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Engineering Centre, 13 Continental Road, Roman Ridge, Accra. Digital Address: GA-088-0381. P. O. Box
AN 7042, Accra-North, Ghana. Telephone No: +233-30-2760867, +233-50-4228610,
Fax: +233-30-2772005. Email: [email protected]. [email protected], Website:

Membership Application Form

Attach 2 certified passport size photographs
Indicate Grade applying for:

Trainee Professional Engineer (TPE) Professional Engineer (PE)

Trainee Professional Engineering Technologist (TPET) Professional Engineering Technologist (PET)
Trainee Engineering Technician (TET) Engineering Technician (ET)
Trainee Engineering Craftsman (TEC) Engineering Craftsman (EC)
Member Number

Read the notes overleaf before completing this form

1. Personal Information
Surname Sex M/F Date of birth
Other names Title (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/Other)
Place of Birth Nationality
Business Address Address for Communication (if differe

E-mail E-mail

Mobile Telephone Business Telephone

2. Academic qualification (Attach Photocopies of Certificates)

Date Name of Institution Type of Institution: Certificates Awarded Year of Award

3 . Sponsors
a. PE: Proposed by a fellow supported by 2 Fellows, SPEs, and or PEs.
b. PET: Proposed by SPE or SPET and supported by 2 PEs, SPETs, and or PETs.
c. ET; proposed by PE,PET or SET and supported by two SPETs, PETs, SETs or ETs
d. EC: Proposed by a PET, SET or ME and supported by two SETs, ETs, MECs, or ECs.
e. TPE: Proposed by a Fellow, SPE or PE and supported by one other.
f. TPET: Proposed by a SET or ET and supported by one other.
g. TET: Proposed by a PET or ET and supported by one other.
h. TEC: Proposed by MEC or EC and Supported by one other.

We, the undersigned, propose/support the Candidate from personal knowledge as a person worthy of consideration for admission to one of though
classes of Membership of the Institution.


Full Name Grade Member No. Signature and date


Full Name Grade Member No. Signature and date

You should ensure that at least one of them know you sufficiently to certify, by their signature, that your description of your
responsibilities is accurate. Occasionally a candidate may not know a Corporate Member with such personal knowledge of any
of his work. In such a case, he would be well advised to arrange for a sympathetic Corporate Member (who might have known
him/her from branch meetings, during training or during a previous job) to discuss his/her case with one of his/her superiors and
to certify his/her present responsibilities on this basis.

4. Engineering Career
You must provide a statement (2500-3000 words) neatly typed and presented in chronological order, beginning with the
earliest date, on the way your engineering career has developed. This should include; An outline of work in which you have
been personally engaged; A statement of your professional responsibilities; An outline of the form of the organisation in which
you hold the above responsibilities; Your relationship with others of your rank. Your statement should show any specialised
services available to you but not under your direct control. If engaged in research and development or in circumstances
where results of your work are published, a list of available reports, or papers of any patents should be provided. If you are a
design engineer, details of any important designs originated by you and details of any patents should be provided. The details
that you give should be sufficient to indicate the type of engineering with which you were concerned and the level of
responsibility or degree of supervision given to your work.

5. Statement of training and Experience

Attach a full and complete record of your training in engineering logbook. Specify the actual area of engineering practice; e.g.
Mechanical Foundry practice, Machine Shop, etc. If experience is being offered in lieu of formal training please break this down
as far as possible under the classification given. If you undertook a research programme rather than formal training you should
ensure that the design and manufacture aspects are fully detailed.

6. Membership of Other Professional Engineering Institutions

7. Important undertaking to be signed by the applicant

I ________________________________________________ the undersigned, in the event of my election to membership of

the Ghana Institution of Engineers, will be governed by the constitution and bye laws as they now are, or as they may
hereafter be altered; and that I will advance the objects of the Institution as far as shall be in my power;

Provided that, whenever I shall signify in writing to the Council of the Institution that I am desirous of resigning from the
Institution, I shall, after the payment of any arrears which may be due by me at that time, be free from this obligation.

Signed Date

You are to note, that the onus is upon you to provide sufficient information to allow a proper assessment of the
application to be made.
All applicants must send with this form, evidence of academic qualifications. Authenticated photocopies are acceptable.

For office use: Received Date admitted as a Member

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