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Pressure and flow control system RE 30011-B/07.

Replaces: 05.12
SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X with external control electronics VT 5041-3X English

Operating instructions

SYDFE1, series 2X SYDFE1, series 3X VT 5041-3X

Valid for the following types:

Pressure/flow control system type
SYDFE1 with external control
electronics VT 5041-3X
The data specified above only serve to describe
the product. No statements concerning a certain
condition or suitability for a certain application can
be derived from our information. The information
given does not release the user from the obligation
of own judgment and verification. It must be
remembered that our products are subject to a
natural process of wear and aging.

© This document, as well as the data,

specifications and other information set forth in
it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth. It
may not be reproduced or given to third parties
without its consent.

An example configuration is shown on the title

page. The delivered product may, therefore, differ
from the product which is pictured.

The original operating instructions were created in

the German language.
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1 About this document.................................................................................5
1.1 Validity of the documentation.......................................................................5
1.2 Required and supplementary documents....................................................5
1.3 Representation of information......................................................................6
2 Safety instructions.....................................................................................9
2.1 About this chapter........................................................................................9
2.2 Intended use................................................................................................9
2.3 Improper use................................................................................................9
2.4 Personnel qualifications.............................................................................10
2.5 General safety instructions.........................................................................10
2.6 Product- and technology-related safety instructions..................................11
2.7 Personal protective equipment...................................................................13
3 General notes on damage to material and the product........................14
4 Delivery contents.....................................................................................15
5 Product description.................................................................................16
5.1 Performance description............................................................................16
5.2 Device description......................................................................................16
5.3 Controller structure and basic operating modes........................................19
5.4 Special operating modes............................................................................21
5.5 Operating pressure limits...........................................................................25
5.6 Ambient conditions.....................................................................................27
5.7 Notes on the selection of hydraulic fluids...................................................27
5.8 Noise level..................................................................................................28
5.9 Shaft variants.............................................................................................29
5.10 Spool variant of the VT-DFPE-x-2X pilot valve..........................................30
5.11 Functions of control electronics VT 5041-3X.............................................30
5.12 Master/slave operation...............................................................................34
5.13 Identification of the product........................................................................38
6 Transport and storage.............................................................................39
6.1 Transporting the SYDFE1 control system..................................................39
6.2 Storing the SYDFE1 control system...........................................................41
7 Installation................................................................................................43
7.1 Unpacking..................................................................................................43
7.2 Installation conditions.................................................................................43
7.3 Installation positions and piping of SYDFE1 systems................................44
7.4 Installing the SYDFE1 control system........................................................47
7.5 Connecting the SYDFE1 control system hydraulically...............................49
7.6 Connecting the SYDFE1 control system electrically..................................52
8 Commissioning........................................................................................59
8.1 Initial commissioning..................................................................................60
8.2 Recommissioning after standstill................................................................72
8.3 Running-in phase.......................................................................................72
9 Operation..................................................................................................73
10 Maintenance and repair...........................................................................74
10.1 Cleaning and care......................................................................................74
10.2 Inspection...................................................................................................74
10.3 Maintenance...............................................................................................75
10.4 Repair.........................................................................................................75
10.5 Spare parts.................................................................................................76
11 Decommissioning....................................................................................78
12 Demounting and replacement.................................................................78
12.1 Required tools............................................................................................78
12.2 Preparing demounting................................................................................78
12.3 Demounting the SYDFE1 control system...................................................78
12.4 Preparing the components for storage or further use................................79
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13 Disposal....................................................................................................79
13.1 Environmental protection...........................................................................79
14 Extension and conversion......................................................................79
15 Troubleshooting.......................................................................................80
15.1 How to proceed for troubleshooting...........................................................84
15.2 Malfunction table........................................................................................85
16 Technical data..........................................................................................89
17 Annex........................................................................................................90
17.1 Address directory.......................................................................................90
17.2 Position of adjustment elements of control electronics VT 5041-3X.......... 91
17.3 Block circuit diagram of VT 5041-3X .........................................................92
18 Alphabetical index...................................................................................94
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About this document

1 About this document

1.1 Validity of the documentation

This documentation is valid for the following products:
•• SYDF1n series 2X
•• SYDFE1 series 3X

This documentation is intended for engineers, fitters, operators, service

technicians and plant operators.
These instructions contain important information on the safe and appropriate
installation, transport, commissioning, maintenance, disassembly and simple
troubleshooting of the pressure and flow control systems SYDFE1 series 2X and
ff Read these instructions completely, especially Chapter 2 “Safety instructions“
on page 9, before working with the SYDFE1 control system.

1.2 Required and supplementary documents

ff Only commission the product, when you have the documents marked with the
book symbol at hand and have understood and observed them.

Table 1: Required and supplementary documents

Title Document no. Type of document
Order confirmation Contains the pre-set
technical data of your
pressure/flow control
Installation drawing Contains the outer
dimensions, all ports
and the hydraulic
circuit diagram of your
pressure/flow control
system SYDFE1
General operating instructions for RE 90300-B Operating instructions
axial piston units
Pressure and flow control system RE 30030 Data sheet
Pressure and flow control system RE 30630 Data sheet
Axial piston variable displacement RE 92711 Data sheet
pump A10VSO series 31, sizes
NG18 to 140
Axial piston variable displacement RE 92714 Data sheet
pump A10VSO series 32, sizes 45
to 180
External control electronics for the RE 30242 Data sheet
SYDFE1 control of the A10VSO
axial piston variable pump,
type VT 5041-3X/...
External control electronics (variant) RD 30242-01 Datenblatt
for the SYDFE1 adjustment of the
axial piston pump A10VSO
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About this document

Title Document no. Type of document

3/3 proportional directional valves RD 29016 Datenblatt
direct operated, with electrical
position feedback, as pilot valve for
control systems SY(H)DFE,
type VT-DFP
Axial piston units for use with HF RE 90223 Data sheet
Hydraulic fluids on a mineral oil RE 90220 Data sheet
basis for axial piston units
Pump pre-load valve for control RE 29255 Data sheet
system SYDFE,
type SYDZ 0001-1X
Pressure transducers, RE 29933 Data sheet
types HM 12 and HM 13
Pressure transducer with integrated RE 30266 Data sheet
electronics, type HM 16
Pressure transducer with integrated RE 30269 Data sheet
electronics, type HM 17
Installation, commissioning and RE 07900 Data sheet
maintenance of hydraulic systems
Declaration on environmental RE 30030-U Compliance data sheet

1.3 Representation of information

In order that this documentation allows you to work directly and safely with your
product, standardized safety notes, symbols, terms and abbreviations are used.
For a better understanding, these are explained in the following sections.

1.3.1 Safety notes

In this documentation, safety instructions precede a sequence of activities
whenever there is a risk of personal injury or damage to equipment. The
precautions described to avoid these hazards must be observed.
Safety instructions are set out as follows:

Type and source of hazard
Consequences in the case of non-observance
ff Measures to avert the hazard
ff <List>

•• Warning symbol: draws attention to a hazard

•• Signal word: identifies the degree of hazard
•• Type and source of hazard: identifies the type or source of the hazard
•• Consequences: describes the consequences in the case of non-observance
•• Precautions: states, how the hazard can be avoided
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About this document

Table 2: Hazard classes according to ANSI Z535.6-2006

Warning sign, signal word Meaning
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
DANGER will certainly result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
WARNING could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
CAUTION could result in minor or moderate injury.

NOTICE Damage to property: The product or the environment

can be damaged.

1.3.2 Symbols
The following symbols refer to notes, which are not relevant to safety, but
increase the legibility of the documentation.
Table 3: Meaning of symbols
Symbol Meaning
If this information is disregarded, the product cannot be used or
operated in an optimum manner.

ff Single, independent step of action

1. Numbered instruction for action:
The numbers indicate that the activities are to be carried out
2. consecutively.

1.3.3 Terms used

The following terms are used in this documentation:
Table 4: Terms
Designation Meaning
A10VSO Axial piston variable displacement pump, open circuit
A4VSO Axial piston variable displacement pump, open circuit
HM12 Pressure transducer
HM13 Pressure transducer
IW9 Swivel angle sensor for the SYDFE1 control system
SYDFE1 Pressure/flow control system for external electronics
SYDFE1-2X Pressure/flow control system, series 2X
SYDFE1-3X Pressure/flow control system, series 3X
VT-DFPn Pilot valve with integrated, digital electronics, variable speed
VT-DFP Pilot valve for SYDFE1
VT 5041-3X External control electronics for SYDFE1
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About this document

1.3.4 Abbreviations used

The following abbreviations are used in this documentation:
Table 5: Abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning
A/F Width across flats
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
GND Ground
NG Nenngröße (size)
p Pressure (symbol)
P Power
pact Actual pressure value
pcomm Pressure command value
PCV Precompression Volume
pDiff Control difference between pressure command value and
actual pressure value
PE Protective Earth
PT Pressure Transducer
RE Rexroth document in English language
Switch TD Switching input for volume adjustment
SWA Swivel angle
SWAact Actual swivel angle value
SWAcomm Swivel angle command value
UB Supply voltage
US Unterspannung (undervoltage)
VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik
(Association of electrical engineering, electronics and
information technology)
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Safety instructions

2 Safety instructions

2.1 About this chapter

The SYDFE1 control system has been manufactured according to the generally
accepted rules of current technology. There is, however, still a risk of personal
injury or damage to equipment if you do not observe this chapter and the safety
instructions contained in this documentation.
ff Read these instructions completely and thoroughly before working with the
SYDFE1 control system.
ff Keep this documentation in a location where it is accessible to all users at all
ff Always pass the product together with the required documentation on to third

2.2 Intended use

The product is electrical/hydraulic equipment.
You may use the product as follows:
•• for the electrohydraulic pressure and swivel angle control of an axial piston
variable displacement pump

The SYDFE1 control system is technical equipment, which is not intended for
private use.
Intended use includes that you have read and understood these instructions
completely, especially Chapter 2 “Safety instructions”.

2.3 Improper use

Any use other than described in the section “Intended use” is considered as
improper and is therefore not permitted.
If unsuitable products are installed or used in safety-relevant applications,
unintended operational states may occur in the application that can cause
personal injury and/or damage to property. For this reason, use the product only
in safety-relevant applications, if this use is expressly specified and allowed in
this documentation. For example in explosion-protected areas or in safety-related
parts of a control (functional safety).
For damage resulting from improper use, Bosch Rexroth AG will not assume
liability. The responsibility for risks arising from improper use lies exclusively with
the user.
Improper use of the product includes:
•• if you do not adhere to the technical data, operating conditions and
performance limits given in the data sheet and the order confirmation
•• if you do not comply with national EMC regulations for the application at hand.
If required, notes on proper installation in line with EMC regulations can be
found in the EMC test documentation from Bosch Rexroth AG (compliance
sheet RE 30030-U). The manufacturer of the system or machine is responsible
for complying with the limit values stipulated in national regulations (European
countries: EC Directive 2004/108/EC (EMC Directive); USA: See National
Electrical Code (NEC), National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
as well as regional engineering regulations;
•• if you use the SYDFE1 control system in a potentially explosive atmosphere.
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Safety instructions

2.4 Personnel qualifications

The activities described in this documentation require basic knowledge of
mechanics, electrics and hydraulics as well as knowledge of the associated
technical terms. To ensure a safe use, these activities may therefore only be
carried out by qualified personnel or under the direction and supervision of
qualified personnel.
Qualified personnel are those who can recognize possible hazards and institute
the appropriate safety measures due to their professional training, knowledge and
experience, as well as their understanding of the relevant conditions pertaining to
the work to be done. Qualified personnel must observe the rules relevant to the
subject area.

2.5 General safety instructions

•• Observe the valid regulations for accident prevention and environmental
•• Observe the safety regulations and rules of the country where the product is
•• Only use Rexroth SYDFE1 control systems in good technical order and
•• Observe all notes given on the product.
•• Persons who install, commission, operate, demount or maintain Rexroth
products must not consume any alcohol, drugs or pharmaceuticals that may
affect their ability to respond.
•• Only use accessory and spare parts released by the manufacturer in order to
rule out personnel hazards arising from unsuitable spare parts.
•• Adhere to the technical data and ambient conditions provided in the product
•• If unsuitable products are installed or used in safety-relevant applications,
unintended operational states can occur in these applications, which can cause
personal injury and damage to property. Therefore, use the product only in
safety-relevant applications, if this use is expressly specified and permitted in
the documentation of the product.
•• You may only commission the product when it has been established that the
final product (for example, a machine or system), in which the Rexroth products
are integrated, comply with national regulations, safety regulations and
standards relevant for the application.
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Safety instructions

2.6 Product- and technology-related safety instructions

Control system falling down!
SYDFE1 control systems are heavy. In the case of improper handling, they can
fall down and cause severe injuries and crushing, because the parts can be, for
example, sharp-edged, heavy, oily, loose or bulky.
ff Transport the SYDFE1 control system using suitable lifting gear at the point
provided for this purpose.
ff Ensure a stable position while transporting the control system to the place of
ff Wear personal protective equipment when transporting the control system.
ff Observe national laws and regulations for accident prevention and safety at
work during transport.

Risk of injury caused by systems not shut down!

Working on running systems poses a danger to life and limb. The work steps
described in these operating instructions may only be performed on systems
which were shut down. Before beginning work:
ff Make sure that the drive motor cannot be switched on.
ff Make sure that all power-transmitting components and connections (electric,
pneumatic, hydraulic) are switched off according to the manufacturer’s
instructions and are secured against being switched on again. If possible,
remove the main fuse of the system.
ff Ensure that the system is completely hydraulically relieved and
depressurized. Please follow the system manufacturer’s instructions.
ff Only qualified personnel (see Chapter 2.4 “Personnel qualifications” on
page 10) are authorized to install the SYDFE1 control system.

Lines under pressure!

Risk of injury.
ff Never disconnect, open or cut pressurized lines!
ff Before carrying out any installation or other work, depressurize the control

High electrical voltage!

Risk of death and risk of injury from electric shock.
ff Before starting installation work, plugging and unplugging connectors and
carrying out any work, switch the control system off. Secure the electrical
equipment against being switched on.
ff Before switching the control system on, check the protective conductor on all
electrical devices for proper connection according to the wiring diagram.
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Safety instructions

High noise emission during operation!
The noise emission of SYDFE1 control systems depends, among others, on
speed, operating pressure and the installation situation. Under normal operating
conditions, the noise pressure level may rise above 70 dB(A). This can cause
hearing damage.
ff Always wear hearing protection when you work in the vicinity of a running
SYDFE1 control system.

Hot surfaces!
Risk of burning.
The SYDFE1 control systems heats up considerably during operation. The pilot
valve of the SYDFE1 control system gets so hot during operation that you may
burn yourself.
ff Let the SYDFE1 control system cool down before touching it.
ff Protect yourself by wearing heat-resistant protective clothing, e.g. gloves.

Risk of intoxication and injury!

Contact with hydraulic fluids can be damaging to your health (e.g. eye injuries,
skin damage, intoxication upon inhalation and swallowing).
ff Always check the lines for wear and damage before each commissioning.
ff While performing these checks, wear safety gloves, safety goggles and
suitable working clothes.
ff If hydraulic fluid should, nevertheless, come into contact with your eyes or
penetrate your skin, consult a doctor immediately.
ff When handling hydraulic fluids, strictly observe the safety notes of the
hydraulic fluid manufacturer.

Risk of fire!
Hydraulic fluid is easily inflammable.
ff Keep open fire and sources of ignition away from the SYDFE1 control
ff Ensure sufficient ventilation.

Improperly installed lines and cables!
Risk of stumbling!
ff Install cables and lines in a way that nobody can stumble over them.

Uncontrolled system behavior!

The failure of individual components can lead to malfunction of the assembly and
therefore to unforeseeable behavior!
ff Replace or have defective components replaced immediately.
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Safety instructions

2.7 Personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment for users of the product consists of:
•• Protective gloves and safety shoes for transporting the SYDFE1 control system.
•• Hearing protection for working in the direct vicinity of the running system.

All components of personal protective equipment must be intact.

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General notes on damage to material and the product

3 General notes on damage to material and

the product

Impermissible mechanical loading!
Hitting or impulsive forces on the drive shaft or the pilot valve can damage or
even destroy the SYDFE1 control system.
ff Do not hit the coupling or drive shaft of the axial piston unit.
ff Do not set/place the axial piston unit on the drive shaft or the pilot valve.
ff Never use the SYDFE1 control system as a handle or step. Do not place/lay
any objects on it.

Foreign bodies and contaminants in the control system!

Risk of damage, wear and malfunction due to the ingress of contaminants and
foreign bodies.
ff When installing the control system, observe strictest cleanliness to prevent
foreign bodes such as welding beads or metal cuttings from entering
hydraulic lines.
ff Before commissioning, make sure that all hydraulic connections are tight
and that all seals and closing elements of plug-in connections are correctly
installed and not damaged.
ff Take care that no detergents enter the hydraulic system.
ff Do not use cotton waste or linty cloths for cleaning.
ff Never use hemp as sealant.

Wear can cause malfunction.
ff Carry out the prescribed maintenance work at the time intervals specified in
the operating instructions.

Hydraulic fluid is detrimental to the environment!

Hydraulic fluid leakage leads to environmental contamination.
ff Remove any leakage immediately.
ff Dispose of the hydraulic fluid according to the national regulations in your
Insufficient pressure!
If the pressure falls below the specified value, damage can occur or the product
be destroyed.
ff Make sure that the pressure cannot fall under the prescribed minimum value.

Insufficient hydraulic fluid!

If you commission or operate the SYDFE1 control system without or with
insufficient hydraulic fluid, the control system is immediately damaged or even
ff When commissioning or re-commissioning a machine or system, make
certain that the housing chamber as well as the suction and working lines
of the control system are filled with hydraulic fluid and remain filled during
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Delivery contents

4 Delivery contents

1 2 4

Fig. 1: Control system SYDFE1-3X

The following is included in the scope of delivery:

•• 1 control system SYDFE1

Before delivery, the following parts are mounted additionally:

1 Transport protection for drive shaft end in the case of keyed shaft
2 Protective cover with mounting screws
3 Plastic plugs/plug screws
4 Protective cover (NG140) or plastic plug on pre-load valve
5 The connection flange is closed operationally safe with a cover (optionally on
variant with through-drive)
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Product description

5 Product description

5.1 Performance description

The SYDFE1 control system is designed and built for the electrohydraulic control
of swivel angle, pressure and power (optional) of an axial piston unit. It is intended
for stationary applications.
Please refer to the data sheet and order confirmation for the technical data,
operating conditions and operating limits of the SYDFE1 control system.

5.2 Device description

The SYDFE1 control system is based on an axial piston variable displacement
pump of swashplate design for hydrostatic drives in the open circuit. The flow
is proportional to drive speed and displacement. The flow can be steplessly
changed by adjusting the swashplate.
Open circuit With an open circuit, the hydraulic fluid flows from the tank to the variable
displacement pump and is transported from there to the consumer via a
directional valve. From the consumer, the hydraulic fluid flows via the directional
valve back to the tank.
In the regenerative operating mode (see Chapter 5.4.1 „Regenerative operation“
on page 22) the hydraulic fluid can also flow from the consumer through the pump
to the tank.

