It Skills Lab Programme: PGDM Semester - I Course Code: G - GC-109 Revised In: January 2018 Total HRS: 30

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Programme: PGDM Semester – I Course Code: G - GC-109

Revised in: January 2018 Total Hrs: 30

1. Objective:

At the end of the course, the student should be able:

 To have a better understanding and awareness of the societal impact of technology, the
physical features and functions of a computer operating system, computer troubleshooting
and maintenance.
 To garner technology related vocabulary and terminology including copyright law and
 To utilize Microsoft programs among other software programs.
 To display proper and ergonomically correct keyboarding technique, efficiently navigate
and conduct safe website searches on the World Wide Web and more
 To create awareness in upcoming managers of different types of information systems in
an organization so as to enable the use of computer resources efficiently, for effective
decision making
 To understand the latest IT concepts implemented in the industry

2. Core books for Reading:

 Computer fundamentals P.K Sinha

 MIS- Managing the Digital Firm, 13e, by Ken Laudon, Jane Laudon, Pearson
 Comer 4e, Computer networks and Internet, Pearson Education

3. Reference Books:

 Microsoft Office 2010: Illustrated Introductory, (By- David W. Beskeen, Carol Cram,
Jennifer Duffy, Lisa Friedrichsen, Elizabeth Eisner
 Microsoft Office 2010 Plain & Simple By Katherine Murray
 Beginning Microsoft Office 2010 By- Guy Hart-Davis
 Office 2010 for Dummies By- Wallace Wang
4. Pedagogy:
 Online Class Room Lectures, Demos on Computer, Practical Assignments & Test, Field
Assignments, Case Study.
 Unit.No.1 : Classroom and LAB practical oriented
 Unit No.2: LAB 100% practical oriented
 Unit No.3,4,5,6: Classroom teaching with Case Study Approach
Sr. Duration
No. (Hrs.)

1 Computer Fundamentals 4

System Concept, Components of a system. Introduction to Computer Fundamentals-

I/P, O/P devices, Processors (CPU),Types of memories, Computer Internals- SMPS,
Computer Ports & Peripherals-Mkt. Scenario; Computer software: Types of softwares,
Desktop and server OS Demo. Trends in computers, laptops, tablets. Practical demo of
computer internals, Computer Virus and types of virus


2 MS word:

MS word toolbar, shortcut keys, formatting, Header, footer, tabs, Margins, Page setup,
Mail merge, letters, labels, envelope, Table of contents

MS Excel :

spreadsheets, toolbars, Mathematical functions, Date-Time Functions

Absolute referencing, relative referencing , Logical functions in MS Excel , Score sheet

(logical unction), string functions, Statistical functions , Goal seek ,formulae, Sorting
, Filtering, Advanced Filters, V lookup, H lookup, Charts and chart functions , Pivot
table, Introduction to formulas e.g. PV, PMT, NPER, RATE, Using Data Tab and Data
Validation: Getting external Data, Remove Duplicates, Apply data validation & using
utilities from Data Tab, data consolidation, Protecting Your Work: Using Review Tab
Utilities Performing Spreadsheet What-if Analysis: Create a macro,

MS Powerpoint

Basics of Presentation, create a slide, Views Slide transition, Custom animation,

hyperlink, presentation aesthetics, Insert tab utilities, smart art, hyperlink, image

3 Computer Networks-Definition, Topology(Star, Bus, Ring, Mesh),Network 2

Types(LAN,WAN,MAN), Introduction to Client - Server Architecture, Internet,
Intranet, Extranet, services offered by Internet-email, www, ftp, etc.

4 Basics of Cloud Computing: Components of a data center, What is Cloud and cloud 2
Computing, difference between data center and cloud, Types of cloud service models-
SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, Advantages of Cloud Computing.
5 Introduction to Management Information Systems: Difference between Data and 2
Information, Information Technology (IT) and Information Systems (IS), What is a
Business Process, Role of IT in MIS. Types of MIS-TPS, MIS, DSS, ESS. Introduction
to Data Base concepts, DBMS, Data mining, Data Warehousing, Data Analytics.

6 Introduction to ERP 2

Introduction to ERP, Modules in ERP Software, Application of ERP, examples of ERP


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