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Design Criteria for Water

and Sanitation Agencies &

PHED Punjab

The Urban Sector Planning and Management Services Unit (Pvt.)

5th Floor, 503 Shaheen Complexes, Egerton Road, Lahore
042- 99205316-22 Fax.042-99205323, Email: [email protected]
Water & Sanitation Agencies, Punjab Design Criteria


Design Criteria for the Water and Sanitation Authorities, Punjab has been revised and
updated by the Urban Sector Planning and Management Sector Unit (Pvt.) Ltd. Maximum
care and caution has been observed while developing this document.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or information storage and
retrieval system, without the express permission, in writing, by the Urban Unit.

The opinion expressed in the document are solely those of the authors and publishing them
does not in any way constitute endorsement of the opinion by the Urban Unit.

Reviewed By
Dr. Nasir Javed

Technical Team
Engr. Abid Hussainy, Sr. Specialist Water and Sanitation
Engr. Kashif Nadeem, Research Assistant
Engr. Rao Ali Raza, Research Analyst
Engr. Huma Anwar

Water & Sanitation Agencies, Punjab Design Criteria

The Design Criteria for Water Supply (including Sewerage & Drainage) Schemes are already
in place. These criteria, which were approved by the Government of Punjab and notified in
1998, are currently being used for the design of all Public Health Engineering structures for
water supply, sewerage and drainage. The Water and Sanitation Agencies also follow this
Design Criteria with minor modifications suited to their requirements.

In 2008, the Design Criteria were also reviewed by the Punjab Devolved Social Services
Programme (PDSSP). No major changes were proposed; however, some amendments were
made and the resulting document is being selectively followed by the government
departments as a guideline.

It would be appropriate to develop suitable Design Criteria for the schemes to be taken up by
WASAs to meet the ground realities and the technological advancements. In pursuance of
this objective, a comparison of the notified criteria with the proposed criteria along with
justification of the proposals has been prepared for approval and adaptation by WASAs as per
their local conditions.

The design criteria has been reviewed based on past experience and the best solutions that
emerged during monitoring and evaluation of water supply and sewerage systems projects.

Executive Summary
Water & Sanitation Agencies, Punjab Design Criteria

Table of Contents
Preface .......................................................................................................................1
1 General Design Criteria of Water Network........................................................1
1.1 Project Design Horizon ........................................................................................... 1
1.2 Population Projections ............................................................................................ 2
1.3 Water Demand ......................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 Domestic Water Consumption ..................................................................... 3
1.3.2 Industrial Water Consumption ..................................................................... 3
1.3.3 Variations in Water Demand ....................................................................... 4
1.4 Water Sources .......................................................................................................... 4
1.4.1 Purpose......................................................................................................... 4
1.4.2 Key Principles .............................................................................................. 4
1.4.4 PRIORITY RANKING OF SOURCES....................................................... 6
1.5 Tubewells Design Criteria ...................................................................................... 6
2 Water Distribution and Storage .............................................................................8
2.1 Water Supply Design Criteria ................................................................................ 8
2.1.1 Terminal Pressure ........................................................................................ 8
2.1.2 Velocity Flow in Pipes ................................................................................. 9
2.1.3 Earth Cover over Pipes ................................................................................ 9
2.1.4 Public Stand Posts (PSPs) ............................................................................ 9
2.1.5 Minimum Size of Pipe ................................................................................. 9
2.1.6 Material of the Pipe ...................................................................................... 9
2.1.7 Service Connection .................................................................................... 10
2.1.8 Sluice Valves ............................................................................................. 10
2.1.9 Non-Retune Valves .................................................................................... 10
2.1.10 Air Relief Valve ......................................................................................... 10
2.1.11 Washout ..................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Storage Reservoirs ................................................................................................. 11
2.2.1 Overhead Reservoirs .................................................................................. 11
2.2.2 Groundwater Reservoir .............................................................................. 11
2.2.3 Water Metering .......................................................................................... 11
3 Potable Drinking Water Treatment ..................................................................12

Table of Contents
Water & Sanitation Agencies, Punjab Design Criteria

3.1 Conventional Treatment ....................................................................................... 12

3.2 Ultrafiltration......................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Activated Carbon Filter ........................................................................................ 15
3.4 Arsenic Removal .................................................................................................... 15
3.5 Fluoride Removal .................................................................................................. 16
3.6 Iron and Manganese Removal.............................................................................. 17
3.7 Nitrates Removal ................................................................................................... 18
3.8 Reverse Osmosis System ....................................................................................... 19
4 Sewerage System .............................................................................................21
4.1 Location of Disposal Works.................................................................................. 21
4.2 Design Period ......................................................................................................... 21
4.2.1 Master Plan ................................................................................................ 21
4.2.2 Land Acquisition ........................................................................................ 21
4.2.3 Civil Works Including Sewers ................................................................... 21
4.2.4 Pumping Mains .......................................................................................... 22
4.2.5 Pumping Station Civil Works .................................................................... 22
4.3 Design Flows .......................................................................................................... 22
4.3.1 Unit Flow Factor ........................................................................................ 22
4.3.2 In-Filtration ................................................................................................ 23
4.3.3 Peak Factor................................................................................................. 23
4.3.4 Maximum Dry Weather Flow .................................................................... 24
4.3.5 Industrial Wastewater Allowance .............................................................. 24
4.3.6 Storm water Allowance.............................................................................. 24
4.4 Shape of Sewer ....................................................................................................... 24
4.5 Velocity at Design Flow ......................................................................................... 25
4.6 Spacing of the Manholes ....................................................................................... 25
4.7 Minimum Size of Sewer ........................................................................................ 27
4.8 Earth Cover............................................................................................................ 27
4.10 Bedding of Sewers ................................................................................................. 27
4.11 Class of Pipes ......................................................................................................... 28
4.12 Pipe Reinforcement ............................................................................................... 28
4.13 Slope of Sewer Line ............................................................................................... 28
4.14 Outfall Works ........................................................................................................ 28
4.15 Sewage Pump Selection ......................................................................................... 29

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Water & Sanitation Agencies, Punjab Design Criteria

4.16 Design Flow of Drainage ....................................................................................... 29

4.17 Pumping or Disposal Station ................................................................................ 30
5 Wastewater Treatment .....................................................................................32
5.1 Wastewater Characteristics.................................................................................. 32
5.2 Design Criteria ....................................................................................................... 32
5.2.1 Primary Screens ......................................................................................... 32
5.2.2 Inlet Chambers ........................................................................................... 33
5.2.3 Grit and Grease Removal ........................................................................... 35
5.2.4 Balancing Tanks......................................................................................... 36
5.2.5 Biological Treatment Stage........................................................................ 37
5.3 Trickling Filter ...................................................................................................... 41
5.3.1 Design Requirements for Trickling filters ................................................. 42
5.3.2 Design Requirements for Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) System ........ 42
5.3.3 Design Parameters for the Secondary Clarifiers ........................................ 43
6 Miscellaneous ...................................................................................................45
6.1 Preventive maintenance ........................................................................................ 45
6.1.1 Leakage DETECTION: ............................................................................. 45
6.1.2 Cleaning of pipes ....................................................................................... 45
6.1.3 Protection against pollution near sewers and drains .................................. 45

Table of Contents
Water & Sanitation Agencies, Punjab Design Criteria

List of Tables
Table 1-1: Design horizon for water supply components .......................................................... 1
Table 1-2: Domestic water supply standards ............................................................................. 4
Table 2-1: Pipe material ............................................................................................................. 9
Table 2-2: Service Connection Standard ................................................................................. 10
Table 3-1: Design standards for slow sand filter ..................................................................... 12
Table 3-2: Design standards for rapid sand filter..................................................................... 12
Table 3-3: Design criteria of UF water treatment plants ......................................................... 13
Table 3-4: Design criteria of activated Carbon filters ............................................................. 15
Table 3-5: Design specifications for GHF ............................................................................... 15
Table 3-6: Design specifications for Activated Alumina ........................................................ 16
Table 3-7: Design specifications of activated Alumina absorbent for Fluoride removal ........ 17
Table 3-8: Design specifications of filter and oxidants for removal of Fe and Mn ................. 17
Table 3-9: Design criteria of ION Exchange resins for Nitrates removal ............................... 18
Table 3-10: Design Criteria for RO Plant ................................................................................ 19
Table 4-1: Unit flow factors for various sources ..................................................................... 22
Table 4-2: Infiltration Rate ...................................................................................................... 23
Table 4-3: Peaking factor wrt Population ................................................................................ 23
Table 4-4: Storm water Allowance .......................................................................................... 24
Table 4-5: Velocity and design flows ...................................................................................... 25
Table 4-6: Spacing of manholes in straight line ...................................................................... 26
Table 4-7:Design criteria for sewer above sub soil level ......................................................... 26
Table 4-8: Manning Coefficient of different materials ............................................................ 27
Table 4-9: Detention time ........................................................................................................ 28
Table 4-10: Run off coefficient for sandy soil ......................................................................... 29
Table 4-11: Run off coefficient for heavy soil......................................................................... 30
Table 4-12: Run off coefficient for urban dwellings ............................................................... 30
Table 5-1: Characteristics of sewerage water .......................................................................... 32
Table 5-2: Design Criteria of primary Screens ........................................................................ 33
Table 5-3: Design Criteria of Inlet chamber ............................................................................ 33
Table 5-4: Design Criteria of secondary screens ..................................................................... 34

List of Tables
Water & Sanitation Agencies, Punjab Design Criteria

Table 5-5: Design Parameters for Grease Chambers ............................................................... 35

