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G.R. No.

171555 April 17, 2013



Facts: Wilfredo Rivera and his wife, Loreto Inciong, acquired several parcels of land in Lipa City, Batangas. When Loreto died, his heirs executed an
extrajudicial settlement of her one-half share of the conjugal estate. All the properties were adjudicated in favor of the spouses’ daughters while Wilfredo waived
his rights to the properties, with a reservation of his usufructuary rights during his lifetime, such fact being annotated on the certificate of titles.

Almost a decade later, Wilfredo filed with the Municipal Trial Court in Cities (MTCC) of Lipa City a complaint for forcible entry against the petitioners
and Star Honda, Inc. claiming he lawfully possessed and occupied the two (2) parcels of land with a building used for his furniture business. Taking advantage of
his absence due to his hospital confinement, the petitioners and Star Honda, Inc. took possession and caused the renovation of the building on the property.
Petitioners and Star Honda, Inc., with the aid of armed men, barred him from entering the property. Both the petitioners and Star Honda, Inc. countered that
Wilfredo voluntarily renounced his usufructuary rights in a petition for cancellation of usufructuary rights and that another action between the same parties is
pending with the RTC of Lipa City, Branch 13 (an action for the annulment of the petition for cancellation of usufructuary rights filed by Wilfredo).

The MTCC dismissed the complaint. Upon appeal to the RTC, the latter affirmed the MTCC’s findings for lack of cause of action. However, upon
reconsideration, the RTC ordered the eviction of the petitioners and Star Honda, Inc finding Wilfredo’s renunciation of his usufructuary rights could not be the
basis of the complaint’s dismissal since it is the subject of a pending litigation and upheld Wilfredo’s prior possession and subsequent dispossession of the
property. However, the RTC again modified its decision by absolving Star Honda, Inc. from any liability finding no evidence that Star Honda, Inc. participated in
the dispossession. The CA affirmed the RTC’s findings.

During the pendency of the case, however, Wilfredo died and was substituted by his second wife.

Issue: Who, between the petitioners and Wilfredo, had been in prior physical possession of the property?

Held: Wilfredo had been in prior physical possession of the property; the petitioners deprived him of such possession by means of force, strategy and

Ejectment cases involve only physical possession or possession de facto. Ejectment cases - forcible entry and unlawful detainer - are summary
proceedings designed to provide expeditious means to protect actual possession or the right to possession of the property involved. The only question that the
courts resolve in ejectment proceedings is: who is entitled to the physical possession of the premises, that is, to the possession de facto and not to the
possession de jure. It does not even matter if a party's title to the property is questionable."

Possession in ejectment cases "means nothing more than actual physical possession, not legal possession in the sense contemplated in civil
law." In a forcible entry case, "prior physical possession is the primary consideration." A party who can prove prior possession can recover such possession
even against the owner himself. Whatever may be the character of his possession, if he has in his favor prior possession in time, he has the security that entitles
him to remain on the property until a person with a better right lawfully ejects him." The party in peaceable, quiet possession shall not be thrown out by a strong
hand, violence, or terror.

The recovery of possession of real property is a real action that is not extinguished by the death of a party. The judgment in an ejectment case is
conclusive between the parties and their successors-in-interest by title subsequent to the commencement of the action; hence, it is enforceable by or against the
heirs of the deceased. This judgment entitles the winning party to: (a) the restitution of the premises, (b) the sum justly due as arrears of rent or as reasonable
compensation for the use and occupation of the premises, and (c) attorney’s fees and costs.

Wilfredo was holding the property as usufructuary, although this right to de jure possession was also disputed before his death, along with the de
facto possession. Without need, however, of any further dispute or litigation, the right to the usufruct is now rendered moot by the death of Wilfredo since death
extinguishes a usufruct under Article 603(1) of the Civil Code. This development deprives the heirs of the usufructuary the right to retain or to reacquire
possession of the property even if the ejectment judgment directs its restitution. What actually survives under the circumstances is the award of damages, by way
of compensation, that the RTC originally awarded and which the CA and this Court affirmed. The heirs of Wilfredo shall succeed to the computed total award
under the rules of succession, a matter that is not within the authority of this Court to determine at this point.

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