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Government of India

Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

Restructuring of
National Highways Authority of India
Government of India

Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

Restructuring of
National Highways Authority of India

Published by
The Secretariat for the Committee on Infrastructure
Planning Commission, Government of India
Yojana Bhawan, Parliament Street
New Delhi - 110 001

March 2008
I. Executive Summary 05
II. Report on Restructuring of NHAI 10
1. Context 10
2. Institutional Strengthening Initiatives in Progress 11
3. Setting up an Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) 12
4. Meeting of Committee of Secretaries (COS) 12
5. Vision of NHAI 13
6. The Business Model 14
7. Existing Systems and Processes 14
8. Past Initiative 18
9. Key priorities in Institutional Strengthening 19
10. Strengthening of NHAI Board 19
11. Strengthening the Organization Structure 23
12. Regional Set-up 29
13. Strengthening of the Human Resource Management 30
14. Enhancement of Systems and Processes 32
15. Quality Assurance 36
16. Conclusion 37
17. Recommendations 38

List of Annexures
Annexure 1:
Existing Structure 43
Annexure 2:
Proposed Structure 44
Annexure 3:
Note on CAG's observations 45
Secretariat for Committee on Infrastructure

This Report is aimed at institutional strengthening Committee on Infrastructure which commended the
of the National Highways Authority of India same for approval of the Government.
(NHAI) with a view to making it a
multidisciplinary professional body with high In particular, the Report recommends the vision
quality expertise in financing and contract statement of NHAI as follows:
management. “ To meet the nation's need for the provision and
maintenance of National Highways network to
The NHAI is responsible for the development, global standards and to meet user's expectations in
maintenance and management of National the most time bound and cost effective manner,
Highways entrusted to it and for matters connected within the strategic policy framework set by the
or incidental thereto. It is mandated to implement Government of India and thus promote economic
the National Highways Development Programme well-being and quality of life of the people.”
spread over seven phases with investment of about
Rs. 2, 20,000 crore (USD 55 billion) over a period The Report recommends retention of NHAI's
of seven years. This magnitude of work required business model of outsourcing major activities and
greater autonomy and delegation of powers to makes specific recommendations with respect to
NHAI for approval of individual projects within the the enhancement in the strength of the number of
overall programme including the financing Directors in the Board and other senior level
structure approved by the Government. officials. It also clearly delineates the roles and
responsibilities of each Member. The Report
In the above context, the Committee on proposes the creation of separate cells for Project
Infrastructure (COI) chaired by the Prime Minister Appraisal, Planning, Quality Assurance,
directed that restructuring of NHAI should be Standardisation and R & D, Contract Management,
undertaken and an Inter-Ministerial Committee Legal and Arbitration and Road Safety. The Report
(IMC) under the chairmanship of Secretary, Road also makes recommendations in important areas
Transport and Highways with Secretary, such as delegation of powers, documentation,
Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Chairman, capacity enhancement, training, etc. It also
NHAI, Adviser to Deputy Chairman, Planning recognizes the principles of checks and balances by
Commission, Shri D.P. Gupta, former Director separating project implementation from the
General (RD) and Shri Deepak Das Gupta, former functions of Member (Finance) and Member
Chairman, NHAI as Members, to submit (Technical). These measures would sufficiently
recommendations for restructuring of NHAI. enhance the institutional capacity of NHAI and
enable it to establish world class road
After extensive deliberations and consultations with infrastructure.
experts, the Inter Ministerial Committee submitted
its Report on restructuring of NHAI. The Report The Report has since been approved by the Union
was also considered by the Board of NHAI. Some Cabinet for adoption and implementation.
of the unresolved issues were referred to the
Committee of Secretaries under the chairmanship
of Cabinet Secretary and its recommendations were
suitably incorporated in the Report. The Report was (Gajendra Haldea)
placed before the Empowered Sub-committee of the

Following abbreviations have been used in this report:

Abbreviations Expansion
ADB Asian Development Bank
ATMS Advanced Traffic Management System
ATIS Advanced Traveler Information System
BOQ Bill of Quantities
BOT Build Operate Transfer
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAG Comptroller & Auditor General of India
CGM Chief General Manager
CoI Committee on Infrastructure
CCEA Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
CMD Chairman & Managing Director
CMU Corridor Management Unit
COS Committee of Secretaries
CPIS Computerised Project Information System
CPM Critical Path Method
CRRI Central Roads Research Institute
DEA Department of Economic Affairs
DGM Deputy General Manager
DoRT&H Department of Road Transport & Highways
DPR Detailed Project Report
DRB Dispute Resolution Board
EDMS Electronic Document Management System
EPC Engineering Procurement Construction
FIDIC Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs Conseils
GIS Geographic Information System
GM General Manager
GoI Government of India
GPS Global Positioning System
GQ Golden Quadrilateral
HO Head Office
HR Human Resources
IIM Indian Institute of Management
IIT Indian Institute of Technology
IMC Inter Ministerial Committee
IPC Interim Payment Certificate
IRC Indian Roads Congress
JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation
MD Managing Director
MIS Management Information System
MOST Ministry of Surface Transport
NH National Highways
NHAI National Highways Authority of India
NHDP National Highways Development Programme
NITHE National Institute for Training of Highways Engineers
O&M Operations & Maintenance
PERT Performance Evaluation and Review Technique
PFMS Project Finance Management System
PIS Personnel Information System
PIU Project Implementation Unit
PPP Public Private Partnership
PQ Pre Qualification
PSCs Project Supervision Consultants
R&D Research & Development
RFP Request for Proposal
RIS Road Information System
ROBs Road over Bridges
SG Steering Group
WAN Wide Area Network

4 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

Executive Summary

1. The Committee on Infrastructure (COI) proposal for restructuring with the following
under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister had composition:
taken following decision in respect of the
institutional strengthening of NHAI in its (i) Secretary (Road Transport & Highways)
meeting held on January 13, 2005: - Chairman
(ii) Secretary (DEA) or his representative
“In order to provide autonomy and delegate
- Member
more powers to NHAI for approval of
individual projects within the overall (iii) Chairman, NHAI
programme including the financing structure - Member
approved by CCEA, it is necessary to build (iv) Adviser to Deputy Chairman, Planning
institutional capacity of NHAI by making it a Commission
multidisciplinary professional body with high - Member
quality financing management and contract
(v) Shri D.P. Gupta, DG (RD) (Retd) as
management expertise.”
Technical Expert in Highway Sector
- Member
2. In pursuance of the above decision of the
Committee on Infrastructure (COI), a (vi) Shri S. Sundar, Secretary to Government
comprehensive proposal was formulated by of India (Retd) as Management Expert
NHAI for appropriate restructuring/ conversant with highway sector
strengthening of NHAI. In a review meeting - Member
held on April 11, 2005 the Deputy Chairman, (vii) Shri Deepak Das Gupta, Chairman, NHAI
Planning Commission suggested that a seminar (Retd)
may be convened where the proposal for - Member
restructuring may be discussed and deliberated
upon by the stakeholders. A seminar was 4. The proposal was discussed extensively
convened on May 16, 2005 which was attended in two meetings of the IMC. In the meantime
by various stakeholders from the road sector, the Planning Commission also got another
financial institutions, academic institutions, etc. report prepared on the restructuring of NHAI
The suggestions received from the stakeholders by engaging a consultant from Indian Institute
were noted and the proposal was suitably of Management, Ahmedabad.
modified where required.
5. Both these proposals were then discussed
3. Subsequently, on the suggestion of the in detail by IMC in its subsequent seven
Planning Commission, an Inter-Ministerial meetings. Based on the discussions in the
Committee (IMC) was constituted on June meetings, IMC prepared its report which was
24, 2005 by the Department of Road then submitted to the Planning Commission in
Transport and Highways for finalizing the the first week of February 2006. The Planning

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 5

Commission, however, made certain taken in the meeting of the Committee of
observations and sought the comments of the Secretaries held on 16.6.2006 was submitted
DoRT&H. for approval of the Government.

6. This report and the issues raised by the 9. The Government has since approved the
Planning Commission were then discussed in proposal of Department of Road Transport and
the Empowered Sub-committee of COI in its Highways regarding restructuring of NHAI
meeting held on February 8, 2006 under the with the directions that powers and
chairmanship of the Deputy Chairman, responsibilities for approving variations in
Planning Commission. It was decided in the contracts shall be exercised on the basis of
meeting that views of the Finance Ministry guidelines to be framed by the Ministry of
may also be obtained on these issues. The Finance.
Finance Secretary in his letter dated March 31,
2006 conveyed the views of the Finance RECOMMENDATIONS:
Ministry and generally concurred with the
proposal but suggested that the approval of 10. Based on the recommendations of the
NHAI's Board should first be taken before IMC and the decisions taken in the COS, the
placing the proposal before the COI. Approval final recommendations made for approval of
of NHAI's Board was then taken in its 59th COI are as follows:
meeting on May 25, 2006.
(i) The vision statement of NHAI to be:
7. A meeting of Committee of Secretaries
was held under the chairmanship of Cabinet “To meet the nation's need for the
Secretary on June 16, 2006 to discuss the provision and maintenance of National
issues raised by the Planning Commission. Highways network to global standards and to
The meeting was attended by Secretary, meet user's expectations in the most time
DoRT&H, Finance Secretary & Secretary bound and cost effective manner, within the
(Expenditure), Chairman, NHAI, Member strategic policy framework set by the
(Administration), NHAI, Additional Secretary, Government of India and thus promote
Cabinet Secretariat, Advisor to Deputy economic well being and quality of life of the
Chairman, Planning Commission, Advisor people.”
(Transport), Planning Commission, Joint
Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat and Director, (ii) NHAI's business model of outsourcing
Cabinet Secretariat. The issues were discussed major activities to be essentially retained.
in detail by the Committee of Secretaries. NHAI Board to evolve an appropriate
procedure/system of sample test checks by
8. The final report based on the Project Directors for ensuring the veracity of
recommendations of the IMC and decisions the bills prepared by the Supervision