Table 5-6: Design Criteria for Grit Chambers ......................................................................... 35
Table 5-7 Design Parameters for Balancing Tanks ................................................................. 36
Table 5-8: Design Criteria of Conventional Activated Sludge (CAS) System ........................ 37
Table 5-9: Design Parameters for Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR) System ....................... 38
Table 5-10: Specification of SBR reactor ................................................................................ 39
Table 5-11: Design Parameters for Extended Aeration System (Ea) ...................................... 40
Table 5-12: Organic loading parameters for EA wastewater treatment system ...................... 40
Table 5-13: Design parameters for secondary clarifiers .......................................................... 42
Table 5-14: Design parameters for secondary clarifiers .......................................................... 43
Table 5-15: Design guide for intermittent disinfection............................................................ 44

List of Tables
Water & Sanitation Agencies, Punjab Design Criteria

List of Acronyms
ADF Average Daily Flow
ADWF average dry weather flow
AC Alternating Current
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
CAS Conventional Activated Sludge
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
CU underflow concentration
DO Dissolved Oxygen
EA Extended Aeration
EBCT Empty Bed Contact Time
FRP Fiber Reinforced Plastic
HRT Hydraulic Retention Time
HDPE High density Polyethylene
IT Information Technology
IDEA Intermittent Decant Extended Aeration
Lpcd Litres per capita per day
LDA Lahore Development Authority
MLSS Mixed liquor suspended solids
NEQS National Environmental Quality Standards
NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
OD Oxidation Ditch
PHED Public Health Engineering Department
PLC Programmable Logic Control
PF Peaking Factor
PVC Polyvinyl chloride
PE Polyethylene
PCGIP Punjab Cities Governance Improvement Project
PCC Pre-stressed Concrete Cylinder
PE Population Equivalent
RCC Roller-compacted concrete
RAS Return activated sludge
SBR Sequencing Batch Reactor
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TSS Total Suspended Solids
TMA Tehsil Municipal Administration
UPVC Un-plasticized polyvinyl chloride
WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant
WASA Water and Sanitation Authority
WAS Waste activated sludge

List of Acronyms
Water & Sanitation Agencies, Punjab Design Criteria

1 General Design Criteria of Water Network

1.1 Project Design Horizon

In a conventional manner, it is recommended to design water supply networks, trunk sewers,
water & wastewater treatment plants and interceptors for the projected peak flows expected
during 25 years period or for the saturation population of the area. Such long design periods will
make it possible to capture economies of scale in sewerage system especially. However, these
have to be balanced against the opportunity cost of capital, uncertainties in predicting future land
use patterns or direction of the growth of the city and high cost of maintain large sewers with low
flows. The use of shorter design periods avoids such problems and reduces the large capital
requirements, facilities financing, and enhances prospects of achieving greater coverage with a
given investment. With a shorter to medium design periods and construction by phase, starting
from upstream ends, the effects of errors in forecasting the population growth and their water
consumption can be minimized and corrected.

The design horizon for water supply components shall be as follows:

Table 1-1: Design horizon for water supply components

Water Supply Network Component Design Life
Tube Well 15 years
Pump Houses 15 years
Pumping Machinery 10 years
Treatment Works
20 years (Repair or replacement of the pumping
Slow Sand Filter Plants sets might be necessary after 10 years of
Rapid Sand Filter plants 25 years (Repair or replacement of the pumping
sets might be necessary after 10 years of
Rising Mains 25 Years (for HDPE pipes). The size of rising
mains should be based on maximum day demand.
25 Years (for HDPE pipes). The capacities of
distribution system are to be based on peak hour
Distribution System
demand while tube wells and rising mains are to
be based on maximum day demands.

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General Design Criteria of Water Network
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1.2 Population Projections

The knowledge about the past populations and assumptions about future populations are
fundamental to the planning decisions. The projections are the estimates for the future dates.
They illustrate the plausible courses of future populations and are developed using normative
procedures comprised of mathematical models and analytical growth rates based on historical
data. The projected numbers are “best assessed” populations estimates based on published
government data comprising of most recent decennial census or the data available with the city
district government.

Additionally, the socio-economic models of population are more commonly used by the planners
for outline development plans/master plans, industrial development and IT service driven
development. The fact is that, none of the methods guarantees the exact precision of population
projections as the cities are dynamic entities and their development changes from time to time
and depending upon the master planning, city administration, policies, infrastructural creation
and socio-economic conditions.

The main objectives of the population projections are:

 To forecast the projected population for the project horizon with interim target years
 Analysis of the present and future populations using census data and published reports.
 Analysis of the future trends of the population’s growth
 Distribution of the population over the proposed water supply, sewerage network and
 Estimated of wastewater generation using per capita water consumption patterns.
As per PHED Design Criteria 1998, the population projections are to be determined through
compound rate of growth method using following expression:

Pn = Po (1+r/100) n ……………………………….. (1.1)


Pn = Projected population by the end of nth year

Po = Population of base year, year of known population
r = Population growth rate per year to be taken from related District Census Reports.
n = No. of years, counted from base year i.e. design period

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General Design Criteria of Water Network
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1.3 Water Demand

When the proposed project is in a community with an existing community supply, the
community’s historic records provide the best estimate of water use. Conversion of total demand
to per capita demand (liters per capita per day, Lpcd) allows for the separation of population
growth from the growth in unit consumption. If the proposed project is to improve the water
quality, consideration should be given to the likelihood that unit demand will increase because of
the improved water quality. In the absence of existing data for the client community, nearby
communities with similar demographics are a good alternative source. When the demographics
differ in some particular aspect such as a higher or lower density of commercial facilities or a
major industrial component, adjustment in the total demand will be appropriate.

Firstly, the extent of sewerage, system pressure, water price, water loss, age of the community,
and availability of private wells also influence water consumption but to a lesser degree.
Secondly, the influence of industry is to increase average per capita water demand. Small rural
and suburban communities will use less water per person than industrialized communities.

The third most important factor in water use is whether individual consumers have water meters.
Meterage imposes a sense of responsibility not found in unmetered residences and businesses.
This sense of responsibility reduces per capita water consumption because customers repair leaks
and make more conservative water-use decisions almost regardless of price. Because water is so
inexpensive, price is not much of a factor. The rationale for the last factor is straightforward. Per
capita water use increases with an increased standard of living.

Following meterage closely is the aspect called system management. If the water distribution
system is well managed, per capita water consumption is less than if it is not well managed. Well
managed systems are those in which the managers know when and where leaks in the water main
occur and have them repaired promptly.

For a community supply system that includes a new treatment plant and a new distribution
system, water loss through leaks is not a major factor in estimating demand. For a new plant with
an existing old distribution system, water loss through leaks may be a major considerations.

1.3.1 Domestic Water Consumption

The standard for the determination of domestic water consumption is based on the population
slabs in Table1.2.

1.3.2 Industrial Water Consumption

For institutions such as hospitals, hostels, schools etc. an allowance @ 10 gallons per boarder and @ 5
gallons per day scholar is to be made.
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Table 1-2: Domestic water supply standards

Design Population Per Capita Consumption/day (inclusive of Non-Revenue Water (NRW)
Above 1 lac 33 gallons (with 20%NRW) )sewerage facilities

Up to 3million 35 Gallon (with 20%NRW)

Up to 5 million 40 Gallon (with 20%NRW)
Above 5 million 45 Gallon (with 20%NRW)
Hospitals, Educational As per actual no. of persons using particular building
Institutes, Govt.
Offices, Mosques &

The unit demand estimates are averages. Water consumption changes with the seasons, the days
of the week, and the hours of the day. Fluctuations are greater in small than in large
communities, and during short rather than long periods of time. The variation in demand is
normally reported as a factor of the average day.

1.3.3 Variations in Water Demand

The Following standers to be followed for computation of the short term variations:

A. Maximum day demand is to be taken as 1.5 times the average day demand
B. Peak hour demand to be taken as 1.5 times the maximum day demand

1.4 Water Sources

Water extracted from a source is referred to as raw water. The exploitable raw water
quantity during a definite time is denominated as the capacity of a source.

1.4.1 Purpose
In the context of public water supply design, the purpose of a raw water source is the reliable
delivery of water. A source is reliable if sufficient water is available every day of the year.

1.4.2 Key Principles

The following key principles apply:

 Sources in proximity to the supply area shall prevail (economic consideration).

 The source must ensure a reliable supply up to the design horizon.
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 In case there is no single source providing the required amounts of water, a combination
of two or more sources has to be envisaged.
 The use of the source shall not lead to conflicts with other water users (or at least only if
mitigation measures will be implemented prior to investing into source capping).


The exploitation of a water source has to be conducted in a sustainable way. In particular, the
extracted water quantity must not exceed the quantity, which is recharged by the natural
hydro-geological or hydrological system. The admissible water quantity for exploitation
has to be identified for each specific source on the basis of hydro-geological and hydrological

Thus, prior to identifying water sources to be used for a water supply system, investigations are
required. These should cover amongst others:

 Identification of possible sources.

 Collecting available information on sources (location, elevation, water quantity and
quality issues). This also includes the experiences of people living in the vicinity for a
longer period.
 Assessing possible sources of pollution (potential or existing).
 Assessing rates of usage of these sources (avoid overexploitation and conflicts with other
 Cultural aspects to be taken into account.
By carrying out these advance investigations, the number of potential sources is usually already

In case water quality and yields have not been monitored, but the source is identified as
potentially appropriate, it is recommended to carry out a survey for a period of at least one year
by measuring on a weekly basis the yield and on a monthly basis the water quality. The
minimum yield measured during this period, lowered by a climate change factor or by a
factor taking into account the rainfall of the year of measurement compared to a drought
year, will define the source capacity (Hydro geological assessments).

Prior to any design, the seasonal patterns of the source’s capacities shall be investigated
for a minimum period of one year. During this time, measurements of the source
capacity shall be conducted at appropriate intervals. Additional measurements are required
during heavy rainwater periods, floods and droughts. For groundwater, a hydro-geological

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investigation programme specifying the intervals and locations of measurement is necessary in

order to identify the seasonal pattern of source capacity.

