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US007 179841B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,179,841 B2

Zielinski et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 20, 2007
(54) STABILIZED ASCORBIC ACID 5,536,500 A 7/1996 Galey et al.
COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS 5,703,122 A 12/1997 Duffy
THEREFOR 5,736,567 A 4/1998 Cantin et al.
6,146,664 A 11/2000 Siddiqui
(75) Inventors: Jan E. Zielinski, Vista, CA (US); 6,346,254 B1 2/2002 Streicher et al.
Sheldon R. Pinnell, Durham, NC (US) 6,521,271 B1 2, 2003 Phan
6,524,599 B2 2, 2003 Pinnell
(73) Assignee: L'Oreal USA Creative, Inc., New 2002fOO34548 A1 3/2002 Parr et al.
York, NY (US) 2003/O152536 A1 8/2003 Pauly et al.
2003. O152656 A1 8, 2003 Pinnell et al.
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2004/O152912 A1 8/2004 Taniguchi et al.
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 72 days. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(21) Appl. No.: 11/032,931 EP O664290 A1 7, 1995
EP 1 121926 8, 2001
(22) Filed: Jan. 11, 2005 FR 2655.054 5, 1991
JP 59 O15477 1, 1984
(65) Prior Publication Data JP S63-37087 8, 1989
JP 60096.03 1, 1994
US 2005/O154054 A1 Jul. 14, 2005 WO WOOOf 76492 12/2000
WO WOOOf 78283 12/2000
Related U.S. Application Data WO WO O1,91715 12/2001
(60) Provisional application No. 60/536,143, filed on Jan. WO WO O2/O19972 3, 2002
13, 2004. WO WO O2/081027 10, 2002


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A6 IK3I/07 (2006.01) regarding Same.
(52) U.S. Cl. ...................... 514/474: 514/458: 514/570; Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority in a
514/571; 514/725 counterpart PCT Application No. PCT/US2005/001053, mailed
(58) Field of Classification Search ..................... None May 11, 2005.
See application file for complete search history. Chemical Abstracts, “110: 19895Or Cosmetic skin lightening and
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(56) References Cited bic acid (derivatives), and polyalcohols', Shiyaku, et al., vol. 110,
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U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Bissett, et al., “Photoprotective effect of Superoxide-scavenging
2,132,662 A 10, 1938 Volwiler et al. antioxidants against ultraviolet radiation-induced chronic skin dam
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U.S. Patent Feb. 20, 2007 Sheet 1 of 6 US 7,179,841 B2

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US 7,179,841 B2
1. 2
STABILIZED ASCORBIC ACID The single-phase solution compositions may also comprise
COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS a form of Vitamin E and a surfactant, or a form of Vitamin
THEREFOR A and a Surfactant.
In one embodiment of the invention, an ascorbic acid
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional single-phase solution composition comprises by weight, 5%
Patent Application No. 60/536,143, filed Jan. 13, 2004, to 20% L-ascorbic acid: 0.5% to 5.0% of a cinnamic acid
which is incorporated by reference in its entirety. derivative Such as p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid,
FIELD OF THE INVENTION Sinapinic acid, a derivative thereof, or a combination
10 thereof; 10% to 60% of a solvent comprising a glycol ether
The present invention relates to the field of stabilized and an alkanediol: 0.5% to 1.5% of a preservative such as
ascorbic acid cosmetic and dermatological compositions for phenoxyethanol; 0.3% to 1.5% of a moisturizer such as
treatment of skin to address radical-induced damage. panthenol; 0.5% to 5.0% of a base such as triethanolamine;
0.05% to 0.3% of a viscosity enhancer such as sodium
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION hyaluronate; and water to 100%, the composition having a
pH of no more than about 3.5. When the cinnamic acid
Aging skin is the result of more than just chronological derivative is present at an amount of greater than 0.5%, the
age. Skin is exposed to environmental elements that cause composition further comprises a surfactant in an amount of
radicals to form in the skin. These radicals attack the 1.5% to 5.0%.
collagen layer of the skin and break it down, causing lines A further embodiment of the invention is a process for
and wrinkles to appear. This process is commonly called stabilizing ascorbic acid for storage, the process comprising
photo-aging. Diseases and disorders of skin that also may combining 0.2% to 0.5% of a cinnamic acid derivative, such
result from radical damage include skin cancer, skin irrita as p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, Sinapinic acid,
25 a derivative thereof, or a combination thereof 10% to 60%
tion or inflammation, dermatitis, allergy, psoriasis, acne,
eczema, rosacea, and radiation exposure. of a solvent comprising a glycol ether and an alkanediol; and
Application of antioxidants can help prevent radical water; and adding 5% to 40% L-ascorbic acid to form a clear
induced damage in skin. Applying Vitamin C, for example, single-phase solution composition of stabilized ascorbic
to the skin can provide antioxidant protection, prevent 30 acid, the composition having a pH of no more than about 3.5.
photo-aging, and stimulate collagen production. However, A further process for stabilizing L-ascorbic acid for
not all Vitamin C formulations produce these benefits due to storage comprises combining water and 0.5% to 5.0% of a
lack of stability. cinnamic acid derivative selected from the group consisting
Numerous approaches to achieving a stable formulation of p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, Sinapinic acid,
of ascorbic acid include micronization (PCT publication No. 35 a derivative thereof, or a combination thereof to form a first
WO 02/019972 to Vivier, G.), low pH (U.S. Pat. No. solution. Separately, 10% to 60% of a solvent comprising a
5,140,043 to Darr, D. and Pinnell, S.), formation of suspen glycol ether and an alkanediol, and 1.5% to 5.0% surfactant
sions or dispersions, lowered water activity, addition of are combined to form a second solution. The first solution
various carriers, and derivatization, in particular, esterifica and the second solution are mixed to form a mixed solution.
tion. Regardless of the approach, these methods generally L-ascorbic acid at 5% to 40% is added to the mixed solution
are inadequate to prevent degradation of ascorbic acid for and the solution stirred to form a single-phase clear Solution
long term storage, for example, for a period of one year at composition of stabilized ascorbic acid, the composition
room temperature. Derivatization, while assisting in pre having a pH of no more than about 3.5.
venting degradation, for example, also may cause a 45 Another embodiment of the invention is a method of
decreased activity. treating a subject for effects of radical-induced damage,
The challenge of achieving stability while maintaining comprising administering to the Subject a stabilized single
activity of ascorbic acid compositions is addressed by the phase solution composition comprising by weight, 5% to
present inventors. 50
40% L-ascorbic acid; 0.2% to 5.0% of a cinnamic acid
derivative Such as p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid,
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Sinapinic acid, a derivative thereof, or a combination
thereof; 10% to 60% of a solvent comprising a glycol ether
The present invention relates to single-phase Solution and an alkanediol; and water, the composition having a pH
compositions of L-ascorbic acid that provide enhanced 55 of no more than about 3.5. When the cinnamic acid deriva
stability, enhanced solubility and an enhanced photoprotec tive is present at an amount greater than 0.5%, the compo
tive effect as compared to prior compositions. The single sition further comprises a Surfactant in an amount of 1.5%
phase solution compositions comprise by weight 5% to 40% to 5.0%. The method of treating includes prophylactic and
L-ascorbic acid; 0.2% to 5.0% of a cinnamic acid derivative, therapeutic treatment, i.e., preventing damage, retarding
Such as p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, Sinapinic damage, or treating damage, or preventing, retarding or
acid, a derivative thereof, or a combination thereof, 10% to treating symptoms of damage. The composition used in the
60% of a solvent comprising a glycol ether and an method may further comprise a form of Vitamin E and a
alkanediol; and water, the composition having a pH of no Surfactant, or a form of Vitamin A and a Surfactant.
