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2019 NFHS Baseball Exam

NOTE: In the exam situations, F refers to a fielder, B refers to a batter and R refers to a runner.
All situations and acts are legal, and no errors or mistakes are involved unless otherwise noted.

1. With R2 on second base, B3 swings and misses the pitch for strike two. His follow-through
hits F2 while he is attempting to throw out R2, who successfully steals third base. ​2-21-4,
A. There is no interference, the play stands.
B. This is follow-through interference; R2 is declared out.
C. This is follow-through interference; both R2 and B3 are declared out.
D. This is follow-through interference, B3 is declared out and R2 is returned to second

2. A fair ball is a batted ball which: ​ 2-5-1

A. Touches first, second or third base.
B. While on or over fair territory, touches the person of an umpire or player, their clothing
or equipment.
C. Settles on the third-base foul line between home and third.
D. All of the above

3. At the pregame conference, the plate umpire asks both head coaches if they have listed all
their substitutes on the lineup card. The visiting’s team head coach states he did not have time,
but will provide them as the game progresses. The plate umpire will: ​ 1-1-2
A. Start the game and tell the coach he may add the substitutes as he gets time during
the game.
B. Inform the visiting team's head coach that there will be no substitutions allowed for his
team in the game.
C. Not accept the team's lineup card until all substitutes are listed. The game cannot
begin until the umpire has received lineup cards from both teams.
D. Inform the head coach that as a penalty for not having his lineup card correct, he may
not occupy a coaching box for the balance of the game

4. A foul tip is a batted ball that goes ​directly​ to the catcher's mitt or hand, the ball is live and if
caught for strike three the batter is out. ​2-16-2
A. True
B. False

5. Offensive malicious contact is defined as being: ​ 2-21-1b

A. Obstruction.
B. Interference.
C. Depends on what runner committed the act.
D. Nothing.

6. Player White, the next batter, is 4 for 4 in the game with two home runs and the head coach
wants to put him on base. In order to give the batter an intentional base on balls: ​2-4-3
A. The pitcher must pitch four "balls" to the batter.
B. The head coach may request the umpire to award the batter first base on any
ball-and-strike count.
C. The request may only be made before pitching to the batter.
D. Only the catcher or pitcher may ask that the batter be awarded first base.

7. An assistant coach directs some extreme profanity at the base umpire that is heard by the
dugout. The base umpire should: ​3-3-1

A. Immediately eject the assistant coach.

B. Have a meeting with the assistant and the head coach to express the desire that this
conduct cease.
C. First warn the coach with a written warning. No ejection may occur unless a warning
was previously given.
D. Pretend he did not hear the profanity.

8. An illegal substitution may be discovered by: ​ 3-1-1

A. Only the umpire.
B. Only the opposing team.
C. Only the illegal player's team.
D. The umpire or either team.

9. The pitcher, after having made his stretch and with his hands together, turns his shoulders to
check the runner at first base. ​ 6-1-1
A. This is a legal move.
B. This is a balk.
C. Provided no one was deceived, it is a legal move.

10. Moore, the starting pitcher, is removed as pitcher in the third inning. ​3-1-2

A. Provided he has re-entry eligibility, he may return to another defensive position, but
he cannot return as a pitcher.
B. He may return to pitch if he has re-entry eligibility and his removal was not because of
a violation of the charged conference rule.
C. He may return to pitch if he has re-entry eligibility and his replacement did not require
more than eight warm-up throws.
D. Both B and C.

11. The catcher comes to his position wearing a ​baseball cap​ and an unattached mask. Both
pieces of gear are in good shape. ​1-5-4, 4-1-3b PENALTY

A. Unless the opposing team complains, the plate umpire should not have an issue.
B. This is legal. Both pieces of equipment are fine.
C. This is illegal. The catcher must wear a helmet mask combination that meets the
NOCSAE standard.
D. The catcher and the head coach shall be ejected.

12. The third-base coach grabs the runner rounding third, forcing him to legally touch third base.
A. This is legal action by the coach. ​3-2-2 PENALTY, 8- 4-2s

B. This is interference by the coach and the ball is immediately dead.

C. This is interference by the coach and the ball is dead at the end of playing action.
D. The runner at third is declared out, ball remains in play and runners may advance at
their own risk.

13. Smith, the No. 5 hitter, strains his knee sliding into second base on a double. He is not able
to continue and the team does not have a substitute available. ​4-4-1 NOTE 1

A. Smith is declared out.

B. The on-deck batter will run for Smith.
C. The most recent batter not on base is allowed to run for Smith.
D. The game is forfeited to the opposing team.

14. Defensive malicious contact causes the ball to be: ​ 5-1-1m

A. Immediately dead.
B. Delayed dead.

15. The ball becomes dead when time is taken to: ​ 5-1-3
A. Make an award when a runner is obstructed by a fielder.
B. When an intentional base on balls is to be awarded.
C. When baserunning penalties are imposed.
D. All of the above.

16. A pitcher may assume the wind-up position when: ​6-1-2

A. His hands are together in front of his body.

B. His hands are at his side.
C. Either hand is in front of the body and the other hand is at his side.
D. All of the above.

17. With a runner on third base, the pitcher stops his delivery because the batter stepped out of
the box with one foot because the third-base coach was giving a new sign. ​6-2-4d(1)

A. There is no penalty on either the batter or the pitcher. The umpire shall call "Time"
and begin play anew.
B. Declare a balk and score the runner from third.
C. Declare an immediate strike on the batter.
D. Both B and C.

