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1. Ifa says that there is a woman close to you whose menstral period
is not good. The period is dark and smelly. That is why she is having
problem of pregnancy. Ifa says that she needs to offer ebo and after this
an Ifa soup will be prepare for her to eat. The moment this is done, she
will become pregnant and she would give birth to many children. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo for the woman with three land tortoises and
money. One of the tortoises will be cut into 16 parts. Ewe Ire and Iyere
will grinded into fine paste and used to cook the tortoise for the woman to
consume. After this, pregnancy is assured. On this, Ifa says:

Ooro teere awo inu Igbo

Dia fun Alapandere
Omo asoro pegberin ahun je
Igbati n sunkun oun o romo bi
Ebo ni won ni ko wa se
O gb’ebo, ru’bo
Ojo dudu lo ti nro l’Apa
Lojo to ro pupa
La too foju kan Omo

The slender Ooro tree the Awo of the forest
He cast for Alapandere
She who consumed 800 tortoises to celebrate is rituals
When lamenting her inability to beget a child
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
It is dark rain that had hitherto been falling in Apa land
The day that red rain fell
That was when we witnessed the bath of a baby

3. Ifa advises you to offer ebo against the wrath of Sango. You also
need to offer ebo against fire incident where you live. Ifa also warns you
against swearing on false oath for any reason whatsoever. Ifa says that
you need to offer ebo with the equivalent of 12,000 cowries, two rams
and money. One of the rams will be used to feed Sango. On this, Ifa

Ofun leselese awo ile onileese

Dia fun Elegbaafa
Dia fun Eledan o
Ebo ni won ni ko wa se
Won koti ogbonyin sebo
Ipin alaisebo won
Egba won o teru
Sango tori egbaafa
O kun ile e won

Ofun leselese the resident Awo of Onileese
Ifa’s message for Elegbaafa, the owner of 12,000 cowries
And for Eledan
They were advised to offer ebo
They refused to comply
Their refusal to offer ebo
And their failure to heed warning
Sango struck because of 12,000 cowries
And set their houses on fire

3. Ifa warns you against waging war on anyone. Those who wage war
against you shall fail woefully. And if you wage war against others you are
most likely going to lose. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with one matured
he-goat and money. On this, Ifa says:

Ofun see
Iya sun-in
Dia fun Eranla
O n gbogun relu Guso
Dia fun won niluu Guso
Won nfojoojumo kominu ogun o
Ebo ni won ni ki won wa se
Won gb’ebo, won ru’bo
Eranla gbogun deluu Guso
Iru Eranla ti diru Okeere

Ofun see
Iya sun-in
They cast Ifa for Eranla, the cow
When going to wage war on Guso land
They also cast Ifa for the inhabitants of Guso land
When they lived in constant fear of uprising
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Eranla waged war on Guso land
And its tail became the tail of Okeere

4. Ifa says that there is a woman close to you who is having problem
of child infant mortality. Ifa says that this woman will be blessed with the
fruit of womb. Ifa says that there is nobody working against this woman
from having her own baby. Ifa says that the problem she has that had
been making her to lose her baby is right inside her genital. In order to
solve this problem, she need to procure one she goat and money. The
she goat will be slaughtered and the head will be severed from the neck
of the goat. The Awo needs to prepare a soap and mix it with Alupaida
leaves. The severed head of the goat will be used to rub the pubic hair of
the woman. The soap will then be used to wash off the blood of the goat
from the pubic hair of the woman and the hair will be shaved on top of
Esu. If this is done, the problem of infant mortality is resolved forever.
Ifa warns you not to be too harsh in anything you do in your life. Ifa says
that if you are harsh you will find it difficult to consummate your fortunes.
Ifa also warns you never to draw money from your creditors by force. You
also need to consult your Ifa on a regular basis. On these, Ifa says:

O fun seseese o tinu Igbo wa

Dia fun Alapandere
Omo asoro pegberin ahun je
Ojo dudu to ti nro l’Apa
O dijo to ba ro pupa ka too foju komo
Babalawo ti nbe nile Alara
Awo Alapa ni
Eleyiini lo ni e ma ma roro leru
Ti won ba roro leru
Towo o won nii maa run susuusu bi isu
Nje bi omiro, bi omiro
Bi omiro bi omiro
Oju arugbo lo joju oku
Oju olokunrun a si maa ta parapara
Bi omiro ni tadan
Bi omiro ni todide
Ikoko denu Igbo deluju
Dia fun Alawumi
Olobo o mapomoje
Ekun Omo ni nsun
Ebo ni won ni ko wa se
O gb’ebo, ru’bo
Nje toso ko
Taje ko
Irun kan gagaaga ti nbe lobo re
Ni npomo je

