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Demystifying Social ROI

A brief guide for CMOs

A brief book with big ideas

for building measurable
growth through social media
About Hootsuite 7 Getting there
Why organizations stumble on social ROI
Hootsuite is the world’s most widely used
social media management platform with 17 Going from guesses to quantitative answers
16 million customers including 800 of the
Fortune 1000. With Hootsuite’s scalable 31 Using social to solve business problems
solutions, best-of-breed integrations, and
Lessons from forward-thinking companies
strategic guidance, you can drive real
business results on social media.
Social ROI
It’s more than coupons or contests


Why read
this book?
This little book helps
CMOs answer big As you’ll see, social is
the right channel for
questions about the digital growth.

ROI of social media.

But most teams measure
It explains why marketing teams struggle it the wrong way.
to connect social metrics to real business
outcomes. And it shows you examples of
organizations using social media to lower
costs and increase sales. This book will help you
fix that.

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Why read this book? 5

Why organizations
stumble on social ROI

ROI isn’t just doing
better on Facebook.
Boosting video views on Facebook or building a bigger
Instagram audience might win awards. But it doesn’t
(necessarily) correlate with higher revenue, lower costs,
80%use Facebook

or compelling brand differentiation.

“ 80% of Fortune 500 companies have

active Facebook pages.

But only 20% are able to quantitatively

prove social media’s impact.

Harvard Business Review,

“What’s the Value of a Like?”

can prove its impact


Or buying (more) 229%
increase in spending

analytics tools.
The CMO Survey found that CMOs plan to increase their
spending on marketing analytics by 229% in the next three
years. Data definitely helps. But you need to know where to
look and what to measure.

“ CMOs plan to increase

their spending on marketing
analytics by 229% in the
next three years.

The CMO Survey,

“Highlights and Insights
August 2017.”


Or finding the
perfect social metric.
It’s engagement rate one day, conversion rate the next.
New social metrics come and go. But the core problem
doesn’t change: It’s tough to connect social metrics to
visible lifts in revenue.

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Getting there: Why organizations stumble on social ROI 13
If you can’t Every year, the effectiveness of traditional
media declines. At the same time, the influence
of everyday experts—like customer advocates,

show the value

YouTube experts, and peers on social
media—continues to climb and influence how
consumers discover and buy.

social adds to
“ 98% of digital consumers are

business and social networking […] these figures

counter the idea of the ‘social media
bubble’ bursting. In fact, it’s more

brand results, influential than ever.

you’re at a
GlobalWebIndex, “98 percent
of digital consumers are
social networking.”

disadvantage. Most leaders get this. But their teams still

struggle to know where to spend their time
on social and what metrics to measure. At
Hootsuite, we found that the best answer to
ROI comes from asking a better question.

Getting there: Why organizations stumble on social ROI 15

Going from
guesses to
Follow these three
steps to measure ROI

Every week or so, our value realization team
(the team at Hootsuite who help our enterprise
customers refine their measurement strategies)
gets an email with a version of this question.

Hello Hootsuite,
Our company is new to the world of social.
We want Hootsuite to help us prove to our
c-suite the return on investment for social
media. That way, we can hire a bigger team
and monetize social.

Over the years, we’ve discovered there’s

no single ROI formula that works for every
organization. (Sorry about that). But we’ve
helped thousands of organizations change
how they approach measurement. And here’s
what we’ve found: asking the right question is
everything. In the next section, we’ll show you
how to ask a better ROI question, making it
easier to measure your progress and attach
real-world outcomes to social metrics.


Asking a smarter You might be able to demonstrate excellent social media
performance (“Our Facebook page gets lots of traffic!”) but

ROI question
it will be difficult to correlate this general activity back to
specific outcomes for your business.

At Hootsuite, we guide our customers through three stages,

What’s the ROI of our social presence? It’s a common helping them create a framework to measure the value of
question. But one that keeps you stuck at guesswork. social media.

To solve the ROI puzzle, you need to be specific about what These steps are:
you want to achieve with social media. define,

• What business challenges do you want

social to help solve?

• How will you map your business objectives measure,

to social KPIs?

• Did you hit your quarterly business goals?

If so, what contribution did social make?
and prove.
Until you’ve answered those questions, it’s difficult to
“prove” social media ROI.

Let’s walk through them.

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Going from guesses to quantitative answers 21

1. Define
What do you want social to solve?
It’s your job to define the business objectives for every
marketing channel—including social media. A common
mistake is to let social teams create bottom-up metrics.
It’s understandable—you don’t work in the weeds of social
media algorithms and the specialists will suggest specific
metrics to track.