more than about 3.5. When the cinnamic acid derivative is 65 A further embodiment of the invention is a method of
present at an amount greater than 0.5%, the composition treating the skin of a subject for effects of radical-induced
further comprises a surfactant in an amount of 1.5% to 5.0%. damage, comprising administering to the skin of the Subject
US 7,179,841 B2
3 4
a stabilized single-phase solution composition comprising % control, untreated skin;
by weight, 5% to 20% L-ascorbic acid: 0.5% to 5.0% of a composition A of Table 4;
cinnamic acid derivative such as p-coumaric acid, ferulic
acid, caffeic acid, sinapinic acid, a derivative thereof, or a composition B of Table 4;
combination thereof; 10% to 60% of a solvent comprising a composition C of Table 4;
glycol ether and an alkanediol: 0.5% to 1.5% phenoxyetha & composition E of Table 4.
nol; 0.3% to 1.5% panthenol; 0.5% to 5.0% triethanolamine: FIG. 5. Stabilized single-phase solution compositions
0.05% to 0.3% sodium hyaluronate, 0.3% to 2.0% of a form were applied to pig skin daily as for FIG. 4. The data are for
of Vitamin E: 1.5% to 5.0% of a surfactant; and water to 10 2x to 10x MED. Symbols are as follows:
100%, the composition having a pH of no more than about composition D of Table 4;
3.5. The composition may further comprise a Vitamin A Ecomposition F of Table 4.
derivative. FIG. 6. Data from FIG. 4 and FIG. 5 are plotted together
A further embodiment of the present invention is a for 2x and 4x MED results for comparison. Symbols are as
method of treating the skin of a subject for effects of in FIG. 4 and FIG. 5.
radical-induced damage, comprising administering to the
skin of the Subject a stabilized single-phase solution com DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
position comprising by weight, 5% to 40% L-ascorbic acid; INVENTION
0.5% to 5.0% of a cinnamic acid selected from the group
consisting of p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, Ascorbic acid in aqueous Solutions is readily degraded
Sinapinic acid, a derivative thereof, and a combination into oxidized forms that Subsequently become a source of
thereof; 10% to 60% of a solvent comprising a glycol ether free radicals. The oxidation reactions consume ascorbic acid
and an alkanediol: 0.5% to 1.5% phenoxyethanol; 0.3% to and reflect on the stability of ascorbic acid. In the present
1.5% panthenol; 0.5% to 5.0% triethanolamine: 0.05% to 25 studies, cinnamic acid derivatives were tested for their effect
0.3% sodium hyaluronate, 0.3% to 2.0% of a form of on the stability of ascorbic acid. In addition, the effect of the
Vitamin E: 1.5% to 5.0% of a surfactant; 0.3% to 2.0% presence of Solvents and that of Solvent concentration were
retinol; and water to 100%, the composition having a pH of studied. The photoprotective effect of stabilized formula
no more than about 3.5. As in the embodiment above, the 30
tions is also provided.
method of treating the skin includes preventing damage, The single-phase solution compositions of ascorbic acid
retarding damage, or treating damage to the skin, or pre of the present invention include L-ascorbic acid, a cinnamic
venting, retarding or treating symptoms of damage to the acid derivative, Such as p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic
skin. acid, sinapinic acid, a derivative thereof, and a combination
35 thereof, a solvent comprising a glycol ether and an
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS alkanediol, water, and optionally, phenoxyethanol, pan
thenol, triethanolamine, and Sodium hyaluronate. Single
FIG. 1. Stabilized single-phase solution compositions or phase solution compositions having 0.5% or greater of the
control compositions were applied to pig skin daily for four cinnamic acid derivative also comprise a Surfactant. The
days. Skin was irradiated with solar-simulated UV irradia composition may also include a form of Vitamin E and a
tion as described in Example 4. Colorimeter readings for 1x surfactant, and/or a form of Vitamin A and a surfactant. The
to 5x Minimal Erythemal Dose (MED) were made the next composition has a pH of no more than about 3.5 or about 2.5
day. Symbols are as follows: to 3.0.
% control, untreated skin; 45 Compositions of the present invention are single-phase
composition A of Table 4; Solution compositions. "Single-phase solution composi
Ecomposition B of Table 4; tions' means herein that the composition has one phase, that
composition C of Table 4; of a liquid phase, is homogenous, and has essentially no
particulate material, microparticles, or emulsified particles
& composition E of Table 4. 50
present in the composition.
FIG. 2. Stabilized single-phase solution compositions L-ascorbic acid: L-ascorbic acid is commercially avail
were applied to pig skin as for FIG. 1. Colorimeter readings able from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO.), for example. In
for 2x to 10x MED were made the next day. Symbols are as one embodiment, the L-ascorbic acid is purchased at 99%
55 purity. Compositions provided herein contain L-ascorbic
composition D of Table 4; acid in an amount of 5% to 40% by weight. By “5% to 40%
Ecomposition F of Table 4. by weight' is meant herein to include the 5% and 40%
FIG. 3. Data from FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 are plotted together amounts. In one embodiment of the composition, the amount
for 2x and 4xMED results for comparison. Symbols are as of L-ascorbic acid is 10% to 35% and, in another embodi
in FIG. 1 and FIG. 2. 60
ment, the amount of ascorbic acid is 10% to 30%. In further
FIG. 4. Stabilized single-phase solution compositions or embodiments, the amount of ascorbic acid is 10% to 25%,
control compositions were applied to pig skin daily for four 10% to 20%, or 15% to 20%. The required pH of the
days. Skin was irradiated with solar-simulated UV irradia composition ensures that greater than 82% of the ascorbic
tion and biopsy specimens were stained and analyzed for 65 acid remains in a protonated, uncharged form as disclosed in
sunburn cells/mm as described in Example 4. The data are U.S. Pat. No. 5,140,043, Aug. 18, 1992, the entire disclosure
for 1x to 5x MED. Symbols are as follows: of which is incorporated by reference herein. The ascorbic
US 7,179,841 B2
5 6
acid may be provided by the addition of any reducing analog ther glycol ethers include methoxyisopropanol, PPG-2
of ascorbic acid, Such as D-isoascorbic acid or by the methyl ether, PPG-3 methyl ether, propylene glycol butyl
addition of other Small reducing compounds such as, but not ether, PPG-2 butyl ether, phenoxyisopropanol, butoxyetha
limited to, glutathione, L-cysteamine, and the like. Such nol, butoxydiglycol, methoxydiglycol, phenoxyethanol,
forms would be expected to provide an equivalent compo PPG-3 butyl ether, PPG-2 propyl ether, propylene glycol
sition to that claimed and are within the scope of the propyl ether, or dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether, for
invention. example, from the Dow Chemical Company, Midland,
Cinnamic Acid Derivatives: Cinnamic acid derivatives Mich.
that improve the stability of ascorbic acid are contemplated 10 The alkanediol is propanediol, also known as propylene
to be included in the compositions of the present invention. glycol, in particular, 1.2-propanediol. The alkanediol is
Cinnamic acid derivatives contemplated herein include commercially available from Sigma-Aldrich. The alkanediol
ferulic acid, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, Sinapinic acid, may be 1,3-butanediol, 1.2-butanediol, or 1.2-ethanediol, for
combinations thereof, cis and trans isomers thereof, salts example.
thereof, and equivalent derivatives thereof. Equivalent 15 The solvent comprises 10% to 60% by weight of the
derivatives thereof include those cinnamic acid derivatives composition. In one embodiment, the Solvent comprises
having Substitutions on the hydroxyl groups of the aromatic 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, or 55% of the
ring Such as short chain aliphatic groups (one to six carbon composition. The ratio of glycol ether to alkanediol is about
atoms) or long chain aliphatic groups (seven to twenty-four 1.5:1, 2:1, 3:1 and up to about 4:1. In particular, the ratio of
carbon atoms) to form an ether, or such aliphatic groups glycol ether to alkanediol is about 2:1.
