims (3). These are only a few of the many available products based on
academic research.

B. Technology Transfer Offices

At the heart of patenting and licensing intellectual property resulting from aca-
demic research is the Technology Transfer Office (TTO). Most major universities
have invested in a TTO to oversee this process. The TTO manager is responsible
for evaluating invention disclosures made by principal investigators (PIs) at the

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

institution. The TTO manager often assists the PI in obtaining industry-sponsored
research to augment federal funding and thereby helps progress the science or
provides proof of concept.
After evaluating the invention disclosure, the TTO manager must decide
whether to invest in a patent application. Because patent expenses can quickly
escalate, the TTO manager must be able to evaluate commercial potential at a
very early stage of the development of the invention and identify appropriate
corporate sponsors and licensees. The TTO manager must efficiently and dili-
gently direct the marketing activities to appropriate sources so the scientific idea
can advance. In this way, the science progresses, and the financial responsibilities
of the institution for patent expenses are minimized.
The TTO negotiates licensing terms, monitors the transactions, and follows
up the terms of the agreement. Throughout the academic world, the number of
agreements is growing. In FY 1999, nearly 4000 licenses and options were exe-
cuted at academic institutions—a 7% increase over the previous year and a three-
fold increase over FY 1991, when the AUTM conducted its first survey (2).
It is also important, however, to understand what the academic institutions
and their TTOs do not do. TTOs are involved in discovery research, but are
not product-development or regulatory experts. Commercial partners who expect
product-development or regulatory expertise will quickly experience the cultural
differences between business and academic research and likely will be disap-
pointed in the performance of university researchers. The academic institution’s
philosophy of advancing science by promoting the open and free exchange of
ideas among peers who have the freedom to publish the results is often in conflict
with corporate philosophies. Survival in the corporate world may mandate keep-
ing quiet, waiting, and announcing the idea to the competition when the company
is ready. In the university world, however, success is measured by the number
of publications and by the length of a researcher’s CV rather than by return on
This is not to say that would-be entrepreneurs do not exist in the university
research community. Many of the 3914 licenses signed in 1999 were nurtured,
expedited, and even negotiated by university scientists eager to experience the
best of both worlds—that is, the shelter of academia and the financial upside of
licenses. Such licensing is usually done in an ethical, sincere manner; however,
temptations exist that academic scientists may not be able to resist. The problem
of scientists taking the proverbial bite of Eden’s apple has led to stricter oversight
of licensing practices and PI behavior. Therefore, the prospective licensee must
understand the academic institution’s policies and procedures and work directly
with the TTO at the very beginning of the process. Horror stories can be told
about industry negotiating deals directly with a PI, only to have the terms invali-
dated by the PI’s institution and conflict-of-interest violations brought forth.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

C. Conflict-of-Interest Policies
To avoid such unfortunate incidents, most academic institutions have conflict-
of-interest or conflict-of-commitment policies that all staff members must follow.
In fact, certain types of federal funding sources require that these policies be in
place. Such policies define the amount of time an investigator is allowed to spend
on projects outside the academic appointment. The amount of time allowed for
outside projects varies from institution to institution, but generally averages 20%
of the work week or 1 day per week, as long as the time is approved by the
appropriate authority within the institution and the details of the finances associ-
ated with the project are fully disclosed. The conflict-of-interest policy will often
describe the types of relationships allowed, including statements about equity
ownership, board participation, and consulting arrangements. Any corporate
sponsor should become familiar with institutional conflict-of-interest and con-
flict-of-commitment policies to avoid placing the investigator in conflict.
In spite of best intentions and progress made, however, academia may still
have many details to work out in their use of these policies. A recent study [4]
found that conflict-of-interest policies at many U.S. research institutions are so
general in their terms and varied in their enforcement that confusion is quite
likely among potential industrial partners. In addition, the vaguely worded or
differentially followed policies may not provide the support and foundation for
the traditional academic standards as competition is generated among universities
vying for corporate sponsorship.


A. Current Practice
A patent is awarded when the idea presented is useful, unique, and nonobvious
to one skilled in the art. Changes in U.S. patent law in 1995 now provide for a
20-year time frame to file a patent, issue that patent, and then provide exclusive
protection of the idea. Previous law permitted an unlimited amount of time to
file and prosecute the patent application, then granted a 17-year protection period.
This could result in what is known as ‘‘submarine patents,’’ in which a company
would keep a patent application alive through a series of amendments for long
periods of time until it was commercially useful to complete the prosecution and
allow the issuance of the patent. The patent would then surface at a competitively
useful time, catching the competitor off guard because the contents of the patent
application had been kept confidential by the U.S. Patent Office. Current law
safeguards against this possibility.
In academia, the inventor often is motivated to file a patent because of the
need to publish results. Publication of results without filing for a patent will

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

result in the information becoming public domain. If this occurs, the published
information can be used to disqualify the idea as being unique or nonobvious
and therefore disallow a patent.
The TTO often works within a very tight budget and is pressured to hold
down patent expenses by not filing until a licensee is found or sometimes by
prematurely terminating patent prosecution. The AUTM FY 99 licensing survey
showed that 12,324 invention disclosures were received that fiscal year, and 5545
new U.S. patents were filed (2). During this time, $121 million was expended
on legal fees for these patents and patents in prosecution, although survey respon-
dents were ultimately reimbursed $52 million for patent expenses. The TTO has
a huge incentive to license such patents quickly and to have the licensee reim-
bursed for past expenses as well as paid for future expenses.

