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or in abuse of discretion, and petitioner has not shown any arbitrariness or abuse of discretion

4. LIMPAN INVESTMENT CORPORATION v. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE in the part of the Tax Court in finding that petitioner claimed excessive depreciation in its
G.R. No. L-21570 returns. It appearing that the Tax Court applied rates of depreciation in accordance with
July 26, 1966 Bulletin "F" of the U.S. Federal Internal Revenue Service, which this Court pronounced as
By: DATU PAX ALI having strong persuasive effect in this jurisdiction, for having been the result of scientific
Topic: Depreciation studies and observation for a long period in the United States, after whose Income Tax Law
Petitioners: LIMPAN INVESTMENT CORPORATION ours is patterned.

Wherefore, the appealed decision should be, as it is hereby, affirmed. With costs against
petitioner-appellant, Limpan Investment Corporation.
Depreciation is a question of fact and is not measured by theoretical yardstick, but should
be determined by a consideration of actual facts


Petitioner corporation is engaged in the business of leasing real properties. Its principal
stockholders are the spouses Isabelo P. Lim and Purificacion Ceñiza de Lim, who own and
control (99%) of its total paid-up capital. Its president and chairman of the board is the same
Isabelo P. Lim.

Petitioner corporation duly filed its 1956 and 1957 income tax returns, reporting therein net
incomes of P3,287.81 and P11,098.36, respectively, for which it paid the corresponding taxes
therefor in the sums of P657.00 and P2,220.00.

The examiners of the BIR conducted an investigation of petitioner's 1956 and 1957 income tax
returns and they discovered and ascertained that petitioner had underdeclared its rental
incomes by P20,199.00 and P81,690.00 during these taxable years and had claimed excessive
depreciation of its buildings in the sums of P4,260.00 and P16,336.00 covering the same
period. But petitioner said that the building is old and out of style.

Plaridel M. Mingoa, one of the BIR examiners who personally conducted the investigation of
the 1956 and 1957 income tax returns of petitioner corporation. In applying rates of
depreciation to petitioner's buildings, he adopted Bulletin "F" of the U.S. Federal Internal
Revenue Service.

Commissioner of Internal Revenue demanded the sums of P7,338.00 and P30,502.50,

representing deficiency income taxes

ISSUE: Whether or not there was abuse or arbitrariness in the imposition of a higher tax
(related to the depreciation expenses as it was excess)


Court has already held that "depreciation is a question of fact and is not measured by
theoretical yardstick, but should be determined by a consideration of actual facts", and the
findings of the Tax Court in this respect should not be disturbed when not shown to be arbitrary

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