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Satit Bangna School

Teacher’s Name : Wisma Saputra

Learning Area : Foreign Language (English)

Grade :10 / M3/2 & M3/1
Duration : 60 Minutes

1. Core Content (Competences Standard)

Using English to speak and talk about something, clarify by Reported speech/ Indirect

2.Learning Standards/Indicators
F3.1: Usage of foreign languages to link knowledge with other learning areas, as
foundation for further development and to seek knowledge and widen one's world view
Gr9/1 Search for, collect and summarize the data/facts related to other learning areas
from learning sources, and present them through speaking/writing.

3.Learning Objectives
3.1 Students will be able to explain the social function and generic structure of
reported speech.
3.2 Students will be able to change direct speech into reported speech/ indirect
3.3 Students will be able to form sentences of reported speech/indirect speech..

4. Content
4.1 Background knowledge: Reported Speech/ Indirect speech & Direct Speech.
Reported Speech/ Indirect speech When you tell somebody else what you or a
person said before.
Direct speech Spoken or written text that reports speech or
thought in its original form phrased.


1. Visit 3. Look 5. Have

2. Open 4. Live 6. Finish

4.2Target structure: Reported speech

( the main changes in tenses )
Language Pattern
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Present Simple Past Simple
ex : ex :
He said : “ I am happy “ He said that he was happy.
Past Simple Past Perfect
ex : ex :
She said : “ I visited Thailand She said that she had visited
last year “ Thailand the previous year.
Future Simple ( will + Verb 1 ) Conditional ( would + Verb 1 )
ex : ex :
He said : “ I will open the He said that he would open the
door” door.

5.Integrated Language Skills

Listening The students listened the explanations from the teacher.

Speaking The students give the examples of reported speec/indiect speech
with orally.
Reading The students read explanations from the board.
Writing The students write the examples of reported speech/ indirect speech
on the notebook.

6. Materials and Resources

6.1 The informations relevant with the students books.
6.2 The students Notebooks 2
7. Assessment and Evaluation
Expected Outcomes Instruments/Tasks Criteria
3.1 Students are able to - Explains the social function and Students are able to oral
explain the social function generic structure of reported answer the questions about
and generic structure of speech . past simple tense with 80%
reported speech.
accuracy in 4/5 trials.

3.2 Students are able to - Writing the Reported Students are able to change
change direct speech into speech/Indirect speech on the the direct speech into
reported speech/ indirect notebooks 2. indirect speech with 80%
accuracy in 4/5 trials.

3.3 Students are able to form - Forming Reported 80-100% - Excellent

sentences of reported speech/Indirect speech sentences. 70-79% - Good
speech/indirect speech.. 60-69% - Fair
50-59% - Poor
8. Instructional Activities

Steps of teaching Teacher’s role Student’s role

1. Warm up (5 Minutes) - Reviews the students of - Give the examples of

what they learned yesterday. reported speech.
Teacher reviews again about
Reported speech.
- Asks each student to give
the examples of reported

2. Presentation ( 15 minutes) - Teacher reviews about - Give examples of reported

Reported speech and Direct speech.
speech .

- Teacher give the students the

examples of reported speech.

- The teacher asks the students

to give the examples of
reported speech.

3. Practice( 15 minutes ) - Asks students to read the - read the background

background knowledge that knowledge that teacher
teacher gave on the board. gave on the board.

- Asks the students to make - write the examples on the

sentences of reported speech notebook

4. Production ( 10 minutes ) - Teacher gives 10 sentences - Make the Reported

the direct speech. speech/Indirect Speech
from the teacher given.
1. She said, “ I am Reading.”
- She said that she was
2. They said, “ we are busy”
- They said that they were

3. He said, “ I know a better

- He said that he knew a better

4. She said, “ I woke up early”

- She said that she had woken
up early.

5. He said, “ I will ring her.”

- He said that he would ring

6. They said, “ we have just

- They saud that they had just

7. He said, “ I will clean the

- He said that he would clean
the car.

8. She said, “ I did not say

- She said that she had not
said that.

9. She said, “ I don’t know

where my shoes are.”
- She said that she did not
know where her shoes were.

10. He said, “ I won’t tell

- He said that he would not
tell anyone.

-Ask some volunteer students - students explains about

5. Wrap up to give the explanation of reported speech.
( 10 minutes ) reported speech.

9. Reflections
9.1 Problem/Obstacle Found

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