B. Differences from Industry

Academic researchers often have a strong incentive to publish their work in peer-
reviewed journals. Publication is fundamental to their work and often to their
advancement within the university community. This academic policy differs from
most in scientific industry, because industry must keep information confidential
to remain competitive. In fact, the patent process often conflicts with the academic
publishing incentive. The TTO must ensure that the PI understands the patent
process and communicates efficiently with the TTO about the potential intellec-
tual property. The TTO should in no way impede the publication process. There-
fore, the office must make sure the PI works closely with patent counsel to both
protect the intellectual property and allow a free flow of information to the aca-
demic community. The awareness among academic scientists has grown since
TTOs were first instituted in 1980, and some of the changes in U.S. patent law
in 1995 make it easier to file a ‘‘provisional application’’ to preserve the property
while a complete application is prepared.
Companies licensing from academic institutions must be aware of this basic
difference between the university and the corporate environments. Although most
academic institutions will allow a short period for review of licensed technology
information, they will stand firm about defending the right of their scientists to
publish results.
A corporate sponsor can seem to be a hero by stepping in with financial
backing for the licensee. Reimbursing past patent expenses may initially amount
to $10,000 to $20,000. Even when the cost of future expenses for that licensee
is added in, such backing could be an especially wise investment for the corporate
sponsor if the rights to the invention are obtained. However, almost all academic
institutions have patent policies in place dictating that all rights to inventions
discovered at the institution will be assigned to that institution. The TTO will
pay patent expenses until a licensee is found. The institution will have a royalty-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

sharing plan for the inventor and possibly for the inventor’s lab. The balance of
the royalties will go to the institution and possibly to the inventor’s department.
This plan is more lucrative than that for the corporate inventor, whose reward
comes in salary and possibly a bonus. As an example, the more successful drug
compounds may yield corporate sales in excess of $500 million. If such com-
pounds are invented at an academic institution, a royalty of between 1% and 4%
would be reasonable. A 2% royalty would yield $20 million in royalties, and the
inventor would receive between $2 million and $5 million.
A downside for enthusiastic potential inventors in academic research is that
the chance for such success is similar to the chance for an amateur or collegiate
athlete making a high-paying professional sports team. For all those making mil-
lions playing for the National Basketball Association, thousands are shooting
baskets in playgrounds. In 1999, academic units received $862 million in license
income (i.e., running royalties, cashed-in equity, and all other types of income)
on 8308 licenses (2).
Another important difference between academia and industry is the nature
of research. Companies often are frustrated by the seeming slowness of academic
research. That the funding for academic research is equivalent to the budget for
a corporate division is a common industry misconception. Despite what can be
sizable amounts of industry-sponsored research, the academic scientist usually
has numerous responsibilities within the institution, and may have priorities dif-
ferent from those of the company.


A. Process
Academic institutions often have difficulty deciding whether to market a new
technology before filing, after filing, or after patent issuance. Marketing before
filing is often difficult because of concern over confidentiality. This difficulty
may not be the case for a new algorithm or a new protein, but it is often the case
for new devices. Most institutions cannot afford to delay marketing until after
the patent issues, but their case for the patent is certainly strengthened if this
delay is possible. The most common time for marketing is after the patent applica-
tion has been filed, and a confidentiality agreement is required to allow review
of the patent application.
The information available to a company for evaluation of a technology
from an academic institution will vary widely from institution to institution and
from inventor to inventor. Some institutions are able to develop a sophisticated
technology brochure that is, in essence, a miniature business plan for the inven-
tion. Other institutions can provide nothing more substantial than a hastily written
‘‘back-of-the-envelope’’ description. In either case, it is critical for the key scien-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

tific decision makers in both the company and the university to communicate
with each other both about the inventor’s ideas and about the company’s areas
of interest. The TTO should facilitate this communication and should understand
the business requirements of the company as they relate to the invention.
Often, a TTO will develop an inventory of inventions available containing
brief and nonconfidential descriptions of the inventions. Companies interested in
investing can quickly scan the inventory and target areas of interest. A company
can also follow academic publications relating to its field of interest. Upon finding
a relevant publication, the company may work with the author’s TTO to evaluate
and transfer technology more efficiently.

B. Financing Alternatives
Sometimes corporate sponsorship of academic research is not possible because
the academic discovery research is not at a stage to justify a company’s invest-
ment. Overall pressures to reduce health care spending have squeezed funding
for corporate research and development, which, in turn, has squeezed available
funding for academic research. However, from the company’s perspective, prop-
erly managed academic research may in fact be a less expensive alternative when
compared with the costs of the company’s own research. Industry often balks at
the overhead rates a university places on its direct costs. However, those in indus-
try who review these budgets often are not aware of their own company’s corpo-
rate overhead rate, which is often much higher than the academic rate. In many
instances, the company can collaborate with a university to create a research
program that suits the company’s needs and can pay for the academic scientists
to perform the targeted work. The company does not need to hire personnel on
a full-time basis, and the existing university laboratories can efficiently meet
the company’s needs. Once the research is over, the company has no further
responsibility for the personnel and the laboratories.
In addition, corporate sponsorship usually results in a license or an option
to license intellectual property either currently available or discovered during a
sponsored research program. To follow good business sense, a company must
consider numerous factors before licensing academic technology, including the

Exclusive or nonexclusive rights

Length of time for development
Royalty or compensation for the license
Field of use
Sublicensing rights

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Due diligence
Payment timing and late penalties
Termination conditions

Without direct corporate sponsorship and a licensing arrangement, acade-

mia often turns to alternative funding sources, such as various government
sources, joint ventures, or venture capital. Examples of alternative governmental
funding sources fostering good scientific ideas in university research include the

Small Business Innovation Research

Small Business Technology Transfer
Advanced Technology Program
Technology Reinvestment Program
Cooperative Research and Development Agreement

In dealing with such financing alternatives, the university often must consider
timing and the size of available funds.
Establishing a joint venture between an academic institution and a commer-
cial entity can be useful for both parties. The company may need the academic
institution for the basic research function, and the academic institution may need
the company for other areas of expertise such as distribution, manufacturing,
development, or strategic planning. In a joint venture, both parties share the risks,
and the idea may be advanced to another level before achieving its full potential.
The venture capital community has invested close to $500 million in the
biotechnology industry. Academic-based intellectual property can be an impor-
tant part of this investment.


