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Ang Tibay v.

Teodoro (74 Phil 50) sapatos" or "sapatos ang tibay" to mean "durable shoes," but "matibay na sapatos"
or "sapatos na matibay."
Petitioner has appealed to this Court by certiorari to reverse the judgment of the
Court of Appeals reversing that of the Court of First Instance of Manila and directing From all of this we deduce that "Ang Tibay" is not a descriptive term within the
the Director of Commerce to cancel the registration of the trade-mark "Ang Tibay" in meaning of the Trade-Mark Law but rather a fanciful or coined phrase which may
favor of said petitioner, and perpetually enjoining the latter from using said trade- properly and legally be appropriated as a trade-mark or trade-name. In this
mark on goods manufactured and sold by her. connection we do not fail to note that when the petitioner herself took the trouble
and expense of securing the registration of these same words as a trademark of her
Respondent Toribio Teodoro, at first in partnership with Juan Katindig and later as products she or her attorney as well as the Director of Commerce was undoubtedly
sole proprietor, has continuously used "Ang Tibay," both as a trade-mark and as a convinced that said words (Ang Tibay) were not a descriptive term and hence could
trade-name, in the manufacture and sale of slippers, shoes, and indoor baseballs be legally used and validly registered as a trade-mark. It seems stultifying and puerile
since 1910. He formally registered it as trade-mark on September 29, 1915, and as for her now to contend otherwise, suggestive of the story of sour grapes. Counsel for
trade-name on January 3, 1933. The growth of his business is a thrilling epic of the petitioner says that the function of a trade-mark is to point distinctively, either by
Filipino industry and business capacity. Starting in an obscure shop in 1910 with a its own meaning or by association, to the origin or ownership of the wares to which it
modest capital of P210 but with tireless industry and unlimited perseverance, Toribio is applied. That is correct, and we find that "Ang Tibay," as used by the respondent
Teodoro, then an unknown young man making slippers with his own hands but now to designate his wares, had exactly performed that function for twenty-two years
a prominent business magnate and manufacturer with a large factory operated with before the petitioner adopted it as a trade-mark in her own business. Ang Tibay
modern machinery by a great number of employees, has steadily grown with his shoes and slippers are, by association, known throughout the Philippines as products
business to which he has dedicated the best years of his life and which he has of the Ang Tibay factory owned and operated by the respondent Toribio Teodoro.
expanded to such proportions that his gross sales from 1918 to 1938 aggregated
P8,787,025.65. His sales in 1937 amounted to P1,299,343.10 and in 1938, Second. In her second assignment of error petitioner contends that the Court of
P1,133,165.77. His expenses for advertisement from 1919 to 1938 aggregated Appeals erred in holding that the words "Ang Tibay" had acquired a secondary
P210,641.56. meaning. In view of the conclusion we have reached upon the first assignment of
error, it is unnecessary to apply here the doctrine of "secondary meaning" in trade-
Petitioner (defendant below) registered the same trade-mark "Ang Tibay" for pants mark parlance. This doctrine is to the effect that a word or phrase originally
and shirts on April 11, 1932, and established a factory for the manufacture of said incapable of exclusive appropriation with reference to an article of the market,
articles in the year 1937. In the following year (1938) her gross sales amounted to because geographically or otherwise descriptive, might nevertheless have been used
P422,682.09. Neither the decision of the trial court nor that of the Court of Appeals so long and so exclusively by one producer with reference to his article that, in that
shows how much petitioner has spent or advertisement. But respondent in his brief trade and to that branch of the purchasing public, the word or phrase has come to
says that petitioner "was unable to prove that she had spent a single centavo mean that the article was his product. (G. & C. Merriam Co. vs. Salfield, 198 F., 369,
advertising "Ang Tibay" shirts and pants prior to 1938. In that year she advertised 373.) We have said that the phrase "Ang Tibay," being neither geographic nor
the factory which she had just built and it was when this was brought to the descriptive, was originally capable of exclusive appropriation as a trade-mark. But
attention of the appellee that he consulted his attorneys and eventually brought the were it not so, the application of the doctrine of secondary meaning made by the
present suit." Court of Appeals could nevertheless be fully sustained because, in any event, by
respondent's long and exclusive use of said phrase with reference to his products and
The trial court (Judge Quirico Abeto) presiding absolved the defendant from the his business, it has acquired a proprietary connotation. (Landers, Frary, and Clark vs.
complaint, with costs against the plaintiff, on the grounds that the two trademarks Universal Cooler Corporation, 85 F. [2d], 46.)
are dissimilar and are used on different and non-competing goods; that there had
been no exclusive use of the trade-mark by the plaintiff; and that there had been no Third. Petitioner's third assignment of error is, that the Court of Appeals erred in
fraud in the use of the said trade-mark by the defendant because the goods on which holding that pants and shirts are goods similar to shoes and slippers within the
it is used are essentially different from those of the plaintiff. The second division of meaning of sections 3 and 7 of Act No. 666. She also contends under her fourth
the Court of Appeals, composed of Justices Bengson, Padilla, Lopez Vito, Tuason, and assignment of error (which we deem convenient to pass upon together with the third)
Alex Reyes, with Justice Padilla as ponente, reversed that judgment, holding that by that there can neither be infringement of trade-mark under section 3 nor unfair
uninterrupted an exclusive use since 191 in the manufacture of slippers and shoes, competition under section 7 through her use of the words "Ang Tibay" in connection
respondent's trade-mark has acquired a secondary meaning; that the goods or with pants and shirts, because those articles do not belong to the same class of
articles on which the two trade-marks are used are similar or belong to the same merchandise as shoes and slippers.
class; and that the use by petitioner of said trade-mark constitutes a violation of
sections 3 and 7 of Act No. 666. The defendant Director of Commerce did not appeal The question raised by petitioner involve the scope and application of sections 3,7,
from the decision of the Court of Appeals. 11, 13, and 20 of the Trade-Mark Law (Act No. 666.) Section 3 provides that "any
person entitled to the exclusive use of a trade-mark to designate the origin or
First. Counsel for the petitioner, in a well-written brief, makes a frontal sledge- ownership of goods he has made or deals in, may recover damages in a civil actions
hammer attack on the validity of respondent's trade-mark "Ang Tibay." He contends from any person who has sold goods of a similar kind, bearing such trade-mark . . .
that the phrase "Ang Tibay" as employed by the respondent on the articles The complaining party . . . may have a preliminary injunction, . . . and such
manufactured by him is a descriptive term because, "freely translate in English," it injunction upon final hearing, if the complainant's property in the trade-mark and the
means "strong, durable, lasting." He invokes section 2 of Act No. 666, which provides defendant's violation thereof shall be fully established, shall be made perpetual, and
that words or devices which related only to the name, quality, or description of the this injunction shall be part of the judgment for damages to be rendered in the same
merchandise cannot be the subject of a trade-mark. He cites among others the case cause." Section 7 provides that any person who, in selling his goods, shall give them
of Baxter vs. Zuazua (5 Phil., 16), which involved the trade-mark "Agua de Kananga" the general appearance of the goods of another either in the wrapping of the
used on toilet water, and in which this Court held that the word "Kananga," which is packages, or in the devices or words thereon, or in any other feature of their
the name of a well-known Philippine tree or its flower, could not be appropriated as a appearance, which would be likely to influence purchasers to believe that the goods
trade-mark any more than could the words "sugar," "tobacco," or "coffee." On the offered are those of the complainant, shall be guilty of unfair competition, and shall
other hand, counsel for the respondent, in an equally well-prepared and exhaustive be liable to an action for damages and to an injunction, as in the cases of trade-mark
brief, contend that the words "Ang Tibay" are not descriptive but merely suggestive infringement under section 3. Section 11 requires the applicant for registration of a
and may properly be regarded as fanciful or arbitrary in the legal sense. The cite trade-mark to state, among others, " the general class of merchandise to which the
several cases in which similar words have been sustained as valid trade-marks, such trade-mark claimed has been appropriated." Section 13 provides that no alleged
as "Holeproof" for hosiery, 1 "ideal for tooth brushes, 2 and "Fashionknit" for neckties trade-mark or trade name shall be registered which is identical with a registered or
and sweaters. 3 known trade-mark owned by another and appropriate to the same class of
merchandise, or which to nearly resembles another person's lawful trade-mark or
We find it necessary to go into the etymology and meaning of the Tagalog words trade-name as to be likely to cause confusion or mistake in the mind of the public, or
"Ang Tibay" to determine whether they are a descriptive term, i.e., whether they to deceive purchasers. And section 2 authorizes the Director of Commerce to
relate to the quality or description of the merchandise to which respondent has establish classes of merchandise for the purpose of the registration of trade-marks
applied them as a trade-mark. The word "ang" is a definite article meaning "the" in and to determine the particular description of articles included in each class; it also
English. It is also used as an adverb, a contraction of the word "anong" (what or provides that "an application for registration of a trade-mark shall be registered only
how). For instance, instead of saying, "Anong ganda!" ("How beautiful!"), we for one class of articles and only for the particular description of articles mentioned in
ordinarily say, "Ang ganda!" Tibay is a root word from which are derived the said application."
verb magpatibay (to strenghten; the nouns pagkamatibay (strength,
durability), katibayan (proof, support, strength), katibay-tibayan (superior strength); We have underlined the key words used in the statute: "goods of a similar kin,"
and the adjectives matibay (strong, durable, lasting), napakatibay (very "general class of merchandise," "same class of merchandise," "classes of
strong), kasintibay or magkasintibay (as strong as, or of equal strength). The phrase merchandise," and "class of articles," because it is upon their implications that the
"Ang Tibay" is an exclamation denoting administration of strength or durability. For result of the case hinges. These phrases, which refer to the same thing, have the
instance, one who tries hard but fails to break an object exclaims, "Ang tibay!" (How same meaning as the phrase "merchandise of the same descriptive properties" used
strong!") It may also be used in a sentence thus, "Ang tibay ng sapatos mo!" (How in the statutes and jurisprudence of other jurisdictions.
durable your shoes are!") The phrase "ang tibay" is never used adjectively to define
or describe an object. One does not say, "ang tibay sapatos" or "sapatos ang tibay" is The burden of petitioner's argument is that under sections 11 and 20 the registration
never used adjectively to define or describe an object. One does not say, " ang tibay by respondent of the trade-mark "Ang Tibay" for shoes and slippers is no safe-guard
against its being used by petitioner for pants and shirts because the latter do not
belong to the same class of merchandise or articles as the former; that she cannot be following trade-marks or trade-names: "Kodak," for cameras and photographic
held guilty of infringement of trade-mark under section 3 because respondent's mark supplies, against its use for bicycles. 4 "Penslar," for medicines and toilet articles,
is not a valid trade-mark, nor has it acquired a secondary meaning; that pants and against its use for cigars; 5 "Rolls-Royce," for automobiles. against its use for radio
shirts do not possess the same descriptive properties as shoes and slippers; that tubes; 6 "Vogue," as the name of a magazine, against its use for hats; 7 "Kotex," for
neither can she be held guilty of unfair competition under section 7 because the use sanitary napkins, against the use of "Rotex" for vaginal syringes; 8 "Sun-Maid," for
by her of the trade-mark "Ang Tibay" upon pants and shirts is not likely to mislead raisins, against its use for flour; 9 "Yale," for locks and keys, against its use for
the general public as to their origin or ownership; and that there is now showing that electric flashlights; 10 and "Waterman," for fountain pens, against its use for razor
she in unfairly or fraudulently using that mark "Ang Tibay" against the respondent. If blades.
we were interpreting the statute for the first time and in the first decade of the
twentieth century, when it was enacted, and were to construe it strictly and literally, Against this array of famous cases, the industry of counsel for the petitioner has
we might uphold petitioner's contentions. But law and jurisprudence must keep enabled him to cite on this point only the following cases: (1) Mohawk Milk Products
abreast with the progress of mankind, and the courts must breathe life into the vs. General Distilleries Corporation (95 F. [2d], 334), wherein the court held that gin
statutes if they are to serve their purpose. Our Trade-mark Law, enacted nearly forty and canned milk and cream do not belong to the same class; (2) Fawcett Publications,
years ago, has grown in its implications and practical application, like a constitution, Inc. vs. Popular Mechanics Co. (80 F. [2d], 194), wherein the court held that the
in virtue of the life continually breathed into it. It is not of merely local application; it words "Popular Mechanics" used as the title of a magazine and duly registered as a
has its counterpart in other jurisdictions of the civilized world from whose trade-mark were not infringed by defendant's use of the words "Modern Mechanics
jurisprudence it has also received vitalizing nourishment. We have to apply this law and Inventions" on a competitive magazine, because the word "mechanics" is merely
as it has grown and not as it was born. Its growth or development abreast with that a descriptive name; and (3) Oxford Book Co. vs. College Entrance Book Co . (98 F.
of sister statutes and jurisprudence in other jurisdictions is reflected in the following [2d], 688), wherein the plaintiff unsuccessfully attempted to enjoin the defendant
observation of a well-known author: from using the word "Visualized" in connection with history books, the court holding
that said word is merely descriptive. These cases cites and relied upon by petitioner
This fundamental change in attitude first manifested itself in the year 1915-1917. are obviously of no decisive application to the case at bar.
Until about then, the courts had proceeded on the theory that the same trade-mark,
used on un-like goods, could not cause confusion in trade and that, therefore, there We think reasonable men may not disagree that shoes and shirts are not as
could be no objection to the use and registration of a well-known mark by a third unrelated as fountain pens and razor blades, for instance. The mere relation or
party for a different class of goods. Since 1916 however, a growing sentiment began association of the articles is not controlling. As may readily be noted from what we
to arise that in the selection of a famous mark by a third party, there was generally have heretofore said, the proprietary connotation that a trade-mark or trade-name
the hidden intention to "have a free ride" on the trade-mark owner's reputation and has acquired is of more paramount consideration. The Court of Appeals found in this
good will. (Derenberg, Trade-Mark Protection & Unfair Trading, 1936 edition, p. 409.) case that by uninterrupted and exclusive use since 1910 of respondent's registered
trade-mark on slippers and shoes manufactured by him, it has come to indicate the
In the present state of development of the law on Trade-Marks, Unfair Competition, origin and ownership of said goods. It is certainly not farfetched to surmise that the
and Unfair Trading, the test employed by the courts to determine whether selection by petitioner of the same trade-mark for pants and shirts was motivated by
noncompeting goods are or are not of the same class is confusion as to the origin of a desire to get a free ride on the reputation and selling power it has acquired at the
the goods of the second user. Although two noncompeting articles may be classified hands of the respondent. As observed in another case, 12 the field from which a
under two different classes by the Patent Office because they are deemed not to person may select a trade-mark is practically unlimited, and hence there is no excuse
possess the same descriptive properties, they would, nevertheless, be held by the for impinging upon or even closely approaching the mark of a business rival. In the
courts to belong to the same class if the simultaneous use on them of identical or unlimited field of choice, what could have been petitioner's purpose in selecting "Ang
closely similar trade-marks would be likely to cause confusion as to the origin, or Tibay" if not for its fame?
personal source, of the second user's goods. They would be considered as not falling
under the same class only if they are so dissimilar or so foreign to each other as to Lastly, in her fifth assignment of error petitioner seems to make a frantic effort to
make it unlikely that the purchaser would think the first user made the second user's retain the use of the mark "Ang Tibay." Her counsel suggests that instead of
goods. enjoining her from using it, she may be required to state in her labels affixed to her
products the inscription: "Not manufactured by Toribio Teodoro." We think such
Such construction of the law is induced by cogent reasons of equity and fair dealing. practice would be unethical and unworthy of a reputable businessman. To the
The courts have come to realize that there can be unfair competition or unfair trading suggestion of petitioner, respondent may say, not without justice though with a tinge
even if the goods are non-competing, and that such unfair trading can cause injury of bitterness: "Why offer a perpetual apology or explanation as to the origin of your
or damage to the first user of a given trade-mark, first, by prevention of the natural products in order to use my trade-mark instead of creating one of your own?" On our
expansion of his business and, second, by having his business reputation confused part may we add, without meaning to be harsh, that a self-respecting person does
with and put at the mercy of the second user. Then noncompetitive products are sold not remain in the shelter of another but builds one of his own.
under the same mark, the gradual whittling away or dispersion of the identity and
hold upon the public mind of the mark created by its first user, inevitably results. The The judgment of the Court of Appeals is affirmed, with costs against the petitioner in
original owner is entitled to the preservation of the valuable link between him and the the three instances. So ordered.
public that has been created by his ingenuity and the merit of his wares or services.
Experience has demonstrated that when a well-known trade-mark is adopted by
another even for a totally different class of goods, it is done to get the benefit of the Mirpuri vs. CA
reputation and advertisements of the originator of said mark, to convey to the public
The Convention of Paris for the Protection of Industrial Property is a multi-lateral
a false impression of some supposed connection between the manufacturer of the
treaty which the Philippines bound itself to honor and enforce in this country. As to
article sold under the original mark and the new articles being tendered to the public
whether or not the treaty affords protection to a foreign corporation against a
under the same or similar mark. As trade has developed and commercial changes
Philippine applicant for the registration of a similar trademark is the principal issue in
have come about, the law of unfair competition has expanded to keep pace with the
this case.
times and the element of strict competition in itself has ceased to be the determining
factor. The owner of a trade-mark or trade-name has a property right in which he is On June 15, 1970, one Lolita Escobar, the predecessor-in-interest of petitioner
entitled to protection, since there is damage to him from confusion of reputation or Pribhdas J. Mirpuri, filed an application with the Bureau of Patents for the registration
goodwill in the mind of the public as well as from confusion of goods. The modern of the trademark "Barbizon" for use in brassieres and ladies undergarments. Escobar
trend is to give emphasis to the unfairness of the acts and to classify and treat the alleged that she had been manufacturing and selling these products under the firm
issue as a fraud. name "L & BM Commercial" since March 3, 1970.
A few of the numerous cases in which the foregoing doctrines have been laid down in Private respondent Barbizon Corporation, a corporation organized and doing business
one form or another will now be cited: (1) In Teodoro Kalaw Ng Khe vs. Level under the laws of New York, U.S.A., opposed the application.It claimed that:
Brothers Company (G.R. No. 46817), decided by this Court on April 18, 1941, the
respondent company (plaintiff below) was granted injunctive relief against the use by "The mark BARBIZON of respondent-applicant is confusingly similar to the trademark
the petitioner of the trade-mark "Lux" and "Lifebuoy" for hair pomade, they having BARBIZON which opposer owns and has not abandoned.
been originally used by the respondent for soap; The Court held in effect that
although said articles are noncompetitive, they are similar or belong to the same That opposer will be damaged by the registration of the mark BARBIZON and its
class. (2) In Lincoln Motor Co. vs. Lincoln Automobile Co. (44 F. [2d], 812), the business reputation and goodwill will suffer great and irreparable injury.
manufacturer of the well-known Lincoln automobile was granted injunctive relief
against the use of the word "Lincoln" by another company as part of its firm name. That the respondent-applicant's use of the said mark BARBIZON which resembles the
(3) The case of Aunt Jemima Mills Co. vs. Rigney & Co. (247 F., 407), involved the trademark used and owned by opposer, constitutes an unlawful appropriation of a
trade-mark "Aunt Jemima," originally used on flour, which the defendant attempted mark previously used in the Philippines and not abandoned and therefore a statutory
to use on syrup, and there the court held that the goods, though different, are so violation of Section 4 (d) of Republic Act No. 166, as amended."[1]
related as to fall within the mischief which equity should prevent. (4) In Tiffany & Co.,
vs. Tiffany Productions, Inc. (264 N.Y.S., 459; 23 Trade-mark Reporter, 183), the This was docketed as Inter Partes Case No. 686 (IPC No. 686). After filing of
plaintiff, a jewelry concern, was granted injunctive relief against the defendant, a the pleadings, the parties submitted the case for decision.
manufacturer of motion pictures, from using the name "Tiffany." Other famous cases
On June 18, 1974, the Director of Patents rendered judgment dismissing the
cited on the margin, wherein the courts granted injunctive relief, involved the
opposition and giving due course to Escobar's application, thus:
"WHEREFORE, the opposition should be, as it is hereby, DISMISSED. Accordingly, (h) Opposer's BARBIZON as well as its BARBIZON and Bee Design and BARBIZON
Application Serial No. 19010 for the registration of the trademark BARBIZON, of and Representation of a Woman trademarks qualify as well-known trademarks
respondent Lolita R. Escobar, is given due course. entitled to protection under Article 6bis of the Convention of Paris for the Protection
of Industrial Property and further amplified by the Memorandum of the Minister of
IT IS SO ORDERED."[2] Trade to the Honorable Director of Patents dated October 25, 1983
[sic],[4] Executive Order No. 913 dated October 7, 1963 and the Memorandum of the
This decision became final and on September 11, 1974, Lolita Escobar was issued a Minister of Trade and Industry to the Honorable Director of Patents dated October 25,
certificate of registration for the trademark "Barbizon." The trademark was "for use in 1983.
"brassieres and lady's underwear garments like panties."[3]
(i) The trademark applied for by respondent applicant is identical to Opposer's
Escobar later assigned all her rights and interest over the trademark to petitioner BARBIZON trademark and constitutes the dominant part of Opposer's two other
Pribhdas J. Mirpuri who, under his firm name then, the "Bonito Enterprises," was the marks namely, BARBIZON and Bee design and BARBIZON and a Representation of a
sole and exclusive distributor of Escobar's "Barbizon" products. Woman. The continued use by respondent-applicant of Opposer's trademark
BARBIZON on goods belonging to Class 25 constitutes a clear case of commercial and
In 1979, however, Escobar failed to file with the Bureau of Patents the Affidavit of
criminal piracy and if allowed registration will violate not only the Trademark Law but
Use of the trademark required under Section 12 of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 166, the
also Article 189 of the Revised Penal Code and the commitment of the Philippines to
Philippine Trademark Law. Due to this failure, the Bureau of Patents cancelled
an international treaty."[5]
Escobar's certificate of registration.
Replying to private respondent's opposition, petitioner raised the defense of res
On May 27, 1981, Escobar reapplied for registration of the cancelled
trademark. Mirpuri filed his own application for registration of Escobar's
trademark. Escobar later assigned her application to herein petitioner and this On March 2, 1982, Escobar assigned to petitioner the use of the business name
application was opposed by private respondent. The case was docketed as Inter "Barbizon International." Petitioner registered the name with the Department of
Partes Case No. 2049 (IPC No. 2049). Trade and Industry (DTI) for which a certificate of registration was issued in 1987.
In its opposition, private respondent alleged that: Forthwith, private respondent filed before the Office of Legal Affairs of the DTI a
petition for cancellation of petitioner's business name.
"(a) The Opposer has adopted the trademark BARBIZON (word), sometime in June
1933 and has then used it on various kinds of wearing apparel. On August 14, 1934, On November 26, 1991, the DTI, Office of Legal Affairs, cancelled petitioner's
Opposer obtained from the United States Patent Office a more recent registration of certificate of registration, and declared private respondent the owner and prior user
the said mark under Certificate of Registration No. 316,161. On March 1, 1949, of the business name "Barbizon International." Thus:
Opposer obtained from the United States Patent Office a more recent registration for
the said trademark under Certificate of Registration No. 507,214, a copy of which is "WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED and petitioner is declared the owner
herewith attached as Annex `A.' Said Certificate of Registration covers the following and prior user of the business name "BARBIZON INTERNATIONAL" under Certificate
goods-- wearing apparel: robes, pajamas, lingerie, nightgowns and slips; of Registration No. 87-09000 dated March 10, 1987 and issued in the name of
respondent, is [sic] hereby ordered revoked and cancelled. x x x."[6]
(b) Sometime in March 1976, Opposer further adopted the trademark BARBIZON and
Bee design and used the said mark in various kinds of wearing apparel. On March 15, Meanwhile, in IPC No. 2049, the evidence of both parties were received by the
1977, Opposer secured from the United States Patent Office a registration of the said Director of Patents. On June 18, 1992, the Director rendered a decision declaring
mark under Certificate of Registration No. 1,061,277, a copy of which is herein private respondent's opposition barred by res judicata and giving due course to
enclosed as Annex `B.' The said Certificate of Registration covers the following petitioner's application for registration, to wit:
goods: robes, pajamas, lingerie, nightgowns and slips;
"WHEREFORE, the present Opposition in Inter Partes Case No. 2049 is hereby
(c) Still further, sometime in 1961, Opposer adopted the trademark BARBIZON and a DECLARED BARRED by res judicata and is hereby DISMISSED.Accordingly,
Representation of a Woman and thereafter used the said trademark on various kinds Application Serial No. 45011 for trademark BARBIZON filed by Pribhdas J. Mirpuri is
of wearing apparel. Opposer obtained from the United States Patent Office GIVEN DUE COURSE.
registration of the said mark on April 5, 1983 under Certificate of Registration No.
1,233,666 for the following goods: wearing apparel: robes, pajamas, nightgowns and SO ORDERED."[7]
lingerie. A copy of the said certificate of registration is herewith enclosed as Annex
`C.' Private respondent questioned this decision before the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R.
SP No. 28415. On April 30, 1993, the Court of Appeals reversed the Director of
(d) All the above registrations are subsisting and in force and Opposer has not Patents finding that IPC No. 686 was not barred by judgment in IPC No. 2049 and
abandoned the use of the said trademarks. In fact, Opposer, through a wholly-owned ordered that the case be remanded to the Bureau of Patents for further
Philippine subsidiary, the Philippine Lingerie Corporation, has been manufacturing the proceedings, viz:
goods covered by said registrations and selling them to various countries, thereby
earning valuable foreign exchange for the country. As a result of respondent- "WHEREFORE, the appealed Decision No. 92-13 dated June 18, 1992 of the Director
applicant's misappropriation of Opposer's BARBIZON trademark, Philippine Lingerie of Patents in Inter Partes Case No. 2049 is hereby SET ASIDE; and the case is hereby
Corporation is prevented from selling its goods in the local market, to the damage remanded to the Bureau of Patents for further proceedings, in accordance with this
and prejudice of Opposer and its wholly-owned subsidiary. pronouncement. No costs."[8]

(e) The Opposer's goods bearing the trademark BARBIZON have been used in many In a Resolution dated March 16, 1994, the Court of Appeals denied reconsideration of
countries, including the Philippines, for at least 40 years and has enjoyed its decision.[9] Hence, this recourse.
international reputation and good will for their quality. To protect its registrations in
countries where the goods covered by the registrations are being sold, Opposer has Before us, petitioner raises the following issues:
procured the registration of the trademark BARBIZON in the following
countries: Australia, Austria, Abu Dhabi, Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Bahrain, Canada, "1. WHETHER OR NOT THE DECISION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PATENTS IN INTER
Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, France, West Germany, Greece, Guatemala, PARTES CASE NO. 686 RENDERED ON JUNE 18, 1974, ANNEX C HEREOF,
Hongkong, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Mexico, Morocco, Panama, New CONSTITUTED RES JUDICATA IN SO FAR AS THE CASE BEFORE THE DIRECTOR OF
Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, El Salvador, South Africa, Zambia, PATENTS IS CONCERNED;
Egypt, and Iran, among others;
(f) To enhance its international reputation for quality goods and to further promote PRINCIPLE OF RES JUDICATA IN DISMISSING PRIVATE RESPONDENT BARBIZON'S
goodwill over its name, marks and products, Opposer has extensively advertised its OPPOSITION TO PETITIONER'S APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION FOR THE
products, trademarks and name in various publications which are circulated in the TRADEMARK BARBIZON, WHICH HAS SINCE RIPENED TO CERTIFICATE OF
United States and many countries around the world, including the Philippines; REGISTRATION NO. 53920 ON NOVEMBER 16, 1992;

(g) The trademark BARBIZON was fraudulently registered in the Philippines by one 3. WHETHER OR NOT THE REQUISITE THAT A 'JUDGMENT ON THE MERITS'
Lolita R. Escobar under Registration No. 21920, issued on September 11, 1974, in REQUIRED A 'HEARING WHERE BOTH PARTIES ARE SUPPOSED TO ADDUCE
violation of Article 189 (3) of the Revised Penal Code and Section 4 (d) of the EVIDENCE' AND WHETHER THE JOINT SUBMISSION OF THE PARTIES TO A CASE
Trademark Law. Herein respondent applicant acquired by assignment the `rights' to ON THE BASIS OF THEIR RESPECTIVE PLEADINGS WITHOUT PRESENTING
the said mark previously registered by Lolita Escobar, hence respondent-applicant's TESTIMONIAL OR DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE FALLS WITHIN THE MEANING OF
title is vitiated by the same fraud and criminal act. Besides, Certificate of Registration 'JUDGMENT ON THE MERITS' AS ONE OF THE REQUISITES TO CONSTITUTE RES
No. 21920 has been cancelled for failure of either Lolita Escobar or herein JUDICATA;
respondent-applicant, to seasonably file the statutory affidavit of use. By applying for
a re-registration of the mark BARBIZON subject of this opposition, respondent-
applicant seeks to perpetuate the fraud and criminal act committed by Lolita Escobar.
BEFORE THE DIRECTOR OF PATENTS IN INTER PARTES CASE NO. 2049 HAS THE reputation that crosses over borders, virtually turning the whole world into one vast
BASIS OF THE PARIS CONVENTION AND THE TRADEMARK LAW (R.A. 166) WHICH This is the mise-en-scene of the present controversy. Petitioner brings this action
IS WITHIN THE ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF claiming that "Barbizon" products have been sold in the Philippines since
PATENTS."[10] 1970. Petitioner developed this market by working long hours and spending
considerable sums of money on advertisements and promotion of the trademark and
Before ruling on the issues of the case, there is need for a brief background on the its products. Now, almost thirty years later, private respondent, a foreign corporation,
function and historical development of trademarks and trademark law. "swaggers into the country like a conquering hero," usurps the trademark and
invades petitioner's market.[32] Justice and fairness dictate that private respondent
A "trademark" is defined under R.A. 166, the Trademark Law, as including "any word, be prevented from appropriating what is not its own. Legally, at the same time,
name, symbol, emblem, sign or device or any combination thereof adopted and used private respondent is barred from questioning petitioner's ownership of the
by a manufacturer or merchant to identify his goods and distinguish them from those trademark because of res judicata.[33]
manufactured, sold or dealt in by others."[11] This definition has been simplified in
R.A. No. 8293, the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, which defines a Literally, res judicata means a matter adjudged, a thing judicially acted upon or
"trademark" as "any visible sign capable of distinguishing goods."[12] In Philippine decided; a thing or matter settled by judgment.[34] In res judicata, the judgment in
jurisprudence, the function of a trademark is to point out distinctly the origin or the first action is considered conclusive as to every matter offered and received
ownership of the goods to which it is affixed; to secure to him, who has been therein, as to any other admissible matter which might have been offered for that
instrumental in bringing into the market a superior article of merchandise, the fruit of purpose, and all other matters that could have been adjudged therein.[35] Res
his industry and skill; to assure the public that they are procuring the genuine article; judicata is an absolute bar to a subsequent action for the same cause; and its
to prevent fraud and imposition; and to protect the manufacturer against substitution requisites are: (a) the former judgment or order must be final; (b) the judgment or
and sale of an inferior and different article as his product.[13] order must be one on the merits; (c) it must have been rendered by a court having
jurisdiction over the subject matter and parties; (d) there must be between the first
Modern authorities on trademark law view trademarks as performing three distinct and second actions, identity of parties, of subject matter and of causes of action.[36]
functions: (1) they indicate origin or ownership of the articles to which they are
attached; (2) they guarantee that those articles come up to a certain standard of The Solicitor General, on behalf of respondent Director of Patents, has joined cause
quality; and (3) they advertise the articles they symbolize.[14] with petitioner. Both claim that all the four elements of res judicata have been
complied with: that the judgment in IPC No. 686 was final and was rendered by the
Symbols have been used to identify the ownership or origin of articles for several Director of Patents who had jurisdiction over the subject matter and parties; that the
centuries.[15] As early as 5,000 B.C., markings on pottery have been found by judgment in IPC No. 686 was on the merits; and that the lack of a hearing was
archaeologists. Cave drawings in southwestern Europe show bison with symbols on immaterial because substantial issues were raised by the parties and passed upon by
their flanks.[16] Archaeological discoveries of ancient Greek and Roman inscriptions the Director of Patents.[37]
on sculptural works, paintings, vases, precious stones, glassworks, bricks, etc. reveal
some features which are thought to be marks or symbols. These marks were affixed The decision in IPC No. 686 reads as follows:
by the creator or maker of the article, or by public authorities as indicators for the
payment of tax, for disclosing state monopoly, or devices for the settlement of Neither party took testimony nor adduced documentary evidence. They submitted the
accounts between an entrepreneur and his workmen.[17] case for decision based on the pleadings which, together with the pertinent records,
have all been carefully considered.
In the Middle Ages, the use of many kinds of marks on a variety of goods was
commonplace. Fifteenth century England saw the compulsory use of identifying Accordingly, the only issue for my disposition is whether or not the herein opposer
marks in certain trades. There were the baker's mark on bread, bottlemaker's marks, would probably be damaged by the registration of the trademark BARBIZON sought
smith's marks, tanner's marks, watermarks on paper, etc.[18] Every guild had its own by the respondent-applicant on the ground that it so resembles the trademark
mark and every master belonging to it had a special mark of his own. The marks BARBIZON allegedly used and owned by the former to be `likely to cause confusion,
were not trademarks but police marks compulsorily imposed by the sovereign to let mistake or to deceive purchasers.'
the public know that the goods were not "foreign" goods smuggled into an area
where the guild had a monopoly, as well as to aid in tracing defective work or poor On record, there can be no doubt that respondent-applicant's sought-to-be-registered
craftsmanship to the artisan.[19] For a similar reason, merchants also used trademark BARBIZON is similar, in fact obviously identical, to opposer's alleged
merchants' marks.Merchants dealt in goods acquired from many sources and the trademark BARBIZON, in spelling and pronunciation. The only appreciable but very
marks enabled them to identify and reclaim their goods upon recovery after negligible difference lies in their respective appearances or manner of
shipwreck or piracy.[20] presentation. Respondent-applicant's trademark is in bold letters (set against a black
background), while that of the opposer is offered in stylish script letters.
With constant use, the mark acquired popularity and became voluntarily
adopted. It was not intended to create or continue monopoly but to give the It is opposer's assertion that its trademark BARBIZON has been used in trade or
customer an index or guarantee of quality.[21] It was in the late 18th century when commerce in the Philippines prior to the date of application for the registration of the
the industrial revolution gave rise to mass production and distribution of consumer identical mark BARBIZON by the respondent-applicant. However, the allegation of
goods that the mark became an important instrumentality of trade and facts in opposer's verified notice of opposition is devoid of such material
commerce.[22] By this time, trademarks did not merely identify the goods; they also information. In fact, a reading of the text of said verified opposition reveals an
indicated the goods to be of satisfactory quality, and thereby stimulated further apparent, if not deliberate, omission of the date (or year) when opposer's alleged
purchases by the consuming public.[23] Eventually, they came to symbolize the trademark BARBIZON was first used in trade in the Philippines (see par. No. 1, p. 2,
goodwill and business reputation of the owner of the product and became a property Verified Notice of Opposition, Rec.).Thus, it cannot here and now be ascertained
right protected by law.[24] The common law developed the doctrine of trademarks whether opposer's alleged use of the trademark BARBIZON could be prior to the use
and tradenames "to prevent a person from palming off his goods as another's, from of the identical mark by the herein respondent-applicant, since the opposer
getting another's business or injuring his reputation by unfair means, and, from attempted neither to substantiate its claim of use in local commerce with any proof or
defrauding the public."[25] Subsequently, England and the United States enacted evidence. Instead, the opposer submitted the case for decision based merely on the
national legislation on trademarks as part of the law regulating unfair trade.[26] It pleadings.
became the right of the trademark owner to exclude others from the use of his mark,
On the other hand, respondent-applicant asserted in her amended application for
or of a confusingly similar mark where confusion resulted in diversion of trade or
registration that she first used the trademark BARBIZON for brassiere (or 'brasseire')
financial injury. At the same time, the trademark served as a warning against the
and ladies underwear garments and panties as early as March 3, 1970. Be that as it
imitation or faking of products to prevent the imposition of fraud upon the public.[27]
may, there being no testimony taken as to said date of first use, respondent-
Today, the trademark is not merely a symbol of origin and goodwill; it is often applicant will be limited to the filing date, June 15, 1970, of her application as the
the most effective agent for the actual creation and protection of goodwill. It imprints date of first use (Rule 173, Rules of Practice in Trademark Cases).
upon the public mind an anonymous and impersonal guaranty of satisfaction,
From the foregoing, I conclude that the opposer has not made out a case of probable
creating a desire for further satisfaction. In other words, the mark actually sells the
damage by the registration of the respondent-applicant's mark BARBIZON.
goods.[28] The mark has become the "silent salesman," the conduit through which
direct contact between the trademark owner and the consumer is assured. It has WHEREFORE, the opposition should be, as it is hereby, DISMISSED. Accordingly,
invaded popular culture in ways never anticipated that it has become a more Application Serial No. 19010, for the registration of the trademark BARBIZON of
convincing selling point than even the quality of the article to which it refers.[29] In respondent Lolita R. Escobar, is given due course."[38]
the last half century, the unparalleled growth of industry and the rapid development
of communications technology have enabled trademarks, tradenames and other The decision in IPC No. 686 was a judgment on the merits and it was error for the
distinctive signs of a product to penetrate regions where the owner does not actually Court of Appeals to rule that it was not. A judgment is on the merits when it
manufacture or sell the product itself. Goodwill is no longer confined to the territory determines the rights and liabilities of the parties based on the disclosed facts,
of actual market penetration; it extends to zones where the marked article has been irrespective of formal, technical or dilatory objections.[39] It is not necessary that a
fixed in the public mind through advertising.[30] Whether in the print, broadcast or trial should have been conducted. If the court's judgment is general, and not based
electronic communications medium, particularly on the Internet,[31] advertising has on any technical defect or objection, and the parties had a full legal opportunity to be
paved the way for growth and expansion of the product by creating and earning a heard on their respective claims and contentions, it is on the merits although there
was no actual hearing or arguments on the facts of the case.[40] In the case at bar, to give it effect in the member country.[52] It may be applied directly by the
the Director of Patents did not dismiss private respondent's opposition on a sheer tribunals and officials of each member country by the mere publication or
technicality.Although no hearing was conducted, both parties filed their respective proclamation of the Convention, after its ratification according to the public law of
pleadings and were given opportunity to present evidence. They, however, waived each state and the order for its execution.[53]
their right to do so and submitted the case for decision based on their pleadings. The
lack of evidence did not deter the Director of Patents from ruling on the case, The essential requirement under Article 6 bis is that the trademark to be protected
particularly on the issue of prior use, which goes into the very substance of the relief must be "well-known" in the country where protection is sought.The power to
sought by the parties. Since private respondent failed to prove prior use of its determine whether a trademark is well-known lies in the "competent authority of the
trademark, Escobar's claim of first use was upheld. country of registration or use." This competent authority would be either the
registering authority if it has the power to decide this, or the courts of the country in
The judgment in IPC No. 686 being on the merits, petitioner and the Solicitor General question if the issue comes before a court.[54]
allege that IPC No. 686 and IPC No. 2049 also comply with the fourth requisite of res
judicata, i.e., they involve the same parties and the same subject matter, and have Pursuant to Article 6bis, on November 20, 1980, then Minister Luis Villafuerte of the
identical causes of action. Ministry of Trade issued a Memorandum to the Director of Patents. The Minister
ordered the Director that:
Undisputedly, IPC No. 686 and IPC No. 2049 involve the same parties and the same
subject matter. Petitioner herein is the assignee of Escobar while private respondent "Pursuant to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property to which
is the same American corporation in the first case. The subject matter of both cases the Philippines is a signatory, you are hereby directed to reject all pending
is the trademark "Barbizon." Private respondent counter-argues, however, that the applications for Philippine registration of signature and other world-famous
two cases do not have identical causes of action. New causes of action were allegedly trademarks by applicants other than its original owners or users.
introduced in IPC No. 2049, such as the prior use and registration of the trademark in
the United States and other countries worldwide, prior use in the Philippines, and the The conflicting claims over internationally known trademarks involve such name
fraudulent registration of the mark in violation of Article 189 of the Revised Penal brands as Lacoste, Jordache, Vanderbilt, Sasson, Fila, Pierre Cardin, Gucci, Christian
Code. Private respondent also cited protection of the trademark under the Dior, Oscar de la Renta, Calvin Klein, Givenchy, Ralph Lauren, Geoffrey Beene, Lanvin
Convention of Paris for the Protection of Industrial Property, specifically Article and Ted Lapidus.
6bis thereof, and the implementation of Article 6 bis by two Memoranda dated
It is further directed that, in cases where warranted, Philippine registrants of such
November 20, 1980 and October 25, 1983 of the Minister of Trade and Industry to
trademarks should be asked to surrender their certificates of registration, if any, to
the Director of Patents, as well as Executive Order (E.O.) No. 913.
avoid suits for damages and other legal action by the trademarks' foreign or local
The Convention of Paris for the Protection of Industrial Property, otherwise known as owners or original users.
the Paris Convention, is a multilateral treaty that seeks to protect industrial property
You are also required to submit to the undersigned a progress report on the matter.
consisting of patents, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks,
trade names and indications of source or appellations of origin, and at the same time For immediate compliance."[55]
aims to repress unfair competition.[41] The Convention is essentially a compact
among various countries which, as members of the Union, have pledged to accord to Three years later, on October 25, 1983, then Minister Roberto Ongpin issued another
citizens of the other member countries trademark and other rights comparable to Memorandum to the Director of Patents, viz:
those accorded their own citizens by their domestic laws for an effective protection
against unfair competition.[42] In short, foreign nationals are to be given the same "Pursuant to Executive Order No. 913 dated 7 October 1983 which strengthens the
treatment in each of the member countries as that country makes available to its rule-making and adjudicatory powers of the Minister of Trade and Industry and
own citizens.[43] Nationals of the various member nations are thus assured of a provides inter alia, that `such rule-making and adjudicatory powers should be
certain minimum of international protection of their industrial property.[44] revitalized in order that the Minister of Trade and Industry can x x x apply more swift
and effective solutions and remedies to old and new problems x x x such as
The Convention was first signed by eleven countries in Paris on March 20, infringement of internationally-known tradenames and trademarks x x x' and in view
1883.[45] It underwent several revisions-- at Brussels in 1900, at Washington in of the decision of the Intermediate Appellate Court in the case of LA CHEMISE
1911, at The Hague in 1925, at London in 1934, at Lisbon in 1958,[46] and at LACOSTE, S.A., versus RAM SADWHANI [AC-G.R. SP NO. 13359 (17) June
Stockholm in 1967. Both the Philippines and the United States of America, herein 1983][56] which affirms the validity of the MEMORANDUM of then Minister Luis R.
private respondent's country, are signatories to the Convention. The United States Villafuerte dated 20 November 1980 confirming our obligations under the PARIS
acceded on May 30, 1887 while the Philippines, through its Senate, concurred on May CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY to which the
10, 1965.[47] The Philippines' adhesion became effective on September 27, Republic of the Philippines is a signatory, you are hereby directed to implement
1965,[48] and from this date, the country obligated itself to honor and enforce the measures necessary to effect compliance with our obligations under said Convention
provisions of the Convention.[49] in general, and, more specifically, to honor our commitment under Section
6bis[57] thereof, as follows:
In the case at bar, private respondent anchors its cause of action on the first
paragraph of Article 6bis of the Paris Convention which reads as follows: 1. Whether the trademark under consideration is well-known in the Philippines or is a
mark already belonging to a person entitled to the benefits of the CONVENTION, this
"Article 6bis should be established, pursuant to Philippine Patent Office procedures in inter partes
and ex parte cases, according to any of the following criteria or any combination
(1) The countries of the Union undertake, either administratively if their
legislation so permits, or at the request of an interested party, to refuse or
to cancel the registration and to prohibit the use, of a trademark which (a) a declaration by the Minister of Trade and Industry that the trademark being
constitutes a reproduction, an imitation, or a translation, liable to create considered is already well-known in the Philippines such that permission for its use by
confusion, of a mark considered by the competent authority of the country other than its original owner will constitute a reproduction, imitation, translation or
of registration or use to be well-known in that country as being already the other infringement;
mark of a person entitled to the benefits of this Convention and used for
identical or similar goods. These provisions shall also apply when the (b) that the trademark is used in commerce internationally, supported by proof that
essential part of the mark constitutes a reproduction of any such well- goods bearing the trademark are sold on an international scale, advertisements, the
known mark or an imitation liable to create confusion therewith. establishment of factories, sales offices, distributorships, and the like, in different
countries, including volume or other measure of international trade and commerce;
(2) A period of at least five years from the date of registration shall be allowed for
seeking the cancellation of such a mark. The countries of the Union may provide for (c) that the trademark is duly registered in the industrial property office(s) of another
a period within which the prohibition of use must be sought. country or countries, taking into consideration the date of such registration;

(3) No time limit shall be fixed for seeking the cancellation or the prohibition of the (d) that the trademark has long been established and obtained goodwill and
use of marks registered or used in bad faith."[50] international consumer recognition as belonging to one owner or source;