6 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

Consultant for payments to the contractor and (ix) Member (PPP) to be responsible for
appropriateness of the authorisation given by formulating policy for PPP projects, financial
the Supervision Consultant for variations. modelling and appraisal of PPP projects and
should have adequate experience in the field
(iii) Selection of the Chairman by a Search of planning, structuring and management of
Committee headed by the Cabinet Secretary PPP projects of infrastructure sector,
and comprising Secretary, DORT&H, preferably in the highways.
Secretary, Planning commission, a CMD or
MD of a financial institution and one of the (x) Member (Technical) to act as the
directors of IIMs to be nominated by the repository of technical knowledge to be
Cabinet Secretary. responsible for R&D, technical manuals,
standards, and Specifications that guide design
(iv) The tenure of the Chairman to be fixed and safety. The Member (Technical) and the
for at least three years which can be extended proposed Standardization and R&D Cell
upto five years. would supervise the technical sanctions and
standards for all the stages of the preparation
(v) Age in case of the Chairman to be of DPRs and administration of contracts.
relaxed upto 62 years if required for three-
year tenure. (xi) Creation of a Project Appraisal Cell to
undertake comprehensive project appraisal and
(vi) Increase in the number of part-time critically examine realistic capacity planning,
Members by two (from 4 to 6), who would be optimal specification, estimates of toll
from the non-Government sector, one from revenue, cash flows, funding tie-up, and
IITs/IIMs and the other from financial financial viability within the maximum grant
institutions. permissible. The Cell to be headed by
Financial Analyst (rank of CGM) and to
(vii) NHAI to have six full time Members comprise experts in the areas of finance,
(against five at present) one each for finance, transport economics, transport planning, and
administration, public private partnership legal aspects.
(PPP), two Members (Project) and one
Member (Technical). (xii) Creation of a Planning Cell with key
responsibilities of planning for new projects
(viii) Member (Finance) to have adequate and supporting the strategic functions of top
experience in finance and financial management. The Cell to be headed by a GM
management, preferably knowledge of level officer reporting to CGM (PQ). The
financial market and funding of infrastructure CGM (PQ) will report directly to the
projects. Chairman.

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 7

(xiii) Creation of a Quality Assurance Cell be located under Member (Administration).
with key responsibilities for promotion of
quality assurance initiatives, quality checks (xvii) Creation of a Road Safety Cell to
through inspection of the ongoing works appraise safety, set operational policy and
including quality audit through external safety standards and monitor asset
professional agencies. The Cell would be performance to be located under Member
headed by a GM level officer and report to (Technical).
(xviii)A Committee under CGM would finally
(xiv) Creation of a Standardization and R&D examine and accept the Detailed Project
Cell for tracking new technical developments Report. A monthly report on the acceptance of
and international best practices in road and various DPRs would be placed before the
bridge construction, formulating standards and NHAI Board.
manuals, and for undertaking R&D activities.
The Cell to be headed by a CGM level officer, (xix) Powers and responsibilities for
to report to Member (Technical). approving variations in contracts would be
exercised on the basis of guidelines to be
(xv) Creation of a Contract Management Cell framed by the Ministry of Finance.
for advising on all key contract agreement
issues. In addition, the unit will advise NHAI (xx) NHAI should prepare manuals and
in case any amendments to the contracts are to guidelines for various processes and proper
be made during the implementation of the administration of contracts.
projects. The Cell will be headed by a contract
management specialist (rank of CGM) (xxi) Empowering the Authority to create
reporting to one of the Members (Project). posts in NHAI upto the level of Chief General
(xvi) Creation of a Legal and Arbitration Cell
headed by a Chief General Manager with (xxii) Creation of posts of CGM (Finance) (2
experience in concessions and contract law. posts), CGM (PQ), CGM (SR&D), CGM
Apart from building sufficient in-house (Administration and HR), CGM (IT), CGM
capabilities, the Cell should be enabled to (LA), CGM (Legal), CGM (Safety), Financial
retain specialist legal counsel. The specific Analyst (CGM level), Contract Management
responsibilities should include legal vetting of Specialist (CGM level). CGMs for Project
the terms of reference of consultants, bid Implementation and Corridor Management as
documents etc., legal advice on contract per the norms fixed by the NHAI Board.
management and other issues, monitoring of
dispute resolution process and outcomes and (xxiii) To consider State level institutions
all legal and arbitration cases. The cell would including some State Governments as “partner

8 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

institutions” at the regional level for
implementing some of the mandated works
under NHAI's umbrella.

(xxiv) To identify and retain key persons and

also recruit some personnel directly to build,
over time, a core of permanent employees of

(xxv) To revisit the comprehensive training

plan prepared by NHAI for its employees in
the light of shift of focus from EPC to PPP
and also to expand the plan to include
consultants and contractors.

(xxvi) Empowering the Authority to engage,

where required, outside experts (with
relaxation of age if needed) specifically the
posts of for financial analyst, transport
economist, contract management specialist and
legal expert; on compensation to be
determined by the Authority in line with the
experience and availability of the appropriate

(xxvii)To revamp and strengthen organizations

like the National Institute for Training of
Highways Engineers (NITHE), Central Roads
Research Institute (CRRI), Indian Roads
Congress (IRC) to enhance overall capacity
and capability in the highways sector.

(xxviii)To set-up a Knowledge Management

System for capturing and using experiences in
bid process; contract management; time, cost
and quality performance of contractor; and
performance of design consultants in terms of
abnormal variations.

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 9

Report on Restructuring of NHAI

1. Context 1.3 NHAI's key activities in the

immediate future will comprise:
1.1 The National Highways Authority of
India was established as a statutory entity (i) Completion of 6702 Km of NHDP Phase
under the National Highways Authority of II which includes the North-South and
India (NHAI) Act, 1988, but was East-West corridor.
operationalised only in February 1995 with the
appointment of a full time Chairman. The (ii) Development of 10000 Km of other
functioning of NHAI is thus governed by the important highways under NHDP Phase
NHAI Act and rules, and the regulations III with private sector participation in a
framed thereunder. NHAI has adopted a
BOT format.
business model that relies on outsourcing of a
number of activities including design,
(iii) Upgradation of 20000 Km of single to 2-
construction, supervision, operation and
lane highways with paved shoulder under
maintenance, rather than undertaking all such
activities through its own employees. NHAI's
initial mandate in 1996 was limited to only a
(iv) 6-laning of 6500 Km of 4-laned
few projects undertaken with the assistance of
ADB and JBIC. Subsequently in 1998, the highways under NHDP Phase V
Government of India announced the National
Highways Development Programme (NHDP) (v) Construction of 1000 Km of
comprising mainly the Golden Quadrilateral expressways under NHDP Phase VI
linking the four metros and connectivity to
major ports in the first phase and the North- (vi) Construction of ring roads, by-passes,
South & East-West corridors in the second underpasses, flyovers, etc. and other
phase. projects under NHDP Phase VII

1.2 The Government of India (GoI) is now 1.4 The new phases of NHDP will be
considering entrustment to NHAI of the implemented mainly through private sector
responsibility of implementing a greatly participation, either as BOT (Toll) projects or
expanded National Highways Development BOT (Annuity) projects. This necessitates
Programme over seven phases with investment setting up of a vibrant Public Private
of over Rs.2,20,000 crore for the next seven Partnership (PPP) programme. For a PPP
years. NHDP Phase III has already been centered implementation strategy to be
approved for upgradation of 4000 Km to 4 successful, processes, systems and attitudes in
laned highways and preparation of Detailed NHAI would need reorientation. This has
Project Reports (DPRs) for another 6000 Km implications for project size, project
and the remaining phases are in different structuring, time bound pre-construction (land
stages of approval.

10 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

acquisition, utilities shifting and (ii) Learnings from Phase-I experience
environmental clearances) and disciplined covering diverse operational areas
fulfillment of partnership responsibilities. including: procurement, monitoring,
project design and appraisal, project
1.5 NHAI's focus till now has been on management, etc.
implementation of projects. With increasing
completion of NHDP-I and NHDP-II projects, (iii) Greatly enhanced size of mandate (from
structures, systems and processes would also 14000 km. to over 45,000 km.).
need to be put in place for effective operation,
tolling, maintenance, safety and facilities for (iv) Feedback received and appropriately
users. evaluated from stakeholder consultation,
Inter-Ministerial Committee deliberations
1.6 The Committee on Infrastructure (CoI) and the CAG report.
under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister
had also observed, in the context of delegating 2. Institutional Strengthening
more powers to the NHAI, that it was Initiatives in Progress
necessary to take measures for institutional
strengthening of NHAI. Relevant extracts of 2.1 The Authority appointed (May 2002)
the minutes of the Committee's meeting held PriceWaterhouseCoopers-Inter Continental
on 13.1.2005 are given below: Technocrats Ltd. (PWC-ICT) (Joint Venture)
as consultant to advise on institutional
“In order to provide autonomy and strengthening. M/s PWC-ICT prepared a
delegate more powers to NHAI for approval number of detailed reports containing specific
of individual projects within the overall recommendations on organization
programme including the financing development, human resource management,
structure approved by CCEA, it is strengthening of processes and systems,
necessary to build institutional capacity of information technology, etc. These have been
NHAI by making it a multidisciplinary debated internally within NHAI and a number
professional body with high quality of actions have already been initiated. The
financing management and contract process of installing Wide Area Network
management expertise.” (WAN) to provide connectivity of HO with all
the PIUs and toll locations has been started.
1.7 In brief, some of the major drivers for Installation of Advanced Traffic Management
institutional strengthening that have arisen in System (ATMS) in some of the completed
the emerging context include the following: sections is also in progress, tenders for which
are being invited. The system of peer review
(i) Shift from EPC based civil works of Detailed Project Reports and proof
contracts to mostly PPP projects.

