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THE KEY ——> Basic principles of subjects. An outline ofthe topics to be
discussed in class lectures.
THEATLAS Basic layout ofsubject. Aroutemap correlating different subtopics
in coherent manner.
EXERCISE I Introductory problems to getfirsthand experience of problem
PROFICIENCY TEST To check you newly acquired concepts.
EXERCISE H A collection of good problems.
EXERCISE m Test your objective skill.
EXERCISE IV A collection of previous ten years JEE problems.

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Most ofthe chemical reaction do not go to completion in a closed system and attain a state of equilibrium.
Equilibrium is said to have reached in a physical or chemical system when rate of forward and reverse
processes are equal. At equilibrium macroscopic properties of the system like concentration. Pressure
ect. become constant at constant temperature.
State ofchemical equilibrium is characterised by equilibrium constant. Equilibrium constant have constant
value at a given temperature.


There are two approaches to understand nature of equilibrium. One stems from kinetics as developed
by Gulberg and Wagge (1863). The other approach comesfromthermodynaics. Equilibrium criteria is
explained on the basis of thermodynamic function like AH (change in enthalpy), AS (change in entropy)
and AG (change in Gibb's function).
According to kinetic approaches -The state of equilibrium is characterised by equal rate of forward and
backward process.
At equilibrium
Rate of forward reaction = Rate of backward reaction.
Example: Physical equilibria. Solid liquid equilibria
Solid ^ liquid
Example: H 2 0 (s) ^ H 2 0(/): 273 K; 1 atm P.

Solid ice and liquid can coexist at 273 K and 1 atm. Solid form is said to be in equilibrium with liquid
form. At equilibrium, ifheat exchangedfromsurrounding is zero, amount of solid ice and liquid water will
remain unchanged. However it must be noted that, the process of conversion of ice into water and
vica-versa-never ceases. At equilibrium

Net rate of conversion of ice into water = Net rate of conversion of water into ice.


Hie liquid vapour equilibria:
(i) Example: H 2 0 (/) ^ H 2 0 (g) 373 K; 1 atm pressure.
Equilibrium is characterized by constant value of vapour pressure ofH 2 0 (/) at 3 73 K (= 1 atm)

Net rate of condensation of H 2 0 (g) = net rate of evaporation of H 2 0 (/)

(ii) Sugar (s) ^ sugar (aq)

This is example of dissolution equilibria Equilibrium is characterised by constant molar concentration of
sugar at specified temperature. At equilibrium, the solution of sugar in aqueous solution is called saturated
(iii) The dissolution of gas in liquid.
Example C0 2 (g) + H 2 0 ^ C02(aq)
The concentration of gas in liquid is proportional to the pressure of gas over the liquid.

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Process Characteristic constant

H20(/)^H20(g) Ph.o constant at given temperature

H 2 0 (S) ^ H 2 0 (/) constant at given temperature

solute (s) ^ solute (soln) concentration of solute is constant at given temperature
gas (g) ^ gas (aq) [Gas(aq)]/[Gas(g)] = constant at given temperature


(i) Equilibrium is possible only in closed system.
(ii) The rate of forward process at equilibrium is equal to rate of backward process.
(iii) All measurable properties of system remain constant over time.
(iv) When equilibriums is attained for aphysical process, it is characterised by constant value ofone ofits parameter.
(v) The constant value of these parameters indicate extent to which equilibria is shifted in forward direction.
(vi) Both, Kinetic and Thermodynamics theories can be invoked to understand the extent to which a
reaction proceed to forward direction, e.g. If extent of reaction is too large for forward direction
(equilibrium is tilted heavily to forward direction) than
(a) Specific rate of forward reaction » > specific rate of backward reaction
(b) Product is thermodynamically very stable as compared to reactant.
(c) Gibb's function of product is vary small as compared to Gibb's function of reactant.
A general equation for a reversible reaction may be written
mA + nB + ^ x C + yD +
we can write the reaction quotient, Q for this equation as
[Cf[D] y
[A] m [Bf
where we use bracket to indicate "molar concentration of." The reaction quotient is a ratio of the molar
concentrations of the product of the chemical equation (multiplied together) and of the reactants (also
multiplied together), each raised to a power equal to the coefficient preceding that substance in the
balanced chemical equation. The reaction quotient for the reversible reaction.
2 N 0 2 ( g ) ^ N 2 0 4 (g)
is given by the expression Q= ^ Q j 2
The numerical value of Q for a given reaction varies; it depends on the concentration of products and
reactants present at the time when Q is determined.
When a mixture of reactants and products of a reaction reaches equilibrium at a given temperature, its
reaction quotient always has the same value. This value is called the equilibrium constant, K, of the
reaction at that temperature. When a reaction is at equilibrium at a given temperature, the concentration
of reactants and products is such that the value ofreaction quotient, Q is always equal to the equilibrium
constant, K, for that reaction at that temperature.
The mathematical expression that indicates that a reaction quotient always assumes the same value at
V = K = —=—-—n
is a mathematical statement of the law of mass action. When a reaction has attained equilibrium at a
given temperature, the reaction quotient for the reaction always has the same value.

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The magnitude ofan equilibrium constant is a measure ofthe yield ofa reaction when it reaches equilibrium.
A large value for K indicates that equilibrium is attained only after the reactants have been largely converted
into products. Asmall value ofK-much less than 1 -indicates the equilibrium is attained when only a small
proportion of the reactants have been converted into products.
Regardless of the initial mixture of reactants and products in a reversible reaction, the composition of a
system will always adjust itselfto a condition of equilibrium for which the value ofthe reaction quotient is
equal to the equilibrium constant for the system, provided that the temperature does not change.
An equilibrium can be established either startingfromreactants or startingfromproducts. In fact, one
technique that is used to determine whether a reaction it truly at equilibrium is to approach equilibrium
starting with reactants in one experiment and starting with products in another. If the same value ofthe
reaction quotient is observed when the concentrations stop changing in both experiments, then we may
be certain that the system has reached equilibrium.
We should calculate the value of Q or Kfromthe activities ofthe reactants and productsratherthan from
their concentrations. However, the activity of a dilute solute is usefully approximated by its molar
concentration,- so we will use concentrations as approximated by its pressure (in atmospheres), so we
use pressures for gases. However, we also can use molar concentrations of gases in our equilibrium
calculations, because the molar concentration of a gas is directly proportional to its pressure. The activity
ofa pure solid or pure liquid is 1, and the activity of a solvent in a dilute solution is close to 1. Thus these
species (solids, liquids, and solvents) are omittedfromreactions quotients and equilibrium calculations.
Using concentrations and pressure instead of activities means that we calculate approximate values for
reaction quotients and equilibrium constants. However, these approximations hold well for dilute solutions
and for gases with pressures less than about 2 atmospheres.


3H2(g) + N2(g) > 2NH3(g)
Starting with pure H2 and N2 as reaction proceeds in forward direction. Ammonia is formed. At initially
conc. of H2 and N2 drops and attain a steady value at equilibrium. On the others hand conc. of NH3
increases and at equilibrium attains a constant value.
Concentration time graphs for Concentration time graph for H2 +12 ^ 2HI
N2 + 3H2 2NH3


This graph shows how equilibrium

state can be achieved from both

— ' t

fig(l) fig (2)


A homogeneous equilibrium is equilibrium with in a single phase i.e. when physical state ofall the reactants
and product are same.

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Example: (i) I2 (aq) + r (aq) ^ I" (aq)

(ii) Hg2+ (aq) + NO" (aq) + 3H30+(aq) ^ 2Hg2+ (aq) + HN02(aq) +4H20(/)
(iii) NH3(aq) + H 2 0 (I) ^ NH4+(aq) + OH" (aq)
Eq. constants for
(i) K
[Hg 2+ ] 2 [HN0 2 ]
(11) K=
[NH4+ (aq)][OH~ (aq)]
(U1) K =
The equilibrium constant in all theses cases can be called Kc. The subscrit 'C' denoting active masses of
solute expressed in terms of molar concentration.
Example: (i) C2H6(g) ^ C2H4() + H2(g)
(ii) 30 2 (g)^20 3 (g)
(iii) C3H8(g) + 502(g) ^ 3C02(g) + 4H20(g)
Equilibrium constant expression for then are
_ [C2H4Q)][H2] _ [PC 2 H 4 ][PH 2 ]
(l) Kc
~ [C2H6(g>] K
P~ [P C2 H 6 ]

[ ] represents concentration PC2H4 & other are partial pressure at equilibrium

in mol/ litre at equilibrium

[°3]2 Po3
(n) Kc=[02]3

^ [C0 2 ] 2 [H 2 0] 4 PCO2-PH2O
(m) K c = 5
[C 3 H 8 ][0 2 ] PC3H8<
Note : Equilibrium constant for gaseous homogeneous equilibrium can be expressed in two ways Vi2; Kp and
K c This means value ofequilibrium constant depends upon choice ofstandard state in which concentration
of reactant's and product are expressed.
If reactants and product are found in two or more phases, the equilibria describing them is called
hetrogeneous equilibrium.
Example: (i) PbCl2(s) ^ Pb2+(aq) + 2C1" (aq)
00 CaO(s) + C02(g) ^ CaC03(s)
(iii) Br 2 (/)^Br 2 (g)
Equilibrium expression for them can be written as
(i) K = [Pb2+(aq)][Cl-(aq)]2
1 1
(ii) Kp = rp K =
c [C02(g)]
co 2
(iii) Kp = PBr2 Kc=[Br2(g)]