In case only an intermediate yield was recognized, either the source must be omitted for supply
purposes or an alternative source has to be identified as a back-up solution for the period of low
or no-flow (this will not be feasible if the period of low flow or no-flow matches peak
demand periods. In this case, this specific source should immediately be taken out of the list of
potential water supply sources).

If two or more options for source tapping exist, a comparison of total costs shall contribute to the
decision of which option to choose. Generally, the least expensive option shall prevail.


The types of water sources usually feature different water qualities. Therefore, a water supply
design measure shall strive to exploit that source, which represents the best water
quality. The ranking of sources according to their quality level is as follows, beginning with the
best quality:

 Spring
 Ground water
 Artificial basin
 Lake
 River
 Rain water
For sweet water zones, groundwater is the source of choice. However, due to depleting aquifers,
surface water has become the ultimate choice. For brackish water zones, in case a canal or
distributaries available at a reasonable distance, skimming wells (shallow Tube wells) will be
installed along the bank and pumped to the community through a rising main after appropriate
treatment by chlorination or UF plant.

1.5 Tube wells Design Criteria

The Tube wells will be designed to meet Maximum day demand.
A. Entrance Velocity: The Entrance Velocity 0.05 ft / sec in the strainer is recommended
against the allowable value of 0.1 ft /sec to 0.2 ft / sec to check the entry of fine sand into
the screen.
B. Opening Area of the Strainer: Opening area normally ranges from 10% to 12%, the
lower limit of 10% is recommended for design purposes.

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C. Slot Size: Slot size 1”x 1/30” is recommended for the screen. Shrouding shall be
D. House Pipe : The diameter of House Pipe will be based on the design discharge of tube
E. Sanitary Seal: To control and check the surface and ground contamination at shallow
depths sanitary seal consisting 1:2:4 plain cement concrete is recommended.
F. Shrouded Material: The shrouding material will be of pea gravels having size 1/8” to
3/8” and its thickness will be in the range of 3” to 6”, however the later one is preferred
and used.
G. Shrouding Pipes: Shrouding shall be done through 3” diameter P.V.C. Pipe or
equivalent. Suitable values of the parameters shall be carefully selected.
H. Delivery Pipes: Length of delivery pipe in pump house should be 6-9ft to have proper
installation of measuring instruments like portable Ultrasonic flow meter for energy audit
purpose. Pressure gauge should be installed on the delivery pipe for pressure head

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2 Water Distribution and Storage

2.1 Water Supply Design Criteria

Water distribution and storage are, in most instances, the most costly parts of a water supply
scheme. Hence savings in these areas through good design can often result in significant savings
for a whole project.

The elements of a water distribution and –storage system include some or all of the following:

 Bulk water transmission systems;

 Bulk-storage reservoirs;
 Intermediate-storage reservoirs;
 Distribution networks; and
 Terminal consumer installations.
The water distribution system shall be designed, and pipe sizes shall be selected such that under
conditions of peak demand, the capacities at the fixture supply pipe outlets shall not be less than
the criteria provided. The minimum flow rate and flow pressure provided to fixtures and
appliances not listed here in design criteria shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
installation instructions.

2.1.1 Terminal Pressure

The minimum design nodal pressure are prescribed to discharge design flows onto the properties.
Generally, it is based on population served and type of area to be served (middle income, high
income, low income, high density, low density, single story, double story etc ).It is not
economical to maintain high pressure in the distribution network just to cater the needs of few
high rise buildings in the area. Moreover, the water leakage losses increase with the increase in
the terminal/system pressure in a water distribution system.

A) Keeping in view the trends of multistory building construction in urban residential areas it is
advisable to adopt at least 6 meters (0.6 bars) minimum terminal pressure and maximum
terminal pressure of 65 m (6.5 bars)
B) For rural residential areas, the existing standard of terminal pressure is 12 meter.

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2.1.2 Velocity Flow in Pipes

The following standards shall be adopted for the velocity of pipes:

 Distribution mains 0.5 to 2 m/sec.

 Rising mains 0.3 to 2 m/sec but for long rising mains, life cycle cost analysis will be done to
ensure most economical size of pipe

2.1.3 Earth Cover over Pipes

The minimum depth of cover for water distribution systems and sanitary force mains shall be 36
inches, measured from the top of the pipe to the established finished grade above the pipe.
However all road cuts are to be filled in with pit sand / river sand. During design, site layout of other
infrastructure (i.e. storm sewer, gravity sanitary sewer, etc) shall be considered in minimizing the
need to have deep pressure mains.

2.1.4 Public Stand Posts (PSPs)

The following standards to be adopted regarding PSPs:

 PSPs should not be provided in urban areas and only be provided in the semi-urban areas/
peri-urban areas.
 The location of the stand-posts shall be made in such a manner that it is at an
approximate distance of about 350 feet from the end consumers in the rural areas and
should be avoided in the semi urban areas as far as possible to reduce losses of water and
 Each stand-post shall serve about 200 persons.

 PSP to be provided only after study of revenue collection data of concerned area.

2.1.5 Minimum Size of Pipe

The minimum size of the tertiary water pipe shall be taken as 3 inches.

2.1.6 Material of the Pipe

The pipe material to be used shall conform the standard given here below in Table Table 2-1.

Table 2-1: Pipe material

Material Standard
uPVC Class C Pipes BS: 3505:1986
PE Class C Pipes DIN 8074/8075
GRP Class C Pipes ASTM D-3517

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2.1.7 Service Connection

Following standards for service connection to be adopted.

Table 2-2: Service Connection Standard

Service Connection Buried G.I./ PE Pipe with Saddle
Clamp & Ferrule
Domestic Service House Connection 1/2 inch
Commercial Connection 3/4 inch

2.1.8 Sluice Valves

Sluice valves will be located at main control points for balancing and regulating the flows. The
sluice valves shall be Cast Iron Flanged or non-rising stem.

2.1.9 Non-Return Valves

The Non-Return valve shall meet the following minimum standards:

 Outside the delivery main of the Tubewells

 In the rising main after every 1000 meters.

2.1.10 Air Release Valve

The Air relief valve shall meet the following minimum standards:

 At the summits and

 After 2000 meter intervals in straight reaches to facilities escape of trapped air
 The material of the air relief valve shall be Cast Iron

2.1.11 Washout
Washout to be located at the lowest points to wash out all kinds of debris.

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2.2 Storage Reservoirs

2.2.1 Overhead Reservoirs

Overhead storage reservoirs should be provided for all water supply schemes. Capacity of
overhead reservoirs should be based on 1/6th of average day demand. Nearest standard size of
reservoir shall be used with a capacity min of 5,000 gals.

2.2.2 Groundwater Reservoir

When the length of the rising main is such that the loss of head is very high, intermediate
pumping stations comprising a storage tank and pumping machinery installed in a pump house
will be used. Capacity of ground water storage tank @ ¼th average daily demand will be

2.2.3 Water Metering

For ensuring sustainability of water supply schemes and for avoiding water wastage, 100%
metering will be done. The cost of water meters shall be recovered from the users in easy

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3 Potable Drinking Water Treatment

3.1 Conventional Treatment

Conventional Treatment Plant shall consist of an Intake Structure from canal or river,
Sedimentation Tank, Slow Sand filter(s), clear water tank and chlorination facility.

A) slow sand Filter

Table 3-1: Design standards for slow sand filter

Component Typical Standard
Raw water storage 50% of 21 days average water requirement
Rate of filtration 40 gallons per day per sft of sand area
Depth of filter sand 30 to 36 inches
Effective size of sand (d10) top of filter gravel to 1 0.3 to 0.35 mm
1 to 2 feet 0.25 to 0.30 mm
Top layer 9 inches minimum 0.18 to 0.22 mm
Uniformity Co-efficient of sand (d 60/d 10) 2.5
Depth of water over the sand 3-4 feet
Velocity of water in under drainage system Not more than 0.75 feet/sec

B) Rapid Sand Filter

Table 3-2: Design standards for rapid sand filter

Component Typical Standard
Flocculation Tank
Detention Time 20-30 Seconds
Velocity Gradient 20-75 L/s
Diffuser Wall
Velocity through the Diffuser Wall to prevent 0.5 Ft/s
floc break up
Sedimentation Tank
Detention Time 1.5-4.0 Hr
Overflow Rate 131-197 ft3/ft2/hr
Side Water Depth 10-16.5 Ft
Rapid Sand Gravity Filters
Type of Filters Constant Head
Filter Media Sand
Filtration Rate 16.4 – 49 ft3/ft2/hr
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Component Typical Standard

Bed Depth 2 - 5.9 Ft
Uniformity Coefficient 1.3-1.7
Backwash Flow Rate media 10% of the settling velocity of the filter
Air Flow Rate 30-60 m3/m2/hr
36-72 m3/m2/hr
Minimum Filtration Cycle 24 Hr
Uniformity Coefficient 1.3-1.7
Backwash Flow Rate media 10% of the settling velocity of the filter
Air Flow Rate 30-60 m3/m2/hr
36-72 m3/m2/hr
Coagulants Alum & Lime
Disinfection Chlorine

3.2 Ultrafiltration
Design Criteria for various types of filter plants to be used, depending upon the type of
contamination as per water quality test results, will be as given in the table below:

Table 3-3: Design criteria of UF water treatment plants

Parameter Range of Typical values

If turbidity is >1 NTU Coagulation, Flocculation & Sedimentation

Strainer or Cartridge / bag Filters of Rating 100-500 µm

Pre Filtration (Pressure Sand Filtration)

Filtration Rate 10.0 - 20 m/h
Backwash rate 40 -50 m / h
Backwashing Time Adjustable by PLC