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 11

checking of major structures has also been put Committee was set-up in consultation with the
in place to check the quality of the reports. Planning Commission to firm up the proposal
of the institutional strengthening of NHAI.
2.2 NHAI informed that a Steering Group The report prepared by the consultant was
(SG) under Shri S.C. Sharma, Ex-DG (RD) & discussed in the meetings of IMC. Planning
AS was constituted in 2001 by the Ministry of Commission also engaged another consultant
Road Transport and Highways to work on the from IIM, Ahmedabad to work on the
standardization of procedures, documents and restructuring of NHAI. The reports of the two
manuals for implementation of NHDP. A Joint consultants were deliberated upon by the IMC
Committee comprising the members of the and this report is the result of discussions held
Steering Group and representatives of NHAI and conclusions arrived at. On the report of
was also constituted by the Ministry to IMC, the Planning Commission made certain
consider measures for implementation of the observations for which a meeting of
SG's recommendations. The Joint Committee's Committee of Secretaries was held under the
report was submitted to Government in chairmanship of the Cabinet Secretary on
December 2004. NHAI has taken action on 16.6.2006.
many of the recommendations made by the
SG in the report. A Committee was set up by 4. Meeting of Committee of
NHAI under a Member (Tech.) including Secretaries
outside experts for standardization of
documents. Most of the documents for The Planning Commission made following
procurement of contractors and consultants observations on the report of IMC:
have been standardized on the basis of
Committee's recommendations. (i) Lack of accountability of NHAI officials
(ii) Absence of checks and balances
2.3 NHAI also informed that another (iii) Absence of a PPP unit
international consulting firm, M/s Louis (iv) Absence of a legal unit
Berger was appointed in 2002 to study the (v) Absence of regional set-up
system of Corridor Management. The (vi) Report of C&AG
consultant has prepared the standard bidding
documents for engagement of O&M In order to address these issues, a meeting of
Contractors and Supervision Consultants. the Committee of Secretaries (COS) under the
chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary was held
3. Setting up of an Inter Ministerial on 16.6.2006. The Committee deliberated on
Committee (IMC) these issues and reached to the decisions for
addressing the concerns raised by the Planning
3.1 As per the decision of the Committee Commission. The final recommendations
on Infrastructure, an Inter Ministerial include the decisions taken by the IMC and

12 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

the decisions taken in the meeting of bound and cost effective manner, within the
the COS. strategic policy framework set by the
Government of India and thus promote
5. Vision of NHAI economic well being and quality of life of the
5.1 The consultant M/s PWC suggested the
following vision statement: 5.4 Towards these objectives the NHAI
should plan to:
“To meet the nation's need for the
provision and maintenance of National (i) Discharge the responsibility of
Highways network to world standards and to development, improvement, maintenance
meet users expectations within the strategic and management of the National
policy framework set by the Government of Highways network entrusted to it by the
India and thus promote economic well being Government of India in an efficient and
and quality of life of the people.” environmentally sensitive manner

5.2 IMC was of the opinion that the vision of (ii) Seek viable options for procurement and
NHAI should be recast to reflect the changing involvement of the private sector in the
context of highways development. The role of development, operations and maintenance
the Government would be to set the policy of roads
framework that provides for the requirements
of socio-economic development and quality of (iii) Improve road safety
life of the people. Within this broad policy
framework, NHAI should act as a (iv) Encourage research and develop effective
professional, commercially-oriented liaison with institutions involved in
organization. Operationally this would imply research and development
that NHAI should focus on cost-effective and
timely delivery, within the policy framework (v) Become a multi-disciplinary professional
set by the government. body with high quality financing
management and contract management
5.3 IMC recommended the following vision expertise
statement for NHAI:
(vi) Provide en-route facilities, congenial
“To meet the nation's need for the environment including landscaping and
provision and maintenance of National tree plantation to ensure safe and
Highways network to global standards and to pleasant driving
meet user's expectations in the most time

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 13

6. The Business Model currently undertaken entirely on the advice of
Supervision Consultant. In order to enhance
IMC recognized that NHAI primarily operates the accountability of NHAI, IMC was of the
as an entity that manages and co-ordinates the view that there should be a system of sample
tasks carried out by a number of outsourced test checks for ensuring the veracity of the
service providers. Rather than carrying out all bills and the appropriateness of the
activities using in-house resources, NHAI has authorisation given by the Supervision
adopted a business model that rests on Consultant for variations. IMC recommended
outsourcing of specific tasks related to design, that NHAI Board should consider the issues
construction and supervision of works (i.e. the and evolve an appropriate procedure/system
project implementation management function) for this purpose.
and the subsequent management of corridors
(i.e. operation and maintenance function). 7. Existing Systems and Processes
IMC was of the view that for managing such a
large programme within the prescribed time- The existing systems and processes for
frame there is no alternative to the model of implementation are outlined below:
outsourcing. NHAI should, therefore, continue
with the outsourcing model which also has the
7.1 Project preparation
following significant advantages:

The feasibility study and Detailed Project

(i) It will keep the NHAI relatively lean
Reports including drawings are prepared
through consultants. The consultant is also
(ii) It harnesses private sector efficiencies,
responsible for preparation of the Bill of
resources and expertise
Quantities for finalizing the bid documents.
The consultant carries out detailed surveys and
(iii) It provides flexibility in formulation and
investigations and records the data on traffic
execution of works
volume, axle loads, etc. for designing the
pavement suitably.
(iv) It enables speedy execution of works

The selection of consultants is done through a

NHAI nevertheless remains accountable to the
robust system of competitive bidding. The
NH users and the Government of India for the
technical proposals of the consultants are
quality of service/output provided by
evaluated on the basis of various criteria like
contracted service providers, hence, NHAI
turnover, experience, key personnel.
should have in-house capacity for efficient
procurement and monitoring of contract
NHAI has formulated standard RFP
outputs and services. In this context, IMC
documents for engaging design consultants. To
noted that payments to contractors were

14 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

ensure the quality and timely delivery of the NHAI projects. The pre-qualified construction
DPRs, the document provides for 10% firms are notified to buy the bidding
performance guarantee, 5% retention money, documents and submit their bids. Bids so
penalty upto 5% for delays, and 5% in case of received are opened in their presence. The
large variations. It also provides disincentives bids are then evaluated by a duly constituted
for replacement of key personnel beyond 25%. committee, headed by an officer not below the
Peer Review of all the DPRs is now being rank of CGM, and the lowest responsive
done by independent experts, and the designs bidder awarded the work.
for all the major structures are now being
proof-checked by independent consultants. In 7.3 Project implementation
addition, the Project Implementation Units are
set up prior to the start of the DPR preparation The work of construction supervision is done
in order to have their involvement right from through Supervision Consultants. The
the beginning of the project. This is to have selection of consultants is done through a
effective control on the works of the DPR process of competitive bidding using the
consultant and ensuring the quality of the standardized RFP documents and well
DPR. Extensive local consultation with district established procedures. The Supervision
officials and public representatives are also Consultants get the works executed on behalf
held on the design features of the project. of NHAI and they carry out the following
Steps have also been taken to ensure activities:
continuance of DPR consultants for some time
during the construction to ensure better (i) Pre-construction Activities: Review of
coordination with the Supervision Consultants. records, designs, specifications, contract
documents and contract drawings,
Feasibility study is also done to assess conducting surveys, assisting NHAI in
whether a project can be undertaken under the pre-construction activities, preparing the
PPP format. For such projects, financial Construction Supervision Manual and
consultants are appointed to structure the Quality Assurance Plan, conducting
project on a BOT basis and prepare the preconstruction safety audit.
detailed bid documents.
(ii) Construction Supervision: Issuing order
7.2 Selection of contractor to hand over site and commence works to
contractor, approving materials and
All the documents for award of civil works sources of material, approving the
contracts such as PQ document, bid document, construction methodology, supervising
contract agreement have been standardized construction works and quality control
and legally vetted for uniform adoption in all measures.

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 15

(iii) Contract Management: Assisting Project (iv) Quality audit of the projects is also
Director in administration and conducted independently by external
management of the project, providing agencies. NHAI has engaged
interpretation of contract documents and organizations like M/s Engineers India
technical specifications, reviewing and Ltd. and CRRI as external quality
approving contractor's work programme, auditors. The audits are conducted during
issuing working drawings and preparing the implementation of projects. So far
variation orders, carrying out quality audits have been conducted in 79
measurements of works, prepare interim projects. The endeavour is to carry out
and final payment certificates, evaluating quality audit for all the projects in future.
contractor's claims, checking and These quality audit reports are submitted
reviewing contractor's request for to NHAI headquarters and the
extension of time and making recommendations of these reports are
recommendations; issuing completion then forwarded to the Project Directors
certificate, and preparing maintenance for taking action. All the rectifications
manual. made in the field by the PIUs as per the
recommendations through the Supervision
7.4 Checks on the Supervision Consultants are checked by these external
Consultants agencies and the compliance report is
sent to headquarters. The observations of
(i) Penalty clauses are included by NHAI in the external auditors, in case of common
the standard document. Penalties have defects are also circulated to all the PIUs
been made stiffer. for rectification in their projects and
taking precautions for the future.
(ii) Replacement of key personnel beyond
prescribed limits entails reduction in 7.5 Preconstruction activities
remuneration and even termination and
debarment for future works. One of the critical issues in implementation of
the projects is expediting the pre-construction
(iii) The NHAI Project Director has the activities, such as land acquisition, utility
authority to give directions to the shifting and tree cutting, in order to make
Supervision Consultants in matters available working fronts to the contractors as
related to contract management which per the contract. All these activities are
includes application of correctives for coordinated on a day-to-day basis by the
slow progress of work and poor quality in Project Implementation Units which are
execution. headed by technical officers of the rank of
General Manager/Dy. General Manager. The

16 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

cooperation of the State authorities is critical (v) Holding regular progress review meetings
in preconstruction activities. At the behest of with the contractor and consultant.
NHAI, therefore, nodal officers of the rank of (vi) Overseeing the progress of works and
Secretary and above have been appointed by issuing directions to the Supervision
the State Governments to regularly review and Consultant for taking appropriate measures for
facilitate the progress of the pre-construction progress of work and proper quality.
activities by resolving issues holding up the (vii) Making monthly payments to the
progress. To further strengthen the system, a contractor on the basis of certification of
Committee of Secretaries, headed by the Supervision Consultants and in this context to
Cabinet Secretary has also been constituted to ensure that:
resolve inter-ministerial issues and issues with
the State Governments holding up the progress (a) Measurement Book is maintained by the
of works. Supervision Consultants in the standard
format and in accordance with the
7.6 Role of Project Director guidelines prescribed/ as per the contract
The Project Director plays a crucial role in the
preconstruction activities and the preparation (b) The mandatory percentage checking
and implementation of projects. His functions required to be conducted/ certified by the
and duties include: various key personnel of the Supervision
Consultants, including the Team Leader,
(i) To be associated in the preparation of as per the contract conditions have been
Detailed Project Reports. duly recorded in the Measurement Book.