5.2.1 Functional description, section of SYDFE1

The numbers in the description below refer to Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 on page 18.
Pressure and swivel angle control of the SYDFE1 control systems is
accomplished using an electrically controlled proportional valve (2). The
proportional valve determines the position of the swashplate (1) by means of
the actuating piston (4). The displaced flow is proportional to the position of
the swashplate. The counter-piston (3), which is pre-loaded by a spring (5), is
permanently pressurized to pump pressure.
With a non-rotating pump and depressurized actuating system, the swashplate is
held by the spring (5) in position +100 %. With a driven pump and a de-energized
proportional solenoid (8) the system swivels to zero stroke pressure as the valve
spool (9) is pushed to the initial position by the spring (10) and, therefore, pump
pressure p is applied to the actuating piston (4) via valve port “A”. A balance
between the pump pressure on the actuating piston and the spring force (5) is
achieved at a pressure of 8 to 12 bar. This basic position (= zero stroke operation)
is obtained when the control electronics is inactive (e.g. when the controller
enable has not been granted).
In contrast to this, a pump with external supply swivels to the negative limit
stop (regenerative operation).

The proportional valve is controlled by external control electronics VT 5041-3X,

which is part of the system. This electronics processes all of the control signals
required to operate the SYDFE1 control system.
The external control electronics type VT 5041-3X is designed as plug-in card in
Euro-format. As a standard, it is provided with one command value input each
for pressure and swivel angle (and optional input for power command value). A
pressure transducer senses the actual pressure value. A swivel angle sensor
(7) on the pump senses the actual swivel angle value. The acquired actual
values are processed in the control electronics and compared with the given
command values. A minimum value comparator ensures that automatically only
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Product description

the controller assigned to the desired working point is active. In this process,
one system variable (pressure, swivel angle or - optionally - power) is exactly
corrected, the other two system variables are below the given command value.
The output signal of the minimum value generator becomes the command value
for the valve control loop.
The actual value of the valve spool position is sensed using an inductive position
transducer (6). The output value of the valve position controller determines via the
amplifier output stage the current through the proportional solenoid (8). As soon
as the working point is reached the proportional valve control spool (9) is held in
the centered position.
When the higher-level controllers demand an increase in the swivel angle
(increase in flow), the valve spool (9) must be moved from the central position
(connection of the actuating piston (4) A → T) until the swivel angle reaches the
required value. The movement of the valve spool against the force of the spring
(10) is achieved by a corresponding increase in the electrical current through the
proportional solenoid (8).
A reduction of the swivel angle (reduction in flow) is achieved by connecting the
actuating piston (4) from P → A.

Pre-compression volume PCV Since the introduction of A10VSO, series 32, a so-called pre-compression volume
(14) PCV has been available as an optional extra. This variant (feature “32” in the
ordering code for the design of the subplate) is an integral part of the subplate
and cannot be retrofitted.
The PCV reduces pressure pulsation and can contribute to an improvement in the
generation of noise and render secondary measures for the reduction of pulsation
unnecessary. This technology is, however, not employed in the subplate variant
without PCV (feature “22” in the ordering code).

Actuating system supply The actuating system of the pump can be supplied with pilot oil in three different
1. Internally, without pre-load valve (only possible for operating pressures above
12...20 bar, see Chapter 4.5.1 “Internal/external pilot oil“ on page 25)
2. Internally, with pre-load valve (operating pressure 0…100 %)
3. External supply via a shuttle valve - automatic changeover between internal/
external via a shuttle valve sandwich plate (see “external pilot oil” on page 26).
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Product description

5 3 7


1 4

2 10 9 8

Fig. 2: Type SYDFE1, series 2X

5 3 14

P A T 6
-100 %
–100% Nullhub +100 %
Zero +100%
1 stroke 4

2 10 9 8

Fig. 3: Type SYDFE1, series 3X

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Product description

Basic positions of the swivel angle The sectional drawings overleaf show the mechanical basic position “+100 %“ of
adjustment feature the pump (depressurized, drive at rest). This corresponds to the maximum swivel
angle of the pump.
Zero stroke pressure: Pressure, which the pump with internal supply generates for
its own supply without activation of the pilot valve. The pressure level is usually
within the range of 8 to 12 bar. This pressure level can only be achieved when the
maximum oil flow, which the pump can deliver, is not exceeded. The pump with
internal supply automatically swivels in to zero stroke operation after the electric
drive was started and
•• when the enable of the control electronics is missing or
•• in the case of an error message of the control electronics (pre-condition:
VT 5041-3X: J1 OFF) or
•• when the control electronics is de-energized

provided that the required pilot pressure can be built up (consumer line is closed).
In contrast to this, the pump with external supply swivels in to the negative limit
stop “-100%“ under the above conditions!
NOTICE! Cavitation of the pump!
Risk of damage to the pump in the case of systems with external supply.
ff To prevent damage to the pump, provide a pressure relief/anti-cavitation valve
for systems with external supply. If a fault occurs during operation - not during
start-up - the motor must be switched off.

5.3 Controller structure and basic operating modes

Controller structure The controller structure is illustrated in the figure below.

(Pin 24c)
Actual pressure (pin 8c/10c) U
Pressure Valve command value
Power setpoint Minimum Valve
(potentiometer or Pressure setpoint (pin 6c/4c) value controller s
pin 18c/20c) comparator U
Minimum Flow
value controller
Swivel angle setpoint
(pin 14c/16c) U

Actual swivel angle (pin 12c)

Fig. 4: Controller structure

Basic operating modes Up to three controllers are continuously active in the possible operating modes:
•• Swivel angle controller
•• Pressure controller
•• Power controller (optional)

These controllers alternate automatically and jerk-free through evaluation of

minimum value comparators.
During steady-state operation, one of the above controllers is active. For the other
controllers, the actual value is smaller than the command value.
The following operating modes are available:
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Product description

5.3.1 Closed-loop swivel angle control

With version VT 5041-3X/1...
VT 5041-3X/2...
ff J4 OFF and
ff connect pin 18a to +24 V.

With version VT 5041-3X/3...

If the axis is to run exclusively in this operating mode, an analog signal within the
range of +10.0 V to UB is assigned to the pressure command value and used to
deactivate the pressure controller (0...+10 V ≙ 0...100 % swivel angle).
The pressure transducer signal must be short-circuited or deactivated,
because even actual pressure value signals of ≥ 8.0 V have an influence on or
reduce the swivel angle output and hence the valve command value (actuating

A precondition for this is, however, that the electronics is set for an actual
pressure value input “voltage” without raised zero point (e.g. 0 - 10 V, 0 - 20 mA).
Otherwise, electronics set for an actual pressure value branch with raised zero
point would change to an erroneous state when the pressure transducer signal is

+10 V to UB 6c pcomm
external u
4c Reference potential

H 8c pact →0 to +10 V

10c 0 to 5 V u

14c SWAcomm → -10 V to +10 V

16c Reference potential u



Fig. 5: Circuitry of control electronics VT 5041-3X for closed-loop swivel angle control
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Product description

5.3.2 Closed-loop pressure control

Forcefully ejected parts and hydraulic fluid jet!
Risk of severe injury! The electrical pressure control does not assume a
pressure relief function.
ff Make certain that the maximum operating pressure is never exceeded.
ff If a pre-load valve is installed, you can use its pressure relief function. If
no pre-load valve is installed, provide a pressure relief valve, the pressure
setting of which is 10 % (recommended) higher than the operating pressure,
in the pressure line. If you do without this valve, malfunction is possible.

If the axis is to operate in this mode, an analog signal within the range from
+10.0 V to UB can be assigned to the swivel angle command value and used
to deactivate the swivel angle controller. However, for some applications,
it is advantageous to limit the permitted swiveling range of the pump by
feedforwarding a suitable swivel angle command value. However, this command
value must be sufficiently great in order that the pressure controller can swivel the
pump out to the required extent.

5.3.3 Power limitation (optional) with VT 5041-3X/3...

This version allows optimum matching with the performance limits of the drive
Due to the relationship of P ≈ αcomm * pact the power controller intervenes with a
reducing/limiting effect (power hyperbola) via the swivel angle command value
branch, if required.

Max. flow [%]


0 Actual pressure [%] 100

Fig. 6: Power limitation

5.4 Special operating modes

This chapter describes certain applications. In these cases, the basic operating
modes (see Chapter 5.3 on page 19) are active.

Starting up at zero pressure For starting up SYDFE1 systems, no hydraulic circuit needs to be provided for the
classical start-up at zero pressure.
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Product description

When small command values for pressure and swivel angle are provided, starting
up under almost no-load conditions is possible.

Circulation operation (by-pass In the case of systems with internal supply and without pre-load valve, hydraulic
filtration, cooling) circulation circuits must be dimensioned so that a minimum pressure of 8...12 bar
is obtained, because the pump requires this pressure level to be able to respond
to electrical control signals.

Stand-by operation Operating mode of the pump, in which an operating point is steadily closed-loop-
controlled with a corresponding command value over a longer period of time.
Observe the notes on permitted pressures in Chapter 5.5.1 „Internal/external pilot
oil“ (page 25).

Zero stroke operation Operating mode of the pump that refers to the smallest achievable swivel angle
and to which the pump usually changes over when no closed-loop control is
A withdrawal of the enable signal, the non-availability of supply voltage or an error
message (exception: J1 set, see page 63) cause the pump to automatically swivel
in to zero stroke operation (actuating system with internal supply). Whereas
in the case of actuating systems with external supply the pump swivels to the
mechanical positive stop “-100%“ (consumer line closed) irrespective of the
command value received.
The feedforward of “0 bar” via the pressure command value branch is not
permitted for actuating systems with external supply. In the case of systems with
internal supply this is problematic only in the case of a step-change from a high
pressure to 0, because undershoots may occur.

5.4.1 Regenerative operation

Regenerative operation is a special operating mode of the SYDFE1 control
system, since in this case the SYDFE1 control system is operated as both,
generator and motor.
Continuous regenerative operation We can distinguish between continuous regenerative operation and brief
regenerative operation. In the first case, by this we understand coupling of the
variable displacement pump with a fixed displacement pump. Here, the two pump
displacements are fed together to a common consumer.
This operating mode can be utilized in conjunction with a fixed displacement
pump in order to increase the displacement. To achieve “zero” displacement,
the closed-loop controlled pump must “take over” the entire flow from the fixed
displacement pump and therefore swivels to the negative swivel angle range
(motor operation). It must be noted here that both pump sizes must be matched
to each other so that the controlled pump (in regenerative operation) must swivel
in to max. –70 %. The fixed displacement pump should be mounted to a through-
drive of the SYDFE1 control system.
The following pump variants are available for continuous regenerative operation:
0487: Continuous regenerative operation with external supply
0541: Continuous regenerative operation without external supply (for SYDFE1-3X
In the case of pump variants with external supply this operating mode is
somewhat complicated in terms of engineering and commissioning, because a
pump swiveling in too far (e.g. -75 % instead of -70 %) causes cavitation. We
therefore recommend master/slave operation as an alternative with two
closed-loop controlled SYDFE1 systems or pump variant 0541 for SYDFE1-
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Product description

Continuous operation is possible when the given operating limits are adhered
to. However, at a total displacement of “zero” (that is, at a negative swivel angle
of the SYDFE1 pump) and at high pressures, the noise level increases and
efficiency deteriorates.
For pumps with external supply, the use of a pressure relief and anti-cavitation
feature as shown in Fig. 7 is indispensable to prevent the pump’s running dry.

pmax 0,2 bar

Pressure relief/anti- Q1 Q2 max< 0,7 Q1

cavitation valve required in
the case of external supply


Fig. 7: Circuit diagram for continuous regenerative operation




Motor operation Pump operation


Control system for continuous

regenerative operation:
Operating pressure pHP (bar)

SYDFE1 2X or 3X
150 • NG 18...100 with SO 0487 or 0541
• NG 140



Ist [%]

-100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 +100
0 SYD_014

Fig. 8: Operating limits for series SYDFE1-2X and SYDFE1-3X with special rotary
group for continuous regenerative operation

Brief regenerative operation During brief regenerative operation the variable displacement pump changes over
to motor operation for a limited period of time, e.g. for lowering a load. If the
requirement profile remains within the limits according to Fig. 9, the standard
version of the pump can be used (standard rotary group 0000 or 0479).
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Product description




Motor operation Motor operation

Operating pressure pHP (bar)


Standard rotary group




Ist [%]

-100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 +100
0 SYD_028

Fig. 9: Operating limits for series SYDFE1-2X and SYDFE1-3X with standard rotary
group for brief regenerative operation

For standard applications, the command value for the swivel angle is provided
within the voltage range of 0…+10 V; this command value is interpreted by the
control electronics so that the swivel angle of the pump is controlled within the
swiveling range from 0 % displacement to 100 % displacement.
During regenerative operation, depending on the pump combination, a swivel
angle command value of up to -70 % (or -7 V) has to be provided. If the higher-
level control is not able to generate the command value range of -7 V to +10 V,
the normalization of the command value provision can be re-configured using
jumpers J3 and J5.

Table 6: Normalization of swivel angle command value provision

Regenerative Jumper
operation J3 J5

•• Standard: J3 open; J5 set

Swivel angle command value -10...+10 V ≙ -100…+100 % swivel angle
•• Regenerative operation: J3: set; J5 open
Swivel angle command value 0...+10 V ≙ -100 %…+100 % swivel angle or +5 V
corresponds to a swivel angle of 0 %.

Example: A swivel angle of -70 % means “zero” displacement of the pump

combination. In the “regenerative” mode, this corresponds to a command value
provision of +1.5 V for the swivel angle.
To vary the displacement for the pump combination from 0 % to 100 %, swivel
angle command values between +1.5 V and +10 V must be provided.
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Product description

5.5 Operating pressure limits

Excessive pressure!
Risk of severe injury!
ff Make certain that the maximum operating pressure is not exceeded.

Maximum operating pressure At a pressure of ≥ 250 bar the following restrictions must be observed for
•• The pressure transducer must be located downstream of a pulsation damper or
the high-pressure hose.
•• When a standard pilot valve spool is used (version “A”), the pressure controller
P-gain (see page 70) may have to be reduced. This has an influence on the
accuracy and dynamics of the closed pressure control loop.
•• The loop gain can also be reduced by installing a pressure transducer of a
higher pressure rating (e.g. 400 bar).

Minimum operating pressure The minimum operating pressure depends on the pilot oil supply and is explained
in more detail in the following chapter.

5.5.1 Internal/external pilot oil

Internal pilot oil supply If the operating pressures of the application are always > 20 bar, the version with
internal pilot oil supply should be selected, because no cavitation due to too small
command values can occur with this version.
Operation is also possible at pressures higher than approximately 12 bar, but
dynamics is restricted within the range below 20 bar.
This minimum (pilot) pressure level ensures that the pump can respond to the
electrical swivel signal at any time. When the consumer line is blocked, the
smallest achievable steady-state swivel angle is the zero stroke angle.
For applications, in which smaller operating pressures occur or are to be
controlled, a pre-load valve (SYDZ for SYDFE1) can be used. In these cases, the
minimum pressure is ≥ 1 bar.

Pre-load valve The advantage of the pre-load valve is that the pilot oil pressure of the pump
cannot fall below the value preset on the pre-load valve and that pressures
≤10 bar on the output side can be continuously controlled.
Being equipped with a pre-load valve the pump cannot permanently swivel back
over zero, irrespective of electrical actuating signals or any control errors. This
is not valid for applications, in which, for example, a suspended load can cause
operating pressures ≥ 12 bar. In such cases the pump can also be used in motor
operation (for lowering the load). A check valve integrated in the pre-load valve
permits, within certain limits, a reversal of the direction of oil flow.
When using the pump combinations

•• NG45 with 45/28/18 or

•• NG28 with 28/18 or
•• NG18 with 18

in conjunction with the SYDZ pre-load valve on the main pump, there is a
mechanical conflict between port “P1” of the pre-load valve and the swivel
angle sensor housing of the built-on rear pump. For this reason, we suggest
that the main pump of the above combinations be equipped with an SAE
flange plate ¾“ (NG28) or 1“ (NG45) having a height of h = 45 mm. The
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Product description

construction height of the pump assembly therefore changes by dimension


External pilot oil supply Also here, the minimum pressure is ≥ 1 bar. With external pilot oil supply (0479
for external supply or 0487 for external supply plus regenerative operation for
SYDFE1) pressures ≤ 10 bar are only permitted briefly (max. 10 minutes).
An additionally built-on sandwich plate with shuttle valve automatically switches
the pilot oil supply between internal or external pilot oil source, with always the
higher pressure level being selected.
A pump for SYDFE1 with external pilot oil supply can be recognized by
•• the sandwich plate mounted under the pilot valve and
•• the hose routed around the pump case.

With external pilot oil supply, the actuating system of the SYDFE1 pump works
independently of the actual high-pressure circuit, thus allowing an adjustment also
below an operating pressure of 14 bar within the range of “±100 %“ (change in the
direction of displacement!).
In the following situations, the pump swivels to position “-100 %” (motor
operation) in an uncontrolled manner:

•• When the enable of the control electronics is missing or

•• in the case of an error message (exception: J1 set, see page 63) or
•• in the de-energized state of the control electronics.
This can lead to cavitation and damage to the pump.

For this reason, special features are to be provided such as a pressure relief and
anti-cavitation valve and actual swivel angle value monitoring.
The pressure relief and anti-cavitation valve diminishes the risk of the pump’s
running dry, the effects of which result in a reduction in the pump’s service life.
The actual swivel angle value monitor could, for example, switch off the entire
drive or selectively shut off the pilot oil flow.
The following is valid for the actuating pressure:
Pilot oil pressure ≤ minimum operating pressure + 30 bar
Recommendation: Absolute pilot oil pressure ≈ 20 bar
Further notes on the operation with external supply:
•• With external supply, the pump does not swivel to zero stroke when the control
electronics is de-energized.
•• Command values for pressure and flow must always be greater than 1 bar or
5 %, because there is no exact “zero” pressure or “zero” swivel angle due to
drift or inaccurate settings. For this reason, selections equal to zero or slightly
greater can lead to cavitation in the worst case.
•• In order to ensure sufficient lubrication for the pump system at all times, the
actual pressure value must not be less than 10 bar for longer than 10 minutes!!

Notes on dimensioning At a pilot oil pressure of 20 bar the brief pilot oil requirement during swiveling is
ca.17 l/min. In practice, this amount of pilot oil is needed only, if the operating
pressure is less than 20 bar during the entire swiveling process and thus the
entire pilot oil demand must be supplied by the external source.
In the steady-state, balanced condition, the pilot oil requirement is less than
1 l/min.
Experience has shown that, depending on the operating pressure and swiveling
frequency, the actual pilot oil demand is in the order of 5...15 l/min. In the case
of external supply, a smaller pump size may be selected if an accumulator is
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Product description

5.6 Ambient conditions

5.6.1 Oil-immersed applications

The SYDFE1 control system is suitable for oil-immersed applications.

5.6.2 Ambient temperature

The permissible maximum ambient temperature for SYDFE1 control systems is
70 °C at the pump and 50 °C at control electronics VT 5041-3X.
We recommend the installation within a ventilated area with moved ambient
air, e.g. in the air flow of an electric motor.