It is sparkling white and it came from the forest
Ifa’s message for Alapandere
He who consume 800 tortoises to celebrate is Oro rites
It is dark rain that had hitherto been falling in Apa land
The day that red rain fell
That was when we witnessed the bath of a baby
The resident Awo in Alara’s palace
He is the Awo of Alapa
He was the one who declare that one should not be too harsh
to one’s slave
If they become too harsh to their slaves
Everything they acquire will be ruined
Nje bi omiro, bi omiro
Bi omiro bi omiro
The face of an old person resemble the face of a corpse
The face of an invalid is full of blisters
Omiro is for the bat
While omiro is for the mini bat
The water pot reached the forest and it turned to wilderness
Ifa’s messages for Alawunmi
Owner of the genitals that kills babies
When weeping in lamentation of her inability to beget a baby
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
It is not a problem caused by wizards
Neither is it caused by witches
It is the bushy pubic hair
That is causing the death of the babies

5. Ifa says that there is the need for you to offer ebo against the
problem of the internal organ. Ifa says that is the major ailment that you
have. With appropriate ebo, the problem will disappear. Ifa says that the
problem emanated from the Elders of the Night. Ifa advises you to offer
ebo with one matured he-goat, two giant rats, plenty of palmoil, and
money. You also need to avoid squeezing clothes when you wash them.
Consequent upon this, laundry work is against your destiny if you want to
stay in sound health. On this Ifa says:

Ofun see
Iya sunhin
Awo aso lo dia f’Aso
Ti yoo maa sowo inu n rirun o
Ebo ni won ni ko wa se
Gbogbo isowo ope
Eni gb’ebo nibe ko s’ebo o

Ofun see
Iya sunhin
The Awo of Aso, the Clothe
Cast Ifa for Aso
When suffering from the problem of internal organs
He was advised to offer ebo
All adherent of Ifa
Let those advised to offer ebo comply accordingly

6. Ifa says that if there is any woman suffering from miscarriages it is

due to problem of the internal organ. There is the need for the woman to
offer ebo as in 13 above and the problem will also disappear. On this, Ifa

Ofun see
Iya sunhin
Awo aso lo dia f’Aso
Ti yoo ma loyun ani baje
Ebo ni won ni o wa se
Gbogbo isowo ope
Eni gb’ebo nibe ko s’ebo o

Ofun see
Iya sunhin
The Awo of Aso, the Clothe
Cast Ifa for Aso
When in lamentation of her inability to beget a baby
She was advised to offer ebo
All adherent of Ifa
Let those advised to offer ebo comply accordingly

7. Ifa says that agricultural business is one of the professions that will
make you succeed beyond your wildest dreams. You can go into poultry,
animal husbandry, and arable farming business and you shall succeed.
Ifa however warns that you may experience some hardship at the initial
stage. The hardship will not last for long before you overcome the
problem and succeed. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two pigeons and
money. You also need to feed your Ori as appropriate. On this, Ifa says:

Ofun see
Awo Aroko lo dia fun Aroko
Aroko sunkun oun o laje lowo
Ebo ni won ni ko wa se
O gb’ebo, ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa bani ni wowo aje suurusu
Ofun see
The Awo of farmer
Cast Ifa for the farmer
When lamenting his inability to make money in life
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all Ire of life

8. Ifa says that you will become a leader and you will have several
followers who will honour respect and obey you. Ifa says that you need to
offer ebo with four pigeons and money. You also need to feed your Ori
with one pigeon and one guinea-fowl. On this, Ifa says:

Oju pon Kankan-ankan ma sena

Aya girigiri ma jin
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti nsawo lo ode apejo
Ebo ni won ni ko wa se
O gb’ebo, ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni bayo
E wa wo’re o

The redness of the eye balls cannot bring out fire
Boldness does not make the chest to cave in
Ifa’s messages for Orunmila
When going to an assembly
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of joy
Come and perceive all Ire of life

1. Ifa
2. Esu-Odara
3. Ogun


1. Must use Ooro tree or any part of it for anything - to avoid problem
of infant mortality
2. Must never underestimate any woman - to avoid the wrath of the
Elders of the Night


1. Ifa/Orisa Priest
2. Agriculturist
3. Community leader


1. Ifawunmi - I love Ifa

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