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Islam Basics Quran Sunnah Lectures Libraries Live TV Quran’s Miracles




WE REALLY NEED YOUR HELP! Verses of Surah Ambiyya and Hajj

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ALLAH Why Are You Still Alive ? Mufti Menk
25 Promises from Allah to the Believers
|| MUFTI MENK A Guide for New Muslims
Will Allah ever Love me and Forgive Abu Bakr al Siddiq : His Life and Times
Adab Al-Mufrad – Imam Bukhari
Me? ᴴᴰ ┇Brother Mohammad Hoblos┇
Angels & Jinn
Dawah Team Aqueedah
Articles Library 1
Articles Library 2
When You Feel Losing Everything, Coping with Trauma. Voice of Islam TV Audio Library 1
Want To Quit & Giving Up ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti 21 October 2018 show Audio Library 2
Menk┇ Dawah Team Audio Library 3
Biography of Muhammad (PBUH)
Why did God create me? Voice of Islam Books Library 2
TV 7 October 2018 show Books Library 3
Concept of God
Concept of God in Islam
Did God create us for His amusement? Our relationship with God. Voice of Contemporary Issues
Voice of Islam TV 14 October 2018 Islam TV 28 October 2018 show Daily and Nightly Supplications
show Dua The Weapon Of The Believer
I Only Make Dua When there is a Electronic Quran
Problem – Shaykh Abu Usamah At- Envy (al-Hasad)
Thahabi Eternal Paradise
Tafseer of the Quran (urdu)- Shaykh Times when it’s Sunnah to use the Family Life In Islam
Hafeezullah Khan Miswak – Is the reward of it 70,000 Fatawa Library
Fiqh of Love – Marriage in Islam
times?- Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem From the Shadows : Exposing the New World Order
Gems and Jewels (Audio Book)

Who will be the spouse in Jannah if How to give Dawah to relatives who do Guide for New Muslim
Guide US TV
one of them is in hell for sometime? – not pray – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem Hadith Nabawi
Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem Hijrah
How to be a Better Muslim
Does descent of Allah to the lowest
Huda Tv
heaven mean that Allah is inside Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah's Qasidah Nuniyyah
lowest sky? – Assim Al Hakeem Iqraa TV
Islam Basics
islam Fiqh
Can we buy and take advantage of Friday Prayer (Jummah) for a woman – Islamic Education & the West
sales on non muslim festivals like Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem Islamic Library
Christmas etc? – Assim Al Hakeem Islamic Library 2
Lectures For Sisters
Sufi Tareeqas and ruling on joining Lessons From The Life Of Musa
them – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem Let's learn Islam for children
Are Bridal and Baby Showers My Journey ” A story Of Joining Islam Muhammad Legacy Of A Prophet
permissible in Islam? – Sheikh Assim ” Episode 15 Origins of the Quran

Al Hakeem Peace TV
Purification of the Heart
My Journey “A story Of Joining Islam” Quran and modern science
Episode 16 Quran Magnificent Status
Quran Miracles
Quran Translation
My Journey “A story Of Joining Islam” Above the Mark Episode 1 Remedies-From-the-Holy-Quran
Episode 17 Secrets of the Quran’s Miracles
Selected Adhkaar & Supplications
Above the Mark Episode 2 Stories from Hadith
Tearful Moments of the Prophet's Life
The Benefits of Tawbah
Above the Mark Episode 3 Above the Mark Episode 4 The End of Riba
The End Of Time | A New Beginning
The Goodly Word
Above the Mark Episode 5 Above the Mark Episode 6
The Hereafter
The Life of Muhammed – Madinah Part 2
Above the Mark Episode 7 It is not obligatory to wash artificial The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (Makkan Period)
limbs when doing wudoo’ The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (Medina Period)
The Lives of the Prophets
Praise be to Allah If the foot has been cut off from the
To Veil Or Not To Veil
shin and the ankle and foot are gone, and you wear an
Treasures in the Sunnah, Part 1
artificial limb in its... Treasures in the Sunnah, Part 2
Ummar Ibn Alkhataab – His Life and Times
What Conor McGregor can do to be How Conor McGregor can get The Way of the Companions of the Prophet

like Khabib | Irish man accepts Islam Edge like Khabib Nurmagomedov Why Don’t You Pray?
Why God Created Man
Why We Fast
‫أ ذ ﻛ ﺎ ر ا ﻟ ﻴ ﻮ م وا ﻟ ﻠ ﻴ ﻠ ﺔ‬
‫أ ﺳ ﺎ ﺳ ﻴ ﺎ ت ا ﻹ ﺳــ ﻼ م‬
‫ا ﻹ ﻋ ﺠ ﺎ ز ا ﻟ ﻘ ﺮآ ﻧ ﻲ ا ﻟ ﻌ ﺪ د ي‬
THE SECRET ABOUT HONEY (Must Friday September 28, 2018 – ICOSF – ‫ا ﻹ ﻋ ﺠ ﺎ ز ﻓ ﻲ ا ﻟ ﻘ ﺮآ ن‬
‫اﻟﺒ ﺚ اﻟ ﻤﺒﺎ ﺷ ﺮ‬
Watch) Khutba – Munir Khan – Be a Good &
‫اﻟ ﺤﺪﻳ ﺚ اﻟﻨﺒ ﻮ ي‬
True Muslim as Allah wants ‫اﻟ ﺴﻴ ﺮ ة اﻟﻨﺒ ﻮﻳ ﺔ‬
‫ا ﻟ ﻘ ﺮآ ن‬
‫اﻟ ﻤ ﺼ ﺤ ﻒ ا ﻹﻟ ﻜﺘ ﺮ وﻧ ﻲ‬
Friday September 28, 2018 – ICOSF – Definition of miserliness according to ‫ﺗ ﺮا ﺟ ﻢ أ ﺋ ﻤ ﺔ ا ﻟ ﻘ ﺮآ ن ا ﻟ ﻜ ﺮ ﻳ ﻢ‬
Lecture – Nihad Sakallah – Tips for Islamic teachings ‫ﺧ ﻄ ﺐ و ﻣ ﺤ ﺎ ﺿ ﺮا ت‬
Successful Management Praise be to Allah Firstly: Miserliness is a blameworthy ‫ﻋ ﻠ ﻮ م ا ﻟ ﻘ ﺮآ ن‬

characteristic, and what disease can be worse than

miserliness? The scholars...

Never belittle small good deeds !! THIS IS SO SAD! Powerful Is Slavery found nowadays? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Should I pray the Salah again if I did not pray with
Khushu (Concentration)?- Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
SPREADING FAKE NEWS Just Be Better – Hamza Yusuf Not giving Salam to a person who does not pray, does
(Motivational Video) not have a beard or sins openly- Assim AlHakeem
Quran of the Shia, The Mushaf of Fatima and the
Deviant Shia Aqeedah – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Surah Abasa | Qari Fatih Seferagic – Four Great Duas | Understand & How to Pray behind an Imam who is Praying sitting
Understand & Memorize Quran Memorize Duas The Easy Way down? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Burying nails and hair after cutting – Sheikh Assim Al
How To Increase Your Blessings – 03: The Islamic Personality – Shaykh Are the questions in the Grave for both Muslims and
Hamza Yusuf Abu Usamah At-Thahabi Non Muslims? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
For Marriage Counselling and other Counselling
Sessions with Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
What is Our Salaah Worth? Ustadh Safeguarding Your Tongue – Ustadh Covering the ears and turning right and left while giving
Zahed Fettah Adil Saleem the Azaan – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Is Qunoot before or after Ruku? – Sheikh Assim Al
My Journey ” A story Of Joining Islam My Journey ” A story Of Joining Islam” 01: Tafseer of Surah Al-Qiyamah (‫ﺳـﻮرة ااﻟﻘﻴﻤﺔ‬
ُ )–
” Episode 13 Episode 14 Shaykh Hafeezullah Khan
Verily With Hardship Comes Ease
Boundaries Between Hate Speech and Freedom of
Tests and Trials can make you Why All The Prophets Were Expression ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team
How To Getting Closer to Your Creator ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇
stronger Omar Suleiman Full HD Shepherds? Amazing | Mufti Menk
Dawah Team
What Caused Muslims to Doubt Islam ? ᴴᴰ ┇Nouman Ali
The Sin of Favoritism || Omar Suleiman The best motivational surah in the Khan┇ Dawah Team
How To Overcome Your Feelings of Sad, Worthless,
quran Full HD
Hopeless? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team
How Does Your Private Sins Affect Your Life ? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti

WHY PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) Those Around You || Mufti Menk Menk┇ Dawah Team
How To Keep The Spark Alive In Your Marriage ? ᴴᴰ
CRIED FOR THE FIRST TIME? ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team
Dua that releievs your stress | Mufti Story About Drinks Of Paradise ᴴᴰ ┇Nouman Ali Khan┇

Menk Dawah Team

How to Express Anger Without Hurting People ? ᴴᴰ
┇Nouman Ali Khan┇ Dawah Team
How to make Dua with Perspective ? TOLERANCE, TOGETHERNESS AND How To Improve the Way You Interact With People ? ᴴᴰ
┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team
ISLAM || Mufti Menk
Satan’s Strategy To Destroy Your Marriage Before It
Begins ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team
They Need Your Help | Mufti Menk People Forget About This Important Why Does Prayer Sometimes Feel So Boring? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti
Menk┇ Dawah Team
Blessing | Mufti Menk
How To Seek Help From Allah ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah

How To Guard Yourself Against Unanswered Prayers || Mufti Menk How Important to Establish Prayer in Fajr ? ᴴᴰ ┇Nouman
Ali Khan┇ Dawah Team
Shaitan? Omar Suleiman How To Become Friend of Your Rab ? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇
Giving Zakat To People Who Ask For Dawah Team

Money How To Improve Your Skills And Knowledge ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti

Menk┇ Dawah Team
Mathematical Numbers are not Expressions or
Making An Intention To Fast While In When To Make An Intention To Fast ? Metaphors of Divorce
Prophet Married ‘Aa’ishah When She Reached Puberty
Mortgage to Buy House in America
3 Steps To Overcome Slander About Visiting Taj Mahal
You The Importance of Setting Goals – Muiz Bukhary
From The Universe To The Sea, Allah Knows Everything
Seeking Knowledge Is Compulsory
I Can’t Enjoy The Night Prayer? Madina’s welcome || Prophet Can I Make Wudu New Nail Polish which is colorless ?
Should i Keep My dogs after i revert to islam
Muhammad (s) Ep 19 If Post delivery bleeding exceeds 40 days
Wiping Over Socks for women

How to Make Dua That Will Be Surely Don’t Wait For The Right Moment To How to pray if idont know much arabic ?
My Son Gives my Hard Times
Accepted ? ᴴᴰ ┇Funny Mufti Menk┇ Turnback ! ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah bleaching eyebrows and what about sheiks who on tv
Dawah Team Team programs with a women who putting makeup
Stories Of The Prophets 07 Nuh (AS) Mufti Ismail Menk
Stories Of The Prophets 08 Hud (AS) Mufti Ismail Menk
Most Important Blessings People Habit That Will Change Your Life Stories Of The Prophets 09 Saalih (AS) Mufti Ismail
Waste ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team Forever ᴴᴰ ┇Brother Mohamed Hoblos┇ Menk
Dawah Team Stories Of The Prophets 10 Ibraheem (AS) Part 1 Mufti
Ismail Menk
Ask Huda Jan 15th 2019 #HUDATV
You Won’t Do This Again in Your Things People Do That Makes Their Stories Of The Prophets 11 Ibraheem (AS) Part 2 Mufti
Lifetime ! ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Life Miserable ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Ismail Menk
Team Team

The 99 Names of Allah by Sheikh Life is Precious by Sheikh Sulaimaan THEY WILL LIE IN ALLAH’S FACE! (POWERFUL)

Shady Alsuleiman Ravat

Ruling on working with the odesk Islamic ruling on Gay Marriages and
website Homosexuality – Sheikh Assim Al
Praise be to Allah The website mentioned offers jobs Hakeem
where people can do work from home in return for a
fixed fee for each job, or payment... Is Wudu valid if we make it wearing
impure clothes – Sheikh Assim Al

Marriage without the consent of the Taking young children or babies to

woman’s wali – Hanafi Madhab – Umrah and Hajj – Sheikh Assim Al
Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem Hakeem

The ruling on making Hijra to a Muslim A STONE ! Looks like a human statue
country – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem :D SubhanAllah Beautiful views

A SECRET ABOUT THE FAMOUS Prayer is in Quality not Quantity

Women between Islam and Cultural,
What’s the truth?

Can you enumerate all the heartbeats My Journey “A story Of Joining Islam”
you had last far? Or will have? Episode 9

Gems Of The heart Sep 26th 2018 Repeating The Same Surah When

Reciting Long Surahs In One Sitting Rewards For Learning The Quran

My Journey “A story Of Joining Islam” My Journey “A story Of Joining Islam”

Episode 10 Episode 11

My Journey “A story Of Joining Islam” Gardens of the pious- Episode 414

Episode 12
Can a Wife take her Husband`s LAST
name? – Karim AbuZaid

Characteristics of the righteous wife The Reality of the Wordly Life| Imam
Praise be to Allah As this world is a stage that leads to Ahmedulhadi Sharif
the hereafter, in which man is tested to see what he will
do, so that he will... Lessons from the Hijrah of prophet
PBUH || Yusha Evans

Keeping the torch of Guidance Alight Hajj Resembles the Greatest Assembly
(2) || Yusha Evans of the Hereafter || Imam Ahmedulhadi

Sharing Our Treasure | Yusha Evans Meet Your Muslim Neighbors

Meet Your Muslim Neighbor | Friday September 21, 2018 Lecture –
ICOSF – Muhammad Mansour

Friday September 21, 2018 – Khutba – September 21, 2018 – Family Night –
ICOSF – Hasan Sultan ICOSF – Hasan Sultan


Muhammad Ziadeh – Understanding (Very Funny)
the Drug Culture

THE POWER OF YOUR EMOTIONS The Best of what Prophets (Pbuh) said
(Must Watch) | Understand & Memorize Duas The
Easy Way | 4A | Subtitled

Ep 8: 3 Lies Conveyed To Men by Best Explanation Of Life in

Pornography | Lost in Pornoland | Comparison to Football | Mufti Menk
How to Advice Someone in Islam |
Mufti Menk

Purpose of Life | Mufti Menk Types Of Tests Of Allah | Mufti Menk

3 THINGS YOU MUST DO EVERYDAY! Dont Curse Companions | 21st

Sister Yasmin Mogahed September 2018 | Mufti Menk |

HOW TO DEAL WITH BAD PEOPLE IN Responding to Insults – Shaykh Yahya

YOUR LIFE ~ Mufti Ismail Menk Ibrahim

Ihsan is to worship Allah as if you see “Indeed, We have adorned the nearest
Him heaven with an adornment of stars”

My Journey “A story Of Joining Islam” My Journey “A story Of Joining Islam”

Episode 5 Episode 6

Ask Huda Sep 25th 2018 My Journey “A story Of Joining Islam”

Episode 7

My Journey ” A story Of Joining Islam Du’aa 3 When Waking Up – Fortress Of

” Episode 8 The Muslim

He was not sure whether his garment Ruling on giving your own newborn to
had become impure (najis) after a childless sibling(Adoption) – Sheikh
urinating Assim Al Hakeem
Praise be to Allah The Sunnah is to urinate whilst sitting,
but if a man urinates whilst standing, there is no blame People who stop laymen from reading
on him, so long as... the hadith and Qur’an on their own –
Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Exaggerating the Udhiya/Qurbani ok? Sunnah ways of moving into a new

Slaughtering more than what is house – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
required – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Should we send salutations upon our
Prophet when we hear the athan &
Iqama? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Reaction to the ‘drawings’ of Prophet Types of Iddah – Sheikh Assim Al

salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam – Sheikh Hakeem
Assim Al Hakeem
Why did Muslims change their
direction of prayer from Jerusalem to
Makkah? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Why did Muslims pray towards Kabah Buying & Selling online or otherwise &
knowing there were Idols still there? – paying through card/cash on delivery –
Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem




HOME (Powerful) HAVE

My Journey “A story Of Joining Islam” Never Miss A Chance

Episode 2
The Power Of The Word

How To Maintain Steadfastness ? Gardens of the pious Episode 413

My Journey “A story Of Joining Islam” My Journey ” A story Of Joining Islam”

Episode 3 Episode 4

A woman married from a sinner who is A woman divorced from a man final
not participating Islam, what to do? divorce & wants to return to him

Three tips to HELP you Overcome Is the reward less if someone reads
Slander, Rumour & Gossip! Qur’an from a mobile phone or recites
from memory?
Praise be to Allah The best with regard to reading or
reciting Qur’an is that which will increase a person in
focus of mind. If he will...