5.7 Notes on the selection of hydraulic fluids


The SYDFE1 control system is designed for operation with hydraulic fluids in
accordance with DIN 51 524 (HL/HLP).
Operating viscosity We recommend that the operating viscosity (at operating temperature) be within
the following range, which is optimum in terms of efficiency and service life:
•• νopt = optimum operating viscosity 16... 36 mm²/s

This range is referred to the tank temperature in the open circuit.

Viscosity limits The following values are valid for limiting operating conditions:
•• νmin = 10 mm²/s
Briefly, at max. permissible case drain oil temperature of 90 °C
•• νmax = 1000 mm²/s
Briefly, during cold start

Temperature range The temperature of the hydraulic fluids lies between the following values: (cf.
selection diagram)
•• tmin = -20 °C
•• tmax = 70 °C
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Product description

Selection diagram for the hydraulic

fluid 2500-40° -20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100°
1600 1600

V 6

V 32
V 46
V 22

G 8


40 36



5 5
-40° -25° -10° 0° 10° 30° 50° 70°
Temperature t in °C
tmin = -20 °C tmax = +70 °C
Hydraulic fluid temperature range

Notes on the selection

In order to be able to select the correct hydraulic fluid, the operating
temperature in the tank (open circuit) in relation to the ambient temperature
must be known.

The hydraulic fluid should be selected so that within the operating temperature
range, the operating viscosity is within the optimal range (νopt). This range is
shown as shaded area in the selection diagram.
We recommend that you select the next higher viscosity class.
At an ambient temperature of X °C, the resulting temperature in the tank is
60 °C. Within the optimum operating viscosity range (νopt; grey-shaded area) this
corresponds to viscosity classes VG 46 and VG 68. You should select: VG 68.
The case drain oil temperature, which is subject to the influence of pressure
and pump revving speed, is always higher than the tank temperature.
However, the temperature must not exceed 90 °C at any point in the system.
If the conditions described above cannot be complied with due to extreme
operating parameters or high ambient temperatures, please consult us.

Filtration of the hydraulic fluid The finer the filtration of the hydraulic fluid, the better is the achieved cleanliness
class, which, in turn, prolongs the service life of the SYDFE1 control system.
To ensure operational reliability of the SYDFE1 control system, at least
cleanliness class 18/16/13 according to ISO 4406 (for particle sizes 4/6/14 μm) is

5.8 Noise level

When compared with, for example, vane pumps, axial piston pumps generate
greater changes in flows and thus pressure pulsations for design-inherent
reasons. Apart from the propagation of air and structure-borne noise, this can
have an influence on fluid-borne noise. In the end, these factors together result in
the general perception of “noise”.
Noise often induces vibration on other components, which, in turn, also generate
noise. For example, on check valves, which may be installed, the integrated
springs must be adapted to the conditions of the systems, if this is a cause of
excitations leading to the generation of noise.
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Product description

The details given for the noise pressure level in the technical documentation refer
to measurements taken in an anechoic room. Influences of the surroundings such
as place of installation, general mechanical concept, piping, etc., are not taken
into account.

5.8.1 Generation of noise in the power unit

“Noise“ is composed of different elements. The total result of “noise” is influenced
not only by air-borne noise, but also by structure- and fluid-borne noise.
As a result of unfavorable installation and piping conditions, the noise pressure
level of the complete system can be 5 to 10 dB(A) higher than the value of the
pump alone.
Noise can be reduced by taking, for example, the following measures:
•• Low-noise tank
•• Damping ring between pump and pump mounting bracket
•• Flexible pipe conduit
•• Anti-vibration rails under the motor
•• Installation of the pump at a sufficient distance to the tank wall

5.8.2 Pulsation damper

For some special applications, we recommend the use of a pulsation damper.
Due to the reduction of typical pump pressure pulsation, this has a positive effect
on the noise level of the hydraulic system as a whole.
Further information can be found in data sheet RE 50142.

5.9 Shaft variants

The SYDFE1 control system is available with keyed or splined shafts. When
compared with the keyed shaft, the splined shaft is not only advantageous with
regard to its degrees of freedom during assembly and operation, but also due to
its increased torque load carrying capacity and its stability under changing loads.
This increased torque load carrying capacity is useful in particular when pump
combinations are to be installed. In the case of multiple pumps, all built-on units
are fitted with splined shafts.
In view of the dynamic load carrying capacity and standardization, we recommend
the use of standard types with splined shafts. This offers advantages with regard
to availability and future spare parts requirements.
When a splined shaft is selected, a clamp coupling must be used for the
mechanical connection to the electric motor. Otherwise, frictional corrosion may
occur that leads to damage to the pump.
Notes on the transmission of permissible maximum torques can be found in the
data sheet.
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Product description

Keyed shaft
Due to the advantages of the splined shaft, keyed shafts are not recommended
for new applications. The keyed shaft is no longer used for applications with
If a single pump is to be used later as “end pump” in a multiple-pump system, a
splined shaft must be selected.

Splined shaft
Splined shaft profiles depend on the size (NG) of the pump. Two different splined
shaft profiles are available in conjunction with “SYDFEx“ :
•• “S“-profile for NG18, NG100, NG140 and NG180
•• “R“-profile for NG28 ... 71

When compared with the “S”-profile, the “R”-profile features further improved
properties with regard to the torque carrying capacity of the shaft. This version
represents the optimum for a wide variety of applications.

5.10 Spool variant of the VT-DFPE-x-2X pilot valve

The standard spool according to the ordering code is spool type “A“ (360° spool).
Especially for press applications (280 bar) type “C” (4-groove spool) has proven in
practice in conjunction with the SYDFE1 control system.
On older systems, a 2-groove spool “B” was often employed. However, this spool
should no longer be used for new applications due its poor dynamics.

5.11 Functions of control electronics VT 5041-3X

5.11.1 Enable

Uncontrolled machine movements!
Risk of severe injury! The enable does not represent a safety function!
ff All further, safety-relevant interventions must be made by the higher-level
control (e.g. switching the drive motor OFF, closing the shut-off valves, .... ).

The enable for the control electronics is granted by applying 24 V to switching

input 26c. This activates the output stage of the VT 5041-3X, i.e. the pilot valve.
The presence of the enable is signaled by LED “En.“ on the front panel.
The following options are provided for connecting enable input 26c:
•• Controlling by higher-level control (to be preferred)
•• Fixed wire bridge
•• Via relay
•• Conventional switch

The withdrawal of the enable signal at 26c deactivates the valve output stage of
the control electronics and causes the pilot valve to go to a defined position. The
same effect is achieved by switching off the voltage supply.
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Product description

This has the following consequences:

•• With an actuating system with internal supply the pump swivels to the zero
stroke position.
Zero stroke = minimum pressure generated by a pump with internal supply
•• In contrast to this, a pump with actuating system with external supply
swivels to the mechanical limit stop “-100 %“.

The enable is always required for normal operation. In the event of a fault, such
a fault can be cleared by withdrawing and re-applying the enable. Clearing of the
fault message is also possible by switching the supply voltage off and then on

5.11.2 Switch TD
Via switching input “Switch Td“ (22c) you can activate a second volume
This function is a new feature when compared with control electronics VT 5041-
2X and is explained in more detail in Chapter 8 “Commissioning“ on page 59.

5.11.3 Pressure controller OFF - master/slave operation

(VT 5041-3X/1... and ...2... only)
This function is provided only for versions without power limitation.
The pressure controller can be deactivated via switching input 18a. This means
that exclusively the swivel angle control of the control electronics is active. The
deactivation of the pressure controller is signaled by LED ““ on the front
panel of the control electronics.
In addition, in conjunction with a set jumper (J4) the command value for the swivel
angle controller is no longer read in from inputs 14c and 16c, but from inputs 18c
and 20c. This function can be utilized for the master/slave operating mode.
When the pressure controller is deactivated, the function of pressure limitation
is no longer effective.

5.11.4 Fault message

The switching output “fault message” at input 2c signals a trouble-free state with a
24-V level. When a fault is recognized, this is output as collective fault by a signal
level of 0 V at 2c. At the front panel of the control electronics, a fault message is
signaled by LED “Err.“.
Also a missing enable will lead to the issue of a fault message.
Causes for fault messages are described in Chapter 15 “Troubleshooting“ on
page 81.

5.11.5 Signaling of type of control

•• An active closed-loop pressure control is signaled by the yellow LED with
designation “p-control” on the front panel.
•• An active closed-loop swivel angle control is signaled at connection 16a
(switching output +24 V). This information is also shown on the front panel of
the control electronics (yellow LED with symbol: ).
•• An active power limitation is signaled at connection 18a (switching output
+24 V). This information is also provided on the front panel of the control
electronics (yellow LED with lettering “Power Limiter“). Available only on version
with power limitation!
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Product description

Fig. 10: LED indicator lamps

5.11.6 Actual values

The normalized actual pressure value can be picked up at 24c.
The normalization of 0…+10 V is made using potentiometers R1 and R2 (front
panel). The signal is related to measuring socket 2.
The normalized actual swivel angle value can be picked up at 12c.
The normalization of -10...+10 V is made using potentiometers R8 and R9 (front
panel). The signal is related to measuring socket 4.

5.11.7 Measuring sockets on the front panel of control electronics

VT 5041-3X
The command values for pressure and swivel angle are provided by the higher-
level control and can be measured at measuring sockets 1 and 3.
The actual values for pressure and swivel angle can be measured at measuring
sockets 2 and 4.
The valve command value generated internally by the control electronics as
well as the acquired actual valve value of the pilot valve can be measured at
measuring sockets 5 and 6.
The active swivel angle command value at measuring socket 7 is the command
value that is currently valid for the swivel angle controller. The value can differ
from the swivel angle command value at measuring socket 3 for the following
•• When case drain compensation is active, a compensation value, which is
related to pressure, is added to the command value of measuring socket 3.
•• When the master/slave function is active, the command value of the swivel
angle is read in at connections 18c(+)/20c(-).
•• In the “regenerative” operating mode, the swivel angle command
value of 0…+10 V ≙ -100 %...-100 % is internally converted into
-10 V…+10 V ≙ -100 %...-100 % (measuring socket 7).
•• The power limiter can limit the swivel angle command value. The limiter’s being
active is signaled by LED “Power Limiter“ on the front panel.

On control electronics with power limitation, measuring socket 8 is used to adjust/

measure the power limit value.
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Product description

Table 7: Measuring sockets

Assignment of measuring sockets
Measuring socket 1 Measuring socket 2
Pressure command value Actual pressure value
0...+10 V 0...+10 V
Measuring socket 3 Measuring socket 4
Swivel angle command value Actual swivel angle value
-10 V...+10 V ≙ -10 V...+10 V ≙
-100 %...+100 % -100 %...+100 %
Measuring socket 5 Measuring socket 6
Valve command value ±10 V Actual valve value ±10 V
Measuring socket 7 Measuring socket 81)
Active swivel angle command Power limit 0...+10 V
value ±10 V
Measuring socket 9 Measuring socket 10
Reference Reference
1) Only with version with power limitation

5.11.8 Case drain oil compensation

As the operating pressure rises, the amount of internal leakage of the SYDFE1
control system increases. For this reason, a certain external swivel angle
command value is applied in order to exercise a pressure-dependent influence on
the pump’s displacement:
The pump’s displacement decreases at higher pressures.
The standard versions of the various control electronics therefore comprise
an automatic case drain compensation feature that constantly adds a certain
percentage of the actual pressure value as correction factor to the swivel angle
command value. This, however, results in differences between the externally
provided swivel angle command value and the actual swivel angle signal when
this compensation feature cuts in.
In certain applications and with integrated, connected pressure transducer,
pressure fluctuations, which may occur during displacement operation (swivel
angle control), can have an unfavorable effect on the swivel angle control when
the corrective feature described above is active. In this case, the swivel angle
control can be stabilized by reducing or deactivating case drain oil compensation.
Reasons for pressure fluctuations can be the following:
•• Process- or material-related
•• Hydraulic motors with a small number of pistons
•• Lifting cylinders with a low natural frequency
•• Overriding closed position or velocity control loop

5.11.9 Power limitation (VT 5041-3X/3... only)

In the case of electronics variants with power limitation, a limiting value can be
set by means of a potentiometer. Alternatively, a limit value can be provided
externally to contacts 18c/20c, if jumper J2 is set in position 2-3.
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Product description


Max. flow [%]


0 Actual pressure value [%] 100

Fig. 11: Power limitation

When the power limiter cuts in, the operating variables (pressure and flow) adjust
automatically according to the curve path of the set power hyperbola.
How to adjust the power control is described in Chapter 7 “Commissioning” on
page 59, the adjustment of the power limitation is described in section 8.1.12 on
page 71.

5.12 Master/slave operation

Circuitry of SYDFE1 for master/slave operation


30a/32a UB 30a/32a UB

28a 0V 28a 0V

14c SWAcomm 14c SWAcomm
SWAcomml (I)
16c GND 16c GND

pcomm (I) 6c pcomm 6c pcomm

4c GND 4c GND

8c pact - high 8c pact - high

U 10c pact - low 10c pact - low

22a M0 22a M0

Master Slave

Fig. 12: Circuitry of SYDFE1 for master/slave operation without independent

individual operation

Theoretically, an optional number of SYDFE1 control systems can be

hydraulically coupled to achieve greater flows, if necessary.
In this case, it is just required to determine a master pump to which the pressure
transducer, if provided, has to be connected.
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Product description

The master then controls both, pressure and swivel angle, in accordance with the
externally provided command values and passes its actual swivel angle value
(SWAact) on to the slave pumps as swivel angle command value (SWAcomm). This
ensures smooth and synchronous swiveling of the pumps.
Consequently, the slave pumps operate only under swivel angle control, which is
the reason why in this operating mode no pressure transducer signal may be fed
to their control electronics.

Circuitry of SYDFE1 with control electronics with power limitation

(VT 5041-3X/3-...)


30a/32a UB 30a/32a UB
28a 0V operation ON 28a 0V

αcomm (I) 14c SWAcomm 14c SWAcomm

SWAact 12c (II)
16c GND 16c GND
10 V... UB
pcomm (I) 6c pcomm 6c pcomm
pSoll (II)
4c GND 4c GND

P 8c pact - high P 8c pact - high

10c pact - low 10c pact - low

22a M0 22a M0

Master Slave

Fig. 13: Circuitry of SYDFE1 for master/slave and independent individual operation


•• Set the pressure transducer input on the slave axis to 0...10 V.

•• The connection for the position transducer of the pump is not drawn here.
•• The coupling element (relay, analog switch) can optionally be installed to
control both pumps independently of one another. With the proposal shown
here, both, swivel angle and pressure control, are possible with the slave
•• For the master/slave operating mode, the signal pcomm(II) must be set to
maximum (+10 V).
•• If closed-loop pressure control is to be realized also in the master/slave
operating mode, only the pressure transducer of the master is evaluated
for controlling purposes. If hydraulically separated operation should also be
possible, a separate pressure transducer is required for the slave.
36/96 Bosch Rexroth AG SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X | RE 30011-B/07.14

Product description

Circuitry of SYDFE1 with control electronics without power limitation

(VT 5041-3X/1...)

Master/slave operation ON
30a/32a UB 30a/32a UB
28a 0V
28a 0V
18a Master/slave J4: ON
SWAcomm (I) 14c SWAcomm
SWAcomm (II) 14c SWAcomm
SWAact 12c
16c GND 18c SWAact master

16c GND
pcomm (I) 6c pcomm
20c GND
4c GND
pcomm (II) 6c pcomm
8c pact - high 4c GND
U 10c pact - low 8c pact - high
22a M0 U 10c pact - low

22a M0

Master Slave

Fig. 14: Circuitry of SYDFE1 for master/slave and independent individual operation


•• The connection for the position transducer of the pumps is not drawn here.
•• If closed-loop pressure control is to be realized also in the master/slave
operating mode, only the pressure transducer of the master is evaluated
for controlling purposes. If hydraulically separated operation should also be
possible, a separate pressure transducer is required for the slave.

Changing over to master/slave operation

Starting point 0 V reference potentials of the PLC/command value source and GND/0 V of the
SYDFE1 electronics must be connected.
Operate both pumps until they reach the point shortly before they change
over to closed-loop pressure control (low, identical pressure level) and are still
hydraulically uncoupled from each other. Approximately identical actual swivel
angle values would be optimal. Set the flow command value to a low value (e.g.
10 %).
When a pre-load valve is used, the pump with the pre-load valve should
preferably be the master pump.

Changing over to master/slave Only in conjunction with VT 5041-3X/3-... (Fig. 13)

operation At low operating pressures, the flow command value, which has been provided by
the control, is withdrawn from the slave pump via a changeover contact suitable
for small signal voltages (or, alternatively, a wear-free analog switch), and the
actual swivel angle value provided by the VT 5041-3X control electronics of the
master pump is connected.
The pressure command value of the slave pump is to be set to 100 % (if required,
using a second changeover contact or by means of software) in order that closed-
loop pressure control of this unit is quasi switched off.
RE 30011-B/07.14 | SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X Bosch Rexroth AG 37/96

Product description

Only in conjunction with VT 5041-3X/1-... and version VT 5041-3X/2... (Fig. 14)

In the case of control electronics without power limitation: High signal to contact 18a.

For both control electronics:

At the point in time when the master/slave operating mode is activated, the
hydraulic short-circuit valve (connection of the previously separated pressure
circuits) can be activated as well. The activation of this valve may have to be
delayed depending on whether this would improve the system characteristics in
the changeover process.

Deactivating master/slave operation In the master/slave operating mode it is also useful that the control keeps the two
swivel angle command values for the master and the slave pump synchronized in
order that striking differences in the signal level are prevented when the swivel
angle command value source for the slave pump is changed over (from actual
swivel angle value of the master pump back to the control output).
The pressure command value of the slave pump should be set to the same level
as that of the master pump before the slave pump is changed over to individual
operation (jerk-free changeover).

Connection of unused, electrical All analog inputs that are not used, e.g. actual pressure value input in the case of
signal inputs flow control, must be connected to 0 Volt.
In contrast to this, differential inputs of the control electronics that are not used
may also be short-circuited.

5.12.1 Activation sequence of electronics/hydraulics

General Due to various monitoring routines implemented in the electronic assemblies, fault
messages may be generated in the case of an unfavorable order of switching on.
These fault messages cause uncertainty, although they have no “real” cause of
In principle, it is valid that all SYDFE1 pump systems that are provided exclusively
with internal pilot oil supply automatically swivel to the operationally safe zero
stroke position in the event of a power failure, missing enable or active fault
message (except, “J1” is set, see page 60). However, a precondition for zero
stroke is a minimum pressure of 8...12 bar, which the pump has to build up as
pilot pressure. This can always be ensured, when no oil can flow away from the
pump output (e.g. actuator line hydraulically blocked).
ff Observe the special case of suspended loads!
ff Observe the following activation sequence:
Analog electronics ON: • Voltage supply of the electronics
SYDFE1: • When switching on the electric motor,
apply “enable” signal (VT 5041-3X)
and suppress fault messages until
star/delta changeover takes place
• Open check valve (if provided)
OFF: • Command value provision:
αcomm = 5 % and p = 10 bar
• Close check valve (if provided)
• Suppress error message
• Withdraw enable with time delay
• Switch electric motor off
• Switch voltage supply of electronics off
38/96 Bosch Rexroth AG SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X | RE 30011-B/07.14

Product description

5.13 Identification of the product

The SYDFE1 control system can be identified by the nameplate. The figure below
shows the example of a SY2DFEC nameplate.