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Note : Active masses ofpure solid and liquid are taken as T. It is because as pure solids and liquid took part in
reaction, their concentration (or density) remain constant. In thermodynamic sense. We can say this is
because Gibb's functions for pure solid and liquid is defined at stipulated pressure of 1.00 bar and as
pressure of system changes, Gibb's function for pure solid and liquid remain constant and equal to their
value at 1 bar.
We have already noted that the value of an equilibrium constant has meaning only when we give the
corresponding balanced chemical equation. Its value changes for the new equation obtained by multiplying
or dividing the original equation by anumber. The value for equilibrium constant, K^, is calculate substituting
the concentration in mol/L and for KP by substituting partial pressure in Pa, kPa, etc. in atm. Thus, units
of equilibrium constant will turn out to be units based on molarity or pressure, unless the sum ofthe
exponents in the numerator is equal to the sum ofthe exponents in the denominator. Thus for the reaction:
H2(g) + I2(g) ^ 2HI, KC and KP do not have any unit
N2(g) + 3H2(g) ^ 2 NH3, KC has unit (mol/L)-2 and KP has unit bar"2 or
N 2 0 4 (g) ^ 2N02, K c has unit mol / L and KP has unit bar
However, these days we express equilibrium constants in dimensionless quantities by specifying the
standard state of the reactants and the products. The standard state for pure gas is 1 bar and now the
partial pressure are measured with respect to this standard. Thus a pressure of 2 bar in term of this
standard state is equal to 2 bar /1 bar=2, a dimensionless number. Similarly for a solute the standard
state; c0, is 1 molar solution and all concentrations are measured with respect to it. The numerical value
of equilibrium constant depends on the standard state chosen.
Effect of change in concentration on equilibrium. Achemical system at equilibrium can be shifted out of
equilibrium by adding or removing one more ofreactants or products. Shifting out of equilibrium doesn't
mean that value of equilibrium constant change. Any alteration of concentration of reactant or product
will disturb the equilibrium and concentration of reactant and product one readjust to one again attain
equilibrium concentration.
In other word, as we add or remove reactant (or product) the ratio of equilibrium concentration become
'Q' (reaction quotient) and depending upon.
Q<K equilibrium will shift in forward direction.
Q >K equilibrium will shift in backward direction.
Example: Fe (a) + SCN~ (aq) ^ Fe (SCN)2+(aq)

(i) adding Fe3 or SCN" will more CTsT—] = ^ ^eSS t * ien K c anc* equilibria will shift in forward
(ii) Removing Fe(SCN)2+will have same effect
(iii)Adding Fe(SCN)2+from outside source in equilibrium mixture will have effect of increasing 'Q' hence
reaction shift in backward direction.
Sometimes we can change the position of equilibrium by changing the pressure on a system. However,
changes in pressure have a measurable effect only in system where gases are involved - and then only
when the chemical reaction produces a change in the total number of gas molecules in the system.
As we increase the pressure of a gaseous system at equilibrium, either by decreasing the volume ofthe
system or by adding more of the equilibrium mixture, we introduce a stress by increasing the number of
molecules per unit of volume. In accordance with Le Chatelier's principle, a chemical reaction that
reduces the total number ofmolecules per unit ofvolume will be favored because this relieves the stress.
The reverse reaction would be favoured by a decrease in pressure.
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Consider what happens when we increase the pressure on a system in which NO, 0 2 and N0 2 are in
Example: 2NO(g) + 0 2 (g) ^ 2N02(g)
The formation of additional amounts of N0 2 decreases the total number of molecules in the system,
because each time two molecules of N0 2 form, a total of three molecules of NO and 0 2 react. This
reduces the total pressure exerted by the system and reduces, but does not completely relieve, the stress
of the increased pressure. On the other hand, a decrease in the pressure on the system favors
decomposition of N0 2 into NO and 0 2 which tends to restore the pressure.

Let us now consider the reaction

N2(g) + 0 2 (g) ^ 2NO(g)
Because there is no change in the total number ofmolecules in the system during reaction, a change in
pressure does not favor either formation or decomposition of gaseous nitric oxide.


Changing concentration or pressure upsets an equilibrium because the reaction quotient is shifted away
from the equilibrium value. Changing the temperature of a system at equilibrium has a different effect: A
change in temperature changes the value of the equilibrium constant. However, we can predict the effect
of the temperature change by treating it as a stress on the system and applying Le Chatelier's principle.
When hydrogen reacts with gaseous iodine, energy is released as heat is evolved.
H2(g) + I2(g) ^ 21(g) AH =-9.4 kJ (exothermic)
Because this reaction is exothermic, we can write it with heat as a product.
H2(g) + I 2 (g)^2HI(g) + 9.4kJ
Increasing the temperature of the reaction increases the amount of energy present. Thus, increasing the
temperature has the effect of increasing the amount of one of the products of this reaction. The reaction
shifts to the left to relieve the stress, and there is an increase in the concentration of H2 and I2 and a
reduction in the concentration of HI. When we change the temperature of a system at equilibrium, the
equilibrium constant for the reaction changes. Lowering the temperature in the HI system increases the
equilibrium constantfrom50.0 at400°C to 67.5 at357°C. At equilibrium at the lower temperature, the
concentration of HI has increased and the concentrations of H2 and I2 have decreased. Raising the
temperature decreases the value of the equilibrium constantfrom67.5 at 3 57°C to 50.0 at 400°C.


a d(lnK) AH / ubx d(AiK) AH° AH°
() dT = ( ) Integrated form In
VKL J R \T2 Tjy

AG0 = - RT/nK.

A catalyst has no effect on the value of an equilibrium constant or on equilibrium concentrations. The
catalyst merely increase the rates of both the forward and the reverse reactions to the same extent so that
equilibrium is reached more rapidly.


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All of these effects change in concentration or pressure, change in temperature, and the effect of a
catalyst on a chemical equilibrium play a role in the industrial synthesis of ammoniafromnitrogen and
hydrogen according to the equation.
N2 + 3H2 ^ 2NH3
One way to increase the yield of ammonia is to increase the pressure on the system in which N2, H2 and
NE^ are in equilibrium or are coming to equilibrium.
N 2 (g)3H 2 (g)^2NH 3 (g)
The formation of additional amounts of ammonia reduces the total pressure exerted by the system and
somewhat reduces the stress of the increased pressure.
Although increasing the pressure of a mixture of N2, H2 and NH3 increase the yield ammonia, at low
temperatures the rate of formation of ammonia is slow. At room temperature, for example, the reaction
is so slow that if we prepared a mixture of N2 and H2, no detectable amount of ammonia would form
during our lifetime. Attempts to increase the rate of the reaction by increasing the temperature are
counterproductive. The formation of ammoniafromhydrogen and nitrogen is an exothermic process:
N2(g) + 3H2(g) > 2NH3(g) AH =- 92.2 kJ
Thus increasing the temperature to increase the rate lowers the yield. If we lower the temperature to shift
the equilibrium to the right to favor the formation of more ammonia, equilibrium is reached more slowly
because of the large decrease of reaction rate with decreasing temperature.
Part ofthe rate of formation lost by operating at lower temperatures can be recovered by using a catalyst
to increase the reaction rate. Iron powder is one catalyst used. However, as we have seen, a catalyst
serves equally well to increase the rate of a reverse reaction in this case, the decomposition of ammonia
into its constituent elements. Thus the net effect ofthe iron catalyst on the reaction is to cause equilibrium
to be reached more rapidly.
In the commercial production of ammonia, conditions of about' 500°C and 150-900 atmosphere are
selected to give the best compromise among rate, yield and the cost of the equipment necessary to
produce and contain gases at high pressure and high temperatures.


Before we consider the applications of equilibrium constants, let us consider its important features:
(i) the expression for equilibrium constant, K is applicable only when concentrations of the reactants and
products have attained their equilibrium values and do not change with time.
(ii) The value of equilibrium constant is independent of initial concentration of the reactants and product.
Equilibrium constant has one unique value for a particular reaction represented by a balanced equation at
a given temperature.
(iii) The equilibrium constant for the reverse reaction is equal constant for the forward reaction.
(iv) The equilibrium constant, K for a reaction is related to the equilibrium constant of the corresponding
reaction whose equation is obtained by multiplying or dividing the equation for the original reaction by a
small integer.
Now we will consider some applications of equilibrium constant and use it to answer question like:
(i) predicting the extent of a reaction on the basis of its magnitude.
(ii) predicting the direction ofthe reaction, and
(iii) calculating equilibrium concentration.
Predicting the extent of a reaction
The magnitude of equilibrium constant is very useful especially in reactions of industrial importance. An
equilibrium constant tells us whether we can expect a reaction mixture to contain a high or low concentration
of produces) at equilibrium. (It i s important to note that an equilibrium constant tells us nothing about the
rate at which equilibrium is reached). In the expression ofK c or Kp, product of the concentrations of

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products is written in numerator and the product ofthe concentrations ofreactants is written in denominator.
High value of equilibrium constant indicates that product(s) concentration is high and its low value
indicates that concentration ofthe produces) in equilibrium mixture is low.
For reaction, H2 (g) + Br2(g) ^ 2HBr(g), the value of

K (PHBr)2
'= = 5

The large value of equilibrium constant indicates that concentration ofthe product, HBr is very high and
reaction goes nearly to completion.
Similarly, equilibrium constant for the reaction H^g) + Cl2(g) ^ 2HCl(g) aty 300 K is very high and
reaction goes virtually to completion.

Thus, large value of Kp or K^, (larger than about 103), favour the products strongly. For intermedicate
values of K (approximately in the range of 10~3 to 103), the concentrations of reactants and products
are comparable. Small values of equilibrium constant (smaller than 10"3), favour the reactants strongly.
At 298 K for reaction, N2(g) + 02(g) ^ 2NO(g)
^ m r 4 8 * 1 0 " 3 '
The very small value of K c implies that reactants N2 and 0 2 will be the predominant species in the
reaction mixture at equilibrium.

Predicting the direction of the reaction.

The equilibrium constant is also used tofindin which direction an rabidity reaction mixture of reactants
and products will proceed. For this purpose, we calculate the reaction quotient, Q. The reaction quotient
is defined in the same way as the equilibrium constant ( with molar concentrations to give Qc, or with
partial pressure to give Qp) at any stage of reaction. For a general reaction:
aA + b B ^ c C + dD
_ [C]°[D]d
Then, if Q c > K c , the reaction will proceed in the direction of reactants (reverse reaction),
if Q c < Kc, the reaction will move in the direction ofthe products
if Q c =K c , the reaction mixture is already at equilibrium.
In the reaction, H2(g) + I2(g) ^ 2Hl(g), if the molar concentrations of H2,12 and HI are 0.1 mol L"1
respectively at 783 K, then reaction quotient at this stage of the reaction is
_ [HI]2 (0.4)2 _
~ [H 2 ][I 2 ]" (0.1)(0.2) - 8
K c for this reaction at 783 K is 46 and wefindthat Q c < K^. The reaction, therefore, will move to right
i.e. more H2(g) and I2(g) will react to form more HI (g) and their concentration will decrease till
QC = KC.