Substituted with alkyl, alkoxy, hydroxyl, amino, or amido, Preservatives: Preservatives having antibacterial activity
for example, to form a substituted ether. Equivalent deriva are optionally present in the compositions of the present
tives thereof further include those cinnamic acid derivatives invention. Any preservative commonly used in cosmetic
having modifications of the methoxy group(s) of the aro- 25 formulations is an acceptable preservative for the composi
matic ring to short chain aliphatic groups (two to six carbon tions herein, Such as phenoxyethanol, members from the
atoms) or to long chain aliphatic groups (seven to twenty paraben family Such as the methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl or
four carbon atoms) to form a longer chain ether, or Such isobutyl parabens, 4-hydroxy benzoic acid, benzoic acid,
aliphatic groups Substituted with alkyl, alkoxy, hydroxyl, 30 Sorbic acid, dehydroacetic acid, triclosan, benzyl alcohol,
amino, or amido, for example, to form a Substituted long chlorophenesin, or salicylic acid, for example. Phenoxyetha
chain ether. The 3-carboxy group of a cinnamic acid deriva nol is commercially available from Sigma-Aldrich. At more
tive may also be converted to esters or amides having concentrated amounts of solvent, members from the paraben
aliphatic groups of up to 24 carbons or an aromatic group, family may be used as a preservative.
for example. Cis and trans isomers of the cinnamic acid 35 Moisturizers: Moisturizers are optionally present in the
derivatives are included herein since the cis isomer is readily compositions of the present invention. Any moisturizer
converted to the trans isomer. Salts of the cinnamic acid commonly used in cosmetic formulations is an acceptable
derivatives are included herein. In one embodiment, the moisturizer for the compositions herein, such as Panthenol
cinnamic acid derivative is a triethanolamine salt.
(pro-Vitamin B5), commercially available from Sigma-Al
Cinnamic acid derivatives are present in the compositions drich. Panthenol has additional desirable biological proper
of the present invention in an amount of 0.2%, 0.5%, 1.0%, ties. Such as wound healing properties.
1.5%, 2.0%. 2.5%, 3.0%, 4.0% or up to 5.0% by weight of Base: A base for forming a salt of a cinnamic acid is
the composition, or amounts within the range of 0.2% to desired herein where the acid is not already in a salt form.
5.0%. Caffeic acid, also known as 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)- 45 A base may be an organic base Such as triethanolamine,
2-propenoic acid, is found in many fruits, vegetables, sea aminomethylpropanol, diisopropanolamine, triisopropano
sonings and beverages consumed by humans. Caffeic acid is lamine, or an inorganic base Such as sodium hydroxide,
present in Such goods in conjugated forms such as chloro potassium hydroxide, or ammonium hydroxide, for
genic acid. Para-coumaric acid, also known as 3-(4-hydrox example. An inorganic salt of the cinnamic acid is accept
yphenyl)-2-propenoic acid or p-hydroxycinnamic acid, is 50 able if the concentration of the cinnamic acid is low such
found in various plants, including lignin forming plants. that the Solution remains clear. Bases, such as triethanola
Trans-ferulic acid, also known as 3-(4-hydroxy-3-methox mine, for example, are commercially available from Sigma
yphenyl)-2-propenoic acid or 4-hydroxy-3-methoxycin Aldrich.
namic acid, is also widely distributed in Small amounts in 55 Viscosity Enhancer: A Viscosity enhancer is optionally
plants. Sinapinic acid, also known as 3,5-dimethoxy4-hy present in the compositions of the present invention. Any
droxycinnamic acid, is from black mustard seeds. Caffeic Viscosity enhancer commonly used in cosmetics is accept
acid, para-coumaric acid, trans-ferulic acid and Sinapinic able for compositions herein. Sodium hyaluronate is an
acid are commercially available from Sigma-Aldrich. example of a viscosity enhancer that also provides a slip
Solvent comprising a Glycol Ether and an Alkanediol: In 60 effect that improves the feeling of the composition on the
one embodiment, the glycol ether is di(ethylene glycol) skin. Sodium hyaluronate also assists in keeping moisture on
ethyl ether, also known as ethoxy diglycol, 2-(2-ethoxy the skin and improves absorption of the composition. Car
ethoxy)ethanol, diglycolmonoethyl ether, ethyl diethylene boxymethylcellulose, for example, is another viscosity
glycol, ethylene diglycol monoethyl ether, CARBITOL(R), or 6s enhancer commonly used in cosmetics.
TRANSCUTOL(R), for example. Di(ethylene glycol) ethyl Water: Water to complete 100% by weight of the com
ether is commercially available from Sigma-Aldrich. Fur position is distilled or deionized, but any water may be used
US 7,179,841 B2
7 8
that does not contain contaminants that would affect the deodorants, antiperspirants, antidandruff agents, film form
stability of the ascorbic acid composition. ers, Swelling agents, insect repellents, self-tanning agents,
Surfactant: Presence of a surfactant is needed in compo hydrotropes, solubilizers, preservatives, perfume oils, or
sitions of the present invention when the composition con 5
dyes, for example as further additives.
tains a form of Vitamin E, or other hydrophobic agent, or Preparations: The compositions of the present invention
concentrations of a cinnamic acid derivative at greater than may be used for the production of cosmetic preparations, or
0.5% by weight, for example, to facilitate solubilization. A dermatological preparations, more particularly topical treat
Surfactant may be a nonionic Surfactant such as polyoxy ment preparations, that may be formulated as single-phase
ethylene sorbitan monolaureate (TWEENR), (i.e., 10 Solution compositions, cosmetic serums, or aerosols, for
TWEENR20), polyoxyethylene 23 lauryl ether (BRIJR)-35) example. Topical application to a surface may be a surface
or polyoxyethylated octyl phenol (TRITONR); a Zwitteri Such as the mucus membrane or the skin, for example.
onic Surfactant such as 3-((3-cholamidopropyl) dimethylam Process of Making Stabilized Ascorbic Acid Composi
monio)-1-propane sulfonate (CHAPSR); a cationic surfac tions having less than 0.5% by Weight Cinnamic Acid
tant; or an anionic Surfactant Such as cholate, deoxycholate, Derivative: Compositions of ascorbic acid are made using
sodium dodecylsulfate, or TWEENR-80. The surfactant the following procedures: water, Solvents, phenoxyethanol,
may be present in an amount of 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5%, 3.0%, panthenol, triethanolamine, and the cinnamic acid derivative
3.5%, 4.0%, 4.5%, or 5.0% by weight of the composition. are stirred together until dissolved to a clear solution.
