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Subject Code: G0402/R13

M. Tech –I Semester Regular/ Supply Examinations, February, 2016

(Common to CAD/CAM and AMS)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry EQUAL marks
1. (a) Briefly explain any 3 types of geometry commands used in APT. (6+6)
(b) Write a CNC part program on two axis turning center for the geometry as shown in
figure 1.06

i. Fig.1 (All dimensions are in mm)

2. (a) Write short note on DNC with block diagram. (6M)

(b) What is adaptive control? Explain the important constraints taken for ACC system.

3. (a) With help of neat sketch, explain the structure of a post processor in a NC system.
(b) What is DAPP? Discuss about the major variables in the DAPP based post processor.

4. (a) What is a microcontroller? Explain the various the factors to be considered in the
Selection of a microcontroller used in a CNC machine. (6M)
(b) Explain the basic structure of PLC with block diagram. (6M)

5. (a) Explain the functioning of a CMM and also mention their advantages and limitations.
(b) Explain any one optical inspection method with neat sketch. (6M)
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Subject Code: G0402/R13

6. (a) Describe about automatic tool path generation. (6M)

(b) Give a brief description of any one of the tool pre setter you are familiar with. (6M)

7. (a) Describe the functioning of a Hybrid CAPP system with a neat sketch. (6M)
(b) Explain briefly timers and I/O interrupts. (6M)

8. Write short notes on the following: (4M+4M+4M)

(a) Application of micro controllers in CNC machines.
(b) Expert systems.
(c) Interchangeable tooling systems.

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Subject Code: G0501/R13
M. Tech –I Semester Regular/ Supply Examinations, February, 2016
(Common to CS and CS&E)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry EQUAL marks
1. a. Prove that the premises p, ((p—>¬q)V(r Λs)) derives the conclusion q—>r using
CP rule?
b. What are free and bound variables and prove that te premises ux [H(x) —>G(x)] ,
ux [K(x) —>H(x)] lead to the conclusion ux [K(x) —>G(x)].

2. a. Define Poset and draw the Hasse diagram of [P({a,b,c,d}),⊆

b. Define lattice and prove the Absorption law a Λ (aVb)=a ?

3. a. (i) How many 2-digit or 3-digit numbers can be formed using the digits 1,3,4,5,6,8,9 if
no repetition is allowed?
(ii) How many 3 digit numbers are there which are even and have no repetition of
digits 0 to 9 ?
b. What is the coefficient of x3y7 In (2x-9y)10 ?

4. a Find Generating function for ar =The number of ways the sum r can be obtained
when 10 distinguishable dice are rolled and 6 specified dice show an even number and
remaining 4 show an odd number?
b. Find coefficient of X12 in generating function (1-X4-X7+X11 )/(1-X) 5 ?

5. a Write an algorithm Depth First Search for a spanning tree and explain with an
b. Define minimum spanning tree a explain How to obtain minimum spanning tree using
Kruskals algorithm?

6. a. If A={1,2,3,4} and B={a,b,c,d} determine whether the following functions are on-one
, onto ?
f = {(1,a),(2,a),(3,b),(4,d)}
g = {(1,d),(2,b),(3,a),(4,a)}
h = {(1,d),(2,b),(3,a),(4,c)}
b. Explain the law of duality with an example?

7. a. Prove that C(n+1,k)=C(n,k-1)+C(n,k) ?

b. Find the solution for recurrence relation xn =6xn-1 - 9xn-2 where x0=2,x1=3 ?

8. a. Define Euler circuit, Hamiltonian graph and compare them with the help of an
b. Explain Combinations and Permutations with examples?
Subject Code: G1502/R13
M. Tech –I Semester Regular/ Supply Examinations, February, 2016
(Common to MD and MED)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry EQUAL marks
1. The state of stress at a point is characterized by the components in kPa
σ x =12.31; σ y =8.96; σ z =4.34
τxy=4.20; τyz=5.27; τzx=0.84;
Find the values of the principal stress and their directions. 12M

2. What are the modes of failure ? Explain failure criteria for Buckling? 12M

3. For the cantilever of total length L shown in Fig, determine the deflection at end A using
Castigliono’s theorem. Neglect shear energy. 12M

4. Determine the maximum tensile and maximum compressive stresses across the Sec. AA of the
member loaded, as shown in Fig. Load P = 2000 kgf(19620 N). 12M

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Subject Code: G1502/R13
5. A load P = 6000 N acting at point R of a beam shown in Fig produces vertical deflections at
three points A, B, and C of the beam as dA= 3 cm dB= 8 cm dC= 5 cm Find the deflection of
point R when the beam is loaded at points, A, B and C byPA= 7500 N, PB= 3500 N and PC =
5000 N. 12M