Sand Effective Size 0.8 - 1.0 mm

UC 1.4 - 1.7
Depth 0.8 - 2.0 m
SG ≥ 2.63
Pre Filtration (Sand & Anthracite)
Filtration Rate 10 -25 m/h
40 -50 m / h

Backwash rate Adjustable by PLC

Backwashing Time Effective Size 0.45 - 0.65

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Parameter Range of Typical values

Sand UC 1.4 - 1.5

Depth 0.3 m
SG ≥ 2.63
Anthracite Coal Effective Size 0.9 -1.4
UC 1.4 - 1.5
Depth 0.45 m
SG ≥ 1.5 to 1.6
Vessel FRP
Activated Carbon Filtration Design Criteria separately presented
UF Membrane Filters
Membrane Type Hollow Fiber membrane with pore size 0.01 µm
Permeate flux (Pressurized) 30-170 L/m2 h

Transmembrane pressure (TMP) 15 - 100 psi

Area of membrane per module 8-70 m2per module

Modules per rack 2-300

Module dimensions
Diameter 100-300 mm
Length 1-6 m
Filter run duration 30-90 min

Duration 1 - 5 min
Pressure 35-350 kPa

Flow rate 6 L/min/m2

Backwashing Time Adjustable by PLC
Time between chemical cleaning 5 -180 d

Duration of Chemical Cleaning 1-6h

Excess Membrane Capacity 25 % (To account for racks being off line for back
washing & /or maintenance / unanticipated change in
water quality)
Post Treatment
Bacteria Below Detection Level
Viruses Greater than 99.9999 Percent Rejection

Waste Disposal Into the sanitary sewerage system

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3.3 Activated Carbon Filter

The utilization of granu1ar- carbon filtration is a relatively simple and economical procedure. It
is possible to adopt existing plant filters for a combination filtration -adsorption unit process with
minimum alteration, by filling them with granular carbon.

Table 3-4: Design criteria of activated Carbon filters

Parameters Range of Typical Values
Filtration Rate 5 - 24 m/h
Empty Bed Contact Time 5 - 25 Minutes
Backwashing Rate 8 -38 m/h
Base Material Coconut shell, Wood, bituminous coal, lignite coal

Effective Size 0.8 -0.9 mm

Uniformity Coefficient ≤ 1.9
Washed Density 0.4 g/cm3
Iodine No 1050 mg/g (Min)
Surface Area 1000 m2/g
Vessel Material FRP
Replacement On depletion of the adsorption capacity
Waste Disposal In to the sanitary sewerage system

3.4 Arsenic Removal

A) The Design criteria for Granular Ferric Hydroxide (GHF) - absorbent iron based for
arsenic removal is as follows:

Table 3-5: Design specifications for GHF

Parameters Range of Typical Values
Hydraulic Loading Rate 5 - 8 gpm /sft
Empty Bed Contact Time (EBCT) 5 -10 Min
Media Size 0.32 - 2.0 mm
Grain Density 1.59 g/cm3
Bulk Density 1.22 - 1.29 g/cm3

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Parameters Range of Typical Values

Specific Surface Area 250 - 300 m2/g (Dry Weight
Backwashing / Regeneration NIL
pH Value Range
Turbidity <0.3
PO-4 < 1 mg/l
Post Treatment None
Vessel Material Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP)
Process Control PLC / Digital

B) Activated Alumina (AA) absorbent for Arsenic Removal

Table 3-6: Design specifications for Activated Alumina

Parameters Range of Typical Values
Hydraulic Loading Rate 5 - 8 gpm /sft
Empty Bed Contact Time (EBCT) 5 Min (Minimum)
Media Size 0.29 - 0.50 mm
Grain Density 3.97 g/cm3
Bulk Density 0.641 - 0.960 g/cm3
Specific Surface Area 300 -350 m2/g (Dry Weight)
Backwashing 8 -9 gpm/ft2 for 50 % bed expansion
Regeneration NIL
pH Value Range 5.5 - 6.0
Turbidity <0.3
Post Treatment pH adjustment
Vessel Material Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP)
Process Control PLC / Digital

3.5 Fluoride Removal

The specifications for Activated Alumina (AA) absorbent for Fluoride Removal shall be as

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Table 3-7: Design specifications of activated Alumina absorbent for Fluoride removal
Parameters Range of Typical Values
Empty Bed Contact Time (EBCT) 5 Min (Minimum)
Fluoride Capacity of AA 6 -8 Kg /m3
Media Size 0.29 - 0.50 mm
Grain Density 3.97 g/cm3
Bulk Density 0.641 - 0.960 g/cm3
Specific Surface Area 300 -350 m2/g (Dry Weight)
Bed Depth 0.9 - 1.85 m
Backwashing 8 -9 gpm/ft2 for 50 % bed expansion
Backwashing Time 10 -15 Minutes
Regeneration NIL
pH Value Range 5 - 6.5 (with 5.5 at optimal)
Turbidity <0.3
Post Treatment pH adjustment
Vessel Material Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP)
Process Control PLC / Digital

3.6 Iron and Manganese Removal

Design Criteria for the removal of Iron & Manganese using strong Oxidizing agent (ClO2 or
MnO4) and subsequent Filtration through Green Sand Media.

Table 3-8: Design specifications of filter and oxidants for removal of Fe and Mn
Parameters Range of Typical Values
Contact Time of Fe2+&Mn with ClO2 for 5 & 20 Seconds
Contact Time with KMnO4 5 Min
Oxidants Requirement
Chlorine 0.64 mg /mg of Fe2+
ClO2 1.2 mg /mg of Fe2+
KMnO4 0.84 mg /mg of Fe2+
Filtration (Pressure Filters)

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Parameters Range of Typical Values

Filtration Media Green Sand
Filtration Rate 240 - 480 m/d
Backwash Rate 480 -1200 m/d
Effective Green sand Media Size < 0.3 mm
Regeneration Periodic
Regenerate KMnO4 solution
Vessel Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP)

Note: Small concentrations of Fe2+ &Mn2+ can be removed through Ion Exchange Process
using SAC Resins – Sulphonated Polystyrene

Source: Water Treatment Principles & Design by MWH

3.7 Nitrates Removal

Design Criteria by using selective Ion Exchange Resins for Nitrates removal from water.

Table 3-9: Design criteria of ION Exchange resins for Nitrates removal
Parameters Range of Typical Values
Hydraulic Loading Rate 400 - 800 m /m2.d

Depth of Resin Bed >0.9 m

Backwash Rate 5 - 7 m3 / m3.h
Backwash Duration 5 - 20 min
Regenerated NaCl
Regenerated Dose 80 - 320 Kg of NaCl /m3 of Regenerated
pH Range 0 – 14
Resin Capacity 1.0 meq/l
Turbidity < 5 NTU
TDS < 1000 mg/l
Treated water Quality Increased Chloride & Corrossivity
Post Treatment Usually None
Process Control PLC/ Digital

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Parameters Range of Typical Values

Waste Characteristics Volumes of brine containing NO3 & excess NaCl
Waste Disposal Disposal into the sanitary sewerage system

3.8 Reverse Osmosis System

The RO plant shall be installed at places where water contains high concentrations of dissolved
solids. The Design Criteria of RO plants shall be as follows:

Table 3-10: Design Criteria for RO Plant

Parameters Range of Typical Values
Pre Treatment Objectives
Turbidity < 1 NTU
Silt Density Index (SDI15) ≤5
pH 4.5 - 5.5
Pre Treatment
If turbidity is >1 NTU Coagulation, Flocculation & Sedimentation
Pressure Filtration Same as given in Ultrafiltration Design Criteria
Ultra-Filtration Same as given in Ultrafiltration Design Criteria
Cartridge Filter 100-500 µm
To controls Carbonate, Sulphates, Calcium H2SO4 / HCl, SHMP, Organophosphates and
Fluoride and Silica Scaling Polyacrelytes and other propriety compounds
(antiscalant dose to be decided in consultation with the
manufacturer and the degree of problem)

Microbial Fouling Control Chemical biocides and biocets

(Dose to be decided in consultation with the

Iron and Manganese Fouling Control H2SO4 / HCl, SHMP,

(Dose to be decided in consultation with the
manufacturer & degree of problem)

Reverse Osmosis
RO Membrane Type Spiral Wound Membrane

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Parameters Range of Typical Values

Operating Pressure
Brackish Water (5000 mg/l TDS) 350 - 600 psi
Brackish Water (1000 mg/l TDS) 125- 300 psi
Packing density 164-1640 m2/m3
Flux 0.1-5 m3/m2 d
Recovery factor
Brackish Water (5000 mg/l TDS) 65 - 80 percent
Brackish Water (1000 mg/l TDS) 70 - 85 percent

Salt rejection 85-99 percent

Membrane Array Design
(Based on recovery)
One Stage ≤50 % Recovery
Second Stage >50 % but < 75 % Recovery
Third Stage < 90 % Recovery
Post Treatment
pH adjustment NaOH or NaHCO3 addition
CO2 stripping
H2S stripping
Corrosion inhibitor
Protection against future contamination Disinfection
Processed Water Characteristics Desired level of TDS in water
Waste (Concentrate) Disposal Controlled discharge in the sanitary sewerage system

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4 Sewerage System
Sewerage systems (domestic wastewater treatment systems) or material alterations to sewerage
systems are required to be developed in accordance with design criteria. The design criteria set
minimum standards necessary for domestic wastewater treatment systems to function properly
and meet requirements for effluent quality. The criteria also contain certain safety standards.

The technical standards for sewerage system include the prescribed directions, requirements,
explanations, terms and provisions pertaining to the various features of the work to be done, or
manner and method of performance.

4.1 Location of Disposal Works

Following criteria to be followed for the location selection of the disposal works:

 The waste water disposal station should be located at a place from where sullage water can be
safely economically and hygienically disposed of into a permanent and final disposal preferably
through some receiving natural water body.

