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Solutions to the
'Cover Problems'
in Volumes 1 to 5



1906 - 1988

An arbelos Is formed by erecting semicircles on

segments AC. CB. ana AB. CD J. AB.

A circle. center P. Is drawn touching the semicircle

on BC at E and touching the semicircle on AS and

tangent to CD. EP meels CD at F.

I Prove that EF • AC.

Cover problem dedicated to Sam Greltzer.

I Copyright © 1988
Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions
t Mathematical Association of America.
ii -- ---------------'--­
A Tribute to Professor Samuel L Greitzer

Professor Samuel l Greitzer emigrated to the United States from Odessa,

Russia in 1906. He graduated from the City College of New York in 1927
and earned his PhD degree at Yeshiva University. He had more than 25 years
experience as a junior and senior high school teacher. He taught at Yeshiva
University, the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Teachers College and the
School of General Studies of Columbia University. His last academic teaching
position was at Rutgers University. He was the author of several excellent
books of which Geometry Revi!ited [co-authored with H M S Coxeter] and
the International Mathematical Olympiad! 1959-1977 are best known. His
untimely death, on February 22, 1988, was indeed a sad day for all who knew
. Professor Greitzer served as a coach of the summer Mathematical Olym­
piad training program from 1974 to 1980. Professors Greitzer and Murray
S Klamkin accompanied the USA team to the International Mathematical
Oympiad from 1974 [the first year the USA participated] to 1980. Their suc­
.. cess in coaching the team is evidenc;ed by the fact that the team usually placed
among the top three [out of 30-35 countries].
During the years Professor Greitzer worked with the highly talented math­
ematics students in the Olympiad program, he saw the need for a publication
appropriate for these superior students. When he retired from these duties
he initiated such a journal, the Arbelo!. This journal was designed to con­
tain material which would help talented mathematics students prepare for the
prestigious USA and International Mathematical Olympiads.
From 1982 through 1987 Professor Greitzer served as the editor of the
Arbelo! and wrote essentially all of its artides. Consequently, most of the
artides in the Arbelo8 are a reflection of his lectures in the Olympiad program
for talented and gifted students.
This special issue of the Arbelo!, which contains solutions to the cover
problems from the Arbelo!, is indicative of Professor Greitzer's continued devo­
tion to the well-being of talented students. He wrote these solutions between
the publication of the last issue of the Arbelo! in May, 1987 and his untimely
death. From his hand written notes, several of his many friends assisted in
editing this final version.
The contributions of Professor Greitzer to the mathematical development
of students and teachers from many nations will be lasting. We shall miss his
humor, words of wisdom, critical comments, mathematical insight and friend­

Walter Mientka Dept of Mathematics and Statistics

Executive Director University of Nebraska
American Mathematics Competitions Lincoln, Nebraska 68588

The November, 1982 Arbelol Cover Problem 1

The January, 1983 Arbelol Cover Problem 2

The November, 1983 A rbelol Cover Problem 4

The January, 1984 Arbelol Cover Problem 6

The March, 1984 Arbelol Cover Problem - 8

A First Diversion , " .....•............... 12

The May, 1984 Arbelol Cover Problem 14

A Second Diversion , 17

The September, 1984 Arbelol Cover Problem 19

The November, 1984 Arbelol Cover Problem 21

The January, 1986 Arbelol Cover Problem 22

The March, 1986 Arbelol Cover Problem 26

The May, 1985 Arbelol Cover Problem 26

Another Diversion 29

The September, 1986 ArbelOI Cover Problem 31

The November, 1986 A rbelol Cover Problem 33

The January, 1986 Arbelol Cover Problem 34

The March, 1986 Arbelol Cover Problem 36

The May, 1986 Arbelol Cover Problem 38

Still Another Diversion 40

The September, 1986 Arbelo. Cover Problem 41

Take a Break 42

The November, 1986 Arbelo. Cover Problem 43

The January, 1987 Arbelo. Cover Problem 44

The March, 1987 Arbelol Cover Problem 46

The May, 1987 Arbelo. Cover Problem 46

Epilogue 47

Professor Greitler, who was the first chairman of the U.S.A. Mathe­
matical Olympiad Committee, died on February 22, 1988. These notes on
the cover problems of "his journal", the Arbelo., being published posthu­
mously, are his last known mathematical writings.
Among those of his friends and others who, because of their great
respect for his work, transformed Sam's handwritten notes to this publica­
tion were: Dr Stanley Rabinowitz, Alliant Computer Systems Corporation
[author of the cover problem for this special issue]; and Professors Robert
Bumerot, Hofstra University; Darrell Horwath, John Carroll University;
Murray Klamkin, University of Alberta; Walter Mientka, University of Ne­
braska; and Leo Schneider, John Carroll University.

The November 1982 Arbelo" Cover Problem 1

During the brief life-span of the student journal, Arbelo", the cover
problems produced the majority of correspondence. There were a few so­
lutions and many requests for solutions. Since some of th~se involv~d fine
points in geometry, I have prepared these solutions in the hope that I may
be able to advance the cause of an important branch of mathematics that
has b~en shabbily treated.
Now to the task. The first issue was actually named Aftermath. The
cover had a formula for the volume ofa tetrahedron, which I will not discuss.