But social teams will predictably choose social network-

focused metrics such as reach, impressions, and
engagement. Be clear that you expect social to help solve
tangible business challenges such as beating revenue
targets, lowering operational costs, increasing efficiency,
differentiating your brand, or increasing customer
satisfaction. And then ask the social team to map their
social KPIs to your business objectives.


2. Measure
Is social moving you towards
your business targets?
Next, set targets for the social team and get them to start
tracking against those goals. Make these goals time-bound
with clear targets (such as “social channels are expected to
deliver 5,000 attendees to our yearly conference”). In this
phase, you can now see if your social strategies are helping
you achieve real business outcomes.

For example, if your business goal is to increase customer

loyalty, the social team should be tracking metrics like
LTV attributable to social content and average shopping
cart transaction value. If the goal is to reduce customer Measure
service costs, the social team can quantify call deflection
cost savings by answering customer questions and sharing
content on social.

As these KPIs are mapped to business objectives, it will be easy

to keep your team’s eyes on the bottom line. If top-line sales
have slipped but the social team sends you glowing reports of
increases in Facebook traffic, it’s easy to see that social tactics
and business outcomes have become disconnected. Refine
your social strategy and metrics to get back on course.


3. Prove
Did you hit your business goals?
You’ve defined what social can help solve. You’ve mapped
social metrics to specific business outcomes. And now,
because you’ve created a clear expectation for social media,
you properly measure the value.

Frame your ROI analysis with three questions. Did your

organization achieve your business goals (the ones you
decided social could help solve)? If yes, what social tactics
were successful in helping the company reach those goals?
If no, how can we tune our social strategy to hit these goals
next quarter?

ROI of

Low Social Maturity & Adoption High


It’s better to get
comfortable with
Don’t wait for the
perfect ROI model
a few assumptions Even if you hire a market research firm to build
a sophisticated ROI model, it can be difficult to

rather than waiting draw a straight line between social activity and
direct revenue.

for a perfect ROI “Unlike data tracked in your website analytics,

model. You’ll trade social data is unstructured and varied in format

as it comes from different public sources,” says

a bit of accuracy David Creighton, director of value realization

and analytics at Hootsuite.

for speed, helping “It’s better to get comfortable with a few

you iteratively adjust

assumptions rather than waiting for a perfect
ROI model. You’ll trade a bit of accuracy for
speed, helping you iteratively adjust budgets
budgets and tactics. and tactics.”

David Creighton,
director of value realization
and analytics at Hootsuite

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Going from guesses to quantitative answers 29

Using social to
solve business
Lessons from
forward-thinking companies

Using social to turn

data into new revenue
As a publisher with 11 media properties,
Grupo Expansión had millions of followers
and mountains of valuable social data. With
Hootsuite, they were able to demonstrate the
real-world dollar value of social media.

Grupo Expansión owns brands like Elle, InStyle,

and Expansión en Alianza con CNN in Latin
America. They used Hootsuite Impact—our
ROI measurement solution—to unite organic
and paid social data. With a clear view of revenue growth from social—
performance, they were able to assign dollar more growth than any other channel
values to their social media campaigns. within the organization

Their 70-person social team used insights from

the data to tune content performance. And
sales teams used the data to show advertisers
the exact dollar value of promotion on Grupo
Expansión’s social media properties, leading to Social media results are now a
new advertisers and more revenue. part of the organization’s overall
key performance indicators.

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Using social to solve business problems 33

Using social to

differentiate in a
saturated market
With a little help from Hootsuite, eHarmony
found a match between social media activity and
new customers.

eHarmony optimized their social ads and
improved their customer service workflows
with Hootsuite, leading to an impressive 65%
increase in subscriptions.

eHarmony also improved how they tracked data,

proving that Facebook drives more subscriptions increase in subscription conversions
than any of their other digital channels.

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Using social to solve business problems 35

Social media is a great
place for businesses to
communicate, but at
the end of the day,
we’re a business with
a bottom line.

We need an ROI on
resources and time
spent to show that we’re
earning subscribers.

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Using social to solve business problems 37

Using social to increase
operational efficiency
Spectrum Health System gets a lot of
questions about health online. As a not-for-

profit health organization, they’re required to
respond to patients and need to make sure
that the public finds credible health advice on
social media.

With Hootsuite, they increased the speed and

efficiency of their responses on social media
across 12 hospitals and 23,000 employees.

Regulation demands they respond to all direct

inquiries within 24 hours. Before, they’d need employees working together on social
to manually find social media mentions and
route those questions to the right department.
Now, social media monitoring is automated with
Hootsuite and our Brandwatch integration.

