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Dispute Letters Templates


Written by Janine Herrera

in collaboration with
Juan Pablo
Dispute Letter Aggressive Credit Repair

Letters Section 609 letter Round 1







Equifax, I just looked at my credit report and was shocked to see the numerous
amounts of errors you have listed. I am writing to have you remove them

The following account needs to be removed immediately: Account Name: ABC

COMPANY. Account Number: 12345XXXX. Reason: pls verify and validate all data
for this account, every notation, dates and balances, whether reported or not

The following account needs to be removed immediately:

Account Name: Judgement/ COURT HOUSE NAME. Case Number: 123456-DSP0.
Reason: pls verify and validate all data for this account, every notation, dates and
balances, whether reported or not

The following account needs to be removed immediately: Account Name: DEF

COMPANY. Account Number: 54321XXXX. Reason: pls verify and validate all data
for this account, every notation, dates and balances, whether reported or not

The following account needs to be removed immediately: Account Name: GHI

COMPANY. Account Number: 6789XXXX. Reason: pls verify and validate all data
for this account, every notation, dates and balances, whether reported or not

Creditor Name: XYZ COMPANY Date of Inquiry: 1/01/2015 Reason: this inquiry
was made without my knowledge or consent and I would like to be provided proof
that I consented to this inquiry via FCRA section 609 and 605 as well as the accuracy
of this inquiry via FCRA section 623. If you have no proof of any or one, I would like
it removed immediately. (This Only Works for Experian & TransUnion)
By provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, I demand that these items be
investigated and removed from my credit report. It is my understanding that you
will recheck these items with the creditor who posted them. Please send an
updated copy of my report to the above address.




1. Copy of my Social Security Card

2. Copy of my Driver’s License
3. Copy of my Utility Bill

I, hereby, attest that, to the best of my knowledge and belief the above

information is true and correct.



NOTICE: Notary Public is not an attorney licensed to practice law and has not
given legal advice or accepted fees for legal advice; provided no assistance in the
preparation of the above referenced documents, and has no interest in any issue
referenced therein. Notary is not a party to this action and is only acting in an
authorized capacity as liaison to communications between the parties. Using a
notary on this document does not constitute any adhesion, nor does it alter my
status in any manner. The purpose for notary is verification and identification
only and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction.

WITNESS my hand and official seal.


Notary Signature


Notary Printed Name


My Commission Expires Seal:

Dispute Letter Aggressive Credit Repair

Letters Section 609 letter Round 2







Equifax, I am making a final goodwill attempt to have you clear up this matter.
The accounts you sent back verified are entirely inaccurate, incomplete and
represents a very serious error in your reporting. Also, be advised that this is my
second time contacting you company about this matter in writing. Your company
is in violation of 15 U.S.C. § 1681. No need for me to go into detail and tell you
the law. Your company KNOWS for a fact that you are required under the FCRA
to have properly verified the accuracy of an account listed on my credit report
with physical documents.

As I am sure that you are well aware, current Federal case law states that,
Consumer Reporting Agencies bear grave responsibilities to ensure the accuracy of the
accounts they report on and their responsibility must consist of something more than
merely parroting information received from other sources. That basically means that
you can’t just verify my account by telling me it is verified. Nor can you verify my
account by telling me you contacted the creditor and the account I disputed is
“Verified”. This means that IF you can’t send me proof of these accounts from YOUR
COMPANY, it must come off.

All in all, you have ignored my request to provided me with the documents that
you have in your files that you used to verify the disputed accounts which means that
you have NOT verified or you cannot verify any of these accounts and under Section
611 (5)(A) of the FCRA – you are required to “…promptly delete all information which
cannot be verified.”
This law is as clear as daylight as to the Civil liability and the remedy available to
me for “negligent noncompliance” (Section 617) if you fail to comply with this Federal
Law. I am a litigious consumer and fully intend on pursuing litigation in this matter to
enforce my rights under the FCRA. I demand the following accounts be verified or
deleted immediately:

Account Name: ABC COMPANY. Account Number: 12345XXXX. Reason: You

failed to verify and validate all data for this account, every notation, dates and
balances. This account needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY via FCRA section
Account Name: Judgement/ COURT HOUSE NAME. Case Number: 123456-
DSP0. Reason: You failed to verify and validate all data for this account, every
notation, dates and balances. This account needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY
via FCRA section 609.
Account Name: DEF COMPANY. Account Number: 54321XXXX. Reason: You
failed to verify and validate all data for this account, every notation, dates and
balances. This account needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY via FCRA section
Account Name: GHI COMPANY. Account Number: 6789XXXX. Reason: You
failed to verify and validate all data for this account, every notation, dates and
balances. This account needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY via FCRA section

If your company, EQUIFAX, fails to comply with federal regulations by credit

reporting agencies, you will be required to appear in a court venue local to me,
in order to formally defend yourself. I will also have your company investigated
by the Federal Trade Commission (see 15 USC 41, et seq.). I am also maintaining
a careful record of my communications with you for the purpose of filing a
complaint with the FTC and the Attorney General’s office, should you continue in
your non-compliance. I further remind you that, as in Wenger v. Trans Union
Corp.,No. 95-6445 (C.D.Cal. Nov. 14, 1995), you may be liable for your willful non-

Failure to respond satisfactorily within 30 days of receipt of this certified letter

will result in a small claims action against your company. I will be seeking $5,000
in damages for:

1.) Defamation
2.) Negligent Enablement of Identity Fraud
3.) Violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act

Also, I would like an updated copy of my credit report once this investigation is

Thank you,


Attached: Copy of my Social Security Card & Driver’s License is attached

Sent: USPS Certified Mail



1. Copy of my Social Security Card

2. Copy of my Driver’s License
3. Copy of my Utility Bill

I, hereby, attest that, to the best of my knowledge and belief the above

information is true and correct.



NOTICE: Notary Public is not an attorney licensed to practice law and has not
given legal advice or accepted fees for legal advice; provided no assistance in the
preparation of the above referenced documents, and has no interest in any issue
referenced therein. Notary is not a party to this action and is only acting in an
authorized capacity as liaison to communications between the parties. Using a
notary on this document does not constitute any adhesion, nor does it alter my
status in any manner. The purpose for notary is verification and identification
only and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction.

WITNESS my hand and official seal.


Notary Signature


Notary Printed Name


My Commission Expires Seal:

Dispute Letter Aggressive Credit Repair

Letters Section 609 letter Round 3




City, State, Zip

Credit Bureau Name

Dispute Department


City, State, Zip

This is the third time I have contacted your company and you have still failed to delete
the disputed accounts your company could not verify. After this letter, be advised that
I intend to pursue litigation for the damages your company has brought to me and my

Based off the fact that your company has yet to forward any documents to me, show
me any proof, and the fact that its already been 2 months so you have CLEARLY
violated Section 611 (5)(A) and continue to show your blatant disregard for Federal

The Federal case law states that, Consumer Reporting Agencies bear grave
responsibilities to ensure the accuracy of the accounts they report on and their
responsibility must consist of something more than merely parroting information
received from other sources. That’s all your company has been doing the past couple
of months and it is against the law and clearly in violation of § 1681(a)(4).

I also asked you to give me the name of the person in your company who verified the
accuracy of these accounts but you ignored this request as well which is another
violation of Federal Law!
The law is very clear as to the Civil liability and the remedy available to me (Section
616 & 617) if you fail to comply with Federal Law. Just remember when we go to
litigation and your company is required to produce these documents along with an
affidavit swearing under oath that these are the true and correct documents that you
used to verify the disputed accounts.

So once again, please be advised that under Section 611 (5)(A) of the FCRA – you are
required to “…promptly DELETE all information which cannot be verified.” I request
that you do this immediately, which I am sure you are already aware of.

All the accounts listed below need to be deleted off of my credit report IMMEDIATELY:

Account Name: ABC COMPANY. Account Number: 12345XXXX. Reason: You

failed to verify and validate all data for this account, every notation, dates and
balances. This account needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY via FCRA section
Account Name: Judgement/ COURT HOUSE NAME. Case Number: 123456-
DSP0. Reason: You failed to verify and validate all data for this account, every
notation, dates and balances. This account needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY
via FCRA section 611.
Account Name: DEF COMPANY. Account Number: 54321XXXX. Reason: You
failed to verify and validate all data for this account, every notation, dates and
balances. This account needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY via FCRA section
Account Name: GHI COMPANY. Account Number: 6789XXXX. Reason: You
failed to verify and validate all data for this account, every notation, dates and
balances. This account needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY via FCRA section