A o c B
IFigure 1.1
The November, 19S2 issue (the first Arbelo") introduced the Arbelos,
which is the region bounded by the semicircles in Figure 1. Archimedes
loved to play with the diagram and discovered many properties of it. Since
all the curves are semi-circles, LAXC = LATB = 90°, so C X and YT
are parallel. Similarly, for CY and XT. Thus, TXCY is a rectangle.
Therefore, CT and XY are equal and bisect each other at O.
Since 6.0XC is isosceles, LOXC = LOCX. Draw radius DX. Then
6.CDX is also isosceles, so LDXC = LDCX. Adding,
Hence XY is tangent to arc AXC, and, in the same way, to arc CY B.
Next, let AC = a, CB = b. The area bounded by the three semicircles
will be

The area of the circumcircle about TXCY equals 1r(TO)2 = ~~~ since
TC = =
v;ib so that TO ~v;ib. Thu", the area within the Arbelo" equal"
the area of the circle with TC a" diameter.
2 The January 1983 Arbelol Cover Problem

T - -__

A D c p
IFlaure 2.l
I\ Now consider the cirde with radius :z: tangent to the large arc, the
I tangent line TC, and the small arc with radius, say ri. (See Filure 2.)
Imagine the right triangle E F D formed by dropping a perpendicular

I EF from E, the center of the cirde with radius :z: to DC. Note that
cos LEDF
ri -:z:
= --- = --.
ri +:z:
Let the large semicirde have radius rand P be the midpoint of AB. Apply
the Law of COlinel to b.EPD to obtain

(r - :z:) 2 = (ri + :z:) 2 + (r - ri) 2 - 2( ri + :z:)( r - ri ) (ri

--- :z:) .
ri +:z:

We have omitted the other semicirde. If it has radius r2, we can rewrite
the above as

Expanding and simplifying, we arrive at

Since this is symmetric in ri r2 we condude that the areas of the drdes

inscribed in the Arbelos and tangent to CT are equal.
Archimedes found these results. This says something about andent
Greek geometry.

The cover page of the January, 1983 Arbelol was intended to illustra.te
the relative values of the arithmetic mean (A), the geometric mean (g), the
Tbe January 1983 Arbelo, Cover Problem 3

o C B
IFilure 3.1

harmonic mean ('H) and the root-mean square ('R.). The diagram was not
clear, and I have taken the liberty of presenting another. (See Filure 3.)

If AC =a, CB = b, then OT = a+b

-2- = A and CT = y(ib
ab = g.
Obviously A ~ 9,
Now let CF be perpendicular to OT, Then

ab = (TC)2 =(TF)(TO) = (TF) (a; b) or TF= - - = 'H.

Obviously 9 ~ 'H, and we now have A ~ 9 ~ 1(, (Incidentally, note

that 9 2 = A'H.)

Finally, draw OR.L AB with length OR = OC = ~; b. Since AO =

a+ b we east'I y fi nd

AR= Ja +2 2
- 2 b- ='R.,

Now, by looking at the diagram, we see 'R. ~ A ~ 9 ~ 'H. It helps the

memory! i
! I
I take the liberty of passing over the diagrams on the covers of the i:
March, 1983 and May, 1983 Arbelo, - the first was simply the sketc.h
of a multi-purpose plug which could plug a circular bole, a square hole,
and a triangular hole, and the second because it is a standard diagram for
Desargues' Theorem, The reader will find a proof on page 19 of the May,
1983 Arbelo"
4 The November 1983 Arbelo" Cover Problem

Again, I stress that Desargues' Theorem needs three dimensions for

proof. Many of the "modern" proofs in two dimensions assume commu­
tativity, and there are nOll-Desarguesiall systems of geometry. The dual
theorem is also true.
As for the cover for the September, 1989 Arbelos, this is a way of
deriving a standard theorem from spherical trigonometry, unfortunately
defunct. Were we to replace some of our modern mathematics, say set
theory, by spherical trigonometry, I believe it would be an improvement.
The cover of the November, 1989 Arbelo" is not pure geom'etry, but I
considered it original enough to use, since it ties together two concepts that
appear to be completely distinct.
We start with the Pascal Triangle (See Figure 4.) and add as indicated
- on a slant.

1 1
, ! 1
Ii 1~-2

; ;

///1_13 a

17'6 4 1
10 5 1

1~ 15 20 15 6 1

Certainly, we do get the first few Fibonacci numbers. We procede by in­

duction. It appears that F.. , the nth Fibonacci number, may be

I The November 1983 Arbelo8 Cover Problem 5


Fn+l = (n) + (n- 1) + (n - 2) + (n - 3)

+ ...
0 1 2 3

is valid for n = 0, 1, ... n. Then,

Fn (n) (n -'- 1) + (n - 1) + (n - 2) + (n - 2) + ....

+ Fn +1 = 0 + 0 1 1 2

We remember two facts: (1) For Fibonacci sequences, Fn +2 = Fnt1 + Fn ,

Fo = 0, F1 = 1; and (2) For the Pascal triangle (;) = (n;1) + (:=1). With
these in mind, we examine this last series. First, (~) = 1 = (nt 1 ). Next,
for any two successive terms, we can substitute a single term. Thus:

so that

Fn+Fn +1 = (n+ 1) + (n) + (n - 1) + (n - 2) + (n- 3) +... = F

0 1 2 3 4 n +2.
6 The January 1984 Arbelo, Cover Problem


Prove: PQ - PR
and: PQ.l PRo

Jan 1984

The problem on the cover ofthe January, 198-4 Arbelo, is probably the
most provocative of all the cover problems. We can solve this problem by
using U A geometric figure may be moved in 'pace without changing ,ize or
,hape" in a judicious manner.
Now to the problem: On the side BC = a of 6.ABC we have con­
structed equilateral triangle BCT and drawn PT. This is a crucial step,
and I was led to it alter a number of unsuccessful approaches. Now we have
four similar triangles: ARB, AQC, TPB, TPC. (See Figure 5.) If the
sides of 6.ABC are a, 6, c, then

