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The new Dehler 38:

voted the 2013
‘Yacht of the Year’
in France. Price
from £154,800

Dehler today Dehler 36 CWS:
from around

With 50 years of boatbuilding under its belt, the

Dehler marque is alive and kicking. Peter K Poland
David Harding

reflects on the hard times and the good in this

second part of the Dehler story

rom the day he founded his the sport of sailing fast. In particular, he needed to hoist the sails by themselves!’
company in the 1960s, Willi wanted to simplify things, making it Running through an array of sheaves and
Dehler’s fertile mind and possible for just a couple of people – stoppers, numerous control lines (halyards,
engineering skills always ensured typically a husband and wife team – to get reefs etc) are led to a powerful electric
that his boats stayed near to the the best out of their Dehler’s performance winch mounted centrally on a bridge deck
front of the fast cruiser fleet. potential without busting a gut or scaring located immediately in front of the wheel
And when his son Karl brought his themselves silly. Cees and the team wanted at the rear of the cockpit. This means that
production management and engineering this to be achievable without having to fill once they remember which line does
qualifications to the party in 1986, design the weather rail with biped ballast. which job, the helmsman or crew can
and development moved up another gear. After much thought and planning, the handle a multitude of tasks without
Having carried off the World ¾ Ton first model to be aimed at this market was moving forward. Then, to further simplify
Championships in a Dehler db2 in 1984, the Dehler 36 CWS, which stood for sail handling, a single jib sheet controls a
Karl’s sights were set firmly on performance. Central Winch System. ‘I was no longer on self-tacking headsail, so the boat can be
He recalls that when working as a partner board with my parents,’ Karl says. ‘They short-tacked up a narrow channel without
with his father, it was he who ‘pushed for
the development of good performance
under sail, building light and strong and
using effective keels and sail plans’.
Completing this partnership, designer
Cees van Tongeren (of van de Stadt) was
only too happy to continue pursuing the
performance goal. Along with Willi and
Karl, he introduced many new elements to


Peter K Poland crossed the

Atlantic in a 7.6m (25ft) Wind
Elf in 1968 and later spent
30 years as co-owner
ABOVE The Central Winch System,
of Hunter Boats. He as introduced on the Dehler 36 CWS
is now a freelance
journalist. LEFT Willi Dehler’s son Karl joined
the company in 1986

24 Practical Boat Owner 568 December 2013 •

The Dehler story – part 2

the crew or helmsman touching a single

string. Obviously this requires a fractional
set-up with large main and small headsail,
but van Tongeren and Dehler preferred to
rig their boats that way, with or without a
To maximise stability under sail, van
Tongeren developed his ‘upside down’ keel
design. Put simply, this means that the base
of the keel is longer than the root and the
section fattens as it gets deeper, these two
factors working together to throw the
centre of gravity really low. Combined with
a ballast ratio of around 40%, this makes
for a stiff yacht, while the relatively long
base adds to directional stability. All in all
the 36 CWS set new standards for fast and
easy cruising. And – with the addition of a
David Harding

spinnaker – it still acquits itself well on a

club racecourse.
One of my Hunter clients, who had
graduated from a Medina 20 to a Dehler 31,
Dehler 37 CWS: from £42,250 second-hand
moved on to a 36 CWS and loved it. His
children had flown the nest so were now
only occasionally available as crew but, swing inboard to provide upholstered
thanks to the CWS gizmos, he and his wife lee-bolsters (as opposed to lee-cloths). A
were able to set sail by themselves whenever huge central WC compartment, linear
they wanted. The 36 CWS also broke new galley and full-size chart table complete the
ground with its then unorthodox picture. The eye-grabbing red, white and

