Marcayda V NAZ

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Adm. Case No. 1856. October 28, 1983.

* oath-taking as a member of the bar (after having flunked twice) be withheld pending
SALVACION E. MARCAYDA, complainant, vs. JUSTINIANO P. NAZ, respondent. negotiations for the support of his alleged child begotten with Salvacion.

Legal Ethics; Attorneys; Administrative Complaints;Disbarment for gross Naz in his answer of April 27, 1977 denied the paternity of the child. He alleged that
immorality; Admission by lawyer of the paternity of a child and agreeing to the complaint was pure harassment and blackmail. He said that Salvacion could have filed
support the child renders his immorality not so gross and scandalous.—We hold an administrative complaint with the Department of Education and Culture since he was
that, as noted by the Solicitor General, Naz is not guilty of gross immorality. He should employed in the Legaspi branch of that Office but she never filed any such complaint.
not be disbarred because he had admitted the paternity of Rey in a public document and
agreed to support him. This circumstance rendered his immorality not so gross and Accompanying his answer was an affidavit wherein Naz requested that, because
scandalous. (Arciga vs. Maniwang, Adm. Case No. 1608, August 14, 1981, 106 SCRA 591). clearance could not be given him to take the oath on April 29, 1977 due to Salvacion’s
complaint, he be allowed to take the oath but his signing of the Roll of attorneys be deferred
Same; Same; Same; Same; Lawyer’s attempt to nullify a notarial agreement to
pending resolution of Salvacion’s complaint.
support a child whose filiation he had admitted is highly censurable and
violation of his oath as lawyer; Severe reprimand.—Respondent Naz’s stand of not
On the following day, April 28, 1977, Naz and Salvacion, both 47, natives of Camalig,
giving any value to that public document shows a certain unscrupulousness unbecoming a
Albay, executed in Manila a notarized agreement before lawyer Braulio R. G. Tansinsin
member of a noble profession. It is tantamount to self-stultification. His attitude is highly
wherein Naz admitted that he had an affair with Salvacion in 1964 as a result of which a
censurable. He wants to make a mockery of the proceedings in this Court by making it
boy named Rey E. Marcayda was born on January 8, 1965, (should be March 8, 1965, as
appear that he lied brazenly about the filiation of Rey Marcayda just to facilitate his
shown in Exhibit 2). Naz was a married man. Salvacion was married to Primo Marcayda
admission to the bar. In his oath, he swore to do no falsehood. x x x Respondent Naz is
who died of tuberculosis on July 5, 1965(Exh. 1).
severely reprimanded for his attempt to nullify the notarial agreement to support a child
whose filiation he had admitted.
Naz in that agreement bound himself to pay Salvacion for Rey’s support (1) back
support of P2,000 on or before December 25, 1977 and another P2,000 on or before
Same; Same; Civil action for support and administration complaint against December 25, 1978 and (2) P100 or its dollar equivalent in advance within the first five
respondent lawyer, proper remedies of complainant for his refusal to support days of every month, starting May, 1977 until Rey reached the age of twenty-one.
the child.—The remedy of complainant Marcayda is a civil action for support on the basis
of the agreement of support which is irrevocably binding on Naz. She could also file an Because of that public instrument admitting paternity and the promise to support the
administrative complaint against him with the Ministry of Education and Culture which adulterous child, Salvacion on that same date, April 28, 1977, withdrew her complaint
could require him to give support to the child, Rey (See sec. 36, Civil Service Decree, P. D. filed in this Court to withhold the oath-taking of Naz on the ground of immorality.
No. 807).
The withdrawal document was also executed before Notary Tansinsin. It is
Makasiar, J., dissenting: document No. 628 of his notarial book while the document of acknowledgment and support
is No. 629. The result of these last minute maneuvers was this Court’s resolution of April
Attorneys; Respondent should be disbarred.—I dissent. He should be disbarred for 28, 1977 allowing Naz to take his oath by reason of Salvacion’s withdrawal of her complaint
immorality and his brazen repudiation of a notarial deed wherein he committed adultery (SBC-582). He took his oath on April 29, 1977.But Naz did not live up to his promise to
with a married woman even while he himself then as now is married. give support.

