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Heavy Duty 2000 lb.

top wind trailer jack
Set up and Operating Instructions

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Read this material before using this product.

Failure to do so can result in serious injury.
Save this manual.
Copyright© 1998 by Harbor Freight Tools®. All rights reserved. No portion of this manual or any artwork
contained herein may be reproduced in any shape or form without the express written consent of
Harbor Freight Tools. Diagrams within this manual may not be drawn proportionally. Due to continuing
improvements, actual product may differ slightly from the product described herein. Tools required for
assembly and service may not be included.

For technical questions or replacement parts, please call 1-800-444-3353.

Revised Manual 10g
Save This Manual NOTICE is used to
address practices
Keep this manual for the safety not related to personal injury.
warnings and precautions, assembly,
operating, inspection, maintenance and CAUTION, without
cleaning procedures. Write the product’s the safety alert
serial number in the back of the manual symbol, is used to address
near the assembly diagram (or month practices not related to
and year of purchase if product has no personal injury.
number). Keep this manual and the
receipt in a safe and dry place for future General Tool Safety Warnings
reference. WARNING Read all safety
warnings and instructions.
Important SAFETY Failure to follow the warnings and
instructions may result in serious
Information injury.
Save all warnings and
In this manual, on the labeling, instructions for future reference.
and all other information The term ″tool″ in the warnings
provided with this product: refers to your Trailer Jack.
This is the safety alert 1. Work area safety
symbol. It is used to alert
you to potential personal Keep work area clean and well
injury hazards. Obey all lit. Cluttered or dark areas invite
safety messages that accidents.
follow this symbol to avoid
2. Personal safety
possible injury or death.
a. Stay alert, watch what you are
DANGER indicates doing and use common sense
a hazardous when operating a tool. Do not use
situation which, if not a tool while you are tired or under
avoided, will result in death or the influence of drugs, alcohol
serious injury. or medication. A moment of
inattention while operating tools may
WARNING result in serious personal injury.
indicates a b. Use personal protective
hazardous situation which, if equipment. Always wear eye
not avoided, could result in protection. Safety equipment such
death or serious injury. as non-skid safety shoes or a hard
CAUTION, used hat used for appropriate conditions
with the safety will reduce personal injuries.
alert symbol, indicates a c. Do not overreach. Keep proper
hazardous situation which, if footing and balance at all times.
not avoided, could result in This enables better control of the
minor or moderate injury. tool in unexpected situations.
SKU 42950 For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353. Page 2
d. Dress properly. Do not wear Specific Safety Warnings
loose clothing or jewelry. Keep
your hair, clothing and gloves 1. Be aware that the user/installer of
away from moving parts. Loose this product is solely responsible
clothes, jewelry or long hair can be for the way the Trailer Jack is
caught in moving parts. installed, operated and maintained,
and is responsible for any and all
3. Tool use and care consequences that occur, whether
a. Do not force the tool. Do not or not anticipated in these warning
exceed 2,000 lb. capacity of this statements.
tool. The correct tool will do the job
2. Do not exceed 2000 Lb. capacity.
better and safer at the rate for which
it was designed. 3. Never attempt to adjust, modify or
b. Store idle tools out of the reach of take apart the Swing Plate, Pull Pin,
children and do not allow persons or Pull Pin Handle while the Trailer
unfamiliar with the tool or these Jack is supporting any weight.
instructions to operate it. Tools are
4. Lock Trailer Jack in vertical position
dangerous in the hands of untrained
before applying load.
c. Maintain tools. Check for 5. Use on flat, level, hard surface
misalignment or binding of capable of supporting the combined
moving parts, breakage of parts weight of the trailer and the jack.
and any other condition that may
6. Before each use, verify that the Pull
affect the tool’s operation. If
Pin is properly engaged in a hole of
damaged, have the tool repaired
the Swing Plate (8).
before use. Many accidents are
caused by poorly maintained tools. 7. Wear ANSI-approved safety goggles
d. Use the tool and accessories during use.
in accordance with these 8. Prevent trailer wheels from moving by
instructions, taking into account using wheel chocks while extending
the working conditions and the or retracting.
work to be performed. Use of the
tool for operations different from 9. Before towing, fully raise Trailer Jack
those intended could result in a and secure properly in it’s horizontal
hazardous situation. position (foot to the rear).
4. Service 10. Always keep feet, arms, and legs
a. Have your tool serviced by a out from under jack and tongue
qualified repair person using only when applying and releasing load, or
identical replacement parts. This moving trailer.
will ensure that the safety of the tool 11. Inspect before use. Do not use if
is maintained. parts are loose or damaged.