van de Stadt
accommodation layout. Thanks to a beam grey interior décor is functional and
of 3.5m and LWL of 9m, there’s plenty of somehow wholly appropriate.
space, and it is skilfully used. I contacted old friend and serial Hunter
A long linear galley with acres of work owner Mike Webster, who graduated to a Dehler DB 36: from £46,500 second-hand
surface and loads of lockers runs down the DB 36, and asked what he made of the
port side of the saloon, opposite a spacious boat. His first reaction was: ‘Oh dear, you board. It does however allow for a sizeable
U-shaped settee and dining table area to shouldn’t have asked me. I have had to saloon for a boat of this size.’
starboard. The navigator has plenty of open up my photos and remind myself of Barry adds: ‘My previous boats included a
room to work thanks to Dehler’s trademark the one boat that I should never have sold!’ Contessa 32, two Moodys (a 33 and a 376)
pivoting chair and outboard-facing chart Mike raced her successfully with a full and two Sigma 41s. Build quality and
table, and despite its relatively low crew and cruised with his wife and engineering are good – possibly better than
freeboard the 36 CWS fits in an aft daughters. He says: ‘The mainsail was a bit the British alternatives we have owned. The
double cabin and WC compartment. large to play around with for short-handed quality of the moulding and finish both
As a final concession to internally and externally
modernity, an optional The boat can be short-tacked up a narrow are good, and almost l9
‘Nova’ décor (first years on the gel coat
introduced on the Dehler channel without touching a single string finish remains fine. Apart
34 and 31 models) was offered. Instead of a sailing. However, with an extra pair of from routine maintenance there have only
traditional, relatively dark finish, the ‘Nova’ hands everything was possible. been two items of major expenditure,
option features white bulkheads and trim ‘She was solid, not in the slightest namely the failure of the holding tank
down below, turning the cabin into a light skittish… the large bulb (or rather, wedge) through corrosion and the delamination
and airy place. It caused quite a stir at the on the keel made her so stable, and the of the rudder, possibly triggered by impact
time. Only recently have other European rudder was like a barn door… but it did damage to the leading edge’.
builders started offering lighter finishes as need some grunt when sailing downwind His 37 is not the first Dehler with a
an alternative to sombre teak or mahogany. in a Force 6 to 7 with the kite up to rudder blade problem, so get a survey
Around 800 Dehler 36 CWS boats were maintain a dead-straight course and when buying. Power comes from a Yanmar
built, and Cees van Tongeren names it keep my heart out of my mouth!’ 3GM30F engine with shaft drive and
among his favourite designs. That doesn’t two-bladed folding propeller.
surprise me: few fast cruising yachts have Quality build ‘The engine has been serviced regularly,’
rivalled its mix of pretty lines, sparkling The Dehler 37 CWS (not to be confused Barry says. ‘It has now done 1,300 hours
performance and innovative interior. with the earlier Dehler 37/372) was another and has never faltered. It drives the boat
cracker; elegant, spacious and easy to sail. comfortably at 6-7 knots. However, the
Space-age speedster For a first-hand and very experienced engine compartment is rather inaccessible
If the 36 CWS raised eyebrows, its even opinion I contacted former Commodore and necessitates the removal of the sound
sportier sister – the DB 36 – was really of the Royal Southern Yacht Club, Barry and insulation box.
way out. Based on the same hull lines, the Peddley. He told me: ‘Ann and I purchased ‘We were more competitive in our
DB 36 boasts a deeper and finer fin keel our Dehler 37 in 1997. She was originally previous boats but have raced in club
with a heavy wing-cum-bulb at its base, a commissioned in 1994 and fitted out to a events, more recently white sail, the Round
considerably bigger racing rig (with running high standard for a boat of this type at that the Island Race etc.
backstays) and a lighter, space-age interior. time. The galley is linear, which we have ‘We have frequently raced double-handed
Designed to carry a large racing crew, the found workable when there are two of us which is quite manageable, though the
DB 36 has two double cabins aft, a aboard, but on balance we prefer the primary electric winches are placed far aft,
double-berth forepeak and superb saloon conventional layout of our previous boats, requiring the crew to face the wrong way
settee berths with flip-over backrests that especially when there are more people on when tacking. We have cruised comfortably ➜
Practical Boat Owner 568 December 2013 • 25