 The sewers will be generally designed as partially combined system allowing surcharging of the
system for some time depending upon the financial capability of the sponsoring agency.

 Bypass arrangements at disposal station must be provided wherever possible in order to

meet emergencies and to avoid un-necessary pumping. For storm water disposal
additional storm well pump should be provided.

4.2 Design Period

4.2.1 Master Plan

Master plan with design horizon of 20 years should be prepared for the sewerage system but
implementation should take place in phases, according to the priority of work/area.

4.2.2 Land Acquisition

Land acquisition for STP, Pumping Stations, sewers etc. Since the land availability might be
difficult at the appropriate location at reasonable cost. It is proposed that the land shall be
acquired for at least 30 years. Especially for PPP mode. Sufficient area for the disposal station
should be acquired to accommodate future expansion for the next at least 40 years

4.2.3 Civil Works Including Sewers

The design period for civil works and sewers should be 25 years. There are a number of
considerations for selecting design period of sewers and allied civil work, which includes
expansion trends, economies of scale and financial position of the sponsoring / client
institutions. It has however been observed that sewers laid in various cities of the province for
the last more than 30 years are still functioning well. In view of the present economic condition
of the country it is advisable to use 25 years as design period for sewers and allied civil works.

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4.2.4 Pumping Mains

Pumping mains shall be designed with a lifespan of at least 30 years. However, it is not
possible for pumping mains to work for 30 years without preventive and operational
maintenance. Repair or replacement of the pumping sets might be necessary after 10 years of
operation. The machinery needs continuous upkeep and maintenance, if properly maintained, it can last
for 20 years. For replacement purposes 15 years period is recommended.

4.2.5 Pumping Station Civil Works

Replacement of pumping station civil work is difficult and costly, therefore it is recommended to set
lifespan of pumping station for at least 30 years. However, it is not possible for pumping stations to
work for 15 years without preventive and operational maintenance. Repair or replacement of the
pumping sets might be necessary after 10 years of operation.

4.3 Design Flows

Wastewater flow quantities are necessarily lower than the quantity supplies/used because water
is lost through leakage/evaporation, garden watering, house cleaning etc. To determine the
expected amount of wastewater, it is important to keep records of pumping for each day and
fluctuations during the day. Reliance on estimates of water usage can lead to erroneous design
flows. Information should be obtained from the area under consideration. The design flow is
based on this returned quantity multiplied by a peaking factor which is inversely proportional
to the population size. All sewers will be designed on running full conditions with Manning’s

4.3.1 Unit Flow Factor

Unit flow factors are design parameter that are used to estimate design flows of sewerage
systems and sewerage treatment facilities. The unit flow factor is the average sewage flow
(average dry weather flow ADWF) contributed by the one unit of sewerage (person or
employee) per day.

Table 4-1: Unit flow factors for various sources

Waste water Source Water Requirements (lpcd) Sewerage flow(inclusive of 5%
infiltration ) lpcd
Residential 160(42 gpcd) 135
Commercial 47 40
Government institutions 47 40
Educational 47 40

The design flow is determined by summing the products of the number of the contributing
units of each source with appropriate unit flow factors. The unit flow factors for various
sources like residential, commercial, governmental, educational and religious can be adopted as
given in Table 4-1.

For the current scenario, sewage flow is to be adopted as 80% of the water consumption. Water
consumption has been taken as 35 gcpd/132 lpcd, so the sewage flow become 28 gpcd (i.e 80
% of water consumption).

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4.3.2 In-Filtration
Following criteria shall be used for the computation of infiltration rates:

Table 4-2: Infiltration Rate

Sewer type Infiltration Rate
Sewerage above Sub-soil water level 350gpd/inch dia/mile
Sewer below Sub-soil water level 700gpd/inch dia/mile

4.3.3 Peak Factor

Peaking flows are the cumulative results of combinations of factors such as diurnal and
seasonal flow variations of flow components and characteristics responses of inflow and base
flows to the storm events. Peak flows can be determined by multiplying the average dry
weather flow (DWF) by the peaking factor (PF).

The maximum design flow is determined using Average Daily Flow (ADF) and the Harmon
Peaking Factor (HPF):

M = 1+ 14/ 4+P0.05 (4.1)


M = the Harmon Peaking Factor

p = population (in thousands)

The maximum design flow shall be the average daily flow times the peaking factor M.

The peak domestic sewage flow is calculated as:

Q(d) = Pq M/ 86.4 +lA (4.2)


Q (d) = Peak domestic sewage flow (including extraneous flow) in litres per second.
P = Design Population in thousands
q = Average daily per capita domestic flow in litres/capita/day
M = Peaking Factor (as derived from the Harmon Formula)
ℓ = Unit of peak extraneous flow in litres/hectare/second
A = Area in hectares
Population based peaking factors are to be used for hydraulic modelling purposes in the current
project. Population based peaking factors decrease with increasing populations. For cumulative
sewerage flow, the following criteria based on the population, have been used for the current

Table 4-3: Peaking factor wrt Population

Population in thousand Peak Factor

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Up to 5 4.50
5-10 4.00
10-25 3.50
25-50 3.00
50-100 2.50
More than 100 2.00
It is ratio of peak demand or peak flow over the maximum demand or flow.

4.3.4 Maximum Dry Weather Flow

Multiply the average daily flow by the peak factor to calculate the maximum dry weather flow.

4.3.5 Industrial Wastewater Allowance

Allowance should to be provided for industrial waste as per actual assessment of the treated
industrial waste according to the Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS).

4.3.6 Storm water Allowance

Proper arrangements for connecting storm water drainage appurtenances and sewerage
system are to be adequately provided. The standard allowance criteria to be adopted is given
in Table 4-4.

4.4 Shape of Sewer

The shape of the sewers varies from circular, elliptical, egg shaped, semi elliptical to mouth
shaped the application of the respective kind will depend on site conditions and project

Table 4-4: Storm water Allowance

Areas Storm water Allowance
For Rural area Nill
For Urban Areas  Take 50% of peak flow as storm water
allowance in case of the Northern Zone;

 Take 33% of peak flow as storm water

allowance in the Southern Zone.

Circular sewers are adopted when the flow of the sewers is nearly uniform, as these are
stronger, cheaper and structurally more stable than others. Oval or egg shaped sewers are
adopted best for situations where there is an intermittent flow of sewerage- that is, when the
flow varies considerably at different times. The reason for this is, at time when there is , but a
small quantity of sewage passing, the flow occupies the narrow bottom of the egg-shaped
sewer at a greater depth than it would be in a circular sewer of the same area of section. This
increase depth of the sewage causes it to flow with greater velocity, and thus renders the sewer
high hydraulic efficiency. However, they have become obsolete due to problems in laying,
instability at bottom and high precision required during laying.
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Horizontal elliptical pipe is used with equivalent circular sizes with tongue and groove cement
mortar or mastic compound joint. The horizontal elliptical pipe is installed with the major axis
horizontal and is used for minimum cover situations or other conditions where vertical
clearance problems are encountered. It offers the hydraulic advantage of greater capacity for
the same depth of flow than other shapes of equivalent sectional area. Load under similar cover
conditions are similar to that of circular pipe with the same pan. Thus they are mostly used
under conditions of insufficient covers for laying of pipes. In ordre to ensure smooth flow for
carrying peak discharge by a hydraulically efficient system and leass prone to blockage, it is
proposed to have a circular pipes for sewerage collection netrwork

4.5 Velocity at Design Flow

It is proposed that minimum gradient to be adopted are such that to maintain a self-cleansing
velocity of 10 ft/sec at design peak flow in new sanitary sewer under the ultimate scenario
subject to minimum velocity of 2 ft/sec for peak flows at the current scenario. Hence, while
designing the sewers, it is proposed to maintain a desirable velocity under flowing full
condition is to be adopted as 2.5 ft. /sec. The maximum gradient to be adopted is such that the
maximum velocity should not exceed 2 ft. /sec when flowing half or full bore in order to
prevent scouring of sewers by erosive actions of suspended matter.

In case of construction of manholes for laterals, braches and sometimes even on the
intermediate sections, minimum velocity for the design flow is likely to be less that the self-
cleaning velocity. But manholes and sewers will be flushed out during peak flow period
carrying forward silt, which may get deposited during minimum flow period, especially during
night hours. Adopting lower values of velocities through lesser gradients will be helpful in
avoiding deep excavations. However, at certain sections, where undercrossing of deeper sub
drains and main drains as physical constraints, smaller sections of the sewer may be sloped at a
steeper gradient to minimize the number and height of the drops required invert levels. While
developing sewers, this point shall be given due consideration prior to the design of the sewers.
In case, where the above velocity criteria are not met, prescribes slope for different flows shall
be adopted.

Table 4-5: Velocity and design flows

Design Conditions Velocity
Desirable minimum 2.00 feet/second
In difficult situations 2.50 feet/second
Maximum in hilly areas 7 feet/second

4.6 Spacing of the Manholes

On sewers, which are to be cleaned manually, but cannot be entered for cleaning or inspection,
the optimum distance between the manholes may be 100-150 feet (for smaller dia. Sewers). In
Case of current scenario, a manhole spacing of 100 feet might be adopted for arterial sewers
which will be finalized in the final engineering design. Foe the sewers, which are to be cleaned
with mechanical devices, the spacing of the manholes will depend upon the type of the
equipment to be used for cleaning sewers. For diameter, less than 36 inches, spacing of
manholes adopted is 100- 300 ft. (30 -90 m) subjected to site accessibility and availability. The
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spacing of the manholes above 300 ft to 500 ft may be allowed for sewers of diameters
45inches or above and which may further be increased upto 1000 ft for sewer of 72 inches
diameter subject to site accessibility.