6. A steel Z-bar is used as a cantilever beam having a length of 2.00 m. When viewed from the free
end toward the fixed endof the beam, the cross section has the orientation and dimensions
shown in Figure. A concentrated load P = 14.0 kNacts at the free end of the beam at an angle
ø= 1.25 rad. Determine the maximum flexure stress in the beam. 12M

7. A thin tubular bar shown in Fig is subjected to a torque T = 113000 Nm (115455 kgf cm). The
dimensions are as indicated. Determine the shear stresses in the walls. Given a = 12.7 cm, t1 =
0.06 cm, t2 = 0.08 cm, t3 = 0.06 cm, t4 = 0.10 cm, t5 = 0.13 cm 12M

8. Two cylindrical steel rollers (E = 200 MPa and v = 0.29), each 80 mm in diameter and 150 mm
long, are mounted on parallel shafts and loaded by a force P = 80 kN. The two cylinders are
rotated at slightly different speeds so that the roller surfaces slide across each other. If the
coefficient of sliding friction is p = 0.333, determine the maximum compressive principal
stress, maximum shear stress, and maximum octahedral shear stress. 12M
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Subject Code: G2102/R13
M. Tech –I Semester Regular/ Supply Examinations, February, 2016
(Thermal Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry EQUAL marks
1. a) Explain about , Availability, unavailability and Exergy.
b) Derive Mayer relation and explain the conclusions drawn from this relation.

2. a) Discuss about availability balance of a closed system.

b) 8 kg of air at 650 K and 5.5 bar pressure is enclosed in a closed system. If the atmosphere
temperature and pressure are 300 K and 1 bar respectively, determine :
(i) The availability if the system goes through the ideal work producing process.
(ii) The availability and effectiveness if the air is cooled at constant pressure to atmospheric
temperature without bringing it to complete dead state.
Take Cv = 0.718 kJ/kg K, Cp= 1.005 kJ/kg K.

3. a) What is Joule - Thompson coefficient? Explain why it is zero for ideal gas.
b) Derive the P-V-T relations of ideal gas and discuss about Daltons law of partial pressures
and avogadro's law of additive volumes.

4. a) Saturated air leaving the cooling section of an air-conditioning system at 140C at a rate of
50 m3/min is mixed adiabatically with the outside air at 320C and 60 percent relative
humidity at a rate of 20 m3/min. Assuming that the mixing process occurs at a pressure of 1
atm, determine the specific humidity, the relative humidity, the dry-bulb temperature, and the
volume flow rate of the mixture.
b) Explain the following psychrometric processes.
i) Cooling and dehumidification, ii) Sensible heating and cooling.

5. a) What is enthalpy of formation? How does it differ from the enthalpy of combustion?
b) Discuss about Gibbs phase rule. Explain why the Gibbs function remain constant during
phase transition.

6. a) Explain about Phenomenological laws and discuss about its applicability.

b) Explain about second law analysis of an actual cycle.

7. a) What do you understand by NHD? With a neat sketch explain the working of MHD and
write its advantages.
b) Explain the working principle of Photovoltaic cells. Write its advantages and
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Subject Code: G2102/R13

8. Explain the following

a) Thermo ionic conversion system.
b) Generalized compressibility factor
c) Adiabatic flame temperature.

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Subject Code: G2202/R13
M. Tech –I Semester Regular/ Supply Examinations, February, 2016
(Transportation Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry EQUAL marks
1. (a) How the pavements are classified based on the materials used? Draw typical sketche
for each case.
(b) Plot the ESWL chart for the following given conditions:
i. Total load carried by a single axle with duals wheel assembly = 120 kN
ii. Tire pressure = 0.55 N/mm2
iii. Centre to centre distance between the two tires = s = 457.2 mm
iv. Determine the ESWL at depth, z = 500 mm?

2. (a) Calculate maximum warping stresses at the edge and interior of a slab of 4.5 m length
and 3.5 m width. Take the elastic modulus of concrete as 3×104 MPa, radius of
relative stiffness as 1.02 m, temperature difference between the top and bottom
surface of the slab as 17 ºC, coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete as 10×10-6
per ºC and Poisson’s ratio of concrete as 0.15.
(b) Calculate the rebound surface deflection on a single layer pavement under a wheel
load of 40 kN with a tyre pressure of 0.8 MPa. The effective elastic modulus of sub-
grade may be taken as 40 MPa and Poisson’s ratio of the soil as 0.5.