This Article governs protection of well-known trademarks. Under the first (e) that the trademark actually belongs to a party claiming ownership and has the
paragraph, each country of the Union bound itself to undertake to refuse or cancel right to registration under the provisions of the aforestated PARIS CONVENTION.
the registration, and prohibit the use of a trademark which is a reproduction,
imitation or translation, or any essential part of which trademark constitutes a 2. The word trademark, as used in this MEMORANDUM, shall include tradenames,
reproduction, liable to create confusion, of a mark considered by the competent service marks, logos, signs, emblems, insignia or other similar devices used for
authority of the country where protection is sought, to be well-known in the country identification and recognition by consumers.
as being already the mark of a person entitled to the benefits of the Convention, and
used for identical or similar goods. 3. The Philippine Patent Office shall refuse all applications for, or cancel the
registration of, trademarks which constitute a reproduction, translation or imitation of
Article 6bis was first introduced at The Hague in 1925 and amended in Lisbon in a trademark owned by a person, natural or corporate, who is a citizen of a country
1952.[51] It is a self-executing provision and does not require legislative enactment signatory to the PARIS CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL
4. The Philippine Patent Office shall give due course to the Opposition in cases (b) that the registration of Escobar's similar trademark will cause damage to private
already or hereafter filed against the registration of trademarks entitled to protection respondent's business reputation and goodwill; and
of Section 6 bis of said PARIS CONVENTION as outlined above, by remanding
applications filed by one not entitled to such protection for final disallowance by the (c) that Escobar's use of the trademark amounts to an unlawful appropriation of a
Examination Division. mark previously used in the Philippines which act is penalized under Section 4 (d) of
the Trademark Law.
5. All pending applications for Philippine registration of signature and other world-
famous trademarks filed by applicants other than their original owners or users shall In IPC No. 2049, private respondent's opposition set forth several issues summarized
be rejected forthwith. Where such applicants have already obtained registration as follows:
contrary to the abovementioned PARIS CONVENTION and/or Philippine Law, they
shall be directed to surrender their Certificates of Registration to the Philippine Patent (a) as early as 1933, it adopted the word "BARBIZON" as trademark on its products
Office for immediate cancellation proceedings. such as robes, pajamas, lingerie, nightgowns and slips;

In the Villafuerte Memorandum, the Minister of Trade instructed the Director of (b) that the trademark "BARBIZON" was registered with the United States Patent
Patents to reject all pending applications for Philippine registration of signature and Office in 1934 and 1949; and that variations of the same trademark, i.e.,
other world-famous trademarks by applicants other than their original owners or "BARBIZON" with Bee design and "BARBIZON" with the representation of a woman
users. The Minister enumerated several internationally-known trademarks and were also registered with the U.S. Patent Office in 1961 and 1976;
ordered the Director of Patents to require Philippine registrants of such marks to
(c) that these marks have been in use in the Philippines and in many countries all
surrender their certificates of registration.
over the world for over forty years. "Barbizon" products have been advertised in
In the Ongpin Memorandum, the Minister of Trade and Industry did not enumerate international publications and the marks registered in 36 countries worldwide;
well-known trademarks but laid down guidelines for the Director of Patents to
(d) Escobar's registration of the similar trademark "BARBIZON" in 1974 was based on
observe in determining whether a trademark is entitled to protection as a well-known
fraud; and this fraudulent registration was cancelled in 1979, stripping Escobar of
mark in the Philippines under Article 6bis of the Paris Convention. This was to be
whatsoever right she had to the said mark;
established through Philippine Patent Office procedures in inter partes and ex
parte cases pursuant to the criteria enumerated therein. The Philippine Patent Office (e) Private respondent's trademark is entitled to protection as a well-known mark
was ordered to refuse applications for, or cancel the registration of, trademarks under Article 6bis of the Paris Convention, Executive Order No. 913, and the two
which constitute a reproduction, translation or imitation of a trademark owned by a Memoranda dated November 20, 1980 and October 25, 1983 of the Minister of Trade
person who is a citizen of a member of the Union. All pending applications for and Industry to the Director of Patents;
registration of world-famous trademarks by persons other than their original owners
were to be rejected forthwith. The Ongpin Memorandum was issued pursuant to (f) Escobar's trademark is identical to private respondent's and its use on the same
Executive Order No. 913 dated October 7, 1983 of then President Marcos which class of goods as the latter's amounts to a violation of the Trademark Law and Article
strengthened the rule-making and adjudicatory powers of the Minister of Trade and 189 of the Revised Penal Code.
Industry for the effective protection of consumers and the application of swift
solutions to problems in trade and industry.[59] IPC No. 2049 raised the issue of ownership of the trademark, the first registration
and use of the trademark in the United States and other countries, and the
Both the Villafuerte and Ongpin Memoranda were sustained by the Supreme Court in international recognition and reputation of the trademark established by extensive
the 1984 landmark case of La Chemise Lacoste, S.A. v. Fernandez .[60] This court use and advertisement of private respondent's products for over forty years here and
ruled therein that under the provisions of Article 6 bis of the Paris Convention, the abroad. These are different from the issues of confusing similarity and damage in IPC
Minister of Trade and Industry was the "competent authority" to determine whether No. 686. The issue of prior use may have been raised in IPC No. 686 but this claim
a trademark is well-known in this country.[61] was limited to prior use in the Philippines only. Prior use in IPC No. 2049 stems from
private respondent's claim as originator of the word and symbol "Barbizon,"[66] as
The Villafuerte Memorandum was issued in 1980, i.e., fifteen (15) years after the the first and registered user of the mark attached to its products which have been
adoption of the Paris Convention in 1965. In the case at bar, the first inter sold and advertised worldwide for a considerable number of years prior to petitioner's
partes case, IPC No. 686, was filed in 1970, before the Villafuerte Memorandum but first application for registration of her trademark in the Philippines. Indeed, these are
five (5) years after the effectivity of the Paris Convention.Article 6 bis was already in substantial allegations that raised new issues and necessarily gave private
effect five years before the first case was instituted. Private respondent, however, did respondent a new cause of action. Res judicata does not apply to rights, claims or
not cite the protection of Article 6bis, neither did it mention the Paris Convention at demands, although growing out of the same subject matter, which constitute
all. It was only in 1981 when IPC No. 2049 was instituted that the Paris Convention separate or distinct causes of action and were not put in issue in the former
and the Villafuerte Memorandum, and, during the pendency of the case, the 1983 action.[67]
Ongpin Memorandum were invoked by private respondent.
Respondent corporation also introduced in the second case a fact that did not exist at
The Solicitor General argues that the issue of whether the protection of Article 6 bis of the time the first case was filed and terminated. The cancellation of petitioner's
the Convention and the two Memoranda is barred by res judicata has already been certificate of registration for failure to file the affidavit of use arose only after IPC No.
answered in Wolverine Worldwide, Inc. v. Court of Appeals.[62] In this case, 686. It did not and could not have occurred in the first case, and this gave
petitioner Wolverine, a foreign corporation, filed with the Philippine Patent Office a respondent another cause to oppose the second application. Res judicata extends
petition for cancellation of the registration certificate of private respondent, a Filipino only to facts and conditions as they existed at the time judgment was rendered and
citizen, for the trademark "Hush Puppies" and "Dog Device." Petitioner alleged that it to the legal rights and relations of the parties fixed by the facts so
was the registrant of the internationally-known trademark in the United States and determined.[68] When new facts or conditions intervene before the second suit,
other countries, and cited protection under the Paris Convention and the Ongpin furnishing a new basis for the claims and defenses of the parties, the issues are no
Memorandum. The petition was dismissed by the Patent Office on the ground of res longer the same, and the former judgment cannot be pleaded as a bar to the
judicata. It was found that in 1973 petitioner's predecessor-in-interest filed two subsequent action.[69]
petitions for cancellation of the same trademark against respondent's predecessor-in-
interest. The Patent Office dismissed the petitions, ordered the cancellation of It is also noted that the oppositions in the first and second cases are based on
registration of petitioner's trademark, and gave due course to respondent's different laws. The opposition in IPC No. 686 was based on specific provisions of the
application for registration. This decision was sustained by the Court of Appeals, Trademark Law, i.e., Section 4 (d)[70] on confusing similarity of trademarks and
which decision was not elevated to us and became final and executory.[63] Section 8[71] on the requisite damage to file an opposition to a petition for
registration. The opposition in IPC No. 2049 invoked the Paris Convention,
Wolverine claimed that while its previous petitions were filed under R.A. No. 166, the particularly Article 6bis thereof, E.O. No. 913 and the two Memoranda of the Minister
Trademark Law, its subsequent petition was based on a new cause of action, i.e., the of Trade and Industry. This opposition also invoked Article 189 of the Revised Penal
Ongpin Memorandum and E.O. No. 913 issued in 1983, after finality of the previous Code which is a statute totally different from the Trademark Law.[72] Causes of
decision. We held that the said Memorandum and E.O. did not grant a new cause of action which are distinct and independent from each other, although arising out of
action because it did "not amend the Trademark Law," x x x "nor did it indicate a the same contract, transaction, or state of facts, may be sued on separately, recovery
new policy with respect to the registration in the Philippines of world-famous on one being no bar to subsequent actions on others.[73] The mere fact that the
trademarks."[64] This conclusion was based on the finding that Wolverine's two same relief is sought in the subsequent action will not render the judgment in the
previous petitions and subsequent petition dealt with the same issue of ownership of prior action operative as res judicata, such as where the two actions are based on
the trademark.[65] In other words, since the first and second cases involved the different statutes.[74] Res judicata therefore does not apply to the instant case and
same issue of ownership, then the first case was a bar to the second case. respondent Court of Appeals did not err in so ruling.
In the instant case, the issue of ownership of the trademark "Barbizon" was not Intellectual and industrial property rights cases are not simple property
raised in IPC No. 686. Private respondent's opposition therein was merely anchored cases. Trademarks deal with the psychological function of symbols and the effect of
on: these symbols on the public at large.[75] Trademarks play a significant role in
communication, commerce and trade, and serve valuable and interrelated business
(a) "confusing similarity" of its trademark with that of Escobar's;
functions, both nationally and internationally. For this reason, all agreements
concerning industrial property, like those on trademarks and tradenames, are
intimately connected with economic development.[76] Industrial property encourages
investments in new ideas and inventions and stimulates creative efforts for the In his answer to the petition the respondent averred that he is doing business under
satisfaction of human needs. They speed up transfer of technology and the name and style "Valentine Packaging" and has registered the trademark
industrialization, and thereby bring about social and economic progress.[77] These "Valentine" with a design for sugar and was issued Certificate of Registration No.
advantages have been acknowledged by the Philippine government itself. The 8891 dated June 20, 1961; that the trademark "Victorias" with diamond design and
Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines declares that "an effective intellectual the trademark "Valentine" with a design are two different marks; and that there is
and industrial property system is vital to the development of domestic and creative absolutely no likelihood of confusion, mistake or deception to purchasers through the
activity, facilitates transfer of technology, it attracts foreign investments, and ensures concurrent use of the petitioner's mark "Victorias" with a diamond design and the
market access for our products."[78] The Intellectual Property Code took effect on respondents' mark "Valentine" with a design in connection with sugar. 3
January 1, 1998 and by its express provision,[79] repealed the Trademark
Law,[80] the Patent Law,[81] Articles 188 and 189 of the Revised Penal Code, the The petitioner's only witness, Pacifica V. Vijandre its vice-president and stockholder,
Decree on Intellectual Property,[82] and the Decree on Compulsory Reprinting of testified that Victorias Milling Company, Inc. has used since 1947 the trademark
Foreign Textbooks.[83] The Code was enacted to strengthen the intellectual and "Victorias" and diamond design with colors of red and black on sacks of sugar having
industrial property system in the Philippines as mandated by the country's accession variable weight and size of 5 lbs., 10 lbs., 25 N., 50 lbs., and 100 lbs.; that the
to the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO).[84] company had transactions on or sales of sugar with local dealers such as Kim Kee,
Chu Yu & Co., Limouan & Co., Luzon Merchandising Corp. and ARCA that the average
The WTO is a common institutional framework for the conduct of trade relations sale from 1958 to 1962 was P30,000,000 and for the whole year of 1962 the sale
among its members in matters related to the multilateral and plurilateral trade was P46,000,000; that he came to know that the trademark "Valentine" appeared in
agreements annexed to the WTO Agreement.[85] The WTO framework ensures a the market in 1962 through the report of his company's field agents; and that except
"single undertaking approach" to the administration and operation of all agreements for the words "Valentine and Victorias", the design and wordings of the bags are
and arrangements attached to the WTO Agreement. Among those annexed is the practically the same. 4
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights or
TRIPs.[86] Members to this Agreement "desire to reduce distortions and impediments The respondent, Ong Su decWW that he adopted and began using his trademark
to international trade, taking into account the need to promote effective and "Valentine" and design before and continuously after World War II in the Philippines,
adequate protection of intellectual property rights, and to ensure that measures and particularly on paper bags used as containers for starch, coffee and sugar; and that
procedures to enforce intellectual property rights do not themselves become barriers since January 1955 he continued using said trademark on repacked sugar.
to legitimate trade." To fulfill these objectives, the members have agreed to adhere
to minimum standards of protection set by several Conventions.[87] These Arturo Chicane a witness for the respondent, testified that he was a distribution
Conventions are: the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic agent of Ong Su that he travelled a lot but he river own across an instance when the
Works (1971), the Rome Convention or the International Convention for the respondent Ong Su product was mistaken for the petitioner's product; that he found
Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations, the diamond design to be quite common in combination with other words used as
the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits, and the Paris trademarks as a background or to enhance their appearance, such as "DIAMOND"
Convention (1967), as revised in Stockholm on July 14, 1967.[88] and design (Exhibit "54-A"), "EAGLE" and design (Exhibit "53"), and "SUNRISE" and
design (Exhibit "55"), not belonging to the petitioner, which are also used on
A major proportion of international trade depends on the protection of intellectual repacked sugar by various sugar dealers; and that said designs and the color of the
property rights.[89] Since the late 1970's, the unauthorized counterfeiting of lines on which drawn had not been regarded as trademarks but we ornamentation. 5
industrial property and trademarked products has had a considerable adverse impact
on domestic and international trade revenues.[90]The TRIPs Agreement seeks to The Director of Patents denied the petition to cancel the certificate of registration of
grant adequate protection of intellectual property rights by creating a favorable the respondent Ong Su covering the trademark "Valentine" and design because:
economic environment to encourage the inflow of foreign investments, and
From the facts of record, I find nothing to sustain the petition.
strengthening the multi-lateral trading system to bring about economic, cultural and
technological independence.[91]The Philippines and the United States of America There is no question that as to their respective literal designation the trademarks are
have acceded to the WTO Agreement. This Agreement has revolutionized different. One is VALENTINE while the other is VICTORIAS. Thus, as to sound and
international business and economic relations among states, and has propelled the connotation there is no dispute as to their dissimilarity.
world towards trade liberalization and economic globalization.[92] Protectionism and
isolationism belong to the past. Trade is no longer confined to a bilateral However, from the evidence and pleadings, it appears that petitioner is relying
system. There is now "a new era of global economic cooperation, reflecting the heavily on its diamond design, the color scheme, and the printing sequence or
widespread desire to operate in a fairer and more open multilateral trading arrangement of such legends as weight, contents and manufacturer or packer.
system."[93] Conformably, the State must reaffirm its commitment to the global
community and take part in evolving a new international economic order at the dawn I am of the firm belief that the diamond Portion of petitioner's trademark hag not
of the new millenium. bolstered its cause. Common geometric shapes such as circles, ovals, squares,
triangles, diamonds, and the like, when used as vehicles for display on word marks,
IN VIEW WHEREOF, the petition is denied and the Decision and Resolution of the ordinarily are not retarded as indicia of origin for goods to which the marks are
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 28415 are affirmed. applied, unless of course they have acquired secondary meaning. I have scoured the
records completely to ascertain if the petitioner has submitted satisfactory evidence
SO ORDERED. in this regard, but I find absolutely nothing to base a ruling that the triangle (sic)
design has acquired a secondary meaning with respect to its sugar business.
Victorias Milling Co. vs. Ong Su (79 SCRA 207) It is the common practice for trademark owners to register designs forming outline of
their distinguishing mark, but when the registrant of such design relies upon
This is a petition to review the decision of the Director of Patents in Inter Partes Case registration in proceeding based upon likelihood of confusion of purchasers, he
No. 304 entitled "Victorias Milling Company, Inc., petitioner, verus, Ong Su" dated assumes the burden of showing that the design portion of the mark has been so used
August 15, 1967 denying the petition to cancel the certificate of registration issued by that purchasers recognize the design, standing alone, as indicating goods emanating
the philippines Patent Office on Jurie 20, 1961 in favor of Ong Su covering the from the registrant. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., v. Overseas Finance & Trading Co.,
tradenwk "VALENTINE" and design and used on refined sugar. 1 Inc. (ComrPats) 112 USPQ 6.
The petitioner, Victorias Milling Company, Inc., a domestic corporation and engaged Considering herein that the petitioner failed to establish that diamond design
in the manufacture and sale of refined granulated sugar is the owner of the component of its mark has acquired a secondary meaning and that the literal portion
trademark "VICTORIAS" and d design registered in the Philippines Patent Office on of the marks have no similarity, there is no reasonable likelihood of purchaser
November 9, 1961. confusion resulting from registrant's use of VALENTINE within a diamond and
petitioner's use of VICTORIAS within a diamond.
The respondent Ong Su is engaged in the repacking and sale of refine sugar and is
the owner of the trademark "VALENTINE" and design registered in the Philippines As regards the colors black and red used, it is fundamental in trademark
Patent Office on June 20, 1961. jurisprudence that color alone, unless displayed in a distinct or arbitrary design, does
not function as a trademark, inasmuch as here, or elsewhere, the colors black and
On October 4, 1963, Victorias Mining Company, Inc. filed with the Philippine Patent red are not so displayed by the petitioner, and are primary colors commonly and
Office a petition to cancel the registration of the Ong Su trademark "Valentine."
freely used in the printing business.
The petitioner allied that its tradermrk "Victorias" and diamond design has distinctive
Finally, as regards the printing sequences or arrangement of such legends as weight,
of its sugar long before the respondent used its trademark; that the registration of contents, and manufacturer or packer, I regard it as merely a matter pertaining to
"Valentine" and design has caused and will cause great damage to petitioner by
the address of the goods' — a matter involving unfair competition over which the
reason of mistake, confusion, or deception among the purchasers because it is similar
Patent Office has no jurisdiction. (See: Menzi & Co., Inc, vs. Andres Co Dee. No. 59
to its "Victorias" trademark; that registration was fradulently obtained by Ong Su and dated Oct. 31, 1952, Dir. of Patents.) And in the case of A. E. Staley Manufacturing
that "Valentine" faisely suggests a connection with Saint Valentine or with an
Co., Inc. vs. Andres Co. v. Tan Tong, citing, Gillette Safety Razor Go. v. Triangle
institution or belief connected therewith. 2
Mechanical Laboratories, 31 USPQ 24; Aladdin Mfg. Co. v. Mantle Lamp Co., 21 USPQ
58; and J. C. Eno (U.S.) Limited v. Deshayas 29 USPQ 179), it was held that the
tribunals of the Philippines Patent Office have no jurisdiction over questions of unfair origin for goods to which the remarks are applied unless they have acquired a
competition. At most, the petitioner's recourse is for it to seek relief in civil courts. secondary meaning. And there is no evidence that the diamond design in the
trademark of the petitioner has acquired a secondary meaning with respect to its
The allegations that the registration of VALENTINE was obtained fraudulently; that it sugar business. The word "Victorias" is what Identifies the sugar contained in the bag
falsely suggests a connection with St. Valentine; and that it is merely descriptive or as the product of the petitioner. Indeed, the petitioner has advertised its sugar in
deceptively misdescriptive of sugar have no basis in law and fact. 6 bags marked "Victorias" with oval, hexagor. and other designs.

The petitioner submits that the Director of Patents committed the following errors: The evidence is that Ong Su has been using his trademark since prior to the last
World War and he obtained the registration thereof on June 20, 1961. Vijandre
I declared that the petitioner started to use its trademark only in 1947. Said trademark
was registered on November 9, 1961. It cannot be said, therefore, that the
respondent Ong Su imitated the trademark of the petitioner.
The petitioner avers that purchasers of sugar are likely to confuse petitioner's
"Victorias" trademark and respondent Ong Su's "Valentine" trademark because of the
following similarities:
1. Both trademarks have the same diamond design with the slight modification that
the lines of the "VALENTINE" diamond design are a little protruding at the ends.
2. The lines forming the diamond design in both trademarks consist of two lines,
namely, the outer portion and the inner portion.
3. The outer portion of the diamond design of both trademarks has the color black as
THE RESPONDENT DIRECTOR OF PATENTS ERRED IN HOLDING THAT THE DETAILS shown in the specimens (Exhibits "A" and "B"). The, inner line of the diamond design
4. In both trade marks, the word "PURE" in black print appears inside of the upper
V portion of the diamond design.

COMPARISON OF PETITIONER'S AND RESPONDENT'S RESPECTIVE TRADEMARKS TO within the diamond design are conspicuously colored red.
6. The letter "V" in Victorias and the letter "V" in Valentine are Identically placed.
7. The word "VICTORIAS" and the word "VALENTINE" are Identically arranged, the
same containing the same number of letters.
8. Immediately below the words "VICTORIAS" and "VALENTINE"appears the words
SINCE HE SUPPOSEDLY HAS NO JURISDICTION IN THE PREMISES. 9. underneath the diamond design in both trademarks are the words "FINE
GRANULATED" and below said phrase are the words 'CANE SUGAR'with a small
diamond design.
10. Both, trade marks are used on refines sugar.
SUGAR" in both trade marks are same has arranged and printed.9
The respondent Ong Su maintains that the alleged are minor for the following reason:
LITERAL PORTIONS OF THE RESPECTIVE TRADEMARKS IN QUESTION, NAMELY, Appellant attempts to show the possibility or likelihood of purchaser confusion by
THE RESPECTIVE NAMES 'VICTORIAS' AND 'VALENTINE', HAVE NO SIMILARITY, pointing out alleged similarities in the packages in question, e.g. "Pure Refined
THERE IS NO REASONABLE LIKELIHOOD OF PURCHASER CONFUSION. Sugar" appearing in both marks in question. It should be noted, however, that these
words are merely descriptive commonly applied to the goods, namely, sugar, and
cannot be exclusively appropriated by the petitioner. The other alleged similarities
THE RESPONDENT DIRECTOR OF PATENTS ERRED IN ASSUMING THAT PETITIONER, pointed to by appellant — that the lines forming the diamond design in both
OR THE OWNER OF ANY IMITATED OR INFRINGED TRADEMARK FOR THAT MATTER, trademarks consist of two lines, the outer portion and the inner portion; that the
MUST ESTABLISH ACTUAL PURCHASER CONFUSION. diamond design in both tradeniarks has the color black and the inner line of both
designs has the red color; that the diamond design as used by the petitioner and by
X respondent are of the same size; that the letter 'V' in Victorias and the letter "V" in
"Valentine" are the same size; and that the letter 'V' in VICTORIAS and the letter "V"
THE RESPONDENT DIRECTOR OF PATENTS ERRED IN PREVENTING THE in the Valentine package are Identically pIaced in the diamond; and that — the word
TESTIMONIES OF RESPONDENT ONG SU AND WITNESS ERNESTO DURAN AS "Victorias" and the word "VALENTINE" are Identically arranged within the diamond —
REBUTTAL WITNESSES FOR PETITIONER, SAID RULINGS OF RESPONDENT are, we submit with respect, minor and insignificant for the purpose of this petition
DIRECTOR CONSTITUTING REVERSIBLE ERROR AND THE DENIAL OF PROCEDURAL even if the observations of appellant are correct.10
It seems clear that the words "Valentine" and "Victorias" and the names and places
XI of business of Victorias Milling Company, Inc. and Ong Su are the dominant features
of the trademarks in question. The petitioner has not established such a substantial
THE RESPONDENT DIRECTOR OF PATENTS ERRED IN HOLDING THAT THE similarity between the two trademarks in question as to warrant the cancellation of
REGISTRATION OF THE VALENTINE TRADEMARK BY RESPONDENT ONG SU WAS the trademark 'Valentine'of the respondent Su. The Director of Patents correctly ruled
NOT PRUDULENTLY OBTAINED. that he has no jurisdiction over the issue of unfair competition. Under Section 27 of
the Trade Mark Law, Republic Act No. 166, after actions for unfair competition shall
XII be brought before the proper Court of First Instance.
THE RESPONDENT DIRECTOR OF PATENTS, ACTING TfIROUGH HEARING OFFICER The refusal of the Director of Patents to allow respondent Ong Su and witness
AMANDO MARQUEZ, ERRED IN ADMITTING RESPONDENT ONG SU'S EXHIBITS Emesto Duran to testify on rebuttal is not a reversible effort.
ESTABLISHED AS AN ALIAS, ALHTHOUGH ADMITTEDLY UNAUTHORIZED, OF The only'purpose of the petitioner in proposing to call Ong Su as a witness on
RESPONDENT ONG SU. 7 rebuttal is to ask the latter if he had judicial authority to use the alias 'Mariano'. Ang
It appears, however, that the counsel of petitioner had already extensively cross-
The contention of petitioner that the diamond design in its trademark is an index of examined Ong Su as to a citizenship, alien certificate of registration and the other
origin has no merit. The petitioner has not shown that the design portion of the mark name Mariano Ang. It seems immaterial whether or not Ong Su has judicial authority
has been so used that purchasers recognize the design, standing alone, as indicating to use Mariano Ang as an alias. There is evidence that even before the last World
goods coming from the registrant. As correctly stated by the Director of Patents, War, the trademark 'Valentine' and design had been used under the name of either
common geometric shapes such as diamonds ordinarily are not regarded as indicia of Ong Su or Mariano Ang.
The petitioner sought to present Emesto T. Duran as rebuttal witness to prove that respondent corporation's application (Serial No. 9732), as Junior - Party-Applicant
there was a confusion among consumers or buyers of sugar caused by the alleged and petitioner company's registration (Registration No. 9589), as Senior Party-
sorority of the "Victorias" and "Valentine" trademarks. The presentation of Emesto T. Applicant, docketed in the Philippines Patent Office as Inter Partes Case No. 313, to
Duran as rebuttal witness was objected to by counsel of the respondent on the determine which party has previously adopted and used the trademark "All Montana".
ground that the evidence sought to be elicited from Duran did not directly contradict
the testimony of witness Chicane The objection was sustained by the hearing officer Respondent General Milling Corporation, in its application for registration, alleged that
whose ruling was subsequently confer by the Director of Patents. Counsel for the it started using the trademark "All Montana" on August 31, 1955 and subsequently
petitioner made the following formal offer of proof: was licensed to use the same by Centennial Mills, Inc. by virtue of a deed of
assignment executed on September 20, 1962. On the other hand petitioner Unno
ATTY. GONZALEZ: Commercial Enterprises, Inc. argued that the same trademark had been registered in
its favor on March 8, 1962 asserting that it started using the trademark on June 30,
Your Honor please, in view of the ruling of the Honorable Director your Honor please 1956, as indentor or broker for S.H. Huang Bros. & Co., a local firm.
on the admissibility of certain items of evidence, which resolution dated February 21,
1966 was received by undersigned counsel for the petitioner on February 22, 1966, The Director of Patents, after hearing, ruled in favor of respondent General Milling
said resolution was setting the hearing of this case for this morning, I wish to state, I Corporation and rendered its decision as follows:
wish to register my exception, my respectful exception to said resolution. In view of
the resolution not permitting me to present Mr. Ernesto Duran, my proposed witness However, there is testimony in the record (t.s.n., pp. 11-12, Jan.17,1967, testimony
whom I attempted to present at the last hearing, I wish to offer as proof the of Jose Uy) to the effect that, indispensable, "ALL MONTANA" wheat flour is a
following items ol' the testimony of witness Duran. Now as he would go shopping premium flour produced from premium wheat coming from the State of Montana,
with his parents and that sometime in the month of February 1963 he went to the U.S.A. It is apparent that the trademark is primarily geographically descriptive of the
Aranque market, and while he was buying groceries he saw a shelf with five (5) lbs. goods. It is therefore a matter overlooked by the Trademark Examiner, and it is
bag of sugar with the bag and package he thought was VICTORIAS. Witness Duran incumbent upon him to determine if the applicant should claim and is qualified to
will further testify that he went to the shelf and pointed to the bag of sugar and claim distinctiveness under Section 4(f) of the Trademark Statute. Otherwise, it is
hesaid Isang support ng Victorias Ang. That the sugar was taken by the shopkeeper registrable on the Supplemental Register and should thus be registered therein.
and when he went home he found out that the sugar was marked VALENTINE. lie
went on again on another time later and saw that the shelf was still filled with five (5) WHEREFORE, the Junior Party-Applicant is adjudged prior -user of the trademark ALL
pounds (lbs,) bag VALENTINE sugar. The shelf also has bags of VICTORIAS sugar MONTANA, but 'because it is primarily geographically descriptive, the application is
side by side with VALENTINE sugar, that the package of VALENTINE looked so much herein remanded to the Chief Trademark Examiner for proper proceeding before
alike will VICTORIAS sugar that he was misled into pointing to VALENTINE and asked issuance of the certificate of registration.
The certificate of registration issued to the Senior Party is ordered cancelled.
What is that, is that supposed to be the testimony of witness Duran?
After its motion for reconsideration was denied, petitioner brought the instant petition
ATTY. GONZALEZ: seeking the reversal of the decision and praying that it be declared the owner and
prior user of the trademark "All Montana" on wheat flour.
Yes, your Honor, I am offering as proof of what the witness Duran would have
testified. Since this office has ruled that I cannot present him an offer of proof is Petitioner based its claim of ownership over the trademark in question by the fact
being made for purposes of putting on record what he would have testified to on that it acted as an indentor or broker for S. H. Huang Bros. & Co., a local importer of
record in accordance with the Rules of Evidence. 11 wheat flour, offering as evidence the various shipments, documents, invoices and
other correspondence of Centennial Mills, Inc., shipping thousand of bags of wheat
Having made the foregoing formal offer of proof, the petitioner cannot complain that flour bearing the trademark "All Montana" to the Philippines. Petitioner argued that
it was denied procedural due process. these documents, invoices and correspondence proved the fact that it has been using
the trademark "All Montana" as early as 1955 in the concept of an owner and
The proposed testimony of Emesto T. Duran that in February 1963 he went to maintained that anyone, whether he is only an importer, broker or indentor can
Arangue market and bought one bag of sugar which he thought was "Victorias" and appropriate, use and own a particular mark of its own choice although he is not the
when he went home he found out that the sugar was marked "Valentine" is not manufacturer of the goods he deals with. Relying on the provisions of Section 2-A of
sufficient evidence that the two trademarks are so similar that buyers of sugar are the Trademarks Law 2 (Republic Act 166), petitioner insists that "the appropriation
confused. The words "Victorias" and "Valentine" are not similar in spelling and do not and ownership of a particular trademark is not merely confined to producers or
have a similar sound when pronounced. Even the diamond designs are different. The manufacturers but likewise to anyone who lawfully deals in merchandise who renders
diamond design of the trademark "Valentine" has protruding fines at the comers. any lawful service in commerce, like petitioner in the case at bar. 3
Even an illiterate person can see the difference between the two diamond designs.
The right to register trademark is based on ownership. 4 When the applicant is not
There is no evidence that the respondent Ong Su had obtained the registration of his the owner of the trademark being applied for, he has no right to apply for the
trademark "Valentine" and design by means of fraud. The said trademark was registration of the same. 5 Under the Trademark Law only the owner of the
registered in the Philippines Patent Office before the petitioner registered its trademark, trade name or service mark used to distinguish his goods, business or
trademark. service from the goods, business or service of others is entitled to register the
same. 6
The record and evidence show that Ong Su had also used in his business the name
Mariano Ang. Hence the licenses and permits in the name of Ong Su and/or Mariano The term owner does not include the importer of the goods bearing the trademark,
Ang were correctly admitted as evidence. trade name, service mark, or other mark of ownership, unless such importer is
actually the owner thereof in the country from which the goods are imported. A local
WHEREFORE the decision of the Director of Patents sought to be reviewed is hereby importer, however, may make application for the registration of a foreign trademark,
affirmed, without pronouncement as to costs. trade name or service mark if he is duly authorized by the actual owner of the name
or other mark of ownership. 7
Thus, this Court, has on several occasions ruled that where the applicant's alleged
ownership is not shown in any notarial document and the applicant appears to be
Unno Commercial vs. Gen Milling Corp, 205 Phils.707 merely an importer or distributor of the merchandise covered by said trademark, its
application cannot be granted. 8
The Court affirms respondent Director of Patent's decision declaring respondent
General Milling Corporation as the prior user of the trademark "All Montana" on Moreover, the provision relied upon by petitioner (Sec. 2-A, Rep. Act No. 166) allows
wheat flour in the Philippines and ordering the cancellation of the certificate of one "who lawfully produces or deals in merchandise ... or who engages in any lawful
registration for the same trademark previously issued in favor of petitioner Unno business or who renders any lawful service in commerce, by actual use thereof . . .
Commercial Enterprises, Incorporated, it appearing that Unno Commercial Enterprises, (to) appropriate to his exclusive use a trademark, or a service mark not so
Inc. merely acted as exclusive distributor of All Montana wheat flour in the Philippines. appropriated by another. " In the case at bar, the evidence showed that the
Only the owner of a trademark, trade name or service mark may applly for its trademark "All Montana" was owned and registered in the name of Centennial Mills,
registration and an importer, broker, indentor or distributor acquires no rights to the Inc. which later transferred it to respondent General Milling Corporation by way of a
trademark of the goods he is dealing with in the absence of a valid transfer or deed of assignment. It is undisputed that way back in March, 1955, Centennial Mills,
assignment of the trade mark. Inc. under the tradename Wenatchee Milling Co., exported flour to the Philippines,
through its distributor, herein petitioner Unno Commercial Enterprises, Inc. which
On December 11, 1962, respondent General Milling Corporation filed an application
acted as indentor or broker for the firm S. H. Huang Bros. & Co. However, because of
for the registration of the trademark "All Montana" to be used in the sale of wheat
increased taxes and subsidies, Centennial Mills discontinued shipments of flour in the
flour. In view of the fact that the same trademark was previously, registered in favor
Philippines and eventually sold its brands for wheat flour, including "All Montana"
of petitioner Unno Commercial Enterprises, Inc., the Chief Trademark Examiner of
brand to respondent General Milling Corporation in consideration of 1,000 shares of
the Philippines Patent Office declared an interference proceeding 1 between
stock of respondent corporation with a par value of P100.00 per share or a total of
P100,000.00. Respondent General Milling Corporation, since the start of the operation Court when respondent Court of Appeals lifted the writ of preliminary injunction it
in 1961 of its flour mills located in Lapu-lapu City, Cebu has been manufacturing and earlier had issued against Fortune Tobacco Corporation, herein private respondent,
selling "All Montana" flour in the Philippines. from manufacturing and selling "MARK" cigarettes in the local market.

As against petitioner's argument that respondent failed to establish convincingly the Banking on the thesis that petitioners' respective symbols "MARK VII", "MARK TEN",
ownership of the trademark "All Montana" by its assignor Centennial Mills, Inc., the and "LARK", also for cigarettes, must be protected against unauthorized
Director of Patents correctly found that ample evidence was presented that appropriation, petitioners twice solicited the ancillary writ in the course the main suit
Centennial Mills, Inc. was the owner and prior user in the Philippines of the for infringement but the court of origin was unpersuaded.
trademark "All Montana" through a local importer and broker. The Deed of
Assignment itself constitutes sufficient proof of its ownership of the trademark "All Before we proceed to the generative facts of the case at bar, it must be emphasized
Montana," showing that Centennial Mills was a corporation duly organized and that resolution of the issue on the propriety of lifting the writ of preliminary injunction
existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon, U.S.A. with principal should not be construed as a prejudgment of the suit below. Aware of the fact that
the discussion we are about to enter into involves a mere interlocutory order, a
place and business at Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. and the absolute and registered
owner of several trademarks for wheat flour, i.e. (Imperial, White Lily, Duck, General, discourse on the aspect infringement must thus be avoided. With these caveat, we
shall now shift our attention to the events which spawned the controversy.
Swan, White Horse, Vinta, El Paro, Baker's Joy, Choice, Red Bowl All Montana and
Dollar.) all of which were assigned by it to respondent General Milling Corporation. As averred in the initial pleading, Philip Morris, Incorporated is a corporation
The deed of assignment was signed by its president, Dugald MacGregor, duly organized under the laws of the State of Virginia, United States of America, and does
acknowledged before James Hunt, a notary public for the State of Oregon, business at 100 Park Avenue, New York, New York, United States of America. The
accompanied by a certification issued by the Secretary of State of the State of two other plaintiff foreign corporations, which are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Philip
Oregon stating that the said James Hunt is a duly qualified Notary Public with full Morris, Inc., are similarly not doing business in the Philippines but are suing on an
power and authority to take acknowledgments of all oaths and that full faith and isolated transaction. As registered owners "MARK VII", "MARK TEN", and "LARK" per
credit should be given to his official acts as notary public. certificates of registration issued by the Philippine Patent Office on April 26, 1973,
May 28, 1964, and March 25, 1964, plaintiffs-petitioners asserted that defendant
The Director of Patents likewise correctly rejected petitioner's contention that in a
Fortune Tobacco Corporation has no right to manufacture and sell cigarettes bearing
1954 conference in Manila the ownership and use by petitioner of the brand "All
the allegedly identical or confusingly similar trademark "MARK" in contravention of
Montana" was agreed upon, on the contrary finding that "Details of that meeting
Section 22 of the Trademark Law, and should, therefore, be precluded during the
were, however, explained by Mr. Dugald MacGregor, President of Centennial Mills,
pendency of the case from performing the acts complained of via a preliminary
Inc., as the Junior Party's rebuttal witness. Mr. MacGregor confirmed holding such
injunction (p. 75, Court of Appeals Rollo in AC-G.R. SP No. 13132).
conference in a restaurant in Manila with representatives of the Senior Party, namely;
Messrs. Jose Uy, Francisco Gonzales and S. H. Huang although he could not For its part, Fortune Tobacco Corporation admitted petitioners' certificates of
remember the name of the restaurant. He further explained that his company owned registration with the Philippine Patent Office subject to the affirmative and special
the trademark; that it had been using the mark in the United States; and that defense on misjoinder of party plaintiffs. Private respondent alleged further that it
ownership of the mark had never been conferred upon any other company, much has been authorized by the Bureau of Internal Revenue to manufacture and sell
less the Senior Party"; and "Inasmuch as it was not the owner of the trademark, the cigarettes bearing the trademark "MARK", and that "MARK" is a common word which
Senior Party could not be regarded as having used and adopted it, and had no right cannot be exclusively appropriated (p.158, Court of Appeals Rollo in A.C.-G.R. SP No.
to apply for its registration. It acknowledged that it was a mere importer of flour, and 13132). On March 28, 1983, petitioners' prayer for preliminary injunction was denied
a mere importer and distributor acquires no rights in the mark used on the imported by the Presiding Judge of Branch 166 of the Regional Trial Court of the National
goods by the foreign exporter in the absence of an assignment of any kind ... Capital Judicial Region stationed at Pasig, premised upon the following propositions:
Trademarks used and adopted on goods manufactured or packed in a foreign country
in behalf of a domestic importer, broker, or indentor and distributor are presumed to Plaintiffs admit in paragraph 2 of the complaint that ". . . they are
be owned by the manufacturer or packer, unless there is a written agreement clearly not doing business in the Philippines and are suing on an isolated transaction . . .".
showing that ownership vests in the importer, broker, indentor or distributor. This simply means that they are not engaged in the sale, manufacture, importation,
expor[t]ation and advertisement of their cigarette products in the Philippines. With
Thus, petitioner's contention that it is the owner of the mark "All Montana" because this admission, defendant asks: ". . . how could defendant's "MARK" cigarettes cause
of its certificate of registration issued by the Director of Patents, must fail, since the former "irreparable damage" within the territorial limits of the Philippines?"
ownership of a trademark is not acquired by the mere fact of registration Plaintiffs maintain that since their trademarks are entitled to protection by treaty
alone. 9 Registration merely creates a prima facie presumption of the validity of the obligation under Article 2 of the Paris Convention of which the Philippines is a
registration, of the registrant's ownership of the trademark and of the exclusive right member and ratified by Resolution No. 69 of the Senate of the Philippines and as
to the use thereof. 10 Registration does not perfect a trademark right. 11 As such, have the force and effect of law under Section 12, Article XVII of our
conceded itself by petitioner, evidence may be presented to overcome the Constitution and since this is an action for a violation or infringement of a trademark
presumption. Prior use by one will controvert a claim of legal appropriation, by or trade name by defendant, such mere allegation is sufficient even in the absence of
subsequent users. In the case at bar, the Director of Patents found that "ample proof to support it. To the mind of the Court, precisely, this is the issue in the main
evidence was presented in the record that Centennial Mills, Inc. was the owner and case to determine whether or not there has been an invasion of plaintiffs' right of
prior user in the Philippines of the trademark 'All Montana' through a local importer property to such trademark or trade name. This claim of plaintiffs is disputed by
and broker. Use of a trademark by a mere importer, indentor or exporter (the Senior defendant in paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Answer; hence, this cannot be made a basis
Party herein) inures to the benefit of the foreign manufacturer whose goods are for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction.
Identified by the trademark. The Junior Party has hereby established a continuous
chain of title and, consequently, prior adoption and use" and ruled that "based on the There is no dispute that the First Plaintiff is the registered owner of trademar[k]
facts established, it is safe to conclude that the Junior Party has satisfactorily "MARK VII" with Certificate of Registration No. 18723, dated April 26,1973 while the
discharged the burden of proving priority of adoption and use and is entitled to Second Plaintiff is likewise the registered owner of trademark "MARK TEN" under
registration." It is well-settled that we are precluded from making further inquiry, Certificate of Registration No. 11147, dated May 28, 1963 and the Third Plaintiff is a
since the findings of fact of the Director of Patents in the absence of any showing registrant of trademark "LARK" as shown by Certificate of Registration No. 10953
that there was grave abuse of discretion is binding on us 12 and the findings of facts dated March 23, 1964, in addition to a pending application for registration of
by the Director of Patents are deemed conclusive in the Supreme Court provided that trademark "MARK VII" filed on November 21, 1980 under Application Serial No.
they are supported by substantial evidence. 13 Petitioner has failed to show that the 43243, all in the Philippine Patent Office. In same the manner, defendant has a
findings of fact of the Director of Patents are not substantially supported by evidence pending application for registration of the trademark "LARK" cigarettes with the
nor that any grave abuse of discretion was committed. Philippine Patent Office under Application Serial No. 44008. Defendant contends that
since plaintiffs are "not doing business in the Philippines" coupled the fact that the
Finally, the Court finds without merit petitioner's argument that the Director of Director of Patents has not denied their pending application for registration of its
Patents could not order the cancellation of' its certificate of registration in an trademark "MARK", the grant of a writ of preliminary injunction is premature.
interference proceeding and that the question of whether or not a certificate of Plaintiffs contend that this act(s) of defendant is but a subterfuge to give semblance
registration is to be cancelled should have been brought in cancellation proceedings. of good faith intended to deceive the public and patronizers into buying the products
Under Rule 178 of the Rules of the Patent Office in Trademark Cases, 14 the Director and create the impression that defendant's goods are identical with or come from the
of Patents is expressly authorized to order the cancellation of a registered mark or same source as plaintiffs' products or that the defendant is a licensee of plaintiffs
trade name or name or other mark of ownership in an inter partes case, such as the when in truth and in fact the former is not. But the fact remains that with its pending
interference proceeding at bar. 15 application, defendant has embarked in the manufacturing, selling, distributing and
advertising of "MARK" cigarettes. The question of good faith or bad faith on the part
WHEREFORE, the appealed decision is hereby affirmed. No costs. of defendant are matters which are evidentiary in character which have to be proven
during the hearing on the merits; hence, until and unless the Director of Patents has
denied defendant's application, the Court is of the opinion and so holds that issuance
Philip Morris, Inc. v. CA (274 SCRA 576) and Philip Morris, Inc. v. CA 224 a writ of preliminary injunction would not lie.
scra 624
There is no question that defendant has been authorized by the Bureau of Internal
In the petition before us, petitioners Philip Morris, Inc., Benson and Hedges (Canada), Revenue to manufacture cigarettes bearing the trademark "MARK" (Letter of Ruben B.
Inc., and Fabriques of Tabac Reunies, S.A., are ascribing whimsical exercise of the Ancheta, Acting Commissioner addressed to Fortune Tobacco Corporation dated April
faculty conferred upon magistrates by Section 6, Rule 58 of the Revised Rules of 3, 1981, marked as Annex "A", defendant's "OPPOSITION, etc." dated September 24,
1982). However, this authority is qualified . . . that the said brands have been Trademark Division of the then Philippine Patent Office that Fortune's application for
accepted and registered by the Patent Office not later than six (6) months after you its trademark is still pending before said office (p. 311, Rollo).
have been manufacturing the cigarettes and placed the same in the market."
However, this grant ". . . does not give you protection against any person or entity Petitioners thereafter cited supervening events which supposedly transpired since
whose rights may be prejudiced by infringement or unfair competition in relation to March 28, 1983, when the trial court first declined issuing a writ of preliminary
your indicated trademarks/brands". As aforestated, the registration of defendant's injunction, that could alter the results of the case in that Fortune's application had
application is still pending in the Philippine Patent Office. been rejected, nay, barred by the Philippine Patent Office, and that the application
had been forfeited by abandonment, but the trial court nonetheless denied the
It has been repeatedly held in this jurisdiction as well as in the United States that the second motion for issuance of the injunctive writ on April 22, 1987, thus:
right or title of the applicant for injunction remedy must be clear and free from doubt.
Because of the disastrous and painful effects of an injunction, Courts should be For all the prolixity of their pleadings and testimonial evidence, the plaintiffs-movants
extremely careful, cautious and conscionable in the exercise of its discretion have fallen far short of the legal requisites that would justify the grant of the writ of
consistent with justice, equity and fair play. preliminary injunction prayed for. For one, they did not even bother to establish by
competent evidence that the products supposedly affected adversely by defendant's
There is no power the exercise of which is more delicate which requires greater trademark now subject of an application for registration with the Philippine Patents
caution, deliberation, and sound discretion, or (which is) more dangerous in a Office, are in actual use in the Philippines. For another, they concentrated their fire
doubtful case than the issuing of an injunction; it is the strong arm of equity that on the alleged abandonment and forfeiture by defendant of said application for
never ought to be extended unless to cases of great injury, where courts of law registration.
cannot afford an adequate or commensurate remedy in damages. The right must be
clear, the injury impending or threatened, so as to be averted only by the protecting The Court cannot help but take note of the fact that in their complaint plaintiffs
preventive process of injunction. (Bonaparte v. Camden, etc. N. Co., 3 F. Cas. No. 1, included a prayer for issuance preliminary injunction. The petition was duly heard,
617, Baldw. 205, 217.) and thereafter matter was assiduously discussed lengthily and resolved against
plaintiffs in a 15-page Order issued by the undersigned's predecessor on March 28,
Courts of equity constantly decline to lay down any rule which injunction shall be 1983. Plaintiffs' motion for reconsideration was denied in another well-argued 8 page
granted or withheld. There is wisdom in this course, for it is impossible to foresee all Order issued on April 5, 1984,, and the matter was made to rest.
exigencies of society which may require their aid to protect rights and restrain
wrongs. (Merced M. Go v. Freemont, 7 Gal. 317, 321; 68 Am. Dec. 262.) However, on the strength of supposed changes in the material facts of this case,
plaintiffs came up with the present motion citing therein the said changes which are:
It is the strong arm of the court; and to render its operation begin and useful, it must that defendant's application had been rejectedand barred by the Philippine Patents
be exercised with great discretion, and when necessary requires it. (Attorney-General Office, and that said application has been deemed abandoned and forfeited. But
v. Utica Inc. Co., P. John Ch. (N.Y.) 371.) defendant has refiled the same.

