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Population and Sample of the Study

According to Ngechu (2004), a population is well defined set of people, services

elements and events, group of things or households that are being investigated. In line

with this, Cohen et al. (2000) state that, population is a group of people who are subject to a

piece of research. The respondents of the study were selected employees of

Skintimates Inc. who have been working in the company for at least six months, wherein

all of the them were regular employees under supervisory level and rank and file of the

firm. These respondents were single and married with age ranging from 21 years of age

and above.

Sample is a number of people chosen from a bigger population with the aim of

giving information about this population as a whole (Ferrer, 2018). It is a small-scale of

the whole group or total from which it has been taken. The total population was 60

wherein the researchers selected only 10 employees to participate in the survey.

1. Ngechu, Mary (2004). “Understanding the research process and methods. An

introduction to research methods”.

2. Cohen et al. (2000). “Research Methods in Education”

3. Ferrer, Vilma Luisa (2018). "Asset Management System in Conformity with

Government Accounting Manual: Basis for Enhanced Asset Management

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