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Bashkin et al.

Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2015) 4:38

DOI 10.1186/s13584-015-0035-6 Israel Journal of
Health Policy Research


Organizational factors affecting length of

stay in the emergency department: initial
observational study
Osnat Bashkin1*, Sigalit Caspi3, Rachel Haligoa2, Sari Mizrahi2 and Ruth Stalnikowicz3

Background: Length of stay (LOS) is considered a key measure of emergency department throughput, and from
the perspective of the patient, it is perceived as a measure of healthcare service quality. Prolonged LOS can be
caused by various internal and external factors. This study examined LOS in the emergency department and
explored the main factors that influence LOS and cause delay in patient care.
Methods: Observations of 105 patients were performed over a 3-month period at the emergency room of a
community urban hospital. Observers monitored patients from the moment of entrance to the department until
discharge or admission to another hospital ward.
Results: Analysis revealed a general average total emergency department LOS of 438 min. Significant differences
in average LOS were found between admitted patients (Mean = 544 min, SD = 323 min) and discharged patients
(Mean = 291 min, SD = 286 min). In addition, nurse and physician change of shifts and admissions to hospital wards
were found to be significant factors associated with LOS. Using an Ishikawa causal diagram, we explored various
latent organizational factors that may prolong this time.
Conclusions: The study identified several factors that are associated with high average emergency department
LOS. High LOS may lead to increases in expenditures and may have implications for patient safety, whereas certain
organizational changes, communication improvement, and time management may have a positive effect on it.
Interdisciplinary methods can be used to explore factors causing prolonged emergency department LOS and
contribute to a better understanding of them.
Keywords: Emergency department, Length of stay, Organizational factors, Ishikawa causal diagram

Background of which are often accompanied by high financial costs

Emergency medicine is the medical specialty that links to healthcare systems and a pressure to be economically
primary care and specialist care treating unexpected ill- efficient [2].
ness and injury. Therefore, it must be available 24 h a According to the Institute of Medicine, one of the most
day as an essential component of a healthcare system common weak points of EDs is crowding, and it is im-
[1]. In this work environment, emergency department portant to understand the causes, effects, and prevention
(ED) staff face unique challenges such as treatment of strategies for this [3]. Overcrowding diminishes the cap-
patients arriving to the department with dynamic and ability of the EDs to manage and provide immediate ac-
unexpected states of illness, dealing with uncertainty cess and stabilization for patients who have an emergency
regarding patient medical histories, and the need for medical condition [4]. In a study analyzing crowding [5],
time-dependent and triage-based decision making [1], all researchers found three main factors contributing to it:
input factors reflected sources and aspects of patient
* Correspondence: [email protected]
inflow, throughput factors reflected bottlenecks within the
Department of Public Health, School of Health Sciences, Ashkelon Academic
College, Ashkelon, Israel
ED, and output factors reflected bottlenecks in other parts
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article of the healthcare system that can affect the ED.

© 2015 Bashkin et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a
link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain
Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this
article, unless otherwise stated.
Bashkin et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2015) 4:38 Page 2 of 7