SKU 42950 For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353. Page 3

12. Use in accordance with the
Department of Transportation (DOT) Specifications
regulations. Information about DOT
Weight Capacity 2,000 lb.
regulations can be found at
gov/regulations.html Maximum Height 23-5/8” (Extended)
Minimum Height 14” (Retracted)
13. Read manual before installation and/
Lift Distance ± 9-5/8”
or use.
Net Weight 9.9 Lbs.
14. Maintain labels and nameplates on
the tool. These carry important safety Trailer Jack must be welded to side of
information. If unreadable or missing, straight trailer tongue. Once welded to the
contact Harbor Freight Tools for a trailer, the Trailer Jack is an effective aid to
replacement. hitching, unhitching, leveling and moving
the trailer. The Trailer Jack can be used
15. This product is not a toy. Children
on farm duty trailers as well as recreational
should be kept at a safe distance,
boat trailers.
and never allowed to operate the
Trailer Jack. The Trailer Jack is designed for permanent
attachment to the trailer tongue, and can
16. Follow all state regulations for safety
be available for use wherever the trailer
and towing when using Trailer Jack,
including using safety chains securely
attached to the towing vehicle when
the trailer is hooked to the vehicle. Unpacking
17. Not for aircraft purposes. When unpacking, make sure item
is intact and undamaged. If parts are
18. Trailer Jack must always be in the up
missing or broken, call Harbor Freight
position (horizontal to ground) when
Tools at 1-800-444-3353.
towing the trailer.
19. The warnings, precautions,
and instructions discussed in
set up instructions
this instruction manual cannot Read the entire Important
cover all possible conditions and Safety Information
situations that may occur. It must section at the beginning of this
be understood by the operator that manual including all text under
common sense and caution are subheadings therein before set
factors which cannot be built into this up or use of this product.
product, but must be supplied by the
operator. Note: For additional information regarding
the parts listed in the following pages,
refer to the Assembly Diagram near
Save these the end of this manual.

SKU 42950 For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353. Page 4

Assembly 5. Remove Retaining Ring (7) and
detach the Swing Plate (8). Carefully
The Trailer Jack requires no remove the paint from Plate edges.
assembly, but care must be taken Position lip of the Plate over top of
to properly mount the Trailer Jack to the trailer tongue and commence
the trailer. The Trailer Jack design welding. Once the Swing Plate (8) is
requires that the Swing Plate (8) be properly welded to the trailer tongue,
securely welded to the side of the attach the Jack to the Plate and
trailer’s tongue with the lip of the secure in place with the Retaining
Swing Plate (8) above the tongue for Ring (7). Test the Trailer Jack to
added support. make sure it functions correctly.

Trailer 6. Crank the Handle (1) both ways to

Tongue Swing make sure the Trailer Jack extends
Plate (8) and retracts properly.

WARNING: To insure safe 7. Pull out the Pull Pin Handle (9) and
operation, welding of the Swing swing the Trailer Jack upward to
Plate (8) to the trailer tongue must horizontal position. Make sure the
only be done by a certified welder Pull Pin (10) engages into the Swing
in a safe location, away from all Plate (8) and locks the Trailer Jack in
flammable materials. this upward position.

1. Plan the location of the Trailer Jack. 8. After you have tested the Trailer
Jack and are confident of it’s proper
2. Examine both sides of the trailer operation, the Trailer Jack is ready for
tongue and choose the appropriate use.
location for the Jack, keeping in mind
the mounting method, and the need 9. Note: Always have the open end of
to crank the Handle (1). the Rotarting Pin (13) pointed to the
3. The Trailer Jack is designed to be
welded to either side of the trailer Operating Instructions
tongue, and will swing back in either
direction (forward or to the rear). Read the entire Important
Leave adequate room at both sides Safety Information
of the trailer frame so as to allow section at the beginning of this
horizontal positioning of the Jack, in manual including all text under
either forward or rearward position. subheadings therein before set
up or use of this product.
4. Before installing the Trailer Jack,
properly support the tongue of the Mount and dismount Trailer only on
trailer so that it is high enough off the smooth, level surfaces.
ground to provide clearance for the
Jack. Take precautions to insure the
wheels of the trailer are chock and
will not roll.