6.ARB has sides c, tc, uc,

6.AQC has sides b, tb, ub,
6.TPB has sides a,ta, ua,
6.TPC has sides a, ta,ua.
The January 1984 Arbelo8 Cover Problem 7

IFigure 5.1
Now we rotate 6.RBP 45° clockwise about B. Then R falls on AB,
and P falls on BT. If B is held fixed and the rotated triangle is multiplied
by!, the shifted and expanded RP will coincide with AT.
Similarly, we rotate 6.QCP 45° counterclockwise about C and expand
by ! holding C fixed so that the shifted and similarly expanded 6.QCP
will coincide with 6.ACT.
Since RP and QP coincide after these transformations, they must have
been equal initially. Also, since each was rotated through 45° and were then
coincident, RP and QP must have been perpendicular to start with.
8 The March 1984 A rbelos Cover Problem

Given: Equilateral triangles erected outwardly

on the sides of triangle ABC have centers
X, Y, and Z.
Prove: Triangle XYZ is equilateral.
Mar 1984

The cover on the March, 198i A rbelol has some interest because of its
supposed history. We'll sneak up to it. (For extensive generalizations and
references see Cruz Mathematicorum 6(1980) ppl85-l87.)
Suppose that, on the sides of 6.ABC, we constrllc.t6.ARB, 6.BPC
and 6.CQA and that LR + LP + LQ = 180°. (See Figure 6.) Then,the
circumcircles about 6.ARB, 6.BPC and 6.GQA intersect at a common
point OJ for, if we let 0 be the intersection of the circumcircles of 6.ARB
and 6.GQA, then

LAOB = 180° - LR and LAOG = 180° - LQ.


LBOG = 360° - (180° - LR) - (180° - LQ) = LR + IQ = 180° - LP.

I The March 1984 Arbelo8 Cover Problem 9


II .

Therefore OBPC is inscribable, and the three circumcircles have a common ! .

point, O.
This is certainly true if 6ARB, 6BPC, and 6CQA are all equilateral
triangles. Then their circumcenters form the Napoleon Triangle, 6XY Z,
of 6ABC. In this special case, 6XY Z is an equilateral triangle. An
absurdly simple proof is (See Figure 7.) : ZY is perpendicular to chord
AO and ZX is perpendicular to chord BO. Hence LY ZX and LAOB are
supplementary. Since LAOB and LR are supplementary, LY ZX = LR =
60°. Similarly LZXY = LXY Z = 60°. So 6XY Z is equiangular and
hence equilateral. If

Incidentally, I recommend the reader to the treatment of this problem

by I. M. Yaglom. Yaglom is a master of transformation geometry as his
work in Geometric Transformations, Volume 8 of the New Mathematical
Library, pp93-9-4, shows.
If the equilateral triangles are constructed on the sides of 6ABC so
that their interiors intersect, with the interior of 6ABC, their centers X,
Y, and Z form the inner Napoleon Triangle. (See Figure 8.) Incidently,
AB, AC and BC are perpendicular bisectors, respectively, of ZZ, YY, and
10 The March 1984 Arbelo" Cover Problem


IFi,ure 1.1
For the Napoleon triangle, .6.ARB, .6.BPG, and .6.CQA are equilat­
eral. Hence, in .6.AZY, by the Law 0/ Co"inu,

(Zy)2 = (ZA)2 + (Ay)2 - 2(ZA)(AY) cos LZAY.

But ZA
= -32 . -·-BA 2 V3
AY = - . -AG and
2' 3 2 '

LZAY = LBAG + LZAB + LCAY = LBAG + 30° + 30°, so

For the inner Napoleon triangle, we have

(Zy)2 = (BA)2 + (AG)2...,. 2(BA)(AC) cos(LBAC _ 600).

The March 1984 Arbelo! Cover Problem 11


\ .


(ZY) , - (ZY)
- - , = 2(BA)(AC)
-_._....- [cos(LBAC - 60 0 ) - cos(LBAC + 60 0 )] •I
= ~(BA)(AC)Sin LBACsin 60 0

= ~(BA)(AC) sin LBAC

= ~[ABC]·.

, - -, 2(AB)(BC). 4 [
(X Z) - (X Z) = -J3- S10 IABC = J3 ABC]


(YX)' ­ (Xi')' = ~.lAjiCB) sin LACB = ~[ABC]. i

Thus, Xy = YZ = ZX and the inner triangle is equilateral. Also, : I

v'i , V3 .. , --­
[ABC] = -.("(XZ) - -4'(XZ) = [XYZ]- [XYZ], the difference

• 1 use the traditional notation, [RST], for the area of ~RST.

12 A First Diversion

in area between the outer and inner Napoleon triangles equals the area
of the triangle ABC.

A First Diversion

In the XXVIII International Mathematical Olympiad, held in Cuba in

1987, contestants were, as usual, given the opportunity to ask questions
about the problems. One student wanted to know "What is a Euclidean
plane?" Sic tran~it gloria mundi!
I would like to present some ideas that may be of use to the would-be
problem solver. First is the projective plane. For, us, this plane will be one
(a) Two points are on (or detelluine )on~ line.
(b) Two lines are on (or determine) one point.
Note that any two lines intersect. Also note that measureml':nts (lengths,
distances, area) are not part of projective geometry. Neither is parallelism
or perpendicularity.
Because of (a) and (b), duality can occur. From a statement about
points incident with lines we automatically have a dual statement about
lines incident with points. Thus, from
(1) A triangle con~i~t~ of three point~ not on a line together with the three
line~ on thue point~.

we obtain
(2) A triangle con~i~t~ of three line~ not on it point together with the three
point~ on thue line8.