Patient length of stay (LOS) is a key measure of ED planning, designing, policy making, regulating) can cre-
throughput and has been identified as a major cause of ate a local conditions that promote human errors (for
bottlenecks and overcrowding [6]. Previous studies [7, 8] example understaffing, high workload) [12]. In the study,
have also shown that, among other factors, extended we also used an Ishikawa fishbone diagram, a quality
lengths of stay increase the likelihood of patients leaving management tool, to explore these factors and to offer
the ED without being seen by a physician. In a study that an organizational perspective of their effect on pro-
examined ED LOS [9], researchers associated it with ex- longed ED LOS. The Ishikawa fishbone diagram is an
cess inpatient LOS for patients admitted from the ED. analysis tool that provides a systematic view of the ef-
Excess inpatient LOS was defined as: exceeding the fects and the causes that create or contribute to those
stated benchmark for the relevant diagnosis-related effects. The diagram is considered one of the seven basic
group. They found that compared with patients who stay tools of quality control and is commonly used in manu-
in the ED for 4–8 h, those who remain in the ED for facturing industry, as well as in healthcare settings.
8–12 h are 20 % more likely to stay in hospital longer Using this tool, all actions, events, and environmental
than the national average for the relevant admission circumstances that may explain why the problem may
problem. Moreover, this number rose to 50 % if emer- have occurred are identified. The head of the diagram
gency department LOS was greater than 12 h. represents the main problem and the potential causes of
Another study [10] examined one of the direct factors the problem, usually derived from brainstorming ses-
influencing emergency department LOS known as “ac- sions or research, are indicated in the ‘fish bones’ of the
cess block,” which refers to the situation in which pa- diagram [13].
tients requiring an emergency hospital admission remain
more than 8 h in the emergency department due to a Methods
lack of access to appropriate hospital inpatient beds [9]. Study field
The study [10] examined the relationship between access Observations were made in the emergency department
block in the ED, defined as the total time exceeding of a community hospital in Israel. The emergency de-
eight hours from a patient’s initial arrival in the ED to partment include three branches: internal, pediatrics and
transfer to another department and inpatient LOS. Re- surgical/orthopedic. The observations took place at the
sults revealed that 7.7 % of 11,906 patients experienced internal and the surgical/orthopedic branches. The de-
access block. In addition, the mean LOS was 4.9 days in partment admits approximately 60,000 patients per year.
those who experienced access block compared with 4.1 ED medical staff work in three shifts: a morning shift
days in those who did not. Subgroup analysis showed from 07:00 to 15:00, an evening shift from 15:00 to
that the effect of access block varied across severities of 23:00, and a night shift from 23:00 to 07:00. There
illness and diagnoses. For example, the mean LOS was are 7 registered nurses and 4 physicians scheduled for
3.9 days in patients with cardiac diagnosis who experi- each shift. The department has 38 patient beds.
enced access block compared with 5.6 days in cardiac
patients who did not experienced access block. Data collection and tools
In another study [6] researchers identified several Two senior Industrial Engineering & Management stu-
independent variables that have been associated with ED dents performed observations in the ED after receiving
LOS. Researchers found that triage level, diagnostic consent from medical staff members. The observers per-
tests, and consultations have a major effect on it. Wait- formed their observations separately. They observed the
ing time to see a physician was also found to be one of patient during his/her stay in the ED. Prior to data
the variables influencing this time. Patients in intermedi- collection, the observers met several times with the ED
ate triage levels III and IV (non-urgent patients) spent staff and among themselves to develop rapport and
the longest waiting times for nurse and physician assess- consistency in the observation process. The observers
ment and the longest ED lengths of stay. In addition, the monitored randomly 105 patients who arrived in the ED
study revealed that the use of diagnostic imaging and during a 9-day period, in the morning and evening
laboratory tests were associated with longer LOS, vary- shifts. Total LOS was recorded for each of the patients,
ing with the specific tests ordered. Specialty consultation from the moment of entering the ED until discharge or
was also associated with prolonged LOS, and this effect admission using a wristwatch.
was highly variable depending on the service consulted. Data collected included: time of registration, time of
Our study objectives were to examine organizational nursing and time of physician assessment, time of medical
factors affecting ED LOS. Organizational factors are decision making (discharge vs. admittance), and use of
structural, cultural and policy related characteristics of specialty consultation and ancillary services, as well as
the organization [11]. The negative consequences of or- time of departure. Admitted patients were not considered
ganizational processes (that is, decisions concerned with to have departed from the ED until they were physically
Bashkin et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2015) 4:38 Page 3 of 7

