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The Wrathful Mother who embraces the Kila at her Heart

Mahacinakrama Tara
At the start of the offering, resonate a singing bowl so that the sound swirls around
all participants. When the sound is full, say:
May all beings have happiness,
May they be free from suffering,
May they find the bliss that has never known suffering,
May they be free from attachment and hatred

Cultivating Refuge & Bodhicitta

Say the following with your hands at your heart as if holding a jewel (lotus mudra)
which is your precious human birth and life

Namo Arya Krodha Tarayai!

(Strike the Bowl like thunder, and lift past the three centers)

On the whole realm, completely purified,

Many precious flowers descend like rain.
Mother producing all the three times’ Buddhas,
Mother Tara! Homage and praise to you!

I prostrate to your lotus feet, O precious Mother!

Recite the following three times while holding the vajra and bell crossing the chest,

By prostrating to you, I set my hands to continuing the dharma supported works

for your children, my knees set in reverence to the three jewels, and my crown
before you to receive your blessings. Please help me to set my feet on this spiritual
path, to walk the way of the enlightened conquerors. Help me to be the blazing
light that zealously burns through the veil of suffering towards the perfection of
enlightenment. I approach Arya Tara, the divine liberator, mother of all Buddhas,
protector of all sentient beings; I ask that she act as My guide, that she helps me to
awaken her compassion; for myself, within myself, and for all sentient beings in the
three realms. I ask her to shine her lamp for me and guide me across the river of
samsara. Through My root and lineage Gurus in Tara’s perfect nature, I seek
refuge in the Buddha, the perfect Dharma and the supreme Sangha.

Om Bodhicitta Utpadaya Aham

Blessing the Offerings

Chant the two mantras three times, while ringing the ghanta and brandishing the

Ram Yam Kam

Om Ah Hung

Offer the Ritual Tormas

Chant Three Times,
Om Arya Tare Saparivara Idam Balingta Ka Ka Kha Hi Kha Hi
Om Sarva Amrita Ah Hung Kha Hi Kha Hi
Om Sarva Rakta Ah Hung Kha Hi Kha Hi

Offer the lords of the land tormas at this time.

Mandala Offering
Recite with mandala mudra;
May the surface of the earth in every direction
be stainless and pure without roughness or fault
as smooth as the palm of a child’s soft hand
and as naturally polished as lapis lazuli.
May the material offerings of gods and men
Both those set before me and those visualized
Like a cloud of offerings of Samantabhadra
Pervade and encompass the vastness of space.
Idam Guru Ratna Mandalakam Niryatayami

100 Syllable Lotus Lord Mantra

Om Padmasattva Samaya, Anupalaya, Padmasattva Tvenopatistha,

Dridho Me Bhava, Sutosyo Me Bhava, Suposyo Me Bhava
Anurakto Me Bhava, Sarva Siddhim Me Prayaccha
Sarva Karma Su Ca Me, Cittam Sreyah Kuru Hung
Ha Ha Ha Ha Hoh Bhagavan, Sarva Tathagata Padma Ma Me Munca
Padma Sattva Bhava Maha Samaya Sattva, Ah Hung Phat

Arise as Green Tara

Om Shunyata Jnana Vajra Svabhava Atmako ham

(I have the nature of vajra essence -wisdom knowledge of emptiness)
Om Tam Svaha
Before you, as you are, imagine a lotus floating just above the surface of the ocean,
large enough that you could sit on it. Its eight red petals open and reveal a cushion
shaped like the full moon. Above the cushion, at the level of your heart, is a small
glowing white symbol. The symbol is Tam, the seed of Tara’s syllable, her
celestial sound.

