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Insights on the types of plagiarism in research

Secondary Source Commonness 6.9/10 Seriousness 6.4/10

Inaccurate Citation
Secondary Source Plagiarism happens when a researcher uses a secondary source, like a meta study, but only cites the primary sources
contained within the secondary one. Secondary source plagiarism not only fails to attribute the work of the authors of the secondary
sources, but also provides a false sense of the amount of review that went into the research.

Invalid Source Commonness 3.9/10 Seriousness 7.3/10

Misleading Citation, Fabrication, Falsification ?

Invalid Source Attribution occurs when researchers reference either an incorrect or nonexistent source. Though this may be the
result of sloppy research rather than an intent to deceive, it can also be an attempt to increase the list of references and hide
inadequate research.

Duplication Commonness 6.3/10 Seriousness 7.5/10

Self-Plagiarism, Reuse
Duplication happens when a researcher reuses work from their own previous studies and papers without attribution. The ethics of
duplication is highly debated, and often depends upon the content copied.

Paraphrasing Commonness 7.5/10 Seriousness 7.6/10

Plagiarism, Intellectual Theft

Paraphrasing is taking another person's writing and changing the words, making it appear that an idea or even a piece of research is
original when, in truth, it came from an uncited outside source. Paraphrasing ranges from simple rephrasing to completely rewriting
content while maintaining the original idea or concept.

Repetitive Research Commonness 7.1/10 Seriousness 7.6/10

Self-Plagiarism, Reuse
Repetitive Research Plagiarism is the repeating of data or text from a similar study with a similar methodology in a new study without
proper attribution. This often happens when studies on a related topic are repeated with similar results, but the earlier research is not
cited properly.

Replication Commonness 4.2/10 Seriousness 7.7/10

Author Submission Violation

Replication is the submission of a paper to multiple publications, resulting in the same manuscript being published more than once.
This can be an ethical infraction, particularly when a researcher claims that a paper is new when it has been published elsewhere.

Misleading Attribution Commonness 4.8/10 Seriousness 8.2/10

Inaccurate Authorship
Misleading Attribution is an inaccurate or insufficient list of authors who contributed to a manuscript. This happens when authors are
denied credit for partial or significant contributions made to a study, or the opposite - when authors are cited in a paper although no
contributions were made.

Unethical Collaboration Commonness 5.3/10 Seriousness 8.2/10

Inaccurate Authorship
Unethical Collaboration happens when people who are working together violate a code of conduct. Using written work, outcomes and ?
ideas that are the result of a collaboration, without citing the collaborative nature of the study and participants involved, is unethical.
Using others’ work without proper attribution is plagiarism.

Verbatim Plagiarism Commonness 2.3/10 Seriousness 8.4/10

Copy-and-Paste, Intellectual Theft

Verbatim Plagiarism is the copying of another’s words and works without providing proper attribution, indentation or quotation marks. This can
take two forms. First, plagiarists may cite the source they borrowed from, but not indicate that it’s a direct quote. In the second, no attribution at all
is provided, essentially claiming the words of someone else to be their own.

Complete Plagiarism Commonness 2.3/10 Seriousness 8.8/10

Intellectual Theft, Stealing

Complete Plagiarism is an extreme scenario when a researcher takes a study, a manuscript or other work from another researcher and
simply resubmits it under his/her own name.
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