· sI'19 hi
We get somet h mg t Yd'lnerent
lr f rom "A {qUadrangle} con~i~t~
quad II'1a t eraI
of four { Pl·oints } no three on one { lin~ t } together with the {lin~St }
mes pom pom s
on them." .
Use the upper terms and you have a statement. Use the lower terms
and you have its dual. The diagrams are in Figure 9.

Notice that a conic (whatever that is) may be defined as a locu~ of

points or as an envelope of lines.
I repeat my admonition, given on page 14 of the May, 1984 Arbelo~:

"A projective plane i~ a plane. It i~ not a ~et of equations nor a

matriz. "
Next I will discuss the affine plane. If, from a projective pillne, we
remove one line, we are left with an affine plane. We can alternately just
A First Diversion 13

quadrangle quadrilateral
4 points, A, B, C, D 4 lines, a, b, e, d
6 lines, AB, AC, AD, 6 points, ab = 1, ae = 2, ad = 3,
BC, BD, CD be = 4, bd = 6, cd = 6
Note the differenee8.
IFllure 9.1
label one line without removing it. We agree to call this line the line at
First, every line meets the line at infinity, so every line has a "point" at
infinity. Next, if two lines are coincident at the line at infinity, we shall call
these lines parallel. This permits us, for example to work with "parallelo­
grams". (See Filure 10.) Quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram.

--'Ilr-----------#'-line at infinity

IFigure 10.1
14 The May 1984 A r~lo, Cover Problem

Now, on with our cover problems.

D~ _ _ -r ~ C

Given: ABCD is a parallelogram.

Prove: BP, CT, DS are concurrent at O.

Ma 1984

Sometimes it is more useful to use the projective plane rather than the
Euclidean plane in attacking a problem. Thus, for the cover problem of the
Ma.y, 1984 Arbelo8, we might use Figure 11.
The May 1984 Arbelo. Cover Problem 15

IF'lure 11.\


"Let A, B, C be on a line L, and A', B', C' be on another line L'. Then
the intersections (AB')(A' B), (BC')(B'C), and (AC')(A'C) lie on a line."

However, I have another proof. First, note P4PP'U~' Theorem which I

present without prooC (See Filure 12.) Since there is nothing said about
measurements in Pappus' Theorem, we can dualize it. (See Figure 13.)
By Collowing the diagram in Filure 13 carefully. you will find that we
r actually do have the dual oC Pappus' Theorem. and that the dotted lines
( will be concurrent. Now let the points L, L' in this last diagram lie on the
i line at infinity, and we have the original diagram. and a proof.
Just as almost nobody is aware that the Binomial expansion of (a +b)"
holds for ~l ,:e~ n. few students accept the possibility that coordinate axes
need not be at right angles. Once we accept this, for an alternative approach
we can associate coordinates with the points in the diagram on the cover of
the May, 1984 Arbelo.: A(O,O), B(b, 0), C(b, d), D(O. d), S(a, 0). R(a, d),
P(O. e), Q(b, e), T(a. e). Then, for
16 The May 1984 Arbelo, Cover Problem


AI ' -_ _.L..- .::::::::..\ --=::::::::~

B L'

"Let A, B, C be lines on point L, and A', B', C' be lines on point L'. Then
the lines OJI (AB')(A'B), (BC/)(B'C), and (AC')(A'C) lie on & point (are
concurrent). "
IFijure 13·1

y- 0 d- 0 -d
line DS: --=--=- or dz +ay= ad
z-a O-a a

y- 0 c- 0 -c
line BP:
:r:-b = O-b = b'
or ez + by = be

line CT: z_ a = d-e
b_ ~' or (d - e)z + (a - b)y =ad - be.

Since the equation for line CT is the difference between the equations
for lines DS and BP, these three lines are concurrent.
Which is a better proof is problematic, although I would prefer the
projective (or affine) proof. Either way, they are "grown-up" proofs.
A Second Diversion 17

A Second Diversion

Most mathematicians think that geometry ended with Euclid (ea. 300
B.C.) or perhaps Pappus (ea. 300 A.D.). We are going to look at something
invented, I am told, in 1831 by L. J. Magnus - inver.!ion.

Briefly, let 0 be a circle with radius r. (See Figure 14.) If tangents are
, drawn from a point P and if line TU intersects OP at pi, we say that
points P, pI are inverse.!. Notice that op x OP' =
r 2 • We say 0 is the
I center of inversion.
It is not hard to see that a circle tangent to the cirde of inversion
and passing through the center of inversion inverts into a straight line, PAt
tangent to the cirde 0 at A. In fact, using similar triangles, one can show
18 A Second Diversion

that any circle passing through the center of inversion inverts into a line
P A and conversely.
All we need now is one more result-a eirde cutting the eirde of in­
version at rightangles inverts into itself. (See Figure IS.) Remember that
if a tangent OT and a secant OPP' are drawn, then (OT)2 = (OP)(OP').


IFigure 15·1
It is not hard to see some advantage of inversion. Tangent curves
remain tangent after inversion, for instance. Also, the inverse of a figure
may turn out to be simpler than the original.

I[End of Second Dive~I

The September 1984 Arbelo6 Cover Problem 19

Now back to our cover problems.

