I.Objectives:: Teachers' Activity Pupils' Activity

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At the end of the lesson, the Grade II pupils will be able to do the following with at least
75% proficiency level;

a. Identify the antonyms of common words.

b. Give an example of antonyms.

KBI: Sportsmanship in games

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic:
 Antonyms
B. References:
 Let’s begin Reading in English II (LM)
 K to 12 Curriculum Guide in English II
C. Materials:
 Flashcards
 Envelope
 Visual aids
 Dolls

Teachers’ Activity Pupils’ Activity

III. Learning Activities
A. Drill
Good morning class.
- Good morning Ma’am.
Everybody read the following sentences.
 A fast runner.
 A pretty doll.
 A healthy boy.
 A high mountain.
 A huge bag. - (pupils will read)

Very good!

B. Review
Okay class, what was our
lesson last meeting?
- Ma’am our lesson last
meeting is about Synonyms.
Very good! Who can give me an
example of Synonyms?

- big-large

- sad-lonely
Good. It seems that you clearly
understand our lesson yesterday.

C. Lesson Proper
A. Motivation
Now class I would like to meet my
Friends here in front. Abby and Lea.

- Hi Abby and Lea!

Class say hi to our new friends.

Thank you class.

Now class take a look at our
friend Abby. What can see - Abby has a long hair.
about her? - Abby’s skin is white.
(the teacher will write the answer of
the pupils on the board)
- Lea has a short hair.
- Her skin is black.
How about Lea?

Very good. Let us read all your answers

on the board.
Thank you class. Now what do you - It has underlined words.
notice about our sentences here on
the board?

This underlined words are related to

our new lesson for this morning.

2. Presentation of Topic
Our lesson for this morning is
All bout Antonyms.
These underlined words are example
of Antonym. The Antonym of the word long is
short and the Antonym of white is black.
Antonyms- are words that are opposite
in meaning.
Everybody read!
To clearly understand our lesson we will
read a poem entitled “Sometimes”.

A. Unlocking of Difficulties
But before we read the poem let us first know the
meaning of the word Sometimes.
Everybody read.

Sometimes- not all the time

- not always

Examples: We usually play soccer

at school, but sometimes we play
- Yes, Ma’am!
Did you understand the word

Good. Now listen because I will first - Yes, Ma’am!

read the poem then you will read it
after. Is that clear?

(the teacher will distribute handouts)

Sometimes, I feel very small,
Sometimes, I fell very tall,
I know, I am growing fast
In our line, I will be last.

Sometimes, I’m very happy,

Sometimes, I’m very lonely,
I know it’s my birthday.
What more I can say?

Sometimes, I’m very strong,

Sometimes, I’m very weak,
But I can sing a song.
Everyday of the week.

Sometimes, I’m very clean,

Sometimes, I’m very dirty,
I know I haven’t been.
To the playground so muddy.

(read all together)

B. Skill Development
1.What is the title of the poem?
-The title of the poem is “Sometimes”.

2. What does the writer of the

poem sometimes feel?
-Sometimes the writer feels
happy and sometimes lonely.

Very good!
Now class based on the poem that
we read, who can give me the antonym
of each underlined words that you see in your hand
outs? - clean-dirty
- strong-weak
- happy-sad
- small-tall
(read all together)
Very good! This pair of words is
example of Antonyms.

C. Group Activity
Now I will divide the class into 3
groups (by row). But
before we go to our activity,
again what are the rules in s
doing group activity?
- Do not be noisy.
- Respect others ideas.
- Be cooperative.
Very good!
Each group will be given a flag.
1st group Red Team
2nd group Orange Team
3rd group Green Team
Each group also will be given an
envelope and inside the envelop there is
materials and instruction on what you are
going to do. Each group will choose a
leader, observer and a secretary.
The assigned leader will going to report
all your answers in front.
Is that clear class?
-Yes, Ma’am!
Now I have here a rubric for our group
activity for this morning. We will use this
as a guide in giving points of each group.

Criteria 5 4 3

Cooperation All the members 2-3 members did not 4-5 members did not
cooperate in the cooperate in the cooperate in the group
group work. group work. work.

Time Done task before Done the task on Did not accomplished
the given time. time. the task on time.

Presentation Presentation is clear Presentation is clear Presentation is not

and organized. but not organized. clear and organized.

I will give you only 3 minutes to answer

and then another 5 minutes to report
your answer.

Your time starts now!

(inside the envelop)

 Red team

Direction: Give the antonyms on each

underline word in the following sentences.
1. The kite flew high. __________
2. The boy is fat. __________
3. The room is clean. __________
4. The school is far. __________
5. The book is thick __________
 Orange team

Direction: Write the antonyms of the


1. A big bus. - A _____ bus.

2. A fast runner - A _____ runner.
3. A quick cat - A _____ cat.
4. A happy man. - A _____ man.
5. A young dog. - A _____ dog.

 Green team

Direction: Match the correct antonym of the words

on column A to the words on column B.
1. large a. slow
2. rich b. cold
3. lonely c. thin
4. hot d. small
5. fast e. happy
f. poor

(Post Activity)

I have here a chart with the name of your group

written on it and you are going to put the
corresponding points on the space provided.

Group Criteria Points Total


– 5 points
– 4 points

– 3 points

This time I will call on the observers to give the

ratings of each group.

Okay let us give Yes clap to the first

group who finished the task
-(pupils will do the clap)
For those who did not make to
finish first the task let us do the
“Aling Dionesia” clap.

-(pupils will do the clap)

Did you enjoy our activity?

-Yes, ma’am.
Very good! In any situation we
should always show sportsmanship in any
game so that we can have a good
relationship to everybody.

What are Antonyms?

-Antonyms are words that are opposite in

Who can give me an examples of Antonyms? meaning.

Now class I will flash some
words then you will give the antonyms
of it.
 pretty
 strong
 empty
 slow
 cry

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Encircle the word that means the opposite(antonyms)
of the underlined word in each sentence.
1. The snake is long. ( big , empty , short )
2. The dog is wet. ( clean , dry , tall )
3. The television is loud. ( quite , sad , clear )
4. The church is very far. ( near , under , dark )
5. The door is closed. ( right , open , thin )

V. Assignment
Direction: Make a sentence using the antonyms of the following words.
1. old
2. bright
3. cold
4. high
5. wide

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