with 3-4 on board to France, Brittany and their charter- and family-cruising-friendly design, made for a design contest in Die
the Channel Islands. Océanis and Sun Odyssey models) had Yacht in 1992.’
‘Set up properly she is responsive – reduced the size of his market? Perhaps the When asked why he thought Dehler went
whether cruising or racing – and easy on tight tolerances, precise build methods and to Judel/Vrolijk for new designs, Conradi
the helm unless over-canvassed. Single line expensive gear and materials required to replies that the company ‘wanted a
reefing is easily operated and controlled by maintain this high performance added to somewhat different boat, more for small
the two primary winches.’ costs, thus reducing profit margins? crew cruising in maximum comfort, and
Barry concludes: ‘We have never owned Perhaps the growth of Bavaria had given we felt we could do this in an attractive
a boat for as long as we have owned German buyers a homegrown cruising and still well-performing way.’
Illywhacker, and as we grow older we find alternative? Whatever the reasons, Dehler’s The result of this was the Dehler 41 DS
we can still comfortably sail her together bank waded in, took control, and Willi with deck saloon, soon followed by a
in all reasonable conditions.’ Dehler departed. It was a sad end to a conventional coachroof version, the
glittering career that had revolutionised Dehler 41 CR.
Bigger boats production boat building. ‘When we started the new Dehler 41 DS
The Dehler 39 CWS (not to be confused Meanwhile, the 1995 Dehler 35 CWS we analysed that Dehler had the image of
with the later Judel/Vrolijk-designed 39) showed a few subtle design developments. building “plastic” boats with an “industrial-
followed close on the heels of the 37. This is The coachroof is longer in proportion to the looking” interior – nicely detailed and
another elegant Cees van Tongeren design hull and has a more defined wedge shape. thought out, but with comparably simple
and offers more of the same with a linear And the keel – while still being ‘upside woodwork,’ says Conradi.
galley and two double-berth aft cabins. down’ – has a slightly narrower foil and ‘We tried to improve the woodwork in the
Then came an even bigger CWS fast more exaggerated, elongated base. This – boats and gave them a more “Scandinavian-
cruiser, indeed the largest yacht Cees van combined with a 40% ballast ratio and looking” touch in the accommodation. We
Tongeren was ever to did this not only by
design for Dehler. The ‘We gave the boats a more “Scandinavian- changing panels but tried
Dehler 43 CWS is a to match the interior
handsome yacht, winning looking” touch in the accommodation’ design better with this
the coveted ‘Yacht of the Year’ award. Its draught of 1.9m – continued Cees van type of styling. While doing so, we worked
sleek lines are pure van Tongeren, while its Tongeren’s pursuit of stability, while a DLR hard to keep the performance of the boat
gracious overhangs and moderate freeboard of 190 and sail area/displacement ratio of 22 up to the best level, for instance by
and coachroof height make many modern, ensure plenty of performance. The Dehler investigating different keel shapes to
bulky and plumb-stemmed yachts look family boat Sporthotel 2 won Kiel Week, so it achieve low CGs with best possible upwind
positively plain by comparison. Other was still very much a ‘Willi Dehler Dehler’. performance.’
clever features included an arch on the ‘Father still liked to sail fast and easy,’ Karl
coachroof to accommodate the mainsail A time for change Dehler adds, ‘while Mother no longer liked
track and support the sprayhood (an idea But then everything started to change. to sit down below.’ Ergo the deck saloon.
only recently finding its way onto mainline A new firm of designers appeared on the There’s no doubt that the 41 DS is an
cruisers like Bénéteaus) and CG-lowering Dehler scene. Cees van Tongeren of van accomplished yacht. For starters, its deck
wings on the base of the ‘upside down’ keel. de Stadt explains: ‘The parents of Torsten saloon is what it says it is: the panoramic
There was also one other unique feature: Conradi (the third partner in Judel/Vrolijk) views it offers onto the outside world are
a bath in the forepeak! owned a hotel on Helgoland, where the spectacular, both for crew sitting around
Dehler family stayed every year during the table and for the navigator at his chart
The party’s over Nordseewoche. The young Karl Dehler and table. The galley and amidships heads
In 1994, however, Dehler’s finances started Torsten Conradi became close friends, and compartment are further forward in the
to wobble. Perhaps Willi Dehler’s pursuit of Torsten was part of the crew when Karl
performance and reluctance to develop a won the 3/4 Ton Cup in Kiel in 1984 with

van de Stadt
middle-of-the-road range of cruisers (as the db2 Positron. The Dehler 18 [still built
Bénéteau and Jeanneau had done with as the Varianta 18] was the first Conradi

