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Self-Assessment Color Review

Canine Infectious Diseases

Self-Assessment Color Review

Katrin Hartmann
Professor Dr med vet, Dr habil
Diplomate ECVIM-CA (Internal Medicine)
Head of the Clinic of Small Animal Medicine
Centre for Clinical Veterinary Medicine
Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany

Jane Sykes
Diplomate ACVIM (Small Animal Internal Medicine)
Professor of Small Animal Internal Medicine
School of Veterinary Medicine
University of California-Davis, USA
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
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Preface........................................................................................................ vii
Contributors................................................................................................ ix
Picture acknowledgments............................................................................ xi
Abbreviations............................................................................................. xiii
Broad classification of cases........................................................................ xv


Conversion factors.................................................................................... 265

Index......................................................................................................... 267

Infectious diseases are very common in companion animals and the dog is at
the forefront of emerging and newly discovered infections. Dogs also have been
implicated in zoonoses and the spread of infections to and from wildlife.
In this book, we have provided an overview of canine infectious diseases in a
case-based manner in the way clinicians encounter them in daily practice all over
the globe. Because of the global nature of the case descriptions, several unique
cases and images that have not been published elsewhere in the scientific literature
can be found in this book. We hope this practice-oriented approach motivates the
reader to contemplate the cases and to reflect on how they might have managed
each case themselves.
The book was created for veterinary practitioners and veterinary students during
their clinical rotations, to improve and practice their knowledge of infectious
diseases. At the end of every case, questions for self-assessment by the reader are
provided to test existing knowledge. The illustrations that accompany each case
will help the reader to identify both classical and unique disease presentations.
We are very grateful for the expertise and hard work of all our co-authors.
Further, we are extremely thankful to Monika Freisl for her hard work in providing
the final editing of case descriptions and for acting as a point of liaison with
co-authors. We would also like to thank the whole team at CRC Press for their
patience and encouragement. Most of all we would like to thank our partners,
families, friends, and colleagues in our teaching institutions for all their support
and encouragement to turn this book into reality.
We invite the readers to approach this book in the way we approach each of
our canine patients, as a series of mysteries awaiting our careful detective work in
search of a happy outcome for our patients and the families that care for them.
We hope that this book will inspire veterinarians to embrace the topic of canine
infectious diseases and to contribute to the health and welfare of dogs everywhere.

Katrin Hartmann and Jane Sykes

Ursula M. Dietrich Daniel Guimarães Gerardi
Professor Dr med vet, MRCVS DVM, MS, PhD
Diplomate ACVO Departamento de Medicina Animal
Diplomate ECVO Faculdade de Veterinária
Royal Veterinary College Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
North Mymms, Hertfordshire, UK do Sul (UFRGS)
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Pedro Paulo Vissotto de Paiva Diniz
DVM, PhD Bernhard Gerber
Associate Professor of Small Animal Priv-Doz, Dr med vet
Internal Medicine Diplomate ACVIM
College of Veterinary Medicine Diplomate ECVIM-CA
Western University of Health Sciences (Internal Medicine)
Pomona, California, USA Vetsuisse Faculty
University of Zurich
René Dörfelt Zurich, Switzerland
Dr med vet
Diplomate ECVAA Craig E. Greene
Clinic of Small Animal Medicine DVM, MS
Centre for Clinical Veterinary Medicine Diplomate ACVIM (Internal Medicine
Ludwig Maximilian University and Neurology)
Munich, Germany Emeritus Professor, Departments
of Small Animal Medicine and
Andrea Fischer Infectious Diseases
Professor Dr med vet, Dr habil College of Veterinary Medicine
Diplomate ECVN University of Georgia
Diplomate ACVIM (Neurology) Athens, Georgia, USA
Clinic of Small Animal Medicine
Centre for Clinical Veterinary Medicine Katrin Hartmann
Ludwig Maximilian University Professor Dr med vet, Dr habil
Munich, Germany Diplomate ECVIM-CA
(Internal Medicine)
Tadeusz Frymus Clinic of Small Animal Medicine
Professor Dr med vet Centre for Clinical Veterinary
Head of the Division of Infectious Medicine
Diseases Ludwig Maximilian University
Department of Small Animal Diseases Munich, Germany
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Warsaw, Poland

Lynelle Johnson Jane E. Sykes
BA, DVM, MS, PhD BVSc(Hons), PhD
Diplomate ACVIM (Internal Diplomate ACVIM
Medicine) Professor of Small Animal Internal
Professor, Medicine & Epidemiology Medicine
University of California-Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
Davis, California, USA University of California-Davis, USA

Ralf S. Mueller Stefan Unterer

Professor Dr med vet, Dr habil Priv.-Doz., Dr med vet, Dr habil
Diplomate ACVD Diplomate ECVIM-CA (Internal
Diplomate ECVD Medicine)
Clinic of Small Animal Medicine Clinic of Small Animal Medicine
Centre for Clinical Veterinary Centre for Clinical Veterinary Medicine
Medicine Ludwig Maximilian University
Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Gerhard Wess
Maria Grazia Pennisi Professor Dr med vet, Dr habil
DVM, PhD Diplomate ACVIM (Cardiology)
Specialist in Applied Microbiology Diplomate ECVIM-CA (Cardiology)
Department of Veterinary Sciences Diplomate ECVIM-CA (Internal
Polo Universitario dell’Annunziata Medicine)
University of Messina Clinic of Small Animal Medicine
Messina, Italy Centre for Clinical Veterinary Medicine
Ludwig Maximilian University
Bianka Schulz Munich, Germany
Priv.-Doz., Dr med vet, Dr habil
Diplomate ECVIM-CA (Internal
Clinic of Small Animal Medicine
Centre for Clinical Veterinary
Ludwig Maximilian University
Munich, Germany

Picture acknowledgments
4: courtesy of Craig Greene, © University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc.
5: courtesy of Craig Greene, © University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc.
10a, b: courtesy of Prof. Antonio Vicente Mundim
12: courtesy of the University of California-Davis, Veterinary
Ophthalmology Service
13a, b: courtesy of the University of California-Davis, Veterinary Medical
Teaching Hospital
16: courtesy of Dr. Suzane Beier
17a, 17b: courtesy of Dr. Cynthia Lucidi
23: courtesy of Chirurgische und Gynäkologische Kleintierklinik, LMU Munich
27: courtesy of the Clinical Laboratory, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich
28: courtesy of M. De Majo
29a, 29b: courtesy of G. Mazzullo
60a, 60b: courtesy of Dr. Gary Johnston
61a: courtesy of Dr. Gary Johnston
61b: courtesy of Kristin Nunez
74: courtesy of Prof. Dr. Tricia Maria Ferreira de Souza Oliveira
82: courtesy of Craig Greene, © University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc.
84: courtesy of Craig Greene, © University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc.
88: courtesy of Dr. Matt Eberts
92: courtesy of G. Lombardo
107: courtesy of the University of California-Davis, Veterinary Medical
Teaching Hospital
113: courtesy of Teton New Media
114: courtesy of Craig Greene, © University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc.
115a, b: courtesy of Mark Kent, © University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc.
116: courtesy of Craig Greene, © University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc.
117a, 117b: courtesy of Dr. Matt Eberts
118: courtesy of Dr. Kristin Nunez
127a, 127b: courtesy of Craig Greene © University of Georgia Research
Foundation Inc.
128: courtesy of the Department of Veterinary Pathology, UGA, © University of
Georgia Research Foundation Inc.
133a, b: courtesy of Prof. Dr. Rafael Fighera
134: courtesy of Prof. Dr. Rafael A. Fighera
136: courtesy of the University of California-Davis, Veterinary Cardiology
139: courtesy of M. Masucci
140a, 140b: courtesy of M. De Majo
145: courtesy of Jacek Brzeski
146: courtesy of Jacek Brzeski
147: courtesy of the University of California-Davis, Veterinary Medical
Teaching Hospital

154a, 154b: courtesy of Dr. Mitika Hagiwara
155a, 155b: courtesy of Flavio Paz
157: courtesy of the University of California-Davis Veterinary Medical
Teaching Hospital
167: courtesy of Craig Greene, © University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc.
168: courtesy of the Department of Veterinary Pathology, UGA, © University of
Georgia Research Foundation Inc.
172: courtesy of Dr. Matt Eberts
180a, 180b: courtesy of Chirurgische und Gynäkologische Kleintierklinik,
LMU Munich
182a, 182b: courtesy of G. Malara
191: courtesy of Dr. Cynthia Lucidi
197: courtesy of the University of California-Davis, Veterinary Medical
Teaching Hospital
199b: courtesy of Dr. José Luis Laus and Dr. Ivan Martinez

ALP alkaline phosphatase IRIS International Renal Interest
ALT alanine aminotransferase Society
aPTT activated partial IM intramuscular(ly)
thromboplastin time IMHA immune-mediated hemolytic
AST aspartate aminotransferase anemia
BAL bronchoalveolar lavage IV intravenous(ly)
BCS body condition score MCHC mean cell hemoglobin content
bpm beats per minute MCV mean cell volume
BUN blood urea nitrogen MRI magnetic resonance imaging
CBC complete blood count OD right eye (oculus dextrus)
CFU colony-forming units OS left eye (oculus sinister)
CNS central nervous system PCR polymerase chain reaction
CRI continuous rate infusion PO orally (per os)
CSF cerebrospinal fluid PT prothrombin time
CT computed tomography PU/PD polyuria/polydipsia
DIC disseminated intravascular RBC red blood cell(s)
coagulopathy RI reference interval
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid RNA ribonucleic acid
ECG electrocardiography/ SC subcutaneous(ly)
electrocardiogram T4 thyroxine
ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone
assay UPCR urine protein to creatinine
GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid ratio
hpf high-power field UV ultraviolet
IFA immunofluorescence assay WBC white blood cell(s)
Ig immunoglobulin

Broad classification of cases
Bacterial infections Cryptococcosis 12, 13
Anaplasma phagocytophilum Fungal pneumonia 176
infection 117, 118, 119 Histoplasmosis 39, 179
Anaplasma platys infection 16, 17, Pythiosis 167, 168
18, 19 Skin fungal infections 4, 5, 67, 110,
Bacterial pneumonia 25, 26, 121, 122 111, 112, 113, 181, 182
Bartonella spp. infection 88, 89, 90 Urinary tract fungal infection 27
Bordetella bronchiseptica 11
Botulism 81
Brucellosis 82, 83, 84, 180 Parasitic infections
Discospondylitis 139, 140 Angiostrongylus infection 51, 52, 53,
Ehrlichiosis 95, 96, 97, 154, 155, 156, 75, 76, 77, 101, 102
170, 171, 183, 199 Babesia canis infection 99, 100, 190,
Endocarditis 124, 125, 126, 136, 137 191, 198
Gastrointestinal bacterial infections 6, Babesia gibsoni infection 30, 31
7, 8, 28, 29, 46, 47, 48, 85, 86, 87, Echinococcosis 151, 152, 153
142, 143, 144 Gastrointestinal parasitic infections
Leptospirosis 1, 2, 14, 15, 129, 186, 193 35, 36, 159
Lyme disease 172, 192 Heartworm disease 32, 33, 34, 59, 60,
Mycoplasma cynos infection 40, 41 61, 103, 104
Other mycobacterial infections 106, 107 Hepatozoonosis 9, 10, 114, 115, 116
Other rickettsial infections 141 Leishmaniosis 72, 73, 74, 91, 92, 108,
Sepsis 42 109, 123, 170, 171, 185, 187, 189
Skin bacterial infections 20, 21, 162, Neosporosis 58
163, 164, 195 Oslerus osleri infection 176, 177
Tetanus 22, 23, 24, 145, 146 Rangeliosis 133, 134, 135
Tuberculosis 120 Skin parasitic infections 3, 78, 79, 80,
Urinary tract bacterial infection 38, 148, 149, 184
62, 63 Toxoplasmosis 194

Fungal/algal infections Vaccination

Algal infections 127, 128 Anaphylactic shock after
Aspergillosis 54, 70, 71, 105, 160, vaccination 200
161, 197 Angioedema after vaccination 188
Blastomycosis 49, 50, 65, 66, 147 Assessment of vaccination and
Coccidioidomycosis 157, 158 parvovirus antibody testing 196

Viral infections Influenza virus infection 178
Aujeszky’s disease 165, 166 Mumps 43, 44
Canine herpesvirus infection 37 Papilloma virus infection 45, 55, 56, 57
Canine infectious respiratory disease Parvovirus infection 93, 94, 130,
(viral agents) 150 131, 132
Coronavirus infection 169 Rabies 98, 173
Distemper 64, 138 Tick-borne encephalitis 201
Infectious canine hepatitis 68, 69,
174, 175

CASE 1 An 8-year-old female intact 1
Siberian Husky from Bern, Switzerland,
was evaluated for acute onset of
vomiting, lethargy, and increased
thirst and urination. On physical
examination, the dog was estimated to
be 7–8% dehydrated and had a tense
abdomen on palpation. The  kidneys
appeared to  be slightly enlarged on
palpation and a large bladder was noted.
The BCS  was  5/9  (1). A CBC, serum
biochemistry panel, and urinalysis were

Complete blood count Results Reference interval

Hematocrit 0.32 l/l 0.42–0.55
Platelets 75 × 109/l 130–394
White blood cells 6.1 × 109/l 4.7–11.3

Biochemistry panel Results Reference interval

Creatinine 364 μmol/l 50–119
Urea 39 μmol/l 3.8–9.4
Glucose 4.8 mmol/l 4.1–5.9
Sodium 153 mmol/l 152–159
Potassium 4.5 mmol/l 4.3–5.3
Phosphorus 2.19 mmol/l 1–1.6

Urinalysis Results
Collection method Cystocentesis
Color, appearance Yellow, clear
Specific gravity 1.022
pH 6.8
Protein Negative
Glucose ++
Sediment Inactive

1 How would you interpret the findings in this dog?

2 What are the differential diagnoses for this dog?

CASE 2 Case 2 is the same dog as case 1. On abdominal ultrasound, the kidneys
were slightly enlarged and a small amount of perirenal fluid was visualized (2).
Leptospirosis is suspected as the underlying disease.

1 How would you make a specific diagnosis of leptospirosis?

2 How would you treat this dog?
3 Is there a risk of human infection when handling the dog?

3 CASE 3 A 6-month-old intact male

Labrador mix was evaluated for a 4-week
history of facial skin disease (3). The
dog was bright and alert, but showed
prominent erythema, crusting, and alopecia
periocularly as well as on the muzzle. The
dog lived in Munich, Germany, had no travel
history outside the country, was vaccinated
with core vaccines and last treated with an
endoparasiticide 6 weeks previously, and
was fed a commercial puppy food. Besides
the skin changes, the dog was unremarkable
on physical examination.

1 W
 hat are the most likely differential
diagnoses for this dog based on your
assessment of the history and image
2 What diagnostic tests should be done immediately?
3 Could this dog have a transmissible infectious disease?

CASE 4 A 3-year-old neutered male 4
Border Collie was referred for skin lesions
on his extremities that had been present
for 4 months. Therapy with antibacterial
drugs for the past month had not been
effective. The dog appeared otherwise
healthy. The owners owned farmland
in Greensboro, Georgia, USA, and lived
by a lake. The dog spent time inside and
outside. There was no travel history. The
dog had been regularly vaccinated and
treated with parasiticides.
Physical examination, beside the skin lesions, was unremarkable. There were
draining ulcerative skin lesions on the dog’s extremities (4).

1 What are the differential diagnoses for draining skin lesions?

2 What diagnostic plan should be considered for the skin lesions?

CASE 5 Case 5 is the same dog as case 4. Serum biochemical abnormalities included
increased serum globulin concentration and serum alkaline phosphatase activity.
Cytologic findings were a predominance of neutrophils and a few macrophages. Poorly
stained, slightly basophilic thin-walled,
rarely septate hyphae were observed (5). 5
Hematoxylin and eosin-stained skin
biopsy specimens showed diffuse infiltrates
of lymphocytes, plasma cells, neutrophils,
and macrophages, and a few giant cells.
Necrotic cellular debris was interspersed
with multifocal fibroplasia. Within
the sections were thin-walled, rarely
branching hyphae with occasional septa
with bulbous enlargements. Gomori’s
methenamine silver stain highlighted the
fungal hyphal elements within the lesions.
Organisms grew on Sabouraud dextrose
agar at 25°C. Colonies were smooth and
yellow with radial folds. Smooth, thick-walled zygospores had copulatory beaks.
The organisms were identified as Basiobolus ranarum. Fungal susceptibility testing
suggested susceptibility to terbinafine, trimethoprim/sulfonamide, and amphotericin B.
1 What is the source of the organism isolated in this infection?
2 What treatment is indicated?
CASE 6 A 2-year-old intact male German Shepherd Dog mix was referred for
a 4-day history of acute vomiting and anorexia. Two days before the dog was
evaluated, the referring veterinarian reported icterus and had treated the dog with
oral antibiotics (doxycycline) and a single injection of a short-acting glucocorticoid.
Because the vomiting persisted, the owner did not administer the doxycycline. No
previous health problems were known. The dog was up to date on vaccinations and
regularly treated for endoparasites. He lived in a suburban area close to Munich,
Germany, and had traveled to Southern Italy once, 10 months ago.
On presentation, the dog was lethargic, but still responsive and ambulatory.
He  was in a good body condition (BCS 4.5/9). Rectal body temperature was
39.8°C (103.6°F), pulse was 120 bpm, and respiratory rate was 32 breaths/min.
Mucous membranes were icteric (6). On palpation, the abdomen was tense, but
not painful. The remainder of the physical examination was unremarkable.

1 What is the differential diagnosis for icterus?

2 What non-invasive tests would you perform first to investigate this problem?

CASE 7 Case 7 is the same dog as case 6. A CBC revealed a hematocrit of

0.65 l/l (RI 0.35–0.58 l/l), a neutrophil count of 26.1 × 109/l (RI 5–16 × 109/l),
and a band neutrophil count of 5.6 × 109/l (RI 0–0.5 × 109/l).
On abdominal ultrasound examination, the liver was of normal size and
echogenicity. The gallbladder was not enlarged. No abnormal contents, such as
stones, could be visualized in the gallbladder, and the wall was not thickened (7a).
However, the common bile duct was distended and 1 cm in diameter (7b). Because
of gas in the gastrointestinal tract, the enlarged bile duct could not be followed to
its duodenal entrance.


7a 7b

1 What form of icterus can be ruled out based on the results of the CBC?
2 What is your assessment of the neutrophilia observed in this dog?
3 What are reasons for distension of the common bile duct?
4 Which reason is more likely in this case, and what test would you perform to
confirm your suspicion?

CASE 8 Case 8 is the same dog as cases 6 and 7. Cytologic examination of the
aspirated bile showed neutrophilic inflammation and the presence of bacteria (8a).
On bile culture, significant growth of Escherichia coli was noted.


1 What are the most common bacterial species involved in bacterial cholangitis and,
therefore, what antimicrobial would you choose empirically while the results of
culture and susceptibility are pending?
2 Are bacterial infections of the hepatobiliary system common in dogs?
3 What predisposing factors contribute to ascending bacterial cholangitis?
4 For how long would you continue antimicrobial treatment?


9 CASE 9 A 4-year-old intact female

mixed-breed dog that lived in a rural
community in the area of Porto Alegre,
Brazil, was evaluated for anorexia,
lethargy, and weight loss over the past
4 days. The dog had been properly
vaccinated and recently treated for
parasites. On physical examination,
the dog had pale mucous membranes
with ecchymosis (9), fever (39.7°C
[103.5°F]), mild peripheral generalized
lymphadenomegaly, and splenomegaly.
Ticks found on the dog were identified as Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Significant
findings on a CBC, serum biochemistry panel, and urinalysis are shown below.
The anemia was normocytic and hypochromic.

Complete blood count Results Reference interval

Hematocrit 0.27 l/l 0.35–0.58
Reticulocytes 0 × 109/l 0–60
Platelets 3 × 109/l 150–500
White blood cells 108.7 × 109/l 5–16
Mature neutrophils 103.6 × 109/l 3–9

Biochemistry panel Results Reference interval

Total protein 84 g/l 56–78
Albumin 22 g/l 31–43
Globulins 62 g/l 24–35

1 Which infectious agents can be transmitted by Rhipicephalus sanguineus?

2 What are the two most striking abnormalities in the CBC, and which tick-borne
diseases can cause these abnormalities?
3 What tests should be performed to diagnose these infections?

CASE 10 Case 10 is the same dog as case 9. A blood smear showed Hepatozoon
organisms within neutrophils (10a, 10b). PCR confirmed infection with both
Hepatozoon canis and Ehrlichia canis.


10a 10b

1 Which clinical signs and laboratory abnormalities in this dog are caused by
Hepatozoon canis and which are more likely to be caused by Ehrlichia canis?
2 What are the differences between the mode of transmission of Hepatozoon
canis and Ehrlichia canis?
3 What treatments are indicated for the two infections?

CASE 11 A 10-month-old neutered 11

female Labrador Retriever living in a rural
area in the region of Regensburg, Germany,
was evaluated for a 7-day history of cough.
For the 2 days before evaluation the dog
was lethargic and anorexic. The dog had
been vaccinated against distemper virus,
adenovirus, parvovirus, Leptospira spp.
infection, and rabies as a puppy and was
treated every 3 months with a parasiticide.
The owner reported that several dogs
in a puppy class that the dog attended
were also coughing. On physical examination pyrexia was noted (39.8°C [103.6°F]).
A moist cough could be elicited on palpation of the trachea. Increased lung sounds
were noted on auscultation. Thoracic radiographs revealed a mild bronchointerstitial
lung pattern. A CBC showed a neutrophilia with a mild left shift. Bronchoalveolar
lavage was performed, and the fluid was examined cytologically (11).

1 What is your assessment of this case, and how would you proceed?
2 How would you interpret the cytology of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in this
3 What treatment would you recommend?
CASE 12 A 3-year-old neutered female Labrador Retriever was evaluated for
seizures. For the past week, she had shown signs of lethargy, trembling, and
circling, and she had occasionally been found with her head pressed against the
wall. She also had decreased appetite. On the day of evaluation, she had begun to
show focal seizures that were described
12 as side-to-side head movements. There
had been no cough, sneezing, vomiting,
or diarrhea. The dog lived in Shasta
Lake, California, USA. There was
no history of travel. Her owners had
started digging up their garden 4 weeks
ago. There had been no history of toxin
exposure. The dog was treated regularly
with flea and heartworm preventives
and was up to date on vaccinations
(distemper, canine infectious hepatitis,
parvovirus infection, and leptospirosis).
She was receiving no other medications.
On physical examination, she was
quiet, alert, responsive, and well hydrated. Body weight was 20 kg. The rectal body
temperature was 38.8°C (101.8°F), pulse rate was 104 bpm, and she was panting.
The remainder of the general physical examination was unremarkable. Neurologic
examination showed mild obtundation, an absent menace response on the right
side, and pain on lumbosacral palpation. Hopping was equivocally delayed in the
pelvic and thoracic limbs. Funduscopic examination showed multifocal, indistinct
gray opacities in the right eye (12).

1 What is the neuroanatomic localization of the problem?

2 What are your differential diagnoses for this dog’s problem, and what infectious
agents might be involved?
3 What is your plan for further work-up of this dog’s problem?

CASE 13 Case 13 is the same dog as case 12. The CBC and urinalysis were
normal.  The biochemistry panel showed mild hyperglobulinemia (38 g/l,
RI  17–35  g/l). Thoracic radiographs were normal, whereas lumbosacral
spinal radiographs showed narrowing of the L4–L5 intervertebral disc space
with a mineralized disc at the L1–L2 space. Abdominal ultrasound revealed
enlarged mesenteric, ileocolic, hepatic, and pancreaticoduodenal lymph nodes,
which were heterogeneous in echogenicity (13a). The surrounding mesentery

was hyperechoic. There was segmental 13a
eccentric thickening of the muscularis
throughout the jejunum. The wall
layering in those regions was well
Aspirates of multiple lymph
nodes were obtained and revealed
changes consistent with immune
reactivity. MRI showed numerous, T1
hypointense, T2 hypo- to isointense,
contrast-enhancing nodules distrib­ 13b
uted throughout the cerebral
cortex, and within the thalamus
and cerebellum. There was a lobular
mass involving the olfactory bulbs
bilaterally with regional meningeal
enhancement. This lesion abutted the
cribriform plate but no mass lesion
was identified in the nasal cavity.
There were numerous cerebral nodules
throughout all lobes, the largest of
which was in the left temporal region,
measuring 1 cm. There were two large nodules in the left thalamic region, measuring
1.2  cm in diameter. These nodules resulted in mass effect with displacement of
the interthalamic adhesion to the right (13b). There were multiple nodules in
the cerebellum; the largest one was left sided and measured 0.6  cm. There was
diffuse meningeal contrast enhancement including leptomeningeal enhancement.
Moderate FLAIR hyperintensity was observed within the white matter around
the described nodules and adjacent to the lateral ventricles and mesencephalic
Analysis of the CSF revealed a protein concentration of 1.07 g/l. There were
91 nucleated cells/μl, consisting of 37% neutrophils, 30% small mononuclear cells,
and 33% large mononuclear cells. No infectious agents were seen, but culture
of the CSF yielded Cryptococcus neoformans. A Cryptococcus antigen titer was

1 What species of Cryptococcus cause infections in dogs, and are there differences
in their ecologic niches and clinical presentations?
2 What is the recommended treatment for this dog?
3 What are possible adverse effects of drug therapy and how should response to
treatment be monitored?

CASE 14 An 8-month-old intact male Weimaraner (14) was evaluated for a 2-day
history of oliguria and a 3-day history of vomiting and anorexia. The dog lived
in a suburban area close to Munich, Germany, and had no travel history. He had
been vaccinated against distemper virus, canine adenovirus, and parvovirus, and
received parasite prevention once a month. On physical examination, the dog
was lethargic, appeared overhydrated, and the kidneys were slightly painful on
palpation. The remainder of the physical examination was unremarkable.
Initial laboratory examination revealed a severe neutrophilia (42 × 109 mature
neutrophils/l, RI 3–115 × 109/l) with left shift (4.5 × 109 band neutrophils/l, RI
0–3 × 109/l), thrombocytopenia (65 × 109 platelets/l, RI 150–400 × 109/), increased
serum urea concentration (48 mmol/l, RI 3.8–9.4 mmol/l), increased serum creatinine
concentration (709 µmol/l , RI 45–125 µmol/l), and a urine specific gravity of 1.016.


1 What is the primary problem in this dog and the most likely underlying disease?
2 What additional tests would you perform?
3 What treatment would you initiate?

15 CASE 15 Case 15 is the same dog as case 14.

The dog received aggressive supportive treatment
and antimicrobials for possible leptospirosis
(15). However, after 12  hours the dog became
anuric with a heart rate of 60 bpm and a rectal
body temperature of 37.1°C (98.8°F). After 24
hours the dog also developed respiratory distress
with a respiratory rate of 64 breaths/min.

What should be the monitoring plan for this
What are the next diagnostic and therapeutic
considerations in regards to the respiratory

CASE 16 A 5-year-old neutered female mixed- 16
breed dog was brought to a veterinary clinic in
San Diego, California, USA, for a routine dental
cleaning procedure. The owner reported that the
dog was healthy, but 2 weeks previously she had
an episode of lethargy lasting 2–3 days, from
which she recovered spontaneously. The owner
believed that the incident was associated with
travel that had occurred over that period, rather
than illness. The dog had not traveled outside
of California, was up to date on core vaccines,
and had no history of ectoparasites, although
preventives were not used.
On physical examination, the dog was bright,
alert, and responsive, and no abnormalities
were detected. When blood was taken for
routine pre-anesthetic bloodwork, prolonged bleeding at the site of venipuncture
was noted, with subsequent development of a hematoma and ecchymoses (16). The
CBC showed a low platelet count of 65 × 109 platelets/l. All other CBC results were
within normal limits.

1 Would you proceed with the dental cleaning procedure?

2 What are the most likely differential diagnoses for the thrombocytopenia?

CASE 17 Case 17 is the same dog as case 16. Blood smears were obtained
(17a, 17b).

17a 17b

1 Describe the blood smear findings.

2 What tests could be performed to confirm the diagnosis?
3 Does this dog need specific therapy for this problem?

18 CASE 18 A 6-year-old intact male

Labrador Retriever was evaluated for
a 2-month history of vomiting. The
vomiting occurred two to three times
a week, contained bile or food,
and was unrelated to food intake.
There was no diarrhea. There had
been no improvement following
administration of a hypoallergenic
diet for 4 weeks. The dog lived in
Reggio Calabria, Italy, and had been regularly vaccinated and received prophylaxis
for endoparasites and ectoparasites.
On physical examination, the dog had a thin body condition (BCS 3/9).
Otherwise the physical examination was unremarkable. The results of a CBC, serum
biochemistry panel, and urinalysis were all normal. Centrifugal zinc sulfate fecal
flotation was negative. Abdominal imaging (radiographs and ultrasound) were
unremarkable. Gastroduodenoscopy was performed. The duodenum and jejunum
appeared grossly normal, while the stomach showed pathologic changes (18).

1 How would you interpret the gastroscopy picture?

2 What would be your diagnostic plan?

CASE 19 Case 19 is the same dog as case 18. Histopathology showed mucosal
edema, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates, and fibrosis (19a). Spiral-shaped organisms
were also seen and stained positive with Warthin–Starry silver stain (19b).

19a 19b

1 How would you interpret the results?

2 How should this dog be treated?

CASE 20 An 11-year-old neutered female Miniature Dachshund was evaluated for a
6-week history of pruritus and dermatitis. No other abnormalities were noted by the
owner. The dog lived in Augsburg, Germany, and had occasionally traveled to northern
Italy. It had received regular vaccinations (distemper virus, adenovirus, parvovirus,
rabies, and Leptospira spp.) but had not received parasiticides for several years.
On physical examination, papules and pustules were found on the abdomen
(20). Otherwise the physical examination was unremarkable.


1 What are the most likely differential diagnoses for this dog?
2 What diagnostic tests should be done immediately?

CASE 21 Case 21 is the same dog as case 20. Skin scrapings were negative.
An impression smear cytology was obtained (21).


1 What questions should the owner be asked before performing further diagnostic
2 How should you proceed based on the possible responses from the owner?

22 CASE 22 A 4-year-old intact male mixed-

breed dog was referred for further assessment
and treatment. The dog had a history of a
split nail and swelling of the paw 2 weeks
previously. Antibiotic treatment with
amoxicillin–clavulanic acid was instituted
and the swelling improved. On the morning
of the referral, there was an onset of facial
spasms and trismus (lockjaw) (22).
The dog came from Augsburg, Germany,
and had never traveled outside the country.
He had not been vaccinated since he was a
puppy, and not received any parasiticides
within the last year.
On neurologic examination, masticatory
muscle atrophy and mild cervical pain were
noted as additional findings. Besides the neurologic changes, physical examination
was unremarkable.

1 What is the likely etiology of the clinical signs?

2 How would you describe the different clinical stages of this disease, and what is
the prognosis?

23 CASE 23 Case 23 is the same dog as case

22. Generalized tetanus was diagnosed
on the basis of typical clinical signs. Close
inspection of the paw with the  split nail
revealed that there was still some swelling
evident. Therefore, a radiograph of the
paw were taken (23). Prior to taking the
radiograph, the dog was sedated in order to
minimize exacerbation of tetanus by either
excitement or pain from the procedure.
The dog was placed in a dark and
noise-protected room with instructions
for minimal handling, and ear plugs were
applied. Initial management consisted of
intravenous  application of 100  units/kg
of equine tetanus antitoxin (following a
subcutaneous test dose) and intravenous
application of diphenhydramine. Thereafter,

treatment with metronidazole (10  mg/kg PO q8h) was instituted in order to
control the anaerobic wound infection. Methocarbamol (10 mg/kg/h) was given
as a central muscle relaxant. The dog also received intravenous fluids and hand-
feeding. However, the dog’s condition worsened during the following day and he
developed generalized spasticity with intermittent recumbency and dysphagia.

1 How would you describe the radiographic findings?

2 What are your further treatment recommendations?

CASE 24 A 3-year-old intact female Miniature Schnauzer was evaluated for

mild head tilt and ataxia (24). The owner reported an episode of conjunctivitis,
coughing, and diarrhea 2 weeks ago and a generalized seizure 3 days ago. The dog
lived in Munich, Germany, had never traveled outside the country, was current on
vaccinations, and received regular parasiticide treatment.
A general physical examination revealed a rectal body temperature of 39.1°C
(102.4°F) and mild conjunctivitis, but was otherwise unremarkable. Neurologic
examination showed vestibular and proprioceptive ataxia, head tilt to the right,
positional rotating nystagmus, no response to touch of the left nostril, and a loss of
menace response of the left eye with normal pupillary light reflexes. Proprioceptive
positioning and hopping of the left pelvic limb were delayed. There was no evidence
of pain on spinal palpation.
Laboratory examination showed a mild neutrophilia (17.0 × 109/l). Serum
chemistry and urinalysis were unremarkable.
Based on the neurologic examination, central vestibular disease was diagnosed.
Neuroanatomic localization of lesions was multifocal brainstem and forebrain.

1 Why is the presence of CNS 24

inflammation likely in this case?
2 What diagnostic tests should be
3 What are the potential diagnostic
4 What treatment should be


25a CASE 25 A 4-year-old neutered female

Maltese Terrier mix was evaluated
for a 4-day history of cough and loss
of appetite. The dog lived in the San
Francisco Bay area, California, USA,
and was up to date on vaccines, was
on heartworm prophylaxis, and had no
recent exposure to other dogs.
On physical examination, the dog was
estimated to be 5% dehydrated, and had
a pulse rate of 140 bpm and a respiratory
rate of 44 breaths/min. Respiratory effort
was mildly increased, and a cough was
readily induced on tracheal palpation.
Harsh bronchovesicular sounds were
evident in all lung fields. The remainder
of the physical examination was within
normal limits. Thoracic radiographs
were taken (25a, 25b).


1 What is your interpretation of the radiographs?

2 What differential diagnoses are most likely in this animal?
3 What additional tests should be performed?

CASE 26 Case 26 is the same dog as case 25. Bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar
lavage were performed (26a, 26b).

26a 26b

1 What findings can be seen on bronchoscopy and on cytologic examination of

the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid?
2 What additional tests should be submitted on the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid?

CASE 27 A 10-year-old neutered 27

female Cocker Spaniel from Geneva,
Switzerland, was evaluated for recurrent
urinary tract infections, which were
associated with lower urinary tract signs
of hematuria, dysuria, and stranguria.
These infections had been treated
successfully with antimicrobial drugs in
the past but, recently, treatment had not
resulted in clinical improvement. The
dog had a history of previous traumatic
urethral injury that had been treated surgically. For further diagnostic work-up,
urinalysis was performed with light microscopy of unstained urine sediment (27).

1 What can be seen in the urinary sediment?

2 How common are fungal urinary tract infections?
3 What are risk factors for this infection?
4 What treatment should be recommended?


28 CASE 28 A 2-year-old intact male

mixed-breed dog, living entirely
outdoors in a rural area of Sicily, Italy,
was evaluated because of a 2-day history
of anorexia and lethargy. The dog had
been vaccinated only for rabies and was
only treated for internal parasites once
as a puppy.
On physical examination, pyrexia
(40.0°C [104.0°F]) and petechial
lesions on the gingival mucosa were
observed (28). There were no other

1 What are the differential diagnoses for the petechial lesions?

2 What useful information could be obtained from a CBC?
3 Antibody testing for which infectious diseases would be indicated, and what are
the limitations of these assays for establishing a diagnosis?

CASE 29 Case 29 is the same dog as case 28. The CBC revealed a severe
thrombocytopenia, mild non-regenerative anemia, and neutropenia. On the
blood smear, morula-like cytoplasmic inclusion bodies were observed in a few
mononuclear cells (29a) and in many platelets (29b).

29a 29b

1 What is the diagnosis?

2 How should the dog be treated?

CASE 30 A 2-year-old neutered male American Pitbull Terrier (30) was evaluated
for lethargy that had started 6 months previously but had become progressively
worse over the last 2 months. The dog had been seen by a veterinarian 1 month
previously; a mild anemia was diagnosed that was not further evaluated. The dog
had been treated with doxycycline, but the clinical signs did not improve. The dog
lived in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He had been adopted by his owner about 1 year
previously when the owner found the dog roaming around the streets of Atlanta.
Within that year the dog had not traveled. The dog had been vaccinated at the time
of adoption and now received monthly preventives for endo- and ectoparasites,
including heartworm.
On physical examination, the dog was quiet, but responsive. Mucous
membranes were slightly pale; capillary refill time was 2 seconds. Otherwise, the
physical examination was unremarkable.


1 What would be the first step to work-up the problem of pale mucous membranes?
2 What infectious disease are American Pitbull Terriers predisposed to, and what
is the likely reason for this breed predisposition?

CASE 31 Case 31 is the same dog as 31

case 30. Babesia gibsoni was detected
on a blood smear of the dog (31).

1 If no parasites can be found on a

blood smear, what would be the
diagnostic test of choice?
2 What is the recommended treatment?


32 CASE 32 A 7-year-old neutered male

Siberian Husky (32) was referred
because of a 3-week history of exercise
intolerance and dry cough. The dog
lived in Munich, Germany, but had
traveled in the past to several southern
European countries. He had not received
any ectoparasite control, nor was he
ever treated for internal parasites. He
had received only vaccinations against
rabies. On physical examination, pulse
quality was normal, no heart murmur
was heard, and lung auscultation
revealed harsh lung sounds during
expiration. The dog had as slightly
reduced BCS (3/9). Otherwise the
physical examination was normal. According to the owner, bloodwork performed
by the referring veterinarian had revealed moderate hypoalbuminaemia.

1 What is your initial assessment of this case, and what are your differential
diagnoses for the dog’s problems?
2 What diagnostic tests would you perform?

CASE 33 Case 33 is the same dog as 33b

case 32. Thoracic radiographs (33a, 33b),
CBC, biochemistry panel, and urinalysis
were performed. The most notable
laboratory findings were a marked


eosinophilia (2.946 × 109/l), hypoalbuminemia (22 g/l), a urine specific gravity of
1.023 with 3+ protein and a benign sediment, and a UPCR of 5.1.

1 What is your interpretation of the radiographs?

2 What is your assessment of the laboratory findings?

CASE 34 Case 34 is the same dog as in cases 32 and 33. Echocardiography

(34a,  34b) was performed and showed a dilated right ventricle, tricuspid
regurgitation with a velocity of 4.2 m/s (70 mmHg pressure gradient), and dilated
pulmonary arteries. Pulsed wave Doppler flow in the pulmonary artery below the
pulmonic valve was 1.8 m/s.



1 What is your interpretation of the echocardiographic examination?

2 What further tests would you recommend?
3 What is the likely underlying pathophysiology for proteinuria in this dog?
4 What is your treatment plan?

CASE 35 A 7-month-old intact male Bernese Mountain Dog was evaluated for
a 1-week history of progressive small bowel diarrhea. The diarrhea was described
as malodorous and progressing from pudding-like to watery consistency. The dog
was fed a commercial diet. He had received a full basic vaccination series and was
dewormed 4 months ago. He lived in Munich, Germany, with one other dog in the
household and had never been out of the country.
On physical examination, the
35 dog was lethargic. Dehydration was
estimated at 6%. Vital signs were within
normal limits. Abdominal palpation
revealed fluid-filled bowel loops but
was otherwise unremarkable. The BCS
was 5/9. A fecal flotation was performed
(35). The owners were concerned about
possible detection of fecal parasites,
because their two young children and
an older mixed-breed dog lived in the
same household.

1 What is the diagnosis?

2 If you are not sure about the microscopic interpretation, what additional test(s)
could you perform to confirm the diagnosis?
3 Do you think there is a zoonotic risk for the owners and their children?

CASE 36 Case 36 is the same dog as case 35. A fecal SNAP Giardia antigen test
(IDEXX Laboratories) confirmed the presence of Giardia antigen (36).


1 What treatment is recommended?

2 Is environmental management indicated, and what recommendations should be
made to the owner?

CASE 37 A 4-year-old intact female Labrador Retriever was referred together
with two of her 1-week-old puppies (one female and one male) to the emergency
service. The bitch had given birth to nine puppies. The owner reported that the
birth had been uncomplicated. During the first 4 days of life, the puppies behaved
normally. On day 5, the first puppy showed signs of respiratory distress (e.g.
tachypnea, gasping for air, and hypersalivation). Other puppies developed the
same clinical signs the following day. Affected puppies died 12–24 hours after the
onset of clinical signs. Prior to presentation, seven of the puppies had already died.
The owner lived in Atlanta, Georgia,
USA, and the bitch had never been 37a
outside of the area, had received routine
vaccinations, and had been treated for
endo- and ectoparasites regularly.
Physical examination of the bitch
revealed no significant abnormalities.
The genital tract was as expected for
the post-whelping period. Both puppies
were lethargic with the male being
more severely affected (37a). They were
tachypneic, with vocalization, dyspnea,
and hypersalivation. Auscultation of
the lungs revealed diffusely increased
breath sounds.
Both puppies were euthanized.
Necropsy was performed, and findings
were similar in both puppies, but
more severe in the male pup. On
histopathology, multifocal hemorrhage, 37b
edema, and increased septal width
were found throughout the lungs.
Hemorrhage, edema, and necrosis were
also found in the liver, kidneys (37b), and
spleen. Fresh tissue specimens stained
positive for canine herpesvirus by IFA.

1 How common is canine herpesvirus

infection, and how is it transmitted?
2 What clinical signs occur after infection?


38 CASE 38 An 11-year-old neutered

male mixed-breed dog (38) living in
Lausanne, Switzerland, was referred
for evaluation of possible chronic
kidney disease based on the detection
of azotemia on bloodwork. The
owner reported that the dog had been
polyuric and polydipsic for several
weeks but was otherwise healthy. The
dog had been vaccinated with routine
vaccines (distemper virus, adenovirus,
parvovirus, Leptospira spp., and rabies virus) and was receiving parasiticides on
a regular basis. On physical examination, the only abnormalities detected were
several subcutaneous masses on the dog’s trunk. The results of a CBC, biochemistry
panel, and urinalysis with culture (by cystocentesis) are shown below:

Complete blood count Results Reference interval

Hematocrit 0.41 l/l 0.42–0.55

Biochemistry panel Results Reference interval

Total protein 60 g/l 56–71
Albumin 39 g/l 29–37
Creatinine 122 μmol/l 50–119
Urea nitrogen 6.8 mmol/l 3.8–9.4

Urinalysis Results Reference interval

Collection method Cystocentesis –
Color, appearance Yellow, slightly turbid –
Specific gravity 1.018 1.015–1.045
pH 7.5 5.5–7
Protein Negative –
Glucose Negative –
Ketone Negative –
Bilirubin + –
Blood + –
Red blood cells 4–8 cells/hpf 0–5
White blood cells 12–20 cells/hpf 0–3
Bacteria Numerous 0
Urine culture >105 CFU/ml E. coli
susceptible to amoxicillin

An abdominal ultrasound revealed no abnormalities.

1 What are your primary differential diagnoses for PU/PD in this dog?
2 How would you interpret the laboratory results?
3 How common are bacterial urinary tract infections in dogs?
4 What are the most common bacterial species causing urinary tract disease in dogs?
5 How would you treat this dog?

CASE 39 A 4-year-old neutered 39

male Cockapoo was evaluated for a
3-week history of anorexia. He had
recently developed a non-productive
hacking cough. The dog lived in Davis,
California, USA, and was employed
as a service animal for his disabled
owner and traveled on a monthly basis
to Hawaii, west Texas, and Arizona.
He was regularly vaccinated and on
monthly heartworm prophylaxis.
On physical examination, his rectal temperature was 40.1°C (104.2°F),
pulse rate was 100  bpm, and respiratory rate was 120 breaths/min. Harsh lung
sounds were auscultated bilaterally and a honking cough was elicited on tracheal
palpation. Cardiac auscultation was unremarkable. The remainder of the physical
examination was normal. A right lateral radiograph had been taken by the
veterinarian (39).
A CBC was performed:

Complete blood count Results Reference interval

Hematocrit 0.388 l/l 0.35–0.58
MCV 66.1 fl 58–72
Platelets 505 × 109/l 150–500
White blood cells 24.120 × 109/l 5–16
Neutrophils 18.090 × 109/l 3–9
Eosinophils 0.555 × 109/l 0–1.0
Basophils 0.048 × 109/l 0–0.04
Lymphocytes 3.594 × 109/l 1–3.6
Monocytes 1.833 × 109/l 0.04–0.5

1 How would you interpret the CBC?

2 What imaging abnormalities are present in the radiograph?
3 What differential diagnoses should be considered?
4 What other diagnostic tests should be performed?

40a CASE 40 A 5-year-old intact male

Weimaraner was evaluated for a 10-day
history of cough. Two weeks prior to
evaluation, vomiting and diarrhea had
been noted but had resolved in 2 days.
The owner of the dog lived in Davis,
California, USA, and was part of a rescue
foundation and frequently admitted new
dogs to the household. She was currently
caring for six Weimaraners and all had
become sick following the last admission.
40b The other dogs had recovered after
treatment with amoxicillin and a cough
suppressant; however, this dog continued
to cough and experienced a 5 kg weight
loss. All dogs were vaccinated every
3  years with products purchased from
the local supply store. They were also
treated with endo- and ectoparasiticides
but not on a regular basis.
On physical examination, the
temperature was 39.6°C (103.3°F),
pulse 108  bpm, and respiratory rate
30  breaths/min with mild expiratory
effort. The dog repeatedly exhibited
a soft moist cough. Harsh expiratory
breath sounds were auscultated dorsally.
A CBC and thoracic radiographs (40a,
40b) were obtained.

Complete blood count Results Reference interval

Hematocrit 0.43 l/l 0.35–0.58
Platelets 365 × 109/l 150–500
White blood cells 23.690 × 109/l 5–16
Mature neutrophils 19.663 × 109/l 3–9
Band neutrophils 0.237 × 109/l 0–0.5
Eosinophils 0.474 × 109/l 0–1.0
Lymphocytes 0.711 × 109/l 1–3.6
Monocytes 2.606 × 109/l 0.04–0.5

1 How would you interpret the CBC results and radiographs?

2 Which differential diagnoses are highest on your list?
CASE 41 Case 41 is the same dog as 40. A bronchoscopy was performed (41a),
and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was obtained (41b).

41a 41b

1 What tests would you recommend on this fluid?

2 What underlying diseases should be considered?

CASE 42 A 6-year-old neutered 42

female German Shepherd Dog was
admitted to the emergency service of
the University Veterinary Teaching
Hospital in Munich, Germany,
because of lethargy and fever of
2 days’ duration. The dog had been
bright and alert in the days leading
up to this episode, but had been
bitten in the cervical area by another
German Shepherd Dog 2 weeks
previously. The dog had been seen by
a veterinarian at that time who had cleaned and closed the wound. The dog was
up to date on routine vaccinations and was regularly treated with parasiticides.
On physical examination, pulse quality was normal, but an irregular rhythm was
noted. No heart murmur was heard on auscultation of the thorax. Temperature
was elevated (40.1°C [104.2°F]). The bite wound was identified and appeared
to be healing normally. Otherwise the physical examination was unremarkable.
An ECG (42) was obtained (paper speed 50 mm/s, 1 cm = 1 mV).

1 What is your ECG diagnosis?

2 How would you treat the ECG abnormality?

43 CASE 43 A 3-week-old intact female Rottweiler

was evaluated because the owner noted bilateral
swelling below the ears (43) that appeared over
a period of a few hours. No other abnormalities
were reported. The puppy otherwise had normal
behavior and was suckling. The puppy had not
yet been vaccinated or treated for endoparasites.
The bitch was 3 years old and was the only adult
dog in the household. The owner explained that
the pregnancy had been an accident. The owner
and his family lived in Warsaw, Poland, and the
owner reported that his child had been diagnosed
with mumps 6 days previously.
Physical examination revealed a temperature
of 38.5°C (101.3°F). Both parotid salivary glands were significantly enlarged, firm,
but movable and non-painful on palpation. The skin over the parotid glad was
normal. The rest of the physical examination, including an oral cavity examination,
was unremarkable.

1 What is the most likely diagnosis?

2 What diagnostic tests could be considered?
3 What is the prognosis?

CASE 44 Case 44 is the same dog as case 43. Mumps is suspected in this puppy.
The rest of the litter (nine other puppies) were apparently healthy, and so was the
bitch (44).

44 1 What are the possible differential

2 What treatment is needed?
3 What complications can develop
in the course of mumps in dogs?
4 Can a dog suffering from mumps
transfer this infection to humans
or other animals?

CASE 45 A 1-year-old neutered female French Bulldog was evaluated for multiple
“wart-like” lesions on the eyelids of its right eye, which had developed within the
last 4 weeks. The dog had become increasingly uncomfortable, with a serous ocular
discharge from this eye. The owner had also noticed cloudiness at the lateral part
of the eye. The dog lived in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, was otherwise healthy, current
on all vaccinations, and enrolled in a regular endo- and ectoparasite control
Physical examination was unremarkable besides the ophthalmic changes. On
ophthalmic examination of the right eye multiple, light-brown pigmented, round,
“cauliflower-like” lesions of different sizes were located around the upper and lower
eyelids, mainly at the lateral aspect of
the eye and the adjacent conjunctiva 45
(45). The conjunctiva was diffusely
hyperemic and mildly chemotic. On slit
lamp examination, focal corneal edema
was found in the lateral quadrant of
the cornea, surrounding a deep stromal
corneal ulcer. The ulcer stained positive
with fluorescein, but a small “clear”
area remained in the center of the ulcer.
The anterior chamber had very mild
flare (positive Tyndall effect). The iris
was normal, but the pupil was rather

Ophthalmic examination Right eye (OD) Left eye (OS)

Menace response Present Present
Dazzle reflex Present Present
Pupillary light reflex Pupil miotic Normal
Schirmer tear test 20 mm/min 15 mm/min
Intraocular pressure 10 mmHg 15 mmHg

1 What is your ocular diagnosis?

2 What diagnosis of the eyelid lesions might you suspect based on the clinical
3 What treatment do you suggest for this dog?


46 CASE 46 A 5-year-old neutered female mixed-

breed dog was evaluated for acute hemorrhagic
diarrhea (46) of 12 hours’ duration. Vomiting
had started about 12 hours before the diarrhea
was observed. The diarrhea was described as
watery with a pale red color, progressing in
severity and frequency. Over the last 2 hours,
the dog had become lethargic and refused to
walk. The dog lived in Munich, Germany,
and had never been outside the country. She
was regularly vaccinated and dewormed. She
also received ectoparasite control on a regular
basis. The dog was on a raw meat diet, and
this had not been changed for at least 1 year.
Intoxication was considered unlikely by the
On physical examination, the dog was
lethargic. Heart and respiratory rate were
140 bpm and 54 breaths/min, respectively.
The rectal body temperature was 36.7°C
(98.1°F). The dog had pale mucous
membranes and the capillary refill time was
>2 seconds. Dehydration was estimated at
10%. Abdominal palpation revealed a tense
but not obviously painful abdomen. The dog
had a BCS of 4/9 (30 kg).

What are the differential diagnoses for acute hemorrhagic diarrhea, and what
diagnostic tests would you perform?
What is the definition of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis syndrome?
Which dogs are predisposed to hemorrhagic gastroenteritis syndrome?

CASE 47 Case 47 is the same dog as case 46. On evaluation, the dog showed
clinical signs that were suggestive of sepsis (e.g. hypothermia, tachycardia, and
tachypnea). A blood stream infection with primary enteropathogenic bacteria was
considered possible. Therefore, a fecal culture for enteropathogenic bacteria and a
blood culture (47) were performed.

1 What information from the history is important 47
for interpretation of the fecal culture?
2 What bacterial species are currently considered
primary enteropathogenic bacteria?
3 Which bacterial species is believed to play
a primary role in dogs with hemorrhagic
gastroenteritis syndrome?

CASE 48 Case 48 is the same dog as cases 47 and 46. During the first 24 hours, a
rapid improvement of clinical signs could be observed. Fluid therapy is considered the
most important treatment. Different crystalloid and colloid fluids are available (48).


1 Why is fluid therapy considered life saving in this case?

2 How much fluid would you give over the first 24 hours?
3 Would you treat this dog with antibiotics?

CASE 49 A 5-year-old intact male Pointer mix was evaluated for bilateral
blindness and bluish-cloudy, red, and painful eyes (49a, 49b). Prior to the onset
of the ocular symptoms, the dog had been very lethargic with decreased appetite.
In addition, intermittent episodes of coughing and lameness were reported. The
dog served as an active hunting dog in Helen, Georgia, USA, but the owner often
went on hunting trips to the Mississippi and Ohio River valleys. The dog had
received regular vaccinations as well as endo- and ectoparasite control.
On physical examination, the mandibular lymph nodes were enlarged and the
dog had a rectal body temperature of 39.9°C (103.8°F). The left eye appeared
enlarged (49c). Otherwise, the physical examination was unremarkable. An
ophthalmic examination was performed.

49a 49b



Ophthalmic examination Right eye (OD) Left eye (OS)

Menace response Absent Absent
Dazzle reflex Absent Absent
Pupillary light reflex Dilated Cannot assess
Schirmer tear test 15 mm/min 15 mm/min
Intraocular pressure 25 mmHg 58 mmHg

1 What ophthalmic findings are present?

2 What further diagnostic tests would you suggest?

CASE 50 Case 50 is the same dog as case 49. Ocular ultrasound (50a) and fine
needle aspiration of the right mandibular lymph node with cytologic examination
were performed (50b).



1 What is the diagnosis?

2 What treatment would you suggest?
3 What is the prognosis for vision in this dog?

CASE 51 A 9-year-old neutered female mixed-breed dog living in Augsburg,
Germany, was referred for a several-week history of dry cough and lethargy. The
owner also noticed exercise intolerance and a decreased activity level. A 10-day
course of treatment with enrofloxacin did not improve the clinical signs. The
dog had no travel history outside
51 northern Europe. She was up to date
on routine vaccinations; preventive
treatment for parasites was
unknown. On physical examination,
the dog was lethargic with normal
vital signs. On auscultation of the
thorax, slightly harsh lung sounds
were noted during inspiration and
expiration; the heart sounds were
normal. Cutaneous ecchymoses
were noted on the ventral and
lateral aspects of the abdomen (51).

1 What are the differential diagnoses for the problems identified?

2 What diagnostic tests would you perform?

CASE 52 Case 52 is the same dog as case 51. Thoracic radiographs (52a, 52b),
CBC, serum biochemistry analysis, urinalysis, and a coagulation profile were
performed. The CBC showed only mild eosinophilia. Serum biochemistry

52a 52b

analysis and urinalysis detected no abnormalities. The coagulation profile
revealed the following:

Coagulation panel Results Reference interval

PT 42 sec 16–27
aPTT 56 sec 10–13
D-dimers 1,000 ng/ml <250

1 What is your assessment of the diagnostic test results?

2 What additional diagnostic work-up would you suggest?

CASE 53 Case 53 is the same dog 53

as cases 51 and 52. Baermann fecal
examination was negative. Cytologic
examination of bronchoalveolar lavage
fluid revealed larvae of Angiostrongylus
vasorum (53).

1 What treatment would you suggest

for this dog?
2 What should you recommend to the
owner to prevent reinfection?

CASE 54 A 7-year-old neutered male 54

Golden Retriever was evaluated because
of a 2-month history of serous right-
sided nasal discharge and sneezing. He
walked and ran daily in the fields and
woods around the owner’s house. The
dog lives in Davis, California, USA. The
dog was up to date on core vaccinations
and was receiving monthly heartworm
prophylaxis. The photograph was taken
on physical evaluation (54).

1 What is the most likely diagnosis?

2 What physical examination features
would be expected in this dog?


55 CASE 55 A 1.5-year-old intact male

mixed-breed dog was evaluated for wart-
like lesions in the mouth, which had
been present for at least the last 3 weeks.
The dog lived in Katowice, Poland, had
never traveled outside the country and had
received regular vaccinations (distemper
virus, adenovirus, parvovirus, and rabies
virus) and prophylactic treatment for
ectoparasites and endoparasites.
On physical examination, the dog
was bright and alert and in good body
condition. The only abnormalities noted
were multiple, variably sized, firm,
white–gray cauliflower-like lesions on lips, buccal mucosa, palate, tongue, gingiva,
and mucocutaneous junctions around the mouth (55).

1 What is the most likely diagnosis?

2 Are there other differential diagnoses?
3 How can the diagnosis be confirmed?

CASE 56 Case 56 is the same dog as case 55. Canine oral papillomatosis was
diagnosed, based on the appearance of the lesions (56).


1 What is the prognosis?

2 What treatment is indicated?
3 Can dogs be vaccinated against oral papillomatosis?

CASE 57 Case 57 is the same dog 57
as cases 55 and 56. Laser surgery was
performed to remove prominent warts

1 Can this dog spread the disease to

other dogs?
2 Are other animals and humans at
risk of becoming infected?

CASE 58 A 5-year-old intact male 58

Rhodesian Ridgeback was evaluated for
non-ambulatory tetraparesis, reduced
mentation, and a mild head tilt to the
right (58). Further questioning of the
owner revealed a 3-month history
of chronic progressive ataxia with
hypermetria. Sudden worsening of the
dog’s clinical condition occurred 1 week
after treatment with prednisolone
(1 mg/kg/day) was initiated.
The dog came from Munich,
Germany, had never traveled outside
the country, and had received regular
vaccinations. He had not received any antiparasitic treatment within the last
2 years.
On neurologic examination, masticatory muscle atrophy and mild cervical pain
were noted as additional findings. Besides the neurologic changes, the physical
examination was unremarkable.
Further work-up with MRI and cerebrospinal fluid examination showed
cerebellar atrophy and a lymphohistiocytic CSF pleocytosis.

1 What further diagnostic tests should be performed?

2 What treatment should be started while results of diagnostic tests are pending?
3 Why might glucocorticoids be contraindicated for treatment of this disease?

CASE 59 A 6-year-old neutered male Pug was evaluated for labored breathing,
cough, lethargy, anorexia, and pale mucous membranes. These signs had progressed
over the previous 2 weeks (59). No ocular or nasal discharge, cough, sneezing,
polyuria, or polydipsia was present. Urination was normal. The dog had no
significant past medical history. The dog lived indoors only and currently lived in
Montreal, Canada, but traveled with his
59 owners every summer to the Gulf coast
of the United States. The dog was up
to date on vaccinations. The clients did
not use any preventive treatments for
parasites because the dog did not have
outdoor access.
Physical examination revealed a
temperature of 38.3°C (100.9°F),
increased bronchovesicular lung sounds
in the caudodorsal region of the thorax,
tachypnea with a deep labored breathing
pattern, pale mucous membranes, a
grade III/VI right apical systolic murmur,
and an irregular cardiac rhythm with
pulse deficits.

1 How would you initially manage this case?

2 The client is concerned about costs; therefore, what diagnostic tests would you
3 What are the primary differential diagnoses for the problems?

CASE 60 Case 60 is the same dog as case 59. Lateral and ventrodorsal thoracic
radiographs were obtained (60a, 60b).

60a 60b

1 Describe the thoracic radiographic findings.
2 How do these findings affect the differential diagnoses list in this case?
3 What is your diagnostic plan?

CASE 61 Case 61 is the same dog as cases 59 and 60. The ECG indicated a
sinus tachycardia (156  bpm) with atrial premature complexes and right-shift
deviation of the mean electrical
axis, suggestive of right ventricular 61a
hypertrophy and atrial disease.
An  echocardiogram showed severe
thickening of the right ventricle,
with concentric hypertrophy
and mild dilation. Pulmonic and
tricuspid valvular regurgitation
was identified. The right ventricular
systolic pressure was estimated
via Doppler interrogation of the
pulmonic regurgitation gradient
as  approximately 90  mmHg,
consistent with severe pulmonary 61b
arterial hypertension. Multiple
heartworms were present, which
moved from the right ventricle to the
right atrium during diastole (61a,
white arrow). An in-clinic ELISA
test was positive for Dirofilaria
immitis antigen. Microfilariae were
detected in blood smears (61b).
Diagnosis of heartworm disease
was confirmed.

1 What are other important

consequences of infection with this parasite?
2 How would you classify the stage of heartworm disease in this case?
3 How would you treat this dog?
4 What is the prognosis?

CASE 62 A 9-year-old neutered female mixed-breed dog from Zurich, Switzerland,
was evaluated for a second opinion regarding recurrent cystolithiasis. Over the last
2 years, stones had been surgically removed three times. On abdominal radiography
before the first surgery, bladder stones were visible (62). Aerobic bacterial urine
culture prior to the first surgery was negative. No further urine cultures were
performed. Although the dog is currently clinically normal, the owner wanted to
make sure that the stones did not recur. Physical examination was unremarkable.


1 What is the most common composition of uroliths in dogs?

2 What further tests would you recommend in this dog?

CASE 63 Case 63 is the same dog as case 62 (63). For further diagnostic work-up,
cystocentesis was performed for urinalysis including urine culture:
63 Urinalysis Results
Color, appearance Light yellow, medium
Specific gravity 1.026
pH 6.0
Protein +
Glucose Negative
Ketone Negative
Bilirubin +
Blood ++
Protein to creatinine 0.19
Red blood cells 8–12 cells/hpf
White blood cells Too numerous to
Bacteria Many cocci
Urine culture Large numbers of
Staphylococcus spp.

Abdominal radiographs and ultrasound showed no evidence of cystoliths.

1 Considering the results of the urinalysis, how would you treat this dog?
2 What methods of stone removal other than surgical cystotomy after laparotomy
would be possible in this dog?
3 The dog was stone free but bacteriuria was present. What is the difference
between bacteriuria and urinary tract infection? List possible reasons for
recurrent urinary tract infections in dogs.

CASE 64 A 2-year-old intact male German Shepherd Dog was evaluated for
a 2-day history of inappetence and stiff gait, followed by rapidly progressive
muscular rigidity and several generalized seizures. A week before the onset of
these signs, the owner had taken the dog to another veterinary clinic for a 3-day
history of mild lameness. The owner had also noticed a small amount of blood on
the left front footpad just before the onset of lameness. Rest was recommended,
and the lameness disappeared. The dog lived in a rural area outside Warsaw,
Poland, with two other adult dogs and a litter of puppies. The dog had never
been vaccinated or treated for parasites. On admission, lateral recumbency and
extensor rigidity were present (64). The dog was hypersensitive to external stimuli,
which resulted in tonic convulsions with opisthotonus, trismus, contraction of the
facial musculature (risus sardonicus), enophthalmos with prolapse of the third
eyelid, and erect ears. Severe respiratory dysfunction (periods of apnea followed
by gasping) and hyperthermia were present. Generalized tetanus was diagnosed,
based on the history and clinical signs.


1 What is the risk of infection to other animals and humans?

2 Should dogs be vaccinated to prevent tetanus?
3 How can tetanus be prevented in dogs?


65a CASE 65 A 2-year-old neutered male

Golden Retriever was evaluated because
of lethargy and anorexia of 1 week’s
duration. He lived in the Sierra Nevada
Mountains of northern California,
USA, and had recently traveled to
Ontario in Canada, Vermont in the
northeastern USA, and Carmel on the
coast of northern California. The dog
was up to date on vaccinations and was
on heartworm prophylaxis.
On physical examination, the
65b temperature was 39.1°C (102.4°F),
pulse 120–160 bpm, and the dog panted
continually. The dog demonstrated
marked flaring of the nostrils during
respiration, and open-mouth breathing.
Harsh breath sounds heard bilaterally
over the thorax obscured the heart
sounds, but no pulse deficits were
detected. A dry cough was elicited on
tracheal palpation. With minor exertion,
marked respiratory difficulty with
cyanosis was noted. The remainder of the
physical examination was unremarkable.
Thoracic radiographs were obtained
(65a, 65b).