3. (a) Design a flexible pavement according to the AASHTO 1993 Guidelines from the
following data:Reliability, R = 90 %
Standard deviation, So = 0.40
Estimated number of 18-kip ESAL repetitions over a design life of 20 years = 10
The loss of serviceability = 2.0
Resilient modulus of
i. asphalt concrete = 400000 psi (400 ksi)
ii. base course = 20000 psi (20 ksi)
iii. sub-base course = 10000 psi (10 ksi)
iv. sub-grade (mean value) = 3.3 % of CBR (1500×3.33 = 5000 psi = 5 ksi)
It will take a duration of one day and a week respectively to drain-off the water from
the base and sub-base courses. Time the pavement structure is exposed to moisture
levels approaching saturation = 15 %
(b) State the failure criteria adopted for thickness design of flexible pavement as per
IRC:37? Explain the typical pavement layers composition with reference to the
considered failure criteria?
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Subject Code: G2202/R13

4. (a) Determine the stress in concrete due to friction between the slab and the sub-base
layer and verify its tensile strength adequacy. Use the following data.
Transverse joint spacing or slab length = 5.0 m
Unit weight of plain concrete = 24.0 kN/m3
Coefficient of friction = 1.5
Grade of concrete used for slab = M 40
(b) Compare flexible pavement design methods as per AASHTO and IRC:37

5. (a) What is SAMI layer and write its significance of use in pavement? Draw a typical
sketch and show its location in the pavement crust thickness?
(b) Define faulting. Draw a sketch showing faulting of cement concrete slabs and
describe how it can be measured using a digital fault meter.

6. (a) Determine Pavement Condition Index (PCI) value of the whole Road surveyed for the
below given summary of randomly surveyed and additionally surveyed section’s PCI
i. Mean value of PCI obtained by randomly selecting the sections = 55.5
ii. Mean value of PCI obtained by additionally selecting the sections=65.2
iii. Area of the additionally selected sections=1150 m2
iv. Total area of the Road considered =2300 m2
(b) Define Deduct Value and state the factors affecting Deduct Value of different distress
type with severity level? Also write why the total deduct value is adjusted for a given
number of entries with deduct values over six points?

7. (a) Explain the Psycho Physical and Psycho Metric Scaling Techniques are used for
pavement evaluation?
(b) What is the need of a numerical indicator for representing present condition of
pavement? State any two examples?
(c) What is the intension of conducting visual distress condition surveys? List out the
minor equipment used for distress data collection?

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Subject Code: G2202/R13

8. The following are sample BB deflections and the bituminous pavement temperatures
measured at every test station located at uniform intervals of 150 m.

Test station Benkelman Pavement

beam temperature
deflection (oC)
1 1.002 34.0
2 0.915 34.2
3 0.881 34.3
4 1.002 34.6
5 0.984 34.7
6 0.967 34.8
7 1.105 34.9
8 1.123 35.1
9 1.036 35.2
10 1.002 35.5

Determine the bituminous macadam overlay thickness of a proposed state highway which
is expected to cater to 20 msa. The highway site is located in a low rainfall region where
annual rainfall is less than 1300 mm. The clay sub-grade is highly plastic having a PI
value greater than 15%. Take seasonal correction factor (SCF) = 1.2 when average field
moisture content = 11%. Any missing values may be suitably assumed.

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Subject Code: G4301/R13
M. Tech –I Semester Regular/ Supply Examinations, February, 2016
(Common to PE, P&ID, PE&ED, PE&D and EM&D)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry EQUAL marks
1. (a) Explain the effect of damper windings on the operation of a synchronous machine.
(b) Derive the torque equation of a three phase induction machine.

2. Explain clearly about features and characteristics of Kron’s primitive machine.

3. Derive the transfer function of a separately excited dc motor and explain the analysis part
of the transfer function.

4. What is the need for phase transformation? Explain the technique used for two phase
quantities to three phase transformation.

5. Discuss the modelling and explain the analysis part of single phase capacitor start
induction motor.

6. Derive and explain the three phase induction machine modelling with synchronous rotating
reference frame.

7. Discuss the state space model of a three phase induction motor and explain its advantages.

8. Derive the modelling of three phase PM synchronous motor and explain its analysis part
from modelling.

Subject Code: G4502/R13
M. Tech –I Semester Regular/ Supply Examinations, February, 2016
(Common to S&SP, DIP, CE&SP, C&SP, SP&C, DECS, E&CE and DECE)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry EQUAL marks
1. a) Define Fourier series. Calculate the Fourier co-efficient of the rectified sine wave with a
period of .
b) What is a Fourier Transform?. State and prove any two of the properties of Fourier

2. a) With a neat derivation explain about sampling theorem.

b) State and explain about Gibbs phenomenon.