Can we interact with Jinn. Is it shirk to Being Steadfast At The Time Of Death
ask them favours?
In Times Of Trails

Steadfastness Requires Allah’s Quran in Depth ” Surat Al an’aam 133 -

Guidance 137 “

Ask Huda Sep 23rd 2018 With The Prophet Episode 14 Sheikh
Assim Alhakeem

I don’t feel sakeenah (Tranquility, Using the drums in wedding

Peace of mind in my life)
The second coming of jesus (pbuh)

Should women cover their feet during My Journey “A story Of Joining Islam”
prayer at home Episode 1

Rights and duties of the mother’s FEATURED VIDEO: Are Muslims Anti-
husband and the stepdaughter Semitic?
Praise be to Allah The stepdaughter is the daughter of a Why register? This web site has several customizations
wife from someone other than her current husband; she made specifically for you, such as: your favorites, your
is permanently forbidden... history, marking articles you have previously...

FEATURED ARTICLE: Judaism (part 1 NEW ARTICLE: Chapter 83, Al-

of 4): An Introduction Mutaffifin (Those Who Deal in Fraud)
The Merriam Webster online dictionary defines Judaism Introduction This thirty-six verse chapter is towards the
as a religion developed among the ancient Hebrews end of the Quran where the chapters are short and were
and characterized by belief in one transcendent... predominantly revealed in Mecca. At...

You Don’t Need a Doctorate to Save How the Jins Can Hear the Angels ?
Souls – Coach Zubair Full HD

What is the proof that God exists ? Full Tafsir Surah Qasas || Mufti Menk
How to maintain a good Husband and
wife relationship ? Full HD

BerMuda Triangle Could Be Place of Private conversation with Allah Full HD

Shaytan !! True Story
Best time to make Dua

Works In a Hotel Comparative Website Playing With Games That Have Music
Question: I’m affiliated to a hotels comparative website Question: Salam, I read this fatwa of yours
on which people could compare and choose a hotel, so i
get commission from each visitor... page=showfatwa&Option=FatwaId&Id=375331In there,

It Is Not Apostasy Gifting non-Muslims is Permissible

Question: Salamualikum, . I have this problem for Question: Assalamu alaykum, is it allowed to give gifts
months now the problem is that i have an urge to laugh to non muslim colleague for his marriage without
on the intrusive thoughts that i get , whenever... attending the marriage ceremony? Answer: All...

Depressed Over the validity of Her Disbursing Usury Money

Marriage Question: Assalamu alaykum,I normally separate usury
Question: As salamu alaikum.Please look into my money from my halal money in the riba based bank I am
question 2705973. I am seriously sick and going crazy operating. On what can I disburse the usury...
over the issue and fear of Kufr. I cannot eat or...
Collective Du’aa’ after each prayer
Question: Assalamu alaykum, in most of the masjids in
our country the imam make congregational dua just
after salah. In that case is it must to leave...

Searching in Public Information is not Handling Shipments That Include Wine

Spying Question: Salamo alikom, I got a new job and I work as
Question: Does this come under as stalking? A person transport coordinator in Sweden, I handle transport
admires a student of knowledge or a non-student of shipments and make the booking for forwarding...
knowledge by searching information about them...
Should She Divulge Her Husband’s
Question: Salam. If a woman is planning to get married
to a well known male in the community who is not
known to wrong others, but when the woman married...

Working as a Representative in a Gas Maghrib Prayer – Shaykh Abu Suhaib

Production company al-Bassam
Question: Salam alaykum shaykh. I have one question.I
work in Bosnia as sales representative in company that Introduction to the Prophets &
produce and sale gases. Some of our customers... Messengers – Shaykh Abu Usamah At-

PlayStation or Ibadah? Shaykh Abu 3 THINGS YOU MUST DO EVERYDAY!

Usamah At-Thahabi


A WORD IF YOU SAY IT, IT WILL How The Devil Blinds You – Nouman

Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon

him” Episode 15 him” Episode 16

Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon

him” Episode 17 him” Episode 18

Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon

him” Episode 19 him” Episode 20

Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon

him” Episode 21 him” Episode 22

Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon

him” Episode 23 him” Episode 24

Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon

him” Episode 25 him” Episode 26
Practicing Islam through books A Beleif practiced in Pakistan is called
containing weak or fabricated ahadith _Wahdatul wujood_ and _ Wahdat us

What advice to give for someone who When should zakaah on crops and
is hearing strange sounds in his fruits be paid?
bedroom? Praise be to Allah Firstly: Zakaah on grains – which
includes foul and peas – should be given after they
have been shelled and any...

Why is this duniya so easy and Being kind with Neighbors – Sheikh
working for Paradise so difficult? – Assim Al Hakeem
Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
How to determine if Hajj is obligatory
or not due to old age & poor health? –
Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Characteristic of the People of Jannah What is the best Hajj

– Abdulbary Yahya
Wiping over transparent socks

Hair falling in the state of Ihram Best Format to pray sunnah 4 or 2 2

Renting out property to Bank Son Seperated from Father

Drive to Masjid will i get same reward Are you Patient? *Beautiful Reminder *
as walk to Masjid
Tears of the prophet..What about

Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 19 Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 20

Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 21 Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 32

Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 33 Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 34

Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 35 Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 36

Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 37 Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 38

Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 11 Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 12

Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 13 Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 14

Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 15 Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 16

Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 17 Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 18

Reason Behind Some People Are Rich Ruling on saying “There is no shyness
and Others Aren’t ? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ [haya’] in religion”
Dawah Team Praise be to Allah With regard to the phrase “There is
no shyness [haya’] in religion”, it is wrong. Rather haya’
is part of religion....

Shaytan Challenged Allah ! Keep knocking the door of Allah

LIT THE LIGHT OF THEIR LIFE ! 5 Personal Advise from Jibreel to

Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)| Omar
Suleiman Full HD

Three Recommendations for a Reminders From Surah Saad || Mufti

successful life HD Menk

Allah will give you a good life || Yasir You Have to Desire that change !!
Qadhi Powerful
It’s Our Responsibility ! Justice between Parents and Children
|| Omar Suleiman

The Book of the Gardens of the Muslims in East Turkestan are Calling
Righteous by Sh. Shady Alsuleiman

ISLAM IS RELEVANT TO EVERY Lessons From Isra Wal Mi’raaj –


06: Living the Names of Allah (‫ﻪ‬ ُ َ ‫ﺤﺎﻧ‬

َ ْ ‫ﺳﺒ‬
ُ 02: The Islamic Personality – Shaykh
‫ﻌﺎﻟ َﻰ‬
َ َ‫و ﺗ‬
َ ) – Shaykh Aqeel Mahmood Abu Usamah At-Thahabi

Purification of Salaah – Ustadh Zahed “They did not Hold Allah (‫و‬ َ ‫ﻪ‬
ُ َ ‫ﺤﺎﻧ‬
َ ْ ‫ﺳﺒ‬
Fettah َ ‫ﻌﺎ‬
‫ل‬ َ َ ‫ )ﺗ‬in His True Esteem” – Shaykh
Ahsan Hanif