What is your interpretation of the
thoracic radiographs?
What differential diagnoses should
be considered?
What diagnostic tests should be

CASE 66 Case 66 is the same dog as case 65. Tracheal wash fluid cytology
showed a marked pyogranulomatous inflammation and yeast structures that
were 15–30  μm in diameter, consistent with infection by the dimorphic fungus
Blastomyces spp. (66).

1 Given the tissue tropism of this 66
organism, what other examinations
might be indicated?
2 What treatment options should be

CASE 67 A 2-year-old neutered female Pug was evaluated for skin lesions in the
region of the right carpus. Erythema, scaling, alopecia, and crusting were present
(67). The dog was bright and alert and not very pruritic. It was regularly vaccinated
and treated for endoparasites. The dog lived in Ausgburg, Germany, and had never
been outside the country.
Physical examination revealed no abnormalities besides the skin lesions
described. Skin scrapings were negative. An impression smear was made, stained
with a modified Wright’s stain, and revealed numerous macrophages and some
neutrophils with only a few extracellular bacteria.


1 What is your most likely diagnosis?

2 What further tests are indicated in this dog?
3 How would you treat this dog based on your most likely diagnosis?


68 CASE 68 A 6-month-old intact male

mixed-breed stray puppy was presented
to the University Veterinary Teaching
Hospital in Messina, Italy, with severe
acute diarrhea and vomiting a few
days after he was rescued by an animal
shelter. No previous history was
On physical examination, abnormal
findings included pale mucous
membranes, prolonged capillary refill
time (3  sec), 7–8% dehydration, pain
on abdominal palpation, and increased
temperature (40.1°C [104.2°F]). A fecal
parvovirus in-house antigen test was positive and CBC revealed a lymphopenia.
The dog was kept in isolation and received intensive care, including intravenous
fluids, antiemetics, and a parenteral third-generation cephalosporin. Subsequently,
there was a progressive improvement of the dog’s clinical condition. However, on
day 6 the dog again became very lethargic and vomited. In addition, pyrexia and
ecchymotic hemorrhages on the skin and mucosal surfaces were observed (68).

1 What are your primary differential diagnoses for the new clinical presentation?
2 What diagnostic tests should be done first?

69a CASE 69 Case 69 is the same dog as

case 68. Leukopenia with lymphopenia
and neutropenia, a low platelet count,
very high ALT activity (7,423  U/l), as
well as high aPTT and D-dimers were
found on CBC, biochemistry panel,
and coagulation profile. One day
later, the dog developed hematemesis,
melena, and dark orange urine (69a).
Abdominal and thoracic radiographs
were unremarkable.

1 What is the most likely diagnosis in this puppy?

2 What tests could be performed to confirm the diagnosis?
3 Why are confirmatory tests necessary?
4 What is the prognosis for this dog?

CASE 70 A 3-year-old intact male Doberman 70
Pinscher from Munich, Germany, was evaluated
for a 6-month history of mucopurulent nasal
discharge (70), mainly on the right side. The
dog was regularly vaccinated and treated
with intestinal parasite preventives. Except
for the nasal discharge, the owner did not
report any other problems; the dog was bright,
alert, and eating well.  The dog had received
several courses of antimicrobials (including
first amoxicillin, later enrofloxacin). During
antimicrobial treatment, the nasal discharge
improved only slightly. A sample of the nasal discharge had been submitted for
bacterial culture and susceptibility testing and yielded Pasteurella multocida. The
isolate was susceptible to all tested antibiotics. Physical examination revealed
purulent right-sided nasal discharge and a slightly enlarged right mandibular lymph
node. Otherwise the physical examination was unremarkable.

1 What differential diagnoses should be considered for nasal discharge in this patient?
2 Why did the patient not respond to antimicrobial treatment?
3 How would you proceed to work-up the case?

CASE 71 Case 71 is the same dog as case 70. 71a

A diagnostic work-up was performed as
described. A CBC and serum biochemistry
were  unremarkable, and coagulation times
were normal. CT revealed severe destruction of
the turbinates in the right nasal cavity, moderate
destruction on the left side, and thickening of
the frontal and maxillary bones. The frontal
sinuses were filled with abnormal soft tissue
on both sides. The cribriform plate was intact.
On rhinoscopy with a rigid endoscope (71a),
white fungal plaques could be visualized on the
mucosal surfaces, and there was destruction of
the turbinates bilaterally. The right frontal sinus could be accessed with a flexible
endoscope and fungal plaques could be visualized in this area as well. Several biopsies
were taken of the plaques and submitted for histopathology and fungal culture.

1 What is your diagnosis?

2 What do you recommend for treatment in this case?

72 CASE 72 A 6-year-old male Labrador

Retriever from Bristol, UK, that had lived
in Spain in recent years before returning
to the UK 6 months ago was evaluated
for a skin problem that included alopecia,
crusts, scaling, and hyperpigmentation
around the face, ears, limbs, and dorsum
(72). Over the last 2 months, the dog
had developed progressive inappetence,
lethargy, polydipsia, and weight loss.
The dog had regularly received core
vaccines (distemper virus, adenovirus,
parvovirus, rabies virus, and Leptospira
spp.) and was treated regularly for
intestinal parasites.

Physical examination revealed a thin body condition (BCS 2–3/9), mucoid

ocular discharge, generalized peripheral lymphadenomegaly, splenomegaly, mild
pyrexia, and pale mucous membranes. A CBC, biochemistry panel, and urinalysis
were performed.

Complete blood count Results Reference interval

Hematocrit 0.26 l/l 0.35–0.58
Reticulocytes 0 × 109/l 0–60
Platelets 50 × 109/l 150–500

Biochemistry panel Results Reference interval

Total protein 95 g/l 55.5–77.6
Albumin 21 g/l 31.3–43
Globulin 74 g/l 24.2–34.6
Creatinine 175 μmol/l 44–125
Urea nitrogen 64.2 mmol/l 3.52–10.78
Calcium 2.55 mmol/l 2.2–2.8

Urinalysis revealed a specific gravity of 1.015, with 3+ protein and a benign

sediment. The UPCR was 1.5 (RI <1.5).

1 What are the most likely differential diagnoses in this dog?

2 What diagnostic tests should be done next?

CASE 73 Case 73 is the same as case 72. Serum was submitted for Leishmania
spp. antibody detection. Cytologic examination of a fine needle aspirate of the
right popliteal lymph node (73) was performed.


1 Describe the cytologic findings in the lymph node aspirate.

2 What factors can influence the results of Leishmania spp. antibody tests?

CASE 74 Case 74 is the same as cases 72 and 73. An indirect fluorescent antibody
test revealed a high antibody titer to Leishmania spp. (74). The clinical stage of the
patient was classified as grade III (severe disease).


1 What are the treatment options, and what is the prognosis for this dog?
2 The owner has two other dogs and three young children. What actions are
indicated to prevent human infection in this situation?

75 CASE 75 A 4-year-old intact female

Pug (75) was referred for evaluation of
a 6-week history of cough, respiratory
difficulty, and exercise intolerance. The
referring veterinarian had previously
performed echocardiography and had
suspected right ventricular hypertrophy.
The dog was up to date on vaccinations
(distemper virus, adenovirus,
parvovirus, rabies virus, and Leptospira
spp.), but had not been treated with
parasiticides within the last 2 years.
The dog lived in Munich, Germany, and
had never left the country. On physical
examination, the dog was in respiratory distress, lung sounds were harsh on
thoracic auscultation, especially during expiration, and the respiratory rate was
80 breaths/min. No cardiac murmur was heard. The heart rate was 160 bpm, but
pulses were strong and synchronous. The mucous membranes were pink with a
normal capillary refill time. Physical examination otherwise was unremarkable.

1 What is your first assessment of this dog’s problems?

2 What diagnostic steps should you perform next?

CASE 76 Case 76 is the same dog as case 75. Thoracic radiographs were performed
(76a, 76b) and echocardiography was repeated. Color-flow Doppler showed no
evidence of aortic, tricuspid, pulmonic, or mitral  valve  insufficiency. Figure  76c

76a 76b

shows a right parasternal long axis view; figure 76d shows a short axis view with left
atrium, aorta, and pulmonary artery.

76c 76d

1 What is your assessment of the radiographic findings, and what is the differential
2 What is your assessment of the echocardiographic study?

CASE 77 Case 77 is the same dog as cases 75 and 76 (77). The owners agreed to
a further work-up. The echocardiographic study raised suspicion for pulmonary


1 How can pulmonary hypertension be confirmed by echocardiography?

2 What other tests are available to identify pulmonary hypertension?
3 What are the main differential diagnoses for pulmonary hypertension?
4 What further tests do you recommend?


78 CASE 78 A 10-year-old intact female

Old English Sheepdog was evaluated for
a 6-month history of skin disease that
initially started with hypotrichosis and
then gradually deteriorated. The dog
had generalized skin lesions (papules,
pustules, crusts, and alopecia) that
were most pronounced on the abdomen
(78) and limbs. An injection with
glucocorticoids did not seem to alleviate
the clinical signs. A 2-week course of
cephalexin at 25 mg/kg PO q12h improved the clinical signs, but did not lead to
remission. In the last month, pruritus had become a more prominent feature, and
over the last 2 weeks the dog had become lethargic and showed a reduced appetite.
The dog came from Munich, Germany, had never traveled outside the country, and
had received regular vaccinations. It had not received any antiparasitic treatment
within the last 2 years.
Besides the skin changes, the physical examination was unremarkable.

1 What are the three most likely differential diagnoses for this dog, based on your
review of the image provided?
2 What diagnostic tests should be done immediately?

CASE 79 Case 79 is the same dog as case 78. Cytology (79a) and deep skin
scrapings (79b) were performed.

79a 79b

1 What questions need to be asked to guide your further diagnostic testing?

2 If there are no additional clues in the history, what other diagnostic tests should
be considered for this patient?
CASE 80 Case 80 is the same dog as cases 80
78 and 79. The dog had low thyroxine
concentrations (3  nmol/l, RI 11–
60 nmol/l) and high TSH concentrations
(8.2  pg/ml, RI <5  pg/ml), supporting a
diagnosis of underlying hypothyroidism.
Levothyroxine (20 µg/kg PO q12h) was
prescribed (80).

1 How would you treat the dog’s

2 How would you monitor and adjust
the thyroid hormone supplementation?

CASE 81 A 2-year-old neutered male 81

Kuvasz was evaluated for acute onset
of lateral recumbency. The day before
evaluation, the dog had been lethargic
but otherwise normal. The dog
belonged to a group of three dogs that
had consumed a dead animal carcass
3 days ago. The other two dogs also
showed signs of paresis, although less
severe. There was no trauma or relevant
previous illness in any of the dogs. All
the dogs were up to date on vaccinations, and tick and flea preventives were used
regularly. The three dogs came from Ingolstadt, Germany, and none of them had
traveled outside of the country.
General physical examination was unremarkable apart from lateral recumbency.
Neurologic examination revealed inability to lift the head or move the limbs. Spinal
reflexes (patellar reflexes, flexor withdrawal reflexes) were absent in all limbs (81).
The dog was responsive to pain stimuli as assessed by eye movements and his
ability to wag the tail. Cranial nerve examination showed slightly mydriatic pupils
with a decreased pupillary light reflex, but was otherwise unremarkable. Fundic
examination was unremarkable. Neuroanatomic localization in this dog was a
generalized lower motor neuron disorder.

1 What are your differential diagnoses in this dog?

2 What are the next diagnostic steps?
3 What treatment is indicated?
CASE 82 A 2-year-old neutered female mixed-breed dog was evaluated for
lethargy and difficulty in walking. The dog had trouble rising from recumbency
over the last 2 months. Occasionally, she scuffed the left pelvic limb while walking.
Over the last 5  days, she had become paraplegic. The dog was still eating and
drinking normally. The dog was picked up as a stray and admitted to a shelter
about 1.5 years previously. She was neutered during her residency at that shelter.
The dog had been obtained from the shelter by the owners about 1 year previously.
The dog now lived in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and had no travel history within
the last year. The dog was currently
82 vaccinated and received parasiticides
on a regular basis.
On physical examination, mild
lymphadenomegaly was evident in
the palpable superficial lymph nodes.
The dog was dragging her pelvic limbs
(82). She had an arched back, and
paraspinal hyperesthesia was evident
during  muscle palpation of the dorsal
mid-lumbar region. When her weight
was supported, proprioceptive deficits
were evident bilaterally and were most
severe in the left pelvic limb. Myotatic
reflexes were normal to increased in
both limbs. Miosis was present in the
right eye and aqueous flare was seen in
the anterior chamber.

1 What would be the next diagnostic steps to further work-up the dog’s major
2 What are the differential diagnoses for generalized lymphadenomegaly, and
what is the first step in a diagnostic work-up?
3 What disease processes can be associated with miosis and aqueous flare?

CASE 83 Case 83 is the same dog as case 82. A complete neurologic examination
confirmed postural reaction deficits (hopping, conscious proprioception,
extensor postural thrust) in the pelvic limbs, which were worse on the left side.
Flexor and myotatic reflexes were present in both pelvic limbs, with slightly
increased reflex responses noted in the left limb. Ophthalmic examination
showed fundic abnormalities including aqueous flare and hyphema in the

right  eye. Retinal lesions were found 83
in the ocular fundus of this eye
indicative of chorioretinitis.
The CBC was unremarkable. In the
biochemistry profile, hyperproteinemia
with hyperglobulinemia was present
(total protein 88.6 g/l, albumin 36.3 g/l,
globulin 52.3  g/l). A serum protein
electrophoresis was performed (83).

1 What is the site of neurologic

localization, and what further tests
would be indicated?
2 What infectious diseases of dogs can be associated with inflammation in the
anterior and posterior eye segments?
3 What further diagnostic tests would you suggest to confirm one of these
4 What does electrophoresis suggest
about the cause of the globulin 84

CASE 84 Case 84 is the same dog

as cases 82 and 83. Radiography
of the lumbar spine revealed an
osteoproliferative and osteolytic
lesion at the L3–L4 disc space (84).
The osteoproliferative and lytic lesion
at the disc space was interpreted
as  discospondylitis. A  myelogram was performed and the spinal cord was
compressed at this point, more severely on the left side. CSF was collected and
analyzed for protein and cell count and type at the time of the myelogram, and
no abnormalities were detected.
Results of a Brucella canis screening test (slide agglutination) were positive in
this dog, and a tube agglutination titer was 200.

1 What are the most common etiologic agents that cause discospondylitis in
2 How would you interpret the Brucella canis test results?
3 What other signs would be expected in a neutered or intact dog with brucellosis?


85 CASE 85 An 8-month-old intact

male French Bulldog (85) was referred
because of a 12-week history of chronic
diarrhea. The dog had tenesmus, and
the owner frequently observed mucus
and sometimes fresh blood on the
feces. The dog had been treated by a
veterinarian over the last 10 weeks
for this problem. The veterinarian had
detected coccidian oocysts (Isospora
spp.) on fecal flotation and had treated
the dog for coccidiosis three times
without clinical improvement. There
was partial improvement in the
gastrointestinal signs when the dog was fed a hypoallergenic diet in combination
with oral amoxicillin for 7 days. After cessation of the antibiotics, the clinical signs
had worsened and the dog began to defecate in the house. The owners commenced
a new elimination diet (duck and potato based), which was fed for 2 weeks without
any other foods. There was no improvement in clinical signs with this treatment.
The dog lived in Nurnberg, Germany, and had never been outside the country. He
had received a full basic vaccination series and had been treated with fenbendazole
several times. He had never received medications to prevent ectoparasites.
On physical examination, the dog was bright, alert, and responsive. He was in
a good body condition. Rectal body temperature was 38.4°C (101.1°F), pulse was
104 bpm, and respiratory rate was 32 breaths/min. Mucous membranes were pink.
On palpation, the abdomen was tense, but not painful.

1 What are the typical clinical signs of large and small intestinal diarrhea, and
how would you categorize the diarrhea in this dog?
2 Do you think coccidiosis is a likely explanation for the chronic diarrhea in this
3 What part of the physical examination is missing, but absolutely indicated in
this case?

CASE 86 Case 86 is the same dog as case 85. On rectal examination, an

irregular and rough mucosa could be palpated, and mucoid feces could be seen
on the glove.
A CBC, biochemistry panel, urinalysis, and fecal flotation were performed. No
abnormal laboratory findings were present, and no parasites could be detected in

the feces. Abdominal radiographs were unremarkable. On abdominal ultrasound,
a thickened colonic wall (3 mm) was detected (86).


1 What causes of large bowel diarrhea are still on your differential diagnosis list?
2 How would you manage an idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease involving the
large intestine?
3 Why might colonic biopsies be indicated before starting immunosuppressive
therapy, especially in this case?

CASE 87 Case 87 is the same dog as 87

cases 85 and 86. A colonic biopsy was
performed endoscopically. Histologic
changes showed a moderate to severe
colitis with a predominance of neutrophils
(87). In addition, erosions and crypt
hyperplasia could be detected.

1 What test would you perform to

differentiate idiopathic neutrophilic
inflammatory bowel disease from
histiocytic colitis?
2 What is the cause of histiocytic
ulcerative colitis?
3 How would you treat a dog with
histiocytic ulcerative colitis, in contrast
to idiopathic inflammatory bowel


88 CASE 88 A 6-year-old neutered male

Golden Retriever was evaluated for a
history of weight loss and progressive
inappetence for 1 month (88). The
owner reported weakness, anorexia, and
moderately labored breathing over the
last 2 days. No vomiting, diarrhea, cough,
polyuria, or polydipsia was reported. The
dog was from San Diego, California,
USA, had supervised outdoor access,
and was up to date on vaccines. The last
healthcare visit had been 4 months ago,
and the dog had been clinically normal.
The owners used flea and tick preventives
only during spring and summer.
Physical examination revealed lethargy,
pyrexia (38.7°C [100.0°F]), a grade III/
VI diastolic decrescendo murmur at the
left heart base, and bounding pulses.
Otherwise, the physical examination
was unremarkable. Bloodwork revealed
leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzymes, and hypoalbuminemia
with hyperglobulinemia.

1 What is the most likely cause of the cardiac murmur?

2 Are the other abnormalities in this case associated with the cardiac disease?
3 What are the next diagnostic steps?

89a CASE 89 Case 89 is the same dog as

case 88. Thoracic radiographs did not
reveal any parenchymal or vascular
abnormality in the lungs. The systolic
blood pressure was increased, but the
diastolic pressure was decreased, which
explained the bounding pulses. An
echocardiogram documented a large
vegetative lesion on the aortic valve (89a,
89b), causing moderate obstruction and
significant regurgitation.

1 How are the valvular vegetations 89b
formed, and how do they cause
cardiac murmurs?
2 What factors predispose to
3 What are other systemic signs of
4 Should any therapy be considered
pending microbiologic tests?

CASE 90 Case 90 is the same dog as cases 88 and 89. Pre-enrichment blood
culture in BAPGM (Bartonella alpha-proteobacteria growth medium) for 2 weeks
followed by culture in blood agar for another 2 weeks (90) yielded growth of
a gram-negative coccobacillus suggestive of Bartonella spp. Specific PCR assay
amplified Bartonella spp. DNA from the plate isolates, and DNA sequencing
confirmed infection with Bartonella vinsonii subspecies berkhoffii.


1 How did this dog become infected with B. vinsonii subspecies berkhoffii?
2 What are the most common Bartonella species that infect dogs, and what are
their reservoir hosts?
3 What are other signs of Bartonella spp. infection in dogs?
4 What is the recommended therapy for endocarditis caused by Bartonella spp.?
5 What are the public health implications of this diagnosis?

CASE 91 A 10-month-old intact male German Shepherd Dog from Bari, Italy,
was brought to a veterinarian for a routine wellness examination and vaccination.
On physical examination, a solitary depigmented papule with scaling margins was
identified adjacent to the left nostril (91). The owner had noticed the lesion about
2 months previously.


1 What is your assessment of the dermal lesion?

2 What further diagnostic tests are indicated?

CASE 92 Case 92 is the same dog as case 91. A few Leishmania amastigotes were
detected in fine needle aspiration smears (92, arrows), and a Leishmania infantum
PCR was positive. Therefore, a diagnosis of papular dermatitis associated with
L. infantum infection was made.


1 What treatment do you recommend for this dog?

2 How should the dog be monitored in the future?

CASE 93 A 12-week-old intact male 93
Yorkshire Terrier (93) was evaluated
for a 1-day history of vomiting,
diarrhea, and anorexia. The owners
lived in Munich, Germany, and had
purchased the dog over the internet
3  days previously. Therefore, the dog’s
origin was obscure and whether he had
received vaccinations and antiparasitic
treatment was unknown. On physical
examination, the dog was recumbent and dull but reacted to acoustic stimuli.
The heart rate was 220 bpm, pulse was weak, capillary refill time was 5 seconds,
mucous membranes were pale, peripheral limbs were cold, and respiratory rate
was 32 breaths/min. The dog weighed 0.5 kg. A fecal parvovirus antigen test was
performed and was positive.

1 What is the dog’s most life-threatening problem?

2 What initial treatment would you perform to address this problem?
3 What laboratory parameters should be assessed in order to optimize treatment?

CASE 94 Case 94 is the same dog as 94

case  93. After initial shock fluid therapy,
heart rate was 140  bpm, mucous
membranes were pink, capillary refill
time was 2 seconds, pulse was regular, but
the dog was still obtunded (94). Mucous
membranes were tacky, and skin turgor
was reduced. The dog was vomiting about
once an hour and had severe diarrhea
about four times per hour.
Initial laboratory work-up revealed a
hematocrit of 0.45  l/l (RI 0.35–0.58  l/l), a
total white blood cell count of 1.4 × 109/l
(RI 5–16 × 109/l), a neutrophil count of
0.2 × 109/l (RI 3–9 × 109/l), glucose of 1.2 mmol/l (RI 3.8–6.6 mmol/l), potassium
of 2.8 mmol/l (RI 3.8–5.5 mmol/l), creatinine of 54 µmol/l (RI 45–125 µmol/l), total
protein of 65 g/l (RI 56–78 g/l), and albumin of 32 g/l (RI 31–43 g/l).

1 What should be the fluid therapy plan for the next 10 hours?
2 What should be the nutritional plan when the vomiting is under control?

CASE 95 A 3-year-old neutered male German Shepherd Dog was evaluated for a
cloudy and painful right eye (95) with increased redness and ocular discharge. The
dog had appeared a little more lethargic over the last week. The owners lived in
two places, and traveled regularly between Munich, Germany, and Ravenna, Italy.
In Italy, the house was located near a wooded area close to dense shrubs, and the
owners took their dog for frequent walks. The dog had been properly vaccinated
and never had any previous health issues. He had received his last treatment for
endoparasites and flea preventive about 6 months ago.


Physical examination was unremarkable besides the ocular changes. An

ophthalmic examination was performed. In the right eye, blepharospasm,
photophobia, and ocular discharge were observed. The cornea did not stain with
fluorescein. Slit lamp examination of the anterior chamber revealed a moderate
amount of aqueous flare (positive Tyndall effect). The surface of the iris was
hyperemic and mildly swollen (rubeosis iridis), and the pupil was miotic.

Ophthalmic Right eye Left eye

examination (OD) (OS)
Menace response Positive Positive
Dazzle reflex Positive Positive
Pupillary light reflex Complete Complete
Schirmer tear test 15 mm/min 15 mm/min
Intraocular pressure 6 mmHg 15 mmHg

1 What is the ocular diagnosis based on the clinical findings?

2 What further tests would you recommend?

CASE 96 Case 96 is the same dog as case 95. For fundic examination, the
pupils of both eyes were dilated with 1% tropicamide. The examination of
the right fundus was difficult owing to the flare in the anterior chamber, but
in the left eye the retina was visible (96). A CBC and a biochemistry panel were

Complete Reference 96
blood count Results interval
Red blood cells 7.3 × 1012/l 5.5–9.3
Hematocrit 0.45 l/l 0.35–0.58
Platelets 23 × 109/l 150–500
White blood cells 7.30 × 109/l 5–16
Neutrophils 5.18 × 109/l 3–9
Eosinophils 0.22 × 109/l 0–1.0
Basophils 0 × 109/l 0–0.04
Lymphocytes 1.46 × 109/l 1.0–3.6
Monocytes 0.44 × 109/l 0.04–0.50

Biochemistry Reference
panel Results interval
ALT 21 U/l 0–110
ALP 21 U/l 0–152
Total protein 80 g/l 55–77
Albumin 26 g/l 31–43
Bilirubin 0.1 μmol/l 0–5.3
Creatinine 79.6 μmol/l 35.4–159.1
BUN 6.6 mmol/l 2.6–9.9
Glucose 5.2 mmol/l 3.8–6.6
Sodium 144 mmol/l 139–163
Potassium 4.1 mmol/l 3.8–5.5
Chloride 112 mmol/l 105–118
Calcium 2.5 mmol/l 2.0–3.1
Phosphorus 1.4 mmol/l 0.7–2.0

1 What is your interpretation of the findings in the left retina?

2 What is your interpretation of the laboratory findings?
3 What underlying disease would you suspect, based on the physical examination,
the ophthalmic findings, and the laboratory results? What additional diagnostic
tests would you recommend?


97 CASE 97 Case 97 is the same dog as

cases 95 and 96. Rickettsial morulae were
detected on the blood smear (97), and the
dog was positive for Ehrlichia canis by

What Ehrlichia species infect dogs, and
how are they transmitted?
Describe the different phases of canine
monocytic ehrlichiosis, including the
typical clinical signs.

3 What is the most common ocular finding in dogs with canine monocytic
ehrlichiosis, and what is the pathogenesis?
4 What systemic and ophthalmic treatment would you recommend?

98 CASE 98 A 5-year-old intact female

Siberian Husky was evaluated for a
4-day history of progressive anorexia,
restlessness, irritability, and vocalization.
On the day of evaluation, the dog had
become aggressive toward the household
members and developed hypersalivation
(98). The dog lived in Budapest, Hungary,
in an apartment and was walked regularly
next to the house only. One month
previously, the owner had returned from
vacation in the countryside in the area of
Debrecen, Hungary, near the Romanian border, where the dog had escaped
several times and roamed in the forest area. The owner was not aware of any
exposure to toxins or trauma. The dog had been vaccinated against distemper,
parvovirus infection, and canine infectious hepatitis twice as a puppy; the
last dose was at 13 weeks of age. There was no other history of illness or
On physical examination, pyrexia (40.5°C [104.9°F]), hypersalivation, and
mydriasis were seen in addition to the neurologic signs described above.

1 How likely is rabies in this dog, considering that a bite wound was not seen?
2 How can a diagnosis of rabies be made?
3 How would you treat a dog suspected to have rabies?

CASE 99 A 3-year-old neutered female 99
Jack Russell Terrier was evaluated for
multifocal areas of erythema, scaling,
and mild crusting on the distal front
limbs (99). The disease had begun
2 weeks previously with mild hair loss.
The affected areas gradually increased
and lesions became more prominent,
but pruritus was marginal. The dog
otherwise was bright and alert and
showed no other clinical signs. The dog
lived in Ingolstadt, Germany, was used
for hunting, had never been outside the
country, and  was regularly vaccinated
and treated with antiparasitic drugs.
Physical examination showed no
abnormalities besides the skin lesions.

1 What is the most likely diagnosis?

2 Name three other differential diagnoses.
3 What diagnostic tests are indicated in this dog?

CASE 100 Case 100 is the same dog as case 99. A fungal culture was positive for
Microsporum gypseum (100).


1 How should this dog be treated?

2 How would you treat the environment around this dog?
3 What recommendations should be provided to the owner to minimize the
chance of zoonotic transmission?


101a CASE 101 A 1-year-old neutered

female Boxer dog was evaluated for
ocular changes, lethargy, and pain in
the back, neck, and head. The dog had
a slightly hunched posture and kept
the head lowered during walking. The
owner had observed color changes
in both eyes (101a). The dog lived in
Brighton, UK, and had never traveled
outside the country. The dog was
fully  vaccinated, but deworming had
not been performed since puppy age
and she was not on any ectoparasite
101b control program.
Physical examination was normal
besides the neurologic and ophthalmic
changes. The neurologic examination
showed reduced postural reactions
in the pelvic limbs, weakness in
the right thoracic and pelvic limbs,
positional nystagmus, severe neck
pain, kyphosis, low head carriage, and
lethargy. The ophthalmic examination
showed scleral hemorrhage bilaterally
101c (101b, 101c). Retropulsion of the right
eye was painful for the dog. Further
diagnostic work-up included a CBC,
a biochemistry panel, urinalysis, and a
coagulation profile. In the CBC, a mild
thrombocytopenia was noted. The
coagulation profile showed prolonged
prothrombin and activated partial
thromboplastin clotting times.

Ophthalmic examination Right eye (OD) Left eye (OS)

Menace response Absent Present
Dazzle reflex Present Present
Pupillary light reflex Normal (direct and indirect) Normal (direct and indirect)
Schirmer tear test 15 mm/min 15 mm/min
Intraocular pressure 15 mmHg 17 mmHg

An MRI (101d, 101e) was performed and revealed a lesion with irregular
margins within the left occipital lobe, which measured 2.2 cm in length, 2.6 cm in
height, and 7 mm in width. The lesion was markedly hyperintense on T2-weighted
images with a hypointense rim; on T1-weighted images it was hypointense. On T2
it showed a heterogeneous signal void. It had a mass effect, causing a mild right
midline shift. There was white matter hyperintensity surrounding the lesion. There
was a linear signal void within the third and the central aspect of the left lateral
ventricle. A pinpoint T2 signal void was visible within the rostral aspect of the left
occipital lobe, the central aspect of the left occipital lobe, and left lateral to the
caudal aspect of the vermis.

101d 101e

1 What is your assessment of the ocular lesions?

2 What is the MRI diagnosis?
3 What would be the primary infectious agent to test for, and what is the test of

CASE 102 Case 102 is the same dog as 102

case 101. Baermann faecal flotation (102) showed
Angiostrongylus vasorum larvae.

1 What is the epidemiology and pathophysiology

of angiostrongylosis?
2 What treatment would you suggest?

CASE 103 An 8-year-old neutered male mixed-breed dog was evaluated for a
long-term history of chronic recurrent cough. The dog had been seen repeatedly
by several  different veterinarians and managed using various courses of different
antimicrobial drugs. Over the past 2 months,
the cough had become progressively more
frequent despite treatment with antibiotics
and cough suppressants. The dog lived in
Sacramento, California, USA, and had no
travel history outside California. He had
received core vaccinations every 3 years
for the last 6 years, but had never been
administered prophylaxis for parasitic
On physical examination, the dog had
a temperature of 38.9°C (102.0°F), pulse
of 136  bpm, and respiratory rate of 28
breaths/min. Harsh crackles (expiratory
louder than inspiratory) were auscultated
in all lung fields. Increased airway sounds
were apparent on tracheal auscultation
and a harsh cough was easily elicited on
tracheal palpation. Thoracic radiographs
were obtained (103a, 103b).


1 How would you interpret the radiographic findings?

2 What underlying disease process could be present?
3 What complications are possible?

CASE 104 Case 104 is the same dog as case 103 (104). Pulse oximetry revealed
an oxygen saturation of 87%. A CBC was obtained:

Complete blood Reference 104

count Results interval
Hematocrit 0.528 l/l 0.35–0.58
MCV 70.2 fl 58–72
Platelets 414 × 109/l 150–500
White blood cells 12.450 × 109/l 5–16
Neutrophils 8.217 × 109/l 3–9
Eosinophils 1.494 × 109/l 0–1.0
Basophils 1.494 × 109/l 0–0.04
Lymphocytes 0.747 × 109/l 1–3.6
Monocytes 0.498 × 109/l 0.04–0.5

1 How would you interpret the pulse oximetry reading?

2 How would you interpret the CBC?

CASE 105 A 6-year-old neutered male 105a

Rottweiler living in Davis, California,
USA, was evaluated for a bilateral
nasal discharge. The dog was otherwise
healthy, had been vaccinated regularly,
and was on heartworm prophylaxis.
Physical examination revealed no
abnormalities besides bilateral mucoid
nasal discharge. Rhinoscopy and a brush
cytology were performed (105a, 105b).

1 How would you interpret the

rhinoscopy findings?
2 How would you interpret the cytologic
findings in this dog?
3 What treatment should be considered? 105b

CASE 106 An 8-year-old neutered female Dachshund mix (106a) was referred
for evaluation of a non-healing bite wound. Seven months previously, the owner
had witnessed a dog fight between this dog and one of his other five dogs. Multiple
deep puncture wounds were noted immediately afterwards on the Dachshund
mix’s caudal dorsum. A veterinarian anesthetized the dog, the wounds were
cleaned and debrided, and two Penrose drains were placed. The dog was then
treated with cephalexin (30 mg/kg PO q12h). Although an Elizabethan collar was
placed on the dog, the owner removed it 2 days later and the dog started to lick
the wounds. The owner (who was a nurse) removed the drains 3 weeks later, but
the wounds continued to drain and a new wound appeared in the left axilla. Two
months later, the veterinarian performed exploratory surgery of the region. All
necrotic tissue was excised, and the dog was treated with clindamycin (20 mg/kg
PO q12h). Although there appeared to be initial improvement, draining lesions
then recurred and intermittent pyrexia was noted (39.4–40.1°C [102.9–104.2°F])
over the next 4 months. Shortly after, a new draining tract appeared on the left
thorax. Throughout the entire 7-month period, the dog otherwise was bright, alert,
and eating normally. There was no other significant medical history. The dog lived
in Fresno, central California, USA, and had not traveled to other places. The dog
was regularly vaccinated and on endo- and ectoparasite control.
On physical examination, the dog was bright and alert. The temperature was
39.6°C (103.3°F), while other vital signs were normal. The BCS was 7/9. The
caudal aspect of the dog’s dorsum was concave in appearance on the left side and
had multifocal to coalescing linear ulcerated lesions that were draining purulent
material (106b). Soft tissue in the left inguinal region was firm and painful.
A draining tract was also noted on the right side of the dorsal abdomen, and
surrounding soft tissue was enlarged and firm. The soft tissue in the left axilla

106a 106b

was firm with two healing draining tracts. There was no evidence of peripheral

1 What is your differential diagnosis for the non-healing wounds?

2 What diagnostic tests would you recommend for this dog?

CASE 107 Case 107 is the same dog as case 106. The CBC showed a
moderate mature neutrophilia (31.85 × 109 cells/l) with a mild left shift (2.54
× 109 band neutrophils/l, RI 0–0.3 × 109/l). A biochemistry panel showed mild
hypoalbuminemia (30  g/l, RI 34–43  g/l) and hypoglobulinemia (32  g/l, RI 17–
31 g/l). Ultrasound of the region showed no large fluid pockets or foreign material,
only heterogeneous, hyperechoic, and disorganized tissue. Histopathology of a
biopsy revealed marked multifocal chronic pyogranulomatous cellulitis (107).
All special stains were negative for organisms. Culture revealed small numbers of
Enterococcus faecalis from enrichment broth (likely a contaminant) and very small
numbers of a rapidly growing mycobacterial species. The mycobacterial culture
was sent to a specialized laboratory for further identification of the species, which
was found to be Mycobacterium abscessus (by rpoB gene sequencing).


1 Which other rapidly growing mycobacterial species can infect dogs and cats?
2 How does the clinical presentation of disease caused by rapidly growing
mycobacteria differ from that caused by Mycobacterium avium?
3 What is the zoonotic potential of this organism?
4 How should this infection be treated?


108 CASE 108 A 6-year-old neutered female

Boxer mix from Bern, Switzerland, was
evaluated for PU/PD, reduced appetite, and
weight loss of several months’ duration.
Previously, increased serum urea nitrogen
concentration was detected on bloodwork
and, thereafter, the dog had been fed
a prescription renal diet. The dog had
received regular vaccinations (distemper,
hepatitis, parvovirus) and regular treatment
for internal parasites. On physical
examination, the dog appeared lethargic
and had a body condition score 3/9 (108).
Otherwise, the physical examination was
unremarkable. A CBC, biochemistry panel,
and urinalysis were performed:

Complete blood count Results Reference interval

Hematocrit 0.37 l/l 0.42–0.55
MCV 71 fl 64–73
MCH 23 pg 23–26
MCHC 34 g/dl 34–36

Biochemistry panel Results Reference interval

Total protein 50 g/l 56–71
Albumin 21 g/l 29–37
Creatinine 247 μmol/l 50–119
Urea nitrogen 19.4 mmol/l 3.8–9.4
Cholesterol 6 mmol/l 3.5–8.6

Urinalysis Results Reference interval

Collection method Cystocentesis –
Color, appearance Light yellow, slightly turbid –
Specific gravity 1.021 –
pH 5 5.5–7
Protein ++++ –
Glucose Negative –


Urinalysis Results Reference interval

Ketone Negative –
Bilirubin + –
Blood + –
Protein to creatinine ratio 9.67 0–0.5
Red blood cells 12–20 cells/hpf 0–5
White blood cells 12–20 cells/hpf 0–3
Casts Several/hpf 0
Bacteria Large quantities/hpf 0

1 How would you interpret the laboratory results?

2 What further work-up would you suggest?

CASE 109 Case 109 is the same dog as case 108. Further work-up revealed the
presence of Leishmania spp. antibodies by ELISA (109). An immunofluorescent
antibody test was also performed and a high titer was obtained considered
consistent with infection.


1 Does leishmaniosis explain the clinical abnormalities in this dog?

2 How would you treat this dog?
3 What is the prognosis?


110 CASE 110 A 1-year-old intact male

Labrador Retriever was evaluated for
an alopecic annular lesion on the nose
of about 1  cm in diameter (110). The
owner had noticed this lesion about a
week previously and it seemed not to
have increased in size. There had been
no signs of pruritus. The owner was
concerned about ringworm. The dog
lived in Warsaw, Poland, had received a
complete basic vaccination series, and
had been treated for endoparasites and
ectoparasites every 3 months. The owner
reported that, about 4 weeks before the appearance of the lesion, a healthy stray kitten
had been adopted from a shelter. The kitten and the dog had been playing together.
On physical examination, slight erythema and scaling were noted in association with
the lesion. No other lesions were detected. The dog appeared otherwise healthy.

1 Is this lesion consistent with dermatophytosis?

2 What is a “dermatophyte”?
3 What tests should be done if dermatophytosis is suspected?

111 CASE 111 Case 111 is the same dog as case

110. Microsporum canis was cultured from the
hairs and skin scrapings of this lesion (111).

1 What was the likely source of Microsporum

canis infection in this dog?
2 What is the prognosis?
3 Can the dog transmit this disease to other
animals or humans?

CASE 112 A 12-year-old neutered 112
female 10  kg mixed-breed dog (112)
was evaluated for weakness and pale
mucous membranes. The dog lived in
Munich, Germany, and had returned
2 days previously from a vacation in
Salerno, Italy. The dog had only been
vaccinated as a puppy and had not
received any antiparasitic treatment
or preventives within at least the last
5 years.
On evaluation, the dog was lethargic, had very pale mucous membranes,
a capillary refill time of 2 seconds, a heart rate of 186 bpm, bounding pulses, and a
rectal body temperature of 39.6°C (103.3°F). No other abnormalities were noted.

1 What differential diagnoses should be considered for mucosal pallor, and what
is your assessment for this dog?
2 What are the next diagnostic steps?

CASE 113 Case 113 is the same dog 113

as case 112. The dog had a hematocrit
of 0.15 l/l. A blood smear was obtained
(113). The dog (10 kg) needed a blood
transfusion, but no stored blood was
available. However, the owner offered
to bring in a 5-year-old Rottweiler
(50  kg), which belonged to the son of
the owner, as a blood donor. This dog
was healthy, completely vaccinated,
and received preventive treatment for
parasites regularly.

1 What is your diagnosis?

2 What factors have to be addressed
and kept in mind before and during
a blood transfusion?

CASE 114 A 10-year-old neutered female Miniature Poodle was referred for
signs of increasing pain and discomfort that had become progressively worse in
the last 2 months. She had become reluctant to jump up on furniture, as previously
accustomed to doing. The dog was evaluated by a veterinarian, and generalized
lymphadenomegaly and elevated rectal temperatures that ranged from 38.5 to
41.0°C (101.3 to 105.8°F) were noted. The dog lived in Savannah, Georgia, USA,
had never traveled. She had an irregular vaccination history. Parasiticides had not
been applied for at least the last 2 years.
On presentation, the dog appeared stiff with a dorsally arched spine (114).
The dog was mentally alert. Postural reactions were assessed, and the limbs had
normal initiation on hopping reaction with
114 delayed or stiff follow through. There were
no deficits in any of the limbs with respect to
conscious proprioceptive testing. Myotatic and
flexor reflexes were present but weak motor
movements were noted. The dog was painful
on palpation of muscles in the extremities
and paraspinal regions and on flexion and
extension of the limbs. The remainder of the
physical examination was unremarkable.

1 What are the two underlying pathophysiologic processes associated with

2 Are the four anatomic structures associated with diffuse hyperesthesia?
3 What are two underlying pathophysiologic processes associated with elevated
rectal temperature?

CASE 115 Case 115 is the same dog as case 114. Ophthalmologic examination,
including fundic examination, was performed and showed no lesions.
A CBC, biochemistry profile, and urinalysis were done, and revealed a marked
leukocytosis (50.5 × 109/l) with neutrophilia (42.3 × 109/l), a left shift (5.3 × 109/l),
and a mild increase in creatine kinase activity (2,547  U/l). Radiographs of the
axial and appendicular skeleton revealed periosteal proliferation of the pelvis
and proximal aspects of the pelvic limbs (115a). The results of CSF analysis were
normal. Muscle biopsy findings showed a purulent and eosinophilic myositis. In
some areas of the musculature, cysts with an “onion skin”-type appearance were
found (115b).


115a 115b

1 Which organ systems are likely to be responsible for the hyperesthesia in this
dog, and how can this be associated with fever?
2 Which type of organism is seen in the muscle biopsy (e.g. virus, bacterium)?
3 What infectious diseases caused by these types of organisms are associated with
4 Which of these organisms can additionally cause polyperiostitis?

CASE 116 Case 116 is the same dog as cases 115 and 116
114. The dog was treated for hepatozoonosis and her gait
improved during the course of 6 months of continuous
therapy (116).

1 What drugs are used in the treatment of hepatozoonosis,

and how long must treatment be continued?
2 How do the clinical manifestations and diagnostic
findings differ between Hepatozoon canis and
Hepatozoon americanum infection?


117a CASE 117 A 3-year-old neutered male

Labrador Retriever from Minneapolis,
Minnesota, USA, was evaluated for a
3-day history of inappetence, lethargy,
shifting-leg lameness, and reluctance to
walk. There was no history of trauma or
recent travel. The dog frequently hiked
with the owner. The dog was regularly
vaccinated with core vaccines, but had not
been treated for endoparasites in the last
year. According to the owner, ectoparasite
preventives were only used during the
117b “tick season”. No other medications had
been administered to the dog.
On arrival at the veterinary clinic,
the dog refused to walk and had to
be transported on a gurney (117a).
On physical examination, the body
temperature was 40°C [104°F], and
the popliteal lymph nodes were slightly
enlarged and firm on palpation. Joints were
painful when manipulated, especially the
pelvic limb joints, but joint effusion was
not detectable. Neurologic examination
was within normal limits, but the dog was
reluctant to bear weight with his pelvic limbs (117b). No other abnormalities were
detected during physical examination, and no ectoparasites were noted.

1 What are the most likely differential diagnoses for this case?
2 What diagnostic testing should initially be performed?

118 CASE 118 Case 118 is the same dog

as case 117. A CBC showed a mild non-
regenerative anemia, lymphopenia (0.5 ×
109 lymphocytes/l, RI 1–5 × 109/l), and
thrombocytopenia (85 × 109 platelets/l,
RI 150–400 × 109/l). A blood smear was
obtained (118). A serum biochemistry
profile and urinalysis were within normal
limits. Radiographs of affected limbs did
not show evidence of erosive disease in
any joint. Arthrocentesis of both stifle and tarsal joints was performed bilaterally.
Cytologic examination of synovial fluid revealed decreased viscosity, 6,500
nucleated cells/μl (RI <3,000 cells/μl) with 75% non-degenerate neutrophils
(RI <5%), 37 g/l protein (RI <25 g/l), and absence of bacteria.

1 What is the structure seen in the neutrophil?

2 What conclusions can be made from the results of the synovial fluid analysis?

CASE 119 Case 119 is the same 119

dog as cases 117 and 118. An in-
clinic ELISA assay (SNAP 4Dx Plus,
IDEXX Laboratories) was negative for
antibodies  to Borrelia burgdorferi and
Ehrlichia canis, (and Ehrlichia ewingii),
and for antigens of Dirofilaria immitis,
but it was positive for Anaplasma spp.
antibodies (119).

1 Does this result alone confirm a diagnosis of granulocytic anaplasmosis?

2 What other tests could be performed?
3 What is the treatment for this disease in dogs?
4 What is the prognosis in this case?

CASE 120 A 10-year-old neutered 120

male Retriever mix (120) was presented
to a veterinary clinic for a consultation.
The owner of the dog had died
from  tuberculosis 1 week previously.
Throughout the last 3 months, the dog
had stayed almost constantly in the
bedroom in close contact with the owner,
who did not leave his bed. The son’s
family now needed to decide whether
they would keep the dog, and wanted
to know whether the dog could have contracted infection with Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. The family had a 2-month-old baby. The dog had lived in Regensburg,
Germany, and now had moved to Munich, Germany. Previous travel history as well
as vaccination and parasite control status of the dog were unknown.
On physical examination, the dog was unremarkable apart from some dental
tartar and a slightly thin body condition (3.5/9).

1 What is the likelihood that the dog was infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
2 Are there diagnostic tests that can rule out the possibility of infection in this dog?
CASE 121 A 12-week-old intact male English Bulldog was evaluated for acute
onset of respiratory difficulty followed by vomiting yellow to clear fluid. The
dog lived in San Francisco, California, USA, had been acquired from a breeder
4 weeks previously, and had visited his local veterinarian 1 week previously for
examination and vaccinations. He was being regularly treated for internal parasites
and the second vaccination in the series was scheduled in 4 weeks. On physical
examination, he had a temperature of 38.7°C (101.7°F), pulse of 160 bpm, and
respiratory rate of 80 breaths/min with marked abdominal effort. Mild mucoid
nasal and ocular discharges were present and inspiratory and expiratory stertor was
audible without a stethoscope. Crackles were auscultated diffusely across all lung
fields. The remainder of the physical
examination was unremarkable. 121b
Thoracic radiographs were obtained
(121a, 121b).


1 What is your interpretation of the thoracic radiographs?

2 What differential diagnoses should be considered?
3 What diagnostic tests should be performed?

CASE 122 Case 122 is the same dog as case 121. A CBC was performed.
A biochemistry panel showed hyperphosphatemia of 2.9 mmol/l (RI 1–1.6 mmol/l)
and a slightly elevated ALP of 190 U/l (RI 0–152 U/l) (consistent with a growing
puppy). The dog was closely monitored (122). Pulse oximetry results varied from
93 to 94%. PCR of blood, urine, and conjunctival scrapings for canine distemper
virus was negative.


Complete Reference 122

blood count Results interval
Hematocrit 0.328 l/l 0.35–0.58
MCV 69.3 fl 58–72
Reticulocytes 66.0 × 109/l –
Platelets 800 × 109/l 150–500
White blood cells 33.780 × 109/l 5–16
Mature neutrophils 24.322 × 109/l 3–9
Band neutrophils 5.0 × 109/l 0–0.5
Eosinophils 0.0 × 109/l 0–1.0
Basophils 0.0 × 109/l 0–0.04
Lymphocytes 1.013 × 109/l 1–3.6
Monocytes 2.702 × 109/l 0.04–0.5

1 How would you interpret the CBC?

2 What stabilizing treatment should be provided?
3 What follow-up tests should be considered?

CASE 123 A 10-year-old neutered 123

male mixed-breed dog (123) was
referred for evaluation of progressive
limb edema. The dog had been
diagnosed with leishmaniosis 5 years
ago and was on allopurinol treatment.
He had not been vaccinated within
the last 5  years, but received parasite
prevention on a regular basis. The dog
originally came from Rome, Italy, but
for the last 6 years had lived in Munich,
Germany, without any additional travel
history. Physical examination revealed
edema that involved all four limbs. No
other abnormalities were noted.

1 What is a likely explanation for the

edema, based on the history?
2 How could the problem and its
clinical consequences be addressed?


124 CASE 124 A 6-year-old neutered

male, 20.6  kg mixed breed dog (124)
was referred for a cardiac work-up,
because the referring veterinarian had
heard a new continuous heart murmur.
The dog was known to have had a
systolic murmur for several years.
Along with dental prophylaxis, a grade
I mast cell tumor had been surgically
removed from the right thoracic limb
1 year previously. There was no history
of exercise intolerance or other clinical
signs. The dog lived in Ingolstadt,
Germany, and was current on vaccinations and treated regularly with parasiticides.
He had never traveled outside Germany.
Physical examination revealed that the dog was active, alert, and responsive.
The rectal temperature was 38.9°C (102.0°F), mucosal membranes were moist and
pink, capillary refill time was <2 seconds, all lymph nodes were of normal size, and
abdominal palpation was unremarkable. Lung sounds were physiologic, and the
respiratory rate was 36 breaths/min. A left basal continuous heart murmur with an
intensity of V/VI was audible. The regular heart rate was 128 bpm. Pulse quality
was normal, without pulse deficit or evidence of jugular vein distension/pulsation.
The remainder of the physical examination was unremarkable.

1 What is your interpretation of the physical examination, and what are the
differential diagnoses for the described heart murmurs?
2 What further diagnostic procedure should be recommended?

CASE 125 Case 125 is the same dog as case 124. Echocardiography was
performed. A left apical five-chamber view (125a), a colour Doppler image (125b),
and a CW Doppler image (125c) are shown.

125a 125b



1 What is your interpretation of the echocardiographic images?

2 What is your main differential diagnosis?
3 What further tests would you recommend?

CASE 126 Case 126 is the same dog as cases 124 and 125. Erysipelothrix
rhusiopathiae was grown from all three blood cultures taken from the jugular and
peripheral veins. While culture was pending, antimicrobial drug treatment was
commenced with a combination of amoxicillin–clavulanic acid and enrofloxacin. The
E. rhusiopathiae isolate was susceptible to amoxicillin–clavulanic acid but resistant
to enrofloxacin, so enrofloxacin treatment was discontinued. The dog remained alert
and responsive during treatment (126); however, he died suddenly 2  weeks later,
possibly as a result of a thromboembolic event or an arrhythmia.

1 What are the suggested criteria for 126

diagnosis of infective endocarditis?
2 What are known predisposing factors
for endocarditis?
3 What is the general prognosis for
dogs with endocarditis?


127a CASE 127 A 2-year-old neutered male

Weimaraner was evaluated for a history of
intermittent diarrhea that had been occurring
over the last 2 months. The diarrhea was
characterized by small volumes of feces with
tenesmus, and intermittent hematochezia.
One week prior to examination, the dog had
a grand mal seizure and began to circle to
the left side. The owner observed a reduced
mental awareness. The dog also appeared
to have lost visual acuity as he was observed
to bump into objects in his environment and
could not visually track silently moving objects.
This visual dysfunction was recognized to be
separate from and despite the dog’s neurologic
127b impairments. The dog lived in Atlanta, Georgia,
USA, and had no travel history. He was fully
vaccinated and received regular endoparasite
and ectoparasite control.
Physical examination was unremarkable
besides the neurologic and ophthalmologic
abnormalities. The dog had a depressed mental
status and would stand with his head and
neck flexed to the left (127a). He had reduced
noxious perception of pain with stimulation
of the right nares. The left eye had a mydriatic
pupil with cloudiness of the anterior chamber.
There was a reduced menace response in both
visual fields of the left eye. The right pupil
was miotic, the left pupil was mydriatic (127b). Pupillary light reflexes were present
bilaterally, although pupillary constriction was slow when the light was directed into
the left eye.

1 What are the body systems in which problems were identified in this dog?
2 Where would you suspect the neurologic localization?
3 What would be your diagnostic plans for the various problems?

CASE 128 Case 128 is the same dog as case 127. Rectal scraping cytology was
performed (128; Diff-Quik stain ×1,000). Ophthalmoscopic findings included
aqueous flare in the anterior chambers of both eyes. Multifocal granulomatous
white to gray lesions were observed on the retinas of both eyes and there was
almost complete retinal detachment on the left side.
In this dog, abnormal findings 128
on analysis of CSF from the
cerebellomedullary cisterna were an
increased total nuclear cell count
of 1,150/µl (reference value <5/µl)
and a total protein concentration of
1,240 mg/dl (reference value <30 mg/
dl). The diferential cell count on a
cytocentrifuged Wright–Giemsa-stained
preparation showed many nucleated
cells and few erythrocytes. Nucleated cells consisted of 50% eosinophils 40% non-
degenerative neutrophils, 10% small lymphocytes, and occasional macrophages.
Some macrophages showed erythrophagocytosis and hemosiderin pigment
granules. Rare variably stained 15–20 µm basophilic organisms, with a granular
texture and a clear unstained halo, were surrounded by phagocytic cells.

1 What organisms can be seen on the rectal scraping cytology?

2 What diagnostic tests could be performed for definitive diagnosis of this disease?
3 Are there any treatment options for this disease?

CASE 129 A 2-year-old intact male 129

Old English Sheepdog was evaluated for
a 4-day history of lethargy, inappetence,
vomiting, and occasional cough. The
dog had been adopted as a stray,
3  weeks before the onset of clinical
signs, in Poznan, Poland. It had been
vaccinated against rabies and treated
for endoparasites and ectoparasites at
the time of adoption, but no other vaccines had been administered.
On physical examination, the dog was febrile (40.3°C [104.5°F]), lethargic, icteric
(129), had a stiff gait, abdominal pain, and appeared dehydrated with a capillary refill
time of 3 seconds. A CBC revealed neutrophilia with a left shift, thrombocytopenia,
high serum urea nitrogen and creatinine concentration, increased liver enzyme activities,
and hyperbilirubinemia. Leptospirosis was suspected. Subsequent to hospitalization, a
microscopic agglutination test (MAT) to detect antibodies against different Leptospira
serovars was performed. The resulting titers were as follows: serovar Canicola 1:200,
Icterohaemorrhagiae negative, Grippotyphosa 1:800, Australis 1:100.

1 Can such titers result from previous vaccination with Leptospira vaccines?
2 What is the diagnostic significance of MAT results in a non-vaccinated dog?
3 What other tests could help to confirm or rule out leptospirosis?

130 CASE 130 A 6-month-old intact male Pug

(130) was evaluated for a 3-day history of
vomiting, lethargy, and anorexia. The dog had
been purchased from a breeder in Nurnberg,
Germany, at the age of 10 weeks, and lived
now in Munich, Germany. He had never been
outside Germany. There were no other dogs
in the household, but there were two cats. The
dog had been vaccinated against parvovirus
and distemper virus twice, at the age of 6 and
10 weeks. The dog had been dewormed at
the age of 6 weeks but never since. He had
not received any ectoparasite control.
On physical examination, the dog was
very lethargic and slightly dehydrated. The
abdomen was tense and the bowel loops
appeared fluid-filled. A CBC was performed.

Complete blood count Results Reference interval

Red blood cells 5.6 × 1012/l 5.5–9.3
Hemoglobin 7.53 mmol/l 7.45–12.5
Hematocrit 0.36 l/l 0.35–0.58
Platelets 440 × 109/l 150–500
White blood cells 3.53 × 109/l 5–16
Mature neutrophils 1.80 × 109/l 3–9
Band neutrophils 0.35 × 109/l 0–0.5
Eosinophils 0 × 109/l 0–1.0
Basophils 0.04 × 109/l 0–0.04
Lymphocytes 1.03 × 109/l 1–3.6
Monocytes 0.31 × 109/l 0.04–0.5

1 What is your differential diagnosis for the leucopenia?

2 Can a vaccinated dog develop parvovirosis?
3 Could a dog become infected with parvovirus from a cat?

CASE 131 Case 131 is the same dog as case 130. The 131
results of a  fecal SNAP parvovirus antigen test (IDEXX
Laboratories) supported the diagnosis of parvovirosis (131).

1 What supportive treatment is appropriate in a dog

with parvovirosis?
2 Which antibiotics should be used?

CASE 132 Case 132 is the same dog as cases 131 and 130. Although treated
intensively, the dog was not improving. Additional treatment options, including
recombinant feline interferon-ω (132), were considered.


1 Is treatment with recombinant feline interferon-ω useful?

2 Is administration of specific antibodies useful?
3 Are drugs that increase the neutrophil count available and useful?

CASE 133 A 2-year-old male mixed-breed dog, originating from Santa Maria,
Brazil, was evaluated because over the last 5 days he had shown lethargy, anorexia,
hematochezia, vomiting, weight loss, dark yellow colored urine, and bleeding at the
ear pinnal margins. The dog had been regularly vaccinated, but had not received
any parasite control within the last year.
Physical examination revealed a poor body condition (BCS 3/9), pale and icteric
mucous membranes, peripheral generalized lymphadenomegaly, splenomegaly,
hepatomegaly, intermittent fever, and extensive subcutaneous hemorrhage (133a).
Ticks were found around the dog’s ears and feet. A CBC, biochemistry panel, and
urinalysis were performed (for significant findings see below). On the blood smear,
polychromasia, normoblastemia, spherocytosis, anisocytosis, and Howell–Jolly
bodies (133b) were noted. There was agglutination of red blood cells on the tube

133a 133b

Complete blood count Results Reference interval

Hematocrit 0.17 l/l 0.35–0.58
MCV 105 fl 58–72
MCHC 24.7 mmol/l 19–21
Reticulocytes 85 × 109/l 0–60
Platelets 61 × 109/l 150–500
White blood cells 24.5 × 109/l 5–16
Mature neutrophils 19.3 × 109/l 3–9
Monocytes 1.8 × 109/l 0.04–0.5

Biochemistry panel Results Reference interval

ALT 36 U/l 18–110
ALP 45 U/l 13–152
Total protein 64 g/l 55.5–77.6
Albumin 32 g/l 31–43
Bilirubin 10.2 μmol/l 0–5.3

Urinalysis Results
Color, appearance Dark yellow
Bilirubin 3+
Hemoglobin Negative

1 How is the anemia in this dog classified, and what are the main differential
2 What diagnostic tests should be performed next?

CASE 134 Case 134 is the same dog 134

as case 133. Tests for serum antibodies
against Borrelia burgdorferi, Ehrlichia
canis, Ehrlichia ewingii, Anaplasma
spp., and Leishmania spp., as well as
for antigens of Dirofilaria immitis, were
negative. Cytologic examination of a
fine needle aspirate of the left popliteal
lymph node was performed (134).

1 What are the cytologic findings in the

lymph node aspirate?
2 Can a definitive diagnosis be made?

CASE 135 Case 135 is the same 135

dog as cases 133 and 134. The dog
was hospitalized for treatment. The
hemorrhagic diarrhea and vomiting
ceased, and the dog started to eat and
drink after 3 days of hospitalization.
After 2 weeks, the dog’s clinical
condition improved, and the icterus
resolved (135). The dog was discharged
from the hospital, and treatment was
continued at home.

1 What is the recommended treatment for this patient?

2 The owner has two other dogs. What preventive measures should be

CASE 136 A 3-year-old neutered female Doberman Pinscher was evaluated for acute
cough and respiratory distress that the owner had first noticed 3 days previously.
Before this episode, the dog was in good condition, and there was no previous history
of illness. The dog lived in the San Francisco Bay area, California, USA, and had
never  traveled outside of this region. She was regularly vaccinated and received
preventive treatments for endoparasites and ectoparasites on a regular basis.
On physical examination, the dog
136 was listless. She had tachypnea with
crackles on auscultation of the thorax,
and a respiratory rate of approximately
70  bpm. The pulse rate was 160–
210  bpm. A grade III/VI left-sided
apical heart murmur was detected,
with hyperkinetic but synchronous
femoral pulses. The BCS was 5/9.
Thoracic radiographs showed a severe
interstitial to alveolar pattern in the
caudodorsal lung lobes and mild left
atrial enlargement. An echocardiogram
showed moderate left atrial enlargement. A hyperechoic, oscillating lesion was seen
on the aortic valve cusps (136, arrow). Severe aortic insufficiency was also present.

1 What is your main differential diagnosis for the lesion on the aortic valve,
including infectious agents potentially involved, and which pathogen seems
most likely based on the clinical findings?
2 What additional diagnostic tests would you recommend?
3 How should this dog be treated pending the results of those diagnostic tests?

137 CASE 137 Case 137 is the same dog as

case 136 (137). The CBC showed a mild
non-regenerative anemia (hematocrit
0.32 l/l, RI 0.35–0.58 l/l) with a mild
mature neutrophilia (14.227 × 109 cells/l,
RI 3–115 × 109/l). The biochemistry panel
revealed hyponatremia (142  mmol/l,
RI 145–154  mmol/l), hypochloremia
(96  mmol/l, RI 105–116  mmol/l),
hyperglycemia (7.6  mmol/l, RI 3.9–
6.5  mmol/l), increased serum urea
nitrogen concentration (14.6  mmol/l,
RI 2.9–11.1  mmol/l), and increased
activities of serum ALP (210 U/l, RI 15–127 U/l) and serum ALT (73 U/l, RI 19–
67 U/l). Urinalysis showed a specific gravity of 1.012 and a benign sediment. Blood
cultures were negative. A Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii antibody test was
positive at 1:256, a Bartonella henselae antibody test was positive at 1:64, and a
Bartonella clarridgeiae antibody test was negative.

1 Do the antibody test results prove that Bartonella spp. infection is the cause
of endocarditis in this dog, and would it rule out Bartonella spp. infection as a
cause of disease if the test results had been negative?
2 What is the prognosis for recovery?
3 What is the zoonotic potential of Bartonella spp.?

CASE 138 A young puppy of about 3 months of age was adopted 3 days
previously from a rescue shelter in Munich, Germany, where it had been boarded
for at least 14 days after living as a stray. The dog was vaccinated once on entry into
the shelter with an attenuated live canine distemper, adenovirus, and parvovirus
vaccine. The new owner noticed a cough, mucopurulent nasal discharge, and
diarrhea 1 day after adoption. On contacting the shelter, the owner was informed
that several other dogs had developed similar signs and two puppies had died with
seizures. On physical examination the puppy appeared weak and lethargic. Rectal
temperature was elevated (40.2°C [104.7°F]) and the dog had a mucopurulent
nasal discharge and conjunctivitis (138a). There were harsh lung sounds on
auscultation. Hyperkeratosis was noted on examination of the footpads (138b).
A CBC revealed mild lymphopenia but a normal neutrophil count.

138a 138b

1 What is the main differential diagnosis?

2 What diagnostic tests should be considered?
3 What treatment is recommended, and what is the prognosis?


139 CASE 139 A 3-year-old intact female

Doberman Pinscher was evaluated for
a 2-day history of lethargy, anorexia,
and reluctance to ambulate. The dog
lived in Palermo, Italy. It had received
complete vaccinations against distemper,
adenovirus, parvovirus, Leptospira, and
rabies, and was on regular heartworm
On physical examination, abnormal
clinical findings included elevated
temperature (39.9°C [103.8°F]), cervical
pain, and a stiff neck. The remainder of the physical examination, including a
detailed neurologic examination, was unremarkable. A radiograph of the cervical
region was obtained (139).