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Physical Equilibrium Chemical Equilibrium

1. Solid - Liquid (1) Reaction quotient:
2. Liquid - gas (2) Significance of equilibrium constant
3. Solid- Liquid - gas (3) Law of mass action:
4. Solubility of Solute in solution (4) Homogeneous equilibria
5. Solubility of gas in solution (a) degree of dissociation from vapour
density measurement
(b) relation between K p and K c
(5) Equilibrium constant K p and K c
(6) Hetreogeneous equilibrium
(7) Temperature dependent of
equilibrium constant
(8) Kinetics & equilibrium constant

Application of equilibrium constant

(i) Pridicting extent of reaction
(ii) Pridicting direction of change
(iii) Calculation of equilibrium concentration
Le Chatleir's principle

Effect of following Once pressure temperature

factor's on equlibrium catalyst inert gas
Temperature dependence- Von't Hoffs equation
Understanding equilibrium
(i) From kinetic's approach (Gulber & Wagge approach)
(ii) From thermodynamics approach - Criteria for
equilibrium in terms of Gibb's function

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Reaction quotient and equilibrium constant
Q. 1 The initial concentrations or pressure of reactants and products are given for each of the following
systems. Calculate the reaction quotient and determine the directions in which each system will shift to
reach equilibrium.
(a) 2NHJ (g) ^ N 2 (g) + 3H 2 (g) K=17
[NH3] = 0.20 M ; [N2] = 1.00 M ; [H2] = 1.00 M
(b) 2NH3 (g) ^ N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) Kp = 6.8 x 104 atm2
Initial pressure : NH3 = 3.0 atm; N2 = 2.0 atm; H2 = 1.0 atm
(c) 2S03(g) 2S0 2 (g) + 0 2 (g) " K = 0.230 atm
[S03] = 0.00 M ; [S02] = 1.00 M ; [02] = 1.00 M
(d) 2S03(g) ^ 2S0 2 (g) + 0 2 (g) Kp = 16.5 atm
Initial pressure: S0 3 = 1.0 atm; S0 2 =1.0 atm; 0 2 = 1.0 atm
(d) 2NO(g) + Cl2 (g) ^ 2NOC1 (g) K = 4.6 x 104
[NO] = 1.00 M ; [Cl2] = 1.00 M; [NOC1] = 0 M
(f) N2 (g) + 0 2 (g) ^ 2NO (g) Kp = 0.050
Initial pressure: NO =10.0 atm; N2 = 0 2 = 5 atm

Q. 2 Among the solubility rules is the statement that all chlorides are soluble except Hg2Cl2, AgCl, PbCl2, and
(a) Write the expression for the equilibrium constant for the reaction represented by the equation.
AgCl(s)^Ag + (aq) + Cl-(aq)
Is K greater than 1, less than 1, or about equal to 1 ? Explain your answer
(b) Write the expression for the equilibrium constant for the reaction represented by the equation
Pb2+ (aq) + 2C1- (aq) ^ PbCl2 (s)
Is K greater than 1, less than 1, or about equal to 1 ? Explain your answer.

Q.3 Among the solubility rules is the statement that carbonates, phosphates, borates, arsenates, and arsenites,
except those of the ammonium ion and the alkali metals are insoluble.
(a) Write the expression for the equilibrium constant for the reaction represented by the equation
CaC03 (s) ^ Ca2+ (aq) + C032" (aq)
Is K greater than 1, less than 1, or about equal to 1 ? Explain your answer
(b) Write the expression for the equilibrium constant for the reaction represented by the equation.
3Ba2+ (aq) + 2P043" (aq) ^ Ba^PO,), (s)
Is K greater than 1, less than 1, or about equal to 1 ? Explain your answer.

Q.4 Benzene is one of the compounds used as octane enhancers in unleaded gasoline. It is manufactured by
the catalytic conversion of acetylene to benzene.
3C2H2 > C6H6
Would this reaction be most useful commercially if K were about 0.01, about 1, or about 10? Explain
your answer.

Q.5 Showthe complete chemical equation and the net ionic equation for the reaction represented by the
KI (aq) + I2 (aq) ^ KI3 (aq)
give the same expression for the reaction quotient. KI3 is composed of the ions K+ and
Pffj-hxaoY^et? b\ p\JKOVTY-NA/ ^ {' " \ r
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Using the equilibrium constant

Q. 6 Which of the following reactions goes almost al 1 the way to completion, and which proceeds hardly at
(a) N2(g) + 02(g) ^ 2NO (g); Kc = 2.7 * 10"18
(b) 2NO(g) + 02(g) ^ 2N0 2 (g); Kc = 6.0 x l O13

Q. 7 For which ofthe following reactions will the equilibrium mixture contain an appreciable concentration of
both reactants and products?
(a) Cl 2 (g)^2Cl(g); Kc = 6.4xi 0 - 3 9
(b) Cl2(g) + 2NO (g) ^ 2NOC1 (g) ; Kc = 3.7 x 108
(c) Cl2(g) + 2N0 2 (g) ^ 2N02C1 (g); Kc = 1.8

Q. 8 The value of Kc for the reaction 30 2 (g) ^ 20 3 (g) is 1.7 x 10"56 at 25°C. Do you expect pure air at
25°C to contain much 0 3 (ozone) when 0 2 and 0 3 are in equilibrium? If the equilibrium concentration
of 0 2 in air at 25°C is 8 x 10~3 M, what is the equilibrium concentration of 0 3 ?

Q.9 At 1400 K, Kc = 2.5 x 10"3 for the reaction CH4 (g) + 2H2S ^ CS2(g) + 4H2(g). A10.0 L reaction
vessel at 1400 K contains 2.0 mol of CH4,3.0 mol of CS2,3.0 mol of H2 and 4.0 mol ofH2S. Is the
reaction mixture at equilibrium? Ifnot, in which direction does the reaction proceed to reach equilibrium?

Q.10 Thefirststep in the industrial synthesis of hydrogen is the reaction of steam and methane to give water
gas, a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
H 2 0 (g) + CH4(g) ^ CO (g) + 3H2(g)Kc = 4.7 at 1400 K
A mixture of reactants and product at 1400 K contains 0.03 5 M H20,0.050M CH4,0.15 M CO, and
0.20 M H2. In which direction does the reaction proceed to reach equilibrium?

Q.ll An equilibrium mixture of N2, H2, and NH3 at 700 K contains 0.036 M N2 and 0.15 M H2. At this
temperature, Kc for the reaction N2(g) + SH^g) ^ 2NH3(g) is 0.29. What is the concentration ofNH3?

Q.12 The air pollutant NO is produced in automobile engines from the high temperature reaction
N2(g) + 02(g) ^ 2NO (g); Kc = 1.7 x 10-3 at 2300 K. If the initial concentrations ofN 2 and 0 2 at
2300 K are both 1.40 M, what are the concentrations of NO, N2, and 0 2 when the reaction mixture
reaches equilibrium?
Q.13 At a certain temperature, the reaction PCl5(g) ^ PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) has an equilibrium constant
Kc = 5.8 x 10"2. Calculate the equilibrium concentrations of PC15, PC13 and Cl2 if only PC15 is present
initially, at a concentration of 0.160 M.
Q.14 At 700 K, Kp = 0.140 for the reaction C1F3 (g) ^ C1F (g) + F2(g). Calculate the equilibrium partial
pressure of C1F3, C1F, and F2 if only C1F3 is present initially, at a partial pressure of 1.47 atm.

Homogeneous equilibria degree of dissociation, vapour density and equilibrium constant

Q. 15 The degree of dissociation of N 0 0 4 into N0 2 at 1.5 atmosphere and 40°C is 0.25. Calculate its
Kp at 40°C. Also report degree of dissociation at 10 atmospheric pressure at same temperature.

Q.16 At 46°C, Kp for the reaction N204(g) ^ 2N02(g) is 0.667 atm. Compute the percent dissociation
of N 2 0 4 at46°C at a total pressure of 380Torr,

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Q.17 When 36.8gN204(g) is introduced into a 1.0-litre flask at 27°C . The following equilibrium
reaction occurs : N 2 0 4 (g) ^ 2N0 2 (g); Kp = 0.1642 atm.
(a) Calculate Kc of the equilibrium reaction.
(b) What are the number of moles of N 2 0 4 and N0 2 at equilibrium?
(c) What is the total gas pressure in the flask at equilibrium? -
(d) What is the percent dissociation of N204?

Q.18 At some temperature and under a pressure of 4 atm, PC15 is 10% dissociated. Calculate the
pressure at which PC15 will be 20% dissociated, temperature remaining same.
Q.19 In a mixture of N2 and H2 in the ratio of 1:3 at 64 atmospheric pressure and 300°C, the percentage of
ammonia under equlibriumis 33.33 by volume. Calculate the equilibrium constant ofthe reaction using
the equation. N2(g) + 3H2(g) ^ 2NH3(g).

Q. 20 The system N 2 0 4 ^ 2 N0 2 maintained in a closed vessel at 60° C & a pressure of 5 atm has an average
(i.e. observed) molecular weight of 69, calculate Kp. At what pressure at the same
temperature would the observed molecular weight be (23 0/3) ?

Q.21 The vapour density of N 2 0 4 at a certain temperature is 3 0. Calculate the percentage dissociation of
N 2 0 4 at this temperature. N204(g) ^ 2N0 2 (g).

Q.22 In the esterfication C2H5OH (1) + CH3COOH (1) ^ CH3COOC2H5 (1) + H 2 0 (1) an equimolar
mixture of alcohol and acid taken initially yields under equilibrium, the water with mole
fraction=0.333. Calculate the equilibrium constant.