(ii) Preconstruction activities such as land (c) The check test of the repeat test
acquisition, shifting of utilities, obtaining measurements, if requested for by the
environment clearance and permission for tree Project Director/ technical officer, have
cutting, securing approval of the railways for been conducted in their presence by the
construction of ROBs. Engineer to verify the measurements
recorded in the Measurement Books.
(iii) Interacting with the State Governments
and other Departments of the Central (d) The abstract Measurement Book is neatly
Government for resolving any issues holding and correctly drawn by the Supervision
up the progress of work. Consultants and have been signed by the
Team Leader.
(iv) Attending meetings called by the State
Nodal Officers for review of progress of (e) The items, quantities and rates, etc., in
works and removal of bottlenecks, if any. respect of the executed items/ quantities

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 17

and as claimed under any IPC are as per 8. Past Initiatives
the contract.
When NHDP Phase-I was entrusted to NHAI,
(viii)To examine proposals for variation and its immediate task was to award contracts. A
extension of time formulated by the target was set for award of contracts by March
Supervision Consultant and forward the same 2002, without which it would not have been
to headquarters with his recommendations. possible to deliver the project. NHAI also
responded to the directions of the Government
(ix) To represent NHAI before the Dispute by putting in place an efficient system of
Resolution Board/Arbitrator. implementation, to enable its lean
organizational set-up to implement the
7.7 BOT projects projects within the given time-frame. It
outsourced the main implementation activities
Concessions for BOT projects are being awarded such as preparation of DPR and construction
either on the basis of capital grant required or supervision. It built in-house capabilities in
annuity payments to be paid after completion of selection of professional agencies, project
project construction. In BOT projects, the monitoring, project financing and contract
contractor and the Supervision Consultant/ administration.
Engineer are appointed by the concessionaire.
NHAI, in consultation with the concessionaire, NHAI informed that based on the experience
appoints an Independent Consultant who ensures gained in implementation of NHDP Phase-I,
that the requirements of the Concession several initiatives have been taken by NHAI
Agreement in terms of construction and for streamlining its processes, systems, and
maintenance are adhered to by the concessionaire, procedures. All the contract documents
his contractor and Supervision Consultant. including the RFP, the bid documents
including the PQ documents for selection of
7.8 Operation and maintenance consultants/contractors have been standardised
after vetting by legal experts. NHAI has also
The maintenance of completed sections of the adopted a standard Quality Assurance Plan
National Highways is being carried out by which stipulates the minimum requirement for
NHAI through short term improvement and projects. Besides, professional external
road maintenance contracts and long term agencies conduct independent quality audit of
performance based maintenance contracts. The projects under implementation.
scope of work includes road maintenance,
road property management, incident However, in the context of the greatly
management, traffic management and road enhanced size of NHAI's mandate and the
safety. The contract also may or may not shift from EPC to PPP as the primary mode
include tolling. for project delivery, NHAI may require further

18 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

strengthening in certain areas. Based on the Authority that is said to consist of the
feedback received from stakeholder Chairman and the Members. However, for all
consultation, Inter-Ministerial Committee practical purposes and in line with NHAI's
deliberations, Meeting of Committee of role/positioning, the Chairman and Members
Secretaries (COS) and also the CAG report, together function as the equivalent of a Board
IMC recommended the following measures for of Directors in a company. Thus, the reference
the institutional strengthening of NHAI. to Board has been used here is to be
understood as the Chairman and Members
9. Key Priorities in Institutional functioning together.
10.1 Expansion of the Board
IMC considered the following to be key areas
to be considered in institutional strengthening IMC reviewed the existing composition of the
of NHAI: Board which includes five full time Members;
namely Member (Administration), Member
(i) Strengthening of the NHAI Board. (Finance) and three Members (Technical) and
four part-time Members; namely Secretary,
(ii) Strengthening of the organization Department of Road Transport and Highways;
structure and making it a Secretary, Planning Commission; Secretary,
multidisciplinary body by adding more Department of Expenditure; and Director
and new skills and resources to take on a General (Road Development), Department of
significantly larger mandate. Road Transport and Highways. The number of
full time and part-time Members have been
(iii) Strengthening of the human resources fixed under the NHAI Act.
management aspects of the organization
in particular, training in select areas, Keeping in view the vastly increased mandate
introduction of good HR practices, for NHAI and also the greatly enhanced
retention of higher proportion of core participation envisaged for the private sector,
staff, etc. IMC examined the proposal of NHAI to
expand the strength of full time Members
(iv) Strengthening of systems and processes from five to seven and part time Members
to address the changing environment of from four to seven to allow induction of
NHAI's operations professionals of repute in the fields of
financial management, transportation planning
10. Strengthening of NHAI Board and other relevant areas. It was stated that
induction of outside professionals will
IMC was informed that the word “Board” is enhance the capacity of the Authority to take
not referred to in the NHAI Act, 1988 and it is strategic decisions, widen its perspective,

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 19

bring in best management practices, and assist 10.2 Chairman, NHAI
in achieving the goal of higher private
participation. IMC was of the view that two Currently, Chairman, NHAI is nominated by
professionals, one from the IITs or IIMs and Government of India, from among serving
the other from financial institutions may be civil servants. IMC discussed the process of
inducted in the NHAI Board. selection of the Chairman, NHAI and his
tenure. IMC was of the view that the selection
One of the issues discussed in COS was that of candidates for the post of Chairman, NHAI
NHAI should adopt a practice to undertake should be done by a Search Committee
independent technical scrutiny followed by chaired by the Cabinet Secretary and
technical sanction. It was stated that in NHAI, comprising the Secretary, Department of Road
same officials commission the DPR, invite Transport and Highways, Secretary, Planning
bids, award contract and make payments and, Commission and one of the Directors of the
therefore, it was suggested that a separate IIMs and one MD/CMD of a financial
Member (Technical), should be made institution to be nominated by the Cabinet
responsible for technical sanctions, technical Secretary. The Chairman should also be given
standardization, quality control, R&D, etc. a minimum tenure of three years extendable
Member (Technical) should not administer by another two years. The age limit may also
contracts. Ministry and NHAI were of the be relaxed upto 62 years in case it is necessary
view that diverting Member (Technical) from to provide the minimum tenure of three years.
administration of projects may not give him
insight he receives by performing the dual role 10.3 Full time Members
of technical supervisor as well as contract
administrator. After detailed deliberation the IMC noted the existing allocation of
Cabinet Secretary decided that the proposed responsibilities among the five full time
Standardization and R&D Cell headed by the Members. Member (Administration) looks
Member (Technical) should supervise the after all the administration and personnel
technical sanctions and standards for all the functions, corridor management, land
stages of the preparation of DPRs and acquisition, IT, monitoring and
administration of contracts so as to address the implementation of projects on the Delhi-
concerns raised before the COS on Mumbai-Chennai arms of the GQ. Member
independent processes for checks and (Finance) is in-charge of all the financial and
balances. For administration of contracts, the audit functions; besides, he also oversees the
Board may have one more Member. implementation of port connectivity and some
other projects. The three Technical Members
In view of this, increase in the number of full have been assigned the responsibility of
time Members from five to six is implementation of the project under NHDP
recommended. Phase I, II, and III.

20 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

A suggestion was made, in light of the shift to borrowings, securitization, external aid
the PPP as the primary mode for project (iii) Accounting
delivery and also the increasing importance of
technology, quality and safety issues, that the The incumbent to have adequate experience in
allocation of responsibilities among the full finance and financial management, preferably
time Members should be as follows: with knowledge of financial markets, funding
of infrastructure projects and financial
Member (Admn.): analysis.
Administration & Personnel, Land Acquisition,
IT, Corridor Management, Monitoring. IMC recommended that Member (Finance)
should not handle implementation of any
Member (Finance): project.
Finance, Resources, Accounting and Auditing.
10.3.2 Member (Administration):
Member (PPP):
All PPP Policy Issues, Appraisal, and Member (Administration) should be
Implementation of all PPP Projects. responsible for:

Member (EPC): (i) Human resources

Implementation of assigned EPC contracts
(ii) Land acquisition
Member (Technical Services):
Quality, Safety, Standards and Specification, (iii) Environmental clearances
Technical Advice.
(iv) Legal services
After due deliberations in the IMC and the
COS, the following representation and (v) Public relations/ corporate
responsibilities of full time Members of NHAI communications
Board was agreed:
(vi) Corridor management including
10.3.1 Member (Finance): operation, maintenance, tolling, prevention
and control of ribbon development
Member (Finance) should be responsible for:
(vii) Information and communication
(i) Financial management and control technology interface
including review of toll revenues
(viii)Monitoring of projects
(ii) Strategic finance including market

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 21

The incumbent to have experience in land and specialized experience. On this issues the
acquisition, administration, HR management, Cabinet Secretary directed that the Finance
and dealing with State Governments. Secretary and Secretary, Deptt. of Road
Transport and Highways together may decide
10.3.3 Member (PPP): the qualifications for the Member (PPP) of the
NHAI Board. Accordingly, Secretary, Deptt. of
IMC recommended that Member (PPP) would Road Transport and Highways and Finance
be responsible for: Secretary decided that the incumbent should
(i) Policy for PPP projects have an adequate experience in the field of
planning, structuring and management of PPP
(ii) Financial modelling of PPP projects projects of infrastructure sector, preferably in
the highways.
(iii) Appraisal of PPP projects.
10.3.4 Member (Project) [2 numbers]:
(iv) Implementation of contracts under
assigned project phases. Member (Project) should be responsible for
implementation of both PPP and EPC
A suggestion was made that all PPP projects contracts of assigned phases of NHDP. He
should be handled by Member (PPP) alone. should be a technically qualified person with
However, IMC felt that given the fact that all considerable experience in the highways
the future phases of NHDP would be sector.
implemented on PPP basis and also the vastly
increased scope of work, this would not be 10.3.5 Member (Technical):
practically feasible. While, therefore, the
Member (PPP) would be the focus of policy Member (Tech.) shall act as the repository of
and legal issues in PPP and he would also deal technical knowledge and be responsible for
with as many PPP projects as possible, it R&D, new developments in technology,
would also be necessary for the Member technical manuals, standards, and
(Tech.) and Member (Projects) to share the specifications that guide design, safety, etc.
responsibility of implementation of some Chairman, NHAI may assign projects or
phases of NHDP which would include PPP phases of NHDP to Member (Tech.)
projects. depending upon the workload of Member
(PPP) and Member (Projects). The Member
It was also discussed in the COS that PPP (Tech.) should be a technically qualified
requires a different set of skills, predominantly person with considerable experience in the
financial and legal in nature, therefore, this Highway sector.
post should be filled by persons with broader