ADMINISTRATIVE CASE in the Supreme Court. In a verified complaint dated December 23, 1977Salvacion asked for the reopening of
the administrative case. She alleged that she withdrew the complaint so that Naz would
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. have a higher salary and would be in a better position to support Rey. He is now an
incumbent legal officer of Region V of the Ministry of Education and Culture in Legaspi
AQUINO, J.: City, with an annual salary of P17,724.

This is a revival of the immorality charge against respondent Justiniano P. Naz. Salvacion She testified that after Rey’s birth Naz gave her forty pesos a month for six months.
E. Marcayda in a handwritten letter filed in this Court on April 19, 1977asked that Naz’s After she withdrew her complaint, Naz gave her one hundred pesos for May, 1977. As
already stated, he did not comply with his commitment in the notarial agreement of Notes.—A pending criminal case against respondent lawyer for introduction of
support which was the basis of the withdrawal of the immorality complaint against him. falsified evidence in court and for falsification is not a bar to the resolution of the issue
posed in the disbarment case which involves the same acts complained of. (Re:
Naz in his comment on the complaint and in his testimony in the Solicitor General’s Brillantes, 76 SCRA 1).
office declared that Rey was not his son. Rey’s 1965 birth certificate shows that he was To be reinstated to the practice of law, it is necessary that the respondent must, like
born in wedlock to Salvacion and her husband, Primo (Exh. 2). He alleged that he was any other candidate for admission to the bar, satisfy this Court that he is a person of good
“coerced” to sign the agreement of support. The complaint was like “an Armalite trained moral character, a fit and proper person to practice law. (In re: Tranquilino Rovero, 101
on the head of the respondent”. SCRA 799).
An attorney is guilty of violation of the Canons of Legal Ethics by representing clients
We hold that, as noted by the Solicitor General, Naz is not guilty of gross with conflicting interests. Suspension is warranted under the circumstances for two
immorality. He should not be disbarred because he had admitted the paternity of Rey in a months. (Pasay Law and Conscience Union, Inc. vs. Paz, 95 SCRA 24).
public document and agreed to support him. This circumstance rendered his immorality Discourtesy imputed to a lawyer is not an act of malpractice. (Villanueva vs. De la
not so gross and scandalous. (Arciga vs. Maniwang, Adm. Case No. 1608, August 14, Cruz, 99 SCRA 137).
1981, 106 SCRA 591). Retention by lawyer of the amount given him for printing of appellant’s brief although
the brief has not been made is not a grave misconduct. (Batay vs. Blanco, 84 SCRA 586).
The agreement of support was the basis of the withdrawal of the 1977 complaint against
him. The eleventh-hour withdrawal paved the way for his oath-taking. He cannot be
allowed to repudiate that public document on the ground of supposed coercion.

Respondent Naz’s stand of not giving any value to that public document shows a certain
unscrupulousness unbecoming a member of a noble profession. It is tantamount to self-
stultification. His attitude is highly censurable. He wants to make a mockery of the
proceedings in this Court by making it appear that he lied brazenly about the filiation of
Rey Marcayda just to facilitate his admission to the bar. In his oath, he swore to do no

The remedy of complainant Marcayda is a civil action for support on the basis of the
agreement of support which is irrevocably binding on Naz. She could also file an
administrative complaint against him with the Ministry of Education and Culture which
could require him to give support to the child, Rey (See Sec. 36, Civil Service Decree, P.D.
No. 807).

WHEREFORE, respondent Naz is severely reprimanded for his attempt to nullify the
notarial agreement to support a child whose filiation he had admitted. A copy of this
resolution should be attached to his record in the Bar Confidant’s office.
Concepcion Jr., Guerrero, Abad Santos and Escolin, JJ., concur.
Makasiar, J., I dissent. He should be disbarred for immorality and his brazen
repudiation of a notarial deed wherein he committed adultery with a married woman even
while he himself then as now is married.
De Castro, J., is on leave.

Respondent severely reprimanded.

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