If your company, EQUIFAX, fails to comply with federal regulations by credit

reporting agencies ONE MORE TIME, you will be required to appear in a court
venue local to me, in order to formally defend yourself. I will also have your
company investigated by the Federal Trade Commission (see 15 USC 41, et seq.).
I am also maintaining a careful record of my communications with you for the
purpose of filing a complaint with the FTC and the Attorney General’s office,
should you continue in your non-compliance. I further remind you that, as in
Wenger v. Trans Union Corp.,No. 95-6445 (C.D.Cal. Nov. 14, 1995), you may be
liable for your wilful non-compliance.
Failure to respond satisfactorily within 30 days of receipt of this certified letter
will result in a small claims action against your company. I will be seeking $5,000
in damages for:

1. Defamation
2. Negligent Enablement of Identity Fraud
3. Violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act



Attached: Copy of my Social Security Card & Driver’s License is attached

Sent: USPS Certified Mail

Dispute Letter Aggressive Credit Repair

Letters Validation Letter to Collection Agency




Collection Companies/ Creditors Info.




To whom this may concern,

I’ve received a copy of my credit report and you are claiming I have an account
with you or I owe you something. I have never entered into any business
arrangement and I have never signed any contract to conduct any kind of
business with you. Also, because you are a 3rd party collector, you have no
permission to furnish any information on my credit report in the first place. The
law states that before you collect any information, about me, you have to get my
authorization to access my credit report for any reason. You didn’t do that first,
and there’s no way I would ever give a slimy collection company permission to
slander me on my credit reports. Here’s the law in case you never read it before.

(o) Excluded communications. A communication is described in this

subsection if it is a communication.

(5) with respect to which.

(A) the consumer who is the subject of the communication

(i) consents orally or in writing to the nature and scope of the

communication, before the collection of any information for the purpose
of making the communication;

(iii) in the case of consent under clause (i) or (ii) given orally, is provided
written confirmation of that consent by the person making the
communication, not later than 3 business days after the receipt of the
consent by that person;

Now, I am also exercising my right under the FDCPA to dispute the alleged
account and demand validation from you. I’ll break it down very easy for you. But
know this, should you fail to provide every single thing I request form you, and
don’t worry, the list will be short, sweet and to the point, you will be required to
cease all collection activity immediately. Notify me in writing that you indeed are
ceasing and deleting all information you have furnished to any and every one of
my credit reports from every single credit repository to which you’ve submitted
this unverified and un-validated information. This is request of PROOF OF
CONTRACT to substantiate your claim. Therefore, you’ll need to provide me with
a CERTIFIED copy of an authenticated original contract with my signature,
Specically Naming (Collection Company Name Goes Here) as an entity entitled to
enforce a commercial claim You do not conduct commerce) against me.

*Certified shall be done through the presence of a notary public, who

authenticates and duly swears the copy made is in fact a copy of the original
paper contract in question (meaning the original contract from the original
creditor would need be provide to the notary, and the notary would need to
make the copy themselves).

You will also need to provide the following:

1. Provide a CERTIFIED copy of Authorization signed by me, naming your

company as having my consent to furnish, update, verify, inquiries, add
comments and/or dispute codes of any access to my personal credit
2. Provide a Certified copy of my full chain of assignment starting with the
original creditor to any and every 3rd party collection company to present.
3. Provide a full accounting. Every charge, every payment, every fee, interest,
credit, and any other amount attributed to the alleged account, and the
date on which each event occurred, as well as a description of each event
or purchase causing an amount to allegedly be owed.

Your failure to respond and provide strict proof of contracts and all the items
noted above, presented to me in certified format, sworn under Penalty and
Perjury and Authenticated by a notary, will constitute your tactic agreement that
you are not entitled to enforce a claim against me. In the event you continue your
collection efforts against me without providing proof of contract, I may do one or
more of the following:
1. File a complaint with the Attorney General
2. File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau
3. File a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
4. File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission
5. File a Police Report against your company for harassment, invasion or
privacy and attempting to extort money.
6. File a Law Suit against you for harassment, fraud, extortion, and invasion
or privacy.