Salat-ul-Maghrib – Shaykh Abu Suhaib The Evil Effects of Sins – Shaykh Abu


(Powerful) (Powerful)

JUST BLAME SHAYTAAN Can a child give athan even if an adult

is available? – Sheikh Assim Al

Is it possible to know who has done How should I respond when someone
black magic on you? – Sheikh Assim praises me? – Sheikh Assim Al
Al Hakeem Hakeem

Can we enter Paradise because of our Saying in sha Allah while making an
deeds or because of Allah’s Mercy? – oath – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Parents do not allow me to visit my
friends, how should I deal with this? –
Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Investing in so called Islamic Why Prisoners are ACCEPTING ISLAM

Crowdfunding – Sheikh Assim Al
Hakeem Most Powerful Dua in Everyday Early
Morning ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team

How To Increase Your Wealth, Success The Powerful Emotional Dua Will Make
And Productivity ? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ You Cry ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team
Dawah Team
Being a Woman: A Curse or a Blessing
? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team

Prophet Muhammad (s) Ep 18 | Prophet Correct Your Recitation Sep 20th 2018
Enter Madina #HUDATV

Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon

him” Episode 7 #HUDATV him” Episode 8 #HUDATV

Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon Doing Tawaaf and completing the

him” Episode 9 #HUDATV Qur’aan on behalf of the deceased
Praise be to Allah It is better not to do that, because
there is no evidence (daleel) for that. But it is prescribed
for you to give in...

ALLAH WILL GIVE YOU SO MUCH Sad, Worthless, Hopeless? | Ask

SOON || MUFTI MENK Nouman Ali Khan – 2018

Your Social Media Profile After Death | Quickest Ways To Get Into Paradise |
Mufti Menk Mufti Menk
Do Not Die Except In The Condition Of Allah Creates Men Invents | Mufti Menk
Submission | Mufti Menk

These 2 things will destroy your Emaan Powerful Points From 16 Juz || Mufti

Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) Status of the Companions and their

|| Mufti Menk Sacrifices || Mufti Menk

Challenges Facing the Muslims in the Why Hijab wearing muslim womens are
West – Adnan Rashid portrayed as Extremist?

Gems Of The heart Sep 19th 2018 Greeting With Salam Earns Rewards

Being Steadfast Is Weakening Islam Cannot Be Altered

Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon Who is Muhammad “Peace be upon

him” Episode 3 him” Episode 4

Who is Muhammad ” Peace be upon Who is Muhammad ” Peace be upon

him” Episode 5 him” Episode 6

What are the Prophetic supplication in Gardens of the pious – Episode 412
the ‘sujood’ of night prayers?
What is the best time to make Dua to
Allah (SWT)?

Will my small charity is accepted in Are Shias Disbelievers? – Dr Mohamed

front of Allah? Salah

Response to a dubious question about He opened an account in the bank, and

where Allah is if the angels are they gave him life insurance for free
carrying the Throne Praise be to Allah Firstly: With regard to opening an
Praise be to Allah Firstly: What is indicated by many account in a riba-based bank, in principle, what is
texts is that Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, is agreed upon is that what is...
above all of His creation,...
The Man Who Entered Paradise Before

Wiping over the neck in wudu Why does Allah test me?

The Legacy Of The Prophets Productive Muslimah -Part 1

Productive Muslimah-Part 2 We are nothing!!! Amazing reminder!

Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 22 Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 24

Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 23 Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 25

Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 27 Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 26

Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 29 Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 28

Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 30 Umdatul Ahkaam -Prayer- Part 31

Umdatul Ahkaam – Introduction – Part Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 2

Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 3

Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 4 Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 5

Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 6 Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 7

Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 8 Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 9

Umdatul Ahkaam – Purity – Part 10 All you Need to know about Fasting
Ashoora – Abdur Raheem McCarthy

Zakat & Charity to relatives first, even Can we sacrifice a Pregnant Sheep or
if others are more deserving? – Sheikh Cow? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Assim Al Hakeem
Is it permissible to expose someone’s
sins/ character for the purpose of
marriage? – Assim Al Hakeem

Can we combine prayers without any Reward points from credit cards –
reason even when I’m a resident? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Marrying in the Month of Muharram
and Ramadan – Sheikh Assim Al

How to increase your Iman? – Sheikh Ruling on reciting the dua after
Assim Al Hakeem completing the Qur’an – Sheikh Assim
Al Hakeem




Angel Jibreel Strikes The Ground – People Will Follow What They Used To
Zamzam Miracle Worship

Is it allowed to keep birds in a house Is it permissable to use mouthwash

as pets? that contains Alcohol ?

Is It better to cut off ties with Ex- Is their a particular supplication for
Husband? those who are under stress of exams
and need help?

Gardens of the pious Episode 411 From Birth to Death Episode (4)

From Birth to Death Episode (5) Sister is Shy to declare her Shahadah
in public -Did she hiding the faith

Praying behind the Imam who follows Is touching person of oppposite sex
Bida’ah break ablution ?

From Birth to Death Episode (6) From Birth to Death Episode (7)

From Birth to Death Episode (8) Spiritual Conversation – Mufti Menk &
Musa Adnan

There are saheeh reports about the FEATURED VIDEO: The Story of Jesus
virtues of Bilaad ash-Shaam (Greater Why register? This web site has several customizations
Syria), so why are there so many made specifically for you, such as: your favorites, your
people in that region who are far away history, marking articles you have previously...
from any religious commitment?
Praise be to Allah There is a great deal of sound NEW ARTICLE: The Signs of God (part
evidence concerning the virtues of ash-Shaam (Greater 2 of 2)
Syria) in the Qur’an and the... 4) Nature What is present on earth in the form of
forests, rivers, mountains, waterfalls, oceans, and
diverse plant and animal species is truly something...

Reason Behind All Prophets Were Funny Gay Story on a Flight || Mufti
Shepherds ? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Menk
Virtues of Fasting on Ashura
(Muharram (9th,10th and 11th) Full HD
Dua of Adam vs Dua of Shaitan Full HD 38a | Understand Quran and Salaah
Easy Way


Ismail Menk Khan

HAWA (Very Powerful Term) – Must Spend Time With Your Children ~ Mufti
Watch Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Ismail Menk

BEST REMINDER EVER – Hamza Yusuf How Important is Dua? Shaykh Abu
(Motivational) Usamah At-Thahabi

Taking The Message of Islam to Japan Treasure Hunt Episode 13

Is it permissible to listen to Islamic Allah Will Ask Non Believers Where

Song that Contains Music ? Their Intercessors Are

Everyone Will Only Think About A Powerful Ayat About The Day Of
Themselves Resurrection

What’s the best way to Thank Allah ? When to stop praying or fasting
regarding the monthly period ?

Who are Yagoog & Magoog “gogs & With The Prophet Episode 12 Sheikh
magogs” ? Assim Alhakeem

Inheritance; how to distribute the How to repent from breaking many

wealth? oaths?

Quran in Depth -Surat Al an’aam 128 - Wishing islamic new year and jumu’ah
132 mubarak

How can someone pay zakaah who is THE FRIEND THAT’S ALWAYS
owed money, does business and owes COMPLAINING
Praise be to Allah Firstly: Whoever possesses wealth HAWA (Very Powerful Term) – Must
must give zakaah on it, even if he owes a debt, because Watch
zakaah is obligatory upon...