Partnerships between campus researchers and industry offer lucrative, mutual

benefits. Researchers and their institutions receive financing to continue their
research efforts, they gain peer recognition through publication of their work,
and they can receive royalties from their marketed products. Corporations can
meet their business objectives of developing new products, and they do not have
to worry about hiring and housing research personnel. Certainly such liaisons are
attractive to both parties involved, but ultimately, it is the public who benefits
because the new drugs and devices are available to those needing them much
sooner than if they had been developed without external funding.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


1. Campbell KD. Study examines impact of MIT biotech research. MIT Tech Talk. Janu-
ary 24, 1996. Available at: http:/ /
Accessed January 2, 2001.
2. The Association of University Technology Managers. The AUTM Licensing Survey:
FY 1999. Available at: http:/ / Accessed
January 2, 2001.
3. The Association of University Technology Managers. The AUTM Licensing Survey:
FY 1998. Available at: http:/ / Accessed Oc-
tober 5, 2000.
4. Cho MK, Shohara R, Schissel A, Rennie D. Policies on faculty conflicts of interest
at US universities. JAMA 2000; 284:2203–2208.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Anatomy of Drug Withdrawals
in the United States

Marion J. Finkel
Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Consultant, Morristown,
New Jersey


Each year approximately 20 to 30 drugs constituting new chemical entities enter

the U.S. market. In addition, new salts or esters, combinations of already mar-
keted drugs, and trade and generic versions of marketed drugs enter the commer-
cial arena.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must give prior approval
in order for a prescription drug to be marketed (except for new generic versions
of drugs originally marketed prior to 1938). The FDA also controls withdrawals
from the market for safety or effectiveness reasons; companies may, however,
withdraw a drug for these reasons on their own initiative.
The FDA’s control of both marketing and drug withdrawal is exerted
through the instrument of a New Drug Application (NDA), which a company
submits when it feels that it has accumulated sufficient data to support marketing
of its product. Such applications have been required to be submitted since 1938,
when Congress amended the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act to require a manufac-
turer to make a showing of safety before a drug can be marketed. In 1962, the
act was again amended to require a showing of effectiveness. In addition, the
1962 amendments required that all clinical investigations prior to marketing ap-
proval be monitored by the FDA. These changes in the act were triggered by
two tragedies. First, in the elixir of sulfanilamide episode, a U.S. manufacturer
solubilized sulfanilamide for the pediatric market by using diethylene glycol, the
major component of antifreeze. More than 100 patients died, mainly children.
The second tragedy occurred primarily but not exclusively outside the United
States and involved the sedative-hypnotic, thalidomide. Administration of this

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

drug to pregnant women resulted in limb deformities in a significant percentage
of their offspring.


A drug can be withdrawn from clinical study while it is in the investigational

phase for reasons of toxicity, inadequate effectiveness, or lack of advantage over
competitive products. The overwhelming majority of discontinuances in the pre-
marketing stage are based on decisions made by the manufacturer. After a drug
has entered the market, the primary reason for withdrawal, since 1962, other than
obsolescence, has been one of safety. Because, since 1962, the law has required
evidence of effectiveness based on well-controlled studies, once such evidence
has been accepted by the FDA, effectiveness is no longer an issue unless the
data are subsequently shown to be fraudulent.
Safety concerns derive from manufacturing problems or other matters lead-
ing to a defective product, from new animal studies suggesting a carcinogenic
or teratogenic potential of a drug, and from adverse reactions to the drug, includ-
ing the human experience of teratogenesis or tumorigenesis. The human findings
may be newly discovered after marketing or may have been suspected or identi-
fied prior to marketing but better defined following marketing.
Drug companies and the FDA maintain a continuing surveillance for ad-
verse drug information. Months or years after introduction into the market, the
benefit/risk ratio of a drug may be altered to the point where withdrawal is consid-
ered mandatory. In the vast majority of cases, however, new adverse information,
whether animal or clinical, results in labeling changes that cite the findings. In
the more severe cases, labeling changes provide warnings or precautions and, in
the most serious situations, limit the use of the drug to certain subpopulations
of patients.
Less than 2% of drugs representing new chemical entities have been with-
drawn from the U.S. market because of adverse effects inherent in the drug (i.e.,
not due to its method of extraction or manufactured of the final dosage form).
Almost all of these were based on adverse reactions occurring in patients. Animal
findings usually have been handled by the labeling changes described above.
Bakke and associates, using certain defined criteria, found that between
1964 and 1983, only 14 drugs were withdrawn because of safety concerns (1).
Almost all of the withdrawals were initiated by the FDA. Five of these drugs
(three analgesics, an anti-infective, and an antihistamine) were introduced to the
market between 1900 and 1947, but the remainder appeared after 1956. Of the
14 drugs, two were withdrawn because of animal tumors. Five drugs were with-
drawn by manufacturers for safety reasons between 1984 and 1994. During this
10-year period, more than 260 new chemical entities were approved for market-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

ing. The small number of withdrawals constitutes a remarkable safety record for


When the FDA initiates an action to remove a drug from the market for safety
concerns, it does so by proposing to withdraw approval of the company’s New
Drug Application. The Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act requires the FDA to permit
the holder of the application an opportunity to present its views at a hearing.
Such hearings may be public or may be held before an administrative law judge
in closed session. Often the FDA elects to present the matter to one of its advisory
committees with the dual purpose of (a) obtaining the opinion of a group of
experts following presentations of both sides of the issue and (b) hoping to obvi-
ate a formal hearing if the committee recommends withdrawal. In the latter case,
a company may still pursue the route of a formal hearing, but that route becomes
less desirable when an eminent group of experts has recommended removal of
a drug form the market, a recommendation not lost on the medical and lay press
and financial circles because of the open nature of the FDA’s advisory committee
meetings. As will be seen below, a recommendation by a committee against with-
drawal also carries great weight with the FDA.
This chapter is devoted to case histories of certain drug withdrawals or
withdrawal of one of the indications for a drug, and in one instance an aborted
withdrawal, that were based, with two exceptions, on scientifically documented
adverse clinical experience. The cases are illustrative of the diversity of forces
that play a role or come into play before or after a decision to withdraw a drug
has been made. These forces include, in addition to FDA staff, FDA advisory
committees and consultants, drug companies and their consultants, the medical
profession, the public, consumer organizations, the media, and Congress. In re-
cent years, litigation has played an increasing role in company decisions to re-
move a drug (or medical device) from the market, and in the future one can
expect that even the specter of such litigation may be enough to cause a precipitate