Having taken a panoramic view of the position[s] of both parties as viewed from their Plaintiffs' arguments in support of the present motion appear to be a mere rehash of
pleadings, the picture reduced to its minimum size would be this: At the crossroads their stand in the first above-mentioned petition which has already been ruled upon
are the two (2) contending parties, plaintiffs vigorously asserting the rights granted adversely against them. Granting that the alleged changes in the material facts are
by law, treaty and jurisprudence to restrain defendant in its activities of sufficient grounds for a motion seeking a favorable grant of what has already been
manufacturing, selling, distributing and advertising its "MARK" cigarettes and now denied, this motion just the same cannot prosper.
comes defendant who countered and refused to be restrained claiming that it has
been authorized temporarily by the Bureau of Internal Revenue under certain In the first place there is no proof whatsoever that any of plaintiffs' products which
conditions to do so as aforestated coupled by its pending application for registration they seek to protect from any adverse effect of the trademark applied for by
of trademark "MARK" in the Philippine Patent Office. This circumstance in itself has defendant, is in actual use and available for commercial purposes anywhere in the
created a dispute between the parties which to the mind of the Court does not Philippines. Secondly as shown by plaintiffs' own evidence furnished by no less than
warrant the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction. the chief of Trademarks Division of the Philippine Patent Office, Atty. Enrique
Madarang, the abandonment of an application is of no moment, for the same can
It is well-settled principle that courts of equity will refuse an application for the always be refiled. He said there is no specific provision in the rules prohibiting such
injunctive remedy where the principle of law on which the right to preliminary refiling (TSN, November 21, 1986, pp. 60 & 64, Raviera). In fact, according to
injunction rests is disputed and will admit of doubt, without a decision of the court of Madarang, the refiled application of defendant is now pending before the Patents
law establishing such principle although satisfied as to what is a correct conclusion of Office. Hence, it appears that the motion has no leg to stand on. (pp. 350-
law upon the facts. The fact, however, that there is no such dispute or conflict does 351, Rolloin G. R. No. 91332.)
not in itself constitute a justifiable ground for the court to refuse an application for
the injunctive relief. (Hackensack Impr. Commn. v. New Jersey Midland P. Co., 22 N.J. Confronted with this rebuff, petitioners filed a previous petition for certiorari before
Eg. 94.) the Court, docketed as G.R. No. 78141, but the petition was referred to the Court of
Hence, the status quo existing between the parties prior to the filing of this case
should be maintained. For after all, an injunction, without reference to the parties, The Court of Appeals initially issued a resolution which set aside the court of origin's
should be violent, vicious nor even vindictive. (pp. 338-341, Rollo in G.R. No. 91332.) order dated April 22, 1987, and granted the issuance of a writ of preliminary
injunction enjoining Fortune, its agents, employees, and representatives, from
In the process of denying petitioners' subsequent motion for reconsideration of the manufacturing, selling, and advertising "MARK" cigarettes. The late Justice Cacdac,
order denying issuance of the requested writ, the court of origin took cognizance of speaking for the First Division of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 13132,
the certification executed on January 30, 1984 by the Philippine Patent Office remarked:
attesting to the fact that private respondent's application for registration is still
pending appropriate action. Apart from this communication, what prompted the trial There is no dispute that petitioners are the registered owners of the trademarks for
court judge to entertain the idea of prematurity and untimeliness of petitioners' cigarettes "MARK VII", "MARK TEN", and "LARK".(Annexes B, C and D, petition). As
application for a writ of preliminary injunction was the letter from the Bureau of found and reiterated by the Philippine Patent Office in two (2) official
Internal Revenue date February 2, 1984 which reads: communications dated April 6, 1983 and January 24, 1984, the trademark "MARK" is
"confusingly similar" to the trademarks of petitioners, hence registration was barred
MRS. TERESITA GANDIONGCO OLEDAN under Sec. 4 (d) of Rep. Act. No. 166, as amended (pp. 106, 139, SCA rollo). In a
Legal Counsel third official communication dated April 8, 1986, the trademark application of private
Fortune Tobacco Corporation respondent for the "MARK" under Serial No. 44008 filed on February 13, 1981 which
was declared abandoned as of February 16, 1986, is now deemed forfeited, there
Madam: being no revival made pursuant to Rule 98 of the Revised Rules of Practitioners in
In connection with your letter dated January 25, 1984, reiterating your query as to
Trademark Cases." (p. 107, CA rollo). The foregoing documents or communications
whether your label approval automatically expires or becomes null and void after six
mentioned by petitioners as "the changes in material facts which occurred after
(6) months if the brand is not accepted and by the patent office, please be informed
March 28, 1983", are not also questioned by respondents.
that no provision in the Tax Code or revenue regulation that requires an applicant to Pitted against the petitioners' documentary evidence, respondents pointed to (1) the
comply with the aforementioned condition order that his label approved will remain letter dated January 30, 1979 (p. 137, CA rollo) of Conrado P. Diaz, then Acting
valid and existing. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, temporarily granting the request of private
Based on the document you presented, it shows that registration of this particular
respondent for a permit to manufacture two (2) new brands of cigarettes one of
label still pending resolution by the Patent Office. These being so , you may therefore
which is brand "MARK" filter-type blend, and (2) the certification dated September 26,
continue with the production said brand of cigarette until this Office is officially
1986 of Cesar G. Sandico, Director of Patents (p. 138, CA rollo) issued upon the
notified that the question of ownership of "MARK" brand is finally resolved.
written request of private respondents' counsel dated September 17, 1986 attesting
that the records of his office would show that the "trademark MARK" for cigarettes is
Very truly yours, now the subject of a pending application under Serial No. 59872 filed on September
16, 1986.
Chief, Manufactured Tobacco Private respondent's documentary evidence provides the reasons neutralizing or
Tax(p. 348,It appears from the testimony of Atty. Enrique Madarang, Chief of the weakening their probative values. The penultimate paragraph of Commissioner Diaz'
letter of authority reads: Hence, the instant petition casting three aspersions that respondent court gravely
abused its discretion tantamount to excess of jurisdiction when:
Please be informed further that the authority herein granted does not give you
protection against any person or entity whose rights may be prejudiced by I. it required, contrary to law and jurisprudence, that in order that petitioners may
infringement or unfair competition in relation to your above-named brands/trademark. suffer irreparable injury due to the lifting of the injunction, petitioners should be
using actually their registered trademarks in commerce in the Philippines;
while Director Sandico's certification contained similar conditions as follows:
II. it lifted the injunction in violation of section 6 of Rule 58 of the Rules of Court; and
This Certification, however, does not give protection as against any person or entity
whose right may be prejudiced by infringement or unfair competition in relation to III. after having found that the trial court had committed grave abuse of discretion
the aforesaid trademark nor the right to register if contrary to the provisions of the and exceeded its jurisdiction for having refused to issue the writ of injunction to
Trademark Law, Rep. Act No. 166 as amended and the Revised Rules of Practice in restrain private respondent's acts that are contrary to equity and good conscience, it
Trademark Cases. made a complete about face for legally insufficient grounds and authorized the
private respondent to continue performing the very same acts that it had considered
The temporary permit to manufacture under the trademark "MARK" for cigarettes contrary to equity and good conscience, thereby ignoring not only the mandates of
and the acceptance of the second application filed by private respondent in the the Trademark Law, the international commitments of the Philippines, the judicial
height of their dispute in the main case were evidently made subject to the outcome admission of private respondent that it will have no more right to use the trademark
of the said main case or Civil Case No. 47374 of the respondent Court. Thus, the "MARK" after the Director of Patents shall have rejected the application to register it,
Court has not missed to note the absence of a mention in the Sandico letter of and the admonitions of the Supreme Court. (pp. 24-25, Petition; pp. 25-26, Rollo.)
September 26, 1986 of any reference to the pendency of the instant action filed on
August 18, 1982. We believe and hold that petitioners have shown a prima facie case To sustain a successful prosecution of their suit for infringement, petitioners, as
for the issuance of the writ of prohibitory injunction for the purposes stated in their foreign corporations not engaged in local commerce, rely on section 21-A of the
complaint and subsequent motions for the issuance of the prohibitory writ. (Buayan Trademark Law reading as follows:
Cattle Co. vs. Quintillan, 125 SCRA 276)
Sec. 21-A. Any foreign corporation or juristic person to which a mark or trade-name
The requisites for the granting of preliminary injunction are the existence of the right has been registered or assigned under this act may bring an action hereunder for
protected and the facts against which the injunction is to be directed as violative of infringement, for unfair competition, or false designation of origin and false
said right. (Buayan Cattle Co. vs. Quintillan, supra; Ortigas & Co. vs. Ruiz, 148 SCRA description, whether or not it has been licensed to do business in the Philippines
326). It is a writ framed according to the circumstances of the case commanding an under Act Numbered Fourteen hundred and fifty-nine, as amended, otherwise known
act which the Court regards as essential to justice and restraining an act it deems as the Corporation Law, at the time it brings complaint: Provided, That the country of
contrary to equity and good conscience (Rosauro vs. Cuneta, 151 SCRA 570). If it is which the said foreign corporation or juristic person is a citizen or in which it is
not issued, the defendant may, before final judgment, do or continue the doing of domiciled, by treaty, convention or law, grants a similar privilege to corporate or
the act which the plaintiff asks the court to restrain, and thus make ineffectual the juristic persons of the Philippines. (As inserted by Sec. 7 of Republic Act No. 638.) to
final judgment rendered afterwards granting the relief sought by the plaintiff (Calo vs. drive home the point that they are not precluded from initiating a cause of action in
Roldan, 76 Phil. 445). Generally, its grant or denial rests upon the sound discretion of the Philippines on account of the principal perception that another entity is pirating
the Court except on a clear case of abuse (Belish Investment & Finance Co. vs. State their symbol without any lawful authority to do so. Judging from a perusal of the
House, 151 SCRA 636). Petitioners' right of exclusivity to their registered trademarks aforequoted Section 21-A, the conclusion reached by petitioners is certainly correct
being clear and beyond question, the respondent court's denial of the prohibitive writ for the proposition in support thereof is embedded in the Philippine legal
constituted excess of jurisdiction and grave abuse discretion. If the lower court does jurisprudence.
not grant preliminary injunction, the appellate court may grant the same. (Service
Specialists, Inc. vs. Sheriff of Manila, 145 SCRA 139). (pp. 165-167, Rollo in G.R. No. Indeed, it was stressed in General Garments Corporation vs. Director of Patents (41
91332.) SCRA 50 [1971]) by then Justice (later Chief Justice) Makalintal that:

After private respondent Fortune's motion for reconsideration was rejected, a motion Parenthetically, it may be stated that the ruling in the Mentholatum case was
to dissolve the disputed writ of preliminary injunction with offer to post a subsequently derogated when Congress, purposely to "counteract the effects" of said
counterbond was submitted which was favorably acted upon by the Court of Appeals, case, enacted Republic Act No. 638, inserting Section 21-A in the Trademark Law,
premised on the filing of a sufficient counterbond to answer for which allows a foreign corporation or juristic person to bring an action in Philippine
whatever perjuicio petitioners may suffer as a result thereof, to wit: courts for infringement of a mark or tradename, for unfair competition, or false
designation of origin and false description, "whether or not it has been licensed to do
The private respondent seeks to dissolve the preliminary injunction previously business in the Philippines under Act Numbered Fourteen hundred and fifty-nine, as
granted by this Court with an offer to file a counterbond. It was pointed out in its amended, otherwise known as the Corporation Law, at the time it brings complaint."
supplemental motion that lots of workers employed will be laid off as a consequence
of the injunction and that the government will stand to lose the amount of specific Petitioner argues that Section 21-A militates against respondent's capacity to
taxes being paid by the maintain a suit for cancellation, since it requires, before a foreign corporation may
private respondent. The specific taxes being paid is the sum total of P120,120, bring an action, that its trademark or tradename has been registered under the
295.98 from January to July 1989. Trademark Law. The argument misses the essential point in the said provision, which
is that the foreign corporation is allowed thereunder to sue "whether or not it has
The petitioners argued in their comment that the damages caused by the been licensed to do business in the Philippines" pursuant to the Corporation Law
infringement of their trademark as well as the goodwill it generates are incapable of (precisely to counteract the effects of the decision in the Mentholatum case). (at p.
pecuniary estimation and monetary evaluation and not even the counterbond could 57.)
adequately compensate for the damages it will incur as a result of the dissolution of
the bond. In addition, the petitioner further argued that doing business in the However, on May, 21, 1984, Section 21-A, the provision under consideration, was
Philippines is not relevant as the injunction pertains to an infringement of a qualified by this Court in La Chemise Lacoste S.A. vs. Fernandez (129 SCRA 373
trademark right. [1984]), to the effect that a foreign corporation not doing business in the Philippines
may have the right to sue before Philippine Courts, but existing adjective axioms
After a thorough re-examination of the issues involved and the arguments advanced require that qualifying circumstances necessary for the assertion of such right should
by both parties in the offer to file a counterbond and the opposition thereto, WE first be affirmatively pleaded (2 Agbayani Commercial Laws of the Philippines, 1991
believe that there are sound and cogent reasons for US to grant the dissolution of the Ed., p. 598; 4 Martin, Philippine Commercial Laws, Rev. Ed., 1986, p. 381). Indeed, it
writ of preliminary injunction by the offer of the private respondent to put up a is not sufficient for a foreign corporation suing under Section 21-A to simply allege its
counterbond to answer for whatever damages the petitioner may suffer as a alien origin. Rather, it must additionally allege its personality to sue. Relative to this
consequence of the dissolution of the preliminary injunction. condition precedent, it may be observed that petitioners were not remiss in averring
their personality to lodge a complaint for infringement (p. 75, Rollo in AC-G.R. SP No.
The petitioner will not be prejudiced nor stand to suffer irreparably as a consequence 13132) especially so when they asserted that the main action for infringement is
of the lifting of the preliminary injunction considering that they are not actually anchored on an isolated transaction (p. 75, Rollo in AC-G.R. SP No. 13132; Atlantic
engaged in the manufacture of the cigarettes with the trademark in question and the Mutual Ins. Co. vs. Cebu Stevedoring Co., Inc., 17 SCRA 1037 (1966), 1 Regalado,
filing of the counterbond will amply answer for such damages. Remedial Law Compendium, Fifth Rev. Ed., 1988, p. 103).
While the rule is that an offer of a counterbond does not operate to dissolve an Another point which petitioners considered to be of significant interest, and which
injunction previously granted, nevertheless, it is equally true that an injunction could they desire to impress upon us is the protection they enjoy under the Paris
be dissolved only upon good and valid grounds subject to the sound discretion of the Convention of 1965 to which the Philippines is a signatory. Yet, insofar as this
court. As WE have maintained the view that there are sound and good reasons to lift discourse is concerned, there is no necessity to treat the matter with an extensive
the preliminary injunction, the motion to file a counterbond is granted. (pp. 53- response because adherence of the Philippines to the 1965 international covenant
54, Rollo in G.R. No. 91332.) due to pact sunt servanda had been acknowledged in La Chemise (supra at page
Petitioners, in turn, filed their own motion for re-examination geared towards
reimposition of the writ of preliminary injunction but to no avail (p. 55, Rollo in G.R. Given these confluence of existing laws amidst the cases involving trademarks, there
No. 91332). can be no disagreement to the guiding principle in commercial law that foreign
corporations not engaged in business in the Philippines may maintain a cause of 3. The Trademark law is very clear. It requires actual commercial use of the mark
action for infringement primarily because of Section 21-A of the Trademark Law prior to its registration. There is no dispute that respondent corporation was the first
when the legal standing to sue is alleged, which petitioners have done in the case at registrant, yet it failed to fully substantiate its claim that it used in trade or business
hand. in the Philippines the subject mark; it did not present proof to invest it with exclusive,
continuous adoption of the trademark which should consist among others, of
In assailing the justification arrived at by respondent court when it recalled the writ considerable sales since its first use. The invoices (Exhibits 7, 7-a, and 8-b) submitted
of preliminary injunction, petitioners are of the impression that actual use of their by respondent which were dated way back in 1957 show that the zippers sent to the
trademarks in Philippine commercial dealings is not an indispensable element under Philippines were to be used as "samples" and "of no commercial value". The evidence
Article 2 of the Paris Convention in that: for respondent must be clear, definite and free from inconsistencies. (Sy Ching v.
Gaw Lui, 44 SCRA 148-149) "Samples" are not for sale and therefore, the fact of
(2) . . . . no condition as to the possession of a domicile or establishment in the exporting them to the Philippines cannot be considered to be equivalent to the "use"
country where protection is claimed may be required of persons entitled to the contemplated by the law. Respondent did not expect income from such "samples".
benefits of the Union for the enjoyment of any industrial property of any industrial There were no receipts to establish sale, and no proof were presented to show that
property rights. (p. 28, Petition; p. 29, Rollo in G.R. No. 91332.) they were subsequently sold in the Philippines. (Pagasa Industrial Corp. v. Court of
Appeals, 118 SCRA 526 [1982]; Emphasis Supplied) The records show that the
Yet petitioners' perception along this line is nonetheless resolved by Sections 2 and 2-
petitioner has never conducted any business in the Philippines. It has never
A of the Trademark Law which speak loudly, about necessity of actual commercial
promoted its tradename or trademark in the Philippines. It is unknown to Filipino
use of the trademark in the local forum:
except the very few who may have noticed it while travelling abroad. It has never
Sec. 2. What are registrable. — Trademarks, tradenames and service marks owned paid a single centavo of tax to the Philippine government. Under the law, it has no
by persons, corporations, partnerships or associations domiciled in the Philippines right to the remedy it seeks. (at pp. 589-591.)
and by persons, corporations, partnerships or associations domiciled in any foreign
In other words, petitioners may have the capacity to sue for infringement irrespective
country may be registered in accordance with the provisions of this Act; Provided,
of lack of business activity in the Philippines on account of Section 21-A of the
That said trademarks, tradenames, or service marks are actually in use in
Trademark Law but the question whether they have an exclusive right over their
commerce and services not less than two months in the Philippines before the time
symbol as to justify issuance of the controversial writ will depend on actual use of
the applications for registration are filed; And provided, further, That the country of
their trademarks in the Philippines in line with Sections 2 and 2-A of the same law. It
which the applicant for registration is a citizen grants by law substantially similar
is thus incongruous for petitioners to claim that when a foreign corporation not
privileges to citizens of the Philippines, and such fact is officially certified, with a
licensed to do business in Philippines files a complaint for infringement, the entity
certified true copy of the foreign law translated into the English language, by the
need not be actually using its trademark in commerce in the Philippines. Such a
government of the foreign country to the Government of the Republic of the
foreign corporation may have the personality to file a suit for infringement but it may
Philippines. (As amended by R.A. No. 865).
not necessarily be entitled to protection due to absence of actual use of the emblem
Sec. 2-A. Ownership of trademarks, tradenames and service marks; how acquired. — in the local market.
Anyone who lawfully produces or deals in merchandise of any kind or who engages in
Going back to the first assigned error, we can not help but notice the manner the
any lawful business, or who renders any lawful service in commerce, by actual use
ascription was framed which carries with it the implied but unwarranted assumption
thereof in manufacture or trade, in business,and in the service rendered, may
of the existence of petitioners' right to relief. It must be emphasized that this aspect
appropriate to his exclusive use a trademark, a tradename, or a service mark not so
of exclusive dominion to the trademarks, together with the corollary allegation of
appropriated by another, to distinguish his merchandise, business or service from the
irreparable injury, has yet to be established by petitioners by the requisite quantum
merchandise, business or service of others. The ownership or possession of a
of evidence in civil cases. It cannot be denied that our reluctance to issue a writ of
trademark, tradename, service mark, heretofore or hereafter appropriated, as in this
preliminary injunction is due to judicial deference to the lower courts, involved as
section provided, shall be recognized and protected in the same manner and to the
there is mere interlocutory order (Villarosa vs. Teodoro, Sr., 100 Phil. 25 [1956]). In
same extent as are other property rights known to the law. (As amended by R.A. No.
point of adjective law, the petition has its roots on a remedial measure which is but
638). (Kabushi Kaisha Isetan vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, 203 SCRA 583 [1991],
ancillary to the main action for infringement still pending factual determination before
at pp. 589-590; emphasis supplied.)
the court of origin. It is virtually needless to stress the obvious reality that critical
Following universal acquiescence and comity, our municipal law on trademarks facts in an infringement case are not before us more so when even Justice Feliciano's
regarding the requirement of actual use in the Philippines must subordinate an opinion observes that "the evidence is scanty" and that petitioners "have yet to
international agreement inasmuch as the apparent clash is being decided by a submit copies or photographs of their registered marks as used in cigarettes" while
municipal tribunal (Mortensen vs. Peters, Great Britain, High Court of Judiciary of private respondent has not, for its part, "submitted the actual labels or packaging
Scotland, 1906, 8 Sessions 93; Paras, International Law and World Organization, materials used in selling its "Mark" cigarettes." Petitioners therefore, may not be
1971 Ed., p. 20). Withal, the fact that international law has been made part of the permitted to presume a given state of facts on their so called right to the trademarks
law of the land does not by any means imply the primacy of international law over which could be subjected to irreparable injury and in the process, suggest the fact of
national law in the municipal sphere. Under the doctrine of incorporation as applied infringement. Such a ploy would practically place the cart ahead of the horse. To our
in most countries, rules of international law are given a standing equal, not superior, mind, what appears to be the insurmountable barrier to petitioners' portrayal of
to national legislative enactments (Salonga and Yap, Public International Law, Fourth whimsical exercise of discretion by the Court of Appeals is the well-taken remark of
ed., 1974, p. 16). said court that:

The aforequoted basic provisions of our Trademark Law, according to Justice The petitioner[s] will not be prejudiced nor stand to suffer irreparably as a
Gutierrez, Jr., in Kabushi Kaisha Isetan vs. Intermediate Appellate Court (203 SCRA consequence of the lifting of the preliminary injunction considering that they are not
583 [1991]), have been construed in this manner: actually engaged in the manufacture of the cigarettes with the trademark in question
and the filing of the counterbond will amply answer for such damages. (p.
A fundamental principle of Philippine Trademark Law is that actual use in commerce 54. Rollo in G.R. No. 91332.)
in the Philippines is a pre-requisite to the acquisition of ownership over a trademark
or a tradename. More telling are the allegations of petitioners in their complaint (p. 319, Rollo G.R. No.
91332) as well as in the very petition filed with this Court (p. 2, Rollo in G.R. No.
These provisions have been interpreted in Sterling Products International, Inc. v. 91332) indicating that they are not doing business in the Philippines, for these frank
Farbenfabriken Bayer Actiengesellschaft (27 SCRA 1214 [1969]) in this way: representations are inconsistent and incongruent with any pretense of a right which
can breached (Article 1431, New Civil Code; Section 4, Rule 129; Section 3, Rule 58,
A rule widely accepted and firmly entrenched because it has come down through the Revised Rules of Court). Indeed, to be entitled to an injunctive writ, petitioner must
years is that actual use in commerce or business is a prerequisite to the acquisition of show that there exists a right to be protected and that the facts against which
the right of ownership over a trademark. injunction is directed are violative of said right (Searth Commodities Corporation vs.
Court of Appeals, 207 SCRA 622 [1992]). It may be added in this connection that
Adoption alone of a trademark would not give exclusive right thereto. Such right albeit petitioners are holders of certificate of registration in the Philippines of their
grows out of their actual use. Adoption is not use. One may make advertisements, symbols as admitted by private respondent, the fact of exclusive ownership cannot
issue circulars, give out price lists on certain goods; but these alone would not give be made to rest solely on these documents since dominion over trademarks is not
exclusive right of use. For trademark is a creation of use. The underlying reason for acquired by the mere fact of registration alone and does not perfect a trademark
all these is that purchasers have come to understand the mark as indicating the right (Unno Commercial Enterprises, Inc. vs. General Milling Corporation, 120 SCRA
origin of the wares. Flowing from this is the trader's right to protection in the trade 804 [1983]).
he has built up and the goodwill he has accumulated from use of the trademark. . . .
Even if we disregard the candid statements of petitioners anent the absence of
In fact, a prior registrant cannot claim exclusive use of the trademark unless it uses it business activity here and rely on the remaining statements of the complaint below,
in commerce. still, when these averments are juxtaposed with the denials and propositions of the
answer submitted by private respondent, the supposed right of petitioners to the
We rule[d] in Pagasa Industrial Corporation v. Court of Appeals (118 SCRA 526 symbol have thereby been controverted. This is not to say, however, that the manner
[1982]): the complaint was traversed by the answer is sufficient to tilt the scales of justice in
favor of private respondent. Far from it. What we are simply conveying is another
basic tenet in remedial law that before injunctive relief may properly issue,
complainant's right or title must be undisputed and demonstrated on the strength of It seems to me that the issues involved in this case are rather more complex than
one's own title to such a degree as to unquestionably exclude dark clouds of doubt, what has been assumed to be the case by the majority opinion. For this and related
rather than on the weakness of the adversary's evidence, inasmuch as the possibility reasons, there is set out below a statement of the relevant facts (as I see them) that
of irreparable damage, without prior proof of transgression of an actual existing right, is more extensive than what is ordinarily found in dissenting opinions.
is no ground for injunction being mere damnum absque injuria (Talisay-Silay Milling
Co., Inc. vs. CFI of Negros Occidental, 42 SCRA 577 [1971]; Francisco, Rules of Court, Petitioner Philip Morris, Inc. is a corporation organized and existing under the law of
Second ed., 1985, p. 225; 3 Martin, Rules of Court, 1986 ed., p. 82). Virginia, U.S.A. Petitioners Benson & Hedges (Canada), Inc. and Fabriques de Tabac
Reunies, S.A., both wholly owned subsidiaries of Philip Morris, Inc., are organized
On the economic repercussion of this case, we are extremely bothered by the and existing under the law of Canada and Switzerland, respectively.
thought of having to participate in throwing into the streets Filipino workers engaged
in the manufacture and sale of private respondent's "MARK" cigarettes who might be Philip Morris, Inc. is registered owner of the trademark "MARK VII" for cigarettes. Its
retrenched and forced to join the ranks of the many unemployed and unproductive ownership thereof is evidenced by Philippine Patent Office Trademark Certificate of
as a result of the issuance of a simple writ of preliminary injunction and this, during Registration No. 18723, dated 26 April 1973. The statement attached to the
the pendency of the case before the trial court, not to mention the diminution of tax Certificate of Registration states that the trademark "MARK VII" had been registered
revenues represented to be close to a quarter million pesos annually. On the other in the United States Patent Office, on the Principal Register, under Certificate of
hand, if the status quo is maintained, there will be no damage that would be suffered Registration No. 888,931 issued on 7 April 1970. The statement also requested that
by petitioners inasmuch as they are not doing business in the Philippines. the trademark be registered in the Philippine Patent Office on the Principal Register in
accordance with Section 37 of R.A. No. 166, as amended.
With reference to the second and third issues raised by petitioners on the lifting of
the writ of preliminary injunction, it cannot be gainsaid that respondent court acted Benson & Hedges (Canada), Inc. is the registered owner of the trademark "MARK
well within its prerogatives under Section 6, Rule 58 of the Revised Rules of Court: TEN" also for cigarettes, as evidenced by Philippine Patent Office Trademark
Certificate of Registration No. 11147, dated 28 May 1964, on the Principal Register.
Sec. 6. Grounds for objection to, or for motion of dissolution of injunction. — The This Trademark Certificate of Registration was originally issued in the name of
injunction may be refused or, if granted ex parte, may be dissolved, upon the Canadian Tabacofina Ltd. and later assigned to Benson & Hedges (Canada), Inc.
insufficiency of the complaint as shown by the complaint itself, with or without notice Petitioners alleged that the name Canadian Tabacofina Ltd. was later changed to
to the adverse party. It may also be refused or dissolved on other grounds upon Benson & Hedges (Canada) Ltd. This trademark Certificate of Registration was
affidavits on the part of the defendants which may be opposed by the plaintiff also by renewed on 28 May 1984. The statement attached thereto stated that the " date of
affidavits. It may further be refused or, if granted, may be dissolved, if it appears first use of the trademark 'MARK TEN' in trade in or with the Philippines is April 15,
after hearing that although the plaintiff is entitled to the injunction, the issuance or 1963," and that trademark had "been in actual use in commerce over the Philippines
continuance thereof, as the case may be, would cause great damage to the continuously for two months."
defendant while the plaintiff can be fully compensated for such damages as he may
suffer, and the defendant files a bond in an amount fixed by the judge conditioned Fabriques de Tabac Reunies, S.A. is registered owner of the trademark "LARK" also
that he will pay all damages which the plaintiff may suffer by the refusal or the for cigarettes, as evidenced by Philippine Patent Office Trademark Certificate of
dissolution of the injunction. If it appears that the extent of the preliminary injunction Registration No. 10953, dated 25 March 1964. This Trademark Certificate of
granted is too great, it must be modified. Registration was originally issued in the name of Ligget and Myres Tobacco Company
was later assigned to Fabriques de Tabac Reunies, S.A. Petitioners alleged that the
Under the foregoing rule, injunction may be refused, or, if granted, may be dissolved, name of Liggett and Myres Tobacco Company was changed later to Fabriques de
on the following instances: Tabac Reunies, S.A. The statement attached to this Certificate of Registration states
that the trademark "LARK" was first used by Ligget and Myres Tobacco Company on
(1) If there is insufficiency of the complaint as shown by the allegations 31 May 1920, and first used by it "in commerce in or with the Philippines on February
therein. Refusal or dissolution may be granted in this case with or without notice to 6, 1963" and has been continuously used by it "in trade in or with the Philippines
the adverse party. since February 6, 1963."
(2) If it appears after hearing that although the plaintiff is entitled to the injunction, Sometime before 17 October 1981, private respondent Fortune Tobacco Corporation
the issuance or continuance thereof would cause great damage to the defendant, ("Fortune") commenced manufacturing and selling in the Philippines cigarettes under
while the plaintiff can be fully compensated for such damages as he may suffer. The the brandname "MARK." Fortune also filed on 13 February 1981 with the Philippine
defendant, in this case, must file a bond in an amount fixed by the judge conditioned Patent Office an application for registration of "MARK" as a trademark for cigarettes.
that he will pay all damages which plaintiff may suffer by the refusal or the
dissolution of the injunction. By a letter dated 17 October 1981, petitioner through their lawyers wrote to Fortune
stating that the manufacturing, selling and advertising of "MARK" cigarettes by
(3) On the other grounds upon affidavits on the part of the defendant which may be Fortune constituted an "infringement or an act of unfair competition with" petitioners'
opposed by the plaintiff also affidavits. "well-known international trademarks used on cigarettes and tobacco products which
were registered worldwide and with the Philippine Patent Office." Petitioners listed
Modification of the injunction may also be ordered by the court if it appears that the their Philippine Certificates of Registration for the trademarks "MARK VII," "MARK
extent of the preliminary injunction granted is too great. (3 Martin, Rules of Court, TEN," and "LARK." Petitioners then asked Fortune "to cease and desist from further
1986 ed., p. 99; Francisco, supra, at p. 268.) manufacturing; selling or advertising 'MARK' cigarettes," otherwise appropriate court
actions would be filed without further notice.
In view of the explicit representation of petitioners in the complaint that they are not
engaged in business in the Philippines, it inevitably follows that no conceivable On 18 August 1982, petitioners commenced action before the Court of First Instance
damage can be suffered by them not to mention the foremost consideration of Pasig, Metro Manila (Civil Case No. 47374). In their complaint, petitioners alleged
heretofore discussed on the absence of their "right" to be protected. At any rate, and that they were not doing business in the Philippines but had nonetheless the right
assuming in gratia argumenti that respondent court erroneously lifted the writ it and the capacity to bring the instant suit; that they were owners of Philippine Patent
previously issued, the same may be cured by appeal and not in the form of a petition Office Trademark Certificates of Registration which were in full force and effect,
for certiorari (Clark vs. Philippine Ready Mix Concrete Co., 88 Phil. 460 [1951]). Verily, covering "MARK VII," "MARK TEN," and "LARK," all for cigarettes (except the last
and mindful of the rule that a writ of preliminary injunction is an interlocutory order which also covered chewing and smoking tobacco); that they had registered those
which is always under the control of the court before final judgment, petitioners' trademarks in their respective countries of origin and in other countries the world and
criticism must fall flat on the ground, so to speak, more so when extinction of the that by virtue of their "long and extensive use [had] gained international fame and
previously issued writ can even be made without previous notice to the adverse party acceptance;" that they had their respective real and effective industrial or commercial
and without a hearing (Caluya vs. Ramos, 79 Phil. 640 [1974]; 3 Moran, Rules of establishments in the United States, Canada and Switzerland, which countries were,
Court, 1970 ed., p. 81). like the Philippines, members of the Convention of Paris for the Protection of
Industrial Property; that under that Convention each member-country undertakes to
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DISMISSED and the Resolutions of the Court of
prohibit the use of a trademark which constitutes a reproduction, imitation or
Appeals dated September 14, 1989 and November 29, 1989 are hereby AFFIRMED.
translation of a mark already belonging to a person entitled to the benefits of the
SO ORDERED. Convention and use for identical or similar goods; that petitioner Fabriques de Tabac
Reunies, S.A. had long been using trademark "LARK" throughout the world, including
Bidin, J., concurs. the Philippines where its products bearing the trademark "LARK" had been sold in the
duty-free market, and advertised and marketted in the Philippines at least since 1964
Davide, Jr., concurs in the result. and have continued to be so to present; that Fortune had without previous consent,
authority or license from petitioners, with knowledge of the popularity of petitioners'
Romero, J. took no part. marks and their Philippine registrations, manufactured, advertised and sold cigarettes
bearing the identical or confusingly similar trademark "MARK" which unauthorized use
Separate Opinions constituted an act of infringement under Section 22 of R.A. No. 166, as amended;
that thereby the public and the patronizers of petitioners' products were being
FELICIANO, J., dissenting:
deceived into buying Fortune's cigarettes under the impression and mistaken belief
I find myself unable to join in the opinion prepared by my distinguished brother, that Fortune's cigarettes were identical with, or came from the same source as,
Melo, J. petitioners' products or that Fortune was licensee of petitioners, which it was not;
that the infringement by Fortune of petitioners' trademarks have inflicted damages Petitioners also invited attention to a certification dated 8 August 1986 issued by Mr.
upon petitioners; that the continued unauthorized and unlicensed manufacture and Luis M. Daca, Jr., Assistant Director, Philippine Patent Office, to the effect that
sale by Fortune of its infringing products during the litigation would work injustice Fortune's application for the mark "MARK" for cigarettes was declared abandoned as
and cause irreparable injury to petitioners in violation of their property rights and of 16 February 1986 and was now deemed forfeited. In addition, petitioners
moreover tend to render the judgment which the court might render ineffectual. explained in some detail how Fortune's use of its mark "MARK" was "destructive of
Petitioners accordingly asked for a writ of preliminary injunction to restrain Fortune [petitioners'] property right to [their] registered trademarks."5 Further, petitioners
from manufacturing or selling "MARK" cigarettes, and after trial, to make such assailed Fortune's argument that issuance of preliminary injunction would cause "loss
preliminary injunction permanent and to order Fortune's infringing materials to be of revenue and taxes to the Government" and that more damages would be
destroyed, and for damages. sustained by Fortune than by petitioners since the petitioners do not market their
cigarettes in the Philippines.
Fortune filed an Opposition to petitioners' prayer for preliminary injunction. On 28
March 1983, the trial court1 issued an Order denying petitioners' motion for After Fortune had filed an Opposition to petitioners' Second Motion, the trial court,
preliminary injunction. In rendering that order, the trial court, while noting that this time presided over by Judge Nicolas Galing, issued an Order dated 22 April 1987
petitioners were holders of Philippine Certificates of Trademark Registration, relied denying once more the motion for issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction. In this
heavily on three (3) factors: order, Judge Galing relied on two (2) points: firstly, according to the trial judge,
petitioners had not shown that the products they sought to protect from Fortune's
Firstly, that petitioners were foreign corporations not doing business in the "MARK" cigarettes were "in actual use and available for commercial purposes
Philippines; anywhere in the Philippines;" and secondly, it appeared that while Fortune's original
application had been abandoned, it could be refiled and was in fact re-filed. Thus,
Secondly, that Fortune's application for a registration as trademark of the word Judge Galing in effect reiterated Judge Reyes's position that until the Director of
"MARK" for cigarettes was then pending before the Philippine Patent Office; and Patents had definitely acted upon Fortune's application for registration of "MARK,"
petitioners' prayer for preliminary injunction could not be granted.
Thirdly, that Fortune was the "only party authorized" by the Bureau of Internal
Revenue ("BIR") to manufacture cigarettes bearing the mark "MARK" in the Petitioners then filed a Petition for Review with the Supreme Court, which Petition
Philippines. was docketed as G.R. No. 78141. The Court ordered respondents to file their
Comments on the Petition and on 30 September 1987, the Court referred the Petition
In respect of the first point, the trial court was obviously heavily influenced by
to the Court of Appeals.
Fortune's argument that because petitioners were not doing business in the
Philippines, which meant that "they [were] not engaged in the sale, manufacture, In due course of time, the Court of Appeals, through Cacdac, Jr., J.,6 rendered a
importation, exportation and advertisement of their cigarette products in the decision on 5 May 1989 setting aside the 22 April 1987 order of the trial court and
Philippines," Fortune's manufacture and sale of its "MARK" cigarettes could not be ordering issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction upon filing of a bond by
said to be causing petitioners "irreparable damage" within the Philippines. In respect petitioners in the sum of P200,000.00 to be approved by the appellate court,
to the second point, the trial judge felt that because the Director of Patents had not, "enjoining the private respondents, its agents, employees and representatives from
at that point, denied Fortune's pending application for registration of its trademark manufacturing, selling and/or advertising "MARK" cigarettes until further orders." The
"MARK," the grant of a preliminary injunction was premature. With regard to the third Court of Appeals said in pertinent part:
point, the judge noted a letter dated 30 January 1979 2 of the then Acting
Commissioner of Internal Revenue Mr. Conrado P. Diaz, temporarily granting the There is no dispute that petitioners are the registered owners of the trademarks for
request of Fortune for a permit to manufacture two (2) new brands of cigarettes, one cigarettes "MARK VII," "MARK TEN," and "LARK". (Annexes B, C and D, Petition). As
of which was "MARK." The trial judge also noted that the BIR letter contained the found and reiterated by the Philippine Patent Office in two (2) official
following paragraph: communications dated April 6, 1983 and January 24, 1984, the trademark "MARK" is
"confusingly similar" to the trademarks of petitioners, hence, registration was barred
Please be informed further that this authority herein granted does not give you under Sec. 4(d) of Rep. Act No. 166, as amended (pp. 106, 139 SCA rollo). In a third
protection against any person or entity whose rights may be prejudiced by official communication dated April 8, 1986, the trademark application of private
infringement or unfair competition in relation to your above named respondent for the mark "MARK" under Serial No. 44008 filed on February 13, 1981
brands/trademarks. 3 which was declared abandoned as of February 16, 1986, is now deemed forfeited,
there being no revival made pursuant to Rule 98 of the Revised Rules of Practitioners
The trial judge, however, apparently gave no weight at all to this caveat.
in Trademark Cases.' (p. 107, CA rollo). The foregoing documents or communications
Petitioners sought, on 15 April 1983, reconsideration of Judge Reyes' Order denying mentioned by petitioners as "the changes in material facts which occurred after
preliminary injunction. After Fortune had filed an Opposition to petitioners' Motion for March 28, 1983", are not also questioned by respondents.7 (Emphasis supplied)
Reconsideration, and petitioners had filed their Reply and Fortune a Rejoinder, and
The Court of Appeals also noted the BIR letter of 30 January 1979 temporarily
after an offer of exhibits by the parties respectively, Judge Reyes issued on 5 April
granting Fortune's request for a permit to manufacture two (2) new brands of
1984 another Order denying the Motion for Reconsideration. In his second order, the
cigarettes, including one branded "MARK," and the caveat (earlier noted)8 that the
trial judge laid great stress on the fact that Fortune's application for registration of its
BIR's authorization would not give Fortune any protection against any person or
trademark "MARK" for cigarettes remained subsisting. On the basis, Judge Reyes
entity whose rights may be prejudiced by infringement or unfair competition on the
denied petitioners' motion for reconsideration.
part of Fortune. The Court of Appeals also referred to the certificate dated 26
More than two (2) years later, petitioners filed a "Second Motion for Issuance of September 1986 of Mr. Cesar G. Sandico, then Director of Patents, issued upon
Preliminary Injunction" dated 1 September 1986. In their Second Motion, petitioners request of Fortune's counsel stating that there was a pending application for
invited attention to Paper No. 3, dated 6 April 1983, relating to Fortune's application registration of the trademark "MARK" for cigarettes under Serial No. 59872, filed on
for registration of its brandname "MARK." This Paper No. 3 reproduced a letter to 16 September 1986, noting at the same time, that Director Sandico's certification
Fortune's counsel by Bienvenido A. Palisoc, Senior Trademark Examiner, and Wilfredo contained the following caveat or qualification:
T. Jaramillo, Trademark Examiner, stating that:
This certification, however, does not give protection as against any person or entity
This application [for registration of "Mark"] has been examined. whose right may be prejudiced by infringement or unfair competition in relation to
the aforesaid trademark nor the right to register as contrary to the provisions of the
Caption mark of the application must tally with the drawing on file. Trademark Law, Republic Act No. 166 as amended and the Revised Rules of Practice
in Trademark Cases. (Emphasis supplied)
Subject mark is confusingly similar with the following marks on file:
The Court of Appeals then went on to say that:
a. "Mark" with Reg. No. SR-2659 for cigarettes.
[We] believe and hold that petitioners have shown a prima facie case for the
b. "Mark VII" with Reg. No. 18723 for cigarettes. issuance of the writ of prohibitory injunction for the purposes stated in their
complaint and subsequent motions for the issuance of the prohibitory writ. (Buayan
c. "Mark Ten" with Reg. No. 11147 for cigarettes. Cattle Co. v. Quintillan, 125 SCRA 276).
d. "Lark" with Reg. No. 10953 for cigarettes. The requisites for the granting of preliminary injunction are the existence of the right
protected and the facts against which the injunction is to be directed as violative of
Hence, registration is barred under Sec . 4 (d) of Rep. Act No. 166 as amended. said right. (Buayan Cattle Co. v. Quintillan, supra; Ortigas & Co. vs. Ruiz, 148 SCRA
326). It is a writ framed according to the circumstances of the case commanding an
Subject mark has no trademark significance and can not serve its purpose as to
act which the Court regards as essential to justice and restraining an act it deems
indicate the source and origin of goods.
contrary to equity and good conscience (Rosauro vs. Cuneta, 151 SCRA 570). If it is
Furthermore, the word "Mark" is generic and therefore incapable of exclusive not issued, the defendant may, before final judgment, do or continue the doing of
appropriation. the act which the plaintiff asks the court to restrain, and thus make ineffectual the
final judgment rendered afterwards granting the relief sought by the plaintiff (Calo vs.
Makati, Metro Manila, April 6, 1983. 4 (Emphasis supplied) Roldan, 76 Phil. 445). Generally, its grant or denial rests upon the sound discretion of
the Court except on a clear case of abuse (Belish Investment & Finance Co. vs.
Statement House, 151 SCRA 636). Petitioners' right of exclusivity to their registered trademark "MARK" after the Director of Patents shall have rejected the application to
trademarks being clear and beyond question, the respondent court's denial of the register it, and the admonitions of the Supreme Court. 11
prohibitive writ constituted excess of jurisdiction and grave abuse of discretion . If the
lower court does not grant preliminary injunction, the appellate court may grant the The Court required private respondent to file a comment. The comment reiterated
same (Service Specialists, Inc. v. Sheriff of Manila. 145 SCRA 139).9 (Emphasis the basic arguments made by private respondent before the Court of Appeals:
a. the petitioners are not suffering any irreparable damage by the lifting of the
Fortune moved for reconsideration of the Decision of the Court of Appeals insisting preliminary injunction by the Court of appeals. Whatever damages they might suffer
that petitioners must first prove their "clear, unmistakable and unquestioned right to are "based purely on speculation, since by judicial admission, petitioners are not
the writ, coupled with the possible damages it would suffer;" that petitioners had not doing business in the Philippines. Private respondent stressed that petitioners "are
suffered any "great and irreparable injury to speak of" because "petitioners have not manufacturing, importing or selling "MARK TEN," "MARK VII" or "LARK" in this
never done business in this country in the past nor in the future;" that, on the other country," notwithstanding "false allegation" that petitioners have been "using" the
hand, Fortune had been authorized by the BIR to manufacture "MARK" cigarettes, said trademarks "in commerce and trade" in the Philippines since 1963 up to the
"thereby generating much needed funds for the Government;" that Fortune's present.
application for registration of its brandname "MARK" with the Philippine Patent Office
"still pending" and not "finally rejected" by the Director of Patents. On 12 July 1989, b. that whatever damage petitioners may be suffering is negligible when compared to
the Court of Appeals issued a Minute Resolution stating that the issues and the taxes that would have to be foregone by the Government considering that private
arguments in Fortune's motion for reconsideration had been "fully discussed" in the respondent "paid an annual specific tax of P240 Million only on the manufacture and
Decision sought to be reconsidered, that no new arguments were raised, and sale of "MARK cigarettes." Private respondent claims that, in contrast, petitioners
accordingly denied the Motion for Reconsideration. which are foreign corporations "based in three different countries" have not
contributed anything to Government tax revenues.
Fortune then filed a "Motion to Dissolve Writ of Preliminary Injunction with Offer to
File Counterbond" date 25 July 1989, where it reiterated the basic arguments it c. that the Court of Appeals lifted the writ of preliminary injunction it had earlier
previously made. issued upon the submission of a counter bond in double the amount of the bond
submitted by petitioners, under Section 6, Rule 58 of the Rules of Court, which act
A "Supplemental Motion to Lift Writ of Preliminary Injunction with Offer of was within the sound discretion of the Court of Appeals . Private respondent also
Counterbond" dated 17 August 1989 was next filed by Fortune. In this "Supplemental stresses that the right of petitioners to the injunction was still being litigated before
Motion," Fortune averred that it had paid to the BIR for 1988 the amount of the trial court.
P181,940,177.38 for specific taxes; while for January to July 1989, it had paid the
amount of P120,120,735.28. Fortune also referred to its employees assigned to the Reformulating the issues raised by the petitioners here, we think the principal issues
manufacture of "MARK" cigarettes who were apparently apprehensive that their may be reduced to the following: firstly, is there a clear legal right to the relief asked
services would eventually be terminated and that they would join the ranks of the by petitioners in the form of a preliminary injunction to restrain private respondent
unemployed. from manufacturing, selling and distributing cigarettes under the trademark "MARK"?
The second question is: are private respondent's acts complained of by petitioners
Petitioners filed an Opposition to the "Motion to Dissolve" and a Comment on the causing irreparable injury to petitioners' rights in the premises? These two (2) basic
"Supplemental Motion" of Fortune. issues are obviously related and need to be addressed together.