1 What would be your differential diagnoses for the clinical presentation in this
dog (before radiographs were obtained)?
2 What is your interpretation of the radiograph?
3 What diagnostic tests should also be performed?

CASE 140 Case 140 is the same dog as case 139. Staphylococcus pseudintermedius
bacteriuria was documented by urinalysis and culture, and was associated with
urinary cystoliths (140a, 140b). The same bacterial species was isolated from two
out of three blood cultures. Susceptibility testing showed that all isolates were
broadly susceptible, including to all beta-lactam drugs tested. Thus, the source of
the organism causing the discospondylitis was suspected to be the urinary tract.

140a 140b

1 What other common sources of infection can be associated with discospondylitis?
2 What are the most common infectious agents associated with discospondylitis?
3 What treatment should be recommended?
4 What is the likely composition of the urolith?

CASE 141 A 3-year-old neutered male American Pitbull Terrier from Tulsa,
Oklahoma, USA, was evaluated for lethargy, inappetence, and a stiff gait of 2 days’
duration. The dog was up to date on core vaccines and had received heartworm
and flea preventatives monthly. The owner took the dog for hikes at weekends, and
had found an attached tick 1 week previously. No history of trauma, travel, access
to toxins, or previous illnesses was reported.
Physical examination revealed approximately 5% dehydration, a rectal temperature
of 40.1°C (104.2°F), petechiation of mucous membranes (141), moderate bilateral
prescapular lymphadenomegaly, and splenomegaly. The dog seemed painful during
the examination, but the pain could not be localized to a specific area. No swelling
or joint effusion was present. Neurologic examination was within normal limits.
The only abnormalities found on bloodwork were thrombocytopenia (130 × 109
platelets/l, RI 150–400 × 109/l) and slight hypoalbuminemia (25 g/l, RI 28–40 g/l). An
in-clinic ELISA (4Dx SNAP Plus, IDEXX Laboratories) was negative for antibodies
to Anaplasma spp., Borrelia burgdorferi, Ehrlichia canis (and Ehrlichia ewingii),
and antigens of Dirofilaria immitis. A PCR panel for detection of Anaplasma spp.,
Ehrlichia spp., Babesia spp., and Bartonella spp. DNA was also negative.

1 What are your primary differential diagnoses?

2 What would be the next diagnostic step?
3 How should this dog be treated?



142 CASE 142 A 6-month-old intact male Labrador

Retriever was evaluated for acute diarrhea and
lethargy (142). Anorexia, refusal to walk, and
diarrhea had started 24 hours before evaluation,
and the diarrhea progressed in frequency. For the
3 hours before evaluation, the dog had watery
diarrhea every 30 minutes. The dog lived in
Munich, Germany, and had never been outside the
country. He had received a full basic vaccination
series, had been treated with endoparasiticides
several times, and was on a regular ectoparasite
control program. The dog had been fed a raw
meat diet over the last 3 months.
On physical examination, the dog showed
signs of shock. He was mentally obtunded.
Mucous membranes were pink, but tacky. Pulse
quality was good. Capillary refill time was
1  second. Heart rate and respiratory rate were
140  bpm and 36 breaths/min, respectively,
without abnormal findings on auscultation. On
palpation, the abdomen was tense. Rectal body temperature was 40.7°C (105.3°F).
The remainder of the physical examination was unremarkable.

1 What are the two clinical phases of shock, and what phase was present in this
2 What are the five pathophysiologic types of shock?
3 How would you characterize the pathophysiologic type of shock in this dog?

CASE 143 143 is the same dog as case 142. On ultrasound, the small intestine
appeared partly corrugated (143). A 15-cm segment of the jejunal wall was


thickened when compared with other parts of the small intestine, with a lack of
normal intestinal wall layering. In addition, a mesenteric lymph node in the mid-
abdomen was moderately enlarged (diameter 1.5–2  cm; length 4–5  cm) and of
heterogeneous echogenicity. A CBC was performed.

Complete blood count Results Reference interval

Red blood cells 5.56 ×1012/l 5.5–9.3
Hemoglobin 7.73 mmol/l 7.45–12.5
Hematocrit 0.37 l/l 0.35–0.58
Platelets 211 × 109/l 150–500
White blood cells 9.28 × 109/l 5–16
Mature neutrophils 3.29 × 109/l 3–9
Band neutrophils 2.37 × 109/l 0–0.5
Eosinophils 0 × 109/l 0–1.0
Basophils 0 × 109/l 0–0.04
Lymphocytes 3.21 × 109/l 1–3.6
Monocytes 0.41 × 109/l 0.04–0.5

1 Which bacterial species are considered to be enteropathogenic?

2 What are limitations of a fecal culture?
3 How might you make a diagnosis of an enteropathogenic bacterial infection in
this case?

CASE 144 Case 144 is the same dog as cases 142 and 143. The enlarged lymph node
was aspirated with a fine needle, and the aspirated fluid was transferred into a transport
medium and submitted for culture. In addition, two
separate blood culture specimens of 10 ml were taken
at a 30-minute interval from two different sites after
aseptic preparation of the skin. Blood specimens were
immediately inoculated into a blood culture system
using a fresh needle. The bottles were submitted for
aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture.
After taking specimens for bacterial culture,
antibiotic treatment was started with enrofloxacin
(144). With fluid therapy and antibiotics, the
dog improved clinically. On the second day
after treatment, the dog showed normal vital
parameters and was afebrile. After 3 days of
treatment, the diarrhea had resolved and the dog
was discharged on oral enrofloxacin and a low fat,
highly digestible diet.

Blood cultures were negative, but Salmonella spp. were isolated from the lymph
node aspirates. Susceptibility testing revealed that the isolate was susceptible
to enrofloxacin. A diagnosis of acute intestinal Salmonella spp. infection with
bacterial translocation and sepsis was made.

1 Should antibiotics be administered to every patient with acute diarrhea and

suspicion of an enteric bacterial infection?
2 Do you think antibiotics were indicated in this case?
3 Is there a potential zoonotic risk?
4 What would your recommendations be to the owner?

CASE 145 A 5-month-old intact male American Pitbull Terrier was referred with
a 5-day history of progressive illness. For the first 2 days of illness, the dog’s clinical
signs consisted of lethargy and mild inappetence. On the following day, the owner
noticed that the dog had a stiff gait, anorexia, and difficulty opening his mouth.
Subsequently, the owner noticed “muscle spasms”, which progressed over 24 hours
despite treatment with flumethasone, antibiotics, and intravenous fluids at a local
veterinary clinic. On admission, the dog was in lateral recumbency with spastic
hyperextension of all limbs, extension of the tail, and generalized muscular spastic
rigidity (145). Rectal temperature was 41.1°C (106.0°F), heart rate 186 bpm, and
respiratory rate 54 breaths/min. Hypersensitivity to external stimuli was present,
which resulted in profound muscular spasms.


1 What is the most likely diagnosis?

2 What are potential differential diagnoses?
3 How is the diagnosis confirmed?
4 What is the prognosis?
5 What are the most common complications of this disease?
CASE 146 Case 146 is the same dog as case 145. 146
The most common early signs of generalized tetanus
are ocular and facial muscular abnormalities (risus
sardonicus) (146), progressing to rigidity of other
muscles. Localized tetanus, which involves only one
portion of the body adjacent to the wound, is less
common but has a better prognosis.

1 How is Clostridium tetani transmitted?

2 What could be the source of infection in this
3 What treatment would be recommended?

CASE 147 A 3-year-old neutered male Golden Retriever was evaluated for a
3-week history of progressive cough, decreased appetite, and weight loss. The dog
lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, and had no history of traveling. He was
regularly vaccinated and received regular antiparasitic treatment.
Physical examination revealed a quiet but alert and responsive dog in thin
body condition (BCS 3/9). The dog’s rectal temperature was 39.7°C (103.5°F),
the respiratory rate was 40 breaths/min, and pulse rate was 100 beats/min. There
were no other physical examination findings apart from two firm, non-ulcerated
cutaneous nodules, one on the trunk (1 cm in diameter) and one on the left distal
pelvic limb (0.5 cm in diameter). The left popliteal lymph node was also slightly
enlarged and firm. A fundic examination
was normal. Thoracic radiographs showed 147
hilar lymphadenomegaly and multifocal
pulmonary nodules, as well as some patchy
alveolar infiltrates. Cytologic examination
of a fine needle aspirate of the left popliteal
lymph node revealed yeast organisms
consistent with Blastomyces spp. (147)

1 What is the geographic distribution of

Blastomyces spp.?
2 What are other anatomic sites of
predilection of this organism?
3 Had the cutaneous lesions not been identified, what other diagnostic tests could
have been used to obtain the diagnosis, and what are the limitations of these tests?
4 What treatment should be recommended?


148 CASE 148 A 6-month-old intact female

Golden Retriever was evaluated for two
focal regions of hypotrichosis on the
muzzle (148) of several weeks’ duration.
The dog was otherwise well, had a good
appetite, and was not pruritic. The dog
had been regularly vaccinated with core
vaccines and was regularly treated for
endoparasites. She lived in Munich,
Germany, and had never been outside
the country.
On physical examination, the only
pathologic findings were the lesions
described. The affected skin was not erythematous, but was slightly thicker than in
adjacent areas and hyperpigmented.

1 What are your differential diagnoses?

2 What tests would you propose?

CASE 149 Case 149 is the same dog as case 148. Cytology revealed keratinocytes
and occasional cocci. A deep skin scraping showed mites (149).


1 What is the prognosis for the disease in this dog?

2 How would you treat this dog?

CASE 150 A 2-year-old mixed-breed dog from Munich, Germany, was evaluated
for acute cough of 3 days’ duration. The cough began while the dog was boarded
in a kennel for 7 days. The owners reported that the dog seemed slightly lethargic
and showed a decreased appetite. The dog was up to date on vaccinations
(distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus, parainfluenza, Bordetella, Leptospira, and
rabies) and was receiving monthly milbemycin for parasites.
On physical examination, the dog
was febrile (rectal temperature 40.3°C
[104.5°F]), had a bilateral nasal discharge
(150a), and harsh inspiratory and expiratory
lung sounds on auscultation. Bloodwork was
performed and revealed a neutrophilia with
a left shift. Radiography was also performed
(150b, 150c).

1 What is the most likely diagnosis in this

dog, based on the history and clinical
2 How would you interpret the radiographs?
3 What treatment would you recommend?

150b 150c

CASE 151 A 4-year-old intact male Dachshund Terrier (151) was referred
because of a 6-week history of elevated serum liver enzyme activities. Six weeks
previously, the dog had an episode of vomiting and lethargy that lasted 2 days.
The dog had been evaluated by a veterinarian at that time who had treated the
dog with antiemetics and oral antibiotics (amoxicillin–clavulanic acid). The dog
improved and appeared healthy thereafter, but elevated ALT and ALP enzyme
activities were noted on several rechecks. The dog lived in Ingolstadt, Germany,
and had never traveled. The owner worked as a forest ranger and the dog was used
as a hunting dog. The dog was up to date on vaccinations, was treated about twice
a year for endoparasites, and received ectoparasite control. No previous health
problems were known.


On physical examination, the dog was bright, alert, and responsive, and in good
body condition (BCS 4.5/9). On palpation, the abdomen appeared tense, but was
not painful. The remainder of the physical examination was unremarkable.

1 What drugs can result in increased serum liver enzyme activity without liver
2 Which extrahepatic diseases can result in increased serum liver enzyme activity?
3 What is the half-life of serum ALT and ALP in dogs?
4 Can a single insult to hepatocytes result in elevated liver enzymes for a period
of 6 weeks?
5 Which non-invasive diagnostic tests should be performed to assess the
significance of a chronic increase in liver enzyme activities?

CASE 152 Case 152 is the same dog as case 151. An abdominal ultrasound
examination was performed. The liver was moderately enlarged and only small
parts of the liver showed a normal architecture. Much of the liver parenchyma
appeared heterogeneous with increased echogenicity (152). The remainder of the
liver had a normal appearance.


1 What is the most likely differential diagnosis based on the ultrasound

examination findings?
2 What would be your next diagnostic step?

CASE 153 Case 153 is the same dog 153

as cases 151 and 152. Several abnormal
structures were identified on cytologic
examination of fine needle aspirates of
the liver (153).

1 What is the diagnosis in this dog,

and what forms of this disease are
2 Is cytologic identification sufficient
to define the species involved, and
what tests would be superior?
3 What is the life cycle of this agent and the required hosts?
4 How did the dog in this case fit into the life cycle?
5 What treatment is indicated?

CASE 154 A 1-year-old intact female Poodle living close to Pelotas, Brazil, was
evaluated for lethargy, inappetence, and weight loss for several weeks. No vomiting
or diarrhea was noted, but the owner reported dark feces and “skin rashes” (154a,
154b), which had been observed over the last 3 days. The owner also reported
frequent tick infestations, which were treated with amitraz. The dog was up to date
on core vaccines and was regularly treated for endoparasites. No access to toxins
or plants and no history of trauma, medications, or travel was reported.
Physical examination revealed lethargy, a rectal temperature of 39.5°C
[103.1°F], pale mucous membranes, moderately enlarged peripheral lymph nodes,
splenomegaly, mucosal petechiation, and skin ecchymoses.

154a 154b

1 What are the differential diagnoses for the petechiation and ecchymoses?
2 What diagnotic tests should be recommended?

CASE 155 Case 155 is the same dog as case 154. A CBC and serum biochemistry
panel were performed (for significant results see the boxes). A blood smear was also
evaluated (155a, 155b). Collection of a free catch urine sample was not possible
and cystocentesis was not performed because of the bleeding disorder.

155a 155b


Complete Reference Biochemistry Reference

blood count Results interval panel Results interval
Hematocrit 0.15 l/l 0.35–0.58 ALT 145 U/l 18–110
Reticulocytes 0 × 109/l 0–60 ALP 180 U/l 13–152
Neutrophil count 0.8 × 109/l 3–9 Total protein 94 g/l 56–78
Monocyte count 0.01 × 109/l 0.04–0.5 Albumin 25 g/l 31–43
Platelets 8 × 109/l 150–500 Globulins 69 g/l 24–35

1 What conclusions can you make based on the laboratory test results?
2 What initial treatment is required in this case?

CASE 156 Case 156 is the same dog as cases 154 and 155. During physical
examination on the second day of hospitalization, an irregular cardiac rhythm was
auscultated, with asynchronous femoral pulses. An ECG was performed (156). In
addition, blood pressure measurement was performed. The blood pressure was
140 mmHg (systolic). Also, free catch urine could now be obtained and submitted
for analysis.

Urinalysis Results
Specific gravity 1.020
pH 7.2
Protein 3+
Glucose Negative
Bilirubin Negative

The urine sediment was benign and the UPCR was 10.2 (RI <0.5).


1 What are the important findings from the ECG and urinalysis?
2 Is specific therapy required for these findings?
3 What is the prognosis in this dog?


157 CASE 157 A 1.5-year-old neutered female

Boxer dog was evaluated for right thoracic limb
lameness and swelling of the carpus of 3 weeks’
duration. There had been no response to non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (deracoxib
1.5 mg/kg PO q12h) prescribed by her veterinarian
when the lameness first began. The owner also
reported that, over the last month, the dog had
four episodes of inappetence that resolved within
24 hours. She was currently eating well. There had
been no cough, sneezing, vomiting or diarrhea,
or increased thirst and urination. There was no
history of exposure to trauma. The dog lived
in Sacramento, California, USA. Travel history
consisted of several visits to Arizona over the last
year, with the last visit being 3 months previously.
She was up to date on routine vaccinations and
was the only pet in the household.
Physical examination was normal apart from
moderate weight-bearing lameness of the right
thoracic limb and a firm swelling over the right
carpus and distal antebrachium that was painful
on palpation. Funduscopic examination was normal. Radiographs of the right
carpus revealed moth-eaten osteolysis throughout the distal radius, with cortical
bone destruction along the cranial aspect of the distal radial diaphysis. There was
solid periosteal new bone circumferentially surrounding the distal radius, which
was most pronounced along the caudomedial cortices. There was also moderate
soft tissue swelling surrounding the distal right antebrachium (157).

1 What are the main differential diagnoses, including specific infectious agents
that might be involved?
2 What other diagnostic tests should be recommended for this dog?

CASE 158 Case 158 is the same dog as case 157 (158). Further diagnostic work-
up was performed. The CBC and urinalysis were normal and a biochemistry
panel revealed moderate hyperglobulinemia (43  g/l, RI 17–31  g/l) and mild
hypoalbuminemia (32 g/l, RI 34–43 g/l). Thoracic radiographs were unremarkable.
Fine needle aspirates of the lesion showed moderate mixed inflammation that was
characterized by a mixture of non-degenerate neutrophils, histiocytes, reactive

lymphocytes, and occasional multinucleated 158
osteoclasts. A  Coccidioides spp. antibody
titer was positive at 1:64.

1 What is the significance of the positive

Coccidioides spp. antibody test?
2 Are any additional diagnostic tests
3 What is the recommended treatment for
this patient, and what are the possible
adverse effects of therapy?

CASE 159 A 5-month-old intact female 159

Australian Labradoodle (159) was evaluated
for several episodes of soft feces within
the last 3 months. The dog belonged to a
veterinarian who had performed centrifugal
zinc sulfate flotation and the test was
positive. The dog had been treated several
times with fenbendazole and metronidazole,
but the Giardia spp. test remained positive
at three consecutive testings, and the fecal
consistency did not improve. Tests for other
endoparasites had been negative. The dog
was on a commercial puppy diet, was eating
well, and had no vomiting. The dog had been
born in Australia and was imported into
Germany at the age of 10 weeks. Since then,
the dog had lived in Munich and had not traveled outside Germany. She had contact
with many dogs, because she was attending puppy school and was allowed to run
free in parks and around the veterinary hospital. She had received a complete basic
vaccination series and was on monthly endo- and ectoparasite treatment.
Physical examination was unremarkable, and the dog was alert and responsive.
The BCS was 4/9.

1 What are likely reasons that the Giardia spp. test remained positive?
2 How should the dog be treated?


160 CASE 160 An 8-year-old neutered

female German Shepherd Dog mix
was referred for evaluation of reverse
sneezing  followed by epistaxis from the
right nostril (160). Signs were first noted 3
months ago and had become progressively
worse. The referring veterinarian had used
an otoscope to search for a foreign body
but none was found. A dental procedure
was performed under anesthesia to
investigate tooth root disease as a cause
of the epistaxis but signs continued. The
dog lived in a rural area close to Davis,
California, USA, had no travel history,
and was regularly vaccinated and on
heartworm prophylaxis.
On presentation, the dog was mildly obtunded with a rectal temperature of
38.4°C (101.1°F), pulse of 100 bpm, and respiratory rate of 32 breaths/min. Mild
intermittent blepharospasm was noted bilaterally, along with a brown serous to
crusted ocular discharge. Nasal airflow was present bilaterally; however, the dog
resisted full examination of the head and oral cavity. The right mandibular lymph
node was enlarged (2 cm).

1 What are the most likely differential diagnoses for the problems of unilateral
epistaxis and ipsilateral lymphadenopathy?
2 If only one diagnostic test was allowed in this patient, what would you perform?
3 If the owner agreed to a full work-up, what would you recommend?

CASE 161 Case 161 is the same dog as case 160. A test for Aspergillus spp.
antibodies was negative. Cytologic examination of a lymph node aspirate (161a)
and CT of the nasal cavity (161b, c) were performed.



161b 161c

1 What is your interpretation of the lymph node cytology?

2 What is your interpretation of the CT images?

CASE 162 A 7-year-old intact male 162

Jack Russell Terrier was evaluated for
a single skin lesion on the lateral thorax
that the owner had discovered 3 days
ago (162). The dog was a bright and
alert hunting dog and had no other
known illnesses besides the skin lesion.
The lesion was moderately pruritic. The
dog lived in Regensburg, Germany, and
had never been outside the country. He
received regular core vaccinations and
preventive treatment for endoparasites
and ectoparasites.
Physical examination was unremark-
able besides the small skin lesion.

1 What are the main differential diagnoses?

2 What would you recommend as the minimal diagnostic approach for this case?
3 What is the most complete diagnostic approach to this case?


163 CASE 163 A 4-year-old intact male

mixed-breed dog was evaluated because
of a 4-day history of left-sided head tilt
and uncoordinated gait that had become
progressively worse over that time.
The dog lived in Messina, Italy. He was
regularly vaccinated with core vaccines and
received prophylaxis for endoparasites and
On physical examination, abnormal
findings included a left-sided head tilt,
circling and falling, Horner’s syndrome,
facial nerve paralysis (163), and positional strabismus on the left side. Neurologic
examination revealed no abnormalities in mentation, placing reaction abnormalities,
limb paresis/paralysis, or involvement of other cranial nerves.

1 What differential diagnoses should be considered?

2 What is your initial diagnostic plan?

CASE 164 Case 164 is the same dog as case 163. Otoscopic evaluation was
performed under sedation and revealed exudate in the left horizontal ear canal
(164). The tympanic membranes could not be examined because of severe ear
canal stenosis. Open-mouth anterior–posterior radiographs of the skull revealed
a bilateral thickening of the bullae that was more severe on the left side.


1 What is your diagnosis?

2 What additional diagnostic tests might be useful to better understand the condition?
3 What treatment is indicated?

CASE 165 A 2-year-old intact male 165
Wirehair mix dog was evaluated
by an emergency clinic for a 2-day
history of anorexia, vomiting,
and agitation. Over the last day,
the owner noted that the dog had
developed severe pruritis, especially
involving the head. The dog lived in
a village about 30 km from Krakow,
Poland, and was used as a hunting
dog. Four days before the onset of
clinical signs, the dog had been in contact with, and possibly consumed, a wild
boar carcass. The dog was vaccinated against rabies, but not against any other
infectious diseases and had not been treated with any antiparasitic drugs.
On physical examination, the dog was obtunded, vocalizing, and in lateral
recumbency. Tachycardia, tachypnea, fever (40.6°C [105.1°F]), and hypersalivation
were noted. In addition, tremor, strabismus, and anisocoria were identified. Around
the mouth, on the lips, and in the temporal area, asymmetric excoriations due to
self-mutilation were apparent (165).

1 What is the most likely diagnosis?

2 What other differential diagnoses are there for the neurologic signs combined
with fever?
3 What is the prognosis?

CASE 166 Case 166 is the same dog as case 165. The dog died within a few
hours. Lesions noted at necropsy, due to self-mutilation, were also found on the
gingiva, tongue, and buccal mucosa (166).


1 How is a diagnosis of Aujeszky’s disease confirmed?

2 What was the likely source of this infection in this case?
3 Can a dog with Aujeszky’s disease infect other animals?
4 Is Aujeszky’s disease a zoonosis?
CASE 167 A 2-year-old neutered female Labrador Retriever was referred for
cutaneous lesions that had been present for 10 days. The dog had been treated
with oral marbofloxacin for the past week. The dog had lived in the countryside
close to Athens, Georgia, USA, for her entire life. The owners had a lakefront
property, and the dog spent up to 2 hours per day in the lake. The dog had been
regularly vaccinated and received regular prophylactic treatment for ecto- and
On physical examination, non-pruritic ulcerative nodular cutaneous lesions on
the right carpus and left tarsus were seen (167). The masses were 4–6 cm long and
2  cm wide, with overlying erythematous, alopecic, and ulcerated skin. Popliteal
and prescapular lymph nodes of the respective limbs were enlarged and firm. The
remainder of the physical examination was unremarkable.


1 What are the differential diagnoses for nodular ulcerative skin lesions?
2 What would be the diagnostic plan to evaluate the skin lesions?

CASE 168 Case 168 is the same dog as case 167. Fine needle aspirate cytology,
examined with a modified Wright’s stain, showed granulomatous and eosinophilic
inflammation; however, organisms were not observed. Radiographic findings
revealed only mild periosteal proliferation on bones of the affected carpal joint.
Histopathology of a biopsy sample showed severe, multifocal, eosinophilic
to pyogranulomatous deep dermatitis with fibroplasia and neovascularization.
Intralesional filamentous structures were observed. They did not stain with periodic
acid–Schiff stain. With Gomori’s methenamine silver stain, wide (5–10  μm)
bulbous, irregularly septate branching hyphae were observed (168). Aseptically
obtained skin biopsy specimens were cultured on blood agar, MacConkey agar,
Sabouraud dextrose agar, and Mycosel agar plates. All cultures were negative.
However, tests for anti-Pythium insidiosum antibodies were positive. PCR was

performed on tissue specimens taken from the biopsy and confirmed the presence
of Pythium spp. in the lesions.


1 What are the treatment options for Pythium insidiosum infection?

2 What other genera of bacteria or fungi can cause ulcerated (with or without
drainage) nodular granulomatous or pyogranulomatous skin lesions in dogs?

CASE 169 A 6-month-old female 169

Dachshund (169) was presented for
a consultation. The dog had lived
together with one of her male siblings at
the owner’s house for the last 3 months.
The male sibling had mild diarrhea since
he was introduced into the household,
but the female puppy had normal
feces. A fecal PCR panel for infectious
agents was performed on the feces of
both dogs and was unremarkable in
the diarrheic male dog, but coronavirus
RNA was detected in the feces of the
the female dog. The owner was seeking
advice concerning coronavirus infection. The dog lived in Munich, Germany, and
had no travel history. The dog had received a full basic vaccination series and been
treated for endoparasites five times within the last 3 months. She had also received
ectoparasite treatment once a month. Physical examination was unremarkable.

1 What coronaviruses are known to infect dogs, and what is their role as pathogenic
2 Is it necessary to treat this dog for coronavirus infection?
CASE 170 A 5-year-old intact male German Shepherd Dog was evaluated because
of “red eyes” and sudden loss of vision. The dog was kept entirely outdoors in Bari,
Italy. He was only vaccinated against rabies and had not been regularly treated for
endoparasites or ectoparasites.
Physical examination revealed pale mucous membranes and enlargement
of peripheral lymph nodes and the spleen. On ophthalmic examination, severe
bilateral hyphema (170a) was identified. A CBC, biochemistry panel, coagulation
tests, and urinalysis, as well as cytology of a fine needle aspirate of the enlarged
lymph nodes, were performed. The relevant abnormalities were moderate non-
regenerative anemia (0.21 l/l, RI 0.37–0.55 l/l), moderate neutropenia (1.2 × 109
cells/l, RI 3–115 × 109/l), severe thrombocytopenia (5 × 109 platelets/l, RI 150–
400 × 109/l), hyperglobulinemia (70 g/l, RI 24–35 g/l), hypoalbuminemia (21 g/l,
RI 29–37 g/l), proteinuria with a UPCR of 2.5, slightly prolonged PT and aPTT,
as well as severely prolonged buccal mucosal bleeding time. Plasmacytosis was
identified in the lymph node cytology (170b).

170a 170b

1 What are the main problems in this dog, and what are the most important
differential diagnoses?
2 What diagnostic procedures should be performed next?

171 CASE 171 Case 171 is the same dog as

case 170. High antibody titers were present
for both Ehrlichia canis (1:12,800) and
Leishmania infantum (1:128). Bone marrow
cytology confirmed severe plasmacytosis
and hypoplasia of all other cell lineages.
In addition, L.  infantum amastigotes were
found in the bone marrow (171, arrow).
PCR of a lymph node aspirate was positive
for E.  canis. Therefore, both infectious
diseases, ehrlichiosis and leishmaniosis, associated with bone marrow suppression
and possible glomerulonephritis were diagnosed.

1 What are possible complications in this dog secondary to the abnormalities

2 What treatment should be given and what is the prognosis?

CASE 172 An 8-year-old neutered male Chihuahua was evaluated for a 2-day
history of anorexia and lethargy. The dog had shifting-leg lameness and was
reluctant to walk (172). The dog lived in a rural area close to Bemidji, Minnesota,
USA, mostly indoors but with supervised
access to the woods. Ticks had been found
on the dog at least twice in the previous
6  months, despite regular treatment with
fipronil. The dog had received regular core
vaccinations, but had not been treated for
endoparasites for the last 5 years.
Physical examination revealed a
temperature of 39.9°C (103.8°F), stiffness,
and joint pain, which was most evident
in the carpal joints. A CBC revealed mild
thrombocytopenia (125 × 109 platelets/l, RI
150–400 × 109/l). The biochemistry panel was
within normal limits, but urinalysis revealed
1+ proteinuria with a specific gravity of
1.045 and a benign sediment. Synovial fluid
analysis showed 15,872 WBC/μl (normal
<3,000 cells/μl), with 90% non-degenerate
neutrophils (normal <5%), 35  g/l protein
(normal <25  g/l), and absence of bacteria.
An in-house ELISA (SNAP 4Dx Plus, IDEXX
Laboratories) was positive for antibodies to
the C6 peptide of Borrelia burgdorferi.

1 How should the ELISA result be interpreted in this case?

2 What other diagnostic tests should be considered?
3 What treatment should be recommended?
4 What is the prognosis?


173 CASE 173 A 7-year-old intact female

Caucasian Shepherd Dog, used as a
watchdog on a sheep farm in Przemysl,
Poland (close to the Ukrainian border),
was evaluated for sudden onset of
lameness, inappetence, and lethargy.
The owner had not noticed any
trauma recently. The vaccination and
antiparasitic treatment history was
unclear, because the dog was brought
to the veterinarian by the owner’s son,
who had little knowledge about the
dog’s history.
On physical examination, the
dog appeared disorientated and had ataxia due to pelvic limb paresis. Pyrexia
was present (39.9°C [103.8°F]). The dog had anisocoria, reduced pupillary
light responses, and an inability to swallow water (which ran back out of the
dog’s mouth). A CBC revealed neutrophilia and mild lymphopenia. Additional
diagnostics were declined by the owners. Treatment with IV fluid therapy and
antimicrobial drugs was initiated.
On day 2 of hospitalization, the dog showed generalized incoordination, seizures,
and hypersalivation due to a “dropped jaw”. This progressed to torticollis, coma,
and death on the same day (173). At that time the owner recalled that the dog had
been in a fight with a fox about 2 months previously, in a region where rabies was
endemic in red foxes. The dog had never received any vaccination against rabies.

1 Considering that the dog did not show aggression, could this still be rabies?
2 Could detection of antibodies have been helpful to confirm or rule out rabies in
this dog?
3 How should dogs be protected from rabies?

CASE 174 A 1-year-old intact male mixed-breed dog was evaluated for a 4-day
history of lethargy, inappetence, reluctance to move, vomiting, and diarrhea, which
had recently progressed to hematochezia. The dog lived in a suburban area near
Krakow, Poland, and was frequently walked in the forest on a leash. The dog had
never been vaccinated or treated for parasites.
Physical examination revealed fever (40.0°C [104.0°F]), tachypnea, tachycardia,
mild dehydration, tonsillar enlargement, and pharyngeal hyperemia. An in-house
test for fecal canine parvovirus antigen was negative (174). The dog was started
on intravenous fluid therapy and amoxicillin–clavulanic acid. There was no

clinical improvement over the following 24  hours and 174
the dog’s rectal temperature remained at 40.1°C. During
physical examination on day 2 of hospitalization, cranial
abdominal pain was noted. A CBC revealed neutrophilia,
thrombocytopenia, hyperbilirubinemia, hypoalbuminemia,
and severely increased activities of serum ALT and ALP.

1 What are the main differential diagnoses for the

vomiting and diarrhea before the laboratory results are
2 What are the main differential diagnoses after the
laboratory results become available?
3 What other diagnostic tests should be performed?

CASE 175 Case 175 is the same 175

dog as 174. Abdominal ultrasound
showed that the liver was diffusely
hyperechoic and enlarged with
rounded lobar edges. Changes
consistent with gallbladder edema
were visible. Mesenteric lymph nodes
were enlarged and a small amount of
free peritoneal fluid was noted. The
dog’s blood tested positive by PCR
for canine adenovirus 1 (CAV-1).
The dog improved gradually with supportive treatment, and within a few days
started to eat again. During this convalescent phase (about 10 days after onset of
the disease), the owner noted opacity of the right cornea (175). The other eye was
unaffected and the dog was clinically otherwise apparently healthy.

1 What is the pathogenesis of the ocular changes?

2 What is the prognosis for this dog?
3 How should the ocular disease be treated?
4 What could have been the source of CAV-1 infection in this dog?

CASE 176 A 1-year-old neutered female Poodle was evaluated for a 6-month
history of intermittent cough and gagging episodes that did not coincide with
eating, drinking, or exercise. These episodes persisted for weeks at a time and were
sometimes accompanied by lethargy and inappetence. The dog lived in Sacramento,
California, USA, had received her basic vaccination series, and was on heartworm
prophylaxis; she had been neutered at around 6 months of age. A local veterinarian
had examined the dog and a lateral thoracic radiograph had been obtained (176).
The dog had been treated with one course of 7 days of amoxicillin–clavulanic acid
but the cough had not improved.


On physical examination, the temperature was 39.1°C (102.4°F), pulse 124 bpm,

respiratory rate 32 breaths/min, and spontaneous coughing occurred throughout
the examination. Normal bronchovesicular lung sounds were present in all lung
fields and a cough was easily elicited on tracheal palpation. The remainder of the
physical examination was normal.

1 What is your interpretation of the radiograph?

2 What differential diagnoses should you consider?
3 What additional diagnostic tests should be performed?

CASE 177 Case 177 is the same dog as case 176. The owners elected to
have bronchoscopy performed (177a). Based on the bronchoscopic findings,
bronchoscopic-guided brush biopsies and cytology of impression smears of the
brushings were performed (177b).


177a 177b

1 With what disease process are the bronchoscopic image and the histopathology
most consistent?
2 Is there an additional diagnostic test that could have provided the diagnosis
prior to bronchoscopy?

CASE 178 A 6-month-old intact 178

female Wire-haired Dachshund (178)
was evaluated at a wellness visit that
included advice regarding a planned
trip to Italy. The owner reported that the
dog was apparently healthy and eating
well. However, the owner’s husband
currently had influenza and the dog
used to sleep in their bed. The owner
was worried that the dog could contract
influenza from her husband and wanted
to know whether the husband should
sleep in a separate room.
The dog lived in Munich, Germany, and had never been outside the country.
The dog had received a basic vaccination series at 8 weeks, 12 weeks, and 16 weeks
of age, and was treated for endoparasites and ectoparasites regularly. Physical
examination was unremarkable.

1 What influenza viruses can infect dogs?

2 Are dogs with influenza virus infection a zoonotic risk?
3 What is the risk of the husband transmitting infection to the dog?

CASE 179 A 3-year-old neutered male Chow/Golden Retriever mix was evaluated
for a 3-month history of progressive large bowel diarrhea with hematochezia.
There had been no improvement with metronidazole, a combination of
amoxicillin–clavulanic acid and enrofloxacin, or a low fat diet. One month after
the signs began, the dog was treated with prednisone (0.5 mg/kg PO q12h) with
initial improvement, but when the dose was tapered 1 week later, the diarrhea
recurred and did not resolve when the dose was increased again. Over the last
month, the frequency of diarrhea with hematochezia had increased to eight times/
day. Vomiting began a week before presentation and was occurring every other
day, containing bile or food. The dog was eating a normal amount of food, but was
slower to eat than normal. The dog had been rescued 2 years previously and had an
unknown travel history before that time. He now lived in Sacramento, California,
USA. Since then, travel had been limited to the San Francisco Bay area. The dog
was up to date on routine vaccinations (distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus, rabies)
and was on regular ecto- and endoparasite control.
Physical examination revealed a bright, alert, and well-hydrated dog with
normal vital signs and a BCS of 3/9. The only abnormal finding was pain on rectal
examination, and soft to liquid brown diarrhea on the glove, with frank blood.
A CBC was unremarkable apart from thrombocytopenia (72 × 109 platelets/l,
RI  150–400 × 109 l/l). A biochemistry panel showed hyperglobulinemia (42  g/l,
RI 17–31  g/l) and mild hypoalbuminemia (28  g/l, RI 34–43  g/l). Urinalysis was
unremarkable. A centrifugal zinc sulfate fecal flotation was negative. Abdominal
ultrasound showed an enlarged and hyperechoic liver. The spleen was mildly
enlarged and had a diffuse hypoechoic
mottling. The mesenteric, colic, and
179 sublumbar lymph nodes were mildly
enlarged and hypoechoic. There was
multifocal bowel wall thickening with
associated loss of wall layering within
the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and
colon. Cytologic examination of a fine
needle aspirate of one of the abdominal
lymph nodes revealed intracellular yeast
organisms consistent with Histoplasma
capsulatum (179).

1 What other differential diagnoses should have been considered in this dog
before the results of cytology were available?
2 What is the normal geographic distribution of Histoplasma capsulatum?
3 What are the anatomic sites of predilection of Histoplasma capsulatum in dogs?
4 How could the success of antifungal drug therapy be monitored in this dog?

CASE 180 A 2-year-old recently neutered female Sighthound was evaluated for
a several-month history of lethargy and difficulty walking up stairs. The dog had
been adopted by the owners 1 year ago from an animal shelter in Romania and
now lived in Munich, Germany. Since that time, the dog had not travelled outside
of Germany. She had received a vaccination series at the time of adoption and
received tick and flea preventives regularly.
General physical examination revealed an elevated rectal body temperature
(39.2°C [102.6°F]), but was otherwise unremarkable. Neurologic examination
showed kyphosis, low carriage of the neck, and pelvic limb proprioceptive deficits.
The dog exhibited pain when the neck was manipulated and pain was also evident
on palpation of multiple regions of the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae.
Radiographs of the cervical and thoracolumbar spine were obtained (180a, 180b).



1 What are the main differential diagnoses for this dog’s neurologic abnormalities
based on the physical and neurologic examination findings?
2 How would you interpret the radiographs?
3 What are the next diagnostic steps?
4 What treatment would you recommend?


181 CASE 181 A 4-year-old intact male

Rottweiler was evaluated because of
multifocal alopecia and mild pruritus.
The dog had been treated with an
immunosuppressive dose of prednisone
and azathioprine for the last 6 months
because of severe inflammatory bowel
disease. The skin problems had begun
about 3 weeks previously on the dog’s face
and were progressively worsening. The dog
lived in a rural area near Taormina, Italy.
He had been vaccinated against rabies but
not against other infections and the last
time a parasiticide was administered was
about 2 years previously.
Physical examination revealed a multifocal alopecic dermatitis with well-defined
margins, scaling, and some crusting (181). Otherwise the physical examination
was unremarkable.

1 What are the main differential diagnoses for the skin changes in this dog?
2 What diagnostic tests should be performed?

CASE 182 Case 182 is the same dog as case 181. Deep skin scrapings were
negative and a few extracellular cocci were found in impression cytology of the
crusts. Leishmania spp. antibody testing was negative. A Wood’s lamp evaluation
and trichogram were also negative. Dermatophytes grew on Sabouraud agar, and
the geophilic fungus Microsporum gypseum was identified (182a, 182b).

182a 182b

1 What are the therapeutic options?

2 What should be done to reduce contamination of the environment?

CASE 183 A 5-year-old intact male Belgian Shepherd from San Diego, California,
USA, was evaluated for progressive lethargy, inappetence, vomiting, and diarrhea
for 5 days. The owner reported two generalized seizures on the day of the
presentation. The dog had not been vaccinated for several years and did not receive
ectoparasite or heartworm preventives.
Physical examination revealed stuporous mentation, a rectal temperature of
40.5°C (104.9°F), severe dehydration, a capillary refill time of 3 seconds, white
mucous membranes with petechiation, tachycardia, tachypnea, and tick infestation.
Despite appropriate emergency therapy, the dog developed acute respiratory distress
and ventricular tachycardia and died. Initial bloodwork revealed a hematocrit
of 0.9 l/l (RI 0.40–0.55 l/l%), total protein of 50 g/l (RI 55–75 g/l), 0.14 × 109
WBC/l (RI 6–17 × 109/l), and 5.96 × 109 platelets/l (RI 150–400 × 109/l). Necropsy
and histopathology were performed. The results of necropsy and histopathology
(hematoxylin and eosin stain) of the heart are shown (183a, 183b, 183c).

183a 183b

1 What are the most important findings
of the necropsy and histopathology
of the heart?
2 What are the differential diagnoses
for these abnormalities in this case?


184 CASE 184 A 6-month-old

Poodle was evaluated for severe
acute pruritus for the last 2 weeks.
The dog had severe crusting and
erythema on the pinnae, face,
elbows, tarsi, and ventrum. During
the last week, the owner had also
developed pruritus. The dog lived
in Munich, Germany, and had
received its initial vaccination
series. He had been treated for
endoparasites several times.
Physical examination was
otherwise unremarkable.
Superficial skin scrapings from
185 several large areas of the dog’s
body revealed scabies mites (184).

1  How would you treat the dog?

How would you treat the
3 How would you treat the

CASE 185 A 6-year-old

neutered male Labrador
Retriever had been rescued in
Spain 2 years ago. A history
prior to the rescue was not
available. Since that time, the
dog had never left Germany (it
now lived in Munich), and was appropriately vaccinated and treated regularly
for ectoparasites and endoparasites. The dog had not had any known health
problems until 8 weeks previously, when alopecia and scaling developed on
both ear tips without any evidence of pruritus (185).
At the time of evaluation, the physical examination was normal besides the skin
lesions and being slightly thin (BCS 3/9). A CBC, serum biochemistry panel, and
urinalysis were all normal.

1 What are your differential diagnoses for the skin lesions?

2 What tests are indicated in this dog?
3 What is the prognosis for each of the major differential diagnoses?
CASE 186 A 4-year-old neutered male mixed-breed dog was referred for
treatment of acute kidney injury due to leptospirosis. The dog had been anorexic
for the last 5 days, but had no vomiting. He had been treated with maropitant,
a  metoclopramide continuous rate infusion, and famotidine at adequate doses.
The dog lived in Ingolstadt, Germany, and had not traveled outside the country.
He  had only been vaccinated as a puppy and had not received any parasite
prevention or treatment within the last 2 years.
On physical examination, the dog was obtunded. Ulceration and necrosis of
the tongue were present (186a, 186b). The dog exhibited signs of pain when the
kidneys were palpated. The rest of the physical examination was unremarkable.

186a 186b

1 What would be an adequate analgesia protocol for painful oral ulceration?

2 What would be appropriate routes for food administration in this dog?

CASE 187 A 2-year-old intact male Smooth-coated 187

Fox Terrier was evaluated for a 3-day history of
hematuria. The dog lived in Napoli, Italy, and was
owned by a breeder. The dog had been mated with
bitches from several European countries. He had been
vaccinated on a regular basis (distemper, adenovirus,
parvovirus, Leptospira, and rabies) and was on
heartworm prophylaxis.
Physical examination revealed a BCS of 3/9 and a mild
enlargement of the popliteal lymph nodes. Examination
of the prepuce and penile mucosa showed a congested
proliferative lesion around the urethral orifice (187).

1 What are the main differential diagnoses for the

genital lesion?
2 What diagnostic tests should be performed?
CASE 188 A 3-year-old intact male Labrador Retriever mix was presented for
booster vaccination. The dog lived in Warsaw, Poland. He had been treated for
endoparasites 1 week before presentation. The dog’s vaccination history was as
follows (see below).

Age Vaccination
6 weeks Attenuated live canine distemper virus (CDV) and canine parvovirus (CPV)
9 weeks Attenuated live CDV, CPV, and canine adenovirus 2 (CAV-2); Leptospira
bacterins (Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae)
13 weeks Attenuated live CDV, CPV, and CAV-2; Leptospira bacterins
(Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae), inactivated rabies virus
1 year Attenuated live CDV, CPV, and CAV-2; Leptospira bacterins
(Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae), inactivated rabies virus
2 years Attenuated live CDV, CPV, and CAV-2; Leptospira bacterins
(Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae), inactivated rabies virus

At evaluation, the dog appeared

188 clinically healthy. The same combination
of vaccine antigens given at the 2-year
visit was administered. About 25
minutes after vaccination, the owner
noticed swelling around the dog’s eyes
and returned to the veterinarian.
On physical examination, non-
painful periocular edema was evident
(188). There were no signs of upper
or lower respiratory involvement. The
dog’s temperature, heart rate, and
capillary refill time were normal, and
there was no evidence of abdominal pain
or signs of anaphylactic shock. Thus, a
diagnosis of angioedema secondary to
vaccination was made.

1 How should the dog be treated?

2 Is this dog at higher risk for allergic reactions after future vaccinations?
3 How should this dog be vaccinated in the future?

CASE 189 A 6-year-old intact male Pointer mix was evaluated for a 4-week
history of progressive cloudiness in the right eye. Additionally, the dog had
exfoliative skin lesions around his head and ear pinnae, and had appeared to be
debilitated with decreased activity levels for about 4 weeks prior to the onset of the
ocular and skin signs. The owner lived in a suburb of London, UK, and travelled
with the dog to Spain during the summer months, where they spent several weeks
in the coastal area of Malaga.
On physical examination, in addition to the skin lesions, the right mandibular
lymph node was slightly enlarged. Otherwise, physical examination was
unremarkable. On ophthalmic examination of the right eye (189), the conjunctiva
was very hyperemic with markedly injected episcleral vessels. There was
increased  tearing and mucoid discharge. The lower eyelid appeared slightly
swollen and mildly hyperemic. There was an absent menace response. Slit lamp
examination revealed diffuse and deep corneal edema; no details of the anterior
chamber could be visualized. The fluorescein test was negative in this eye. The left
eye had very mild perilimbal corneal edema in the dorsal aspect, but was otherwise

Ophthalmic examination Right eye (OD) Left eye (OS)

Menace response Absent Present
Dazzle reflex Present Present
Pupillary light reflex No visibility of pupil Direct and indirect present
Schirmer tear test 15 mm/min 15 mm/min
Intraocular pressure 10 mmHg 15 mmHg


1 What is the ocular diagnosis based on the clinical presentation and ocular
2 Which underlying disease would you suspect based on the clinical findings and
3 What further diagnostic tests do you suggest?
4 What is your ocular and systemic treatment plan for this dog?


190a CASE 190 A 2-year-old intact male

Border Collie mix was evaluated for
lethargy, anorexia, and weakness that
had lasted a week. The owners had
noticed a yellow tinge to the dog’s sclera
over the last 3 days (190a). The dog
had three episodes of vomiting over the
2 days before presentation. The vomit
was described as yellow and watery.
No diarrhea, polyuria, polydipsia, cough
or neurologic signs were reported. The
dog had no previous disease history and
no travel history. It lived in Salvador,
Brazil. The dog had unsupervised outdoor access. Ticks and fleas were infrequently
found on the dog, after which the owners applied topical fipronil. The dog was up to
date on vaccinations against rabies, parvovirus, and distemper.
Physical examination revealed 5–7% dehydration, icterus (190b, 190c), a rectal
temperature of 39.8°C (103.6°F), splenomegaly, and abdominal pain.

190b 190c

1 What are the differential diagnoses for the main problem in this dog?
2 What are the next diagnostic steps?
3 Does this patient represent a risk for transmission of infection to other dogs and
to humans?

CASE 191 Case 191 is the same dog as case 190. Laboratory tests showed
regenerative anemia (hematocrit: 0.28 l/l, RI 0.40–0.55 l/l), thrombocytopenia (63.3
× 109 platelets/l, RI 150–400 × 109/l), normal WBC count, hyperbilirubinemia (total
bilirubin 29.1  µmol/l, RI 0–13.7 µmol/l), normal activity of serum liver enzymes,
and a positive Coombs test. A blood smear was evaluated (191). Antibodies against

Leptospira spp. serovars Autumnalis, 191
Bratislava, Canicola, Grippotyphosa,
Icterohaemorrhagiae, and Pomona were
undetectable, as was a Leptospira PCR
on blood and urine specimens.

1 What are the abnormalities seen on

the blood smear?
2 How did this dog become infected
with these organisms?
3 How should this disease be treated?
4 What is the prognosis?

CASE 192 A healthy 4-year-old 192

neutered male mixed-breed dog (192)
was evaluated for lameness. The owner
was a hobby hunter and had recently
been diagnosed with Lyme disease.
Four weeks previously, the dog had
an episode of mild lameness in the left
pelvic limb, after a 10-hour mountain
hiking tour in the German Alps, that
lasted for 10 days and then resolved
without treatment. During this episode,
the dog was eating well and did not
show any other signs of illness. The
owner was now concerned that the dog
also could have Lyme disease. The
dog lived in Munich, Germany, and
frequently went hiking with the owner
in the German or Austrian Alps, but he had never been to Southern or Eastern
European countries. The owner also took the dog frequently on hunting trips. The
dog had only been vaccinated regularly against rabies and was not on any ecto- or
endoparasite control. The owner reported that he removed a tick from the dog
about once a month during the summer months.
Physical examination revealed no abnormalities.

1 What is Lyme disease, and how is it transmitted?

2 How common are clinical signs in dogs?
3 Is it possible that the infection was transmitted from the dog to the owner?
4 How could you quickly rule out a diagnosis of Lyme disease in this dog?

193 CASE 193 A 1.5-year-old intact

female Dachshund was evaluated for
a 3-day history of lethargy, anorexia,
and diarrhea. On the day of evaluation
the owner had also noted yellow
coloration of the skin (193). The dog
lived with three other Dachshunds
in a suburban area close to Prague,
Czech Republic, near a waste recycling
facility, where the dog was known to
catch and eat rodents. The dog had
been vaccinated as a puppy twice for
distemper, parvovirus, and adenovirus hepatitis, and later against rabies. She had
not been treated with antiparasitic drugs on a regular basis.
On physical examination, dehydration, icterus, and petechial hemorrhages
on mucous membranes were noted. The cranial abdomen was painful on
palpation. Laboratory findings were consistent with renal failure. In addition,
thrombocytopenia and increased liver enzymes were noted. Antibody titers
against Leptospira serogroups Canicola, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Grippotyphosa,
and Australis were determined by the microscopic agglutination test (MAT). The
titer to Icterohaemorrhagiae was high at 1:6,400, with low (1:100) or negative
titers to other serovars. A urine PCR for Leptospira spp. was positive.

1 What treatment is indicated for leptospirosis?

2 Are other dogs in this household at risk of infection?
3 Could handling this dog represent a risk for humans?

CASE 194 A 2-year-old intact male Labrador Retriever was evaluated for a very
cloudy left eye, which the owner had first noticed about 3–4 days previously. The
dog lived with one other dog and two cats in the countryside near London, UK,
and there was no travel history. The dog was regularly vaccinated, treated for
endoparasites, and received preventives for ectoparasites. There was no history of
previous ocular disease or other illnesses.
Physical examination was unremarkable besides the ocular changes. On ocular
examination of the left eye, there was diffuse, subtle corneal edema, diffuse
conjunctival hyperemia, mild chemosis, and mild to moderate mucoid discharge
(194). Slit lamp examination of the anterior chamber revealed aqueous flare
++/++++ (positive Tyndall effect) and traces of hyphema. The iris was diffusely
swollen and hyperemic (rubeosis iridis), with the pupil being miotic. The lens was
clear. Examination of the posterior segment was limited because of the aqueous

flare and miotic pupil, but no gross 194
lesions were detected. However, the
tapetum appeared to have multifocal
“dull looking” (hyporeflective) areas in
the dorsal aspect.

Ophthalmic Right eye Left eye

examination (OD) (OS)
Menace response Present Decreased
Dazzle reflex Present Present
Pupillary light reflex Normal Pupil miotic
Schirmer tear test 15 mm/min 15 mm/min
Intraocular pressure 17 mmHg 5 mmHg

1 Based on the ophthalmic findings in the left eye, what is your ocular diagnosis?
2 What ocular treatment would you suggest?
3 What further diagnostic tests would you perform to identify the underlying

CASE 195 A 2-year-old Labrador 195

Retriever was evaluated for numerous
skin lesions (195). The dog was pruritic
predominantly on the ventrum, inguinal
area, flanks, thighs, and dorsal trunk.
Otherwise, the dog was bright and alert.
The dog lived in Munich, Germany, and
was regularly vaccinated and treated
for endoparasites, but was not on any
ectoparasite control.
On physical examination, the dog
showed no other clinical abnormalities
besides the pruritus and skin lesions. An
impression smear revealed numerous
cocci and occasional neutrophils with engulfed bacteria.

1 What is the most likely underlying cause for the pyoderma?

2 How would you treat this dog?
3 Does the treatment have consequences for any tests used to identify underlying


196 CASE 196 A 4-year-old intact female

mixed-breed dog (196) was evaluated at a
wellness visit. The dog had been diagnosed
with immune-mediated thrombocytopenia
at the age of 2 years. The disease was
well controlled with treatment and the
dog was currently receiving a low dose of
prednisolone and azathioprine. The dog
lived in downtown Munich, Germany, and
had never been outside the country. The dog
was never allowed to run free and had not
much contact with other dogs. The owner’s
neighbor (from an apartment on the same
floor of the apartment building) had recently
purchased a puppy from the internet, and
the puppy had died of parvovirosis 1 week
previously. The owner was concerned that the dog could also get parvovirosis
and asked for advice on whether to vaccinate the dog or not. The dog had been
vaccinated against parvovirus infection at the age of 8 weeks, 12 weeks, and
16 weeks, and 12 months later, but never since. The dog had not received preventive
treatment for endoparasites or ectoparasites within the last 2 years.
Physical examination was unremarkable. A CBC revealed no abnormalities, and
the platelets were in the RI.

1 What would be your assessment of the vaccination history of this dog?

2 Could vaccination against parvovirus infection present an increased risk of
adverse effects for this dog?
3 What would you recommend as an alternative to vaccination?

CASE 197 A 6-year-old neutered female German Shepherd Dog from Sacramento,
California, USA was evaluated for inappetence, weight loss, and lethargy. Five
months previously, the owner had noted pelvic limb lameness that did not respond
to carprofen. Subsequently the dog developed inappetence and transient small
bowel diarrhea, and began to lose weight. Water consumption and urination were
normal to slightly decreased. There was no history of trauma, toxin exposure, or
ticks. The dog had no travel history, was last vaccinated 4 years ago, and had not
received any preventive treatments for parasites for at least 1 year.
On physical examination, the dog was quiet, dull, mildly dehydrated, and thin
(BCS 2/9). Although ambulatory, the dog had a stilted gait and appeared mildly
ataxic. A neurologic examination showed placing deficits in both pelvic limbs.

The dog exhibited pain when her tail 197
was raised and also on palpation of the
lumbosacral region and mid-thoracic
spine. All other physical examination
findings were normal. A CBC was
unremarkable. A chemistry panel
showed severe azotemia (creatinine
760.3 µmol/l [RI 50–119 µmol/l], BUN
58.2  mmol/l [2.6–9.9 mmol/l]) and
hyperglobulinemia (47  g/l). Urinalysis
showed a specific gravity of 1.011,
0.75  g/l of protein, pH 6, and >100
WBC and >100 RBC/hpf. Urine culture
revealed large numbers of Aspergillus terreus (197).

1 What is the significance of finding Aspergillus terreus in this dog’s urine?

2 What is the likely cause of the pelvic limb paresis?
3 Had the urine culture been negative, what additional test could have been
performed to make a diagnosis?
4 What treatment would be recommended, and what is the prognosis?

CASE 198 An 8-month-old intact female American Pitbull Terrier was evaluated
for acute anorexia, severe lethargy, and high fever (temperature 40.2°C [104.4°F]).
The owners lived in Rome, Italy, but had recently been on a trip to Croatia with
the dog. The dog was up to date on core vaccinations (distemper, adenovirus,
parvovirus, rabies, Leptospira), but had not received prophylaxis for internal or
external parasites.
On physical examination, the dog 198
had very pale mucous membranes,
icteric sclera, and a weak pulse, and an
arrhythmia was detected on auscultation
of the heart. A CBC and biochemistry
profile showed severe anemia (0.12 l/l,
RI  0.37–0.55 l/l), autoagglutination,
and mild thrombocytopenia (100 × 109
platelets/l, RI 150–400 × 109/l). Blood
smears were obtained (198).

1 What is the diagnosis?

2 What is the prognosis?
3 How should the dog be treated?
CASE 199 An adult intact male mixed-breed dog was rescued from the streets
in San Diego, California, USA, and taken to a local humane society, where he was
found to have severe tick infestation (199a) and blindness.
Physical examination revealed a BCS of 2/9, normal vital signs, pale mucous
membranes, lymphadenopathy, and splenomegaly. There was no menace response
or dazzle reflex bilaterally. Pupillary light reflex was also absent, and both pupils
were fixed and dilated (199b). Scleral injection was present in both eyes, and was
most severe in the left eye. Palpebral and corneal reflexes were normal bilaterally,
and a Schirmer tear test was normal in both eyes. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was
9 mmHg in the right eye and 10 mmHg in the left eye (RI 12–25 mmHg).

199a 199b

1 What are the clinically relevant findings from the ophthalmic examination?
2 What are the most likely diseases causing these problems?
3 What is the prognosis for this dog?

CASE 200 A 2.5-month-old intact male Polish Tatra Sheepdog was presented
for its first vaccination. The puppy had been recently treated for endoparasites. It
had come from a breeder in Warsaw, Poland, and now lived in a rural area close to
Warsaw. On physical examination the puppy appeared healthy. A vaccine containing
live attenuated canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus 2, canine adenovirus,
and two inactivated Leptospira serovars (Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae) was
administered subcutaneously.
Within 15 minutes after administration of the vaccine, the puppy developed
edema on the nose and around the eyes (200) and ptyalism, followed almost
immediately afterwards by an episode of vomiting, marked abdominal pain,
diarrhea with hematochezia, urination, tachypnea, bradycardia, and cyanotic
mucous membranes. These clinical signs were suggestive of anaphylactic shock.

1 Given that this puppy has never been 200
vaccinated before, could the vaccine
be the cause of the anaphylactic
2 How common is postvaccinal ana-
phylaxis in dogs?
3 How would you treat this dog?

CASE 201 A 3-year-old intact male 201

Boxer dog (201) was referred for
progressive neurologic abnormalities.
The dog had been ataxic over the last
7  days, and 5 days previously circling
had been observed. Over the past 4 days,
the dog had been non-ambulatory.
A  veterinarian had treated the dog
with prednisolone, chloramphenicol,
and diazepam, but this did not lead
to any improvement. The dog lived
in Freiburg, Germany, and had not
traveled outside the country. He had only been vaccinated in his first year of life,
and had only received endoparasite and ectoparasite treatment as a puppy. The
owner reported that the dog had frequent tick infestations, but he always removed
the ticks immediately because the dog had a short hair coat.
On physical examination, the dog presented in lateral recumbency and was
unable to stand or walk; he had a reduced menace response bilaterally. Voluntary
movement of the thoracic limbs was present, but this was absent in the pelvic
limbs. The dog also had bilateral mydriasis.
A CSF analysis revealed a high WBC count and a moderate CSF protein
concentration. The CSF was positive for tick-borne encephalitis virus by PCR.

1 What is tick-borne encephalitis?

2 What are the typical clinical signs?
3 What is the prognosis?

1 How would you interpret the findings in this dog? This dog has renal failure,
based on the presence of increased serum urea and creatinine and the low specific
gravity of the urine. Glucosuria with normoglycemia suggests renal tubular
injury. The history of acute onset and the good BCS together with the slightly
enlarged kidneys suggest acute kidney injury rather than chronic kidney disease.
Although a low hematocrit is commonly associated with chronic kidney disease, in
one study, 55% of dogs with acute kidney injury had a hematocrit below the RI.
Thrombocytopenia is likely associated with the underlying disease causing the
acute kidney injury. The dog’s acute kidney injury would be non-oliguric grade III
according to the grading system suggested by the International Renal Interest
Society (IRIS).
2 What are the differential diagnoses for this dog? Causes of acute kidney injury
include ischemic events secondary to hypovolemia, infections (e.g. leptospirosis
or pyelonephritis), renal neoplasia (especially lymphoma), and toxins (such as
ethylene glycol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Based on the clinical
findings (thrombocytopenia, azotemia, glucosuria), leptospirosis is a likely
underlying cause. More than half of dogs with leptospirosis are thrombocytopenic,
and glucosuria is also a common finding in this disease.

1 How would you make a specific diagnosis of leptospirosis? Antibody testing
for diagnosis of leptospirosis is usually done by the microscopic agglutination test
(MAT). The MAT can be negative in the first week of illness. Therefore, convalescent
titers 1–2 weeks after the acute titer are recommended, and a 4-fold (2 titer steps)
increase indicates recent infection. Single high titers >1:800 against non-vaccinal
serovars have been used for the diagnosis of leptospirosis. However, given the
widespread availability of new four-serovar vaccines and the inaccuracies of the
MAT, use of a single titer for diagnosis is no longer recommended, and a 4-fold
titer increase must be demonstrated to confirm the diagnosis. PCR assays for use
on whole blood and urine are also available. PCR is considered very specific, but
false-negative results are common, especially in dogs that have already received
antimicrobial drugs. In-clinic ELISA antibody tests are also available, but these
may be negative early in the course of infection and positive results can occur as a
result of recent vaccination or subclinical exposure.
2 How would you treat this dog? The dog should be treated aggressively for
acute kidney injury with intravenous fluids and other supportive treatments while
awaiting the results of further diagnostics. Oral doxycycline is recommended for
the treatment of leptospirosis in dogs. However, vomiting in this dog precludes
oral medications and administration of intravenous ampicillin or amoxicillin is

recommended until vomiting subsides. Once vomiting subsides, treatment with
doxycycline for 2 weeks is recommended to eliminate leptospires from the kidneys.
3 Is there a risk of human infection when handling the dog? Leptospirosis is a
zoonosis and veterinary staff should take precautions when handling dogs with this
disease. Contact with urine should be minimized, because the spirochete is shed in
urine and can penetrate intact mucous membranes and abrasions in the skin. Gloves
and a gown should be worn, and pregnant women should not be in contact with
dogs suspected to have the disease. These precautions should remain in place until
dogs have received at least 2–3 days of appropriate antimicrobial drug therapy.

1 What are the most likely differential diagnoses for this dog based on your
assessment of the history and image provided? In a young dog from this region
with crusty skin disease, infectious diseases are top of the differential diagnosis
list, particularly demodicosis, dermatophytosis, and bacterial pyoderma. However,
this could also be puppy strangles, although clinical signs are mild for the long
duration of disease.
2 What diagnostic tests should be done immediately? An impression smear and
deep skin scrapings are the first tests to be conducted, because they assist with the
diagnosis of bacterial pyoderma and demodicosis. If neutrophils and macrophages
predominate on cytology, bacteria are sparse or absent, and the scrapings are
negative, a dermatophyte culture, PCR, or multiple skin biopsies are the next
diagnostic tests to consider. If multiple biopsies are collected, the first biopsy is
taken under aseptic conditions; the top part of the biopsy specimen is removed
with a sterile scalpel blade, and the bottom part is submitted for bacterial culture.
The other specimens are placed in formalin and submitted for histopathologic
evaluation. A dermatophyte culture is indicated if historical information favors
that diagnosis (or if other animals or humans in the household are affected).
A combination of those two tests can also be considered.
3 Could this dog have a transmissible infectious disease? Of the four differential
diagnoses only dermatophytosis is contagious. All the other diseases are caused by
an insufficient or exaggerated immune response of the host and are not transmitted
to humans or other animals. Demodicosis was diagnosed in this dog by deep skin

1 What are the differential diagnoses for draining skin lesions? Pyogranulomatous
or purulent infections caused by foreign bodies, certain bacteria, or fungi are the
main differential diagnoses for draining skin lesions.