Given: A chain of circles is inscribed in the

arbelos, each tangent to the arbelos and to
the preceding circle. From the center of
each circle, let a perpendicular Oi Hi be
constructed to line AC.
Let di be the diameter of circle 0i.
Prove: The length of 0i Hi is i x ~ .
(For example, 0a H2- 2 PQ.) Se 1984

The cover problem on the September, 1984 Arbelo6 is due to Pappus,

who wrote that it W$S old in his day. I can't help feeling that it is an Arbelo6
problem which Archimedes. might have solved.
At any rate, we have an A~belos with a chain of inscribed circles
0 1 ,0" ... On' I have· stopped at circle 0, for simplicity. Let d, be the
diameter of circle 0" and O,H, the perpendicular to AG. We wish to
prove that O,H, = 2d, (in general, that OiHi = i: di)'
Let our circle ofinversion have center A and radius equal to the tangent
. from A to circle 0,. Then circle 0, inverts into itself. Since the circles with

20 The Septemher 1984 Arbelo8 Cover Problem

-A B c

, IFilure 16·1
,diametersAB and AC pass through the center of inversion, they invert into
paralleUines. (See Fisure 16.)
- .
Circles 0 1 and O 2 will then invert into equal circles tangent to the two
lines. Now just loolung shows that 02H2 is2d 2 • And in general, using
center A and a radius equal to the tangent from A to 0", we can similarly
show that O"H" = ndn.
You can't tell if inversion will help you solve a problem if you know
nothing about inversion. And you don't really have to know the fine points
of inversion. You should know it exists, at least. For further applications
of inversion, see Yaglom, Geometric Tran8formation8 MAA NML8, p8 or
Courant and Robbins What i8 Mathematic8? Oxford Univ Press, NY, 1941,
The November 1984 Arbelo.. Cover Problem 21


Given: The external tangents to the two circles

intersect the internal tangent at P and Q.
. Prove: PQ - AB.

Nov 1984

The cover problem on the November, 1984 Arbelo.. is not difficult.




IFIgure 17 ·1
22 The January 1986 Arbelo" Cover Problem

That AB = CD is obvious (or easily proved). (See Figure 17.) Now

AP = PX and P B = PY, so
AB = P X + PY = PY + XY + PY = XY + 2PY.
Also QD = QY and QC = QX, so
= QX +QX +XY = 2QX +XY.

Henee XY +2PY = AB = CD = 2QX +XY, so PY = QX. Finally,

PQ = QX + XY + PY = AB since PY = QX.

\ '

II y

I! Given: On one side of line segment XY, similar

triangles XYA, YXB, XCV, VOX. EYX. and FXY
are constructed.
Prove: Points A, B, C, D, E and F lie
on the same circle. Jan 1985
The January 1985 Arbelol Cover Problem 23


x y
IFigure 18·1

The cover problem on the January, 1985 Arbelol has many segments,
but is not difficult.
In Figure 18, all the angles we need are labeled. An angle marked 12
means that it is the sum of angles 1 and 2; an angle marked 1123 is the
sum of angles 1 + 1 + 2 + 3, etc.
Triangle ZEF is (by symmetry) isosceles. Now, from anyone of the
six similar triangles, (see 6CXY), 111223 = 180°. But LCAE+ LEFC =
1123 + 123 = 111223 = 180°. Hence C, A, E, Fare concyclie. By synune­

I try, D, B, F, E are also concyclie. Therefore C, A, E, F, D, B lie on the

same circle.

Incidentally, the problem appears on page 289 of R.A. Johnson's Ad­

vanced Euclidean Geometry, Dover, NY, 1960. The remark is made that
all six triangles have the same Brocard angle, so the six points lie on the
Neuberg circle. In this connection, (a) one can get along without Brocard
angles and Neuberg circles, and (b) the special case where the triangles are
isosceles is worth examining. The proofin Johnson occupies 14 lines, so the
esoteric geometric objects do not make the proof shorter or simpler. There
is a lesson in this (for followers of Bourbaki, at any rate).
24 The January 1985 Arbelo$ Cover Problem

One of the fields of geometry I have found provocative and interesting

has been that of geometric constructions. I met up with this decades ago
in inscribing a square in a triangle. (See Figure 19.)

IFigure 19.1

What I did then was to construct a small square near B with a side
on BC and a vertex on AB. Then let P be the intersection of AC with the
line through B and the vertex of the square inside 6.ABC. The point R
is on BC with PR.l BC, and Q is on AB with QP II BC. From similar
triangles, we easily find that PQ = P R and we have three vertices of the
desired square.
To make it look mysterious, we can expand the square until P R equals
altitude AH. Now we have a construction where we construct AP equal to
and perpendicular to altitude AH and draw BP intersecting the side AC at
a vertex of the desired square. (This is a simple application of homothetic
The March 1985 Arbelo8 Cover Problem 25



I E c

Given: Triangle ABC.

Construct: line segment DE so that BD - DE - EC.

Mar 1985

For the cover problem of the March, 1985 Arbelo8, we can proceed as
follows (See Filur. 20.) :

The May 1985 Arbelol Cover Problem

(a) Marked oft' any length BX on AB.

(b) Conlttructed a semi-circle with center X and radius BX.
(c) Marked oft' CY = BX on AC.
(d) Constructed Y Z parallel to BC meeting the semi-circle at Z.
(e) Completed parallelogram WZYC.
Now we have BX = X Z = ZW with BX ZW similar to what we seek.
(f) Draw BZ meeting AC at E,
(g) Construct DE parallel to XZ.
Since triangles BZX and BED are simill.u, as are BZW and BEC,
BD = DE = EC and we are done.

Given: Rectangle ABCD. As shown, r 1 , r 2 , rs are

inradii. DH is an altitude.
Prove: r 1 + r2 + r s - DH .

Ma 1985
The May 1986 Arbelol Cover Problem 27

a b

IFigure 2C]
The cover problem for the May, 1986 Arbelol, which uses simple results
to obtain a complicated result, is quite pretty. Recall that the area of a
triangle with perimeter 2. and inradius r equals r•. *
Let (J = LDAH = LHDC. In ~AHD we see that

AH· HD = rl(AH + HD+ DA),

DA· (cos (J). H D = rl(DAcos (J + DAsin 9 + DA),
= ----..--.