REMINDER TO THOSE WHO ARE Allah Will make a way out for you ||

Most Motivational Surah in The Quran Points from Surah Al Furqaan || Mufti
|| Nouman Ali Khan Menk

Happy Husband & Wife Relationship || Do these two things Allah will help you
Tips From The Dream of Yusuf || Mufti !!
Points from Surah Sajdah Ahzaab and
Sabaa || Mufti Menk

Wearing red for men and is the prayer The joint family system in Islam, duty
valid if men wore red and prayed? – towards in laws and free mixing –
Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Zakat: Who is classified as Poor and Who is a Dayyoth? (A man with no

Needy – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem jealousy & honor about his women
folk) – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Here’s why Muslims had NOTHING to The Tongue On The Day Of Judgement
do with 911
Treasure Hunt Episode 5
Treasure Hunt Episode 6 Treasure Hunt Episode 7

The presence of male doctors or Two Prophets are alive in the heaven &
assistants during child birth two in the earth, is this true

Trading stocks, is it allowed Using medical tools to postpone

having children

Treasure Hunt Episode 8 Treasure Hunt Episode 9

Treasure Hunt Episode 10 Treasure Hunt Episode 11

Treasure Hunt Episode 12 Virtue and Reason of Fasting Ashoora

(10th of Muharram)

What to Do After Committing a Sin in What Is Halal Meat And Why Should
Islam ? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team You Care? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah

Why Should You Love Creatures ? ᴴᴰ The value of the currency has changed,
┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team how can the loan be repaid?
Praise be to Allah What is required of one who takes a
loan from another person in a particular currency is to
return it in the same currency,...

Du’aa 2 When Waking Up – Fortress Of Lessons From the Hijrah of the Prophet
The Muslim PBUH | Imam Ahmedulhadi Sharif

Friday September 14, 2018 – Lecture – Friday September 14, 2018 – Khutba –
ICOSF Hasan Sabri – Significance of the Hijra

Muharram: The Month of Allah swt | LEAVE YOUR WIFE IN BED! Shaykh
Subtitled Bilal Assad

Lesson 1-70 | Understand Quran and LEAVE YOUR WIFE IN BED!

Salaah The Easiest Way

HARAM HABITS (Powerful) 01: The Islamic Personality – Shaykh

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi

Obligation of Salaah – Ustadh Zahed Our Belief: Love for the Companions –
Fettah Shaykh Zakaullah Saleem

It is permissible for a woman to cut her In Jannah you get what you want Full
hair for the purpose of adornment, and HD
there is nothing wrong with that
Praise be to Allah Firstly: What the scholars have stated What are The 3 Pillars of Eemaan ?
is prohibited with regard to a woman cutting her hair, is Yasir Qadhi
the following: 1. If...

Lessons on Justice and Mercy || Mufti


Who are the Good People ? Nouman Two Advise From Allah Full HD
Ali Khan
Love of the Qur’aan || Mufti Menk

One of the Most Amazing Quran Which Special People Allah Loves ?
Recitations in the world | Similar to Nouman Ali Khan
Abdul Basit
what Shaytan Promised Allah ? Mufti
Menk Full HD

Loving One Another for the sake of Sulaiman Married Hossain !! Shocking
Allah || Mufti Menk True Story || Gay Marriage || Mufti Menk
When and How a Jin can Enter your The World’s Fastest Growing Refugee
Body Full HD Crisis !!

Muhammad PBUH A Source of Peace || Ruling on staying with a husband who

Mufti Menk does not pray or fast – Sheikh Assim Al

Muslim Inventions that Changed The Ruling on eating synthetic meat

World produced by using stem cells
Praise be to Allah. We have already discussed stem
cells and the permissibility of using them for medical
treatment if their source is permissible....

Stop using your children as a weapon How to deserve Allah’s love?

in divorce
The ideal phrase is that which is short
and to the point

Prophet Muhammad (s) Ep 17 | Can the Beard Be Trimmed and for

Prophet’s escape What Size

Can we pray 4 Rakats in one unit A Friend in her late Thirty’s Found a
Sunnah prayer Christian and want to marry

Treasure Hunt Episode 4 Can women pray funeral prayer at


Concerning her brother who suffering The Journey to the Last Day Eps 13 Dr
from epilepsy Maan Kousa

The Journey to the Last Day Eps 12 Dr The Prophet’s Prayer Episode 11 How
Maan Kousa to Develop Khushu’ 3 Dr Mohamed

Delaying the Fajir Prayer He is married from a woman & she has
a daughter When she will reach
puberty, what should he do

Is a woman allowed to chat with men Some of my friends shape their

through Internet in order to get married eyebrows, how do I deal with them

The Prophet’s Prayer Episode 10 How Medical students, are they allowed to
to Develop Khushu’ 2 examine dead bodies

Women’s Rights in Islam by Brother The Day of A’shura & Significance of

Shah Kirit this Month by Sheikh Shady

Is the Quran Your Compass? Shaykh 05: Living the Names of Allah (‫ﻪ‬ ُ َ ‫ﺤﺎﻧ‬
َ ْ ‫ﺳﺒ‬
Yahya Ibrahim ‫ﻌﺎﻟ َﻰ‬
َ َ‫و ﺗ‬
َ ) – Shaykh Aqeel Mahmood

Allah Smiles At Such A Person Is it a valid divorce if husband

threatens it? 3 divorces in one sitting,
how to get a fatwa for it?

Holding the Qur’an over the head of the How to perform Witr when praying
bride while she’s being seen off – three rakahs? – Sheikh Assim Al
Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem Hakeem

Depressed and heartbroken due to Using toilet paper to clean oneself after
haram relationship ending – Sheikh urinating or defecating – Sheikh Assim
Assim Al Hakeem Al Hakeem

Going to Peers and Maulanas & Ruling Can a Muslim study Law? – Sheikh
on hanging Ayahs of the Quran on Assim Al Hakeem
walls – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Noble act of looking the other way-
Being lenient & overlooking
shortcomings of others -

Should elders and bosses ignore the Cure for cancer – Sheikh Assim Al
mistakes of youngsters & those who Hakeem
work for them – Assimalhakeem



How to Change Your Life for the Better Virtues of Muharram and Fasting on
ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team Ashura ᴴᴰ ┇Dr. Zakir Naik┇ Dawah

Does the Qur’an mention the bliss of If he has repented from pointing the
the believing women in Paradise? way to sin, will Allah forgive him even
Praise be to Allah Allah, may He be exalted, says, though the impact of his bad deed is
mentioning the bliss of the believing women in Paradise ongoing?
(interpretation of the meaning): “Allah... Praise be to Allah If you though it most likely that the
one who asked you where the shop was, was asking so
that he could buy cigarettes...

Ask Huda Sep 11th 2018 Having plastic surgery to beautify


The Journey to the Last Day Eps 6 Dr The Journey to the Last Day Eps 7 Dr
Maan Kousa Maan Kousa

The Journey to the Last Day Eps 8 Dr The Prophet’s Prayer Episode 6
Maan Kousa (Simulation for the Prayer 4) Dr
Mohamed Salah

The Prophet’s Prayer -Episode 7 Hanging names of Allah and quranic

(Requirements That Make the Prayer verse on wall
Valid ) Dr Mohamed Salah
Dua for the parents who passed away

Dua at The time of Hardship Going to a male gyneogist

If a couple decided to get divorced, to Treasure Hunt Episode 1

whom the children will go
With The Prophet- Episode 11 Sheikh
Assim Alhakeem

Gems Of The heart Sep 12th 2018 Meaning of Subhaan Allah (‫ﺳﺒﺤﺎن‬
‫ – )اﻟﻠﻪ‬Abu Hafsah

Back Door Entrance to Jannah – 21: Fiqh of Prayer – Shaykh Zakaullah

Ustadh Ali Hammuda Saleem

The Few by Sheikh Omar El-Ghaz The New Islamic Year 1440

A Treasure from Jannah | Understand Charging for Religious Events | Mufti

& Memorize Duas The Easy Way | 3A Menk

Importance Of Reading The Qur’an Shaykh Hamza Yusuf – Shaytans

With It’s Meaning | Mufti Menk Madhab: Divide and conquer

Earning & Spending | Greenwich The Best Of People | East London

Islamic Centre, London | Mufti Menk Mosque | Mufti Menk

Tafsir Surat Al-Naje’at | Imam Friday September 7, 2018 – Khutba –

Ahmedulhadi Sharif ICOSF – Hasan Sabri – Death is not
only physical

Friday September 7, 2018 – Lecture – Excel Academically & Religiously with

ICOSF – Yousef Ismail our Innovative Tarbiyah program |
Empowering the World

The Journey to the Last Day Eps 2 – Dr Dispersing Donations Correctly

Maan Kousa
How To Donate To Huda TV?