transported out of the ED to the hospital inpatient ward or extending LOS; therefore, we decided to examine the
another patient care facility. Observers recorded in addition source factors influencing ED LOS.
to time, any relevant aspect of the process of care during the As mentioned above, observers monitored 105 pa-
patients stay in the ED that may have had effect on ED LOS. tients who arrived in the ED during a 9-day period: 52 %
were registered during the morning shift and 48 % during
Data analysis the evening shift. Figure 2 presents the waiting times of
SPSS statistical software was employed for statistical patients from registration in the ED until the first phys-
analyses and for assessing quantitative trends. Variable ician examination.
relationships were described using descriptive statistics. Figure 2 shows that among patients registered in the ED
Mean times (minutes) measured were compared using during the morning shift (07:00 to 15:00), 45 % waited
unpaired two sample t-tests. over an hour before their first physician examination.
Among patients registered in the ED during the evening
Results shift (15:00 to 23:00), 40 % waited over an hour before
In the first stage of data analysis, we mapped the workflow their first physician examination.
of the emergency department process from registration to Analysis of data regarding medical staff shift changes
discharge or hospital admission in order to examine the revealed that 64 % of the patients been observed experi-
different steps involved in patient care. The workflow enced a shift change of nurses during their stay. The aver-
diagram is presented in Fig. 1. age total LOS for these patients was 564 min (SD = 339
The light grey squares show waiting times that affected min) compared to an average total LOS for patients who
the overall ED LOS. The dark grey diamonds demark did not experienced a shift change of nurses, of 185 min
steps that are essential to patient and to process flow. As (SD = 83 min). Unpaired two sample t-tests revealed sig-
can be seen in Fig. 1, some steps are repeated if a patient nificant differences in total LOS between patients experi-
is required to undergo diagnostic tests, as well as to be encing nurse shift changes and patients who did not
examined several times by physicians. Assessments or [t(103) = 6.68, ρ < .01]. Similar results were found with
treatments outside the ER infrastructure can involve regard to physician shift changes: 61 % of patients
processes that cause more waiting times and may observed experienced a shift change of physicians. Our
lengthen the total ED LOS. Nevertheless, the diagram analysis revealed that the average total LOS for these
presented in this figure illustrates that waiting times patients was 563 min (SD = 350 min) compared to an
occur at various steps in the process of the ED stay average total LOS for patients who did not experience this

Fig. 1 Workflow of patient care in the ED

Bashkin et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2015) 4:38 Page 4 of 7

that the time of the decision to admit a patient may be the

beginning of a bottleneck process because it involves
interdepartmental arrangement. Examination of flows
from the moment of decision to admit a patient clarified
the problematic steps of this process. Figure 3 presents a
workflow diagram of the admission process in the ED.
As can be seen in Fig. 3, the process of admission of
the patient often creates a bottleneck related to the ad-
mitting hospital ward. The steps in the process that
begin with the decision to admit the patient and end
with obtaining approval from the physician of the admit-
ting hospital ward are the most time consuming. The
process presented in Fig. 3 represents 43 % (233 min.) of
the total ED LOS of admitted patients.
Fig. 2 Time from registration to first physician examination Additional analyses were performed in order to exam-
ine if there are any differences between the admitting
hospital wards in the total ED LOS. Analysis of variance
change of 257 min (SD = 223 min). Unpaired two sample (Anova) was performed in order to compare the mean
t-tests revealed significant differences in total LOS be- ED LOS of the patients admitted to six hospital wards
tween patients experiencing a shift change of physicians (gynecology, orthopedic, chirurgical medicine, internal
and those who did not [t(103) = 5, ρ < .01]. medicine, and geriatric departments, and the cardiology
In this study, 44 % of the patients under observation unit). Analysis revealed significant differences between
were admitted to the hospital, while 56 % were dis- the average ED LOS of patients admitted to these
charged. Once the decision to admit a patient was made, departments [F (5) =2.7, ρ < .05]. The highest average
the median time necessary to physically transfer the ED LOS were for patients admitted to the orthopedic
patient out of the ED and to the appropriate hospital department (Mean = 382 min, SD = 318 min) and the
ward was 514 min. The median time from a decision to internal medicine department (Mean = 259 min, SD =
discharge a patient until the patient left the ED was 170 min).
203 min. The average total LOS for admitted patients We used an Ishikawa diagram [13] to identify the fac-
was 544 min (SD = 323 min) and for discharged pa- tors causing the overall effect of extended ED LOS. This
tients 291 min (SD = 286 min). Unpaired two sample diagram is shown in Fig. 4.
t-tests revealed significant differences in total LOS The factors presented in Fig. 4 were revealed during
(from registration in the ED to admission/discharge) the observation period and were classified into five cat-
between admitted patients and discharged ones [t(103) = egories, according to the categories usually classified
4.19, ρ < .01]. These differences in total LOS between ad- using the method of Ishikawa diagram [13]: managerial,
mitted patients and discharged patients led us to assume process, environmental, human, and resource factors.