Similarly, for ~CH D,

CH· HD = r'J(DH + HC+ CD),

CD· (sin 9). HD = r'J(CDcos (J + CDsin 9 + CD),
H D· sin (J
r'J = .
cos (J + sin 9+ 1

Next, since ~ABC:=! ~CDA, we may write

AC· HD = ra(AD + DC+CA)

AC· HD = ra(ACcos (J + ACsin 9 + AC)
H D = ra(cos (} + sin 9 + 1)

Adding, rl + r'J + ra = H D.
There is another solution, depending on a rare datum about right
triangles. (See Filure 21.)

* This can easily be proved by partitioning the triangle into three trian­
gles using the line segments from the center of the cir~e to the vertices of
the given triangle. The altitude of each of the three triangles is the inradius
of the original triangle.
28 The May 1986 Arbelos Cover Problem

A rare datum: In any right triangle, the sum 0/ the leg, minus the
hypotenu,e equal, the diameter 0/ the in,cribed circle. In Figure
21, the lines shown with equal letters are equal. The assertion is
(a + r) + (b + r) - (a + b) = 2,..

Using this, we get (See May, 19S5 cover.)

2rl =AH+HD-DA
2r, = C H + H D - DC
2ra = (DC + DA) - (AH + CH)
2(rl + r, + ra) = 2HD

so that rl + r, + ra = H D.

However, you have to know the rare datum.

Another Diversion 29

Another Diversion

I have found peace, relaxation and diversion in just gazing at a di­

agram. After a small interval of confusion, the elements of the diagram
seem to so group them.elves as to produce theorems! I have not yet bad
this experience while gazing at a matrix or a statement in set theory.

IFilure 22·1
One diagram I found relaxing and instructive is Filure 22: t::.ABC
is a triangle inscribed in a circle with center O. Altitudes AU, BV, CW
have been drawn intersecting at orthocenter H. Points U, V, Ware joined
forming the orthic triangle UVW.
I have extended AU, BV, CW as shown and added some dotted lines.
Now we gaze and find, in order, the following results:
(1) From right triangles ABV and ACW,

LABV = 90 0

Similarly, LBAU = LBCW and LCAU = LCBV.

(2) Since we have right angles at W. U and V. quadrilaterals W B U H
and VCUH are inscribable, LWBH = LWUH and LVCH =
30 Another Diversion

LVUH. By (1), LWBH = LVCH, so LWUH = LVUH. Thus,

the altitude', of ~ABC hued the angle! of it! orthic triangle.
(3) Triangles WHB and VHC are similar (compare angles). So


(4) From (1), LBCC' = LBAA' = a. Angles BCA' and BAA'

both subtend the arc BA' of the circle circumscribing ~ABC,
so LBCA' = a. Since LBCC' = LBAA', ~CUH ~ ~CUA',
= =
U A' UH, and AU . U A' BU . UC AU . UH. =
(5) Since WBCV is inscribable, AW· AB = AV· AC,
~ABC "" ~AWV "" ~BWU "" ~CUV.
(6) Let AB be a diameter. Since LABC = LABC, triangles BAU
and BAC are simi.r. Then LCAB LBAA' a. Let P be the=
intersection of AB and WV. Then LAV P = LABC = LABC,
so triangles APV and 'ACE are similar. Therefore, LAPV and
LACE are right angles and radius AO is perpendicular to side
WV. In the same way, BO.l UW and CO.l UV.
~AWV which is
(7) Segment AH is a diameter of the circle about
similar to ~ABC. Therefore corresponding lengths are propor­
tional. That is
2R = WV
BC or BC· AH = 2R . WV,
where R is the radius of the circle circumscribing ~ABC.

Similarly AC· BH 2R· UW and AB· CH 2R· UV. Adding,=
we have
BC· AH + AC . BH + AB . C H = 2Rp
where p = perimeter(~UVW). However, we may write this as

BC· AU - BC . HU + AC . BV - AC . HV + AB . CW -AB . HW
3· 2[ABC] - 2[ABC] = 2Rp.

This means 2[ABC] = Rp, and the perimeter of the orthie triangle
equals 2 -- .
I stop here, although I did get more. Perhaps the reader might try it
on other diagrams. It's better than contemplating one's navel.

I~nd of Another Diversi~I

The September 1985 Arbelol Cover Problem 31

Now back to our cover problems.


Given: Orthocenter H of triangle ABC is the

center of a circle. P, Q, and R are the
midpoints of the sides.
Prove: AD - BE - CF.
5e 1985

The cover problem on the September, 1985 A rbelol is an example of a

mess of lines hiding a solution. Look at Figure 23. We "fumble" away at
a solution.
Let AU, BV, and CW be altitudes of t:::.ABC, and let AU intersect
RQ (extended if necessary) at J. Since DJ J.. AH, AJ = JU, and DH = r,
the radius, we have
(AD)2 = (AJ)2 + (JD)2
= (AJ)2 + (DH)2 - (H J)2
= (DH)2 + (AJ - H J)(AJ + H J)
= r 2 + (AH)(U J + H J)
=r 2 +AH·HU.
Similarly, (BE)2 = r 2 + BH· HV, and (CF)2 = r 2 + CH· HW.
Now we can use another "rare datum." Look at the "another diver­
sion", result (3). This tells us that AH· HU = BH· HV = CH· HW, so
The September 1986 Arbelo. Cover Problem
The November 1985 Arbelo8 Cover Problem 33

Given: PQR is the orthic triangle of ABC.
(Le., AP, BQ, CR are altitudes.)
AX, BY, CZ are perpendicular to
QR,RP,PQ respectively.
Prove: AX, BY, CZ are concurrent.