Using Contraception Because You The Prophet’s Prayer Episode 4

Don’t Want Another Child Simulation for the Prayer 2 Dr
Mohamed Salah

The Prophet’s Prayer Episode 5 Gardens of the pious Episode 409

Simulation for the Prayer 3 Dr
Mohamed Salah The Journey to the Last Day Eps 3 Dr
Maan Kousa

The Journey to the Last Day Eps 4 Dr The Journey to the Last Day Eps 5 Dr
Maan Kousa Maan Kousa

A wife giving her husband all his Bad Relation between Husband & Wife
rights, but he is still not satisfied! By Mufti Menk

Best Dua to teach our childrens Dr Be kind with your wife- Dr Mohamed
Mohamed Salah Salah

Can we play surat Al Baqara from a CD Zikr Challenge !! The Three

to protect from devils Prescription of Yasmin Mogahed

Islam Beyond Race and Colour || Mufti Allah will accept all of your Dua’s just
Menk one condition | Mufti Menk

Why Does this happen to me ? Don’t give up your Dream Because of

Nouman Ali Khan Others || Super Motivational || Mufti

How Allah advised Musa to talk to Issues raised in Surah Nisaa || Mufti
pharaoh? Menk

Don’t Make Marriage Difficult !! Mufti How To Face Tough Realities with a
Menk Brave Heart ? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti mENK┇ Dawah

How Good Manners Can Change Your Should I Honor My Parents After
Life ? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team Marriage ? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah

Ruling on Muslims participating in the NEW ARTICLE: The Signs of God (part
Hindu festival of Holi 1 of 2)
Praise be to Allah Firstly: The festival mentioned in the God wants guidance for humankind, and to show the
question is a festival of the Hindus, and others such as right path He sent books and revelations. For example,
the Sikhs, Buddhists... He sent the “Suhaf” to Abraham,...


Hafeezullah Khan

WHEN SOMEONE MAKES DUA Adam Asks Allah A Very Wise

This Touched The Heart Of Our Life is a test and you will be tested
What regret Tawbah requires

Jesus was NOT a WHITE Man & his A Story which bring tears to Eye By
name was NOT Jesus! Mufti Menk

Islamic View of Aliens Children Nasheed, 99 Names of Allah

With The Prophet Episode 10 Sheikh Eating Iftar In Ramadan Tents

Assim Alhakeem
Are Tips Classed As Charity?

Quran in Depth “Surat Al an’aam 122- Ask Huda Sep 9th 2018
Will Jinn and Human enter Jannah
(Paradise) together ?

My Wife refuses to pray 5 Times The Prophet’s Prayer – Episode 1

(Funny) Introduction Dr Mohamed Salah

The Prophet’s Prayer -Episode 2 (The The Niqab – Dr Muhammad Salah

Importance of the Prayer) Dr Mohamed
Salah The Prophet’s Prayer – Episode 3
(Simulation for the Prayer 1) Dr
Mohamed Salah

Are Shia Muslims? The Mufti Is Accountable and the

Layman Follows a Trustworthy Scholar
Question: On this temporary planet, earth, Allah sent
down His Prophets and Messengers to their people to
know Allah and to be on His straight path. Today,...

Forgetting the Quran out of Negligence Matters Related to Lawsuits

is a Sin Question: As Salamu Alaikum my question in Islam in a
Question: I memorised some Surahs and a few Sharia Court if a Plaintiff has two or four Witnesses
scattered sentences from the Quran but forgot them due what if the Defendant swears a oath he did...
to negligence. Recently I found that some scholars,...
A Small Percentage of Alcohol in
Cosmetic Products
Question: what is cetyl alcohol? Is it like forbidden
alcohol? is it permitted to use in cosmetic products like
face wash ,soap,shampoo, lotion, medicine,...

Conditions of Paying Zakaat to Hardships Caused by His Brother

Relatives Cause Him to Lie
Question: Aslamu alykom warahmatulah wabarakathoIs Question: Scholars, I have an issue with lying. To my
it ok if you give Zakat to relatives like grandpa, aunt or brother, I find myself lying to him over little things such
like that?is zakat only have to be given... as whether or not I have ironed my clothes...

Phone Sex Is Not Real Zina Offended by Her Friend Who Refused
Question: 1. If any person did phone sex with any to Seek Her Pardon
women/girl and during the phone sex they both Question: AsSalaamu alaykum wa ragmatullaahi wa
fantasize having sex together and sounding like barakaatuh Please let me know how to respond to a
having... muslim who, when one tells them about something

Unspecific Cases of Divorce Is Writing a School Board about Magic

Question: I would like to know the value of promise in Kufr?
Islam. When I got married with my husband, I asked as Question: Assalam alaikum I am a student and I am
my mahr to be his wife in this life and in... forced to write a school board project on magic will this
make me a kafir ? Answer: All perfect praise...

Loving to Sin is not Disbelief Investigating the Soundness of the

Question: I was wondering, is someone who loves Slaughtering Done By Muslims
commiting a sin a kafir? I read this by ibn qayyim:But if Question: In our country,meat of chicken is found in
he does not hate them and does not fear Allah... shop ready made or they are slaughtered immediately
before selling.In both cases, should we investigate...

Committing Sins Openly Does Not Supplicate and Do Not Despair from
Render a Person a Disbeliever the Mercy of Allah
Question: Scholars, I had a question on sins:1. Does Question: Often when I make dua I worry that possibly it
boasting of ones sins make them a kafir? I read that ibn won’t be answered or even if it is answered it will be
uthaymeen said one who does so should be... answered in a form other than what I...

Studying Psychology is Permissible Muslim Woman Befriending Non-

Question: Asalaam aleykoum.There is a job as an Muslim Females
“Education administrator” at a university (in the west), Question: I have a big dilemma because of fatwa
where you work as a course administrator... number 87176. You say there that a Muslim woman is
not allowed to befriend Muslim men and non-muslim

Winning the Bid by Bribing Allah Is Not a Synonym for God

Question: Salam Aliakum I run a scrap business which Question: A lot of nonmuslims are using nowadays the
means that I buy and sell waste metals from mostly name „Allah“ (swt) as a synonym for „God“. This has let
construction factories. I buy the waste of the... to big problems since a lot of people...

DNA Results Cannot Deny One’s Using Hand in Wife’s Vagina When in
Lineage Menses
Question: Salam alaykum warahmatullah wa Question: Can I use my hand to my wives vagina during
barakatuh.I converted to islam 6 years ago, her menstruation for pleasing her? With or without any
Alhamdulillah. I’m born and raised in scandinavia, and pajama? Answer: All perfect praise be to...
Paying for monthly Internet service
even though he only uses it for a few
Praise be to Allah There is nothing wrong with signing
up for high-speed Internet service (DSL) in return for a
fixed monthly fee, whether...

How to Avoid Spiritual Numbness – WHY ME? (Must Watch) Ustadh

Omar Sulaiman Nouman Ali Khan

Who Are The People That Inherit A Studio to Change the World
Firdaus(The Highest part of Paradise)?