Fig. 3 Workflow of patient admission in the ED

Bashkin et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2015) 4:38 Page 5 of 7

Fig. 4 Ishikawa diagram identifying causes of prolonged ED LOS

Classification of the factors into categories were made similar than different. Problematic handover at change
through a meeting with all ED staff members along with of shift may have critical consequences causing delays
the researchers and the observers, and using a brain- in medical diagnosis, prolonged hospital LOS, and higher
storming process. The Ishikawa causal diagram enabled probability of adverse events in the ED [16].
the consideration of organizational-related factors such Previous studies have shown that 84 % of treatment
as standardization and workflow, communication failures delays are later judged to be due to miscommunication;
and workload, all of which can influence ED LOS. of these, 62 % are continuum-of-care issues associated
with shift changes [17]. In our study, problems in
Discussion and Conclusion continuum-of-care were found to affect ED LOS in an-
High LOS may lead to crucial expenditures and may have other form, mainly among the admitted patients group.
implications on patient safety. Using prospective observa- The process—from deciding to admit a patent until the
tional methods for data collection and an Ishikawa fish- patient was actually transferred from the ED to an in-
bone diagram for data examination, our study identified patient hospital ward—took 43 % (233 min.) of the total
several factors associated with ED LOS. ED LOS of admitted patients. Analysis of the admitting
Nurse and physician handover in shift changes appear process using Ishikawa diagram [see Fig. 4] revealed sev-
to be among the chief factors with significant influence on eral possible explanations to the prolonged waiting times,
ED LOS. In a study that examined handover in change of one of them being deficient communication. For example,
shifts in ED [14], researchers noted that one of the main when a decision to admit a patient to another hospital
considerations that distinguishes ED from other health ward was made, the ED physician called the receiving
services is the handover involved in the change of shifts. inpatient physician to approve the decision. When the
The content and needs related to this handover vary from physician arrived in the ED, he examined the patient and
patient to patient, and the incoming physician needs to his/her medical records and in some cases decided to
develop the coordination of care for the patients, all of request more diagnostic tests or medical examinations
whom may have different and unrelated medical case sce- before approving admission. This took additional time,
narios and, thus, very different needs. This is in contrast and the patient often had to go to other hospital units to
to what occurs with most cross-coverage handovers in have the tests and then return to the ED. The loop of call-
other hospital wards, in which most of the patients have ing the physician from the admitting department began
similar medical case scenarios and lower clinical status again and often with a different receiving inpatient phys-
changes and acuity. The incoming physicians in other ician responding, who lacked the knowledge regarding the
hospital wards are most often familiar with the patients’ patient’s health condition (due to miscommunication) and
needs [14]. thus requested more diagnostic tests be done and so on.
Another study [15] emphasized the complexity of ED The literature suggests that lack of continuum-of-care
handover in which standardization was very low, patient in the process of patient admissions is derived from defi-
flow was unpredictable and varied, and the likelihood of cient communication among medical staff [18], and in
the incoming provider having to interact with the case our study, we found that it is associated with, and may
being handed over was very high. This is in contrast have led to, prolonged ED LOS. Continuity of patient
to inpatient wards where the handover is often more care is based on the effective transfer of information
Bashkin et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2015) 4:38 Page 6 of 7