Ticrynafen (trade name Selacryn) was marketed in May 1979 as a diuretic and
antihypertensive agent by Smith Kline and French Laboratories (SKF). The drug
had, in addition, a uricosuric effect, a property that distinguished it from the
thiazides and that rendered it of particular interest for patients who developed
hyperuricemia from the thiazides or who had concomitant gout.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

During the investigational drug studies conducted in the United States prior
to marketing, a small cluster of patients with hepatic abnormalities were reported
by two investigators. Some patients had jaundice and others only elevated trans-
aminase levels. In one cluster (six patients), the majority were considered to have
viral hepatitis or abnormalities due to alcoholism based on serological evidence,
history, and the prominence of viral hepatitis in the community at that time.
In the other cluster (two patients), one was considered to have viral hepatitis.
Hypersensitivity to ticrynafen, however, could not be ruled out in several cases.
Because there were no other cases of hepatic injury in more than 500 patients
studied in the United States prior to marketing, the FDA approved the drug with
the requirement that the labeling alert physicians to the potential for hepatic ab-
normalities and jaundice, although no causal relationship to ticrynafen had been
Ticrynafen had an eventful history almost from the inception of marketing.
The first event consisted of reports of several cases of acute renal failure, attrib-
uted to probable deposition of uric acid crystals in the kidneys. The manufacturer
notified physicians that patients must be well hydrated before the administration
of ticrynafen.
In November 1979, after 6 months of marketing, SKF reported 11 cases
of hepatic injury. The FDA became aware of five more cases, and in January
1980, the FDA met with the manufacturer (2). By that time, the firm had received
reports of a total of 52 cases of significant hepatic injury. The majority of patients
had jaundice as well as elevated serum transaminase levels. A few patients were
rechallenged and again developed increased transaminase levels. Death occurred
in five patients, in only three of whom viral or alcoholic hepatitis could be consid-
ered causal. By that time, approximately 300,000 patients in the United States
had received the drug, with an estimated incidence of hepatic injury of about 1
in 5000.
At the meeting, a representative of the French company that had been mar-
keting ticrynafen in France for about 4 years reported that more than 1 million
patients had taken the drug in that country and that 22 cases of hepatic injury
had been reported, several of which showed positive rechallenge. Although there
was some initial discussion on the part of SKF of leaving the drug on the market
for a limited patient population, the meeting participants concluded that the drug
should be immediately withdrawn from the market. On the following day SKF
mailed a letter to all physicians informing them of the adverse reactions and of
a recall of the drug from all wholesalers and retail and hospital pharmacies (3).
A press release was issued jointly by the FDA and SKF announcing the recall
and advising patients to contact their physicians for alternative therapy. In addi-
tion, the FDA informed the World Health Organization and drug regulatory agen-
cies in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Germany of the action taken with re-
spect to ticrynafen.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


Bendectin, manufactured by the William S. Merrell Company (subsequently Mer-

rell National Laboratories and Merrell-Dow), was a combination drug product
first marketed in the United States in 1956 for the treatment of nausea and vom-
iting of pregnancy. Approval occurred prior to the period when proof of effective-
ness became a requirement for marketing. The drug product originally consisted
of three ingredients: dicyclomine, doxylamine, and pyridoxine. It was subse-
quently reformulated to remove the dicyclomine component after controlled clini-
cal trials performed at the request of the FDA revealed that dicyclomine provided
no additional effectiveness beyond what could be achieved with the other two
Bendectin was widely marketed. By 1979, about 20 million women had
taken it worldwide, including about 5 million in the United States. Because it
was specifically labeled for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, and the only prod-
uct so labeled, it was the most commonly used antiemetic in pregnant women.
The thalidomide disaster in the early 1960s had heightened scientific awareness
of drugs as a potential cause of congenital abnormalities. Epidemiological studies
of drug use during pregnancy and of prevalence of congenital abnormalities were
conducted. The widespread use of Bendectin made it a logical candidate for such
studies. At the same time, the horror of the thalidomide-related limb deformities
was firmly etched in the minds of the public. In its spontaneous adverse reaction
reporting system, the FDA began to find a disproportionate number of limb de-
formities reported in the offspring of mothers who had taken Bendectin compared
with other congenital abnormalities in Bendectin users. The FDA followed these
reports closely, but their uncontrolled nature made them of little use. There was
no way of knowing whether the disproportionate incidence in the FDA Bendectin
reports was due to the thalidomide legacy.
By 1968, of 39 reports of congenital anomalies in offspring of Bendectin
users received by the FDA, 38% (15) described major limb defects with or with-
out other anomalies. (The incidence of limb deformities in the general population
is 3% of congenital abnormalities.) In some cases, Bendectin was given too late
in pregnancy to have affected limb development; in other cases, other drugs,
including thalidomide, had been ingested (4).
Also in 1968, the FDA undertook a re-review of the animal reproduction
studies that had been performed in rats and rabbits with the combination drug and
with dicyclomine and doxylamine alone. It was concluded that there was no evi-
dence of drug-related teratogenesis in these studies (5). Subsequent studies in rats
and rabbits given doxylamine plus pyridoxine in doses up to 90 times the maximum
human dose were judged as providing no suggestion of a teratogenic effect (6,7).
In the 1970s, Bendectin became the object of press inquiries because of a
publicized trial in which a parent sued the manufacturer, alleging that the drug