22 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

A suggestion was made that Member (Tech.) changes taking place in the environment.
should focus on technical issues alone and not (ii) A lean organization structure continuing
be involved in implementation of projects. the tradition of significant outsourcing
However, for reasons explained earlier IMC and leveraging the skills and resources
was of the view that this would not be available from the private sector
(iii) An organization with high dependency on
The top line of the existing and recommended technology and a proper system of
organization structures and key responsibility ensuring accountability.
areas are given in Annexure-1 and 2,
respectively. (iv) Achieving an organizational design to
retain best practices and institutional
10.4 Position of additional Members memory through improved retention of
experience and staff within the
A suggestion was also made for creating a organization
position of Additional Member to share the
work load of a Member if overburdened. The (v) Inculcating multidisciplinary skills within
Additional Members would have a rank the organization for better project
similar to that of the Members, but not to be appraisal and monitoring.
part of the Board. IMC was of the view that
such an arrangement would lead to 11.2 New skill areas
undesirable disparity within the rank of
Members and may also lead to administrative IMC was of the view that in light of NHAI's
problems. enhanced mandate, the increasing demands
from corridor management and the shift in
11. Strengthening the Organization project implementation from a predominantly
Structure EPC works to a predominantly BOT mode,
there is a need to induct some new skill into
11.1 Underlying principles NHAI and also strengthen some areas. IMC
proposed the creation of the following new
The key approaches and underlying cells:
considerations for the new organization
structure are: (i) Project Appraisal Cell

(i) A structure designed to improve decision (ii) Planning Cell

making efficiency in a transparent
manner ensuring responsiveness to (iii) Quality Assurance Cell

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 23

(iv) Standardization and R&D Cell 11.2.2 Planning and Quality Assurance
Cells: Strengthening planning
(v) Contract Management Cell capabilities

(vi) Legal and Arbitration Cell IMC felt that there should be a Group that
supports the strategic functions of top
(vii) Safety Cell management. This Group will act as the
corporate nerve centre for planning and
11.2.1 Project Appraisal Cell quality assurance. It will take initiatives that
require top level championing and cut across
A separate Project Appraisal Cell headed by functional divisions. IMC recommended
a Financial Analyst (of the rank of CGM) and creation of a Planning Cell and Quality
comprising a multidisciplinary team Assurance Cell with the following
specializing in the areas of finance, statistical responsibilities:
assessment and transport economics with the
capability to undertake comprehensive project Planning Cell
appraisal of PPP projects is proposed to be
created. While the basic financial appraisal Planning of new projects and schemes
would continue to be done by external
financial consultants the Project Appraisal Cell Quality Assurance Cell
would critically examine the appraisals done,
particularly with regard to estimates of toll (a) Inspection of quality aspects of ongoing
revenue cash flows, estimation of costs and works including quality audit through
financial viability. The skill areas that are to external professional agencies
be enhanced directly and through retained
consultants are multi-disciplinary and include (b) Promoting key quality assurance
in-depth capability in viability assessment, initiatives
understanding of different BOT project
formats and related financial modelling. This Each Cell will be headed by a GM level
is particularly critical as NHAI will henceforth officer reporting to CGM(PQ) who will
be executing works primarily in the PPP directly report to the Chairman.
IMC noted that NHAI had already engaged
The Cell will be headed by the Financial independent professional organizations to
Analyst (rank of CGM) and located under undertake comprehensive quality audit of
Member (PPP). NHAI projects. The proposed cell would
provide inputs for technological and system

24 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

initiatives to further improve the quality of issues. In addition, the unit will advise NHAI
NHAI works. in case any amendments are to be made during
the implementation of the projects / contracts.
11.2.3 Standardization and R&D Cell The unit will also advise on the policy
decisions that need to be taken in the context
IMC recommended creation of a of any dispute / breach of contract. NHAI will
Standardization and R&D Cell with the ensure standardisation and uniformity in
following responsibilities: contract provisions which would enhance
efficiency and help avoid lapses. This would
(i) Tracking new technological developments result in fewer contractual disputes /
complications during project implementation.
(ii) Tracking international best practices The Cell will be headed by a senior level
(iii) Facilitating design consistency & technical officer who has experience of more
standardization than 20 years in dealing with contract
management. IMC also recommended that the
(iv) Undertaking R&D activities professional may be appointed on contract
basis and the remuneration would be decided
IMC also recommended that NHAI in due on the basis of the market rates. The Cell will
course should formulate its own manuals and be located under the Member (Projects).
standards for upgradation of National
Highways entrusted to it. These would 11.2.5 Legal and Arbitration Cell
incorporate best international practices and
IRC/MoST standards. For the present, NHAI IMC felt that the other area where some
will continue using the IRC/MoST standards. control is required is dispute resolution. A
high proportion of contracts end up in
The Cell will be headed by a CGM level arbitration despite the provision of Dispute
officer and report to the Member (Tech). Resolution Boards (DRB) in the contracts.
There is a need for legal review of contract
11.2.4 Contract Management Cell management disputes so as to filter the
disputes going up to arbitration and litigation.
A contract management specialist unit, having The Cell will be headed by CGM (Legal) and
adequate experience in managing road projects will report to Member (Administration). The
and having a thorough understanding of specific responsibilities of cell should include:
contracts relating to diverse relevant areas
including those under Federation Internationale (i) Monitoring of dispute resolution process
des Ingenieurs Conseils (FIDIC) will be and outcomes. Responsibility for dispute
inducted. The specialist unit would be resolution shall primarily rest with the
responsible for advising on all key contractual Project Division.

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 25

(ii) Additional general legal issues arising out 11.3.1 Project management
of dispute redressal and arbitration
proceedings The work under Project Management
Divisions includes procurement of consultant
(iii) Advise on various legal cases pertaining for preparing Detailed Project Reports (DPRs),
to the contractual matters. interacting with the DPR consultants and
procurement of EPC contractors/BOT
(iv) Vetting of bid documents in case there is concessionaires, procurement of supervision
a deviation from the standard documents. consultants and implementation and
monitoring of projects. Project Management
(v) Advise on improvements to contract on Divisions work under Members and comprise
the basis of the lessons learnt from Chief General Manager, General Managers
disputes in the projects and Managers at the headquarters and Project
Directors of the Project Implementation Units
11.2.6 Road Safety Cell (PIU), generally of the level of GM/DGM, in
the field. Norms to determine the number of
Road safety is a critical aspect of road CGMs required for implementing the projects
development and maintenance. A Road Safety may be as approved by the NHAI Board.
Cell is proposed to be set up with the
responsibility to appraise safety, systems and 11.3.2 Corridor management
procedures, set operational policy, safety
standards and monitor road safety aspects Corridor Management includes routine and
during design, construction and operation. The periodic maintenance of completed sections of
Cell will be responsible for safety audits, the highways, maintenance of road furniture,
collect accident data, and coordinate specific prevention and removal of encroachments
studies on road safety. The Cell would be from the right-of-way, route patrolling and
headed by a CGM level officer and report to Advanced Traffic Management System
the Member (Technical). (ATMS) for management of traffic, trauma
care and collection of user fee (toll).
11.3 Strengthening the existing structure
IMC was of the view that, as in the case of
Other measures recommended by IMC for project management, two-tier structure should
strengthening of the organization structure in continue to be followed for the Corridor
the areas of Project Management, Corridor Management. The team at the corporate office
Management, Financial Management and HR would look at overall management of the
and Administration are as follows: CMUs and overall policies and systems. The
Corridor Management Units would supervise

26 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

the works of operations and maintenance 11.3.4 Financial management
contractors and the tolling operations.
IMC reviewed the existing structure of finance
IMC also recognized that as larger number of division based on specific functions of
NH stretches under NHDP are completed, the budgeting, accounting, taxation, payments,
corridor management function at the employee disbursements, contract management
headquarter level would get expanded and etc and recommends the following:
therefore suggested that on completion of the
Project Management activities, the Project (i) Two posts of CGM (Finance) to be
Management staff would be transferred to created, one for budget, resource
meet the increased staffing requirement in mobilisation fund management etc.
corridor management. To meet the increasing including interface with multilateral
requirements of the Corridor Management funding agencies, like the World Bank /
Units, norms to determine the number of ADB; and other for expenditure control,
CGMs required for corridor management may audits, accounting, taxation, PFMS, etc.
be as approved by the NHAI Board.
(ii) The incumbent for CGM (Finance)
11.3.3 IMC was of the view that corridor should have adequate qualifications and
management should emerge as a technology experience in respective fields.
intensive activity with deployment of
advanced tolling technologies, Advanced (iii) Creation of Internal Audit Cell for an
Traveler Information System (ATIS) and other oversight function and interacting with
systems for managing the completed sections. the internal auditors on continuous basis.
Traffic data would be scientifically obtained
and analyzed for future planning and (iv) At least four GMs to assist CGM
requirements. (Finance), in handling the financial
matters as mentioned above.
Though the management of road sections
under PPP projects will remain with the (v) The norms and requirement for officer
concerned division, the Corridor Management and staff for post of GM and below
Division would also have oversight of the levels in Finance should be decided by
maintenance aspects of such sections. the NHAI Board/ Chairman as per the
requirement for managing the future
Member (Administration) would be programme.
responsible for supervising all the functions of
the Corridor Management Division.

* This is to address coordination of queries/information requirement that cuts across departments. Hence queries/information requirement coordination where
there is clear co-relation with a specific individual department or functional area can be undertaken by the latter directly

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 27

11.3.5 Human resources, IT and
administration (iv) One CGM, preferably from the
administrative services, having experience
IMC recommended the following: of land acquisition, may also be
considered for handling land acquisition
(i) One CGM for HR and Administration, and related issues and coordinating with
which would include Co-ordination*. the State Governments. This would be
Two GMs, viz., GM (Administration and desirable in view of the greatly increased
Coordination) and one GM (HR) will work of land acquisition. GM (Estate
assist the CGM (HR & Administration) Management) and GM (Environment)
in their respective specializations. would report to CGM (LA).