39 CWS: from
around £49,000
van de Stadt

LEFT Dehler 35 CWS:

from around £46,500

RIGHT Dehler 39:

from around £89,000
David Harding

43 CWS: around
£84,000 second-hand

26 Practical Boat Owner 568 December 2013 •

The Dehler story – part 2

David Harding
David Harding
Dehler 41 CR: from around £67,000 second-hand

boat and there are double berth cabins at ABOVE RIGHT Dehler
bow and stern. The 41 CR, on the other 39SQ: from around
hand, is more like a Dehler of old. A long, £109,000 second-hand
low and sleek coachroof covers a layout

David Harding
containing two aft double cabins, another
RIGHT Dehler 41DS:
double in the forepeak, two heads from £89,000
compartments and a massive U-shaped second-hand
saloon settee that wraps around the dining
table. The chart table is aft of this and a lines and styling that typified their 41, 33 replace the Contessa 35 we owned for 30
well-equipped linear galley opposite it. and 29. But this time Dehler offered four years, having raced her during the One
Performance of both models is good, with different layouts: you could choose between Tonner era… it was originally a five-year
a ballast ratio of around 40% and a sail two aft cabins or one and a big cockpit side project but we are now in our eighth
area/displacement ratio of just over 20. locker, or between a forecabin with or season, sailing mainly two-up along the
Interestingly, the beam of 3.89m is almost without an en-suite heads compartment. French west coast from Camaret to La
identical to that of the longer van de The large L-shaped galley, aft heads Rochelle and Île d’Oléron.
Stadt-designed 43 CWS. compartment, chart table and spacious, ‘Since I am now in my 80s and my wife is
luxuriously finished saloon remain the in her 60s, we needed a boat in which we
Now for something different same in each version. All in all, this could manage virtually anything from
Next off the J/V stocks came the Dehler 39-footer is a handsome beast and succeeds the cockpit… We are naturally fairly
33, a very different boat. Those were the in combining the requirements of cruising circumspect with regard to the weather but
(brief) days of the IMS handicap system and racing in one very appealing package. manage up to Force 6 and normally limit
and, unlike the old IOR, it was kind to Following on from the successful 39, our trips to 35 miles. I started sailing in
boats with long waterlines (in relation to Dehler produced a smaller sister that shared 1947 and we have both raced Dragons
their LOA) and narrowish beam. So the 33 many of the same attributes. The 36 and fairly successfully over 35 years. However,
has a dramatic-looking near-vertical stem, 36SQ have high-quality joinery and offer we only raced the Dehler when she was
as opposed to the long bow overhang of comfort aplenty. Twin double-stern cabins, new, winning the Dehler Cup in 2006.
yesteryear, and a beam of 2.99m: generous galley, aft heads compartment, ‘Naturally, while cruising we race ➜
appreciably less than the old Dehler 34’s large saloon and twin V-berth forepeak add
3.43m. As a result the 33’s interior, up to a spacious 36-footer. Dehler 29: from around £33,500 second-hand
though nicely finished, seems narrow To find out how well it all works, I
compared to other cruiser-racers of that pestered another brace of very experienced
era. There are three versions – Cruising, Royal Southern Yacht Club members. As
Classic and Competition – but not many Nicky Streeter recalls: ‘My wife Pauline
made it over to the UK. and I bought the Dehler 36SQ in 2006 to
The 1997/8 J/V-designed Dehler 29
follows similar styling with its near-plumb David Harding

bow, fine forward hull sections and vestigial

aft overhang (producing an LWL of 8m on
an LOA of 8.76). These features are very
much in the modern idiom, and a bulbed
keel (in standard, racing or shallow guise)
keeps the CG low and performance high.
The beam, however, has increased in
relation to overall length and, at 2.99m, is
the same as that of its bigger sister, the 33.
So the conventional layout of aft double
cabin, aft heads, galley, saloon and V-berth
forepeak is much as you’d expect, although
slightly less voluminous than you may find
on a plumper cruiser with no aspirations to
shine in the performance stakes. It all
obviously works well, as this popular
29-footer remains in production to this day.
David Harding