A) Spacing of manholes in straight lines shall be as under:

Table 4-6: Spacing of manholes in straight line

Sewer Size Spacing Spacing
9 inches 50 feet
12 inches 100 feet
15 inches 150 feet
18 inches 200 feet
21-24 250 feet
27-42 300 feet
48-60 400 feet
Above 60 inches 500 feet

B) Where-ever drop is more than 3 ft, drop manhole should be constructed.

C) Sewer above Sub-soil water level shall be constructed as per following design criteria

Table 4-7:Design criteria for sewer above sub soil level

Size of Sewer (Inches) Depth (Feet) Manhole (Feet) Remarks

9–12 Up to 4 2’ x 2’ Masonry 1:3

9-21 4–7 4’ dia Cement mortar
Up to 8 ft depth 9 inches
24–30 8–20 5’ dia
33–42 8–20 6½’ dia From 8 ft to 15 ft depth
45–54 8–20 7½’ dia 13-½ to 9 inches
60 8–20 8’ dia Masonry
66 8–20 8’ dia From 15 ft to 20 ft,
72 8–20 9’ dia Depth, 18 to 13-½ inches

D) For manholes under sub soil water, core-wall and floor will be designed as per actual
depth of water encountered.
E) For depth more than 10 feet, RCC slab will be put at 7 feet from invert and then 4 feet
dia masonry will be constructed up to surface.

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4.7 Minimum Size of Sewer

Although there are some agencies that allow new 6-inch sewers , a minimum sanitary sewer
pipe size of 9-inches is generally accepted as the industry standard and is the current proposed
Lahore WASA design criteria.Therefore, except for service lines (laterals), the minimum
acceptable gravity pipe diameter for all newly constructed pipelines shall be 9-inches.

4.8 Earth Cover

A 3.0 ft earth cover should be provided above crown of the sewer. However, in case of sewer laid under
road crossings, sand will be filled to provide cover instead of earth.


Manning's 'n' roughness coefficient is the friction factor utilized in the Manning's Equation for
gravity flow to describe the roughness of a particular pipe material or condition. There has
been much debate over the idea that the ‘n’ value of a pipe can change over time as the pipe
ages and a lime layer grows on the pipe wall. One side of the debate claims that the roughness
or ‘n’ value of this lime layer is the same whether the lime layer grows on a concrete wall, a
vitrified clay wall, or a plastic wall. The other side of this debate proposes that a different ‘n’
value should be used for different pipe materials, generally ranging from 0.008 for plastic pipe
to 0.016 for unlined concrete pipe with vitrified clay pipe between the two values. A Manning's
‘n’ design value of 0.013, the most widely accepted value in the industry, provides some
degree of conservatism if, in fact, there is a significant benefit to the smoother plastic pipe and
PVC-lined (T-lock) pipe walls.

Table 4-8: Manning Coefficient of different materials

Sewer Material Manning Coefficient
New Lines 0.013
Old lines 0.015
UPVC 0.009
PE 0.008-0.011
HDPE 0.012 - 0.024

4.10 Bedding of Sewers

A) Above sub-soil water level

 For Sewers 9"-12" - Sand

 For Sewers 15" dia - Crush stone and above ¼”-1” size
B) Below sub-soil water

 Decision to be taken as per site conditions, PCC or RCC.

 Outfall pumping stations are proposed to be designed to cater to the maximum
peak load plus a 33% stand by (33% of peak load). Capacity

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 Present average flow (if it is less than ½ of ultimate average) or ½ ultimate

 Present and ultimate peak flows. (Coarse screens with 2 inches mesh should be
installed on the screening chamber).

4.11 Class of Pipes

ASTM pipes class 11(C-76) as amended by PHED, for class-111 pipes, decision to be taken
as per specific site conditions.

4.12 Pipe Reinforcement

As per BSS and ASTM specifications (as amended by PHED).

4.13 Slope of Sewer Line

Minimum gradient of sewers to attain velocities per section 4 above

4.14 Outfall Works

 The capacity of pumps shall be such that combination for minimum average flow and
peak flow is possible.
 Efficiency ≥70%
 Motor P.F ≥ 0.89
 Motor Efficiency≥ 85%
 Motor should be installed with soft starter
 Electrical Cable should be designed for 80% of load
 Transformer should be design for 80% load
 Pump minimum efficiency should be greater than 60%
 Motor efficiency should be greater than 85%
 Motor power factor should be greater than 0.89
 There should be power Improvement capacitor to achieve 0.9-0.95
 Rating of the motor should not be greater than pump rating by 25%
 Standby arrangement should be made for 33 % of the peak flow.
 For the design of collecting tanks (Wet Well) following detention times will be used.

Table 4-9: Detention time

Sewer Material Detention time (Minutes )
Population up to 25,000 10
25,000---50,000 5
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50,000---100,000 4
100,000—200,000 3
Above 200,000 2

4.15 Sewage Pump Selection

The selection of sewage pumping units should be made keeping in the following

 Use of horizontal pumps in the depressed chamber should be avoided as far as

possible. Theses may be used for smaller discharges because the cordon shaft
pumps of smaller discharges may not be available.
 Cordon shaft pumps may be used for greater discharge where the quality of
sewage is not good and the system is connected to surface drains as well.
 All such pumps will be discharged for passing solids of 2-3 inches size. These
will be powered by AC electric connections.

4.16 Design Flow of Drainage

The capacity of storm water drainage is calculated according to Rational Method, which relates
the flow to the rainfall intensity, the tributary area, and a coefficient, which represents the
combined effects of ponding, percolation, and evaporation. This discharge is calculated as


Q = Discharge in cusecs
C = Run Off Co-efficient
I = Rain fall intensity

A) Lawn, sandy soil

Table 4-10: Run off coefficient for sandy soil

Slope Run off coefficient
2% slope 0.05-0.10

2-7% slope 0.10-0.15

>7% slope 0.15-0.20

B) Lawn, Heavy soil

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Table 4-11: Run off coefficient for heavy soil

Slope Run off coefficient
2% slope 0.13-0.17

2-7% slope 0.18-0.22

>7% slope 0.25-0.35

C) Urban and Suburban Area

Table 4-12: Run off coefficient for urban dwellings

Area Run off coefficient
Urban 0.50-0.70

Single Family area

Multi-units, detached 0.30-0.50

Multi-units, attached 0.40-0.60

Apartment Area 0.25-0.40

Sub-Urban 0.60-0.75

D) Industrial Area

Industry Type Run off coefficient

Light 0.50-0.70

Heavy 0.50-0.80

Parks, cemeteries 0.60-0.90

Playgrounds 0.10-0.25

Railroad yards 0.20-0.35

Unimproved areas 0.20-0.40

Heavy 0.50-0.80

4.17 Pumping or Disposal Station

Disposal station is normally provided under special circumstances in wastewater collection
networks. These may be (1) when a natural barrier like river, canal etc. comes in the sewer
route or (2) the depth of excavation increases to an extent that it becomes
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uneconomical/impractical to provide the sewer at such a depth and thus the hydraulic grade
line is lifted by providing a Disposal Station.

The volume of the sump is computed based on the pumping capacity and the number of
starts/stops per hour. The maximum starts/stops occur when the inflow is half the outflow. The
volume is calculated using the following formula.


V = volume of the sewerage to be lifted

Q = Pumping in cubic meter per hour
T = time between starts/stop in hours

The criteria to be adopted for the design of the disposal station is as follows:

 A minimum of two submersible-type pumps or centrifugal pumps per station should be

furnished – one duty, one back-up. Peak design capacity should be available with the
largest pump out of service
 The pump should be capable of developing the required total head at the rated capacity.
 Pump should be suitable for single as well as parallel efficient operation at any point in
between the minimum and maximum system resistance.
 The total head capacity curve of the pump should be continuously rising towards the
shut- off. The pump should deliver at least 125% of its rated capacity at 75% of the
specified total head.
 Pump station inventory should consider the need to convey low flows effectively as
well as phasing considerations.
 Either constant speed or variable frequency drive may be used for pump station drivers.
 Electrical service infrastructure should be sized for ultimate requirements.
 Emergency power should be provided on site.
 Upstream sewer mains may not be considered part of available wet well storage

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5 Wastewater Treatment
As for as wastewater treatment is concerned, there is no existing treatment plant in Punjab
except a treatment plant at Faisalabad and an oxidation pond at Bahawalnagar. All other
wastewater treatment plants are in Karachi (Trickling Filters), Peshawar (Stabilization Ponds)
and Islamabad (Activated sludge). Almost all of them are abandoned or working at very low
capacity with very low efficiency.

However, there are no standards or any design criteria for the design of water treatment plants.

Most of them were constructed as either pilot projects or by the foreign consultants as per their
own design criteria. This is the first time that some kind of design criteria is being given for the
design of different treatment plants for wastewater.

5.1 Wastewater Characteristics

The characteristics of domestic wastewater (influent) and the corresponding desirable effluent
characteristics have been shown in Table The effluent characteristics have been considered
keeping in view the National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS).