(ii) One CGM (IT) for IT systems, 11.4 Negotiated contract hiring of
procurement of hardware/software, private sector experts
procurement of consultants for various
studies and service providers, Road 11.4.1 IMC was of the view that experts in
Information System, and Management areas of project appraisal, contract
Information System (MIS) and user management, etc. are highly paid in the
interactions. Two GMs to assist CGM market and it may not be possible for NHAI
(IT), one for MIS and monitoring and the to attract experts on public sector salaries.
other for IT systems management, IMC felt that a programme of the importance
including procurement of software and and size of NHDP must not be handicapped
hardware. because of non-availability of crucial skills.

(iii) Monitoring Cell headed by GM 11.4.2 IMC, therefore, recommended that the
(Monitoring & MIS) would report to NHAI Board may be empowered to induct
CGM (IT). The function of the private sector personnel especially for the
monitoring cell would be to monitor positions of Financial Analyst, Contract
progress of projects, highlighting issues, Management Specialist and Transport
bottlenecks, problem areas impacting Economist on contractual employment to
time and cost and requiring corrective perform specific roles on negotiated
action. The GM (Monitoring & MIS) is compensation basis.
expected to be familiar with IT enabled
systems, project management in the 11.5 Development of institutional
highways sector, resource based capabilities of partner institutions
CPM/PERT and other contemporary
project tracking techniques He would be IMC recognized that some State Governments
supported by two Managers and a are also developing State level institutions that
Statistician/Statistical Analyst.

28 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

are quite similar to NHAI in functioning. 12.2 A suggestion was made by some
IMC was of the view that such institutions members that for more effective monitoring of
may be considered for development as projects, particularly quality aspects, and
“Partner Institutions” at the regional level for better coordination with the State
implementing some of the mandated works Governments, it would be desirable for NHAI
under NHAI's umbrella. The role of the to set-up four or five regional offices headed
Partner Institution would be to carry out by CGM to cover all the States of the country.
project implementation / operation &
maintenance activities at the regional level for 12.3 The IMC deliberated on this suggestion
identified programmes / projects on behalf of at some length. Most of the members of the
NHAI. This would facilitate capability IMC did not favour the proposal for reasons
enhancement, risk reduction, accelerated given below:
implementation of programmes. Involvement
of State level organization could be (i) Land acquisition, environmental and
particularly useful for implementation of forest clearances, shifting of utilities and
programmes like NHDP Phase IV such pre-construction activities require
(upgradation of single / two-laned highways intensive interaction and coordination
to two-lane with paved shoulder). with the district level authorities which
the local Project Director is best placed
11.5.1 IMC also recommended that for to do. A regional head looking after
enhancement of all round capacity and several States would not be able to add
capabilities in the highways sector much value to the Project Director's
organizations like National Institute for efforts. For addressing State level issues
Training of Highways Engineers (training), and resolution of bottlenecks holding up
Central Road Research Institute (research), progress of works, the State Governments
Indian Road Congress (setting of standards) have nominated very senior officers as
should also be strengthened. nodal officers. The nodal officers take
regular review meetings to review the
12. Regional Set-up progress of works in the State and
identify the issues holding up the
12.1 IMC noted that at present NHAI is implementation of projects. These review
essentially a two-tier structure, namely, the meetings are attended by all the Project
head office at Delhi and Project Directors concerned and also the
Implementation Units (PIUs) or Corridor concerned Member / CGM from the head
Management Units (CMUs) in the field. There office.
is no regional set-up between the field units
and the Corporate Office. (ii) Quality is primarily the responsibility of
the executing agency and the supervision

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 29

consultant for which an elaborate Quality consultants perform effectively including
Assurance Plan is drawn up by the securing stiffer performance guarantees.
executing agency by the executing agency
and approved by the supervision 13. Strengthening of the Human
consultant. To ensure that the Quality Resource Management
Assurance Plan is properly implemented,
NHAI has engaged independent agencies 13.1 IMC recognized the critical challenge to
for conducting comprehensive quality NHAI's HR framework arises from the
audits of ongoing works. Thus, there outsourcing model. IMC was of the view that
would not be much of a role for the the ability of NHAI to effectively carry out the
NHAI regional head under this scheme of defined role depends primarily on the ability
things. of its own employees to individually adapt to
the outsourced model. NHAI employees have
(iii) With modern communication system, it is to work closely and effectively with
possible for the head office to closely employees of other entities, particularly State
monitor the progress in implementation of Governments and private sector service
projects and identify bottlenecks, if any. providers for NHAI to deliver results.
NHAI is also in the process of linking all
its field units as well the contractor and IMC also recognized that NHAI will remain
consultants through WAN. dependent to some extent on deputation of
officers given the need to adjust the work
(iv) A regional set-up may only diffuse force to workload at different points of time.
responsibility and accountability without This poses challenges to NHAI as all the
any tangible benefit. Coordination employees on deputation may not adjust
between the field unit, the regional office equally to NHAI's business model. There is
and head office may itself become a also the possible loss of continuity within
problem and this may result into delays in NHAI as employees on deputation revert back
execution of projects. to parent organizations. In this background,
IMC recommended the following:
12.4 This issue was also brought before the
Committee of Secretaries it its meeting held (i) Empowering NHAI Board to create all
on 16.6.2006. It was decided that issue would posts below the Board level to meet its
be reviewed after three years depending on the rapidly changing requirements.
volume of work and experience since gained.
(ii) Facilitating the quick adjustment of
The IMC, therefore, did not recommend employees on deputation through
creation of regional NHAI offices at present. structured induction programmes that
However, it recommends that measures should cover the key aspects of NHAI's
be taken to ensure that the supervision functioning as well as its business model,

30 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

values and culture. IMC recommended that permanent employees
could eventually be about 50% of the total
(iii) Employing a transparent and merit- workforce and 25% to begin with. It is
oriented performance appraisal system essential that such permanent technical
for all employees, whether on NHAI's employees are allowed to gain experience of
rolls or on deputation. The appraisal both core functions and operational/corporate
system will cover the efforts put in by planning functions over a period of time to
employees, the processes adopted as well build a core of officers within NHAI that can
as the outcomes achieved. provide long-term leadership and managerial
material for the organization. This would
(iv) The appraisal system may be used to facilitate knowledge management and the
identify and retain key persons and creation of a long term “institutional memory”
therefore build, over time, a core of without fundamentally altering the outsourcing
permanent employees of NHAI, model.
especially in the two core functions of
project management and corridor IMC felt the need to have a detailed job
management. Some personnel could also description with key result areas for each
be directly recruited employee and using that as a criteria for
redesigning the performance appraisal system
(v) NHAI shall also use movement of for assessing the performance of the staff.
personnel between the two core functions This would also ensure a higher degree of
to achieve appropriate levels of employee accountability.
deployment and enhancing the career
opportunities for employees on NHAI's 13.2 Structured training
IMC noted that NHAI has prepared a
(vi) To open recruitment of some of the comprehensive training plan that has been
required specialists/experts like the approved by the NHAI Board. IMC
Financial Analyst, Transport Economist recommended that the plan should be re-
and Contract Management Specialist visited in the light of shift of focus from EPC
beyond the Government cadres with to PPP. IMC felt it was important to ensure
adequate safeguards in the recruitment that a shift in the mindset of the key managers
process including screening of candidates in NHAI is brought in to reflect the changing
by an independent professional nature of NHAI's interactions with the private
organisation. Compensation could be sector. Going forward, NHAI has to clearly
determined by the Authority in line with make a distinction between dealing with the
experience and availability of appropriate “Contractor” (which will continue to remain
personnel. but decline over a period of time) and dealing
with private sector “Partner” (who will invest

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 31

and develop the projects). Such a change in with Project Director, is required to carry out
the mindset, while facilitated by the public consultations, geo-technical
restructuring of the organization will have to consultations, establish benchmark and other
primarily come through a series of continuous reference points and oversee preliminary
training and organization development construction activities. DPR consultants are
interventions. IMC also recommended that the required to give performance security equal to
training base be expanded to encompass 10% of total contract value and agree to a
contractors and consultants in addition to penalty clause of 5% of the fees for checking
NHAI employees. The ability of NHAI delay in submission of reports. The DPRs are
employees, contractors, and consultants to reviewed by Peer Review Experts engaged by
work effectively together can be enhanced NHAI and comments of Peer Review Experts
through select common training programmes, are being incorporated in the DPRs to further
providing a strong basis for future enhance the quality of DPRs. All the DPRs are
interactions. broadly examined at the stage of feasibility,
preliminary project reports and DPR by the
14. Enhancement of Systems and concerned NHAI officials. After detailed
Processes examination by Independent Experts, DPRs are
examined and accepted at the level of CGM in
To address the significantly enhanced volume NHAI, for preparing the bid documents.
of operations as also the complexity of
numerous formats in which NHAI will be Secretary, DoRT&H also informed the COS
involved, IMC recognized the importance of that Supervision Consultants are required to
strengthening the systems and processes of perform their duties within the restriction
NHAI. imposed by NHAI on the issue of variation
orders beyond certain limits and grant of
One of the issues discussed in the COS was extension of time. The Supervision
that since Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) are Consultants are required to consult NHAI
prepared by the consulting firms, NHAI should before taking major decision. Detailed
scrutinize and accept the DPRs before they guidelines have been issued for processing and
become NHAI's approved documents for the releasing the payments to the contractors
purpose of project implementation. NHAI including certification of payment by
should have a system of internal scrutiny of Supervision Consultants, maintenance and
the consultant's recommendations and scrutiny of Measurement Books and approval
undertake random checks before releasing of variation to the contractors. Supervision
payments. On this issue, Secretary, DoRT&H consultants can authorise an additional
informed the COS that internationally reputed expenditure up to 10% of the contract amount.
and qualified constructions agencies are However, he needs to take prior approval of
appointed through the transparent procurement NHAI for all non-BOQ items and can approve
processes. DPR consultant, in coordination variation up to 1% cost for individual items.