Hetrogeneous equilibrium
Q.23 Solid Ammonium carbamate dissociates as: NH2 COONH4 (s) ^ 2NH3(g) + C02(g). In a closed
vessel solid ammonium carbamate is in equilibrium with its dissociation products. At equilibrium, ammonia
is added such that the partial pressure ofNH, at new equilibrium now equals the original total pressure.
Calculate the ratio of total pressure at new equilibrium to that of original total pressure.

Q. 24 A sample of CaC03(s) is introduced into a sealed container of volume 0.821 litre & heated to 1000K
until equilibrium is reached. The equilibrium constant for the reaction CaC03(s) ^ CaO(s) + C02(g) is
4 x LO-2 atm at this temperature. Calculate the mass of CaO present at equilibrium.

Q.25 Anhydrous calcium chloride is often used as a dessicant. In the presence of excess of CaCl2, the
amount of the water taken up is governed by Kp = 6.4 x 1085 for the following reaction at room
temperature, CaCl2(s) + 6H20(g) ^ CaCl2,6H20(s). What is the equilibrium vapour pressure of
water in a closed vessel that contains CaCl2(s) ?

Q. 26 20.0 grams of CaC03(s) were placed in a closed vessel, heated & maintained at 727° C under
equilibrium CaC03(s) ^ CaO(s) + C02(g) and it is found that 75 % of CaC03 was decomposed.
What is the value of Kp ? The volume of the container was 15 litres.

Changes in concentration at equilibrium Le Chatelier's principle

Q.27 Suggest four ways in which the concentration of hydrazine, N2H4, could be increased in an equilibrium
described by the equation
N2 (g) + 2H2 (g) ^ N2H4 (g) AH = 95 kJ

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Q.28 How will an increase in temperature affect each of the following equilibria? An increase in pressure?
(a) 2NH 3 (g)^N 2 (g) + 3H2(g) AH = 92 kJ
(b) N2 (g) + 0 2 (g) ^ 2NO (g) AH = 181 kJ
(c) 20 3 (g) ^ 30 2 (g) AH = - 285 kJ
(d) CaO (s) + C0 2 (g) ^ CaC03 (s) AH = - 176 kJ
Q. 29(a) Methanol, a liquid fuel that could possibly replace gasoline, can be prepared from water gas and
additional hydrogen at high temperature and pressure in the presence of a suitable catalyst. Write the
expression for the equilibrium constant for the reversible reaction.
2H2(g) + CO(g)^CH 3 OH(g) AH = - 90.2 kJ
(b) Assume that equil ibrium has been established and predicthowthe concentration ofT^, CO and CH, OH will
differ at a new equilibrium if(1) more H^ is added. (2) CO is removed. (3) CH^OH is added. (4) the pressure
on the system is increased. (5) the temperature ofthe system is increased. (6) more catalyst is added.

Q.30(a) Water gas, a mixture of H2 and CO, is an important industrial fuel produced by the reaction of steam
with red-hot coke, essentially pure carbon. Write the expression for the equilibrium constant for the
reversible reaction.
C(s) + H 2 0 (g) ^ CO (g) + ^ (g) AH = 131.30 kJ
(b) Assume that equilibrium has been established and predict how the concentration of each reactant and
product will differ at a new equilibrium if (1) more C is added. (2) H 2 0 is removed. (3) CO is added.
(4) the pressure on the system is increased. (5) the temperature of the system is increased.

Q.31 Ammonia is a weak base that reacts with water according to the equation
NH3 (aq) + H 2 0 (I) ^ NH4+ + OH- (aq)
Will any of the following increase the percent of ammonia that is converted to the ammonium ion in
water? (a) Addition of NaOH. (b) Addition of HCl. (c) Addition ofNH4Cl.

Q.32 Suggest two ways in which the equilibrium concentration ofAg+ can be reduced in a solution ofNa+,
Cl~, Ag+ and N03~, in contact with solid AgCl.
Na+ (aq) + Cl~ (aq) + Ag+ (aq) + N0 3 - (aq) ^ AgCl (s) + Na+ (aq) + N03~ (aq) AH = -65.9 kJ

Q.33 Additional solid silver sulfate, a slightly soluble solid, is added to a solution of silver ion and sulfate ion in
equilibrium with solid silver sulfate. Which ofthe following will occur? (a) The Ag+ and S042- concentration
will not change, (b) The added silver sulfate will dissolve, (c) Additional silver sulfate will form and
precipitatefromsolution as Ag+ ions and S042" ions combine, (d) The Ag+ ion concentration will increase
and the S042 ion concentration will decrease.
Kinetics and equilibrium constant
Q.34 Consider a general, single-step reaction of the type A+ B ^ C. Show that the equilibrium constant is
equal to the ratio of the rate constant for the forward and reverse reaction, Kc = k/kr.

Q.35 Which ofthe following relative values of kf and kr results in an equilibrium mixture that contains large
amounts of reactants and small amounts of product?
(a)k f >k r (b) kf = kr (c)k f <k r

Q.36 Consider the gas-phase hydration of hexafluoroacetone, (CF3)2CO:

(CF3)2CO (g) + H2O (g) % (CF3)2C(OH)2 (g)


At 76°C, the forward and reverse rate constants are k f =0.13 M ' V 1 and kr = 6.02 x 1 O^s"1. What
is the value ofthe equilibrium constant Kc?
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Q.37 Consider the reaction of chloromethane with OH in aqueous solution

Ct^Cl (aq) + OH- (aq) ^ CH3OH (aq) + CI" (aq)
At 25 °C, the rate constant for the forward reaction is 6 * 10-6 M_1 s"1, and the equilibrium constant Kc
isl x 1016. Calculate the rate constant for the reverse reaction at 25°C.

Q.38 The progress of the reaction

A ^ nB with time, is presented infigure.Determine
(i) the value of n.
(ii) the equilibrium constant k
(iii) the initial rate of conversion ofA

Time / Hour
Temperature dependence of equilibrium constant
Q.39 Listed in the table are forward and reverse rate constants for the reaction 2NO (g) •;N2(g)+02(g)
Temperature (K) (IVTV1) k,. (lVHs-1)
1400 0.29 1.1 x 10-6
1500 1.3 1.4 xlO"5
Is the reaction endothermic or exothermic? Explain in terms of kinetics.

Q. 40 Forward and reverse rate constant for the reaction C02(g) + N2(g) CO(g) + N 2 0 (g) exhibit the
following temperature dependence.
Temperature (K) (M'V 1 ) k r (M-1s_1)
1200 9.1 1CT X 1.5 105

1500 2.7 x 10~9 2.6 x 105

Is the reaction endothermic or exothermic? Explain in terms of kinetics.

Q.41 The equilibrium constant K for the reaction PCl5(g) ^ PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) is 3.81 x 102 at 600 K and
2.69 x 1 o3 at 700 K. Calculate AjH.

Q.42 As shown infigurea catalyst lowers the activation energy

for the forward and reverse reactions by
the same amount, AEa.
~E /RT
(a) Apply the Arrhenius equation, K = Ae a/ to the
forward and reverse reactions, and show that a catalyst
increases the rates of both reactions by the same factor.
(b) Use the relation between the equilibrium constant and
the forward and reverse rate constants,
Kc = kj/kr, to show that a catalyst does not affect the Reaction progress

value ofthe equilibrium constant.

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Temperature dependence of equilibrium constant

Q. 43 Variation of equilibrium constant K' with temperature T is given by equation

log K = log A - 2.303 RT
A graph between log K and 1 /T was a straight line with -ve slope of 0.5 and intercept 10. Calculate
(a) AH°
(b) Pre exponential factor
(c) Equilibrium constant at 298 K
(d) Equilibrium constant at 798 K assuming AH0 to be independent of temperature.

Q. 44 Rate of disappearance of the reactant Aat two different temperature is given b y A ^ B

= (2xl0-2 S-1) [A] - 4 x 10~3 S- ! [B]; 300K
• = (4x 10"2 S"1) [A] - 1 6 x 1 0 ^ [B]; 400K
Calculate heat of reaction in the given temperature range. When equilibrium is set up.

Q.45 The Kp for reaction A+ B ^ C + D isl .34 at 60°C and 6.64 at 100°C. Determine the free energy
change ofthis reaction at each temperature and AH° for the reaction over this range of temperature?

Equilibrium expressions and equilibrium constants

Q. 46 If Kc = 7.5 x 10~9 at 1000 K for the reaction N2 (g) + 0 2 (g) ^ 2NO (g), what is Kc at 1000 K for the
reaction 2NO (g) ^ N2 (g) + 0 2 (g)?

Q.47 An equilibrium mixture of PC15, PC13 and Cl2 at a certain temperature contains 8.3 x 10~3 M PC15,
1.5 x 1 (T2 M PC13, and 3.2 x l"(T2 M Cl2. Calculate the equilibrium constant Kc for the reaction
PCl 5 (g)^PCl 3 (g) + Cl2(g).

Q.48 AsampleofHI(9.30 x 1CT3 mol) was placed in an empty 2.00 L container at 1000 K. After equilibrium
was reached, the concentration of I2 was 6.29 x 10-4 M. Calculate the value of Kc at 1000 K for the
reaction H2 (g) +12 (g) ^ 2HI (g).

Q. 49 The vapour pressure of water at 25°C is 0.0313 atm. Calculate the values of Kp and Kc at 25°C for the
equilibrium H 2 0 (1) ^ H 2 0 (g).