On 14 September 1989, the Court of Appeals once more through Cacdac, I

Jr., J. issued a Resolution lifting the preliminary injunction it had earlier granted upon
the filing of counterbond by private respondent in the amount of P400,000.00 to The first point that needs to be stressed is that petitioners have Philippine Certificates
answer for any damages petitioners may suffer as a consequence of such lifting. In of Registration for their trademarks "MARK TEN", "MARK VII," and "LARK" in the
its Resolution, the Court of Appeals referred to the "lots of workers employed [who] Principal Register.
will be laid off as a consequence of the injunction" and that Government "will stand
Upon the other hand, private respondent's trademark "MARK" is not registered in the
to lose the amount of specific taxes being paid by" Fortune. It when went on to say:
Principal Register in the Office of the Director of Patents; private respondents is
After a thorough re-examination of the issues involved and the arguments advanced simply an applicant for registration of a mark, the status of which application may be
by both parties in the offer to file a counterbond and the opposition thereto, WE noted later.
believe that there are sound and cogent reasons for Us to grant the dissolution of the
It is important to stress the legal effects of registration of a trademark in the Principal
writ of preliminary injunction by the offer of the private respondent to put up a
Register in the Office of the Director of Patents. Section 20 of R.A. No. 166, as
counterbond to answer for whatever damages the petitioner may suffer as a
amended, sets out the principal legal effects of such registration:
consequence of the dissolution of the preliminary injunction.
Sec. 20. Certificate of registration prima facie evidence of validity. — A certificate of
The petitioner will not be prejudiced nor stand to suffer irreparably as a consequence
registration, of a mark or a trade name shall be prima facie evidence of the validity of
of the lifting of the preliminary injunction considering that they are not actually
the registration, the registrant's ownership of the mark or trade name, and of the
engaged in the manufacture of the cigarettes with the trademarks in question and
registrant's exclusive right to use the same in connection with the goods, business or
the filing of the counterbond will amply answer for such damages.
services specified in the certificate, subject to any conditions and limitations stated
While the rule is that an offer of a counterbond does not operate to dissolve an therein. (Emphasis supplied)
injunction previously granted, nevertheless, it is equally true that an injunction could
In Lorenzana v. Macagba, 12 the Court distinguished between the effects of
be dissolved only upon good and valid grounds subject to the sound discretion of the
registration in the Principal Register and registration in the Supplemental Register in
court. As WE have maintained the view that there are sound and good reasons to lift
the following manner:
the preliminary injunction the motion to file a counterbond is granted. 10(Emphasis
supplied) (1) Registration in the Principal Register gives rise to a presumption of the validity of
the registration, the registrant's ownership of the mark, and his right to the exclusive
Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration, without success.
use thereof. There is no such presumption in registrations in the Supplemental
In the instant Petition, petitioners make the following basic submissions: Register.

1. that the Court of Appeals gravely abused its discretion amounting to excess of (2) Registration in the Principal Register is limited to the actual owner of the
jurisdiction when it required, contrary to law and jurisprudence that in order that trademark (Unno Commercial Enterprises v. Gen. Milling Corp., 120 SCRA 804 [1983])
petitioners may suffer irreparable injury due to the lifting of the injunction, petitioners and proceedings therein pass on the issue of ownership, which may be contested
should be using actually their registered trademarks in commerce in the Philippines; through opposition or interference proceedings, or after registration, in a petition for
2. that the Court of Appeals gravely abused its discretion amounting to excess of
jurisdiction when it lifted the injunction in violation of Section 6 of Rule 58 of the Registration in the Principal Register is constructive notice of the registrant's claims of
rules of Court; ownership, while registration in the Supplemental Register is merely proof of actual
use of the trademark and notice that the registrant has used or appropriated it. (Le
3. that the Court of Appeals gravely abused its discretion amounting to excess of Chemise Lacoste, S.A. v. Fernandez, 129 SCRA 373 [1984]: "Registration in the
jurisdiction when, after having found that the trial court had committed grave abuse Supplemental Register . . . serves as notice that the registrant is using or has
of discretion and exceeded its jurisdiction for having refused to issue the writ of appropriated the trademark.") It is not subject to opposition although it may be
injunction to restrain respondent's acts that are contrary to equity and good cancelled after its issuance. Corollarilly, registration in the Principal Register is a basis
conscience, it made a complete about face for legally insufficient grounds and for an action for infringement, while registration in the Supplemental Register is not.
authorized private respondent to continue performing the very same acts that it had
considered contrary to equity and good conscience, thereby ignoring not only the (3) In application for registration in the Principal Register, publication of the
mandates of the trademark law, the international commitments of the Philippines, the application is necessary. This is not so in applications for registration in the
judicial admission of private respondent that it will have no more right to use the Supplemental Register. Certificates of registration under both Registers are also
different from each other.
(4) Proof of registration in the Principal Register may be filed with the Bureau of to citizens of the Philippines, and such fact is officially certified, with a certified true
Customs to exclude foreign goods bearing infringing marks while it does not hold true copy of the foreign law translated into the English language, by the government of
for registrations in the Supplemental Register. 13 (Emphasis supplied) the foreign country to the Government of the Republic of the Philippines. (Emphasis
When taken with the companion presumption of regularity of performance of official
duty, it will be seen that issuance of a Certificate of Registration of a trademark in It is also entirely clear that foreign corporations and corporations domiciled in a
the Principal Register also gives rise to the presumption that foreign country are not disabled from bringing suit in Philippine courts to protect their
all requirements of Philippine law necessary for a valid registration (including prior rights as holders of trademarks registered in the Philippines. Under Section 21-A of
use in commerce in the Philippines for at least two [2] months) were complied with R.A. No. 166, as amended, any foreign corporation which is a holder of a trademark
and satisfied. registered under Philippine law may bring an action for infringement of such mark or
for unfair competition or false designation of origin and false description "whether or
In contrast, private respondent filed an application for registration of its mark "MARK" not it has been licensed to do business in the Philippines under the [Corporation Law]
for cigarettes with the Director of Patents soon after it commenced manufacturing at the time it brings complaint, subject to the proviso that:
and selling cigarettes trademark with "MARK." This application was abandoned or
"forfeited", 14 for failure of private respondent to file a necessary Paper with the . . . that the country of which the said foreign corporation or juristic person is a
Director of Patent. It also appears, however, that private respondent later re-filed or citizen or in which it is domiciled by treaty, convention or law, grants similar privilege
reinstated its application for registration of "MARK" 15 and that, so far as the record to corporate or juristic persons of the Philippines. (Emphasis supplied)
here before us is concerned, this application remains merely an application and has
not been granted and a Certificate of Registration in the Principal Register The rule thus embodied in Section 21-A of R.A. No. 166 as amended is also set out in
issued. 16 While final action does not appear as yet to have been taken by the Article 2 of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property ("Paris
Director of Patents on private respondent's application, there was at least a Convention"), to which the Philippines, the United States, Canada and Switzerland
preliminary determination of the trademark examiners that the trademark "MARK" are all parties. 18 Article 2 of the Paris Convention provides in relevant part:
was "confusingly similar" with petitioners' marks "MARK VII," "MARK TEN" and
"LARK" and that accordingly, registration was barred under Section 4 (d) of R.A. No. Article 2
166, as amended. 17
(1) Nationals of any country of the Union shall, as regards the protection of industrial
In the trial court, both Judge Reyes and Judge Galing took the position that until the property, enjoy in all the other countries of the Union the advantages that their
Director of Patents shall have finally acted on private respondent's application for respective laws now grant, or may hereafter grant, to nationals; all without prejudice
registration of "MARK," petitioners cannot be granted the relief of preliminary to the rights specially provided for by this Convention. Consequently, they shall have
injunction. It is respectfully submitted that this position is both erroneous and the same protection as the latter, and the same legal remedy against any
unfortunate. In reliance upon that position, private respondent has kept its infringement of their rights, provided that the conditions and formalities imposed
application for registration alive and pending. The Director of Patents in turn may upon national are complied with.
well have refrained from taking final action on that application, even in the absence
(2) However, no requirement as to domicile or establishment in the country where
of a restraining order from the courts, out of deference to the courts. The pendency
protection is claimed may be imposed upon nationals of countries of the Union for
of the application before the Director of Patents is not in itself a reason for denying
the enjoyment of any industrial property rights.
preliminary injunction. Our courts have jurisdiction and authority to determine
whether or not "MARK" is an infringement on petitioners' registered trademarks. Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Paris Convention embodies the principle of "national
Under our case law, the issuance of a Certificate of Registration of a trademark in the treatment" or "assimilation with nationals," one of the basic rules of the
Principal Register by the Director of Patents would not prevent a court from ruling on Convention. 19 Under Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Paris Convention, nationals of
whether or not the trademark so granted registration is confusingly similar with a Canada, Switzerland and the United States who are all countries of the Paris Union
previously registered trademark, where such issue is essential for resolution of a case are entitled to enjoy in the Philippines, also a country of the Union, the advantages
properly before the court. A fortiori, a mere application for registration cannot be a and protections which Philippine law grants to Philippine nationals. Article 2
sufficient reason for denying injunctive relief, whether preliminary or definitive. In the paragraph 2 of the Paris Convention restrains the Philippines from imposing a
case at bar, petitioners' suit for injunction and for damages for infringement, and requirement of local incorporation or establishment of a local domicile as a pre-
their application for a preliminary injunction against private respondent, cannot be requisite for granting to foreign nationals the protection which nationals of the
resolved without resolving the issue of claimed confusing similarity. Philippines are entitled to under Philippine law in respect of their industrial property
rights. It should be noted that Article 2, paragraph 2 also constitutes proof of
In the case at bar, the evidence of record is scanty. Petitioners have not submitted
compliance with the requirement of reciprocity between, on the one hand, the
actual copies or photographs of their registered marks as used in cigarettes. Private
Philippines and, on the other hand, Canada, Switzerland and the United States
respondent has not, for its part, submitted the actual labels or packaging material
required under Section 21-A of R.A. No. 166 as amended.
used in selling its "MARK" cigarettes. Petitioners have appended to their Petition a
photocopy of an advertisement of "MARK" cigarettes. Private respondent has not The net effect of the statutory and treaty provisions above referred to is that a
included in the record a copy of its application for registration of "MARK" for corporate national of a member country of the Paris Union is entitled to bring in
cigarettes, which would include a facsimile of the trademark being applied for. It Philippine courts an action for infringement of trademarks, or for unfair competition,
should be noted that "MARK" and "LARK," when read or pronounced orally, without necessity for obtaining registration or a license to do business in the
constitute idem sonans in striking degree. Further, "MARK" has taken over the Philippines. Article 2 as quoted above is in effect with respect to all four (4) countries.
dominant word in "MARK VII" and "MARK TEN." These circumstances, coupled with
private respondent's failure to explain how or why it chose, out of all the words in the Such has been the rule in our jurisdiction even before the enactment of R.A. No. 166
English language, the word "mark" to refer to its cigarettes, lead me to the and before the Philippines became a party to the Paris Convention. In Western
submission that there is a prima facie basis for holding, as the Patent Office has held Equipment and Supplies Company, et al. v. Reyes, etc., et al. , 20 petitioner Western
and as the Court of Appeals did hold originally, that private respondent's "MARK" Electrical Company, a U.S. manufacturer of electrical and telephone equipment and
infringes upon petitioners' registered trademarks. supplies not doing business in the Philippines, commenced action in a Philippine court
to protect its corporate name from unauthorized use thereof by certain Philippine
II residents. The Philippine residents sought to organize a Philippine corporation to be
known as "Western Electrical Company" for the purpose of manufacturing and selling
There is thus no question as to the legal rights of petitioners as holders of
electrical and telephone equipment in the Philippines. The local residents resisted the
trademarks registered in the Philippines. Private respondent, however, resists and
suit by contending, inter alia, that the petitioner Western Electrical Company had
assails petitioners' effort to enforce their legal rights by heavily underscoring the fact
never transacted business in the Philippines and that registration of private
that petitioners are not registered to do business in the Philippines and are not in fact
respondent's articles of incorporation could not in any way injure petitioner. The
doing business in the Philippines. It is thus necessary to determine what
Supreme Court, in rejecting this argument, stated that:
consequences, if any, flow from this circumstance so far as enforcement of
petitioners' rights as holders of registered Philippine trademarks is concerned. . . . a foreign corporation which has never done business in the Philippines — but is
widely and favorably known in the Philippines through the use therein of its products
It should be stressed at the outset that circumstance has no legal impact upon the
bearing its corporate name and tradename has a legal right to maintain an action in
right of petitioners to own and register their trademarks in the Philippines. Section 2
the [Philippines]. The purpose of such a suit is to protect its reputation, corporate
of R.A. No. 166 as amended expressly recognizes as registrable, under this statute,
name and goodwill which has been established through the natural development of
marks which are owned by corporations domiciled in any foreign country:
its trade for a long period of years in the doing of which it does not seek to enforce
Sec. 2. What are registrable. — Trademarks, trade names and service marks owned any legal or contract rights arising from or closing out of any business which it has
by persons, corporations, partnerships or associations domiciled in the Philippines transacted in the Philippines. . . .21 (Emphasis supplied)
and by persons, corporations, partnerships or associations domiciled in any foreign
Similarly, in Asari Yoko v. Kee Boc,22 a Japanese corporation, also not engaged in
country may be registered in accordance with the provisions of this Act; Provided,
any business in the Philippines, successfully opposed an application for registration of
That said trade marks, trade names or service marks are actually in use in commerce
its trademark "Race Brand" on shirts and undershirts by a local businessman, even
and services not less than two months in the Philippines before the time the
though the Japanese company had not previously registered its own mark "Race
applications for registration are filed: And provided further, That the country of which
Brand" in the Philippines.
the applicant for registration is a citizen grants by law substantially similar privileges
Again, in General Garments Corporation v. Director of Patents and Puritan Sportswear not necessarily be entitled to protection due to absence of actual use of the emblem
Corporation,23 Puritan Sportswear Corporation, an entity organized in Pennsylvania in the local market.
U.S.A. and not doing business in the Philippines, filed a petition for cancellation of the
mark "Puritan" which was registered in the name of petitioner General Garments With great respect, certain essential qualifications must be made respecting the
Corporation for assorted men's wear, undershirts, briefs, shirts, sweaters and jackets. above paragraph. Firstly, of the petitioners' three (3) marks here involved, two (2) of
Puritan Sportswear alleged ownership and prior use of the trademark "Puritan" in the them — i.e., "MARK TEN" and "LARK" — were registered in the Philippines on the
Philippines. Petitioner General Garments, on the other hand, contended that Puritan basis of actual use in the Philippines, precisely in accordance with the requirements
Sportswear, being a foreign corporation not licensed to do, and not doing, business of Section 2-A and Section 5 (A) of R.A. No. 166 as amended. The pre-registration
in the Philippines, could not maintain an action for cancellation of a trademark. The use in commerce and trade in the Philippines for at least two (2) months as required
Court, in upholding the Director of Patents' cancellation of the registration of the by the statute, is explicitly stated in the Certificates of Registration. The very fact that
mark "Puritan" in the name of General Garments, said: the appropriate Philippine Government office issued the Certificates of Registration
necessarily gave rise to the presumption that such pre-registration use had in fact
. . . .such mark should not have been registered in the first place (and consequently been shown to the satisfaction of the Philippine Patent Office (now the Bureau of
may be cancelled if so required) if it consists of Patents, Trademark and Technology Transfer ["BPTTT"]). It is important to note that
or comprises a mark or tradename which so resembles a mark or respondent Fortune has not purported to attack the validity of the trademarks "Mark
tradename . . . . previously used in the Philippines by another and not abandoned, as Ten" and "Lark" by pretending that no pre-registration use in commerce in the
to be likely, when applied to or used in connection with goods, business or services Philippines had been shown. 30
of the applicant, to cause confusion or mistake or to deceive
purchasers. 24 (Emphasis supplied) The third mark of petitioners — "MARK VII" — was registered in the Philippines on
the basis of Section 37 of R.A. No. 166 as amended, i.e., on the basis of registration
In Converse Rubber Corporation v. Universal Rubber Products, Inc., 25 petitioner in the country of origin and under the Paris Convention. In such registration, by the
Converse Rubber Corporation was an American manufacturer of rubber shoes, not express provisions of Section 37 (b) of R.A. No. 166 as amended, prior (pre-
doing business on its own in the Philippines and not licensed to do business in the registration) use in commerce in the Philippines need not be alleged.
Philippines, opposed the application for registration of the trademark "Universal
Converse and Device" to be used also in rubber shoes and rubber slippers by private Whether the Philippine trademark was based on actual use in the Philippines (under
respondent Universal Rubber Products, Inc. ("Universal"). In reversing the Director of Section 2-A) or on registration in a foreign country of origin (under Section 37), the
Patents and holding that Universal's application must be rejected, the Supreme Court statute appears to require that trademarks (at least trademarks not shown to be
said: internationally "well-known") must continue to be used in trade and commerce in the
Philippines. It is, however, essential to point out that such continued use, as a
The sales of 12 to 20 pairs a month of petitioner's rubber shoes cannot be considered requirement for the continued right to the exclusive use of the registered trademark,
insignificant, considering that they appear to be of high expensive quality, which not is presumed so long as the Certificate of Registration remains outstanding and so
too many basketball players can afford to buy. Any sale made by a legitimate trader long as the registered trademark owner complies with the requirements of Section 12
from his store is a commercial act establishing trademark rights since such sales are of R.A. No. 166 as amended of filing affidavits with the BPTTT on the 5th, 10th and
made in due course of business to the general public, not only to limited individuals. 15th anniversaries of the date of issuance of the Certificate of Registration, showing
It is a matter of public knowledge that all brands of goods filter into the market, that the trademark is still in use or showing that its non-use is not due to any
indiscriminately sold by jobbers, dealers and merchants not necessarily with the intention to abandon the same. In the case at bar, again, respondent Fortune has not
knowledge or consent of the manufacturer. Such actual sale of goods in the local explicitly pretended that the petitioners' trademarks have been abandoned by non-
market establishes trademark use which serves as the basis for any action aimed at use in trade and commerce in the Philippines although it appears to insinuate such
trademark pre-emption. It is a corollary logical deduction that while Converse Rubber non-use and abandonment by stressing that petitioners are not doing business in the
Corporation is not licensed to do business in the country and is not actually doing Philippines.
business here, it does not mean that its goods are not being sold here or that it has
not earned a reputation or goodwill as regards its products. The Director of Patents That petitioners are not doing business and are not licensed to do business in the
was, therefore, remiss in ruling that the proofs sales presented "was made by a Philippines, does not by any means mean either that petitioners have not complied
single witness who had never dealt with nor had never known opposer with the requirements of Section 12 of R.A. No. 166 relating to affidavits of continued
{petitioner} . . . without Opposer having a direct or indirect hand in the transaction use, or that petitioners' trademarks are not in fact used in trade and commerce in the
to be the basis of trademark pre-exemption. 26 (Emphasis supplied) Philippines. In the Converse case, as earlier noted, the Court held that the
circumstance that the foreign owner of a Philippine trademark is not licensed to do
Three (3) other cases may be noted. The first is La Chemise Lacoste, S.A. v. business and is not doing business in the Philippines, does not mean that petitioner's
Fernandez 27 La Chemise Lacoste, S.A. although a foreign corporation not engaged goods (that is, goods bearing petitioner's trademark) are not sold in the Philippines.
in and not licensed to do business in the Philippines , was accorded protection for its For cigarettes bearing petitioners' trademarks may in fact be imported into and be
trademarks "Lacoste", "Chemise Lacoste," and "Crocodile Device" for clothing and available for sale in the Philippines through the acts of importers or distributors .
sporting apparel. The Court recognized that those marks were "world famous Petitioners have stated that their "Mark VII," "Mark Ten" and "Lark" cigarettes are in
trademarks which the Philippines, as a party to the Paris Union, is bound to protect." fact brought into the country and available for sale here in, e.g., duty-free shops,
Similarly, in Del Monte Corporation, et al. v. Court of Appeals, et al., 28petitioner Del though not imported into or sold in the Philippines by petitioners themselves. There is
Monte Corporation was a company organized under the laws of the United States no legal requirement that the foreign registrant itself manufacture and sell its
and not engaged in business in the Philippines. Because both the Philippines and the products here. All the statute requires is the use in trade and commerce in the
United States are signatories to the Convention of Paris, which grants to nationals of Philippines, and that can be carried out by third party manufacturers operating under
the parties the rights and advantages which their own nationals enjoy for the license granted by the foreign registrant or by the importation and distribution of
repression of acts of infringement and unfair competition, the Court, having found finished products by independent importers or traders . The "use" of the trademark in
that private respondent's label was an infringement of Del Monte's trademark, held such instances by the independent third parties constitutes use of the foreign
Del Monte entitled to recover damages. registrant's trademarks to the benefit of the foreign registrant. 31

In Puma Sportschuhfabriken Rudolf Dassler, K.G. v. Intermediate appellate Court, et III

al, 29 petitioner Puma was a foreign corporation existing under the laws of the
Federal Republic of Germany not registered to do business and not doing business in We turn to petitioners' claim that they are suffering irreparable damage by reason of
the Philippines, filed a complaint for infringement of trademark and for issuance of a the manufacture and sale of cigarettes under the trademark "MARK." Here again, a
writ of preliminary injunction against a local manufacturing company. Reversing the basic argument of private respondent was that petitioners had not shown any
Court of Appeals, this Court held that Puma had legal capacity to bring the suit in the damages because they are not doing business in the Philippines. I respectfully
Philippines under Section 21-A of R.A. No. 166 as amended and under the provisions maintain that this argument is specious and without merit.
of the Paris Convention to which both the Philippines and the Federal Republic of
Germany are parties. The Court also noted that "Puma" is an internationally known That petitioners are not doing business and are not licensed to do business in the
brandname. Philippines, does not necessarily mean that petitioners are not in a position to sustain,
and do not in fact sustain, damage through trademark infringement on the part of a
The relevancy of the doctrines set out in the cases above cited are conceded by my local enterprise. 32 Such trademark infringement by a local company may, for one
distinguished brother Melo, J. in the majority opinion. The majority opinion, however, thing, affect the volume of importation into the Philippines of cigarettes bearing
goes on to say: petitioners' trademarks by independent or third party traders.

In other words, petitioners may have the capacity to sue for infringement irrespective The damage which the petitioners claim they are sustaining by reason of the acts of
of lack of business activity in the Philippines on account of Section 21-A of the private respondents, are not limited to impact upon the volume of actual imports into
Trademark Law but the question of whether they have an exclusive right over their the Philippines of petitioners' cigarettes. Petitioners urge that private respondent's
symbols as to justify issuance of the controversial writ will depend on actual use of use of its confusingly similar trademark "MARK" is invasive and destructive of
their trademarks in the Philippines in line with Sections 2 and 2-A of the same law. It petitioners property right in their registered trademarks because.
is thus incongruous for petitioners to claim that when a foreign corporation not
licensed to do business in the Philippines files a complaint for infringement, the entity a) Plaintiffs' undeniable right to the exclusive use of their registered trademarks is
need not be actually using its trademark in commerce in the Philippines. Such a effectively effaced by defendant's use of a confusingly similar trademark;
foreign corporation may have the personality to file a suit for infringement but it may
b) Plaintiffs would lose control of the reputation of their products as their reputation In Sta. Ana v. Maliwat,43 the Court, through J.B.L. Reyes, J., in holding that the use
will depend on defendant's commercial activities and the quality of defendant's of the name "Flormen" with respect to shoes was infringement of the mark
products "Flormann" used in the men's wear such as shirts, polo shirts and pants, said:

c) The market in the Philippines for plaintiffs' products will be pre-empted; Modern law recognizes that the protection to which the owner of a trade-mark is
entitled is not limited to guarding his goods or business from actual market
d) Purchasers will think that defendant's goods are approved or sponsored by plaintiff; competition with identical or similar products of the parties, but extends to all cases
in which the use by a junior appropriator of a trade-mark or trade-name is likely to
e) Defendant will be allowed to benefit from the reputation of the plaintiffs' goods lead to a confusing of source, as where prospective purchasers would be misled into
and trademarks; thinking that the complaining party has extended his business into the field (see 148
ALR 56 et seq; 52 Am. Jur. 576) or is in any way connected with the activities of the
f) Defendant will be effectively authorized to continually invade plaintiffs' property
infringer; or when it forestalls the normal potential expansion of his business (v. 148
rights, for which invasion no fair and reasonable redness can be had in a court of law;
ALR, 77, 84; 52 Am. Jur. 576, 577). . . . . 44 (Emphasis supplied)
Petitioners did not try to put a peso figure on their claimed damage arising from the
g) Plaintiffs will lose their goodwill and trade and the value of their registered
erosion and possible eventual destruction of the symbolic value of their trademark.
trademarks will irreparably diluted and the damages to be suffered by plaintiffs
Such damage, while not easily quantifiable, is nonetheless real and effective. I submit,
cannot be redressed fairly in terms of money. 33
with respect, that such continuing damage falls clearly within the concept of
Modern authorities on trademark law view trademarks as symbols which perform irreparable damage or injury described in Social Security Commission v. Bayona 45 in
three (3) distinct functions: first, they indicate origin or ownership of the articles to the following terms:
which they are attached; second, they guarantee that those articles come up to a
Damages are irreparable within the meaning of the rule relative to the issuance of
certain standard of quality; third, they advertise the articles they symbolize. 34
injunction where there is no standard by which their amount can be measured with
The first two (2) functions have long been recognized in trademark law which reasonable accuracy (Crouc v. Central Labor Council, 83 ALR, 193). "An irreparable
characterizes the goodwill or business reputation symbolized by a trademark as a injury which a court of equity will enjoin includes that degree of wrong of a repeated
property right protected by law. Thus, the owner of a trademark is held entitled to and continuing kind which produce hurt, inconvenience, or damage that can be
exclude others from the use of the same, or of a confusingly similar, mark where estimated only by conjecture, and not by any accurate standard of measurement"
confusion results in diversion of trade or financial injury. At the same time, (Phipps v. Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 7 ALR, 741). An irreparable injury to
trademarks warn against the imitation or faking of products and prevent the authorize an injunction consists of a serious charge of, or is destructive to, the
imposition of fraud upon the public. The first two (2) functions of trademarks were property if affects, either physically or in the character in which it has been held and
aptly stressed in e.g., the La Chemise Lacoste case where the objectives of enjoined, or when the property has some peculiar quality or use, so that its pecuniary
trademark protection were described in the following terms: value will not fairly recompense the owner of the loss thereof' (Dunker v. Field and
Tub Club, 92 P., 502).
. . . to stem the tide of fake and counterfeit consumer items flooding the Philippine
market or exported abroad from our country. The greater victim is not so much the Respondent corporations made a lengthy discourse on the matter of irreparable
manufacturer whose product is being faked but injury they may suffer if the injunction were not issued, but the array of figures they
the Filipino consuming public and in the case of exportations, our image abroad . . . . have laid out merely succeeded in proving that the damage, if any they may suffer,
We buy a kitchen appliance, a household tool, perfume, a face powder, other toilet is susceptible of mathematical computation. It is not then irreparable. As already
articles, watches, brandy or whisky, and items of clothing like jeans, T-shirts, stated, this term has a definite meaning in law. It does not have reference to the
neckties, etc. — the list is quite lengthy — and pay good money relying on the brand amount of damages that may be caused but rather to the difficulty of measuring the
name as guarantee of its quality and genuine nature only to explode in bitter damages inflicted. If full compensation can be obtained by way of damages, equity
frustration and helpless anger because the purchased item turns out to be a shoddy will not apply the remedy of injunction(28 Am. Jur., 244; 43 C.J.S., 427, 446). 46
imitation, albeit a clever looking counterfeit, of the quality product . . . . 35
I next turn to private respondent's claim that issuance of an injunction would impose
The third or advertisement function of trademark has become of especial importance heavy damage upon itself and upon Government. As noted, private respondent
given the modern technology of communication and transportation and the growth of stated that it had paid many millions of pesos as ad valorem and VAT taxes to the
international trade. 36 Through advertisement in the broadcast and print media, the Government in 1988 and 1989 in connection with its "MARK"
owner of the trademark is able to establish a nexus between its trademark products cigarettes. 47 Presumably, the total volume of its business associated with the
and the public in regions where the owner does not itself manufacture or sell its own manufacture and sale of cigarettes trademarked "MARK" would be even larger. In
products. 37 Through advertisement, a well-established and well-earned reputation addition, private respondent suggests, albeit indirectly only, that hundreds if not
may be gained in countries where the trademark owner has itself no established thousands of its employees would find themselves unemployed if it were restrained
business connection. 38 Goodwill may thus be seen to be much less closely confined from the manufacture and sale of "MARK" cigarettes.
territorially than, say, a hundred or fifty years ago. 39 It is no longer true that "a
Private respondent's claims concerning alleged damages both to itself and to the
trademark of itself cannot travel to markets where there is no article to wear the
Government, which obviously loomed very large in the mind of the majority here, and
badge and no trader to offer the article." 40 Advertisement of trademarks is geared
of the Court of Appeals when it lifted the injunction it had issued, appear to me to be
towards the promotion of use of the marked article and the attraction of potential
extravagant indeed. Petitioners cannot claim to be entitled to an injunction which
buyers and users;41 by fixing the identity of the marked article in the public mind, it
could restrain private respondent from manufacturing and selling cigarettes
prepares the way for growth in such commerce whether the commerce be handled
completely; petitioner do not pretend to be so entitled to such a comprehensive
by the trademark owner itself or by its licensees or independent traders.
injunction. Petitioners seek only the reinstatement of the original injunction issued by
That a registered trademark has value in itself apart from the trade physically the Court of Appeals, i.e., one that restrains private respondent from using the
accompanying its use, has been recognized by our Court. In Ang v. Teodoro,42 the trademark "MARK" on its cigarettes. There is nothing to prevent private respondent
Court was called upon the determine whether there was infringement in the use of from continuing to manufacture and sell cigarettes under any of its already existing
the same trademark on articles which do not belong to the same class of goods and registered trademarks, of which it has several, or under some new and specially
which the lawful trademark owner manufactures and sells. In holding that there was created trademark(s). Realistically, private respondent, if enjoined, would lose only
infringing use in such case, the Court said: the value of the packaging material imprinted with the same trademark (which
cigarettes and material may well be amenable to re-cycling) and the cost of past
Such unfair trading can cause injury or damage to the first user of a given trade- advertisements of "MARK" in media, if any. Thus, the apprehension on the part of the
mark, first, by prevention of the natural expansion of his business and, second, by majority which private respondent tried diligently to foment — that the Government
having his business reputation confused with and put at the mercy of the second would lose many millions of pesos in tax revenues and that many employees would
user. When noncompetitive products are sold under the same mark, the gradual lose their jobs, if an injunction is issued — is more apparent than real. The damages
whittling away or dispersion of the identity and hold upon the public mind of the private respondent would sustain from reinstatement of the preliminary injunction are
mark created by its first user, inevitably result. The original owner is entitled to the clearly quantifiable in pesos.
preservation of the valuable link between him and the public that has been created
by his ingenuity and the merit of his wares or services . Experience has demonstrated Besides, as pointed out by petitioners, to pay heed to private respondent's creative
that when a well-known trade-mark is adopted by another even for a totally different economic argument would ultimately mean that the greater the volume of sales and
class of goods, it is done to get the benefit of the reputation and advertisements of the profits of the infringer, the greater would be the infringer's claim to be entitled to
the originator of said mark, to convey to the public a false impression of some continue infringement. I respectfully submit that the law should not countenance
supposed connection between the manufacturer of the article sold under the original such a cynical result.
mark and the new articles being tendered to the public under the same or similar
My conclusion is that private respondent's claims concerning damage which it would
mark . . . The owner of a trademark or tradename has a property right in which he is
sustain if the petitioners were granted the injunction they seek, did not constitute a
entitled to protection, since there is damage to him in the form of confusion of
sufficient basis for overturning the original decision of the Court of Appeals. The
reputation or goodwill in the mind of the public as well as from confusion of goods .
Resolution of the Court of Appeals granting private respondent's Motion to Dissolve,
(Emphasis supplied)
in effect disregarded everything that Court had set out in its original Decision. The
mere offer and filing of a counterbond does not, by itself, provide a sufficient basis
for lifting the preliminary injunction earlier granted. For all the elements which which also covered chewing and smoking tobacco); that they had registered those
supported the original issuance of a preliminary injunction continued to exist. Private trademarks in their respective countries of origin and in other countries the world and
respondent's hyperbolic claims concerning the damages that it and the Government that by virtue of their "long and extensive use [had] gained international fame and
would sustain by reason of an injunction, had been made earlier both before the trial acceptance;" that they had their respective real and effective industrial or commercial
court and the Court of Appeals. Finally, it is not enough to say as private respondent establishments in the United States, Canada and Switzerland, which countries were,
says, that the Court of Appeals in granting its Motion to Dissolve the preliminary like the Philippines, members of the Convention of Paris for the Protection of
injunction was merely exercising its discretion; for the Court of Appeals obviously was Industrial Property; that under that Convention each member-country undertakes to
also exercising its discretion when it rendered its original Decision granting the prohibit the use of a trademark which constitutes a reproduction, imitation or
preliminary injunction. translation of a mark already belonging to a person entitled to the benefits of the
Convention and use for identical or similar goods; that petitioner Fabriques de Tabac
I vote to grant due course to the petition for Certiorari, to set aside the Resolution of Reunies, S.A. had long been using trademark "LARK" throughout the world, including
the respondent Court of Appeals dated 14 September 1989 in C.A.-G.R. SP No. 13132 the Philippines where its products bearing the trademark "LARK" had been sold in the
and to reinstate the Decision of that same Court dated 5 May 1989. duty-free market, and advertised and marketted in the Philippines at least since 1964
and have continued to be so to present; that Fortune had without previous consent,
authority or license from petitioners, with knowledge of the popularity of petitioners'
marks and their Philippine registrations, manufactured, advertised and sold cigarettes
# Separate Opinions
bearing the identical or confusingly similar trademark "MARK" which unauthorized use
FELICIANO, J., dissenting: constituted an act of infringement under Section 22 of R.A. No. 166, as amended;
that thereby the public and the patronizers of petitioners' products were being
I find myself unable to join in the opinion prepared by my distinguished brother, deceived into buying Fortune's cigarettes under the impression and mistaken belief
Melo, J. that Fortune's cigarettes were identical with, or came from the same source as,
petitioners' products or that Fortune was licensee of petitioners, which it was not;
It seems to me that the issues involved in this case are rather more complex than that the infringement by Fortune of petitioners' trademarks have inflicted damages
what has been assumed to be the case by the majority opinion. For this and related upon petitioners; that the continued unauthorized and unlicensed manufacture and
reasons, there is set out below a statement of the relevant facts (as I see them) that sale by Fortune of its infringing products during the litigation would work injustice
is more extensive than what is ordinarily found in dissenting opinions. and cause irreparable injury to petitioners in violation of their property rights and
moreover tend to render the judgment which the court might render ineffectual.
Petitioner Philip Morris, Inc. is a corporation organized and existing under the law of Petitioners accordingly asked for a writ of preliminary injunction to restrain Fortune
Virginia, U.S.A. Petitioners Benson & Hedges (Canada), Inc. and Fabriques de Tabac from manufacturing or selling "MARK" cigarettes, and after trial, to make such
Reunies, S.A., both wholly owned subsidiaries of Philip Morris, Inc., are organized preliminary injunction permanent and to order Fortune's infringing materials to be
and existing under the law of Canada and Switzerland, respectively. destroyed, and for damages.
Philip Morris, Inc. is registered owner of the trademark "MARK VII" for cigarettes. Its Fortune filed an Opposition to petitioners' prayer for preliminary injunction. On 28
ownership thereof is evidenced by Philippine Patent Office Trademark Certificate of March 1983, the trial court1 issued an Order denying petitioners' motion for
Registration No. 18723, dated 26 April 1973. The statement attached to the preliminary injunction. In rendering that order, the trial court, while noting that
Certificate of Registration states that the trademark "MARK VII" had been registered petitioners were holders of Philippine Certificates of Trademark Registration, relied
in the United States Patent Office, on the Principal Register, under Certificate of heavily on three (3) factors:
Registration No. 888,931 issued on 7 April 1970. The statement also requested that
the trademark be registered in the Philippine Patent Office on the Principal Register in Firstly, that petitioners were foreign corporations not doing business in the
accordance with Section 37 of R.A. No. 166, as amended. Philippines;

Benson & Hedges (Canada), Inc. is the registered owner of the trademark "MARK Secondly, that Fortune's application for a registration as trademark of the word
TEN" also for cigarettes, as evidenced by Philippine Patent Office Trademark "MARK" for cigarettes was then pending before the Philippine Patent Office; and
Certificate of Registration No. 11147, dated 28 May 1964, on the Principal Register.
This Trademark Certificate of Registration was originally issued in the name of Thirdly, that Fortune was the "only party authorized" by the Bureau of Internal
Canadian Tabacofina Ltd. and later assigned to Benson & Hedges (Canada), Inc. Revenue ("BIR") to manufacture cigarettes bearing the mark "MARK" in the
Petitioners alleged that the name Canadian Tabacofina Ltd. was later changed to Philippines.
Benson & Hedges (Canada) Ltd. This trademark Certificate of Registration was
renewed on 28 May 1984. The statement attached thereto stated that the "date of In respect of the first point, the trial court was obviously heavily influenced by
first use of the trademark 'MARK TEN' in trade in or with the Philippines is April 15, Fortune's argument that because petitioners were not doing business in the
1963," and that trademark had "been in actual use in commerce over the Philippines Philippines, which meant that "they [were] not engaged in the sale, manufacture,
continuously for two months." importation, exportation and advertisement of their cigarette products in the
Philippines," Fortune's manufacture and sale of its "MARK" cigarettes could not be
Fabriques de Tabac Reunies, S.A. is registered owner of the trademark "LARK" also said to be causing petitioners "irreparable damage" within the Philippines. In respect
for cigarettes, as evidenced by Philippine Patent Office Trademark Certificate of to the second point, the trial judge felt that because the Director of Patents had not,
Registration No. 10953, dated 25 March 1964. This Trademark Certificate of at that point, denied Fortune's pending application for registration of its trademark
Registration was originally issued in the name of Ligget and Myres Tobacco Company "MARK," the grant of a preliminary injunction was premature. With regard to the third
was later assigned to Fabriques de Tabac Reunies, S.A. Petitioners alleged that the point, the judge noted a letter dated 30 January 1979 2 of the then Acting
name of Liggett and Myres Tobacco Company was changed later to Fabriques de Commissioner of Internal Revenue Mr. Conrado P. Diaz, temporarily granting the
Tabac Reunies, S.A. The statement attached to this Certificate of Registration states request of Fortune for a permit to manufacture two (2) new brands of cigarettes, one
that the trademark "LARK" was first used by Ligget and Myres Tobacco Company on of which was "MARK." The trial judge also noted that the BIR letter contained the
31 May 1920, and first used by it "in commerce in or with the Philippines on February following paragraph:
6, 1963" and has been continuously used by it "in trade in or with the Philippines
since February 6, 1963." Please be informed further that this authority herein granted does not give you
protection against any person or entity whose rights may be prejudiced by
Sometime before 17 October 1981, private respondent Fortune Tobacco Corporation infringement or unfair competition in relation to your above named
("Fortune") commenced manufacturing and selling in the Philippines cigarettes under brands/trademarks. 3
the brandname "MARK." Fortune also filed on 13 February 1981 with the Philippine
Patent Office an application for registration of "MARK" as a trademark for cigarettes. The trial judge, however, apparently gave no weight at all to this caveat.