Form of Vitamin E: By “a form of Vitamin E is meant Sodium hyaluronate is sprinkled on the surface of the
herein a form of tocopherol selected from alpha, beta, delta, solution without stirring and the mixture allowed to form a
and gamma tocopherols, and alpha, beta, delta and gamma gel without stirring for about 3 hours. After the three hour
tocotrienols, and combinations or derivatives thereof. In one period, the gel is stirred to obtain a uniform viscous solution.
embodiment, the form of Vitamin E is an alpha, beta, delta, The Solution is degassed under vacuum and Saturated with
or gamma tocopherol and, in another embodiment, the form 25
an inert gas such as argon or nitrogen. This degassing and
of Vitamin E is an alpha tocopherol. Salts or derivatives of saturating procedure was carried out three times. Ascorbic
tocopherols include pharmaceutically acceptable com acid is added with stirring, the Solution is again degassed
pounds such as acetate, Sulfate. Succinate, nicotinate, palmi under vacuum and saturated with an inert gas, and then
tate, allophanate, phosphate, quinone, or halogenated
derivatives, esters, or Stereoisomers, for example. The
30 stirred for 30 to 45 minutes to yield a clear solution which
is then degassed and saturated with an inert gas.
invention encompasses the use of Vitamin E derivatives in
which Substitutions, additions, and other alterations have Process of Making Stabilized Ascorbic Acid Composi
been made in the 6-chromanol ring and/or side chain, with tions having a Cinnamic Acid Derivative at 0.5% or Greater
the proviso that the derivatives maintain the antioxidant 35 by Weight or having a Hydrophobic Component: Compo
activity of Vitamin E. Additional tocopherols can be con sitions having increased concentrations of cinnamic acid
structed by conjugation to the ring structure or side chain of derivative or a hydrophobic component Such as tocopherol
various other moieties, such as those containing oxygen, or retinol are made by mixing water, triethanolamine, cin
nitrogen, Sulfur and/or phosphorus. Tocopherol derivatives namic acid derivative, and panthenol until a clear Solution is
40 formed. Sodium hyaluronate is sprinkled on the surface of
can also be made by modifying the length of the side chain the solution and allowed to dissolve for about three hours to
from that found in tocopherols such as alpha-, beta-, delta
and gamma-tocopherol. Tocopherols can also vary in Stere form a first solution. Separately, a mixture of solvents,
ochemistry and Saturation of bonds in the ring structure and Surfactant, phenoxyethanol, and hydrophobic component is
side chain. 45 gently heated with stirring to 60° C. to form a second
solution. This second solution is then added to the first
Additional tocopherol derivatives, including prodrugs,
can be made by conjugation of Sugars or other moieties to Solution with stirring until the combined solution is clear.
the side chain or ring structure. Tocopherols include without Cooling of the second solution is not required. The com
limitation stereoisomers (e.g., + and - Stereoisomers of bined solution is degassed under vacuum with an inert gas
alpha-tocopherol; (+/-) indicates a racemic mixture) or
50 Such as Saturated argon or nitrogen. The degassing and
mixtures of structurally distinct tocopherols (e.g., alpha saturating is carried out three times. Ascorbic acid is added
plus gamma-tocopherol). Tocopherols may be obtained from with stirring. The final Solution is degassed and Saturated
Roche, Nutley, N.J., for example. with the inert gas and stirred to form a clear Solution.
Further optional ingredients: Further optional ingredients 55 A further embodiment of the present invention is a
include, for example, cosmetic or dermatological ingredi product made by a process described herein.
ents known to one of skill in the art, including further Methods of Use of Stabilized Ascorbic Acid Composi
antioxidants such as Vitamin A derivatives Such as a retin tions: The present invention also provides a method of
oid, retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, a retinoic acid salt, a 60
treating a condition of a Subject that results from radical
derivative or analog thereof, or a mixture thereof, lipoic damage comprising administering a composition of the
acid, seleno-L-methionine, or flavonoids that lack undesir present invention to the Subject. Treating, as used herein,
able color. The compositions may also contain mild Surfac means prophylactic and/or therapeutic treatment of a Sub
tants, oil components, emulsifiers, pearlizing waxes, consis ject. “Prophylactic' treatment is a treatment administered to
tency factors, thickeners, Superfatting agents, stabilizers, 65 a Subject who does not have symptoms of radical-induced
polymers, silicone compounds, fats, waxes, lecithins, phos damage or has early signs of Such damage, or anticipates
pholipids, biogenic agents, further UV protection factors, being exposed to situations having risk of radical-induced
US 7,179,841 B2
9 10
damage. “Therapeutic' treatment is a treatment adminis TABLE 1-continued
tered to a Subject who has signs of radical-induced damage.
Such a condition may be photo-aging, or diseases or disor Compositions Containing 0.5% by Weight Cinnamic Acid Derivative
ders of the skin Such as skin cancer, skin irritation or
inflammation, dermatitis, allergy, psoriasis, acne, eczema, Amount of Ingredients in Weight %
rosacea, or radiation exposure, for example. for each Composition
The following examples are presented to further illustrate
various aspects of the present invention, and are not intended ngredients 1 2 3 4
to limit the scope of the invention. 10
Di(ethylene glycol) 1O.O 1O.O 1O.O 1O.O
EXAMPLE 1. ethyl ether
2-Propanediol S.O S.O S.O S.O
Stability of Ascorbic Acid Compositions Containing Phenoxyethanol 1.O 1.O 1.O 1.O
Cinnamic Acid Derivatives 15 Panthenol O.S O.S O.S O.S
Triethanolamine O.S O.S O.S O.S
The compositions of ascorbic acid of Table 1 were made trans-Ferulic Acid O.S O.S
using the following procedures: water, solvents (for Table 1: Caffeic Acid O.S
di(ethylene glycol)ethyl ether and 1.2 propanediol), phe p-Counaric Acid O.S

noxyethanol, panthenol, triethanolamine and the cinnamic Sodium Hyaluronate O.2 O.2 O.2 O.2
bH 2.5-3.0 2.5-3.0 2.5-3.0 2.5-3.0
acid derivative were stirred together until dissolved to a Ascorbic Acid 84-86% 84-86% 88-90% 81-83%
clear Solution. Sodium hyaluronate was sprinkled on the Stability%
surface without stirring and the combination allowed to form Color pale More Better More
a gel without stirring for about 3 hours. After the three hour 25 yellow undesirable color undesirable
period, the gel is stirred to obtain a uniform viscous solution. color than #1 than #1 color than #1
The solution is degassed under vacuum with Saturated argon
three times. Ascorbic acid is added with stirring, the solution 'the amount of ascorbic acid present at the end of a 4 week period at 45°
degassed and saturated with argon and stirred for 30 to 45 C. as determined by calibrated HPLC
minutes to yield a clear Solution which is then degassed with 30
saturated argon. Analysis of the Table 1 compositions 1, 2 and 3 indicate
The stability of compositions of ascorbic acid having that p-coumaric acid has a greater stabilizing effect on
0.5% by weight cinnamic acid derivatives was evaluated by ascorbic acid than does caffeic acid or trans-ferulic acid.
using a quantitative HPLC method to measure the concen 35 Increased concentration of ascorbic acid (20%) in compo
tration of ascorbic acid after storage of the compositions for sition 4 decreases slightly the stability of ascorbic acid when
4 weeks at 45° C. The HPLC method was calibrated using compared to the data of composition 1.
a known concentration of ascorbic acid. Storage for 4 weeks Formation of color products after four weeks storage at
at 45° C. is considered equivalent to storage at room
temperature for one year (The Chemistry and Manufacture 40 45° C. was also used as a criterion of ascorbic acid stability.
of Cosmetics, Vol. II, pg. 9, 3" edition, Michael L. Schlo Composition 3 containing p-coumaric acid produced a less
ssman, ed., Allured Pub. Corp.). The stability of ascorbic intense pale yellow color than composition 1 that contains
acid is expressed as the percentage of ascorbic acid present trans-ferulic acid. Composition 2 containing caffeic acid
at the end of the 4 week period based on the HPLC results. 45
generated more undesirable color products than that present
The HPLC chromatography was carried out on an Inertsil in composition 1.