Word mark
Material short text Material number

Date of production
Production job order no. 3FYSPUI ./33'%

4:)%'&&93 3

Designation of origin Plant


'BCS/S  .*/&3"-Œ-

Fabrication number Direction of rotation

Production location

Fig. 15: Nameplate

For queries with regard to the pump combination you must indicate the
material number and the fabrication number.
RE 30011-B/07.14 | SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X Bosch Rexroth AG 39/96

Transport and storage

6 Transport and storage

6.1 Transporting the SYDFE1 control system

SYDFE1 control systems can be transported using a fork lift truck or lifting gear.
ff Make certain that the fork lift truck or lifting device has adequate lifting capacity.

Dimensions and weights Table 8: Dimensions and weights

SYDFE1 2X / size 18 28 45 71 100 140
Weight Pump without through- kg 14 17 23 35 47 62
drive, incl. pilot valve
In addition, pre-load valve kg 3.3 3.3 3.3 6.3 6.3 6.3
In addition, in the case of kg 2 2 2 2 2 2
external actuating system

SYDFE1 3X / size 71 100 140 180

Weight Pump without through- kg 49 71 75 80
drive, incl. pilot valve
In addition, pre-load valve kg 6.3 6.3 6.3 6,3
In addition, in case of kg 2 2 2 2
external actuating system
The dimensions vary depending on optional equipment. The figures applicable to your
SYDFE1 control system can be found on the installation drawing or in the data sheet of the
relevant control system.

Carrying the SYDFE1 control SYDFE1 control systems of a low weight can be transported manually, if required
system (the weight for brief lifting should not exceed 15 kg for women and 25 kg for men).
CAUTION! Risk of health damage!
Lifting heavy SYDFE1 control systems involves the risk of health damage!
ff When carrying the SYDFE1 control system, apply suitable techniques for
lifting, lowering and relocating or use suitable lifting gear.

6.1.1 Transporting with lifting gear

Please observe the following points for transporting:
•• Properties of the load (e.g. weight, center of gravity, mounting and attachment
•• Way of attaching or suspending the load
•• Make sure that the load carrying capacity of the lifting gear is sufficient for
transporting the SYDFE1 control system without any risks.
•• Use textile lifting slings in accordance with DIN EN 1492-2.

For further information on transportation, please contact Bosch Rexroth.

For transporting, the SYDFE1 control system can be connected to a lifting device
using a ring screw or a lifting strap.
40/96 Bosch Rexroth AG SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X | RE 30011-B/07.14

Transport and storage

Transport with ring screw The drive shaft can be used to transport the SYDFE1 control system as long as
only outward axial forces occur. Consequently, you can suspend the SYDFE1
from the drive shaft.
ff To do this, screw a ring screw completely into the female thread on the drive
shaft. The size of the thread is stated in the installation drawing.
ff Make sure that the ring screw can bear the total weight of the SYDFE1 control
system plus approx. 20 %.

You can lift the SYDFE1 control system without any risk of damage as shown in
Fig. 16 using the ring screw screwed into the drive shaft.

Fig. 16: Fixing the ring screw

Transport with lifting strap ff Place the lifting strap around the SYDFE1 control system in such a way that it
neither passes over the attached parts (e.g. valves) nor such that the SYDFE1
control system is hung from attached parts (see Fig. 17).

CAUTION! Risk of injury!

During transport with a lifting device, the control system can fall out of the lifting
strap and cause injuries.
ff Hold the control system with your hands to prevent it from falling out of the
lifting strap.
ff Use the widest possible lifting strap.

Fig. 17: Transport with lifting strap

RE 30011-B/07.14 | SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X Bosch Rexroth AG 41/96

Transport and storage

Transport damage must be reported to your contact in the sales organization

within one week. You can find the addresses of our sales locations on the
Internet at:

6.2 Storing the SYDFE1 control system

Some SYDFE1 control systems are shipped in an anti-corrosion foil (max. storage
time: 12 months). Without anti-corrosion foil, corrosion protection is limited to
transport (a few days). If these control systems are to be stored, then you must
provide preservation like for storage after disassembly (see below).
Requirements •• The storage rooms must be free from corrosive materials and gases.
•• The storage rooms must be dry.
•• The ideal temperature for storage lies between +5 °C and +20 °C.
•• Avoid intense light.
•• Do not stack SYDFE1 control systems and store them shock-proof and slip-
•• SYDFE1 control systems can be very heavy (see table 10 “Dimensions and
weights“ on page 39). Also take account of the permissible payloads of your
storage system.

ff Check the SYDFE1 control system monthly for proper storage.

Procedure after expiration of the maximum storage time:

1. Check the entire SYDFE1 control system for damage and corrosion prior to its
2. Check the SYDFE1 control system for proper function and leaks during a test
3. Replace the shaft seal ring when the storage time of 24 months is exceeded.
After expiration of the maximum storage time, we recommend that you have
the SYDFE1 control system inspected by your responsible Rexroth Service

Should you have questions regarding spare parts, contact your Rexroth Service
partner responsible for SYDFE1 control systems, see Chapter 10.5 “Spare parts”
on page 76 for further information.

After disassembly If a demounted SYDFE1 control system is to be stored, it must be preserved

against corrosion for the duration of storage.
The following instructions only refer to SYDFE1 control systems, which are
operated with a mineral-oil based hydraulic fluid. Other hydraulic fluids require
preservation methods that are specifically tailored to them. In such a case,
consult with the Rexroth Service (see Chapter 10.5 “Spare parts” on page 76
for address).

Rexroth recommends the following proceeding:

1. Clean the SYDFE1 control system, see Chapter 10.1 “Cleaning and care“,
page 74.
2. Drain the SYDFE1 control system completely.
3. For storage times of more than 12 months: Wet the SYDFE1 control system
internally by filling in about 100 ml of mineral oil.
For storage times up to 24 months: Fill the SYDFE1 control system with anti-
corrosion agent VCI 329 (20 ml).
Filling via the case drain port.
4. Plug all ports air-tight.
42/96 Bosch Rexroth AG SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X | RE 30011-B/07.14

Transport and storage

5. Wet non-varnished external metal surfaces of the SYDFE1 control system with
a suitable anti-corrosion agent.
6. Pack the SYDFE1 control system air-tight together with a desiccant in an anti-
corrosion foil.
7. Protect the SYDFE1 control system against impacts during storage. For
further conditions, see “Requirements” in this chapter.
ff Always observe general laws and regulations when handling water-
endangering and harmful substances.
RE 30011-B/07.14 | SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X Bosch Rexroth AG 43/96


7 Installation
Before starting with the installation work, the following documents must be
•• Hydraulic circuit diagram for the system (available from the system
•• Data sheet of the SYDFE1 control system (contains the technical data)
•• Order confirmation (contains the preset data of the SYDFE1 control system)

7.1 Unpacking

Parts falling out!
If the packaging is not opened correctly, parts may fall out and cause injury.
ff Place the packaging on a flat and solid surface.
ff Only open the packaging from the top.

SYDFE1 control systems are delivered packed in an anti-corrosion foil made of

polyethylene material.
ff Dispose of the packaging according to the national regulations of your country.

7.2 Installation conditions

ff Adhere to all limits specified in the data sheet regarding temperature,
viscosity, cleanliness of the hydraulic fluid.
ff Make certain that the case of the SYDFE1 control system is filled with
hydraulic fluid during commissioning and operation. This is also to be
observed following relatively long standstill periods as the SYDFE1 control
system may empty via the hydraulic lines.
ff To achieve favorable noise values, separate all connecting lines from all
components that can vibrate (e.g. tank) using elastic elements.
ff Make certain that the suction line, case drain line, and return line flow into the
tank below the minimum fluid level in all operational states.
ff Strictly observe extreme cleanliness. The SYDFE1 control system must be
installed without any contamination. Contamination of the hydraulic fluid can
significantly affect the service life of the SYDFE1 control system.
ff Do not use any cotton waste or linty cloths for cleaning.
ff Use suitable liquid detergents to remove lubricants and other difficult-to-
remove contamination. Detergents must not penetrate the hydraulic system.
44/96 Bosch Rexroth AG SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X | RE 30011-B/07.14


7.3 Installation positions and piping of SYDFE1


7.3.1 General
The installation orientation and position of the SYDFE1 control system essentially
determine the procedures during installation and commissioning (such as for
filling the axial piston unit).
Note that you can expect certain installation positions to affect the control
behavior. Because of gravity, dead weight and case pressure, minor characteristic
curve offsets and changes in actuating time may occur.
The installation instructions are tailored to the use of the SYDFE1 control system.
Adhering to these instructions is one of the decisive factors for the service life of
the units.
The instructions refer to standard types and standard installation situations.
Particular installation situations require additional measures to be taken on the
unit, which are documented separately.
Generally, care must be taken that during commissioning and re-commissioning
of a system or equipment, the entire case of the axial piston unit is filled with
hydraulic fluid and remains filled during operation.
NOTICE! Insufficient hydraulic fluid!
Risk of damage or destruction of the rotary group!
ff An optimum filling orientation is assigned to each type. Only this orientation
allows complete filling of the case, which is the reason why this orientation
must be adhered to during commissioning. For re-commissioning, this
orientation should be complied with as far as possible.

In the following, we distinguish between the installation position (pump/motor in

relation to tank) and the installation orientation (position of the pump/motor shaft
end vertical, horizontal, etc.).

Installation position The following installation positions are possible (see Fig. 18):
•• Pos. a): Pump/motor above the tank (above minimum oil level)

NOTICE! Risk of damage due to loss of hydraulic fluid!

With an installation position above the tank, the case interior may drain through
the case drain line after longer standstill periods (air enters via the shaft seal
ring) or via the service line (gap leakage). The bearings are thus insufficiently
lubricated when the unit is recommissioned.
ff Check the hydraulic fluid level in the case interior regularly; if necessary,

•• Pos. b): Pump/motor next to or below the tank (below minimum oil level), with
the upper edge of the case corresponding to the minimum oil level
•• Pos. c): Pump in the tank (below minimum oil level).

The pipe routing shown in the figures below represents the routing principle.
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- b

Fig. 18: Installation position

Installation orientation The following installation orientations are possible:

•• Pos.1 horizontal: Shaft end horizontal
•• Pos.2 vertical: Shaft end upwards
•• Pos.3 vertical: Shaft end downwards (only possible with pump version 0975)

1 2 3


Fig. 19: Installation orientations

7.3.2 Piping
The installation positions and installation orientations shown in Figs. 18 and 19
determine the routing and installation of
•• suction lines
•• case drain lines
•• bleed lines.

Make sure for all installation positions that always the higher of drain ports “L”
or “L1” is piped. Moreover, the distance between the end of installed pipes and
the minimum oil level must not be shorter than the specified minimum distance
(immersion depth “E”).

Special points When installing suction and case drain lines, take care that the routing is straight
and short and has as few bends as possible.
When the system is at rest, the lines drain automatically in the course of time due
to the own weight of the hydraulic fluid.
Moreover, the different specific densities of hydraulic fluids must be taken into
account, since fluids with a higher density are more difficult to aspire and also
flow down more quickly. The limit speeds for hydraulic fluids with high density
(≥ mineral oil 0.87 g/ml) are specified in data sheet RE 90223.
46/96 Bosch Rexroth AG SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X | RE 30011-B/07.14


For pumps, a minimum suction pressure is prescribed for port “S” irrespective of
installation positions and installation orientations:
minimum suction pressure ≥ 0.8 bar abs.
To establish the suction pressure (inlet pressure) pabs in dependence on the
displacement or speed, please observe the technical data given in data sheets
RE 30030, 30630 and 30035.

0,8 abs. -0,2

1 0
0 2 -1 1
3 2
Absolute Standard
pressure gauge pressure gauge


Fig. 20: Minimum suction pressure

Case drain piping Dynamic swiveling processes result in increased case pressures that are caused
by the acceleration phase of the case drain oil column. They occur within
milliseconds and must not exceed 6 barabs.. They are influenced by the inductive
resistance of the case drain line (Δpi = f (diameter, length)). Here, the flow
resistance at the case drain fitting on the pump case plays a subordinate role.
The Δpi value can only be improved by a larger nominal width of the case
drain line.

General notes Generally, the following must be observed:

ff Each pump should preferably be piped with a separate case drain line.
ff Direct the case drain fluid in the case chamber via the highest case drain port
directly to the tank using a line as short as possible (ca. 1 m). Use a line size,
which matches the port.
ff When the specified line lengths are exceeded we recommend that the nominal
width be increased by one size per additional meter.
ff The nominal width of the case drain line determined by the threaded
connection on the pump case must not be reduced. Use “light series” pipes
ff Do not use check valves in case drain lines.
ff The case drain line should always enter the tank in the return flow chamber
below the oil level. For tank designs without direct separation of the suction
RE 30011-B/07.14 | SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X Bosch Rexroth AG 47/96


chamber, the drain line should be returned to the tank as far away as possible
from the suction port.
ff External influences of pressure, e.g. from manifold tank lines, on the pump
drain port or the pump case are not permitted.

7.4 Installing the SYDFE1 control system

Uncontrolled movements of the control system!
Risk of injury.
ff Make sure that the SYDFE1 control system is safely mounted!

Damage caused by missing seals and plugs!
Fluids and foreign particles can enter and destroy the product.
ff Before installing the SYDFE1 control system, make sure that all seals and
plugs of the connections are tight.

7.4.1 Preparation
1. Check the delivery contents for completeness and transport damage.
2. Compare the material number and designation (ordering code) with the details
on the order confirmation.
If the material number for the SYDFE1 control system is not identical with that
on the order confirmation, contact Rexroth Service for clarification, see
Chapter 10.5 “Spare parts” on page 76 for address.

3. Before installing the SYDFE1 control system, completely empty it to prevent

mixing with the hydraulic fluid used in the system.
4. Check the direction of rotation of the SYDFE1 control system (on the
nameplate) and make sure that this corresponds to the direction of rotation of
the motor.

The direction of rotation as specified on the nameplate determines the

direction of rotation of the SYDFE1 control system as viewed on the drive
shaft. For information on the direction of rotation of the motor, please refer to
the motor manufacturer’s operating instructions.

7.4.2 Dimensions of connections

The data sheet contains the dimensions for all connections to the SYDFE1 control
system. Also observe the instructions provided by the manufacturers of the other
components when selecting the required tools.
48/96 Bosch Rexroth AG SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X | RE 30011-B/07.14


7.4.3 General notes

When installing and demounting the SYDFE1 control system, observe the
following general notes and instructions for action:
ff Mount the SYDFE1 control system so that the expected forces and torques
can be transmitted without any risks.
ff The permissible axial and radial loading of the drive shaft, the permissible
torsional vibration, the optimum direction of load forces, as well as the limit
speeds can be found in the data sheet.

7.4.4 Installation with coupling

The SYDFE1 control system is usually flange-mounted to a motor with a coupling.
If you plan to install the unit otherwise, please consult us.
How to install the SYDFE1 control system with a coupling is described in detail in
the following:
1. Mount the relevant coupling half onto the drive shaft of the SYDFE1 control
system according to the instructions of the coupling manufacturer.
The drive shaft end of the SYDFE1 control system is provided with a threaded
bore. Use this threaded bore to pull the coupling element onto the drive shaft.
Refer to the installation drawing for the dimensions of the threaded bore.

2. Make sure that the installation location is clean and free from dirt and foreign
3. Positively clamp the coupling hub on the drive shaft or ensure permanent
lubrication of the drive shaft. This prevents the formation of frictional corrosion
and associated wear.
4. Transport the SYDFE1 control system to the place of installation.
5. Mount the coupling to the drive in accordance with the instructions of the
coupling manufacturer.
The SYDFE1 control system must not be tightened down before the coupling
has been correctly fixed.

6. Mount the SYDFE1 control system at the place of installation.

7. If necessary, details on the required tools and tightening torques for the
mounting screws are available from the machine or system manufacturer.
– For bell housing installation, check the coupling axial play through the
bell window according to the instructions of the machine or system
– For flange-mounting, align the support of the SYDFE1 control system with
the drive.

8. When using flexible couplings, check that the drive is free of resonance after
having completed the installation.

7.4.5 Completing the installation

1. Remove transport screws, if fitted.
2. Remove transport protection.
The axial piston unit of the SYDFE1 control system was delivered with
protective covers and plastic plugs or plug screws. These must be removed
before the system can be connected. Use appropriate tools.
RE 30011-B/07.14 | SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X Bosch Rexroth AG 49/96


3. Make certain that the sealing and functional surfaces are not damaged.
CAUTION! Risk of injury caused by ejected plastic plugs!
Operating the SYDFE1 control system with plastic plugs can cause injuries or
damage to the SYDFE1 control system.
ff Before commissioning, remove all plastic plugs and replace them with
suitable, pressure-proof metal plug screws, because plastic plugs are not

Setscrews, if provided, are protected against unauthorized resetting by means

of protective caps. Removing protective caps will void the warranty. If you
need to modify the setting, please contact the responsible Rexroth Service (for
address, see Chapter 10.5 “Spare parts“ on page 76).
For the variant with through-drive, mount the auxiliary pump in accordance
with the instructions of the pump manufacturer.

7.5 Connecting the SYDFE1 control system


Uncontrolled system behavior due to interchanged connections!
Risk of injury! Interchanging the connections will lead to malfunction (e.g. lifting
instead of lowering) and therefore represents a related hazard.
ff When connecting hydraulic components, observe the specified piping
according to the hydraulic circuit diagram of the machine or system

Hydraulic pipes and hoses installed under stress!
Hydraulic lines, which are installed under mechanical stress, generate additional
forces during operation, which reduces the service life of the SYDFE1 control
system and the machine or system as a whole.
ff Install pipes and hoses stress-free.
Insufficient suction pressure!
Generally, a minimum permissible suction pressure at port “S” is prescribed
for SYDFE1 control systems in all installation positions. If the pressure at port
“S” drops below the specified values, damage may occur which can lead to the
destruction of the SYDFE1 control system.
ff Make certain that the necessary suction pressure is achieved.
This is influenced by:
– appropriate piping of the suction cross-sections
– appropriate pipe diameters
– appropriate position of the tank
– appropriate viscosity of the hydraulic fluid

The machine or system manufacturer is responsible for dimensioning the lines.

The SYDFE1 control system must be connected to the rest of the hydraulic
system in accordance with the hydraulic circuit diagram of the machine or system
50/96 Bosch Rexroth AG SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X | RE 30011-B/07.14


Connect exclusively hydraulic lines to the service and function ports.

ff Ensure utmost cleanliness.

ff Install the SYDFE1 control system in a clean condition.
ff Make sure that all ports, hydraulic lines and add-on units (e.g. measuring
devices) are clean.
ff Make sure that no contaminants can enter the system, also while you are
closing the ports.