Nov 1985

With the help of our "another diversion", ~esult (6), we can just toss
oft' a solution to the cover problem on the November, 1985 Arbelo8. It shows
that AX, BY and CZ are parts of radii of the circumcircle ofAABC.

34 The J...uary 1986 Ariel•• Cover ptb1em


&.­ -------.JI E
A o
Given: ABCDE is inscribed in the semicircle
on AE with unit radius OA.
AS-a, BC-b, CD-e, DE-d.
Prove: a 2 + b 2 + c 2 + d 2 + abc + bcd < ...

Jan 1986

With the cover problem on the January, 1986 Arbelo", we are back to .;
complicated mathematics.


1 o 1

IFi,ure 24.'
The January 1986 Arbelol Cover Problem 35

We draw AC = z, CE = y, (See Filure 24.) and note that

Z2 = a 2 + b2 - 2ab cos B
y2 = c2 + d 2 _ 2cd cos D

Now ~ACE is a right triangle, so Z2 + y2 = 4. Thus

We do have inscribed quadrilaterals ABCE and ACDE. Therefore

B = 180 0 - LAEC and D = 180 0 - LCAE

cos B = -cos LAEC =_!
and cos D = -cos LCAE =--.

4 = a 2 + b2 + c2 + d 2 - 2(abeos B + cd cos D)
= a 2 + b2 + c2 + d 2 + aby + cdz
> a 2 + b2 + c 2 + d 2 + abc + cdb.
One can also show that

36 The March 1986 A rbelo8 Cover Problem


.' r' ------"'"""'::-~=~-----------

Given: Inscribed triangle ABC.

AM bisects angle SAC.
MP is perpendicular to radius AO.
Prove: AP - AB.

Mar 1986

As we go along, the cover problem gets more interesting, I think, and

The'March 1986 Arbelo.. Cover Problem 37


IFigure 25·1

We extend AO to B on the cirde. (See Figure 25.) Since AB is a

diameter, LACB =
90°. Since LPQB =
90°. PQBC is inscribable. Also
LABC = LB since both angles subtend the same arc..
Now LABC + LQPC 180° = =
LAPQ + IQPC. Therefore, LAPQ =
LB. Also LBAM =
LPAM and AM =
AM. Hence 6.AMB:!!
6.AMP and AP = AB.
The above proof uses the fact that LB < 90°. (Where¥) Is AP = AB
if LB ~ 90°?


38 The May 1986 Arbelo8 Cover Problem

c r

Given: Equilateral 'triangle ABC with vertices

on parallel lines as shown.
The distances between the lines are as
Find: The area of triangle ABC.

Ma 1986

In the case ofthe cover problem on the M41/, 1986 Arbelo8, there is a
hint-e:onstrud the triangle on the given lines first.


l!!lure 26·1

The May 1986 A rbelo6 Cover Problem 39

Construd LAPT = 60° and LBPT = 60°. Let APBC be the circum­
circle of 6.APB. Then since LABC and LAPC both subtend the same
arc, LABC = LAPC = 60°. Similarly, LBAC = LBPC = 60°, so 6.ABC
is the desired equilateral triangle. (See Figure 26.)
Now a little trigonometry.

10 . 0 v'3
=SlR60 = ­
i AP 2 ' AP = v'3'
, ,
6 .
-=slR60° =v'3
­ BP= ~
BP 2 '

2 400 144 20 12 °
(AB) = - + - -2· - . -.cos120
3 3 V3 v3
400 144 240 784
=3- +3- +3- = 3­ .

Thus [ABC] = v'3

. 784
= 196 '3

3 V".
For a generali.ationto tetrahedra and simplices, see Cruz Mathemati­
corum, 13(1987), pplfO-lf,j.


, I

40 Still Another Diversion

Still Another Diversion'

With the disappearance of geometry from our secondary schools,' we

have, so to speak, occasionally "thrown out the baby with the bath water."
One such instance appears to be the subject of ratio and proportion.
Our copy of Plane Geometry, by Schultze and Sevenoak , in its 1926
editioll, has a short but good development of this. The first two chapters
of Higher Algebra, by Hall and Knight, go even further. I
. "

This disappearance is unfortunate. Even Dieudonne, whose slogan, ,

"geometry must go" was largely responsible for this, has had a change
of heart. Not too long ago, he did say that perhaps some geometry had
merit. I refer the reader to any old geometry text for the rules for ratio and
proportion. I will proceed as if the reader knows them.

B c
IFigure 27 ·1

We derive Ceva's Theorem as follows (See Fisure 27.) :


PC = [CAP] = [COP] = [AOC)"

.. CQ [BOC] AR [COAl

Slmtlarly, QA = [BOA] and RB = [COB]' Therefore

AR . BP , CQ _ [COAl . [AOB] . [BOC] _ 1

The reader might compare this derivation with those in Altshiller-Court,
Johnson, and Coxeter,
E=n=d=o=f=S=tn=l=A=n=o=t=h=e=r=D=iv=e=r=si=o::::'~ I
The September 1986 Arbelo, Cover Problem 41

Now let ullook at the cover problem for the September, 1986 Arbelo,.
We merely compare areas of trianglel with equal altitudes.
Since AX II BY, [XBY] = [ABY]. Similarly, BY II CZ impliel
[ZBY] = [CBY]. It followl that [XBY] + [ZBY] = [ABC].
Next since XA II ZC, [ZXG] = [ZAC], so

[BXZ] + [BCZ] = [ABC] + [BCZ],

or [BXZ] = [ABC]. Adding, we get

[XYZ] = [BXZ] + ([XBY] + [ZBY]) = 2· [ABC].

