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Round 1: World Cup Kickoff

February 2, 2019
Bearded Bird Brewing Company
727 Granby St
Norfolk, Virginia
February 2, 2019
10:00 - 10:30 : Registration
10:30 - 12:30 : Round 1
12:30 - 1:30 : Lunch
1:30 - 3:30 : Round 2
4:00 - 6:00 : Round 3
6:00 - 6:15 : Awards ceremony


• $20 if NAF member, $25 if not (extra $5 will pay for membership).

• 3 copies of your team roster.

• Dice (1d8, 3 block dice), Blood Bowl board, dugouts and templates
(some of these will be on-hand, but better safe than sorry).

• Your team (painting guidelines below under "Tournament


• Pen or pencil.


• 3 Games of Blood Bowl.

• Custom dice: 2d6

All items are limited and offered on a "first come, first served" basis.

1 - Amazons, Bretonnians, Chaos Dwarves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen,
Norse, Orcs, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elves
2 - Chaos Pact, Elves, High Elves, Humans, Khemri, Necromantic
3 - Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle’s Rotters, Slann, Underworld, Vampires
4 - Goblins, Halflings, Ogres

Coaches must spend a minimum of 1,100,000 gold pieces when building their
team. When building your team, you may buy:
• At least 11 standard roster players before any star players
• 0-8 Re-Rolls
• Assistant coaches
• Cheerleaders
• 0-1 Apothecary or Igor, depending on race
• 0-9 Fan Factor
• Inducements. The cost will be as following and will count for all games:
o 0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs for 50,ooo GC each
o 0-3 Bribes for each 100,000 GC each, Goblins only for 50,000 each
o 0-1 Masterchef for 300,000 GC, for Halflings only 100,ooo GC
o 0-2 NAF-approved star players for their regular cost

In addition, each team has a budget to buy skills OR more team items. This
amount will vary for each tier and each tournament.

TIER 1 2 3 4
Bonus Money 60,000 100,000 150,000 150,000

• A ‘normal’ skill costs 20 kgp

• A ‘double’ skill costs 30 kgp
o Tiers 1-3 are limited to one double skill during the tournament
o Tier 4 may have more than one double skill
• A roster can have one only player that has two additional skills. Both skills
must be normal skills and the second skill has a cost of 30,000 gold pieces.
• Tier 4 may buy a single stat upgrade. This cannot be combined with any other
additional skill.
o + MA / AV costs 40,000 gold pieces, AG 50,000 gold pieces and + ST
60,000 gold pieces.
• Star players may not receive additional skills or stat upgrades
The base rules for NAF tournaments are discussed herew:

The teams available in NAF tournaments are listed here:
All 26 of these teams will be available to play in this event.


This tournament is part of a series called Virginia Vs. The World, which will
continue with a tournament in Richmond in late March and culminate in a
third event in Northern Virginia in late spring. In addition to any individual
prizes won at the World Cup Kickoff, the coach with the best combined
performance at all three tournaments will win a World Cup 4 prize package.
In order to be eligible, one must use the same team (meaning the same race
and team name – the actual roster can be modified between events) at all
three tournaments. In order to calculate the winner, a modified version of
the BEAST system will be used. In this case, the 1st place coach at any event
will get 10 points, 2nd place will get 9, and so on until 10th place is reached –
coaches who finish in 10th place or lower will get one point just for showing
up. Unlike BEAST, there are no bonuses based on the size of the


For those who are actually attending the World Cup, it will make the most
sense to use the same team name and type that they are intending to take to
the big event. For everyone else, we ask that you help simulate the
international flavor by giving your team a non-American name and theme.
Examples: Albion Giants (Norse), Barcelona Dragons (lizardmen), Brisbane
Boomerangs (Amazon), Cairo Crypt Kings (Khemri), Danmark Dynamos
(dwarves)…I could do this all the way to Z, but you get the idea. If you want
to take your cultural appropriation a step further by wearing traditional
dress or bringing an appropriate food item, that’s all the better! There will
be a trophy for the best example of this.
Swiss Pairing:
The tournament will be conducted using the Swiss method of pairing. This means that
after the first round (in which pairs will be selected randomly, but with an eye toward
separating coaches from the same hometown or league), coaches will play against those
coaches that have performed most similarly. So the coach with the most points will play
against the coach with the second most points, etc.

A coach will receive the following points, to be recorded after each round of
Win: 5 Points
Tie: 2 Points
Loss: 0 Points
Concession: -5 Points
(A concession will be counted for touchdowns and casualties as 2:0 each for the opponent.)

The following tiebreakers will be in effect, considered in this order:

Total points
Opponent score
Net touchdowns
Net casualties

Trophies will be awarded for the following accomplishments:

-Champion (most tournament points)

-2nd Place (2nd most tournament points)
-Last Place (fewest tournament points)
-Stunty Cup (most points by one of the following teams:
• Halflings
• Goblins
• Ogres
-Most Touchdowns
-Most Casualties
-Best Defense (fewest TDs allowed)
-Pageantry Award

No coach may win more than one award.

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