You have 15 days upon receipt of this letter to provide strict proof of contract. In
the event you cannot provide strict proof of contract, you must cease and desist
any and all collection efforts and immediately remove any derogatory
information reported to the consumer reporting agencies. In addition, you will
need to provide me your agreement, in writing, that you are closing your file,
ceasing collecting activity, and deleting all information related to this reference
number from any and all credit reports you’ve furnished the information to. In
the event you transfer this account to an attorney without providing proof of
contract, and proving your claim, he/she will be immediate reported to the
America Bar Association and Professional Liability Fund for code of ethics



County of ________________________________________________________

State of __________________________________________________________

This instrument was acknowledgment before me

on _____ day of ______ 20____ by ____________________________________

Notary Public’s Signature ____________________________________________

My Commission Expires _____________________________________________


Cc: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

P.O. BOX 4503









Dispute Letter Medical Bill Removal Letter

TransUnion LLC

Consumer Dispute Centre

P.O. Box 2000

Chester, PA 19022

RE: Intent to file lawsuit, HIPPA Privacy Violation

Validation Letter sent to:

Collection Agencies Name


City, State, Zip

Account: #12345XXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Please be advised I have requested “validation” {not verification} of an item

reported to you by the above original creditor/collection agency. I have received
a response that clearly violates my rights according to HIPPA.

Collection Agencies Name did NOT provide me a HIPPA release that releases my
medical information to them, therefore by providing such information they are
in VIOLATION of my HIPPA rights. I am proceeding with legal action as prescribed
by law against the above named original creditor/collection agency should this
item not be deleted within the required time allowed by law. I will seek every
legal remedy available to me and file suit against the credit bureau responsible
for reporting this violation.

I urge you to take this extremely seriously as I have documented my case without
error. I encourage a response from you expeditiously.

Your Name

Your Street Address

Your City, State and Zip Code

Dispute Letter Public Record REMOVAL Letter1


City, State, Zipcode

Attention: Court Clerk

Miami-Dade County Courthouse

Court Records Dept.

73 W. Flagler Street

Miami, Florida 33130

Re: Case #xx-xxxxx-xx -xx

Dear Clerk of the Court,

I am inquiring on your method of verification with the credit bureaus. I would also
like to know the procedure you follow when furnishing information which is
reported to the credit bureaus. Will you please fill out the attached form and
return it to me? I've included a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Thank you so much for your time and assistance. It is much appreciated.



County of _____________________________________________________

State of _______________________________________________________

This instrument was acknowledgment before me

on _____ day of ______ 20____ by _________________________________

Notary Public’s Signature

My Commission Expires __________________________________________



Regarding “Furnishing” information to credit bureaus:

 The court or a court employee furnishes information to credit bureaus by

 The court or a court employee furnishes information with supporting
documentation to credit bureaus by mail.
 The court or a court employee furnishes information to credit bureaus
 The court or a court employee furnishes information with supporting
documentation to credit bureaus electronically.
 We do not furnish information to credit bureaus by mail, electronically, or
by any other means
 Other

Regarding “Verifying” information with credit bureaus:

 The court or a court employee verifies information with credit bureaus by

 The court or a court employee verifies information with credit bureaus
 We do not verify information with credit bureaus by mail, electronically, or
by any other means.
 Other=


_____________________________ _________________________________
Name of person filling out form Title (if any) of person filling out form

The area below is reserved for Court Clerk's Stamp

Dispute Letter Public Record REMOVAL Letter2


City, State, Zip

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is being written in response to a recent letter I received from Equifax,
TransUnion and Experian credit reporting agencies. The letter was sent to me
regarding a Public Record that was supposedly filed with your office. Could you
please explain to me how this might occur? From my understanding only the last
four digits of any debtor’s social security number is released to third parties,
pursuant to Federal law. Furthermore, to my knowledge, the only way a Public
Record can be verified would constitute a search via court records. The letter also
stated that your office verified the Public Record (case id#___________________
with Equifax, TransUnion and Experian, after a written dispute was sent to them
in Date Dispute Was Sent. I am requesting that your office please provide me with
the exact information that was sent to these three credit reporting agencies,
when they verified this Public Record with your office. Any information you can
provide would be appreciated.




City, State, Zip

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ____ day of ______________, 20____.
[signature of Notary]
[print name of Notary]
My commission expires:
________________________________, 20____.

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