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highlandnews.net n Highland Community News BUSINESS Friday, Sept. 21, 2018 7

IVDA to improve airport Theater

Continued from page1
came to comfort the families
here, and today is testimony
that the phoenix is rising from
San Bernardino city.”

access for cargo customers University Magazine. The the-

ater completes the school’s fa-
cilities after the opening of the
In recognition of the school’s
role in the events following the
Dec. 2 terrorist attack, the flags
By HECTOR HERNANDEZ JR. business. It aims to provide According to Director of Avi- Coyote Sports Complex in 2016. flown during President Oba-
R EPORTER more efficient access for trucks ation Mark Gibbs, the hangar Joining the school’s staff and ma’s visit were again flown on
H IGHLAND C OMMUNITY N EWS traveling to and from hangars 795 improvements made for students at the ribbon cutting the campus and used in the
Inland Valley Development used by UPS and FedEx. FedEx’s specific operations are were the San Bernardino City presentation of colors during
Agency (IVDA) board ap- The road, with a nine-truck substantially complete. Unified School District board, the theater’s opening ceremony.
proved, during its Sept. 12 two-lane queue lane, is also de- They are scheduled for com- district staff, the building’s de- “Our students are so excited
meeting, a $1.6 million contract signed to prevent stacking of pletion by Oct. 1 so FedEx can signers and constructors, and and fortunate to have this won-
for construction of a new ac- trucks into traffic on busy begin its 10-year lease during members of the San Bernardino derful building to showcase
cess road dedicated to improv- Tippecanoe Avenue. the peak fourth-quarter ship- Chamber of Commerce. their talents and all their ex-
ing security-controlled access The bidding process began in ping season. Superintendent Dale Mars- pertise,” Bicondova said.
to San Bernardino International August and after receiving four The project — which includ- den held up the theater as a That evening, the board of
Airport along Tippecanoe Av- bids IVDA staff recommended ed improvements to electrical, beacon of hope for the commu- education became the first to
enue for air cargo truck traffic. Jergensen’s Construction, hangar doors, fire suppression, nity and a glowing example of use the theater when it held its
The project along with two which has worked with IVDA restrooms, office space and the the great achievements that the regular meeting on the theater
others nearing completion are before and submitted the low- installation of FedEx-specific city of San Bernardino is capa- stage. The board’s building is
set to increase commercial air- est bid of $1,603,064.81. cargo transfer and scales equip- ble of after hard times. being remodeled and the board
craft activity at the airport. The board also received up- ment — totaled about $3.5 mil- “It was not long ago that Indi- will hold the rest of its meet-
Previously, the board ap- dates on projects upgrading lion. an Springs High School was a ings in the theater until its
proved the new access road and hangar 795 for FedEx and in- FedEx will begin its lease place of comfort for families af- building reopens.
security gate to be built on air- creasing ramp and airplane with one flight per day, move to fected by Dec. 2, 2015, when the According to Bicondova, the
port property along the east parking space for the hangar two flights daily with up to 10 Inland Regional Center was at- theater’s first student perform-
side of Tippecanoe in prepara- used by aircraft recyclers Uni- flights a day during peak sea- tacked,” Marsden said. “Presi- ances will come during the win-
tion for increased air cargo cal. son, Gibbs said. dent Obama and the first lady ter showcase.

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