Q.50 For each ofthe following equilibria, write the equilibrium constant expression for Kc. Where appropriate,
also write the equilibrium constant expression for K .
(a) Fe 2 0 3 (s) + 3 C 0 ( g ) ^ 2 F e ( / ) + 3C0 2 (g) (b) 4Fe(s) + 30 2 (g) ^ 2Fe203 (s)
(c) BaS04 (s) ^ BaO (s) + S0 3 (g) (d) BaS04 (s) ^ Ba2+(aq) + S042" (aq)

Q. 51 When 0.5 mol of N 2 0 4 is placed in a 4.00 L reaction vessel and heated at 400 K, 79.3% ofthe N 2 0 4
decomposes to N0 2 .
Calculate Kc and Kp at 400 K for the reaction N 2 0 4 (g) ^ 2N02(g)

Q.52 What concentration ofNH3 is in equilibrium with 1.0 x 10~3MN2and2.0 x 10-3MH2at700K?At

this temperature Kc = 0.291 for the reaction N2(g) + 3H2 (g) ^ 2NH3 (g).
Q.53 At 100 K the value of Kc for the reaction C (s) + I^O (g) ^ C 0 ( g ) + H 2 (g)is3.0x 1 o~2. Calculate the
equilibrium concentrations ofH20, C02, and Hj in the reaction mixture obtained by heating 6.0 mol of steam
and an excess of solid carbon in a 5.0 L container. What is the molar composition ofthe equilibrium mixture?
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Q. 54 When 1.0 mol of PC15 is introduced into a 5.0 L container at 500 K, 78.5 % of the PC15 dissociates to
give an equilibrium mixture of PC15, PC13, and Cl2.
PCl 5 (g)^PCl 3 (g) + Cl2(g)
(a) Calculate the values of Kc and Kp.
(b) If the initial concentrations in a particular mixture of reactants and products are [PC15] = 0.5 M,
[PC13] = 0.15 M, and [C1J = 0.6 M, in which direction does the reaction proceed to reach equilibrium?
What are the concentrations when the mixture reaches equilibrium?

Q.55 The equilibrium constant Kc for the gas-phase thermal decomposition of cyclopropane to propene is
1.0 x 105 at 500 K.
/CH 2

cyclopropane Propene
(a) What is the value ofK p at 500 K?
(b) What is the equilibrium partial pressure of cyclopropane at 500 K when the partial pressure of propene
is 5.0 atm?
(c) Can you alter the ratio ofthe two concentrations at equilibrium by adding cyclopropane or by decreasing
the volume ofthe container? Explain.
(d) Which has the larger rate constant, the forward reaction or the reverse reaction?
(e) Why is cyclopropane so reactive?

Thermodynamic and equilibrium constant

Q.56 a-D-Glucose undergoes mutarotation to P-D-Glucose in aqueous solution. If at 298 K there is 60%
conversion. Calculate AG° ofthe reaction.
a-D-Glucose ^ P-D-Glucose

Q.57 For the reaction at 298 K

A(g) + B(g)^C(g) + D(g)
AH° = - 29.8 kcal; AS0 = -0.1 kcal / K
Calculate AG° and K.

Q.58 The equilibrium constant of the reaction 2C3H6(g) ^ CjH^g) + C4Hg(g) is found to fit the expression
lnK = -1.04
Calculate the standard reaction enthalpy and entropy at 400 K.

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1. K for the reaction 2A+B ^ 2C is 1.5 x 1012. This indicates that at equilibrium the concentration of
would be maximum.

2. The reaction N2 + 0 2 ^ 2NO - Heat, would be favoured by temperature.

3. K for the reaction X 2 +Y 2 ^ 2XY is 100 K. For reaction XY ^ ^ X ^ - Y2 would be .

4. Compared to K for the dissociation, 2HjS ^ 2H++2HS , then K' for the H+ + HS ^ I^S would have

5. The equilibrium constant for a reaction decreases with increase in temperature, the reaction must be

6. For the reaction, PCl5(g) ^ PCl3(g) + Cl2(g), K p and K c are related as .

7. For the reactions, N204(g) ^ 2N02(g), at equilibrium, increase in pressure shifts the equilibrium in

8. AG° is related to K by the relation .

9. Vant Hoff s equation is .

10. When the reaction is at equilibrium, the value of AG is .

11 .• Dimensions of equilibrium constant for the reaction 2NHJ ^ N2 + 3H2, are .

12. The value ofK for a reaction can be changed by changing

13. The law of mass action was proposed by .

14. The degree of dissociation of PC15 [PCl5(g) ^ PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)], with increase in pressure

at equilibrium.

15. If concentration quotient, Q is greater than K^, the net reaction in taking place in direction.

16. The reaction, N2 + 3H2 ^ 2NH3 would be favoured by pressure.

17. Kp is related to K c as .

18. Solubility of a gas in water with increase in temperature.

19. Introduction of inert gas at constant volume to a gaseous reaction at equilibrium results in formation of
20. The product is more stable than reactants in reaction having K.

21. Van't Hoff s equation gives the quantitative relation between change in value of K with change in
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22. The larger value of K indicates that the product is more stable relative to reactants.

23. The value of equilibrium constant changes with change in the initial concentration ofthe reactants.

24. Extent of a reaction can always be increased by increasing the temperature.

25. Kp is related to K c as Kp = K c (RT) An .

26. Introduction of inert gas at a gaseous reaction at equilibrium keeping pressure constant has no effect on
equilibrium state.

27. For the reaction, N 2 0 4 (g) ^ 2N02(g), Kp = K c (RT).

28. For a reaction the value of Q greater than K indicates that the net reaction is proceeding in backward

29. Solubilities ofall solids in water increase with increase in temperature.

30. Dissolution of all gases in water is accompanied by evolution of heat.

31. For the reaction, N2 + 3H2 ^ 2NHL, the equilibrium expression may be written as K = 3 .

32. For the reaction, CaC03(s) ^ CaO(s) + C02(g), Kp = p C o 2 .

33. A catalyst increases the value ofthe equilibrium constant for a reaction.

34. If concentration quotient of reaction is less than K, the net reaction is proceeding in the backward

35. In case ofendothermic reactions, the equilibrium shifts in backward direction on increasing the temperature.

3 6. The value of K increases with increase in pressure.

37. For the reaction, F^ + I ^ 2EH, the equilibrium constant, K is dimensionless.

38. The reaction 2S02(g)+02(g) ^ 2S03(g), AH=-XkJ, is favoured by high pressure and high temperature.

39. Avery high value of K indicates that at equilibrium most of the reactants are converted into products.

40. The value of K for the reaction, N2 + 2H2 ^ 2NHJ, can be increased by applying high pressure or by
using a catalyst.

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Q. 1 At high temperatures phosgene, COCl2decomposetogiveCO&Cl2. Inatypical experiments x 1CT4 kg
of COCl2 is injected into a flask of volume 0.4105 dm3 at 1000 K. When equilibrium is established it
is found that the total pressure in the flaskis3.039 x 105 pascals. Calculate the equilibrium constant
(Kp) for this reaction at 1000 K.

Q.2 2 moles ofA& 3 moles of B are mixedinl litre vessel and the reaction is carried at 400°C according
to the equation; A+ B ^ 2 C. The equilibrium constant of the reaction is 4. Find the number of moles
ofC at equilibrium.

Q.3 2NOBr(g)^2NO(g) + Br2(g). If nitrosylbromide(NOBr) is33.33% dissociated at25°C&

a total pressure of 0.28 atm. Calculate Kpfor the dissociation at this temperature.

Q.4 At 90°C, the following equilibrium is established :

H2(g) + S(s) ^ H2S(g) Kp = 6.8 x lO-2
If 0.2 mol of hydrogen and 1.0 mol of sulphur are heated to 90°C in a 1.0 litre vessel,
what will be the partial pressure of E^S at equilibrium?

Q.5 The equilibrium constant for the reaction is 9.40 at 900°C S2(g) + C(s) ^ CS2(g). Calculate the
pressure oftwo gases at equilibrium, when 1.42 atm of S2 and excess of C(s) come to equilibrium.

Q.6 A mixture of 2 moles of CH4 & 34 gms ofFLjS was placed in an evacuated container, which was then
heated to & maintained at 727° C. When equilibrium was established in the gaseous reaction
CH4 + 2 H2S ^ CS2 + 4 H2 the total pressure in the container was 0.92 atm & the partial pressure of
hydrogen was 0.2 atm. What was the volume of the container ?

Q.7 At 817° C, Kp for the reaction between pure C0 2 and excess hot graphite to form 2 CO(g) is 10 atm.
(a) What is the analysis of the gases at equilibrium at 817°C & a total pressure of 4.0 atm ? What is the
partial pressure of C0 2 at equilibrium ?
(b) At what total pressure will the gas mixture analyze 6%, C0 2 by volume ?

Q.8 The equilibrium mixture S0 2 + N0 2 ^ S0 3 + NO was found to contain 0.6 mol of S03,0.40 mol of
NO, 0.8 mol of S0 2 & 0.1 mol of N0 2 in a 1L vessel. One mole of NO was then forced into the
reaction vessel with V & T constant Calculate the amounts of each gas in the new equilibrium mixture.

Q.9 For the reaction N 2 0 4 ^ 2N02, equilibrium mixture contains N0 2 at P = 1.1 atm & N 2 0 4 at
P=0.28 atm at 3 50 K. The volume of the container is doubled. Calculate the equilibrium pressures of
the two gases when the system reaches new equilibrium.

Q.10 In the preceding problem, calculate the degree of dissociation, a at both pressures corresponding to
mean molar masses of 65 & 76.667. Use data from the preceding problem.

Q. 11 PC15 dissociates according to the reaction PC15 ^ PCl3(g) + Cl2(g). At 523 K, Kp = 1.78 atm. Find
the density of the equilibrium mixture at a total pressure of 1 atm.

Q.12 The reaction 3/2H2(g) + 112 N2(g) ^ NH(g) was carried out at T = 620 K & P = 10 atm with an
initial mixture of H^: N 2 =3 :1, the mixture at equilibrium contained 7.35 % NH^. Find Kp and Kc.

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Q. 13 For the reaction S02(g) + 1/2 02(g) ^ S03(g) AH°29g = - 98.32 kJ/mole,
AS°298 = - 95.0 J/K/mole. Find the Kp for this reaction at 298 K.

Q.14 The following data for the equilibrium composition ofthe reaction
2Na(g) ^ Na2(g)
at 1.013 MPa pressure and 1482.53 K have been obtained,
mass % Na (monomer gas) = 71.3
mass % Na2 (dimer gas) = 28.7
Calculate the equilirium constant Kp.

Q.15 The degree of dissociation of HI at a particular temperature is 0.8. Find the volume of 1. 5M sodium
thiosulphate solution required to react completely with the iodine present at equilibrium in acidic conditions,
when 0.135 mol each of H2 and I2 are heated at 440 K in a closed vessel of capacity 2.0 L.

