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6. Ifa warns that any dress that had been used before by someone else
must never be used for this child. This is one of the greatest taboos of
this child. You must make sure that all the dresses which you want to
give to this child his brand new. This is for you to avoid the wrath of
Obaluaye. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with one matured he goat and
money. You also need to feed Obaluaye with one rooster. After this,
you must ensure that anything red is not given for this child, - school bag,
school uniform, shoes, cap, car, socks infact anything red must totally be
avoided. On this , Ifa says:

Igbo nla nii mota a lere

Ojo pa baluwe rin gbingbin rin gbingbin
Dia fun Ido Oke
A bu fun Ido Isale
Dia fun ‘Lapawon
Ti n loo ta Ododo nile Ido
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
Won koti ogbonyin sebo
Nje kinlo run ile Ido surusuru
Ija Ododo
N lo run ile Ido surusuru
Ija Ododo

The mighty wilderness makes the granites slippery
The rainfall makes the bathroom wet
Ifa’s message for Ido Oke
And also for Ido Isale
Ifa’s message for ‘Lapawon
When going to sell red materials at Ido land
They were advised to offer ebo
They refused to comply
Now, what ruined Ido land completely?
The war of red materials
That was what ruined Ido land completely
The war of red materials

7. Ifa says that the family into which this boy finds himself is not
settled. Ifa says that people of the same blood are not co-operating
enough with one another. Ifa says that there is the need for
settlement to take place so that everybody in the family will develop
according to his or her destiny. Ifa advises that there is the need to
offer ebo with 6 roosters and money. On this, Ifa says:

Agogo nii dun mopepere-mopepere

Aran geje-geje nii dun makomojo-makomojo
Olosuusuu omi abe ota
Dia fun Agbaagba mefa
Won ti nrin won o finu hanra won
Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se
E je ka b’Ofun-b’Okanran
Kaye Olufe o le baa roju

The gong is it that makes sound of completeness
And Aran drum gathers people together with its sound
Olosuusu, the water under the rock
Ifa’s message for six elders
Who moved together without confiding in each other
They were advised to offer ebo
Let us propitiate Ofun and Okanran
For the life of Olufe to be peaceful

8. Ifa assures this child that he will grow up to overcome all his
enemies. Those who will oppose him more than any other people in
life are those who are close to him or his blood relations. He has
the misfortune of being opposed by those in whom he will confide.
Now that he had known this, it is better to prepare his mind ready
for what he is going to face in future. Ifa advises you to offer ebo
with a bearded he-goat, plenty of kolanuts and money. on this,
Ifa says:

Efo lalaala
Akasu banba
Akasu banba ni yoo reyin efo lalaala
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti oun ona Ile-mole jo n sota
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
E je ka kobi f’Oosa
Ko waa fenu ara re wure o

A well cooked vegetable
And big morsels of food
Big morsels of food will certainly see the end of the well
cooked vegetable
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
Whom the grove was in contention with
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Let us offer kolanut to the Orisa
For him to pray for us

9. Ifa says that this child must never dance to bata drum. Ifa warns that if he
is in the habit of dancing to bata music, he will constantly be falling ill. In
order to avoid illness, he must not dance bata music and he need to offer
ebo with three roosters and money. On this, Ifa says:

Opolo senu gbeede wo’sa

Dia fun ‘Lakade
Tii se bata igba
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
Gbogbo isowo ope
Eni gb’ebo nibe ko s’ebo o

Opolo senu gbeede wo’sa
Ifa’s message for ‘Lakade
Who was the bata drum made with calabash
He was advised to offer ebo
All followers of Ifa
Let those advised to offer ebo comply accordingly

10. Ifa says that when this child grows up, he will love to argue a lot.
Sometimes, he will engage in blind argument. This is where everybody
needs to warn him as he grows up to avoid unnecessary argument in life.
You also need to offer ebo with one matured he goat and money for
him. On this, Ifa says:

Afinju ejo nii g’agbon

Ofinran ekun nii taala
To ba taala tan
A ko moganyin-moganyin
Dia fun Ojiyan
A bu fun Agara
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbohin sebo
Igbati won n jiyan
Lagara n da won o

