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QUIZ 7A D) They all help explain why the long-run

1. Pure monopoly means: average cost curve is U-shaped.

A) any market in which the demand curve to the
firm is downsloping. 7. If a non-discriminating imperfectly
B) a standardized product being produced by competitive firm is selling its 100th unit of
many firms. output for $35, its marginal revenue:
C) a single firm producing a product for which A) may be either greater or less than $35.
there are no close substitutes. B) will also be $35.
D) a large number of firms producing a C) will be less than $35.
differentiated product. D) will be greater than $35.

2. Which of the following is correct? 8. With respect to the pure monopolist's

A) Both purely competitive and monopolistic demand curve it can be said that:
firms are "price takers." A) the stronger the barriers to entry, the more
B) Both purely competitive and monopolistic elastic is the monopolist's demand curve.
firms are "price makers." B) price exceeds marginal revenue at all outputs
C) A purely competitive firm is a "price taker," greater than 1.
while a monopolist is a "price maker." C) demand is perfectly inelastic.
D) A purely competitive firm is a "price maker," D) marginal revenue equals price at all outputs.
while a monopolist is a "price taker."

3. Pure monopolists may obtain economic Use the following to answer questions 9-11:
profits in the long run because:
A) of advertising.
B) marginal revenue is constant as sales
C) of barriers to entry.
D) of rising average fixed costs.

4. Barriers to entering an industry:

A) are justified because they result in allocative
B) are justified because they result in productive
C) are the basis for monopoly.
D) apply only to purely monopolistic industries.

5. A natural monopoly occurs when:

A) long-run average costs decline continuously
through the range of demand. 9. Refer to the above diagram. This firm is
B) a firm owns or controls some resource selling in:
essential to production. A) a market in which there are an extremely
C) long-run average costs rise continuously as large number of other firms producing the same
output is increased. product.
D) economies of scale are obtained at relatively B) an imperfectly competitive market.
low levels of output. C) a market in which demand is elastic at all
6. What do economies of scale, the D) a purely competitive market.
ownership of essential raw materials, and
patents have in common? 10. Refer to the above diagram. Demand is
A) They must all be present before price relatively elastic:
discrimination can be practiced. A) in the P2P1 price range.
B) They are all barriers to entry. B) in the 0P1 price range.
C) They all help explain why a monopolist's C) in the P2P4 price range.
demand and marginal revenue curves coincide. D) only at price P2.
11. Refer to the above diagram. Demand is D) product price and marginal revenue.
relatively inelastic:
A) at price P3. 17. A pure monopolist's short-run profit-
B) at any price below P2. maximizing or loss-minimizing position is
C) in the P2P4 price range. such that price:
D) in the P2P3 price range. A) equals marginal revenue.
B) may be greater or less than ATC.
12. Price exceeds marginal revenue for the C) will always equal ATC.
pure monopolist because the: D) always exceeds ATC.
A) law of diminishing returns is inapplicable.
B) demand curve is downsloping.
C) monopolist produces a smaller output than
would a purely competitive firm.
D) demand curve lies below the marginal
revenue curve.

13. Which of the following is characteristic of

a pure monopolist's demand curve?
A) Average revenue is less than price.
B) Its elasticity coefficient is 1 at all levels of
C) Price and marginal revenue are equal at all
levels of output.
D) It is the same as the market demand curve.

14. A pure monopolist should never produce

in the: 18. Refer to the above diagram for a pure
A) elastic segment of its demand curve because monopolist. Monopoly price will be:
it can increase total revenue and reduce total A) e. B) c. C) b. D) a.
cost by lowering price.
B) inelastic segment of its demand curve 19. Refer to the above diagram for a pure
because it can increase total revenue and monopolist. Monopoly output will be:
reduce total cost by A) between f and g. B) h. C) g. D) f .
increasing price.
C) inelastic segment of its demand curve 20. Refer to the above diagram for a pure
because it can always increase total revenue by monopolist. Monopoly profit:
more than it A) cannot be determined from the information
increases total cost by reducing price. given.
D) segment of its demand curve where the price B) will be ae per unit.
elasticity coefficient is greater than one. C) will be bc per unit.
D) will be ac per unit.
15. If a monopolist were to produce in the
inelastic segment of its demand curve:
A) total revenue would be at a maximum.
B) marginal revenue would be negative.
C) the firm would be maximizing profits.
D) it would necessarily incur a loss.

16. The vertical distance between the

horizontal axis and any point on a non-
discriminating monopolist's demand curve
A) the quantity demanded.
B) product price and average revenue.
C) total revenue.

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