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This year, B.E.A.S.T. will become North America’s first Structured Tournament Series, which means that
only a pre-set group of well-established tournaments will participate. This change is intended to make life
easier for those coaches who want to compete but don’t have the time or money to attend two dozen
tournaments every year. Our hope is that the series winners will now represent the most successful coaches
from any given year, rather than the most dedicated.

B.E.A.S.T. is sanctioned and sponsored by the NAF. Any disputes or clarifications will be handled by the
NAF's Tournament Series Administrator, a position currently held by Torsten "Tojurub" Blaetter.

Tournament Series Organizer: Nate "Gaixo" Beem Tournament Series type: Structured.

- The B.E.A.S.T. 2018 will consist of the following tournaments:
 Raleigh Rumble –Raleigh, NC
 4 Diamonds Cup –Harrisburg, PA
 Empire Cup –Long Island, NY
 Bacon Bowl –Richmond, VA
 Tournament of Madness –Hanover Township, PA
 Overseer Cup – Ashland, VA
 Atlantic Coast Charity Cup – Norfolk, VA
 Dutch Killz Kup – Brooklyn, NY
 Bosom Bowl – Virginia Beach, VA
 Bacon-Wrapped Blood Bowl Tournament – Richmond, VA
 Winter Fouling Formal – Harrisburg, PA
 Solstice Slam – Ashburn, VA
-This represents the comprehensive list of participating tournaments for 2018, but the list may be changed
or expanded in subsequent years.
-Multiple race tournaments, team tournaments, tournaments with especially unusual house rules, and
tournaments taking place at conventions are unlikely to be selected to participate.
-Tournament results (a list of final placement including NAF name and team type used) must be provided
to the TSO within 14 days of the tournament's conclusion. Results that are not submitted within that
window may be waived.

-If an affiliated tournament is canceled, a replacement may be added. This replacement must be at the
same general time (i.e. “summer”) and in the same general area.
Coaches will receive the following points for each tournament they take part in:

 +10 to +1 points for top 10 placement, on a declining scale. In other words, a 1st-place finish
would be worth 10 points, a 2nd-place finish would be worth 9 points, on down to a 10th- place finish
being worth 1 point.
 Should there be fewer than 10 coaches (it happens!), the top coach's score would be equal to the
total number of participants, the rest would decline as usual.
 +1 point per 10 places below them in the standings. (Examples: A coach finishing 1st in a 32-
coach tournament would receive a bonus of +3 because there are 30+ coaches below them. A coach
finishing 1st in an 11-coach tournament would receive a bonus of +1 because there are 10 coaches
below them. A coach finishing first in a 10-coach tournament would receive no bonus because there
are only 9 coaches below them.)
 +1 point per day of the tournament. Given to all participants.
 Organizer bonus: +1 point per 10 coaches in the tournament (only for organizers who do not play
in their own event. Organizers also get the participating bonus above.)

-Coaches will be awarded points based on their performance in each TS event they participate in, to a
maximum of six events. If they play in more than 6 tournaments, only the top 6 scores will count toward
their total. This is a cumulative score, not an average.

-There is no minimum number of tournaments that a participating coach must attend.

-In order to receive points, coaches must be NAF members prior to participating in a tournament. In other
words, they cannot sign up in December and receive retroactive points for all the tournaments they
attended throughout the preceding year.

-Coaches must use at least 2 races for their scores to count, assuming they played in more than 1

-In addition to the main table, a separate table will be maintained for points accrued with Stunty teams.
Points will be awarded in the same way, but only those tournaments played with Stunty teams will count.

-For the purpose of this series, Stunty teams will be defined as Goblins per current NAF regulations,
Halflings per current NAF regulations, Ogres per current NAF regulations, Lizardmen limited to 0-16
Skinks, 0-1 Kroxigor, and Underworld limited to 0-16 Goblins, 0-1 Troll. Organizers can still set their
own standards for their individual tournaments' Stunty Cup (for example: Ogre teams limited to 0-3
ogres, "all skeletons" as an added list), but only the rosters above will generate tournament points toward
the Stunty award.

-Tiebreakers will be: Most First Place Finishes, followed by Most Second Place Finishes. If scores are
still tied, the prize will go to the coach who used the most different team types during the series. If there is
still a tie, random determination (coin toss or die roll) will be used.
Optional rule: Bombcast Bloodsports sponsorship
At the organizer's discretion, any tournament in the series may replace the "Throw a Rock" result
on the kickoff chart with the following item:
Bombcast Bloodsports got their start broadcasting Blasta Ball, a glorified game
of "Hot Potato" popular with goblins. Whenever an angry fan of that sport ends
up at a Blood Bowl match by mistake, they invariably respond by hurling a
bomb onto the field. Each coach rolls a D6 and adds their FaME to the roll; the
Throw a team with the lower score is targeted by a bomb. In the case of a tie, the bomb is
11 Bomb a dud and has no effect. Decide randomly which player in the team is targeted
(only players on the pitch are eligible) and proceed as if that player has been hit
with an accurate bomb thrown by a player with the Bombardier skill. The bomb
may be caught and then thrown again as usual. Any knockdowns and injury rolls
(for either team) are worked out before the event ends.

Limited-edition lapel pins will be provided by the NAF for 1st-3rd place and the Stunty winner.
In addition, the 1st place winner will receive a "B.E.A.S.T. Champion" board from FF-Fields.

The following tournaments are also offering free admission to the reigning B.E.A.S.T.

Spike Magazine 2018 (Canada's official NAF Major Tournament)

4-Diamonds Cup 2018
Atlantic Coast Charity Cup 2018
(More to come?)

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