A gallant snake is it that climbs the coconut tree
A trouble mongering Leopard treks on the footpath
After trekking on the footpath
Who would match majestically
Ifa’s messages for Ojiyan, the Argumentator
And also for Agara, Exasperation
He was advised to offer ebo
He refused to comply
When they engage in blind argument
That was when Exasperation

11. Ifa says that this child will overcome all his enemies in life. Two of
them will be subject of attack by this enemy and the two of them will
overcome all this enemies. Many people will conspire against them and
all of them will fail. At the end of the conspiracy the two of them will come
out not only victorious but also respectable. Ifa advises you to offer ebo
with three roosters and money for each of these children. On this, Ifa

Ofun ran
Ofun o ran
Ofun o ran’ku aga
Dia fun Eeran
A bun f’Atori
Won nbe ni agbatemo ogun aye
Won ni ki won rubo
Won gbebo, won rubo
Eeran lohun sebo eba buubuu
Atori i lohun sebo emi lengbe
Omo o nii bo lowo edu o
E womo were-were lowo Atori
Biji ba peke-pokun
Aa da Atori si
Atori igi owo

Ofun knitted the rope
Ofun failed to knit the rope
Ofun did not knit the rope of the rafter
Ifa’s message for Eeran
And for Atori
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Eeran declared that he had offered the ebo of Eba
Atori declared that he had offered the ebo of Emi lengbe
No child shall die in the custody of Edu
Come and see several children in the domain of Atori

12. Ifa says that there is the need for the parents of this child to feed his
Ikin with a matured cow. Ifa says if this can be done none of his
colleagues will be as great as him in life. Apart from this, nobody in
his community will be able to record as much achievement as him.
This is the reason why they should do it. Ifa also assures the
parents that whatever this child acquires shall never scatter. On
this, Ifa says:

Ofinran ekun nii taala agbe

Ni n yan Kanngbon-kanngbon-kanngbon
Dia fun won l’Omu Aperan
Omo o fi maaluu sebo ire gbogbo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Omu a kun-un-un
Bo baa kun tan
Ko nii yaa

A trouble mongering leopard moves in the farm
And treks majestically about
Ifa’s message for the inhabitants of Omu Aperan
Offsprings of those who offer cow as ebo to attract all Ire
of life
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Omu will be full of greatness
After filling up
It will not disintegrate or scatter

13. Ifa says that this child must be made to learn Ifa and learn Ifa very
well. If possible move this child out of his vicinity and send him to a
place where he can really study Ifa to it minute details. Ifa advises
you to offer ebo with 8 pigeons, 8 hens, and money. You also
need to feed Ifa with pigeon and hen. Please note that the
greatest Awo of his community and a true child and representative
of Orunmila has been born.

Ifa ni ta lo too fi ile sile fun

Mo ni emi o mo eni to too file sile fun
Orunmila ni Babalawo to kofa rere
Ti n kifa rere
Oun ta lo too file sile fun
Dia fun Jerugbe
Tii somo bibi inu Agbonniregun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Eru ni mo je, ti mo fi ya
Eru ni mo je, ti mo fi ra
Eru ni mo je, ti mo fi nire gbogbo bawonyii werere

Orunmila asked; who can one hand over the house for
I responded that I did not know who to hand over the
house for
Orunmila said that a Babalawo who studies benevolent
Who also recites good Ifa
He is the one worthy of handing over the house for
Ifa’s message for Jerugbe
The child of Agbonniregun
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
I used Ifa’s proceeds to acquire
I used it to accumulate
It is the proceeds from Ifa that I used to acquire all the
Ire of life that I have


1. Ifa
2. Egbe
3. Ori


1. Must never be made to go on long distant errand – to avoid getting lost
2. Must never use Kannakanna (Crow bird) – to avoid unconsummated


1. Marketing Officer
2. Salesmanship
3. Advertising Officer


1. Orisatalabi – Obatala spreads his whiteness to give birth to this child

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