2 What diagnostic plan should be considered for the skin lesions? The initial
diagnostic plan should involve cytologic examination of stained specimens of
the discharge material. Sometimes, material for microscopic examination can be
obtained by fine needle aspiration or flushing of the drainage site. Radiographs
should be taken to determine whether there are any underlying bony lesions
responsible for, or associated with, the drainage. Ultrasound of local soft tissues
can sometimes lead to detection of a foreign body and sinus tract. If biopsy or
surgical examination is needed, further procedures could be a CBC, biochemical
profile, and urinalysis. Biopsies should be taken under anesthesia, and the lesion
should be carefully explored. With surgical intervention, culture specimens can be
obtained in an aseptic manner. Antibody or PCR testing can be performed to help
determine whether pathogenic agents are associated with these lesions.

1 What is the source of the organism isolated in this infection? Basiobolus
ranarum belongs to the filamentous fungi, phylum Zygomycota, which is most
commonly found in soil, decaying organic matter, and the gastrointestinal tracts
of amphibians, reptiles, fish, and bats. Basiobolus ranarum is the causative agent
of zygomycosis, which is a chronic inflammatory or granulomatous disease in
humans and animals. Subcutaneous, gastrointestinal, respiratory, and systemic
infections have been reported in dogs.
2 What treatment is indicated? Surgical drainage and resection of inflamed tissues
is the first management consideration. Drugs most active against filamentous
fungi should be used when antifungal susceptibility testing is not available.
Amphotericin B has to be given parenterally and is potentially nephrotoxic. Azoles,
specifically itraconazole, voriconazole, or posaconazole, can be given orally. Iodides
and trimethoprim/sulfonamide combinations have been used in human infections;
however, efficacy has not been shown in any of the canine cases reported.

1 What is the differential diagnosis for icterus? Icterus is the description for yellowish
pigmentation of skin and mucous membranes caused by hyperbilirubinemia.
Hyperbilirubinemia can be classified into one of three categories of underlying
etiologies: prehepatic (increased red blood cell destruction); hepatic (liver cell
dysfunction); and posthepatic (a cholestatic disorder).
2 What non-invasive tests would you perform first to investigate this problem?
First, a CBC should be performed. Moderate to severe regenerative anemia
is most typical with prehepatic hyperbilirubinemia. A mild to moderate
normocytic, normochromic, nonregenerative anemia is often present in chronic
intra- and posthepatic inflammatory diseases (anemia of inflammatory disease)
and should be discriminated from prehepatic hemolytic anemia. Changes in
erythrocyte morphology consistent with increased erythrocyte destruction (e.g.
spherocytes, schistocytes) are helpful to differentiate prehepatic from hepatic
and posthepatic causes of anemia. Prehepatic hyperbilirubinemia is unlikely
when the hematocrit is within the RI, without evidence of regeneration. A serum
chemistry panel and urinalysis should be performed to determine whether there
are liver function abnormalities (e.g. low cholesterol, albumin, glucose) that can
indicate hepatic hyperbilirubinemia, or findings supportive of cholestatic disease
(e.g. increased serum cholesterol concentration). The magnitude of serum liver
enzyme activities can be influenced by a number of different factors, so these are
more difficult to interpret. For example, both prehepatic (oxygen deficiency in
hemolytic anemia) and posthepatic (e.g. bile duct obstruction due to pancreatitis)
factors can cause secondary hepatocellular damage. An abdominal ultrasound
is also recommended to aid differentiation of hepatic and posthepatic causes
of hyperbilirubinemia. Posthepatic hyperbilirubinemia is unlikely when the
gallbladder size, gallbladder wall thickness, diameter of the extrahepatic bile
duct, and pancreas appear normal.

1 What form of icterus can be ruled out based on the results of the CBC?
Prehepatic icterus is unlikely, based on the high hematocrit. With normal liver
function, massive numbers of erythrocytes must be destroyed for icterus to
develop. Therefore, anemia is generally observed in icterus due to hemolysis.
2 What is your assessment of the neutrophilia observed in this dog? Neutrophilia
can be due to glucocorticoids or stress, inflammation, or, in rare cases, leukemia.
A significant inflammatory response due to a bacterial infection is most likely
in this case given the magnitude of neutrophilia and the left shift. In contrast,
a mild to moderate elevation of mature neutrophils often characterizes a
stress leukogram, typically in association with a reduction in the eosinophil
and lymphocyte counts. Granulocytic leukemia is a rare disorder and can be
suspected when there is a very high number of neutrophils (50–100 × 109/l)
without a significant left shift.
3 What are reasons for distension of the common bile duct? Two reasons for
distension of the common bile duct are obstruction and inflammation.
4 Which reason is more likely in this case, and what test would you perform to
confirm your suspicion? A complete obstruction of the common bile duct would
cause distension of the intra- and extrahepatic biliary system upstream of the
obstruction, as well as enlargement of the gallbladder. In this case, the gallbladder
and intrahepatic biliary ducts were not distended. This imaging finding, together with
the elevated rectal temperature and the significant left shift, makes an inflammatory
cause of the bile duct distension more likely and should increase suspicion for
bacterial cholangitis. To confirm a bacterial cholangitis, aspiration of bile for
cytologic examination and aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture is indicated.

1 What are the most common bacterial species involved in bacterial cholangitis
and, therefore, what antimicrobial would you choose empirically while the results
of culture and susceptibility are pending? A study of 190 dogs with a positive
culture of bile, gallbladder, or liver showed that Escherichia coli, Enterococcus
spp., Bacteroides spp., Streptococcus spp., and Clostridium spp. were the most
common bacteria isolated. More than 80% of Enterobacteriaceae were susceptible
to ciprofloxacin or aminoglycosides, whereas only 30–67% were susceptible to
first-generation aminopenicillins and cephalosporins. In this dog, intravenous
antibiotics are indicated. Fluoroquinolones are a reasonable first choice, because
Enterobacteriaceae susceptible to this group of antibiotics are most frequently
isolated. Anaerobic bacteria might also be involved, and thus fluoroquinolones
should be combined with metronidazole, clindamycin, and/or a beta-lactam/beta-
lactamase inhibitor combination such as ampicillin/sulbactam.
2 Are bacterial infections of the hepatobiliary system common in dogs? In contrast to
cats, in which neutrophilic cholangitis is common, bacterial cholangitis is uncommon
in dogs.
3 What predisposing factors contribute to ascending bacterial cholangitis?
Predisposing factors in dogs include biliary stones, inflammatory bowel disease (causing
sphincter odi incompetence), pancreatitis, vomiting, and immunosuppression. In this
dog, a foreign body was suspected on the basis of the results of an upper gastrointestinal
tract contrast study (8b), and was confirmed using ultrasound. The foreign body was
surgically removed (8c).

8b 8c

4 For how long would you continue antimicrobial treatment? Based on reports of
successful treatment of bacterial cholangitis with long-term follow-up, antibiotics
should be continued for 2–4 weeks. The dog recovered uneventfully with
pradofloxacin selected as the outpatient antibiotic in this case (pradofloxacin is a
new fluoroquinolone that is licensed for use in dogs, but so far only in Europe).

1 Which infectious agents can be transmitted by Rhipicephalus sanguineus?
Tick-borne infections transmitted by R.  sanguineus that are endemic in Brazil
include Anaplasma platys, Ehrlichia canis, Babesia vogeli, and Hepatozoon canis.
R. sanguineus is also suspected as a vector of Rangelia vitalii and possibly also
Mycoplasma haemocanis. Co-infections with more than one of these organisms
commonly occur.
In the United States, R. sanguineus can also transmit Rickettsia rickettsii.
2 What are the two most striking abnormalities in the CBC, and which tick-
borne diseases can cause these abnormalities? The two major findings in the
CBC are a severe thrombocytopenia (which explains the hemorrhage in this dog)
and a marked neutrophilia. An acute E. canis infection could explain the severe
thrombocytopenia in this dog. The massive neutrophilia is suggestive of infection
by H. canis.
3 What diagnostic tests should be performed to diagnose these infections? Blood
smear evaluation is a simple test that might show Ehrlichia spp. morulae and
Hepatozoon spp. intracellular inclusions. Both infections can be detected by PCR,
and antibody tests could also be performed. Both antibody testing and PCR are
required for acute E.  canis infections; acute and convalescent antibody testing
might be required to confirm the diagnosis.

1 Which clinical signs and laboratory abnormalities in this dog are caused by
Hepatozoon canis and which are more likely to be caused by Ehrlichia canis?
Anorexia, lethargy, weight loss, pale mucous membranes, lymphadenomegaly,
splenomegaly, and fever could be attributed to both infections. The bleeding
is likely the result of the severe thrombocytopenia, which probably results
primarily from infection by E. canis. The extreme neutrophilia is caused by the
H. canis infection. Hyperproteinemia, hypoalbuminenia, and hyperglobulinemia
can be caused by both infections.
2 What are the differences between the modes of transmission of Hepatozoon
canis and Ehrlichia canis? E. canis is transmitted by an infected Rhipicephalus tick

that feeds on a non-infected dog. After inoculation, the organisms multiply in the
macrophages of the mononuclear phagocyte system and disseminate throughout
the body. H. canis can only be transmitted by ingestion of a tick that contains
mature oocysts. Once within the canine gastrointestinal tract, sporozoites penetrate
the intestinal wall and are transported through the blood to hemolymphatic tissues,
including the spleen, bone marrow, and lymph nodes, where meronts are formed.
Merozoites released from meronts invade neutrophils or monocytes, in which they
form gamonts in the peripheral blood.
3 What treatments are indicated for the two infections? For E. canis infection,
treatment with doxycycline (10 mg/kg PO q24h or 5 mg/kg PO q12h for 21–28
days) is recommended. The recommended treatment for H.  canis infections is
imidocarb dipropionate (6 mg/kg SC) every 14 days until gamonts are no longer
present in the blood smear. Although some dogs require only one or two treatments,
at least 8 weeks of treatment is usually required for dogs with heavy infections.

1 What is your assessment of this case, and how would you proceed? The
history and clinical signs in this dog are suggestive of infection with one or
more pathogens that belong to the canine infectious respiratory disease
complex. If only viral pathogens are present, clinical signs are often mild and
self-limiting. In this dog, clinical signs increased in severity within the first
week and the dog had a left shift on the hemogram, suggesting a primary or
secondary bacterial infection. Infection with Bordetella bronchiseptica has
been associated with young age (<1 year), fever, and more severe clinical signs,
so this dog seems to be at risk of bordetellosis. To confirm the diagnosis and to
guide antimicrobial therapy, a bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) or transtracheal
wash is indicated.
2 How would you interpret the cytology of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in this
patient? The BAL fluid cytology revealed predominantly degenerate neutrophils
with intracellular rod-shaped bacteria, indicating bacterial infection.
3 What treatment would you recommend? Several factors should be considered
when selecting an appropriate antimicrobial for this dog. Bacterial culture and
susceptibility testing should be performed, because some gram-negative pathogens
including B. bronchiseptica have shown multiple drug resistance in some studies.
The chosen antibiotic should have a good distribution into the respiratory tract.
Doxycycline is a reasonable first choice and it also has activity against mycoplasmas.
An alternative would be a beta-lactam antibiotic, such as amoxicillin, although
this would not be effective against mycoplasmas. A fluoroquinolone, such as
enrofloxacin, would also be an appropriate choice.

1 What is the neuroanatomic localization of the problem? The lack of a menace
response (cranial nerve II) together with the lumbosacral pain and the history of
neurologic signs are suggestive of multifocal CNS disease.
2 What are your differential diagnoses for this dog’s problem, and what infectious
agents might be involved? The most likely differential diagnoses, given the concurrent
presence of ocular signs, are neoplasia (such as lymphoma) or infectious disease.
Possible infectious causes in California include protozoal diseases (especially
neosporosis), fungal diseases (coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, or other less
common pathogens, such as hyalohyphomycetes or phaeohyphomycetes), or
protothecosis. Toxoplasma gondii infection is less common in this region.
3 What is your plan for further work-up of this dog’s problem? The work-up should
ideally include a CBC, biochemistry profile, and urinalysis, as well as thoracic
radiographs, spinal radiographs, and abdominal ultrasound to determine whether
there are other abnormalities that could be accessible for specimen collection,
and possibly an MRI and CSF tap with CSF analysis. Depending on those results,
serum antibody testing for Coccidioides spp. should be considered, and testing for
Cryptococcus spp. should be performed using the latex agglutination cryptococcal
antigen test. If a CSF tap is performed and the serum Cryptococcus antigen test
is negative, fungal culture and Cryptococcus antigen testing of the CSF could also
be performed. In one study, only 15 of 18 dogs with cryptococcosis from northern
California had positive serum antigen tests, and in some of those dogs, antigen
testing in the CSF was positive. The sensitivity of serum antigen testing in cats is
much higher (>95%).

1 What species of Cryptococcus cause infections in dogs, and are there
differences in their ecologic niches and clinical presentations? Cryptococcosis
in dogs can be caused by Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii.
The recognized ecologic niche for C.  neoformans is pigeon guano, whereas
C. gattii has been found in association with a variety of tree species depending
on region and molecular type. For example, in Australia, C. gattii has been found
in association with Eucalyptus tree species, whereas in British Columbia and the
Pacific Northwest of the United States, C. gattii has been found in association
with Douglas fir trees and a variety of other hardwood tree species. It has also
been found in water, soil, and air samples in the region. In the United States,
dogs infected with C. neoformans tend to have widely disseminated infections
that commonly involve the CNS and a variety of other tissues, including the
gastrointestinal tract, which was probably involved in this dog. In contrast, dogs
infected with C. gattii often have localized mass lesions, commonly of the nasal

cavity with associated destruction of the cribriform plate. Most affected dogs are
infected with C. neoformans. Factors that predispose dogs to cryptococcosis are
unknown, but genetic susceptibility is suspected for disseminated infections with
C. neoformans.
2 What is the recommended treatment for this dog? Treatment should optimally
include intravenous amphotericin B (ideally lipid-complexed amphotericin B,
dosed at 3  mg/kg). This is administered on a Monday–Wednesday–Friday basis
for 12 treatments. This could be combined with fluconazole, an azole that has
excellent penetration of the CNS. For CNS infections, a high dose of fluconazole,
10 mg/kg PO q12h, is recommended.
3 What are possible adverse effects of drug therapy and how should response to
treatment be monitored? Possible adverse effects of drug therapy include renal
failure in dogs treated with amphotericin B, and gastrointestinal adverse effects,
such as diarrhea and inappetence, in dogs treated with fluconazole at higher doses.
Hepatopathy is also possible in dogs treated with fluconazole, but is uncommon.
Kidney values should be monitored before each treatment with amphotericin B, and
if creatinine increases above the RI, treatment should be withheld until azotemia
resolves. Liver enzymes should be monitored monthly, and the serum cryptococcal
antigen titer should be monitored every 1–3 months initially. Treatment can be
discontinued once the cryptococcal antigen test becomes negative and the dog is
clinically normal.

1 What is the primary problem in this dog and the most likely underlying disease?
The primary problem is acute kidney injury. The two most common causes of
acute kidney injury in previously healthy dogs are leptospirosis and a toxic injury,
such as through ethylene glycol ingestion. Leptospirosis is more likely in this case
given the neutrophilia with left shift combined with thrombocytopenia.
2 What additional tests would you perform? Additional tests that should be
performed are: (1) Leptospira urine PCR and/or acute and convalescent antibody
measurement 1–2 weeks later for diagnosis of leptospirosis; (2) complete urinalysis;
(3) abdominal ultrasound to assess for chronic anatomic renal changes or urethral
obstruction; and (4) measurement of blood pressure, because many dogs with
acute kidney injury are hypertensive.
3 What treatment would you initiate? Supportive treatment should include:
(1) antiemetics (e.g. metoclopramide [care should be taken when metoclopramide is
used because increased gastrointestinal motility can predispose to intussusception,
especially in young dogs with leptospirosis], maropitant, or ondansetron);
(2)  gastric protectants (e.g. famotidine or omeprazole); (3) diuresis to address
overhydration and hyperkalemia if present (e.g. mannitol [reduces interstitial

swelling of the kidneys and flushes cellular debris from the tubules] or furosemide
[can additionally reduce hyperkalemia]), although no diuretic is proven to improve
outcome; (4) analgesic drugs (e.g. buprenorphine); (5) careful fluid therapy to
address losses and dehydration; (6) hemodialysis to remove uremic toxins and to
address overhydration and hyperkalemia if the dog does not respond to treatment
within 12–24 hours.
Specific treatment for leptospirosis initially involves intravenous administration
of penicillin derivatives (e.g. ampicillin [20 mg/kg q8h]). Once gastrointestinal signs
have resolved, doxycycline should be administered (10 mg/kg q12h PO for 2 weeks)
to eliminate leptospires from the kidney.

1 What should be the monitoring plan for this dog? The monitoring plan for
this dog should include: (1) regular physical examination, including mentation,
heart rate, mucous membrane color, capillary refill time, pulse quality, respiratory
rate and effort every 4 hours; (2) rectal body temperature and body weight
every 8–12  hours; (3) blood pressure every 8–12 hours (if hypertensive or
hypotensive, more frequent monitoring might be needed); (4) continuous ECG
in case of arrhythmias or bradycardia; (5) urine output and ‘ins and outs’ every
4–8 hours; (6)  venous blood gas analysis every 12–24 hours to monitor for
acidosis; (7)  electrolyte status every 8–12 hours to monitor serum potassium
concentration; (8) serum glucose concentration every 12–24 hours; (9) serum total
protein and albumin concentration every 24 hours; (10) serum creatinine and
urea concentration every 24 hours; (11) food intake, and presence of vomiting,
diarrhea, and other abnormalities if present.
2 What are the next diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in regards to the
respiratory distress? Respiratory distress could be caused by leptospiral pulmonary
hemorrhage syndrome, aspiration pneumonia, or pulmonary edema due to cardiac
failure or overhydration in this dog. Thoracic radiographs should be taken for
identification of these disorders. Cardiac failure could be further excluded on the
basis of physical examination and, if necessary, echocardiography. To determine
the degree of hypoxemia, arterial blood gas analysis is recommended. Pulse
oximetry could also be used, but is less reliable. Diuretics could be considered
if overhydration (and, less likely, cardiac failure) is present, but might not be
useful in an anuric patient. Alternatively, overhydration could be addressed
using hemodialysis if available. If arterial oxygen partial pressure falls below
70–80 mmHg or oxygen saturation gets below 92–95%, oxygen supplementation
should be introduced. If arterial partial pressure of oxygen does not increase to over
60  mmHg with oxygen supplementation, intubation and mechanical ventilation
should be considered.

1 Would you proceed with the dental cleaning procedure? Despite the fact that
this dog is apparently healthy, elective surgical procedures should not be performed
because of the thrombocytopenia, which can predispose to severe bleeding.
Generally, when platelets are below 30–60 × 109/l, spontaneous bleeding can occur
(epistaxis, gum bleeding, petechiation, melena, etc.), although in some dogs with
severe thrombocytopenia bleeding does not occur.
2 What are the most likely differential diagnoses for the thrombocytopenia?
Differential diagnoses for thrombocytopenia include decreased production,
increased destruction, increased sequestration, and consumption. Typical causes of
decreased production are infection (e.g. with Rickettsia spp.), neoplasia, or drugs that
affect the bone marrow. Increased destruction can result from primary or secondary
immune-mediated disease. Infectious causes such as Ehrlichia spp., Anaplasma spp.,
and Babesia spp. should be excluded as secondary causes of immune-mediated
thrombocytopenia, because immunosuppressive therapy can exacerbate disease
severity if caused by infection. Splenomegaly can result in sequestration of platelets.
Hemorrhage, vasculitis, neoplasia, bone marrow disease, and DIC are less likely in
this case on the basis of history, physical examination, and CBC findings.

1 Describe the blood smear findings. The blood smears show morulae within
platelets, compatible with Anaplasma platys. Other organisms from the
Anaplasmataceae family target different blood cells, such as monocytes or
granulocytes. Confirmatory tests are recommended because stain precipitates can
be mistaken for organisms within platelets.
2 What tests could be performed to confirm the diagnosis? Antibody tests are
available for A. platys, but dogs with recent infection can be antibody negative,
because antibody production occurs 1–2 weeks post infection. Antibodies
against  A.  platys cross-react with Anaplasma phagocytophilum antigens, so
positive antibodies should be reported as those to Anaplasma spp. PCR testing
is highly sensitive and specific, and can determine the Anaplasma spp. involved.
However, PCR can be negative if bacteremia is very low at the time of sample
collection, because of the cyclic nature of A. platys parasitism. Over half of dogs
infected with A.  platys are co-infected with other tick-borne diseases; therefore,
testing for other organisms can be considered. Some pathogens, such as Bartonella
spp. or Babesia spp., require specific therapy if detected.
3 Does this dog need specific therapy for this problem? Doxycycline (10 mg/kg
PO q24h) for 3–4 weeks is recommended for this dog, even though the optimum
duration of the treatment is still unknown. Tick and flea preventives are generally
recommended year-round.

1 How would you interpret the gastroscopy picture? Gastroscopy shows an
edematous and erythematous gastric mucosa consistent with gastritis.
2 What would be your diagnostic plan? Multiple gastric biopsies should be
obtained from the gastric fundus, body, and antrum, as well as from the duodenum
and jejunum. Impression smears of the biopsies can allow detection of gastric
Helicobacter-like organisms (GHLOs), although it can be hard to make an
association with disease given that many healthy dogs are colonized by GHLOs.
Histopathology, culture of biopsy specimens, and rapid urease testing have also
been used to identify the presence of GHLOs. Some species of Helicobacter are
very fastidious and difficult or impossible to culture.

1 How would you interpret the results? The diagnosis is chronic gastritis
associated with GHLOs. In most cases, mixed Helicobacter spp. infections are
detected and species identification can only be obtained by a combination of
electron microscopy, culture, and PCR, which is usually only done on a research
basis. GHLOs can be found in many healthy animals and it is unclear under
which circumstances they cause disease. The Helicobacter species, the amount of
bacteria, or the presence of underlying disease might play a role in the development
of clinical signs. When severe gastritis is identified on histopathology together
with GHLOs, and other treatments have not been successful (e.g. elimination
diet for dietary hypersensitivity), specific treatment for helicobacteriosis can be
2 How should this dog be treated? Protocols used to treat helicobacteriosis in dogs
are derived from those used in humans with Helicobacter pylori gastritis. Triple-
therapy consists of two oral antibiotics (e.g. metronidazole 20 mg/kg PO q12h and
amoxicillin 20  mg/kg PO q12h) together with an antacid (such as omeprazole)
or bismuth salicylate for 2 weeks. Improvement of the gastritis should ideally be
confirmed by repeating endoscopically obtained gastric biopsies, but typically
monitoring is done on the basis of clinical signs.

1 What are the most likely differential diagnoses for this dog? In a dog with
follicular papules and pustules (indicated by the lesion with the hair shaft emerging
from the center), demodicosis, dermatophytosis, and bacterial pyoderma are the
most important differential diagnoses.
2 What diagnostic tests should be done immediately? An impression smear
and deep skin scrapings are the first tests to be conducted to assess for bacterial

pyoderma and demodicosis. If bacteria are sparse or absent on cytology and
numerous macrophages are present, and scrapings are negative, a dermatophyte
culture or PCR (if available) are the next steps. If humans or other animals in the
household are affected, a fungal culture should always be recommended.

1 What questions should the owner be asked before performing further
diagnostic tests? A macrophage and many segmented neutrophils with intra- and
extracellular cocci are seen on cytology. This is diagnostic for bacterial pyoderma
and there typically is an underlying disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated.
As the dog is older, the duration of the disease should be ascertained and the
owner should be asked whether there have been previous episodes. If this is the
first time the dog has had skin or ear problems, then questions should be asked
that might identify the possibility of underlying hypothyroidism (e.g. is the dog
heat seeking, exercise intolerant, or gaining weight?), hyperadrenocorticism (e.g. is
there polyuria/polydipsia or polyphagia or panting?). If however, the dog has had
numerous episodes of skin and/or ear problems over many years, hypersensitivity
to environmental, flea, or food allergens could be contributing to the disease. This
is particularly likely if the dog was pruritic before it developed the lesions. Which
of the hypersensitivities is most likely will depend on the history.
2 How should you proceed based on the possible responses from the owner?
If  flea control in the household is non-existent or sporadic, and if the skin
problems seem to have occurred more in the warmer months in temperate
climates, good flea control should be the first recommendation. If gastrointestinal
signs, such as occasional vomiting or diarrhea, are reported, and the problems
have occurred at any time of the year, then adverse food reaction is possible and
an elimination diet should be tried for 8 weeks using a previously unfed protein
and carbohydrate source. If both flea control and elimination diet do not improve
the clinical signs, then environmental allergy is most likely the underlying cause
for the pyoderma.

1 What is the likely etiology of the clinical signs? The dog has tetanus. Typical
clinical signs of tetanus consist of focal or generalized spasticity following a wound
infection with the ubiquitous anaerobic bacterium Clostridium tetani. Infections
of the paws often are associated with tetanus in dogs, but any contaminated
wound favoring anaerobic bacterial growth can be the underlying cause. Clinical
signs reflect the action of tetanus toxin in the CNS. The toxin interferes with the
release of the neurotransmitters glycine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

at inhibitory synapses in the CNS. This results in uninhibited muscle contractions
and muscle spasms, which worsen with excitement. The clinical signs of tetanus
develop typically within 2 weeks (3 days to 3 weeks) following the infection. The
time delay between infection and development of the clinical signs is attributed to
the fact that the toxin reaches the CNS after uptake in the peripheral nerve terminal
by retrograde axonal transport and transsynaptic migration to its specific site of
action. Thus, the time until clinical signs of tetanus develop following the wound
infection depends on the distance between the wound and the CNS. In this case, the
history of a recent nail bed infection and the characteristic clinical signs, including
prolapse of the third eyelid, wrinkling of forehead and facial muscles, drawn-back
ears, and trismus, suggested tetanus.
2 How would you describe the different clinical stages of this disease, and what
is the prognosis? The two forms of tetanus are the generalized and the localized
(focal) forms. Generalized tetanus with involvement of the head musculature and
generalized spasticity is more common in dogs than in cats. Generalized tetanus
is always associated with spasticity of the facial and masticatory muscles and
swallowing difficulties. Focal tetanus rarely occurs in dogs. With focal action of the
tetanus toxin, signs are limited to the spinal cord segments next to the injury site and
spasticity involves only one or two limbs adjacent to the injury. With generalized
tetanus, four severity classes have been defined: Class I – facial involvement alone;
Class II – generalized rigidity or dysphagia (dysphagia is often caused by trismus, but
pharyngeal muscle spasms can also contribute); Class III – recumbency in addition
to Class I or Class II signs, often characterized by rigid extension of all limbs, muscle
fasciculations, spasms, opisthotonus, and sometimes seizures; Class IV – rigidity
accompanied by autonomic dysregulation of heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood
pressure. Clinical signs can progress within the first few days as toxin continues
to reach the CNS, and also as long as there is continued release of toxin from
the wound infection. Progression from one stage to the next can also occur with
excitement, pain, and excessive manipulation of the patient. Prognosis depends on
the clinical stage, with the worst prognosis associated with Class IV tetanus. Dogs
with Class I signs can be managed at home, if a dark, quiet place is provided and
if they can swallow and spasms are controlled with sedation with acepromazine,
phenobarbital, and methocarbamol as a centrally acting muscle relaxant. However,
owners should be aware that treatment of more severe cases can involve intensive
care for up to 3–4 weeks. Numerous complications can arise during treatment of
Class III and Class IV tetanus. Trismus and pharyngeal and laryngeal muscle spasms
impair food and water intake and increase the risk of aspiration pneumonia. Other
complications in severely affected animals are respiratory distress, hyperthermia,
gastrointestinal ulceration, and multiple organ failure. Chances for recovery and
discharge after 28 days range from 50 to 75%.

1 How would you describe the radiographic findings? There is soft tissue swelling
and osteolysis of the distal phalanx of the first toe of the affected paw. No foreign
body is seen. Radiographic findings are consistent with osteomyelitis.
2 What are your further treatment recommendations? Because of the osteomyelitis,
amputation of the digit was recommended in this case in order to remove the infected
site and source of continuing toxin production. As the dog underwent general
anesthesia for the surgical procedure, placement of a feeding tube was performed in
order to ensure nutrition and minimize the risk of aspiration pneumonia. Management
with a gastric tube is preferred to parenteral nutrition because dogs with tetanus
can be dysphagic for 2–4 weeks, and enterocyte function is best preserved and
gastrointestinal ulceration avoided if nutrients are supplied to the gut. The gastric tube
can be placed either surgically or with a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure.
Endoscopic placement is usually less painful, which can be a consideration in dogs
with tetanus. Increased tetanic muscle contractions can occur in the postoperative
period due to pain, and so it is important to provide adequate analgesia.
Muscle spasms can be managed successfully with simultaneous continuous
infusions of acepromazine (0.01–0.02  mg/kg/h), methocarbamol (10  mg/kg/h),
and/or a medetomidine or dexmedetomidine. Additional drugs that should be
considered are phenobarbital (2  mg/kg q8h or 3  mg/kg q12h) to suppress any
seizure activity and as a baseline for its GABA-enhancing action, and metronidazole
(10–15  mg/kg q8h for a minimum of 10 days). Pain medication should include
opioids (e.g. a fentanyl CRI, or morphine or buprenorphine q6h).
Intensive care of tetanus also involves placement of a central venous catheter or
two peripheral catheters with multiple venous access ports to ensure application
of multiple CRIs at the same time. Intensive monitoring should include fluid and
caloric in- and output, body temperature, ECG, blood pressure, and detection
of potential development of any signs of aspiration pneumonia, respiratory
impairment, seizures, or urinary tract infection.

1 Why is the presence of CNS inflammation likely in this case? Multifocal CNS
disease commonly results from CNS inflammatory disorders (e.g. encephalitis,
meningitis). Other considerations for the presence of multifocal CNS signs would
be metabolic diseases, inherited neurodegenerative disorders, CNS trauma, or
hemorrhage. Metabolic disease and inherited neurodegenerative disorders tend
to result in bilaterally symmetric neurologic signs and not lateralized signs,
as in this dog. CNS trauma or hemorrhage were not suggested by the history.
CNS inflammation can be of infectious or non-infectious origin. Non-infectious

causes of CNS inflammation are very common in dogs and summarized as
“meningoencephalitis of unknown origin”. Common infectious causes of CNS
inflammation are viral infections (e.g. canine distemper, rabies, Aujeszky’s disease,
eastern equine encephalitis, and West Nile encephalitis limited to certain geographic
endemic regions) and protozoal infections (e.g. neosporosis, toxoplasmosis, and
rarely leishmaniosis or infection with Hepatozoon canis). Neurotropic bacterial
infections are not recognized in dogs, but bacterial infections can originate from
local extension (e.g. otitis media or interna, sinusitis, bite wounds) and less
frequently from hematogenous spread or thromboembolic disease (e.g. infective
endocarditis) or be related to severe systemic chronic infections. Fungal infections
(e.g. cryptococcosis) and parasitoses (e.g. angiostrongylosis) need to be considered
in certain geographic regions and are usually associated with signs of systemic
disease. Unremarkable results of a CBC and a biochemistry panel and absence of
fever do not exclude the presence of CNS inflammation.
The presence of mild conjunctivitis, respiratory signs, and gastrointestinal
signs prior to the development of neurologic disease should raise a strong
suspicion for the presence of an infectious cause and is most characteristic of
distemper. Canine distemper virus is an enveloped paramyxovirus of the genus
Morbillivirus. Despite vaccination, it remains an important cause of encephalitis
in dogs worldwide. Respiratory and gastrointestinal signs can be mild or
absent in some dogs with distemper, and neurologic signs can be the only clinical
sign in affected dogs. Canine distemper virus has a predilection for the cerebellar
peduncles and, thus, cerebellar signs (which are often asymmetric) and central
vestibular disease are frequently observed. However, seizures, other cranial
nerve deficits, paraparesis, or tetraparesis can also occur. In surviving dogs,
residual neurologic signs can persist throughout life. A specific manifestation
is the development of spinal myoclonus as a consequence of distemper virus
infection of the CNS. This type of myoclonus is also classified as constant
repetitive myoclonus because it persists even during sleep and throughout life.
Affected muscle groups show repetitive contractions that can interfere with
the ability to stand, walk, or sleep. Rarely, this type of myoclonus has been
reported with other infectious CNS diseases. Hyperkeratosis of the footpads
and nasal planum, chorioretinitis, and dental and enamel hypoplasia are also
consequences of distemper.
2 What diagnostic tests should be performed? In any dog with suspected distemper,
ophthalmic examination including a dilated fundoscopic examination should be
performed. Distemper can be associated with chorioretinitis or optic neuritis,
as well as conjunctivitis, corneal edema, uveitis, and keratoconjunctivitis sicca.
CSF analysis typically shows a mild lymphocytic or monocytic pleocytosis. CSF
leukocyte counts are often lower than 50–100 WBC/µl, and protein concentration
is in the range of 0.3–0.6 g/l. Magnetic resonance imaging is sometimes performed

together with CSF analysis in dogs suspected to have CNS inflammatory disorders.
Focal areas of T2 and FLAIR hyperintensities as well as loss of the cerebellar
gray and white matter junction can be seen. A specific diagnosis of distemper
encephalitis is usually obtained through canine distemper virus PCR on CSF. It can
be advantageous to submit multiple specimens to enhance sensitivity (e.g. blood,
urine, conjunctival swabs) in addition to CSF.
3 What are the potential diagnostic pitfalls? When interpreting PCR results for
distemper, the possibility of false-positive and false-negative results should always
be considered. Distemper virus is a RNA virus that is prone to degradation during
transport to the laboratory. In addition, only small amounts of RNA might be
present within CSF lymphocytes, therefore, native CSF rather than the centrifuged
supernatant is the preferred sample for PCR. Positive PCR results can occur for
several weeks after vaccination because vaccines utilize attenuated live virus that
replicates in vaccinated dogs. Currently available PCR assays do not differentiate
between field and vaccine strains, although some assays can suggest natural infection
based on high viral loads. Another diagnostic pitfall is that CSF analysis can be
normal in dogs with distemper encephalitis. Owing to the immunosuppression
induced by canine distemper virus infection, co-infections, such as with protozoa
(e.g. neosporosis, toxoplasmosis), can occur.
4 What treatment should be initiated? To date, there is no effective antiviral
treatment for distemper. If neurologic signs are evident, they will often progress.
Phenobarbital (2.5–3  mg/kg PO q12h) should be started when seizures occur.
However, treatment response can be poor and other anticonvulsants might have
to be added. Vitamin C and vitamin A supplementation might be advantageous,
based on experimental studies in ferrets and observations in humans with measles,
but evidence for efficacy in dogs is still poor. Treatment with a short course of
glucocorticoids in anti-inflammatory dosages is recommended by some authors in
an attempt to modify demyelination and inflammation in the CNS, but evidence
to support this regimen is lacking. Therapeutic trials for amelioration of distemper
myoclonus with mexiletine or lidocaine have been unrewarding.

1 What is your interpretation of the radiographs? The thoracic radiographs reveal
consolidation of the right middle lung lobe, most evident on the dorsoventral view.
On the right lateral image, a lobar sign is evident but is silhouetted against the
cardiac silhouette. Inclusion of a left lateral view would improve visualization of
the consolidated right middle lung lobe by increasing aeration of the right lung.
2 What differential diagnoses are most likely in this animal? The primary differential
diagnosis in this patient is aspiration pneumonia, although other differential
diagnoses should be considered that could lead to bronchial obstruction, including

foreign body inhalation, neoplasia, and lung lobe torsion. Fungal disease should
also be considered. The absence of pleural effusion makes lung lobe torsion less
likely, and the young age of the patient places neoplasia lower on the differential
list. Absence of vomiting or regurgitation in the history does not rule out aspiration
3 What additional tests should be performed? A CBC, biochemistry panel, and
urinalysis would be indicated to assess the overall health of the animal. CT of the
thorax followed by bronchoscopy with or without exploratory surgery may be
necessary to establish a diagnosis and determine appropriate treatment. Given the
possibility of aspiration pneumonia, a thorough laryngeal examination should be
performed on induction of anesthesia to ensure there are no laryngeal abnormalities
such as laryngeal paralysis.

1 What findings can be seen on bronchoscopy and on cytologic examination of the
bronchoalveolar lavage fluid? The bronchoscopy image reveals foreign material,
likely a grass awn, protruding from a bronchus that appears to be obstructed with
mucus. Cytology shows an abundance of degenerate neutrophils. Large numbers
of bacteria are found extracellularly. These are composed of a mixed population of
small cocci (often in pairs or tetrads) and small, short bacilli. Scattered neutrophils
appear to contain intracellular bacteria. This is indicative of bronchopneumonia
secondary to a foreign body.
2 What additional tests should be submitted on the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid?
Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture should be requested on the bronchoalveolar
lavage fluid. Fungal culture could be considered but fungal infection is rarely found
in such cases.

1 What can be seen in the urinary sediment? On this slide, fungal pseudohyphae
of Candida spp. are visible.
2 How common are fungal urinary tract infections? Fungal urinary tract
infections are rare. The most common species causing infection in the urinary
tract is Candida albicans, but less than 1% of all urinary tract infections are
caused by Candida spp.
3 What are risk factors for this infection? Urinary tract infections caused by
Candida spp. are usually associated with a breach in the normal host defenses.
Common underlying disorders are endocrinopathies, especially diabetes mellitus,
or lower urinary tract diseases such as neoplasia, urolithiasis, or chronic bacterial
infections that have been repeatedly treated with antibacterial drugs. Most animals

diagnosed with Candida spp. urinary tract infection have received antibacterial
medications within the last month preceding the diagnosis.
4 What treatment should be recommended? Either systemic or local therapies
can be used. Treatment with oral fluconazole, which concentrates in the urine, for
4–6 weeks is successful in some cases. If this therapy fails (usually because of the
presence of large mats of fungus), bladder lavage followed by intravesical infusion
of 1% clotrimazole can be performed under anesthesia.

1 What are the differential diagnoses for the petechial lesions? Petechial hemorrhages
can be caused by thrombocytopenia or thrombocytopathy. In this case, the petechial
lesions were associated with fever. Therefore, an infectious/inflammatory etiology is
most likely in this dog. In this region, Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma platys, Leptospira
spp., and Rickettsia spp. infections should be considered.
2 What useful information could be obtained from a CBC? A CBC can confirm
thrombocytopenia. The mean platelet volume can be increased in dogs with
primary or secondary immune-mediated thrombocytopenia. If thrombocytopenia
is accompanied by non-regenerative anemia and neutropenia, bone marrow
suppression is likely (such as in chronic E. canis infection). Evaluation of blood
smears can show inclusion bodies in circulating platelets (A. platys) or mononuclear
cells (E. canis).
3 Antibody testing for which infectious diseases would be indicated, and what are
the limitations of these assays for establishing a diagnosis? In the acute stage of
disease, a single antibody test detecting only IgG antibodies against these pathogens
is commonly not diagnostic, because antibodies are only detectable starting from a
few days to up to 2 weeks after the onset of clinical signs. Therefore, immediately
collected and also convalescent IgG titers (about 2 weeks apart) are needed; a
4-fold increase in titer documents recent infection. In the early stage of infection,
blood PCR is sometimes positive and diagnostic in dogs with acute onset of clinical
signs (provided laboratory quality assurance is high and false positives resulting
from contamination are not occurring).

1 What is the diagnosis? The diagnosis is acute Ehrlichia canis and Anaplasma
platys co-infection. The presence of both infectious agents was also confirmed
by blood PCR. Acute E. canis infection typically causes a hemostatic disorder,
while A.  platys usually only induces thrombocytopenia with minimal clinical
signs. However, co-infections with both agents can worsen the severity of the

2 How should the dog be treated? Doxycycline (10 mg/kg PO q24h or 5 mg/
kg PO q12h) is used for both agents and early treatment is associated with
a favorable outcome. Treatment should be for 2–4 weeks based on CBC

1 What would be the first step to work-up the problem of pale mucous
membranes? The two primary rule outs for pale mucous membranes are anemia
and shock. Shock is unlikely because of the normal capillary refill time. In addition,
the veterinarian had already diagnosed anemia on a previous CBC. The next step
would be to obtain a reticulocyte count to differentiate between regenerative and
non-regenerative anemia.
2 What infectious disease are American Pitbull Terriers predisposed to, and what
is the likely reason for this breed predisposition? American Pitbull Terriers are
predisposed to infection with Babesia gibsoni, a blood parasite belonging to the
small Babesia spp. In the USA, American Pitbull Terriers are used for dog fighting.
B. gibsoni is transmitted through biting and, thus, dogfights are a major mode
of transmission. In addition, intrauterine transmission of B.  gibsoni is possible.
Therefore, breeding of American Pitbull Terriers also leads to spread within
the breed.

1 If no parasites can be found on a blood smear, what would be the diagnostic test
of choice? Molecular diagnosis using PCR is the most sensitive and specific method
of detecting infection with Babesia gibsoni. Species identification can be performed
by DNA sequencing or by the use of species-specific PCR assays.
2 What is the recommended treatment? Atovaquone (13.3  mg/kg PO q8h)
and azithromycin (10  mg/kg PO q8h) combination therapy is the most
effective treatment for B.  gibsoni infection. For initial treatment, the two
drugs are given for a period of 10 days. Atovaquone should be administered
with a meal to maximize intestinal drug absorption. However, many dogs fail
to clear B.  gibsoni infection and clinical relapses can occur. Therefore, two
follow-up PCRs, approximately 60 and 90 days after completing therapy, are
recommended. An alternative treatment regimen for dogs that fail to respond
to atovaquone and azithromycin involves clindamycin, metronidazole, and
doxycycline given for at least 3 months. Monotherapy with clindamycin might
also improve clinical signs.

1 What is your initial assessment of this case, and what are your differential diagnoses
for the dog’s problems? The problem list includes exercise intolerance, cough,
a thin body condition, as well as hypoalbuminemia. The combination of exercise
intolerance and cough in a large breed dog could be due to a cardiac problem, such
as dilated cardiomyopathy. However, no arrhythmia or abnormal heart sounds were
noted, the pulse quality was normal, and the dry cough made cardiac disease less
likely. Pulmonary hypertension is another common cause of respiratory problems
and cough, and can also lead to exercise intolerance. Other primary respiratory
problems could also cause exercise intolerance due to decreased arterial oxygen
saturation. Hypoalbuminemia is a non-specific finding that could be due to decreased
production (liver disease), gastrointestinal or urinary loss, loss into body fluids with
pleural effusion or ascites, or reactive due to hypergammaglobulinemia.
2 What diagnostic tests would you perform? The next diagnostic step for the
problem cough would be thoracic radiographs. A CBC should be performed to
assess for anemia as a cause for the exercise intolerance, determine the number
of platelets, and look for signs of inflammation/infection. A biochemistry panel
would be useful to verify the hypoalbuminemia and to check parameters of liver
and kidney function. A urinalysis is also indicated to assess renal function and
whether proteinuria is present.

1 What is your interpretation of the radiographs? The radiographs show severely
dilated and tortuous pulmonary arteries. This is indicative of pulmonary hypertension,
most likely related to heartworm disease.
2 What is your assessment of the laboratory findings? Eosinophilia can be seen
with parasitic infection as well as in eosinophilic disorders (e.g. hypereosinophilic
syndrome or eosinophilic leukemia), fungal disease, neoplasia (such as mast cell
tumors), and hypoadrenocorticism. Hypoalbuminemia is most likely related
to loss through the kidneys given the high UPCR. Proteinuria can be classified
as preglomerular, glomerular, or post glomerular. Postglomerular proteinuria
is unlikely, because the urine sediment shows no evidence of inflammation and
hemorrhage. Preglomerular proteinuria caused by multiple myeloma/plasmacytoma
is unlikely given the normal total protein concentration. The high UPCR (>5)
indicates glomerular disease, most likely glomerulonephritis, but amyloidosis or
glomerular sclerosis would be other considerations. A kidney biopsy would be
necessary to differentiate these conditions definitively, and would help to disclose
the underlying etiology as well as direct therapy. Given that glomerulonephritis
is often a secondary complication of infectious, autoimmune, or neoplastic

conditions, a diagnostic work-up should be performed to identify any underlying

1 What is your interpretation of the echocardiographic examination? The
volume overloaded right ventricle and tricuspid regurgitation of >2.5 m/s indicate
pulmonary hypertension, as pulmonic stenosis can be excluded (1.8 m/s is normal).
Therefore, a diagnosis of severe pulmonary hypertension can be made in this dog.
Pulmonary hypertension can be primary (rare in dogs) or secondary to heartworm
disease, Angiostrongylus vasorum infection, pulmonary thromboembolism, lung
lobe torsion, or severe pulmonary disease.
2 What further tests would you recommend? Heartworm disease is a likely
differential because the disease can also be associated with glomerulonephritis.
A heartworm antigen test was performed and was positive. A modified Knott test
was also performed and microfilaria were detected.
3 What is the likely underlying pathophysiology for proteinuria in this dog?
Antigen–antibody complexes, formed in response to heartworm antigens, can
cause glomerulonephritis in heartworm-infected dogs. The result is proteinuria,
sometimes ultimately leading to renal tubular failure. The bacterium Wolbachia
is known to infect Dirofilaria immitis worms. Wolbachia surface proteins have
been identified in the glomeruli and lungs of heartworm-infected dogs, and
Wolbachia are suspected to contribute to the host’s inflammatory reaction to
worm death. Therefore, the suspected glomerulonephritis in this dog is most
likely related to chronic heartworm disease.
4 What is your treatment plan? Given that the dog was diagnosed with severe
heartworm infection with microfilaremia, the dog initially received milbemycin
monthly for 3 months to kill the microfilaria, and doxycycline (5 mg/kg PO q12h
or 10 mg/kg q24h for 30 days) to kill Wolbachia. One month after the initial
diagnosis, melarsomine (2.5 mg/kg IM) was injected, followed by two additional
injections after 1 month (2.5 mg/kg IM q24h). Strict cage rest was advised for
2  months after the start of the first melarsomine injection. Two months after
the first melarsomine injection, tricuspid regurgitation was reduced to 3.2 m/s,
indicating a reduction of pulmonary hypertension. Six months after the treatment,
another antigen test was performed and was negative. Furthermore, the amount
of proteinuria had improved and the UPCR was 1.3.

1 What is the diagnosis? The diagnosis is small bowel diarrhea due to giardiasis.
The fecal flotation shows Giardia spp. cysts. When evaluating diarrhea, one

negative zinc sulfate fecal flotation does not definitively rule out giardiasis. Ideally,
three flotations should be performed over 3–5 days because the cysts are shed
2 If you are not sure about the microscopic interpretation, what additional test(s)
could you perform to confirm the diagnosis? Diagnosis of giardiasis can be made by
zinc sulfate fecal flotation, Giardia spp. antigen test via ELISA, immunofluorescent
assays, or PCR. Most commonly used in-house Giardia spp. fecal ELISAs are very
sensitive and therefore useful to rule out a Giardia spp. infection in case of a negative
test result. However, these in-house tests have a poor positive predictive value at
common prevalence rates in most clinical settings. Therefore, the combination of
direct fecal smear, fecal centrifugal flotation, and Giardia spp. antigen assay is
currently recommended by the Companion Animal Parasite Council. PCR can also
be used to detect Giardia spp. DNA in feces. However, PCR is only available in a
few reference laboratories.
3 Do you think there is a zoonotic risk for the owners and their children? All dogs
with idiopathic acute diarrhea or a definitive diagnosis of Giardia spp. infection
should be potentially considered contagious. Currently, there is little epidemiologic
evidence that strongly supports the risk of zoonotic transmission. However, results
of studies suggest that a significant proportion of dogs harbor zoonotic Giardia
spp. Therefore, all animals with diarrhea that test positive for Giardia spp. parasites
on fecal flotation or antigen test should be treated.

1 What treatment is recommended? Given that Giardia spp. cysts are ubiquitous
in the environment and that most people and animals will be exposed to cysts
without developing clinical signs, subclinically infected people and animals should
not be treated for Giardia spp. infection. In animals with diarrhea, treatment
should be initiated. Fenbendazole (50 mg/kg PO q24h for 5 days) is effective in
dogs. Metronidazole (10–15 mg/kg PO q12h for 5–7 days) can be used instead, but
metronidazole-resistant strains of Giardia spp. exist and efficacy is lower than that
of fenbendazole. In addition, high dosages of metronidazole can cause neurologic
side effects.
In addition to the definitive treatment, fluid therapy is indicated for this particular
dog, and a bland, highly digestible diet should be used until the diarrhea resolves.
2 Is environmental management indicated, and what recommendations should be
made to the owner? Giardia spp. cysts can persist in the environment for several
months if conditions are wet and cold. Environmental decontamination is essential
for successful treatment of Giardia spp. infection. Animals ingesting cysts from the
environment or their own hair coats can reinfect themselves and shed cysts within
5 days after their most recent drug treatment.

Environmental management should consist of the following:
• Treat all animals with drug therapy as described above and move them out
of the environment to a holding area.
• Clean organic debris from all surfaces and potential fomites in the
• Disinfect surfaces and potential fomites in the environment using a quater-
nary ammonium compound according to manufacturer’s instructions.
• Bathe all animals with a general pet shampoo, taking care to remove all fecal
material from the hair coat and perineum.
• After shampooing, bathe animals again with a quaternary ammonium
­compound (particularly the perineum). Do not leave quaternary ammonium
compounds on animals for longer than 3–5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.
• Return animals to the disinfected environment after bathing.

1 How common is canine herpesvirus infection, and how is it transmitted?
Canine herpesvirus occurs worldwide. Only canids (dogs, wolves, coyotes) are
susceptible. Antibody prevalence in the dog population varies from 20% to nearly
100% depending on the population studied. Transmission usually occurs because
of contact with oral, nasal, or vaginal secretions from infected dogs. Most dogs
that shed the virus do not show clinical signs. Pregnant bitches without specific
immunity are at risk of infection, which can be transmitted to the fetuses or to
neonatal puppies. Previously infected bitches are unlikely to transmit infection.
The most significant systemic disease occurs in fetuses or neonatal puppies as a
result of in-utero infection or infection within the first 3 weeks of life. After this
time, age-related resistance to infection develops as puppies mature and are able to
maintain a higher body temperature.
2 What clinical signs occur after infection? Canine herpesvirus can cause severe
disease in puppies, often with a mortality of 100% in affected litters. If bitches
are acutely infected during pregnancy, they can abort a litter or deliver a partially
stillborn litter, but they usually do not show other clinical signs. If older dogs are
infected, they can develop a mild rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and/or ocular dendritic
ulcers, which can be part of the canine infectious respiratory disease complex.
Sometimes adult dogs can develop a vesicular vaginitis or posthitis. Once a dog is
infected, it will develop a lifelong latent infection.

1 What are your primary differential diagnoses for PU/PD in this dog? Before
the results of laboratory testing were available, the differential diagnoses for

PU/PD in this dog that should have been considered are chronic kidney disease,
hyperadrenocorticism, hypercalcemia (including hypercalcemia of malignancy),
diabetes mellitus, and diabetes insipidus. Bacterial pyelonephritis can be associated
with PU/PD even in the absence of renal failure, because bacterial endotoxins
can lead to a secondary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Endotoxin competes
with antidiuretic hormone for binding sites on the tubules, leading to decreased
resorption of water.
2 How would you interpret the laboratory results? The detection of increased serum
creatinine concentration together with a urine specific gravity of 1.018 indicates
renal azotemia. However, bacterial pyelonephritis could also be contributing to the
low specific gravity, and there could also be a prerenal component to the azotemia
given the high albumin concentration, making dehydration likely.
3 How common are bacterial urinary tract infections in dogs? It has been estimated
that about 14% of dogs have a urinary tract infection during their lifetime. Older
female dogs are predisposed. The presence of pathogenic bacteria together with
a breach of the normal host defense mechanisms are required for infection of
the lower urinary tract to become established. Host defense mechanisms include
normal micturation, normal anatomic structures, an intact mucosal defense barrier,
and antimicrobial properties of the urine (e.g. high or low pH).
4 What are the most common bacteria causing urinary tract disease in dogs? By far
the most common bacterial species found in urinary tract infections is Escherichia
coli. Other bacterial pathogens that are frequently detected include Enterococcus
spp., Staphylococcus spp., Proteus spp., Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas spp., and
Enterobacter spp.
5 How would you treat this dog? Treatment is indicated in this dog given the
likelihood of pyelonephritis. The choice of antimicrobial agent should be based
on the results of susceptibility testing. While awaiting culture results, use of a
fluoroquinolone would be an appropriate choice for treatment of pyelonephritis.
Data regarding the correct duration of antimicrobial treatment are lacking. In the
past, treatment for 4 weeks has been recommended for pyelonephritis, but shorter
treatments (10–14 days) are likely to be effective.

1 How would you interpret the CBC? The CBC shows leukocytosis characterized
by mature neutrophilia and monocytosis.
2 What imaging abnormalities are present in the radiograph? Moderate hilar
lymphadenopathy is present along with interstitial infiltrates located primarily in
the hilar region. Mild caudodorsal interstitial infiltrates are also present.
3 What differential diagnoses should be considered? Interstitial lung disease with
hilar lymphadenopathy in a young dog in an endemic area is most consistent

with fungal pneumonia or pulmonary lymphoma. Actinomycosis or nocardiosis
should also be considered. Given the travel history to Arizona, coccidioidomycosis
would be highest on the list for this dog, followed by histoplasmosis.
4 What other diagnostic tests should be performed? A biochemistry panel and
urinalysis are indicated to assess the overall health of the animal. A positive
coccidioidomycosis antibody titer in conjunction with typical clinical signs is
suggestive of this infection. Histoplasmosis urine antigen testing could also
be considered. If these tests did not provide a diagnosis, bronchoscopy with
bronchoalveolar lavage would be indicated. In this case, the histoplasmosis urine
antigen test was positive, making histoplasmosis very likely in the dog. Although
this test cross-reacts with Blastomyces antigen, blastomycosis was considered very
unlikely on the basis of the dog’s travel history.

1 How would you interpret the CBC results and radiographs? The thoracic
radiographs reveal an alveolar pattern affecting the dependent portions of the
cranial and middle lung lobes, suggestive of bronchopneumonia. The CBC, with
a neutrophilic leukocytosis with a mild left shift and monocytosis, supports the
possibility of bacterial infection.
2 Which differential diagnoses are highest on your list? The radiographic infiltrates
in this dog could be related to pneumonia (infectious, aspiration, or foreign body
inhalation), hemorrhage, or neoplasia. Fungal infection would be less likely given
the distribution of the alveolar pattern and lack of hilar lymphadenopathy.

1 What tests would you recommend on this fluid? Given the likely presence of
pus in the fluid, aerobic bacterial, anaerobic bacterial, and Mycoplasma spp.
cultures should ideally be performed. Although the dog was recently treated
with amoxicillin, any resistant bacteria should still be identifiable on culture.
Cytologic examination of the bronchoalveolar lavage specimem should also
be performed to identify the inflammatory infiltrate and look for intracellular
bacteria. Cytology revealed a purulent exudate, and pure culture of Mycoplasma
spp. was recovered. DNA sequencing of the isolate revealed Mycoplasma cynos.
Given the fastidious nature of mycoplasmas, they might not remain viable
when specimens are sent to laboratories by mail. Therefore, an alternative for
veterinarians in private practice would be to request PCR for mycoplasmas
(and other respiratory viruses and bacteria) on the bronchoalveolar lavage
specimen. Because M. cynos appears to be more pathogenic than other airway

mycoplasmas, use of a laboratory that offers a specific PCR assay for M. cynos
(and differentiates it from other mycoplasmas) is recommended. The possibility
of concurrent viral infection in this dog cannot be excluded based on the results
of the bronchoalveolar lavage.
2 What underlying diseases should be considered? In adult animals with
pneumonia, a search should be performed for predisposing systemic or respiratory
conditions. In an adult, large-breed dog, the most common underlying diseases are
foreign body inhalation and aspiration pneumonia, often associated with laryngeal
dysfunction. Underlying immunosuppression due to diabetes mellitus or Cushing’s
disease should also be considered. In younger animals, exposure to viruses (canine
distemper virus, adenovirus, parainfluenza virus, or respiratory coronavirus) can
predispose to secondary bacterial pneumonia. In adult dogs, infection with canine
influenza virus or canine herpesvirus can also facilitate development of bacterial
pneumonia. Given the history of multiple animals affected and exposure to multiple
new animals in the household, whole blood was submitted for canine distemper
virus PCR and was positive. While false-negative tests are common, a positive test
is supportive of infection. It was suspected that the vaccines purchased from the
local supply store might have been improperly stored or administered, resulting in
lack of protection from distemper.

1 What is your ECG diagnosis? At the beginning of the strip, the ECG shows
wide and bizarre looking complexes. At the end of the ECG strip, there is a sinus
rhythm. The wide complexes are of ventricular origin, so one could think that
this would resemble a ventricular tachycardia. However, because the rate of the
ventricular complexes is relatively slow (about 130/min), the correct term for
this rhythm is an accelerated idioventricular rhythm. Accelerated idioventricular
rhythm is a ventricular rhythm with a rate between 60 and 160/min, which places
it between  idioventricular (i.e. ventricular escape) rhythms (<60  bpm) and true
ventricular tachycardia in terms of rate. Accelerated rhythms can be seen with
almost any severe systemic diseases, such as gastric dilatation–volvulus, sepsis,
pancreatitis, or pain.
2 How would you treat the ECG abnormality? This dog does not need
antiarrhythmic therapy. Treatment of the underlying disease will abolish
the arrhythmia. In this case, ultimately blood cultures revealed growth of
a Staphylococcus sp., and bacteremia explained the ECG changes and the
fever. The dog was treated with antimicrobial drugs, selected on the basis
of susceptibility test results. The fever resolved 24 hours after initiating
antimicrobial drug therapy, and a recheck ECG performed 3 days later revealed
no more abnormalities.

1 What is the most likely diagnosis? Given that there was no history of trauma and
the puppy otherwise appeared well, the most probable reason for the clinical signs
was an infection with human mumps virus (a paramyxovirus). This virus causes
a common disease in children, and is widespread in many regions of the world.
Even in countries where vaccination is performed, mumps outbreaks still occur.
Although humans are primary natural hosts of the mumps virus, other animal
species can be experimentally infected. On rare occasions, puppies (and kittens)
can develop a similar disease following close contact with infected humans. There
are a few reports of parotid gland enlargement in dogs from households in which
children had suffered concurrently or recently from mumps.
2 What diagnostic tests could be considered? Recent exposure of the puppy
to a child with mumps makes this diagnosis likely. However, in humans, an
estimated 20–25% of infections are asymptomatic and, in sick individuals, only
30–40% have the typical acute parotiditis while the others show respiratory or
non-specific symptoms. Thus, a healthy human can also be a source of infection.
In human medicine, several laboratory techniques are used to confirm mumps,
although in many cases the diagnosis is based on typical clinical signs only.
In veterinary medicine, this disease is very rare, and the diagnosis is made on the
basis of history and typical clinical signs (salivary gland enlargement, normal
mentation or mild lethargy, and a self-limiting course of the disease).
3 What is the prognosis? The prognosis is good, because mumps is usually a self-
limiting disease that resolves within 1–2 weeks.

1 What are the possible differential diagnoses? Enlargement of the salivary gland
can occur after trauma or foreign body penetration. However, in this case, there
were no signs of injury or fistula suggesting such a condition and the problem
was bilateral. Infection with canine distemper virus would also be a possibility.
However, there were no other signs of distemper in this patient, and PCR for canine
distemper virus and was negative. Idiopathic sialoadenitis and phenobarbital-
responsive sialoadenosis have also been reported and can be bilateral, but these
conditions occur in adult dogs and therefore would be unlikely in a 3-week-old
puppy without any other clinical signs.
2 What treatment is needed? Mumps in children is usually a mild, self-limiting
disease and only supportive care is indicated (warm or cold packs to the
swollen salivary gland region, and in some patients analgesics). As the puppy
was otherwise well, observation only was indicated. The parotid enlargement
persisted for 7 days. During that time the dog’s appetite, growth rate, and

behavior were normal and similar to those of its littermates. No other puppy in
the litter became sick.
3 What complications can develop in the course of mumps in dogs? In humans,
mumps is usually a mild disease that involves the parotid gland. However, the
virus also replicates in other organs, which on rare occasions can result in orchitis,
meningitis, or encephalitis, and less frequently in a systemic inflammatory disease.
Meningoencephalitis caused by mumps virus has been described in dogs, in some
cases without parotid gland enlargement. Experimental infection in cats resulted
in parotiditis and orchitis.
4 Can a dog suffering from mumps transfer this infection to humans or other
animals? In humans, mumps is usually transmitted by the airborne route, because
the virus is shed in saliva. Sporadic disease in dogs is thought to result from
transmission from humans, usually as a result of close contact with affected
children. There are no reports of transmission from one animal to another or from
animals to humans, although the saliva of sick dogs does contain mumps virus.

1 What is your ocular diagnosis? The ocular diagnosis is a descemetocele with
mild anterior uveitis in the right eye. Descemet’s membrane is a hydrophobic
structure and does not take up fluorescein stain (which is hydrophilic).
2 What diagnosis of the eyelid lesions might you suspect based on the clinical
presentation? The age of the dog and clinical presentation are suggestive of
papillomatosis. Papillomas are benign lesions caused by papillomaviruses and
are most frequently seen in younger dogs. Cutaneous papillomatosis is most
commonly observed, but ocular papillomas occur occasionally. The lesions usually
regress spontaneously over time; however, if they cause other problems (as seen in
this dog), removal is advised. Surgical excision, cryotherapy, or laser surgery are
suitable options.
3 What treatment do you suggest for this dog? In this patient, the papillomas
were removed with cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen) and the corneal ulcer was treated
with a grafting procedure (pedicle conjunctival graft). The postoperative ocular
treatment consisted of antibiotic drops and atropine.

1 What are the differential diagnoses for acute hemorrhagic diarrhea, and what
diagnostic tests would you perform? First, gastrointestinal bleeding due to coagulation
disorders has to be considered (e.g. by evaluating clotting times, platelet count).
Extraintestinal disorders causing acute diarrhea (e.g. hypoadrenocorticism, renal and

liver failure) may be less likely based on history (e.g. intoxication) and the results of
physical examination, hematology, biochemistry panel, and urinalysis. Hemorrhagic
diarrhea caused by infectious agents, including parasites, has to be considered in
young and immunocompromised dogs, in diarrhea outbreaks occurring in multiple
animals, and in patients with concurrent evidence of sepsis. In these cases, fecal
examinations (e.g. flotation, Giardia spp. antigen ELISA) and blood cultures should
be performed. Parvovirus infection is suspected in patients (especially in young and
unvaccinated animals) with sudden onset of vomiting and hemorrhagic diarrhea,
especially dogs with concurrent neutropenia. Fecal ELISA for parvovirus antigen is
regarded as a very specific, but only moderately sensitive, diagnostic test. Therefore,
PCR for diagnosis of parvovirus infection could also be considered.
2 What is the definition of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis syndrome? A presumptive
diagnosis of a “hemorrhagic gastroenteritis syndrome” can be made based on typical
clinical findings associated with an increased hematocrit (usually >0.5–0.55 l/l)
and a rapid clinical improvement with adequate fluid therapy. However, diagnosis
of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis syndrome is mainly based on exclusion of other
diseases known to cause acute hemorrhagic diarrhea.
3 Which dogs are predisposed to hemorrhagic gastroenteritis syndrome? In
several studies, it has been shown that young to middle-aged dogs of small breeds
(e.g. Yorkshire Terrier, Miniature Pinscher, and Miniature Schnauzer) are more
commonly affected with “hemorrhagic gastroenteritis syndrome”.