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Using social to solve business problems 39

Using social to
save time, money,

and kittens
Fairfax County—a local government in Virginia,
USA that serves 1.1 million citizens—uses
Hootsuite’s platform to unite 40 departments
on social media.

With one secure system, they can tie social

media activity back to practical outcomes such as
boosting clinic visits, keeping citizens safe during
natural disasters, and finding homes for pets. placement rate of adoptable pets
since Fairfax County Animal Shelter
The Fairfax County Animal Shelter has
began their social presence
mastered how to create engaging content on
social media. They used this reach to decrease
pet euthanasia rates from 28% to 13%.

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Using social to solve business problems 41

Using social to acquire

new customers
Visit West Hollywood, a tourism organization
in California, wanted to boost room bookings.
They used Hootsuite Ads (our social ad
management solution) to improve their
targeting and reach qualified prospects.

The result was a 172% increase in room nights
booked (compared to a previous campaign that
didn’t use Hootsuite Ads). They also reduced
their cost per click by 20%, helping them reach
a bigger audience at a lower cost.

In addition to saving money, they gained new

insight into their customers. From studying in room nights booked
what business travelers clicked to refining
demographic targeting, social data has helped
them build new buyer personas.

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Using social to solve business problems 43

Using social to
educate the public

For DaVita Inc, a Fortune® 500 company and
one of the largest kidney care companies in
the United States, their goal wasn’t to increase
revenue. Instead, they wanted to use social
media to educate the public about kidney

They used Hootsuite to raise awareness of

kidney care with targeted content. This led to
an 82% increase in completed risk assessment
quizzes and a 90% year-over-year increase in
kidney education health appointments.
YOY increase
With Hootsuite’s Content Library (a feature in kidney education appointments
that allows preapproved content to be shared
across distributed teams), they united their
40-person team with approved content. This
shrank approval times, while keeping individual
messages credible and on-brand.

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Using social to solve business problems 45

Using social to identify
new business growth

Most brands listen for social mentions of their products
and services. But Unilever wanted to look deeper and used
social data to uncover future growth opportunities for their
baking, cooking, and spreads businesses.

As documented by the IPA (the world’s most influential

professional body for practitioners in advertising), Unilever
worked with the marketing research agency Kantar TNS to
combine social data with traditional market research.

This new approach was part of Unilever’s digital saved

transformation efforts to “make greater use of digital
in market research costs
technology and inspire the company to think and act

Using social listening, Unilever uncovered eight cooking-

related opportunities with a potential €500M of additional
growth for Unilever. The final cost of the research was
And found €500m
€0.5M, compared to the initial budget of €1.4M.
of product line growth.

Source: The IPA, “Unilever Fats Insights: A Social Works Case.”

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Using social to solve business problems 47

It’s more than
coupons or contests


Of course, social media can be used to boost brand
awareness and sales. But increasingly CMOs are seeing the
value stretch far beyond a promotional role.

Marketing leaders You can use social data to act first on the next big product

are no longer just opportunity in your market. Or refine your risk management
workflows with better security and sharper listening tools.

the pitch people for

Sophisticated organizations even use social data to gauge
consumer demand, informing supply chain decisions.

the business, but In our recent study of 400 social media leaders (in
partnership with Altimeter), we found that brand awareness

are key drivers of

and customer service still topped the list. But social is also
being used to guide customer insights, grow loyalty, and
lower operational costs.

business, financial
and operational
So how can you gain new
value from social across
the customer lifecycle?

As you’ll see, social can
“The State of Marketing 2016: What Gartner influence customers at
for Marketing Leaders’ Research Surveys Reveal.” each step of their journey
from awareness to advocacy.

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Social ROI: It's more than coupons or contests 51
To what extent are you We have set established KPIs
that link social to these areas

measuring the business We have tried to measure the

impact of social but do not have
the right metrics in place
impact of social on each We are not measuring the impact
of social but are looking into how
of the following? We are not measuring the impact
of social and do not have plans to

Customer service 48 40 12 1

Brand awareness and reach 48 39 11 2

Customer experience and engagment 48 40 9 4

Understanding customer preferences 47 44 10

Marketing campaign effectiveness 46 36 16 2

Sales and revenue 46 39 13 2

Brand reputation 45 42 12 2

Customer loyalty 41 43 12 3

Operational efficiency / management 37 41 17 4

Competitive intelligence 37 42 16 4

Employee advocacy 30 44 19 7
Source: Altimeter and Hootsuite, “Beyond ROI: Unlocking the Business Value of Social Media,” 2017.