Increasing options
The Dehler 39 and upgraded 39SQ
(standing for ‘speed and quality’) were J/V’s
next offerings and continued with the sleek Dehler 33: from around £40,000 second-hand

Practical Boat Owner 568 December 2013 • 27

Boats – The Dehler story – Part 2

David Harding
Dehler 41: from around £101,000 second-hand Dehler 36SQ: from around £89,000 second-hand

everything in sight and generally see off an invisible hull/deck joint, flush hatches target group. More speed and higher level
anything up to 40ft and sometimes above, and customised windows to set the Dehler of fit-out. And I saw a chance to get
much to the chagrin of their owners. range apart from the competition. In 2006 Dehler profitable with our purchasing and
‘I do feel that she is rather tender and it this was not done by any other mass organisational power.’
does pay to take a slab in early, when the producer and it created a lot of hype in the Like the Hanses, the latest Dehler
boat speed invariably increases. We found market: hence the Dehler 44 was chosen models hail from J/V. The 32 offers three
that in light and lumpy conditions we as European Boat of the Year in 2007.’ keel options (standard, racing or short) so
needed a larger headsail to keep her moving. And an elegant, rakish-looking boat it is owners can choose which ‘gear’ they want
‘In comparison to the Contessa, having too. The finely-shaped bulbed keel and to select, combining this with what has
a wheel takes away the delight of using a deep rudder will undoubtedly ensure top now become the default 9.7m (32ft)
tiller especially going to windward. performance and control, yet the lavishly cruiser layout.
Downwind the Dehler is much more stable equipped and finished interior makes the The 41 opts for T-shaped bulbed keel
and faster by some margin. We averaged 8.4 44 a fine cruiser. Two aft cabins, two heads, options, a broad transom and two choices
knots between Alderney and the Needles! a voluminous owner’s forecabin and a well- of layout, both of which will appeal to
‘We stay on the boat in four-week styled saloon combine to lift this yacht cruising owners.
periods and live in some comfort. Using into the luxury league. Meanwhile, the But perhaps the star of the current show
the two aft cabins we can accommodate styling of hull and superstructure remain is the new 38. Karl Dehler has been
six people not using the saloon berths but quintessentially ‘Dehler’. heavily involved from the outset, and
we prefer sailing with up to four. We are Simonis and Voogd then went on to – shades of his db2 victories nearly 30 years
continually delighted with the Dehler and design the equally striking Dehler 45 and ago – won Kiel Week and the overall ORC
would not replace her with any other 35, which is still in production today in championship in Germany in 2013.
similar cruiser/racer.’ the form of the 35SQ. This model has Yet this is no stripped-out machine: quite
been a success, combining as it does a the reverse. I went aboard at the PSP
New team contemporary and practical cruising layout Southampton Boat Show and was bowled
In 2003-4, Dehler then introduced another with real race-winning potential. over by the 38’s style, quality and comfort
design team to its range. As Maarten Voogd down below.
of Simonis Voogd explains: ‘We got Hanse takes over This boat proves that, with Hanse
involved when Dehler was purchased by a Hanse’s takeover of Dehler in 2009 input, Dehler is again at the top of its
Dutch consortium… our task was to make enabled it to offer two Judel/ Vrolijk game, having produced more than 23,000
Dehler stand out from the competition in ranges: Hanse cruisers and Dehler yachts in its 50-year history.
performance and style. cruiser-racers. Which makes commercial Karl concludes: ‘My father passed away
‘We achieved this by putting a lot of sense. Hanse founder Michael Schmidt in 1999 – I think if he could see the new
emphasis on production techniques to save told me: ‘I saw Dehler as an in-house products carrying his name, he would be
weight and incorporate styling ideas like competitor to Hanse with a different very proud, as we are. Here at the Hanse
factory we follow the best industrial
LEFT Dehler 44: standards for building yachts – and
from around £85,000
once again the skill of the Dehler
family is involved.’
Dehler 35 and 35SQ: COPY SERVICE
new from £111,740
Missed Part 1 last month? You can buy
copies online from by
BELOW Dehler 32: clicking ‘Find PBO articles’. Or call the
new from around Copy Service on 01202 440830


28 Practical Boat Owner 568 December 2013 •

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