1 What information from the history is important for interpretation of the fecal
culture? The owner reported that the dog was on a raw meat diet. The prevalence
of Salmonella spp. in feces of healthy dogs has been reported to be between 0
and 3.6%. However, the prevalence was shown to be much higher in dogs that are
fed raw food diets, and Salmonella spp. were isolated from 30% of fecal samples
in Greyhounds fed raw chicken diets and from 69% of fecal samples in healthy
Alaskan sled dogs. This indicates that the mere isolation of Salmonella spp. from
feces is insufficient to make a diagnosis of Salmonella spp.-induced enteritis.
2 What bacterial species are currently considered primary enteropathogenic
bacteria? Clostridium difficile, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter spp.,
Salmonella spp., and Escherichia coli (associated with granulomatous colitis
in Boxer dogs) are included in the list of potential primary enteropathogenic
3 Which bacterial species is believed to play a primary role in dogs with
hemorrhagic gastroenteritis syndrome? To date, the etiology of this syndrome
is not fully understood, but there is evidence that Clostridium spp. and their
toxins might be involved in the disease process. In necropsy reports of dogs

with hemorrhagic gastroenteritis syndrome, the adherence of large gram-positive
bacilli, identified as Clostridium perfringens, to the necrotic mucosal surfaces of
the intestinal tract was described. Since these histologic evaluations had been
performed post mortem, interpretation of these abnormal findings is difficult.
However, a recent study reported similar findings in intestinal biopsy samples
prospectively collected antemortem. Clostridium spp., identified by culture as
C. perfringens in most cases, were detected on the small intestinal mucosa in all
dogs with hemorrhagic gastroenteritis syndrome, but not in any control dogs.

1 Why is fluid therapy considered life saving in this case? Given the rapid and
intense loss of fluid into the gut lumen, dogs with hemorrhagic gastroenteritis
syndrome are frequently severely dehydrated. This dog showed signs of severe
dehydration, with tachycardia, pale mucous membranes, and prolonged capillary
refill time. Therefore, a volume of fluid sufficient to stabilize these cardiovascular
parameters is considered the most important life-saving treatment.
Hypothermia, tachycardia, and tachypnea are criteria for sepsis as well as for
hypovolemic shock. Therefore, it is important to identify those few patients with
hemorrhagic gastroenteritis syndrome that would benefit from early antibiotic
therapy. In dehydrated patients, parameters that are not typically associated
with hypovolemia, such as hyperthermia, leukocytosis, and left shift, should be
evaluated to identify septic patients.
2 How much fluid would you give over the first 24 hours? In this dog, 6  liters
of crystalloid solutions should be administered over the first 24 hours. This is
calculated as follows:
• Hydration deficit (replacement requirement):
body weight (kg) × % dehydration as a decimal = deficit in liters: 3,000 ml
• Maintenance requirement (40–60 ml/kg/day) 1,500 ml
• Ongoing losses (e.g. vomiting, diarrhea, polyuria) 1,500 ml

This amount of fluid should be divided into three aliquots and be given very
rapidly, with reassessment of the clinical status of the patient after administration
of each aliquot.
3 Would you treat this dog with antibiotics? A recently published study showed
that in dogs with aseptic hemorrhagic gastroenteritis syndrome, antibiotics do not
change the outcome or shorten the time to recovery, and septic events seem to be rare
in dogs with hemorrhagic gastroenteritis syndrome. Inappropriate use of antibiotics
can also promote risk of antimicrobial resistance and unnecessary adverse drug
reactions. Therefore, antimicrobial administration is not recommended as routine
treatment in dogs with hemorrhagic gastroenteritis  syndrome. However,  ruling

out an enteropathogenic bacterial infection can be challenging and bacterial
translocation is a potentially life-threatening complication; therefore, dogs with
acute hemorrhagic diarrhea of unknown cause that are not treated with antibiotics
should be monitored very closely.

1 What ophthalmic findings are present? There is epiphora and blepharospasm
in both eyes, and the dog has diffuse corneal edema. Glaucoma and buphthalmia
are present in the left eye, with congested scleral and episcleral vessels. The cornea
has 360-degree deep neovascularization close to the limbus, which is a typical
finding in anterior uveitis. The pupil in the left eye is dilated and non-responsive.
The iris is swollen and hyperemic. The posterior segment cannot be evaluated in
either eye.
2 What further diagnostic tests would you suggest? Ocular ultrasound would
be helpful in evaluating the intraocular structures, which cannot be examined
otherwise because of the profound corneal edema.

1 What is the diagnosis? The ocular ultrasound revealed complete retinal
detachment (which was present bilaterally) with subretinal hyperechoic mass-like
infiltrates, suggestive of fungal granulomatous lesions. Cytologic examination of
the lymph node aspirate revealed yeast organisms that were recognized by their
thick wall, lack of capsule, and broad-based budding. Other diagnostic tests that
could be performed are histopathology of lymph node biopsies and fungal culture.
PCR and antibody/antigen tests for infectious diseases can be helpful if yeast
organisms cannot be found on aspirates.
The clinical signs are highly suggestive of blastomycosis, which is a systemic
mycotic infection caused by a dimorphic fungus (Blastomyces dermatitidis). The
organism is a thick-walled yeast that reproduces by budding in infected tissues
(yeast phase). In nature, it is most likely a soil saprophyte, which produces infective
spores (conidia). Infection occurs through inhalation from the environment, and
sporting dogs and dogs living near water are at increased risk of blastomycosis.
A primary infection is established in the lungs and eventually disseminates
throughout the body, with the preferred sites being the skin, eyes, bones, lymph
nodes, subcutaneous tissue, external nares, brain, and testes. Ocular involvement
is common and has been reported to occur in up to 50% of cases. Anterior
uveitis, panophthalmitis, secondary glaucoma, subretinal granulomas, and retinal
detachment are most commonly reported.

2 What treatment would you suggest? Oral itraconazole (5  mg/kg q12h for at
least 60 days) is currently considered the treatment of choice for blastomycosis.
In one study, up to 80% of dogs were successfully treated.
3 What is the prognosis for vision in this dog? The prognosis for vision is guarded
in dogs with anterior uveitis and glaucoma, and enucleation of painful blind eyes is
recommended. However, the eyes of dogs with posterior segment involvement can
recover with appropriate treatment.

1 What are the differential diagnoses for the problems identified? Cough can
be of respiratory or cardiac origin. The nature of the cough and lack of signs
of heart failure on physical examination (such as tachycardia, delayed capillary
refill times, and poor pulse quality) made cardiac disease less likely in this case.
Respiratory abnormalities can be localized to the upper or the lower respiratory
tract. In this dog, there were no signs of upper respiratory disease (such as
stridor), but increased lung sounds over the lung field suggested the possibility of
lower respiratory tract disease. The cutaneous ecchymoses could be traumatic or
secondary to a coagulation disorder. The latter was suspected because there was
no history of trauma. Coagulation disorders can result from defects of primary
hemostasis (vasculopathy, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopathy) or secondary
hemostasis (lack of coagulation factors).
2 What diagnostic tests would you perform? Thoracic radiographs are indicated for
further work-up of the cough. In addition, a CBC should be performed to evaluate
for anemia and thrombocytopenia, as well as signs of infection or inflammation in
the leukogram. Serum biochemistry and urinalysis should be performed to evaluate
liver function (production of coagulation factors) and to assess for evidence of
other systemic disorders that might contribute to coagulopathy. In addition, a
coagulation profile should be performed. In heartworm endemic regions or dogs
with a travel history to those regions, a heartworm antigen test would also be

1 What is your assessment of the diagnostic test results? The thoracic
radiographs reveal a severe bronchointerstitial lung pattern with micronodular
infiltrates. This could be seen with neoplasia, infectious diseases (especially
fungal or parasitic diseases), or inflammatory disorders such as eosinophilic
bronchopneumopathy. The peripheral eosinophilia could be seen with parasitic
infection as well as in hypersensitivity disorders and is commonly found in dogs

with eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy. The combination of increased PT and
aPTT and increased D-dimers suggests consumption of coagulation factors due
to DIC. The two pulmonary diseases that are most likely to be associated with
coagulation abnormalities in dogs from this region are infection with the parasite
Angiostrongylus vasorum and a neoplastic process.
2 What additional diagnostic work-up would you suggest? Diagnosis of
A. vasorum infection requires collection of a fecal specimen on three consecutive
days for analysis using the Baermann technique. Alternatively, larvae sometimes
can be detected microscopically in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Measurement of
antigen using ELISA on serum and detection of the organism in whole blood using
real-time PCR can also be used for diagnosis. If there is no evidence of infection
with either of these diagnostic methods, diagnosis should focus on neoplastic
disease (usually through bronchoalveolar lavage or fine needle aspiration of
the lung). Given the presence of a micronodular lung pattern, which suggests
metastatic neoplasia, a search for a primary tumor in another location would also
be indicated.

1 What treatment would you suggest for this dog? In this dog, treatment should
first stabilize the patient and then address the infection. For stabilization,
the dog received intravenous fluids and two units of fresh frozen plasma for
replenishment of coagulation factors. Three drugs can be used for treatment
of canine angiostrongylosis: milbemycin oxime, moxidectin, or fenbendazole.
The  advantage of milbemycin oxime and moxidectin is that they can be
administered less frequently than fenbendazole. However, in a study on naturally
infected dogs, fenbendazole was as effective as moxidectin combined with
imidacloprid. In the case described here, the dog was treated with fenbendazole
(50  mg/kg PO for 14  days) (recommended dose: 25–50  mg/kg PO q24h for
7–21 days).
2 What should you recommend to the owner to prevent reinfection? To prevent
recurrent infection in dogs living in endemic areas, owners should prevent their
dogs from eating snails and slugs, which act as intermediate hosts for A. vasorum.
Treatment in the prepatent period with milbemycin oxime or moxidectin can
decrease the establishment of adult parasites and therefore can be recommended
as prophylaxis for dogs that reside in endemic areas.

1 What is the most likely diagnosis? Given the signs of mild nasal depigmentation
on the right side, aspergillosis should be highest on the differential diagnoses list.

The depigmentation is thought to result from production of a dermonecrotic
toxin that destroys pigment along the drainage path of the fungus. It occurs in
approximately 40% of dogs with nasal aspergillosis.
2 What physical examination features would be expected in this dog? Nasal
aspergillosis is associated with turbinate destruction in dogs and it should be
anticipated that nasal airflow will be preserved bilaterally or there could be
increased nasal airflow on the affected side. Ocular retropulsion and soft palate
palpation should be normal because there is no mass effect in the nasal cavity.
The dog could exhibit pain on palpation of the muzzle or the frontal sinus region.
Ipsilateral lymphadenopathy might be present, although aspiration cytology of the
draining node would typically reveal a reactive population of lymphocytes and
plasma cells with absence of organisms.

1 What is the most likely diagnosis? These exophytic warts are typical of
canine oral papillomatosis. Papillomaviruses (family Papillomaviridae) infect
keratinizing epithelia and mucous membranes. They cause no lysis of the cells but
can induce proliferative disorders. At least nine types of canine papillomavirus
have been identified, in association with exophytic warts (such as in canine oral
papillomatosis), endophytic (inverted) warts, pigmented plaques (common in Pugs),
and, in some cases, squamous cell carcinomas. Canine papillomavirus-1 often
induces a subclinical infection, but sometimes it can cause oral papillomatosis.
Single or multiple verrucous lesions develop, typically located on the oral mucosa
and on the mucocutaneous junctions. Less frequently, the eyelids can be affected.
In some cases, the warts spread to the esophageal mucosa, perioral haired skin,
and even other cutaneous sites. Such severe and/or recurrent lesions are usually
associated with defects in host immunity.
2 Are there other differential diagnoses? The clinical presentation of canine oral
papillomatosis is so typical that hardly any disease looks similar. When cauliflower-
like lesions are identified on the oral mucosa of a young dog (<2 years old) with no
other abnormalities, canine oral papillomatosis is extremely likely.
3 How can the diagnosis be confirmed? Usually no other tests are necessary.
If the identity of the lesions is unclear, excisional biopsies, which include some
adjacent normal tissue, can be submitted for histopathology. This typically reveals
hyperplasia of the epidermis with extensive orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis. Typical
features are clumped keratohyalin granules in the stratum spinosum, koilocytes
(keratinocytes with swollen, clear cytoplasm and a pyknotic nucleus), clear cells
(keratinocytes with swollen, blue–gray cytoplasm and enlarged nuclei), and in some
cases intranuclear inclusion bodies. Immunohistochemistry has also been used to
confirm the diagnosis. PCR has been established for the detection of viral DNA

in biopsy or cytobrush samples. However, papillomavirus DNA can be found in
the skin of many healthy dogs; therefore, interpretation of the PCR results can
be difficult.

1 What is the prognosis? In young dogs, the prognosis is usually good, because
canine oral papillomatosis is typically a self-limiting disease.
2 What treatment is indicated? In immunocompetent animals, spontaneous wart
regression usually occurs within 4–8 weeks, so no treatment is needed. After
recovery, the dogs are immune to subsequent infections. Immunosuppressed
animals of any age can suffer from recurrent or persistent disease. If the warts do
not disappear or cause reluctance to eat, airway obstruction, or hemorrhage due to
their size or location, surgical removal by excision, cryosurgery, or electrosurgery
can be performed. However, surgery has the potential to lead to a higher rate
of recurrence. Treatment with autogenous vaccines (a homogenate of fresh warts
inactivated with formalin) has been performed in the past, but data confirming
efficacy of this procedure are lacking. Similarly, treatment with interferon or
immunomodulators, and recently with azithromycin or taurolidine, has been
suggested, but the outcome of these treatments remains unclear. Any reports of
effective treatment without a placebo control group should be reviewed with
caution, because self-regression is difficult to distinguish from therapeutic effect.
3 Can dogs be vaccinated against oral papillomatosis? Many decades ago, a
vaccine containing inactivated virus in crude wart extract was demonstrated to
be effective for prevention of canine oral papillomatosis, and was used to protect
against the disease or to facilitate recovery. More recently, an experimental subunit
vaccine containing immunogenic proteins of canine papillomavirus-1 and a
DNA vaccine have been shown to induce both humoral and cellular immunity.
A recombinant adenoviral vaccine expressing canine papillomavirus antigens was
also shown to prevent or reduce disease burden in dogs after challenge. However,
no canine papillomavirus vaccine is currently available commercially.

1 Can this dog spread the disease to other dogs? Infective virions occur in the
upper stratum granulosum and stratum corneum and are probably released
during normal death of cells in these layers. This is the suggested mechanism of
transmission. Occasionally, mass outbreaks have been observed in dog colonies.
However, on most occasions, the disease is sporadic. Papillomaviruses establish
persistent infection of the squamous epithelium, but only in dividing cells. This
means they must be introduced into the basal cell layer, which is normally protected

by many layers of keratinocytes. Thus, it is believed that trauma is required to the
skin before papillomaviruses can infect a new host. Even if this happens, many
dogs remain subclinically infected, because about 50% of apparently healthy
dogs harbor the DNA of papillomaviruses within clinically normal skin. The risk
of disease after papillomavirus infection is higher in immunocompromised dogs
(severe combined immunodeficiency, chronic canine monocytic ehrlichiosis, or
dogs on glucocorticoids or cyclosporine).
2 Are other animals and humans at risk of becoming infected? To date almost
200  distinct types of papillomavirus have been recognized. They are extremely
host species-specific viruses, therefore crossing of the species barrier is a very rare
event. Canine papillomaviruses do not appear to infect humans.

1 What further diagnostic tests should be performed? Common causes of
lymphohistiocytic pleocytosis in the CSF are viral or protozoal encephalitis and
meningoencephalitis of unknown origin. The most frequent viral encephalitis in
dogs is canine distemper. There are few reports of other viral encephalitides (rabies,
Aujeszky’s disease, arbovirus infections restricted to certain geographic regions),
and the clinical course in these is usually acute and rapidly progressive. The most
frequent protozoal encephalitides in dogs are neosporosis and toxoplasmosis. Other
CNS infections that can result in a lymphohistiocytic pleocytosis are ehrlichiosis,
hepatozoonosis (caused by Hepatozoon canis), fungal infections in certain
geographic regions (e.g. cryptococcosis, blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis), and
protothecosis. Neoplastic diseases, such as lymphoma, should also be considered.
Diagnostic testing should include assays for canine distemper virus infection,
neosporosis, and toxoplasmosis. These pathogens can sometimes be detected in
CSF using PCR assays. For distemper, conjunctival scrapings, blood, and urine
can alternatively be used for PCR. PCR should be performed on non-centrifuged
CSF to increase sensitivity. Concurrent use of antibody testing can be useful to
support results of other assays, but positive antibody test results do not prove
active infection.
2 What treatment should be started while results of diagnostic tests are pending?
Treatment for suspected neosporosis should be initiated while diagnostic results
are pending. Chronic cerebellitis with cerebellar atrophy and lymphohistiocytic
pleocytosis in the CSF has been reported as a manifestation of neosporosis in
adult dogs. Other manifestations of neosporosis are polyradiculoneuritis in young
dogs, and myositis, encephalitis, and myelitis in adult dogs with clinical signs of
ascending paralysis and cerebellar disease. Polyradiculoneuritis in young dogs
results in characteristic rigid extension of the pelvic limbs and arthrogryposis due
to development of muscle contracture during skeletal growth. Commonly used

drugs for treatment of neosporosis are clindamycin (15  mg/kg PO q12h) or a
trimethoprim/sulfonamide combination (15–20 mg/kg PO q12h) for a minimum
duration of 6 weeks (up to 3–4 months). Trimethoprim/sulfonamides might be
more effective for treatment of CNS infections than clindamycin because they
cross the blood–brain barrier more effectively. Folinic acid should be added if long-
term treatment with trimethoprim is prescribed.
3 Why might glucocorticoids be contraindicated for treatment of this disease?
Neospora caninum cysts persist lifelong in the tissues, mostly in muscle and the
CNS. Defects in cell-mediated immunity and immunosuppression appear to be
associated with the development of clinical disease. Thus, use of glucocorticoids in
immunosuppressive dosages is contraindicated in any dog with suspected neosporosis
because it can negatively influence the chance of resolution of the clinical signs.

1 How would you initially manage this case? The first priority for this dog is to
provide supplemental oxygen using an oxygen cage or mask, and then evaluate the
cardiac arrhythmia to determine whether it is life-threatening and needs to be treated.
Acute respiratory distress and cough in dogs result from disease of the  upper or
lower airway, or can be of cardiac origin. Radiographs are therefore recommended
in this case as soon as the dog is more stable, to help localize the cause.
2 The client is concerned about costs; therefore, what diagnostic tests would
you perform? At a minimum, three-view thoracic radiographs and an ECG
should be recommended as initial diagnostics. Echocardiography might be
required depending on these findings. A CBC, biochemical profile, and urinalysis
should also be recommended to evaluate the dog’s general health status.
3 What are the primary differential diagnoses for the problems? Based on the
signalment, history, and physical examination findings, the most likely cause of
respiratory distress is pulmonary parenchymal disease (e.g. pulmonary edema,
pneumonia) or vascular disease (thromboembolism, lung lobe torsion). A right-
sided apical heart murmur would not be expected to be caused by a disease that
would result in cardiogenic pulmonary edema, but further diagnostics are required
to determine the relationship between the abnormal cardiovascular findings and
the respiratory signs. Pale mucous membranes could be a sign of poor perfusion,
but must be differentiated from anemia.

1 Describe the thoracic radiographic findings. The thoracic radiographs show
right-sided cardiomegaly with a mixed interstitial–alveolar lung pattern in the
caudodorsal lung lobes. The pulmonary arteries are enlarged and tortuous.

2 How do these findings affect the differential diagnoses list in this case?
The radiographic findings suggest the presence of pulmonary hypertension
with secondary right-sided cardiomegaly. Despite the presence of a right-sided
cardiac murmur and cardiomegaly, signs of right-sided congestive heart failure
(such as jugular distension, hepatomegaly, ascites, or pleural effusion) were not
present in this dog. Likely causes of pulmonary hypertension in this case are
chronic pulmonary parenchymal disease, heartworm disease, and pulmonary
3 What is your diagnostic plan? Echocardiography is needed for definitive
diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension and to assess the risk of pulmonary
thromboembolism, which is a life-threatening condition that is difficult to
diagnose ante mortem. Normal D-dimer concentrations would suggest the absence
of pulmonary thromboembolism (negative predictive value of 60–100%), but
dogs with pulmonary thromboembolism can have normal coagulation profiles.
Heartworm antigen testing is recommended. Urinalysis should be performed to
assess for proteinuria, because chronic dirofilariasis can lead to glomerulonephritis
caused by antigen–antibody complex deposition. Once the dog has been stabilized,
bronchoalveolar lavage could be performed for further work-up of pulmonary
parenchymal disease if other diagnostic tests do not identify the cause.

1 What are other important consequences of the infection with this parasite?
When multiple adult heartworms partially obstruct the blood flow in the right
atrium and block the tricuspid valve, caval syndrome may occur. This syndrome
is characterized by intravascular hemolysis, hemoglobinemia, hemoglobinuria,
regenerative anemia, and increases in AST, ALT, ALP, bilirubin, and BUN. A CBC,
biochemistry panel, and urinalysis were performed in this dog, and evidence of all
of the above abnormalities was detected.
2 How would you classify the stage of heartworm disease in this case? This dog is
classified with heartworm disease stage 4 (caval syndrome).
3 How would you treat this dog? Dogs with caval syndrome require surgical
extraction of adult heartworms, otherwise death can follow within a few
days. Dogs with stage 1 to 3 heartworm disease should be treated with the
adulticide melarsomine. This is the only US Food and Drugs Administration-
approved therapy for adult worms. For 2 months before commencing adulticide
therapy, it  is recommended by the American Heartworm Society that dogs be
treated with  strict exercise restriction, prednisone (0.5  mg/kg PO q12h for 1
week followed by tapering over 4 weeks), doxycycline (10 mg/kg PO q12h for
4 weeks) to kill the filarial endosymbiont Wolbachia pipientis, and a heartworm
preventive (ivermectin, selamectin, moxidectin) to reduce the microfilaria burden.

When adulticide therapy is commenced, a tapering dose of prednisone is again
administered, together with strict exercise restriction, close observation, and
other supportive therapy as required.
4 What is the prognosis? The prognosis for heartworm disease depends on the
stage of the disease. Low parasite burdens are associated with a good prognosis,
whereas caval syndrome causes death in approximately 40% of cases, despite
appropriate therapy.

1 What is the most common composition of uroliths in dogs? The two most
common stones in dogs are calcium oxalate and struvite, which account for
around 88% of stones worldwide. A global shift was reported from predominantly
calcium oxalate stones to struvite stones between the years 1999–2000 and 2009–
2010; currently, the percentages of both stone types are approximately equal.
Calcium oxalate stones occur more often in male dogs (around 74% of stones),
while struvite stones are more common in females (around 86% of stones). Most
dogs with calcium oxalate stones are between 5 and 11 years old, while dogs with
struvite stones are between 2 and 8 years old. Most struvite uroliths in dogs are
associated with urinary tract infection.
2 What further tests would you recommend in this dog? Urinalysis and aerobic
bacterial urine culture (via cystocentesis) are important tests for work-up of
urolithiasis. Dogs with struvite stones tend to have alkaline urine, whereas dogs
with calcium oxalate stones tend to have acidic urine. The presence of specific
types of crystalluria is not always predictive of the stone type present. In addition,
storage of urine between collection and laboratory analysis can be associated with
crystal formation. Abdominal radiographs and ultrasound of the urinary tract
should be performed to ensure no new stones are present.

1 Considering the results of the urinalysis, how would you treat this dog? Struvite
stones were most likely present in the past in this dog; these can be dissolved
with dietary therapy. Dissolution diets should be fed for 1 month after stone
dissolution has occurred. Antimicrobial drug therapy, selected based on culture
and susceptibility results, should be given throughout the dissolution period, and
it is currently recommended that it be continued for 1 month after dissolution
of the stone, although this requires further evaluation because shorter periods of
treatment might be sufficient. Efficacy of the therapy should be monitored by serial
urinalysis with culture and susceptibility testing starting 1 week after initiation
of therapy. The goal is to maintain acidic urine with a specific gravity below

1.015, and negative urine cultures. Monthly ultrasound of the urinary bladder to
assess size and number of uroliths is recommended. Expected dissolution time is
2–3 months.
2 What methods of stone removal other than surgical cystotomy after laparotomy
would be possible in this dog? Depending on urethra and stone size, voiding
urohydropulsion, stone basket removal, lithotripsy, and laparoscopic-assisted
cystotomy are potential alternatives to open laparotomy and cystotomy to remove
stones from the urinary bladder.
3 The dog was stone free but bacteriuria was present. What is the difference
between bacteriuria and urinary tract infection? List possible reasons for recurrent
urinary tract infections in dogs. Bacteriuria is the presence of bacteria in the urine,
with or without clinical signs. A urinary tract infection is defined as bacteriuria
together with clinical signs of lower urinary tract disease, and typically antimicrobial
treatment is indicated only for this situation. Recurrent urinary tract infection results
from relapse of an existing infection or a reinfection. Relapse means that the same
bacterial isolate as previously isolated causes the infection. When relapse occurs, it
is often shortly after discontinuation of antimicrobial therapy and reflects failure to
eliminate the infection. This can be due either to inappropriate antimicrobial therapy
(type, dose, or duration of therapy) or failure of antimicrobial drugs to adequately
penetrate the site of infection. Reinfections with a different organism usually occur
later than a relapse. These indicate the existence of abnormal host defenses (e.g.
diabetes mellitus, ectopic ureters, sphincter mechanism incompetence), which allow
pathogenic bacteria to enter the urinary tract continuously.

1 What is the risk of infection to other animals and humans? Tetanus is always
a consequence of contamination of a wound with spores from the environment.
Clostridium tetani replicates in the gastrointestinal tracts of healthy animals and
humans worldwide, and is excreted with feces. Thus, the spores are ubiquitous in
soil, manure, feed, dust, mud, etc. If swallowed, they do not cause disease. In healthy
tissues, clostridial spores are unable to germinate to vegetative forms that produce
toxin. In wounds, spores germinate as a result of low oxygen concentration due to
the presence of necrosis, impaired local perfusion, or infection with accompanying
bacteria that consume oxygen. Thus, tetanus is a non-contagious disease.
2 Should dogs be vaccinated to prevent tetanus? Effective vaccines to prevent
tetanus are available worldwide for humans and horses. Tetanus is uncommon in
the dog, which is attributed to a natural resistance in this species. Although young
animals are more susceptible, tetanus is rare even in puppies. Therefore, tetanus
vaccines are not recommended generally for dogs, although some horse vaccines in
selected countries are also licensed for dogs.

3 How can tetanus be prevented in dogs? The best way to prevent tetanus is
early and appropriate management of any wounds. Hydrogen peroxide cleaning
is recommended because it not only reduces the number of bacteria, but also
increases oxygen concentration in the wound area.

1 What is your interpretation of the thoracic radiographs? The thoracic radiographs
show a diffuse nodular soft tissue pattern that coalesces to alveolar infiltrates
in the left caudal lung lobe and right cranial lung lobe. Mild tracheobronchial
lymphadenopathy is evident and mild cardiomegaly is present.
2 What differential diagnoses should be considered? The primary differential
diagnoses in this patient are fungal pneumonia and neoplasia, particularly lymphoma.
Given the travel history within California, coccidioidomycosis is a possibility. Other
fungal infections, such as blastomycosis and histoplamosis, would be more common
with travel to the Ohio or Mississippi river valleys. Pneumocystis and Toxoplasma
gondii infection could also be considered as potential causes for this pulmonary
infiltrate, but they are extremely rare causes of pneumonia in dogs from this region.
3 What diagnostic tests should be performed? A CBC, biochemistry panel, and
urinalysis would be indicated to assess the overall health of the animal. Given the
degree of respiratory difficulty and cyanosis, pulse oximetry or an arterial blood
gas analysis is indicated to determine the severity of gas exchange abnormalities.
Positive fungal antibody tests for Coccidioides spp. could confirm a diagnosis;
however, serum antibody tests for Histoplama capsulatum and Blastomyces spp.
have low sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of these infections. Urine antigen
testing would be preferred for the diagnosis but does not differentiate between
H. capsulatum antigen and Blastomyces spp. antigen owing to cross-reactivity.
A transtracheal wash or bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage should be
considered to look for cytologic evidence of infection or neoplasia. Documentation
of Pneumocystis infection can be possible by detecting the organisms cytologically
in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid or through PCR. T. gondii might be found in
bronchoalveolar lavage fluid or antibody testing could be performed.

1 Given the tissue tropism of this organism, what other examinations might be
indicated? Given the tissue tropism of this organism, a dilated fundic examination
is indicated. This was performed, but was normal. Thorough palpation of the skin
for skin lesions would also be recommended.
2 What treatment options should be considered? Given the severity of the
clinical and radiographic findings, hospitalization is recommended and oxygen

supplementation is advised to alleviate the respiratory distress. Antifungal
drugs to consider include deoxycholate amphotericin B, or lipid-complexed
amphotericin  B, and azole drugs (itraconazole, fluconazole, posaconazole,
voriconazole). Concerns for using a highly active agent, such as amphotericin B,
would be the risk of rapid and extensive kill of fungal organisms with associated
inflammation, leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome. Also, deoxycholate
amphotericin B can be nephrotoxic and saline diuresis with close monitoring
of renal parameters is indicated. Lipid-complexed products are less toxic but
more expensive. The azole drugs could be safer to use in this case but if used
alone might not result in rapid and efficient control of disease and restoration of
pulmonary function.

1 What is your most likely diagnosis? The most likely diagnosis for a unilateral
alopecic lesion that has negative skin scrapings and no clear indication of a
bacterial infection in a young dog is dermatophytosis. Bacterial infection was
unlikely because there were only a few bacteria, they were extracellular, and low
numbers of extracellular bacteria are to be expected on a distal limb.
2 What further tests are indicated in this dog? The first test to identify fungal
spores and hyphae could be a trichogram. If this is negative, fungal culture and/or
PCR for dermatophytes would be the next steps.
3 How would you treat this dog based on your most likely diagnosis? The
level of antimycotic therapy instituted depends on the number of animals in
the household, the degree of contact with the animal(s), and the immune status
of the owner(s). Topical treatment with enilconazole, lime sulfur rinses, or a
shampoo that contains miconazole and chlorhexidine twice weekly is always
indicated. If there are more in-contact animals in the household, those animals
also should be rinsed or shampooed at least weekly. Systemic antifungal therapy
with an azole antifungal drug (itraconazole is the registered treatment of
choice in many countries), griseofulvin, or terbinafine should be recommended
to accelerate recovery and reduce the chance of transmission, especially if
immunocompromised humans or young children live in the household or if there
is a high level of owner–dog contact. After 4 weeks, a second fungal culture should
be submitted and treatment continued until these culture results are available. If
a negative culture result is obtained, therapy could be discontinued, particularly
if an infection caused by a geophilic fungus, such as Microsporum gypseum,
is present. However, if owners are immunocompromised, treatment should be
continued until after a second negative monthly culture, as recommended in
some guidelines. If the culture is positive, treatment is continued and another
culture should be submitted 4 weeks later.

1 What are your primary differential diagnoses for the new clinical presentation?
Cutaneous hemorrhages can occur as a result of thrombocytopenia, which
in turn  may result from decreased platelet production, increased destruction
(primary  or secondary immune-mediated disease), splenic sequestration or
increased consumption. They can also result from impaired platelet function (which
might result from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or von Willebrand’s
disease), or endothelial damage (vasculitis). The possibility of disorders of secondary
hemostasis (decreased coagulation factors) should also be considered. A variety of
infections can also be associated with cutaneous hemorrhage, including ehrlichiosis
and other rickettsioses. In this puppy, a consumptive coagulopathy might have resulted
from septic complications of parvovirosis or co-infections with other pathogens that
might cause cutaneous hemorrhage, such as infectious canine adenovirus-1.
2 What diagnostic tests should be done first? Tests of coagulation function should
be performed first, such as a CBC (to evaluate the platelet count) and a coagulation
profile. A biochemistry panel should also be considered to evaluate serum proteins
and serum markers of liver function.

1 What is the most likely diagnosis in this puppy? The history, clinical signs, and
laboratory findings in this young unvaccinated dog are suggestive of infectious
canine hepatitis (ICH) caused by canine adenovirus-1 (CAV-1). Adequate and
safe protection against ICH is obtained by vaccination with attenuated live CAV-
2 vaccines. CAV-2 belongs to the canine infectious respiratory disease (CIRD)
complex, but vaccines containing CAV-2 cross-protect against CAV-1. Attenuated
live CAV-2 is a component of vaccines that contain other core antigens (such as
canine distemper virus and parvovirus).
2 What tests could be performed to confirm the diagnosis? A diagnosis of ICH
can be confirmed by performing PCR on tissues or secretions from animals with
clinical signs. Urine is an ideal specimen for PCR in dogs early in the course of
infection. In the later stages of the disease, antibody testing can be used to support
the diagnosis in unvaccinated animals, but subclinical exposure can occur, therefore
a positive antibody test result does not prove a diagnosis of ICH.
3 Why are confirmatory tests necessary? An attempt to make a diagnosis of ICH
is important for prognosis and to establish adequate control strategies. CAV-1
remains viable for months in the environment at low temperature and for many
days at room temperature on contaminated fomites. It is shed in all secretions
(vomit, feces, and urine) in the acute phase of disease, and urinary excretion lasts
for months. Transmission to other dogs through oronasal exposure to virus in
the environment should be prevented by use of effective chemical disinfectants

(accelerated hydrogen peroxide, bleach- 69b
based disinfectants).
4 What is the prognosis for this dog?
The dog experienced severe ICH because
he was young and unvaccinated and also
suffered from parvovirosis. The hepatic
necrosis was complicated by DIC,
making the short-term prognosis poor.
Dogs  with  ICH can have a  hyperacute
fatal course with death before the onset of
clinical signs. Some other lethal cases have
been associated with viral encephalitis,
manifested by lethargy, disorientation,
seizures, cranial nerve deficits, ataxia,
and other neurologic signs. Conversely,
in some other cases, a mild febrile disease
can be the only clinical manifestation.
In all dogs surviving the acute phase,
a  clinical consequence can be the so-
called “blue eye”, observed about 2 weeks after the onset of disease, when the corneal
endothelium is damaged by immune-complex deposition (69b). Long-term prognosis
is linked to the possible development of chronic active hepatitis and immune-complex
glomerulonephritis with secondary renal failure.

1 What differential diagnoses should be considered for nasal discharge in this patient?
In this young otherwise healthy dog, sinonasal aspergillosis (SNA) would be the most
likely cause of the nasal discharge; however, a chronic foreign body or dental problems
(e.g. oronasal fistula, tooth root abscess) should also be considered. Neoplasia would
be another differential diagnosis, but seems less likely because of the young age of the
dog. Given the unilateral character of the nasal discharge, inflammatory diseases, such
as lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis, seem less likely as well. Therefore, more diagnostic
steps are necessary in this case to obtain a definitive diagnosis.
2 Why did the patient not respond to antimicrobial treatment? In most cases
of nasal discharge in dogs, bacterial cultures of nasal swabs are not helpful in
establishing a diagnosis. Multiple bacterial organisms can be cultured from the
noses of healthy dogs, therefore bacteria causing secondary infections when host
defense mechanisms are impaired are thought to derive from the physiological
microflora and are not primary pathogens. However, this secondary bacterial
infection explains improvement of nasal discharge with antibiotic treatment in

some cases, even if the underlying disease is not bacterial in origin. To treat the
patient successfully, diagnosis and treatment of the underlying primary disease
process should be attempted.
3 How would you proceed to work-up the case? For further investigation of
the problem, the oral cavity should be thoroughly examined for signs of dental
disease or masses protruding from the hard or soft palate. In most cases, routine
bloodwork is not helpful in establishing a diagnosis, but it is necessary prior
to anesthesia. In addition, the platelet count and coagulation status should be
evaluated before obtaining biopsies, to assess the risk of hemorrhage. Diagnostic
imaging is indicated to localize a disease process within the nasal cavity and
characterize possible bony or soft tissue abnormalities. Both CT and MRI are more
sensitive than radiographs in detecting lesions typical of SNA. If dental disease
is suspected, dental radiographs can also be helpful. Imaging should be followed
by rhinoscopy to visualize the disease process, to identify and remove foreign
material, and to obtain biopsy samples for histopathology and fungal culture.
To confirm a diagnosis of suspected SNA, a combination of findings is usually
required, including one or more findings such as presence of destructive rhinitis
on CT or MRI, visualization of fungal plaques on rhinoscopy, identification of
fungal structures on cytologic or histologic examination, positive fungal culture for
Aspergillus spp., and/or detection of Aspergillus spp. antibodies in serum. False-
negative results can occur with any of these tests and can complicate the diagnosis.

1 What is your diagnosis? Even with the results of histopathology and fungal
culture still pending, a diagnosis of sinonasal aspergillosis (SNA) is very likely in
this dog. Typical CT findings of SNA include destruction of the turbinates and
increased soft tissue opacity in the nasal cavity, and thickened reactive frontal,
maxillary, or vomer bones. Frontal sinus abnormalities can be detected in more
than 70% of CT studies. This dog also had typical findings on rhinoscopy,
including destruction of the turbinates and visualization of fungal plaques. The
sensitivity of histopathology for diagnosis of SNA depends on the sampling site.
If biopsy specimens are taken directly from fungal plaques, fungal organisms can
be detected in most cases; if specimens are taken from unaffected mucosal areas,
the likelihood of detection of the fungus is lower. Cytology has a good sensitivity
for diagnosis of SNA if impression smears or brush cytology of biopsy samples
from plaque material are performed; sampling of nasal discharge and blindly
collected samples of the nasal cavity yield a low diagnostic value. To increase the
sensitivity of fungal culture, biopsy samples of fungal plaques should be submitted
(sensitivity of 44–77%).

2 What do you recommend for treatment in this case? The currently accepted
treatment is topical administration of the antifungals clotrimazole or enilconazole in
1% or 2% solution. Enilconazole is less irritating to mucosal surfaces, but treatment
with enilconazole is more likely to be followed by aspiration pneumonia, due to its
lower viscosity. Either drug is instilled into the nasal cavity and frontal sinuses via
catheters for a 1-hour infusion treatment, which includes a 90-degree rotation of the
patient every 15 minutes to guarantee optimal contact of the antifungal drug with all
affected mucosal surfaces. Debridement of all accessible mucosal plaques should be
performed endoscopically before infusion treatment and is critical in order to ensure
effective drug penetration. If the frontal
sinus cannot be accessed endoscopically, 71b
trephination or surgical access to the
frontal sinus should be recommended for
debridement of plaques and instillation of
antifungals. Tubes can be placed blindly
or endoscopically into the nasal cavity or
frontal sinus. Nasal discharge, epistaxis,
and sneezing are short-term and self-
limiting adverse effects seen in most
dogs after the procedure. Endoscopic
re-evaluation and a second treatment
are recommended 3–4 weeks after the
procedure. As a less time-consuming
alternative treatment, clotrimazole
cream can be instilled directly into the
frontal sinuses after trephination and a
5-minute flush with clotrimazole solution
(71b). This protocol was associated with
an 86% success rate in a recent study,
although success rates varied from one study to another depending on the length
of follow-up. Many dogs have persistent nasal discharge due to recurrent bacterial
infections secondary to extensive loss of nasal turbinates.

1 What are the most likely differential diagnoses in this dog? In this case, exfoliative
cutaneous lesions, alopecia, and systemic signs were observed. There was also a mild
anemia, hyperproteinemia, hyperglobulinemia, and hypoalbuminemia, suggesting
chronic immune stimulation. Renal failure was evidenced by the azotemia combined
with isosthenuria. The increased UPCR together with a benign urine sediment raised
concern for the possibility of glomerular disease. Differential diagnoses include

chronic inflammatory diseases with dermatologic involvement, such as leishmaniosis,
immune-mediated diseases (especially systemic lupus erythematosus), and neoplasia
(e.g. cutaneous lymphoma).
2 What diagnostic tests should be done next? Further diagnostic tests to
confirm a diagnosis of leishmaniosis include cytologic examination of impression
smears of the skin lesions; biopsy of the skin lesions; fine needle aspiration
and  cytology of the lymph nodes; antibody tests for Leishmania spp.; or
PCR of skin, blood, conjunctival swabs, or bone marrow. To diagnose immune-
mediated diseases, antinuclear antibody tests or skin biopsies might be indicated.
Skin biopsies would also be required for diagnosis of cutaneous lymphoma.

1 Describe the cytologic findings in the lymph node aspirate. Cytology showed many
protozoal amastigotes inside the cytoplasm of a macrophage as well as extracellularly,
together with some small lymphocytes. The amastigotes are consistent with those of
Leishmania spp. The sensitivity of cytology is about 80% in dogs with clinical signs
and is lower in subclinically infected dogs. Organisms can sometimes also be found in
aspirates of the spleen, liver, skin nodes, bone marrow, or other tissues and body fluids.
2 What factors can influence with the results of Leishmania spp. antibody
tests? Most antibody tests used to diagnose leishmaniosis have good specificity,
but antibodies cannot be detected in about 30% of infected dogs. Sensitivity and
specificity depend on the antigens used in the test. Tests that use whole-parasite
extracts are more sensitive, but have a lower specificity, because cross-reactions
with other species, such as Trypanosoma cruzi, can occur. However, this is
generally only a problem in areas where both Leishmania spp. and Trypanosoma
spp. infections are endemic. Tests that use recombinant antigen are very specific
but lack sensitivity, especially in subclinically infected dogs.

1 What are the treatment options, and what is the prognosis for this dog? Stage
III of canine leishmaniosis has a guarded to poor prognosis. This is because
Leishmania spp. can be resistant to antileishmanial drugs, there can be frequent
relapses, and secondary renal tubular injury can occur. This dog already had
glomerular disease and secondary renal tubular failure (chronic kidney disease;
IRIS stage II). Treatment should address fluid and acid–base balance. Nutrition is
important and feeding a diet with reduced protein content is recommended. The
first-line antileishmanial drugs include a combination of allopurinol (10  mg/kg
PO q12h, usually lifelong) and meglumine antimoniate (100 mg/kg SC q24h for
4 weeks) or miltefosine (2 mg/kg PO q24h for 4 weeks).

2 The owner has two other dogs and three young children. What actions
are indicated to prevent human infection in this situation? Leishmaniosis is a
zoonotic disease. In humans, the disease can be fatal, especially in young children
and immunocompromised people, including those that are malnourished. The
primary means of transmission of Leishmania organisms to humans from dogs
is through sandfly bites; although the possibility of transmission through direct
contact with ulcerative lesions has been suggested, there are no proven cases in the
literature. The other two dogs in the household should be tested for Leishmania
spp. infection. Sandfly bites can be prevented by regular use of collars, spot-on
solutions, or sprays containing insecticides (e.g. permethrin). In some countries,
a vaccine is now available. Leishmaniosis is not endemic in UK and there are no
sandflies, therefore the risk of transmission from the dog to the children is low.

1 What is your first assessment of this dog’s problems? Respiratory distress
can result from disorders of the upper respiratory tract, lower respiratory tract,
or pleural space. In this dog, there was no stridor, but tachypnea and increased
lung sounds on expiration suggested lower respiratory tract disease. Cough can
be respiratory, cardiac, or rarely extrapulmonary but intrathoracic in origin.
The suspected right ventricular concentric hypertrophy reported by the referring
veterinarian could be seen with pressure overload, for example due to pulmonic
stenosis or tetralogy of Fallot. However, cardiac disease was considered less likely
as a cause of the dog’s clinical signs on the basis of the physical examination
findings (lack of a murmur, normal pulse quality and capillary refill time).
2 What diagnostic steps should you perform next? The next diagnostic steps
would be thoracic radiography, as well as reassessment of the echocardiography

1 What is your assessment of the radiographic findings, and what is the differential
diagnosis? The thoracic radiographs reveal a severe interstitial lung pattern. In the
caudal lung lobe, the pattern appears almost alveolar. This could be seen with
pulmonary edema, hemorrhage, or infectious (fungal, parasitic, Pneumocystis spp.
infection) or inflammatory (eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy) lung disease.
2 What is your assessment of the echocardiographic study? Echocardiography
shows a slightly dilated right ventricle with mild hypertrophy of the right
ventricular wall. The pulmonary artery appears dilated in comparison with the
aorta. Pulmonary hypertension was suspected but could not be confirmed based
on these findings.

1 How can pulmonary hypertension be confirmed by echocardiography? Usually,
pulmonary hypertension is associated with a dilated right ventricle with or without right
ventricular wall hypertrophy. In addition, the pulmonary artery is frequently dilated.
Diagnosis is confirmed by identifying a tricuspid insufficiency jet velocity of >3.0 m/s
and by exclusion of pulmonic stenosis (pulmonic velocity <2.5 m/s). An alternative
method to identify pulmonary hypertension is to identify a pulmonic insufficiency jet
with a velocity >2.5 m/s. However, this dog had neither a tricuspid nor a pulmonic
insufficiency jet. The acceleration time/ejection time ratio of the pulmonary artery
flow velocity was 0.23, which is also suspicious of pulmonary hypertension, but
pulmonary hypertension could not be confirmed in this dog.
2 What other tests are available to identify pulmonary hypertension?
If  echocardiography cannot prove the presence of pulmonary hypertension, the
pulmonary artery pressure can be measured invasively by introducing a catheter
into the pulmonary artery and measuring the pressure directly. In this patient, the
pulmonary artery pressure was severely increased, with a pressure of 85 mmHg.
3 What are the main differential diagnoses for pulmonary hypertension?
Pulmonary hypertension can result from several congenital diseases (e.g. patent
ductus arteriosus or a ventricular septal defect), and can be secondary to left-sided
heart failure. Pulmonary hypertension can also be caused by primary pulmonary
hypertension, which is rare in dogs. Secondary pulmonary hypertension can be
seen with severe pulmonary disease, lung torsion, thromboembolic diseases
(secondary to IMHA, sepsis, DIC, Cushing’s disease, protein-losing nephropathy/
enteropathy), or parasites, such as heartworm or lungworm.
4 What further tests do you recommend? At this point, the next step would be
to test for Dirofilaria immitis and Angiostrongylus vasorum infection. As the dog
had never been outside Germany, heartworm disease was considered unlikely.
Therefore, the dog was first tested for A. vasorum, by Baermann fecal examination,
and this test was positive. The dog was treated with fenbendazole (50  mg/kg
PO q24h for 14 days), and with sildenafil (1 mg/kg PO q8h) for the pulmonary

1 What are the three most likely differential diagnoses for this dog, based on your
review of the image provided? Based on the presence of comedones, the disease
seems to be follicular, and the three most likely differential diagnoses are bacterial
folliculitis, demodicosis, and dermatophytosis.
2 What diagnostic tests should be done immediately? An impression smear and
deep skin scrapings should be the first tests to be conducted, to assess for bacterial
pyoderma and demodicosis.

1 What questions need to be asked to guide your further diagnostic
testing? The  cytology shows many segmented neutrophils. Cocci are seen
intracellularly  and extracellularly. In addition, there are a few macrophages.
This is diagnostic for bacterial pyoderma. In the skin scraping, one Demodex
mite is visible. The cause of bacterial pyoderma and adult-onset demodicosis
usually is an underlying immunosuppressive disease. In a 10-year-old dog,
endocrine diseases, such as hypothyroidism and hyperadrenocorticism, should
be considered as well as neoplastic disease elsewhere in the body. Questions
should try to identify clues that might suggest hypothyroidism (is the dog heat
seeking, exercise intolerant, gaining weight?), hyperadrenocorticism (is the dog
showing increased thirst and urination, polyphagia, panting?) or other signs of
systemic illness.
2 If there are no additional clues in the history, what other diagnostic tests should
be considered for this patient? A CBC and biochemistry panel can provide clues to
underlying diseases. A disproportionate increase in ALP activity and an increase in
serum glucose and cholesterol concentrations can suggest hyperadrenocorticism.
An increase in serum triglycerides and cholesterol can suggest hypothyroidism.
A thyroid panel could also be considered, although a low T4 concentration in
this dog could be due to euthyroid sick syndrome and would only be relevant
in association with either a high TSH concentration, high anti-thyroglobulin
antibodies, or other clinical or biochemical clues for the disease. An abdominal
ultrasound examination and a radiograph of the thorax should be suggested to
evaluate for possible underlying neoplastic disease.

1 How would you treat the dog’s demodicosis? The demodicosis needs to be
treated with either amitraz rinses or with macrocyclic lactones (ivermectin or
moxidectin, 300 mg/kg PO q24h). For amitraz rinses, the dog needs to be clipped
completely and thoroughly rinsed once weekly in a well-ventilated area. Ideally,
this should occur a few hours after using an antibacterial shampoo containing
chlorhexidine or benzoyl peroxide to remove crusts and debris and treat the
bacterial skin infection. The dog must not get wet between rinses. Macrocyclic
lactones are not registered for systemic treatment of canine demodicosis owing to
the potential for neurologic adverse effects with potentially fatal outcome. Collies
are particularly sensitive to these toxic effects owing to a deletion mutation of
the MDR-1 gene. However, adverse effects can also be seen in dogs without that
defect. Thus, the ivermectin or moxidectin doses should be gradually increased
from 50 mg/kg to 300 mg/kg over 3–4 days to identify sensitive dogs; such dogs
initially will show mild effects, such as tremors, ataxia, and lethargy, which should

resolve once the drug is discontinued. Dogs are re-evaluated clinically and skin
scrapings evaluated every 4 weeks, and miticidal treatments ideally are continued
until 8 weeks past the first negative skin scraping. In this particular dog, systemic
antibacterial therapy could also be considered. In a dog with severe skin disease,
a culture and susceptibility test should be performed before antibiotic therapy to
confirm the suitability of the empirically chosen antibiotic.
2 How would you monitor and adjust the thyroid hormone supplementation?
Ideally a post-pill T4 concentration should be determined 1 month after initiating
treatment, 6 hours after the administration of the morning dose. This should be in
the upper end of the normal range. Clinical improvement will be difficult to judge
in this dog, because a positive response is expected due to the miticidal therapy

1 What are your differential diagnoses in this dog? The top differential diagnoses
for an acute onset of generalized lower motor neuron (LMN) tetraparesis in a
dog are immune-mediated acute polyradiculoneuritis (idiopathic or Coonhound
radiculitis), botulism, and myasthenic crisis. Tick paralysis should also be considered
in the USA and Australia. Acute rhabdomyolysis, protozoal polyradiculoneuritis,
poliomyelitis (paralytic form of rabies, tick-borne encephalitis virus), and coral
snake poisoning have also been reported in rare circumstances. Severe metabolic
disease (hypothyroidism, Addison’s disease, hypoglycemia, hypo- or hyperkalemia)
can also cause acute LMN weakness and should be excluded with laboratory
2 What are the next diagnostic steps? A thorough history should be taken for
any dog with acute onset of severe LMN paresis to assess the possibility of intake
of dead animal carcasses or spoiled food, which could give rise to a suspicion of
botulism. Botulism should also be considered if several animals in a group are
affected. In addition, history and physical examination of dogs with acute LMN
paralysis should investigate potential exposure to ticks (in the USA and Australia),
raccoon bites (Coonhound radiculitis), or coral snake poisoning.
In this dog, botulism was strongly suspected based on the history. Rapid onset
of paralysis with subtle cranial nerve involvement with mydriatic pupils reflects the
typical course with onset of clinical signs within 12–72 hours. Polyradiculoneuritis
and myasthenic crisis have a more protracted onset. Botulism is commonly
reported in the literature as outbreaks in groups of several affected dogs (e.g. in
sled hounds, hunting foxhounds), or around lakes due to the ingestion of dead
waterfowl. Botulism is caused by ingestion of the preformed toxin of Clostridium
botulinum in spoiled food. Seven types of C. botulinum toxin are known (A–G),
but up to now only toxin type C and, rarely, type D have been associated with

botulism in dogs. Confirmation of botulism requires demonstration of the toxin in
serum, feces, vomitus, or carrion, or a rising antibody response to botulinum toxins
in acute and convalescent sera. This usually requires submission of specimens to
specialized laboratories. Specimens should be handled with care and packages
labeled as dangerous. Currently, the most sensitive test is a mouse inoculation
assay. Mice are inoculated with the test material. Thereafter, the specific toxin type
is assessed by repeating the test with antitoxin protection. Results are usually only
available with a delay of at least a week and, therefore, do not assist with the initial
management of the dog.
When the initial diagnosis of botulism remains unclear, other diagnostic tests
that should be considered are a thyroid hormone panel, antibody tests for protozoal
infection, and acetylcholine receptor antibodies. Furthermore, electrodiagnostic
examination with inclusion of specific tests for neuromuscular transmission
(repetitive nerve stimulation) and proximal nerve root function (F-waves)
can assist in the diagnosis and specific localization of neuromuscular disease.
Cerebrospinal fluid examination should be considered for diagnosis of rare cases
of poliomyelitis. In this dog, the only abnormal findings were mild abnormalities
on electrodiagnostic examination (low amplitude of the compound muscle action
potential, borderline decrement on repetitive stimulation). Type C botulism, which
was already suspected based on the history, was further confirmed by the presence
of botulinum toxin type C in the serum.
3 What treatment is indicated? Treatment of botulism is mostly supportive
and focuses on maintaining respiratory function. Death can occur as a result of
paralysis of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles and, therefore, intubation
and ventilation may be necessary. Botulinum toxin is internalized into peripheral
nerve endings, but unlike tetanus toxin it does not undergo retrograde axonal
transport. In the nerve endings it inactivates SNARE proteins and interferes with
the release of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft. The use of botulinum antitoxin
is of questionable value because it antagonizes only the toxin in the systemic
circulation and not the toxin that is already internalized in the peripheral nerve
endings. Thus, antitoxin will not reverse any clinical signs that are already
present, but it has the potential to prevent further progression of paralysis. Only
toxin-specific antitoxin is useful. As most published clinical cases in dogs have
been attributed to botulinum toxin type C, botulinum antitoxin type CD should
be used in dogs.

1 What would be the next diagnostic steps to further work-up the dog’s
major problems? Nervous system involvement is present with ataxia and
proprioceptive deficits. Neurologic and ophthalmologic examinations would be

the next appropriate steps for localization. Further diagnostic testing, such as CBC,
radiographs, CT or MRI, and CSF collection and analysis would be indicated
depending on the site of localization.
2 What are the differential diagnoses for generalized lymphadenomegaly, and
what is the first step in a diagnostic work-up? Neoplasia, hyperplasia, infiltrative
protozoal or fungal infections, and suppuration are four processes that cause
generalized enlargement of lymph nodes. Fine needle aspiration and cytology of
the nodes is the most direct and easiest step to determine which problem is present.
In addition, a CBC should be performed to assess the white blood cell count and
3 What disease processes can be associated with miosis and aqueous flare? Disease
processes that can be associated with miosis include neurologic dysfunction with
increased parasympathetic or decreased sympathetic input as well as intraocular
injury or inflammation. The presence of aqueous flare suggests that a primary
ophthalmologic process is present. This further supports the need for a thorough
ophthalmologic and fundic examination.

1 What is the site of neurologic localization, and what further tests would be
indicated? A lesion in the spinal cord from T3 to L3, more localized to the left side,
would be expected. Spinal radiographs should be taken, if possible under anesthesia.
Should these results be uninformative, CSF analysis, contrast myelography, or
imaging with CT or MRI might be needed while the dog is anesthetized.
2 What infectious diseases of dogs can be associated with inflammation in the
anterior and posterior eye segments? Systemic bacterial, fungal, and protozoal
infections that spread in the circulation can either lodge in the uveal or chorioretinal
vasculature or cause immune complex deposition at these sites.
3 What further diagnostic tests would you suggest to confirm one of these
infections? Blood culture or PCR, aqueous or vitreous cytologic examination, or
antibody testing can be performed to identify a specific etiologic agent.
4 What does electrophoresis suggest about the cause of the globulin increase?
Electrophoresis shows polyclonal hyperglobulinemia, which is most characteristic
of chronic antigenic stimulation, usually from a chronic persistent intracellular
infection (e.g. Brucella canis, Ehrlichia canis, Leishmania spp.) or chronic
persistent extracellular infections that are not being controlled by humoral or
cell-mediated immunity (e.g. heartworm disease, aspergillosis, deep mycotic
infections). Monoclonal gammopathy would be more indicative of a plasma cell
or B-cell myeloma. Myeloma often causes spinal lesions; however, these are usually
osteoproliferative and osteolytic, involving the vertebral bodies and spinous

1 What are the most common etiologic agents that cause discospondylitis in
dogs? Discospondylitis, especially at multiple sites, is most likely to be caused
by circulating infectious agents (bacteremia or fungemia). Staphylococcus spp.,
Brucella canis, and Aspergillus spp. are commonly incriminated.
2 How would you interpret the Brucella canis test results? The results are
highly suggestive of brucellosis; however, false-positive test results can occur and,
therefore positive blood culture results would have been more definitive.
3 What other signs would be expected in a neutered or intact dog with brucellosis?
Neutered animals usually show few if any signs of brucellosis, but can develop
problems associated with systemic infections such as discospondylitis. Intact
female dogs can show signs of infertility, abortion, stillbirth, or can give birth
to pups with a febrile disease. Intact male dogs can show signs of epididymal
enlargement, scrotal dermatitis, and infertility. Given the insidious nature of the
disease, dogs that are congregated in shelters can become infected and carry the
organism despite being neutered prior to rehoming.

1 What are the typical clinical signs of large and small intestinal diarrhea, and
how would you categorize the diarrhea in this dog? The typical clinical signs in
small bowel diarrhea are weight loss, moderate frequency in defecation, and a
moderate to large amount of feces. In addition, melena can be present. The typical
clinical signs in large bowel diarrhea are tenesmus, mucus or fresh blood in the
feces, and frequent defecation of small amounts of feces. This dog had tenesmus,
hematochezia, and mucus in the feces, which are typical signs for large bowel
diarrhea. Concurrent small bowel involvement is possible but less likely, because
the dog had not lost weight.
2 Do you think coccidiosis is a likely explanation for the chronic diarrhea in
this dog? Isospora spp. can be a primary pathogen, but infections are generally
only associated with clinical signs in puppies or in adult dogs in association
with concurrent gastrointestinal or immunosuppressive diseases. This coccidian
parasite replicates in the small intestine and generally causes self-limited acute
diarrhea. Therefore, it is unlikely that clinical signs in this dog can be explained by
3 What part of the physical examination is missing, but absolutely indicated
in this case? A rectal examination was not mentioned in the description of the
physical examination. However, this is the first step in the diagnostic work-up of a
dog with large intestinal signs. Rectal polyps, infiltrative disorders, and strictures
can be identified or suspected with a thorough digital examination.

1 What causes of large bowel diarrhea are still on your differential diagnosis list?
Given that the fecal examination was negative and the dog had been treated with
antiparasitic drugs several times, a parasitic infection (e.g. Trichuris vulpis) was
considered unlikely as cause of the chronic large intestinal signs. Fungal diseases
(e.g. histoplasmosis) were unlikely, because this dog lived in an area where these
fungi were not endemic. A chronic bacterial infection remained a possibility.
The dog had been fed with two different hypoallergenic diets without significant
improvement. Therefore, a food allergy was also considered unlikely. However, some
dogs with chronic large bowel diarrhea respond to fiber-supplemented diets and,
therefore, treatment for fiber-responsive colonic dysfunction could be attempted.
Extraintestinal diseases (e.g. uremia, pancreatitis, or hypoadrenocorticism) were
unlikely, because the dog did not show any signs of systemic illness. Lymphoma can
occasionally occur in young dogs, but is not likely at this age. Anatomic disorders
(e.g. strictures, ileocolic or cecocolic intussusception) should also be considered in
young dogs with chronic large bowel diarrhea unresponsive to anthelmintics and
food trials and should be worked-up by further imaging studies.
2 How would you manage an idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease involving
the large intestine? Some dogs with idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease
respond to antibiotics that also have an immunomodulatory component, such
as metronidazole or tylosin. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as sulfasalazine
or mesalamine, could be tried because this group of drugs is thought to cause
fewer adverse effects than immunosuppressive drugs. Tear production should be
monitored, because sulfa-based drugs can cause keratoconjunctivitis sicca. In dogs
not responding to fiber supplementation, immunomodulatory antibiotics, and
anti-inflammatory drugs, the next line of treatment would be immunosuppression.
Frequently used immunosuppressive drugs include prednisolone, azathioprine,
and cyclosporine. However, a diagnostic work-up to investigate the possibility
of anatomic abnormalities, neoplastic infiltrations, and infectious agents should
ideally be performed before starting the immunosuppressive therapy.
3 Why might colonic biopsies be indicated before starting immunosuppressive
therapy, especially in this case? French Bulldogs are one of several breeds predisposed
to granulomatous colitis. It is mandatory to rule out this disease first, because
immunosuppressive therapy would be contraindicated in dogs with granulomatous
or neutrophilic infiltrates until infectious agents have been excluded.

1 What test would you perform to differentiate idiopathic neutrophilic
inflammatory bowel disease from histiocytic colitis? The pathognomonic lesion of
histiocytic ulcerative colitis in dogs is mucosal infiltration with large numbers of

macrophages staining positively with periodic acid–Schiff (PAS). Large numbers
of PAS-positive macrophages could be detected on histopathology in this dog,
confirming a diagnosis of histiocytic colitis.
2 What is the cause of histiocytic ulcerative colitis? Histiocytic ulcerative colitis
is primarily seen in Boxers. However, this form of colitis has also been reported
in English and French Bulldogs. By fluorescent in situ hybridization, invasive
Escherichia coli within the colonic mucosa and macrophages can be detected
in affected Boxers. Correlation between clinical remission and eradication of
mucosally invasive E. coli during treatment with enrofloxacin has supported the
causal involvement of E. coli in the development of histiocytic ulcerative colitis.
3 How would you treat a dog with histiocytic ulcerative colitis, in contrast to
idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease? In contrast to idiopathic inflammatory
bowel disease, poor clinical response is observed in all dogs with histiocytic
ulcerative colitis treated with various combinations of immunosuppressive and
anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. prednisolone, sulfasalazine). Clinical improvement
and eradication of mucosally invasive E.  coli is most likely achieved with
prolonged (≥8 weeks) enrofloxacin treatment. Short-term treatment with
amoxicillin–clavulanic acid, based on the results of antimicrobial susceptibility
testing, can result in a reduction in intramucosal E. coli and partial histopathologic
improvement. However, this does not translate to clinical improvement. Some
invasive E. coli strains can be resistant to enrofloxacin (especially in dogs that
have previously received short courses of fluoroquinolones), therefore colonic
mucosal cultures with susceptibility testing can help optimize treatment.

