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The Winds: The Dragons:

East South West North White Green Red

Yaku situations
Menzen tsumo (メンゼンツモ / 門前清模和)
English names: Self-pick, Closed Tsumo
Han: 1
When a player has a concealed hand and then draws the winning tile from the wall to complete it.

Riichi (リーチ / 立直)

English names: Reach, Ready
Han: 1
A Riichi is a special declaration of being in Tenpai that is also a 1 Han Yaku. Any time a hand is concelead
and in Tenpai, a Riichi can be declared.
To do so, the player says “riichi”, places a 1000-point stick on the table as a deposit, and discards its tile
From this point on, the player may not change the content of their hand. They must discard any tile that does
not allow them to win. One exception: if the player has a three of a kind and they draw the fourth tile to
complete a four of a kind, they may declare a kan as long as it does not change the wait of the hand.

Ippatsu (一発)
English names: One-shot, Instant
Han: 1
When a player declares riichi and then receives the winning tile within one round of play, or before the round
is interrupted by call. The tile can either be a discard from another player or drawn from the wall.

Double Riichi (ダブルリーチ)

English names: Double Reach, Double Ready
Han: 2
Double Reach is a Reach declared on the first discard (with no Pon, Chi, or Kan before first draw). All Reach
rules apply.

Haitei Raoyue (ハイテイ / 海底撈月)

Literal Translation: to dip up the moon from the seabed.
English names: last tile Tsumo, last tile from the wall
Han: 1
Winning on the last legal tile in the wall.
Houtei Raoyui (河底撈魚)
Literal Translation: to dip up a fish from the riverbed.
English names: last tile ron, last discard
Han: 1
Winning on the last discard of a player.

Rinshan kaihou (嶺上開花)

Literal Translation: a flower blooms on a ridge.
English names: out on extra tile draw
Han: 1
When a player declares a quad, they must draw a supplemental tile from the dead wall to keep the number of
tiles in the hand consistent. If that tile completes the hand, it adds one han to the hand’s value.
A possible rule for this yaku: if the player uses a discard to complete a quad, then completes their hand with a
tile from the dead wall, the player who discarded the tile is responsible for paying the entire amount for the
hand. The rule is called pao (包).

Chankan (搶槓, 槍槓)

English names: Robbing a kan
Han: 1
If a player has an open three of a kind and draws the fourth tile in the set to make a four of a kind, they can add
it to the triplet. However, if another player requires that tile to complete their hand, they can Ron with that tile.
In this case the win is considered a Ron from the player who declared the Kan.

Nagashi Mangan (流し満貫)

English names: Honorable discard
Value: Mangan
The discards of a player are all terminals and honours. The round must be a draw. Often recognized only if
none of the discards of that player was called. The hand doesn’t need to be in tenpai. As for the payment, the
hand is regarded as a winning by tsumo. The rule of nou ten bappu is usually not applied to this case.

Yaku Hands
This is the list of yaku hands ordered by han value.
Some hands must be closed to be yaku, some lower their value if are open.

Pinfu (ピンフ / 平和)

English names: All sequence, No points, Peace
Must be concealed: yes
Han: 1

 A hand with no three or four of a kinds (all sequences and a pair).

 The pair must value 0 points.
 The waiting must an open wait (on 2 different tiles).

Tanyao (断么九 / タンヤオ)

English names: All simples, Inside Hand, End-less
Must be concealed: no*
Han: 1

A hand with no terminal and honour tiles, that is every tile in the hand is a suit tile between 2 and 8.
*Open Tanyao is called Kuitan (食いタン / 喰いタン). Some rulesets forbid Kuitan.

Iipeikou (イーペーコー / 一盃口) aka “Double Sequence”

English names: Double Sequence, Double Run
Must be concealed: yes
Han: 1

Two completely identical sequences in the same suit.

It does not combine with Chiitoitsu.

Fanpai (翻牌) or Yakuhai (役牌)

English names: Special tiles
Must be concealed: no
Han: 1

Any set that includes either a dragon, the player’s own wind,
or the wind of the round. 1 han for each of these set. (A double wind gives two han, accordingly.)

Sanshoku doujin (三色同順)

English names: Triple Run, Three colour straight
Must be concealed: no
Han: 2 / 1 if not concealed.

The same sequence in three suits.

Ikkitsuukan (一気通貫)
Also called: ittsuu (一通)
English names: Straight through, Straight
Must be concealed: no
Han: 2 / 1 if not concealed.
Three sets of same suit: 123, 456, 789.

Chantaiyao (全帯么)
Also called: Chanta (チャンタ / 全帯)
English names: Half Outside, Terminal or honor in each set, End-full
Must be concealed: no
Han: 2 / 1 if not concealed.

Every set must have at least one terminal or honour tile, and the pair must be of a terminal or honour tile. Must
contain at least one sequence (123 or 789).

Honroutou (混老頭)
English names: Dirty Terminals
Must be concealed: no
Han: 2

All tiles are terminals or honours. (Since this hand will have also Toi Toi or Chiitoitsu, remember to add 2 han
for those hands). Chiitoitsu version is called Honroochiitoi.

Toitoihō (対々和)
Also called: Toitoi (対々)
English names: Double Double, All Triplets
Must be concealed: no
Han: 2

The hand consists of all threes or fours of a kind (and of course a pair); no sequences.
Note that if this hand is closed, it will also score for Sanankou.