32 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

Variations in NHAI are approved by a construction, construction, and post
Committee under Chairman, NHAI. COS was construction O&M) of a large body of private
also informed that about the recent circular sector contractors and consultants have
issued by the NHAI for making it mandatory improved by participation in NHAI projects
for Project Directors to carry out random test and in complying with NHAI guidelines.
check of 3% of the measurements, including
3% test checks of all hidden items of the 14.2 To move in the direction of refinements
works and all items for which the quantity in project activity management including
exceeds more than 25% of the tender quantity, formulation, appraisal and monitoring, the
before making payment of any running/final recommendations are as follows:
bill. Planning Commission expressed that this
circular takes care of the concerns relating to (i) The Committee under CGM to examine
accountability. and accept the Detailed Project Reports
and to place a monthly report on the
On this issue, the COS decided that the acceptance of various DPRs before the
Committee under CGM should finally NHAI Board
examine and accept the Detailed Project
Report. A monthly report on the acceptance of (ii) To prepare manuals and guidelines for
various DPRs should be placed before the various processes and proper
NHAI Board. administration of contracts

Variations in contracts shall be dealt with on (iii) Improvements in the quality assurance
the basis of guidelines to be framed by the systems and methodologies
Ministry of Finance.
(iv) Promotion of standardization of
IMC specifically recorded two important methodologies and application tools
priority areas: Project Management covering
all aspects of the entire project development (v) Enhancement in the application of IT
cycle, and Information Technology as an technologies including web enabled
enabler to strengthen all the systems and systems, MIS, and databases
(vi) Incorporation of learnings from the
14.1 Project formulation, appraisal and expanding database of project
monitoring experiences (including DPR preparation,
bidding and actual implementation -
IMC recognized that project conceptualization providing opportunity for comparison of
and delivery skills (encompassing the entire pre-and post-facto estimations and
range of the project-related activities from activities)
feasibility assessment, design, pre-

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 33

(vii) Fine-tuning approval, certification, and IMC felt that although PPP would henceforth
disbursal procedures be the primary mode of project delivery, some
of the projects would still have to be executed
(viii)Enhancement/promotion of the training as EPC contracts. Here, NHAI should examine
regimen to cover employees, as also wider application of turn key contracts which
(existing and prospective) contractors and NHAI had already tried in some packages.
14.3 Strengthening investments in
(ix) Involvement of specialist skilled resource Information Technology
persons including transportation
planners/economists, technical specialists IMC strongly felt the need of strengthening
etc. for taking a broader perspective, investments in Information Technology and its
refinement of cost benefit assessment and integration with information strategy to
other parameters increase efficiency, accountability and
convenience of users to all customers. The
(x) Insistence on modern project effective use of Information Technology (IT)
management techniques by contractors is a key determinant of its ability to
and consultants. effectively carry out project management and
corridor management of NHs allotted to it.
(xi) Development of a performance evaluation
and rating criteria for different categories IMC was informed that in recent years, NHAI
of outsourced contracting agencies etc. has been actively pursuing a number of IT/IS
initiatives. These are summarized in the table
(xii) Promotion of institutional networking to given as hereunder:
systemize benchmarking and sharing of
best practices


Project Management - CPIS

Operational Planning - Road Information System (RIS)

- Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)

Project Preparation & Design - Computerised Project Information System (CPIS)

- Computer Aided Design (CAD) facilities
- Pilot GIS

34 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

Corridor Management - EDMS
- Pilot GIS


Finance and Accounts - Project Finance Management System (PFMS)

Human Resources - Personnel Information System (PIS)

NHAI website - Facilities management team from Wipro

IT Management - Facilities management team from Wipro

- Internet access provided by Sify

However, the present situation assessment is (i) Full electronic connectivity between the
also reflective of certain concern areas offices of NHAI and its internal and
including the following: external stakeholders

(i) Meeting limited information needs (ii) An organisation-wide and secure intranet
with appropriate static and dynamic
(ii) Repeating data entry often times databases

(iii) Under utilization of the state of the art IT (iii) Integrated financial management, revenue
infrastructure collection, projects and contracts
management, procurement management,
(iv) Emphasis on technology and stand alone HR and payroll, electronic documents
applications, not on the enterprise management, groupware and workflow

(v) Limited on-line information flow from (iv) Creation of roads network database with
offices outside HO and offices within HO spatial and attributes based data through
etc. a mix of satellite imagery, aerial
Keeping in view the focus on future activities, photography and ground level validation
IMC recommended the following for future
course of action: (v) Effective use of CAD, GIS, and

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 35

appropriate databases for operational all NHAI employees to manuals and
planning standard operating procedures through
the Intranet.
(vi) Integrated use of GIS, GPS and RF Link
systems for highway traffic monitoring (xi) A Procurement and Contract Management
and toll collection System will enable quick access to
information on the status of procurement
(vii) Integration of information that affects and contracts. Part of this System will
executive decision making from the Road also be accessible through the NHAI
Information System, Corridor portal to bidders and contractors.
Management System and other
specialised technical and operational (xii) To have a Task Force to identify and
functions structure the MIS formats for information
flow at the middle and top levels,
(viii)Establishment of Users Committee under determine the periodicity of reporting,
Member (Administration and HR) with the routing of information i.e. the source
representation from all key functions, to of generation, the path for validation and
fully involve the users in the the ultimate beneficiaries of that
development of systems and management information.
of change.
14.4 IT based knowledge Management
(ix) Focus on creating and enhancing System
connectivity between HO and the
PIUs/CMUs through a secure Intranet to IMC recommended that NHAI set up a
ensure timely flow of data and Knowledge Management System for capturing
information within the organisation. All and using experiences in bid process; contract
important policy decisions are to be management; time, cost and quality
documented in electronic databases that performance of contractor; and performance of
can then be referred to by employees. design consultants in terms of abnormal
(x) Minimisation of paper work through the
use of groupware and messaging. An 15. Quality Assurance
Electronic Document Management
System (EDMS) is used to manage the
IMC recognized the need for a Quality
large volume of reports, contracts and
Assurance System that outlines the quality
other documents generated on paper in
requirements and standards through all stages
the course of operations. The use of
of highways development and maintenance.
groupware will also facilitate access of
The aim is to achieve, sustain and improve the

36 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

quality of services/ goods and ensure effective 16. Conclusion
internal control.
Clearly, the challenges of institutional
The key elements of NHAI's Quality strengthening are complex and huge. While a
Assurance System should include number of initiatives have been identified and
documenting the tasks and works to be done, recommended, IMC understood that
following defined procedures and engineering institutional strengthening is a continuous and
best practices to execute the tasks, undertaking evolving process. The various proposals and
regular quality control checks in accordance suggestions made in this report need to be
with the accepted standards, documenting detailed out into an implementation plan
results and obtaining the requisite sign-offs which is appropriately phased and costed so as
through all the stages viz. Project Preparation, to carry out the implementation in a planned
Project Implementation and Corridor and efficient manner with regular monitoring
Management. Some of the salient features of mechanisms. NHAI has already obtained very
the IMC's recommendation include: good feedback from a larger group of
stakeholders and the suggestions have been
(i) Streamlining the procedures of evaluation evaluated and appropriately incorporated into
while selection of consultants so as to the proposals included in this report. IMC
make the valuation uniform and objective believed that implementation of its proposals
to the maximum extent and recommendations would substantially
address the issues raised during the
(ii) Employment of proof consultants by consultative process and also in the CAG's
NHAI to review all reports / documents report (a note on which is at Annexure-3).
for ensuring quality projects This issue regarding the weaknesses
reflected in the report of C&AG was also
(iii) Stipulation and enforcement of set of discussed in the COS. The COS was
prescribed procedures for land informed that the issues raised by the
acquisition, relocation of utilities and C&AG have already been taken care of by
obstacles removal before start of project various measures already initiated as well as
proposed by the IMC. In order to strengthen
(iv) Evolving a system of appraisal of the the systems, the COS decided that NHAI
consultancy services either by itself or should prepare manuals of processes and
through an independent agency for rating guidelines so that proper reference points are
of the consultant's services available for planning and implementation.
It would also equip NHAI to meet the
(v) Periodic review by NHAI of the reports demands of a vastly expanded PPP
generated by the Independent Engineer in programme.
accordance with the scope of services

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 37

17. Recommendations (vi) Increase in the number of part-time
Members by two (from 4 to 6), who would be
(i) The vision statement of NHAI to be: from the non-Government sector, one from
IITs/IIMs and the other from financial
“To meet the nation's need for the provision institutions.
and maintenance of National Highways
network to global standards and to meet user's (vii) NHAI to have six full time Members
expectations in the most time bound and cost (against five at present) one each for finance,
effective manner, within the strategic policy administration, public private partnership
framework set by the Government of India and (PPP), two Members (Project) and one
thus promote economic well being and quality Member (Technical).
of life of the people.”
(viii) Member (Finance) to have adequate
(ii) NHAI's business model of outsourcing experience in finance and financial
major activities to be essentially retained. management, preferably knowledge of
NHAI Board to evolve an appropriate financial market and funding of infrastructure
procedure/system of sample test checks by projects.
Project Directors for ensuring the veracity of
the bills prepared by the Supervision (ix) Member (PPP) to be responsible for
Consultant for payments to the contractor and formulating policy for PPP projects, financial
appropriateness of the authorisation given by modelling and appraisal of PPP projects and
the Supervision Consultant for variations. should have adequate experience in the field
of planning, structuring and management of
(iii) Selection of the Chairman by a Search PPP projects of infrastructure sector,
Committee headed by the Cabinet Secretary preferably in the highways.
and comprising Secretary, DORT&H,
Secretary, Planning commission, a CMD or (x) Member (Technical) to act as the
MD of a financial institution and one of the repository of technical knowledge to be
directors of IIMs to be nominated by the responsible for R&D, technical manuals,
Cabinet Secretary. standards, and specifications that guide design
and safety. The Member (Technical) and the
(iv) The tenure of the Chairman to be fixed proposed Standardization and R&D Cell
for at least three years which can be extended would supervise the technical sanctions and
upto five years. standards for all the stages of the preparation
of DPRs and administration of contracts.
(v) Age in case of the Chairman to be
relaxed upto 62 years if required for three- (xi) Creation of a Project Appraisal Cell to
year tenure. undertake comprehensive project appraisal and