Notes on the routing of lines Observe the following notes when routing suction, pressure and case drain lines.
ff See to it that the suction line (pipe or hose) is as short and straight as
ff The line cross-section of the suction line is to be dimensioned so that the
pressure in the suction port does not fall below the minimum permissible value
and the maximum permissible pressure is not exceeded.
ff Observe air tightness of the junctions and pressure resistance of the hose,
also with respect to the atmospheric pressure.
ff In conjunction with the pressure lines, make certain that the pipes, hoses and
connecting elements are approved for the operating pressure range.
ff Always route case drain lines so that the housing is constantly filled with
hydraulic fluid and ensure that no air gets through the shaft seal ring even
during extended standstill periods. The pressure inside the case must not
exceed the limit values specified for the SYDFE1 control system in the data
sheet under any operating conditions. The case drain line in the tank must in
any case end up below the minimum fluid level (see Chapter 7.3 “Installation
positions and piping of SYDFE1 systems“, page 45).

The ports and mounting threads are designed for the operating pressures
specified in the data sheet. The machine or system manufacturer must ensure
that the connecting elements and lines comply with the specified operating
conditions (pressure, flow, hydraulic fluid, temperature) with the necessary
safety factors.

The pressure port of the SYDFE1 control system of size 71 is provided with
threads for two standard flange connection patterns:
SAE 1“ (dot-and-dashed line) for pressures above 250 bar and
SAE 1 ¼“ (dotted line) for pressures up to 250 bar.
Because standard flanges according to SAE 1 ¼’’ are permitted up to 250 bar
only, the porting pattern to SAE 1” must be used in the case of operating
pressures higher than 250 bar.

Fig. 21: Flange pattern

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Proceeding To connect the SYDFE1 control system to the hydraulic system:

1. Remove the plug screws from the ports that are to be connected according to
the hydraulic circuit diagram.
2. Use only clean hydraulic lines.
3. Connect the lines according to the hydraulic circuit diagram.
Either pipes or hoses must be connected to all ports according to the
installation drawing and the machine or system circuit diagram or the ports
plugged using suitable plug screws.

The installation drawing contains the dimensions of all connections and ports
on the SYDFE1 control system. Also observe the instructions provided by the
manufacturers of the other hydraulic components when selecting the required

4. Make sure
–– that the cap nuts are correctly tightened on the fittings and flanges (observe
tightening torques!). Mark all checked fittings using e.g. a permanent
–– that the pipes and hose lines and every combination of connecting pieces,
couplings or connecting points with hoses or pipes have been inspected by
a technically qualified person for their safe working condition.

Tightening torques The tightening torques for the SYDFE1 control system are listed in the following
•• Threaded hole in the axial piston unit:
The maximum permissible tightening torques MGmax are the maximum values of
the threaded holes and must not be exceeded.
•• Fittings:
Observe the manufacturer’s instructions regarding tightening torques for the
fittings used.
•• Mounting screws:
For mounting screws according to DIN 13/ISO 68, we recommend checking the
tightening torque in each individual case as per VDI 2230.
•• Plug screws:
For the metal plug screws that come with the SYDFE1 control system, the
required tightening torques of plug screws MV apply.

Risk of mix-ups with threaded SYDFE1 control systems are used in applications with metric as well as with
connections imperial system of units.
Both, the system of units as well as the size of threaded hole and threaded plug
(e.g. plug screw) must match.
Since the systems cannot be distinguished visually, there is a risk of mixing up.
WARNING! Wrong threaded plug!
Risk of serious injury, if a threaded plug is used that differs from the threaded
hole in terms of unit system and size and is pressurized. The threaded plug may
loosen itself or even be ejected from the hole in a projectile-like manner.
Hydraulic fluid can be discharged from this leakage point.
ff Use the drawings (installation drawing/data sheet) to determine the required
threaded plug for each fitting.
ff Make certain that there are no mix-ups when assembling valves, mounting
screws and plug screws.
ff For all threaded holes, use a threaded plug from the same system of units and
of the correct size.
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Table 9: Tightening torques of threaded holes and plug screws

Max. permissible tightening Required tightening torques for

Thread size of ports A/F hexagon socket
torque of threaded holes MGmax plug screws MV

M10x1 DIN 3852 30 Nm 12 Nm 5 mm

M12x1.5 DIN 3852 50 Nm 25 Nm 6 mm
M14x1.5 DIN 3852 80 Nm 35 Nm 6 mm
M16x1.5 DIN 3852 100 Nm 50 Nm 8 mm
M18x1.5 DIN 3852 140 Nm 60 Nm 8 mm
M22x1.5 DIN 3852 210 Nm 80 Nm 10 mm
M26x1.5 DIN 3852 230 Nm 120 Nm 12 mm
M27x2 DIN 3852 330 Nm 135 Nm 12 mm
M33x2 DIN 3852 540 Nm 225 Nm 17 mm
M42x2 DIN 3852 720 Nm 360 Nm 22 mm
5/16-24 UNF-2B ISO 11926 10 Nm 7 Nm 1/8 in
3/8-24 UNF-2B ISO 11926 20 Nm 7 Nm 5/32 in
7/16-20 UNF-2B ISO 11926 40 Nm 15 Nm 3/16 in
9/16-18 UNF-2B ISO 11926 80 Nm 25 Nm 1/4 in
3/4-16 UNF-2B ISO 11926 160 Nm 62 Nm 5/16 in
7/8-14 UNF-2B ISO 11926 240 Nm 127 Nm 3/8 in
1 1/16-12 UN-2B ISO 11926 360 Nm 147 Nm 9/16 in
1 5/16-12 UN-2B ISO 11926 540 Nm 198 Nm 5/8 in
1 5/8-12 UN-2B ISO 11926 960 Nm 320 Nm 3/4 in
1 7/8-12 UN-2B ISO 11926 1200 Nm 390 Nm 3/4 in
For the tightening torques for spare parts, please refer to the data sheet.

7.6 Connecting the SYDFE1 control system electrically

The machine or system manufacturer is responsible for the layout of the electrical
With electrically controlled SYDFE1 control systems, the electrical control
must be connected according to the circuit diagram of the machine or system
The VT 5041-3X control electronics is connected using a 32-pin female multipoint
connector and can be installed in a Euro rack or in a card holder from Rexroth
(VT3002 according to RE 29928).
CAUTION! Live installation!
Risk of injury when plugging or unplugging connectors under voltage.
ff Before carrying out any installation work or plugging or unplugging connectors
from the product, disconnect the SYDFE1 control system from the power
supply or the voltage source or de-energize it reliably. Damage to the control
system caused by incorrect installation is not covered by the warranty!

1. Disconnect the relevant system part from the power supply.

2. Connect the SYDFE1 control system electrically (24 V).
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7.6.1 Cabling of electronic components

Generally, the following is valid:

–– Use low-capacitance cables according to the safety regulations of the

German VDE or national electrical safety regulations of your country.
Whenever possible, establish the cable connections without intermediate
–– Only select cables that have the actually required number of wires (avoid
superfluous wires).
–– The installation of electromagnetic sources of interference, e.g. unearthed
contactors, in the direct vicinity of the pilot valve is not permitted.
–– Installing power cables in the vicinity of the control electronics is not
–– Do not install cables in the vicinity of power cables.
–– No switches or relay contacts may be installed in the electrical connections
between the pump/proportional valve and control electronics, because
breaking of a connection results in fault messages or malfunctions. Whenever
possible, do without intermediate terminal points or reduce their number to a
–– Cables of inductive position transducers, swivel angle sensors and of the
pressure transducer must be shielded. Connect the shield only on one side
to the control electronics, see Fig. 22. Never connect the shield to the valve,
pump or pressure transducer.


The shield is not connected to the The shield is brought out and
plug-in connector to the transducer connected to 26a

Fig. 22: Connection of the cable shield

Because it is practically almost impossible to connect all shields directly to 26a,

the shields of all relevant cables should be brought into contact with a busbar and
then the busbar connected to 26a. When selecting this connection variant, see to
it that the connected surfaces of the shields are as large as possible.

7.6.2 Voltage supply of control electronics VT 5041-3X

Control electronics VT 5041-3X must be supplied with 24 V DC voltage. If this
voltage supply cannot be provided by the machine, use a power supply unit
VT 19 085 (NE32) according to data sheet RE 29929. In this case, the +24 V of
the power supply unit is to be connected to contact 30a of the female connector,
and 0 V to contact 28a (recommended cross-section of the supply cable min.
1.5 mm²).
The voltage supply for control electronics VT 5041-3X should be protected on the
machine side with a 1.6 A/slow-blowing fuse.
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7.6.3 Selection, place of installation and mounting orientation of

the pressure transducer
Selection of the pressure To reduce the number of variants, only pressure rating “315 bar” is given in the
transducers ordering code of the SYDFE1 control systems. If required, other pressure ratings
can be combined (with the correct selection of the suitable electrical interface!).
Such pressure transducers for the SYDFE1 control system must, however, be
ordered separately.
In terms of signals, the sensors have to be distinguished as follows:
•• Sensors with current interface
•• Sensors with voltage interface.

Here, the usual signal limits are between 0...20 mA or 0...10 V, respectively.
Within these limits, further modifications are available that depend on whether, for
example, monitoring for cable break is to be implemented.
From a technical point of view, the efficiency of the pressure transducer must
be adapted to the SYDFE1 system in order that the best possible results can be
obtained with regard to accuracy, dynamics and repeatability.
The pressure transducers recommended by us are listed in the RE data sheets of
the relevant SYDFE1 system.
•• Our pressure transducer model “HM17“ is available with various current and
voltage interfaces. The variants with current interface, HM17...C..., are to be
connected like the “HM12”. Variants with voltage interface, HM17...H..., are to
be connected like the “HM13”. Accordingly, the engineering notes on HM12/
HM13 are valid (see below).
•• Our pressure transducer model “HM12“ with current interface (4...20 mA) is
provided with a 2-conductor connection and allows the fail-safe transmission of
signals – even over greater distances.
Further pick-offs can be looped in taking into account the relevant input
•• Our pressure transducer model “HM13“ with voltage interface (0...10 V) has a
3-conductor connection and an integrated DC/DC converter, which effectively
rules out disturbances on the analog signal caused by the voltage supply.

CAUTION! Uncontrolled increase in pressure!

Risk of injury!
ff The pressure transducer must be wired so that it cannot be short-circuited,
because in the event of a missing pressure signal, the control electronics
can no longer detect the pressure, which causes an uncontrolled increase in

Place of installation of the pressure Favorable places of installation of pressure transducers turned out to be not in the
transducer direct vicinity of the pump, but, for example, downstream of the (flexible) pressure
•• Always between pump and check valve (if fitted)
•• Do not use minimess lines

Mounting orientation of the We recommend suspended mounting of the pressure transducer so that bleeding
pressure transducer problems (and hence control oscillations) can be ruled out right from the start.

If, due to the installation orientation of the pump, a pressure transducer must
be installed “vertically” directly in the pump or in the pre-load valve, we
recommend another place of installation for the pressure transducer.
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HM12 Pressure transducers of type HM12 are provided with a 2-wire current interface
and can be connected to control electronics VT 5041-3X as shown below.
The voltage supply for the pressure transducer must be provided in accordance
with the data sheet.
For more details about the pressure transducers HM12 and HM13, see data sheet
RE 29933.
We recommend the use of the following cable type: LiYCY 2 x 0.25 mm²

Fig. 23: Connection pattern for pressure transducer HM12

HM13 Pressure transducers of type HM13 are provided with a voltage output of
0...+10 V as actual pressure value signal and can be connected to control
electronics VT 5041-3X as shown on the figure below.
The voltage supply for the pressure transducer must be provided in accordance
with the data sheet.
For more details about the pressure transducers HM12 and HM13, see
RE 29933.

Fig. 24: Connection pattern for pressure transducer HM13

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7.6.4 Connecting the valve position transducer

Basically, the pinout of the VT 5041-3X has remained unchanged when compared
with version VT 5041-2X, i.e. control electronics VT 5041-3X can sense the
position transducer signal according to the specification of the VT 5041-2X
without requiring a different sensor cable.
Care must be taken that jumper J8 is set on control electronics VT 5041-3X..

Fig. 25: Connection of the valve position transducer

The following is valid for all new systems:

In the case of cable lengths up to 50 m the connection can be established using a
standard cable. Make certain that jumper J8 is set on control electronics VT 5041-
3X .
Recommended cable type: LiYCY 5 x 0.25 mm²


Valve position
Shield Shielding effect
Cable type:
gr = gray
E.g. LiYCY 5 x 0.25 ws = white
bn = brown
Caution: The order of wire gb = yellow
assignment is essential! gn = green

Fig. 26: Cabling for cable lengths up to 50 m

If distances of 50 m or greater must be covered, we recommend that twisted pair

cables be installed. In this case, jumper J8 must not be set on control electronics
VT 5041-3X.
Recommended cable type: LiYCY(TP) 2 x 2 x 0.25 mm²
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Valve position

Fig. 27: Cabling for cabling lengths of more than 50 m

7.6.5 Connecting the swivel angle sensor

Recommended cable type: LiYCY 3 x 0.25 mm²:
If control electronics VT 5041-3X is used in a system as substitute for control
electronics VT 5041-2X, it must in any case be checked in advance that no
connection is established between pin 12a and 26a. Moreover, connection
12a of control electronics VT 5041 must not be connected to a further

Swivel angle

R8: Zero point

R9: Adjustment
To swivel angle
controller ±10 V corresponds to ±100 %

Fig. 28: Connection for swivel angle sensor

Fig. 29: Connection for clockwise rotating pump

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Fig. 30: Connection for counter-clockwise rotating pump

7.6.6 Connecting the solenoid of the proportional valve

Install the solenoid cable separately from other cables, in particular the cables
of inductive position transducers. It is recommended that the solenoid cable be
We recommend the use of the following cable type: LiYCY 1.5 mm² for up to 50 m
length; in the case of longer cable routes, use a greater cable cross-section!

Fig. 31: Connection of the proportional valve solenoid

Attention: Connect shield to PE or ground; not to 26a!!

7.6.7 Command values for pressure, swivel angle and power limit
General notes:
•• The command values for pressure and swivel angle are provided as analog
variables within the voltage range of 0…+10 V; this corresponds to 0…+100 %
of the physical range of values.
•• Command values may only be passed on using appropriate contacts that are
suitable for currents <1 mA.
•• The use of shielded cables is recommended (connect shield of the signal cable
to 26a).

Command value for power limit

•• The value for power limitation can either be provided internally by means of
potentiometer R3 or externally with a voltage level of 0...10 V.
•• If the power limit value is to be provided externally, jumper J2 must always be
set in position 2-3 and potentiometer R3 (front side) must be turned to the left-
hand positive stop.
•• If the external input is not used, connections 20c and 18c must always be
connected to 22a (M0).
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8 Commissioning

Working in the danger zone of a machine or system!
Risk of severe injury due to unsafe working.
ff The machine or system may only be commissioned when safe working is
ff Pay attention to and eliminate potential danger sources before
commissioning the machine or system.
ff Nobody may stay in the danger zone of the machine or system.
ff The emergency stop button for the machine or system must be within the
operator’s reach.
ff Always strictly observe the instructions of the machine or system
manufacturer during commissioning.

Uncontrolled system behavior!

Electrical and hydraulic connections and ports, which are not connected, can
cause malfunction and fluid to be ejected, which can injure you.
ff Commission only a completely installed product.

Non-compliance with the protection class due to missing seals and plugs!
Fluids and contaminants may penetrate and damage the product.
ff Prior to commissioning, make sure that all seals and plug-in connections are

Ingress of contaminants!
Damage to the SYDFE1 control system! Contamination of the hydraulic fluid
causes wear and malfunction. In particular foreign bodes such as welding beads
and metal chips in the hydraulic lines can damage the SYDFE1 control system.
ff Observe utmost cleanliness during commissioning.
ff Make sure that no contaminants can enter the system when you close the
measuring ports.

Insufficient hydraulic fluid!

Insufficient amounts of hydraulic fluid can destroy the product.
ff Make sure that the case of the SYDFE1 control system is filled with hydraulic
fluid during commissioning and during operation. This must also be observed
during longer periods of standstill, because the SYDFE1 control system can
drain through the hydraulic lines.
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8.1 Initial commissioning

Air pockets in the bearings!
The device can be destroyed.
ff Make certain that with the “drive shaft upwards” installation position the pump
case is completely filled with hydraulic fluid during commissioning and during
ff Check the hydraulic fluid level in the pump case at regular intervals. If
required, carry out recommission. For above-tank installation, the case
chamber can run dry through the case drain line (ingress of air via the
shaft seal ring) or via the working line (gap losses). Consequently, the
bearings are no longer sufficiently lubricated when the control system is
ff Ensure that the suction line is always filled with hydraulic fluid during
commissioning and operation.

ff Let the product acclimate itself for several hours before commissioning,
otherwise water may condense in the housing.

When carrying out any work in conjunction with commissioning the SYDFE1
control system, observe the basic safety instructions and intended use
provided in Chapter 2 “Safety instructions“ on page 9.

8.1.1 Filling the SYDFE1 control system

Spilled hydraulic fluid!
Discharging or spilling hydraulic fluid while filling the SYDFE1 control system can
lead to environmental pollution and contamination of the groundwater.
ff When filling and changing the hydraulic fluid, always place a catch pan under
the SYDFE1 control system.
ff Observe the information in the safety data sheet for the hydraulic fluid and
the specifications provided by the system manufacturer.

You will require an approved hydraulic fluid:

The machine or system manufacturer can provide you with precise data of the
hydraulic fluid. Details on minimum requirements for mineral-oil-based hydraulic
fluids are available in the Rexroth publication RE 90220.
To ensure functional reliability of the SYDFE1 control system, the hydraulic fluid
must comply at least with cleanliness class 18/16/13 according to ISO 4406 for
particle sizes 4/6/14 μm. For permissible temperatures, see Chapter 4.7 “Notes
on the selection of hydraulic fluids” from page 27 onwards.
The SYDFE1 control system should be filled using a filling and filtration unit
(10 µm filtration rating). The control system must not be powered when being
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1. Fill and air-bleed the SYDFE1 control system via the appropriate ports, see
Chapter 7.3 “Installation positions and piping of SYDFE1 systems” on page
44. The hydraulic lines of the system must also be filled.
2. Test the direction of rotation of the drive motor. To do this, rotate the motor
briefly at the lowest rotational speed (inching). Make sure that the direction of
rotation of the axial piston unit corresponds to the indication on the nameplate,
see also Chapter 5.13 “Product identification”, Fig. 15: “Nameplate” on page
3. Operate the SYDFE1 control system at low speed (inching mode) until the
pump system is completely filled and bled. For checking purposes, drain the
hydraulic fluid at the case drain port and wait until fluid flows out without any
4. Make certain that all ports are either connected to pipes or plugged according
to the general circuit diagram.

8.1.2 Testing the hydraulic fluid supply

The SYDFE1 control system must always be supplied with sufficient hydraulic
fluid. it is therefore indispensable to ensure the supply with hydraulic fluid at the at
the start of the commissioning process.
When you test the hydraulic fluid supply, constantly monitor the noise generation
and check the hydraulic fluid level in the tank. If the SYDFE1 control system
becomes louder (cavitation) or the case drain fluid flows out with bubbles, this
is an indication that the SYDFE1 control system is not sufficiently supplied with
hydraulic fluid.
Notes on troubleshooting can be found in Chapter 15 “Troubleshooting” on page
To test the hydraulic fluid supply:
1. Allow the drive motor to run at slowest speed. The SYDFE1 control system
must be operated under no-load conditions. Pay attention to leakage and
2. Check the SYDFE1 control system’s case drain line while testingt. The case
drain fluid should not contain any bubbles.
3. Check the suction pressure at port “S” of the SYDFE1 control system pump.
For the permissible value, please refer to data sheet RE 92050.
4. Check the case drain pressure at connected port “K1“ or “K2“. For the
permissible value, refer to data sheets RE 30030 and RE 30630, respectively.

