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A Literature Review and Testing Analysis

Author: Michael Lowes

Advisors: Dr. Trevor Harding*, Dr. Samin Sharifi**

*California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo

**Chevron Corporation

MATE 484: Senior Project III

May 2017
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Table of Contents

Title page
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………….2
Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)………………………………………………...5
Factors Effecting CUI………………………………………………......................6
Insulation Systems………………………………………………...........................8
Hydrophobic Insulators………………………………………………....................9
Chemistry of Insulators………………………………………………..................10
Operating Conditions……………………………………………….....................11
Stratmann’s Wet-Dry Cycle Model……………………………………………...13
Methods and Materials………………………………………………...............................16
ASTM C1617-15………………………………………………...........................16
Procedure A………………………………………………...................................16
Procedure B………………………………………………....................................17
Insulators Tested………………………………………………………................19
Future Work………………………………………………...............................................23
Works Cited………………………………………………...............................................25
Appendix I……………………………………………….................................................27
Standard Operating Procedure for Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)
Investigation Procedure
Appendix II………………………………………………................................................32
Materials/Insulators Tested Safety Analysis for Corrosion Under
Insulation (CUI) Investigation Procedure
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Equipment often found in refineries may be enveloped in insulation and weathering

jackets to maintain internal processing temperatures. In many cases moisture from the

environment will penetrate the weathering jacket and infiltrate the insulation, leaching

corrosive ions to the surface of metal equipment, effectively creating a corrosion cell.

The goal of this project is to investigate different insulating materials for their ability to

inhibit corrosion under insulation (CUI). The inhibiting mechanism utilizes water ingress

that leaches ions from the insulator to bond with the surface metal and create a passive

layer, inhibiting any further corrosion. This study will follow ASTM C1617-15 in order

to examine the corrosion mitigating effects of three insulators. Insulators are ground

down and boiled to extract leachable ions. The leachant is filtered to remove solids and

then introduced to heated carbon steel coupons in a drip wise fashion over a span of four

days. Insulators are ranked quantitatively on their ability to prevent corrosion based on

gravimetric analysis. The mass loss corrosion rate of the insulators were: Sproule WR-

1200® (4.595 mils/yr), Thermo-12® Gold (5.523 mils/yr), and Pyrogel® XT-E (24.767

mils/yr). Sproule and Thermo-12 both exhibit corrosion inhibiting ions whereas Pyrogel

XT-E does not, and these results conclude the effectiveness of these insulators to mitigate


Key terms: corrosion under insulation (CUI), insulator, weatherproof jacketing, passive

layer, hydrophobic, calcium silicate, expanded perlite, aerogel, corrosion mitigating ions,

mass loss corrosion rate (MLCR).

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Corrosion is the deterioration of a material and its properties due to a physical, chemical

or electrochemical process implemented by that material’s environment. Materials

subjected to corrosion in engineering applications are commonly metals. Examples of

physical corrosion include erosion corrosion and fretting corrosion. Chemical corrosion is

simply one material reacting with its environment, such as oxidation or rusting of iron.

Electrochemical corrosion implies there is an electric pathway aiding the corrosion

mechanism. The electrochemical process requires an anode, a cathode, an electronic path,

and an ionic current path to complete a corrosion cell.1 Figure 1 illustrates the

relationship of these four requirements.

Figure 1. Schematic of the relationship between the four requirements of a corrosion cell. 2

Corrosion is dictated by two half-cells that make up a redox reaction within the system.

Net oxidation is occurring at the anode, whereas net reduction occurs at the cathode. In

the case where a metal is corroding locally in its own system as shown in Figure 1,

anodic and cathodic regions are formed on the surface which produce the electric

potential driving force for corrosion to occur. Oxidation of the anode takes place on the
Lowes - 5

metal with a lower electrode potential, and will lose electrons to the cathode yielding a

higher electrode potential. The ionic current pathway is generally a salt bridge induced by

moisture where ions are able to move freely.1 An electronic pathway is any conductive or

metallic connection between the anode and cathode that allows electron transfer.1

Corrosion is an ever-present problem that is intensely considered in many industries,

including the oil and gas processing industry.

Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)

In the oil and gas processing industry, insulators are commonly used to cover certain

equipment in order to maintain a necessary operating temperature. Other reasons

equipment may be insulated include; fire protection, personnel protection, condensation

control, sound control, and process control.3 Any equipment under insulation has

potential to undergo corrosion under insulation (CUI). CUI is the external damage of

metallic components and equipment that are insulated.4 This process is caused by water

ingress through the insulation material.

The most commonly affected materials are carbon steels, low-alloy steels, and austenitic

stainless steels.4 The general mechanism associated with CUI is localized corrosion at the

interface of the insulation material and metal surface.4 Pitting is also observed in features

of equipment that promote stagnant and highly acidic environments.4 Chloride stress

corrosion cracking (SCC) is common for austenitic and duplex stainless steels, but for the

sake of this report will not be concerned.

As mentioned above, localized corrosion at the interface of the insulation material and a

metallic surface is a common mechanism behind CUI. Localized corrosion is initiated by

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the oxidation of a metal and can produce anodic and cathodic regions on the metal’s

surface that will pass electrons and ions induced by electric potentials between the two

regions.1 This implies an electrochemical process. Even though an insulated system is not

as exposed to the atmosphere as greatly as other components, mediums like fog,

humidity, and moisture from air ducts and vents lead to necessary water ingress in an

insulated system for CUI to occur.

