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ALBOS, to a repugnant spoliation and an iniquitous deprivation of property, repulsive to the

Petitioners, common sense of man. It has no support in law, in principles of justice, or in the human
vs. conscience nor is there any reason whatsoever which may justify such imposition as
SPOUSES NESTOR M. EMBISAN and ILUMINADA A. EMBISAN, righteous and as one that may be sustained within the sphere of public or private
Summarizing the jurisprudential trend towards this direction is the recent case of Castro
v. Tan in which We held:
While we agree with petitioners that parties to a loan agreement have wide
On October 17, 1984, petitioners entered into an agreement, denominated as "Loan
latitude to stipulate on any interest ratein view of the Central Bank Circular
with Real Estate Mortgage, “with respondent spouses Nestor and Iluminada Embisan
No. 905 s. 1982 which suspended the Usury Law ceiling on interest effective
(spouses Embisan) in the amount of P84,000.00 payable within 90 days with a monthly
January 1, 1983, it is also worth stressing that interest rates whenever
interest rate of 5%. To secure the indebtedness, petitioners mortgaged to the spouses
unconscionable may still be declared illegal. There is certainly nothing in
Embisan a parcel of land in Project 3, Quezon City.
said circular which grants lenders carte blanche authority to raise interest
rates to levels which will either enslave their borrowers or lead to a
For failure to settle their account upon maturity, petitioner Aida Albos requested and
hemorrhaging of their assets.
was given an extension of eleven (11) months, or until December 17, 1985, within which
to pay the loan obligation. However, when the said deadline came anew, petitioners
In several cases, we have ruled that stipulations authorizing iniquitous or
once again defaulted and so, on agreement of the parties, another extension of five (5)
unconscionable interests are contrary to morals, if not against the law. In
months, or until May 17, 1986, was set.
Medelv. Court of Appeals, we annulled a stipulated 5.5% per month or 66%
per annum interest on a P500,000.00 loan and a 6% per month or 72% per
May 17, 1986 came and went but the obligation remained unpaid. Thus, when the
annum interest on a P60,000.00 loan, respectively, for being excessive,
petitioners requested a third extension, as will later be alleged by the respondent
iniquitous, unconscionable and exorbitant. In Ruiz v. Court of Appeals, we
spouses, an additional eight (8) months was granted on the condition that the monthly
declared a 3% monthly interest imposed on four separate loans to be
5% interest from then on, i.e. June 1986 onwards, will be compounded. This stipulation,
excessive. In both cases, the interest rates were reduced to 12% per
however, was not reduced in writing. On February 9, 1987, respondent spouses
addressed a letter to petitioners demanding the payment of P234,021.90, representing
the unpaid balance and interests from the loan. This was followed, on April 14, 1987, by
In this case, the 5% monthly interest rate, or 60% per annum, compounded
another letter5 of the same tenor, but this time demanding from the petitioners the
monthly, stipulated in the Kasulatan is even higher than the 3% monthly
obligation due amounting to P258,009.15.
interest rate imposed in the Ruiz case. Thus, we similarly hold the 5%
monthly interest to be excessive, iniquitous, unconscionable and
Obviously in a bid to prevent the foreclosure of their mortgaged property, petitioners
exorbitant, contrary to morals, and the law. It is therefore void ab initio for
paid respondent spouses the sum of P44,500.00 on October 2, 1987. The respondent
being violative of Article 1306 of the Civil Code. With this, and in accord
spouses accepted the partial payment of the principal loan amount owed to them,
with the Medel and Ruiz cases, we hold that the Court of Appeals correctly
which, based on the Statement of Account6 the respondent spouses prepared, by that
imposed the legal interest of 12% per annum in place of the excessive
time, has already ballooned to P296,658.70.
interest stipulated in the Kasulatan. (emphasis added)
Due to petitioners’ failure to settle their indebtedness, respondent spouses proceeded
As can be gleaned, jurisprudence on the nullity of excessive interest rates is both clear
to extra-judicially foreclose the mortgaged property on October 12, 1987.
and consistent. We find no cogent reason to deviate therefrom. As the lender in Castro,
The property was never redeemed, and so the respondent spouses executed an respondent spouses herein similarly imposed a 5% monthly interest in the loan
contracted by petitioners. Following the judicial pronouncement in the said cases, the
Affidavit of Consolidation over the property on November 23, 1988. Petitioners alleged
interest rate so imposed herein is nullified for being unconscionable. In lieu thereof, a
that afterwards, on February 4, 1989, they were pressured by the respondent spouses
simple interest of 12% per annum should be imposed.
to execute a Contract of Lease over the property wherein the petitioners, as lessees, are
obligated to pay the respondent spouses, as lessors, monthly rent in the amount of
Let a new Decision be entered, the dispositive portion of which reads:
1. The stipulation in the Loan with Real Estate Mortgage imposing an interest of 5%
On August 14, 1989, herein petitioners filed a complaint for the annulment of the Loan
monthly is declared void.
with Real Estate Mortgage, Certificate of Sale, Affidavit of Consolidation, Deed of Final
Sale, and Contract of Lease before the Regional Trial Court.
2. In view of the nullity of the interest imposed on the loan which affected the total
arrearages upon which foreclosure was based, the foreclosure of mortgage, Certificate
ACCORDING TO PETITIONER: foreclosure sale is void because respondents only released
of Sale, Affidavit of Consolidation, Deed of Final Sale, and Contract of Lease are declared
P60,000.00 out of the P84,000.00 amount loaned, which has already been paid. As
petitioner Aida Albos testified during trial, she was able to pay P50,000 out of the
P60,000 principal loan released, and also P4,500.00 monthly interests, as evidenced by
3. The case is remanded to the Regional Trial Court to compute the current arrearages
receipts dated December 19, 1984 and February 9, 1985.10
of petitioners taking into account the partial payments made by them and the
imposition of the simple interest rate of 12% per annum.
ACCORDING TO RESPONDENTS: the loan was legally and validly entered at arms length
after a series of meetings and negotiations; that petitioners agreed to pay compounded
interest in exchange for extending the payment period the third time; that never during
the life of the mortgage did petitioners pay 50,000.00; and, that petitioners, having
defaulted, left the spouses Embisan with no other option except to extrajudicially
foreclose the property security as stipulated in the mortgage.


Whether or not the imposition of 5% monthly interest, whether compounded or simple,

is valid.


No, it is unconscionable.

even if there was such an agreement that interest will be compounded, We agree with
the petitioners that the 5% monthly rate, be it simple or compounded, written or verbal,
is void for being too exorbitant, thus running afoul of Article 1306 of the New Civil Code,
which provides:

Article 1306. The contracting parties may establish such stipulations,

clauses, terms and conditions as they may deem convenient, provided they
are not contrary tolaw, morals, good customs, public order, or public policy.

As case law instructs, the imposition of an unconscionable rate of interest on a money

debt, even if knowingly and voluntarily assumed, is immoral and unjust. It is tantamount

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