As you watch the Tam, it begins to vibrate and shine. The shining white light
expands and the Tam becomes obscured by it. As the light expands, it fills your
mind. The light changes from intense white to gentle green. The light from the
green Tam radiates outward showering the world and its beings with compassion
and understanding and then flows back inward towards the center of the radiant
moon cushion, on which you realize the very nature of your mind in the form of a
emerald green TAM syllable.
Again light radiates, this time as an offering to all Buddhas throughout space and
time. In return, rays of blessing come back from them and are absorbed into the
TAM which blazes like the sun.
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha
From this, you emerge as the Arya Tara, with one face and two arms, green in
color, shining like a pile of emeralds. Sitting in the lotus position, resting on a
moon cushion, you are enthroned regally on the sacred lotus. You are serene and
calm; a young woman, complete unto yourself. Beautiful to represent your
perfection, with long dark hair half up in a jewelled diadem and the other half
down, skin radiant green and burnished gold in color. With 7 eyes in total: 2 eyes,

a vertical third eye in the forehead, and eyes in your palms and feet. You are
arrayed in precious jewels and silks. Wearing a rainbow hued scarf around the
shoulders and the waist is draped with a rose colored skirt. In your left hand, you
hold an utpala flower, with a fruit, flower, and bud to represent the past, present,
and future. In your right hand is in the mudra of generosity, gently grasping a
second brilliant blue utpala flower. You are surrounded by a 21 jewel halo array in
blazing light each gifted with your perfect nature.

Om Tare Tuttare Ture Phat

Om Vajra Jvala Vajra Tana Hung Phat
(Om Vajra Shine, Vajra Thunder, Hung Phat)
Strike the Ghanta with the Vajra

Arise as Wrathful Tara

Om Hrim Trim Hung Svaha
(heart mantra)
Form a thunderous boom, As Green Tara holding the two utpalas, you begin to
darken, from emerald to obsidian, two kapalas form in the center of the two
utpalas. All peaceful activity and lights spiral into the right hand kapala within the
lotus and blazing smoke and sparks emits from the left kapala accomplishing all
wrathful activity.
The peaceful kapala then arises as AH, then a red lotus which blooms just below
the wrathful Kapala which is marked with a blazing dark Tam syllable.

In the center of the kapala, is a black Hung syllable which has the nature of black
smoke and coalesces into an obsidian kartika marked with a Hung. The kartka then
dissolves into a cloud of smoke with thunder and lightning. From this arise...

Arise as smoke colored Tara with one face, three blazing eyes and four arms.
Smiling with a terrible laughter, baring four fangs and a darting tongue. Your
tawny hair bound in a topknot within a five skull diadem and a white serpent. A
garland of severed heads swings about my neck. Naked except for a tiger skin and
charnel ground adornments. Your body is adorned with green serpents that have
become your girdle, armlets and anklets. Red and black serpents become your
necklace, Your breasts are firm and nipples erect, the mother of the three worlds.
Your first right hand holds a blazing vajra sword, your second right hand a kartika.
In the top left hand is a red lotus and the second left is a kapala.You are in the
dancing posture atop a corpse within a triangular mandala.
Tara’s blazing aura with 21 jewels transforms into 21 kapala skulls hurling hung
and phat with terrible laughter.

Three blazing vajras at my three places marked with OM, AH, and HUNG.

As the three vajras descend into one’s three centers one arises in the activity form
of wrathful tara, in which all four arms come into the center and arise as two arms
twirling a phurba at the heart center and seated on a corpse one chants the root
mantra on a mala of laughing human skulls;

Om Hrim Trim Hung Phat


As Wrathful Tara hurl this mantra while focusing on the phurba embodying Kila
nature (this empowers the phurba for rites)
Om Vajra Kila Kilaya Sarva Vignan Bam Hung Phat

To send out Blazing Lights in the five colors and various vajra weapons
(especially phurba, kartika, and wisdom swords) Hurl;
Om Maha Krodha Tare Tuttare Ture Jvala Jvala Phat Phat Phat

Wrathful Tara accomplishment mantra, while haughtily laughing.

Om Garma Tare Sarva Shatrun Vignan Mara Sena Ha Ha Heh Heh Ho Ho
Hung Hung Binda Binda Phat

We acknowledge our duty to our sangha, to the greater community, and all sentient
beings, also to all those who have borne us in this life or the past. To them, we
dedicate and share the merit of this practice.

Penned by Hsin Prajna for the dharmapala lineage. May you wield this practice to
protect those in need. The true Dakini can suppress with terrifying laughter…. I
dedicate this to my precious Dharma sister, Danava Dakini. Any mistakes or
omissions are truly my own.

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