C8 column (Chrompack, Varian, Lake Forest, Calif.) using
a Waters 600E Gradient Control System (Milford, Mass.) EXAMPLE 2
with a mobile phase of 0.2M. KHPO at pH 2.4, and at a
flow rate of 1 mL/min. Ascorbic acid was detected at 254 nm. 50 Effect of Solvent on Stability of Ascorbic Acid in
with a Waters 486 UV detector (Milford, Mass.). The Compositions Containing Cinnamic Acid
software used for calibration and integration was Peak Derivatives
Simple (SR1 Instruments, Torrance, Calif.).
A visual assessment of the color of the samples at the end 55 The effects of solvent and solvent concentration on the
of 4 weeks at 45° C. was used to evaluate the degree of stability of ascorbic acid compositions were studied using
undesired degradation due to formation of colored products. the same procedures as set forth in Example 1. Table 2
TABLE 1. provides data comparing a control composition without
Compositions Containing 0.5% by Weight Cinnamic Acid Derivative 60
di(ethylene glycol) ethyl ether with compositions 5 and 6 in
Amount of Ingredients in Weight % which glycol ether is present at a 20% level, and where the
for each Composition amount of propanediol is doubled.
Ingredients 1 2 3 4 For compositions 5 and 6 of Table 2, the sodium hyalu
ronate concentration was decreased to eliminate formation
Ascorbic Acid of a cloudy solution that occurred in the presence of
increased amounts of Solvent.
US 7,179,841 B2
11 12
Increasing the concentration of the solvent, both di(ethylene
TABLE 2 glycol) ethyl ether and 1,2-propanediol, from an amount of
15% (Table 1, compositions 1–4) to an amount of 30% of the
Effect of Solvent on Stability of ASCOrbic Acid weight of the composition (Table 2, composition 6)
Amount of Ingredients in Weight % increased the stability of the ascorbic acid.
for each Composition
Ingredients Control 5 6 EXAMPLE 3
Water 77.3 52.4 52.4
Di(ethylene glycol) 2O.O 2O.O 10 Stability of Ascorbic Acid in Compositions
ethyl ether Containing Cinnamic Acid Derivatives,
Ascorbic Acid 1S.O 1S.O 1S.O Combinations Thereof, Vitamin E, and/or Detergent
1.2-Propanediol S.O 1O.O 1O.O
Phenoxyethanol 1.O 1.O 1.O
Panthenol O.S O.S O.S The present example provides data regarding composi
Triethanolamine O.S O.S O.S 15
trans-Ferulic Acid O.S O.S tions of ascorbic acid in the presence of increased amounts
p-Counaric Acid O.S of cinnamic acid derivatives, detergent, combinations of
Sodium Hyaluronate O.2 O.1 O.1
pH 2.5-3.0 2.5-3.0 2.5-3.0 cinnamic acid derivatives, and/or a form of Vitamin E. Table
Ascorbic Acid 78-80% 92-94% 93-95% 3 provides stability results as a function of these variables.
Stability% Compositions 7–11 of Table 3 were made by mixing
Color yellow very pale very pale
yellow yellow water, triethanolamine, cinnamic acid derivative, and pan
'the amount of ascorbic acid present at the end of a 4 week period at 45° thenol until a clear solution was formed. Sodium hyalur
C. as determined by calibrated HPLC onate was sprinkled on the Surface of the Solution and
25 allowed to dissolve for about three hours to form a first
The results of Table 2 indicate that the stability of ascorbic solution. Separately, a mixture of di(ethylene glycol)ethyl
acid is improved in the presence of di(ethylene glycol) ethyl
ether (compare compositions 5 and 6 with the control in ether, 1,2-propanediol, BRIJR 35, phenoxyethanol, and
Table 2). A comparison of the data of Table 2 with the data tocopherol (for composition 11) was gently heated with
of Table 1 shows that the stability of ascorbic acid is 30 stirring to 60° C. to form a second solution. The second
increased in the presence of an increased concentration of solution was then added to the first solution with stirring
Solvents propanediol and di(ethylene glycol) ethyl ether. until the combined solution was clear. The combined solu
That is, the stability of composition 5 containing trans
ferulic acid is greater than that of composition 1 of Table 1 tion was degassed under vacuum and Saturated with argon
containing trans-ferulic acid, and the stability of composi three times. Ascorbic acid was added with stirring. The final
tion 6 containing p-coumaric acid is greater than that of Solution was degassed under vacuum and Saturated with
composition 3 of Table 1 containing p-coumaric acid. argon and stirred to form a clear Solution.

Compositions Containing Increased Concentrations of Cinnamic Acid
Derivatives, Presence of Detergent, or a Tocopherol
Amount of Ingredients in Weight 90 for each Composition
ngredients 7 8 9 10 11

Water 46.9 46.9 47.4 47.4 63.4

Di (ethylene glycol) ethyl ether 2O.O 2O.O 2O.O 2O.O 1O.O
Ascorbic Acid 1S.O 1S.O 1S.O 1S.O 1S.O
2-Propanediol 1O.O 1O.O 1O.O 1O.O S.O
Polyoxyethylene 23 lauryl ether 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.O 3.0
(BRIJ R 35)
Triethanolamine 2.0 2.0 1.O 1.O O.S
trans-Ferulic Acid 2.0 3.0 2.O O.S
p-Counaric Acid 2.0
Caffeic Acid 1.O
Tocopherol 1.O
Phenoxyethanol 1.O 1.O 1.O 1.O 1.O
Panthenol 1.O 1.O O.S O.S O.S
Sodium Hyaluronate O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1
bH 2.5-3.0 2.5-3.0 2.5-3.0 2.5-3.0 2.5-3.0
Ascorbic Acid Stability %' 82-84% 89-91% 83-85% 92-94% 88-90%
Color pale pale pale pale slightly
yellow yellow yellow yellow Ot
than #10

'the amount of ascorbic acid present at the end of a 4 week period at 45° C. as determined by
calibrated HPLC
US 7,179,841 B2
13 14
Compositions 7, 8 and 9 containing 20% di(ethylene formulations (500 uL) were applied to each patch of back
glycol) ethyl ether and 10%. 1,2-propanediol were prepared skin (7.5 cm widex10 cm long) daily for 4 days. One patch
with an increased concentration of trans-ferulic acid or serves as the control and did not receive antioxidant formu
p-coumaric acid as their triethanolamine salts as compared 5
lation. To determine the minimal erythema dose (MED), on
to the amounts of those acids in Tables 1 and 2. The results day three, 30 to 100 m.J/cm at 10 m.J/cm intervals of
shown in Table 3 indicate that ascorbic acid stability solar-simulated UVR was given to untreated skin. The MED
decreased with increased concentration of trans-ferulic acid was determined on day four as the lowest dose that induced
(2.0% and 3.0%) and p-coumaric acid (2.0%) when com perceptible erythema with distinct borders (ordinarily 40–60
pared to compositions 5 and 6 of Example 2 containing 0.5% 10 mJ/cm). Also, on day four, from 1x MED to 5x MED at
of trans-ferulic acid and 0.5% of p-coumaric acid, respec 1x-MED intervals of solar-simulated UVR was given in
tively. triplicate to each 7.5x10-cm area of back skin for compo
The combination of 2% trans-ferulic acid and 1% caffeic sitions A, B, C, and E of Table 4 below. In addition, from 2x
acid in composition 10 provides a high Stability of ascorbic MED to 10x MED at 2x MED intervals of Solar-simulated
acid and a low level of colored side products. The good UVR was given in triplicate to each 7.5x10-cm area of back
stability further indicates that the BRIJ(R) 35 detergent skin for compositions D and F of Table 4 below. Each
appears not to be contributing to the lowered activity of treatment area was photographed using polarizing filters to
compositions 7, 8, and 9. The stability data of composition minimize surface reflection. Each irradiated spot was biop
11, containing the additional antioxidant tocopherol, when sied with an 8-mm skin punch. Four biopsies of unirradiated
compared to the stability results of composition 1, indicate skin were taken in each patch. Each biopsy was placed in
that tocopherol increases the stability of ascorbic acid. formalin.