By a letter dated 17 October 1981, petitioner through their lawyers wrote to Fortune Petitioners sought, on 15 April 1983, reconsideration of Judge Reyes' Order denying
stating that the manufacturing, selling and advertising of "MARK" cigarettes by preliminary injunction. After Fortune had filed an Opposition to petitioners' Motion for
Fortune constituted an "infringement or an act of unfair competition with" petitioners' Reconsideration, and petitioners had filed their Reply and Fortune a Rejoinder, and
"well-known international trademarks used on cigarettes and tobacco products which after an offer of exhibits by the parties respectively, Judge Reyes issued on 5 April
were registered worldwide and with the Philippine Patent Office." Petitioners listed 1984 another Order denying the Motion for Reconsideration. In his second order, the
their Philippine Certificates of Registration for the trademarks "MARK VII," "MARK trial judge laid great stress on the fact that Fortune's application for registration of its
TEN," and "LARK." Petitioners then asked Fortune "to cease and desist from further trademark "MARK" for cigarettes remained subsisting. On the basis, Judge Reyes
manufacturing; selling or advertising 'MARK' cigarettes," otherwise appropriate court denied petitioners' motion for reconsideration.
actions would be filed without further notice.
More than two (2) years later, petitioners filed a "Second Motion for Issuance of
On 18 August 1982, petitioners commenced action before the Court of First Instance Preliminary Injunction" dated 1 September 1986. In their Second Motion, petitioners
of Pasig, Metro Manila (Civil Case No. 47374). In their complaint, petitioners alleged invited attention to Paper No. 3, dated 6 April 1983, relating to Fortune's application
that they were not doing business in the Philippines but had nonetheless the right for registration of its brandname "MARK." This Paper No. 3 reproduced a letter to
and the capacity to bring the instant suit; that they were owners of Philippine Patent Fortune's counsel by Bienvenido A. Palisoc, Senior Trademark Examiner, and Wilfredo
Office Trademark Certificates of Registration which were in full force and effect, T. Jaramillo, Trademark Examiner, stating that:
covering "MARK VII," "MARK TEN," and "LARK," all for cigarettes (except the last
This application [for registration of "Mark"] has been examined. the aforesaid trademark nor the right to register as contrary to the provisions of the
Trademark Law, Republic Act No. 166 as amended and the Revised Rules of Practice
Caption mark of the application must tally with the drawing on file. in Trademark Cases. (Emphasis supplied)
Subject mark is confusingly similar with the following marks on file: The Court of Appeals then went on to say that:

a. "Mark" with Reg. No. SR-2659 for cigarettes. [We] believe and hold that petitioners have shown a prima facie case for the
issuance of the writ of prohibitory injunction for the purposes stated in their
b. "Mark VII" with Reg. No. 18723 for cigarettes. complaint and subsequent motions for the issuance of the prohibitory writ. (Buayan
Cattle Co. v. Quintillan, 125 SCRA 276).
c. "Mark Ten" with Reg. No. 11147 for cigarettes.
The requisites for the granting of preliminary injunction are the existence of the right
d. "Lark" with Reg. No. 10953 for cigarettes.
protected and the facts against which the injunction is to be directed as violative of
Hence, registration is barred under Sec. 4 (d) of Rep. Act No. 166 as amended. said right. (Buayan Cattle Co. v. Quintillan, supra; Ortigas & Co. vs. Ruiz, 148 SCRA
326). It is a writ framed according to the circumstances of the case commanding an
Subject mark has no trademark significance and can not serve its purpose as to act which the Court regards as essential to justice and restraining an act it deems
indicate the source and origin of goods. contrary to equity and good conscience (Rosauro vs. Cuneta, 151 SCRA 570). If it is
not issued, the defendant may, before final judgment, do or continue the doing of
Furthermore, the word "Mark" is generic and therefore incapable of exclusive the act which the plaintiff asks the court to restrain, and thus make ineffectual the
appropriation. final judgment rendered afterwards granting the relief sought by the plaintiff (Calo vs.
Roldan, 76 Phil. 445). Generally, its grant or denial rests upon the sound discretion of
Makati, Metro Manila, April 6, 1983." 4 (Emphasis supplied) the Court except on a clear case of abuse (Belish Investment & Finance Co. vs.
Statement House, 151 SCRA 636). Petitioners' right of exclusivity to their registered
Petitioners also invited attention to a certification dated 8 August 1986 issued by Mr. trademarks being clear and beyond question, the respondent court's denial of the
Luis M. Daca, Jr., Assistant Director, Philippine Patent Office, to the effect that prohibitive writ constituted excess of jurisdiction and grave abuse of discretion . If the
Fortune's application for the mark "MARK" for cigarettes was declared abandoned as lower court does not grant preliminary injunction, the appellate court may grant the
of 16 February 1986 and was now deemed forfeited. In addition, petitioners same (Service Specialists, Inc. v. Sheriff of Manila. 145 SCRA 139).9 (Emphasis
explained in some detail how Fortune's use of its mark "MARK" was "destructive of supplied)
[petitioners'] property right to [their] registered trademarks."5 Further, petitioners
assailed Fortune's argument that issuance of preliminary injunction would cause "loss Fortune moved for reconsideration of the Decision of the Court of Appeals insisting
of revenue and taxes to the Government" and that more damages would be that petitioners must first prove their "clear, unmistakable and unquestioned right to
sustained by Fortune than by petitioners since the petitioners do not market their the writ, coupled with the possible damages it would suffer;" that petitioners had not
cigarettes in the Philippines. suffered any "great and irreparable injury to speak of" because "petitioners have
never done business in this country in the past nor in the future;" that, on the other
After Fortune had filed an Opposition to petitioners' Second Motion, the trial court, hand, Fortune had been authorized by the BIR to manufacture "MARK" cigarettes,
this time presided over by Judge Nicolas Galing, issued an Order dated 22 April 1987 "thereby generating much needed funds for the Government;" that Fortune's
denying once more the motion for issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction. In this application for registration of its brandname "MARK" with the Philippine Patent Office
order, Judge Galing relied on two (2) points: firstly, according to the trial judge, "still pending" and not "finally rejected" by the Director of Patents. On 12 July 1989,
petitioners had not shown that the products they sought to protect from Fortune's the Court of Appeals issued a Minute Resolution stating that the issues and
"MARK" cigarettes were "in actual use and available for commercial purposes arguments in Fortune's motion for reconsideration had been "fully discussed" in the
anywhere in the Philippines;" and secondly, it appeared that while Fortune's original Decision sought to be reconsidered, that no new arguments were raised, and
application had been abandoned, it could be refiled and was in fact re-filed. Thus, accordingly denied the Motion for Reconsideration.
Judge Galing in effect reiterated Judge Reyes's position that until the Director of
Patents had definitely acted upon Fortune's application for registration of "MARK," Fortune then filed a "Motion to Dissolve Writ of Preliminary Injunction with Offer to
petitioners' prayer for preliminary injunction could not be granted. File Counterbond" date 25 July 1989, where it reiterated the basic arguments it
previously made.
Petitioners then filed a Petition for Review with the Supreme Court, which Petition
was docketed as G.R. No. 78141. The Court ordered respondents to file their A "Supplemental Motion to Lift Writ of Preliminary Injunction with Offer of
Comments on the Petition and on 30 September 1987, the Court referred the Petition Counterbond" dated 17 August 1989 was next filed by Fortune. In this "Supplemental
to the Court of Appeals. Motion," Fortune averred that it had paid to the BIR for 1988 the amount of
P181,940,177.38 for specific taxes; while for January to July 1989, it had paid the
In due course of time, the Court of Appeals, through Cacdac, Jr., J.,6 rendered a amount of P120,120,735.28. Fortune also referred to its employees assigned to the
decision on 5 May 1989 setting aside the 22 April 1987 order of the trial court and manufacture of "MARK" cigarettes who were apparently apprehensive that their
ordering issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction upon filing of a bond by services would eventually be terminated and that they would join the ranks of the
petitioners in the sum of P200,000.00 to be approved by the appellate court, unemployed.
"enjoining the private respondents, its agents, employees and representatives from
manufacturing, selling and/or advertising "MARK" cigarettes until further orders." The Petitioners filed an Opposition to the "Motion to Dissolve" and a Comment on the
Court of Appeals said in pertinent part: "Supplemental Motion" of Fortune.
There is no dispute that petitioners are the registered owners of the trademarks for On 14 September 1989, the Court of Appeals once more through Cacdac,
cigarettes "MARK VII," "MARK TEN," and "LARK". (Annexes B, C and D, Petition). As Jr., J. issued a Resolution lifting the preliminary injunction it had earlier granted upon
found and reiterated by the Philippine Patent Office in two (2) official the filing of counterbond by private respondent in the amount of P400,000.00 to
communications dated April 6, 1983 and January 24, 1984, the trademark "MARK" is answer for any damages petitioners may suffer as a consequence of such lifting. In
"confusingly similar" to the trademarks of petitioners, hence, registration was barred its Resolution, the Court of Appeals referred to the "lots of workers employed [who]
under Sec. 4(d) of Rep. Act No. 166, as amended (pp. 106, 139 SCA rollo). In a third will be laid off as a consequence of the injunction" and that Government "will stand
official communication dated April 8, 1986, the trademark application of private to lose the amount of specific taxes being paid by" Fortune. It when went on to say:
respondent for the mark "MARK" under Serial No. 44008 filed on February 13, 1981
which was declared abandoned as of February 16, 1986, is now deemed forfeited, After a thorough re-examination of the issues involved and the arguments advanced
there being no revival made pursuant to Rule 98 of the Revised Rules of Practitioners by both parties in the offer to file a counterbond and the opposition thereto, WE
in Trademark Cases. (p. 107, CA rollo). The foregoing documents or communications believe that there are sound and cogent reasons for Us to grant the dissolution of the
mentioned by petitioners as "the changes in material facts which occurred after writ of preliminary injunction by the offer of the private respondent to put up a
March 28, 1983", are not also questioned by respondents.7 (Emphasis supplied) counterbond to answer for whatever damages the petitioner may suffer as a
consequence of the dissolution of the preliminary injunction.
The Court of Appeals also noted the BIR letter of 30 January 1979 temporarily
granting Fortune's request for a permit to manufacture two (2) new brands of The petitioner will not be prejudiced nor stand to suffer irreparably as a consequence
cigarettes, including one branded "MARK," and the caveat (earlier noted)8 that the of the lifting of the preliminary injunction considering that they are not actually
BIR's authorization would not give Fortune any protection against any person or engaged in the manufacture of the cigarettes with the trademarks in question and
entity whose rights may be prejudiced by infringement or unfair competition on the the filing of the counterbond will amply answer for such damages.
part of Fortune. The Court of Appeals also referred to the certificate dated 26
September 1986 of Mr. Cesar G. Sandico, then Director of Patents, issued upon While the rule is that an offer of a counterbond does not operate to dissolve an
request of Fortune's counsel stating that there was a pending application for injunction previously granted, nevertheless, it is equally true that an injunction could
registration of the trademark "MARK" for cigarettes under Serial No. 59872, filed on be dissolved only upon good and valid grounds subject to the sound discretion of the
16 September 1986, noting at the same time, that Director Sandico's certification court. As WE have maintained the view that there are sound and good reasons to lift
contained the following caveat or qualification: the preliminary injunction the motion to file a counterbond is granted. 10(Emphasis
This certification, however, does not give protection as against any person or entity
whose right may be prejudiced by infringement or unfair competition in relation to Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration, without success.
In the instant Petition, petitioners make the following basic submissions: (2) Registration in the Principal Register is limited to the actual owner of the
trademark (Unno Commercial Enterprises v. Gen. Milling Corp., 120 SCRA 804 [1983])
1. that the Court of Appeals gravely abused its discretion amounting to excess of and proceedings therein pass on the issue of ownership, which may be contested
jurisdiction when it required, contrary to law and jurisprudence that in order that through opposition or interference proceedings, or after registration, in a petition for
petitioners may suffer irreparable injury due to the lifting of the injunction, petitioners cancellation.
should be using actually their registered trademarks in commerce in the Philippines;
Registration in the Principal Register is constructive notice of the registrant's claims of
2. that the Court of Appeals gravely abused its discretion amounting to excess of ownership, while registration in the Supplemental Register is merely proof of actual
jurisdiction when it lifted the injunction in violation of Section 6 of Rule 58 of the use of the trademark and notice that the registrant has used or appropriated it. (Le
rules of Court; Chemise Lacoste, S.A. v. Fernandez, 129 SCRA 373 [1984]: "Registration in the
Supplemental Register . . . serves as notice that the registrant is using or has
3. that the Court of Appeals gravely abused its discretion amounting to excess of appropriated the trademark.") It is not subject to opposition although it may be
jurisdiction when, after having found that the trial court had committed grave abuse cancelled after its issuance. Corollarilly, registration in the Principal Register is a basis
of discretion and exceeded its jurisdiction for having refused to issue the writ of for an action for infringement, while registration in the Supplemental Register is not.
injunction to restrain respondent's acts that are contrary to equity and good
conscience, it made a complete about face for legally insufficient grounds and (3) In application for registration in the Principal Register, publication of the
authorized private respondent to continue performing the very same acts that it had application is necessary. This is not so in applications for registration in the
considered contrary to equity and good conscience, thereby ignoring not only the Supplemental Register. Certificates of registration under both Registers are also
mandates of the trademark law, the international commitments of the Philippines, the different from each other.
judicial admission of private respondent that it will have no more right to use the
trademark "MARK" after the Director of Patents shall have rejected the application to (4) Proof of registration in the Principal Register may be filed with the Bureau of
register it, and the admonitions of the Supreme Court. 11 Customs to exclude foreign goods bearing infringing marks while it does not hold true
for registrations in the Supplemental Register. 13 (Emphasis supplied)
The Court required private respondent to file a comment. The comment reiterated
the basic arguments made by private respondent before the Court of Appeals: When taken with the companion presumption of regularity of performance of official
duty, it will be seen that issuance of a Certificate of Registration of a trademark in
a. the petitioners are not suffering any irreparable damage by the lifting of the the Principal Register also gives rise to the presumption that
preliminary injunction by the Court of appeals. Whatever damages they might suffer all requirements of Philippine law necessary for a valid registration (including prior
are "based purely on speculation, since by judicial admission, petitioners are not use in commerce in the Philippines for at least two [2] months) were complied with
doing business in the Philippines. Private respondent stressed that petitioners "are and satisfied.
not manufacturing, importing or selling "MARK TEN," "MARK VII" or "LARK" in this
country," notwithstanding "false allegation" that petitioners have been "using" the In contrast, private respondent filed an application for registration of its mark "MARK"
said trademarks "in commerce and trade" in the Philippines since 1963 up to the for cigarettes with the Director of Patents soon after it commenced manufacturing
present. and selling cigarettes trademark with "MARK." This application was abandoned or
"forfeited", 14 for failure of private respondent to file a necessary Paper with the
b. that whatever damage petitioners may be suffering is negligible when compared to Director of Patent. It also appears, however, that private respondent later re-filed or
the taxes that would have to be foregone by the Government considering that private reinstated its application for registration of "MARK" 15 and that, so far as the record
respondent "paid an annual specific tax of P240 Million only on the manufacture and here before us is concerned, this application remains merely an application and has
sale of "MARK cigarettes." Private respondent claims that, in contrast, petitioners not been granted and a Certificate of Registration in the Principal Register
which are foreign corporations "based in three different countries" have not issued. 16 While final action does not appear as yet to have been taken by the
contributed anything to Government tax revenues. Director of Patents on private respondent's application, there was at least a
preliminary determination of the trademark examiners that the trademark "MARK"
c. that the Court of Appeals lifted the writ of preliminary injunction it had earlier was "confusingly similar" with petitioners' marks "MARK VII," "MARK TEN" and
issued upon the submission of a counter bond in double the amount of the bond "LARK" and that accordingly, registration was barred under Section 4 (d) of R.A. No.
submitted by petitioners, under Section 6, Rule 58 of the Rules of Court, which act 166, as amended. 17
was within the sound discretion of the Court of Appeals. Private respondent also
stresses that the right of petitioners to the injunction was still being litigated before In the trial court, both Judge Reyes and Judge Galing took the position that until the
the trial court. Director of Patents shall have finally acted on private respondent's application for
registration of "MARK," petitioners cannot be granted the relief of preliminary
Reformulating the issues raised by the petitioners here, we think the principal issues injunction. It is respectfully submitted that this position is both erroneous and
may be reduced to the following: firstly, is there a clear legal right to the relief asked unfortunate. In reliance upon that position, private respondent has kept its
by petitioners in the form of a preliminary injunction to restrain private respondent application for registration alive and pending. The Director of Patents in turn may
from manufacturing, selling and distributing cigarettes under the trademark "MARK"? well have refrained from taking final action on that application, even in the absence
The second question is: are private respondent's acts complained of by petitioners of a restraining order from the courts, out of deference to the courts. The pendency
causing irreparable injury to petitioners' rights in the premises? These two (2) basic of the application before the Director of Patents is not in itself a reason for denying
issues are obviously related and need to be addressed together. preliminary injunction. Our courts have jurisdiction and authority to determine
whether or not "MARK" is an infringement on petitioners' registered trademarks.
Under our case law, the issuance of a Certificate of Registration of a trademark in the
The first point that needs to be stressed is that petitioners have Philippine Certificates Principal Register by the Director of Patents would not prevent a court from ruling on
of Registration for their trademarks "MARK TEN", "MARK VII," and "LARK" in the whether or not the trademark so granted registration is confusingly similar with a
Principal Register. previously registered trademark, where such issue is essential for resolution of a case
properly before the court. A fortiori, a mere application for registration cannot be a
Upon the other hand, private respondent's trademark "MARK" is not registered in the sufficient reason for denying injunctive relief, whether preliminary or definitive. In the
Principal Register in the Office of the Director of Patents; private respondents is case at bar, petitioners' suit for injunction and for damages for infringement, and
simply an applicant for registration of a mark, the status of which application may be their application for a preliminary injunction against private respondent, cannot be
noted later. resolved without resolving the issue of claimed confusing similarity.

It is important to stress the legal effects of registration of a trademark in the Principal In the case at bar, the evidence of record is scanty. Petitioners have not submitted
Register in the Office of the Director of Patents. Section 20 of R.A. No. 166, as actual copies or photographs of their registered marks as used in cigarettes. Private
amended, sets out the principal legal effects of such registration: respondent has not, for its part, submitted the actual labels or packaging material
used in selling its "MARK" cigarettes. Petitioners have appended to their Petition a
Sec. 20. Certificate of registration prima facie evidence of validity. — A certificate of photocopy of an advertisement of "MARK" cigarettes. Private respondent has not
registration, of a mark or a trade name shall be prima facie evidence of the validity of included in the record a copy of its application for registration of "MARK" for
the registration, the registrant's ownership of the mark or trade name, and of the cigarettes, which would include a facsimile of the trademark being applied for. It
registrant's exclusive right to use the same in connection with the goods, business or should be noted that "MARK" and "LARK," when read or pronounced orally,
services specified in the certificate, subject to any conditions and limitations stated constitute idem sonans in striking degree. Further, "MARK" has taken over the
therein. (Emphasis supplied) dominant word in "MARK VII" and "MARK TEN." These circumstances, coupled with
private respondent's failure to explain how or why it chose, out of all the words in the
In Lorenzana v. Macagba, 12 the Court distinguished between the effects of English language, the word "mark" to refer to its cigarettes, lead me to the
registration in the Principal Register and registration in the Supplemental Register in submission that there is a prima facie basis for holding, as the Patent Office has held
the following manner: and as the Court of Appeals did hold originally, that private respondent's "MARK"
infringes upon petitioners' registered trademarks.
(1) Registration in the Principal Register gives rise to a presumption of the validity of
the registration, the registrant's ownership of the mark, and his right to the exclusive II
use thereof. There is no such presumption in registrations in the Supplemental
There is thus no question as to the legal rights of petitioners as holders of electrical and telephone equipment in the Philippines. The local residents resisted the
trademarks registered in the Philippines. Private respondent, however, resists and suit by contending, inter alia, that the petitioner Western Electrical Company had
assails petitioners' effort to enforce their legal rights by heavily underscoring the fact never transacted business in the Philippines and that registration of private
that petitioners are not registered to do business in the Philippines and are not in fact respondent's articles of incorporation could not in any way injure petitioner. The
doing business in the Philippines. It is thus necessary to determine what Supreme Court, in rejecting this argument, stated that:
consequences, if any, flow from this circumstance so far as enforcement of
petitioners' rights as holders of registered Philippine trademarks is concerned. . . . a foreign corporation which has never done business in the Philippines — but is
widely and favorably known in the Philippines through the use therein of its products
It should be stressed at the outset that circumstance has no legal impact upon the bearing its corporate name and tradename has a legal right to maintain an action in
right of petitioners to own and register their trademarks in the Philippines. Section 2 the [Philippines]. The purpose of such a suit is to protect its reputation, corporate
of R.A. No. 166 as amended expressly recognizes as registrable, under this statute, name and goodwill which has been established through the natural development of
marks which are owned by corporations domiciled in any foreign country: its trade for a long period of years in the doing of which it does not seek to enforce
any legal or contract rights arising from or closing out of any business which it has
Sec. 2. What are registrable. — Trademarks, trade names and service marks owned transacted in the Philippines. . . .21 (Emphasis supplied)
by persons, corporations, partnerships or associations domiciled in the Philippines
and by persons, corporations, partnerships or associations domiciled in any foreign Similarly, in Asari Yoko v. Kee Boc,22 a Japanese corporation, also not engaged in
country may be registered in accordance with the provisions of this Act; Provided, any business in the Philippines, successfully opposed an application for registration of
That said trade marks, trade names or service marks are actually in use in commerce its trademark "Race Brand" on shirts and undershirts by a local businessman, even
and services not less than two months in the Philippines before the time the though the Japanese company had not previously registered its own mark "Race
applications for registration are filed: And provided further, That the country of which Brand" in the Philippines.
the applicant for registration is a citizen grants by law substantially similar privileges
to citizens of the Philippines, and such fact is officially certified, with a certified true Again, in General Garments Corporation v. Director of Patents and Puritan Sportswear
copy of the foreign law translated into the English language, by the government of Corporation,23 Puritan Sportswear Corporation, an entity organized in Pennsylvania
the foreign country to the Government of the Republic of the Philippines. (Emphasis U.S.A. and not doing business in the Philippines, filed a petition for cancellation of the
in the original) mark "Puritan" which was registered in the name of petitioner General Garments
Corporation for assorted men's wear, undershirts, briefs, shirts, sweaters and jackets.
It is also entirely clear that foreign corporations and corporations domiciled in a Puritan Sportswear alleged ownership and prior use of the trademark "Puritan" in the
foreign country are not disabled from bringing suit in Philippine courts to protect their Philippines. Petitioner General Garments, on the other hand, contended that Puritan
rights as holders of trademarks registered in the Philippines. Under Section 21-A of Sportswear, being a foreign corporation not licensed to do, and not doing, business
R.A. No. 166, as amended, any foreign corporation which is a holder of a trademark in the Philippines, could not maintain an action for cancellation of a trademark. The
registered under Philippine law may bring an action for infringement of such mark or Court, in upholding the Director of Patents' cancellation of the registration of the
for unfair competition or false designation of origin and false description "whether or mark "Puritan" in the name of General Garments, said:
not it has been licensed to do business in the Philippines under the [Corporation Law]
at the time it brings complaint, subject to the proviso that: . . . .such mark should not have been registered in the first place (and consequently
may be cancelled if so required) if it consists of
. . . that the country of which the said foreign corporation or juristic person is a or comprises a mark or tradename which so resembles a mark or
citizen or in which it is domiciled by treaty, convention or law, grants similar privilege tradename . . . . previously used in the Philippines by another and not abandoned, as
to corporate or juristic persons of the Philippines. (Emphasis supplied) to be likely, when applied to or used in connection with goods, business or services
of the applicant, to cause confusion or mistake or to deceive
The rule thus embodied in Section 21-A of R.A. No. 166 as amended is also set out in purchasers. 24 (Emphasis supplied)
Article 2 of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property ("Paris
Convention"), to which the Philippines, the United States, Canada and Switzerland In Converse Rubber Corporation v. Universal Rubber Products, Inc., 25 petitioner
are all parties. 18 Article 2 of the Paris Convention provides in relevant part: Converse Rubber Corporation was an American manufacturer of rubber shoes, not
doing business on its own in the Philippines and not licensed to do business in the
Article 2 Philippines, opposed the application for registration of the trademark "Universal
Converse and Device" to be used also in rubber shoes and rubber slippers by private
(1) Nationals of any country of the Union shall, as regards the protection of industrial respondent Universal Rubber Products, Inc. ("Universal"). In reversing the Director of
property, enjoy in all the other countries of the Union the advantages that their Patents and holding that Universal's application must be rejected, the Supreme Court
respective laws now grant, or may hereafter grant, to nationals; all without prejudice said:
to the rights specially provided for by this Convention. Consequently, they shall have
the same protection as the latter, and the same legal remedy against any The sales of 12 to 20 pairs a month of petitioner's rubber shoes cannot be considered
infringement of their rights, provided that the conditions and formalities imposed insignificant, considering that they appear to be of high expensive quality, which not
upon national are complied with. too many basketball players can afford to buy. Any sale made by a legitimate trader
from his store is a commercial act establishing trademark rights since such sales are
(2) However, no requirement as to domicile or establishment in the country where made in due course of business to the general public , not only to limited individuals.
protection is claimed may be imposed upon nationals of countries of the Union for It is a matter of public knowledge that all brands of goods filter into the market,
the enjoyment of any industrial property rights. indiscriminately sold by jobbers, dealers and merchants not necessarily with the
knowledge or consent of the manufacturer. Such actual sale of goods in the local
Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Paris Convention embodies the principle of "national
market establishes trademark use which serves as the basis for any action aimed at
treatment" or "assimilation with nationals," one of the basic rules of the
trademark pre-emption. It is a corollary logical deduction that while Converse Rubber
Convention. 19 Under Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Paris Convention, nationals of
Corporation is not licensed to do business in the country and is not actually doing
Canada, Switzerland and the United States who are all countries of the Paris Union
business here, it does not mean that its goods are not being sold here or that it has
are entitled to enjoy in the Philippines, also a country of the Union, the advantages
not earned a reputation or goodwill as regards its products. The Director of Patents
and protections which Philippine law grants to Philippine nationals. Article 2
was, therefore, remiss in ruling that the proofs sales presented "was made by a
paragraph 2 of the Paris Convention restrains the Philippines from imposing a
single witness who had never dealt with nor had never known opposer
requirement of local incorporation or establishment of a local domicile as a pre-
(petitioner) . . . without Opposer having a direct or indirect hand in the transaction to
requisite for granting to foreign nationals the protection which nationals of the
be the basis of trademark pre-exemption. 26 (Emphasis supplied)
Philippines are entitled to under Philippine law in respect of their industrial property
rights. It should be noted that Article 2, paragraph 2 also constitutes proof of Three (3) other cases may be noted. The first is La Chemise Lacoste, S.A. v.
compliance with the requirement of reciprocity between, on the one hand, the Fernandez 27 La Chemise Lacoste, S.A. although a foreign corporation not engaged
Philippines and, on the other hand, Canada, Switzerland and the United States in and not licensed to do business in the Philippines , was accorded protection for its
required under Section 21-A of R.A. No. 166 as amended. trademarks "Lacoste", "Chemise Lacoste," and "Crocodile Device" for clothing and
sporting apparel. The Court recognized that those marks were "world famous
The net effect of the statutory and treaty provisions above referred to is that a
trademarks which the Philippines, as a party to the Paris Union, is bound to protect."
corporate national of a member country of the Paris Union is entitled to bring in
Similarly, in Del Monte Corporation, et al. v. Court of Appeals, et al., 28petitioner Del
Philippine courts an action for infringement of trademarks, or for unfair competition,
Monte Corporation was a company organized under the laws of the United States
without necessity for obtaining registration or a license to do business in the
and not engaged in business in the Philippines. Because both the Philippines and the
Philippines. Article 2 as quoted above is in effect with respect to all four (4) countries.
United States are signatories to the Convention of Paris, which grants to nationals of
Such has been the rule in our jurisdiction even before the enactment of R.A. No. 166 the parties the rights and advantages which their own nationals enjoy for the
and before the Philippines became a party to the Paris Convention. In Western repression of acts of infringement and unfair competition, the Court, having found
Equipment and Supplies Company, et al. v. Reyes, etc., et al. , 20 petitioner Western that private respondent's label was an infringement of Del Monte's trademark, held
Electrical Company, a U.S. manufacturer of electrical and telephone equipment and Del Monte entitled to recover damages.
supplies not doing business in the Philippines, commenced action in a Philippine court
In Puma Sportschuhfabriken Rudolf Dassler, K.G. v. Intermediate appellate Court, et
to protect its corporate name from unauthorized use thereof by certain Philippine
al, 29 petitioner Puma was a foreign corporation existing under the laws of the
residents. The Philippine residents sought to organize a Philippine corporation to be
Federal Republic of Germany not registered to do business and not doing business in
known as "Western Electrical Company" for the purpose of manufacturing and selling
the Philippines, filed a complaint for infringement of trademark and for issuance of a We turn to petitioners' claim that they are suffering irreparable damage by reason of
writ of preliminary injunction against a local manufacturing company. Reversing the the manufacture and sale of cigarettes under the trademark "MARK." Here again, a
Court of Appeals, this Court held that Puma had legal capacity to bring the suit in the basic argument of private respondent was that petitioners had not shown any
Philippines under Section 21-A of R.A. No. 166 as amended and under the provisions damages because they are not doing business in the Philippines. I respectfully
of the Paris Convention to which both the Philippines and the Federal Republic of maintain that this argument is specious and without merit.
Germany are parties. The Court also noted that "Puma" is an internationally known
brandname. That petitioners are not doing business and are not licensed to do business in the
Philippines, does not necessarily mean that petitioners are not in a position to sustain,
The relevancy of the doctrines set out in the cases above cited are conceded by my and do not in fact sustain, damage through trademark infringement on the part of a
distinguished brother Melo, J. in the majority opinion. The majority opinion, however, local enterprise. 32 Such trademark infringement by a local company may, for one
goes on to say: thing, affect the volume of importation into the Philippines of cigarettes bearing
petitioners' trademarks by independent or third party traders.
In other words, petitioners may have the capacity to sue for infringement irrespective
of lack of business activity in the Philippines on account of Section 21-A of the The damage which the petitioners claim they are sustaining by reason of the acts of
Trademark Law but the question of whether they have an exclusive right over their private respondents, are not limited to impact upon the volume of actual imports into
symbols as to justify issuance of the controversial writ will depend on actual use of the Philippines of petitioners' cigarettes. Petitioners urge that private respondent's
their trademarks in the Philippines in line with Sections 2 and 2-A of the same law. It use of its confusingly similar trademark "MARK" is invasive and destructive of
is thus incongruous for petitioners to claim that when a foreign corporation not petitioners property right in their registered trademarks because.
licensed to do business in the Philippines files a complaint for infringement, the entity
need not be actually using its trademark in commerce in the Philippines. Such a a) Plaintiffs' undeniable right to the exclusive use of their registered trademarks is
foreign corporation may have the personality to file a suit for infringement but it may effectively effaced by defendant's use of a confusingly similar trademark;
not necessarily be entitled to protection due to absence of actual use of the emblem
in the local market. b) Plaintiffs would lose control of the reputation of their products as their reputation
will depend on defendant's commercial activities and the quality of defendant's
With great respect, certain essential qualifications must be made respecting the products;
above paragraph. Firstly, of the petitioners' three (3) marks here involved, two (2) of
them — i.e., "MARK TEN" and "LARK" — were registered in the Philippines on the c) The market in the Philippines for plaintiffs' products will be pre-empted;
basis of actual use in the Philippines, precisely in accordance with the requirements
d) Purchasers will think that defendant's goods are approved or sponsored by plaintiff;
of Section 2-A and Section 5 (A) of R.A. No. 166 as amended. The pre-registration
use in commerce and trade in the Philippines for at least two (2) months as required e) Defendant will be allowed to benefit from the reputation of the plaintiffs' goods
by the statute, is explicitly stated in the Certificates of Registration. The very fact that and trademarks;
the appropriate Philippine Government office issued the Certificates of Registration
necessarily gave rise to the presumption that such pre-registration use had in fact f) Defendant will be effectively authorized to continually invade plaintiffs' property
been shown to the satisfaction of the Philippine Patent Office (now the Bureau of rights, for which invasion no fair and reasonable redness can be had in a court of law;
Patents, Trademark and Technology Transfer ["BPTTT"]). It is important to note that and
respondent Fortune has not purported to attack the validity of the trademarks "Mark
Ten" and "Lark" by pretending that no pre-registration use in commerce in the g) Plaintiffs will lose their goodwill and trade and the value of their registered
Philippines had been shown. 30 trademarks will irreparably diluted and the damages to be suffered by plaintiffs
cannot be redressed fairly in terms of money. 33
The third mark of petitioners — "MARK VII" — was registered in the Philippines on
the basis of Section 37 of R.A. No. 166 as amended, i.e., on the basis of registration Modern authorities on trademark law view trademarks as symbols which perform
in the country of origin and under the Paris Convention. In such registration, by the three (3) distinct functions: first, they indicate origin or ownership of the articles to
express provisions of Section 37 (b) of R.A. No. 166 as amended, prior (pre- which they are attached; second, they guarantee that those articles come up to a
registration) use in commerce in the Philippines need not be alleged. certain standard of quality; third, they advertise the articles they symbolize. 34

Whether the Philippine trademark was based on actual use in the Philippines (under The first two (2) functions have long been recognized in trademark law which
Section 2-A) or on registration in a foreign country of origin (under Section 37), the characterizes the goodwill or business reputation symbolized by a trademark as a
statute appears to require that trademarks (at least trademarks not shown to be property right protected by law. Thus, the owner of a trademark is held entitled to
internationally "well-known") must continue to be used in trade and commerce in the exclude others from the use of the same, or of a confusingly similar, mark where
Philippines. It is, however, essential to point out that such continued use, as a confusion results in diversion of trade or financial injury. At the same time,
requirement for the continued right to the exclusive use of the registered trademark, trademarks warn against the imitation or faking of products and prevent the
is presumed so long as the Certificate of Registration remains outstanding and so imposition of fraud upon the public. The first two (2) functions of trademarks were
long as the registered trademark owner complies with the requirements of Section 12 aptly stressed in e.g., the La Chemise Lacoste case where the objectives of
of R.A. No. 166 as amended of filing affidavits with the BPTTT on the 5th, 10th and trademark protection were described in the following terms:
15th anniversaries of the date of issuance of the Certificate of Registration, showing
that the trademark is still in use or showing that its non-use is not due to any . . . to stem the tide of fake and counterfeit consumer items flooding the Philippine
intention to abandon the same. In the case at bar, again, respondent Fortune has not market or exported abroad from our country. The greater victim is not so much the
explicitly pretended that the petitioners' trademarks have been abandoned by non- manufacturer whose product is being faked but
use in trade and commerce in the Philippines although it appears to insinuate such the Filipino consuming public and in the case of exportations, our image abroad . . . .
non-use and abandonment by stressing that petitioners are not doing business in the We buy a kitchen appliance, a household tool, perfume, a face powder, other toilet
Philippines. articles, watches, brandy or whisky, and items of clothing like jeans, T-shirts,
neckties, etc. — the list is quite lengthy — and pay good money relying on the brand
That petitioners are not doing business and are not licensed to do business in the name as guarantee of its quality and genuine nature only to explode in bitter
Philippines, does not by any means mean either that petitioners have not complied frustration and helpless anger because the purchased item turns out to be a shoddy
with the requirements of Section 12 of R.A. No. 166 relating to affidavits of continued imitation, albeit a clever looking counterfeit, of the quality product . . . . 35
use, or that petitioners' trademarks are not in fact used in trade and commerce in the
Philippines. In the Converse case, as earlier noted, the Court held that the The third or advertisement function of trademark has become of especial importance
circumstance that the foreign owner of a Philippine trademark is not licensed to do given the modern technology of communication and transportation and the growth of
business and is not doing business in the Philippines, does not mean that petitioner's international trade. 36 Through advertisement in the broadcast and print media, the
goods (that is, goods bearing petitioner's trademark) are not sold in the Philippines. owner of the trademark is able to establish a nexus between its trademark products
For cigarettes bearing petitioners' trademarks may in fact be imported into and be and the public in regions where the owner does not itself manufacture or sell its own
available for sale in the Philippines through the acts of importers or distributors . products. 37 Through advertisement, a well-established and well-earned reputation
Petitioners have stated that their "Mark VII," "Mark Ten" and "Lark" cigarettes are in may be gained in countries where the trademark owner has itself no established
fact brought into the country and available for sale here in, e.g., duty-free shops, business connection. 38 Goodwill may thus be seen to be much less closely confined
though not imported into or sold in the Philippines by petitioners themselves. There is territorially than, say, a hundred or fifty years ago. 39 It is no longer true that "a
no legal requirement that the foreign registrant itself manufacture and sell its trademark of itself cannot travel to markets where there is no article to wear the
products here. All the statute requires is the use in trade and commerce in the badge and no trader to offer the article." 40 Advertisement of trademarks is geared
Philippines, and that can be carried out by third party manufacturers operating under towards the promotion of use of the marked article and the attraction of potential
license granted by the foreign registrant or by the importation and distribution of buyers and users;41 by fixing the identity of the marked article in the public mind, it
finished products by independent importers or traders. The "use" of the trademark in prepares the way for growth in such commerce whether the commerce be handled
such instances by the independent third parties constitutes use of the foreign by the trademark owner itself or by its licensees or independent traders.
registrant's trademarks to the benefit of the foreign registrant. 31
That a registered trademark has value in itself apart from the trade physically
III accompanying its use, has been recognized by our Court. In Ang v. Teodoro,42 the
Court was called upon the determine whether there was infringement in the use of
the same trademark on articles which do not belong to the same class of goods
which the lawful trademark owner manufactures and sells. In holding that there was the value of the packaging material imprinted with the same trademark (which
infringing use in such case, the Court said: cigarettes and material may well be amenable to re-cycling) and the cost of past
advertisements of "MARK" in media, if any. Thus, the apprehension on the part of the
. . . . such unfair trading can cause injury or damage to the first user of a given majority which private respondent tried diligently to foment — that the Government
trade-mark, first, by prevention of the natural expansion of his business and, second, would lose many millions of pesos in tax revenues and that many employees would
by having his business reputation confused with and put at the mercy of the second lose their jobs, if an injunction is issued — is more apparent than real. The damages
user. When noncompetitive products are sold under the same mark, the gradual private respondent would sustain from reinstatement of the preliminary injunction are
whittling away or dispersion of the identity and hold upon the public mind of the clearly quantifiable in pesos.
mark created by its first user, inevitably result. The original owner is entitled to the
preservation of the valuable link between him and the public that has been created Besides, as pointed out by petitioners, to pay heed to private respondent's creative
by his ingenuity and the merit of his wares or services . Experience has demonstrated economic argument would ultimately mean that the greater the volume of sales and
that when a well-known trade-mark is adopted by another even for a totally different the profits of the infringer, the greater would be the infringer's claim to be entitled to
class of goods, it is done to get the benefit of the reputation and advertisements of continue infringement. I respectfully submit that the law should not countenance
the originator of said mark, to convey to the public a false impression of some such a cynical result.
supposed connection between the manufacturer of the article sold under the original
mark and the new articles being tendered to the public under the same or similar My conclusion is that private respondent's claims concerning damage which it would
mark . . . The owner of a trademark or tradename has a property right in which he is sustain if the petitioners were granted the injunction they seek, did not constitute a
entitled to protection, since there is damage to him in the form of confusion of sufficient basis for overturning the original decision of the Court of Appeals. The
reputation or goodwill in the mind of the public as well as from confusion of goods . Resolution of the Court of Appeals granting private respondent's Motion to Dissolve,
(Emphasis supplied) in effect disregarded everything that Court had set out in its original Decision. The
mere offer and filing of a counterbond does not, by itself, provide a sufficient basis
In Sta. Ana v. Maliwat,43 the Court, through J.B.L. Reyes, J., in holding that the use for lifting the preliminary injunction earlier granted. For all the elements which
of the name "Flormen" with respect to shoes was infringement of the mark supported the original issuance of a preliminary injunction continued to exist. Private
"Flormann" used in the men's wear such as shirts, polo shirts and pants, said: respondent's hyperbolic claims concerning the damages that it and the Government
would sustain by reason of an injunction, had been made earlier both before the trial
Modern law recognizes that the protection to which the owner of a trade-mark is court and the Court of Appeals. Finally, it is not enough to say as private respondent
entitled is not limited to guarding his goods or business from actual market says, that the Court of Appeals in granting its Motion to Dissolve the preliminary
competition with identical or similar products of the parties, but extends to all cases injunction was merely exercising its discretion; for the Court of Appeals obviously was
in which the use by a junior appropriator of a trade-mark or trade-name is likely to also exercising its discretion when it rendered its original Decision granting the
lead to a confusing of source, as where prospective purchasers would be misled into preliminary injunction.
thinking that the complaining party has extended his business into the field (see 148
ALR 56 et seq; 52 Am. Jur. 576) or is in any way connected with the activities of the I vote to grant due course to the petition for Certiorari, to set aside the Resolution of
infringer; or when it forestalls the normal potential expansion of his business (v. 148 the respondent Court of Appeals dated 14 September 1989 in C.A.-G.R. SP No. 13132
ALR, 77, 84; 52 Am. Jur. 576, 577). . . .. 44 (Emphasis supplied) and to reinstate the Decision of that same Court dated 5 May 1989.

Petitioners did not try to put a peso figure on their claimed damage arising from the Shangrila Hotels vs. DGCI, GR No. 159938, March 31, 2006
erosion and possible eventual destruction of the symbolic value of their trademark.
Such damage, while not easily quantifiable, is nonetheless real and effective. I submit, In this petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, petitioners Shangri-La
with respect, that such continuing damage falls clearly within the concept of International Hotel Management, Ltd. (SLIHM), et al. assail and seek to set aside the
irreparable damage or injury described in Social Security Commission v. Bayona 45 in Decision dated May 15, 2003[1] of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No.
the following terms: 53351 and its Resolution[2] of September 15, 2003 which effectively affirmed with
modification an earlier decision of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City in
Damages are irreparable within the meaning of the rule relative to the issuance of Civil Case No. Q-91-8476, an action for infringement and damages, thereat
injunction where there is no standard by which their amount can be measured with commenced by respondent Developers Group of Companies, Inc. (DGCI) against the
reasonable accuracy (Crouc v. Central Labor Council, 83 ALR, 193). "An irreparable herein petitioners.
injury which a court of equity will enjoin includes that degree of wrong of a repeated
and continuing kind which produce hurt, inconvenience, or damage that can be The facts:
estimated only by conjecture, and not by any accurate standard of
measurement" (Phipps v. Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 7 ALR, 741). An irreparable At the core of the controversy are the Shangri-La mark and S logo. Respondent DGCI
injury to authorize an injunction consists of a serious charge of, or is destructive to, claims ownership of said mark and logo in the Philippines on the strength of its prior
the property if affects, either physically or in the character in which it has been held use thereof within the country. As DGCI stresses at every turn, it filed on October 18,
and enjoined, or when the property has some peculiar quality or use, so that its 1982 with the Bureau of Patents, Trademarks and Technology Transfer (BPTTT)
pecuniary value will not fairly recompense the owner of the loss thereof' (Dunker v. pursuant to Sections 2 and 4 of Republic Act (RA) No. 166,[3] as amended, an
Field and Tub Club, 92 P., 502). application for registration covering the subject mark and logo. On May 31, 1983, the
BPTTT issued in favor of DGCI the corresponding certificate of registration
Respondent corporations made a lengthy discourse on the matter of irreparable therefor,i.e., Registration No. 31904. Since then, DGCI started using the Shangri-
injury they may suffer if the injunction were not issued, but the array of figures they La mark and S logo in its restaurant business.
have laid out merely succeeded in proving that the damage, if any they may suffer,
is susceptible of mathematical computation. It is not then irreparable. As already On the other hand, the Kuok family owns and operates a chain of hotels with interest
stated, this term has a definite meaning in law. It does not have reference to the in hotels and hotel-related transactions since 1969. As far back as 1962, it adopted
amount of damages that may be caused but rather to the difficulty of measuring the the name Shangri-La as part of the corporate names of all companies organized
damages inflicted. If full compensation can be obtained by way of damages, equity under the aegis of the Kuok Group of Companies (the Kuok Group). The Kuok Group
will not apply the remedy of injunction(28 Am. Jur., 244; 43 C.J.S., 427, 446). 46 has used the name Shangri-La in all Shangri-La hotels and hotel-related
establishments around the world which the Kuok Family owned.
I next turn to private respondent's claim that issuance of an injunction would impose
heavy damage upon itself and upon Government. As noted, private respondent
To centralize the operations of all Shangri-la hotels and the ownership of the Shangri-
stated that it had paid many millions of pesos as ad valorem and VAT taxes to the
La mark and S logo, the Kuok Group had incorporated in Hong Kong and Singapore,
Government in 1988 and 1989 in connection with its "MARK"
among other places, several companies that form part of the Shangri-La International
cigarettes. 47 Presumably, the total volume of its business associated with the
Hotel Management Ltd. Group of Companies. EDSA Shangri-La Hotel and Resort, Inc.,
manufacture and sale of cigarettes trademarked "MARK" would be even larger. In
andMakati Shangri-La Hotel and Resort, Inc. were incorporated in
addition, private respondent suggests, albeit indirectly only, that hundreds if not
the Philippines beginning 1987 to own and operate the two (2) hotels put up by the
thousands of its employees would find themselves unemployed if it were restrained
Kuok Group in Mandaluyong and Makati, Metro Manila.
from the manufacture and sale of "MARK" cigarettes.