Table 5-1: Characteristics of sewerage water

Influent Effluent
Characteristics Concentration Concentration

Biochemical Oxygen Up to 250 mg/I 80 mg/l < 30 mg/l

Demand (BOD5)
Chemical Oxygen Demand
Up to 350 mg/I 150 mg/l < 80 mg/l
Total Suspended Solids
Up to 300 mg/I 200 mg/l < 80 mg/l

Design Temperature Ambient Ambient Ambient

Fats, Oil and Grease Up to 20 mg/I < 10 mg/l < 5 mg/l

5.2 Design Criteria

The criteria to be considered for the selection and the design of the wastewater treatment plant
is as follows:

5.2.1 Primary Screens

Upon reaching the sewage treatment plant, sewage flows through the primary screening facility
which is the first stage of treatment. The screens shall be provided upstream of all inlet pump
stations and shall be designed to protect downstream processes and equipment. The purposes of
primary screens are:
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 To protect equipment from rags, wood and other debris

 To reduce interference with in-plant flow and performance.
Design parameters for primary screen are summarized in Table below

Table 5-2: Design Criteria of primary Screens

Description Unit Design Criteria
Manually Raked Mechanically Raked
Maximum clear spacing mm 25 25

Slope to the vertical 300-450 150-450

Maximum approach velocity at the m/s 1.0 1.0

feed channel
maximum flow through velocity at m/s 1.0 1.0
the screen face
Minimum freeboard mm 150 150
Screening skip storage capacity day 7 7

Minimum channel width mm 500 500

Minimum channel depth mm 500 500

RC Staircase with riser detail 1 unit Anti-skid and non- Anti-skid and non-
corrosive corrosive

5.2.2 Inlet Chambers

Provision for inlet chamber before the primary screen channel is necessary for proper operation
and maintenance of the plant. A penstock shall be installed upstream to isolate the pump
station in the event of flooding in relation to the bypass and emergency overflow.

Table 5-3: Design Criteria of Inlet chamber

Description Unit Design Parameters

PE ≤50,000 PE > 50,000

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Number of pumps (all identical and 4 (2 sets) 6 (3 sets)

work sequentially) 1 duty, 1 duty,

1 assist, per set 1 assist, per set

(100% standby) (50% standby)

Pumps design flow Each at 0.5 Q peak Each at .025 Q peak

Maximum retention time at Q ave min 30 30

Min pass through openings mm 75 75

Minimum suction and discharge mm 100 100


Pumping cycle (average flow Start/ 6 min 6 - 15

conditions) hour 15 max

Lifting device* Mechanical and block Mechanical

Note: Motorized hoists shall be provided when the lifting weight exceeds 100 kg.

Table 5-4: Design Criteria of secondary screens

Description Unit Design Criteria
Manually Raked Mechanically Raked#
Maximum clear spacing mm 12 12

Slope to the vertical m/s 30 -45 15 - 45

Maximum approach velocity at the feed m/s 1.0 1.0

Maximum flow through velocity at the m/s 1.0 1.0
screen face
Minimum freeboard mm 150 150

Screenings skip storage capacity day 7 7

Minimum channel width mm 500 500

Minimum channel depth mm 500 500

RC Staircase with riser detail 1 unit Anti-skid and non- Anti-skid and non-
corrosive corrosive

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5.2.3 Grit and Grease Removal

This unit is important to minimize problems associated with grit and grease. Grit creates
problems to pumps and also sludge digestion and dewatering facilities. Grease creates
problems at the clarifier and is carried over in the final effluent.

In grit removal system, grit or discrete particles that have subsiding velocities or specific
gravities substantially greater than those of organic putrescible solids, e.g. eggshells, sands,
gravel are removed by gravitate settlement or centrifugal separation. Same principle apply to
oil and grease removal system, where free oil and grease globules lighter than water rise
through the liquid and skimmed from the top surface. The design parameters are summarized in
Table 5-5.

Table 5-5: Design Parameters for Grease Chambers

Description Unit Design Criteria
→50000 PE

Grease removal - Mechanical

Chamber type Aerated type

Minimum detention min 3

time (Q peak)
Grit and grease storage period before off-site day 7

Table 5-6: Design Criteria for Grit Chambers

Description Unit Design Criteria
>50000 PE
Grease removal - Mechanical

Chamber type - Aerated

Minimum detention minute 3

time (Q peak)
Maximum gravity flow through m/s 0.20
Maximum centrifugal flow through m/s <1.0
Head loss (at partial flume) - -

Aeration requirement l/s/meter length of 10.0

Chamber dimension: - Manufacturer’s Specification
Depth Width
Length Width
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Description Unit Design Criteria

>50000 PE
Estimated grit quantity m3/103 m3 of 0.03
Washing and dewatering of grit - Yes

5.2.4 Balancing Tanks

Balancing tanks are mandatory for all treatment processes that are not designed at peak flow.
The tanks are effective means of equalizing sewage flow. For extended aeration plants that are
designed with a retention time of more than 18 hours and clarifiers designed at peak flow, the
use of balancing tanks is not required. The purposes of balancing tanks are to:

 Prevent flow variations entering secondary treatment processes.

 Reduce hydraulic loading into secondary treatment processes.
 Reduce potential overflows that may cause health hazard and pollution.
The design requirements for balancing tanks are:

 All balancing tanks must be completely aerated and mixed.

 Flow control shall by a non-mechanical constant flow device, such as an orifice, in
order to avoid double pumping. Allowance must be made for an emergency overflow.
 Bypass and drain down facilities as well as suitable access for cleaning shall be

Table 5-7 Design Parameters for Balancing Tanks

Description Unit Design Criteria
Volume of tanks m3 1.5 hr detention at Q peak

Mixing power requirements W/m3 of sewage 5 at TWL

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Aeration m3 air/hour/ 1 m3 of air supply for every m3 of

m3 sewage sewage stored per hour at TWL
Overflow bypass to down- stream Yes
unit requirement

5.2.5 Biological Treatment Stage

Biological treatment is the heart of the sewage treatment process. It is the processes where the
dissolved and non- settle-able organic material remaining in the sewage are removed by living

For reasons of long term whole life economics, ease of operation and maintenance, consistent
effluent standards and standardization, the following types of biological treatment processes
are recommended.

Suspended Growth System

 Conventional Activated Sludge (CAS) System

 Extended Aeration (EA)/Oxidation Ditch (OD) System

 Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)/Intermittent Decant Extended Aeration (IDEA)

A) Conventional Activated Sludge (CAS) System

The design parameters to be considered while designing sewage wastewater treatment plant
based on conventional activated sludge system are as follows:

Table 5-8: Design Criteria of Conventional Activated Sludge (CAS) System

Description Unit Design Criteria
Organic loading Kg BOD5/day/m3
(depending on filter type)
Low rate 0.08 – 0.15
Intermediate rate 0.15 – 0.5
High rate 0.5 – 2.0
Recirculation of flow to head of
plant Q recycle Q inflow > 1.0
(to maintain wetting rate and
improve flow)
Acceptable media HDPE, PVC, stone, slag, coke,
etc. (random or standard
Hydraulic loading m3/day/m2
Low rate 1-4
Intermediate rate 4 - 10
High rate 10 - 40
Sludge Yields kg sludge 1 kg
Low-rate filters BOD5 influent 0.5
Intermediate filters 0.6 - 0.8
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Description Unit Design Criteria

High-rate filters 1 .O

Minimum depth of media m 1.5

A) Design Parameters for Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR) System

Sequencing Batch Reactors system is suspended activated sludge system. In this system,
sewage flows into one or more reactors where biological oxidation and clarification of sewage
take place within the same reactors sequentially on cyclical mode. There are five (5) basic
sequences in a cycle, namely:

Table 5-9: Design Parameters for Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR) System
Description Unit Design Criteria
Primary Sedimentation System Must be provided
Minimum number of aeration 2
F/M ratio 0.25 – 0.50

Hydraulic retention time (HRT) hrs 6 J6 (for system where

only ammonia removal is
Oxygen requirement (for BOD KgO/kg substrate 2.0
and ammonia nitrogen removal)
Mixed liquor suspended solids mg/J. 1500-3000
(MLSS) Typical: 2500
Dissolved oxygen (DO) level in mg/.e 1.0
Aeration device rating Continuous, 24 hrs

Sludge yield Kg sludge produced/ kg 0.8 – 1.0

BOD consumed
Sludge age day 5 – 10

Waste activated sludge, Q WAS m3/d Refer to equation below †

Return activated sludge flow, m3/d MLSS

𝑥 𝑄𝑎𝑣𝑔
Cu is underflow concentration
QRAS/ QINFLOW 0.75 – 1.0

Mixed liquor suspended solids 4 – 6 of Qavg

recirculation for de-nitrification
RAS pump rating hrs/day 24
Organic loading kg BOD kg MLSS 0.25 – 0.5

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Description Unit Design Criteria

Volumetric loading kg BOD /m3.d 0.3 – 0.6

Minimum mixing requirement W/ m3 20

Table 5-10: Specification of SBR reactor

Description Unit Design Criteria

Water depth m 3–5

Length: Width m 3:1

Max width of joined tank m < 30

Sludge Age = total solids in aeration tank

Excess sludge wasting/day+solid in effluent

𝑾𝑨𝑺 = − [𝑸𝒂𝒗𝒈 𝒙 𝑺𝑺 𝐞𝐟𝐟]
∅ 𝒔𝒍𝒖𝒅𝒈𝒆
VT = Volume of reactor (m3)
MLSS = Mixed liquor suspended solids (kg/m3)
ᶿsludge = sludge age (days)
Qavg = average flow (m3/day)
SSeff = effluent suspended solids (kg/m3)
CU = underflow concentration (kg/m3)
B) Design Parameters for Extended Aeration System (EA)

The Extended Aeration process is similar to the Conventional Activated sludge process except
that it operates in the endogenous respiration phase of the growth curve, which requires a low
organic loading and long aeration time. The system produces high MLSS concentration, high
RAS pumping rate and low sludge wastage.

