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(Note--The concepts are directly from the Curriculum Framework’s Key

Concepts. The targets are Mr. Kujawa’s “student friendly” objectives which
mirror those sub-concepts found under each Key Concept. Refer to “Concepts-
Content” for each unit for a complete description of those targets on Mr.
Kujawa’s website found in the tab “Course Materials”.)

Source 1--John Guy’s Party Meets A Group Of Natives, Beothuk, Newfoundland

01. Which of the following was a major similarity between Native American and European
culture? [WXT, CUL; Continuity-Change Over Time; Concept 3, Target 1]
a. Clothing styles. b. Religious concepts. c. Commercial endeavors. d. Land usage.

02. Which of the following best expresses a continuing issue from 1492-1607 NOT addressed
by the scene? [WXT, CUL; Continuity-Change Over Time; Concept 3, Targets 3-4]
a. Tribal groups abandoned their customs upon their conversion to Christianity.
b. Tribal groups taught Europeans innovative hunting and fishing methods.
c. Tribal groups began to compete with one another for available natural resources.
d. Tribal groups lacked specific trade goods they had coveted from Europeans.

Source 2--Richard Hakluyt. A Discourse Concerning Western Planting, 1584

This enterprise may stay the Spanish King from flowing over the face of that waste firm
of America, if we seat and plant there in time...And England possessing the purposed place of
planting, her Majesty may...have plenty of excellent trees for masts of goodly timber to build
ships and to make great navies, of pitch, tar, hemp, and all things for a royal navy, and that for
no price, and without money or request. How easy a matter may yet be to this realm...to be
lords of all those seas...to deprive [the Spanish King’s] yearly passage of his treasure to Europe
[and gain ourselves] the trade of merchandise, that now passeth thither by the Spaniard’s only
hand...We shall by planting there enlarge the glory of the gospel, [since] the Spaniards govern
in the Indies with all pride and tyranny.

03. Conditions like those described in the excerpt contributed most directly to which of the
following in the 16th century? [POL; Use Of Evidence; Concept 2, Targets 1-2]
a. The formation of joint-stock companies. c. The development of rivalries.
b. The creation of national currencies. d. The pursuit of scientific explanations.

04. Which of the following American developments from the mid-19th to the early 20th
centuries most closely parallels the developments in the excerpt? [WOR; Comparison]
a. Overseas expansion. b. Manifest Destiny. c. Populist reform. d. King Cotton.

Source 3
And do not believe that before the coming of the Christians they lived in that
peaceful reign that the poets describe; on the contrary, they waged continuous
and ferocious war against each other, with such fury that they considered a
victory hardly worth while if they did not glut their monstrous hunger with the
flesh of their enemies, a ferocity all the more repellent since it was not joined
to the invincible valor of the Scythians, who also ate human flesh.
Juan de Sepulveda, The Native Of The Natives, 1550

God made all the peoples of this area, many and varied as they are, as open
and as innocent can be imagined. The simplest people in the world--unassuming,
long-suffering, unassertive, and submissive--they are without malice or guile, and
utterly faithful and obedient to their native lords and to the Spaniards in whose
service they not find themselves. Never quarrelsome or belligerent or boisterous,
they harbour no grudges and do not seek to settle old scores; indeed, the notions
of revenge, rancor, and hatred are quite foreign to them.
Bartolome de Las Casas, A Short Account Of The
Destruction Of The Indies, 1542

05. The concerns expressed by both authors were a reaction to: [CUL; Contextualization;
Concept 3, Targets 1-2]
a. whether the Spanish ought to colonize the Americas.
b. whether Native Americans believed in God.
c. how the Spanish ought to treat native populations.
d. the authenticity of the accounts of Christopher Columbus.

06. Which of the following developments from 1492-1607 was de Las Casas most directly
responding to? [CUL; Contextualization; Concept 3, Target 3]
a. The military spending that colonization costs.
b. The nationalism that colonization fosters.
c. The wealth that colonization potentially creates.
d. The immorality that colonization facilitates.
07. The ideas expressed by de Sepulveda most directly reflect which of the following
continuities in United States History? [CUL; Continuity-Change Over Time; Concept 3,
Targets 3-4]
a. Native Americans and Europeans forged profitable trade relationships.
b. Native Americans and Europeans respected one another’s customs.
c. Native American practices were subordinate to European practices.
d. Europeans adapted agricultural techniques from Native Americans.