Measurement of erythema: By using 8 x 12-inch color
EXAMPLE 4 photographic enlargements, erythema was measured with a
Photoprotective Effects of Stabilized Ascorbic Acid chromameter (COLORMOUSER. Too, Color Savvy Sys
Compositions tems Ltd, Springboro, Ohio). Skin erythema varies appre
ciably depending on blood flow to the area. By photograph
The present example provides data showing that a com ing the area, the depth of erythema was documented at a
bination of a cinnamic acid derivative, trans-ferulic acid, and 30 moment in time and could be reliably measured in high
ascorbic acid provides an unexpectedly greater photopro quality photographic enlargements. Three separate sites
tective effect from UV radiation than compositions lacking from each irradiated spot on photographs were chosen to
Such a combination. measure the average erythemal response. Nonirradiated
UV irradiation: A 1000-W UV radiation (UVR) source adjacent skin was measured for comparison. Erythema was
(LIGHTNINGCURE(R) 200, Hamamatsu, Japan) was used measured in the “a” mode as instructed by the supplier. The
for delivering Solar-simulated radiation to pig skin. The difference of the a value between irradiated skin and
lamp was combined with a dichroic mirror assembly reflect nonirradiated skin determined the erythema.
ing most of the visible and infrared emission to reduce the Measurement of sunburn cells: Skin biopsy specimens
heat load on the skin, and with a 1-mm WG295 Schott 40 were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and processed
selective UVB band-pass filter (295 nm) to eliminate wave for routine histology. Hematoxylin-eosin-stained center-cut
lengths less than 295 nm. A 1-cm diameter liquid light guide sections of each biopsy specimen were analyzed for Sunburn
was connected to the exit port of the lamp housing to deliver cells (keratinocytes with pyknotic nuclei having an eosino
energy to the Surface of the skin. The light guide was philic cytoplasm). The entire 8-mm center section of the
45 histologic ribbon was analyzed and the results expressed as
positioned just above the surface of the skin. The intensity
used in the experiment was 5 mW/cm of UVB as measured Sunburn cells/mm. When photodamage was extensive, it was
by a research radiometer (IL1700, International Light, New difficult to precisely define a sunburn cell in the presence of
buryport, Mass.). At this irradiance, there was about 40 epidermal necrosis. Therefore, whenever Sunburn cells
mW/cm of UVA. Due to much greater erythemal effective 50 could not be accurately identified, an upper limit of 35
ness of UVB, UVB is expected to be the dominant wave Sunburn cells/mm was used.
band causing the observed biologic effects. Table 4 provides stabilized ascorbic acid compositions
Treatment and irradiation procedure: Yorkshire pigs were made as described in Example 3, applied to the skin of pigs
clipped 24 hours before exposure. The antioxidant or vehicle and irradiated as described in the present example.
Compositions Containing Stabilized Ascorbic Acid and Photoprotective Effects Thereof
Amount of Ingredients in Weight 90 for each Composition
Di(ethylene glycol) ethyl ether
Ascorbic Acid
US 7,179,841 B2
15 16
TABLE 4-continued
Compositions Containing Stabilized Ascorbic Acid and Photoprotective Effects Thereof
Amount of Ingredients in Weight 90 for each Composition
Ingredients A. B C D2 E F
Polyoxyethylene 23 lauryl ether 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
(BRIT (R 35)
Triethanolamine O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S
trans-Ferulic Acid O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S
Tocopherol 1.O 1.O 1.O
Retinol 1.O
Phenoxyethanol 1.O 1.O 1.O 1.O 1.O 1.O
Panthenol O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S O.S
Sodium Hyaluronate O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1
pH 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Designation in Figures Herein FIG. 1, FIG. 1, FIG. 1, FIG. 2, FIG. 1, FIG. 2,
FIG. 3, FIG. 3, FIG. 3, FIG. 3, FIG. 3, FIG. 3,
FIG. 4, FIG. 4, FIG. 4, FIG. 5, FIG. 4, FIG. 5,
FIG. 6, FIG. 6, FIG. 6, FIG. 6, FIG. 6, FIG. 6,
E I & s
Ascorbic Acid Stability% control, control, 84%–86% 88%–90% control, ND
AA not AA not AA not
present present present
'the amount of ascorbic acid present at the end of a 4 week period at 45° C. as determined by
calibrated HPLC
°Composition D is the same as composition 11 of Table 3.
Not Determined

FIG. 1, FIG. 2, and FIG. 3 provide data showing the equivalent embodiments thereof. The specification should
photoprotective effect of Compositions A-F. The control 30
not be construed to unduly narrow the full scope of protec
(bold diagonal lines, 2) is a measure of erythema of tion to which the present invention is entitled.
irradiated skin without a composition applied to the skin. As used herein and unless otherwise indicated, the terms
The greatest photoprotective effect demonstrated in FIG. 1, “a” and “an are taken to mean “one', 'at least one' or “one
or more.
i.e., the lowest colorimeter reading, was seen for the com 35 What is claimed is:
position containing ascorbic acid and trans-ferulic acid 1. A single-phase solution composition comprising by
(composition C of Table 4). Additional presence of toco weight:
pherol or tocopherol and retinol (compositions D and F of 5% to 40% L-ascorbic acid,
FIG. 2) enhances that protection since the colorimeter read 0.2% to 5.0% of a cinnamic acid derivative selected from
ings of FIG. 2 are at twice the minimal erythemal dose as 40 p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, Sinapinic
compared to the data of FIG. 1. Data for the 2x and 4x MED acid, combinations thereof, and cis and trans isomers
exposures from FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 are combined in FIG. 3 thereof;
for facilitated comparison. 10% to 60% of a solvent comprising a glycol ether and an
alkanediol; and
Enumeration of Sunburn cells in skin biopsy specimens 45 water;
for Compositions A-F is shown in FIG. 4, FIG. 5 and FIG. the composition having a pH of no more than about 3.5, and
6. The control (bold diagonal lines, 2) is a measure of wherein when the cinnamic acid derivative is present at an
Sunburned cells from irradiated skin without a composition amount greater than 0.5%, the composition further com
applied to the skin. The greatest protection from photodam prises a surfactant in an amount of 1.5% to 5.0%.
age demonstrated in FIG. 4, i.e., the fewest sunburn cells per 50 2. The single-phase solution composition of claim 1
millimeter, was seen for the composition containing ascorbic wherein the cinnamic acid derivative comprises a combina
tion of trans-ferulic acid and caffeic acid.
acid and trans-ferulic acid (composition C of Table 4). 3. The single-phase solution composition of claim 1
Additional presence of tocopherol or tocopherol and retinol wherein the cinnamic acid derivative comprises p-coumaric
(compositions D and F of FIG. 5) enhances that protection 55 acid.
since the colorimeter readings of FIG. 5 are at twice the 4. The single-phase solution composition of claim 1
minimal erythemal dose as compared to the data of FIG. 4. wherein the cinnamic acid derivative comprises trans-ferulic
Data for the 2x and 4x MED exposures from FIG. 4 and acid.