3. a) Explain about walshTrasform.

b) With necessary derivations explain about singular value decomposition.
4. a) Define CWT and explain how it can be used to replace correlation.
b) Derive an expression for first order moment of a wavelet.

5. a) What is a spline function? List out its properties.

b) Explain about digital filter implementation of the Haar wavelet decomposition.

6. a) Define DWT and explain about perfect reconstruction quadrature mirror filter.
b) What is a Filter bank and discuss about its necessity. Explain with relevant diagrams

7. a) What is a wavelet Packet?. Derive necessary recursive formulae for wavelet packet
b) Discuss about Filtering relationships(G and H) of biorthogonal Filters.

8. Write short notes on

a) KL Transform
b) Shannon wavelet.

Subject Code: G5501/R13
M. Tech –I Semester Regular/ Supply Examinations, February, 2016
(Embedded Systems)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry EQUAL marks
1. a) Draw the Embedded System design flow diagram and explain its operation in detail [6+6]
b) Explain briefly about different hard ware and software development tools used in embedded

2. a) Explain how to measure the processor performance of an embedded hardware in detail [6+6]
b) Explain the concept of Auxiliary memory and memory management of external memory of an
embedded hardware

3. a) Draw the interfacing diagram of the embedded bus is integrated with other board components
and explain its operation [6+6]
b) Explain the concept of serial versus parallel I/O configurations of a embedded hardware

4. a) Draw the internal block diagram of Device drivers and explain its importance in detail [6+6]
b) Define the term interrupt and explain the interrupt handling concept for device drivers

5. a) Explain the concept of different file management systems of embedded software [6+6]
b) List out the different OS performance guidelines in detail

6. a) Explain briefly about different issues in Hard ware software design with examples [6+6]
b) Draw the internal architecture of host and target machines and explain its operation

7. a) Explain the case study of processor design approach of an embedded system in detail [6+6]
b) Explain the concept of power pc processor based embedded system design on Xilinx platform
in detail

8. Write short notes on following terms [3X4=12]

a) Translation tools
b) Laboratory tools
c) System boot-Up

Subject Code: G6802/R13
M. Tech –I Semester Regular/ Supply Examinations, February, 2016
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry EQUAL marks
1. a) Explain various steps of high level design flow used in ASIC devices.
b) Using necessary sketches, explain about photolithography process, in semi
conductor device manufacture.

2. a) What are the different approaches for designing mixed signal systems? Briefly
discuss about any one approach.
b) Write a short note on clock mechanisms. Explain how it is applicable for VLSI

3. a) Determine the pull-up to pull-down ratio of an nMOS inverter driven by another

nMOS inverter.
b) Explain about the concepts of sheet resistance and standard unit of capacitance
with suitable figure.

4. Draw the circuit topology and explain the operation of the following
a) pseudo- nMOS logic b) Clocked CMOS logic c) CMOS domino logic.

5. a) Describe these operations in register-transfer form:

i) z = a + b ii) if (c) then z = a + b else z = c + d iii) z = a + b, y = a - c.
b) What is BIST? Explain in detail.

6. a) Explain the FPGA design flow with a neat diagram?

b) Explain the processing steps in fabrication of nmos technology with neat

7. a) Why scaling is required? Write the scaling factors for different types of device
b) Explain the operation of BiCMOS inverter and discuss how its performance can be

8. a) Explain two-phase clock generator using D flip-flops and draw the corresponding
b) Explain the Global and detail routing in floor planning.

Subject Code: G8701/R13
M. Tech –I Semester Regular/ Supply Examinations, February, 2016
(Common to SE and SD)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry EQUAL marks
1. a) Derive expressions for Equations of equilibrium in three dimensions?
b) Derive expressions for strain at a point in case of a body stressed in three dimensions?

2. a) Explain Plane Stress and Plane strain problem with applications?

b) Derive the governing differential Equations in terms of stress function and for plain
stress problem?

3. a) Explain Saint Venant’s principle?

b) Explain the application of Fourier series for two dimensional problems?

4. a) Discuss the effect of circular hole on stress distribution in plate?

b) Explain the Strain components in polar co-ordinates?

5. a) Explain the Equations of equilibrium in terms of displacements?

b) Derive the Expressions of compatibility for a two dimensional problems?

6. a) Explain the analogy of Torsion?

b) Obtain the expression for torque and angle of twist of an elliptical shaft subjected to
uniform torsion?

7. a) Discuss various applications for polar co-ordinates and advantages of considering

problem using polar co-ordinates?
b) Explain the general equations in polar co-ordinates?

8. Explain in detail about

a) Uniqueness of solution
b) Reciprocal theorem


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