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

caused a limb deformity in her child. In 1979 the FDA prepared a ‘‘Talk Paper’’
to be used for responses to press inquiries in which it stated that animal studies
and several large epidemiological studies in women who received Bendectin dur-
ing pregnancy provided ‘‘no evidence that Bendectin is associated with an in-
creased risk of birth defects’’ (8).
A small settlement was awarded to the plaintiff by the jury that participated
in the aforementioned trial. This award was overturned by the judge on the
grounds that the jury did not follow his instructions to decide whether or not the
defendant was guilty. A new trial was ordered. Meanwhile the plaintiff organized
a group to help persons desirous of filing lawsuits against the manufacturer, and
another couple filed a suit in the same state as the original plaintiff.
The FDA decided to present all available data bearing on the issue of the
safety of Bendectin to its Fertility and Maternal Health Drugs Advisory Commit-
tee. The presentations to the committee occurred over a 2-day period in Septem-
ber 1980. The meeting was public, and the audience included many representa-
tives of newspapers, magazines (domestic and foreign), television, and Wall
Street brokerage houses, as well as laypersons from pertinent organizations, Con-
gressional staff, and interested scientists.
The committee listened to presentations by epidemiologists, obstetricians,
and pharmacologists and reviewed data from 13 epidemiological studies and from
the animal reproduction studies. Of the 13 studies, 11 concluded that Bendectin
did not appear to be associated with an increased risk of congenital defects, in-
cluding limb defects. In a hypothesis-generating case-control study, a slightly
increased risk of cleft palate was reported (the investigator considered the results
equivocal), and in another study of this nature, an increased risk of cardiac anoma-
lies was noted. Cleft palate and heart defects were examined specifically in many
of the other studies, and no increased in risk was noted in Bendectin offspring.
The committee concluded that the data did not demonstrate an association
between Bendectin usage and birth defects; however, it felt that some residual
uncertainty existed because of the findings from the two hypothesis-generating
studies and the fact that although the epidemiological studies were large enough
to rule out a relatively small increase in defects (i.e., a doubling of the overall
malformation rate), they did not have the power to rule out a doubling of a specific
malformation (9). The committee concluded that the safety of Bendectin had
been evaluated to a much greater extent and was therefore preferable to other
antiemetics for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. There was some concern on
its part that Bendectin may be prescribed more often than necessary. Therefore,
the committee recommended the issuance of labeling addressed to patients and
some changes in the physician labeling to narrow the indications for use. The
manufacturer complied with FDA requests for labeling changes (10–12).
The matter did not end there, however. Newspaper reports continued to
question the safety of Bendectin. One article mentioned an increase in incidence

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

of diaphragmatic hernias in rats given near-toxic doses of the doxylamine compo-
nent of Bendectin. The FDA also received data from a small, uncontrolled study
in Bendectin-treated pregnant monkeys in which an interventricular septal defect
was noted in offspring examined prior to delivery but not in those examined after
normal delivery. The manufacturer was asked by the FDA to conduct a controlled
trial in monkeys, but the FDA stated, in a ‘‘Talk Paper’’ in 1982, that the signifi-
cance of the recent rat and monkey studies, even if the findings could be repro-
duced, was ‘‘debatable in view of the more pertinent human epidemiologic data
that have not, to date, provided convincing evidence of . . . birth defects’’ (13).
In May 1983, a jury awarded $750,000 to a child with a limb defect whose
mother had taken Bendectin during pregnancy. Faced with about 300 other law-
suits pending in federal and state courts, the manufacturer notified the FDA that
it was ending its production and worldwide distribution of Bendectin on June 9,
1983 (14,15).
With the withdrawal of Bendectin from the market, there remained no drug
that had been studied and approved by the FDA as safe and effective for nausea
and vomiting of pregnancy.


Phenformin (trade name DBI), an oral hypoglycemic agent for the treatment of
non-insulin-dependent adult-onset diabetes mellitus, was approved for marketing
in the United States in 1959. Shortly thereafter, reports began to appear in the
medical literature of lactic acidosis in association with use of phenformin. This
resulted in a precautionary statement in the labeling for the drug. Reports became
more numerous in the early 1970s. The high mortality rate (about 50%) in patients
who experience lactic acidosis resulted in considerable concern regarding the
phenformin-associated phenomenon.
In 1973, the FDA reviewed the subject with its Endocrinology and Metabo-
lism Advisory Committee. At that time, 4 million retail prescriptions of phenfor-
min per year were being filled in the United States. The committee concluded
that various predisposing factors, such as myocardial infarction or renal disease,
were required in order to precipitate lactic acidosis in phenformin users, and if
patients with such predisposing factors were eliminated from phenformin usage,
adequate benefit/risk ratio existed to support continued marketing of the drug
The labeling of the drug was strengthened and eventually included a black-
box warning concerning fatal metabolic acidosis. Continuing accumulation of
case reports of lactic acidosis, however, resulted in further consultation with the
Advisory Committee in October 1976. At that time, prescriptions were still nu-
merous, about 3.5 million per year. The risk of developing lactic acidosis could

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

not be defined precisely but was felt to be about 0.25 to 4 per 1000 users per
year. The committee recommended removal of the drug from the market and
indicated that there was evidence that not all patients at risk may be identifiable.
The committee did, however, feel that in a small patient population, the benefits
of the drug outweighed the risks, but it could not clearly define this subpopulation
Shortly afterwards, the labeling of phenformin was again changed in indi-
cated that the drug should be considered only as a last resort when other oral
agents were ineffective and insulin could not be used. This labeling change was
a temporary measure until the drug could be withdrawn from the market (17).
If a manufacturer does not voluntarily discontinue distribution of a drug,
the process by which the FDA can withdraw approval for marketing is a pro-
tracted one. The law requires that the manufacturer be given an opportunity for
a hearing on the grounds that evidence amassed following approval for marketing
shows that the drug is not longer safe for use (18). The only method by which
a drug can be removed immediately from the market by the government is a
declaration by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (formerly Health,
Education and Welfare) that the drug represents an ‘‘imminent hazard’’ to health
In April 1977, the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare received a
petition from the Health Research Group, a private organization that monitors
drug safety, demanding an immediate ban of phenformin as an ‘‘imminent haz-
ard’’ to health (17). As a result, the FDA published a Notice in the Federal
Register in April 1977 that a hearing would be held in May on the issue of
whether the ‘‘imminent hazard’’ provision of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
should be invoked. However, the conditions for drug withdrawal on the ground
of imminent hazard did not exist, since phenformin had been marketed for 18
years and the risk of lactic acidosis had been known for almost that long. There-
fore, any attempt to withdraw the drug as an ‘‘imminent hazard’’ would likely
be met with a challenge in court. Accordingly, in May 1977, the FDA published
a Notice that a formal evidentiary hearing would be held on a yet unspecified
date on the question of withdrawal of approval for the marketing of phenformin
(16). This Notice was independent of the imminent hazard issue and was based
on the recommendations of the FDA’s Advisory Committee.
However, as a result of the evidence considered at the imminent hazard
hearing in May 1977, consultation with health officials in other countries, and
interpretation by FDA attorneys that recent court decisions might now permit
immediate withdrawal of a drug on the ground of a ‘‘substantial likelihood of
serious public harm,’’ the FDA recommended to the Secretary of Health, Educa-
tion and Welfare that he suspend marketing approval of phenformin (20). Such
suspension occurred in July 1977, but a 90-day transition period was allowed to

