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At the end of the class, the students must be able to:

a. Relate text content to particular social issues, concerns, or dispositions in
real life;
b. Listen to lay judgment on critical issues that demand sound analysis and call
for prompt actions;
c. Present a news report on the current issues;
d. Show respect to one�s ideas.


A. Topic: Holding on to a Dream in a Changing World

B. Reference: A Journey through Anglo-American Literature Learner�s Material
pp.424 - 430 and Teacher�s Guide p. 209 - 212
C. Materials: book, chalk, laptop, speaker, slideshow (social issues), copy of
the song �The River of Dreams�
D. Code: EN9RC-IVa-2.18, EN9LC-IVa-13


A. Preliminary Activities
� Greetings
� Prayer
� Checking of Attendance
� Classroom Policy

B. Motivation (Picture Analysis)

Varied pictures depicting social issues and concerns in the society will be shown
in class. Students will share their observations regarding the pictures or slides
being shown.

C. Presentation/Discussion
� Let the students listen to a song entitled �The River of Dreams�
� While listening to the song, students will predict words or phrases that they
expect to hear from the song.
� Elicit responses of social issues found in the song from the students.
� Let the students do the given tasks.

D. Application (Small Group Sharing)

Students will be grouped into 10 groups and will answer the following questions:
� Among the issues, what do you think he values the most? Why do you say so?
� If you were him, how would you resolve the issues?

E. Generalization
� What is being emphasized in the song? Explain.

IV. EVALUATION (Group Activity)

Students will be grouped into 7 and each group will present a news report about
social issues. A rubric will be provided for the students to be guided on how they
will be graded on the activity.

In your journal notebook, complete the sentence: Today, I realized that��

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