42 Take a Break

IFisure 28·1

Let's now "take a break" to contemplate Fisure 28. In it, 6ABC

has sides parallel to those of 6ABC. Thus 6ABC '" 6AOC. Since the
respective sides are parallel, A, B, and C bisect the sides of 6.A.OC.· The
perpendicular bisectors of the sides of 6.A.OC intersect at H, the ortho­
center of 6ABC. Thus H is the center oUhe circumcircle of 6.A.BC. If 0
is the center of the circumcircle of 6ABC and OM.. is the perpendicular
bisector of BC, then AH = 2 . OM...
Again, the circumcircle of 6ABC is the nine-point circle of 6.A.OC,
so the radius of the nine-point circlet of 6ABC is °2 . Anyway, when we
derive the properties ofthe nine-point circle, we do find that AH = 2·0M...

• For example,

BA = 1 - CA = ....-;-
-:;;-;;- AC + -.._ CA- = __--"'
BC - __- AB- +.-.- CB
OA - -:;;;-;­

shows that AB - CB = 0 so B is the midpoint of .A.C.

t The circle whose center is midway between the circumcenter and the
orthocenter and whose radius is half that of the circumcircle passes through
nine notable points, namely the feet of the altitudes, the midpoints of
the sides, and the midpoints of the segments from the orthocenter to the
The November 1986 Arbelol Cover Problem 43




B ~--E----""'--'C

In AABC. AE, BI. CD are alt1tudes~

If DE ~ 13, 01 ~ 14. IE ~ 15.

find the area of AABC.

Nov 1986

Now we can get to the cover page for the November, 1986 Arbelol.
Since AH is a diameter of the circle on ADHI, sin A = ~~. (Why?)

Let the circumcircle of 6.ABC have center 0 and radius R. Then

i. . BC 14 BC .
I SID A = 2R' Hence AH =
2R or BC . AH 28R. =
Choose M 4 on BC so OM4 .L BC as in Figure 28, and choose M" and
I' Me similarly. Now BC· 20M4 = =
BC· AH 28R,so BC, M 4 14, Thus =
i =
AC ,OM" 13R and AB, OMe 15R, so =
[ABC] = 2(BC. OM4 + AC· OM" + AB, OMe ) = 21R.

Now the area of a triangle ABC with sides 4, b, c and circumradius

. 4bc. 13· 14, 15
R IS [ABC] = -R' (Prove d!) Thus [DIE] = - - - = 84 where p
4 4p
is the radius of the 9 point circle of t:::.ABC. Hence p = 65/8. Therefore
. 21·65 1
R = 2p = 65/4. FIDally [ABC] = 21R = - . t - = 341:;,
44 The January 1987 ~rbelol Cover Problem

Given: K is any point inside square ABCD.

MN is any line through K. Circles are
constructed through points AMK and CNK
intersecting again at point P.
frove: AC p~sses through P.
Jan 1987

The cover problem for the January, 19S7Arbelo, comes from KVANT,
a Russian secondary school journal in mathematics and physies which is
excellent for those who can read Russian.
We will sh~w that P lies on diagonal AC by showing that LAPK +
LKPC = 180°. Since angles AMK and APK subtend equal ares they
are equal. Since angles K N C and K PC are opposite angles of an in­
scribed quadrilateral, they are supplementary. Since AM II NC, LAM K =
LKNC. Thus,


The March 1987 Arbelo6 Cover Problem 45



Given: H is the orthocenter of triangle ABC.

H' is the orthocenter of triangle A'BC.
Prove: AHH'A' is a parallelogram.
Mar 1987

As for the cover problem for on the March, 1987 Arbelo6, we have
two triangles on the same base Be, inscribed in the same circle, but with
separate orthocentei•.


IFigure 29·1
46 The May 1987 A rbelol Cover Problem

Both biangles have the same eircumcenter 0, and therefore OM per­

pendicular to BC will equal half of segment AH and segment A'H'. (See
Flaur• 2'.) Also; since both are perpendicular to BC, AH and A'H' are
parallel. That makes AHH' A' a parallelogram.

B x C

Given: X, Y, Z are points of tangency.

K is the area of triangle ABC.
r is the inradius of triangle ABC.
Prove: (BC) (AX) (XX')-4rK.
Ma 1987

We come finally to the cover problem on the May, 1987 Arbelol.

We have cel1ian AX cutting the cirde at X'.
Let 0 be the center ofthe.inscribed cirde. Since XX' is involved, we
draw radii OX and OX'. (See Flaur. 30.) Then OX is perpendicular to
BC.· Altitude AH is also perpendicular to BC. Triangle OX X' is isosceles.
Let 9 = LHAX == LAXO = LOX'X.
Let OX = r and we have

AX = cos 9 and ~ = cos 9. Hence AX =~.

Therefore (AX)(XX') = 2r(AH). Now we multiply this by BC, and we

(BC)(AX)(XX') = 2r(AH)(BC) = 4r[ABC].
Epilogue 47

B H X c

I';Iure 30·1


I admit that the cover problems have varied from very .imple to diffi­
cult. My excu.e for presenting them is that I found them fun, and I hoped
that my readers would find them fun. We got out of step when proponents
of the late "new mathematics" started fussing with the distinction between
number and numeral, greater and larger, and so on. I may be wrong, of
course, and this nicety in expression is valuable. Perhaps the time will come.
when, instead of teaching, "the dog runs after the cat", we will become pre­
cise and teach, "cani, familia", pur,ue, feli, domelticu,." It may be that
if we teach reading this way, English will eventually reach that happy state
in which mathematic. finds itself today.
Anyway, I hope you like the problems and solutions.
Samuel L. Greitzer

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