SKU 42950 For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353. Page 5

Mounting The Trailer To The Towing Removing The Trailer From The Towing
Vehicle. Vehicle
1. Before mounting, chock the trailer Take the necessary precautions against
wheels to prevent the trailer from uncontrolled trailer movement (use wheel
rolling. chocks), before loosening the trailer
2. Crank the Handle (1) counterclockwise hitching mechanism. Turn the Handle (1)
to extend the leg to the desired counterclockwise to raise the tongue of the
height. trailer from the hitch ball. Keep hands and
feet clear of the hitch, tongue and the area
3. Maneuver the vehicle so that the underneath the tongue.
trailer’s hitch is directly over the
towing vehicle’s hitch ball. Leveling and Moving
4. Rotate the Handle clockwise to 1. In the unhitched mode, the trailer
retract the Trailer Jack, and lower the can be leveled front to back by
tongue hitch onto the hitch ball. turning the Handle either clockwise or
5. Tighten the hitch retainer mechanism.
2. If the trailer is to be stored in this
6. Continue turning the Handle (1) until mode, it is advised that the trailer
the leg is fully retracted. wheels be properly chocked.
7. Pull out the Pull Pin (10) and rotate Towing
the Trailer Jack to it’s horizontal
position. Make sure that it locks into While the trailer is being towed, the Trailer
the Swing Plate. Jack must be pivoted into the horizontal
8. The Handle (1) should also be swung position with the foot facing rearward.
over and positioned to rest on top of
the trailer tongue. Maintenance And
9. Before towing, always swing the Servicing
Trailer Jack to it’s horizontal position
(foot facing rearward). Always keep Procedures not specifically
feet and hands clear of the hitch, the explained in this manual
tongue and the area underneath. must be performed only by a
qualified technician.
10. Caution: Before driving the vehicle
and trailer to your destination, always To prevent
use safety chains to secure the trailer serious injury
to the towing vehicle. from tool failure:
Do not use damaged
equipment. If abnormal noise
or vibration occurs, have the
problem corrected before
further use.

SKU 42950 For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353. Page 6

Cleaning, Maintenance, and
1. BEFORE EACH USE, inspect the
general condition of the tool. Check
for loose hardware, misalignment or
binding of moving parts, cracked or
broken parts, and any other condition
that may affect its safe operation.
2. No lubrication is necessary until
the product is dismantled for
3. After Use, wipe external surfaces
of the tool with clean cloth, then dry.
4. Occasionally pull out the Pull Pin
(10) and place a drop of lubricating
oil over it’s shank.

SKU 42950 For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353. Page 7

The manufacturer and/or distributor has provided the parts list and assembly diagram in
this manual as a reference tool only. Neither the manufacturer or distributor makes any
representation or warranty of any kind to the buyer that he or she is qualified to make any
repairs to the product, or that he or she is qualified to replace any parts of the product.
In fact, the manufacturer and/or distributor expressly states that all repairs and parts
replacements should be undertaken by certified and licensed technicians, and not by the
buyer. The buyer assumes all risk and liability arising out of his or her repairs to the
original product or replacement parts thereto, or arising out of his or her installation
of replacement parts thereto.


Part Description Qty
Lip of Swing
1 Handle 1 Plate (8)
6 Outer Tube 1 1
7 Retaining Ring 1 21
8 Swing Plate 1
9 Pull Pin Handle 1
10 Pull Pin 1
11 Spring 1 8 6

12 Washer #2 1 9
13 Retaining Pin 1
14 Flat Washer 1
15 Bearing 1 10
16 Thick Washer 1 11 14
12 7
17 Nut 1 15
18 Spindle 1 16
19 Foot 1 17
20 Screw 1
21 Nut 1



Record Product’s Serial Number Here:

Note: If product has no serial number, record month and year of purchase instead.
Note: Some parts are listed and shown for illustration purposes only, and are not
available individually as replacement parts.

SKU 42950 For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353. Page 8

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