08. The ideas expressed by de Sepulveda are most similar to which concept? [CUL;
Comparison; Concept 3, Target 4]
a. Social Darwinism. b. Mercantilism. c. Triangular trade. d. White man’s burden.

09. Which of the following would be least likely to support de Sepulveda’s position? [CUL;
Use Of Evidence; Concept 2, Target 4]
a. An Aztec high priest. c. A Roman Catholic bishop.
b. A Spanish government official. d. A European investor.

10. Which of the following developments from the 1500’s best represent the continuation of
beliefs as expressed by de las Casas? [CUL; Continuity-Change Over Time; Concept 2,
Target 4]
a. The blending of European and native cultures.
b. The removal of a strict social caste system.
c. The distintegration of defined gender roles.
d. The adoption of native customs by Spanish missionaries.

Source 4--Drawings Of The Encomienda System


11. Which of the following factors most directly contributed to the development that the
images depict? [WXT, CUL; Causation; Concept 2, Target 4]
a. Europeans seeking economic self-sufficiency.
b. Europeans seeking to eliminate a racial caste system.
c. Natives seeking technological advancements.
d. Europeans and natives seeking political expression.

12. The ideas of both images share the same goal of: [WXT, CUL; Comparison; Concept 3,
Targets 2-4]
a. instructing Roman Catholic priests how to baptize natives.
b. showing the impact of new crops and livestock on natives.
c. illustrating the treatment of natives by the Spanish.
d. displaying the work ethic of natives and Spanish.

13. Those who agree with the ideas expressed in (1) would argue that _____ under this
arrangement. [WXT, CUL; Synthesis; Concept 2, Target 4]
a. natives sought to redeem themselves for past sins
b. natives were coerced to abandon their ways of life
c. natives and Europeans mutually prospered
d. Europeans became belligerent and unruly
Source 5--Quotation, Richard Hakluyt
If the sea cost serves for making salt, and the inland for wine, oil, oranges, lemons, figs,
etc. and for making of iron, all which with much more is hoped, without sword drawn, we shall
cut the combe [superiority] of the French, of the Spanish, of the Portingale [Portuguese], and
of enemies...to the abating of their wealth and force...
No foreign commodity that comes into England comes without payment at customs
once, twice, or thrice, before it comes into the realm...the realm becomes poorer by the
purchasing of foreign commodities in so great a mass at such extensive process.

14. Which of the following was the most direct cause of the ideas expressed in the excerpt?
[WXT, CUL, GEO; Causation; Concept 2, Target 1]
a. Spanish Armada. b. Mercantilism. c. Balance Of Trade. d. The Colombian Exchange.

Source 6--Paintings Of Interracial Families, Mexico, 1700’s

15. Which of the following pieces of evidence most directly supports the conclusion
expressed in the visual? [CUL, MIG; Argumentation; Concept 3, Targets 1-4]
a. Natives elevated their status as a result of race-mixing.
b. Europeans elevated their status as a result of race-mixing.
c. Europeans and natives reduced their status as a result of race-mixing.
d. Europeans reduced their status as a result of race-mixing.

16. The conditions shown in the image came about most directly as a result of: [CUL; Use
Of Evidence; Concept 3, Targets 1-4]
a. white inferiority. c. the international slave trade.
b. gender equality. d. socioeconomic standing.

Source 7--Annual reports [alphabetized] submitted by Jesuit missionaries in New France to

officials in Paris, 1616

Baptism of aged persons, not well instructed, deferred with great consideration.

Cabins of the Canadians always in a beautiful location, and near good water...yields the
wheat crop in its season. Canada subject to scurvy...Canadians die of starvation when hunting
and fishing are not successful.

Dix mile [Ten thousand] people only in all the lands of Canada.

Mines of copper at Port Royal...

Religion of the Canadians, pure sorcery.

Vines, wild in may places in Canada, which ripens [during summer].

17. The change in French settlement patterns in the 1600’s had which of the following results?
[MIG, GEO; Causation]
a. A growing shortage of indentured servants.
b. A reliance on slave labor.
c. The formation of scattered trading posts.
d. The founding of several port cities.

18. The ideas expressed in the excerpt was a continuation of what development in New France
in the 1600’s? [MIG, GEO; Continuity-Change Over Time; Concept 2, Targets 1-2]
a. The dependence by settlers on Indian crops and goods.
b. The meddling of crown officials in colonial affairs.
c. The prevalence of disease among tribal groups.
d. The emphasis on maximizing its available resources.