Private respondent's claims concerning alleged damages both to itself and to the All hotels owned, operated and managed by the aforesaid SLIHM Group of
Government, which obviously loomed very large in the mind of the majority here, and Companies adopted and used the distinctive lettering of the name Shangri-La as part
of the Court of Appeals when it lifted the injunction it had issued, appear to me to be of their trade names.
extravagant indeed. Petitioners cannot claim to be entitled to an injunction which
could restrain private respondent from manufacturing and selling cigarettes From the records, it appears that Shangri-La Hotel Singapore commissioned a
completely; petitioner do not pretend to be so entitled to such a comprehensive Singaporean design artist, a certain Mr. William Lee, to conceptualize and design the
injunction. Petitioners seek only the reinstatement of the original injunction issued by logo of the Shangri-La hotels.
the Court of Appeals, i.e., one that restrains private respondent from using the
trademark "MARK" on its cigarettes. There is nothing to prevent private respondent During the launching of the stylized S Logo in February 1975, Mr. Lee gave the
from continuing to manufacture and sell cigarettes under any of its already existing following explanation for the logo, to wit:
and registered trademarks, of which it has several, or under some new and specially
created trademark(s). Realistically, private respondent, if enjoined, would lose only
The logo which is shaped like a S represents the uniquely Asean marks. The restaurant now known as Shangri-La Finest Chinese Cuisine
architectural structures as well as keep to the legendary Shangri-la theme was formerly known as the Carvajal Restaurant until December 1982,
with the mountains on top being reflected on waters below and the when respondent took over said restaurant business.
connecting centre [sic] line serving as the horizon. This logo, which is a
bold, striking definitive design, embodies both modernity and 2. He had traveled widely around Asia prior to 1982,
sophistication in balance and thought. and admitted knowing the Shangri-La Hotel in Hong Kong as early as
August 1982.
Since 1975 and up to the present, the Shangri-La mark and S logo have been used
consistently and continuously by all Shangri-La hotels and companies in their 3. The S-logo was one of two (2) designs given to him in December
paraphernalia, such as stationeries, envelopes, business forms, menus, displays and 1982, scribbled on a piece of paper by a jeepney signboard artist with an
receipts.The Kuok Group and/or petitioner SLIHM caused the registration of, and in office somewhere in Balintawak. The unnamed artist supposedly
fact registered, the Shangri-La mark and S logo in the patent offices in different produced the two designs after about two or three days from the time he
countries around the world. (Syhunliong) gave the idea of the design he had in mind.

On June 21, 1988, the petitioners filed with the BPTTT a petition, docketed as Inter 4. On October 15, 1982, or before the unknown signboard artist
Partes Case No. 3145, praying for the cancellation of the registration of the Shangri- supposedly created the Shangri-La and S designs, DGCI was incorporated
La mark and S logo issued to respondent DGCI on the ground that the same were with the primary purpose of owning or operating, or both, of hotels and
illegally and fraudulently obtained and appropriated for the latter's restaurant restaurants.
business. They also filed in the same office Inter Partes Case No. 3529, praying for
the registration of the same mark and logo in their own names. 5. On October 18, 1982, again prior to the alleged creation date of the
mark and logo, DGCI filed an application for trademark registration of the
Until 1987 or 1988, the petitioners did not operate any establishment in mark SHANGRI-LA FINEST CHINESE CUISINE & S. Logo with the BPTTT.
the Philippines, albeit they advertised their hotels abroad since 1972 in numerous On said date, respondent DGCI amended its Articles of Incorporation to
business, news, and/or travel magazines widely circulated around the world, all reflect the name of its restaurant, known and operating under the style
readily available in Philippine magazines and newsstands. They, too, maintained and name of SHANGRI-LA FINEST CHINESE CUISINE. Respondent DGCI
reservations and booking agents in airline companies, hotel organizations, tour obtained Certificate of Registration No. 31904 for the Shangri-La mark
operators, tour promotion organizations, and in other allied fields in the Philippines. and S logo.

It is principally upon the foregoing factual backdrop that respondent DGCI filed a Eventually, the trial court, on the postulate that petitioners, more particularly
complaint for Infringement and Damages with the RTC of Quezon City against the petitioner SLIHMs, use of the mark and logo in dispute constitutes an infringement of
herein petitioners SLIHM, Shangri-La Properties, Inc., Makati Shangri-La Hotel & DGCIs right thereto, came out with its decision[6] on March 8, 1996 rendering
Resort, Inc., and Kuok Philippine Properties, Inc., docketed as Civil Case No. Q-91- judgment for DGCI, as follows:
8476 and eventually raffled to Branch 99 of said court. The complaint with prayer for
injunctive relief and damages alleged that DGCI has, for the last eight (8) years, WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of [respondent DGCI]
been the prior exclusive user in the Philippines of the mark and logo in question and and against [SLIHM, et al.]
the registered owner thereof for its restaurant and allied services. As DGCI alleged in
its complaint, SLIHM, et al., in promoting and advertising their hotel and other allied a) Upholding the validity of the registration of the service mark Shangri-la
projects then under construction in the country, had been using a mark and logo and S-Logo in the name of [respondent];
confusingly similar, if not identical, with its mark and S logo. Accordingly, DGCI
sought to prohibit the petitioners, as defendants a quo, from using the Shangri- b) Declaring [petitioners] use of said mark and logo as infringement of
La mark and S logo in their hotels in the Philippines. [respondents] right thereto;

In their Answer with Counterclaim, the petitioners accused DGCI of appropriating and c) Ordering [petitioners], their representatives, agents, licensees,
illegally using the Shangri-Lamark and S logo, adding that the legal and beneficial assignees and other persons acting under their authority and with their
ownership thereof pertained to SLIHM and that the Kuok Group and its related permission, to permanently cease and desist from using and/or
companies had been using this mark and logo since March 1962 for all their continuing to use said mark and logo, or any copy, reproduction or
corporate names and affairs. In this regard, they point to the Paris Convention for colorable imitation thereof, in the promotion, advertisement, rendition of
the Protection of Industrial Property as affording security and protection to SLIHMs their hotel and allied projects and services or in any other manner
exclusive right to said mark and logo. They further claimed having used, since late whatsoever;
1975, theinternationally-known and specially-designed Shangri-La mark
and S logo for all the hotels in their hotel chain. d) Ordering [petitioners] to remove said mark and logo from any
premises, objects, materials and paraphernalia used by them and/or
Pending trial on the merits of Civil Case No. Q-91-8476, the trial court issued a Writ destroy any and all prints, signs, advertisements or other materials
of Preliminary Injunction enjoining the petitioners from using the subject mark and bearing said mark and logo in their possession and/or under their control;
logo. The preliminary injunction issue ultimately reached the Court inG.R. No. and
104583 entitled Developers Group of Companies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, et al. In
a decision[4] datedMarch 8, 1993, the Court nullified the e) Ordering [petitioners], jointly and severally, to indemnify
writ of preliminary injunction issued by the trial court and directed it to proceed with [respondent] in the amounts of P2,000,000.00 as actual and
the main case and decide it with deliberate dispatch. compensatory damages, P500,000.00 as attorneys fee and expenses of
litigation. Let a copy of this Decision be certified to the Director, Bureau
While trial was in progress, the petitioners filed with the court a motion to suspend of Patents, Trademarks and Technology Transfer for his information and
proceedings on account of the pendency before the BPTTT of Inter Partes Case No. appropriate action in accordance with the provisions of Section 25,
3145 for the cancellation of DGCIs certificate of registration. For its part, respondent Republic Act No. 166
DGCI filed a similar motion in that case, invoking in this respect the pendency of its
infringement case before the trial court. The parties respective motions to suspend Costs against [petitioners].
proceedings also reached the Court via their respective petitions in G.R. No.
114802, entitled Developers Group of Companies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, et SO ORDERED. [Words in brackets added.]
al. and G.R. No. 111580, entitled Shangri-La International Hotel Management LTD.,
et al. vs. Court of Appeals, et al., which were accordingly consolidated. Therefrom, the petitioners went on appeal to the CA whereat their
recourse was docketed as CA G.R. SP No. 53351.
In a consolidated decision[5] dated June 21, 2001, the Court, limiting itself to the
core issue of whether, despite the petitioners institution of Inter Partes Case No. As stated at the threshold hereof, the CA, in its assailed Decision of May 15,
3145 before the BPTTT, herein respondent DGCI can file a subsequent action 2003,[7] affirmed that of the lower court with the modification of deleting the award
for infringement with the regular courts of justice in connection with the same of attorneys fees. The appellate court predicated its affirmatory action on the
registered mark, ruled in the affirmative, but nonetheless ordered the BPTTT to strength or interplay of the following premises:
suspend further proceedings in said inter partes case and to await the final outcome
of the main case. 1. Albeit the Kuok Group used the mark and logo since 1962, the
evidence presented shows that the bulk use of the tradename was abroad
Meanwhile, trial on the merits of the infringement case proceeded. Presented as and not in the Philippines (until 1987). Since the Kuok Group does not
DGCIs lone witness was Ramon Syhunliong, President and Chairman of DGCIs Board have proof of actual use in commerce in the Philippines(in accordance
of Directors. Among other things, this witness testified that: with Section 2 of R.A. No. 166), it cannot claim ownership of the mark
and logo in accordance with the holding inKabushi Kaisha Isetan v.
1. He is a businessman, with interest in lumber, hotel, hospital, trading IAC[8], as reiterated in Philip Morris, Inc. v. Court of Appeals.[9]
and restaurant businesses but only the restaurant business bears the
name Shangri-La and uses the same and the S-logo as service
2. On the other hand, respondent has a right to the mark and logo by petitioner is a foreign entity. Nonetheless, to banish any lingering doubt, petitioner
virtue of its prior use in the Philippines and the issuance of Certificate of SLIHM furnished this Court with a consular certification dated October 29,
Registration No. 31904. 2003 authenticating the Director's Certificate authorizing Atty. Lerma to execute the
certification against forum shopping, together with petitioners manifestation
3. The use of the mark or logo in commerce through the bookings ofFebruary 9, 2004.
made by travel agencies is unavailing since the Kuok Group did not
establish any branch or regional office in the Philippines. As it were, the Respondent also attacks the present petition as one that raises pure questions of fact.
Kuok Group was not engaged in commerce in the Philippinesinasmuch as It points out that in a petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, the
the bookings were made through travel agents not owned, controlled or questions that may properly be inquired into are strictly circumscribed by the express
managed by the Kuok Group. limitation that the petition shall raise only questions of law which must be distinctly
set forth.[13] We do not, however, find that the issues involved in this petition
4. While the Paris Convention protects internationally known marks, consist purely of questions of fact. These issues will be dealt with as we go through
R.A. No. 166 still requires use in commerce in the Philippines. Accordingly, the questions raised by the petitioners one by one.
and on the premise that international agreements, such as Paris
Convention, must yield to a municipal law, the question on the exclusive Petitioners' first argument is that the respondent had no right to file an application
right over the mark and logo would still depend on actual use in for registration of the Shangri-Lamark and S logo because it did not have prior actual
commerce in the Philippines. commercial use thereof. To respondent, such an argument raises a question of fact
that was already resolved by the RTC and concurred in by the CA.

Petitioners then moved for a reconsideration, which motion was denied by the CA in First off, all that the RTC found was that respondent was the prior user and registrant
its equally assailed Resolution ofSeptember 15, 2003.[10] of the subject mark and logo in the Philippines. Taken in proper context, the trial
courts finding on prior use can only be interpreted to mean that respondent used the
As formulated by the petitioners, the issues upon which this case hinges are: subject mark and logo in the country before the petitioners did. It cannot be
construed as being a factual finding that there was prior use of the mark and logo
before registration.
1. Whether the CA erred in finding that respondent had the right to
file an application for registration of the Shangri-La mark and S logo Secondly, the question raised is not purely factual in nature. In the context of this
although respondent never had any prior actual commercial use thereof; case, it involves resolving whether a certificate of registration of a mark, and the
presumption of regularity in the performance of official functions in the issuance
2. Whether the CA erred in finding that respondent's supposed use of thereof, are sufficient to establish prior actual use by the registrant. It further entails
the identical Shangri-La mark and S logo of the petitioners was not answering the question of whether prior actual use is required before there may be a
evident bad faith and can actually ripen into ownership, much less valid registration of a mark.
Under the provisions of the former trademark law, R.A. No. 166, as amended, which
3. Whether the CA erred in overlooking petitioners' widespread prior was in effect up to December 31, 1997, hence, the law in force at the time of
use of the Shangri-La mark and S logo in their operations; respondent's application for registration of trademark, the root of ownership of a
trademark is actual use in commerce. Section 2 of said law requires that before a
4. Whether the CA erred in refusing to consider that petitioners are trademark can be registered, it must have been actually used in commerce and
entitled to protection under both R.A. No. 166, the old trademark law, service for not less than two months in the Philippinesprior to the filing of an
and the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; application for its registration.

5. Whether the CA erred in holding that SLIHM did not have the right Registration, without more, does not confer upon the registrant an absolute right to
to legally own the Shangri-La mark and S logo by virtue of and despite the registered mark. The certificate of registration is merely a prima facie proof that
their ownership by the Kuok Group; the registrant is the owner of the registered mark or trade name. Evidence of prior
and continuous use of the mark or trade name by another can overcome the
6. Whether the CA erred in ruling that petitioners' use of the mark and presumptive ownership of the registrant and may very well entitle the former to be
logo constitutes actionable infringement; declared owner in an appropriate case.[14]

7. Whether the CA erred in awarding damages in favor of respondent Among the effects of registration of a mark, as catalogued by the Court in Lorenzana
despite the absence of any evidence to support the same, and in failing to v. Macagba,[15] are:
award relief in favor of the petitioners; and
1. Registration in the Principal Register gives rise to
8. Whether petitioners should be prohibited from continuing their use a presumption of the validity of the registration, the registrant's
of the mark and logo in question. ownership of the mark, and his right to the exclusive use thereof. x x x

There are two preliminary issues, however, that respondent DGCI calls our attention 2. Registration in the Principal Register is limited to the
to, namely: actual owner of the trademark and proceedings therein pass on the
issue of ownership, which may be contested through opposition or
1. Whether the certification against forum-shopping submitted on behalf of the interference proceedings, or, after registration, in a petition for
petitioners is sufficient; cancellation. xxx
[Emphasis supplied]
2. Whether the issues posed by petitioners are purely factual in nature
hence improper for resolution in the instant petition for review on certiorari. Ownership of a mark or trade name may be acquired not necessarily by registration
but by adoption and use in trade or commerce. As between actual use of a mark
DGCI claims that the present petition for review should be dismissed outright for without registration, and registration of the mark without actual use thereof, the
certain procedural defects, to wit: an insufficient certification against forum shopping former prevails over the latter. For a rule widely accepted and firmly entrenched,
and raising pure questions of fact. On both counts, we find the instant petition because it has come down through the years, is that actual use in commerce or
formally and substantially sound. business is a pre-requisite to the acquisition of the right of ownership.[16]While the
present law on trademarks[17] has dispensed with the requirement of prior actual
In its Comment, respondent alleged that the certification against forum shopping use at the time of registration, the law in force at the time of registration must be
signed by Atty. Lee Benjamin Z. Lerma on behalf and as counsel of the petitioners applied, and thereunder it was held that as a condition precedent to registration of
was insufficient, and that he was not duly authorized to execute such document. trademark, trade name or service mark, the same must have been in actual use in
Respondent further alleged that since petitioner SLIHM is a foreign entity based the Philippines before the filing of the application for registration.[18] Trademark is a
in Hong Kong, the Director's Certificate executed by Mr. Madhu Rama Chandra Rao, creation of use and therefore actual use is a pre-requisite to exclusive ownership and
embodying the board resolution which authorizes Atty. Lerma to act for SLIHM and its registration with the Philippine Patent Office is a mere administrative confirmation
execute the certification against forum shopping, should contain the authentication of the existence of such right.[19] By itself, registration is not a mode of acquiring
by a consular officer of the Philippines in Hong Kong. In National Steel Corporation v. ownership. When the applicant is not the owner of the trademark being applied for,
CA,[11] the Court has ruled that the certification on non-forum shopping may be he has no right to apply for registration of the same. Registration merely creates
signed, for and in behalf of a corporation, by a specifically authorized lawyer who has a prima facie presumption of the validity of the registration, of the registrant's
personal knowledge of the facts required to be disclosed in such document. The ownership of the trademark and of the exclusive right to the use thereof.[20] Such
reason for this is that a corporation can only exercise its powers through its board of presumption, just like the presumptive regularity in the performance of official
directors and/or its duly authorized officers and agents. Physical acts, like the signing functions, is rebuttable and must give way to evidence to the contrary.Here,
of documents, can be performed only by natural persons duly authorized for the respondent's own witness, Ramon Syhunliong, testified that a jeepney signboard
purpose.[12] Moreover, Rule 7, Section 5 of the Rules of Court concerning the artist allegedly commissioned to create the mark and logo submitted his designs only
certification against forum shopping does not require any consular certification if the in December 1982.[21] This was two-and-a-half months after the filing of the
respondents trademark application on October 18, 1982 with the BPTTT. It was also Respondent DGCI also rebukes the next issue raised by the petitioners as being
only in December 1982 when the respondent's restaurant was opened for purely factual in nature, namely, whether the CA erred in overlooking petitioners'
business.[22] Respondent cannot now claim before the Court that the certificate of widespread prior use of the Shangri-La mark and S logo in their operations. The
registration itself is proof that the two-month prior use requirement was complied question, however, is not whether there had been widespread prior use, which would
with, what with the fact that its very own witness testified otherwise in the trial court. have been factual, but whether that prior use entitles the petitioners to use the mark
And because at the time (October 18, 1982) the respondent filed its application for and logo in the Philippines. This is clearly a question which is legal in nature.
trademark registration of the Shangri-La mark and S logo, respondent was not using
these in the Philippines commercially, the registration is void.Petitioners also argue It has already been established in the two courts below, and admitted
that the respondent's use of the Shangri-La mark and S logo was in evident bad faith by the respondents president himself, that petitioners had prior widespread use of
and cannot therefore ripen into ownership, much less registration. While the the mark and logo abroad:
respondent is correct in saying that a finding of bad faith is factual, not
legal,[23] hence beyond the scope of a petition for review, there are, however, noted There is, to be sure, an impressive mass of proof that petitioner
exceptions thereto. Among these exceptions are: SLIHM and its related companies abroad used the name and logo for one
purpose or another x x x.[35] [Emphasis supplied]
1. When the inference made is manifestly mistaken, absurd or
impossible;[24] In respondent's own words, [T]he Court of Appeals did note petitioners' use of the
2. When there is grave abuse of discretion;[25] mark and logo but held that such use did not confer to them ownership or exclusive
3. When the judgment is based on a misapprehension of facts;[26] right to use them in the Philippines.[36] To petitioners' mind, it was error for the CA
4. When the findings of fact are conflicting;[27] and to rule that their worldwide use of the mark and logo in dispute could not have
5. When the facts set forth in the petition as well as in the petitioner's conferred upon them any right thereto. Again, this is a legal question which is well
main and reply briefs are not disputed by the respondent.[28] worth delving into.

And these are naming but a few of the recognized exceptions to the rule. The CA R.A. No. 166, as amended, under which this case was heard and decided provides:
itself, in its Decision of May 15, 2003, found that the respondents president and
chairman of the board, Ramon Syhunliong, had been a guest at the petitioners' hotel Section 2. What are registrable. - Trademarks, trade names and service
before he caused the registration of the mark and logo, and surmised that he must marks owned by persons, corporations, partnerships or associations
have copied the idea there: domiciled in the Philippines and by persons, corporations, partnerships or
associations domiciled in any foreign country may be registered in
Did Mr. Ramon Syhunliong, [respondent's] President copy the mark and accordance with the provisions of this Act: Provided, That said
devise from one of [petitioners] hotel (Kowloon Shangri-la) abroad? The trademarks trade names, or service marks are actually in use in
mere fact that he was a visitor of [petitioners] hotel abroad at one time commerce and services not less than two months in the
(September 27, 1982) establishes [petitioners] allegation that he got the Philippines before the time the applications for registration are filed:
idea there.[29] And provided, further, That the country of which the applicant for
registration is a citizen grants by law substantially similar privileges to
Yet, in the very next paragraph, despite the preceding admission that the mark and citizens of the Philippines, and such fact is officially certified, with a
logo must have been copied, the CA tries to make it appear that the adoption of the certified true copy of the foreign law translated into the English language,
same mark and logo could have been coincidental: by the government of the foreign country to the Government of the
Republic of the Philippines.
The word or name Shangri-la and the S-logo, are not uncommon. The
word Shangri-la refers to a (a) remote beautiful imaginary place where Section 2-A. Ownership of trademarks, trade names and service marks;
life approaches perfection or (b) imaginary mountain land depicted as a how acquired. - Anyone who lawfully produces or deals in merchandise of
utopia in the novel Lost Horizon by James Hilton. The Lost Horizon was a any kind or who engages in any lawful business, or who renders any
well-read and popular novel written in 1976. It is not impossible that the lawful service in commerce, by actual use thereof in manufacture or
parties, inspired by the novel, both adopted the mark for their business to trade, in business, and in the service rendered, may appropriate to his
conjure [a] place of beauty and pleasure. exclusive use a trademark, a trade name, or a servicemark not so
appropriated by another, to distinguish his merchandise, business or
The S-logo is, likewise, not unusual. The devise looks like a modified Old service from the merchandise, business or services of others. The
English print.[30] ownership or possession of a trademark, trade name, service mark,
heretofore or hereafter appropriated, as in this section provided, shall be
To jump from a recognition of the fact that the mark and logo must have been recognized and protected in the same manner and to the same extent as
copied to a rationalization for the possibility that both the petitioners and the are other property rights known to this law. [Emphasis supplied]
respondent coincidentally chose the same name and logo is not only contradictory,
but also manifestly mistaken or absurd. Furthermore, the S logo appears nothing like Admittedly, the CA was not amiss in saying that the law requires the actual use in
the Old English print that the CA makes it out to be, but is obviously a symbol with commerce of the said trade name and S logo in the Philippines. Hence, consistent
oriental or Asian overtones. At any rate, it is ludicrous to believe that the parties with its finding that the bulk of the petitioners' evidence shows that the alleged use
would come up with the exact same lettering for the word Shangri-La and the exact of the Shangri-La trade name was done abroad and not in the Philippines, it
same logo to boot. As correctly observed by the petitioners, to which we are in full is understandable for that court to rule in respondents favor. Unfortunately, however,
accord: what the CA failed to perceive is that there is a crucial difference between the
aforequoted Section 2 and Section 2-A of R.A. No. 166. For, while Section 2 provides
When a trademark copycat adopts the word portion of another's for what isregistrable, Section 2-A, on the other hand, sets out how ownership is
trademark as his own, there may still be some doubt that the adoption is acquired. These are two distinct concepts.
intentional. But if he copies not only the word but also the word's exact
font and lettering style and in addition, he copies also the logo portion of Under Section 2, in order to register a trademark, one must be the owner thereof and
the trademark, the slightest doubt vanishes. It is then replaced by the must have actually used the mark in commerce in the Philippines for 2 months prior
certainty that the adoption was deliberate, malicious and in bad faith.[31] to the application for registration. Since ownership of the trademark is required for
registration, Section 2-A of the same law sets out to define how one goes about
It is truly difficult to understand why, of the millions of terms and combination of acquiring ownership thereof. Under Section 2-A, it is clear that actual use in
letters and designs available, the respondent had to choose exactly the same mark commerce is also the test of ownership but the provision went further by saying that
and logo as that of the petitioners, if there was no intent to take advantage of the the mark must not have been so appropriated by another. Additionally, it is
goodwill of petitioners' mark and logo.[32] significant to note that Section 2-A does not require that the actual use of a
trademark must be within the Philippines. Hence, under R.A. No. 166, as amended,
One who has imitated the trademark of another cannot bring an action for one may be an owner of a mark due to actual use thereof but not yet have the right
infringement, particularly against the true owner of the mark, because he would be to register such ownership here due to failure to use it within the Philippines for two
coming to court with unclean hands.[33] Priority is of no avail to the bad faith months.
plaintiff. Good faith is required in order to ensure that a second user may not merely
take advantage of the goodwill established by the true owner. While the petitioners may not have qualified under Section 2 of R.A. No. 166 as a
registrant, neither did respondent DGCI, since the latter also failed to fulfill the 2-
This point is further bolstered by the fact that under either Section 17 of R.A. No. month actual use requirement. What is worse, DGCI was not even the owner of the
166, or Section 151 of R.A. No. 8293, or Article 6bis(3) of the Paris Convention, no mark. For it to have been the owner, the mark must not have been already
time limit is fixed for the cancellation of marks registered or used in bad appropriated (i.e.,used) by someone else. At the time of respondent DGCI's
faith.[34] This is precisely why petitioners had filed an inter partes case before the registration of the mark, the same was already being used by the petitioners, albeit
BPTTT for the cancellation of respondent's registration, the proceedings on abroad, of which DGCIs president was fully aware.
which were suspended pending resolution of the instant case.
It is respondent's contention that since the petitioners adopted the Shangri-La mark
and S logo as a mere corporate name or as the name of their hotels, instead of using
them as a trademark or service mark, then such name and logo are not trademarks. WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED. The assailed Decision and
The two concepts of corporate name or business name and trademark or service Resolution of the Court of Appeals dated May 15, 2003 and September 15, 2003,
mark, are not mutually exclusive. It is common, indeed likely, that the name of a respectively, and the Decision of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City dated March
corporation or business is also a trade name, trademark or service mark. Section 38 8, 1996 are hereby SET ASIDE. Accordingly, the complaint for infringement in Civil
of R.A. No. 166 defines the terms as follows: Case No. Q-91-8476 is ordered DISMISSED.
Sec. 38. Words and terms defined and construed In the construction of
this Act, unless the contrary is plainly apparent from the context The term Asia rewBery vs. CA, GR No. 103543, 5 July 1993
trade name includes individual names and surnames, firm names, trade
names, devices or words used by manufacturers, industrialists, merchants, On September 15, 1988, San Miguel Corporation (SMC) filed a complaint against Asia
agriculturists, and others to identify their business, vocations or Brewery Inc. (ABI) for infringement of trademark and unfair competition on account
occupations; the names or titles lawfully adopted and used by of the latter's BEER PALE PILSEN or BEER NA BEER product which has been
natural or juridical persons, unions, and any manufacturing, industrial, competing with SMC's SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN for a share of the local beer market.
commercial, agricultural or other organizations engaged in trade or (San Miguel Corporation vs. Asia Brewery Inc., Civ. Case. No. 56390, RTC Branch 166,
commerce. Pasig, Metro Manila.).

The term trade mark includes any word, name, symbol, emblem, sign or On August 27, 1990, a decision was rendered by the trial Court, presided over by
device or any combination thereof adopted and used by a manufacturer Judge Jesus O. Bersamira, dismissing SMC's complaint because ABI "has not
or merchant to identify his goods and distinguish them from those committed trademark infringement or unfair competition against" SMC (p. 189, Rollo).
manufactured, sold or dealt in by others.
SMC appealed to the Court of Appeals (C.A.-G.R. CV No. 28104). On September 30,
The term service mark means a mark used in the sale or advertising of 1991, the Court of Appeals (Sixth Division composed of Justice Jose C. Campos, Jr.,
services to identify the services of one person and distinguish them chairman and ponente, and Justices Venancio D. Aldecoa Jr. and Filemon H. Mendoza,
from the services of others and includes without limitation the as members) reversed the trial court. The dispositive part of the decision reads as
marks, names, symbols, titles, designations, slogans, character follows:
names, and distinctive features of radio or other advertising.
In the light of the foregoing analysis and under the plain language of the applicable
[Emphasis supplied]
rule and principle on the matter, We find the defendant Asia Brewery Incorporated
GUILTY of infringement of trademark and unfair competition. The decision of the trial
Clearly, from the broad definitions quoted above, the petitioners can be considered
court is hereby REVERSED, and a new judgment entered in favor of the plaintiff and
as having used the Shangri-Laname and S logo as a tradename and service mark.
against the defendant as follows:
The new Intellectual Property Code (IPC), Republic Act No. 8293, undoubtedly (1) The defendant Asia Brewery Inc. its officers, agents, servants and employees are
shows the firm resolve of the Philippines to observe and follow the Paris hereby permanently enjoined and restrained from manufacturing, putting up, selling,
Convention by incorporating the relevant portions of the Convention such advertising, offering or announcing for sale, or supplying Beer Pale Pilsen, or any
that persons who may question a mark (that is, oppose registration, petition for the similar preparation, manufacture or beer in bottles and under labels substantially
cancellation thereof, sue for unfair competition) include persons whose identical with or like the said bottles and labels of plaintiff San Miguel Corporation
internationally well-known mark, whether or not registered, is identical with or employed for that purpose, or substantially identical with or like the bottles and
confusingly similar to or constitutes a translation of a mark that is sought to be labels now employed by the defendant for that purpose, or in bottles or under labels
registered or is actually registered.[37] which are calculated to deceive purchasers and consumers into the belief that the
beer is the product of the plaintiff or which will enable others to substitute, sell or
However, while the Philippines was already a signatory to the Paris Convention, the palm off the said beer of the defendant as and for the beer of the plaintiff-
IPC only took effect on January 1, 1988, and in the absence of a retroactivity clause, complainant.
R.A. No. 166 still applies.[38] Under the prevailing law and jurisprudence at the time,
the CA had not erred in ruling that: (2) The defendant Asia Brewery Inc. is hereby ordered to render an accounting and
pay the San Miguel Corporation double any and all the payments derived by
The Paris Convention mandates that protection should be afforded to defendant from operations of its business and the sale of goods bearing the mark
internationally known marks as signatory to the Paris Convention, without "Beer Pale Pilsen" estimated at approximately Five Million Pesos (P5,000,000.00); to
regard as to whether the foreign corporation is registered, licensed or recall all its products bearing the mark "Beer Pale Pilsen" from its retailers and deliver
doing business in the Philippines. It goes without saying that the these as well as all labels, signs, prints, packages, wrappers, receptacles and
same runs afoul to Republic Act No. 166, which requires the advertisements bearing the infringing mark and all plates, molds, materials and other
actual use in commerce in the Philippines of the subject mark or means of making the same to the Court authorized to execute this judgment for
devise. The apparent conflict between the two (2) was settled by the destruction.
Supreme Court in this wise -
(3) The defendant is hereby ordered to pay plaintiff the sum of Two Million Pesos
Following universal acquiescence and comity, our municipal (P2,000,000.00) as moral damages and Half a Million Pesos (P5,000,000.00) by way
law on trademarks regarding the requirement of of exemplary damages.
actual use in the Philippines must subordinate an
international agreement inasmuch as the apparent clash is (4) The defendant is further ordered to pay the plaintiff attorney's fees in the amount
being decided by a municipal tribunal (Mortensen vs. Peters, of P250,000.00 plus costs to this suit. (p. 90, Rollo.)
Great Britain, High Court of Judiciary of Scotland, 1906, 8
Upon a motion for reconsideration filed by ABI, the above dispositive part of the
Sessions 93; Paras, International Law and World Organization,
decision, was modified by the separate opinions of the Special Sixth Division 1 so that
1971 Ed., p. 20). Withal, the fact that international law has
it should read thus:
been made part of the law of the land does not by any means
imply the primacy of international law over national law in the
In the light of the foregoing analysis and under the plain language of the applicable
municipal sphere. Under the doctrine of incorporation as
rule and principle on the matter, We find the defendant Asia Brewery
applied in most countries, rules of international law are given Incorporated GUILTY of infringement of trademark and unfair competition . The
a standing equal, not superior, to national legislative decision of the trial court is hereby REVERSED, and a new judgment entered in favor
enactments (Salonga and Yap, Public International Law, of the plaintiff and against the defendant as follows:
Fourth ed., 1974, p. 16).[39][Emphasis supplied]
(1) The defendant Asia Brewery Inc., its officers, agents, servants and employees are
Consequently, the petitioners cannot claim protection under the Paris Convention. hereby permanently enjoined and restrained from manufacturing, putting up, selling,
Nevertheless, with the double infirmity of lack of two-month prior use, as well as bad advertising, offering or announcing for sale, or supplying Beer Pale Pilsen, or any
faith in the respondent's registration of the mark, it is evident similar preparation, manufacture or beer in bottles and under labels substantially
that the petitioners cannot be guilty of infringement. It would be a great injustice to identical with or like the said bottles and labels of plaintiff San Miguel Corporation
adjudge the petitioners guilty of infringing a mark when they are actually the employed for that purpose, or substantially identical with or like the bottles and
originator and creator thereof. labels now employed by the defendant for that purpose, or in bottles or under labels
which are calculated to deceive purchasers and consumers into the belief that the
Nor can the petitioners' separate personalities from their mother corporation be an beer if the product of the plaintiff or which will enable others to substitute, sell or
obstacle in the enforcement of their rights as part of the Kuok Group of Companies palm off the said beer of the defendant as and for the beer of the plaintiff-
and as official repository, manager and operator of the subject mark and logo. complainant.
Besides, R.A. No. 166 did not require the party seeking relief to
be the owner of the mark but any person who believes that he is or will be damaged (2) The defendant Asia Brewery Inc. is hereby ordered 2 to recall all its products
by the registration of a mark or trade name.[40] bearing the mark Beer Pale Pilsen from its retailers and deliver these as well as all
labels, signs, prints, packages, wrappers, receptacles and advertisements bearing the
infringing mark and all plates, molds, materials and other means of making the same San Miguel Pale Pilsen With Rectangular Hops and Malt Design. (Philippine Bureau of
to the Court authorized to execute this judgment for destruction. Patents, Trademarks and Technology Transfer Trademark Certificate of Registration
No. 36103, dated 23 Oct. 1986,
(3) The defendant is hereby ordered to pay plaintiff the sum of Two Million Pesos (p. 174, Rollo.)
(P2,000,000.00) as moral damages and Half a Million Pesos (P500,000.00) by way of
exemplary damages. As described by the trial court in its decision (Page 177, Rollo):

(4) The defendant is further ordered to pay the plaintiff attorney's fees in the amount . . . . a rectangular design [is] bordered by what appears to be minute grains
of P250,000.00 plus costs of this suit. arranged in rows of three in which there appear in each corner hop designs . At the
top is a phrase written in small print "Reg. Phil. Pat. Off." and at the bottom "Net
In due time, ABI appealed to this Court by a petition for certiorari under Rule 45 of Contents: 320 Ml." The dominant feature is the phrase " San Miguel" written
the Rules of Court. The lone issue in this appeal is whether ABI infringes SMC's horizontally at the upper portion. Below are the words "Pale Pilsen" written diagonally
trademark: San Miguel Pale Pilsen with Rectangular Hops and Malt Design , and across the middle of the rectangular design. In between is a coat of arms and the
thereby commits unfair competition against the latter. It is a factual issue (Phil. Nut phrase "Expertly Brewed." The "S" in "San" and the "M" of "Miguel," "P" of "Pale" and
Industry Inc. v. Standard Brands Inc., 65 SCRA 575) and as a general rule, the "Pilsen" are written in Gothic letters with fine strokes of serifs, the kind that first
findings of the Court of Appeals upon factual questions are conclusive and ought not appeared in the 1780s in England and used for printing German as distinguished
to be disturbed by us. However, there are exceptions to this general rule, and they from Roman and Italic. Below "Pale Pilsen" is the statement "And Bottled by" (first
are: line, "San Miguel Brewery" (second line), and "Philippines" (third line). (p. 177, Rollo;
Emphasis supplied.)
(1) When the conclusion is grounded entirely on speculation, surmises and
conjectures; On the other hand, ABI's trademark, as described by the trial court, consists of:

(2) When the inference of the Court of Appeals from its findings of fact is manifestly . . . a rectangular design bordered by what appear to be buds of flowers with leaves.
mistaken, absurd and impossible; The dominant feature is "Beer" written across the upper portion of the rectangular
design. The phrase "Pale Pilsen" appears immediately below in smaller block letters.
(3) Where there is grave abuse of discretion; To the left is a hop design and to the right, written in small prints, is the phrase "Net
Contents 320 ml." Immediately below "Pale Pilsen" is the statement written in three
(4) When the judgment is based on a misapprehension of facts;
lines "Especially brewed and bottled by" (first line), "Asia Brewery Incorporated"
(5) When the appellate court, in making its findings, went beyond the issues of the (second line), and "Philippines" (third line), (p. 177, Rollo; Emphasis supplied.)
case, and the same are contrary to the admissions of both the appellant and the
Does ABI's BEER PALE PILSEN label or "design" infringe upon SMC's SAN MIGUEL
(6) When the findings of said court are contrary to those of the trial court;
Infringement is determined by the "test of dominancy" rather than by differences or
(7) When the findings are without citation of specific evidence on which they are variations in the details of one trademark and of another. The rule was formulated
based; in Co Tiong Sa vs. Director of Patents, 95 Phil. 1, 4 (1954); reiterated in Lim Hoa vs.
Director of Patents, 100 Phil. 214, 216-217 (1956), thus:
(8) When the facts set forth in the petition as well as in the petitioner's main and
reply briefs are not disputed by the respondents; and It has been consistently held that the question of infringement of a trademark is to
be determined by the test of dominancy. Similarity in size, form and color, while
(9) When the findings of facts of the Court of Appeals are premised on the absence relevant, is not conclusive. If the competing trademark contains the main or essential
of evidence and are contradicted on record. (Reynolds Philippine Corporation vs. or dominant features of another, and confusion and deception is likely to result,
Court of Appeals, 169 SCRA 220, 223 citing, Mendoza vs. Court of Appeals, 156 SCRA infringement takes place. Duplication or imitation is not necessary; nor it is necessary
597; Manlapaz vs. Court of Appeals, 147 SCRA 238; Sacay vs. Sandiganbayan, 142 that the infringing label should suggest an effort to imitate. [C. Neilman Brewing Co.
SCRA 593, 609; Guita vs. CA, 139 SCRA 576; Casanayan vs. Court of Appeals, 198 vs. Independent Brewing Co., 191 F., 489, 495, citing Eagle White Lead Co., vs.
SCRA 333, 336; also Apex Investment and Financing Corp. vs. IAC, 166 SCRA 458 Pflugh (CC) 180 Fed. 579]. The question at issue in cases of infringement of
[citing Tolentino vs. De Jesus, 56 SCRA 167; Carolina Industries, Inc. vs. CMS Stock trademarks is whether the use of the marks involved would be likely to cause
Brokerage, Inc., 97 SCRA 734; Manero vs. CA, 102 SCRA 817; and Moran, Jr. vs. CA, confusion or mistakes in the mind of the public or deceive purchasers . (Auburn
133 SCRA 88].) Rubber Corporation vs. Honover Rubber Co., 107 F. 2d 588; . . . .) (Emphasis
Under any of these exceptions, the Court has to review the evidence in order to
arrive at the correct findings based on the record (Roman Catholic Bishop of Malolos, In Forbes, Munn & Co. (Ltd.) vs. Ang San To , 40 Phil. 272, 275, the test was
Inc. vs. IAC, 191 SCRA 411, 420.) Where findings of the Court of Appeals and trial similarity or "resemblance between the two (trademarks) such as would be likely to
court are contrary to each other, the Supreme Court may scrutinize the evidence on cause the one mark to be mistaken for the other. . . . [But] this is not such similitude
record. (Cruz vs. CA, 129 SCRA 222, 227.) as amounts to identity."

The present case is one of the exceptions because there is no concurrence between In Phil. Nut Industry Inc. vs. Standard Brands Inc. , 65 SCRA 575, the court was more
the trial court and the Court of Appeals on the lone factual issue of whether ABI, by specific: the test is "similarity in the dominant features of the trademarks."
manufacturing and selling its BEER PALE PILSEN in amber colored steinie bottles of
320 ml. capacity with a white painted rectangular label has committed trademark What are the dominant features of the competing trademarks before us?
infringement and unfair competition against SMC.
There is hardly any dispute that the dominant feature of SMC's trademark is the
Infringement of trademark is a form of unfair competition (Clarke vs. Manila Candy name of the product: SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN, written in white Gothic letters with
Co., 36 Phil. 100, 106). Sec. 22 of Republic Act No. 166, otherwise known as the elaborate serifs at the beginning and end of the letters "S" and "M" on an amber
Trademark Law, defines what constitutes infringement: background across the upper portion of the rectangular design.

Sec. 22. Infringement, what constitutes. — Any person who shall use, without the On the other hand, the dominant feature of ABI's trademark is the name: BEER PALE
consent of the registrant, any reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colorable imitation of PILSEN, with the word "Beer" written in large amber letters, larger than any of the
any registered mark or trade-name in connection with the sale, offering for sale, or letters found in the SMC label.
advertising of any goods, business or services on or in connection with which such
The trial court perceptively observed that the word "BEER" does not appear in SMC's
use is likely to cause confusion or mistake or to deceive purchasers or others as to
trademark, just as the words "SAN MIGUEL" do not appear in ABI's trademark. Hence,
the source or origin of such goods or services, or identity of such business; or
there is absolutely no similarity in the dominant features of both trademarks.
reproduce, counterfeit, copy or colorably imitate any such mark or trade-name and
apply such reproduction, counterfeit, copy, or colorable imitation to labels, signs, Neither in sound, spelling or appearance can BEER PALE PILSEN be said to be
prints, packages, wrappers, receptacles or advertisements intended to be used upon confusingly similar to SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN. No one who purchases BEER PALE
or in connection with such goods, business or services, shall be liable to a civil action PILSEN can possibly be deceived that it is SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN. No evidence
by the registrant for any or all of the remedies herein provided. (Emphasis supplied.) whatsoever was presented by SMC proving otherwise.
This definition implies that only registered trade marks, trade names and service Besides the dissimilarity in their names, the following other dissimilarities in the trade
marks are protected against infringement or unauthorized use by another or others. dress or appearance of the competing products abound:
The use of someone else's registered trademark, trade name or service mark is
unauthorized, hence, actionable, if it is done "without the consent of the registrant." (1) The SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN bottle has a slender tapered neck.
The BEER PALE PILSEN bottle has a fat, bulging neck.
The registered trademark of SMC for its pale pilsen beer is:
(2) The words "pale pilsen" on SMC's label are printed in bold and laced letters along . . . . Others may use the same or similar descriptive word in connection with their
a diagonal band, whereas the words "pale pilsen" on ABI's bottle are half the size and own wares, provided they take proper steps to prevent the public being deceived.
printed in slender block letters on a straight horizontal band. (See Exhibit "8-a".). (Richmond Remedies Co. vs. Dr. Miles Medical Co., 16 E. [2d] 598.)