between medical staff members. A study [19] that exam- hospital with limited capacity of admission beds. As a
ined the handoff process between ED medical staff and result, the standard route of emergency admission in the
Intensive Care unit (ICU) medical staff revealed that hospital studied is for an ED physician to ask an in-
there was no structured and consistent approach to how hospital consultant to see the patient and consider
handovers actually occurred, and nurses from both ED admission. It is possible that there is an association
and ICU lacked clarity as to when the actual handover between the limited capacity of admission beds and the
process began. Nurses from both settings recognized the amount of diagnostic tests required by the receiving
importance of the information given and received during inpatient physicians before deciding to admit the patient.
handover and deemed it to have an important role in in- However the limited capacity of admission beds, cannot
fluencing the quality and continuity of care. explain the association between prolonged ED LOS and
In a study examining the perceptions of ED physicians shift changes found in our study. Thus, the relevance of
and hospitalizing physicians regarding handoff commu- deficient communication and lack of continuum-of-care
nication of patients transferred from ED to inpatient set- to ED LOS is probably not limited to community hospi-
tings [20], researchers found that physicians perceived tals with insufficient bed supply and/or hospitals where
handoff communication as characterized by ambiguity the physicians from the admitting departments have a
about patients’ conditions and treatment. They found substantial say in the process and timing of the admis-
that poor communication practices and conflicting com- sion decision.
munication expectations presented barriers that exacer- Concerning the findings that showed prolonged LOS
bated physicians’ information ambiguity. They noted for patients who experienced a shift change, it is possible
that ED physicians and receiving inpatient physicians that the long stay itself leads patients to span the shift
had different expectations about handoffs and those ex- change, rather than the opposite. We cannot determine
pectations influenced their interactions in ways that could a cause and effect relationship between shift change and
result in communication breakdowns. Hospitalizing prolonged LOS, but the prolonged LOS for patients who
physicians expect ED physicians to produce definitive experienced a shift change shown in our study emphasize
diagnoses, and admissions are delayed until confirmatory the complexity of handover in shift change. In addition,
test results are provided, whereas emergency physicians we lack the data regarding the clinical characteristics and
might believe that their professional opinions are being acuity of health status of the observed patients that may
questioned. explain the differences in ED LOS, which were attributed
At the organizational level, prolonged ED LOS is often to organizational factors.
associated with hospital occupancy rate. Previous studies Our study results demonstrate the complex multifa-
have demonstrated the effect of hospital overcrowding ceted characteristics of prolonged ED LOS. The poten-
on ED overcrowding [21–23]. One of these studies [23] tial effects are numerous and severe. Strategies to reduce
found that daily ED LOS for admitted patients increased this LOS may save costs associated with inpatient care,
18 min when there was an absolute increase in hospital as well as ED costs, and they may prevent patient mor-
occupancy of 10 %. The ED LOS appeared to increase bidity and mortality related to prolonged LOS [9].
extensively when hospital occupancy exceeded a thresh- Therefore, using Lean tools is recommended as it can
old of 90 %. Another study [24] revealed that crowding identify targets for improving the efficiency of healthcare
was associated with substantial delays in ED LOS across services. Lean tools seeks to reconfigure organizational
the four ED sites it examined. Moreover, crowding pro- processes to reduce waste and enhance productivity
longed the ED LOS of high-acuity patients. In addition, based on the application of specialized analytical tech-
researchers noted output factors, such as the number of niques along with creating a culture of continuous im-
patients admitted and the inpatient medicine occupancy provement [25]. According to the NHS Institute for
rate, that were associated with significant delays in ED Innovation and Improvement (NHSIII) the application
care. These findings, which support those in our study, of Lean principles in healthcare, should remove duplicate
showed that ED LOS was highest among two of the re- processes and unnecessary procedures such as: recording
ceiving inpatient departments (orthopedic and internal patient details in multiple places, excessive waiting for
medicine departments), both of which are characterized staff, and uncoordinated, variable discharge processes
by very high occupancy rates. resulting in a longer length of stay [26].
There are several limitations of the study regards Organizational factors such as occupancy rate and
external validity and generalizability. First, we analyzed a handover management in shift exchange as well as mis-
small number of ED visits in a limited period. Second, communication and lack of continuum-of-care, were
we focused on a single ED in Israel, which possibly func- found to be associated wtih ED LOS as can be concluded
tions differently from other EDs in Israel and elsewhere. from the study results. Therefore, improvement interven-
The hospital participated in our study is a community tions should take into account those types of factors in
Bashkin et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2015) 4:38 Page 7 of 7

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