19. By 1700, French colonial settlements differed most with English colonial settlements that
the French: [POL, WXT; Comparison]
a. implemented a strict racial caste system.
b. operated under the control of joint-stock companies.
c. experienced slower population growth.
d. adopted native farming methods.
20. The ideas expressed in the excerpt best characterize European colonization of the 16th
century by showing: [POL, WXT; Periodization; Concept 3, Targets 1-3]
a. how a subsistence economy became obsolete.
b. how tribal groups were a barrier to progress.
c. that settlers opposed mercantilist policies.
d. that class divisions were widening.

21. The ideas in the excerpt most strongly suggests which of the following trends from the
17th century? [POL, WXT; Contextualization]
a. The rise of European territorial competition in North America.
b. The strengthening of ties between the Catholic Church and tribal groups.
c. The waning influence of the Colombian Exchange.
d. The decline of the mercantilist system in colonial economies.

Source 8--L.S. Stavrianos, Man’s Past And Present: A Global History, 1975
The immediate significance of this technological lag should not be exaggerated. The
Indians obviously were at a grave disadvantage with their spears and arrows. But after the
initial shock, the Indians became accustomed to firearms and calvary. Furthermore, the
Spaniards soon discovered that the Indian weapons were sharp and durable, and they came to
prefer the Indian armor of quilted cotton to their own...
Factors in addition to technological disparity lay behind the Spanish victories. One was
the lack of unity amongs the Indian peoples...able to use disaffected subject tribes that had been
alienated by the oppressive rule of Tenochtitlan...Later, when the full flood of immigration
from Europe got under way, the Indians were hopelessly overwhelmed. Traders penetrated
throughout the Americans with little competition or resistance, for the Americas, unlike
Africa, had no rival native merchant class.

22. The events described in the excerpt was a continuation of what source of conflict between
Europeans and tribal groups in the 16th century? [NAT, CUL; Continuity-Change Over
Time; Concept 3, Targets 1-2]
a. Religious practices. b. Land ownership. c. Political freedoms. d. Gender roles.

23. The evidence in the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following turning points
in the 1500’s? [POL, WXT; Periodization; Concept 3, Target 3]
a. European motives to control vast amounts of territory.
b. Tribal group demands for European goods.
c. European and Indian cooperation in trading animal pelts.
d. Indian bouts with smallpox wiped out entire tribes.


01. Diverse native societies gradually emerged in North and South America prior to contact
with Europeans. Respond to a), b), and c). [GEO, MIG; Causation, Concept 1, Target 1]
a. Explain one specific cause why this phenomenon occurred.
b. Explain another specific cause why this phenomenon occurred.
c. Explain one specific result of this phenomenon occurring for a) or b).
02. Respond to a), b), and c). [WXT; Continuity-Change Over Time; Concept 3, Target 3]
a. Explain one specific positive change on the Native American economy due to the
Colombian Exchange.
b. Explain one specific negative change on the European economy due to the Colombian
c. Explain one important reason that accounts for that change in a) or b).

03. Respond to a), b), and c). [WXT, MIG; Periodization, Concept 2, Target 2]
a. Explain why one of the following developments was most important to European
exploration in the 1400’s. Provide one piece of evidence from the period to support
your explanation.
++Technology ++Economic systems ++Political decisions
b. Explain why the other options is not as persuasive as the one you chose.

04. Respond to a), b), and c). [CUL; Periodization; Concept 3, Target 3]
a. Explain one specific piece of evidence which illustrates why the Spanish, French, or British
presence was a detriment to native peoples in the Americas.
b. Explain another specific piece of evidence which illustrates why the presence of that same
group was a detriment to native peoples in the Americas.
c. Explain one specific piece of evidence which contradicts a) or b).

05. This painting depicts an Algonquin Village, French Canada, 1500’s. Respond to a), b), and
c). [WXT, CUL, GEO; Use Of Evidence; Concept 3, Target 1, 4-5]
a. Explain the point of view expressed by the artist about one of the following:
++Relations with Europeans
++Preservation of ways of life
++Adaptation to surroundings
b. Explain one development in the period 1492-1607 that led to the point of view expressed
by the artist.
c. Explain one development in the period 1492-1607 that challenged the point of view
expressed by the artist.

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