1 What is the most likely cause of the cardiac murmur? A new murmur in a sick
adult dog should be promptly investigated, because it is suggestive of infective
endocarditis (IE). The absence of fever should not rule out this diagnosis. The
most common pathogens of IE are Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., gram-
negative rods, Enterococcus spp., and Bartonella spp. Other causes of diastolic
murmur at the left heart base include congenital dysplasia of the aortic or pulmonic
valves, which is very unlikely in this case given the patient’s age.
2 Are the other abnormalities in this case associated with the cardiac disease?
Arterial thromboembolism frequently occurs with IE, so clinical signs and
laboratory abnormalities are extremely variable depending on the site affected
by thromboemboli. All the laboratory abnormalities found in this case could be
explained by IE.
3 What are the next diagnostic steps? Thoracic radiographs, echocardiography,
and blood pressure measurement are indicated in this case. Three aerobic bacterial
blood cultures should be collected from separate sites within a 24-hour period.

Bartonella spp. cannot be isolated using routine blood culture, and successful
isolation requires special Bartonella isolation techniques such as a combination of
pre-enrichment culture and PCR testing. In dogs with IE due to Bartonella spp.,
specific antibody to different Bartonella species can often be detected.

1 How are the valvular vegetations formed, and how do they cause cardiac
murmurs? Vegetations are formed by a matrix of fibrin, fibronectin, and
platelets, where bacteria adhere and grow protected from the phagocytic activity
of leukocytes. Vegetations cause improper valve coaptation with consequent
regurgitation, and can create stenosis in severe cases. The diastolic murmur in this
case is caused by the regurgitation of blood from the aorta. Infective endocarditis
(IE) most commonly involves the mitral valve and/or the aortic valve.
2 What factors predispose to endocarditis? There is no consistent evidence that
dental or oral surgical procedures cause IE. Chronic mitral valve disease does not
predispose to IE, while congenital valvular malformation and underlying immune
system dysfunction can be predisposing factors, but are not often identified.
Contaminated indwelling catheters or other sources of chronic bacteremia
(e.g. discospondylitis, abscesses) are sometimes associated with development of IE.
3 What are other systemic signs of endocarditis? Other systemic signs include
fever and sequelae of thromboembolism, including polyarthritis, neurologic
abnormalities, peripheral edema, organ infarction, lameness, lack of a peripheral
pulse, and cold limbs.
4 Should any therapy be considered pending microbiologic tests? Empiric
antimicrobial therapy is recommended while blood culture and susceptibility
testing are pending. Parenteral ampicillin (20  mg/kg IV q6–8h) combined with
enrofloxacin (5 mg/kg IV q24h) or ampicillin combined with an aminoglycoside
for 1–2 weeks should be used, with careful monitoring of renal function should an
aminoglycoside be selected. When results of culture and susceptibility testing are
available, antimicrobial treatment should be modified if needed and continued for
several months, based on echocardiographic monitoring.

1 How did this dog become infected with B. vinsonii subspecies berkhoffii? The
cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) is the main vector of Bartonella spp., but many
blood-sucking arthropods including other fleas, ticks, lice, and biting flies also
have the potential to transmit these pathogens. There is some epidemiologic
evidence that B. vinsonii subspecies berkhoffii can be transmitted by ticks, such as
Rhipicephalus sanguineus.

2 What are the most common Bartonella species that infect dogs, and what are
their reservoir hosts? At least fourteen species of Bartonella can infect dogs. The
most common in dogs are Bartonella henselae (for which cats are the reservoir) and
B. vinsonii subspecies berkhoffii (for which dogs are the reservoir). Wild canids,
raccoons, voles, wild mice, squirrels, and cattle are reservoirs of other Bartonella
spp. capable of infecting dogs.
3 What are other signs of Bartonella spp. infection in dogs? A wide range
of disorders have been associated with Bartonella spp. infection in dogs,
including myocarditis/endocarditis, peliosis hepatis, bacillary angiomatosis, and
pyogranulomatous disease. Bartonella spp. infection has also been suspected as
an underlying cause of meningoradiculoneuritis, polyarthritis, uveitis, skin lesions,
epistaxis, and cavitary effusion, although evidence linking Bartonella spp. infection
to these conditions in dogs is weaker.
4 What is the recommended therapy for endocarditis caused by Bartonella spp.?
The optimal treatment protocol for Bartonella spp. endocarditis is unknown.
In human patients, a combination of penicillin and an aminoglycoside has
been used, usually followed by valve replacement. Other possible treatments
include a combination of a parenteral fluoroquinolone (e.g. enrofloxacin) or an
aminoglycoside and doxycycline in hospital for 1–2 weeks, followed by treatment
after discharge with doxycycline combined with enrofloxacin or rifampin for
4–6 weeks. Longer therapy might be required in some cases.
5 What are the public health implications of this diagnosis? Bartonella spp.
are zoonotic pathogens but direct transmission from dogs to humans has not
been proven. Human infection occurs via blood-sucking arthropods; therefore,
ectoparasite control in dogs is crucial. Dogs can be subclinically infected by several
species of Bartonella.

1 What is your assessment of the dermal lesion? Non-pruritic papules mainly
originate from infiltration of the skin by inflammatory or neoplastic cells.
As  the  dog is still young, inflammatory processes (potentially secondary to
infection) are higher on the list of differential diagnoses. Solitary papules with this
appearance can occur with leishmaniosis, which is transmitted by sandfly bites.
These lesions are typically found in young dogs in endemic areas that are exposed
to Leishmania infantum for the first time and develop a protective cell-mediated
immune response.
2 What further diagnostic tests are indicated? Fine needle aspiration of the papule
should be performed to differentiate between neoplastic and infectious causes.
A fine needle aspirate could also be submitted for L. infantum PCR.

1 What treatment do you recommend for this dog? Although Leishmania infantum-
associated papular dermatitis can be self-limiting, treatment is recommended with
allopurinol monotherapy (10 mg/kg PO q24h). Domperidone (2 mg/kg PO q24h),
a drug recently licensed for veterinary use in Europe, can be used as adjuvant
treatment. Domperidone is a dopamine D2 receptor antagonist that has antiemetic
properties (for which it is available in human medicine). As prolactin release is
inhibited by dopamine, domperidone increases the prolactin concentration. This
stimulates a Th1 cellular immune response, which can help to clear L. infantum
2 How should the dog be monitored in the future? In an otherwise healthy dog
with L. infantum infection, a CBC, biochemistry panel, and urinalysis should be
performed every 6 months; if clinical signs or laboratory changes are present, every
3 months. Urinalysis allows early detection of proteinuria as a marker of glomerular
disease. In addition, urinalysis should be used to monitor for xanthine crystalluria,
which can occur as a result of allopurinol therapy. Antibody titer to Leishmania
should be measured every 6 months to determine whether continued allopurinol
treatment is needed and for prognostication. Treatment can be discontinued if the
titer becomes negative. A 3-fold increase in titer is associated with progression of
disease and recurrence of clinical signs in dogs that have previously responded to

1 What is the dog’s most life-threatening problem? The dog is in decompensated
hypovolemic shock.
2 What initial treatment would you perform to address this problem? Initial
therapy should include oxygen supplementation and intravenous or intraosseous
fluid therapy with boluses of crystalloid (10–30 ml/kg) and/or colloid (5–15 ml/kg)
fluids. After an initial fluid bolus, the dog should be re-evaluated and, if needed,
additional boluses should be given.
3 What laboratory parameters should be assessed in order to optimize treatment?
Initial laboratory work should include: (1) hematocrit to assess for anemia; (2) a
white blood cell and differential count to assess for neutropenia; (3) serum glucose
concentration to assess for hypoglycemia; (4) potassium to guide potassium
supplementation; (5) serum creatinine concentration to assess for prerenal
azotemia; and (6) total protein and albumin to assess for hypoproteinemia/
hypoalbuminemia, which are mainly caused by enteral loss.

1 What should be the fluid therapy plan for the next 10 hours? The dog was about
10% dehydrated, which equates to a fluid deficit of 50 ml. The maintenance fluid
requirement for a puppy is about 4 ml/kg/h. The dog has ongoing losses, estimated
to be about 10  ml/h (which ideally should be measured). Thus, fluid therapy
should include: (1) rehydration over 10 hours = 5 ml/h; (2) replacement of ongoing
losses  = 10  ml/h; (3) maintenance = 2  ml/h. Therefore, the dog should initially
receive 17  ml/h of crystalloid fluids intravenously (or intraosseously). The dog’s
reduced mental status could be explained by hypoglycemia. Therefore, the dog
should receive a glucose bolus of 0.5 g/kg 50% glucose diluted 1:2 with crystalloids
to a concentration of <20% to reduce osmolality (0.5 ml of 50% glucose diluted
with 1 ml lactated Ringer’s solution intravenously or intraosseously). Usually, one
would also add glucose at a concentration of 5% to the intravenous fluids. As the
dog is rehydrated and losses are replaced, the glucose concentration should be
reduced to 1.2–2.5% and monitored on a regular basis (e.g. every 2–4 hours). The
dog’s serum potassium concentration is very low and so potassium should also
be added to the fluids. The rate of potassium administration should not exceed
0.5 mmol/kg/h, which is 12 ml/h of a 20 mmol/l solution or 6 ml/h of a 40 mmol/l
solution for this dog. Alternatively, the dog could receive potassium at 0.5 ml/kg/h
(0.25 ml/h/dog). With these high potassium administration rates, serum potassium
concentration should be monitored closely.
2 What should be the nutritional plan when the vomiting is under control? When
vomiting is under control, the the dog should ideally be fed enterally. Therefore, the
resting energy requirement (RER) should be calculated using the formula RER = 70
× kg0.75. Puppies have a higher energy requirement; therefore, a correction factor
of 2–3 × RER should be used. Thus, the energy requirement for this puppy is
42 kcal/day. The dog should be fed in small portions every 2–4 hours. If appetite is
poor, a nasoesophageal or esophagostomy tube could be placed. When persistent
vomiting is present, parenteral nutrition might be necessary.

1 What is the ocular diagnosis based on the clinical findings? The ocular
findings in the right eye are consistent with anterior uveitis. Key findings of an
inflammatory process of the anterior uvea include flare in the anterior chamber,
iris hyperemia (rubeosis iridis), and a low intraocular pressure. Inflammation
of parts or the entire uveal tract (iris, ciliary body, choroid) is caused by tissue
damage and disruption of the blood–aqueous barriers. Hyphema and fibrin
accumulation can sometimes be detected in more severe cases. Anterior uveitis

in the dog can have multiple underlying etiologies and, among these, infectious
diseases are the most common.
2 What further tests would you recommend? Further tests should include a fundic
examination as well as a CBC, biochemistry panel, and urinalysis.

1 What is your interpretation of the findings in the left retina? There are multifocal
intraretinal hemorrhages in the tapetal area of the retina.
2 What is your interpretation of the laboratory findings? The CBC shows
severe thrombocytopenia. The biochemistry panel reveals hyperproteinemia with
hyperglobulinemia and hypoalbuminemia, suggestive of a chronic persistent
infection or inflammatory process.
3 What underlying disease would you suspect, based on the physical examination,
the ophthalmic findings, and the laboratory results? What additional diagnostic
tests would you recommend? Based on the physical examination, the ophthalmic
findings, and the laboratory results, ehrlichiosis should be suspected as an
underlying disease. Diagnosis of ehrlichiosis includes direct visualization of
morulae in peripheral blood smears, detection of Ehrlichia canis antibodies, or
detection of Ehrlichia spp. DNA by PCR testing.

1 What Ehrlichia species infect dogs, and how are they transmitted? Ehrlichiosis
is a tick-borne disease, caused most often by Ehrlichia canis (the cause of canine
monocytic ehrlichiosis) or Ehrlichia ewingii (the latter primarily occurring in the
United States). Other species that infect dogs are Ehrlichia chaffeensis and an
Ehrlichia muris-like agent. The distribution of canine ehrlichiosis is mainly related
to the geographical distribution of the ticks that act as vectors for these bacteria.
E. canis is transmitted by the brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus).
2 Describe the different phases of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis, including the
typical clinical signs. Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis presents in three phases:
(1) an acute phase that lasts 2–4 weeks; (2) a subclinical phase that lasts months
to years; and (3) a chronic phase that can last years. The clinical signs (which can
be transient) in the acute phase are usually general malaise, anorexia, fever, or
petechial bleeding. Laboratory findings in this phase include thrombocytopenia
and, less commonly, neutropenia and non-regenerative anemia. During the chronic
phase, clinical signs can include petechial bleeding, pale mucous membranes,
lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, uveitis, and weight loss. Laboratory findings
in the chronic phase include pancytopenia due to bone marrow hypoplasia,

hyperproteinemia, hyperglobulinemia, hypalbuminemia, and proteinuria due to
3 What is the most common ocular finding in dogs with canine monocytic
ehrlichiosis, and what is the pathogenesis? Ocular lesions are reported to occur
in 10–37% of dogs with canine monocytic ehrlichiosis. The lesions can include
ocular, retinal, or orbital hemorrhages that result from thrombocytopenia or
vasculitis. Uveitis is one of the most common ocular findings.
4 What systemic and ophthalmic treatment would you recommend? The treatment
of choice for ehrlichiosis is oral doxycycline. Treatment for anterior uveitis in dogs
with ehrlichiosis should additionally include topical glucocorticoids and atropine.

1 How likely is rabies in this dog, considering that a bite wound was not seen?
Rabies virus is shed almost exclusively in saliva up to 10 days before death from
rabies, and a bite is the only relevant route of infection for dogs. However, due
to the long incubation time (1–3 months or more) owners might not remember
a bite wound or even realize that a bite occurred. Thus, rabies should always be
considered in a unvaccinated dog that lives in, or has traveled to, an endemic area
when there is a sudden change in behavior and/or onset of unexplained acute,
progressive CNS signs.
2 How can a diagnosis of rabies be made? In humans, rabies virus can be detected
using molecular methods in saliva or dermal tissues antemortem. However,
attempts to make an antemortem diagnosis of rabies are not allowed in non-
humans because of the low sensitivity of the test and the public health risk. The
preferred method is post-mortem detection of viral antigen in the brain using direct
immunofluorescence. For confirmation of inconclusive results, mouse inoculation
testing and virus isolation have been used, which are now increasingly replaced by
the use of molecular methods (reverse-transcriptase PCR).
3 How would you treat a dog suspected to have rabies? In most countries
rabies is a notifiable disease, so local regulations must be followed. Considering
the public health risk, in many countries the law requires euthanasia of a dog
with suggestive signs of rabies. If an unvaccinated dog bites a human, public
health authorities generally recommend isolation and observation of the dog
in approved facilities. If the dog is shedding rabies virus in saliva, progressive
neurologic signs and death will develop within 10 days of the bite. After death
or euthanasia, diagnostic testing for rabies on brain specimens should follow. No
supportive or antiviral treatment has proved to be effective in rabid animals, so
treatment is not recommended and, because of the public health risk, in many
countries it is prohibited.

1 What is the most likely diagnosis? Dermatophytosis is the most likely diagnosis.
The most probable dermatophyte involved is Microsporum gypseum, a geophilic
fungus, given the dog’s signalment and the localization of the lesions.
2 Name three other differential diagnoses. One other differential diagnosis
is vasculopathy. Mildly ischemic lesions can be characterized by alopecia and
scaling on the distal extremities, and Jack Russell Terriers are predisposed to
vasculopathies. Often the tips of the ears and tail are also affected in these
cases and these areas should be inspected closely in this dog. Demodicosis and
bacterial pyoderma are two other important differential diagnoses for alopecia
and scaling in dogs.
3 What diagnostic tests are indicated in this dog? Wood’s lamp examination and
trichograms are indicated to assess for dermatophytosis. Positive fluorescence
along the hair shafts is diagnostic for dermatophytosis caused by Microsporum
canis. Hair shafts with adhering spores and hyphae do not provide information
on the fungal species involved. If these tests are negative, a deep skin scraping
for demodicosis and an impression smear or tape preparation to assess for
bacterial infection are the next steps. If skin scrapings are negative and there are
no intracellular bacteria on cytology, a fungal culture is indicated, particularly
when numerous macrophages are present. In addition, should the owner’s finances
permit, collection of multiple punch biopsies of the skin can be performed at the
same visit. Alternatively, skin biopsies can be recommended at a later stage, if
fungal culture is negative.

CASE 100
1 How should this dog be treated? The extent of antifungal therapy instituted
depends on the number of animals in the household, the degree of contact of
the owner(s) with the animal(s), and the immune status of the owner(s). Topical
treatment with enilconazole, lime sulfur rinses, or a shampoo that contains
miconazole and chlorhexidine twice weekly is always indicated. If there are
more in-contact animals in the household, these animals also should be rinsed or
shampooed at least weekly. Systemic antifungal therapy with an azole antifungal
drug (itraconazole is the registered treatment of choice in many countries),
griseofulvin, or terbinafine should be recommended to hasten recovery and
reduce the chance of transmission, especially if immunocompromised humans
or young children live in the household, or there is a high level of owner–dog
contact. After 4 weeks, a second fungal culture should be submitted and treatment
continued until these culture results are available. If a negative culture result is
obtained, therapy could be discontinued, particularly if an infection caused by a
geophilic fungus such as Microsporum gypseum is present. However, if owners are

immunocompromised, treatment should be continued until after a second negative
monthly culture, as recommended in some guidelines. If the culture is positive,
treatment is continued and another culture submitted 4 weeks later.
2 How would you treat the environment around this dog? Environmental
decontamination also depends on the type of dermatophyte, the number of animals
in the household, the immune status of the owner(s), the severity, duration, and
extent of the disease, and the dedication of the owner(s). Therefore, if a zoophilic
fungus such as Microsporum canis is identified, there are a large number of animals
in the household, disease is severe and of long duration, or immunocompromised
people are present, more aggressive environmental therapy is indicated. Vacuuming
regularly and thoroughly and discarding the vacuum bags carefully is indicated in
all situations, as is frequent washing of the dog’s bedding and blankets in hot
water. Disinfecting surfaces with bleach is effective and realistic in kennels, but not
possible for materials in many private households. In some countries, enilconazole
foggers are available to treat environmental contamination and are effective
within the bounds of the fogger treatment (i.e. areas covered by furniture will
not be treated). Steam-cleaning with steam at 85°C or greater will also reduce the
presence of viable spores and hyphae.
3 What recommendations should be provided to the owner to minimize the chance
of zoonotic transmission? In addition to the abovementioned measures, owners
should avoid direct contact with the dog as much as possible and wash or sanitize
their hands thoroughly after each contact during the therapy. In some situations
(particularly with immunocompromised owners or young children) direct contact
should be prevented and the environment should not be shared.

CASE 101
1 What is your assessment of the ocular lesions? There are conjunctival and scleral
ecchymoses in both eyes.
2 What is the MRI diagnosis? On MRI, there are multifocal parenchymal and
ventricular hemorrhages with secondary vasogenic edema.
3 What would be the primary infectious agent to test for, and what is the test
of choice? The primary infectious agent to test for would be Angiostrongylus
vasorum. Baermann faecal flotation of three fecal samples is considered the test of

CASE 102
1 What is the epidemiology and pathophysiology of angiostrongylosis?
Angiostrongylus vasorum is a metastrongylid nematode parasite that inhabits the
pulmonary arteries and right heart of dogs and wild carnivores in Europe, Africa,

and Asia. Dogs become infected by ingesting intermediate hosts (e.g. snails, slugs).
Third-stage larvae pass from the gut to the liver, transform to fourth-stage larvae
and then migrate to the heart and pulmonary arteries. The larvae are coughed
up, swallowed, and passed in the feces. Infected dogs can appear healthy or can
have different clinical signs, including cough, right-heart failure, and spontaneous
hemorrhages due to bleeding diathesis. The cause of the bleeding is poorly
understood, but is believed to be a consumptive coagulopathy initiated by the
parasite. Ocular signs can result from aberrant migration of larvae inside the eye,
with severe granulomatous uveitis and secondary glaucoma.
2 What treatment would you suggest? The drug of choice is fenbendazole
(25–50 mg/kg PO q24h for 10–20 days). Other drugs (e.g. ivermectin, milbemycin
oxime, imidacolprid 10%, moxidectin 2.5%, levamisole) have also been suggested.
In this dog, treatment with fenbendazole was started immediately. The ocular
ecchymoses slowly improved and completely disappeared within 2 weeks of
treatment, and the dog fully recovered.

CASE 103
1 How would you interpret the radiographic findings? The thoracic radiographs
reveal a severe, diffuse bronchial pattern with marked widening of multiple bronchi.
The most visible bronchi fail to taper along their course. There are dependent
alveolar infiltrates in the left and right cranial lung lobes as well as within the
ventral aspect of the right middle lung lobe. These findings are suggestive of
bronchiectasis with concurrent pneumonia.
2 What underlying disease process could be present? Bronchiectasis is an irreversible
pathologic dilatation of the airways that can result from any chronic infectious
or inflammatory disease that is not adequately controlled with medical therapy.
Potential causes include bronchopneumonia that is treated with an inappropriate
antibiotic or for an inappropriate length of time, resistant bacterial infection, overuse
of cough suppressants in the face of uncontrolled infection or inflammation, foreign
body obstruction of an airway with secondary infection, or long-standing airway
inflammation. It can also be seen in association with primary ciliary dyskinesia.
3 What complications are possible? Hypoxemia is possible, so pulse oximetry
or arterial blood gas analysis would be useful to determine the severity of gas
exchange abnormalities. Secondary bacterial infections are also possible. Initially,
a CBC, biochemistry panel, and urinalysis are indicated to assess the overall health
of the animal.

CASE 104
1 How would you interpret the pulse oximetry reading? Pulse oximetry represents
a crude estimation of the partial pressure of arterial oxygen. The principle of
pulse oximetry is based on the red and 104
infrared light absorption characteristics 100
of oxygenated and deoxygenated 90

Hemoglobin saturation with oxygen (%)

hemoglobin. The instrument uses
two light emitting diodes opposite
a detector to determine the relative 70

absorptions of red light (absorbed by 60

oxygenated blood) and infrared light 50
(absorbed by deoxygenated blood)
during pulsatile flow. Measurements
of relative light absorption are made
multiple times every second and are 20
processed by the instrument to provide 10
an average of the readings over the 0
previous 3 seconds. False readings are 0 20 40 60 80 100
Partial pressure of arterial oxygen (mmHg)
common because of pigmented skin or
mucous membranes, poor peripheral
pulse, vasoconstriction, or anemia. If the pulse oximeter emits a strong regular
pulsation that matches the heart or pulse rate found, the readings are likely to be
more accurate. A pulse oximeter reading of 87% correlates with a PaO2 of less
than 60 mmHg (104), indicating hypoxemia.
2 How would you interpret the CBC? The leukogram was characterized by
moderate eosinophilia and marked basophilia. Heartworm disease as well as other
internal parasites (gastrointestinal or respiratory) and external parasites should be
considered. Other considerations for eosinophilia and basophilia include mast cell
neoplasia or inflammatory conditions of large epithelial surfaces (e.g. respiratory
tract, gastrointestinal tract, and skin). A heartworm antigen test was positive in
this case and therefore heartworm infection was diagnosed.

CASE 105
1 How would you interpret the rhinoscopy findings? The mucosa appears
hyperemic and edematous. Multiple white plaque lesions, most likely consistent
with fungal infection, can be seen.
2 How would you interpret the cytologic findings in this dog? Long, septate
hyphae 5–7 µm wide with parallel walls are evident along with an admixture of
neutrophils. These are consistent with the hyphae of Aspergillus spp., which can
also be identified based on their branching at 45-degree angles; however, branching
was not observed in this case.
3 What treatment should be considered? Topical therapy with clotrimazole or
enilconazole is reportedly most efficacious against nasal aspergillosis. A CT scan
should be performed to assess the integrity of the cribriform plate because such
drugs can cause toxicity if they leak into the CNS. Meticulous debridement of all
fungal plaques followed by a 1-hour topical treatment with antifungal medication
is indicated. For dogs that have a breach in the cribriform plate or frontal bone,
or for those that cannot tolerate prolonged anesthesia for topical treatment,
consideration can be given to use of an oral azole antifungal agent; however, efficacy
for cure is questionable. Newer agents such as voriconazole and posaconazole are
favored over itraconazole. Fluconazole is not active against Aspergillus spp.

CASE 106
1 What is your differential diagnosis for the non-healing wounds? The differential
diagnosis for the chronic non-healing wounds in this dog include sterile nodular
panniculitis, cutaneous mycobacteriosis, nocardiosis, sporotrichosis, infection with
a cell-wall deficient bacterium (rare), or bacterial infection secondary to a persisting
foreign body (e.g. suture or drain material, or plant awn foreign body). In the
latter case, infection with Actinomyces spp. can be involved. Other systemic fungal
infections, such as coccidioidomycosis, blastomycosis, or histoplasmosis, could also
be considered, although they are less likely given the appearance of the lesions.
2 What diagnostic tests would you recommend for this dog? Recommended
diagnostic tests should include biopsy of the lesions for histopathology and culture
of a macerated tissue specimen for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, mycobacteria,
and fungi. Special stains should be requested for the histopathologic examination,
including Gram, Gomori’s methenamine silver, periodic acid–Schiff, and acid-fast
stains. An ultrasound examination of the region is indicated to evaluate for the
presence of foreign material. A work-up for other systemic disease should also be
considered (CBC, biochemistry panel, and urinalysis).

CASE 107
1 Which other rapidly growing mycobacterial species can infect dogs and cats?
Other rapidly growing mycobacterial species that can infect dogs and cats
include Mycobacterium fortuitum, Mycobacterium smegmatis, Mycobacterium
thermoresistible, Mycobacterium goodii, and Mycobacterium chelonae.
2 How does the clinical presentation of disease caused by rapidly growing
mycobacteria differ from that caused by Mycobacterium avium? Rapidly growing
mycobacteria are thought to have a tropism for adipose tissue, and when inoculated
by means of penetrating wounds, mycobacterial panniculitis develops. Underlying
immunosuppressive disease is usually not present and most dogs are in good
body condition or obese. Although disseminated infections with rapidly growing
mycobacteria can occur, they are extremely rare. In contrast, Mycobacterium
avium tends to cause disseminated infections in dogs, involving lymph nodes, liver,

and spleen. The intestinal tract can also be involved. In general, M. avium tends to
cause disease in immunocompromised animals (including humans). Although most
infected dogs do not have obvious evidence of immunocompromise, some breeds
seem to be predisposed as a result of underlying genetic immunodeficiency (e.g.
Basset Hounds).
3 What is the zoonotic potential of this organism? Rapidly growing mycobacteria
are not transmitted from one companion animal to another (or to humans) through
routine contact, so zoonotic potential is insignificant.
4 How should this infection be treated? Most rapidly growing mycobacterial
infections respond to treatment with fluoroquinolones or doxycycline, although
high doses of doxycycline (10 mg/kg PO q12h) are recommended. Some rapidly
growing mycobacteria can be resistant to multiple antimicrobial drugs and require
combination therapy. This dog should be treated based on the results of culture
and susceptibility testing of the isolate, which is generally performed at specialized
laboratories. Susceptibility testing in this case revealed susceptibility to amikacin,
kanamycin, cefoxitin, imipenem, clarithromycin, azithromycin, and clofazamine;
intermediate susceptibility to tobramycin, gentamicin, and cefotaxime; and
resistance to ceftriaxone, cefepime, ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, moxifloxacin, and
amoxicillin–clavulanic acid. The dog was treated with clarithromycin and the
wounds subsequently healed slowly over the following 12 months.

CASE 108
1 How would you interpret the laboratory results? There is a mild normocytic
normochromic anemia and evidence of renal disease based on the presence
of azotemia and isosthenuria. Moderate to severe proteinuria is present, the
magnitude of which is suggestive of glomerular protein loss, and also can explain
the hypoalbuminemia (i.e. a protein-losing nephropathy is present). Casts in the
urine are common in dogs with glomerular disease, and are usually hyaline casts.
All together, these laboratory results are suggestive of a glomerulopathy that is
accompanied by decreased renal tubular function. According to the suggestions
of the International Renal Interest Society Glomerular Disease Study Group, this
dog’s disease can be classified as tier III C, which is the most severe form.
2 What further work-up would you suggest? Further work-up should include a
search for underlying chronic persistent infections or other systemic diseases, such
as neoplasia, that can cause glomerular disease. Other underlying infectious causes
include infections caused by Ehrlichia canis, Dirofilaria immitis, Leishmania spp.,
Borrelia burgdorferi, Babesia canis, and chronic bacterial infections of specific sites,
including discospondylitis and endocarditis. The diagnostic work-up should include
imaging (thoracic radiographs  and abdominal ultrasound) and specific tests for
these pathogens depending on the region. Given that high blood pressure occurs

in up to 80% of dogs with glomerular disease, blood pressure measurement should
be performed. If tests for infectious diseases are negative, renal biopsies could be
recommended to differentiate between immune-complex glomerulonephritis and
other forms of glomerular disease, such as amyloidosis.

CASE 109
1 Does leishmaniosis explain the clinical abnormalities in this dog? In this dog the
glomerular disease could be explained by leishmaniosis. Dogs with leishmaniosis-
associated renal disease usually have advanced disease.
2 How would you treat this dog? Treatment consists of specific therapy for
leishmaniosis with appropriate medications, such as allopurinol in combination
with antimonial compounds or miltefosine. For the glomerular disease,
treatment involves inhibition of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system to
reduce proteinuria, antithrombotic therapy in dogs with low antithrombin III
concentrations, and use of diets with a reduced protein and sodium content and
high amounts of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Antihypertensive drugs can
also be required.
3 What is the prognosis? Considering the severity of the glomerular disease,
the prognosis for this dog is poor. According to one study, dogs with glomerular
disease with azotemia had a median survival time of 13 days, but with appropriate
medical therapy longer survival times are possible.

CASE 110
1 Is this lesion consistent with dermatophytosis? Dermatophytosis can mimic
many different skin diseases and therefore should always be considered. Lesions
typical of dermatophytosis are patchy and usually non-pruritic skin lesions with
alopecia, erythema, papules, scaling, and crusting. Lesions often appear on the
face or limbs. Usually the lesions are single or few in number and are 1–4 cm in
diameter, but they can sometimes be multiple, or coalesce. Occasionally, they are
well demarcated, with active inflammation at the periphery, and central crusting
or healing (“ringworm”). In most cases, dermatophytosis causes focal lesions.
However, in immunosuppressed animals, generalized dermatophytosis can develop
with large alopecic areas, often complicated by secondary bacterial infections.
2 What is a “dermatophyte”? In contrast to single-celled yeasts, dermatophytes
(literally: “skin plants”) are complex fungi that form a mycelium. Owing to their
keratinolytic properties they cause superficial skin infections in dogs and many
other species, including humans. The most prevalent dermatophyte species in dogs
is Microsporum canis. Other species include Trichophyton spp. and Microsporum

3 What tests should be done if dermatophytosis is suspected? A simple and rapid
screening test for M. canis infection is Wood’s lamp examination of lesions in a
dark room. However, only about 50% of M.  canis strains fluoresce under UV
illumination and other dermatophyte species do not fluoresce at all. Furthermore,
lint and topical medications (e.g. tetracycline), debris, or scale, can produce false-
positive results. Thus, a Wood’s lamp examination should be followed by other
testing methods. Direct microscopic examination of affected hairs plucked under
Wood’s lamp illumination or from the edge of a lesion can be very helpful and
is simple and rapid. Hair specimens can be treated with a clearing agent such as
10–20% potassium hydroxide before examination. Potassium hydroxide solutions
must be gently heated for 10 minutes for clearing to occur. Hairs or hair fragments
with hyphae and arthrospores are thicker than normal hair shafts, with a rough
and irregular surface. Direct microscopic examination is insensitive. A more
sensitive diagnostic method is fungal culture of hairs or scales from the margin of
new lesions on Sabouraud agar, which also allows identification of the infecting
species. Wherever possible, submission of specimens to a veterinary diagnostic
laboratory that uses standardized methodology is recommended to ensure proper
quality assurance for culture and identification of dermatophytes.

CASE 111
1 What was the likely source of Microsporum canis infection in this dog? Infections
with M.  canis result from direct contact with infected animals, a contaminated
environment, or fomites, including dust particles, brushes, clothes, etc. Cats and
dogs serve as reservoirs of dermatophytes, mostly M.  canis. Many canine and
feline infections are subclinical. In dogs and cats younger than 1 year of age, the
prevalence of dermatophyte colonization is higher than that in older animals. Cats
seem to be the principal reservoir for M. canis, because more cats than dogs are
infected, and commonly without clinical signs. In the case described here, close
contact with the recently introduced kitten is the most likely source of infection.
Intact skin is resistant to dermatophyte infection, but any injury (such as a cat
scratch) can facilitate the germination of arthrospores and infection of the skin.
2 What is the prognosis? Given that the lesion in this dog is small and localized,
the prognosis is good, because in immunocompetent dogs dermatophytosis is a
self-limiting disease that resolves spontaneously. However, this can take several
3 Can the dog transmit this disease to other animals or humans? Infected animals
shed arthrospores of M.  canis (or other dermatophytes) on scales and broken
hairs. The arthrospores can survive in the environment for a year or longer. Other
animals or humans can be infected and develop a similar skin disease. Children are
more prone to developing dermatophytosis than adults, because young individuals

of all species are less resistant to this infection, and children commonly have closer
contact with pets.

CASE 112
1 What differential diagnoses should be considered for mucosal pallor, and what
is your assessment for this dog? Pale mucous membranes can be caused by shock
or by anemia. Shock is unlikely in this dog, as capillary refill time was normal and
pulse quality was bounding, therefore anemia is likely.
2 What are the next diagnostic steps? The next diagnostic step is evaluation of
the hematocrit. If the hematocrit is low, a reticulocyte count should be obtained to
differentiate between regenerative and non-regenerative anemia. A blood smear to
evaluate red blood cell morphology and a slide agglutination test to evaluate for
hemagglutination are also indicated.

CASE 113
1 What is your diagnosis? The diagnosis is hemolytic anemia due to infection with
a large Babesia species (most likely Babesia canis).
2 What factors have to be addressed and kept in mind before and during a blood
transfusion? The donor dog should be healthy, test negative for blood parasites,
be properly vaccinated, and should receive parasite prevention (especially for fleas
and ticks) regularly. The hematocrit of the donor should be determined. The donor
should ideally have the same blood group as the recipient. If the blood group is
different or no blood typing is available, a cross-match of donor and recipient blood
should be performed. The donor can donate up to 15 ml/kg blood (750 ml for this
donor). The recipient’s hematocrit will increase by 0.01 l/l for each 2 ml/kg of whole
blood transfused. Therefore, about 300 ml of whole blood are needed to increase
the recipient’s hematocrit to 0.3 l/l. Blood should be collected into a sterile bag that
contains anticoagulant (e.g. 1  ml sodium citrate to 9  ml blood). Blood should be
administered using a transfusion set that includes blood filters, over a period of 4–6
hours. As transfusion reactions can occur, regular monitoring of the transfusion is
mandatory. Following transfusion, the hematocrit should be re-evaluated.

CASE 114
1 What are two underlying pathophysiologic processes associated with hyperesthesia?
Inflammation and compression are the two pathologic processes that are associated
with increased sensitivity to physical stimulation or palpation.
2 What are the four anatomic structures associated with diffuse hyperesthesia?
Diffuse or generalized hyperesthesia that is caused by inflammatory or compressive

diseases is most likely to involve the nerve endings in bone (periosteum), joint
(synovium), nerve (meninges), or muscle (perimysium).
3 What are the two underlying pathophysiologic processes associated with
elevated rectal temperature? Rectal temperature can be increased as a result of
fever from the body’s resetting of its thermostat, or hyperthermia from sources of
endogenous or exogenous heat.

CASE 115
1 Which organ systems are likely to be responsible for the hyperesthesia in this
dog, and how can this be associated with fever? This dog has inflammation of
the bones and muscles, which is the probable cause of fever via a resetting of the
hypothalamic thermostat as a result of inflammatory cytokines, although increased
muscle activity and rigidity can themselves lead to increased body temperature
caused by diffuse prolonged muscle contractions. Inflammation, however, is the
more likely cause when the high white blood cell count is considered.
2 Which type of organism is seen in the muscle biopsy (e.g. virus, bacterium)?
The muscle biopsy shows a protozoal cyst.
3 Which infectious diseases caused by these types of organisms are associated
with polymyositis? Protozoal diseases that can present with polymyositis include
toxoplasmosis, neosporosis, sarcocystosis, and hepatozoonosis.
4 Which of these organisms can additionally cause polyperiostitis? Hepatozoon
spp. can cause both polymyositis and polyperiostitis.

CASE 116
1 What drugs are used in the treatment of hepatozoonosis, and how long must
treatment be continued? Treatment involves concurrent use of trimethoprim/
sulfonamide, clindamycin, pyrimethamine, and decoquinate. The decoquinate
treatment is initiated after the other drugs are started and it is continued
thereafter. Adjunctive anti-inflammatory and/or analgesic therapy might be
needed to suppress some of the inflammatory response and help alleviate the
2 How do the clinical manifestations and diagnostic findings differ between
Hepatozoon canis and Hepatozoon americanum infection? Dogs with H.  canis
infection more commonly have increased rectal temperature and lethargy;
however, they more rarely have signs of hyperesthesia or gait dysfunction.
Dogs with H.  americanum infection more commonly have hyperesthesia and
marked radiographic bone changes. Dogs with both infections can have marked
neutrophilia with left shift. Circulating parasites within neutrophils are more
commonly identified in dogs with H. canis infection.

CASE 117
1 What are the most likely differential diagnoses for this case? The history and
clinical signs suggest inflammatory joint disease as the most likely cause, but metabolic
or endocrine disorders should also be considered. Polyarthropathies can result from
non-erosive immune-mediated disease or (less commonly) from processes that cause
erosion of the joint surfaces. They can also develop as a result of bacteremia. Immune-
mediated polyarthritis may result from primary autoimmune disease (systemic
lupus erythematosus or idiopathic immune-mediated polyarthritis) or be secondary
to infections, treatment with some drugs (especially sulfonamides), or potentially
neoplasia. The history of access to wooded areas and the geographic location raise
suspicion for infection with pathogens such as Anaplasma phagocytophilum or
Borrelia burgdorferi. Fungal pathogens such as Blastomyces dermatitidis have also
been associated with polyarthritis. Other pathogens that are less common in this
region that could cause polyarthritis include Ehrlichia canis, Rickettsia rickettsii,
and possibly Bartonella spp. (although the association of Bartonella spp. with
polyarthritis is not clear). Pathogens such as Ehrlichia chaffeensis and Ehrlichia
ewingii should be considered in southern and central areas of the USA. Leishmania
spp. infection should be considered in other geographic areas of the world.
2 What diagnostic testing should initially be performed? A CBC to detect
abnormalities associated with infectious or immune-mediated disorders
(thrombocytopenia, anemia, leucopenia, or leukocytosis) is indicated, as well as
a biochemistry profile and urinalysis to assess for metabolic or endocrine causes.
Radiography of affected limbs can be performed to assess for erosive polyarthritis.
Arthrocentesis of multiple joints with cytologic examination and culture of synovial
fluid should be performed to characterize the disease process and rule out septic
arthritis. Tests for antibodies against Anaplasma spp., B. burgdorferi, E. canis, and
E. ewingii can be performed, and antigen testing for Blastomyces antigen should also
be considered. However, given the acute history, antibody tests can still be negative,
and so PCR for A. phagocytophilum and Ehrlichia spp. could also be performed.

CASE 118
1 What is the structure seen in the neutrophil? The blood smear shows an
intracytoplasmic morula. This can be either Anaplasma phagocytophilum or
Ehrlichia ewingii, because they have the same morphology and infect the same
cells. Given the region, A. phagocytophilum is more likely. Morulae appear from
4–8 days post A. phagocytophilum infection. However, morulae are not always
seen in dogs with granulocytic anaplasmosis or ehrlichiosis, and can be confused
with cytoplasmic granules or artifacts. Therefore, antibody tests or PCR should be
performed in addition, to confirm infection.
2 What conclusions can be made from the results of the synovial fluid analysis?
The results of the analysis are consistent with neutrophilic polyarthritis. Idiopathic
non-erosive polyarthritis is the most common form, representing 60–80% of all
cases. Infections involving A. phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdorferi, E. ewingii, and
Blastomyces are potential causes of polyarthritis.

CASE 119
1 Does this result alone confirm a diagnosis of granulocytic anaplasmosis? A positive
result on the in-clinic ELISA indicates the presence of antibodies against Anaplasma
phagocytophilum or Anaplasma platys. The test does not differentiate between
antibodies to different Anaplasma spp. Based on the geographic location and the
presence of morulae, A.  phagocytophilum infection is suspected in this dog. The
antibody test does not distinguish between recent infection and past exposure, because
antibodies can persist for many months. In fact, most dogs with acute anaplasmosis
have negative antibody test results. Thus, diagnosis of anaplasmosis has to be based
on direct detection of the organism, such as detection of morulae or positive PCR,
or acute and convalescent phase antibody testing using immunofluorescent antibody
tests (so  that a 4-fold change in titer can be detected), together with compatible
clinical signs and a positive response to treatment. In endemic areas, up to one-third
of dogs have antibodies without ever showing clinical signs of infection.
2 What other tests could be performed? PCR could be performed because it is is
highly specific and sensitive during the acute phase of infection, and can identify
the Anaplasma spp. present if specific assays for A.  phagocytophilum are used.
A. phagocytophilum infection was confirmed by PCR in this case.
3 What is the treatment for this disease in dogs? Doxycycline (5 mg/kg PO q12h)
should be given for 2 weeks. Clinical improvement as well as an increase in the
platelet count is usually seen within 24–48 hours; otherwise, other causes should
be considered. Pain could be managed with non-steroidal anti-inflammatories or
opioids, but usually antimicrobial therapy alone is rapidly effective. Ectoparasite
preventives should be used year-round.
4 What is the prognosis in this case? Anaplasmosis has an excellent prognosis
when treated appropriately.

CASE 120
1 What is the likelihood that the dog was infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection is extremely rare in dogs. M. tuberculosis
is the major cause of tuberculosis in humans, who are the only reservoir hosts.
Tuberculosis has become increasingly important in immunosuppressed people,
especially with the spread of human immunodeficiency virus infection. If dogs are
infected, it is through direct contact with infected humans (a reverse zoonosis).
Infection with M. tuberculosis in dogs is often subclinical or insidious. It is unclear
what factors contribute to the host’s resistance. Cell-mediated immunity is typically
associated with protection against facultative intracellular pathogens and seems
to be associated with the enhanced capacity of activated macrophages to kill
mycobacterial organisms or to inhibit their intracellular multiplication. In contrast
to other Mycobacterium spp., M. tuberculosis has an affinity for tissues with high
oxygen content, and this explains its common localization in the lungs. Pulmonary
manifestations in dogs include bronchopneumonia, pulmonary nodule formation,
and hilar lymphadenopathy, with associated clinical signs of fever, weight loss,
anorexia, and a harsh, non-productive cough. Animals with tuberculous pneumonitis
discharge organisms in the sputum, as do infected people and aerosolized droplets
are the primary means of transmission of this disease. Although pets acquire
M. tuberculosis infection from people, and spread from dogs to people has not been
reported, infected animals represent a potential risk to their owners.
2 Are there diagnostic tests that can rule out the possibility of infection in this
dog? There are no diagnostic tests in dogs that reliably rule out infection with
M. tuberculosis. Antibody tests or intradermal tests do not work reliably in dogs
and are commonly falsely negative. Detection of the organism by PCR or culture
(e.g. in tracheobronchial lavage specimens) is only successful in dogs with clinical
signs. Thus, in conclusion, although the risk is low, this dog might have become
infected, and there is no definitive test to rule out infection. This risk has to be
discussed with the family, especially as there is a baby in the household.

CASE 121
1 What is your interpretation of the thoracic radiographs? The thoracic
radiographs show marked narrowing of the tracheal lumen on the left lateral view.
A patchy interstitial to alveolar pattern is present in the cranioventral thorax and
is worse in the right cranial lung lobe. There is a diffuse alveolar pattern with
lobar sign and volume loss in the region of the left cranial lung lobe, causing a
leftward shift in the mediastinum. A moderate, diffuse bronchial pattern is present
caudodorsally. The esophagus is moderately dilated with gas.
2 What differential diagnoses should be considered? The primary differential
diagnosis in this patient is aspiration pneumonia, likely as a complication of
brachycephalic syndrome. Tracheal hypoplasia is most likely a component of
brachycephalic syndrome in this breed of dog, although tracheal edema or
inflammation should also be considered as a cause for narrowing of the lumen.
Esophageal dilation could reflect aerophagia; however, esophageal dysfunction
(megaesophagus or a hiatal hernia) cannot be ruled out. Although less likely, given
the recent visit to a veterinary clinic, the possibility of canine infectious respiratory
disease complex should also be considered.
3 What diagnostic tests should be performed? A CBC and biochemistry panel
(and potentially urinalysis) are indicated to assess the overall health of the animal.
If possible, pulse oximetry (or, alternatively, blood gas analysis) would be useful
to determine the severity of pulmonary dysfunction. PCR for canine distemper
virus infection could be considered. Further diagnostic testing should be delayed
pending stabilization of the patient.

CASE 122
1 How would you interpret the CBC? The CBC showed a mild regenerative
anemia, which may be consistent with the age of the dog. The white blood cell
count demonstrated marked leukocytosis, characterized by neutrophilia with a left
shift and monocytosis. The platelet count was increased, consistent with a reactive
2 What stabilizing treatment should be provided? Given the severity of the
clinical findings and radiographic changes consistent with aspiration pneumonia,
hospitalization would be recommended. Intravenous fluids should be employed
along with intravenous antibiotics. Antimicrobial drug choices should be based on
the organisms considered most likely in aspiration pneumonia, including enteric
bacterial species, Mycoplasma spp., and anaerobic bacteria. A short course of
terbutaline could be considered to counteract acid-induced bronchoconstriction.
Oxygen supplementation would be advised to alleviate respiratory distress.
Antiemetic medications and gastrointestinal protectants could be helpful during
the initial observation period. Nebulization could be used to hydrate airway
secretions; however, coupage should not be performed on a vomiting patient
because increased intrathoracic pressure could exacerbate emesis.
3 What follow-up tests should be considered? A follow-up CBC would be advised
in 2–5 days to assess response to therapy. Pulse oximetry should be monitored
for improvement or deterioration in gas exchange. Recheck thoracic radiographs
would be recommended in 2 weeks to assess tracheal size, pulmonary infiltrates,
and the esophageal changes. Videofluoroscopy could be considered in the future to
investigate the possibility of a hiatal hernia given the breed predisposition to this

CASE 123
1 What is a likely explanation for the edema, based on the history? Given the
previous diagnosis of leishmaniosis, low oncotic pressure due to hypoalbuminemia
secondary to a protein-losing glomerulonephritis should be suspected. This is
a common complication of the disease. A CBC, serum biochemistry panel, and
a urinalysis with UPCR revealed proteinuria (UPCR 6, RI <0.5) with a serum
albumin concentration of 12 g/l (RI 29–37 g/l).
2 How could the problem and its clinical consequences be addressed? Protein loss
in this dog can be managed through administration of an angiotensin converting
enzyme inhibitor (e.g. benazepril). Plasma colloid osmotic pressure can be improved
by administering a constant rate infusion of colloids (e.g. hydroxyethylstarch
130KD/0.4 at 2 ml/kg/h). Albumin production may be improved by enteral nutrition.
If the appetite is reduced, esophagostomy tube feeding should be discussed with
the owner. It is difficult in a dog this size to increase serum albumin concentration
by plasma transfusion (a dose of 45 ml/kg is needed to increase albumin by 10 g/l).
Transfusion of human albumin or canine albumin is more effective at raising the
albumin concentration, but administration of human albumin is associated with
a high risk of anaphylactic reactions. Plasma antithrombin concentration should
be determined, and if low, antithrombotic treatment (e.g. clopidogrel) should be

CASE 124
1 What is your interpretation of the physical examination, and what are the
differential diagnoses for the described heart murmurs? The main problem
identified on physical examination was the new continuous heart murmur with
point of maximal intensity over the left heart base. The previously documented
left basal systolic murmur could result from pulmonic stenosis (PS) (infundibular,
sub, supra, or valvular), aortic or subaortic stenosis (AS/SAS), tetralogy of Fallot,
obstructive outflow disorders, or an atrial septal defect (ASD) leading to a relative
pulmonic stenosis. Given the loud murmur intensity and the fact that it had been
present for several years, an ASD was considered unlikely. The continuous left
basal heart murmur could be due to a congenital persistent ductus arteriosus
(PDA) or a coexisting systolic and diastolic murmur (e.g. AS/PS along with severe
aortic or pulmonic insufficiency, respectively). As the continuous murmur was
newly reported, an acquired cause was more likely than PDA.
2 What further diagnostic procedure should be recommended? Echocardiography
should be performed to identify the cause of the heart murmur.

CASE 125
1 What is your interpretation of the echocardiographic images? Figure 125a shows
a hyperechogenic vegetative oscillating lesion on the septal aortic valve cusps. The
left ventricle appears slightly volume overloaded. Figure 125b shows a severe
aortic regurgitation jet in diastole, approaching the center of the left ventricle,
due to a vegetative lesion on the septal cusps. This explains the diastolic murmur.
Figure 125c shows the continuous wave Doppler of the aortic velocity. The systolic
velocity is about 4 m/s, which resembles a pressure gradient of 64 mmHg according
to the modified Bernoulli equation (4 × v2). Normal velocity is <2.0 m/s, so there
is evidence of moderate aortic stenosis. This explains the systolic component of the

2 What is your main differential diagnosis? Taking the echocardiographic
findings together, there is a high suspicion of aortic valve endocarditis causing a
systolic and diastolic murmur due to aortic stenosis and aortic valve insufficiency.
Both murmurs together auscultate as a continuous murmur. The main underlying
reason could be congenital aortic stenosis. In this dog, the aortic valve is severely
thickened and there is a vegetative lesion, which makes congenital aortic
stenosis less likely. However, aortic valve stenosis can be a predisposing factor
for the development of endocarditis. Although many dogs with endocarditis are
presented with a history of fever (60%), this dog did not have fever at the time
of evaluation.
3 What further tests would you recommend? Other diagnostic tests that could be
performed in this dog to assess the severity of disease and determine whether there
are complications of endocarditis (such as thromboembolic disorders) include
evaluation of laboratory parameters (CBC, biochemistry panel, and urinalysis),
thoracic radiographs, abdominal ultrasound, urinalysis, and bacterial urine culture,
bacterial blood cultures (three specimens from different sites), and diagnostic tests
for Bartonella spp.

CASE 126
1 What are the suggested criteria for diagnosis of infective endocarditis? Diagnosis
of infective endocarditis (IE) is often established by identification of major and/or
minor critera for IE. A scoring system, adapted from the modified Duke’s criteria
for IE in people, has been proposed to determine the diagnosis of IE in dogs.

Major criteria Minor criteria Diagnosis

Positive echocardiogram: Fever Definitive
vegetative or erosive lesion Medium to large dog Histopathology of valve
or abscess (>15 kg) 2 major criteria
Subaortic stenosis 1 major and 2 minor criteria
New valvular insufficiency: Immune-mediated disease: Possible
> mild aortic insufficiency • polyarthritis 1 major and 1 minor criterion
without subaortic stenosis • glomerulonephritis 3 minor criteria
or annuloaortic ectasia Thromboembolic disease

Positive blood culture: Positive blood culture not Rejected

≥2 positive blood cultures meeting major criteria listed Other disease diagnosed
≥3 if common skin in this table Resolution of regurgitation or valvular
contaminant Detection of Bartonella spp. abnormality within 4 days of treatment
infection No pathologic evidence of endocarditis
on post-mortem examination

In this dog, a diagnosis of endocarditis could be established from three major
(vegetative lesion, new severe aortic insufficiency, positive blood culture) and one
minor (large dog >15 kg) criterion.
2 What are known predisposing factors for endocarditis? Predisposing factors that
should raise suspicion for IE are discospondylitis, prostatitis, pneumonia, urinary
tract infection, pyoderma, periodontal disease, infected wounds, abscesses, or
long-term indwelling central venous catheters, as well as immunosuppressive drug
therapy such as with glucocorticoids, aortic stenosis, or recent surgery, especially
in conjunction with trauma to mucosal surfaces in the oral or genital tract. Most
dogs with IE do not have underlying congenital cardiac defects. No link has been
made between dental prophylaxis and IE in dogs.
3 What is the general prognosis for dogs with endocarditis? The prognosis for
IE depends on several factors. Factors indicating a poor prognosis include aortic
valve involvement, thromboembolic complications, thrombocytopenia, elevation
of serum ALP, and hypoalbuminemia. A slightly better prognosis is reported for
isolated mitral valve involvement, gram-positive infections, and when underlying
wounds or skin infections are present.

CASE 127
1 What are the body systems in which problems were identified in this dog?
Problems were identified in the gastrointestinal tract, in the nervous system, and in
the eye.
2 Where would you suspect the neurologic localization? The abnormal mental
status with asymmetric neurologic signs suggests an intracranial location. The
right-sided cranial nerve deficits indicate a problem in the right brainstem. Visual
responses were abnormal, suggesting a neurologic and/or an intraocular disease
3 What would be your diagnostic plans for the various problems? Given the
history of diarrhea, tenesmus, and hematochezia, large bowel disease is present.
Defecation should be observed and feces collected. Tests should include a fecal
microscopic examination for helminths and protozoal pathogens. A stained rectal
scraping cytology should be performed. A complete ophthalmologic examination
as well as a full neurologic examination is needed. A CBC, biochemical profile,
and urinalysis should be performed as a screen for systemic disease and to ensure
organ function is normal before anaesthesia. Under anaesthesia, a CSF tap should
be obtained. Imaging of the brain with CT or MRI should precede the CSF
collection, because there is a risk of brain herniation if intracranial pressure is

CASE 128
1 What organisms can be seen on the rectal scraping cytology? On the rectal
scraping cytology, large numbers of oval organisms demarcated by an unstained
halo are surrounded by inflammatory cells. The organisms are Prototheca spp.
These unicellular achlorophyllous algal organisms are found in the environment
in organically enriched soil, water, and vegetation, and in cow’s milk. Based on
the location of lesions, spread of infection is thought to be by ingestion or contact
with injured skin or mucosal surfaces. Typically, involvement of the colon results in
large bowel diarrhea. This is followed by dissemination in immunocompromised
hosts with typical localization in the eyes and CNS. Clinical manifestations of
uveitis, retinitis, and panophthalmitis are accompanied by meningoencephalitis
with a variety of neurologic signs.
2 What diagnostic tests could be performed for definitive diagnosis of this
disease? A diagnosis can be made by microscopic identification of the organism
in cerebrospinal fluid, rectal scrapings, or aspirates or biopsies of the eyes, colon,
lymph nodes, or skin. Culture or PCR can be performed to definitively identify the
Prototheca species involved.
The dog had a progressive deterioration in neurologic function. The
owner decided not to pursue further treatment and the dog was euthanized.
At necropsy, grossly the colon had a dark hemorrhagic color to the mucosal
surface and enlarged ileocolic lymph nodes were identified. Multiple focal
dark brown to gray pinpoint foci were visible on the cut surface of the
midbrain, hindbrain, and cortical regions. The histopathologic examination
showed multifocal lymphoplasmacytic to histiocytic meningoencephalitis
with intralesional organisms consistent with Prototheca spp. The organisms
were oval, refractile, 10–15 µm in diameter with a 2–3 µm-thick cell wall, and
stained with Gomori’s methanamine silver stain. Similar lesions and organisms
were observed histologically in the mucosal and submucosal regions of the
large bowel and in the ileocolic lymph node.
3 Are there any treatment options for this disease? In a few cases, a positive response
to therapy has been seen with a combination of amphotericin B and itraconazole.
Relapses were common in the few dogs that responded; therefore, continuous
treatment with itraconazole is usually needed.

CASE 129
1 Can such titers result from previous vaccination with Leptospira vaccines?
Older leptospirosis vaccines contain Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup
antigens, and many of the newer vaccines contain these as well as Grippotyphosa

and Bratislava or Pomona serogroup antigens. Thus, antibodies to these
serogroups can result from vaccination. However, cross-reactivity with strains of
other serogroups also occurs. Titers resulting from vaccination can be very high
(exceeding 1,600 several months after vaccination) and be detectable for more
than a year after vaccination; therefore, the presence of a titer to any serogroup
alone is not diagnostic. Thus, diagnosis of leptospirosis requires demonstration of
a 4-fold (2 titer steps) titer increase over a 1–2-week period.
2 What is the diagnostic significance of MAT results in a non-vaccinated dog?
Unvaccinated dogs can have antibodies to Leptospira spp. due to subclinical
exposure. Therefore, acute and convalescent titers are still required to document
recent infection, in association with typical clinical signs. Although MAT is widely
used, it has many limitations. Owing to the subjective endpoint determination,
titers can be highly discordant among laboratories. Even in the same laboratory, the
reproducibility can be poor, so the same laboratory should perform the acute and
convalescent titers. Nevertheless, early antibiotic treatment is strongly indicated in
suspected cases.
3 What other tests could help to confirm or rule out leptospirosis? Dark field
examination of urine for viable (moving) leptospires has been performed in the
past, but has very low sensitivity, and the same is true for culture of leptospires
from urine. PCR of blood or urine is increasingly used for detection of leptospiral
DNA. As these bacteria are usually shed intermittently and sometimes in low
numbers, a negative result never excludes infection. In this dog, a second MAT titer
was obtained 2 weeks later, and at that time the Grippotyphosa titer was 1:6,400.
Thus, a diagnosis of leptospirosis was confirmed.

CASE 130
1 What is your differential diagnosis for the leucopenia? The leukopenia in this
dog is caused by a neutropenia. The neutropenia is severe and is due to insufficient
production or destruction of neutrophilic precursors in the bone marrow because
no band neutrophils (thus no signs of regeneration) are present. Neutropenia
without regeneration also can be caused by a shift from the central neutrophil
pool to the marginal pool within the blood vessels.
2 Can a vaccinated dog develop parvovirosis? This dog received his last
vaccination against parvovirus at 10 weeks of age. Maternal antibodies that
interfered with effective immunization were likely still to be present at that
time. It is advised to administer vaccines to puppies every 3–4 weeks from 6–8
weeks of age until at least 16–18 weeks of age, because interference by maternal
antibodies can last up to 18 weeks of age. Therefore, vaccination was likely
ineffective in this dog.

3 Could a dog become infected with parvovirus from a cat? Dogs cannot be infected
with feline panleukopenia virus. However, because a cat with panleukopenia can be
either infected with a feline or with a canine parvovirus, cats with panleukopenia
should be considered a potential risk to dogs that do not have antibodies against
parvoviruses. It has also been shown that healthy cats can shed canine parvovirus
and, thus, can pose a risk to unprotected dogs.

CASE 131
1 What supportive treatment is appropriate in a dog with parvovirosis?
A dog with parvovirosis should be kept in isolation and receive intensive care.
Appropriate supportive therapy and good nursing care significantly decrease
mortality. Restoration of fluid, electrolyte, and acid–base balance by IV
continuous-rate infusion is the most important aspect of supportive treatment.
Fluid therapy should be continued as long as vomiting and/or diarrhea persist.
Metabolic acidosis and hypokalemia are common and should be corrected
through IV fluid supplementation. Hypoglycemia should also be addressed if
present. Although withholding food and water were general recommendations
in  earlier days for treating gastrointestinal diseases, including parvovirosis,
recent information suggests this is contraindicated. Thus, oral intake of water
and food should only be restricted if severe vomiting persists and should be
restarted as early as possible. A highly digestible diet is preferred but if the
patient does not eat it, any restricted-fat diet is better than no food intake
at all. If nausea is present or persistent vomiting occurs, antiemetics should
be administered. Antiemetic drugs are helpful to reduce fluid loss, decrease
patient distress, and make enteral nutrition possible. Dogs that develop
hypoproteinemia may benefit from plasma or whole blood transfusions to
restore  oncotic pressure. A whole blood transfusion will help to resolve the
problem, but if erythrocytes are not needed, plasma transfusion is a more
appropriate therapy. Plasma transfusion, in combination with heparin, is
also  helpful to treat DIC, as it replaces depleted antithrombin and provides
other important factors to counteract the systemic inflammatory response
syndrome. Ideally, serum albumin concentration should be maintained at 20 g/l
or higher. If edema caused by decreased albumin is present and is not corrected
by a plasma transfusion, synthetic colloids, such as hetastarch, should be
considered. Colloids should not be given until dehydration is corrected and
should always be used with additional fluids. Central parenteral nutrition
also can correct hypoproteinemia if it contains a sufficient amount of amino
acids, and it is indicated in dogs that are persistently anorectic or show severe

Co-infection with intestinal parasites can exacerbate parvovirosis by enhancing
intestinal cell turnover and subsequent viral replication. Appropriate anthelmintic
therapy should be initiated as soon as vomiting ceases.
2 Which antibiotics should be used? As the gut barrier is often destroyed
in dogs with parvovirosis, intestinal bacteria can translocate into the
bloodstream. Bacteremia can ensue, facilitated by the existing neutropenia,
leading to sepsis in these immunocompromised patients. Thus, prevention of
sepsis is essential. As the bacteria usually derive from the gut, antibiotics with
good activity against gram-negative and anaerobic bacteria are recommended.
Antibiotics should be administered parenterally, ideally IV. The patient should
be fully rehydrated before a nephrotoxic drug, such as an aminoglycoside, is

CASE 132
1 Is treatment with recombinant feline interferon-ω useful? Feline interferon-ω
is licensed in Europe, Asia, and Australia for treatment of viral infections in cats
and dogs. In experimental as well as in field studies, feline interferon-ω has been
effective in dogs with parvovirosis. Given that feline interferon-ω may reduce
mortality, treatment with 2.5 × 106 IU/kg IV q24h for 3 consecutive days has been
recommended in severely sick dogs with parvovirosis.
2 Is administration of specific antibodies useful? Specific antibodies can be
used not only for prevention but also for treatment of parvovirus infection.
Commercial products containing highly concentrated immunoglobulins
(multivalent hyperimmune immunoglobulin preparations) are available in some
European countries for dogs and cats (heterologous preparation produced in
horses). However, a placebo-controlled double-blinded field study was not able
to show efficacy of this type of commercial product in the treatment of dogs with
3 Are drugs that increase the neutrophil count available and useful? Filgastrim
(recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor [G-CSF]) has been
used for treatment of severe neutropenia in dogs. The human product increases
blood neutrophil counts in healthy dogs and in dogs with several specific
neutropenic conditions. Filgrastim has been used in both dogs and cats with
parvovirus-associated neutropenia, but was not shown to be effective. The lack
of efficacy of exogenous G-CSF is probably the result of an already existing high
level of endogenous G-CSF and massive necrosis of bone marrow progenitor cells.
Filgastrim could also lead to an increase in parvovirus replication and therefore is
not recommended.