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Social ROI: It's more than coupons or contests 53
Awareness Awareness

10 million
AccorHotels, a hospitality brand with Acquisition
4,000 hotels in 92 countries, wanted to better
align with how modern travelers research and Engagement

evaluate different hotel and vacation options. Advocacy

AccorHotels partnered with Hootsuite

and focused on extending their reach and
connecting with travelers one-to-one.

With frontline staff and hotel managers

on social, they were able to create a social
front-desk experience. It was a strategy that
helped more travelers discover and choose
4.5 million
Their online audience increased from social
4.5 million to 10 million.
4.5 million
to 10 million

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Social ROI: It's more than coupons or contests 55
Evaluation Awareness

Most brands focus on attention-grabbing Acquisition
tactics. But this misses a bigger hook: product
research in social channels. As the research Engagement

firm GlobalWebIndex found, 40 percent of Advocacy
16-24-year-olds use social media to research
of Instagram users follow their
Consider the retail brand Herschel Supply Co. favorite brands on the photo
They catapulted from a tiny retailer to global
brand by mastering Instagram’s aesthetic and video sharing network
codes. As Slate put it, Herschel’s brand became
“a global phenomenon, glimpsed wherever
hipsters dare to tread.”

Herschel uses Instagram both as a fashion

magazine and a product catalog. It’s an
approach that fits the social habits of their
audience, an audience that uses Instagram to

discover new things, get inspired, and buy.

of Instagram users conduct

brand research on the network
Source: GlobalWebIndex, “40% of 16-24s use social media to research products.”

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Social ROI: It's more than coupons or contests 57
Are you ready Search Engines Social Media

for this shift?

For product research,
search still leads the way.
But social is catching up.

As GlobalWebIndex
found, more and
more consumers
are skipping
search engines
and going straight 58% 60%
to social channels 30% 34%
to research products 46%
and services.


Source: GlobalWebIndex

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Social ROI: It's more than coupons or contests 59
Acquisition Awareness

A few years ago, Pepsi canceled their Super Acquisition
Bowl ads and bet the factory on shareable user-
generated content. Their Refresh Project earned Engagement

80+ million social votes. But sales and market Advocacy

share shrank. You can spot the ROI problem.

Where Pepsi tripped, Coke found a different path.

Their #ShareaCoke campaign—which featured
popular names on cans with the aim of friends
buying each other Cokes—combined product
personalization with irresistible social content.

ROI was easy to prove. Sales rose by 11 percent

in the U.S. “The campaign was more successful
in driving sales than in any previous market that
had run the campaign,” says the IPA.

It’s a good lesson for brands. Without a clear

plan for how awareness turns into sales, you’ll be
11% rise
stuck trying to pay the rent with Facebook likes. in US sales with their
#ShareaCoke campaign

Source: The IPA, “Coca-Cola: An IPA Social Works Case Study.”

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Social ROI: It's more than coupons or contests 61
Engagement Both Awareness

Lysol wanted to know if their Facebook Acquisition
engagement contributed to real sales. Their

paid and
agency analyzed all Facebook activity in the Engagement
last 18 months. Advocacy

Did Facebook drive sales? Not directly. But
Facebook engagement was still valuable.

activity had
As their agency Gain Theory explained, “both
Facebook paid and earned activity had a
significant direct impact on the path to purchase.
Paid had the greatest impact on ‘compare’, by
reinforcing the brand message to those core
target audiences already aware of the brand
a significant
and further along the path to purchase … there
was an indirect impact from Facebook paid and
earned throughout the path.”
direct impact
The attribution lesson? You can’t measure on the path to
social in isolation. You need a holistic digital
measurement model to see the connection
between your customer’s purchase steps.

Source: The IPA, “Lysol: an #IPASocialWorks Case Study.” Gain Theory

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Social ROI: It's more than coupons or contests 63
Advocacy Awareness

From customer communities to micro- Acquisition
influencers, brands know the power of getting
customers to (willingly) share and endorse Engagement

products. Advocacy

This peer-to-peer activity is key for passing

your product into new hands. Half of all global
internet users are posting reviews online each
month, according to GlobalWebIndex.

Employees, of course, have also become a key

part of this story. As Edelman’s global study
of trust found, employees are seen by the

public as more credible spokespeople than
government officials, board of directors, CEOs,
or financial analysts. It’s clear that with the old
of all global internet
sources of trust failing them, people are turning users are posting reviews
to a familiar source: each other.
online each month
“Brand Discovery, Insight Report Q3, 2017.”

Source: Edelman, “2017 Edelman TRUST BAROMETER,” 2017.

