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Short term course on COURSE OBJECTIVE various types of supports such as fixed, pin and

Design and Topology The cut-throat competition for light weight product roller joints, fasteners and joints, techniques for
with minimum cost puts designers and engineers applying loads and constraints on hole centre etc.
Optimization using Finite under huge pressure to optimize their design at Connections: Techniques for modeling fasteners:
Element Method concept state itself. Topology optimization using nuts and bolts, crews etc., joints, generating various
Finite Element Method (FEM) optimizes material types contacts such as bonding, sliding etc.
21 - 23 December 2017 layout within a given design space, for a given set
of loads, boundary conditions and manufacturing DAY 2
constraints with the goal of maximizing the
performance of the system. Once the component Static Analysis: Modeling and comparing FEM
design is freezed, any further modifications results with theories for problems like critical stress,
becomes a costly affair. This course aims at von Mises stress, calculating stress concentration
providing the much needed FEM skills to analyse factor, deflection of beams etc., designing within
the components at concept stage for light weight factor of safety, thermal stresses, running
and efficient components. Furthermore, with the animation etc., comparing FEM results with theory.
advent of new technology such as 3D Printers Dynamic Analysis: Design based on vibration
(Additive Manufacturing), wherein any complex analysis, how to extract midsurfaces from solids,
shape can be printed easily, topology optimization surface modeling, extracting structures natural
becomes even more imperative. At the end of this frequencies (normal modes), fix and free modal
course, participants will be able to optimize any analysis, analysis under buckling loads, extracting
components with ease. buckling modes etc.
Dr. Om Prakash Singh
Associate Prof., Department of Mechanical DAY 1 Topology Optimization: theoretical background,
Engineering, IIT (BHU), Varanasi-221005 Shape Controls: How to apply manufacturing
Email: [email protected] FEM theory: Design for Governing differential constraints such as draw directions and symmetry,
Contact: +91 981 666 11 66 equations, Finite element discretization techniques, how to apply draw directions (single, split and
Weighted residual methods: Subdomain, Galerkin, extrusion), how to apply stamping as additional
Website: manufacturing constraints etc.
Petrov-Galerkin, Least square, Collocation
methods; Weak form, Rayleigh Ritz method. Minimization Objective: Maximize stiffness or
Organized by Computer Aided Designs (CAD): Drafting, learning minimize mass; Optimization with various
Department of Mechanical Engineering various methods to design components, 2D and 3D constraints such as frequency, stress, gravity,
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) (BHU) geometry generation techniques. thickness and minimum factor or safety constraint.
Loads and Constraints: How to apply various Free-Form Solid Geometry: Fit new free-from solid
Varanasi-221005 geometry on the optimized design, polyNURBS;
boundary conditions such as pressure, forces,
contacts, friction surfaces, thermal, concentrated exporting geometry for further editing and analysis
mass, gravity loads etc,
Examples from various fields such as automotive,
aerospace, civil engineering etc. will be considered
in modelling
• Students/faculty/engineers from Civil, Write “FEM: Topology Optimization” on the top of
Before November
Mechanical, Structural, Automotive, Electrical, the envelope and send Cheque/DD to the following
• IIT BHU student: Rs. 2000/-
Construction, Aerospace, Biomedical etc can address:
• Non-IIT BHU student : Rs. 4,000/-
• Faculty member : Rs, 6,000/-
• This course is not just a course, it is a skill Dr. Om Prakash Singh, Department of Mechanical
• Industry professional: Rs. 8,000/-
building program. Anyone interested to Engineering, IIT (BHU), Varanasi, U.P, India-221005
After 1st November
enhance their skill in the CAE domain, are
• IIT BHU student: Rs. 3000/-
• Non-IIT BHU student : Rs. 6,000/-
CERTIFICATE • Faculty member : Rs, 8,000/- Account holder name: STC CFD FEM
A certificate of completion of the course would be • Industry professional: Rs. 12,000/- Bank name: State Bank of India
issued to all the participants. Branch: IT-BHU, Branch code: 11445
REGISTRATION PROCESS Account No.: 36911862248
LOCATION Account type: Current
• Send an email to [email protected] and CC
Varanasi Railway Station is well connected to IFS Code: SBIN0011445
to [email protected] with the subject
almost all parts of the India. Also it is well
line STC18. Mention the list of participants
connected via Air to Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata,
interested to attend the course. EVALUATION AND GRADING
Hyderabad, and Bengaluru. There are frequent
• Depending upon the seat availability, a There is will be continuous evaluation of each
flight services from New Delhi. The Institute is
provisional confirmations though email will be participants during the course on the understanding
located in the south of the Varanasi city and about
sent within 2 hour. of the concepts and skills.
7 km away from Varanasi Railway Station and 30
• After receiving email confirmation, kindly pay • A overnight assignment will be given to the
km from the Babatpur (Varanasi) airport. Taxis,
ONLINE within a week OR speed post the participants whose evaluation will be done next
Auto-rickshaws, are available as transport.
registration fee (Cheque/DD in favour of STC day morning.
CFD FEM payable at Varanasi, U.P) to the
IMPORTANT DATES address given below
Early bird registration: before 1st November 2017. COMMITTEES
• Mention your name, designation (student,
Last date of registration: 10th December 2017 Patron:
faculty or industry professional) address, mobile
Enquires should be addressed to: Honorable Professor Rajeev Sangal, Director, IIT
number and email id on the back of the
Dr. Om Prakash Singh, Associate Professor, DD/Check. The same information should also be (BHU)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT (BHU), sent as email. In case of many participants with
Varanasi – 221 005 a single DD/Cheque, use a separate sheet of Organizing/Advisory committee, IIT (BHU)
E-mail : [email protected], paper to mention participants details. There is Dr. Om Prakash Singh
[email protected] , no separate registration form. Prof. Prashant Shukla
• If registration fee is paid via online transfer, the Prof. Pradyumna Ghosh
ACCOMMODATION participant should inform the transaction Dr. Swati Sunder Mondal
Shared accommodation in the IIT guest house will details/proof of money transfer via email. Kindly Dr. Jahar Sarkar
be provided on payment basis. Participants mention participant’s name in the remark Dr. Amitesh Kumar
interested to stay outside the campus in hotels can section during the bank transaction. Dr. Arnab Sarkar
make their own arrangement.

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