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STANDARD 12176-2

First edition

Plastics pipes and fittings — Equipment for

fusion jointing polyethylene systems —
Part 2:

Reference number
ISO 12176-2:2000(E)

© ISO 2000
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ISO 12176-2:2000(E)

Contents Page

1 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................1
2 Normative references ....................................................................................................................................1
3 Terms and definitions ...................................................................................................................................2
4 Control unit.....................................................................................................................................................3
5 Construction requirements...........................................................................................................................4
6 Operating procedures ...................................................................................................................................7
7 Operating requirements ................................................................................................................................8
8 Mechanical performance.............................................................................................................................11
9 Technical file ................................................................................................................................................11
10 Marking .........................................................................................................................................................12
Annex A (normative) Classification scheme.........................................................................................................13
Annex B (informative) Duty cycle ............................................................................................................................16
Annex C (normative) Shock resistance test...........................................................................................................17
Annex D (normative) Vibration test .........................................................................................................................18

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ISO 12176-2:2000(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 12176 may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

International Standard ISO 12176-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 138,
, Subcommittee SC 4, .

ISO 12176 consists of the following parts, under the general title

Annexes A, C and D form a normative part of this part of ISO 12167. Annex B is for information only.

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Plastics pipes and fittings — Equipment for fusion jointing

polyethylene systems —
Part 2:

1 Scope
This part of ISO 12176 specifies the main performance requirements for electrofusion control units for use with PE
electrofusion fittings, conforming to ISO 8085-3, for gas distribution systems. The control units are divided into two
input voltage classes: SVLV [safety, very low voltage (0 V to 50 V)] and LV [low voltage (50 V to 240 V)].

This part of ISO 12176 is applicable to electrofusion control units designed for use in the construction of joints
between polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings conforming to ISO standards for gas distribution systems, where the
normal operating temperature of the control unit is in the range of – 10 °C to + 40 °C. If temperatures outside this
range are expected, suitable operating limits will have to be agreed between manufacturer and purchaser.

This part of ISO 12176 is applicable to control units with current or voltage control for fitting systems based on
standard resistance wire heating technology.

2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this part of ISO 12176. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications
do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 12176 are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. Members of ISO and
IEC maintain register of currently valid International Standards.

ISO 8085-3: 1),


ISO/TR 13950:1997,

IEC 60068-2-27:1987

IEC 60529:1989,

IEC 60742:1983 and its Amendment

No. 1:1992.

1) To be published.

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ISO 12176-2:2000(E)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this part of ISO 12176, the following terms and definitions apply:

competent person entitled to assemble PE gas pipes with electrofusion fittings

control unit
unit implementing the output fusion parameters of voltage or current and time or energy to execute the fusion cycle
as specified by the electrofusion fitting manufacturer

Control units are classified with respect to electrical and process characteristics. Different types of control unit can
be defined as follows:

preset control unit
control unit providing a stepped output power, preset by the manufacturer and generated at one or several
selectable levels of voltage or current or energy or time

variable control unit
control unit providing a stepped output power generated from variable parameters defined from an external source

EXAMPLE Bar code, magnetic card, microchip

multimode control unit
control unit providing a stepped output power generated at several levels of voltage and current and covering the
energy input requirements of fittings from several manufacturers within the specification of each system using at
least one preset system associated with one variable system

multipurpose control unit
control unit providing a stepped or continuous output power generated at several levels of either voltage or current

universal control unit
control unit providing a stepped or continuous output power generated at several levels of both voltage and current
coming from a variable system

data retrieval unit
any type of control unit (3.2) allowing the storage of the actual fusion data and permitting a read-out of this data

automatic control unit
any type of control unit (3.2) with automatic data input or fusion cycle control, where the operator cannot alter the
fusion parameters

control cycle
a fixed period of time, composed of an on-load period t1 and an off-load period t2

The total time t = t1 + t2.

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ISO 12176-2:2000(E)

duty cycle
proportion of the control cycle time t for which the output power is on load, t1, expressed as a percentage, i.e.

td 100
t1 t2

output voltage
output voltage value expressed as the RMS (root mean square) value (and not peak value)

reference output voltage
output voltage value at 75 % of the maximum output voltage of the control unit

soft start
stepped voltage increases over time periods in the order of seconds

4 Control unit

4.1 Preset control unit

In this type of control unit, the output values of one parameter (voltage, current, energy or time) are fixed.

The fifth code-letter in the designation of this type of control unit is “F” (see A.2.1).

4.2 Variable control unit

In this type of control unit, all the fusion parameters are introduced from an external source (for instance bar code,
magnetic card, microchip) programmed by the electrofusion fittings manufacturer.

The fifth code-letter in the designation of this type of control unit is “V” (see A.2.1).

4.3 Multi-mode control unit

In this type of control unit, the output values of one parameter (voltage, current, energy or time) are fixed, but are
associated with a variable fusion parameter.

The fifth code-letter in the designation of this type of control unit is “V” (see A.2.1).

4.4 Multipurpose control unit

This type of control unit can be used with electrofusion fittings from more than one manufacturer.

The fifth code-letter in the designation of this type of control unit is “V” (see A.2.1).

4.5 Universal control unit

In this type of control unit, all the fusion parameters are automatically introduced from an external source (for
instance bar code, magnetic card, microchip) programmed by the electrofusion fitting manufacturer. The control
unit controls both the voltage and the current.

In the designation of this type of control unit, the third code-letter is "W", the fifth code-letter is "V" and the sixth
code-letter is "A" (see annex A).

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ISO 12176-2:2000(E)

5 Construction requirements

5.1 General

An electrofusion control unit can be a single unit or composed of several separate units. Therefore the control panel
and the regulation system may or may not be integrated in a single unit.

Where the control unit is to be connected to a power generator, the manufacturer of the unit shall specify the input
power requirements.

A portable control unit, with its frame (if supplied) and any associated input cable of at least 3 m included, shall not
be heavier than 35 kg.

The control unit shall not start the fusion cycle if the fusion parameters introduced are out of the specified working
range of the control unit.

NOTE It is recommended that:

the control unit be designed to allow ease of calibration and maintenance;

the control unit be designed and constructed to allow its safe use in normal field conditions;

the control unit and its accessories be designed to minimize the risk of corrosion or mechanical damage due to transport
and handling in the field, likely to impair the performance of the control unit;

the control panel (for instance keyboard, display) be protected from impact damage during transport and handling.

5.2 Electrical safety

The control unit shall be protected in accordance with IEC 60529 such that the protection against direct contacts
shall be at least to IP5X and the protection against the ingress of moisture shall be in accordance with class IPX4.
All printed-circuit boards shall be protected against the effects of condensation. No water shall lodge or accumulate
in switches or buttons mounted on the control unit.

The control unit and its accessories shall fulfil the safety requirements of national regulations.

5.3 Cables

5.3.1 General

Input and output cables may be disconnectable or permanently connected. The cables shall remain flexible over
the whole range of normal operating and storage conditions (i.e. – 10 °C to + 40 °C).

A cable winding or storage facility shall be provided on the control unit.

Cables may require additional screening to satisfy the conditions required for safe operation of portable power
supplies (i.e. isolated or earthed systems) and safety features fitted to the control unit.

5.3.2 Input cable

If a permanently attached input cable is provided, its nominal length shall be at least 3 m and a facility for input
cable winding, storage and protection during transport shall be fitted to the control unit.

5.3.3 Output cable

The nominal length of the output cable(s) shall be at least 2,5 m.

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