(3) The names of the manufacturers are prominently printed on their respective . . . . A descriptive word may be admittedly distinctive, especially if the user is the
bottles. first creator of the article. It will, however, be denied protection, not because it lacks
distinctiveness, but rather because others are equally entitled to its use. (2 Callman.
SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN is "Bottled by the San Miguel Brewery, Philippines," Unfair Competition and Trademarks, pp. 869-870.)" (Emphasis supplied.)
whereas BEER PALE PILSEN is "Especially brewed and bottled by Asia Brewery
Incorporated, Philippines." The circumstance that the manufacturer of BEER PALE PILSEN, Asia Brewery
Incorporated, has printed its name all over the bottle of its beer product: on the label,
(4) On the back of ABI's bottle is printed in big, bold letters, under a row of flower on the back of the bottle, as well as on the bottle cap, disproves SMC's charge that
buds and leaves, its copyrighted slogan: ABI dishonestly and fraudulently intends to palm off its BEER PALE PILSEN as SMC's
product. In view of the visible differences between the two products, the Court
"BEER NA BEER!" believes it is quite unlikely that a customer of average intelligence would mistake a
Whereas SMC's bottle carries no slogan.
The fact that BEER PALE PILSEN like SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN is bottled in amber-
(5) The back of the SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN bottle carries the SMC logo, whereas
colored steinie bottles of 320 ml. capacity and is also advertised in print, broadcast,
the BEER PALE PILSEN bottle has no logo.
and television media, does not necessarily constitute unfair competition.
(6) The SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN bottle cap is stamped with a coat of arms and the
Unfair competition is the employment of deception or any other means contrary to
words "San Miguel Brewery Philippines" encircling the same.
good faith by which a person shall pass off the goods manufactured by him or in
The BEER PALE PILSEN bottle cap is stamped with the name "BEER" in the center, which he deals, or his business, or services, for those of another who has already
surrounded by the words "Asia Brewery Incorporated Philippines." established goodwill for his similar goods, business or services, or any acts calculated
to produce the same result. (Sec. 29, Republic Act No. 166, as amended.) The law
(7) Finally, there is a substantial price difference between BEER PALE PILSEN further enumerates the more common ways of committing unfair competition, thus:
(currently at P4.25 per bottle) and SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN (currently at P7.00 per
bottle). One who pays only P4.25 for a bottle of beer cannot expect to receive San Sec. 29. . . .
Miguel Pale Pilsen from the storekeeper or bartender.
In particular, and without in any way limiting the scope of unfair competition, the
The fact that the words pale pilsen are part of ABI's trademark does not constitute an following shall be deemed guilty of unfair competition:
infringement of SMC's trademark: SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN, for "pale pilsen" are
(a) Any person, who in selling his goods shall give them the general appearance of
generic words descriptive of the color ("pale"), of a type of beer ("pilsen"), which is a
goods of another manufacturer or dealer, either as to the goods themselves or in the
light bohemian beer with a strong hops flavor that originated in the City of Pilsen in
wrapping of the packages in which they are contained, or the devices or words
Czechoslovakia and became famous in the Middle Ages. (Webster's Third New
thereon, or in any other feature of their appearance, which would be likely to
International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged. Edited by Philip
influence purchasers to believe that the goods offered are those of a manufacturer or
Babcock Gove. Springfield, Mass.: G & C Merriam Co., [c] 1976, page 1716.) "Pilsen"
dealer other than the actual manufacturer or dealer, or who otherwise clothes the
is a "primarily geographically descriptive word," (Sec. 4, subpar. [e] Republic Act No.
goods with such appearance as shall deceive the public and defraud another of his
166, as inserted by Sec. 2 of R.A. No. 638) hence, non-registerable and not
legitimate trade, or any subsequent vendor of such goods or any agent of any vendor
appropriable by any beer manufacturer. The Trademark Law provides:
engaged in selling such goods with a like purpose.
Sec. 4. . . .. The owner of trade-mark, trade-name or service-mark used to
(b) Any person who by any artifice, or device, or who employs any other means
distinguish his goods, business or services from the goods, business or services of
calculated to induce the false belief that such person is offering the services of
others shall have the right to register the same [on the principal register], unless it:
another who has identified such services in the mind of the public; or
xxx xxx xxx
(c) Any person who shall make any false statement in the course of trade or who
(e) Consists of a mark or trade-name which, when applied to or used in connection shall commit any other act contrary to good faith of a nature calculated to discredit
with the goods, business or services of the applicant is merely descriptive or the goods, business or services of another.
deceptively misdescriptive of them, or when applied to or used in connection with the
In this case, the question to be determined is whether ABI is using a name or mark
goods, business or services of the applicant is primarily geographically descriptive or
for its beer that has previously come to designate SMC's beer, or whether ABI is
deceptively misdescriptive of them, or is primarily merely a surname." (Emphasis
. . ..The universal test question is whether the public is likely to be deceived. Nothing
The words "pale pilsen" may not be appropriated by SMC for its exclusive use even if
less than conduct tending to pass off one man's goods or business as that of another
they are part of its registered trademark: SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN, any more than
will constitute unfair competition. Actual or probable deception and confusion on the
such descriptive words as "evaporated milk," "tomato ketchup," "cheddar cheese,"
part of the customers by reason of defendant's practices must always appear. (Shell
"corn flakes" and "cooking oil" may be appropriated by any single manufacturer of
Co., of the Philippines, Ltd. vs. Insular Petroleum Refining Co. Ltd. et al., 120 Phil.
these food products, for no other reason than that he was the first to use them in his
434, 439.)
registered trademark. In Masso Hermanos, S.A. vs. Director of Patents, 94 Phil. 136,
139 (1953), it was held that a dealer in shoes cannot register "Leather Shoes" as his The use of ABI of the steinie bottle, similar but not identical to the SAN MIGUEL PALE
trademark because that would be merely descriptive and it would be unjust to PILSEN bottle, is not unlawful. As pointed out by ABI's counsel, SMC did not invent
deprive other dealers in leather shoes of the right to use the same words with but merely borrowed the steinie bottle from abroad and it claims neither patent nor
reference to their merchandise. No one may appropriate generic or descriptive words. trademark protection for that bottle shape and design. (See rollo, page 55.) The
They belong to the public domain (Ong Ai Gui vs. Director of Patents, 96 Phil. 673, Cerveza Especial and the Efes Pale Pilsen use the "steinie" bottle. (See Exhibits 57-D,
676 [1955]): 57-E.) The trial court found no infringement of SMC's bottle —
A word or a combination of words which is merely descriptive of an article of trade, The court agrees with defendant that there is no infringement of plaintiff's bottle,
or of its composition, characteristics, or qualities, cannot be appropriated and firstly, because according to plaintiff's witness Deogracias Villadolid, it is a standard
protected as a trademark to the exclusion of its use by others. . . . inasmuch as all type of bottle called steinie, and to witness Jose Antonio Garcia, it is not a San Miguel
persons have an equal right to produce and vend similar articles, they also have the Corporation design but a design originally developed in the United States by the
right to describe them properly and to use any appropriate language or words for Glass Container Manufacturer's Institute and therefore lacks exclusivity. Secondly, the
that purpose, and no person can appropriate to himself exclusively any word or shape was never registered as a trademark. Exhibit "C" is not a registration of a beer
expression, properly descriptive of the article, its qualities, ingredients or bottle design required under Rep. Act 165 but the registration of the name and other
characteristics, and thus limit other persons in the use of language appropriate to the marks of ownership stamped on containers as required by Rep. Act 623. Thirdly, the
description of their manufactures, the right to the use of such language being neck of defendant's bottle is much larger and has a distinct bulge in its uppermost
common to all. This rule excluding descriptive terms has also been held to apply to part. (p. 186, Rollo.)
trade-names. As to whether words employed fall within this prohibition, it is said that
the true test is not whether they are exhaustively descriptive of the article designated, The petitioner's contention that bottle size, shape and color may not be the exclusive
but whether in themselves, and as they are commonly used by those who property of any one beer manufacturer is well taken. SMC's being the first to use the
understand their meaning, they are reasonably indicative and descriptive of the thing steinie bottle does not give SMC a vested right to use it to the exclusion of everyone
intended. If they are thus descriptive, and not arbitrary, they cannot be appropriated else. Being of functional or common use, and not the exclusive invention of any one,
from general use and become the exclusive property of anyone. (52 Am. Jur. 542- it is available to all who might need to use it within the industry. Nobody can acquire
543.) any exclusive right to market articles supplying simple human needs in containers or
wrappers of the general form, size and character commonly and immediately used in peanut butter are sold in standard glass jars. The manufacturers of these foodstuffs
marketing such articles (Dy Buncio vs. Tan Tiao Bok, 42 Phil. 190, 194-195.) have equal right to use these standards tins, bottles and jars for their products. Only
their respective labels distinguish them from each other. Just as no milk producer
. . . protection against imitation should be properly confined to nonfunctional features. may sue the others for unfair competition because they sell their milk in the same
Even if purely functional elements are slavishly copied, the resemblance will not size and shape of milk can which he uses, neither may SMC claim unfair competition
support an action for unfair competition, and the first user cannot claim secondary arising from the fact that ABI's BEER PALE PILSEN is sold, like SMC's SAN MIGUEL
meaning protection. Nor can the first user predicate his claim to protection on the PALE PILSEN in amber steinie bottles.
argument that his business was established in reliance on any such unpatented
nonfunctional feature, even "at large expenditure of money." (Callman Unfair The record does not bear out SMC's apprehension that BEER PALE PILSEN is being
Competition, Trademarks and Monopolies, Sec. 19.33 [4th Ed.].) (Petition for Review, passed off as SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN. This is unlikely to happen for consumers or
p. 28.) buyers of beer generally order their beer by brand. As pointed out by ABI's counsel,
in supermarkets and tiendas, beer is ordered by brand, and the customer surrenders
ABI does not use SMC's steinie bottle. Neither did ABI copy it. ABI makes its own his empty replacement bottles or pays a deposit to guarantee the return of the
steinie bottle which has a fat bulging neck to differentiate it from SMC's bottle. The empties. If his empties are SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN, he will get SAN MIGUEL PALE
amber color is a functional feature of the beer bottle. As pointed out by ABI, all PILSEN as replacement. In sari-sari stores, beer is also ordered from the tindera by
bottled beer produced in the Philippines is contained and sold in amber-colored brand. The same is true in restaurants, pubs and beer gardens — beer is ordered
bottles because amber is the most effective color in preventing transmission of light from the waiters by brand. (Op. cit. page 50.)
and provides the maximum protection to beer. As was ruled in California Crushed
Fruit Corporation vs. Taylor B. and Candy Co., 38 F2d 885, a merchant cannot be Considering further that SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN has virtually monopolized the
enjoined from using a type or color of bottle where the same has the useful purpose domestic beer market for the past hundred years, those who have been drinking no
of protecting the contents from the deleterious effects of light rays. Moreover, no one other beer but SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN these many years certainly know their beer
may have a monopoly of any color. Not only beer, but most medicines, whether in too well to be deceived by a newcomer in the market. If they gravitate to ABI's
liquid or tablet form, are sold in amber-colored bottles. cheaper beer, it will not be because they are confused or deceived, but because they
find the competing product to their taste.
That the ABI bottle has a 320 ml. capacity is not due to a desire to imitate SMC's
bottle because that bottle capacity is the standard prescribed under Metrication Our decision in this case will not diminish our ruling in "Del Monte Corporation vs.
Circular No. 778, dated 4 December 1979, of the Department of Trade, Metric Court of Appeals and Sunshine Sauce Manufacturing Industries," 181 SCRA 410,
System Board. 419, 3 that:

With regard to the white label of both beer bottles, ABI explained that it used the . . . to determine whether a trademark has been infringed, we must consider the
color white for its label because white presents the strongest contrast to the amber mark as a whole and not as dissected. If the buyer is deceived, it is attributable to
color of ABI's bottle; it is also the most economical to use on labels, and the easiest the marks as a totality, not usually to any part of it.
to "bake" in the furnace (p. 16, TSN of September 20, 1988). No one can have a
monopoly of the color amber for bottles, nor of white for labels, nor of the That ruling may not apply to all kinds of products. The Court itself cautioned that in
rectangular shape which is the usual configuration of labels. Needless to say, the resolving cases of infringement and unfair competition, the courts should "take into
shape of the bottle and of the label is unimportant. What is all important is the name consideration several factors which would affect its conclusion, to wit: the age,
of the product written on the label of the bottle for that is how one beer may be training and education of the usual purchaser, the nature and cost of the article,
distinguished form the others. whether the article is bought for immediate consumption and also the conditions
under which it is usually purchased" (181 SCRA 410, 418-419).
In Dy Buncio v. Tan Tiao Bok, 42 Phil. 190, 196-197, where two competing tea
products were both labelled as Formosan tea, both sold in 5-ounce packages made of The Del Monte case involved catsup, a common household item which is bought off
ordinary wrapping paper of conventional color, both with labels containing designs the store shelves by housewives and house help who, if they are illiterate and cannot
drawn in green ink and Chinese characters written in red ink, one label showing a identify the product by name or brand, would very likely identify it by mere
double-decked jar in the center, the other, a flower pot, this court found that the recollection of its appearance. Since the competitor, Sunshine Sauce Mfg. Industries,
resemblances between the designs were not sufficient to mislead the ordinary not only used recycled Del Monte bottles for its catsup (despite the warning
intelligent buyer, hence, there was no unfair competition. The Court held: embossed on the bottles: "Del Monte Corporation. Not to be refilled.") but also used
labels which were "a colorable imitation" of Del Monte's label, we held that there was
. . . . In order that there may be deception of the buying public in the sense infringement of Del Monte's trademark and unfair competition by Sunshine.
necessary to constitute unfair competition, it is necessary to suppose a public
accustomed to buy, and therefore to some extent familiar with, the goods in question. Our ruling in Del Monte would not apply to beer which is not usually picked from a
The test of fraudulent simulation is to be found in the likelihood of the deception of store shelf but ordered by brand by the beer drinker himself from the storekeeper or
persons in some measure acquainted with an established design and desirous of waiter in a pub or restaurant.
purchasing the commodity with which that design has been associated. The test is
not found in the deception, or possibility of the deception, of the person who knows Moreover, SMC's brand or trademark: "SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN" is not infringed by
nothing about the design which has been counterfeited, and who must be indifferent ABI's mark: "BEER NA BEER" or "BEER PALE PILSEN." ABI makes its own bottle with
as between that and the other. The simulation, in order to be objectionable, must be a bulging neck to differentiate it from SMC's bottle, and prints ABI's name in three (3)
such as appears likely to mislead the ordinarily intelligent buyer who has a need to places on said bottle (front, back and bottle cap) to prove that it has no intention to
supply and is familiar with the article that he seeks to purchase. pass of its "BEER" as "SAN MIGUEL."

The main thrust of SMC's complaint if not infringement of its trademark, but unfair There is no confusing similarity between the competing beers for the name of one is
competition arising form the allegedly "confusing similarity" in the general "SAN MIGUEL" while the competitor is plain "BEER" and the points of dissimilarity
appearance or trade dress of ABI's BEER PALE PILSEN beside SMC's SAN MIGUEL between the two outnumber their points of similarity.
PALE PILSEN (p. 209, Rollo)
Petitioner ABI has neither infringed SMC's trademark nor committed unfair
SMC claims that the "trade dress" of BEER PALE PILSEN is "confusingly similar" to its competition with the latter's SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN product. While its BEER PALE
SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN because both are bottled in 320 ml. steinie type, amber- PILSEN admittedly competes with the latter in the open market, that competition is
colored bottles with white rectangular labels. neither unfair nor fraudulent. Hence, we must deny SMC's prayer to suppress it.

However, when as in this case, the names of the competing products are clearly WHEREFORE, finding the petition for review meritorious, the same is hereby granted.
different and their respective sources are prominently printed on the label and on The decision and resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 28104 are
other parts of the bottle, mere similarity in the shape and size of the container and hereby set aside and that of the trial court is REINSTATED and AFFIRMED. Costs
label, does not constitute unfair competition. The steinie bottle is a standard bottle against the private respondent.
for beer and is universally used. SMC did not invent it nor patent it. The fact that
SMC's bottle is registered under R.A. No. 623 (as amended by RA 5700, An Act to
Regulate the Use of Duly Stamped or Marked Bottles, Boxes, Casks, Kegs, Barrels
and Other Similar Containers) simply prohibits manufacturers of other foodstuffs from Sterling Products vs. Faber Farbenfabriken AG 27 SCRA
the unauthorized use of SMC's bottles by refilling these with their products. It was
not uncommon then for products such as patis (fish sauce) and toyo (soy sauce) to In this, a case for trademark infringement and unfair competition, each of the
be sold in recycled SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN bottles. Registration of SMC's beer principal suitors, namely, plaintiff Sterling Products International, Inc.,1 and
bottles did not give SMC a patent on the steinie or on bottles of similar size, shape or defendant Farbenfabriken Bayer Aktiengesellschaft,2 seeks to exclude the other from
color. use in the Philippines of the trademarks BAYER and BAYER CROSS IN CIRCLE. SPI
asks this Court to strike down FBA's registration of BAYER CROSS IN CIRCLE covering
Most containers are standardized because they are usually made by the same
industrial and agricultural products — insecticides and other chemicals, not medicines
manufacturer. Milk, whether in powdered or liquid form, is sold in uniform tin cans.
— from the supplemental register. FBA, for its part, prays for the cancellation from
The same can be said of the standard ketchup or vinegar bottle with its familiar
the principal register of SPI's certificates of registration of the trademarks aforesaid
elongated neck. Many other grocery items such as coffee, mayonnaise, pickles and
for medicines.
Contending parties are doing business in the Philippines. SPI markets Bayer Aspirin, the manufacture of physicians' drugs on a commercial scale became an almost
Aspirin for Children and Cafiaspirina. The BAYER and BAYER CROSS IN CIRCLE are insoluble problem.11
being used by SPI in the Philippines only for said products — Bayer Aspirin,
Cafiaspirina and Bayer Aspirin for Children. On the containers (bottles or printed Sterling Drug, Inc. secured registrations of the BAYER trademarks in different
celophane strips, which, in turn, are placed in cardboard boxes) of Bayer Aspirin, countries of the world.12
Aspirin for Children and Cafiaspirina, SPI features the trademarks BAYER and BAYER
CROSS IN CIRCLE. FBA thru Allied Manufacturing & Trading Co., Inc.3 distributes It would appear that the trademark BAYER for medicines was known in the
"Folidol" and other industrial and agricultural chemicals. FBA's "Folidol" (in steel or Philippines about the close of the 19th century. This appears on page 88 of the
fiber drums or aluminum containers) displays a replica of SPI's trademark BAYER Revista Farmaceutica de Filipinos Año I, Numero 7, 3 de Julio de 1893. Before World
CROSS IN CIRCLE; on the tin cap and label of the container. War I, BAYER products entering the Philippines came from Germany.

The conflict apparent, suit followed. In 1922, a worldwide conflict of interests occurred between Farbenfabriken vorm.
Friedrich Bayer & Co. and The Bayer Co., Inc. of New York, in reference to the
The trial court declared itself "in favor of the solution that favors division of the trademarks BAYER and BAYER CROSS IN CIRCLE as they were applied to various
market rather than monopoly." But to avoid confusion, it directed defendants "to add products.
a distinctive word, or words in their mark to indicate that their products come from
Germany." The judgment below reads: Two agreements resolved this conflict, both executed on April 9, 1923 in London,
England: one, between FFB and Winthrop Chemical Co., Inc. (Exh. 66), and the other
IN VIEW WHEREOF, both complaint and counterclaim are dismissed without costs; between FFB and Bayer New York (Exh. WWW). Under the terms of the agreement
the Court sustains plaintiff's right to use the Bayer trademark for its medicines, and with Winthrop Chemical Co., Inc., FFB stipulated, amongst others: (1) not to contest
defendants' right to use it for chemicals, insecticides, and other products not anymore Winthrop's right over the trademarks BAYER and BAYER CROSS IN CIRCLE;
medicines, but the Court orders defendants to add a distinctive word or words in (2) to discontinue the use of said trademarks in the United States which was
their mark to indicate that their products come from Germany.4 understood to include the Philippines under par. 16 of said agreement; and (3) to
disclose all secrets of other processes relating to the manufacture of pharmaceuticals.
Both parties appealed: Plaintiff, insofar as the judgment "dismisses plaintiff's
complaint and sustains defendants' right to use the BAYER trademark for their Paragraph 26 of the FFB — Bayer New York agreement reads —
chemicals, insecticides, and other products not medicines";5 and defendants, from
the portions of the aforementioned decision particularly those which dismiss the 26. NEW YORK (The Bayer Company, Inc. of New York) agree that they will not sell
counterclaim of the defendants for the cancellation of the registrations by the plaintiff or offer for sale any goods other than hereunder or those they may market for
of the trademarks Bayer and Bayer Cross and which allow the plaintiff "to continue Winthrop as hereinbefore provided and other than Aspirin and compounds of Aspirin
using the Bayer trademarks for medicines."6 which New York shall continue to market for their own account in the United States
of America, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Hawaiian Islands and the Panama
And now to the facts. Zone.13

The word BAYER was the surname of Friedrich Bayer, a German, who, on August 1, In 1925, Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedrich Bayer & Co. became I.G. Farbenindustrie, AG.
1868, organized a drug company bearing his name — Friedr Bayer et comp. — at This necessitated a new agreement incorporating Exh. 66 with modifications. Said
Barmen, Germany. The company was at first engaged in the manufacture and sale of new agreement was signed on November 15, 1926 between I.G. Farbenindustrie and
chemicals. At about the year 1888 it started to manufacture pharmaceutical Winthrop.
preparations also. A change of name from Friedr Bayer to Farbenfabriken vorm.
Friedr. Bayer & Co. (FFB, for short) effective July 1, 1881 was followed in 1912 by a On September 5, 1941, in the anti-trust suits against Sterling Drug, Inc., Winthrop
change of principal place of business from Elberfeld to Luverkusen, Germany.7 Its Chemicals Co. and The Bayer Co., of New York, two consent decrees [Exh. 68 (No.
products came to be known outside Germany. With the discovery in 1899 of the 15-363) and Exh. 69: (No. 15-364)] were promulgated by the U.S. District Court for
Bayer Aspirin, the mark BAYER acquired prestige. The time was ripe to register the Southern New York. Said consent decrees declared the April 9 1923, cartel
trademarks. The record, however, does not clearly show when the word BAYER was agreements violative of the U.S. anti-trust laws. One reason given is that the German
registered as a trademark in Germany. The BAYER CROSS IN CIRCLE trademark was company, FFB (later I.G. Farbenindustrie) — FBA's predecessors — was excluded
registered in Germany on January 6, 1904 — No. 65777.8 It was intended to be used from the U.S. pharmaceutical market. The sentence, however, contains a saving
on "medicines for human beings and animals, disinfectants preservatives, tar clause, thus —
dyestuffs and chemical preparations for dyes and for photographic purposes."9 This
The Bayer contract of 1923, the Bayer contract of 1926, and any and all amendments
registered trademark consists of the BAYER CROSS encircled by the company's name
or supplements thereto are declared and adjudged to be unlawful under the Anti-
Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedr. Bayer & Co. Elberfeld.
Trust Laws of the United States, and the defendants Bayer and Sterling, and their
When the company was merged with other German companies in 1925 to form the respective successors an subsidiaries, or any of them, be and they are hereby
I.G. Farbenindustrie, the name of the former company was deleted from the enjoined and restrained from carrying out or enforcing any of the aforesaid contracts,
trademark and what remained was the present BAYER CROSS IN CIRCLE. A new or any supplements, amendments or modifications thereof, or from paying to I.G.
registration was effected on June 17, 1929 in Germany and for which it was issued a Farben, its subsidiaries, successors, or assigns, any royalties or share of profits
certificate with serial no. 404341. The trademark BAYER CROSS IN CIRCLE was pursuant to said contracts with respect to sales following the effective date of this
registered by FFB and its subsidiaries in other parts of the world, viz, in Norway, decree.
England, Denmark, and Argentina in 1904; in Japan and the United States in 1908; in
Provided, however, that nothing herein contained in this Sec. III shall:lawphi1.nêt
Spain in 1911; in Peru in 1913.
xxx xxx xxx
Sometime in 1895, FFB established a subsidiary in New York, United States. It was
named Farbenfabriken of Elberfeld Co. Its purpose was to sell FFB's products in the Affect in any way the rights or title of the defendant Bayer, its successors,
United States and Canada. It was this subsidiary that registered the trademarks subsidiaries or assigns, in or to the name "Bayer" and the "Bayer Cross" mark or
BAYER and BAYER CROSS IN CIRCLE in the United States between the years 1907- registrations thereof, or
Affect or diminish any right, title or interest of said defendants, their successor
Sometime in 1913, FFB organized another subsidiary — The Bayer Co., Inc. of New subsidiaries or assigns, in or to or under any heretofore acquired and presently
York. This new subsidiary was authorized by FFB to negotiate for and acquire the existing patents, patent applications, patent licenses, trade-marks, trade-names (such
trademarks, goodwill, assets and property of Farbenfabriken of Elberfeld Co. By an as the name "Bayer" and the "Bayer Cross" mark and registrations thereof),
agreement dated June 12, 1913 (Exh. 106) Bayer of New York purchased for the sum processes or formulae relating to the manufacturing, processing, use or sale of
of US $750,000.00 Farbenfabriken of Elberfeld Co.'s "right for the sale in the United aspirin, aspirin compounds, pharmaceutical or other drug or chemical products, or
States and Canada of the drugs, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and any and all other impair any rights or remedies of said defendants, their successors, subsidiaries or
products and articles manufactured and (or) controlled by Leverkusen" (FFB) and its assigns, provided by statute or convention, and by suits for damages, injunction or
"trademarks, good will and other assets and property." other remedy with respect to any such patents, patent applications, patent licenses
or trademarks....14
On April 6, 1917,10 the United States declared war on Germany. Pursuant to the
provisions of the Trading with the Enemy Act, the Alien Property Custodian classified Meanwhile, in 1935, plaintiff Sterling Products International, Inc. (SPI) a Delaware
The Bayer Co., Inc. of New York as an enemy-controlled corporation. Hence, the corporation, a subsidiary of Sterling Drug, Inc. of New York, was issued a license to
Alien Property Custodian seized its assets about the early part of 1918. Between do business in the Philippines.15 The trademarks BAYER and BAYER CROSS IN
December 1918 and January 1919, all the assets of The Bayer Co., Inc. of New York CIRCLE were then registered in the Philippines under the old Trademark Law (Act
were sold by the Alien Property Custodian to Sterling Drug, Inc. for the sum of US 666) by The Bayer Co., Inc.; the BAYER CROSS IN CIRCLE trademark on April 18,
$5,310,000.00. The Bayer Co., Inc. of New York then became a subsidiary of Sterling 1939 for which it was issued Certificate of Registration No. 13081; the BAYER
Drug, Inc. Winthrop Chemical Co., Inc. was later organized as a new subsidiary of trademark on April 22, 1939 for which it was issued Registration Certificate No.
Sterling Drug, Inc. to manufacture and sell the physicians' drugs which had been 13089. These trademark rights were assigned to SPI on December 30, 1942 and the
acquired" by the purchase of the Bayer Co., Inc. Winthrop's operation was evidently assignment was recorded in the Philippines Patent Office on March 5, 1947. With the
hampered because 'the Germans had kept manufacturing processes secret, so that passage of Republic Act 166 repealing the old Trademark Law (Act 666), SPI was
issued by the Philippines Patent Office on June 18, 1948 two new certificates of date of the first use in commerce or business. SPI may not claim "first use" of the
registration: No. 1260-S for BAYER CROSS IN CIRCLE; No. 1262-S for BAYER. The trademarks prior to the registrations thereof on any product other than medicines.
registration of these trademarks was only for "Medicines".
Besides, Section 7 of the same Trademark Act directs that upon the filing of the
Came World War II. I.G. Farbenindustrie AG. was seized by the allied powers. In application and the payment of the required fee, the "Director [of Patents] shall
1945, after World War II, I.G. Farbenindustrie AG. was decartelized by the Allied High cause an examination of the application" — for registration of the trademark — "to
Commission. The unit known as Farbenfabriken Bayer was transferred in 1953 to be made, and, if on such examination it shall appear that the applicant is entitled to
Farbenfabriken Bayer Aktiengesellschaft (FBA), one of the defendants in this case, registration, the Director . . . shall cause the mark . . . to be published in the Official
which was organized in 1951. Gazette." This examination, it would seem to us, is necessary in order that the
Director of Patents may be satisfied that the application conforms to the requirement
Sometime in 1958, defendant Allied Manufacturing & Trading Co., Inc. (AMATCO) of actual use in commerce of the trademark in Section 2 and 2-A of the Trademark
started selling FBA's products especially "Folidol" a chemical insecticide which bears Law; and that the statement in said application — as to the "first use" thereof and
the BAYER CROSS IN CIRCLE trademark.16 "the goods . . . in connection with which the mark . . . is used" (Section 5) — is true.

On November 18, 1959, FBA applied for the registration of the BAYER CROSS IN Really, if the certificate of registration were to be deemed as including goods not
CIRCLE trademark with the Philippines Patent Office for animal and plant destroying specified therein, then a situation may arise whereby an applicant may be tempted to
agents. The examiner's report dated December 17, 1959 stated that the subject mark register a trademark on any and all goods which his mind may conceive even if he
appears to be similar to SPI's registered BAYER trademarks as covered by Certificates had never intended to use the trademark for the said goods. We believe that such
of Registration Nos. 1260-S and 1262-S. He concluded that "[r]egistration of omnibus registration is not contemplated by our Trademark Law.
applicant's mark is proscribed by Section 4-d of the Statute because it would cause
confusion or mistake or [to] deceive purchasers."17 This action of the Philippines Because of this and of the fact that the Bayer trademarks were never used in the
Patent Office drew a reply from FBA. In its letter dated February 1, 1960 applicant Philippines by plaintiff except for medicines — Aspirin, Aspirin for Children and
FBA, thru counsel, said that it "offers no question or objection to the assertion of the Cafiaspirina — we find ourselves unwilling to draw a hard and fast rule which would
Examiner that the registrant's mark and that of the applicant are similar to each other. absolutely and under all circumstances give unqualified protection to plaintiff against
It emphasized the fact that it was seeking registration in the Supplemental Register. the use of said trademarks by all others on goods other than medicines.
Its concluding statement runs thus:.
2. Neither will the 1927 registration in the United States of the BAYER trademark for
Being aware of the duties and obligations of a trademark user in the Philippines and insecticides serve plaintiff any. The United States is not the Philippines. Registration
the penalties provided for in the pertinent law on tradermarks and being aware also in the United States is not registration in the Philippines. At the time of the United
that Supplemental Registration is not a prima facie evidence of ownership of mark States registration in 1927, we had our own Trademark Law, Act No. 666 aforesaid of
but merely a recordation of the use as in fact the mark is actually being used by the the Philippine Commission, which provided for registration here of trademarks owned
applicant in the Philippines, it is respectfully urged that this [application] be given due by persons domiciled in the United States.
What is to be secured from unfair competition in a given territory is the trade which
On February 25, 1960, FBA was issued a certificate of registration in the one has in that particular territory. There is where his business is carried on; where
Supplemental Register, SR-304. the goodwill symbolized by the trademark has immediate value; where the infringer
may profit by infringement.
We now grapple with the problems raised in the separate appeals.
There is nothing new in what we now say. Plaintiff itself concedes22 that the
1. A rule widely accepted and firmly entrenched because it has come down through principle of territoriality of the Trademark Law has been recognized in the Philippines,
the years is that actual use in commerce or business is a prerequisite to the citing Ingenohl vs. Walter E. Olsen, 71 L. ed. 762. As Callmann puts it, the law of
acquisition of the right of ownership over a trademark. This rule is spelled out in our. trademarks "rests upon the doctrine of nationality or territoriality."23
Trademark Law thus:
Accordingly, the 1927 registration in the United States of the BAYER trademark would
SEC. 2-A. Ownership of trade-marks, trademark names and service-mark; how not of itself afford plaintiff protection for the use by defendants in the Philippines of
acquired. — Anyone who lawfully produces or deals in merchandise of any kind or the same trademark for the same or different products.
who engages in any lawful business, or who renders any lawful service in commerce,
by actual use thereof in manufacture or trade, in business, and in the service 3. A question basic in the field of trademarks and unfair competition is the extent to
rendered, may appropriate to his, exclusive use a trademark, a trade-name, or a which a registrant of a trademark covering one product may invoke the right to
service-mark not so appropriated by another, to distinguish his merchandise, protection against the use by other(s) of the same trademark to identify merchandise
business, or service from the merchandise, business or service of others. The different from those for which the trademark has been appropriated.
ownership or possession of a trademark, trade-name, service mark, heretofore or
hereafter appropriated, as in this section provided, shall be recognized and protected Plaintiff's trenchant claim is that it should not be turned away because its case comes
in the same manner and to the same extent as are other property rights known to within the protection of the confusion of origin rule. Callmann notes two types of
the law. (As inserted by Section 1 of Republic Act 638) confusion. The first is the confusion of goods "in which event the ordinarily prudent
purchaser would be induced to purchase one product in the belief that he was
It would seem quite clear that adoption alone of a trademark would not give purchasing the other." In which case, "defendant's goods are then bought as the
exclusive right thereto. Such right grows out of their actual use."19 Adoption is not plaintiff's, and the poorer quality of the former reflects adversely on the plaintiff's
use. One may make advertisements, issue circulars, give out price lists on certain reputation." The other is the confusion of business: "Here though the goods of the
goods; but these alone would not give exclusive right of use. For trademark is a parties are different, the defendant's product is such as might reasonably be
creation of use. The underlying reason for all these is that Purchasers have come to assumed to originate with the plaintiff, and the public would then be deceived either
understand the mark as indicating the origin of the wares.20 Flowing from this is the into that belief or into the belief that there is some connection between the plaintiff
trader's right to protection in the trade he has built up and the goodwill he has and defendant which, in fact, does not exist."24
accumulated from use of the trademark. Registration of a trademark, of course, has
value: it is an administrative act declaratory of a pre-existing right. Registration does A judicial test giving the scope of the rule of confusion of origin is Ang vs.
not, however, perfect a trademark right. Teodoro (December 14, 1942), 74 Phil. 50. Briefly, the facts of the just cited case are
as follows: Toribio Teodoro, at first in partnership with Juan Katindig and later as sole
The BAYER trademarks registered in the Philippines to which plaintiff SPI may lay proprietor, had continuously used "Ang Tibay" both as trademark and as tradename
claim, as correctly stated in the decision below, are those which cover medicines only. in the manufacture and sale of slippers, shoes and indoor baseballs since 1910. He
For, it was on said goods that the BAYER trademarks were actually used by it in the formally registered it as a trademark on September 29, 1915 and as a tradename on
Philippines. Therefore, the certificates of registration for medicines issued by the January 3, 1933. Ana L. Ang registered the same trademark "Ang Tibay" for pants
Director of Patents upon which the protection is enjoyed are only for medicines. and shirts on April 11, 1932 and established a factory for the manufacture of said
Nothing in those certificates recited would include chemical or insecticides. articles in 1937. Suit was lodged by Teodoro against Ang to cancel the latter's
registration of the trademark "Ang Tibay" and to perpetually enjoin her from using
But plaintiff insists that the statement of the applicant (The Bayer Co., Inc.) in its the said trademark on goods manufactured and sold by her. The judgment of the
registrations of the BAYER marks states that "the merchandise for which the trial court absolved defendant (Ana L. Ang) from the complaint with costs against the
trademark is appropriated is d. — Chemicals, Medicines and Pharmaceutical plaintiff. The Court of Appeals reversed. On appeal by certiorari, we affirmed the
Preparations." Plaintiff's position is that such statement determines the goods for judgment of the Court of Appeals. We there said:
which said marks had been registered. Validity does not attach to this proposition.
First, the statement itself admits that "the particular description of the articles "In the present state of development of the law on Trade-Marks, Unfair Competition,
comprised in said class (d) on which the trademark is used is Medicines."21 It is not and Unfair Trading, the test employed by the courts to determine whether
used for chemicals. noncompeting goods are or are not of the same class is confusion as to the origin of
the goods of the second user. Although two noncompeting articles may be classified
Then, Section 11 of the Trademark Law requires that the certificate of registration under two different classes by the Patent Office because they are deemed not to
state "the particular goods . . . for which it is registered." This is controlling. Under possess the same descriptive properties, they would, nevertheless, be held by the
Section 11 aforesaid, likewise to be entered in the certificate of registration is "the courts to belong to the same class if the simultaneous use on them of identical or
closely similar trademarks would be likely to cause confusion as to the origin, or
personal source, of the second user's goods. They would be considered as not falling "Bayer" is a German surname, (see plaintiff's rebuttal Exh. QQQQ, see also p. 7
under the same class only if they are so dissimilar or so foreign to each other as to plaintiff's reply memorandum wherein it is said that this surname is a "pretty
make it unlikely that the purchaser would think the first user made the second user's common one among members of the Germany race") it is all so very easy to
goods. associate the Bayer trademark with products that come from Germany and to believe
that they are of high quality;

Such construction of the law is induced by cogent reasons of equity and fair 4th). — The rationale of the doctrine in Ang vs. Teodoro, supra being that:
dealing. The courts have come to realize that there can be unfair
competition or unfair trading even if the goods are noncompeting, and that The Courts have come to realize that there can be unfair competition or unfair
such unfair trading can cause injury or damage to the first user of a given trading even if the goods are non-competing, and that such unfair trading can cause
trademark, first, by prevention of the natural expansion of his business and, injury or damage to the first user of a given trade mark, first, by prevention of the
second, by having his business reputation confused with and put at the natural expansion of his business, and second, by having his business reputation
mercy of the second user. When noncompetitive products are sold under confused with and put at the mercy of the second user. 74 Phil. 55-56;
the mark, the gradual whittling away or dispersion of the identity and hold
upon the public mind of the mark created by its first user, inevitably results. and the Court having found out that the 'first user' was Bayer Germany and it was
The original owner is entitled to the preservation of the vauable link this that had built up the Bayer mark and plaintiff apparently having itself encouraged
between him and the public that has been created by his ingenuity and the that belief even after it had acquired the Bayer mark in America, thru forced sale, of
merit of his wares or services. Experience has demonstrated that when a defendant's subsidiary there in 1918, Exhs. 79, 80, 81, to apply the Ang Tibay rule in
well-known trademark is adopted by another even for a totally different the manner advocated by Sterling would, the Court fears, produce the reverse result
class of goods, it is done to get the benefit of the reputation and and the consequence would be not equity but injustice.34
advertisements of the originator of said mark, to convey to the public a false
impression of some supposed connection between the manufacturer of the It would seem to us that the fact that plaintiff rode on the German reputation in the
article sold under the original mark and the new articles being tendered to Bayer trademark has diluted the rationally of its exclusionary claim. Not that the free
the public under the same or similar mark. As trade has developed and ride in the name of defendant's German predecessor was sporadic. It is continuing.
commercial changes have come about, the law of unfair competition has Proof of this is the label on the box used by plaintiff (Exhibit U) in the distribution of
expanded to keep pace with the times and the element of strict competition Bayer Aspirin. This box bears prominently on the front part the legend "Genuine" in
in itself has ceased to be the determining factor. The owner of a trademark red color and two arrows: the first pointing to BAYER CROSS IN CIRCLE, and the
or trade-name has a property right in which he is entitled to protection, second, to BAYER Aspirin. At the back thereof in big letters are the words "BAYER
since there is damage to him from confusion of reputation or goodwill in the ASPIRIN", followed in small letters "Used since 1900" and down below the small
mind of the public as well as from confusion of goods. The modern trend is words "Mfd. in the Phil. by Winthrop Stearns, Inc. for STERLING PRODUCTS
to give emphasis to the unfairness of the acts and to classify and treat the INTERNATIONAL, INCORPORATED." In plaintiff's prospectus (Exhibit 1) found in the
issue as a fraud.25 box of Bayer Aspirin tablets, children's size, there is the significant statement:
"GENUINE BAYER — Each Children's Size Bayer Aspirin tablet is stamped with the
Bayer Cross, the trademark of the genuine Bayer product. This means that your child
The thoughts expressed in Ang Tibay command respect Conduct of business should is getting the same gentle-to-the-system Bayer Aspirin that has been used for over
conform to ethical business standards. Unfairness is proscribed. The invocation of 50 years by millions of normal people without ill effect."
equity is bottomed upon the injunction that no one should "reap where he has not
sown."26 With the background of prior use in the Philippines of the word BAYER by FBA's
German predecessor and the prior representations that plaintiff's medicines sold in
Nonetheless, "[i]t has been emphasized that each case presents a unique problem the Philippines were manufactured in Germany, the facts just recited hammer on the
which must be answered by weighing the conflicting interests of the mind of the public that the Aspirin. Cafiaspirina and Aspirin for Children being
litigants."27 With this in mind, we are convinced that the case before us is not to be marketed for plaintiff in the Philippines come from the same source — the German
analogized with Ang Tibay. The factual setting is different. His Honor, Judge Magno S. source — and in use since 1900. That this view is far from far-fetched, is illustrated
Gatmaitan (now Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals), the trial judge, so found. by the testimony of plaintiff's own witness, Dr. Antonio Vasquez, viz:
He reached a conclusion likewise different. And the reasons, so well stated by His
Honor, are these: Q. Have you ever heard of a pharmaceutical company of Bayer of Germany, or a
company in Germany named Bayer?
1st). — It was not plaintiff's predecessor but defendant's namely Farbenfabriken or
Bayer Germany that first introduced the medical products into the Philippine market A. Yes, sir.
and household with the Bayer mark half a century ago; this is what the Court gathers
from the testimony of Frederick Umbreit and this is the implication even of Exhs. 48, Q. Since when have you heard of this pharmaceutical company in Germany with the
49, 66 and as already shown a few pages back;28 name Bayer, since when have you heard of that?

2nd). — There is thus reason plausible enough for defendant' plea that as Sterling A. I have always taken the name Bayer as associated with Winthrop & Stearns.
was not the "originator" of the Bayer mark, the rule in Ang vs. Teodoro, supra, is not
Q. But, you said a while ago....
applicable; and this is correct notwithstanding Exhs. 106 and 63 and even giving unto
these documents full force and virtue, because purchase of the assets of Elberfeld, Witness.
defendants' previous affiliate in New York, by Bayer of New York, even if that were to
be held to include purchase of the Bayer mark, did not make the purchaser Bayer of .... Yes .....
New York the originator of the mark; especially since Bayer of New York was only
another subsidiary of Bayer Germany or Farbenfabriken which was the real originator; xxx xxx xxx

3rd). — The Court is also impelled to believe that the evidence establishes that Q. ... that you have heard of a pharmaceutical company with the name of Bayer in
among the common people of the Philippines the "Bayer" medicines come from Germany?
Germany; this the Court deduces from the testimony of witness Florisa Pestano who
only reproduced the belief of her grandmother; the Court might as well say that A. Yes, sir.
plaintiff itself has not discouraged that belief because the drug and its literature that
came from the plaintiff and its affiliate would show that it represented its medicines Q. Do you know if this Winthrop & Stearns you mentioned has ever been connected
with Bayer Company of Germany?
to have come from defendant29 and were manufactured in Germany with that Bayer
mark; thus Exh. 7030 which is the price list of 1928 of Botica de Sta. Cruz on page 6
A. I have always understood that they were distributing drugs of Bayer &
indicates that Winthrop Chemical Company of New York, — plaintiff's subsidiary —
was a distributor of I.G. Farbenindustrie, A.G. Leverkusen Germany; Exh. 8031 which
is a medical diary published by Winthrop for 1934 on page 148 manifested that the 4. The Ang Tibay doctrine, we believe, is not to be read as shunting aside the time-
journal, "Practical Therapeutics" was published by I.G. Farbenindustrie honored teaching that he who comes into equity must do so with clean
Aktiengesellachaft for Winthrop Chemical Company, Inc.; "with particular reference to hands.36 Plaintiff cannot now say that the present worth of its BAYER trademarks it
the pharmacological products, sera and vaccines originated and prepared in the owes solely to its own efforts; it is not insulated from the charge that as it marketed
laboratories of the I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G."; and Exh. 79 a, b, c, d and e which are its medicines it did so with an eye to the goodwill as to quality that defendants'
prospectuses for the medicines, Mitigal, Afridol, Aspirins, Novalgina and My- predecessor had established.
Salvarsan32 showed that these products were manufactured for Winthrop by I.G.
Farbenindustrie; and then Exh. 81 the Revista Boie of 1928 would show that There is no whittling away of the identity of plaintiff's trademarks. Plaintiff is not the
Winthrop represented itself as the distributor of the products of Bayer of Germany first user thereof in the Philippines. The trademarks do not necessarily link plaintiff
otherwise known as I.G. Farbenindustrie, "segun la alta calidad de la marca with the public. Plaintiff must show injury; it has not. On the contrary,
original";33 the Court being also impelled to add in this connection that it has to take representations as to the place of manufacture of plaintiff's medicines were untrue,
judicial notice of a belief of long standing common among the people in the misleading. Plaintiff could still be tagged with the same deception "which (it)
Philippines that German products are of very high quality and it is only natural for a complains of in the defendant(s)."37 Appropriate it is to recall here our observation in
distributor or a retailer to take advantage of that, and as it is not debated that the Ang Tibay opinion, viz: "On our part may we add, without meaning to be harsh,
that a self-respecting person does not remain in the shelter of another but builds one We hold that the second motion for reconsideration should be granted. Pagasa
of his own."38 contended originally that the Appellate Court erred in holding that Pagasa cannot
invoke the equitable principles of laches, estoppel and acquiescence because Yoshida
Plaintiff, the owner in this country of the trademarks BAYER for medicines, has thus had not abandoned the YKK trademark and Pagasa was aware of its prior existence
forfeited its right to protection from the use of the same trademarks by defendants and registration. It allegedly erred further in ruling that registration gives the
for products different therefrom — insecticides and other chemicals. registrant a vested right in the trademark.

5. But defendants ask us to delist plaintiff's BAYER trademarks for medicines from the These contentions are devoid of merit. The appeal should not have been given due
Principal Register, claiming right thereto for said use. Said trademarks had been course. The Director of Patents sensibly and correctly cancelled the registration in
registered since 1939 by plaintiff's predecessor. The Bayer Co., Inc. favor of Pagasa which has not shown any semblance of justification for usurping the
trademark YKK. The registration in favor of Pagasa was admitted by the Director to
Defendants' claim is stale; it suffers from the defect of non-use.39 While it is be a mistake. He said that Pagasa's application should have been denied outright.
conceded that FBA's predecessors first introduced medical products with the BAYER
trademarks in the Philippine market, it is equally true that, after World War I, no Pagasa cannot rely on equity because he who comes into equity must come with
definite evidence there is that defendants or their professors traded in the Philippines clean hands. Equity refuses to lend its aid in any manner to one seeking its active
in medicines with the BAYER trademarks thereafter. FBA did not seasonably voice its interposition who has been guilty of unlawful or inequitable conduct in the matter
objection. Lack of protest thereto connoted acquiescence. And this; notwithstanding with relation to which he seeks relief (30 C.J.S. 1009).
the fact that the 1923 and 1926 agreements were set aside in the anti-trust suits.
Defendants did use the marks; but it was much later, i.e., in 1958 — and on "Registration is sufficient prima-facie proof that all acts necessary to entitle the mark
chemicals and insecticides — not on medicines. FBA only bestirred itself and to registration were duly performed" (87 C.J.S. 421). Obviously, Yoshida's prior
challenged plaintiff's right to the trademarks on medicines when this suit was filed. registration is superior and must prevail.
Vigilantibus non dormientibus equitas subvenit.40
WHEREFORE, the decisions of the Director of Patents and the Court of Appeals are
The net result is that, as the trial court aptly observed, plaintiff may hold on to its affirmed. Costs against the petitioner.
BAYER trademarks for medicines. And defendants may continue using the same
trademarks for insecticides and other chemicals, not medicines. SO ORDERED.