Q.16 A reaction system in equilibrium according to the equation 2 S0 2 + 0 2 ^ 2 S03 in 1 litre reaction vessel
at a given temperature was found to contain 0.11 mol of S0 2 ,0.12 mol of S0 3 and 0.05 mol of 0 2 .
Another 1 litre reaction vessel contains 64 g of S02 at the same temperature. What mass of 0 2 must be
added to this vessel in order that at equilibrium half of S0 2 is oxidised to S0 3 ?

Q.17 Amixture ofhydrogen & iodine in the mole ratio 1.5 :1 is maintained at 450° C. After the attainment of
equilibrium H2(g) + I2(g) ^ 2 HI(g), it is found on analysis that the mole ratio of I2 to HI is 1 : 18.
Calculate the equilibrium constant & the number of moles of each species present under equilibrium, if
initially, 127 grams of iodine were taken.

Q.18 In a closed container nitrogen and hydrogen mixture initially in a mole ratio of 1:4 reached equilibrium. It
is found that the half hydrogen is converted to ammonia. Ifthe original pressure was 180 atm, what will
be the partial pressure of ammonia at equilibrium. (There is no change in temperature)

Q.19 The equilibrium constant for the reaction C0(g)+H 2 0(g)^C0 2 (g)+H 2 (g) is7.3at450°C& latm
pressure. The initial concentration of water gas [CO + FL,] & steam are 2 moles & 5 moles respectively.
Find the number of moles of CO, H2, C0 2 & F^O (vapour) at equilibrium.

Q.20 At 1200°C, the following equilibrium is established between chlorine atoms & molecule:
Cl2(g) ^ 2C1 (g)
The composition of the equilibrium mixture may be determined by measuring the rate of effusion of the
mixture through a pin hole. It is found that at 1200°C and 1 atm pressure the mixtureeffuses 1.16 times
as fast as krypton effuses under the same condition. Calculate the equilibrium constant kc.

Q.21 Two solids X and Ydisssociate into gaseous products at a certain temperature as follows:
X(s) ^ A(g) + C(g), and Y(s) ^ B(g) + C(g). At a given temperature, pressure over excess
solid X is 40 mm and total pressure over solid Y is 60 mm. Calculate:
(a) the values of K for two reactions (in mm)
(b) the ratio of moles ofA and Bin the vapour state over a mixture of X and Y
(c) the total pressure of gases over a mixture of X and Y

Q. 22 S03 decomposes at a temperature of 1000 K and at a total pressure of 1.642 atm. At equilibrium, the
density of mixture is found to be 1.28 g/1 in a vessel of 90 literes. Find the degree of dissociation of S03
for S03 ^ S0 2 + l/20 2 .

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Q.23 Consider the equilibrium: P(g) + 2Q(g) ^ R(g). When the reaction is carried out at a certain temperature,
the equilibrium conceentration of P and Q are 3M and 4M respectively. When the volume of the vessel
is doubled and the equilibrium is allowed to be reestablished, the concentration of Q is found to be 3M.
Find (A) Kc (B) concentration of R at two equilibrium stages.

Q. 24 When PC15 is heated, it dissociates into PC13 and Cl2. The vapor density of the gaseous mixture at
200°C and 250°C is 70.2 and 57.9 respectively. Find the % dissociation ofPCl5 at 200°C and 250°C.

Q.25 The density of an equilibrium mixture of N 2 0 4 and N0 2 atl01.32KP a is3.62g dm"3 at 288 K and
1.84 g dm"3 at 348K. What is the heat ofthe reaction for N 2 0 4 ^ 2NOa (g).

Q. 26 Two solid compounds A& C dissociates into gaseous productat temperature as follows
A ( s ) ^ B ( g ) + E(g)
C ( s ) ^ D ( g ) + E(g)
At 20° C pressure over excess solid Ais 50atm & that over excess solid C is 68atm. Find the total
pressure of gases over the solid mixture.

Q.27 The equilibrium constant for the following reaction at 13 95 K.

2H20 ^ 2H2 + 0 2 Kj = 2.1 x 10"13
2C02 ^ 2CO + 0 2 K 2 = 1.4 x 10-12
Calculate the value ofK for the reaction : H2 + C0 2 ^ C0 + H 2 0

Q.28 A saturated solution of iodine in water contains 0.33g / L. More than this can dissolve in aKI solution
because ofthe following equilibrium: I2(aq) +I~ (aq) ^ I3~(aq). A0.10M KI solution (0.10 MI")
actually dissolves 12.5 g of iodine/L, most of which is converted to I3~. Assuming that the concentration
ofI2 in all saturated solutions is the same, calculate the equilibrium constant for the above reaction.
What is the effect of adding water to a clear saturated of I2 in the KI solution ?

Q.29 The equilibriump-Xyloquinone + methylene white ^p-Xylohydroquinone + methylene blue may be

studied convinently by observing the difference in color methylene white and methylene blue. One mmol
ofmethylene blue was added to 1L of solution that was 0.24 M in p-Xylohydroquinone and 0.012 M in
p-Xyloquinone. It was then found that 4% of the added methylene blue was reduced to methylene
white. What is the equilibrium constant of the above reaction? The equation is balanced with one mole
each of 4 substances.

Q.30 A mixture of N2 & H2 are in equilibrium at 600 K at a total pressure of 80 atm. If the initial ratio of N2
and are 3:1 and at equilibrium NH3 is 10% by volume. Calculate Kp of reaction at given temperature.
Q.31 AG0 (298 K) for the reaction 1/2 N2 + 3/2 H, NH3 is -16.5 kJ mol"1. Find the equilibrium
constant (Kj) at 25°C .What will be the equilibrium constants K2 and K, for the following reactions:
N2 + 3H2 ^ 2NH3

NI^ ^ l / 2 N 2 + 3/2H 2
Q.32 A certain gas Apolymerizes to a small extent at a given temperature & pressure, nA^A n . Show that

the gas obeys the approx. equation ZX = where K = ^ & V is the volume of the
RT yn-l
' [A]"
conatiner. Assume that initially one mole ofA was taken in the container.
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Q.33 1CT3 mol ofCuSC^.SHjO is introduced in a 1.9 Lvesselmaintained ata constant temperature of27°C containing
moist air at relative humidity of 12.5%. What is the final molar composition of solid mixture?
For CuS0 4 .5^00) ^ CuS04(s)+51^0^), Kp(atm)= 1 CT10. Takevapor pressure ofwater at27°Cas 28 tons.

Q.34 When 1 mol ofA(g) is introduced in a closed 1L vessel maintained at constant temperature, the following
equilibria are established.
A(g)^B(g) + 2C(g) ; Kj = ?
C(g)^2D(g) + 3B(g); K2 = ?
The pressure at equilibrium is J times the initial pressure.

v „ 4
Calculate & K c 2 if [ A j = ~,

Q.35 When NO & N0 2 are mixed, the following equilibria are readily obtained;
2N0 2 ^ N 2 0 4 Kp = 6.8 atm-1
N0 + N0 2 ^ N 2 0 3 Kp = ?
In an experiment when NO & N0 2 are mixed in the ratio of 1:2, the totalfinalpressure was 5.05 atm
& the partial pressure of N 2 0 4 was 1.7 atm. Calculate
(a) the equilibrium partial pressure of NO.
(b) Kp for NO + N0 2 ^ N 2 0 3

Q.36 Solid NH4I on rapid heating in a closed vessel at 357°C develops a constant pressure of
275 mm Hg owing to partial decomposition ofNH4I into NF^ and HI but the pressure gradually increases
further (when the excess solid residue remains in the vessel) owing to the dissociation of HI. Calculate
thefinalpressure developed at equilibrium.
NH4I(s) ^ NH3(g)+HI(g)
2HI(g) ^ H2(g) + I2(g), Kc = 0.065 at 357°C

Q.37 Given are the following standardfreeenergies of formation at 298K.

CO(g) C02(g) H20(g) H20(/)
ArG/kJmoH -137.17 -394.36 -228.57 -237.13
(a) Find AfG° and the standard equilibrium constant K 0 at 298 K for the reaction
C0(g) + H20(g) ^ C02(g) + H2(g)
(b) If CO, C0 2 and H2 are mixed so that the partial pressure of each is 101.325 kPa and the mixture is
brought into contact with excess of liquid water, what will be the partial pressure of each gas when
equilibrium is attained at298K. The volume available to the gases is constant.

Q.38 For the reaction

C2H6(g) ^ C2H4(g) + H2(g)
Kp° is 0.05 and ArG° is 22.384 kJmoH at 900 K. If an initial mixture comprising 20 mol of C2H6 and
80 mol ofN2(inert) is passed over a dehydrogenation catalyst at 900K, what is the equilibrium percentage
composition of the effluent gas mixture? The total pressure is kept at 0.5 bar. Given: ArS° = 13 5.143 J
K"1 moF1 at 300K. Calculate ArG° at 300K. (Assume ArCp = 0)

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Q.39(a) The equilibrium H2(g) + C02(g) <=> H20(g) + CO(g) is established in an evacuated vessel at 723
K starting with 0.1 mole of H2 & 0.2 mole of C02. If the equilibrium mixture contains 10 mole per
cent of water vapour, calculate Kp, given that the equilibrium pressure is 0.5 atm. Calculate the
partial pressures of the component species & the volume of the container,
(b) If now, into the flask (mentioned in the preceding problem), solid CoO & solid Co are introduced
two new equilibria are established.
CoO(s) + H2(g) ^ Co(s) + H 2 0(g) ; CoO(s) + CO(g) ^ Co(s) + C02(g)
The new equilibrium mixture contains 30 mole precent of water vapour. Calculate the equilibrium
constants for the new equilibria.