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

permit patients to be changed to other therapy (17,20). This marked the first time
in the history of the FDA that the ‘‘imminent hazard’’ provision of the Food,
Drug and Cosmetic Act had been invoked.
In addition, a court challenge against suspension was mounted by the Com-
mittee on the Care of the Diabetic, a group of diabetologists and patients. This
challenge was not, as had been expected, based on the ‘‘imminent hazard’’ sus-
pension of the drug due to a risk of lactic acidosis. Rather, it was founded largely
on a belief that the FDA had erred in accepting the findings of a controlled clinical
trial published some years earlier that noted an increase in cardiovascular mortal-
ity in patients receiving phenformin or another hypoglycemic agent (tolbutamide)
when compared to those receiving insulin or diet alone. (The findings led to an
FDA attempt to change the labeling for these drugs and were viewed by the
Committee on the Care of the Diabetic as contributing to the FDA’s desire in
1977 to withdraw phenformin from the market.) The challenge was subsequently
withdrawn by the plaintiff (21).
In November 1978, the FDA issued a final order withdrawing approval of
the marketing applications. The Committee for the Care of the Diabetic, which
had testified at the formal hearing, petitioned the Commissioner of the FDA to
reconsider his withdrawal on the basis of ‘‘new facts.’’ The Commissioner denied
the petition after finding those facts not pertinent to the central issue (22).
The formal hearing dealt with the issue of whether phenformin should con-
tinue to be available under general marketing conditions. Withdrawal of approval
for marketing did not preclude distribution under controlled conditions to a very
limited patient population. On the basis of testimony from experts, the FDA con-
cluded that phenformin should continue to remain available to a very small num-
ber of patients for whom diabetologists considered the drug to be mandatory. It
found that no acceptable plan could be devised to permit such distribution through
retail pharmacies. Therefore, with the cooperation of the primary manufacturer,
the FDA developed a system that would allow distribution under a master Investi-
gational Drug Application prepared by the FDA for that purpose. Physicians with
patients who met certain criteria were permitted to submit an application to the
FDA for each patient, asserting that the patient met all of the specified criteria;
written informed patient consent was required (23,24). The manufacturer, Ciba-
Geigy, agreed to ship drug to physicians whose applications were approved by
the FDA.
In the early years of this distribution, about 1000 patients continued to
received the drug. (Approximately 350,000 patients were receiving phenformin
when general marketing was suspended in July 1977) (25). The number of pa-
tients receiving the drug dwindled further. Distribution was discontinued in 1994;
however, at that time, an investigational application was available for a related
drug, metformin, permitting the switch of patients, if deemed advisable.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.


Erythromycin estolate (trade name Ilosone), an antibiotic manufactured by the

Eli Lilly Co., has been known for decades to be associated with the risk of toxic
hepatitis, predominantly in adults. This adverse effect was added to the labeling
in 1962 and was strengthened by a black-box warning in 1973 after the FDA
asked its Anti-Infective Agents Advisory Committee to review the question of
whether the drug should be removed from the market. At that time, the committee
recommended that the drug remain on the market because it might be therapeuti-
cally superior in certain situations to other erythromycins, due to the higher blood
levels achieved with the estolate.
Other erythromycins are also known to pose some risk of toxic hepatitis,
but it was generally felt at the time that the estolate had a greater potential in
this regard.
The FDA continuously reviewed the adverse reaction reports for the esto-
late and found that, between 1969 and 1978, 93% of hepatoxicity reported for
the erythromycins occurred in those taking the estolate. To some extent, this
figure represented reporting bias because of the known risk of the estolate, but
the overall evidence supported the general assumption of increased adverse he-
patic effects with the estolate. This was particularly so in view of the fact that
practicing physicians, recognizing the risk, prescribed the estolate for adults to
a significantly lesser extent than they did other erythromycins.
Techniques developed since the 1973 Advisory Committee meeting permit-
ted measurement in the blood of the active moiety of the erythromycins, viz.,
erythromycin base. Previous techniques had been able to measure only erythro-
mycin estolate, a procedure that measured the base plus the inactive ester. New
studies showed that a single dose of erythromycin estolate produced only 45%
of the blood level of active base produced by erythromycin stearate. With multi-
ple dosing, five doses of estolate were required to achieve an acceptable blood
level of the active moiety when compared to administration of erythromycin base.
The FDA did find that, when taken with food, the estolate produced less variable
blood levels than did the base, but this fact was not considered sufficient to over-
come the perceived hepatic risk.
The FDA proposed in November 1979 to remove the solid dosage form of
the estolate from the market, because the published literature failed to reveal any
therapeutic advantage for the estolate. No decision was made at that time on
whether any action would be taken relative to the pediatric dosage form (26). In
addition, the pediatric suspension was found to produce satisfactory and even
superior blood levels, depending on the erythromycin product to which it was
The FDA convened an Ad Hoc Erythromycin Estolate Advisory Committee
in April 1981 to consider the bioavailability data, reports of clinical trials in