FIG. 5 are combined in FIG. 6 for facilitated comparison. 5. The single-phase solution composition of claim 1
Those of skill in the art, in light of the present disclosure, 60 wherein the ascorbic acid is present at an amount of 10% to
will appreciate that obvious modifications of the embodi 6. The single-phase solution composition of claim 1
ments disclosed herein can be made without departing from wherein the cinnamic acid derivative is present at an amount
the spirit and scope of the invention. All of the embodiments of 0.5% to 3.0%.
disclosed herein can be made and executed without undue 65 7. The single-phase solution composition of claim 1
experimentation in light of the present disclosure. The full wherein the glycol ether comprises di(ethylene glycol) ethyl
Scope of the invention is set out in the disclosure and ether.
US 7,179,841 B2
17 18
8. The single-phase solution composition of claim 1 17. The single-phase solution composition of claim 16
wherein the alkanediol comprises 1,2-propanediol. further comprising a form of Vitamin E in an amount of
9. The single-phase solution composition of claim 1 O.3% to 20%.
wherein the pH is 2.5 to 3.0. 18. The single-phase solution composition of claim 16
10. The single-phase solution composition of claim 1 5 wherein the cinnamic acid derivative further comprises at
wherein stability of the composition is at least 88% after one least one of:
year of storage, wherein stability is expressed as the per (a) Substitutions on the hydroxyl groups of the aromatic
centage of ascorbic acid present. ring which Substitutions are selected from aliphatic
11. The single-phase solution composition of claim 1 groups having from one to twenty-four carbonatoms to
further comprising a form of Vitamin E and a surfactant. 10
form an ether and aliphatic groups having from one to
12. The single-phase solution composition of claim 11 twenty-four carbon atoms Substituted with a group
wherein the form of Vitamin E is selected from alpha, beta, Selected from alkyl, alkoxy, hydroxyl, amino and
delta, and gamma tocopherols, and alpha, beta, delta and amido to form a substituted ether,
gamma tocotrienols, and combinations thereof. (b) modifications of the methoxy group(s) of the aromatic
13. The single-phase solution composition of claim 11 15
ring which modifications are selected from aliphatic
wherein the form of Vitamin E is present in an amount of groups having from two to twenty-four carbon atoms to
O.5% to 20%.
14. The single-phase solution composition of claim 1 form a long chain ether and aliphatic groups substituted
with a group selected from alkyl, alkoxy, hydroxyl,
wherein the cinnamic acid derivative further comprises at amino and amido, to form a Substituted long chain
least one of:
ether; and
(a) Substitutions on the hydroxyl groups of the aromatic (c) modifications of the 3-carboxy group which modifi
ring which Substitutions are selected from aliphatic cations are selected from esters and amides having
groups having from one to twenty-four carbonatoms to aliphatic groups having from one to twenty-four carbon
form an ether and aliphatic groups having from one to atoms or an aromatic group.
twenty-four carbon atoms Substituted with a group 25
Selected from alkyl, alkoxy, hydroxyl, amino and 19. A process for stabilizing L-ascorbic acid for storage,
amido to form a substituted ether, comprising:
(b) modifications of the methoxy group(s) of the aromatic combining
ring which modifications are selected from aliphatic 0.2% to 0.5% of a cinnamic acid derivative selected
groups having from two to twenty-four carbon atoms to 30 from p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid,
form a long chain ether and aliphatic groups substituted Sinapinic acid, combinations thereof, and cis and
with a group selected from alkyl, alkoxy, hydroxyl, trans isomers thereof;
amino and amido, to form a Substituted long chain 10% to 60% of a solvent comprising a glycol ether and
ether; and an alkanediol; and
(c) modifications of the 3-carboxy group which modifi 35
water, and
cations are selected from esters and amides having adding 5% to 40% L-ascorbic acid to form a single-phase
aliphatic groups having from one to twenty-four carbon clear Solution composition of stabilized ascorbic acid,
atoms or an aromatic group. the composition having a pH of no more than about 3.5.
15. The single-phase solution composition of claim 11, 20. A product produced by the process of claim 19.
wherein the form of Vitamin E further comprises at least one 21. The process for stabilizing L-ascorbic acid for storage
of claim 19 wherein the cinnamic acid derivative further
(a) pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof selected comprises at least one of:
from acetate, Sulfate. Succinate, nicotinate, palmitate,
allophanate, phosphate, quinone and halogenated salts, (a) Substitutions on the hydroxyl groups of the aromatic
(b) esters thereof, 45 ring which Substitutions are selected from aliphatic
(c) Stereoisomers thereof, and groups having from one to twenty-four carbonatoms to
(d) Substitutions and additions in the 6-chromanol ring form an ether and aliphatic groups having from one to
and/or side chain thereof, with the proviso that such twenty-four carbon atoms Substituted with a group
Vitamin E forms maintain the antioxidant activity of Selected from alkyl, alkoxy, hydroxyl, amino and
Vitamin E. 50 amido to form a substituted ether,
16. A single-phase solution composition comprising by (b) modifications of the methoxy group(s) of the aromatic
weight: ring which modifications are selected from aliphatic
5% to 20% L-ascorbic acid, groups having from two to twenty-four carbon atoms to
0.5% to 5.0% of a cinnamic acid derivative selected from form a long chain ether and aliphatic groups substituted
p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, Sinapinic
55 with a group selected from alkyl, alkoxy, hydroxyl,
acid, combinations thereof, and cis and trans isomers amino and amido, to form a Substituted long chain
thereof; ether; and
10% to 60% of a solvent comprising a glycol ether and an (c) modifications of the 3-carboxy group which modifi
alkanediol; 60
cations are selected from esters and amides having
0.5% to 1.5% phenoxyethanol: aliphatic groups having from one to twenty-four carbon
0.3% to 1.5% panthenol; atoms or an aromatic group.
0.5% to 5.0% triethanolamine; 22. A process for stabilizing L-ascorbic acid for storage,
0.05% to 0.3% sodium hyaluronate: comprising:
1.5% to 5.0% surfactant; and 65 combining
water to 100%, water and 0.5% to 5.0% of a cinnamic acid derivative
the composition having a pH of no more than about 3.5. selected from p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic
US 7,179,841 B2
19 20
acid, Sinapinic acid, combinations thereof, and cis 32. The method of claim 25 wherein the cinnamic acid
and trans isomers thereof, and derivative is present at an amount of 0.5% to 3.0%.
combining 33. The method of claim 25 wherein the glycol ether
10% to 60% of a solvent comprising a glycol ether and comprises di(ethylene glycol) ethyl ether.
an alkanediol, and 5 34. The method of claim 25 wherein the alkanediol
1.5% to 5.0% surfactant to form a second solution; comprises 1,2-propanediol.
combining the first Solution and the second solution to 35. The method of claim 25 wherein the pH of the
form a mixed solution; and composition is 2.5 to 3.0.
adding 5% to 40% L-ascorbic acid to the mixed solution 36. The method of claim 27 wherein the form of Vitamin
to form a single-phase clear Solution composition of 10 E is present in an amount of 0.5% to 2.0%.