Q.40 Some iodine is dissolved in an aqueous solution ofKI of concentration 0.102 mole/1, and the solution is
then shaken with equal volume of CC14 until equilibrium is reached (at 15°C). The total amount of iodine
(present as Ij" (aq) or as I2 (aq)) at equilibrium is found to be 0.048 mol/1 in the aqueous layer and
0.085 mol/1 in the CC14 layer. The distribution coefficient of iodine between CC14 and water is 85.
Calculate the equilibrium constant at 15°C for the reaction:
l3~(aq) ^ I2 (aq) +I"(aq)

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Q. 1 Consider following reactions in equilibrium with equilibrium concentration 0.01M of every species
(I) PC15 (g) ^ PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) (II) 2HI(g) ^ H2(g) +12 (g)
(m)N2(g) + 3H 2 (g)^2NH 3 (g)
Extent of the reactions taking place is:
(A)i>n>m (B)i<n<in (C)n<m<i (D)m<i<n

Q.2 For the reaction 3 A(g) + B (g) ^ 2 C (g) at a given temperature, Kc = 9.0 . What must be the
volume of the flask, if a mixture of 2.0 mol each of A, B and C exist in equilibrium?
(A) 6L (B)9L (C) 36 L (D) None of these

Q.3 Sulfide ion in alkaline solution reacts with solid sulfur to form polysulfide ions having formulas
S22-, S32-, S42" and so on. The equilibrium constant for the formation of S22~ is 12 (Kj) & for the
formation of S 3 2- is 132 (K^), bothfromS and S2_.What is the equilibrium constant for the formation
of S32" from S 2 2- and S?
(A) 11 (B) 12 (C) 132 (D) None of these

Q.4 For the following gases equilibrium. N 2 0 4 (g) ^ 2N0 2 (g)

Kp is found to be equal to Kc. This is attained when
(A) 0°C (B) 273 K (C) 1 K (D) 12.19 K

Q.5 1 mole N2 and 3 mol H2 are placed in a closed container at a pressure of 4 atm. The pressure falls to 3
atm at the same temperature when the following equilibrium is attained.
N2(g) + 3H2(g) ^ 2NH3(g). The equilibrium constant Kp for dissociation ofNFL, is:

(A)^x(l.5)3atm-2(B)0.5x(l.5)W (C)^^atm 2
(D) q / ^ 3 atm'2

Q. 6 One mole of N 2 0 4 (g) at 3 00 K is left in a closed container under one atm. It is heated to 600 K
when 20 % by mass of N 2 0 4 (g) decomposes to N0 2 (g). The resultant pressure is :
(A) 1.2 atm (B) 2.4 atm (C) 2.0 atm (D) 1.0 atm

Q.7 For the reaction: 2H1 (g) ^ H^g)+l2(g), the degree of dissociated (a) ofHl(g) is related to equilibrium
constant Kp by the expression

1 + 2 IK 1 + 2K 2K
P 2
(A) - ^ J L (B) ——e. (C) l + 2KP ( D
H + 2/KP

Q. 8 The vapour density of N 2 0 4 at a certain temperature is 3 0. What is the % dissociation of N 2 0 4 at this

temperature? *
(A) 53.3% (B) 106.6% (C)26.7% (D)None

Q.9 For the reaction PCl5(g) ^ PCl3(g) + Cl2(g), the forward reaction at constant temperature is favoured by
(A) introducing an inert gas at constant volume
(B) introducing chlorine gas at constant volume
(C) introducing an inert gas at constant pressure
(D) increasing the volume of the container
(E) introducing PC15 at constant volume.

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Q.10 When N 2 0 5 is heated at temp. T, it dissociates as N 2 0 5 N 2 ° 3 + 0 2 , K C =: 2.5. At the same time

N203 also decomposes as: N203 ^ N 2 0 + 0 2 . If initially 4.0 moles of N 2 0 5 are taken in 1.0 litre flask
and allowed to attain equilibrium, concentration of 0 2 was formed to be 2.5 M Equilibrium concentration
of N 2 0 is
(A) 1.0 (B)1.5 (C) 2.166 (D) 0.334

Q. 11 Densities of diamond and graphite are 3.5 and 2.3 gm/mL.

C (diamond) ^ C (graphite) ArH = -1.9 kJ/mole
favourable conditions for formation ofdiamond are
(A) high pressure and low temperature (B) low pressure and high temperature
(C) high pressure and high temperature (D) low pressure and low temperature

Q.12 When NaN03 is heated in a closed vessel, oxygen is liberated and NaN02 is left behind. At equilibrium
(A) addition of NaN02 favours reverse reaction
(B) addition of NaN03 favours forward reaction
(C) increasing temperature favours forward reaction
(D) increasing pressure favours reverse reaction

Q. 13 The equilibrium S02Cl2(g) ^ S02(g) + Cl2(g) is attained at25°C in a closed rigid container and an inert
gas, helium is introduced. Which of the following statements is/are correct.
(A) concentrations of S02, Cl2 and S02C12 do not change
(B) more chlorine is formed <
(C) concentration of S0 2 is reduced
(D) more S02C12 is formed

Q. 14 For the gas phase reaction, C2H4 + H2 ^ C2H6 (AH = -32.7 kcal), carried out in a closed vessel, the
equilibrium concentration of C ^ can be increased by
(A) increasing the temperature (B) decreasing the pressure
(C) removing some E^ (D) adding some C2H6

Q.15 An exothermic reaction is represented by the graph:

/nK„ InK p laK„ /nK„

(A) (B) (C) (D)
1/T 1/T 1/T 1/T

Q.16 The correct relationship betweenfreeenergy change in a reaction and the corresponding equilibrium
constant K is
(A) -AG° = RT /n K (B) AG = RT /n K (C) -AG = RT /n K (D)AG° = RT/nK

Q.17 The value of AG^. of gaseous mercury is 31 K J/mole. At what total external pressure mercury start
boiling at 25°C. [R=8.3]
(A) 10~5-44 (B) 10"12-5 (C) 10^ 52 (D) 10-312

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Q.18 What is ArG (KJ/mole) for synthesis of ammonia at298 K at following sets of partial pressure:
N2(g) + 3H2(g) # 2NH,(g); ArG° = -33 KJ/mole. [TakeR = 8.3 J/Kmole, log2 = 0.3; log3 = 0.48]
Gas N2 H2 NH3
Pressure (atm) 1 3 0.02
(A)+ 6.5 (B) - 6.5 (C) + 60.5 (D)-60.5

Q.19 In a 7.0 L evacuated chamber, 0.50 mol H2 and 0.50 mol I2 react at 427°C.
H2(g) + I2(g) ^ 2HI(g). At the given temperature, Kc=49 for the reaction.
(i) What is the value of K p ?
(A) 7 (B)49 (C) 24.5 (D)None

(ii) What is the total pressure (atm) in the chamber?

(A) 83.14 (B) 831.4 (C) 8.21 (D)None

(iii) How many moles of the iodine remain unreacted at equilibrium?

(A) 0.388 (B) 0.112 (C)0.25 (D) 0.125

(iv) What is the partial pressure (atm) ofHI in the equilibrium mixture?
(A) 6.385 (B) 12.77 (C) 40.768 (D) 646.58

Q.20 Equilibrium constants are given (in atm) for the following reactions at 0° C:
SrCl2 • 6H 2 0(S) ^ SrCl2 • 2 H 2 0 (s) + 4 H 2 0 ( g ) Kp = 5 x 10~12
N a 2 H P 0 4 • 12 H 2 0(S) ^ N a 2 H P 0 4 • 7 H 2 0 (s) + 5H 2 O(g) K p = 2.43 x 10~ 13
N a 2 S 0 4 • 10 H 2 0(S) ^ N a 2 S 0 4 (s) + 10 H 2 0 (g) K p = 1.024 x 10 27
The vapor pressure of water at 0°C is 4.56 torr.
(i) Which is the most effective drying agent at 0°C?
(A) SrCl2 • 2H 2 0 (B) Na2HP04-7 H 2 0 (C) Na2S04 (D) all equally

(ii) At what relative humidities will Na^O,, • 10 H20 be efflorescent when exposed to air at 0°C?
(A) above33.33% (B) below33.33 % (C) above 66.66% (D)below66.66%

(iii) At what relative humidities will Na2S04 be deliquescent (i.e. absorb moisture) when exposed to the air
at 0°C?
(A) above 33.33% (B)below33.33 % (C) above 66.66% (D) below 66.66%

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Q.l A sample of air consisting of N2 and 0 2 was heated to 2500K until the equilibrium
N2(g) + 02(g) ^ 2NO was established with an equilibrium constant Kc = 2.1 x 10~3. At equilibrium,
the mol% of NO was 1.8. Estimate the initial composition of air in mol fraction of N2 and 0 2 .
[JEE 1997]
Q.2 For the reaction CO(g) + H 2 0 ^ C02(g) + H2(g) at a given temperature the equilibrium amount of
C02(g) can be increased by:
(A) adding a suitable catalyst (B) adding an inert gas
(C) decreasing the volume of the container (D) increasing the amount of CO(g).
[JEE 1998]
Q.3 The degree of dissociation is 0.4 at 400 K & 1.0 atm for the gaseous reaction,
PC15 ^ PC13 + Cl2. Assuming ideal behaviour of all the gases, calculate the density of equilibrium
mixture at400 K & 1.0 atmosphere. (atomic mass ofP = 31.0&Cl = 35.5) [JEE 1998]
Q.4 For the reaction, N205(g) = 2N02(g) + 0.5 02(g), calculate the mole fraction of N205(g) decomposed
at a constant volume & temperature, if the initial pressure is 600 mm Hg & the pressure at any time is
960 mm Hg. Assume ideal gas behaviour. [JEE 1998]
Q.5 The degree of dissociation is 0.4 at 400K & 1.0 atm for the gasoeus reaction
PC15 ^ PCI3 + Cl2(g). Assuming ideal behaviour of all gases. Calculate the density of equilibrium
mixture at 400K & 1.0 atm pressure. , [JEE 1999]
Q.6 When 3.06g of solid NH4HS is introduced into a two litre evacuated flask at 27°C, 30% ofthe solid
decomposes into gaseous ammonia and hydrogen sulphide.
(i) Calculate K c & K p for the reaction at 27°C.
(ii) What would happen to the equilibrium when more solid NH4HS is introduced into the flask?
[JEE 2000]
Q. 7 When 1 -pentyne (A) is treated with 4N alcoholic KOH at 175°C, it is converted slowly into an equilibrium
mixture of 1.3% 1 -pentyne (A), 95.2% 2-pentyne (B) & 3.5% of 1,2,-pentadiene (C). The equilibrium
was maintained at 175°C. Calculate AG° for the following equilibria.
B =A AGj° = ?
B= C AG2° = ?
From the calculated value of AG;0 & AG2° indicate the order of stability ofA B & C. Write a reasonable
reaction mechanism sharing all intermediate leading to A B & C. [JEE 2001]
Q.8 N204(g) ^ 2N02(g)
This reaction is carried out at 298 K and 20 bar. 5 mol each of N 2 0 4 and N0 2 are taken initially.
Given: AG£j2o4 = lOOkJmol-1; AGno2 =50kJmol" 1
(i) Find AG for reaction at 298 K under given condition.
(ii) Find the direction in which the reaction proceeds to achieve equilibrium. [JEE 2004]
Q.9 N2 + 3 H 2 ^ 2NH3
Which is correct statement if N2 is added at equilibrium condition?
(A) The equilibrium will shift to forward direction because according to II law ofthermodynamics the
entropy must increases in the direction of spontaneous reaction.
(B) The condition for equilibrium is GN^ + 3GH^=2GNH^ where G is Gibbsfreeenergy per mole ofthe
gaseous species measured at that partial pressure. The condition of equilibrium is unaffected by the
use of catalyst, which increases the rate of both the forward and backward reactions to the same
(C) The catalyst will increase the rate offorward reaction by a and that of backward reaction by p.
(D) Catalyst will not alter the rate of either ofthe reaction. [JEE 2006]