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Social ROI: It's more than coupons or contests 65
Peers are now as
60 60 60
credible as experts
Percent who rate each spokesperson
as extremely / very credible.



Government Board of CEO NGO rep Financial Employee A person Academic Technical
official directors industry like you expert expert
Source: Edelman, “2017 Edelman TRUST BAROMETER,” 2017.

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Social ROI: It's more than coupons or contests 67

CMOs are asking
the wrong question.
The key to social ROI
It’s you.

Without guidance from CMOs, marketing teams will default

Instead of asking ‘How to the easiest path: using social media to grow impressions
and traffic.

can we prove Facebook “The reason why teams never come back to CMOs and show

is working for us?’ they social media’s value is because you’ve never told them what
the business is really trying to accomplish,” says Graham

should be asking their

Gullans, director of customer analytics at Hootsuite.

Social teams excel at proving social media performance.

teams to prove that But they don’t really know why video views or customer
engagement rates matter to the business. They just know

social is helping to hit more is better.

business objectives.
You can help by applying targets. “Tell your teams that they
need to grow awareness by 40 percent among a specific
customer segment. Or tell them that social is expected to
Graham Gullans, get 10,000 people at five events. These are all things that
director of customer analytics can be measured by social.”
at Hootsuite

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Social ROI: It's more than coupons or contests 69

Poorly timed posts
or ads during times
A few metrics
to guide you
To tell a true ROI story, you need new metrics.

of crisis can make Use the metrics on the following pages to build
a social strategy focused on business value and

brands appear to be customer needs.

tone-deaf to current Brand health

events, potentially
Use real-time monitoring to correct false product
information on Facebook, detect early threats (such as a
potentially viral customer complaint on social), and lock

damaging brand down social accounts during a crisis.

reputation and Competitive position

Use organic and paid social data to measure your brand’s

even stock price.

online dominance and better understand key purchase

Forrester Research,
“The Forrester Wave™: Social Media
Management Solutions, Q2 2017.”

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI A few metrics to guide you 71

Measure the revenue contribution of organic and paid
social media campaigns, whether by syncing social data with
CRM systems or tracking direct ecommerce sales with UTM

CSAT or Net Promoter scores Lifts in sales

Use superior social customer service to boost customer Track whether campaigns and social contests make a dent
loyalty, satisfaction, and customer advocacy. in moving products off the physical or digital shelf.

Customer experience Market research costs

Use social to gather fast feedback about their purchasing Use social data to mine customer insights and uncover new
experience, refine customer journeys, and identify unmet areas of brand growth. Social data offers customer insights
needs. at a lower cost than traditional market research.

Customer loyalty Risk management

Measure the LTV of social followers versus other digital Track the ability of social to mitigate security incidents such
channels and boost your average order value with social as stopping phishing attempts, deleting spam accounts, and
content. detecting malware or counterfeit products.

Lead generation Talent retention

Use tactics like social selling and employee advocacy to Attract and retain top talent with social content, employee
increase downloads, conversions, and time-to-close rates. advocacy, and internal corporate communications.

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI A few metrics to guide you 73

Tools to help you
measure ROI in clear,
tangible ways.

Measure social ROI Unite social and digital data

Hootsuite Impact is a social analytics solution that helps Capture social data and send to Salesforce, Marketo,
you measure ROI and use social data to influence strategic and Microsoft Dynamics with Hootsuite’s ecosystem.
decisions across your business. Our platform also integrates with tools like Tableau,
Learn more at Adobe Analytics, and Google Analytics.
Browse our integrations at

Reduce the cost of paid social

With Hootsuite Ads, your teams can create higher Build your measurement framework
performing social ads at a lower cost. Hootsuite’s value realization team helps enterprise
See how at organizations link business objectives to social metrics.
From building measurement frameworks to setting
competitive benchmarks, they’ll guide you towards growth.
Email [email protected] for more information

DEMYSTIFYING SOCIAL ROI Tools to help you measure ROI in clear, tangible ways 75
We hope this little book clears up some
of the mystery around social media ROI. Say hello to

Organizations just like yours have cracked or email us at

the code. If you’d like a little light in the [email protected]
right direction, we’re here to help.


This booklet was created at Hootsuite.

Written by James Mulvey.

Designed by Eric Uhlich.

Thanks to Hootsuite’s Graham Gullans and David Creighton for their ROI
and measurement expertise. Their ideas and frameworks shaped this guide.

Special thanks to the IPA (for their excellent case studies) and GlobalWebIndex
(for their valuable data on social behaviors and trends).


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