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

various infections, and adverse reaction reports. The manufacturer and its consul-
tants argued that erythromycin estolate did not pose a greater threat to the liver
than other erythromycins or, at most, the increased risk was too small to outweigh
the benefits of the drug; that greater reliability of blood levels after food (at least
in comparison with erythromycin base) constituted an important advantage, and
that preliminary data from ongoing clinical trials suggested that the estolate might
be more effective than other erythromycin products in Legionnaire’s disease. In
addition, although the pediatric formulation was not under discussion, unpub-
lished results were presented that showed the superiority of the estolate to erythro-
mycin ethylsuccinate in streptococcal pharyngitis in children. These findings
were postulated to be due to superior tissue levels of the estolate.
The Ad Hoc Committee concluded that erythromycin estolate did pose a
greater risk of hepatoxicity in adults, but that data were inadequate to determine
the relative risk of the estolate versus other forms of erythromycin. In addition,
it noted the improved bioavailabilty when taken with food as compared with
erythromycin base and the possibility of superior activity within tissues. It recom-
mended that the solid dosage form of the estolate continue to remain on the
market. It advised physicians to exercise clinical judgement in evaluating the
benefit/risk ratio in an individual patient (27). The FDA accepted the advice of
the committee and withdrew its proposal to remove the drug from the market
As noted earlier, and as always the case with drugs known to pose a special
risk, physicians had been exercising considerable judgment in the use of erythro-
mycin estolate in adults, although not to a sufficient extent to reduce the risk to an
absolute minimum. For the year ending December 1981, the year of the Advisory
Committee review, only 35% of physician prescribing of the estolate consisted
of the solid dosage form and only 34% of total estolate use was in patients over
9 years of age (29). Similar figures can be found for the year ending March 1986.
By contrast, for the latter period, 76% of physician prescribing for erythromycin
ethylsuccinate constituted the solid dosage form and 76% of total ethylsuccinate
use was in patients over 9 years of age (30). Physicians continued to exercise
discretion in use of erythromycin estolate. In 1995, only 11% of prescriptions
were written for the solid dosage form (31).


Nonifensine (trade name Merital) is an antidepressant drug that was introduced

in Europe in the mid-1970s. It was first marketed in the United States in 1985,
by which time it was known that rare instances of hemolytic anemia occurred
in association with use of nonifensine.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Not long after its appearance in the United States, an increasing number
of cases of hemolytic anemia were reported in Great Britain, triggering a review
by that country’s Committee on the Safety of Medicines. In addition, this increase
raised the concern of the manufacturer, Hoechst Group AG. The firm decided to
suspend sales worldwide in January 1986 (32). At the time of the suspension,
the drug had been taken by more than 14 million patients in 80 countries. Fifteen
deaths in the previous decade had been attributed to hemolytic anemia in patients
taking nonifensine. The reason for the increase in reports of hemolytic anemia
in Great Britain was not known.
The withdrawal of the drug from the market produced mixed feelings at
the time, even among regulatory agencies, because of the paucity of available
antidepressant drugs. There are no plans to reintroduce the drug into the market.
The extent to which withdrawal was based on the financial drain of possible
liability claims in comparison with volume of sales can only be conjectured.


Bromocriptine (trade name Parlodel), is a synthetic ergot derivative with potent

dopamine receptor agonist activity. Such activity is responsible for its effective-
ness in the control of motor function in Parkinson’s disease and for its inhibition
of prolactin secretion from the anterior pituitary with resultant suppression of
postpartum lactation and of galactorrhea secondary to prolactin-secreting adeno-
mas. In addition, its suppression of excessive growth hormone levels makes it
useful in the treatment of acromegaly.
In 1994, after years of contention with the FDA on the safety of bromocrip-
tine for the prevention of postpartum lactation in women who choose not to breast
feed, the U.S. manufacturer voluntarily acceded to the FDA’s request for removal
of the indication from the labeling of the drug. Bromocriptine remains available
for its other uses.
The fact that it is an ergot derivative has undoubtedly played a significant
part in FDA perceptions of its possible risk for postpartum women. Ergot deriva-
tives are typically regarded as having vasospastic properties, e.g., the ergotamines
that are used for the treatment of migraine, and ergonovine for the facilitation of
labor. Under certain circumstances, the ergot derivatives with potent vasospastic
activity can cause precordial pain, electrocardiogram changes, hypertension,
stroke, and gangrene.
Bromocriptine, on the other hand, is a vasodilator. It uniformly lowers
blood pressure in animal models of hypertension and was once considered for
development as a treatment for hypertension. Therapy with bromocriptine is initi-
ated with a low dose to avoid the risk of a hypotensive episode. In addition, the

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

drug has been shown to have anticonvulsant properties, and was considered for
possible use in epilepsy.
Bromocriptine was marked in the United States in 1978 for treatment of
galactorrhea and amenorrhea in patients with prolactin-secreting adenomas. In
1980, the FDA approved the drug for prevention of postpartum lactation in
women who choose not to breast feed. The other indications in the labeling ap-
peared later. There was considerable interest on the part of the FDA and its advi-
sors, and of practicing obstetricians, in the availability of an alternative to estro-
gens for prevention of postpartum lactation, because the doses of estrogens used
in the postpartum period pose a risk of thromboembolism. Bromocriptine became
the drug of choice for postpartum use. About 30% of the women in the United
States who chose not to breast feed received the drug, and most of the remainder
used conventional breast binders, ice pads, and analgesics to relieve the pain and
congestion that occur when lactation is not prevented.
Hypertension occurs frequently in the pre- and postpartum period. The
postpartum period is also associated with other serious but, fortunately, uncom-
mon risks. These include seizures, strokes, and myocardial infarction, which oc-
cur in incidences of 1 per 5000 to 1 per 20,000 patients. Not surprisingly, there-
fore, since about 600,000 postpartum women per year were receiving
bromocriptine in the United States, the manufacturer began to receive reports of
these events in women who at the time were taking bromocriptine. The FDA
requested the manufacturer to list these adverse events in the labeling for bromo-
criptine. The company objected on the grounds that the anecdotal reports did not
constitute scientific evidence of causality. The company finally yielded, however;
the FDA did permit it to add a statement to the labeling that the relationship of
the adverse reactions to the administration of the drug was not certain. Subse-
quently, at the FDA’s request, warnings and contraindications were added to the
labeling proscribing use of bromocriptine in uncontrolled hypertension and severe
unremitting headache, which is a common prodrome of stroke.
The manufacturer conducted a case-control study on the association of sei-
zures and strokes and use of bromocriptine in postpartum women. The study
showed that the drug had a protective effect against postpartum seizures, provid-
ing a nice confirmation of its anticonvulsant effect in animals. No useful informa-
tion was obtained with respect to stroke because bromocriptine use in the control
group was only a fraction of the expected use as measured in the entire popula-
tion, thus preventing any meaningful analysis of the data.
In 1988, the FDA asked an advisory committee to comment on the safety
of bromocriptine for postpartum women. The committee concluded that the avail-
able data provided no evidence of a causal relationship to stroke and seizures. The
FDA also asked whether drugs should be used to prevent postpartum lactation, an
indication which, in contrast to its views in 1980, the FDA characterized as ‘‘triv-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