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Q.l (a) 25, shifts left, (b) 0.22, shiftsright,(c) oo, shifts left, (d) 1, shifts right, (e) 0, shift right, (f) 4, shifts left
Q.2 (a) K = [Ag+] [CI-] is less than 1. AgCl is insoluble thus the concentration of ions are much less than 1M
(b) K = 1 /[Pb2+] [Cl~]2 is greater than one because PbCl2 is insoluble and formation of the solid will
reduce the concentration of ions to a low level
Q.4 K about 10 Q.6p (a) incomplete (b) almost complete Q.7 c Q.8 ~ 9x 10"32mol/L
Q. 9 The reaction is not an equilibrium because Qc > Kc. The reaction will proceedfromright to left to reach
Q.ll 5.9 x 10~3 M Q.12 [NO] = 0.056 M, [N2] = [0 2 ] = 1.37 M
Q.13 [PC13] = [Cy = 0.071 M,[PC15] = 0.089
Q. 14 PCIF = PP2 = 0.389 atm, PCIF3 = 1 -08 atm
Q.15 Kp =0.4, a - 0 . 1 Q.16 50%
3 _1
Q.17 (a) 6.667 x 10" mol L ; (b) n (N 2 0 4 ) = 0.374 mol; n (N0 2 ) = 0.052 mol ;
(c) 10.49 atm (d) 6.44%
Q.18 0.97 atm Q.19 Kp = 1.3 x 10"3 atm"2
Q.20 Kp= 2.5 atm, P = 15 atm Q.21 53.33%
Q.22 K = 4 Q.23 31/27 Q.24 22.4 mg
Q.25 P H20 =5 x 10-I5atm Q.26 0.821 atm
Q. 27 add N2, add H2, increase the pressure, heat the reaction
Q.28 (a) shiftright, shiftleft, (b) shift right, no effect, (c) shift left, shiftleft, (d) shift left, shiftright
Q.29 (a) K = [CH30H]/[H2]2[C0],
(b) 1. [H2] increase, [CO] decrease, [CH3OH] increase; 2. [H2] increase, [CO] decrease, [CH3OH]
decrease ; 3. [H2] increase, [CO] increase, [CH3OH] increase ; 4. [H2] increase, [CO] increase,
[CHgOH] increase; 5. [H2] increase, [CO] increase, [CHgOH] decrease; 6. no change
Q.30 (a) K = [C0][H2]/[H20];
(b) in each of the following cases the mass of carbon will change, but its concentration (activity) will not
change. 1. [H20] no change, [CO] no change, [H2] no change; 2. [H20] decrease, [CO] decrease,
[H2] decrease; 3. [H20] increase, [CO] increase, [H2] decrease; 4. [H20] increase, [CO] increase,
[H2] increase; 5. [H20] decrease, [CO] increase, [H2] increase
Q.31 b
Q.32 Add NaCl or some other salt that produces Cl~ in the solution. Cool the solution.
Q.33 a
kf [C]
Q.34 kf[A][B] = k r [ C ] ; - ^ = ^ j ^ = k c Q.36 216

Q.38 (i) 2; (ii) 1.2 mol/L; (iii) 0.1 moles/hr

Q.39 kr increase more than k^ this means that Ea (reverse) is greater than Ea (forward). The reaction is
exothermic when Ea (reverse) > Ea (forward).
Q.43 (a)-9.574 J/mol,(b)A=10 10 ,(c) 9.96 xlO9, (d) 9.98 x 109
Q.44 16.06 kJ Q.45 -810 J/mol;-5872 J/mol and 41.3 kJ/mol
Q.46 1.3 x 108 Q.47 0.058
Q.48 29.0 Q.49 Kp = 0.0313 atm, Kc = 1.28 x 10"3
[C0 2 ] 3 (Pco2)3 1 _ J _
Q50 (a) Kc =
I c o f ' Kp = '^ K
[0j' K
P =
(P0, )3 ' = K
P =

Kc = [Ba2+] [S042-]
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Q.51 K c = 1.51k Kp = 49.6 Q.52 l J x l O ^ M

Q.53 [CO] = [H2] = 0.18 M ; [H20] = 1.02 M
Q.54 (a) Kc= 0.573 and Kp= 23.5; (b) to the right, [PC15] =0.365 M; [PC13] = 0.285 M, ; [Cl2] = 0.735 M
Q.56 -1.005 kJ/mol Q.57 AG° = 0 ; K = 1
Q.58 AH°= 9.07 kJ/mol; AS°=-8.92 J/moHK"1


1. C 2. high 3. 4.
10 VK
5. exothermic 6. KP = KC(RT) 7. backward 8. AG0 = - RT INK

-2 AH° T 2 - V
10. zero 11. mol2L-2
9. log
Ki 2.303R T2T! J
12. temperature 13. Guldberg and Waage 14. decreases
15. backward 16. high 17. KP = KC(RT)AN
18. decreases 19. same amount of 20. larger value of
21. T 22. T 23. F 24. F
25. T 26. F 27. T 28. T
29. F 30. T 31. T 32. T
33. F 34. F 35. F 36. F
37. T 38. F 39. T 40. F


Q.l Kp(atm)= 1,13

Q.2 2.4 mole Q.3 Kp = 0.01 atm Q.4 0.379 atm
Q.5 PCS2 = 1.284 atm, PS2 = 0.1365 atm
Q.6 300L
Q.7 (i) xco = 0.765, xC02 = 0.235; p(C0 2 ) = 0.938 atm (ii) PTotal = 0.68 atm
Q.8 (K = 3), n S02 = 0.92, n S03 = 0.48, nNO=l .28, % 0 2 = 0.22
NO„= 0.64 atm, P ^ =0.095 atm Q.10 a = 0.415 and 0.2
Q.ll 2.7 g/ lit Q.12 K = 1.337, K = 0.0263 Q.13 Kp= 1.862 x 1012 atm-1/2
Q.14 pNa = 0.843 M Pa; pNa2= 0.170 M Pa; k p =0.239 Q.15 V = 144 mL
Q.16 9.34 g Q. 17 Kc=54, nm=0.9 mol, nI2= 0.05 mol, n H2 : = 0.3 mol
Q.18 48 atm Q.19 nCQ2 = 0.938, n H2 = 1.938, n c o = 0.062, nH2Qg= 4.062
Q.20 6.71 x io~ 4
Q.21 (a) 400mm2,900mm2 (b) 4: 9, (c) 72.15 mm Hg
Q.22 a = 0.5
Q.23 K c = 1/12, [R] = 4 (initial), = 1.5 (final) Q.24 dissociation = 48.5%, 80.05%
Q.25 ArH = 75.5 kJ mol" Q.26 B -> NH4N02; Total pressure = 84.34 atm
Q.27 K = 2.58 Q.28 K=707.2, backward reaction is favoured
Q.29 Kc = 480 Q.30 1.32 xlO" 3
Q.31 K A = 779.4, KB = 6.074 x 10 5 ;K C = 1.283 x 10~3
Q.32 To be proved Q.33 CuS0 4 .5H 2 0 = 9.2 x 10-4mol, CuS0 4 = 8 x 10~5 moles
Q.34 k c =0.111;k c =0.14 Q.35 (a) 1.05 atm, (b) 3.43 atm"1 Q.36 314.1 atm

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Q.37 pC02 =202.65 kPa; pH20 =3.16kPa;p c o = T).124kPa

Q.38 103.47 kJ/mol
Q.39 (a)Kp=7.563 x 10"2, v = 35.62, p(H20)=p(CO)=0.05atm,p(H2)=0.1167atm,p(C02)=0.2833atm
(b) Kj=9, K2=119
Q.40 K = 1.17 x 10-3

Q.l B Q.2 A Q.3 A Q.4 D

Q.5 B Q.6 B Q.7 D Q.8 A
Q.9 C,D,E Q.10 D Q.ll C Q.12 C,D
Q.13 A Q.14 AB,C,D Q.15 A Q.16 A
Q.17 A Q.18 D Q. 19 (i) B ,(ii) C,(iii) B,(iv) A
Q-20 (i) A, (ii) B, (iii) A

Q.l XN2= 0.79, X 02 = 0.21 Q.2 D
Q.3 p = 0.454 g L Q.4 Fraction decomposed = 0.4
Q.5 4.54gdm Q.6 (i)kc= 8.1 x 10" 5 mol 2 L 2 ;k p = 4.19 x 1CT2atm2(ii)Noeffect;
Q.7 15991 J mol"1 , 12304 JmoH ; B > C > A
Q.8 (i) 5.705 x 103 kJmol-1
(ii) Since initial Gibbsfreeenergy change ofthe reaction is positive, so the reverse reaction will take
Q.9 B

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