San ankou (三暗刻)

English names: Three concealed triplets,
Must be concealed: no
Han: 2

Three threes or fours of a kind, that are entirely drawn from the wall. (The other
sets and pair need not to be closed.)
San kantsu (三槓子)
English names: Three quads
Must be concealed: no
Han: 2

The hand contains three fours of a kind. They can be open or closed. Some rulesets value this hand as 3 Han.
Can be combined with Toitoi, San ankou.

Sanshoku doukou (三色同刻)

Also called: Sanshoku doupon (三色同ポン)
English names: Three colour triplets
Must be concealed: no
Han: 2

Three triplets consisting of the same numbers in all three suits. Some rulesets value this hand as 3 Han.

Chiitoitsu (七対子 / チートイツ)

Also called: Chiitoi (七対)
English names: Seven pairs
Must be concealed: yes (can’t be open anyway)
Han: 2

A hand composed of seven pairs. All pairs must be distinct (that is, four of kind is not considered two pairs)
This is one of the special hand that break the rule of four sets and a pair (other being Kokushimusou).

Shou Sangen (小三元)

English names: Little three dragons
Must be concealed: no
Han: 2

Two three of a kind of two dragons, plus a pair of the third dragon. (Remember to add 2 han for the 2 Fanpai)

Honitsu (混一色)
Also called: Honisou
English names: Dirty Flush, Half Flush
Must be concealed: no
Han: 3 / 2 if not concealed

The hand contains tiles from a single suit plus honours.

Junchan tayao (純全帯么)
Also called: Junchan (純チャン)
English names: Terminal in each set, full outside
Must be concealed: no
Han: 3 / 2 if not concealed

Every mentsu must have at least one terminal, and the pair must be of terminals. No honours present. Must
contain at least one shuntsu (123 or 789).

Ryanpeikou (二盃口)
English names: Double-Double Run
Must be concealed: yes
Han: 3

The hand contains two different Iipeikou’s. Must be concealed. Cannot be combined with Chiitoitsu.
(Actually the hand value is one han, plus two han from each of the IIpeikou’s.)

Chinitsu (清一色)
Also called: Chinisou, Chinichi
English names: Full Flush
Must be concealed: no
Han: 6 / 5 if not concealed.

All tiles are of the same suit.

Yakuman Hands
Kokushi musou (国士無双)
English names: Thirteen Orphans
Literal Translation: a peerless distinguished figure
Must be concealed: no
Han: Yakuman

A hand composed of one of each of the terminals and honour tiles plus any tile that matches anything else in
the hand.
If the winning tile was for your pair (a thirteen way wait) the hans is worth double yakuman.
This is one of the special hand that break the rule of four sets and a pair (other being Chiitoitsu).
Daisangen (大三元)
English names: Big three dragons
Literal Translation: big three fundamentals
Must be concealed: no
Han: Yakuman

The hand contains three sets of dragons (threes of fours of a kind).

Shousuushii (小四喜)
English names: Little four winds
Must be concealed: no
Han: Yakuman

The hand contains three sets of winds and a pair of the remaining wind.

Dai Suushii (大四喜)

English names: Big four winds
Must be concealed: no
Han: Double Yakuman

The hand contains four sets of winds (threes of fours of a kind). This is worth double yakuman.

Chuuren poutou (九蓮宝燈)

English names: Nine gates
Must be concealed: yes
Han: Yakuman

The hand contains 1-1-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-9-9 of one suit, plus any other tile of the same suit.
Worth double yakuman if waiting on nine different tiles.

Suu ankou (四暗刻)

English names: Four concealed triplets
Must be concealed: yes
Han: Yakuman

A concealed hand with four sets (threes or fours of a kind).

Worth double yakuman if waiting on a single tile to complete the pair.

Ryuuiisou (緑一色)
English names: All Green
Must be concealed: no
Han: Yakuman
Hand composed entirely of green tiles. Green tiles are: green dragons and 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 of souzu.

Suu kantsu (四槓子)

English names: Four kongs
Must be concealed: no
Han: Yakuman

Hand with four quads (four of a kind).

Tsuu iisou (字一色)

English names: All honours
Must be concealed: no
Han: Yakuman

(seven pairs)
Hand composed entirely of honour tiles.

Chinroutou (清老頭)
English names: All terminals
Must be concealed: no
Han: Yakuman

Hand composed entirely of terminal tiles.

Yakuman situations
Tenhou (天和)
English names: Blessing of Heaven, Heavenly Hand
Must be concealed: n/a
Han: Yakuman
If the 14 tiles that the dealer draws compose a complete hand, it automatically becomes a yakuman regardless
of its contents.
Chiihou (地和)
English names: Blessing of Earth, Earthly hand
Must be concealed: n/a
Han: Yakuman
If a non-dealer is dealt 13 tiles that are one tile away from a completed hand, and then draws the fourteenth tile
from the wall to complete it on the first draw, it automatically becomes a yakuman hand, regardless of its

Renhou (人和)
English names: Blessing of Man, Hand of man
Must be concealed: n/a
Han: Yakuman
Winning on a discard in the very first un-interrupted go-around.
Concealed kongs are also considered to interrupt the go-around.
As usual the hand must have at least one yaku.
Not considered a yakuman in some rulesets.

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