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Microscope Parts and Functions

A microscope is an instrument widely to magnify and resolve the image of

an object that is otherwise invisible to naked eye. For resolving the details
of objects, which otherwise cannot be achieved by naked eye, a
microscope is used.

Introduction to microscope parts and functions

Depending upon the organism to be studied and their characteristics,
microscopes are classified as light or optical microscope, electron
microscope and other types like scanning-tunneling microscopes.

Parts of a Microscope and their Functions

The following are the parts of microscope: -

Eyepiece or ocular lens: Eyepiece is the lens, present at the top and is
used to see the objects under study. Eyepiece lens contains a
magnification of 10X or 15X.

Tube: Tube or the body tube, connects the eyepiece to the objective

Body Tube

This part supports the eyepiece and objectives. It is critical that the tube be
constructed so that these optics share a common axis. Most 20th century
scopes with body tubes (i.e., not modular) are designed for a mechanical
tube of either 160 mm, or 170 mm. Mechanical tube length is the distance
from the top of the eyepiece tube to bottom of the Society threaded
objective holder.

Draw tube

At one time "all good instruments" had a body tube equipped with an inner
sliding draw tube. This tube enabled users to the adjust the mechanical
tube length when certain accessories were screwed on between the
eyepiece and objective, or when using objectives designed for longer
mechanical tube lengths. Today's microscopes no longer have or need
such a device.

Revolving nosepiece: It is also known as the Turret. Revolving nosepiece

has holders for the different objective lenses. It allows the rotation of the
lenses while viewing.

Objective lenses: Generally, three or four objective lenses are found on a

microscope, with ranges of 10X, 40X, 100X powers. Lenses are colour
coded, the shortest lens is of the lowest power, and the longest lens is high
power lenses.

Diaphragm: Diaphragm helps in controlling the amount of light that is

passing through the opening of the stage. It is helpful in the adjustment of
the control of light that enters.

Coarse adjustment knob: Used for focus on scanning. Usually the low
power lens is used enabling the movement of the tube.

Fine adjustment knob: Used for focus on oil. Moves the body tube for
focussing the high power lens.

Arm: It supports the tube of the microscope and connects to the base of
the microscope.
Stage: The platform that is flat used for placing the slides under

Stage clip: Stage clips hold the slides in proper place.

Condensor: The main function of condenser lens is focussing the light on

the specimen under observation. When very high powers of 400X are used,
condenser lenses are very important. Presence of condenser lens gives a
sharper image as compared to the microscope with no condenser lens.

Base: Provides basal support for the microscope.

Inclination joint- It allows one to tilt the upper part of the microscope so
that you can view the specimen while seated.

Mirror- it is used to reflect light from an external light source up through the
bottom of the stage.

Power switch: The main power switch that turns the illumination on or off.

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