CASE 133
1 How is the anemia in this dog classified, and what are the main differential
diagnoses? The high reticulocyte count, the high MCV, and the presence of
polychromasia, normoblastemia, anisocytosis, and Howell–Jolly bodies indicate
regenerative anemia. Increased red cell destruction and hemorrhage should be
considered as possible causes. The icterus suggests the possibility of extravascular
hemolysis, but icterus could be hepatic or posthepatic as well. Spherocytosis
and agglutination of erythrocytes suggest the presence of primary or secondary
immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA). IMHA can be secondary to a variety
of underlying disorders, such as infections (e.g. Mycoplasma haemocanis, Babesia
spp., Ehrlichia spp., Rangelia vitalii, chronic bacteremia), neoplastic diseases (e.g.
lymphoma), and exposure to drugs, toxins (e.g. trimethoprim/sulphonamide, beta-
lactam antibiotics, bee stings).
2 What diagnostic tests should be performed next? Further diagnostics should
include cytologic examination of fine needle aspirates of the enlarged lymph nodes
to evaluate the presence of infectious agents or lymphoma. In addition, tests for
underlying infectious diseases should be performed. Tests of coagulation function
should be considered given the subcutaneous hemorrhage. Should lymph node
aspirates be non-diagnostic, ultrasound of the abdomen should be performed to
evaluate the liver and spleen and obtain additional specimens (after ruling out
coagulation disorders).

CASE 134
1 What are the cytologic findings in the lymph node aspirate? The cytology shows
a predominance of small lymphocytes together with a high number of plasma cells.
Within the cytoplasm of one cell, several parasitic organisms can be seen. There are
also a few macrophages and lymphoblasts.
2 Can a definitive diagnosis be made? The geographic location, the physical
examination findings, the laboratory results, and the presence of typical appearing
organisms within the cytoplasm of a cell in the lymph node suggest a diagnosis of
rangeliosis. Rangeliosis is a disease that only occurs in south and southeast regions
of Brazil. It is also known as “nambiuvú” (which means “bloody ear margins”) or
bleeding plague. Rangeliosis can be associated with a secondary IMHA. PCR was
performed to confirm the diagnosis in this case, and was positive for Rangelia vitalii.

CASE 135
1 What is the recommended treatment for this patient? Supportive treatment
is indicated in order to correct the dehydration and address continuing losses.
This includes intravenous administration of crystalloid fluids, use of antiemetics

and antacids, and nutritional support. Some dogs require blood transfusions.
Doxycycline (5 mg/kg PO q12h) together with either a single dose of imidocarb
diproprionate (6  mg/kg SC) or diminazene aceturate (3.5  mg/kg SC) are the
antiprotozoal drugs that are currently recommended for treatment of rangeliosis.
Dogs treated with imidocarb dipropionate can be premedicated with atropine
(0.5  mg/kg SC) 30  minutes before injection to avoid parasympathetic adverse
effects, such as salivation, vomiting, and occasionally diarrhea. Doxycycline
treatment should be continued until clinical abnormalities have resolved and PCR
results on blood and lymph node aspirates are negative.
2 The owner has two other dogs. What preventive measures should be
recommended? Rangelia vitalli is transmitted by Amblyomma aureolatum ticks
and possibly also by Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Preventive measures for other dogs
include regular application of long-acting acaricides as well as treatment of the
environment for ticks.

CASE 136
1 What is your main differential diagnosis for the lesion on the aortic valve,
including infectious agents potentially involved, and which pathogen seems most
likely based on the clinical findings? The lesion seen on echocardiography is
consistent with valvular infective endocarditis, which is causing congestive heart
failure in this dog. Infectious agents that can cause infective endocarditis include
streptococci (such as Streptococcus canis), staphylococci (such as Staphylococcus
pseudintermedius and Staphylococcus aureus), other gram-positive bacteria
(such as Erysipelothrix spp. and Actinomyces spp.), gram-negative rods (most
commonly Escherichia coli, but also Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella spp.,
Citrobacter spp., Klebsiella spp., Proteus spp., Pasteurella spp., and Brucella
canis), Bartonella spp., Enterococcus spp., and, rarely, filamentous fungi, such
as Aspergillus spp. The  location of the lesion on the aortic valve in this dog,
together with the presence of congestive heart failure, raises suspicion for
Bartonella spp. infection, because Bartonella has a predilection for the aortic
valve and is more likely than other pathogens to be associated with congestive
heart failure.
2 What additional diagnostic tests would you recommend? Other diagnostic tests
that are indicated are routine bloodwork (CBC, biochemistry, and urinalysis),
aerobic bacterial blood cultures, and Bartonella spp. antibody tests or culture
and PCR. For blood cultures, ideally 10  ml of blood should be collected into
blood culture bottles three times over a 24-hour period. A different vein should
be used for collection each time, using aseptic technique (i.e. clip and prepare
the site, wash hands, and wear sterile gloves when collecting the specimen). In
unstable animals with signs of sepsis, two specimens should initially be collected

10 minutes apart, after which intravenous antimicrobial drugs can be given. The
third specimen is collected just before the next dose of antibiotics (i.e. a trough
specimen). Negative blood cultures further increase suspicion for bartonellosis.
Bartonella spp. antibody tests are species-specific. Ideally, antibody tests for
Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii, Bartonella clarridgeiae, and Bartonella
henselae should be performed at a minimum. Bartonella spp. culture is difficult
in dogs. Specimens for culture should be sent to a laboratory with special
expertise in Bartonella spp. culture. Use of Bartonella alpha-Proteobacteria
growth medium (BAPGM) enrichment culture, with subsequent PCR from
culture medium, is the most sensitive method for detection of Bartonella in the
blood of dogs.
3 How should this dog be treated pending the results of those diagnostic tests?
Pending blood culture results, this dog should be treated with intravenous
antimicrobials, optimally a combination of a penicillin derivative and an
aminoglycoside. Aggressive diuretic therapy as well as amlodipine to decrease
systemic vascular resistance should also be recommended. The prognosis for dogs
with Bartonella spp. endocarditis is poor and most humans with this condition
require valve replacement.

CASE 137
1 Do the antibody test results prove that Bartonella spp. infection is the cause
of endocarditis in this dog, and would it rule out Bartonella spp. infection as a
cause of disease if the test results had been negative? The positive antibody test
results alone do not prove active infection with Bartonella spp. However, this
finding in combination with aortic valvular infective endocarditis with congestive
heart failure and negative blood cultures is strongly suggestive of Bartonella spp.-
associated endocarditis. False-negative antibody test results for Bartonella spp.
can occur, so negative antibody test results do not rule out Bartonella-associated
2 What is the prognosis for recovery? The prognosis is guarded to grave. In
human patients, valve replacement would be indicated. This dog unfortunately
died 10 days after treatment initiation.
3 What is the zoonotic potential of Bartonella spp.? Bartonella spp., if transmitted
from cats to humans, cause cat scratch disease in humans as well as a variety of
other conditions that can be life threatening in immunocompromised humans.
These include valvular endocarditis, optic neuritis, and vasculoproliferative
syndromes, such as bacillary angiomatosis, and hepatic and splenic peliosis. It can
also be responsible for other chronic disorders in humans such as chronic fatigue
syndromes, parasthesias, arthralgias/myalgias, and memory loss. Although most
transmission involves fleas (cats are thought to inoculate flea feces into humans

via a scratch wound), suspected needle-stick infections have been reported in
veterinarians, and infections have also been reported in humans with a history of
dog bites.

CASE 138
1 What is the main differential diagnosis? Canine distemper is the main
differential diagnosis in this dog given the concurrent presence of respiratory and
gastrointestinal signs, footpad hyperkeratosis, and the history of other puppies
dying with neurologic signs. Distemper is caused by canine distemper virus
(CDV). The virus replicates in lymphoid tissues and then spreads hematogenously
to epithelial cells of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, urogenital tract,
and CNS. This organ predilection could explain the clinical signs of this dog,
because conjunctivitis, cough, and diarrhea are commonly observed. In addition,
nasal as well as digital hyperkeratosis can occur. In animals that develop acute or
chronic encephalitis, hyperesthesia, vestibular signs, seizures, ataxia, cerebellar
signs, paraparesis, tetraparesis, and myoclonus can be present. Lymphopenia
is frequently seen during the early phase of infection. This dog had not been
protected by vaccination and additionally might have been immunosuppressed
as a result of malnourishment, parasites, and stress. CDV infection is frequently
complicated by secondary bacterial infections.
2 What diagnostic tests should be considered? The most commonly used test
to diagnose distemper is PCR, which is highly sensitive and specific. PCR can
be performed on whole blood, conjunctival scrapings, CSF, and urine. Recent
vaccination can also lead to positive diagnostic test results. Some laboratories
perform quantitative PCR assays that may aid discrimination between
vaccination and natural infection. Use of direct immunofluorescent antibody
staining on conjunctival swabs is not recommended owing to the possibility
of false-positive test results due to nonspecific fluorescence. If neurologic
signs  occur, CSF analysis typically reveals elevated protein concentrations
(>25 mg/dl) and elevated nucleated cell counts (>10 cells/µl) with a predominance
of lymphocytes.
3 What treatment is recommended, and what is the prognosis? There is no
specific antiviral therapy to treat distemper. Fluid therapy is indicated to correct
dehydration and ongoing fluid losses; in addition, it can help to mobilize
respiratory secretions. Antimicrobial drug therapy should be given to treat
secondary bacterial infections in dogs with bronchopneumonia. In dogs with
CNS involvement, anticonvulsant therapy can be indicated. The prognosis
for dogs with severe neurologic signs is grave. Neurologic manifestations can
occur several weeks after the onset of other clinical signs, so owners should

be educated to monitor their dog for neurologic signs. Hyperkeratosis often
develops in conjunction with neurologic signs and thus is a negative prognostic

CASE 139
1 What would be your differential diagnoses for the clinical presentation in this
dog (before radiographs were obtained)? Differential diagnoses for cervical pain
in dogs in the absence of other neurologic abnormalities include: inflammation/
infection as a result of discospondylitis or meningitis; vertebral fractures,
luxations, or disc herniations; or compression of the spinal cord secondary to
neoplasia. The fever in this dog is suggestive of an inflammatory or infectious
2 What is your interpretation of the radiograph? On the spinal radiograph, a
lesion consistent with discospondylitis is evident (lysis of vertebral endplates). Early
lesions are not detectable with spinal radiographs and can require serial imaging or
CT or MRI to be detected. Advanced cases can show severe osteolysis, associated
with vertebral shortening, luxation, or osteophyte formation. Although this dog
had a cervical lesion, the most common site of lesions in dogs with discospondylitis
is L7–S1.
3 What diagnostic tests should also be performed? Other diagnostic tests
should include a CBC, biochemical profile, urinalysis, full spinal radiographs
(to determine whether or not other disk spaces are involved), and thoracic
radiographs and abdominal ultrasound to search for evidence of disease
in other organs. Urinalysis is important to assess for bacteruria in dogs with
discospondylitis. Blood cultures are indicated, as well as tests for Brucella spp.
(antibody tests) and Aspergillus spp. antigen.

CASE 140
1 What other common sources of infection can be associated with discospondylitis?
Besides genitourinary tract infections, infections of the skin or the oral cavity can
be a source of organisms that subsequently spread hematogenously and cause
discospondylitis. However, often the primary source of infection is not evident.
2 What are the most common infectious agents associated with discospondylitis?
Brucella canis, Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., or Escherichia coli are
often implicated as a cause of discospondylitis in dogs. Fungi, such as Aspergillus
spp. or Paecilomyces spp., can also cause discospondylitis.
3 What treatment should be recommended? While culture is pending or in case of
a negative culture, antimicrobial therapy with a first-generation cephalosporin or

amoxicillin–clavulanic acid in combination with a fluoroquinolone is recommended.
The high end of the dose range should be used and treatment should last for at
least 8 weeks. Subsequent treatment should be based on the results of culture and
susceptibility testing. Clinical improvement should be expected within a week unless
infection is caused by resistant bacteria, fungi, or Brucella canis. Should negative
blood culture results be obtained, culture of a fluoroscopically-guided disc aspirate
can be performed and may help to identify the infecting pathogen. Cage rest and
pain management with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also indicated.
Brucellosis has a guarded prognosis and treatment usually requires combination
therapy with high-dose doxycycline and aminoglycosides. Combination therapy
with doxycycline and a fluoroquinolone could also be considered. Aspergillus
discospondylitis is usually treated with amphotericin B and azole antifungal drugs.
4 What is the likely composition of the urolith? Given the presence of
Staphylococcus spp. bacteriuria and the morphology of the crystals in the urine,
the likely composition of the urolith is struvite. Medical therapy should be used in
an attempt to dissolve the stone.

CASE 141
1 What are your primary differential diagnoses? The signs support an infectious
or inflammatory/immune-mediated disorder, in light of the fever and generalized
pain. The geographic location, clinical signs, and history of tick bites could be
suspicious for a tick-borne disease, which remains possible despite the negative
infectious disease test results. Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is prevalent
in Oklahoma, and none of the tests performed included methods to detect
infection with Rickettsia rickettsii. Lyme disease is highly unlikely because the C6
ELISA is generally positive when dogs have clinical signs. Bartonella spp. would
also be possible as they require special enrichment culture for diagnosis, because
bacteremia levels are very low in dogs. Leptospirosis and sepsis are unlikely based
on the lack of neutrophilia on the CBC.
2 What would be the next diagnostic step? Tests for RMSF should be performed.
A low titer (1:64) for R. rickettsii was initially obtained, followed by a 4-fold
increase (1:256) 2 weeks later, confirming a diagnosis of RMSF. R. rickettsii
infects endothelial cells, causing vasculitis. Common signs include polyarthritis,
ocular signs, neurologic signs, hemorrhages, and peripheral edema. PCR was not
performed. It has limited sensitivity for RMSF because R. rickettsii bacteremia is
3 How should this dog be treated? Doxycycline (5 mg/kg PO q12h) was prescribed
for 2 weeks, and a clinical response occurred within 2 days. Prognosis is excellent
with correct antibiotic therapy, but guarded if the disease is misdiagnosed.

CASE 142
1 What are the two clinical phases of shock, and what phase was present in this
dog? The two clinical phases of shock are: (1) compensated shock, characterized
by mild mental obtundation, increased heart and respiratory rates, shortened
capillary refill time, good pulse quality; and (2) decompensated shock, characterized
by severe mental obtundation, increased heart and respiratory rates, prolonged
capillary refill time, poor pulse quality. In this case, the good pulse quality and the
short capillary refill time reflect a compensated shock.
2 What are the five pathophysiologic types of shock? The five pathophysiologic
types of shock are: (1) hypovolemic shock with decrease in circulatory blood
volume; (2) cardiogenic shock with decrease in forward blood flow from the
heart; (3) distributive shock with loss of systemic vascular resistance (septic shock
being the most common cause); (4) metabolic shock with derangement of cellular
metabolic function; and (5) hypoxemic shock with decrease in oxygen content in
arterial blood.
3 How would you characterize the pathophysiologic type of shock in this dog? The
dog had severe fluid loss due to diarrhea, making hypovolemic shock very likely.
However, dogs in hypovolemic shock due to gastrointestinal fluid loss typically
are hypothermic or have a rectal temperature in the low normal range. This dog
had an elevated rectal temperature. He had not been in a warm environment
before evaluation and did not have increased muscle activity. Therefore, the high
temperature was suggestive of true fever. In this case, the shock signs might be
partly due to hypovolemia; however, mental obtundation and fever are more likely
to be associated with septic shock. At this stage, the clinical assessment was that the
dog’s fever and acute diarrhea were most likely caused by an infection involving
the gastrointestinal tract.

CASE 143
1 Which bacterial species are considered to be enteropathogenic? Clostridium
difficile, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., and
Escherichia coli, associated with granulomatous colitis in certain breeds, such as
Boxers, are categorized as primary enteropathogenic bacteria in dogs and cats. The
elevated rectal temperature and the increased numbers of band neutrophils make
a bacterial infection likely as a cause of the acute diarrhea in this dog.
2 What are limitations of a fecal culture? Although fecal cultures are commonly
performed in dogs with diarrhea, their utility is questionable. The diagnostic yield
of such cultures is quite low, because similar isolation rates for putative bacterial
enteropathogens are present in animals with and without diarrhea. For example,
C. perfringens is part of the normal canine intestinal microbiota and is readily

cultured from more than 80% of non-diarrheic dogs. Molecular techniques are
needed to detect pathogenic strains of E.  coli, because nonpathogenic strains
belong to the normal bacterial microbiota of dogs. In toxin-producing species,
a combination of toxin testing by ELISA and organism detection (culture,
antigen ELISA, or PCR) is currently recommended for the diagnosis of an enteric
bacterial infection. There are, however, many limitations to performing toxin
assays as well.
3 How might you make a diagnosis of an enteropathogenic bacterial infection in
this case? In patients with sepsis, the source of the bacterial infection, as well as the
bacterial species involved and its antibiotic susceptibility, should be determined in
order to define the best treatment. According to the clinical signs and the ultrasound
changes, the intestinal tract was suspected as the primary site of infection. Because
interpretation of fecal cultures is complicated, culture of blood and/or lymph node
aspirates from the affected intestinal area should be performed.

CASE 144
1 Should antibiotics be administered to every patient with acute diarrhea and
suspicion of an enteric bacterial infection? The decision for antimicrobial treatment
of suspected enteropathogenic bacterial infection should depend on the patient’s
clinical signs. Acute enteritis without systemic signs of illness can be treated with
intravenous fluids and supportive care alone. Inappropriate use of antibiotics
can increase the risk of antimicrobial resistance and unnecessary adverse drug
2 Do you think antibiotics were indicated in this case? Given that the dog
had signs of systemic infection (fever and a left shift), antibiotic treatment was
3 Is there a potential zoonotic risk? Salmonellosis is a disease of major zoonotic
importance. Therefore, there is a risk of transmission to owners.
4 What would your recommendations be to the owner? Isolation and proper
cleaning and disinfection practices are the main control measures to prevent
zoonotic transmission. Feeding raw meat to dogs increases the potential risk of
transmission of Salmonella spp. to people. Therefore, feeding of a commercial dry
food diet was recommended in this case. In addition, the owner was advised to
walk the dog in an area where no other dogs are present and where feces can be
promptly removed. Gloves should be worn when handling feces, and hand washing
after contacting the dog and before eating was recommended. Although the benefit
of probiotics is not clear in acute infectious diarrhea, administration of probiotics
containing different strains of live microorganisms was suggested after cessation of
antibiotic treatment.

CASE 145
1 What is the most likely diagnosis? Although neither the history nor the physical
examination supported the presence of a wound, a presumptive diagnosis of
generalized tetanus could be made in this dog based on typical clinical signs.
Tetanus is an intoxication caused by a toxin (tetanospasmin) produced by the
bacterium Clostridium tetani after colonization of a wound. The bacteria remain
in the wound area; however, tetanospasmin migrates along the motor nerves to the
spinal cord, where it prevents neurons from releasing inhibitory neurotransmitters.
Muscle spasticity and autonomic signs are the consequence. The incubation period
ranges from 3 to 18 days.
2 What are potential differential diagnoses? The differential diagnoses in such a
dog include strychnine poisoning and hypocalcemia.
3 How is the diagnosis confirmed? Confirmation of the diagnosis of tetanus is
difficult, and so it is usually diagnosed on the basis of clinical signs. Circulating
antibody against tetanospasmin can be detected in the serum of some animals,
but such antibodies also can be found in healthy dogs. Culture of C. tetani from a
wound (if a wound can be found) has a very low sensitivity.
4 What is the prognosis? The mortality rate for dogs treated with tetanus has
been reported as 8–50%. The more quickly the clinical signs progress, and the later
treatment is initiated, the poorer is the prognosis. Abnormalities in heart rate or
blood pressure are negative prognostic factors. Survival rates are also low if there
is respiratory muscle involvement.
5 What are the most common complications of this disease? The most common
complications of tetanus in dogs include decubital ulcers due to lateral recumbency,
seizures, hyperthermia resulting from muscular hyperreactivity, dysuria, and
aspiration pneumonia. Less commonly, hiatal hernia, laryngeal spasm, ventricular
tachycardia, third-degree atrioventricular block, and joint luxations have been
reported. In humans, traumatic fractures have been described as a consequence
of seizures. The common occurrence of complications means that prolonged
hospitalization and intensive care are necessary in most cases.

CASE 146
1 How is Clostridium tetani transmitted? Clostridium tetani forms spores that can
be found in the soil worldwide. When introduced into skin or other wounds, even
small or superficial ones, the spores germinate to vegetative forms that produce
tetanospasmin. Necrotic and contaminated wounds, and those associated with
grass awns, have been suggested as a risk factor. Surgical wounds can also result in
tetanus. In many cases a wound is not found, therefore absence of a wound does
not preclude a diagnosis of tetanus.

2 What could be the source of infection in this dog? In this dog, no wound was
detected or reported by the owner. However, the dog’s permanent dentition was
noted to be erupting. Mucosal injury connected with teething has been described
as a possible entry point of C. tetani resulting in tetanus in dogs.
3 What treatment would be recommended? If a wound is identified, it should
be debrided and flushed with hydrogen peroxide. Systemic antimicrobial therapy
is recommended to reduce further toxin production. Metronidazole (15  mg/
kg IV or PO q12h) is the drug of choice, and is preferred over penicillin. To
neutralize the tetanospasmin, antitoxin (100–1,000 IU/kg IV or IM) is commonly
used. However, antitoxin is ineffective against toxin already bound to axonal
terminals, and its efficacy is controversial. Antitoxin is derived from equine
serum; thus, a skin test should be performed before administration to assess the
possibility of anaphylactic reactions. Muscle relaxants and sedatives can also be
helpful, such as methocarbamol, benzodiazepines, phenothiazines, or barbiturates.
Fluid therapy should be provided to prevent dehydration. Patients should be
kept in a quiet, dark room. All handling must be with minimal stimulation.
A  well-padded bed should be provided for recumbent dogs, and they should
be turned frequently. If  swallowing is difficult or impossible, nutrition through
a nasogastric or esophageal tube is necessary. Dogs with involvement of the
diaphragm and intercostal muscles require mechanical ventilation. Given the high
risk of life-threatening autonomic signs, heart and respiratory parameters should
be frequently monitored in recumbent animals. Dogs must also be repeatedly
evaluated for hyperthermia, and the use of fans and cool fluids can help to reduce
rectal temperature.

CASE 147
1 What is the geographic distribution of Blastomyces spp.? The geographic
distribution of Blastomyces spp. is primarily in North America, especially the
southeastern, south-central, and upper Midwestern states of the USA, Canadian
provinces that border the Great Lakes, and a small area of the northeastern USA
and southeastern Canada near the St. Lawrence River. In this case, the signalment
and clinical signs together with the dog’s origin were highly suggestive of
blastomycosis, and other diagnoses (such as disseminated neoplasia) were much
less likely.
2 What are other anatomic sites of predilection of this organism? Other sites of
predilection include the eye (uveitis, chorioretinitis, and panophthalmitis), bone,
and CNS.
3 Had the cutaneous lesions not been identified, what other diagnostic tests could
have been used to obtain the diagnosis, and what are the limitations of these tests?

Had the cutaneous lesions not been identified, other diagnostic tests could have
included cytologic examination of a respiratory lavage specimen (obtained either
by transtracheal wash or bronchoalveolar lavage), fine needle aspiration of the
lung, or a urine test for Blastomyces spp. antigen. Obtaining specimens from the
lung for cytologic examination is invasive and can cause respiratory distress or
pneumothorax (in the case of lung aspirates). Urine testing for Blastomyces spp.
antigen is sensitive for the diagnosis of blastomycosis (93.5% in one study), but
cross-reactivity with Histoplasma spp. antigen can occur, so a positive test indicates
either blastomycosis or histoplasmosis.
4 What treatment should be recommended? The recommended treatment
for this dog, at a minimum, should be with itraconazole, but concurrent use of
amphotericin B should be recommended in this case because of the severity of
disease and evidence of dissemination. Fluconazole is an alternative to itraconazole,
but is less active than itraconazole. In human patients, the use of fluconazole is
only recommended if itraconazole is not tolerated.

CASE 148
1 What are your differential diagnoses? The main differential diagnoses for
diseases causing hair loss are follicular diseases, and in a young dog, infectious
folliculitides are the most likely. Thus, bacterial folliculitis, demodicosis, and
dermatophytosis are all on the top of the list.
2 What tests would you propose? Deep skin scrapings or trichograms to rule out
demodicosis and an impression smear to identify evidence of bacterial pyoderma
are the most important initial tests. If the scrapings or trichograms are negative
and no or very few extracellular bacteria are seen on cytology, a Wood’s lamp
examination should be performed. Positive fluorescence along the hair shafts is
diagnostic for a dermatophytosis caused by Microsporum canis. A negative result
should be followed by fungal culture and/or PCR for dermatophytes.

CASE 149
1 What is the prognosis for the disease in this dog? As only two small areas on the
dogs’ body are affected (localized demodicosis), the prognosis is very good, because
95% of affected dogs have spontaneous remission. Dogs that develop generalized
infections require specific miticidal therapy. Neutering is also recommended for
dogs with generalized infections to prevent the breeding of susceptible animals.
2 How would you treat this dog? Dogs with localized demodicosis usually are not
treated at all or only treated with an antimicrobial shampoo (e.g. one that contains

CASE 150
1 What is the most likely diagnosis in this dog, based on the history and clinical
signs? This young previously healthy dog most likely became infected with
one or more pathogens belonging to the ‘canine infectious respiratory disease
complex’ (CIRDC). CIRDC describes infections of the upper respiratory tract
caused by single or multiple infectious agents. The pathogenesis of CIRD is
multifactorial, because dogs infected experimentally with a single respiratory
pathogen often show only mild clinical signs, while more severe clinical disease,
as commonly found in natural outbreaks, cannot be reproduced under these
conditions. CIRDC is characterized by an acute onset of mild to severe episodes
of paroxysmal dry cough with or without nasal discharge and fever. Owing to
the highly contagious nature of the disease, dogs in crowded indoor situations,
such as in shelters and day-care centres, are most susceptible to infection.
Multiple viral and bacterial agents have been detected in dogs with CIRDC.
While traditionally canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus type 2, canine
parainfluenza virus, canine herpesvirus-1, and Bordetella bronchiseptica were
the most common pathogens identified, recent studies have shown involvement
of new viral and bacterial agents in CIRD, including canine respiratory
coronavirus, influenza viruses, Mycoplasma cynos, and Streptococcus equi
subspecies zooepidemicus.
2 How would you interpret the radiographs? The thoracic radiographs show a
generalized bronchoalveolar lung pattern with air bronchograms, consistent with
a diagnosis of bronchopneumonia.
3 What do you recommend for treatment? Given that the dog is febrile, the CBC
shows a left shift, and there is radiographic evidence of bronchopneumonia, it
is likely that there is primary or secondary bacterial involvement. This could
be due to a severe infection with a primary respiratory pathogen, such as
B.  bronchiseptica, or due to secondary bacterial infection following primary
infection with a viral pathogen such as canine distemper virus. Antimicrobial
therapy is therefore indicated in this case. Underlying canine distemper virus
infection should not be excluded as a differential on the basis of the vaccination
history, because vaccinated dogs occasionally develop distemper. Since multidrug
resistance has been identified in some B.  bronchiseptica isolates, as well as in
other secondary bacterial invaders, performing a bronchoalveolar lavage or
transtracheal wash to obtain a sample for  bacterial culture and susceptibility
testing is recommended to  guide antimicrobial therapy. Furthermore, cytology
of airway lavage specimens to identify whether rods or cocci are present can
aid selection of an antibiotic for initial treatment while culture and susceptibility
tests are pending. Antimicrobial therapy should be given for at least 10 days. In
addition to antimicrobial treatment, dogs can benefit from airway humidification

by nebulization of saline, fluid therapy, and high-quality nutrition. Glucocorticoids
and cough suppressants are considered contraindicated in patients with infectious

CASE 151
1 What drugs can result in increased serum liver enzyme activity without liver
damage? Drugs that can induce excessive production of liver enzymes without
liver damage include glucocorticoids and barbiturates.
2 Which extrahepatic diseases can result in increased serum liver enzyme
activity? Extrahepatic diseases that can result in elevated serum liver enzyme
activities include: (1) endocrine disorders (e.g. diabetes mellitus, hyperadreno-
corticism); (2)  hypoxia (e.g. cardiac disorders, respiratory disorders, anemia);
(3) pancreatitis; (4) severe gastrointestinal diseases (e.g. bacterial transloca-
tion, increased toxin load due to damaged gut barrier); and (5) severe systemic
­d isease (e.g. sepsis).
3 What is the half-life of serum ALT and ALP in dogs? The half-life of both
enzymes is 2.5–3 days.
4 Can a single insult to hepatocytes result in elevated liver enzymes for a period
of 6 weeks? Acute insult to hepatocytes can cause elevated serum liver enzyme
activity. However, if the insult is short term and hepatocytes regenerate, liver
enzyme activities should return to normal by 6 weeks.
5 Which non-invasive diagnostic tests should be performed to assess the significance
of a chronic increase in liver enzyme activities? Non-invasive diagnostic tests that
should be performed to assess the significance of chronic serum liver enzyme activity
increases include: (1) assessment of parameters that reflect synthetic and excretory
capacity of the liver (e.g. bilirubin, glucose, cholesterol, albumin, BUN); (2) results
of specific liver function testing (e.g. serum bile acids); and (3) imaging studies to
assess liver size, focal changes, echogenicity, vascularity/portal vasculature, and the
biliary system.

CASE 152
1 What is the most likely differential diagnosis based on the ultrasound examination
findings? Owing to the prominent mass effect, a neoplastic disorder should be
ranked highest on the differential diagnosis list; an inflammatory disorder is less
2 What would be your next diagnostic step? Fine needle aspiration should be
performed. Fine needle aspiration has a low risk and is inexpensive, but there
are limitations to the technique and the relative diagnostic value of cytologic

examination versus histopathology should be known for any specific liver
disease. A poor overall agreement between liver cytologic examination and
histopathology of biopsy specimens has been reported. However, cytologic
examination is more reliable when there is diffuse involvement of the liver
parenchyma without architectural alterations. Frequently, round cell tumors (e.g.
lymphoma, mast cell tumor), hepatic lipidosis, and some infectious diseases (e.g.
aspiration of bile for diagnosis of bacterial cholangitis) can be diagnosed with
fine needle aspiration. Histopathology of biopsy specimens is generally required
for diagnosis of parenchymal liver diseases, such as hepatitis and inflammatory
biliary tract disease (more common in cats). In addition, diagnosis and grading of
malignancy for solid tumors can only be made by evaluation of adequately sized
tissue specimens.

CASE 153
1 What is the diagnosis in this dog, and what forms of this disease are known?
The diagnosis is echinococcosis. There are two forms of echinococcosis: (1) cystic
echinococcosis, also termed “hydatid disease”, which is caused by Echinococcus
granulosus; and (2) alveolar echinococcosis, caused by the larval stage of
Echinococcus multilocularis.
2 Is cytologic identification sufficient to define the species involved, and what
tests would be superior? Both parasitic forms can be identified by cytologic
examination of fine needle aspirates, but the Echinococcus species involved
cannot be determined. On histopathologic examination, E.  granulosus has
thicker membranes than E.  multilocularis. PCR is required for definitive
3 What is the life cycle of this agent and the required hosts? The adult worm
lives in the gastrointestinal tract of a carnivore. Eggs in feces of carnivores are
ingested by an intermediate host (e.g. sheep, goats, small rodents). Oncospheres
are released in the intestinal tract of the intermediate host and penetrate the
intestinal wall. They move through the circulatory system into different organs,
particularly the liver and lungs, where they form slowly growing cysts. The
definitive host then becomes infected by ingesting the cyst-containing organs of
the intermediate host.
4 How did the dog in this case fit into the life cycle? Dogs and other carnivores are
the definitive hosts in this parasitic infection. In this case, however, the dog was an
incidental host.
5 What treatment is indicated? Treatment requires surgical removal of the cysts
combined with medical treatment using albendazole and/or mebendazole before
and after surgery.

CASE 154
1 What are the differential diagnoses for the petechiation and ecchymoses?
Bleeding at different locations with petechiation and ecchymoses is a sign of a
disorder of primary hemostasis involving platelets (number or function) or the
vascular endothelium. In this case, the most likely causes are thrombocytopenia
(caused by tick-borne diseases or immune-mediated thrombocytopenia),
thrombocytopathy (due to drugs, infection, metabolic abnormalities, or von
Willebrand’s disease [vWD]), or vasculitis. Poodles can possess a genetic mutation
related to type I vWD. Female poodles are also predisposed to immune-mediated
thrombocytopenia. Severe coagulation factor problems usually do not cause
petechial bleeding, but more likely bleeding into subcutaneous tissue, body cavities,
muscles, or joints. Because of the history of tick infestation, infectious causes such
as Anaplasma platys or Ehrlichia canis infection, or Rocky Mountain spotted fever
were suspected in this case.
2 What diagnostic tests should be recommended? The first step should be to
perform a CBC to assess platelet count and differentiate anemia from impaired
perfusion as the cause of the pallor. If the platelet count is normal, plasma levels of
von Willebrand factor (vWF), as well as coagulation times (e.g. PT and aPTT) should
be measured. Blood smear evaluation might reveal infectious agents, but sensitivity
and specificity are limited when compared with molecular techniques such as PCR.
A biochemistry panel and urinalysis should be performed to evaluate for evidence of
other disease, such as liver disease, that might be associated with a coagulopathy.

CASE 155
1 What conclusions can you make based on the laboratory test results? Laboratory
testing showed pancytopenia, elevated liver enzyme activities, hypoalbuminemia, and
hyperglobulinemia. Pancytopenia can result from infectious diseases, drugs, toxins,
infiltrative neoplasia, and immune-mediated disease. The marked hyperglobulinemia
suggests chronic antigenic stimulation from infectious, immune-mediated, or
neoplastic disease. The blood smear showed morulae within monocytes, which
could be Ehrlichia canis or Ehrlichia chaffeensis, because these species have the
same morphology and target the same cells. Chronic E. canis infection can cause
pancytopenia and hyperglobulinemia.
2 What initial treatment is required in this case? The history, physical examination,
and laboratory findings support the diagnosis of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis.
Doxycycline (5 mg/kg PO q12h) for at least 4 weeks is indicated, but the duration
needed in chronic cases can be much longer, up to several months. Clinical improvement
usually occurs within 24–48 hours, but cytopenias might only resolve after several
months of therapy, or they might fail to respond at all. Severely anemic dogs require
blood transfusion, but this does not significantly increase platelets counts.

CASE 156
1 What are the important findings from the ECG and urinalysis? The ECG shows
sinus rhythm at 120  bpm and two ventricular premature contractions (VPCs)
(black arrows). Ehrlichia canis infection can be associated with myocarditis in
dogs, associated with the systemic inflammation and reduced tissue oxygenation
secondary to anemia. This is uncommonly recognized clinically. Protein-losing
nephropathy secondary to glomerulonephritis can also occur in dogs with
canine monocytic ehrlichiosis. The UPCR confirmed significant proteinuria in
this case, most likely of glomerular origin given its magnitude (>5). Ultimately,
glomerulonephritis can lead to chronic renal tubular failure and hypertension,
which were not present in this case. Chronic proteinuria can also predispose to
thrombotic disease. Plasma antithrombin III concentration should be measured to
determine whether specific antithrombotic therapy is needed.
2 Is specific therapy required for these findings? The VPCs might require specific
therapy if they affect cardiac output or if they progress to life-threatening
arrhythmias (ventricular tachycardia). Generally, if isolated VPCs are present, with
similar morphology, no R-on-T phenomenon, and are less frequent than 1,000
per 24 hours, no therapy is required. Enalapril (0.25  mg/kg PO q24h initially)
is recommended to reduce proteinuria. Clopidogrel (1–2  mg/kg PO q24h) is
recommended if plasma antithrombin is <80%.
3 What is the prognosis in this dog? Chronic ehrlichiosis has a guarded prognosis.
Prognosis is worse if severe leukopenia and severe anemia are present.

CASE 157
1 What are the main differential diagnoses, including specific infectious agents
that might be involved? The main differential diagnoses for this dog are bone
neoplasia (especially osteosarcoma) and bacterial or fungal osteomyelitis. Specific
infectious agents that might be present in a dog with this history would include
Coccidioides spp., Histoplasma capsulatum, Aspergillus spp., and other molds
(such as Paecilomyces). Coccidioidomycosis is most likely based on the history of
travel to Arizona. Bacterial osteomyelitis would be less likely, based on the history
of no previous trauma or surgery, but should also be considered. Atypical bacteria,
such as Nocardia spp. or Mycobacterium avium, should also be considered as rare
causes of bacterial osteomyelitis.
2 What other diagnostic tests should be recommended for this dog? Other
diagnostic tests that should be considered are fine needle aspirates of the lesion,
and if this is not diagnostic, bone biopsy should be considered. In addition,
thoracic radiographs should be performed to evaluate for metastatic disease (in the
case of osteosarcoma) or pulmonary involvement by a fungal pathogen. A serum
antibody test for Coccidioides spp. should be performed. In addition, routine

bloodwork (CBC, biochemistry panel, and urinalysis) is indicated to determine
whether there is evidence of other organs involved, to ensure there is no evidence
of renal dysfunction because of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and
before sedation or anesthesia is performed for bone biopsy.

CASE 158
1 What is the significance of the positive Coccidioides spp. antibody test?
A positive Coccidioides spp. titer of this magnitude is consistent with a diagnosis
of coccidioidomycosis, and it is extremely likely that a Coccidioides spp. is the
cause of the osteomyelitis. Lower titers (1:4 or lower) might be consistent with
previous exposure and not active infection, especially in a dog that resides in an
endemic region. However, in general, presence of antibodies correlates with active
infection because the immune system is unable to eliminate the pathogen.
2 Are any additional diagnostic tests indicated? No other diagnostic tests are
indicated given the clinical signs and the magnitude of the titer.
3 What is the recommended treatment for this patient, and what are the possible
adverse effects of therapy? The recommended initial treatment for this dog is single
agent therapy with itraconazole, which has good bone penetration and is active
against Coccidioides spp. The initial dose should be 5  mg/kg PO q12h, which
could be reduced to 5 mg/kg PO q24h after the first week. Possible adverse effects
of therapy are hepatotoxicity and cutaneous vasculitis (which tends to occur
with higher doses of itraconazole). Liver enzymes should be monitored monthly,
and treatment might need to be discontinued if increases in liver enzymes are
accompanied by lethargy and/or inappetence. In that case, other antifungal drugs
need to be considered as alternatives, such as fluconazole. Continued therapy with
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain relief is also recommended, with
periodic monitoring of renal values.

CASE 159
1 What are likely reasons that the Giardia spp. test remained positive? There are
several possible explanations for the repeatedly positive Giardia test. Either the
Giardia infection was never eliminated, or reinfection was occurring. A possibility
for a lack of elimination is that the dog was infected with a Giardia strain that was
resistant to metronidazole and/or fenbendazole. While metronidazole-resistant
strains are relatively common, fenbendazole-resistant strains are unlikely, and
fenbendazole is usually effective. It is possible that hygiene measures were not
applied consistently; these include cleaning organic debris from surfaces, including
the garden area, and disinfection of the environment as well as thorough bathing
of the dog (first with a pet shampoo, taking care to remove all fecal material from

the hair coat and perineum, followed by a quaternary ammonium compound,
particularly soaking the perineum). Reinfection is the most likely explanation
because the dog had close contact with other dogs and was allowed to run free in
potentially contaminated areas.
It is important to realize that tests are available to detect fecally excreted
Giardia antigen (coproantigen). These tests are specific for Giardia spp., but can
yield positive results due to persistent antigen excretion for several weeks or even
months after successful elimination of the parasite. Thus, these tests are not useful
for monitoring the success of therapy. This, however, was not the reason for the
continuously positive result in this dog, because zinc sulfate flotation was used.
2 How should the dog be treated? As the dog was apparently healthy, the best
advice would be to stop treating and testing. This dog was neither tested nor
treated further. The fecal consistency improved and became normal when the dog
was 1 year old. A Giardia test at the age of 1.5 years was negative.

CASE 160
1 What are the most likely differential diagnoses for the problems of unilateral
epistaxis and ipsilateral lymphadenopathy? Nasal neoplasia and aspergillosis
should be highest on the differential diagnoses list, although occasionally dogs with
lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis can present with epistaxis rather than nasal discharge;
this can be unilateral, and can be associated with regional lymphadenopathy.
Blepharospasm is suggestive of facial pain, which would be more likely with
aspergillosis. Preservation of nasal airflow is more suggestive of aspergillosis or
inflammatory rhinitis. While systemic causes of epistaxis such as coagulopathies
can lead to unilateral bleeding, it would be unusual for a coagulopathy alone to
result in lymphadenopathy.
2 If only one diagnostic test was allowed in this patient, what would you perform?
Currently, the single most useful non-invasive diagnostic test in this patient is
agar gel immunodiffusion for Aspergillus spp. serum antibodies. While a negative
test does not rule out disease, a positive test makes it highly likely that sinonasal
aspergillosis is the cause of the clinical signs. A lymph node aspirate would not be
an incorrect diagnostic test; however, aspergillosis is usually not a systemic disease
when nasal discharge is present and so fungal hyphae would not be expected on
cytologic examination of a lymph node aspirate. A swab of nasal discharge or
collection of a blind nasal sample for cytology or culture is unlikely to yield a
3 If the owner agreed to a full work-up, what would you recommend? Full
work-up would entail a minimum database (CBC, chemistry profile, urinalysis)
as well as lymph node aspirates, followed by anesthesia for CT and rhinoscopy.
If rhinoscopy failed to identify fungal plaques, but CT showed evidence of an

amorphous soft tissue density in the frontal sinus, trephination and sinusocopy
should be performed.

CASE 161
1 What is your interpretation of the lymph node cytology? The nucleated cells consist
of a heterogeneous population of lymphocytes in which small mature lymphocytes
predominate and are admixed with an increased population of intermediate-sized
lymphocytes and plasma cells. This is consistent with a reactive lymph node.
2 What is your interpretation of the CT images? There is marked turbinate
destruction in the right nasal cavity with increased soft tissue opacity lining the
nasal cavity caudally. There are irregular soft tissue densities within the right
frontal sinus. There is no evidence of cribriform plate destruction, although
thinner sections should be obtained through this region of interest because of the
concerns about topical treatment in a dog with cribriform plate destruction. The
dog was suspected to have sinonasal aspergillosis. A rhinoscopy was performed
and biopsy samples were collected for histopathology and culture. This confirmed
the diagnosis of sinonasal aspergillosis.

CASE 162
1 What are the main differential diagnoses? Tick bite hypersensitivity, bacterial
pyoderma (post trauma or tick bite), or possibly a kerion (a dermatophyte
infection that has led to localized furunculosis) are the main differential diagnoses.
A histiocytoma is another possibility, although the lesion is atypical in that it is rather
small and crusting, and erythema is normally only present in the end stages of a
histiocytoma, whereas in this case it was present when the lesion first appeared.
2 What would you recommend as the minimal diagnostic approach for this
case? The simplest approach would be to obtain an impression smear from the
bottom of the removed crust or the underlying eroded epidermis and evaluate it
for inflammatory cells and bacteria. If there are only eosinophils, the lesion can be
due to a tick bite and topical anti-inflammatory therapy could be considered. If,
however, there are neutrophils and cocci, topical antimicrobial therapy should be
added to the treatment regimen. If many macrophages and neutrophils are seen
without bacteria, a dermatophyte infection should be considered as a possible
option and a dermatophyte culture could be considered.
3 What is the most complete diagnostic approach to this case? The most complete
approach would be to collect a swab for bacterial culture and susceptibility, perform
an impression smear, fungal culture, and surgically excise the lesion and submit it
for histopathologic evaluation, freezing a portion for PCR if needed based on the
histopathology findings. In addition to the above-mentioned diagnoses,  neoplastic

skin disease would be identified using this approach, and special stains or PCR
could identify unusual infectious organisms that might be present depending on the
histopathologic changes. In this dog, impression smears showed neutrophils and
cocci, and topical antimicrobial therapy as well as topical anti-inflammatory therapy
was initiated, and the skin lesion improved within a week.

CASE 163
1 What differential diagnoses should be considered? Head tilt, circling and falling,
and positional strabismus are suggestive of left-sided peripheral vestibular disease.
Horner’s syndrome and facial nerve paralysis suggest involvement of the middle
and inner ear. Post-ganglionic sympathetic fibers are responsible for the autonomic
innervation of the eye and these, along with cranial nerve VII, pass near the petrous
temporal bone and tympanic bulla. A central vestibular disorder was less likely
because neurologic examination revealed no abnormalities in mentation, placing
reaction abnormalities, limb paresis/paralysis, or involvement of other cranial
nerves. Based on the acute onset, the progressive nature of the clinical signs, and the
dog’s age, inflammatory/infectious causes seemed most likely, although neoplasia
should also be considered.
2 What is your initial diagnostic plan? Initial investigations should include
otoscopic examination of both ears to evaluate for otitis media, and imaging of
the ear under general anesthesia. Otoscopy or video-otoscopy should be performed
under deep sedation or general anesthesia and should involve thorough examination
of the external ear canal and tympanic membrane (to assess for a ruptured, opaque,
or bulging tympanic membrane). Open-mouth anterior–posterior radiographs of
the skull can detect severe abnormalities of the bullae (such as lysis, thickening,
and presence of fluid or tissue inside the bulla). However, CT is more sensitive for
detection of otitis media and should be recommended in this case following otoscopy,
should the owner’s finances allow.

CASE 164
1 What is your diagnosis? The dog has chronic bilateral otitis externa and otitis
media. The left ear is more severely affected and there is likely to be secondary
otitis media, based on the clinical signs present.
2 What additional diagnostic tests might be useful to better understand the
condition? Otitis media is frequently caused by extension of otitis externa. Otitis
externa is the consequence of a primary skin disease promoting bacterial and yeast
overgrowth. The most common underlying disease in dogs is allergic dermatitis,
but foreign bodies, hypothyroidism, mite infestations, and cornification disorders
(such as seborrhea in Cocker Spaniels) can also predispose to otitis externa.

Bacterial infections (such as those caused by Staphylococcus pseudintermedius,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and yeast (Malassezia) infections are perpetuating
factors, and the chronic inflammation produces progressive pathologic changes
in the external ear, including the tympanic membrane. Therefore, the underlying
cause of chronic or recurrent otitis externa should be investigated and treated if
possible. Cytology and culture (ideally of material obtained from the middle ear)
are useful to guide the choice of systemic antimicrobial drug therapy. Cytology
of both external ear canals should be performed, at a minimum, to confirm the
presence of bacteria and yeast together with neutrophils.
3 What treatment is indicated? Ear flushing under anesthesia should be
recommended. A 3–4-day course of systemic glucocorticoids can reduce stenosis
due to inflammation and make otoscopic evaluation without anesthesia, ear
cleaning, and topical treatment possible. Owners should be educated regarding the
complications of ear canal flushing (e.g. Horner’s syndrome, facial nerve paralysis,
vestibular signs, and deafness). Topical combination therapy with glucocorticoids,
antibiotics, and antifungal drugs is then indicated to control infection, pain,
pruritus, and inflammation. A variety of combination preparations are available
and selection depends largely on clinician preference. In case of Pseudomonas
aeruginosa infection, topical treatment with fluoroquinolones can be potentiated
by combination therapy with topical Tris-EDTA or dexamethasone solutions. In
severe cases, systemic glucocorticoids and antimicrobial drugs can be combined
with topical therapy. When there are advanced pathologic changes of the ear
canal (stenosis and calcification) and otitis media, total ear canal ablation and
bulla osteotomy might be required. Addressing the underlying causes is also
recommended when possible.

CASE 165
1 What is the most likely differential diagnosis? Aujeszky’s disease (pseudorabies) is
the most likely cause of this dog’s signs, based on the history and physical examination
findings. Aujeszky’s disease was confirmed at necropsy in this dog. This disease is
caused by a herpesvirus. Domestic pigs as well as wild boars serve as reservoirs of
the virus. On rare occasions, dogs (and cats) can be infected and develop an acute
or peracute disease with excessive salivation, lethargy or agitation, with rapid
progression of neurologic signs due to encephalitis, leading to coma and death. In
many dogs, intense pruritus, especially in the head and neck region, occurs. Affected
dogs violently rub their heads against walls or the floor and scratch at their faces
and ears. This leads to severe self-mutilation, with erythema, excoriation, and severe
ulceration. Often the lesions are asymmetric. Neurologic signs due to brainstem
involvement are also often unilateral, and include anisocoria, absent pupillary light
reflexes, trismus, facial muscle paresis or paralysis, head tilt, and impaired swallowing.

2 What other differential diagnoses are there for the neurologic signs combined
with fever? Other differential diagnoses for the neurologic signs should include
rabies in endemic areas, because of the public health risk. Both rabies and
pseudorabies are acute, fatal, can result in similar behavioral changes early in
the course of illness (excitation or lethargy), and progress with other signs of
encephalitis. Although rabies always follows a bite wound, many owners of rabid
dogs are not aware that a bite wound has occurred, nor is it often visible by the
time clinical signs occur, owing to the long incubation period. Pruritus is usually
present in pseudorabies but rarely seen in rabies. Unprovoked aggression, typical
of rabies, is rare in Aujeszky’s disease. However, many rabid dogs show the so-
called “paralytic form” of the disease without aggression. Another differential
diagnosis for a dog with fever and neurologic signs is acute encephalitis due to
canine distemper virus. However, distemper encephalitis has a slower progression,
is usually accompanied or preceded by respiratory and/or gastrointestinal signs,
and pruritus is absent.
3 What is the prognosis? Aujeszky’s disease is rapidly fatal in dogs, therefore the
prognosis is grave.

CASE 166
1 How is a diagnosis of Aujeszky’s disease confirmed? Analysis of the CSF in dogs
with pseudorabies can reveal elevated total nucleated cell counts and elevated total
protein concentrations. However, this is not specific for pseudorabies. The disease
progresses so rapidly that antibodies to the virus are hardly detectable. In addition,
virus isolation from the saliva or oropharynx has a low sensitivity in dogs. Thus,
the diagnosis is usually made at necropsy. Histopathology reveals eosinophilic,
intranuclear inclusion bodies in the brain. Specific confirmation of infection can
be performed by using immunostaining for viral antigen or by PCR on brain or
tonsillar tissue.
2 What was the likely source of this infection in this case? Direct contact with
infected pigs places dogs at risk for infection. Although the virus is quickly
inactivated by drying and ultraviolet light, it can survive in carcasses over long
periods (e.g. at 25°C for up to 40 days, longer at lower temperatures). Carnivores
are almost invariably infected by consumption of raw tissues of domestic or wild
pigs. The pigs can appear healthy, but have subclinical infection. Thus, in regions
where Aujeszky’s disease in pigs is still endemic, raw pork should not be fed to
dogs. Aujeszky’s disease has been eradicated from domestic pigs in many countries
as a result of vaccination programs, but continues to circulate in wild boar and
feral pigs. As was the case for this dog, contact with wild boar and their carcasses
is a risk factor, and cases of Aujeszky’s disease in hunting dogs have been described
in many countries.

3 Can a dog with Aujeszky’s disease infect other animals? The reservoir hosts for
suid herpesvirus-1, the cause of Aujeszky’s disease, are domestic and wild pigs,
because only in pigs are subclinical infections possible. Many other mammalian
species are also susceptible to infection and sporadically develop disease (including
cattle, small ruminants, horses, and cats). In contrast to pigs, these species are
considered as “end hosts” that acquire the infection from pigs and die before
spreading it to other hosts. Direct transmission from dog to dog does not occur.
4 Is Aujeszky’s disease a zoonosis? Humans are refractory to Aujeszky’s disease,
being an exception among mammals. There are anecdotal reports of suspected
Aujeszky’s disease in humans, based on development of pruritus around a wound
after close contact with pigs, but the disease has never been confirmed in humans.

CASE 167
1 What are the differential diagnoses for nodular ulcerative skin lesions? Differential
diagnoses include granulomas caused by foreign bodies, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, or
helminth or arthropod parasites, or immune-mediated or neoplastic disorders.
2 What would be the diagnostic plan to evaluate the skin lesions? The initial
diagnostic plan would be to obtain fine needle aspirates of the lesions followed
by cytologic examination of stained specimens. Radiographs can be performed
to determine whether there are any underlying bony lesions responsible for or
associated with the nodules. Underlying osteomyelitis can either be a cause or
a result of chronic ulcerative skin lesions. If the results of these diagnostic tests
are uncertain, a CBC, biochemical profile, urinalysis, and biopsies of the lesions
should be performed. Specimens should be obtained using aseptic technique and
submitted for fungal and bacterial cultures. Specialized laboratories can perform
antibody or PCR testing on blood or tissue specimens to help determine whether
an organism is causing these lesions.

CASE 168
1 What are the treatment options for Pythium insidiosum infection? Surgical
drainage and lesion removal with debridement can be attempted initially to reduce
the tissue mass and to improve drainage and facilitate drug penetration. Treatment
with itraconazole and terbinafine, in combination, has been recommended.
However, the effectiveness of antifungal drug therapy has been limited with this
infection. Presumably, the poor response is caused by an absence of chitin and
ergosterol in the cell wall of these organisms.
Immunotherapy, consisting of a vaccine containing the isolated organism and
an  adjuvant, has been proposed to facilitate regression of the fungal infection.
Although empirical and controversial, it has been used to treat one dog with

Pythium spp. infection with a positive outcome. The specific effect of the vaccine,
however, was difficult to determine because the infection resolved over several
months using a combination of surgical resection and drainage, antifungal
chemotherapy, and the autogenous vaccine.
Spending time in lake water was likely a predisposing factor for exposure to and
dermal entry of this infection. To prevent reinfection, recommendations should be
made to restrict the dog from further unlimited access to the lake.
2 What other genera of bacteria or fungi can cause ulcerated (with or without
drainage) nodular granulomatous or pyogranulomatous skin lesions in dogs?
Other bacteria or fungi that can cause ulcerated nodular granulomatous or
pyogranulomatous skin lesions with or without drainage in dogs include Nocardia
spp., Mycobacterium spp., Blastomyces spp., Histoplasma spp., Cryptococcus
spp., Coccidioides spp., and many other saprophytic fungi.

CASE 169
1 What coronaviruses are known to infect dogs, and what is their role as
pathogenic agents? In dogs, two different coronaviruses, canine enteric coronavirus
(CECoV) and canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV), have been recognized. In
addition, a highly virulent CECoV strain (pantropic CCoV) was isolated a few
years ago that was responsible for an outbreak of fatal systemic disease in puppies.
CECoV was first isolated in 1971 in dogs with acute enteritis in a canine military
unit in Germany, and experimental administration of the isolated strain to young
dogs reproduced the gastrointestinal signs. Since then, several CECoV outbreaks
have been reported worldwide, showing that CECoV can be an enteropathogen in
dogs. However, the true importance of CECoV as a pathogen is unknown, because
many clinically healthy dogs shed CECoV in their feces. Most likely, changes in
virulence and tissue tropism leading to disease outbreaks occur through genetic
variations in structural and/or non-structural proteins. Antibody and RNA
prevalence studies have shown that CECoV is widespread in the dog population,
primarily in kennels and shelters. It is unclear how often and why clinical signs
appear, and differentiation of CECoV from other infectious causes of enteritis is
difficult, because many healthy dogs shed CECoV. Therefore, detection of CECoV
in dogs with diarrhea is not proof of causation. If it causes clinical signs, infection
is usually restricted to the alimentary tract, with sudden onset of signs typical
of gastrointestinal involvement including loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea,
dehydration, and rarely death. Fatal disease can occur as a consequence of mixed
infections (e.g. with canine parvovirus or canine distemper virus). CECoV can
mutate to more virulent strains (pantropic CCoV). Outbreaks of severe disease
with systemic spread of the virus and high mortality in puppies have been reported
in the USA, England, Sweden, and Australia.

CRCoV was identified in 2003 in the respiratory tracts of dogs housed in a
rehoming kennel in England with a history of endemic respiratory disease. CRCoV
is closely related to a bovine coronavirus. Since its first description, CRCoV has
been detected in many countries worldwide. CRCoV can be responsible for mild to
moderate respiratory signs and is one of the etiological agents of canine infectious
respiratory disease. In one study, CRCoV RNA was only detected in the respiratory
tracts of dogs with respiratory signs, and not in healthy dogs. Replication of
CRCoV in the respiratory epithelium can damage the mucociliary system, and this
can lead to a more severe clinical course of infections caused by other respiratory
2 Is it necessary to treat this dog for coronavirus infection? Treatment is not
necessary in this dog because the dog is subclinically infected and apparently
healthy dogs can shed coronaviruses without developing disease.

CASE 170
1 What are the main problems in this dog, and what are the most important
differential diagnoses? The main problems are pancytopenia, likely caused by bone
marrow disease, hyperglobulinemia, hypoalbuminemia, and proteinuria, which
suggest a chronic persistent infection leading to glomerulonephritis associated
with immune complex deposition. Two infectious agents that would cause such a
combination are Ehrlichia canis and Leishmania infantum. Multiple myeloma can
have a very similar presentation and should also be considered.
2 What diagnostic procedures should be performed next? Antibody tests or PCR
assays can be used for diagnosis of both E. canis and L. infantum infections. To
detect E. canis, PCR can be performed on blood as well as on lymph node or spleen
aspirates or bone marrow. L. infantum PCR can be performed on blood (low
sensitivity), lymph node aspirates, conjunctival swabs, or bone marrow aspirates
(highest sensitivity). Osteolytic bone lesions, hypercalcemia, the identification
of a monoclonal gammopathy, and Bence–Jones proteinuria can be indicative
of multiple myeloma, although (rarely) E.  canis infections are also associated
with monoclonal gammopathies. The diagnosis of multiple myeloma can also be
established by cytology of bone marrow aspirates. Clonality PCR can also be used
to confirm the presence of neoplasia, as opposed to reactive plasmacytosis.

CASE 171
1 What are possible complications in this dog secondary to the abnormalities
identified? Hyperproteinemia with very high concentrations of immunoglobulins
can induce hyperviscosity syndrome leading to thrombocytopathy, hypervolemia,
myocardial hypoxia, and increased cardiac workload. Thrombocytopenia and

thrombocytopathy can lead to severe generalized hemorrhage (potentially including
the brain and lungs) and cause blood loss anemia. Neutropenia can increase
susceptibility to bacterial infections. Glomerulonephritis can gradually lead to
secondary renal tubular failure.
2 What treatment should be given and what is the prognosis? The prognosis is
guarded because the dog already has two major complications of both infections:
bone marrow suppression and glomerular disease. Treatment of choice for the
Ehrlichia canis infection is doxycycline (5 mg/kg PO q12h or 10 mg/kg PO q24h).
In chronic ehrlichiosis, doxycycline treatment should be continued until the
platelets are in the RI, which can take several months. Some dogs fail to respond
to antimicrobial therapy. Leishmaniosis is treated with allopurinol (10 mg/kg PO
q24h usually lifelong) in combination with meglumine antimonate (100 mg/kg SC
q24h for 4 weeks) or miltefosine (2 mg/kg PO q24h for 4 weeks).

CASE 172
1 How should the ELISA result be interpreted in this case? The positive C6 ELISA
indicates exposure to Borrelia burgdorferi. However, >90% of infected dogs in
the USA show no clinical signs after infection and have antibodies that persist for
months to years after exposure, so associating the positive test result with disease
can be challenging. The C6 ELISA result is not affected by vaccination against
B. burgdorferi.
2 What other diagnostic tests should be considered? A definitive diagnosis of Lyme
disease can only be obtained by direct detection of the organism in conjunction with
typical clinical signs. Blood PCR assay is insensitive for detection of B. burgdorferi
infection because the spirochete is a connective tissue pathogen and is rarely present
in the bloodstream. Synovial fluid can be considered for PCR testing in dogs with
polyarthritis. Skin biopsies also can be used for PCR but are only confirmative if
positive. Evaluation of the UPCR is recommended in this case to evaluate for evidence
of glomerulonephritis. Diagnostic tests for other pathogens that can cause polyarthritis
(such as Anaplasma spp., Ehrlichia spp., endemic fungi such as Blastomyces, Bartonella
spp.) should also be considered (i.e. PCR and antibody testing). Non-infectious causes
of polyarthritis should also be considered, including systemic lupus erythematosus
and erosive and non-erosive immune-mediated polyarthritis.
3 What treatment should be recommended? Doxycycline (5  mg/kg PO q12h for
4 weeks) is recommended for dogs with clinical manifestations consistent with Lyme
disease. Dogs with Lyme polyarthritis generally respond within 24–48 hours. Failure
to respond within this time period suggests that an alternative disease is present.
Dogs with Lyme glomerulonephritis require additional management of protein-
losing nephropathy. This dog improved with doxycycline treatment. Therefore,
Lyme disease (or another doxycycline-responsive infection) was suspected.

4 What is the prognosis? If treated with doxycycline, dogs with Lyme polyarthritis
have a good prognosis. Lyme glomerulonephritis has a guarded to poor prognosis.

CASE 173
1 Considering that the dog did not show aggression, could this still be rabies?
Rabies must be considered in a dog with a history of a bite exposure within last
few months and sudden unexplained neurologic abnormalities that progress quickly,
especially in this case when the dog lived close to the border of Ukraine, where
rabies is still endemic in foxes. Classically, the clinical course of rabies in dogs has
been divided into three phases, each lasting 1–3 days. In the prodromal stage, fever,
anorexia, and behavioral changes are seen. During the furious phase, restlessness,
irritability, vocalization, and aggressiveness predominate. Affected dogs bite humans,
animals, or inanimate objects with no apparent reason. The last phase is the paralytic
stage with cranial nerve deficits, salivation, seizures, limb paralysis, coma, and death.
However, not all cases fit these categories, and many dogs show the “silent” form of
rabies, in which the paralytic stage immediately follows the prodromal stage.
2 Could detection of antibodies have been helpful to confirm or rule out rabies
in this dog? Antibody detection cannot be used for diagnosis of rabies. Although
rabies virus is highly immunogenic, little antigen is presented to the immune system
during the early stages of infection, and the virus is able to evade detection by the
immune system by hiding in nerve cells. Thus, antibodies cannot protect against
rabies, nor do they have diagnostic value. In contrast, antibody testing can be
helpful to confirm immunity after vaccination.
3 How should dogs be protected from rabies? Rabies vaccines are very effective,
safe, and inexpensive. Most commercial products induce immunity lasting up to
3 years in a very high percentage of vaccinated dogs. Thus, all dogs living in or
travelling to endemic countries should be vaccinated against rabies, and in many
countries vaccination is required by law.

CASE 174
1 What are the main differential diagnoses for the vomiting and diarrhea before
the laboratory results are available? Before the blood test results become available,
in a young dog that has never been vaccinated, canine parvovirus infection still
is possible, despite a negative antigen test. As many as 50% of fecal antigen test
results can be negative in dogs with parvovirus enteritis. Other causes of acute
hemorrhagic diarrhea and vomiting include a gastrointestinal foreign body,
acute pancreatitis, liver disease, hypoadrenocorticism, and toxicities such as non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drug toxicity. Idiopathic acute hemorrhagic diarrhea
syndrome, which was called hemorrhagic gastroenteritis until recently, is another

important differential diagnosis. The history makes drugs and toxins less likely.
The pyrexia suggests an infection.
2 What are the main differential diagnoses after the laboratory results become
available? The clinical and laboratory findings suggest the presence of acute liver
cell destruction. Canine adenovirus-1 (CAV-1) infection has been associated with
tonsillitis and hepatitis in dogs. CAV-1 causes an acute viremic disease (infectious
canine hepatitis [ICH]) characterized by hepatitis, generalized vascular endothelium
damage, nephritis, DIC, and later uveitis with corneal edema. Icterus is a rare
event in ICH. Leptospirosis has also been associated with liver enzyme elevation,
but this is usually accompanied by renal failure. Other infectious causes of acute
liver disease include bacterial cholangiohepatitis, liver abscesses, and protozoal
infections (e.g. toxoplasmosis, sarcocystosis). Severe acute pancreatitis can also be
associated with gastrointestinal signs, fever, and liver enzyme elevation (but would
usually also be accompanied by hyperbilirubinemia).
3 What other diagnostic tests should be performed? Abdominal ultrasound should
be recommended to evaluate the liver and biliary tract. Given the presence of
thrombocytopenia, coagulation testing should be considered to identify DIC and
assess the safety of liver fine needle aspiration. Depending on the ultrasound results,
testing for leptospirosis and CAV-1 infection should be considered. Antibody testing is
widely used to diagnose leptospirosis. A 4-fold MAT titer increase (2 titer steps) over
a 1–2-week period is considered diagnostic of leptospirosis in dogs with suggestive
clinical signs. PCR can also be used to detect the DNA of leptospires in urine or
blood. CAV-1 infection can be confirmed by antibody testing and demonstration of
a 4-fold titer increase within 2 weeks. Alternatively, demonstration of viral DNA by
PCR in blood in the early phase of disease is confirmative. During the acute stage of
disease, viremia occurs and the virus is present in all body tissues and secretions, but
10–15 days post infection viremia is cleared and virus can only be isolated from the
kidney or from urine, in which CAV-1 is excreted for as long as 6 months.