8.1.3 Performing a flushing cycle

To remove foreign particles from the system, perform a flushing run for the entire
Flushing is to be carried out with a separate flushing unit. Observe the
instructions of the flushing unit manufacturer for the detailed procedure for
carrying out the flushing cycle.
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8.1.4 Configuring switches and jumpers of the VT 5041-3X

Before commissioning you have to configure the switches and jumpers of control
electronics VT 5041-3X for the application at hand. A layout that shows the
position of setting elements can be found in Chapter 17.2 on page 91.

Signal adjustment of the The signal range of the connected pressure transducer must be matched with the
actual pressure value (S2) signal adjustment of the VT 5041-3X. To this end, switch S2 must be configured.
The table below shows the factory setting for a transducer with the level
0…+10 V.

Table 10: Signal adjustment of the actual pressure value

Signal adjustment Switch S2
of actual pressure
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8
V = factory setting

Case drain compensation (J6, J7) Case drain compensation is used for compensating for leakage of the pump and
can be set to the following values by means of jumpers J6 and J7 on control
electronics VT 5041-3X.

Table 11: Adjustment of case drain compensation

Case drain Jumper
J6 J7
10 % ON ON
Factory setting: Case drain compensation OFF.

The swivel angle is increased in dependence upon the normalized actual

pressure value. Example: With a case drain compensation of 10 % and an actual
pressure value setting of 315 bar, the swivel angle increases by 8.9 % at 280 bar.
The simultaneous use of power limitation and case drain compensation can
lead to vibrations.

At a pressure of 280 bar, pumps of control system SYDFE1 show a leakage rate
of about 8 %. On this basis, the following settings are recommended:

Table 12: Settings of actual pressure value normalization

Normalization of actual pressure value Setting of J6/J7
≤ 200 bar 4%
ca. 250 bar 6%
≥ 315 bar 10 %
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Valve command value monitoring Control electronics VT 5041-3X includes a monitoring function that evaluates the
(J9) control error. Usually, the system reduces the control deviation to almost zero
within a few 100 msec. In the event of a fault, the correction takes, however,
longer in most of the cases.
The monitoring feature continuously checks the valve command value (= control
deviation x controller gain; measuring socket 5) and signals an error as soon as
the amount exceeds the value of 4 V for longer than 1 second.
To be still compatible with control electronics of series 2X in terms of function, this
monitoring feature can be deactivated by means of a jumper (J9).

Table 13: Activation/deactivation of valve command value monitoring

Valve command value monitoring Jumper J9
Factory setting: Valve command value monitoring deactivated: J9 = OFF

Depending on the command and actual values, the monitoring feature may cut
in while the drive motor is switched off. This can take place, if the command
values for pressure and/or swivel angle are not matched to the current actual
values for pressure and swivel angle and the consequence is a valve
command value of > 4 V (amount!). The valve command value can be
measured at measuring socket 5 of the control electronics.

Valve shutdown in the event of a The safety concept of control electronics V T5041-2X is designed so that the
fault (J1) detection of a fault is signaled by the fault signal outputs and, at the same time,
the activation of the pilot valve is interrupted. This ensures that the pilot valve
takes a defined position and the pump with internal pilot supply swivels to the
zero stroke position.
With control electronics VT 5041-3, the shutdown of the valve output stage can be
prevented by means of a jumper. To this end, jumper J1 must be set.

Table 14: Activation/deactivation of valve shutdown

Valve shutdown in the event of a fault Jumper J1
Active OFF
Inactive ON
Factory setting: Valve shutdown active; J1 not set

When the fault-triggered shutdown of the valve output stage is deactivated,
the higher-level control must take appropriate measures (withdrawal of enable
for VT 5041-3X, pump motor OFF...) in the case of faults to ensure safety for
man and machine.

Function of pressure controller OFF This function is available only on the variant without power limitation
or master/slave (J4) (VT 5041-3X/1... and VT 5041-3X/2...)!

Pressure controller OFF

On the VT 5041-3X variant “without power limitation”, connection 18a is provided
as switching input.
By applying +24 V to this input, the pressure controller of the control electronics
can be switched off. In this way, the function of the DFE control is reduced to that
of an FE control. To this end, it is not required to connect the pressure command
value and the actual pressure value to the control electronics.
This function can also be used by the higher-level control to deliberately
deactivate the pressure controller of the VT 5041-3X for certain time intervals
within a machine cycle.
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Master/slave function
When the switching input is connected to 18a and the pressure controller is
deactivated, jumper J4 can be used additionally to re-connect the swivel angle
command value input from inputs 14c (+) and 16c (-) to connections 18c (+) and
20c (-).
This reduces the wiring effort for a master/slave circuit (see Chapter 5.12 “Master/
slave operation“ on page 34. The master/slave function can be deactivated at any
time during operation.

Table 15: Activation/deactivation of pressure controller OFF and master/slave

Function PLC-in pin 18a Jumper J4
Pressure controller ON/OFF OFF
Master/slave ON/OFF ON
Factory setting: J4 not set

The function of pressure limitation is no longer effective when the pressure
controller is deactivated!

Utilization of the analog input at Depending on the variant, the analog input with connections 18c(+) and 20c(-) is
18c/20c (J2) used for different purposes.

Version without power limitation (VT 5041-3X/1... or VT 5041-3X/2...)

For the master/slave operating mode, the actual swivel angle value of the master
can be read in at this input. When the operating mode “slave” is activated (by
means of switching input 18a) the input is automatically connected to the swivel
angle controller, and the pressure controller is deactivated. The pump is then
operated exclusively under closed-loop swivel angle control.

Version with power limitation (VT 5041-3X/3...)

With the variant of the VT 5041-3X with power limitation, the analog value is taken
as power command value. For further notes on power limitation, please read
Chapter 5.11.9 “Power limitation“ on page 33.

Jumper (J8) If control electronics VT 5041-3X is installed as replacement for VT 5041-2X in an

existing system, jumper (J8) must always be set.
For new systems, the jumper must be configured depending on the type of wiring.
For more details, see Chapter 7.6.4 “Connecting the valve position transducer“ on
page 56.

Gain of pressure controller (J11) This adjustment option is provided for reason of compatibility with control
electronics VT 5041-2X. If control electronics VT 5041-3X is to be used as
substitute for VT 5041-2X, it is possible to select the same gain as with the control
electronics of series 2X.
Jumper J11 assumes the same function on both control electronics (series 2X
and 3X).
Together with switches S3.7 and S3.8 these jumpers can be used to change
the gain of the pressure controller. More details are explained in Chapter
8 “Commissioning“ on page 70.
Factory setting: J11 set

Reference for actual pressure value The jumper must not be set irrespective of the application at hand and for reason
signal (J16) of compatibility with control electronics VT 5041-2X.
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Jumper J16 can be used to connect the 0-V reference for the actual pressure
value signal to 10c (= reduced wiring effort).
Note: If 0 V is externally connected to 10c by means of a jumper, J16 must not
be set.

8.1.5 Switching on the supply voltage for the control electronics

ff B
efore switching the supply voltage on, thoroughly re-check all cable
connections (including any intermediate terminals, if provided).
Measurements at the front-sided measuring sockets or at the rear male or
female multi-point connector may only be taken with instruments having an
internal resistance of Ri > 100 kOhm.
The controller card may only be plugged or withdrawn when disconnected
from the power supply.

The switch-on sequence of electronics/hydraulics is described in Chapter 5.12.1

“Activation sequence of electronics/hydraulics“ on page 37.
For this, the drive motor of the pump must be switched off. For initial
commissioning, the following proceeding is recommended:
ff Switch on voltage supply

The green LED “Ub“ signals that the voltage supply is active

ff Activate enable

The green LED “En.“ signals that the enable is applied

The red LED “Err.“ (fault) must not be ON

If this state is not achieved, a fault must have occurred.

Possible faults:
The green LED “Ub“ is out
ff Check the supply voltage
ff Check fuse F1

The red LED “Err.“ (fault) is ON

ff The enable contact must be made, i.e. “En.“ is ON
ff Measure the actual pressure value at measuring socket 2 (must be ca. 0 V)

In the case of a negative voltage of less than ca. -1 V or voltages greater than ca.
+12 V a fault message is output.
ff Check the signal path to the pressure transducer.

The signal range of the pressure transducer must correspond to the

configuration of switch S2! (Current, voltage, zero point).

•• The swivel angle indicator shows ca.100 %, and a voltage of ca. 8...10.5 V
must be measurable at measuring socket 4. (The pump, which is at rest, is
mechanically fully swiveled out by the spring in the counter-piston).
•• If the swivel angle indicator shows “minus 100“ or ca. -10 V is measured at
measuring socket 4, inspect the cabling of the swivel angle transducer.
•• When monitoring of the control error was activated (J9 ON), check the valve
command value at socket 5. Should the valve command value exceed an
amount of 4 V, the command values must be adjusted or J9 set to “OFF” for
trial and testing.
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•• If none of the points above applies, check the connection of the valve position
transducer and the solenoid.
•• The voltage symmetry of the high-response valve’s internal voltage may be
outside the limit value. You can check the voltage at connections 24a (+15 V)
and 20a (-15 V).

After having detected the fault:

ff Switch off supply voltage
ff Eliminate fault
ff Switch on supply voltage and grant enable

Check the connection of command ff Provide command values for (e.g. +1.5 V) and swivel angle (e.g. +2.5 V).
values for pressure and swivel ff At measuring socket 1, +1.5 V must be measured; at measuring socket 3,
angle +2.5 V. If not, inspect the cabling of the command value source.

Check the zero point of the pressure When adjusting the zero point, always see to it that the hydraulic system is
transducer depressurized at the place of measurement of the pressure transducer!
ff Check the voltage at measuring socket 2: 0 V ±50 mV
ff If required, calibrate using potentiometer R1 (at the front)

8.1.6 Switching on the drive motor of the pump

1. Close all directional valves
2. Before switching the motor on, apply the following command values to control
electronics VT 5041-3X:
Pressure command value (pcomm) = 1.0 V ≙ 31.5 bar
Flow command value (αcomm) = 2.0 V ≙ 20 %
These values are valid when our standard transducer is used with a measuring
range of 0...315 bar.
In this state, the control electronics VT 5041-3X signals a “fault“ (excessive
control deviation). When the electronics works properly, the fault message
disappears when the motor is switched on (control error now equal to zero).
ff Before further commissioning, let the hydraulic oil warm up to operating
ff For initial commissioning, limit the pressure to max. 50 bar.

8.1.7 Checking and correcting the valve zero point

ff All directional valves must be closed, no oil flow permitted!
ff Provide a swivel angle command value of ≥ 5 V (measuring socket 3 ≥+5 V)
ff Set an operating pressure of ca. 100 bar by increasing the pressure command
value (read off from the pressure gauge)
ff The correct setting of the valve zero point can be measured between
measuring sockets 1 and 2. At an operating pressure of 100 bar, a voltage
value of 0 V ±0.05 V must be measurable at measuring sockets 1 and 2.
If the control error is greater (caused by, for example, differing cable lengths),
correct the value by adjusting potentiometer R6 at the front panel.
Adjust R6 so that a voltage of 0 V is measured between measuring sockets 1
and 2.
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8.1.8 Bleeding the pre-load valve

High pressure in the case!
Risk of injury! High pressure in the interior can cause parts and jets of hydraulic
fluid to be ejected when the bleed screw is opened.
ff Do not turn the bleed screw out too far (max. 2 turns)!

When a pump unit is operated with a pre-load valve, this valve must be air-bled
for the initial start-up, if the pump does not deliver or aspire oil. Bleeding is not
required, when the pump displaces oil. Bleed the pump while the system is
running at low operating pressure. To this end, loosen the screw (see Figure
below) by a maximum of 2 turns and wait until bubble-free oil flows out. Then,
re-tighten the screw.

Bleed screw

Fig. 32: Bleeding of the pre-load valve

8.1.9 Adjusting the operating pressure

The operating pressure is the pressure level that the pump system is to generate
as maximum value in the system. The control electronics converts the signal level
of the pressure transducer connected to the pump system into the normalized
level of 0...10 V and passes this actual pressure value on to the pressure
controller. The converted actual pressure value can be measured at measuring
socket 2.
Depending on the signal output of the pressure transducer, the signal adjustment
(switch S2) of the control electronics must be preset.
The factory setting of signal adjustment is configured to the signal range of
0…+10 V.
Some examples:
•• 4...20 mA is converted into 0...10 V
•• 1...10 V is converted into 0...10 V

The pressure controller of the VT 5041-3X compares the level at the command
value input (0...10 V; measuring socket 1) with the converted actual pressure
value (0...10 V; measuring socket 2).
If the measuring range of the pressure transducer does not correspond to
the operating pressure, it is not the operating pressure value that is used for
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controlling when the maximum pressure value is provided as command value

(+10 V), but the final value of the pressure transducer’s measuring range.
Two options are provided for adjustment:
•• Pressure command value adjustment
•• Actual pressure value adjustment

Pressure command value With pressure command value adjustment, the pressure command value is
adjustment normalized to the measuring range of the pressure transducer and fed forward
With this method, no adjustments need to be made on control electronics
VT 5041-3X.
Measuring range of standard
pressure transducer: 0... 315 bar
Selected operating pressure: 250 bar
The following is valid for the pressure 10 V/315 bar = 31.7 mV/bar (= factor)
command value provision: 250 bar x 31.7 mV/bar = 7.94 V
i.e. the pressure command value is normalized to the factor of 31.7 mV/bar;
in order to provide the operating pressure as pressure command value, a
pressure command value of 7.94 V must be generated.

General formula:
Factor: 10 V/measuring range of PT
Pressure command value [bar]: Pressure x factor = pressure command value [V]

PT = pressure transducer

Actual pressure value adjustment With actual pressure value adjustment, the actual pressure value is normalized to
the operating pressure.
With the factory setting, the control electronics VT 5041-3X.. converts the signal
of the pressure transducer internally into the range of 0...+10 V.
To change the signal range (= gain) of the actual pressure value, use
potentiometer R2 (front panel) of control electronics VT 5041-3X.

Proceeding while the system is in operation:

1. Close all directional valves. No oil flow permitted!
2. Provide a swivel angle command value of >+5 V (measuring socket 3 = +5 V)
3. Set the pressure command value to 5 V (= half operating pressure)
4. Then turn potentiometer R2 until the pressure gauge that measures the pump
pressure indicates half the operating pressure.

–– For checking purposes: The provision of a command value of +10 V must

result in the full operating pressure (± 3 bar).
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8.1.10 Closed-loop pressure control

Adjustment to the connected oil The oil volume between the consumer and the pump has a decisive influence on
volume the control dynamics of the pressure control loop. Switches S3.1 to S3.3 can be
used to adjust the controller to the connected oil volume; whereas when switching
input “Switch Td“ (22c) is activated, switches S3.4 to S3.6 become active.
With the factory setting, switches S3.1 to 3.6 are in the OFF position

D1: Like VT 5041-2X

Adjustment to great oil volumes

Fig. 33: Adjustment to the connected oil volume

When compared with the predecessor control electronics VT 5041-2X, the

function “Switch Td“ with an additional volume adjustment option was newly
When substituting control electronics VT 5041-2X with the VT 5041-3X match
jumpers J3 to J5 with switches S3.1 to S3.3.
The changeover via switching input “Switch Td“ is also possible while the SYDFE1
control system is running.

Table 16: Volume adjustment

Volume adjustment of Switch S3
pressure controller
.1 .2 .3
td = OFF

Pressure controller Switch S3

td = ON
.4 .5 .6
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Gain of the pressure controller Under normal conditions, it is not required to change the P-component of the
pressure controller. However, if you hear a rough pump noise within the upper
pressure range, you can reduce the gain of the pressure controller.

Table 17: Reduction of the P-gain

P-gain of pressure Switch S3
.7 .8 J11
With the factory setting, switches S3.7 and 3.8 are in position OFF; jumper 11 is set (ON)

8.1.11 Checking swivel angle sensing

Testing swivel angle “zero” ff The directional valve(s) must be closed
ff Provide a swivel angle command value of ≥5 V
ff Provide a pressure command value of 20 bar
ff Following the example on page 68 (31.7 mV/bar), apply a pressure command
value of 0.634 V.

The resulting pressure must be 20 bar (±3 bar)

ff Check, whether a voltage of 0 V ±0.01 V can be measured at measuring

socket 4
ff Correct any deviations by means of potentiometer R8 (front panel)

Setting swivel angle “100 %” The maximum swivel angle of the pump can be adjusted in two different ways.
Adjustment while the system is running:
1. Apply a swivel angle command value >10 V, pressure command value 5 V
2. Direct the full flow via the consumer or flowmeter: e.g. activate hydraulic motor
or set pressure relief valve to ca. 20 bar
3. Adjust potentiometer R9 so that a voltage of +10.05 ±0.01 V can be measured
at measuring socket 4.

Adjustment while the drive motor is switched off:

1. Switch the hydraulics off and wait for about 5 minutes until the pump has
swiveled out mechanically (wait until pressure is completely reduced). You
can also observe the actual swivel angle value (measuring socket 4) and wait
until the actual swivel angle increases to a value below the maximum value
and then remains constant.
2. Measure the actual swivel angle value and adjust it to +10.05 V ±0.01 V
(corresponds to maximum stroke) by means of potentiometer R9.
3. In some cases, the pump will not swivel to the limit stop (maximum value).
For this reason, briefly switch the motor on, then switch off, wait until the pump
has swiveled out and then measure the actual swivel angle value. If a higher
voltage is measured, correct the value. Repeat this procedure several times.
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8.1.12 Adjusting the power limitation (with VT-5041-3-3X/... only)

By means of power limitation you can determine the maximum power
consumption of the pump in order not to overload the drive motor.

Setting a constant power limitation The calculated power limit can be adjusted by means of potentiometer R3 (front
using potentiometer R3 panel) and measured directly at measuring socket 8 (front panel). The value
range of 0…+10 V corresponds to a calculated power of 0…+100%. The
adjustment at the measuring sockets can also be made while the hydraulics is
switched off. Switching output 18a or the LED lamp on the front panel becomes
High, when the actual swivel angle value (flow) and the actual pressure value are
sufficiently high so that the power limitation responds. When the hydraulics is
switched off or shut off, switching output 18a is not active.
Factory setting for R3: 10 V = 100 % (right-hand positive stop)

External provision of the power limit ff Check that jumper J2 is set in position 2-3
ff Turn potentiometer R3 (front panel) to the left-hand positive stop (factory
setting is right-hand positive stop ≙ +100 % power limit)
ff By applying a voltage within the range of 0…+10 V to terminals 18c(+) and
20c(-) a power limit of between 0 % and 100 % can be set. The selected value
can be checked at measuring socket 8 (front panel).