ial.’’ The committee stated that these drugs should not be used ‘‘routinely,’’ but
should be available for special situations, such as after stillbirth (33).
In 1989, the FDA asked its advisory committee a somewhat different ques-
tion, namely, whether there was a need for drugs to prevent postpartum lactation.
The committee concluded that there was no need—that patients could use con-
ventional methods for suppressing lactation (34). This view allowed the FDA to
state that where there was no need, any potential risk of a drug was not justified.
The FDA asked estrogen and androgen manufacturers and the manufacturer
of bromocriptine to remove the indication from their labeling. The other manufac-
turers complied, but the bromocriptine manufacturer did not. Instead, it gathered
support from eminent obstetrician/gynecologists who indicated that there was a
need for drugs to prevent lactation, and that there was no evidence that bromocrip-
tine was unsafe.
The FDA took no formal action between 1990 and 1994. However, in 1994
it received the second petition from the Health Research Group, a voluntary orga-
nization that monitors the safety of drugs in the marketplace, requesting it to
take steps to rescind approval of the indication for bromocriptine in postpartum
lactation. The FDA then announced that it would do so.
Between 1989 and 1994 the media (newspaper and magazine articles, tele-
vision programs) reported on the potential risks to women. Lawsuits arose from
women who had experienced postpartum stroke and myocardial infarction. In
1994, the manufacturer decided that it would no longer devote a significant pro-
portion of its resources to the defense of the safety of bromocriptine for postpar-
tum women; it voluntarily withdrew the indication from its labeling. The indica-
tion was also withdrawn in a number of other countries at the request of
government agencies.
Through the years the FDA’s scientists held differing views on the safety
of the drug in postpartum women. Some contended that there was clearly a risk,
although of unmeasured magnitude, some that the risk was very small, and some
felt that evidence of a risk had not been shown but the indication for use was
not important enough to warrant a possible risk.


The aforementioned case histories are illustrative of the highly individualized

circumstances surrounding an action to withdraw a drug from the market. This
is appropriate because of the diversity of adverse drug effect, the severity and
frequency of the risks, the therapeutic indications of the drugs, and the degrees
of benefit they provide. What is evident is that a decision by the FDA to seek
withdrawal of a drug from the market is preceded and accompanied by consider-

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

able study and consultation. This conclusion is supported by other cases not de-
scribed here, including certain oral contraceptives and azaribine for psoriasis.


1. Bakke OM, Wardell WM, and Lasagna L. Drug discontinuation in the United King-
dom and the United States, 1964–1983: Issues of safety. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1984;
2. FDA. Minutes of meeting with Smith Kline and French Laboratories, January 15,
3. Recall letter issued by Smith Kline and French Laboratories, January 16, 1980.
4. FDA. Summary of supplement to NDA 10–588, July 9, 1968.
5. FDA. Pharmacology summary in NDA 10–588, October 24, 1968.
6. FDA. Pharmacology review in NDA 10–598, May 23, 1977.
7. FDA. Letter to Merrell-National Laboratories, December 27, 1977.
8. FDA. Talk Paper on Bendectin, October 1, 1979.
9. Summary of September 15 and 16, 1980, FDA Fertility and Maternal Health Drugs
Advisory Committee meeting.
10. FDA. Letter to Merrell-Dow, January 9, 1981.
11. FDA. Drug Bull 1981, (March):1–2.
12. FDA. Drug Bull 1982 (April):6.
13. FDA. Talk Paper on Bendectin, June 29, 1982.
14. FDA. Talk Paper, ‘‘Bendectin Production Ended,’’ June 9, 1983.
15. FDA Consumer, September 1983.
16. Phenformin hydrochloride: opportunity for hearing on proposal to withdraw ap-
proval of New Drug Application. Fed Reg 1977 (May 6); 42(88).
17. FDA. Drug Bull 1977 (August): 14–16.
18. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Sec. 505(e).
19. Ibid.
20. FDA. Talk Proper, ‘‘Phenformin,’’ May 18, 1977.
21. Neil Chalet, personal communication.
22. Phenformin hydrochloride; denial of petition for reconsideration. Fed Reg 1979
(April 6); 44(68).
23. FDA Physician Sponsor Application and Order Form for Phenformin Under IND
24. FDA Instruction for Physician Sponsors Under IND 14,000.
25. Ciba-Geigy Pharmaceutical Co., personal communication.
26. FDA. Drug Bull 1979 (November): 26–27.
27. Summary of Ad Hoc Erythromycin Estolate Advisory Committee meeting, April 16
and 17, 1981.
28. FDA. Drug Bull 1982 (August): 14.
29. National Disease and Therapeutic Index Drug Book, Year Ending December 1981.
30. National Disease and Therapeutic Index Drug Book, Year ending March 1986.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

31. IMS National Prescription Audit.
32. FDA. Talk Paper, ‘‘Withdrawal of Nomifensine (Merital),’’ January 28, 1986.
33. FDA Fertility and Maternal Health Drugs Advisory Committee Meeting, June 2,
34. FDA Fertility and Maternal Health Drugs Advisory Committee Meeting, June 1&
2, 1989.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Appendices: Routine Clinical
Analyte Test Results

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2002 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved.

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