CASE 175
1 What is the pathogenesis of the ocular changes? Corneal clouding (“blue eye”)
occurs in about 20% of dogs with infectious canine hepatitis (ICH). It results from
deposition of CAV-1 antigen–antibody complexes in the corneal endothelium.
Endothelial cells are normally responsible for removal of fluid from the cornea
into the anterior chamber. Thus, damage to the endothelium causes edema within
the corneal stroma that is visible as corneal opacity. Corneal edema commonly
appears during recovery from acute ICH, typically at least 7 days after the onset
of clinical signs. Sometimes it can be the only sign of an otherwise subclinical
CAV-1 infection. Typically, it is unilateral, but both eyes can be affected. Signs
of ocular pain can occur at the onset of ocular lesions, but they subside once

complete corneal opacity results. In the past, use of modified live CAV-1 vaccines
resulted in blue eye in a low percentage of vaccinated animals. For this reason,
vaccines against CAV-1 now contain attenuated CAV-2, which provides solid cross-
protection against CAV-1 without the risk of corneal edema.
2 What is the prognosis for this dog? Corneal edema is usually self-limiting. In most
cases, the endothelium regenerates and the edema resolves within about 2 weeks.
3 How should the ocular disease be treated? No treatment is needed for ICH-
associated ocular disease if the dog shows no ocular discomfort. If pain is present,
topical anti-inflammatory drugs can be indicated, with or without topical atropine,
depending on the presence of concurrent uveitis.
4 What could have been the source of CAV-1 infection in this dog? Because of
widespread vaccination with effective vaccines, ICH is nowadays a very rare disease
worldwide. However, CAV-1 still circulates in wild carnivores belonging to the
Canidae, Mustelidae, and Ursidae families. In European red foxes, CAV-1 infections
have been recently demonstrated in the United Kingdom and Italy. Thus, considering
the long-term shedding of the virus in urine and the high resistance to environmental
inactivation of this agent, wild carnivores can still serve as a CAV-1 reservoir for dogs.

CASE 176
1 What is your interpretation of the radiograph? The thoracic radiograph shows
normal cardiopulmonary structures.
2 What differential diagnoses should you consider? Given the age and breed of this
patient, the top differential diagnoses are tracheal collapse and canine infectious
respiratory disease complex (CIRD), although the course of illness is long for the
latter condition. Occasionally, bordetellosis or mycoplasmosis can be associated
with a chronic cough that lasts weeks to months, but this is unusual. The owners
should be questioned about whether the onset of cough followed intubation for the
spay operation and should be asked about exposure to other dogs that are coughing.
3 What additional diagnostic tests should be performed? A CBC could be
considered, although it is unlikely to be abnormal if the patient has only local (i.e.
tracheal) inflammation. Fluoroscopy would be valuable to investigate the possibility
of airway collapse. Given the long duration of the history, the owners should be
encouraged to pursue bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage. A short course of
doxycycline could be considered for treatment of bordetellosis or mycoplasmosis.

CASE 177
1 With what disease process are the bronchoscopic image and the histopathology
most consistent? The nodular lesions in the carina and the findings on biopsy are
consistent with Oslerus osleri infection.

2 Is there an additional diagnostic test that could have provided the diagnosis
prior to bronchoscopy? Fecal Baermann analysis can be used to detect larval stages
of airway parasites such as O. osleri. The larvae are coughed up into the mouth,
ingested, and passed in the feces. Tests can be falsely negative owing to intermittent
appearance of parasites in the feces.

CASE 178
1 What influenza viruses can infect dogs? Influenza in dogs can be caused by
several influenza A viruses. Influenza A viruses belong to the Orthomyxoviridae
family and are negative single-stranded, segmented RNA viruses. The various
influenza A virus subtypes are named according to an H number (for the type
of hemagglutinin) and an N number (for the type of neuraminidase). There are
18 different known H antigens (H1 to H18) and 11 different known N antigens
(N1 to N11). Strains of all subtypes of influenza A virus can be isolated from wild
birds, but birds usually do not develop disease. Some variants also cause disease in
humans or other mammals, including dogs and cats.
Most reported influenza outbreaks in dogs have been with subtype H3N8,
which originated from horses. Canine H3N8 influenza virus was first detected in
2004 as a cause of a respiratory disease outbreak in racing Greyhounds in Florida,
USA. Exposure occurred at horse race tracks that were also used for dog racing.
Since then, outbreaks have been described in different states in the USA as well
as in Europe. In some areas in the USA, such as New York, southern Florida, and
northern Colorado/southern Wyoming, H3N8 is meanwhile considered endemic
in the dog population.
A second dog-adapted subtype, H3N2, was identified in 2006 in South Korea
and southern China. Outbreaks in the USA were first reported in the Chicago area
in early 2015, and in several other USA states during the spring and summer of
Influenza A virus subtypes that infect humans have been very rarely found in
dogs. H5N1 (“avian influenza”) was the cause of death in one dog in Thailand,
following ingestion of an infected duck.
2 Are dogs with influenza virus infection a zoonotic risk? There is no evidence
that H3N8, the most common subtype infecting dogs, can be transmitted to
people, cats, or other species. For subtype H3N2, no infections in people have been
detected. If dogs are infected with H5N1 (which occurs only extremely rarely), they
theoretically could pose a risk to humans. Thus, most cases of canine influenza do
not represent a risk of transmission to humans.
3 What is the risk of the husband transmitting infection to the dog? Most of
the influenza subtypes that cause “flu” in humans are not infectious to dogs, but

routine hygienic measures, such as hand disinfection, should generally be taken
with every sick human being or dog.

CASE 179
1 What other differential diagnoses should have been considered in this dog before
the results of cytology were available? Other differential diagnoses that should have
been considered were infiltrative neoplastic processes, such as lymphoma or mast
cell tumor, as well as other infectious agents that can infiltrate the intestinal tract,
especially Cryptococcus neoformans, Prototheca spp., and Pythium insidiosum.
2 What is the normal geographic distribution of Histoplasma capsulatum?
Histoplasma capsulatum is especially found in the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys
of the USA and in Latin America, but foci of endemicity also occur in northern and
southern California. Infections have been reported sporadically in other parts of
the world, such as Brazil, Italy, Australia, and Japan. H. capsulatum can be found
in the intestinal tract and guano of bats, which constitute the primary reservoir of
the organism and serve to disseminate it geographically.
3 What are the anatomic sites of predilection of Histoplasma capsulatum in
dogs? After inhalation, Histoplasma yeasts migrate to local lymph nodes (such as
the hilar lymph node) and other tissues that contain mononuclear cells, such as the
liver and spleen. In addition to lymph nodes, liver, and spleen, other common sites
of dissemination in dogs include the bone marrow, small and/or large intestinal
tract, the skin, bones, CNS, and eye. Dogs with histoplasmosis in the USA appear
to be particularly susceptible to intestinal involvement.
4 How could the success of antifungal drug therapy be monitored in this dog? The
success of antifungal drug therapy in dogs with histoplasmosis could be monitored
through serial abdominal ultrasound examinations or by monitoring urine
Histoplasma spp. antigen titers. Unfortunately, in this particular case, the baseline
urine Histoplasma spp. antigen test was negative, which underscores the potential
for false-negative urinary antigen test results.

CASE 180
1 What are the main differential diagnoses for this dog’s neurologic abnormalities
based on the physical and neurologic examination findings? The presence of
multifocal areas of spinal pain is most suggestive of inflammatory disease,
such as meningitis or discospondylitis. Other inflammatory diseases that cause
pain on manipulation of the spine or palpation of the paraspinal musculature
are polyarthritis or osteoarthritis of the articular facets, polymyositis, or
spinal empyema. Non-inflammatory diseases only rarely lead to multifocal areas

of spinal pain (e.g. multiple sites of intervertebral disc protrusion, extensive
2 How would you interpret the radiographs? The radiographs of the cervical and
thoracolumbar spine show several abnormal intervertebral disc spaces with an
irregular contour and lytic appearance of the adjacent vertebral endplates, which
is most suggestive of vertebral endplate lysis. Additional findings are ventral and
lateral spondylosis and endplate sclerosis of the vertebral endplates. Based on these
findings, the radiographic diagnosis is discospondylitis at the C5–C6, T13–L1, and
possibly also at the T11–T12 and L1–L2 intervertebral disc space. It is possible
that even more sites are involved, based on the multifocal pain on palpation,
because radiographic findings can lag behind physical examination findings by
4–6 weeks. Only CT or MRI can identify evidence of discospondylitis within the
first few weeks.
3 What are the next diagnostic steps? Discospondylitis is the result of bacterial
infection or filamentous fungal infections. Hematogenous spread and slowing of
blood flow in the vertebral endplates are considered responsible for the seeding
of bacteria or fungi in most cases of discospondylitis. In rare cases, migration of
an aspirated grass awn, extension from bite wounds, or infection of a surgical
site can be the cause. The source of infection can be the skin, the genitourinary
tract, endocarditis, an abscess, or oral or respiratory infections. Thus, these sites
should be evaluated carefully. However, the original site of infection often remains
obscure despite intensive investigations.
Culture of blood and urine should be performed in order to identify the infecting
agent in any case of suspected discospondylitis. For this purpose, ideally 10 ml of
blood is collected with a syringe under strict aseptic conditions from three separate
venipuncture sites and transferred to a blood culture bottle. Urine for culture should
be obtained by cystocentesis. Blood culture bottles are stored at room temperature
until they are submitted to the laboratory. It is commonly recommended to collect
the three blood samples at different times during the day (8 hours apart) to enhance
the diagnostic yield. Blood should ideally be cultured aerobically and anaerobically.
An alternative diagnostic approach is bacterial and fungal culture of a fine needle
aspirate of the affected disc space under fluoroscopic or CT guidance under
anaesthesia. This procedure should be considered for severely affected cases or dogs
with a suspected fungal infection (e.g. dogs that are refractory to antibiotic therapy).
The sensitivity of this approach has varied between 30 and 70% in different studies.
Discospondylitis can also be diagnosed by culture of surgical biopsies when severely
affected dogs undergo decompressive surgery.
Testing for Brucella canis should be performed in all dogs with discospondylitis
and in any dog with a history of traveling to countries where B.  canis is still
endemic. B. canis is a gram-negative aerobic bacterium, which is sexually or
vertically transmitted. It is frequently associated with discospondylitis as well

as orchitis, epididymitis, and prostatitis. Other clinical signs include abdominal
lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly, or signs of dermatitis, uveitis,
endocarditis, and, rarely, meningoencephalitis. Among fungi, mainly Aspergillus
spp. are associated with discospondylitis, especially in predisposed dog breeds (e.g.
German Shepherd Dog, Rhodesian Ridgeback). An Aspergillus spp. antigen test
can be performed on serum or urine for diagnosis of Aspergillus discospondylitis.
In this dog, B. canis was grown from blood cultures.
4 What treatment would you recommend? Treatment of discospondylitis generally
requires a minimum of 6–8 weeks of antibiotics, but treatment might have to be
continued for many months up to 1 year (until all lytic lesions have resolved).
Providing adequate analgesia and restriction of movement is an important part of
the treatment protocol for discospondylitis.
Antibiotics that can be used to treat brucellosis include doxycycline in
combination with either a short course of an aminoglycoside antibiotic (e.g.
streptomycin), rifampin, or combined treatment with doxycycline and enrofloxacin
for 2–3 months. The owner should be informed about the (low) zoonotic potential
of B. canis, which can be relevant to immunocompromised individuals.

CASE 181
1 What are the main differential diagnoses for the skin changes in this dog?
Diseases that cause alopecia, scaling, and crusting that should be considered in
an immunosuppressed dog from this region would be dermatophytosis, mange
(demodicosis or scabies), bacterial pyoderma, and leishmaniosis.
2 What diagnostic tests should be performed? Dermatophytosis is investigated by
performance of a trichogram, Wood’s lamp test, and fungal culture of scales and
hair. Diagnosis of demodicosis is based on multiple deep skin scrapings. Cytology
of crusts is helpful to evaluate the number and shape of intra- and extracellular
bacteria. Leishmania spp. antibody testing should also be performed.

CASE 182
1 What are the therapeutic options? Dermatophytosis can be self-limiting in a
few weeks or months in immunocompetent dogs. However, treatment should
be recommended because of zoonotic concerns. Puppies, immunosuppressed
dogs (as in this case), and Yorkshire and Jack Russell Terriers can be more likely
to develop generalized disease. In this case, systemic treatment is required; the
most commonly used systemic drugs are azoles (itraconazole, fluconazole) and
terbinafine. Itraconazole is the drug of choice. Oral therapy should continued until
two consecutive cultures at a 2–4 week interval are negative, and usually must be
continued for several months.

2 What should be done to reduce contamination of the environment?
Decontamination of the dog’s hair is important, and shampoo therapy with a
miconazole–chlorhexidine shampoo should be started while culture is pending
(growth can require several weeks incubation). Lime sulfur shampoos are
more effective than miconazole–chlorhexidine shampoos if they are available,
and should be applied twice weekly. Long-haired dogs should be clipped,
preferably with scissors to avoid skin trauma and further dissemination on the
healthy skin. Infected dogs should be handled with disposable gloves, cap, and
gown. Hospitalization should be avoided but, if necessary, affected dogs should
be  housed in the isolation ward. Decontamination of the environment can be
extremely difficult. Contaminated objects in the home environment should be
discarded if possible. Thorough vacuuming and steam cleaning of the household
is recommended to reduce the spore burden in the environment. Disinfection of
hard surfaces should be performed with 1:10 to 1:100 bleach solution, 0.2%
enilconazole solution, or (where available) an enilconazole fogger. Vehicles and
carriers used to transport animals must also be appropriately cleaned. Concentrated
(1:16) accelerated hydrogen peroxide solutions can also inactivate dermatophytes
and reduce environmental contamination.

CASE 183
1 What are the most important findings of the necropsy and histopathology
of the heart? Several areas of hemorrhage in the epicardium, myocardium, and
endocardium are seen (183a, between white arrows). Fibrin deposition is seen on
the epicardium (183b, white arrow). Histopathology indicates mononuclear cell
infiltration (183c, white arrow), myocardial hemorrhage (183c, black arrows), and
necrosis, consistent with myocarditis.
2 What are the differential diagnoses for these abnormalities in this case?
Myocarditis can have numerous causes, such as infectious agents, nutritional
deficiencies (taurine, carnitine), vascular disorders (coronary arterial embolus,
vasculitis), drugs, and toxins. Infectious agents are most likely in this case
based  on  the history, presentation, and laboratory abnormalities. Infectious
causes of myocarditis in dogs include parvovirus (before or in the first weeks
after birth), West Nile virus (rare), Bartonella spp., Rickettsia rickettsii, Ehrlichia
canis, Trypanosoma cruzi, Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum, Babesia
rossi infection (South Africa), Leishmania spp. infection, and bacteremia/sepsis.
In this case, infection with E. canis was suspected as the cause of the myocarditis
on the basis of severe pancytopenia, a positive PCR result for E. canis on whole
blood, and negative test results for other vector-borne pathogens.

CASE 184
1 How would you treat the dog? A registered adulticidal spot-on containing
selamectin or moxidectin every 2 weeks for three treatments will usually resolve
clinical signs of scabies very quickly. Other effective miticidal products are available
and might be indicated in individual cases, but can be associated with more severe
adverse effects or a higher rate of adverse effects. As it is not uncommon for dogs
to develop an increase in pruritus for several days after miticidal treatment is
initiated, 3–5 days of anti-pruritic therapy with glucocorticoids or oclacitinib can
be beneficial in such cases.
2 How would you treat the owner? Although owners of dogs infected with
Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis often develop pruritus, the mites do not reproduce on
humans, and treatment of the dog usually leads to resolution of signs in the owner.
In some cases, where dogs have a high number of mites, owners can be affected for
up to 2 weeks after miticidal therapy has been administered to the dog.
3 How would you treat the environment? As Sarcoptes mites cannot survive away
from the host for a long period, environmental treatment for these mites is not
required, as long as all in-contact animals entering or living in the household are
treated for at least 4–6 weeks.

CASE 185
1 What are your differential diagnoses for the skin lesions? The most likely
differential  diagnoses are leishmaniosis, vasculitis, fly strike, and, less likely,
dermatomyositis (predominantly seen in younger Collies and Shelties). Leishmaniosis
is an important differential diagnosis because the dog has come from Spain and
shows scaling and alopecia, two of the most common clinical signs of leishmaniosis.
Vasculitis is often the cause of scaling and alopecia of ear tips in the dog, but is more
often seen in special breeds, such as the Jack Russell Terrier, and often during winter.
Fly strike is more often seen in outdoor dogs and in summer.
2 What tests are indicated in this dog? A good history could provide diagnostic
clues for either vasculitis, fly strike (possibly flies observed by the owner and
head shaking without otitis externa), or leishmaniosis. Dogs with leishmaniosis
might have a history of other systemic signs such as weight loss or lameness.
On physical examination, lymphadenopathy is present in many dogs with
leishmaniosis and lymph node aspirates can reveal Leishmania organisms. Mild
footpad hyperkeratosis can escape the owners’ attention but might be detected on
physical examination. A serum biochemistry panel and urinalysis could identify
hyperglobulinemia and/or findings consistent with a protein-losing nephropathy in
dogs with leishmaniosis. A Leishmania spp. antibody titer is the most commonly
used diagnostic test for leishmaniosis and is high in most dogs with clinical disease.
Alternatively, or in addition, PCR of bone marrow aspirates (most  sensitive),

lymph node aspirates, conjunctival scrapings, or blood (least sensitive) can
be performed. Cytologic evaluation of impression smears of the pinnal lesion
might reveal eosinophilic dermatitis in dogs with fly strike, or macrophages with
intracytoplasmic Leishmania spp. amastigotes. If vasculitis or dermatomyositis is
higher on the list based on the history and other findings, biopsy of the pinna with
histopathology is recommended for diagnosis.
3 What is the prognosis for each of the major differential diagnoses? For
leishmaniosis, the presence of hypoalbuminemia, proteinuria, and lymphopenia
is associated with a significantly shorter survival time. With fly strike, keeping the
dog indoors and using fly screens on windows and doors can lead to resolution
of lesions. If the dog is kept outdoors, the prognosis for remission during the
warm season is guarded, although use of fly repellents can be helpful. Dogs with
severe dermatomyositis typically have progressive disease with a poor prognosis.
Prognostic factors for vasculitis are not known.
A high Leishmania spp. antibody titer was detected in this dog, so the dog was
diagnosed with leishmaniosis.

CASE 186
1 What would be an adequate analgesia protocol for painful oral ulceration? An
adequate analgesia protocol would include fentanyl as a continuous rate infusion
(2–5  µg/kg/min) or methadone (0.2  mg/kg q4h). Opioids (µ-agonists) provide
adequate analgesia in the mouth and also in the kidneys. However, they can cause
decreased intestinal motility, nausea, and vomiting. Buprenorphine might not
provide sufficient analgesia in this case. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are
contraindicated because they can lead to further kidney injury.
Adequate mouth hygiene (e.g. flushing with chlorhexidine q8h) can help
to  reduce the bacterial load in the mouth and bacteria-induced inflammation.
Some clinicians also recommend oral rinses with lidocaine-containing solutions.
This can have an effect for up to 2 hours. However, some lidocaine will be
swallowed and could result in systemic adverse effects, such as seizures and
2 What would be appropriate routes for food administration in this dog?
Nutrition should be provided as soon as possible via the enteral route, for example
by using a nasoesophageal feeding tube or esophagostomy tube. Nasoesophageal
tubes can be easily placed, but should be used with caution if thrombocytopenia
or other coagulation disorders are present. The small tube diameter also limits the
amount of food that can be administered. To place an esophagostomy tube, general
anesthesia with intubation is required, which could potentially result in further
insult to this dog’s kidneys. Esophagostomy tube placement should be avoided
if hemostatic disorders are present. However, the larger diameter would allow

administration of larger amounts of food. Parenteral nutrition could also be used
to provide nutrition to this patient but should be reduced to a minimum, because
of higher risks associated with parenteral nutrition and greater benefits of enteral
nutrition to gastrointestinal health.

CASE 187
1 What are the main differential diagnoses for the genital lesion? Proliferative
lesions on the penile mucosa can have an inflammatory or neoplastic origin.
Papillomatosis, squamous cell carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, lymphoma, or vascular
tumors are infrequently detected. Transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) can affect
sexually active dogs in enzootic tropical and subtropical areas. The genital tract is
also frequently involved in Leishmania infantum infections and is responsible for
the venereal transmission of the disease. Nodular or ulcerative mucosal lesions are
described in dogs with leishmaniosis.
2 What diagnostic tests should be performed? Cytology of impression smears and
fine needle aspiration of the lesion, as well as fine needle aspiration of the enlarged
lymph nodes, should be performed at a minimum. Cytology of impression smears
of the lesion revealed the presence of L. infantum.

CASE 188
1 How should the dog be treated? In contrast to anaphylactic shock, local
anaphylactic reactions (angioedema and urticaria) are in many cases self-limiting.
Antihistamines (e.g. diphenhydramine [1–2 mg/kg IV] and prednisolone [1 mg/kg
PO q12–24h]) are indicated until the signs resolve. During the first few hours after
the onset of the clinical signs, the patient should be monitored for laryngeal edema
and signs of shock.
2 Is this dog at higher risk for allergic reactions after future vaccinations? Although
each exposure to allergen is unique and the consequences of future vaccinations
are unpredictable, the risk of adverse reactions with subsequent vaccinations is
higher in animals that have a history of allergic reactions than in those that do
not. In most cases, these reactions seem to be induced not by antigens of infectious
agents in the vaccine, but by fetal calf serum derived from the culture media
used for vaccine production or by stabilizer proteins. As these components are
present in many vaccines, use of any product subsequently that may contain these
components can represent a risk to this dog.
3 How should this dog be vaccinated in the future? Unnecessary vaccination
should be avoided in this dog. Many vaccines induce immunity lasting for
3  years or more. For some pathogens, such as canine distemper virus, canine
adenovirus, and canine parvovirus measurement of antibodies could be considered

to determine whether booster vaccination is needed after a 3-year interval.
If  vaccination is deemed necessary, diphenhydramine (1  mg/kg IV) can be given
10 minutes before vaccination. If possible, adjuvanted vaccines should be replaced
by non-adjuvanted ones, because adjuvants could induce allergic reactions. The
dog should be closely observed for an hour after vaccination in the clinic. In
addition, the owner should watch the dog closely for several hours at home for
development of any abnormal signs.

CASE 189
1 What is the ocular diagnosis based on the clinical presentation and ocular
examination? The ocular diagnosis is corneal edema and scleritis in the right eye.
The intraocular pressure was low and although the anterior chamber could not be
examined in detail, the presence of anterior uveitis was suspected. There was mild
corneal edema in the left eye.
2 Which underlying disease would you suspect based on the clinical findings and
history? The travel history of this dog together with the skin and ocular lesions are
strongly suggestive of an infection with Leishmania spp. Clinically, the condition is
suspected based on chronic weight loss, facial and pinnal dermatitis, and a history
of regular visits to an endemic area. Leishmaniosis is endemic in many southern
European countries (including Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Turkey). Dogs are
primary reservoirs and transmission occurs through the bites of infected sandflies
(Phlebotomus spp.). The incubation period is between a few months and many
years. Ocular manifestations occur in up to 80% of dogs with leishmaniosis. They
include blepharitis, simple or granulomatous conjunctivitis, scleritis, superficial or
deep keratitis, anterior uveitis, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, and secondary glaucoma.
Signs are typically bilateral.
3 What further diagnostic tests do you suggest? Diagnosis of leishmaniosis is
made by finding the organism (amastigotes, which are round to oval and 2.5–
5.0 µm by 1.5–2.0 µm in size) in bone marrow aspirates, lymph node aspirates,
or skin impression smears. Other diagnostic tests include antibody tests or PCR
performed on bone marrow, lymph node aspirates, blood, or conjunctival scrapings.
Conjunctival scraping PCR was positive for Leishmania spp. in this dog.
4 What is your ocular and systemic treatment plan for this dog? Ocular
treatment includes anti-inflammatory treatment with a topical glucocorticoid (e.g.
dexamethasone or prednisolone acetate, q6–8h). Uveitis treatment also includes
topical 1% atropine q12–24h, which releases painful ciliary muscle spasm,
stabilizes the blood–aqueous barrier, and dilates the pupil, thereby preventing
formation of posterior synechiae. The intraocular pressure should be carefully

Systemic treatment for leishmaniosis includes lifelong allopurinol (to avoid
xanthine stone development, strict adherence to a specific low purine diet is
recommended). Adjuvant treatment can include domperidone to increase the
T-helper cell (Th1) response. In periods when clinical signs appear, meglumine
antimoniate or miltefonsine should be given in addition to allopurinol for 4 weeks.

CASE 190
1 What are the differential diagnoses for the main problem in this dog? Icterus
is the most specific problem in this case, and can be prehepatic, hepatic or
posthepatic. Common prehepatic causes of icterus include immune-mediated
hemolytic anemia (primary or secondary) and hemolysis due to infection, toxins
(e.g. zinc), or transfusion. Hepatic causes include infectious diseases (such as
leptospirosis, infectious canine hepatitis), chronic hepatitis, toxins, or neoplasia.
Posthepatic causes include gallbladder disease, pancreatitis, and peritonitis. Based
on the presence of fever, splenomegaly, and abdominal pain, an inflammatory or
infectious cause is suspected.
2 What are the next diagnostic steps? A work-up for icterus should include a
CBC, serum biochemical panel, urinalysis, and abdominal ultrasound. Subsequent
diagnostic tests would depend on whether the problem appears to be prehepatic,
hepatic, or posthepatic on the basis of those initial diagnostic tests.
3 Does this patient represent a risk for transmission of infection to other dogs
and to humans? The combination of icterus and fever in a dog from Brazil should
result in suspicion of leptospirosis, and so this dog should be handled with
appropriate precautions until an alternative diagnosis is made. Isolation is not
required, because dogs with acute leptospirosis require critical care, but personal
protective equipment, including gloves, disposable gowns, and eyewear or face
shields, should be worn at least until appropriate antimicrobial drugs have been
administered for 48 hours. Warning signs should be posted, and movement around
the hospital should be minimized. Pregnant women should not work with dogs that
are suspected to have leptospirosis. Most disinfectants are appropriate for hospital
decontamination. Indwelling urinary catheters are recommended for monitoring
urine output in oliguric/anuric animals and to facilitate the containment of
potentially contaminated urine. The dog should be treated with an antibiotic that
reduces Leptospira spp. shedding (e.g. penicillin derivative).

CASE 191
1 What are the abnormalities seen on the blood smear? Babesia spp. are seen within
red blood cells, and based on the morphology of the parasite and the geographic
region, this is suggestive of Babesia vogeli infection. However, Babesia spp. cannot

be speciated solely on the basis of morphology. PCR confirmed Babesia vogeli
infection in this case. Interestingly, North American strains of B. vogeli rarely cause
severe anemia in immunocompetent dogs, so it is possible that strain differences
exist internationally. Alternatively, unidentified co-infections in this dog may have
contributed to the severity of disease.
2 How did this dog become infected with these organisms? Most species of
Babesia are transmitted by ticks. Babesia gibsoni can also be directly transmitted
by bites, mainly within fighting breeds, or perinatally.
3 How should this disease be treated? B. vogeli is effectively treated with two
doses of imidocarb diproprionate (6 mg/kg SC) 14 days apart. Dogs treated with
imidocarb diproprionate should be premedicated with atropine (0.5  mg/kg SC)
30 minutes before injection to avoid parasympathetic adverse effects, such as
salivation, vomiting, and occasionally diarrhea.
4 What is the prognosis? With treatment, the prognosis for dogs with B. vogeli
infection is good.

CASE 192
1 What is Lyme disease, and how is it transmitted? Lyme disease is a tick-borne
spirochetosis caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, which is divided into
several species affecting people and dogs worldwide. Borrelia spp. are small,
corkscrew-shaped, motile, microaerophilic bacteria. B. burgdorferi sensu stricto
predominates in people and dogs in the USA. It is also found in Europe but only
in about 10% of the isolates. Borrelia garinii and Borrelia afzelii are the main
species infecting people and dogs in Europe. The presence of disease and its clinical
features are dependent on the isolate in a given geographic region.
Borrelia spp. do not survive freely in the environment. They are host associated,
being transmitted between vertebrate reservoir hosts and hematophagous arthropod
vectors. The principal vectors of Borrelia spp. are various species of hard ticks of
the Ixodes complex. These small (<3 mm) ticks generally feed on more than one
host during their life cycle. Infected nymphs overwinter, and in the spring they
transmit infection to reservoir hosts, which in turn infect feeding larvae. Larvae
and nymphs feed primarily on rodents and small mammals or reptiles, whereas
adult ticks feed on deer or larger mammals. People and companion animals are
usually infected by nymphs or adult ticks. Other ticks and insect vectors have
been found to harbor Borrelia spp. but do not seem to maintain infection or be
important in transmission. Direct transmission of Borrelia spp. between reservoir
hosts is unlikely, as is transovarial transmission in ticks. In a natural infection
model, control dogs in direct contact with infected dogs for up to l year did not
develop antibodies, and organisms could not be isolated from the urine of infected
dogs. There is also no evidence of in-utero spread in dogs.

2 How common are clinical signs in dogs? Most infected dogs never develop
clinical signs. B. burgdorferi sensu stricto seems to be more pathogenic in dogs than
the Borrelia spp. mainly found in Europe. About 5–10% of dogs with antibodies in
endemic areas in the USA are thought to develop clinical signs within 2–5 months
after infection; the percentage of dogs that develop clinical manifestations appears
to be much lower in Europe. The number of infected ticks, immunosuppression of
the animal, and co-infections with other pathogens could influence the development
of clinical manifestations.
3 Is it possible that the infection was transmitted from the dog to the owner?
There is no evidence that infected pet dogs pose a direct risk to humans except
by introducing unfed tick stages into a household. The ticks do not survive long
indoors and, if fed, tick stages do not reattach without molting. However, partially
fed ticks can re-feed and can pose a risk of infection. No correlation has been
observed between antibody prevalence in hunters when compared with their dogs.
Dogs and people are incidental hosts for a sylvan cycle that exists in nature, and
Lyme disease in humans is usually associated with outdoor activities, such as
hunting, that result in exposure to tick vectors.
4 How could you quickly rule out a diagnosis of Lyme disease in this dog? The SNAP
4Dx Plus test (IDEXX Laboratories) is a rapid in-house test, a component of which
detects (among other infectious agents) antibodies to the C6 peptide of Borrelia spp.
There is a long incubation period for Lyme disease in dogs (i.e. there is adequate time
to show an antibody response before clinical signs are present). Thus, if this test is
negative, it makes active Borrelia spp. infection and Lyme disease extremely unlikely.
The SNAP 4Dx Plus test was negative in this dog. Other assays are available that also
detect antibodies to Borrelia antigens, such as the Antech Accuplex assay.

CASE 193
1 What treatment is indicated for leptospirosis? It is important to start
antimicrobial therapy as early as possible, and this is usually based on suspicion
before the diagnosis can be confirmed. Penicillin or an aminopenicillin (e.g.
ampicillin 20  mg/kg IV q6–8h) is usually recommended for initial therapy if
vomiting is present. As soon as oral drug administration is possible, a change
to doxycycline (5 mg/kg PO q12h for 2 weeks) is recommended, because this
antibiotic is most effective in eliminating bacteria from the kidneys. Dehydration
should be treated aggressively with IV fluid therapy. Hydration status and urine
output should be monitored carefully to ensure that overhydration, oliguria,
or anuria does not develop. In dogs with inadequate urine output that are
developing volume overload, hemodialysis is required. Early referral to a center
that has dialysis capabilities is recommended whenever possible to improve

2 Are other dogs in this household at risk of infection? Following bacteremia, which
lasts 7–10 days, bacteria are shed in the urine. In incidental hosts, this shedding is
usually brief and of low magnitude, but when reservoir hosts are infected, shedding
can continue for weeks. Direct transmission to other animals can occur through
contact with contaminated urine and, less commonly, by venereal or placental
transfer or ingestion of infected tissue. Most infections occur as a result of contact
with urine-contaminated water sources or moist soil. Depending on environmental
conditions, the organism can survive in these sources for hours to several weeks
and can infect other animals and humans through contamination of skin wounds
or intact mucous membranes. Although the other dogs in the household have the
potential to be infected as a result of contact with urine from the affected dog, it
is more likely that they would be exposed from the same environmental source
of infection. Many dogs that are exposed are subclinically infected and recover
without illness.
3 Could handling this dog represent a risk for humans? Leptospirosis is an
important zoonosis worldwide, especially in countries with a warm climate.
Urinary shedding by subclinically infected or sick dogs can represent a risk to
humans. Therefore, precautions should be taken, especially avoidance of contact
with urine, if handling a dog suspected of infection. As is the case for other
dogs in the household, humans are, however, more frequently infected through
exposure to contaminated water sources. Heavy rainfall and flooding are risk
factors for leptospirosis in humans and dogs.

CASE 194
1 Based on the ophthalmic findings in the left eye, what is your ocular diagnosis?
The ocular findings in the left eye are suggestive of anterior uveitis and possibly
retinitis or chorioretinitis. The mainstay finding of uveitis is a low intraocular
pressure and flare (positive Tyndall effect) in the anterior chamber. Aqueous flare
is caused by the breakdown of the blood–aqueous barrier (tight junctions between
non-pigmented ciliary body epithelial cells, and tight junctions and gap junctions
in the iris vascular endothelium and non-fenestrated impermeable capillaries in
the iris). The pupil is usually miotic owing to increased activity of inflammatory
mediators (mainly the effect of prostaglandins). Uveitis is always initiated by tissue
injury, which can be caused by trauma, bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses, immune-
mediated disease, or neoplastic disease (mainly lymphoma).
2 What ocular treatment would you suggest? Treatment of uveitis should include a
topical glucocorticoid (e.g. dexamethasone, prednisolone acetate) or non-steroidal
anti-inflammatories (e.g. ocufen, ketorolac). The anti-inflammatory medications
will help to re-establish and stabilize the blood–aqueous barrier. The second most
important medication is a parasympatholytic drug (atropine), which is important

to relieve painful ciliary muscle spasm and induces pupillary dilation, which
decreases the risk of posterior synechiae formation and secondary glaucoma.
3 What further diagnostic tests would you perform to identify the underlying
etiology? The next diagnostic steps should consist of a CBC, biochemistry
panel, urinalysis, and assays for infectious diseases including (depending on the
geographic location) toxoplasmosis, neosporosis, tick-borne diseases, systemic
fungal infections, leishmaniosis, and leptospirosis. In the present case, testing for
Toxoplasma gondii revealed a moderately high IgM titer and a high IgG titer and
repeat testing 2 weeks later supported the diagnosis with 4-fold rise in the IgM titer.
Oral clindamycin was started at 25 mg/kg q12h for 30 days. The dog recovered

CASE 195
1 What is the most likely underlying cause for the pyoderma? In young dogs,
allergic dermatitis is the most common cause of pyoderma. If this is the first time
this dog has developed the lesions, treatment with an antibacterial shampoo should
be the only recommendation. If the pyoderma is recurrent, sequential trial therapy
to identify likely underlying diseases is indicated. Retrievers in most countries are
predisposed to allergic skin disease. Fleabite hypersensitivity should be considered
first, especially because flea preventives have not been used. The type of flea control
used (spot-ons, tablets, sprays, collars, environmental treatment) depends on the
owner’s preferences and the dog’s environment, but in general the more animals
there are in the household and the warmer the climate, the more aggressive flea
control needs to be. If flea control for 2–3 months does not prevent recurrence of
pyoderma, hypersensitivities to food or airborne allergens should be considered,
and an elimination diet trial is indicated. A diet should be selected that consists of
a protein and a carbohydrate source never fed before.
2 How would you treat this dog? In most situations, epidermal collarettes are the
only lesions and these can be treated successfully with an antibacterial shampoo
containing chlorhexidine or benzoyl peroxide. The shampoo should be applied
2–3 times weekly for 2–3 weeks. Shampoos that contain benzoyl peroxide are
drying, and should be followed by a moisturizing lotion or rinse for a dog with dry
or normal skin. However, to optimize treatment outcome, the shampoo should be
left on the skin for at least 10 minutes and then rinsed off.
3 Does the treatment have consequences for any tests used to identify underlying
disease? If the flea control used for this patient is a spot-on treatment, then
frequent shampooing will remove active ingredients and so the spot-on will need
to be applied more frequently than normally recommended. The frequency of
application required depends on: (1) the shampoo, because benzoyl peroxide more
efficiently removes oils on the skin surface that contain the active ingredients of

most flea products; (2) the shampooing technique, because the more vigorously
and longer the dog is shampooed, the more active ingredients will be removed; and
(3) the flea product itself, because some products are only present on the surface
of the skin and thus will be affected more by shampooing, whereas other products
are absorbed to a degree and distributed via the circulation and sebaceous glands.
Typically, twice-monthly applications are recommended but in some situations
even weekly application should be considered.

CASE 196
1 What would be your assessment of the vaccination history of this dog? The dog
had received a full primary vaccination series, with the third vaccine administered at
week 16. At this time, it is unlikely that maternal antibodies would have interfered
with the vaccination. She also had received a booster at 1 year. Such a vaccination
protocol is considered to give good and long-lasting protection against infection
with canine parvovirus, potentially lifelong. This dog, however, is receiving chronic
immunosuppressive drug therapy, which might influence immunity.
2 Could vaccination against parvovirus infection present an increased risk of
adverse effects for this dog? Dogs with immune-mediated thrombocytopenia should
not be vaccinated (if avoidable), as the antigenic stimulation might predispose to
relapse of disease.
3 What would you recommend as an alternative to vaccination? The best
recommendation for this dog would be to test for parvovirus antibodies, which, if
present, are an excellent predictor of immunity. This dog had a moderate parvovirus
antibody titer and vaccination was not considered necessary.

CASE 197
1 What is the significance of finding Aspergillus terreus in this dog’s urine?
Aspergillus terreus is an important cause of disseminated aspergillosis in dogs.
German Shepherd Dogs are predisposed to this infection, and female German
Shepherd Dogs are overrepresented. The other major Aspergillus spp. that causes
canine disseminated aspergillosis is Aspergillus deflectus. In contrast, Aspergillus
fumigatus complex organisms, which cause sinonasal aspergillosis in dogs, do
not cause disseminated disease. Because A. terreus has not been associated with
isolated lower urinary tract infections in dogs, its presence in the urine strongly
suggests that this dog had disseminated aspergillosis. Many dogs with disseminated
aspergillosis have infections of the renal pelvis; this can result in the formation of
large balls of mold within the pelvis, which can be visualized grossly at necropsy
or on abdominal ultrasound. However, not all dogs with disseminated aspergillosis
have positive urine cultures for Aspergillus spp.

2 What is the likely cause of the pelvic limb paresis? A. terreus frequently infects
the intervertebral discs; thus, the most likely cause of the pelvic limb paresis in
this dog is Aspergillus spp. discospondylitis. This could be confirmed using spinal
3 Had the urine culture been negative, what additional test could have been
performed to make a diagnosis? The diagnosis of disseminated aspergillosis
in this dog could also have been confirmed by performing an Aspergillus spp.
galactomannan antigen ELISA. Although the cut-off for a positive test result in dogs
is >1.5, most dogs with disseminated aspergillosis have titers >5. Owing to cross-
reactivity, a positive antigen test can also occur in dogs with other fungal infections,
and especially other disseminated mold infections (such as paecilomycosis), so
positive results do not confirm disseminated aspergillosis. Strongly positive test
results can also occur in dogs receiving Plasmalyte®.
4 What treatment would be recommended, and what is the prognosis? Treatment
that can be effective in obtaining remission is amphotericin B, with or without
concurrent azole therapy (e.g. itraconazole). Although isolates of A.  terreus are
often resistant to amphotericin B in vitro, clinical responses have been documented
using this combination. Fluconazole is not active against Aspergillus spp. and other
molds. In human patients, the treatment of choice for disseminated aspergillosis is
voriconazole. Posaconazole appears to have had efficacy in some cases, but both
voriconazole and posaconazole can be prohibitively expensive for some owners.
When effective, treatment usually results in temporary remission rather than cure,
so lifelong treatment is recommended.

CASE 198
1 What is the diagnosis? The blood smear shows large Babesia spp. trophozoites
within an erythrocyte. Thus, the dog has an infection with a large Babesia spp.
There are three major large Babesia species in dogs: B. vogeli, B. canis, and B. rossi.
B. rossi is the most pathogenic species, but mainly occurs in southern Africa, and
B. vogeli is the least pathogenic species and typically only causes severe disease in
very young puppies or splenectomized dogs. Other large Babesia spp. have been
reported to infect dogs in the UK and the USA.
In Southern Europe, B.  vogeli is endemic and transmitted by Rhipicehalus
sanguineus. In Eastern Europe, B. canis is endemic and transmitted by Dermacentor
reticulatus. The fact that the dog was so severely anemic and had recently travelled
to Croatia makes B. canis infection more likely.
2 What is the prognosis? With early treatment, the prognosis is usually good for
dogs with babesiosis. Immediate supportive and specific antiparasitic treatment is
indicated to address the severe anemia.

3 How should the dog be treated? Supportive care includes supplemental oxygen
and blood transfusions to improve tissue oxygenation. Specific anti-babesial
therapy consists of imidocarb dipropionate (6 mg/kg SC) twice at a 14-day interval.
Pre-treatment with atropine (0.5  mg/kg SC 30 minutes before the imidocarb
dipropionate injection) can be administered to avoid anticholinesterase effects.

CASE 199
1 What are the clinically relevant findings from the ophthalmic examination?
The white membrane seen through the dilated pupil is a detached retina showing
focal areas of intraretinal hemorrhage. The iris shows rubeosis iridis, which in
association with low IOP and scleral injection suggests uveitis.
2 What are the most likely diseases causing these problems? Uveitis and retinal
detachment can have intraocular or extraocular causes. Bilateral uveitis with other
systemic signs suggests extraocular causes, such as neoplastic, immune-mediated,
or infectious (bacterial, fungal, protozoal or viral causes) diseases. The heavy tick
infestation in this case should lead to suspicion of infection with one or more of the
vector-borne pathogens that cause uveitis, such as Ehrlichia spp. or Rickettsia spp.
Because the dog was a stray with unknown travel history, pathogens such as
Brucella canis, Leptospira spp., and Leishmania spp. should also be considered.
Fungal pathogens, such as Histoplasma spp., Cryptococcus spp., and Coccidioides
spp. are also possible.
This dog tested positive for Ehrlichia canis by PCR despite a lack of morulae
on blood smears, which are insensitive for diagnosis. An IFA antibody titer to
E. canis was also high at 1:12,800. Ehrlichiosis predisposes to uveitis and retinal
detachment by causing vasculitis, intraocular hemorrhages, and hyperviscosity
syndrome secondary to hyperglobulinemia.
3 What is the prognosis for this dog? Permanent blindness is a frequent consequence
of total retinal detachment. Given the severe ocular changes and the very high
antibody titer, chronic ehrlichiosis is likely, which has guarded prognosis despite
appropriate antibiotic therapy. The possibility of co-infections with other vector-
borne pathogens or other concurrent diseases causing the ocular signs should also be
considered in this dog, because this can influence prognosis.

CASE 200
1 Given that this puppy has never been vaccinated before, could the vaccine be the
cause of anaphylactic shock? Anaphylaxis (type I hypersensitivity) is a systemic
reaction caused by rapid, IgE-mediated release of histamine and other mediators
from mast cells and basophils. It can occur when there is re-exposure to the same

antigen following previous sensitization. Such a reaction can be induced by vaccine
antigens or other vaccine components, such as fetal calf serum (FCS). Therefore,
FCS in any vaccine can induce anaphylaxis in a dog that has been vaccinated
previously against another disease. Occasionally, anaphylactic reactions have been
observed even following the first vaccination in puppies up to 3 months of age.
Food sensitization to beef allergens is suspected in these cases.
2 How common is postvaccinal anaphylaxis in dogs? Anaphylactic shock is a rare
complication of vaccination. In a recent large-scale study in Japan, the incidence
of anaphylactic shock was 7.2 cases per 10,000 vaccinated dogs. Small breed dogs
(<10  kg) are more likely to show severe adverse reactions to vaccination, such
as anaphylaxis. Local type I hypersensitivity reactions, such as angioedema or
urticaria, are more common than systemic anaphylaxis.
3 How would you treat this dog? Rapid administration of epinephrine to control
hypotension is the most important aspect of the treatment of anaphylactic shock.
Epinephrine is diluted to 0.1  mg/ml (1:10,000) and administered intravenously
at a dose of 0.05–0.1 ml/kg (maximum dose 2 ml). If intravenous administration
is impossible, twice the dose can be administered into the trachea. Isotonic fluids
(50–150 ml/kg IV) should also be administered over 1–2 hours to maintain blood
pressure. Also, to maintain blood pressure, dobutamine (2–5 µg/kg/min IV) should
be considered. Bradycardia can be treated with atropine (0.02–0.04  mg/kg IV).
Animals that develop pulmonary complications might require treatment with
supplemental oxygen and bronchodilators. Short-acting IV glucocorticoids are
commonly administered, but evidence to support their use is lacking. Antihistamines
are useful in the treatment of local anaphylaxis (angioedema, urticaria, pruritis)
but are less effective in treatment of shock owing to slower onset of action and
minimal effect on blood pressure. The animal should be hospitalized and closely
monitored for 24 hours, because clinical signs can recrudesce during this period.

CASE 201
1 What is tick-borne encephalitis? Tick-borne encephalitis is a viral disease (caused
by a flavivirus) of the CNS transmitted by bites of various Ixodes ticks. Tick-borne
encephalitis virus is transmitted immediately after the tick bite; thus, early removal
of ticks does not prevent transmission. The range of tick-borne encephalitis virus
spans an area from France and Scandinavia, across Europe (Central European tick-
borne encephalitis), to far eastern Russia (Russian spring–summer encephalitis).
Dogs become readily infected with tick-borne encephalitis virus but they are
considered end-stage hosts. The disease occurs relatively frequently in non-
vaccinated people. In contrast, most dogs develop antibodies without clinical signs
after infection, but only rarely develop clinical disease. However, if dogs do become
ill, the course of disease is usually severe and commonly fatal.

2 What are the typical clinical signs? The incubation period in dogs is up to
2 weeks. Dogs that develop the disease can present with fever, behavior changes,
vestibular signs, optic neuritis, ataxia, or tetraparesis, reflecting multifocal lesions
in the cerebrum and the brainstem. Most dogs progress to development of motor
failure with reduced proprioception and hyporeflexia in the thoracic and/or pelvic
3 What is the prognosis? The prognosis is very poor. Many dogs will die regardless
of medical intervention. The few dogs that survive typically need intensive
supportive treatment and a period of 6–12 months for resolution of clinical signs.

Conversion factors

To convert from SI units to Old/conventional units, multiply by the conversion factor.

SI units Conversion factor Old/conventional units

Hematocrit l/l 100 %
Hemoglobin mmol/l 1.6113 g/dl
RBCs/erythrocytes × 1012/l 1 × 106/µl
Reticulocytes × 109/l n/a % of RBCs
Platelets × 109/l 1,000 /µl
WBCs/leukocytes × 109/l 1,000 /µl
Neutrophils × 109/l 1,000 /µl
Band neutrophils × 109/l 1,000 /µl
Lymphocytes × 109/l 1,000 /µl
Basophils × 109/l 1,000 /µl
Monocytes × 109/l 1,000 /µl
MCV fl n/a fl
MCH pg n/a pg
MCHC g/l 0.1 g/dl

ALP U/l 1 IU/l
ALT U/l 1 U/l
Albumin g/l 0.1 g/dl
Bilirubin µmol/l 0.058 mg/dl
Calcium mmol/l 4.008 mg/dl
Chloride mmol/l 1 mEq/l
Cholesterol mmol/l 38.67 mg/dl
Creatine kinase (CK) U/l 1 U/l
Creatinine µmol/l 0.011 mg/dl
Globulin g/l 0.1 g/dl
Glucose mmol/l 18.0 mg/dl
Phosphorus mmol/l 3.007 mg/dl
Potassium mmol/l 1 mEq/l
Protein, total g/l 0.1 g/dl
Sodium mmol/l 1 mEq/l
Thyroxine (T4) nmol/l 0.0777 µg/dl
Urea nitrogen mmol/l 2.8 mg/dl

Note: References are to case numbers, not page numbers.

accelerated idioventricular rhythm 42 avian influenza 178

acepromazine 23 azathioprine 196
Actinomyces spp. 106, 136 azotemia 108
activated partial thromboplastin time
(aPTT) 52, 69, 170 Babesia canis 108, 113, 191, 198
acute kidney injury 14 Babesia gibsoni 30, 31
agitation 165 Babesia rossi 183, 198
alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 69, 96, Babesia spp. 16, 17, 133, 141, 198
137, 151 Babesia vogeli 9, 191, 198
albendazole 153 bacterial cholangitis 8
alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 96, 122, bacterial pyoderma 21, 79, 162
126, 137, 151 bacterial species, enteropathogenic 143
alopecia 72, 181 Bacteroides spp. 8
Amblyomma aureolatum 135 Bartonella alpha-proteobacteria
amoxicillin 19 growth medium (BAPGM) 90, 136
amoxicillin–clavulanic acid 87, 112, Bartonella spp. 17, 88, 90, 117, 125,
126, 151 136, 137, 141, 172, 183
amphotericin B 13 Basiobolus ranarum 5
anaphylactic shock 200 beats per minute (bpm) 6, 12, 15, 25,
Anaplasma phagocytophilum 17, 117, 61, 156
118, 119 bile duct, distension of 7
Anaplasma platys 9, 17, 28, 29, biopsy specimens 152
119, 154 Blastomyces spp. 39, 50, 66, 147, 168
Anaplasma spp. 16, 17, 117, 119, 134, blepharospasm 49, 160
141, 172 blood parasite 30
anemia 9, 29, 30, 118, 170, 190 blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 61, 96,
angioedema 188 151, 197
Angiostrongylus vasorum 34, 52, 53, blue eye 69, 175
77, 102 body condition score (BCS) 6, 18, 72,
anterior uveitis 95, 194 133, 147, 197
aortic or subaortic stenosis (AS/SAS) 124 bone neoplasia 157
arthrocentesis 118 Bordetella bronchiseptica 11, 150
aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 61 Borrelia afzelii 192
aspergillosis 54, 160, 197 Borrelia burgdorferi 108, 117, 118,
Aspergillus spp. 70, 84, 105, 139, 140, 119, 134, 141, 172, 192
157, 160, 180, 197 Borrelia garinii 192
aspiration pneumonia 25, 121 botulism 81
atovaquone 31 bronchiectasis 103
atrial septal defect (ASD) 124 bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) 11
Aujeszky’s disease 165, 166 bronchopneumonia 26, 40

bronchoscopy 177 computed tomography (CT) 25, 71, 161
Brucella canis 83, 84, 136, 139, 140, complete blood count (CBC) 1, 7, 16,
180, 199 18, 154, 176, 190
congestive heart failure 136
calcium oxalate stones 62 conjunctival ecchymoses 101
Campylobacter spp. 47, 143 conjunctivitis 24
Candida albicans 27 continuous rate infusion (CRI) 23
canine adenovirus-1 (CAV-1) 69, corneal edema 49, 189
174, 175 coronaviruses 169
canine distemper 138 cough 40, 51, 59, 75, 103, 129, 136
canine enteric coronavirus (CECoV) 169 Cryptococcus spp. 12, 13, 168, 179, 199
canine herpesvirus 37 Ctenocephalides felis 90
canine infectious respiratory disease cystolithiasis 62
complex (CIRDC) 11, 69, 150, 176
canine monocytic ehrlichiosis 97 decompensated shock 142
canine oral papillomatosis 55, 56 Demodex 79
canine parvovirus 174 demodicosis 3, 80
canine respiratory coronavirus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 31, 35,
(CRCoV) 169 41, 90, 141
cardiac murmur 88, 89 deracoxib 157
cardiac work-up 124 Dermacentor reticulatus 198
cardiomegaly 60 dermal lesion 91
caval syndrome 61 dermatophytosis 3, 67, 99, 110, 181,
central nervous system (CNS) 12, 13, 182, 185
24, 147, 179, 201 descemetocele 45
central vestibular disease 24 detached retina 199
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 13, 58, 84, dexmedetomidine 23
115, 201 diazepam 201
chloramphenicol 201 diphenhydramine 188
chlorhexidine 67, 100 Dirofilaria immitis 34, 77, 108, 119,
chorioretinitis 194 134, 141
Citrobacter spp. 136 discospondylitis 84, 140, 180
clindamycin 31 disseminated intravascular
Clostridium botulinum 81 coagulopathy (DIC) 16, 52, 69, 77,
Clostridium difficile 47, 143 131, 174
Clostridium perfringens 47, 143 domperidone 92
Clostridium spp. 8 doxycycline 2, 10, 29, 34, 119, 135, 172
Clostridium tetani 22, 145, 146 dropped jaw 173
clotrimazole 71, 105
CNS inflammatory disorders 24 echinococcosis 153
Coccidioides spp. 12, 65, 157, 158, edema 123
168, 199 Ehrlichia canis 9, 10, 28, 29, 83, 96,
coccidiosis 85 97, 108, 117, 119, 134, 141, 154,
colony-forming units (CFU) 38 155, 156, 170, 171, 183, 199
compensated shock 142 Ehrlichia chaffeensis 97, 117, 155

Ehrlichia ewingii 97, 117, 118, 119, gastritis 18, 19
134, 141 gastrointestinal bacterial infection 143
Ehrlichia muris 97 genital lesion 187
Ehrlichia spp. 9, 16, 96, 133, 141, Giardia spp. 35, 36, 46, 159
172, 199 glomerular disease 72, 109
electrocardiography/electrocardiogram glomerulonephritis 33, 171
(ECG) 15, 42, 61, 156 glucocorticoids 58, 164
endocarditis 89, 126, 136, 137 granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
enilconazole 71, 100, 105 (G-CSF) 132
enrofloxacin 126, 144 granulocytic anaplasmosis 119
enteritis, acute 144 granulocytic leukemia 7
Enterobacter spp. 38 granulomas 167
Enterococcus spp. 8, 38, 88,
107, 136 head tilt 24, 58, 163
environmental decontamination 100 heart murmurs 124
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay heartworm disease 33, 61
(ELISA) 46, 52, 61, 109, 119, 141, Helicobacter spp. 18, 19
143, 172, 197 hemolytic anemia 113
eosinophilia 33 hemorrhagic gastroenteritis syndrome
eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy 52 46, 47, 48
epistaxis 160 hemostasis 51
Erysipelothrix spp. 126, 136 Hepatozoon americanum 116
Escherichia coli 8, 38, 47, 87, 136, Hepatozoon canis 9, 10, 24, 58, 116
140, 143 Hepatozoon spp. 115
Eucalyptus 13 high-power field (hpf) 38, 108, 197
exercise intolerance 32, 51, 75 histiocytic ulcerative colitis 87
eyelid lesions 45 histiocytoma 162
Histoplasma capsulatum 65, 147, 157,
facial skin disease 3 168, 179, 199
fecal cultures 143 Horner’s syndrome 163
fenbendazole 36, 53, 102, 159 human mumps virus 43, 44
fentanyl 186 hydatid disease 153
fetal calf serum (FCS) 200 hyperbilirubinemia 6
fever 9, 165, 174, 198 hyperesthesia 114, 115
fibrosarcoma 187 hyperglobulinemia 170
fluoroquinolones 8 hyperproteinemia 171
fly strike 185 hypoalbuminemia 32, 108, 170
follicular diseases 78, 148 hypoglycemia 94
food administration routes 186 hypothyroidism 80
fungal infections 25, 65, 105, 106 hypotrichosis 78, 148
fungal urinary tract infections 27 hypovolemic shock 48, 93

gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) 22 icterus 6, 7, 133, 174, 190

gastric Helicobacter-like organisms imidocarb dipropionate 10
(GHLOs) 18 immune-mediated diseases 72

immune-mediated hemolytic anemia mast cell tumor 124, 179
(IMHA) 77, 133, 134 masticatory muscle atrophy 22
immunofluorescence assay (IFA) 37, 199 mean cell hemoglobin content
immunotherapy 168 (MCHC) 108
inappetence 129, 141, 154, 183, 197 mean cell volume (MCV) 39, 104, 108,
infectious canine hepatitis (ICH) 69, 122, 133
174, 175 mebendazole 153
infective endocarditis (IE) 88, 89, 126 meningitis 180
inflammatory bowel disease 86 metastrongylid nematode parasite 102
inflammatory joint disease 117 methocarbamol 23
influenza viruses 178 metronidazole 19, 36, 146, 159
International Renal Interest Society miconazole 67, 100
(IRIS) 1 microscopic agglutination test (MAT)
intraocular pressure (IOP) 95, 189, 199 2, 129, 193
itraconazole 50, 147 Microsporum canis 99, 110, 111, 148
Ixodes 201 Microsporum gypseum 67, 99, 100,
110, 182
kerion 162 milbemycin oxime 53
kidney injury, acute 14 monoclonal gammopathy 83
Klebsiella spp. 38, 136 Morbillivirus 24
lameness 117, 192 moxidectin 53
large bowel diarrhea 86 mumps 44
large bowel disease 127 muscle biopsy 115
lateral recumbency 81, 145, 201 myasthenic crisis 81
Leishmania spp. 72, 83, 91, 92, Mycobacterium abscessus 107
108, 134, 170, 171, 181, 183, Mycobacterium avium 107, 157
185, 187, 189 Mycobacterium chelonae 107
leishmaniosis 73, 74, 109, 123, 171, Mycobacterium fortuitum 107
185, 189 Mycobacterium goodii 107
Leptospira 2, 11, 14, 20, 28, 38, 72, Mycobacterium smegmatis 107
75, 129, 139, 150, 186, 187, 190, Mycobacterium spp. 107, 120, 168
191, 193, 198, 199, 200 Mycobacterium thermoresistible 107
leukocytosis 39 Mycobacterium tuberculosis 120
leukopenia 69, 130 Mycoplasma cynos 41, 150
levothyroxine 80 Mycoplasma haemocanis 9, 133
liver enzyme activity 151 Mycoplasma spp. 41, 122
lower motor neuron (LMN) 81 myocarditis 183
Lyme disease 172, 192
lymphadenomegaly 82 nasal aspergillosis 54
lymphohistiocytic pleocytosis 58 nasal discharge, mucopurulent 70, 138
lymphoma 179, 187 nasal neoplasia 160
neoplasia 12, 72
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 13, neoplastic disorder 152, 167
58, 101, 139, 180 Neospora caninum 58, 183
Malassezia 164 neurologic abnormalities 180, 201

neurologic localization 83 pulmonary parenchymal disease 59
Nocardia spp. 106, 157, 168 pulmonic stenosis (PS) 124
nodular ulcerative skin lesions 167 pulse oximetry 104, 122
non-healing wounds 106 pyelonephritis 38
pyoderma 195
omeprazole 19 pyogranulomatous infections 4
oral ulceration 186 pyrexia 28, 68, 98, 173
Oslerus osleri 177 Pythium insidiosum 168, 179
osteomyelitis 23, 157
otitis externa 164 rabies 98, 173
otitis media 164 Rangelia vitalii 9, 133, 134, 135
recombinant feline interferon-ω 132
Paecilomyces 140, 157 respiratory distress 15, 59, 121, 136
pale mucous membranes 30 resting energy requirement (RER) 94
packed cell volume (PCV), 113, 137 retinal detachment 50, 199
pancytopenia 155, 170 retinitis 194
papillomatosis 45, 55, 57, 187 Rhipicephalus sanguineus 9, 90, 97, 135
papular dermatitis 92 ribonucleic acid (RNA) 24, 169
paramyxovirus 43 Rickettsia spp. 9, 16, 28, 117, 141,
parvovirus 46, 130, 131, 132, 183, 196 183, 199
Pasteurella spp. 136 Rocky Mountain spotted fever
pelvic limb paresis 197 (RMSF) 141
periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) 87
persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA) 124 Salmonella spp. 47, 136, 143, 144
petechial hemorrhages 28, 154 Sarcoptes 184
Phlebotomus spp. 189 scleritis 189
plasmacytosis 170, 171 seizures 12
Pneumocystis spp. 65, 76 sepsis 47, 48
pneumonia 41 shock 112, 142
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 10, sinonasal aspergillosis (SNA) 70, 71, 161
33, 90, 92, 97, 122, 141, 156, 168, sinus tachycardia 61
171, 175, 183, 199 sporotrichosis 106
polyradiculoneuritis 58, 81 squamous cell carcinoma 187
polyuria/polydipsia (PU/PD) 38, 108 Staphylococcus aureus 136
postvaccinal anaphylaxis 200 Staphylococcus pseudintermedius 136,
prednisolone 188, 196, 201 140, 164
proteinuria 33, 34, 170 Staphylococcus spp. 38, 42, 84, 88, 140
Proteus spp. 38, 136 Streptococcus canis 136
prothrombin time (PT) 52, 170 Streptococcus equi subspecies
Prototheca spp. 128, 179 zooepidemicus 150
protozoal diseases 12 Streptococcus spp. 8, 88, 140
pruritus 184 struvite uroliths 62
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 38, 136, 164
pulmonary hypertension 32, 33, 34, tetanus 23, 64, 146
60, 77 thrombocytopenia 16, 29, 68, 96, 154

thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) vaccination history 196
79, 80 valvular infective endocarditis 136
tick bite hypersensitivity 162 vascular tumors 187
tick-borne encephalitis 201 vasculitis 185
tick-borne infections 9, 199 ventricular premature contractions
Toxoplasma gondii 12, 65, 183, 194 (VPCs) 156
transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) 187 vomiting 68, 93, 129, 130, 135, 151,
Trichophyton spp. 110 165, 183
Trichuris vulpis 86 von Willebrand’s disease (vWD) 154
Trypanosoma cruzi 73, 183

urinary tract infections 27, 38 West Nile virus 183

urine protein to creatinine ratio Wolbachia 34, 61
(UPCR) 33, 72, 156, 170 wounds, non-healing 106
uroliths 62, 140
uveitis, anterior 95, 194 zoonosis 35, 100, 144, 166, 178


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