6. Defendants balk at the ruling below which directs them "to add a distinctive word Mc Donald's Corp. vs. LC Big Mak Burger, GR No. 243993 August 18, 2004
or words in their mark to indicate that their products come from Germany."41
We are left under no doubt as to the reasonableness of the formula thus fashioned.
It avoids the mischief of confusion of origin — defendant FBA's product would not be
mistaken for those of plaintiff. It reduces friction. We perceive of no prejudice to
defendants. The order does not visit defendant FBA with reprobation or The Case
condemnation. Rather, said defendant would be enhancing the value of and would be
sponsoring its own products. Anyway, a statement that its products come from This is a petition for review[1] of the Decision dated 26 November 1999 of the Court
Germany is but a statement of fact. of Appeals[2] finding respondent L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. not liable for trademark
infringement and unfair competition and ordering petitioners to pay
FOR THE REASONS GIVEN, the judgment under review is hereby affirmed. No costs. respondents P1,900,000 in damages, and of its Resolution dated 11 July 2000
So ordered. denying reconsideration. The Court of Appeals Decision reversed the 5 September
1994 Decision[3] of the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 137, finding
respondent L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. liable for trademark infringement and unfair
Pag-asa Industrial Corp. vs. CA, 118 SCRA 526
The Facts
This case is about the conflicting claims of Pagasa Industrial Corporation and Yoshida
Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha for the trademark YKK for zippers. Petitioner McDonalds Corporation (McDonalds) is a corporation organized under the
laws of Delaware, United States.McDonalds operates, by itself or through its
The Director of Patents issued to Yoshida on November 9, 1961 Certificate of franchisees, a global chain of fast-food restaurants. McDonalds[4] owns a family of
Registration No. 9331 for the said trademark for slide fasteners and zippers in class marks[5] including the Big Mac mark for its double-decker hamburger
41. It claimed to have used the trademark since September 1, 1950. sandwich.[6] McDonalds registered this trademark with the United States Trademark
Registry on 16 October 1979.[7] Based on this Home Registration, McDonalds applied
Notwithstanding that prior registration, the Director on April 4, 1968, or more than
for the registration of the same mark in the Principal Register of the then Philippine
six years later, issued to Pagasa Certificate of Registration No. 13756 for the same
Bureau of Patents, Trademarks and Technology (PBPTT), now the Intellectual
trademarkfor its zippers, based on alleged use of the trademark since March 1, 1966.
Property Office (IPO). Pending approval of its application, McDonalds introduced its
On January 23, 1975, Yoshida asked the Director to cancel the registration in favor of Big Mac hamburger sandwiches in the Philippine market in September 1981. On 18
Pagasa. The trademark, used for the same product by two different entities, has July 1985, the PBPTT allowed registration of the Big Mac mark in
caused confusion, mistake and deception. The Director explained that the duplicitous the PrincipalRegister based on its Home Registration in the United States.
registration was attributable to the fact that his examiner "miserably overlooked" the
anterior registration by Yoshida. Had it not been for such costly oversight, Pagasa's Like its other marks, McDonalds displays the Big Mac mark in items[8] and
application would have been rejected. paraphernalia[9] in its restaurants, and in its outdoor and indoor signages. From
1982 to 1990, McDonalds spent P10.5 million in advertisement for Big Mac
In his decision of May 5, 1977, the Director cancelled Pagasa's certificate of hamburger sandwiches alone.[10]
registration in accordance with section 4 (d) and chapter IV of Republic Act No. 166.
Petitioner McGeorge Food Industries (petitioner McGeorge), a domestic corporation,
Pagasa appealed to the Court of Appeals which in its decision dated February 6, 1980 is McDonalds Philippine franchisee.[11]
affirmed the cancellation. It found that prior to 1968 Pagasa knew that Yoshida was
the registered owner and user of the YKK trademark which is an acronym of its Respondent L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. (respondent corporation) is a domestic
corporate name. corporation which operates fast-food outlets and snack vans in Metro Manila and
nearby provinces.[12] Respondent corporations menu includes hamburger
Tadao Yoshida, the president of Yoshida, and Tsutomu Isaka the export manager, sandwiches and other food items.[13] Respondents Francis B. Dy, Edna A. Dy, Rene
visited in 1960 (1965) Pagasa's factory which was manufacturing zippers under the B. Dy, William B. Dy, Jesus Aycardo, Araceli Aycardo, and Grace Huerto (private
Royal brand Anacleto Chi, Pagasa's president visited in turn Yoshida's factory in respondents) are the incorporators, stockholders and directors of respondent
Toyoma,Japan. corporation.[14]
The Appellate Court concluded that Pagasa's knowledge that Yoshida was using the
On 21 October 1988, respondent corporation applied with the PBPTT
YKK trademark precludes the application of the equitable principle of laches, estoppel
for the registration of the Big Mak mark for its hamburger sandwiches. McDonalds
and acquiescence. It noted that Pagasa acted in bad faith. As observed by Yoshida's
opposed respondent corporations application on the ground that Big Mak was a
counsel, Pagasa's registration of YKK as its own trademark was an act of ingratitude.
colorable imitation of its registered Big Mac mark for the same food products.
Pagasa appealed to this Court. The Second Division in a decision dated November 19, McDonalds also informed respondent Francis Dy (respondent Dy), the chairman of
the Board of Directors of respondent corporation, of its exclusive right to the Big Mac
1982, reversed the decision of the Appellate Court (118 SCRA 526). Yoshida filed a
mark and requested him to desistfrom using the Big Mac mark or any similar mark.
motion for reconsideration which was denied in the resolution of January 12, 1983. It
Having received no reply from respondent Dy, petitioners on 6 June 1990 sued
was granted leave to file a second motion for reconsideration over Pagasa's
respondents in the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 137 (RTC), for trademark
opposition. The case was transferred to the Banc.
infringement and unfair competition. In its Order of 11 July 1990, the RTC issued a
temporary restraining order (TRO) against respondents enjoining them from using
the Big Mak mark in the operation of their business in the National Capital however, the law extends substantially the same relief to the injured
Region.[15] On 16 August 1990, the RTC issued a writ of preliminary injunction party for both cases. (See Sections 23 and 29 of Republic Act No. 166)
replacing the TRO.[16]
Any conduct may be said to constitute unfair competition if the effect is to
In their Answer, respondents admitted that they have been using the name Big Mak pass off on the public the goods of one man as the goods of another. The
Burger for their fast-food business. Respondents claimed, however, that McDonalds choice of B[ig] M[ak] as tradename by defendant corporation is not
does not have an exclusive right to the Big Mac mark or to any other similar mark. merely for sentimental reasons but was clearly made to take advantage
Respondents point out that the Isaiyas Group of Corporations (Isaiyas Group) of the reputation, popularity and the established goodwill of plaintiff
registered the same mark for hamburger sandwiches with the PBPTT on 31 March McDonalds. For, as stated in Section 29, a person is guilty of unfair
1979. One Rodolfo Topacio (Topacio) similarly registered the same mark on 24 June competition who in selling his goods shall give them the general
1983, prior toMcDonalds registration on 18 July 1985. Alternatively, respondents appearance, of goods of another manufacturer or dealer, either as
claimed that they are not liable for trademark infringement or for unfair competition, to the goods themselves or in the wrapping of the packages in which they
as the Big Mak mark they sought to register does not constitute a colorable imitation are contained, or the devices or words thereon, or in anyother feature of
of the Big Mac mark. Respondents asserted that they did not fraudulently pass off their appearance, which would likely influence purchasers to believe that
their hamburger sandwiches as those of petitioners Big Mac the goods offered are those of a manufacturer or dealer other
hamburgers.[17] Respondents sought damages in their counterclaim. than the actual manufacturer or dealer. Thus, plaintiffs have established
their valid cause of action against the defendants for trademark
In their Reply, petitioners denied respondents claim that McDonalds is not the infringement and unfair competition and for damages.[19]
exclusive owner of the Big Mac mark. Petitioners asserted that while the Isaiyas
Group and Topacio did register the Big Mac mark ahead of McDonalds, the Isaiyas
Group did so only in the Supplemental Register of the PBPTT and such registration
does not provide any protection. McDonalds disclosed that it had acquired Topacios The dispositive portion of the RTC Decision provides:
rights to his registration in a Deed of Assignment dated 18 May 1981.[18] WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered in favor of plaintiffs McDonalds Corporation and
McGeorge Food Industries, Inc. and against defendant L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc., as
The Trial Courts Ruling follows:
On 5 September 1994, the RTC rendered judgment (RTC Decision) finding
respondent corporation liable for trademark infringement and unfair 1. The writ of preliminary injunction issued in this case on [16 August
competition. However, the RTC dismissed the complaint against private respondents 1990] is made permanent;
and the counterclaim against petitioners for lack of merit and insufficiency of
evidence. The RTC held: 2. Defendant L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. is ordered to pay
plaintiffs actual damages in the amount of P400,000.00, exemplary
Undeniably, the mark B[ig] M[ac] is a registered trademark for plaintiff damages in the amount of P100,000.00, and attorneys fees and
McDonalds, and as such, it is entitled [to] protection against infringement. expenses of litigation in the amount of P100,000.00;

xxxx 3. The complaint against defendants Francis B. Dy, Edna A. Dy, Rene B.
Dy, Wiliam B. Dy, Jesus Aycardo, Araceli Aycardo and Grace Huerto, as
There exist some distinctions between the names B[ig] M[ac] and B[ig] well as all counter-claims, are dismissed for lack of merit as well as for
M[ak] as appearing in the respective signages, wrappers and containers insufficiency of evidence.[20]
of the food products of the parties. But infringement goes beyond the Respondents appealed to the Court of Appeals.
physical features of the questioned name and the original name. There
are still other factors to be considered. The Ruling of the Court of Appeals
On 26 November 1999, the Court of Appeals rendered judgment (Court of Appeals
xxxx Decision) reversing the RTC Decision and ordering McDonalds to pay
Significantly, the contending parties are both in the business of fast-food respondents P1,600,000 as actual and compensatory damages and P300,000 as
chains and restaurants. An average person who is hungry and wants to moral damages. The Court of Appeals held:
eat a hamburger sandwich may not be discriminating enough to look for a
McDonalds restaurant and buy a B[ig] M[ac] hamburger. Once he sees a Plaintiffs-appellees in the instant case would like to impress on this Court
stall selling hamburger sandwich, in all likelihood, he will dip into his that the use of defendants-appellants of its corporate name the whole L.C.
pocket and order a B[ig] M[ak] hamburger sandwich. Plaintiff McDonalds B[ig] M[ak] B[urger], I[nc]. which appears on their food packages,
fast-food chain has attained wide popularity and acceptance by the signages and advertisements is an infringement of their trademark B[ig]
consuming public so much so that its air-conditioned food outlets and M[ac] which they use to identify [their] double decker sandwich, sold in a
restaurants will perhaps not be mistaken by many to be the same as Styrofoam box packaging material with the McDonalds logo of umbrella M
defendant corporations mobile snack vans located along busy streets or stamped thereon, together with the printed mark in red bl[o]ck capital
highways. But the thing is that what is being sold by both contending letters, the words being separated by a single space. Specifically,
parties is a food item a hamburger sandwich which is for immediate plaintiffs-appellees argue that defendants-appellants use of their
consumption, so that a buyer may easily be confused or deceived into corporate name is a colorable imitation of their trademark Big Mac.
thinking that the B[ig] M[ak] hamburger sandwich he bought is a food-
product of plaintiff McDonalds, or a subsidiary or allied xxxx
outlet thereof. Surely, defendant corporation has its own
secret ingredients to make its hamburger sandwiches as palatable and as To Our mind, however, this Court is fully convinced that no colorable
tasty as the other brands in the market, considering the keen competition imitation exists. As the definition dictates, it is not sufficient that a
among mushrooming hamburger stands and multinational fast-food similarity exists in both names, but that more importantly, the over-all
chains and restaurants. Hence, the trademark B[ig] M[ac] has been presentation, or in their essential, substantive and distinctive parts is such
infringed by defendant corporation when it used the name B[ig] M[ak] in as would likely MISLEAD or CONFUSE persons in the ordinary course of
its signages, wrappers, and containers in connection with its food purchasing the genuine article. A careful comparison of the way the
business. trademark B[ig] M[ac] is being used by plaintiffs-appellees and corporate
name L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. by defendants-appellants, would
xxxx readily reveal that no confusion could take place, or that the ordinary
Did the same acts of defendants in using the name B[ig] M[ak] as a purchasers would be misled by it. As pointed out by defendants-
trademark or tradename in their signages, or in causing the name B[ig] appellants, the plaintiffs-appellees trademark is used to designate only
M[ak] to be printed on the wrappers and containers of their food products one product, a double decker sandwich sold in a Styrofoam box with the
also constitute an act of unfair competition under Section 29 of the McDonalds logo. On the other hand, what the defendants-appellants
Trademark Law? corporation is using is not a trademark for its food product but a business
or corporate name. They use the business name L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc.
The answer is in the affirmative. in their restaurant business which serves diversified food items such as
siopao, noodles, pizza, and sandwiches such as hotdog, ham, fish burger
xxxx and hamburger. Secondly, defendants-appellants corporate or business
The xxx provision of the law concerning unfair competition is broader and name appearing in the food packages and signages are written in
more inclusive than the law concerning the infringement of trademark, silhouette red-orange letters with the b and m in upper case letters.
which is of more limited range, but within its narrower range recognizes a Above the words Big Mak are the upper case letter L.C.. Below the words
more exclusive right derived by the adoption and registration of the Big Mak are the words Burger, Inc. spelled out in upper case
trademark by the person whose goods or services are first letters. Furthermore, said corporate or business name appearing in such
associated therewith. xxx Notwithstanding the distinction between an food packages and signages is always accompanied by the company
action for trademark infringement and an action for unfair competition, mascot, a young chubby boy named Maky who wears a red T-shirt with
the upper case m appearing therein and a blue lower
garment. Finally, the defendants-appellants food packages are made of respondents question the propriety of this petition as it allegedly raises
plastic material. only questions of fact. On the merits, respondents contend that the Court
of Appeals committed no reversible error in finding them not liable for
xxxx trademark infringement and unfair competition and in ordering petitioners
to pay damages.
xxx [I]t is readily apparent to the naked eye that there appears a vast
difference in the appearance of the product and the manner that the The Issues
tradename Big Mak is being used and presented to the public. As earlier
noted, there are glaring dissimilarities between plaintiffs-appellees The issues are:
trademark and defendants-appellants corporate name. Plaintiffs-appellees 1. Procedurally, whether the questions raised in this petition are proper for a petition
product carrying the trademark B[ig] M[ac] is a double decker sandwich for review under Rule 45.
(depicted in the tray mat containing photographs of the various food 2. On the merits, (a) whether respondents used the words Big Mak not only as part
products xxx sold in a Styrofoam box with the McDonalds logo and of the corporate name L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. but also as a trademark for their
trademark in red, bl[o]ck capital letters printed thereon xxx at a price hamburger products, and (b) whether respondent corporation is liable for trademark
which is more expensive than the defendants-appellants comparable food infringement and unfair competition.[23]
products. In order to buy a Big Mac, a customer needs to visit an air-
conditioned McDonalds restaurant usually located ina nearby commercial The Courts Ruling
center, advertised and identified by its logo - the umbrella M, and its
mascot Ronald McDonald. A typical McDonaldsrestaurant boasts of a The petition has merit.
playground for kids, a second floor to accommodate additional customers,
a drive-thru to allow customers with cars to make orders without alighting On Whether the Questions Raised in the Petition are Proper for a Petition
from their vehicles, the interiors of the building are well-lighted, distinctly for Review
decorated and painted with pastel colors xxx. In buying a B[ig] M[ac], it
is necessary to specify it by its trademark. Thus, a customer needs to look A party intending to appeal from a judgment of the Court of Appeals may file with
for a McDonalds and enter it first before he can find a hamburger this Court a petition for review under Section 1 of Rule 45 (Section 1)[24] raising only
sandwich which carry the mark Big Mac. On the other hand, defendants- questions of law. A question of law exists when the doubt or difference arises on
appellants sell their goods through snack vans xxxx what the law is on a certain state of facts. There is a question of fact when the doubt
or difference arises on the truth or falsity of the allegedfacts. [25]
Anent the allegation that defendants-appellants are guilty of unfair
competition, We likewise find the same untenable. Here, petitioners raise questions of fact and law in assailing the Court of Appeals
findings on respondent corporations non-liability for trademark infringement and
Unfair competition is defined as the employment of deception unfair competition. Ordinarily, the Court can deny due course to such a petition. In
or any other means contrary to good faith by which a person shall pass view, however, of the contradictory findings of fact of the RTC and Court of Appeals,
off the goods manufactured by him or in which he deals, or his business, the Court opts to accept the petition, this being one of the recognized exceptions to
or service, for those of another who has already established good will for Section 1.[26] We took a similar course of action in Asia Brewery, Inc. v. Court of
his similar good, business or services, or any acts calculated to produce Appeals[27] which also involved a suit for trademark infringement and unfair
the same result (Sec. 29, Rep. Act No. 166, as amended ). competition in which the trial court and the Court of Appeals arrived at conflicting
To constitute unfair competition therefore it must necessarily follow that
there was malice and that the entity concerned was in bad faith. On the Manner Respondents Used Big Mak in their Business

In the case at bar, We find no sufficient evidence adduced by plaintiffs- Petitioners contend that the Court of Appeals erred in ruling that the corporate name
appellees that defendants-appellants deliberately tried to pass off the L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. appears in the packaging for respondents hamburger
goods manufactured by them for those of plaintiffs-appellees. The mere products and not the words Big Mak only.
suspected similarity in the sound of the defendants-appellants corporate
name with the plaintiffs-appellees trademark is not sufficient evidence to The contention has merit.
conclude unfair competition. Defendants-appellants explained that the
name M[ak] in their corporate name was derived from both the first The evidence presented during the hearings on petitioners motion for the issuance of
names of the mother and father of defendant Francis Dy, whose names a writ of preliminary injunction shows that the plastic wrappings and plastic bags
are Maxima and Kimsoy. With this explanation, it is up to the plaintiffs- used by respondents for their hamburger sandwiches bore the words Big Mak. The
appellees to prove bad faith on the part of defendants-appellants. It is a other descriptive words burger and 100% pure beef were set in smaller type, along
settled rule that the law always presumes good faith such that any person with the locations of branches.[28] Respondents cash invoices simply refer to their
who seeks to be awarded damages due to acts of another has the burden hamburger sandwiches as Big Mak.[29] It is respondents snack vans that carry the
of proving that the latter acted in bad faith or with ill motive. [21] words L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc.[30]
It was only during the trial that respondents presented in evidence the plastic
Petitioners sought reconsideration of the Court of Appeals Decision but the appellate wrappers and bags for their hamburger sandwiches relied on by the Court of
court denied their motion in its Resolution of 11 July 2000. Appeals.[31] Respondents plastic wrappers and bags were identical with those
petitioners presented during the hearings for the injunctive writ except that the
Hence, this petition for review. letters L.C. and the words Burger, Inc. in respondents evidence were added above
and below the words Big Mak, respectively. Since petitioners complaint was based on
Petitioners raise the following grounds for their petition: facts existing before and during the hearings on the injunctive writ, the facts
established during those hearings are the proper factual bases for the disposition of
INFRINGEMENT. Section 22 (Section 22) of Republic Act No. 166, as amended (RA 166), the law
applicable to this case,[32] defines trademark infringement as follows:
A. Respondents use the words Big Mak as trademark for their products
and not merely as their business or corporate name. Infringement, what constitutes. Any person who [1] shall use, without the
consent of the registrant, any reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colorable
B. As a trademark, respondents Big Mak is undeniably and imitation of any registered mark or trade-name in connection with the
unquestionably similar to petitioners Big Mac trademark based on the sale, offering for sale, or advertising of any goods, business or services
dominancy test and the idem sonans test resulting inexorably in confusion on or in connection with which such use is likely to cause confusion or
on the part of the consuming public. mistake or to deceive purchasers or others as to the source or origin of
such goods or services, or identity of such business; or [2] reproduce,
II. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN REFUSING TO CONSIDER THE counterfeit, copy, or colorably imitate any such mark or trade-name and
INHERENT SIMILARITY BETWEEN THE MARK BIG MAK AND THE WORD apply such reproduction, counterfeit, copy, or colorable imitation to labels,
MARK BIG MAC AS AN INDICATION OF RESPONDENTS INTENT TO signs, prints, packages, wrappers, receptacles or advertisements intended
DECEIVE OR DEFRAUD FOR PURPOSES OF ESTABLISHING UNFAIR to be used upon or in connection with such goods, business or
COMPETITION.[22] services, shall be liable to a civil action by the registrant for any or all
of the remedies herein provided.[33]

Petitioners pray that we set aside the Court of Appeals Decision and Petitioners base their cause of action under the first part of Section
reinstate the RTC Decision. In their Comment to the petition, 22, i.e. respondents allegedly used, without petitioners consent, a
colorable imitation of the Big Mac mark in advertising and selling Since respondents used the Big Mak mark on the same
respondents hamburger sandwiches. This likely caused confusion in the goods, i.e. hamburger sandwiches, that petitioners Big Mac mark is used,
mind of the purchasing public on the source of the hamburgers or the trademark infringement through confusion of goods is a proper issue in
identity of the business. this case.
Petitioners also claim that respondents use of the Big Mak mark in the sale of
To establish trademark infringement, the following elements must be shown: (1) the hamburgers, the same business that petitioners are engaged in, results in confusion
validity of plaintiffs mark; (2) the plaintiffs ownership of the mark; and (3) the use of business. Petitioners alleged in their complaint:
of the mark or its colorable imitation by the alleged infringer results in likelihood of
confusion.[34] Of these, it is the element of likelihood of confusion that is the 1.10. For some period of time, and without the consent of plaintiff
gravamen of trademark infringement.[35] McDonalds nor its licensee/franchisee, plaintiff McGeorge, and in clear
violation of plaintiffs exclusive right to use and/or appropriate the
On the Validity of the Big MacMark and McDonalds Ownership of such Mark McDonalds marks, defendant Big Mak Burger acting through individual
defendants, has been operating Big Mak Burger, a fast food restaurant
A mark is valid if it is distinctive and thus not barred from registration under Section business dealing in the sale of hamburger and cheeseburger sandwiches,
4[36] of RA 166 (Section 4). However, once registered, not only the marks validity french fries and other food products, and has caused to be printed on the
but also the registrants ownership of the mark is prima facie presumed.[37] wrapper of defendants food products and incorporated in its signages the
name Big Mak Burger, which is confusingly similar to and/or is a colorable
Respondents contend that of the two words in the Big Mac mark, it is only the word imitation of the plaintiff McDonalds mark B[ig] M[ac], xxx. Defendant
Mac that is valid because the word Big is generic and descriptive (proscribed under Big Mak Burger has thus unjustly created the impression that its
Section 4[e]), and thus incapable of exclusive appropriation.[38] business is approved and sponsored by, or affiliated with,
plaintiffs. xxxx
The contention has no merit. The Big Mac mark, which should be treated in its
entirety and not dissected word for word,[39] is neither generic nor descriptive. 2.2 As a consequence of the acts committed by defendants, which unduly
Generic marks are commonly used as the name or description of prejudice and infringe upon the property rights of plaintiffs McDonalds
a kind of goods,[40] such as Lite for beer[41] or Chocolate Fudge for chocolate soda and McGeorge as the real owner and rightful proprietor, and the
drink.[42] Descriptive marks, on the other hand, convey the characteristics, functions, licensee/franchisee, respectively, of the McDonalds marks, and which are
qualities or ingredients of a product to one who has never seen it or does not know it likely to have caused confusion or deceived the public as to the
exists,[43] such as Arthriticare for arthritis medication.[44] On the contrary, Big Mac true source, sponsorship or affiliation of defendants food
falls under the class of fanciful or arbitrary marks as it bears no logical relation to products and restaurant business, plaintiffs have suffered and
the actual characteristics of the product it represents.[45] As such, it is highly continue to suffer actual damages in the form of injury to their business
distinctive and thus valid. Significantly, the trademark Little Debbie for snack cakes reputation and goodwill, and of the dilution of the distinctive quality of
was found arbitrary or fanciful.[46] the McDonalds marks, in particular, the mark B[ig] M[ac].[55] (Emphasis
The Court also finds that petitioners have duly established McDonalds exclusive supplied)
ownership of the Big Mac mark. Although Topacio and the Isaiyas Group registered
the Big Mac mark ahead of McDonalds, Topacio, as petitioners disclosed, had already Respondents admit that their business includes selling hamburger
assigned his rights to McDonalds. The Isaiyas Group, on the other hand, registered sandwiches, the same food product that petitioners sell using the Big Mac
its trademark only in the Supplemental Register. A mark which is not registered in mark. Thus, trademark infringement through confusion of business is also
the Principal Register, and thus not distinctive, has no real protection.[47] Indeed, a proper issue in this case.
we have held that registration in the Supplemental Register is not even a prima
facie evidence of the validity of the registrants exclusive right to use the mark on the Respondents assert that their Big Mak hamburgers cater mainly to the low-income
goods specified in the certificate.[48] group while petitioners Big Mac hamburgers cater to the middle and upper income
groups. Even if this is true, the likelihood of confusion of business remains, since the
On Types of Confusion low-income group might be led to believe that the Big Mak hamburgers are the low-
Section 22 covers two types of confusion arising from the use of similar or colorable end hamburgers marketed by petitioners.After all, petitioners have the exclusive right
imitation marks, namely, confusion of goods (product confusion) and confusion of to use the Big Mac mark. On the other hand, respondents would benefit by
business (source or origin confusion). In Sterling Products International, associating their low-end hamburgers, through the use of the Big Mak mark, with
Incorporated v. Farbenfabriken Bayer Aktiengesellschaft , et al.,[49] the petitioners high-end Big Mac hamburgers, leading to likelihood of confusion in the
Court distinguished these two types of confusion, thus: identity of business. Respondents further claim that petitioners use the Big Mac mark
only on petitioners double-decker hamburgers, while respondents use the Big Mak
[Rudolf] Callman notes two types of confusion. The first is the confusion mark on hamburgers and other products like siopao, noodles and pizza. Respondents
of goods in which event the ordinarily prudent purchaser would be also point out that petitioners sell their Big Mac double-deckers in a styrofoam box
induced to purchase one product in the belief that he was purchasing the with the McDonalds logo and trademark in red, block letters at a price more
other. xxx The other is the confusion of business: Here though the goods expensive than the hamburgers of respondents. In contrast, respondents sell their
of the parties are different, the defendants product is such as might Big Mak hamburgers in plastic wrappers and plastic bags. Respondents further point
reasonably be assumed to originate with the plaintiff, and the public out that petitioners restaurants are air-conditioned buildings with drive-thru service,
would then be deceived either into that belief or into the belief that there compared to respondents mobile vans.
is some connection between the plaintiff and defendant which, in fact,
does not exist. These and other factors respondents cite cannot negate the undisputed fact that
respondents use their Big Mak mark on hamburgers, the same food product that
Under Act No. 666,[50] the first trademark law, infringement was limited to petitioners sell with the use of their registered mark Big Mac. Whether a hamburger
confusion of goods only, when the infringing mark is used on goods of a similar is single, double or triple-decker, and whether wrapped in plastic or styrofoam, it
kind.[51] Thus, no relief was afforded to the party whose registered mark or its remains the same hamburger food product. Even respondents use of the Big Mak
colorable imitation is used on different although related goods. To remedy this mark on non-hamburger food products cannot excuse their infringement of
situation, Congress enacted RA 166 on 20 June 1947. In defining trademark petitioners registered mark, otherwise registered marks will lose their protection
infringement, Section 22 of RA 166 deleted the requirement in question and under the law. The registered trademark owner may use his mark on the same or
expanded its scope to include such use of the mark or its colorable imitation that is similar products, in different segments of the market, and at different price levels
likely to result in confusion on the source or origin of such goods or services, or depending on variations of the products for specific segments of the market. The
identity of such business.[52] Thus, while there is confusion of goods when the Court has recognized that the registered trademark owner enjoys protection in
products are competing, confusion of business exists when the products are non- product and market areas that are the normal potential expansion of his
competing but related enough to produce confusion of affiliation.[53] business.Thus, the Court has declared:

Modern law recognizes that the protection to which the owner of a

On Whether Confusion of Goods and Confusion of Business are Applicable trademark is entitled is not limited to guarding his goods or business
Petitioners claim that respondents use of the Big Mak mark on respondents from actual market competition with identical or similar products of the
hamburgers results in confusion of goods, particularly with respect to petitioners parties, but extends to all cases in which the use by a junior appropriator
hamburgers labeled Big Mac. Thus, petitioners alleged in their complaint: of a trade-mark or trade-name is likely to lead to a confusion of
source, as where prospective purchasers would be misled into
1.15. Defendants have unduly prejudiced and clearly thinking that the complaining party has extended his business
infringed upon the property rights of plaintiffs in the McDonalds Marks, into the field (see 148 ALR 56 et seq; 53 Am Jur. 576) or is in any way
particularly the mark B[ig] M[ac]. Defendants unauthorized acts are likely, connected with the activities of the infringer; or when it forestalls the
and calculated, to confuse, mislead or deceive the public into believing normal potential expansion of his business (v. 148 ALR, 77, 84; 52
that the products and services offered by defendant Big Am. Jur. 576, 577).[56] (Emphasis supplied)
Mak Burger, and the business it is engaged in, are approved and
sponsored by, or affiliated with, plaintiffs.[54] (Emphasis supplied) On Whether Respondents Use of the Big Mak Mark Results in Likelihood of
In determining likelihood of confusion, jurisprudence has developed two tests, the The following random list of confusingly similar sounds in the matter of
dominancy test and the holistic test.[57] The dominancy test focuses on the similarity trademarks, culled from Nims, Unfair Competition and Trade Marks, 1947,
of the prevalent features of the competing trademarks that might cause confusion. In Vol. 1, will reinforce our view that SALONPAS and LIONPAS are
contrast, the holistic test requires the court to consider the entirety of the marks as confusingly similar in sound: Gold Dust and Gold Drop; Jantzen and Jass-
applied to the products, including the labels and packaging, in determining confusing Sea; Silver Flash and Supper Flash; Cascarete and Celborite; Celluloid and
similarity. Cellonite; Chartreuse and Charseurs; Cutex and Cuticlean; Hebe and Meje;
The Court of Appeals, in finding that there is no likelihood of confusion that could Kotex and Femetex; Zuso and Hoo Hoo. Leon Amdur, in his book Trade-
arise in the use of respondents Big Mak mark on hamburgers, relied on the holistic Mark Law and Practice, pp. 419-421, cities, as coming within the purview
test. Thus, the Court of Appeals ruled that it is not sufficient that a similarity exists of the idem sonans rule, Yusea and U-C-A, Steinway Pianos and Steinberg
in both name(s), but that more importantly, the overall presentation, or in their Pianos, and Seven-Up and Lemon-Up. In Co Tiong vs. Director of Patents,
essential, substantive and distinctive parts is such as would likely MISLEAD or this Court unequivocally said that Celdura and Cordura are confusingly
CONFUSE persons in the ordinary course of purchasing the genuine article. The similar in sound; this Court held in Sapolin Co. vs. Balmaceda, 67 Phil.
holistic test considers the two marks in their entirety, as they appear on the goods 795 that the name Lusolin is an infringement of the trademark Sapolin, as
with their labels and packaging. It is not enough to consider their words and the sound of the two names is almost the same. (Emphasis supplied)
compare the spelling and pronunciation of the words.[58]
Certainly, Big Mac and Big Mak for hamburgers create even greater confusion, not
Respondents now vigorously argue that the Court of Appeals application of the only aurally but also visually.
holistic test to this case is correct and in accord with prevailing jurisprudence. Indeed, a person cannot distinguish Big Mac from Big Mak by their sound. When one
This Court, however, has relied on the dominancy test rather than the holistic test. hears a Big Mac or Big Mak hamburger advertisement over the radio, one would not
The dominancy test considers the dominant features in the competing marks know whether the Mac or Mak ends with a c or a k.
in determining whether they are confusingly similar. Under the dominancy test,
courts give greater weight to the similarity of the appearance of the product arising Petitioners aggressive promotion of the Big Mac mark, as borne by their
from the adoption of the dominant features of the registered mark, advertisement expenses, has built goodwill and reputation for such mark making it
disregarding minor differences.[59] Courts will consider more the aural and visual one of the easily recognizable marks in the market today. This increases the
impressions created by the marks in the public mind, giving little weight to factors likelihood that consumers will mistakenly associate petitioners hamburgers and
like prices, quality, sales outlets and market segments. business with those of respondents.

Thus, in the 1954 case of Co Tiong Sa v. Director of Patents,[60] the Court ruled: Respondents inability to explain sufficiently how and why they came to choose Big
Mak for their hamburger sandwiches indicatestheir intent to imitate petitioners Big
xxx It has been consistently held that the question of infringement of a Mac mark. Contrary to the Court of Appeals finding, respondents claim that their Big
trademark is to be determined by the test of dominancy. Similarity in size, Mak mark was inspired by the first names of respondent Dys mother (Maxima) and
form and color, while relevant, is not conclusive. If the competing father (Kimsoy) is not credible. As petitioners well noted:
trademark contains the main or essential or dominant features
of another, and confusion and deception is likely to result, [R]espondents, particularly Respondent Mr. Francis Dy, could have
infringement takes place. Duplication or imitation is not necessary; arrived at a more creative choice for a corporate name by using the
nor is it necessary that the infringing label should suggest an effort to names of his parents, especially since he was allegedly driven by
imitate. (G. Heilman Brewing Co. vs. Independent Brewing Co., 191 F., sentimental reasons. For one, he could have put his fathers name ahead
489, 495, citing Eagle White Lead Co. vs. Pflugh (CC) 180 Fed. 579). The of his mothers, as is usually done in this patriarchal society, and derived
question at issue in cases of infringement of trademarks is whether the letters from said names in that order. Or, he could have taken an
use of the marks involved would be likely to cause confusion or mistakes equal number of letters (i.e., two) from each name, as is the more usual
in the mind of the public or deceive purchasers. (Auburn Rubber thing done. Surely, the more plausible reason behind Respondents choice
Corporation vs. Honover Rubber Co., 107 F. 2d 588; xxx) (Emphasis of the word M[ak], especially when taken in conjunction with the word
supplied.) B[ig], was their intent to take advantage of Petitioners xxx B[ig] M[ac]
trademark, with their alleged sentiment-focused explanation merely
The Court reiterated the dominancy test in Lim Hoa v. Director of thought of as a convenient, albeit unavailing, excuse or defense for such
Patents,[61] Phil. Nut Industry, Inc. v. Standard Brands Inc.,[62] Converse an unfair choice of name.[67]
Rubber Corporation v. Universal Rubber Products, Inc.,[63] and Asia
Brewery, Inc. v. Court of Appeals.[64]In the 2001 case of Societe Des
Produits Nestl, S.A. v. Court of Appeals,[65] the Court explicitly rejected the Absent proof that respondents adoption of the Big Mak mark was due to honest
holistic test in this wise: mistake or was fortuitous,[68] the inescapable conclusion is that respondent adopted
the Big Mak mark to ride on the coattails of the more established Big Mac
[T]he totality or holistic test is contrary to the elementary mark.[69] This saves respondents much of the expense in advertising to create
postulate of the law on trademarks and unfair competition that market recognition of their mark and hamburgers.[70]
confusing similarity is to be determined on the basis of visual, aural,
connotative comparisons and overall impressions engendered by the Thus, we hold that confusion is likely to result in the public mind. We sustain
marks in controversy as they are encountered in the realities of the petitioners claim of trademark infringement.
marketplace. (Emphasis supplied)
On the Lack of Proof of Actual Confusion
The test of dominancy is now explicitly incorporated into law in Section 155.1 of the
Intellectual Property Code which defines infringement as the colorable imitation of a Petitioners failure to present proof of actual confusion does not negate their claim of
registered mark xxx or a dominant feature thereof. trademark infringement. As noted in American Wire & Cable Co. v. Director of
Applying the dominancy test, the Court finds that respondents use of the Big Mak Patents,[71] Section 22 requires the less stringent standard of likelihood of
mark results in likelihood of confusion.First, Big Mak sounds exactly the same as Big confusion only. Whileproof of actual confusion is the best evidence of infringement,
Mac. Second, the first word in Big Mak is exactly the same as the first word in Big its absence is inconsequential.[72]
Mac. Third, the first two letters in Mak are the same as the first two letters in
Mac. Fourth, the last letter in Mak while a k sounds the same as c when the word
Mak is pronounced. Fifth, in Filipino, the letter k replaces c in spelling, thus Caloocan On the Issue of Unfair Competition
is spelled Kalookan.
Section 29 (Section 29)[73] of RA 166 defines unfair competition, thus:
In short, aurally the two marks are the same, with the first word of both marks xxxx
phonetically the same, and the second word of both marks also phonetically the
same. Visually, the two marks have both two words and six letters, with the first Any person who will employ deception or any other means contrary to
word of bothmarks having the same letters and the second word having the same good faith by which he shall pass off the goods manufactured by him or
first two letters. In spelling, considering the Filipino language, even the last letters in which he deals, or his business, or services for those of the one having
of both marks are the same. established such goodwill, or who shall commit any acts calculated to
produce said result, shall be guilty of unfair competition, and shall be
Clearly, respondents have adopted in Big Mak not only the dominant but subject to an action therefor.
also almost all the features of Big Mac . Applied to the same food product of
hamburgers, the two marks will likely result in confusion in the public mind. In particular, and without in any way limiting the scope of unfair
competition, the following shall be deemed guilty of unfair
The Court has taken into account the aural effects of the words and competition:
letters contained in the marks in determining the issue ofconfusing similarity. Thus, (a) Any person, who in selling his goods shall give them the
in Marvex Commercial Co., Inc. v. Petra Hawpia & Co., et al.,[66] the Court general appearance of goods of another manufacturer or dealer,
held: either as to the goods themselves or in the wrapping of the packages
in which they are contained, or the devices or words thereon, or
in anyfeature of their appearance, which would be likely to influence Moreover, there is no notice to the public that the Big Mak hamburgers are products
purchasers to believe that the goods offered are those of a manufacturer of L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc.Respondents introduced during the trial plastic wrappers
or dealer, other than the actual manufacturer or dealer, or who otherwise and bags with the words L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. to inform the public of the name
clothes the goods with such appearance as shall deceive the public and of the seller of the hamburgers. However, petitioners introduced during the injunctive
defraud another of his legitimate trade, or any subsequent vendor of such hearings plastic wrappers and bags with the Big Mak mark without the name L.C.
goods or any agent of any vendor engaged in selling such goods with a Big Mak Burger, Inc. Respondents belated presentation of plastic wrappers and bags
like purpose; bearing the name of L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. as the seller of the hamburgers is an
after-thought designed to exculpate them from their unfair business conduct. As
(b) Any person who by any artifice, or device, or who employs any other earlier stated, we cannot consider respondents evidence since petitioners complaint
means calculated to induce the false belief that such person is offering was based on facts existing before and during the injunctive hearings.
the services of another who has identified such services in the mind of
the public; or Thus, there is actually no notice to the public that the Big Mak hamburgers are
products of L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. and not those of petitioners who have the
(c) Any person who shall make any false statement in the course of trade exclusive right to the Big Mac mark. This clearly shows respondents intent to deceive
or who shall commit any other act contrary to good faith of a nature the public.Had respondents placed a notice on their plastic wrappers and bags that
calculated to discredit the goods, business or services of another. the hamburgers are sold by L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc., then they could validly claim
(Emphasis supplied) that they did not intend to deceive the public. In such case, there is only trademark
infringement but no unfair competition.[82] Respondents, however, did not give such
The essential elements of an action for unfair competition are (1) confusing similarity notice. We hold that as found by the RTC, respondent corporation is liable for unfair
in the general appearance of the goods, and (2) intent to deceive the public and competition.
defraud a competitor.[74] The confusing similarity may or may not result from
similarity in the marks, but may result from other external factors in the packaging or The Remedies Available to Petitioners
presentation of the goods. The intent to deceive and defraud may be inferred from
the similarity of the appearance of the goods as offered for sale to the Under Section 23[83] (Section 23) in relation to Section 29 of RA 166, a plaintiff who
public.[75] Actual fraudulent intent need not be shown.[76] successfully maintains trademark infringement and unfair competition claims is
Unfair competition is broader than trademark infringement and includes passing off entitled to injunctive and monetary reliefs. Here, the RTC did not err in issuing the
goods with or without trademark infringement. Trademark infringement is a form of injunctive writ of 16 August 1990 (made permanent in its Decision of 5 September
unfair competition.[77] Trademark infringement constitutes unfair competition when 1994) and in ordering the payment of P400,000 actual damages in favor of
there is not merely likelihood of confusion, but also actual or probable deception on petitioners. The injunctive writ is indispensable to prevent further acts of
the public because of the general appearance of the goods. There can be trademark infringement by respondent corporation. Also, the amount of actual damages is a
infringement without unfair competition as when the infringer discloses on the labels reasonable percentage (11.9%) of respondent corporations gross sales for three
containing the mark that he manufactures the goods, thus preventing the public from (1988-1989 and 1991) of the six years (1984-1990) respondents have used the Big
being deceived that the goods originate from the trademark owner.[78] Mak mark.[84]

To support their claim of unfair competition, petitioners allege that respondents The RTC also did not err in awarding exemplary damages by way of correction for
fraudulently passed off their hamburgers as Big Mac hamburgers. Petitioners add that the public good[85] in view of the finding of unfair competition where intent to
respondents fraudulent intent can be inferred from the similarity of the marks in deceive the public is essential. The award of attorneys fees and expenses of litigation
question.[79] is also in order.[86]

Passing off (or palming off) takes place where the defendant, by imitative devices on WHEREFORE, we GRANT the instant petition. We SET ASIDE the Decision dated
the general appearance of the goods, misleads prospective purchasers into buying his 26 November 1999 of the Court of Appeals and its Resolution dated 11 July 2000
merchandise under the impression that they are buying that of his and REINSTATE the Decision dated 5 September 1994 of the Regional Trial Court of
competitors.[80]Thus, the defendant gives his goods the general appearance of the Makati, Branch 137, finding respondent L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. liable for trademark
goods of his competitor with the intention of deceiving the public that the goods are infringement and unfair competition.
those of his competitor.
The RTC described the respective marks and the goods of petitioners and
respondents in this wise:

The mark B[ig] M[ac] is used by plaintiff McDonalds to identify its double
decker hamburger sandwich. The packaging material is a styrofoam
box with the McDonalds logo and trademark in red with block capital
letters printed on it. All letters of the B[ig] M[ac] mark are also in red and
block capital letters. On the other hand, defendants B[ig] M[ak] script
print is in orange with only the letter B and M being capitalized and the
packaging material is plastic wrapper. xxxx Further, plaintiffs logo and
mascot are the umbrella M and Ronald McDonalds, respectively,
compared to the mascot of defendant Corporation which is a chubby boy
called Macky displayed or printed between the words Big and
Mak.[81] (Emphasis supplied)

Respondents point to these dissimilarities as proof that they did not give their
hamburgers the general appearance of petitioners Big Mac hamburgers.

The dissimilarities in the packaging are minor compared to the stark similarities in
the words that give respondents Big Mak hamburgers the general appearance of
petitioners Big Mac hamburgers. Section 29(a) expressly provides that the similarity
in the general appearance of the goods may be in the devices or words used on the
wrappings. Respondents have applied on their plastic wrappers and bags almost
the same words that petitioners use on their styrofoam box. What attracts the
attention of the buying public are the words Big Mak which are almost the same,
aurally and visually, as the words Big Mac. The dissimilarities in the material and
other devices are insignificant compared to the glaring similarity in the words used in
the wrappings.

Section 29(a) also provides that the defendant gives his goods the general
appearance of goods of another manufacturer.Respondents goods are hamburgers
which are also the goods of petitioners. If respondents sold egg sandwiches
only instead ofhamburger sandwiches, their use of the Big Mak mark would not give
their goods the general appearance of petitioners Big Mac hamburgers. In such case,
there is only trademark infringement but no unfair competition. However, since
respondents chose to apply the Big Mak mark on hamburgers, just like petitioners
use of the Big Mac mark on hamburgers, respondents have obviouslyclothed their
goods with the general appearance of petitioners goods.

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