Prayer For Prosperity and Financial How to Communicate with the Creator
Blessings ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah ? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team
Live from Mevo

04: Living the Names of Allah (‫ﻪ‬ ُ َ ‫ﺤﺎﻧ‬

َ ْ ‫ﺳﺒ‬
ُ Jum’ah Khutbah – Shaykh Hafeezullah
‫ﻌﺎﻟ َﻰ‬
َ َ‫و ﺗ‬
َ ) – Shaykh Aqeel Mahmood Khan

Have You Tried to Reserve a Room in Allah created you for a reason || Make a
Jannah – Ustadh Ali Hammuda difference || Motivational

How Allah teaches patience to Musa ? Have a Big Heart || Mufti Menk
Nouman Ali Khan
Being Religious Doesn’t mean you are
Perfect || Powerful Reminder

Change now and become a better It’s Your Duty || Mufti Menk
person || Yasir Qadhi
Fill Up Your Life with Good Deeds ||
Nouman Ali Khan

Expect Good From Allah Nouman Ali If Make up has haram ingredients, can
Khan Full HD we apply it or pray while wearing it? –
Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

How to deal with abusive parents who Untold Stories of World and Islamic
take advantage of their power? – History – Dr Abdullah Hakeem Quick
Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem Eps 5

Untold Stories of World and Islamic Orphans in Kenya about to LOSE their
History – Dr Abdullah Hakeem Quick Homes!
Eps 6
The call of Ibrahim (AS) by Sh. Shady

The call of Ibrahim (AS) by Sheikh Stories from the Quran by Brother
Shady Alsuleiman Anas Yaghmour

MESSAGE TO ALL HIJABIS (Powerful) WHY ME? (Must Watch)


MINOR SINS (Beautiful Answer)



THE FASTEST GROWING CRISIS IN Israeli Jews Converting to Islam

A Moment With Allah Full HD

Animals and Birds Live in How Zina Takes Place – An Eye Opener
Communities | Miracles of the Quran | – Nouman Ali Khan
Surah Al Alaq -Qari Fatih Seferagic –
Understand & Memorize Quran

What Are Deeds? | Mufti Menk MESSAGE TO ALL HIJABIS (Powerful)

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan

Framing how rights work in marriage || Muslim Woman Role in Dawah

Omar Suleiman
Correct Your Recitation Sep 6th 2018

Yusuf Estes – Why can a man have 4 Yusuf Estes – Why do Muslim pray to
wives in Islam ? the East ?

Yusuf Estes – Why there is a deception Untold Stories of World and Islamic
in the Quran about Jesus on the History- Dr Abdullah Hakeem Quick
cross? Eps 3

Untold Stories of World and Islamic Du’aa When Waking Up – Fortress Of

History -Dr Abdullah Hakeem Quick The Muslim
Eps 4
The correct way of dealing for those
whose business is money transfer
Praise be to Allah Firstly: It is permissible to transfer
cash from one city to another in return for a fee paid to
the one who transfers...

Dresscode when praying & prayer valid Special Question & Answer Session –
if you found a hole in the clothes? – Part || – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Sheikh Assimalhakeem
Can I repeat the Fateha if I did not
focus properly while reciting – Sheikh
Assim Al Hakeem

Reciting Surah Mulk before going to Is Science the only answer? – Sheikh
bed – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem Assim Al Hakeem

How many Takbeer to make whlie you The Signs of Acceptance and Rejection
join imam when he is not standing – of Deeds ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team
Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
The Mystery Behind Your Anxiety and
Depression ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah

How to Protect Your Marriage From How to Get Through a Difficult Time in
Divorce ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team Your Marriage ? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇
Dawah Team

With The Prophet Episode 9 Gems Of The heart Sep 5th 2018

Be Generous With Knowledge, Advice, Financial Generosity

Following Prayer Timetables In

Yusuf Estes – What do I say to be Yusuf Estes – What is bad breath?

protected from evil ?
Yusuf Estes – What is kafer (non

Yusuf Estes – What is the amout of Yusuf Estes -What is the best way to
dowry to give in marriage? get closer to Allah?

Dawah In Perspective | Diary of A Yusuf Estes – What is the kaaba &

Da’ee Hijab?

Yusuf Estes – Where is Allah ? Gardens of the pious Episode 408

Untold Stories of World and Islamic Untold Stories of World and Islamic
History -Dr Abdullah Hakeem Quick History – Dr Abdullah Hakeem Quick
Eps 1 Eps 2

Doctors Are Not Obliged to Work End of Service Benefits

Through NHS Question: Fatwa question:I worked in a multi-national oil
Question: Assalam alykum warahmatullahi services company, then left the company after 24 years
wabarakatu.Under the uk law Dr’s must have approx..The company give their employee...
professional insurance/indemnity against liabilities that
might... Producing a Game and Earning From It
Question: I want to develop a game which will not
contain any haram things.But still i am in confusion that
its earning will haram because people waste...

Saying ‘The hell to the time’ Should One Pray the Witr with the
Question: Salam. Is it permissible for a Muslim to say Imam or Individually
“the hell to the time (or any other matter)” and “sucked Question: ASSALAAMU ALAIKUM WA
the hell out”? Answer:... ROHMATULLOHI WABARAKAATUH Sheikh,in our
country people follows Hanafi Madhab,thus in the
RAMADAAN after Taraweeh the Imam...

Removing Her Thick Eyebrow Hair Following the Imam Whilst Praying
Question: Assalamu AlaykumI have a question Outside the Masjid
regarding a medical treatment I am using for hair loss. Question: ‫اﻟﺴﻼم ﻋﻠﻴﻜﻢ و رﺣﻤﺔ اﻟﻠﻪ و ﺑﺮﻛﺎﺗﻪ‬What are the
After multiple pregnancies and breastfeeding I am... essential conditions which make it allowed to pray
outside the masjid...

Are Deobandis, Maturidis and Obsessed about Impurities

Mu’tazilah Muslims? Question: Asalam o alaikum,My question is regarding
Question: assalam alikum I was just wondering are the characteristics of Vaseline or petroleum jelly tht is
deobandi muslims still muslims or are the kafirs and are oily in nature. I want to ask whether these...
mutazalites still muslims or not Answer: All...
Washing Private Parts When
Performing Ghusl
Question: If one forgots to wash his private parts as is
required after emission of maniy (emission after sexual
intercourse with one’s wife, or...

Question about a Deviant Person in Benefiting from discount coupons

India Question: assalamu alaikum!!i have a question about
Question: Shia Ahle Tashi, whose name is Sayyed online shopping!!there is one app named as jollychic…i
Waseem Rizvi, who lives in Lucknow India.This Wasim buy stuff from there..there is one place...
Rizvi has been campaigning against Muslims of
Hindustan,... Enjoy Worshipping Allah ‫ﺳﺒﺤﺎﻧﻪ و‬
‫ – ﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ‬Shaykh Ahsan Hanif

The Sunnah is the Fortress of the The Tool to Repair Eeman – Ustadh Ali
Muslim – Shaykh Abu Suhaib al- Hammuda

Best Advice To Get The Help Of Allah The Khulafaa’ Series Part 4/4 | ‘Ali bin
Abi Talib – Hafiz Badran Hamood ur

Yusuf Estes – Islamic Education Yusuf Estes – Parents treatment &


Yusuf Estes – Predestination Yusuf Estes – Prophet Jesus

mentioned the coming of Prophet

Yusuf Estes – Relationships with non Yusuf Estes – Sister converted to Islam
Muslims and asking about her disbeliever

Yusuf Estes – Smoking The Value Of Generosity

Generosity Is A Road To Jannah Prophet Muhammad’s Generosity In


Ask Huda Sep 4th 2018 Quran and Science “The massive
Depth Of The Earth

Quran and Science “The Running Quran and Science “The fertilizing
Water” Wind”

Selling My Way company products This one thing will Directly take you to
without getting involved in multilevel Jannah || Mufti Menk
Praise be to Allah In the answer to question no. 154229, 3 Qualities of a True Friend Full HD
we explained the ruling on the marketing practices
followed in the My Way company,...
You have Good News From Allah ||
Mufti Menk

5 life lessons from Jibreel Full HD Light Up The Hopes in Their Hearts !!

Emotional story of Prophet Muhmmad Connection With Revelation || Mufti

(PBUH) || Mufti Menk Menk

Friday August 31, 2018 – ICOSF – YOUR KID MATTERS! – BIG

Khutba – Hasan Sabri – Friday REMINDER TO PARENTS (Must Watch)
guidelines and expected behavior
(Watch This)

A Woman as a scholar in Islam, What Repel evil by that deed which is better
do you know about Aisha (ra)?
Effective Communication in Islam –
Ismail Bullock

FEATURED ARTICLE: The Limits of NEW ARTICLE: Guidance in Islam

Human Free Will God, through His grace, mercy and generosity guides
From the outset, we should point out that this is an whom He wills and through His fairness doesn’t guide
issue in which the world’s greatest minds have applied whom He wills. God’s guidance, as many converts...
themselves, and on account of which many...
The hardest questions in philosophy~
Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan

Disbelief Comes After Belief – Hamza Narration Which is 1/4th of The

Yusuf Complete Deen | Mufti Menk

Importance of Cleaning The Heart | Can a Muslim Go Through Depression?

