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I. Write the letter of your answer on your answer sheet.

1. When giving instructions or providing information about policies and procedures or to give
feedback about performance, what technique of communication is applied?
a. Downward Communication
b. Horizontal Communication
c. Upward Communication
2. Operational planning is a concern that should be addressed by the top level management.
a. True b. False
3. According to the faction model, the various parties within the organization share the same
a. True b. False
4. Ethical behavior in organizations is determined primarily by the norms and values of the society
within which that organization operates.
a. True b. False
5. What is no aspect of decision making?
a. Time b. Participation c. Creativity d. Meetings
6. The management of an organization consists of all those people who direct others.
a. True b. False
7. Intrinsic job motivation in most situations will include:
a. Generous bonuses b. A feeling of responsibility c. Rewards and perks
8. This step in the planning process is the devising of some means to realize or reach goals.
a. Determining Resources Needed
b. Developing Strategies or Tactics for Reach Goals
c. Setting Standards
d. Setting Organizational Goals

II. Identify the following. Choose your answer from the given word/s inside the box.
Influencing Communication Scientific management theory
Top managers Conceptual Strategic planning
Organizational Chart Downward communication
Delegating Frederick Taylor Interpersonal role
Coordination Henry Fayol Plan
Planning Mission
Horizontal communication Cultural Staffing

11. ____ is the process of sharing information through verbal and non-verbal means, including
words, messages, and body movements.
12. A diagram of the organization's official positions and formal lines of authority.
13. _______ refers to the linking of activities in the organization that serve to achieve a common
goal or objective.
14. What is a concern for the top level management?
15. A _______ is the means by which the organization will attain its objective and goals.
16. ______ may be defined as the management function that determines human resource needs,
recruits, selects, trains and develops human resource for jobs created by an organization.
17. A manager who gives guidance to employees, using formal and informal networks, acting as a
figurehead, could be seen as fulfilling the _______.
18. According to Hershey and Blanchard, the most appropriate leadership style to manage an
employee who is able and willing to perform a task is:
19. Decisions that lead to changes in organizations may arouse a lot of resistance. Sometimes, this
may be due to a desire to maintain existing values and norms. Such a reason is called ____.
20. Refers to the collection of people who work together to coordinate their actions to achieve goals
or desired future outcomes.
21. It has the purpose of increasing productivity in human-oriented work situations to generate
higher levels of production over the long term than do task oriented work situations.
22. An idea of early management proposed by Taylor, Perth and Gantt which has an impact of
natural methodology and it stressed rational thinking based on the scientific work to improve
individual staff capacity.
23. Refers to the ability to think and conceptualize about abstract and complex situations concerning
the organization.
24. A group composed of the CEO, COO, the President and the heads of the most important
25. _____ Skills depend on the manager’s knowledge and proficiency in a specific field.
26. He was one of the contributors of Classical Organization Theory and considered as the Father of
Modern Management.
27. He proposed the Principles of Scientific Management which is designed to increased worker
28. ___________ refers to the strategic statements that identify why an organization exists.
29. ______ refers to the flow of message from higher levels of authority to lower levels.
30. _______ refers to messages sent to individuals or groups from another of the same organizational
level or position.

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