38 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

critically examine realistic capacity planning, be made during the implementation of the
optimal specification, estimates of toll projects. The Cell will be headed by a contract
revenue, cash flows, funding tie-up, and management specialist (rank of CGM)
financial viability within the maximum grant reporting to one of the Members (Project).
permissible. The Cell to be headed by
Financial Analyst (rank of CGM) and to (xvi) Creation of a Legal and Arbitration Cell
comprise experts in the areas of finance, headed by a Chief General Manager with
transport economics, transport planning, and experience in concessions and contract law.
legal aspects. Apart from building sufficient in-house
capabilities, the Cell should be enabled to
(xii) Creation of a Planning Cell with key retain specialist legal counsel. The specific
responsibilities of planning for new projects responsibilities should include legal vetting of
and supporting the strategic functions of top the terms of reference of consultants, bid
management. The Cell to be headed by a GM documents etc., legal advice on contract
level officer reporting to CGM (PQ). The management and other issues, monitoring of
CGM (PQ) will report directly to the dispute resolution process and outcomes and
Chairman. all legal and arbitration cases. The Cell would
be located under Member (Administration).
(xiii)Creation of a Quality Assurance Cell with
key responsibilities for promotion of quality (xvii) Creation of a Road Safety Cell to
assurance initiatives, quality checks through appraise safety, set operational policy and
inspection of the ongoing works including safety standards and monitor asset
quality audit through external professional performance to be located under Member
agencies. The Cell would be headed by a GM (Technical).
level officer and report to CGM (PQ).
(xviii) Powers and responsibilities for
(xiv) Creation of a Standardization and R&D approving variations in contracts would be
Cell for tracking new technical developments exercised on the basis of guidelines to be
and international best practices in road and framed by the Ministry of Finance.
bridge construction, formulating standards and
manuals, and for undertaking R&D activities. (xix) A Committee under CGM would finally
The Cell to be headed by a CGM level officer, examine and accept the Detailed Project
to report to Member (Technical). Report. A monthly report on the acceptance of
various DPRs would be placed before the
(xv) Creation of a Contract Management Cell NHAI Board.
for advising on all key contract agreement
issues. In addition, the unit will advise NHAI (xx) NHAI should prepare manuals and
in case any amendments to the contracts are to guidelines for various processes and proper

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 39

administration of contracts. determined by the Authority in line with the
experience and availability of the appropriate
(xxi) Empowering the Authority to create posts personnel.
in NHAI upto the level of Chief General
Manager. (xxvii) To revamp and strengthen
organizations like the National Institute for
(xxii) Creation of posts of CGM (Finance) (2 Training of Highways Engineers (NITHE),
posts), CGM (PQ), CGM (SR&D), CGM Central Roads Research Institute (CRRI),
(Administration and HR), CGM (IT), CGM Indian Roads Congress (IRC) to enhance
(LA), CGM (Legal), CGM (Safety), Financial overall capacity and capability in the
Analyst (CGM level), Contract Management highways sector.
Specialist (CGM level). CGMs for Project
Implementation and Corridor Management as (xxviii)To set-up a Knowledge Management
per the norms fixed by the NHAI Board. System for capturing and using experiences in
bid process; contract management; time, cost
(xxiii) To consider State level institutions and quality performance of contractor; and
including some State Governments as “partner performance of design consultants in terms of
institutions” at the regional level for abnormal variations.
implementing some of the mandated works
under NHAI's umbrella.

(xxiv)To identify and retain key persons and

also recruit some personnel directly to build,
over time, a core of permanent employees of

(xxv)To revisit the comprehensive training

plan prepared by NHAI for its employees in
the light of shift of focus from EPC to PPP
and also to expand the plan to include
consultants and contractors.

(xxvi) Empowering the Authority to engage,

where required, outside experts (with
relaxation of age if needed) specifically the
posts of for financial analyst, transport
economist, contract management specialist and
legal expert; on compensation to be

40 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

Annexures 1 - 3
Annexure -1

Outline of Top Level Organisation Structure & Key Role Areas

Existing Structure



Inspection Cell

Member Member Member Member Member

Technical Technical Technical Finance HR, IT & Admn.

Ÿ Procurement Ÿ Procurement Ÿ Procurement  Finance and  HR-Admn.

& contract & contract & contract Account  Information Tech -
management management management  Corporate nology
of civil of civil of civil
Finance  Land Acquisition
works works works
 Environment
 Corridor
including Tolling
 Project

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 43

Annexure -2

Outline of Top Level Organisation Structure & Key Role Areas

Proposed Structure

Proposed changes


P&Q Cells

Member Member 2 Members Member Member

PPP Technical Project Finance HR, IT & Admn.

• Procurement • Procurement • Finance and • Human

& contract • Standardisa & contract Accounts Resources
management -tion and management • Corporate • Coordination
R&D Cell Finance • Information
• Project • Contract Technology
Appraisal • Safety Cell Manage- • Internal • Land acquisition
Cell ment Cell Audit • Environment
• Corridor Mgt.
• Operations
- Tolling

• Monitoring

• Legal &

44 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

Annexure -3

Recommendations by the CAG and How Addressed


NHAI should
1. Strengthen its planning regime and i) Planning Cell recommended to be set up
follow up mechanism with various headed by CGM reporting directly to the
authorities/ agencies so as to avoid Chairman.
bottlenecks like land acquisition, tree
cutting and shifting of utilities that ii) Dedicated Monitoring Cell recommended
caused avoidable delays and consequent to be set up in the IT Division.
cost overruns. These activities may be
synchronized and greater emphasis be iii) State Government have nominated Nodal
laid on monitoring critical activities in Officers to review the progress of works on a
the achievement of targets in a time-and- regular basis and take steps to resolve any
cost-bound manner. bottlenecks in land acquisition, shifting of
utilities etc. for speeding up the progress of

iv) Chief Secretary also requested to take

regular meetings.

v) Shifting of utilities now entrusted to civil

works contractors as part of the contract and
to concessionaire as part of the Concession
Agreement for BOT projects.

vi) Committee of Secretaries set up under the

chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary on the
direction of Committee on Infrastructure to
resolve Inter Ministerial issues and issues
with the State Governments holding up the
progress of works.

vii) On the recommendations of the Committee

of Secretaries (CoS) draft notifications for
land acquisition are no longer required to be
sent to Ministry of Law for vetting. Instead
the notifications are approved in the

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 45

NHAI should
Department of Road Transport & Highways
itself on the formats approved by the
Ministry of Law.

2. Evolve a system where Detailed Project Consultants of proven experience and repute are
Reports are reviewed before the engaged for preparation of Detailed Project
commencement of tendering process so Reports (DPRs). Following additional measures
as to avoid large variations, adoption of have been taken up for improvement of quality of
non-uniform specifications for similar DPRs.
site conditions, sub-standard construction
quality and inefficient project i) System of Peer Review of the Detailed
management on account of insufficient Project Reports and proof checking of
and inaccurate information/data contained designs of major structures by Proof
in the DPRs. Consultants have been put in place.

ii) Project Implementation Units set up and

involved in Detailed Project Reports from
the initial stage.

iii) Detailed Project Report Consultants told to

have extensive consultations to take into
account local requirements in the
preparation of DPR.

iv) Detailed Project Report Consultant's

services to be continued during the initial
phase of construction to ensure better
coordination with the Supervision

v) Contract provides for 10% performance


vi) Stiffer penalty provisions have been

46 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

NHAI should
introduced in the contracts, including
penalty upto 5% for delays and 5% in case of
large variations (± 15%).

3. Ensure standardization and uniformity in i) Standard documents have been prepared

contract provisions and approval process and adopted for engagement of contractors
which would enhance efficiency and help and consultants.
avoid lapses; this would result in less
contractual complications during project ii) Standardisation Cell recommended to be set
implementation. up under Member (Technical)

iii) Contract Management Cell recommended

to be set up to ensure interpretation and
contract provision.

4. Include and invoke stringent provisions i) Stringent penalty clause provided in the
in the agreements against erring Agreement for major lapses of the Detailed
consultants to convey seriousness in Project Report Consultants.
action in view of the major omissions by
the consultants that led to substantial ii) Credentials of the Supervision Consultants
time and cost overruns. NHAI may also thoroughly verified before they are allowed
fix bid capacity for Project Supervision to bid. The Consultants are required to field
Consultants (PSCs) and ensure that the an entire new team for each project.
same key personnel are not proposed for
multiple projects. iii) Care is taken to ensure that the key
personnel are not proposed for multiple
projects. The list of key personnel of the
preferred consultants is circulated to all the
technical divisions for getting their

5. Devise vendor development policies and i) Recommended that NHAI training

framework so that better competition in programme to be expanded to include
terms of cost as well as technology contractors and consultants.

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 47

NHAI should
transfer could be generated; NHAI needs ii) With the increasing emphasis on Public
to improve the monitoring of quality of Private Partnership (PPP) new players who
work done by the civil contractors. may not have experience in road making as
such but have capacity for project
development in infrastructure sector can
also enter the field.

iii) NHAI engages external agencies for

conducting independent comprehensive
quality audit of the work done by the Civil

iv) Quality Cell recommended to be set up

headed by GM reporting to CGM directly
under the Chairman.

6. Ensure better financial management and Two Chief General Manager level post in
closer monitoring of cash management to Finance recommended to be created, one to look
bring down the cost of capital as well as after resource mobilization and financial
cost reduction; toll notification and management and the other to look after accounts
collection system needs to be management.
systematized and made more efficient.

7. Avoid delays in issuance of gazette To ensure that toll notifications are issued in
notification for tolling, handing over of time:
site, finalization of site for the toll plaza
through better planning and timely action i) Draft notifications are sent to Ministry 90
to prevent loss of toll revenue. (Ninety) days before the expected date of
completion of the project.

ii) Nodal Officers have been appointed in the

Department of Road Transport and
Highways and Law Ministry to follow up
and ensure that notifications are approved in

48 Ÿ Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee

NHAI should
iii) An Annual Plan indicating stretches to be
brought out under tolling (month-wise) has
been prepared and used for monitoring.

iv) Action initiated for introduction of Modern

Integrated Electronic Toll Collection
system at all the Toll Plazas.

8. Maintain its accounts on commercial i) Accounts are maintained as per the standard
principles in consonance with the accounting practices.
Generally Accepted Accounting Practices
ii) Internal audit manual and standard account
operating procedures have been prepared
and adopted for better financial control and

Restructuring of National Highways Authority of India Ÿ 49

Published by
The Secretariat for the Committee on Infrastructure
Planning Commission
Government of India
Yojana Bhawan, Parliament Street
New Delhi - 110 001

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