stabilized ascorbic acid, 37. The method of treating a subject for effects of radical
the composition having a pH of no more than about 3.5. induced damage of claim 25, wherein the cinnamic acid
23. A product produced by the process of claim 22. derivative further comprises at least one of:
24. The process for stabilizing L-ascorbic acid for storage (a) cinnamic acid derivatives having Substitutions on the
of claim 22 wherein the cinnamic acid derivative further 15 hydroxyl groups of the aromatic ring which Substitu
comprises at least one of: tions are selected from aliphatic groups having from
(a) Substitutions on the hydroxyl groups of the aromatic one to twenty-four carbon atoms to form an ether and
ring which Substitutions are selected from aliphatic aliphatic groups having from one to twenty-four carbon
groups having from one to twenty-four carbonatoms to atoms Substituted with a group selected from alkyl,
form an ether and aliphatic groups having from one to 20 alkoxy, hydroxyl, amino and amido to form a Substi
twenty-four carbon atoms Substituted with a group tuted ether,
Selected from alkyl, alkoxy, hydroxyl, amino and (b) cinnamic acid derivatives having modifications of the
amido to form a substituted ether, methoxy group(s) of the aromatic ring which modifi
(b) modifications of the methoxy group(s) of the aromatic cations are selected from aliphatic groups having from
ring which modifications are selected from aliphatic 25 two to twenty-four carbon atoms to form a long chain
groups having from two to twenty-four carbon atoms to ether and aliphatic groups substituted with a group
form a long chain ether and aliphatic groups substituted Selected from alkyl, alkoxy, hydroxyl, amino and
with a group selected from alkyl, alkoxy, hydroxyl, amido, to form a Substituted long chain ether; and
amino and amido, to form a Substituted long chain (c) cinnamic acid derivatives having modifications of the
ether; and 30 3-carboxy group which modifications are selected from
(c) modifications of the 3-carboxy group which modifi esters and amides having aliphatic groups having from
cations are selected from esters and amides having one to twenty-four carbon atoms or an aromatic group.
aliphatic groups having from one to twenty-four carbon 38. A method of treating the skin of a subject for effects
atoms or an aromatic group. of radical-induced damage, comprising:
25. A method of treating a subject for effects of radical- 35 administering to the skin of the subject a stabilized
induced damage, comprising: single-phase solution composition comprising by
administering to the Subject a stabilized single-phase weight,
Solution composition comprising by weight: 5% to 20% L-ascorbic acid,
5% to 40% L-ascorbic acid, 0.5% to 5.0% of a cinnamic acid derivative selected
0.2% to 5.0% of a cinnamic acid derivative selected 40
from p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, from p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid,
Sinapinic acid, combinations thereof, and cis and Sinapinic acid, combinations thereof, and cis and
trans isomers thereof; trans isomers thereof;
10% to 60% of a solvent comprising a glycol ether and 10% to 60% of a solvent comprising a glycol ether and
an alkanediol; and 45 an alkanediol;
0.5% to 1.5% phenoxyethanol:
the composition having a pH of no more than about 3.5. 0.3% to 1.5% panthenol;
and wherein when the cinnamic acid derivative is 0.5% to 5.0% triethanolamine;
present at greater than 0.5%, the composition further 0.05% to 0.3% sodium hyaluronate;
comprises a surfactant in an amount of 1.5% to 5.0%. 50 0.3% to 2.0% of a form of Vitamin E,
26. The method of claim 25 wherein the stabilized single 1.5% to 5.0% of a surfactant, and
phase solution composition comprises a cinnamic acid water to 100%, the composition having a pH of no
derivative at greater than 0.5% and the composition further more than about 3.5.
comprises a form of Vitamin E. 39. The method of claim 38 wherein the single-phase
27. The method of claim 26 wherein the form of Vitamin 55 Solution composition further comprises an antioxidant
E is selected from alpha, beta, delta, and gamma toco selected from (a) a Vitamin A derivative selected from
pherols, and alpha, beta, delta and gamma tocotrienols, and retinoid, retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, a retinoic acid salt and
combinations thereof. mixtures thereof, (b) lipoic acid, (c) seleno-L-methionine,
28. The method of claim 25 wherein the cinnamic acid and (d) flavonoids that lack undesirable color.
derivative comprises a combination of trans-ferulic acid and 60 40. The method of treating the skin of a subject for effects
caffeic acid. of radical-induced damage of claim 38, wherein the cin
29. The method of claim 25 wherein the cinnamic acid namic acid derivative further comprises at least one of:
derivative comprises p-coumaric acid. (a) cinnamic acid derivatives having Substitutions on the
30. The method of claim 25 wherein the cinnamic acid hydroxyl groups of the aromatic ring which Substitu
derivative comprises trans-ferulic acid. 65 tions are selected from aliphatic groups having from
31. The method of claim 25 wherein the ascorbic acid is one to twenty-four carbon atoms to form an ether and
present at an amount of 10% to 20%. aliphatic groups having from one to twenty-four carbon
US 7,179,841 B2
21 22
atoms Substituted with a group selected from alkyl, 0.3% to 2.0% of a form of Vitamin E:
alkoxy, hydroxyl, amino and amido to form a Substi 1.5% to 5.0% of a surfactant;
tuted ether, 0.3% to 2.0% retinol; and
(b) cinnamic acid derivatives having modifications of the water to 100%,
methoxy group(s) of the aromatic ring which modifi the composition having a pH of no more than about 3.5.
cations are selected from aliphatic groups having from 42. The method of treating the skin of a subject for effects
two to twenty-four carbon atoms to form a long chain of radical-induced damage of claim 41, wherein the cin
ether and aliphatic groups substituted with a group namic acid derivative further comprises at least one of:
Selected from alkyl, alkoxy, hydroxyl, amino and
amido, to form a substituted long chain ether, and 10 (a) cinnamic acid derivatives having Substitutions on the
(c) cinnamic acid derivatives having modifications of the hydroxyl groups of the aromatic ring which Substitu
3-carboxy group which modifications are selected from tions are selected from aliphatic groups having from
esters and amides having aliphatic groups having from one to twenty-four carbon atoms to form an ether and
one to twenty-four carbon atoms or an aromatic group. aliphatic groups having from one to twenty-four carbon
41. A method of treating the skin of a subject for effects 15 atoms Substituted with a group selected from alkyl,
of radical-induced damage, comprising: alkoxy, hydroxyl, amino and amido to form a Substi
administering to the skin of the subject a stabilized tuted ether,
single-phase solution composition comprising by (b) cinnamic acid derivatives having modifications of the
weight, methoxy group(s) of the aromatic ring which modifi
5% to 40% L-ascorbic acid; cations are selected from aliphatic groups having from
0.5% to 5.0% of a cinnamic acid derivative selected two to twenty-four carbon atoms to form a long chain
from p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, ether and aliphatic groups substituted with a group
Sinapinic acid, combinations thereof, and cis and Selected from alkyl, alkoxy, hydroxyl, amino and
trans isomers thereof; amido, to form a Substituted long chain ether; and
10% to 60% of a solvent comprising a glycol ether and 25 (c) cinnamic acid derivatives having modifications of the
an alkanediol; 3-carboxy group which modifications are selected from
0.5% to 1.5% phenoxyethanol: esters and amides having aliphatic groups having from
0.3% to 1.5% panthenol; one to twenty-four carbon atoms or an aromatic group.
0.5% to 5.0% triethanolamine;
0.05% to 0.3% sodium hyaluronate; k k k k k

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