18. With runners on base, the pitcher drops the ball during delivery: ​6-1-4
A. It is an immediate balk.
B. It is declared immediately to be a "no-pitch".
C. If the ball crosses the foul line it shall be declared a ball.
D. If the ball comes to rest on the plate it shall be declared to be a strike.

19. If further play could jeopardize an injured player's safety, "Time" shall be called. ​ 5-2-1d(1)
A. True.
B. False.

20. R1 on first base attempts to steal second base and is about halfway to second when B2
swings and misses the pitch for strike three. B2's follow through strikes the catcher causing him
to drop the ball. ​7-3-5

A. Since B2 did not intentionally cause his bat to hit F2, there is no interference.
B. B2 is guilty of interference. R1 is declared out and B2 continues to bat.
C. B2 is guilty of interference. B2 is declared out and R1 is returned to first base.
D. B2 is guilty of interference. Since the pitch was a third strike and B2's interference
prevented a possible double play, both B2 and R1 are declared out.

21. R1 on first base gets a great jump on the pitcher's move and is sliding into second base
when B2 swings and misses the pitch for strike three. B2's follow through strikes the catcher.
A. Since B2 did not intentionally cause his bat to hit F2, there is no interference. ​7-3-5
B. B2 is guilty of interference. R1 is declared out and B2 continues to bat.
C. Since F2 had no possible play on R1, B2 is declared out and R1 is returned to first
D. B2 is guilty of interference. Both B2 and R1 are declared out.

22. The batter's follow through from his swing contacts the catcher as R1 was standing on first
base, making no attempt to advance. Interference should be declared on the batter. ​7-3-5c
A. True.
B. False.

23. The batter swings and misses the pitch and the pitch hits him on the hand. ​7-2-1b
A. This is a hit batter, award the batter first base.
B. Charge a strike to the batter.

24. With a runner from second base stealing third, the batter interferes with the catcher
attempting to throw to third. The attempt to put out the runner at third is not successful.
A. The batter is out and the runner is returned to second base. ​7-3-5 PENALTY
B. The runner is out and the batter continues his time at bat.
C. Both the runner and the batter are out.
D. Neither the runner nor the batter are out. The runner is simply returned to second

25. With a runner on third, the batter hits a high pop fly that drifts over foul territory. The third
baseman is accidentally prevented from catching the ball by the head coach in the coach's box.
A. Foul ball. ​7-4-1f
B. The runner at third is out.
C. The batter is out.
D. The coach is restricted to the bench and the coaching box must remain unoccupied.

26. A coach interferes by physically assisting a runner. ​ 3-2-2, 8-4-2s

A. The runner is declared out and the ball remains live and in play.
B. The ball becomes dead immediately.
C. It is a delayed dead ball.
D. It is ignored because the runner does not score.

27. The leadoff hitter has a 3-2 count. There is a check-swing situation and the plate umpire
calls ball four. The base umpire upholds the plate umpire’s decision and B overruns first base
without attempting to go to second base. The first baseman tags the batter/runner out.
A. That is the correct procedure. ​8-2-7
B. Runner is protected until he goes past first base.
C. The defense should wait until the pitcher has the ball and make an appeal.
D. Runner is allowed to overrun first base as long as he does not attempt or feints
toward second base.

28. With a runner on first base, the batter hits a ground ball to the third baseman. He fields the
ball and ​immediately​ throws to first, but the ball sails into a dead-ball area. The runner and the
batter-runner are awarded: ​8-3-5
A. Two bases from their positions at the time of the pitch.
B. Two bases from the time of the throw.
C. Two bases from the time the ball became dead.
D. One base.

29. With two outs, the runner from third is attempting to steal home. The batter tries to check
his swing but softly hits the ball back to the pitcher. The runner from third slides across home
before the pitcher is able to field the ball and throw the batter-runner out at first base.
A. The run will count. ​9-1-1a
B. The run does not count

30. With a runner on first base, the batter hits a ground ball to the second baseman. The second
baseman attempts to tag the runner advancing from first, but misses him. The second baseman
then throws to first but sails the ball into the dugout. The runner and the batter-runner are
awarded: ​8-3-5
A. Two bases from their positions at the time of the pitch.
B. Two bases from the time of the throw.
C. Two bases from the time the ball became dead.
D. One base.

31. A coach may challenge a judgement call by an umpire and demand that the umpire confer
with his partner. ​10-1-4
A. True.
B. False.

32. If video replay equipment is available, a coach may insist that the umpire check his call with
the replay. ​ 10-1-5
A. True.
B. False.

33. The runner and the batter-runner are both between first and second bases when the left
fielder throws the ball into third base. The ball gets past the third baseman and rolls into the
dugout. ​ 8-3-3c3
A. Both runners are awarded third base. Since they cannot both occupy third, the lead
runner is awarded home.
B. The lead runner is awarded second and the batter-runner must remain at first.
C. Both the runner and the batter-runner are awarded home.
D. The lead runner is awarded third and the batter-runner is awarded second.

34. From the set position, if a pitcher wants to change to the wind-up position, he must first:
A. Lift his pivot foot in a step backward off the pitcher's plate which must be in or partially
within the 24-inch length of the pitcher's plate. ​ 6-1-3
B. Call "Time."
C. Break his hands and put both hands to his side.
D. B or C

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