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UNIT – I : Energy audit Principles

Energy audit- definitions, concept , types of audit, energy index, cost index ,pie charts, Sankey
diagrams, load profiles - Types of energy audits- General energy audit- Energy audit of
industries- energy saving potential, energy audit of process industry, building energy audit, IE
rules and regulations for energy audit.


Rules for efficient energy conservation – technologies for energy conservation -Energy scenario,
principles of energy conservation, resource availability, energy savings, current energy
consumption in India, roles and responsibilities of energy managers in industries.

Unit-III: Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Introduction, Definition and concepts, Energy and Water as a resource - Heating, Ventilating
and air conditioning -Solar Energy and Conservation - Energy Economic Analysis -Domestic
energy consumption - savings -Energy use in buildings - Residential - commercial buildings.
Green Buildings, Intelligent Buildings, Rating of Buildings, Efficient Use of Buildings,
Solar Passive Architecture. Eco-housing concepts, Smart buildings - Economies and cost

Unit-IV: Energy Audit Instruments

Electrical measurements-Watt-meter, Power factor meter, flux, energy meter, Lux meter,
tongue tester
Basic Instruments-Pressure, Temperature and heat , Velocity and Flow rate, Vibrations, data
loggers, Applications of PLC’s.

Basic measurements – Electrical measurements, Light, Pressure, Temperature and heat

flux, Velocity and Flow rate, Vibrations, etc.
Instruments Used in Energy systems: Load and power factor measuring equipments,
Wattmeter, flue gas analysis, Temperature and thermal loss measurements, air quality
analysis etc.
Mathematical and statistical modeling and analysis.

Electrical Energy Measurements, Thermal Energy Measurements, Mechanical & Utility

System Measurements, Measurement & Verification, M & V Protocol,

(Verify with this)

Unit-V: Industrial and Urban Waste & Waste Energy Recovery

Industrial waste, Waste and effluent treatment,
Waste as a source of energy: Industrial, domestic and solid waste as a source of energy. (can be
added in any appropriate unit)
Pollution control: Causes, process and exhaust gases and its control, mechanism and
devices for pollution control. (Not necessary)
Unit V: Economic aspects and analysis
Economic concepts -Computation of Economic Aspects Calculation of simple payback method ,
net present worth method. Depreciation Methods , time value of money , rate of return , present
worth method , replacement analysis , life cycle costing analysis - Energy efficient motors -
Power factor correction, lighting - Applications of life cycle costing analysis, return on
investment .

1.Contract Management & Dispute Resolutions , S. Ranaga Rao, Engineering staff College of

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