Example Calculation of the rated pump power

Motor power PM = 15 kW
Speed n = 1500 min-1
Displacement VG = 100 cm³ (pump size)
Maximum pressure pmax. = 315 bar
Efficiency ηmh = 1 (theoretical value)
Maximum pressure = pressure [bar], at which the actual pressure value output of
the control electronics VT 5041-3X outputs a value of +10 V at measuring socket
2 (= actual pressure value).

VG [cm3] · n [min-1] · pmax [bar]

P100% = [kW]
600,000 · ηmh

P100% = 78.75 kW
Calculation of the ratio
(p · α)max = · 100 % = 19 %

In this case, the power limit would have to be set to 19 %, i.e. 1.9 V.

8.1.13 Performing a functional test

Once you have tested the hydraulic fluid supply, you must perform a functional
test on the machine or system. The functional test should be carried out according
to the instructions of the machine or system manufacturer.
Before delivery, the SYDFE1 control system is checked for operability in
accordance with the technical data. During commissioning, it must be ensured
that the SYDFE1 control system was installed into the machine or system in
accordance with the plans and drawings. Use the swivel angle indicator to check
whether the SYDFE1 control system correctly swivels in and out during operation.
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The position of the swivel angle indicator and the assignment of the swiveling
direction to the direction of rotation and control can be found in the associated
technical data sheets.

8.1.14 Bleeding during commissioning or after longer standstill

Just like during commissioning you have to bleed the SYDFE1 control system
also after longer periods of standstill in order that the pump can build up pressure
directly after the electric motor starts up. The necessity for this depends, however,
also on the installation orientation of the pump.
You can bleed the system manually by “opening” the pressure line at a suitable
point (e.g. minimess port, valve, etc.). When an unloading valve to tank is
installed (quasi “pressureless start-up”), this procedure can also be automated
when the electric motor starts up: The valve merely needs to be activated briefly;
a continuous pressureless start-up as described in the following is not required.
If a SYDZ pre-load valve is installed and the pump does not build up pressure
or displace hydraulic fluid, this valve must be bled additionally at point “P” as
described in section 8.1.8 “Bleeding of the pre-load valve” on page 67.

8.2 Recommissioning after standstill

Depending on the installation and ambient conditions, changes may occur in the
system which make recommissioning necessary.
Among others, the following criteria may result in the necessity for
•• Air in the hydraulic system
•• Water in the hydraulic system
•• Aged hydraulic fluid
•• Contamination

ff For recommissioning, proceed as described in Chapter 8.1 “Initial

commissioning” on page 60.

8.3 Running-in phase

Too low viscosity!
Risk of damage! The increased temperature of the hydraulic fluid during the
running-in phase can cause the viscosity to drop to impermissible levels.
ff Monitor the operating temperature during the running-in phase.
ff Reduce the loading (pressure, speed) of the SYDFE1 control system, if
impermissible operating temperatures and/or viscosities occur.

Bearings and sliding surfaces are subject to a running-in phase. Increased friction
at the start of the running-in phase results in increased heat generation which
decreases with increasing operating hours. The volumetric and mechanical-
hydraulic efficiency rises as well by the end of the running-in phase of approx. 10
operating hours.
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9 Operation
The SYDFE1 control system is a component which requires no adjustments or
changes to be made during operation. For this reason, this chapter of the manual
does not contain any information on adjustment options. Only use the product
within the performance range provided in the technical data. The machine or
system manufacturer is responsible for the proper engineering of the hydraulic
system and its control.
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Maintenance and repair

10 Maintenance and repair

10.1 Cleaning and care

Solvents and aggressive detergents!
Aggressive detergents may damage the seals of the SYDFE1 control system
and cause them to age faster.
ff Never use solvents or aggressive detergents.

Ingress of contaminants and fluids!

This will result in the fact that the safe operation of the SYDFE1 control system
can no longer be ensured.
ff When carrying out any work on the SYDFE1 control system observe strictest
ff Never use high-pressure cleaners.

For cleaning and care of the SYDFE1 control system, observe the following:
ff Plug all openings with suitable protective caps/devices.
ff Check that all seals and plugs of the plug-in connections are securely seated
to ensure that no moisture can enter the SYDFE1 control system during
ff Use only water and, if necessary, a mild detergent to clean the SYDFE1
control system.
ff Remove coarse dirt from the outside of the system and keep sensitive and
important components, such as solenoids, valves and displays, clean.

10.2 Inspection
In order that the SYDFE1 control system will work reliably and for a long time,
Rexroth recommends that you inspect the SYDFE1 control system regularly at the
following maintenance intervals and document the following operating conditions:

Table 18: Inspection schedule

Work to be carried out Interval
Hydraulic system Check level of hydraulic fluid in the tank. Daily
Check operating temperature (comparable load Weekly
Analyze quality of the hydraulic fluid. Annually or every
2000 h (whichever
occurs first)
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Maintenance and repair

Work to be carried out Interval

SYDFE1 control Inspect the SYDFE1 control system for leakage. Daily
system Early detection of hydraulic fluid loss can help
identify and rectify faults on the machine or
system. For this reason, Rexroth recommends
that the SYDFE1 control system and the system
as a whole always be kept in a clean condition.
Check the SYDFE1 control system for Daily
generation of noise.
Check mounting elements for proper fit. Monthly
Inspect all mounting elements while the system
is switched off, depressurized and cooled down.

10.3 Maintenance
SYDFE1 control systems require little maintenance when properly used.
The service life of the SYDFE1 control system is heavily dependent on the quality
of the hydraulic fluid. For this reason, we recommend changing the hydraulic fluid
at least once a year or every 2000 operating hours (whichever occurs first) or
having it analyzed by the hydraulic fluid supplier or a laboratory to determine its
suitability for further use.
The service life of the SYDFE1 control system is limited by the service life of the
built-in bearings. The service life can be requested on the basis of the load cycle
from the responsible Rexroth Service partner, see Chapter 10.5 “Spare parts”
below. Based on these details, a maintenance interval is to be determined by
the system manufacturer for the replacement of the bearings and included in the
maintenance schedule of the hydraulic system.

10.4 Repair
Rexroth offers a comprehensive range of services for the repair of Rexroth
SYDFE1 control systems.
Repairs of the SYDFE1 control system may only be performed by authorized,
skilled and instructed staff.

ff Only use genuine spare parts from Rexroth for repairing Rexroth SYDFE1
control systems.

Partially tested and pre-assembled original Rexroth assemblies allow for

successful repairs within a minimum of time.
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Maintenance and repair

10.5 Spare parts

When ordering spare parts, please indicate the material numbers of the relevant
spare parts. On some components, the material number is shown on a nameplate
or a label.
Please address all questions regarding spare parts to your responsible Rexroth
Service partner.

Bosch Rexroth AG
Service Hydraulics
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 8
97816 Lohr am Main
Tel: +49 (0) 9352 - 18 0
Fax: +49 (0) 9352 - 18 39 83
[email protected]

For the addresses of foreign subsidiaries, please refer to

ff Please state the following data from the nameplate on your order:
–– material number
–– serial number
–– production job order number
–– production date

10.5.1 Replacement of components

The replacement of some components of the SYDFE1 control systems is
described in the following.

Swivel angle sensor “IW9“ for Swivel angle sensor IW9 operates as inductor circuit according to the inductive
SYDFE1 systems principle and senses the mechanical stroke of the pump without wear. In the case
of faults in swivel angle sensing, both, the coil body and the mechanical parts are
easy to replace. If the settings of control electronics VT 5041-2X were not
changed, matching of the coil body is limited to mechanical clamping/fixing
(preferably in zero stroke operation) while controlling the electrical zero point on
the control electronics

Table 19: Available spare parts

Material number Description
R910910848 Coil body IW9 and core
R910986163 Coil body IW9 and core accommodated in the sensor housing, but
without the driver to be installed into the pump
R910947340 Complete kit (incl. seal, screws and tapered catch)

Swivel angle sensor “IW9-LIN-1X“ General

for SYDFE1 systems The prod is a sensitive component and must therefore be handled with care. In
particular with regard to the magnetic properties, the prod must not be subjected
to hard impacts and must be kept away from metal parts! Keep the prod in the
original packaging until it is installed in the pump housing.
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Maintenance and repair

Installation of the swivel angle sensor IW9-LIN-1X

–– Tighten sensor to 25 +5 Nm (27 A/F)
–– Adjust the swivel angle sensor.
–– Measure the actual swivel angle value and set it to 10.05 V +0.01 V
(corresponds to maximum stroke) using potentiometer “G”
–– In some cases, the pump will not swivel out to the limit stop. For this reason,
switch the motor briefly on, then switch off, wait until the pump has swiveled
out and then measure the actual swivel angle value. If a higher voltage is
measured, correct the value. Repeat this procedure several times.

Seal kits for the pump Stating the Mat. no. of the pump you can order seal kits, which are either tailored
to certain individual components or offered as complete packages.

Pilot valve VT-DFP-x-2X The pilot valve is a component, which is sensitive to contamination. When
replacing it, take care that no contaminants can enter fluid-carrying parts of the
valve and the pump. To replace the pilot valve loosen the 4 screws at the
recessed corners of the nameplate on the pilot valve. When replacing the pilot
valve, check the valve zero point and correct it, if necessary, see Chapter 8.1.7
“Testing and correcting the valve zero point” on page 66:

Pre-load valve SYDZ0001 To replace the pre-load valve, loosen the mounting screws and remove the
pre-load valve.

Mounting screws

Fig. 34: Mounting bores: left-hand side (round) for NG18, 28, 25; right-hand side
(rectangular) for NG 71, 100, 140, 180

When mounting a new pre-load valve, take care that the seal on the pump side to
the pre-load valve is positioned in the recess provided for this purpose. Tighten
the mounting screws to the following torque:
Sizes 18, 28 and 45: 50 Nm
Size 71: 55 Nm
Sizes 100, 140 and 180: 100 Nm
After having mounted the pre-load valve, connect the high pressure and case
drain oil pipes as described in Chapter 7.3 “Installation positions and piping of
SYDFE1 systems” on page 44. During re-commissioning, bleed the pre-load
valve. Notes on the bleeding procedure can be found in Chapter 8.1.8 “Bleeding
the pre-load valve“ on page 67.
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11 Decommissioning
The SYDFE1 control system is a component that does not require
decommissioning. For this reason, this chapter of the present instructions does
not contain any information.
For details about how to demount or replace your SYDFE1 control system, please
refer to the following Chapter 12 “Demounting and replacement”,

12 Demounting and replacement

12.1 Required tools

Demounting can be carried out with standard tools. You will not require any
special tools.

12.2 Preparing demounting

1. Decommission the entire system as described in the general instructions for
the machine or system.
2. Relieve the hydraulic system according to the instructions of the machine or
system manufacturer.

12.3 Demounting the SYDFE1 control system

Proceed as follows to demount the SYDFE1 control system:
1. Make sure that the hydraulic system is depressurized.
2. Check that the SYDFE1 control system has cooled down sufficiently so that it
can be demounted without any risks.

NOTICE! Discharged or spilled hydraulic fluid!

Environmental damage and contamination of the groundwater!
ff When filling in and changing the hydraulic fluid, always place a catch pan
under the SYDFE1 control system.
ff Observe the information in the safety data sheet for the hydraulic fluid and the
specifications provided by the system manufacturer

1. Loosen the lines and collect the escaping hydraulic fluid in the collector
provided for this purpose.
2. Demount the SYDFE1 control system. Use suitable lifting gear for this.
3. Drain the SYDFE1 control system completely.
4. Plug all openings.
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12.4 Preparing the components for storage or further

ff Proceed as described in Chapter 6.2 “Storing the SYDFE1 control system” on
page 41.

13 Disposal

13.1 Environmental protection

When disposing of the SYDFE1 control system, observe the following points:
1. Drain the control system completely.
2. Therefore, dispose of the SYDFE1 control system, the hydraulic fluid and the
packaging material in accordance with the national applicable regulations in
your country and the safety data sheet for the hydraulic fluid.
3. Disassemble the control system to recycle the individual parts. Please
separate by:
–– Cast iron
–– Steel
–– Non-ferrous metal
–– Electrical waste
–– Plastics
–– Seals

14 Extension and conversion

The SYDFE1 control system may only be converted or extended in the cases
described below using genuine Rexroth SYDFE1 components. Other conversions
or extensions, also the readjustment of lead-sealed adjustment potentiometers
render the warranty void. The replacement of a component with a component of
the identical design is described in Chapter 10.5 “Spare parts“ on page 76.
The SYDFE1 control system may be extended by adding an SYDZ pre-load
valve. Please ensure that the size of the pre-load valve and the size of the pump
are identical.
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15 Troubleshooting
The following table may assist you in troubleshooting. The table is not exhaustive.
In practice, problems which are not listed here may also arise.
Generally, the state of the SYDFE1 control system is indicated on the front panel.

Fig. 35: Indicator lamps on the front panel

Green LED “Ub“ This LED is illuminated when the correct voltage supply is provided for the control
electronics VT 5041-3X.
If this LED is not illuminated, check the following:
•• Voltage supply available (U = 21...35 V)
•• Fuse F1

Red LED “Err“ This LED signals a collective fault (or missing enable).
The fault signal can also be measured at pin 2c of the female multi-point
connector and can be used for signaling this to a higher-level control.
The following is valid here:
0 V → fault
24 V → no fault

The fault signal refers to a collective fault and is composed of the following
individual faults:
•• Monitoring of actual pressure value sensing
•• Monitoring of swivel angle sensing
•• Monitoring of actual valve value sensing
•• Enable not granted
•• No supply voltage present or fuse F1 defective
•• When monitoring of the control error is activated (jumper J9), excessive control
error (valve command value > +4 V or < -4 V) for longer than 1 sec.
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Which fault is present? The individual faults are signaled on the printed-circuit board of the control
electronics (provided that the view to the indicator lamps is not obstructed).

Fig. 36: Fault signals on the printed-circuit board

1 Excessive permanent control error

2 Break of valve position transducer cable (secondary)
3 Break of valve position transducer cable (primary)
4 Break of swivel angle position transducer cable
5 Actual pressure value error
6 Actual valve value error (out of range)
7 Fault of internal voltage supply (unbalance)
8 Actual swivel angle value error (range exceeded)
9 Fault of internal voltage supply (undervoltage)

Neither the individual faults nor the collective fault are saved and always reflect
the momentary state.

Example If a loose connection at a plug-in connector of the swivel angle transducer (IW9)
results in the temporary detection of a fault, this individual fault will trigger the
issue of a fault signal.
Depending on the configuration of jumper J1 the following will happen:
J1 OFF, i.e. shutdown of the valve output stage active
In this case, the relevant fault results in the shutdown of the valve output stage,
that is, the activation of the pilot valve is interrupted.
This causes the position of the valve spool to leave the “permitted” range of the
actual valve value and thus results in signaling of the individual fault “v-actual”
(fault: actual valve value out of range).
A SYDFE1 system with internal supply will change over to zero stroke operation
(ca. 8...12 bar). The command values applied (pressure, swivel angle) will not be
82/96 Bosch Rexroth AG SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X | RE 30011-B/07.14


used for controlling. Accordingly, depending on the command value provision, the
individual fault message “continuous control error” will be signaled as well.
In this case, consequential faults may, under certain circumstances, also be
signaled in addition to the original fault.

J1 OFF, i.e. exclusively signaling of a fault, no shutdown of the valve output

In this case, the relevant fault results in brief signaling (loose connection) of
the fault, which is indicated by the “error” LED on the front panel of the control
electronics as well as well as by PLC output 2c.

15.1.1 Fault analysis

If the LEDs on the control electronics can be viewed without obstruction, it is
sufficient to check the individual fault(s) as indicated by the LEDs. If you cannot
view the LEDs or if the fault cannot be rectified in this way, check the following

ff Unplug the motor fuse
ff Switch on the pump electronics

Enable contact made? Check the connection between female multi-point connectors 26c and 32a.

Monitoring of actual pressure value The actual pressure value, which can be measured at measuring socket 2, is
sensing monitored for the “permitted” range, which is between -0.5 V and +11.5 V.
Possible faults can be an interrupted signal cable, missing voltage supply to the
sensor or an incorrectly adapted actual pressure value signal.
Actual pressure value < -0.5V
ff Check cabling and voltage supply to the pressure transducer
ff Correct zero point of the actual pressure value input (R1)

Actual pressure value > +1.5V

ff Check cabling to the pressure transducer
ff Check signal output of the pressure transducer

Monitoring of swivel angle sensing •• Break in swivel angle position transducer cable
–– The monitoring feature recognizes faults in the cabling between the swivel
angle sensor of the pump (IW9) and control electronics VT 5041-3X.
•• Out of range
–– If the actual swivel angle value (socket 4) is outside the permitted range of
±11 V, a fault signal is generated.
–– When the hydraulics is switched off, the swivel angle of the pump should be
+10 V when properly adjusted.
–– Possible faults can be an interrupted signal cable or an incorrectly matched
actual swivel angle value.

Moreover, the resistance of cables can be measured while the connector is

plugged in on the swivel angle sensor of the pump (IW9).
ff Switch voltage off
ff Remove control electronics VT 5041-3X from the rack
–– Female multi-point connector 14a to 10a: ca. 36 Ohm
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–– Female multi-point connector 12a to 10a: ca. 36 Ohm

–– Female multi-point connector 12a to 14a: ca. 50 Ohm

This measurement will not provide any information on the correct wiring
of counter-clockwise and clockwise rotating pumps (see also Chapter
7.6.5 “Connecting the swivel angle transducer” on page 57).

Monitoring of actual valve value •• P

rimary and secondary side of the position transducer
sensing –– The signals to the position transducer (primary side) as well as from the
position transducer (secondary side) are checked for plausibility. Should one
of the two LEDs be lighted, check whether the position transducer is wired

VT 5041-3X Valve position transducer

Primary side Connection 8a/22a Connection 1 and 2
Secondary side Connection 4a/6a Connection 3 and 4

•• Signal level of position transducer position > +11V
–– When the valve is not activated (e.g. no enable given for the valve or the
solenoid connector is unplugged), the actual valve value will leave the
permitted operating range. This will result in an individual fault.
Moreover, the resistance of the cables can be measured with connectors plugged
in on the valves.
ff Switch voltage off
ff Remove control electronics VT 5041-3X from the rack
–– Female multi-point connector 28c to 30c: ca. 2-4 Ohm (solenoid)
–– Female multi-point connector 4a to 6a: ca. 103 Ohm (position transducer)
–– Female multi-point connector 8a to 6a: ca. 115 Ohm (position transducer)

Monitoring of the control error This monitoring function is active only when jumper J9 is set (= ON).
The monitoring feature, which was newly added compared with control electronics
VT 5041-2X, continuously checks the valve command value (= control difference
x controller gain) and signals a fault, as soon as the amount exceeds the value of
4 V, which can be measured at socket 5.
To remain compatible with series 2X control electronics in terms of function, this
monitoring feature is deactivated with the factory setting (jumper J9 open).
By setting jumper J9 you can add this fault signal to the collective fault signal.
It must be noted that when this fault signal is deactivated, the LED “v-soll“ on
the printed-circuit board continues to signal a control error as fault, but will not
evaluate it.