The advantage of having long hydraulic retention times is that it allows the plant to operate
effectively over widely varying flow and waste loadings. Secondary clarifiers must be designed
to the variations in hydraulic loadings and high MLSS concentrations associated with this

EA plants shall be designed as either plug flow or completely mixed. Anoxic zone at the head
of the reactor must be provided for de-nitrification. The .anoxic zone must be mixed without
inducing dissolved oxygen

For Oxidation Ditches, the minimum velocity within the channel shall be sufficient to keep the
activated sludge in suspension. The minimum velocity within the channel shall not be less than
0.3 mis.
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Table 5-11: Design Parameters for Extended Aeration System (Ea)

Description Unit Design Criteria
Minimum number of aeration tanks 2

F/M ratio 0.05 – 0.1

Hydraulic retention time (HRT) hrs 18 - 24

Oxygen requirement (for BOD and KgO/kg 2.0

ammonia nitrogen removal) substrate
Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) mg/ ℓ. 2500-5000
Typical: 3000
Dissolved oxygen (DO) level in tank mg/ ℓ 2.0

Sludge yield Kg sludge 0.4 (at 24 hrs HRT)

produced/ kg 0.6 (at 18 hrs HRT)
Sludge age day >20

Waste activated sludge, Q WAS m3/d Refer to equation †

Return activated sludge flow, Q RAS m3/d MLSS

𝑥 𝑄𝑎𝑣𝑔
Cu is underflow concentration
RAS pump rating hrs/day 24

Recirculation ratio, Q RAS/ QINFLOW 0.5 – 1.0

MLSS recycle ratio 4 – 6 times of Qavg

Volumetric loading kg BOD5 /m3.d 0.1– 0.4

Minimum mixing requirement W/ m3 20

Tank dimension

Water depth m 3–5

Length: Width ratio 3:1

Max width of joined tank m <60

Table 5-12: Organic loading parameters for EA wastewater treatment system

Description Unit Design Criteria

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Organic loading kg BOD5

(depending on filter type) /day/m3
Low rate 0.08 – 0.15
Intermediate rate 0.15 – 0.50
High rate 0.50 – 2.00
Recirculation of flow to head of plant

QInflow >1.0

(to maintain wetting rate and improve

Acceptable media HDPE, PVC, Stone, Slag,
Coke, etc.
(random or standard
Hydraulic Loading m3/day/m2
Low rate 1–4
Intermediate rate 4 – 10
High rate 10 – 40
Sludge Yield Kg sludge/ kg
Low rate filters BOD5 influent 0.5
Intermediate filters 0.6 – 0.8
High rate filters 1.0
Minimum depth of media m 1.5

Sludge Age = total solids in aeration tank
Excess sludge wasting/day+solid in effluent
𝑾𝑨𝑺 = − [𝑸𝒂𝒗𝒈 𝒙 𝑺𝑺 𝐞𝐟𝐟]
∅ 𝒔𝒍𝒖𝒅𝒈𝒆
VT = Volume of reactor (m3)
MLSS = Mixed liquor suspended solids (kg/m3)
ᶿsludge = sludge age (days)
Qavg = average flow (m3/day)
SSeff = effluent suspended solids (kg/m3)
CU = underflow concentration (kg/m3)

Designer shall ensure that with 50% of blockage at the face of screen, sufficient freeboard is
provided to prevent the approach channel from overflowing washing and dewatering of
screenings shall be provided.

5.3 Trickling Filter

The Trickling Filter is an established biological treatment process removing 65 to 85% BOD5
and suspended solids. The process consists of a bed of highly permeable medium. An
overhead rotating distributor applies sewage to the media. The now trickles over and flows
downward 10 the under drain system.The media provides a large surface area to develop
biological slime growth which is also known as zoogleal film. The film contains living

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organisms that break down organic material in the sewage. Many variations of the Trickling
Filters have been constructed.

5.3.1 Design Requirements for Trickling filters

Secondary screens (< 6 mm) and flow balancing tanks to equalize the flow must be provided
before trickling filters. Provisions shall be available for even distribution to achieve complete
wetting of the filter media.

5.3.2 Design Requirements for Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)

Sequencing Batch Reactors system is suspended activated sludge system. In this system,
sewage flows into one or more reactors where biological oxidation and clarification of sewage
take place within the same reactors sequentially on cyclical mode.

Table 5-13: Design parameters for secondary clarifiers

Parameter Unit Continuous Fill and Intermittently Fill and
Intermittently Intermittently Decent
No. of Reactors Unit Minimum 2 Minimum 2

Hydraulic Retention hr 18 – 24 18 – 24
time at Qavg (at
average water level)
F/M Ratio D 0.05 – 0.08 0.05 – 0.30
Sludge Yield Kg sludge/ 0.75 – 0.85 0.75 – 1.10
kg BOD5
MLSS (End of mg/l 3000 - 4500 3000 – 4500
Cycle Time Hr 4-8 4–8
DO (Reactor) mg/l 0 – 6.5 0 – 6.5
DO (Effluent) mg/l 2.0 2.0
Oxygen Requirement 𝑘𝑔 𝑂2 𝐶𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 20𝑘𝑔𝐶𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒
𝑂2 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 20𝑘𝑔 𝑂2
𝑥 𝑥
𝑘𝑔 𝑆𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑘𝑔 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒
𝑎𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑘𝑔 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒

Decant time hrs ≥1.0 ≥1.0

Decant volume m Max 0.5 Max 1.0

Decanting device m3/m/hr ≤20 for decant draw- ≤20 for decant draw-down
loading rate down from TWL from TWL
Minimum number of 2 nos. independent 2 nos. independent decanter
decanter decanter per tank per tank
Max. decanter length m 4.0 4.0

WAS kg sludge/d 𝑊𝐴𝑆 𝑊𝐴𝑆

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑑𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑑𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚
= =
𝑆𝑙𝑢𝑑𝑔𝑒 𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑆𝑙𝑢𝑑𝑔𝑒 𝑎𝑔𝑒

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Fill volume m3

 For continuous fill, length to width ratio shall be based on 3 :

 Decanting device loading rate shall be based on Vm/decant time during decanting
 RAS maybe necessary where length to width ratio poses dilution affect into the inlet.

5.3.3 Design Parameters for the Secondary Clarifiers

Following design shall be adopted for the design of the secondary clarifiers.

Table 5-14: Design parameters for secondary clarifiers

Description Unit Design Criteria

PE ≤ 5,000 PE > 5,000
Minimum number of tanks 2* 2

Tank configuration Square Circular Square

Rectangular Circular
Minimum side water depth m 3** 3

Minimum hydraulic retention hrs 2 2

time (HRT) at Qpeak
Surface overflow rate at Qpeak m3/d/m2 ≤ 30 ≤ 30

Solids loading rate at Qpeak kg/d/ m2 <150 <150

Solids loading rate at Qavg kg/d/m2 <50 <50

Weir loading rate at Qpeak m3/d/m <180 <180

Return activated sludge Continuous Continuous

(RAS) pumping rate
Waste activated sludge Continuous or Continuous or
(WAS) pumping rate batch batch
Sizing of Rectangular Tanks
Length: Width 3:1 or greater

Maximum side water depth m 3.0

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Width: Depth 1:1 to 2.5:1

Sizing of Circular Tanks

Water depth, minimum m 3.0**

Floor slope wall 1:12 Intermittent Disinfection

Following guidelines shall be used for the disinfection of the sewage water after the

Table 5-15: Design guide for intermittent disinfection

Type Design Criteria

Contact Tank

Contract Period 15 minutes at Qpeak

Maximum depth 3m

Depth: width 2:1

Min no. of passes 4

Length: Width at each pass 6:1

Wetted Depth: Width < 2:1

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6 Miscellaneous

6.1 Preventive maintenance

Preventive maintenance of water distribution system pipelines assures the twin objectives of
preserving the hygienic quality of water in the distribution mains and providing condition for
adequate flow through the pipe lines. Some of the main functions in the management of
preventive aspects in the maintenance of mains are assessment, detection and prevention of
wastages of water from pipe lines, maintaining the capacity of pipe line and cleaning of pipe

6.1.1 Leakage DETECTION:

Leakage detection survey is confined only to the areas with heavy leakages as arrived at by the
waste assessment survey. The survey consists of:

 Finding leaks in the pipes by visual determination of surface; and

 Traversing the sub – zone in the night by sounding rod, or electronic leak locator for
pinpointing of leaks in pipes.

6.1.2 Cleaning of pipes

The necessity for systematic and periodic cleaning of pipelines is borne out by the fact that the
carrying capacity of the pipes gets reduced due to growth of slimes, incrustation deposits.
Flushing and swabbing of pipes, which are simple and inexpensive can go a long way in
maintaining the capacity.

The old cast iron and steel pipes which are cleaned can be protected from further incrustations
or corrosion by cement lining. Insertion of a plastic pipes has also practiced with success.

6.1.3 Protection against pollution near sewers and drains

A water main should be laid such that there is at least 3 m separation, horizontally from
existing or proposed drain or sewer line. If local conditions prevent this lateral separation of
water main may be laid closer to a storm or sanitary sewer, provided that the main is laid by
separate trench or on an undisturbed earth shelf located on one side of the sewer at such
elevation that the bottom of the water main is at least 0.5m above the top of the sewer.

In situations where water mains have to cross house sewer; storm drain, or sanitary sewer then
it should be laid at such an elevation that the bottom of the water main is 0.50 m above the top
of the drain or sewer with the joints as remote from the sewer as possible. This vertical
separation should be maintained for a distance of 3 m on both sides measured normal to the
sewer or drain it crosses.

Where conditions prevent the minimum vertical separation set forth above, or when it is
necessary for the water main to pass under a sewer or drain, the water main should be laid with
flanged cast iron pipe, with rubber gasket joints for a length on either side of the crossing to
satisfy the lateral separation of 3 m. A vertical separation of 0.50m between the bottom of the
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water main and the top of the sewer should be maintained with adequate support for the larger
sized sewer lines, to prevent them from settling on or breaking the water main. In making such
crossings, it is preferable to have the sewer also of casting flanged pipe with rubber gasket
joints and both the water and sewer mains pressure tested to assure water tightness before back

Where a water main has already been laid and where a new sewer is to be laid, the above
aspects may also be taken into consideration and the water main may be realigned, when it is
not possible to lay the sewer consistent with the above recommendations.

Since water expands nearly about 10% in volume with an irresistible pressure, freezing solid
conditions should not be allowed in any pipe system to avoid interruption of service and
prevent damage to the pipes.

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