Mufti Menk Yasir Qadhi

Freshen Your Tongue with How To Get Inner Peace? Mufti Menk
Remembrance of Allah !
Balance in Life || Mufti Menk

Attitude Towards Life’s Tests || Mufti The Relation Between Quran and
Menk Science

Quran and Science ” The Creation Of Quran and Science ” The Day And The
The Sky and Earth “ Night “

Quran and Science” The Perfection Of Quran and Science “The Ascension to
Sky’s Creation “ The sky “

Quran and Science ” The Unseen Yusuf Estes – Can we eat meat of
pillars Of The Sky “ people of the book ?

Quran and Science “The Stars” Yusuf Estes – Celebrating birthdays

Yusuf Estes – Do all Christians use the Yusuf Estes – Feeling depressed
same bible ? asking about Music & TV

Yusuf Estes – Going to a non Muslim Yusuf Estes – How to convince

doctor teenagers to pray ?

Yusuf Estes – How to get my parents to Yusuf Estes – How to make someone
follow real Islam ? to be a Muslim ?



Steps to Get You Closer to Allah (SWT) Did the Prophet (blessings and peace
ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team of Allah be upon him) issue rulings and
instructions on the basis of his own
opinion (ijtihad)?
Praise be to Allah Firstly: To start with, we appreciate
your keenness to learn Islam and understand it.
Knowledge is a light that illuminates...

Her Husband Does Not Fast Ramadan Severely Affected With Whispers about
Question: I just married my husband 4 months ago, we Ritual Purity
are now expecting a baby. When I married him I was Question: Salam aleikom, i have been having a problem
under the impression that he fasts and prays but... for awhile now regarding the validity of my ghusl, i as a
person suffer from severe OCD, due to...

No Vow in What You Said Music in Paradise

Question: Basically I woke up and thought I need to go Question: Assalamu-Aleykoom, I know that music is
get a haircut , then a thought came to me that haircuts forbidden, but just as there is wine in heaven that is
of the type I get are haram etc. Then I... obviously superior to anything on earth, is there...

Abundant Doubts about Wudu, Ghusl Riba-based Investment Certificates

and Prayer Question: A person who lives on “house rent” pays
Question: Assalamu Alaikum, I get doubts sometimes zakat and other taxes regularly. On top of those, he has
regarding wudhu, ghusl, salah…whether I have done to pay a large sum as income tax....
these acts correctly or not, whether my intention...
Unreliable Sites Talking About Hoor
Question: Aslaam alaikum shaikh I found this on an anti
Islamic site called Wikiislam1. “Ali reported that the
Apostle of Allah said, “There...
Wudhoo’ is Not a Condition for A Book with a Picture of an Unveiled
Supplication Woman
Question: Can we make dua without wudu and is there Question: Salam. Is it permissible for a child who is 11
any particular posture to make dua, can we make dua years old to show a book that has a cover of an unveiled
while sleeping? Answer: All perfect praise be... woman that they like/love this book...

Selling Cement to People Who Steal Saying Ameen to a Recorded Du’aa’

Sand Question: There are some recording of duas online. Is it
Question: Assalamu alaykumIn my place the ok to follow along the recording of duas and say ameen
Government Controls the Sand available on River bank to it or would this be a bidah. Answer:...
and the government sells it to those who need it for a...
Fasting Begins at the Actual Time of
Question: I want to ask you regarding ending the sehri.
In my area they announce that ppl stop eating, time for
sehri has been finished. Then after some...

Scheming is Only Ascribed to Allah in Fertilization of an Egg of a Woman

the Context of Perfection Who Is Not his Wife
Question: Assalamu Alaikum….I have 2 questions… Question: SalaamCan i possible get an egg donated
First…what is the meaning of “Al-Maakireen” ??? from a na-mahram girl which will be done by an
…..actually to increase... operation with her will and consent.This egg will get...

Our Lord, Do Not Disgrace Us | Qur’an Signs of a good ending – Sheikh Assim
3:190-195 – Mohammad Al-Awadli Al Hakeem

Why are Shias allowed to enter Makkah The Muslim Home – Sheikh Assim Al
and Madina? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Response to the Cartoons of Prophet
salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam – Sheikh
Assim Al Hakeem

Beauty products containing Alcohol – B+ is not just a Blood group (Conflict

Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem Resolution) – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Real Happiness in Islam – Sheikh How to deal with rude and arrogant
Assim Al Hakeem relatives (Kith and Kin) – Sheikh Assim
Al Hakeem

Special Question & Answer Session – How to block evil eye? – Sheikh Assim
Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem Al Hakeem

Should I pray tahiyatul masjid How to Deal With Haters and Ignorant
everytime I enter the Masjid? – Sheikh People ? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team
Assim Al Hakeem
When You Feel Like Allah Doesn’t
Listen ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team

Reason Behind Relying on Your Myths and Realities of Hadith ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti

Creator ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Team Menk┇ Dawah Team

When Should You Start Asking For How to Treat Your Employees Like
Forgiveness ? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti Menk┇ Dawah Prophet Muhammad Did ? ᴴᴰ ┇Mufti
Team Menk┇ Dawah Team







What Happens to Life after you leave? How Do They Do Blackmagic with
Barzakh Period Astrology & Zodiac Signs??



Their Situation Is Indescribable !! The Cow and The Elephant || Funny

Sheikh Sulaiman Moola Story || Mufti Menk

How to Get the love of Allah and Come The Most Powerful Deed || Yasir Qadhi
Closer to Him? Mufti Menk
Put Your Effort & Allah Will Make it
Easy || Nouman Ali Khan

A Few Words || Mufti Menk When Will The Help of Allah Descend?
Very Powerful

HOW TO ASK ALLAH WHATEVER WE Allah Loves You || Mufti Menk

Greet People & Love Each Other for
the sake of Allah || Mufti Menk

Prophet Muhammad (s) Ep 16 | Secret Eid Al-Adha Festival August 26, 2018 –
meeting & Madina’s promise ICOSF – Our Community ma-sha’-Allah

Picture yourself in Paradise by Br. Quranic Miracle (The Fly Challenge) by

Anas Yaghmour Brother Anas Yaghmour

The Brotherhood of Islam | Imam When Muslims saved Jewish Justin

Ahmedulhadi Sharif Bieber (Salim Halali) | Unknown Fallen

God is always near Voice of Islam TV Why didn’t God create everyone good?
23 September 2018 show Voice of Islam TV 30 September 2018

The gates of Heaven Voice of Islam TV Is God just? Voice of Islam TV 16

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The final miracle Voice of Islam TV 2 Precision of Istikharah – Shaykh Yahya

September 2018 show Ibrahim

Should YOU be Praying Qiyaam al-Layl 03: Living the Names of Allah (‫ﻪ‬ ُ َ ‫ﺤﺎﻧ‬
َ ْ ‫ﺳﺒ‬
– Ustadh Ali Hammuda ‫ﻌﺎﻟ َﻰ‬
َ َ‫و ﺗ‬
َ ) – Shaykh Aqeel Mahmood

Drowning in this Dunya – Shaykh Lessons from Hajj 2018 – Sheikh Abu
Ahsan Hanif Usamah At-Thahabi

Jum’ah Khutbah – Shaykh Ahsan Hanif The Sunnah is the Fortress of the
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If a sick person refuses treatment and

bears it with patience, will he attain the
Praise be to Allah Firstly: You should understand that
there is no disease that it is impossible for Allah, may
He be exalted, to cure....

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