Monitoring of the internal voltage The voltages of +15 V and -15 V generated by the own power supply unit of the
supply VT 5041-3X are monitored for the following levels.
•• Monitoring of internal voltage +15 V for values less than 10 V
(fault is signaled by LED, see Fig. 36, item 9: Undervoltage +15 V)
•• Excessive difference between +15 V and -15 V (= unbalance)

Should one of the two above-mentioned individual faults be present, check,

whether too high a load or possibly a short-circuit is present at outputs 20a (-15V)
and 24a (+15V).
ff Check auxiliary voltages at control electronics VT 5041-3X (reference = 22a)
–– Female multi-point connector 20a = -15 V (-14.1 V…-15.3 V)
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–– Female multi-point connector 24a = +15 V (+14.1 V…+15.3 V)

Further possible cause of fault Should the pump generate pressure in an uncontrollable manner without a fault
signal being issued by control electronics VT 5041-3X, check the control valve
VT-DFP-… for “jamming“.
ff Unplug solenoid connector
ff Measure actual valve value at socket 6
With a non-jammed valve, the actual valve value (socket 6) must now be
within the range of +10 V to +15 V. Otherwise, the valve is likely to be

ff Replace valve

After having rectified the fault ff Switch the voltage off and on (clearing of the fault signal)
ff If the fault signal is no longer present, switch the pump off
ff Activate the motor fuse
ff Switch the pump on

15.1 How to proceed for troubleshooting

ff Always act systematically and targeted, even under pressure of time. Random
and imprudent disassembly and readjustment of settings might result in the
inability to ascertain the original cause of fault.
ff First obtain a general overview of how your product works in conjunction with
the entire system.
ff Try to determine whether the product worked properly in conjunction with the
entire system before the troubles occurred.
ff Try to determine any changes of the entire system in which the product is
–– Were there any changes to the product’s operating conditions or operating
–– Were there any changes or repairs on the complete system (machine/
system, electrics, control) or on the product? If yes, which?
–– Was the product or machine used as intended?
–– How becomes the malfunction apparent?
ff Try to get a clear idea of the error cause. Directly ask the (machine) operator.
ff If you cannot rectify the error, contact one of the contact addresses which can
be found at:
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15.2 Malfunction table

Table 20: Malfunction table for SYDFE1 control systems
Fault Possible cause Remedy
Error message present: Enable not granted: Indicator lamp “En.“ is out. Apply 24 V to contact 26c
Indicator lamp “Err.“ on the front panel
of the VT 5041-3X is ON Supply voltage missing or fuse F1 defective: Apply 24 V to contact 32a, connect 28a to
Indicator lamp “Ub“ is out ground (0 V)
Cable break of the swivel angle sensor cable Check wiring (see 7.6.5 “Connecting the swivel
angle sensor” on page 57)
Cable break of the valve position sensor cable Check wiring (see 7.6.4 “Connecting the valve
position transducer” on page 56)
Cable break of the proportional solenoid cable Check wiring (see 7.6.6 “Connecting the
solenoid of the proportional valve” on page 58)
Cable break of the pressure transducer Check wiring (see 7.6.3 “ Selection, place of
installation and mounting orientation of the
pressure transducer” on page 54)
When control error monitoring is activated For further notes, see page 62
(jumper J9 set/ON), excessive control deviation
(valve command value > +4 V or < -4 V) for
longer than 1 sec.
Defect or short-circuit of auxiliary voltages on Contact Rexroth Service
the control electronics
Humming noise in the pressure Air cushion around the sensor Thoroughly bleed control system, pre-load valve
control or fluctuations in pressure/flow (see page 68) and pipes
Problem with the cable shield Ground shield

Unfavorable place of mounting/mounting Change place of installation (e.g. suspended

technique of the pressure transducer mounting, no minimess line, no throttling point
between pump and pressure transducer)
Unsuitably high gain of the actual pressure Reduce weighting of the actual pressure value
value and pressure command value, see page 65
Screaming noise Oil level in the tank too low; pump partly aspires Top up oil
Pump aspires air Change routing of the suction line

Suction line leaky Seal suction line

Pump cavitates when pressure is reduced Optimize controller, reduce command value via
Diagnosis: Measure, whether overshoots occur a ramp or in steps.
in the pressure line at individual pressure levels,
e.g. pressure almost 0 bar and, at the same
time, negative swivel angle
Fluid in the tank mixed with air; cooling and/or Seal
filtration circuit leaky
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Table 20: Malfunction table for SYDFE1 control systems

Fault Possible cause Remedy
Other unusual noise Input speed too high Machine or system manufacturer

Wrong direction of rotation Machine or system manufacturer

Insufficient suction conditions, e.g. air in the Check that shut-off valves are open
suction line, insufficient diameter of the suction
line, viscosity of the hydraulic fluid too high, Machine or system manufacturer (e.g. optimize
suction height too great, suction pressure too inlet conditions, use suitable hydraulic fluid)
low, foreign body in the suction line Thoroughly air-bleed control system, fill suction
line with hydraulic fluid
Remove any foreign bodies from the suction line
Improper mounting of the control system Check mounting of the control system according
to the instructions given by the machine or
system manufacturer. Observe tightening
Improper mounting of fitted parts, e.g. coupling Mount attachments in accordance with
and hydraulic lines the instructions of the coupling or fitting
Air in the pump or in the pre-load valve Bleed pump and pre-load valve

Wear of/mechanical damage to the control Replace control system, contact Rexroth
system Service
No or insufficient pressure (< 4 bar) Faulty mechanical drive (e.g. defective coupling) Machine or system manufacturer
Hydraulic fluid not within the optimum viscosity Use suitable hydraulic fluid (machine or system
range manufacturer)
Drive unit defective (e.g. hydraulic motor or Machine or system manufacturer
Wear/mechanical damage Replace control system, contact Rexroth
Pressure static, ca. 5...12 bar, cannot Supply voltage not within the permissible range Check, whether all connectors are plugged on
be changed (21.6...33.6) the pilot valve
Diagnosis: Is the actual swivel angle value (12c)
0 Volt? If yes, is the supply voltage missing? Check voltage at the control electronics

Command value for pressure, swivel angle or If you use, for example, exclusively closed-
power (optional) is 0 bar or 0 %, respectively loop pressure control, connect the swivel angle
command value (14c/16c) to +10 V...UB
The potentiometer for power limitation (optional)
must not be on the left-hand limit stop
Swivel angle sensor defective Inspect swivel angle sensor, see page 70
Spool jams in pilot valve Contact Rexroth Service
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Table 20: Malfunction table for SYDFE1 control systems

Fault Possible cause Remedy
Pressure too low (< 12 bar) Weighting of the actual pressure value is Adjust pressure command value and/or actual
incorrectly set pressure value (see page 68)
Diagnosis: Pressure command value (6c/4c)
Replace pressure transducer
and actual pressure value normalized (24c) are
equal and can be regulated Change place of installation of the pressure
transducer (do not install upstream of the pre-
load valve, rather close to the consumer)
Pressure transducer defective Replace pressure transducer
Diagnosis: Measure signal from pressure
transducer and compare with indication on the
pressure gauge
Control system does not work in closed-loop Increase swivel angle command value
pressure control
Increase power limit (see page 71)
Diagnosis: Pressure command value (6c/4c) is
less than actual value (24c) normalized. Check that hydraulic system is leak-free and the
consumption is not too great
Pilot valve defective Replace pilot valve
Pressure too high Weighting of the actual pressure value is Adjust pressure command value and/or actual
incorrectly set pressure value (see page 68)
Diagnosis: Pressure command value (6c/4c)
Replace pressure transducer
and actual pressure value normalized (24c) are
equal and can be regulated Replace control electronics VT 5041-3X
Pressure transducer (PT) defective/not Connect pressure transducer correctly/replace
Diagnosis: Measure signal from PT and
compare with indication on the pressure gauge
Flow too small Pressure controller active Increase pressure command value
Power limitation (optional) active Increase power command value (optional) (see
page 71)
Actual swivel angle acquisition maladjusted Re-adjust swivel angle sensor (see page 77)
Speed of drive too low (slip, incorrect frequency, Machine or system manufacturer
wrong motor)
Pump damaged (pump leakage too great) Replace pump
Wear/mechanical damage to the control system Replace control system, contact Rexroth
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Table 20: Malfunction table for SYDFE1 control systems

Fault Possible cause Remedy
Drive motor switches off due to Excessive power consumption of the pump Reduce power command values (optional) (see
overloading page 71)
Reduce swivel angle command value
Check actual pressure value acquisition (see
page 68)
Protective overcurrent feature of the motor does Check setting and test function
not work properly
Spool jams in pilot valve Replace pilot valve, see page 77
Diagnosis: Disconnect central plug-in connector
X1 or supply voltage from pilot valve and test
whether the motor is still overloaded
Actual swivel value acquisition maladjusted or Check actual swivel angle acquisition, see page
does not work 70
VT 5041-3X defective Replace control electronics VT 5041-3X
Hydraulic fluid temperature too high Inlet temperature at control system too high Inspect system, e.g. malfunction of cooler,
insufficient hydraulic fluid in the tank
Pre-load valve opens Pressure must be lower than cracking pressure
Diagnosis: Pipe to the tank heats up of pre-load valve. Keep overshoots and
pressure pulsations to a minimum
Malfunction of pressure/pilot valves (e.g. high Contact Rexroth Service
pressure relief valve, pressure cut-off, pressure
Control system worn out Replace control system, contact Rexroth
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Technical data

16 Technical data
The technical data of your SYDFE1 system are contained in the following data
SYDFE1 series 2X RE 30030
SYDFE1 series 3X RE 30630
The data sheet can be found on the Internet at
The preset technical data of your SYDFE1 control system can be found in the
order confirmation.
90/96 Bosch Rexroth AG SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X | RE 30011-B/07.14


17 Annex

17.1 Address directory

For the addresses of our foreign subsidiaries and responsible sales companies,
please visit

Contact for repairs and spare parts

Bosch Rexroth AG
Service Industriehydraulik
Bürgermeister-Dr. Nebel-Str. 8
97816 Lohr am Main

Our spare parts catalog can be found on the Internet at
Here you can also find your technical contact

Contacts for repairs are listed on the Internet at:

Ordering address for accessories and valves

Bosch Rexroth AG
Zum Eisengießer 1
97816 Lohr am Main
Phone +49 (93 52) 18-0
or the relevant sales subsidiary.

Addresses can be found on the Internet at:

For the addresses of foreign subsidiaries, please refer to
RE 30011-B/07.14 | SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X Bosch Rexroth AG 91/96


17.2 Position of adjustment elements of control electronics VT 5041-3X

Case drain Jumper Valve command Jumper Regenerative Jumper Function Jumper
compensation J6 J7 value monitoring J9 operation J3 J5 Pin 18a ** J4
OFF OFF OFF ON ON Ein ON OFF Pressure control
6% ON OFF Master/Slave
** Only with versions without
power limitation
(VT 5041-3X/1... and
VT 5041-3X/2...)

ON (default)*
Reference for position Valve shutdown in Jumper
transducer the event of a fault J1
Active OFF *
Inactive ON

OFF (default)
Reference for actual * compatible with VT 5041-2X
pressure value (–)


Volume adjustment of pressure controller
Input switchTD = OFF Switch S3
Selection for Jumper P-gain of pressure Switch S3 Jumper .1 .2 .3
analog input at pin J2 controller .7 .8 J11 ≤ 5.0 l OFF OFF OFF
18c bridge 8.0 OFF OFF OFF 7.5 l OFF ON OFF
Master actual swivel 4.8 OFF ON OFF 10.0 l ON ON OFF
angle value 4.0 OFF OFF ON 15.0 l ON OFF ON
External power 3.0 OFF ON ON 20.0 l OFF ON ON
limitation 25.0 l ON ON ON
2.0 ON ON ON Input switch TD = ON Switch S3
.4 .5 .6
Gain of actual Jumper
pressure value 12.5 l OFF OFF OFF
30.0 l OFF ON OFF
Factor of 1 OFF
45 l ON ON OFF
Factor of 2 ON
60 l ON OFF ON
Signal adjustment Switch S2 75 l OFF ON ON
of actual pressure .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 90 l ON ON ON
ON = Bridge closed
OFF = Bridge open
= Factory setting
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17.3 Block circuit diagram of VT 5041-3X

Pressure command
[1] 1
pcomm 0...10 V u
Reference 4c u

Switch TD 0/+24 V Pressure controller
D1 [10]
pact 0...5 V 0...10 V Actual pressure value S3.1-3 P
[3] Adjustment
2 D2
0.5... 5 V 1...10 V
8c S3.4-6
0...20 mA 4...20 mA u
10c u
p act

Pressure controller OFF 18a Pressure control OFF

Master/slave 0/+24 V
> +11.5 V
FE1-contr.1) Case drain com-
Version VT 5041-3X/1... or .../2... pensation
< - 0.5 V

[1] Adjustment
14c Active swivel angle com-
SWAcomm ±10 V u + Swivel angle con-
16c u + mand value
Reference troller
Single pump/ [5] [6]
18c 1
SWAact/master or ±10 V u 2 J2
20c u
Power limit Reference 3
0...+10 V 100 % 8
cw +
ccw + DIV SWA max
0% p act
Power limit
Version VT 5041-3X/3...
F valve output stage
26c &
Enable 0/+24 V
32a +15V Enable1)
= 0V
28a =
0V 26a -15V
32c 9 10
System ground Ub 1)
–15 V 22a
M0 24a
+15 V

Abbreviations for signals Diagnosis LEDs on printed circuit board

pcomm Pressure command value v-comm Continuous system deviation too great
pact Actual pressure value v-act Actual valve value fault - out of range
Switch TD Oil volume changeover p-ist Actual pressure value fault
SWAcomm Swivel angle command value swa-act Actual swivel angle value fault - out of range
SWAact Actual swivel angle value KB-TP Valve position transducer cable break – primary
SWAact/master Actual swivel angle value of master KB-TS Valve position transducer cable break –
FE1-contr. Pressure controller deactivated
KB-IW9 Swivel angle sensor cable break
+15 V US Undervoltage +15V (internal power supply unit)
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8a 1 3
Actual valve value M0 Valve position
6 transducer
= 2 4
Enable R7 6a
Valve output stage 26a
Valve command value
5 [8] [9]
p-control 1) u
P i 30c Proportional solenoid

Actual swivel angle value 14a (2)
MIN 4 [2]
= 10a 1 Swivel angle sensor
> +4 V
< -4 V IW9
R8 12a 2( )
R9 26a
t = 1 sec
u 24c
pact 0...10 V
p-act v-comm u 12c
SWAact ±10 V
-control 1)
Swivel angle control active

& Power limitation active

J9 Power Limiter1) Version VT 5041-3X/3...

Collective fault
1 F
Actual valve value v-act
J1 Compatible with
KB-TP VT 5041-2X: J1 = OFF

1 2a
≥1 Fault signal “= HIGH“
Actual swivel angle
value fault
+15 V US Fault signal “= LOW“
+15V <10 V

U1+U2 unbal Error1)

-15V > 2V

Diagnosis LEDs on printed circuit board

unbal Internal voltage supply

1) LED indicator lamps on the front panel

94/96 Bosch Rexroth AG SYDFE1 series 2X, 3X | RE 30011-B/07.14

Alphabetical index

18 Alphabetical index
A Flushing 61
Functional description 16
Abbreviations 8
Functional test 71
Activation sequence 37
Actual pressue value adjustment 68
Actual values 32 G
Actuating system supply 17 Gain of pressure controller 64
Ambient conditions 27 General instructions 10
Ambient temperature 27 General notes 14
Generation of noise 29
Basic operating modes 19 H
Bleeding 72 Hydraulic fluids
Brief regenerative operation 23 selection 27
Hydraulic fluid supply
C testing 61
Cabling 53
Care 74 I
Case drain compensation 33, 62 Identification of the product 38
Case drain piping 46 Improper use 9
Circulation operation 22 Initial commissioning 60
Cleaning 74 Inspection 74
Command value Inspection schedule 74
for power limit 58 Installation 43
Command values 58 with coupling 48
Commissioning 59 Installation conditions 43
Configuring switches and jumpers 62 Installation drawing 5
Connecting Installation orientation 45
electrically 52 Installation positions 44
hydraulically 49 Installing 47
Continuous regenerative operation 22 Intended use 9
Control electronics Internal pilot oil supply 25
functions 30
Controller structure 19
Conversion 79 K
Coupling 48 Keyed shaft 30

Data sheet 5 Lifting gear 39
Decommissioning 78
Delivery contents 15 M
Demounting 78
Device description 16 Maintenance 74, 75
Dimensioning 26 Maintenance intervals 74
notes 26 Malfunction table 85
Dimensions 39 Master/slave operation 34
Direction of rotation 47 changing over 36
Disposal 79 Maximum operating pressure 25
Measuring sockets 32
Minimum operating pressure 25
Enable 30 N
Environmental protection 79
Extension 79 Nameplate 38
External pilot oil supply 26 Noise level 28

Filling 60 Oil-immersed applications 27
Filtration 28 Open circuit 16
Flange pattern 50 Operating pressure limits 25
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Alphabetical index

Operating viscosity 27 Setting a constant power limitation 71

Operation 73 Shaft variant 29
Order confirmation 5 Signal adjustment of actual pressure
value 62
P connecting 58
Performance description 16 Spare parts 76
Personal protective equipment 13 Special operating modes 21
Personnel qualifications 10 Splined shaft 30
Pilot oil 25 Spool variant 30
external 25 Stand-by operation 22
internal 25 Starting up at zero pressure 21
Pilot oil supply Storage 39
internal 25 Storing 41
Piping 44, 45 Switch TD 31
Power limit Swivel angle “100 %“
external provision 71 setting 70
Power limitation 21, 33 Swivel angle adjustment 19
adjusting 71 Swivel angle control 20
Pre-compression volume 17 Swivel angle sensing
Pre-load valve 25 checking 70
bleeding 67 Swivel angle sensor
Preparation 47 connecting 57
Pressure command value adjustment Symbols 7
Pressure control 21, 69
closed-loop 21 T
Pressure controller Technical data 89
gain 70 Temperature range 27
OFF 31 Testing the hydraulic fluid supply 61
Pressure controller OFF 63 Tightening torques 51
Pressure transducers Tools required 78
mounting orientation 54 Transport 39
place of installation 54 Transporting with lifting gear 39
selection 54 Troubleshooting 80
Product description 16 Type of control
Pulsation damper 29 signaling 31

Qualifications 10 Unpacking 43

Recommissioning after standstill 72 Valve command value monitoring 63
Regenerative operation 22 Valve position transducer
Related documents 5 connecting 56
Repair 75 Valve shutdown in the event of a fault
Replacement 78 63
Replacement of components 76 Valve zero point
Pilot valve 77 checking and correcting 66
Pre-load valve 77 Viscosity limits 27
Swivel angle sensor “IW9“ 76 Volume adjustment 69
swivel angle sensor “IW9-LIN-1X“
Ring screw 40
Routing of lines 50 Warranty 49
notes 50 Weights 39
Running-in phase 72
S Zero stroke 31
Safety instructions 9 Zero stroke operation 22
Seal kits 77 Zero stroke pressure 19
Section 16
Bosch Rexroth AG
Zum Eisengießer 1
97814 Lohr a. Main, Germany
Phone +49 (0) 93 52/18-0
[email protected]

Printed in Germany
RE 30011-B/07.14

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