Pitting corrosion may be initiated by the damaging of a protective oxide film or passive

coating as a result of localized chemical corrosion or mechanical damage.5 Here, a

stagnant solution with a high concentration of ions and high acidity may collect and

stimulate metal loss. Pitting may also be initiated by local abnormal anodic regions in a

normal surface forcing the normal surface to act as a cathode, or by local abnormal

cathodic regions surrounded by otherwise normal surface metal forcing the normal

surface to act as an anode.5

Factors Effecting CUI:

Water, chemical content of water, the type of insulator, and service temperature are four

major factors that promote CUI.6 Water is necessary at the interface between the

insulation and the surface of the equipment to initialize corrosion. Instances where water

infiltration occurs include:

(a) During insulation storage and/or installation.

(b) Through system leakages.

(c) Vapor/condensation due to temperature differentials.

(d) Insulation absorbing moisture from the environment/atmosphere.

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During storage and installation of an insulator it is important to keep components dry to

avoid any initial presence of water. Weathering jackets are commonly used as an external

layer to the insulator to prevent moisture absorption from atmospheric or environmental

factors.6 However, there are still many opportunities for water to infiltrate insulators and

reach the surface metal. The equipment and insulation design plays a role in water


Insulated equipment may have joint attachments such as small-bore connections that

bring about complications in insulator design. At such connections an insulator might be

discontinuous due to the shape, geometry, and orientation of the attachments.3 Having a

discontinuous insulator will allow for moisture or rainwater to leak down to the surface

metal, where the water will concentrate and induce corrosion. Flanges and end caps are

examples on pipelines or equipment that provide an easy access for water.4

A solution to avoiding breaks and gaps within insulators or weathering jackets is caulking

the gap shut in order to properly seal any entry point, as illustrated in Figure 2. Caulk will

deteriorate over time and inspection of sealants should be implemented throughout

service. Sealants should be reapplied where and when necessary. Other maintenance

inspections of in-service insulators are important in order to discover any unexpected

penetrations on the weathering jackets or on the outer insulation surface that will lead to

water ingress. Inspection intervals and procedures are adhered to API 570.4
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Figure 2. Caulking is used to effectively seal water infiltration sites.3

Frequently these attachments that protrude the insulation are operating in a temperature

range that promotes CUI, whereas the main process equipment is not.4 In this case the

equipment is likely to be exposed to condensation due to temperature differentials.

Condensation will also occur on equipment operating below the dew point.4 The resulting

moisture will promote corrosion mechanisms to initiate. This is common for equipment

in cold service, which is also known as sweating service.4

Insulation Systems:

An important step to preventing CUI is choosing the proper insulator for the scenario.

Cost along with functionality is considered. One of three common types of insulation that

API RP 583 identifies is granular insulation.4 The three basic forms of granular fill

include perlite, vermiculite, and polystyrene beads. Granular insulation is also known as

granular fill insulation as it has many large grains of material that fill a space in need of

insulation. Since the insulator fill is discontinuous it does not fair well in impeding

moisture from absorbing and wicking to the surface of insulated equipment.

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Manufacturers have implemented waterproofing agents, such as silicone to increase the

moisture resistance of some granular fill insulators.7

Fibrous insulation is another common type of insulation identified by API RP 583 that is

used in industrial and domestic applications. The material is composed of a matrix of

fibers that limit convection as a form of heat transmission due to the trapping of air

molecules within the fibers.8 This ultimately inhibits motion of molecules, decreasing

collisions between the particles.8 Fibrous insulators have also been used in soundproofing

applications as the porous structure dampens any sound waves that may pass through.8

Some examples of fibrous insulation include fiberglass (aerogels), mineral wool, and

cellulose.8 It is common in industrial applications to use a combination of granular and

fibrous insulators in one, to achieve a composite insulation that yields desired properties.

The last insulation material API RP 583 identifies is cellular.4 Cellular insulators are

porous and absorbent in structure. A common material classified as a cellular insulator is

calcium silicate. Calcium silicate works similarly to granular insulators and fibrous

insulators in that they trap air molecules between their structures, effectively insulating a


Hydrophobic Insulators:

Insulators are commonly termed “hydrophobic” when treated during manufacturing with

organic hydrophobic additives. Often these “hydrophobic” insulators are materials that

will readily absorb water if not for the organic hydrophobic additives.10 At certain

operating temperatures organic hydrophobic additives will oxidize and burn off,

rendering the “hydrophobic” insulator to readily absorb water.10 Temperatures greater

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than 450°F tend to cause these organic hydrophobic additives to oxidize, which are

common temperatures that insulators are exposed to.11 These are important

considerations when determining an appropriate insulator.

Chemistry of Insulators:

Water ingress is not only the factor that completes a corrosion cell for CUI to occur, but it

will also leach ions that may be corrosive from insulators to the surface of the metals.

Commonly mineral wools are composed of chlorides or sulfides that promote an acidic

corrosion cell. A corrosion inhibiting chemistry has been incorporated in two industrial

insulations to effectively mitigate CUI.10 These insulators depend on water ingress to

dissolve different silicate anions within the insulators chemistry and bring the silicates to

the surface of the metal.10 These silicate anions form a “silica gel” coating as shown


H2O • SiO2 (with time) = H2O + SiO2 (silica gel coating) 10

As the silica gel is introduced to heat and iron compounds it forms an inorganic silicate

coating that further prevents corrosion as shown below:

H2O • SiO2 + FeO (with rust and heat) = H2O + FeSiO3 (iron silicate coating) 10

The silicates also act as a pH buffer to the absorbed water due to the alkaline components

to neutralize any acidic components. This can be shown below:

(Ca, Na, Mg, Al, K) • SiO3 + H • (SO4, Cl, CO3) (acid) = (Ca, Na, Mg, Al, K) •
(SO4, Cl, CO3) (neutral) H2O • SiO2 10

Incorporating corrosion mitigating ions in the chemistry of insulators is another way to

defend CUI along with treating insulators with hydrophobic additives and the use of

weatherproof jacketing. The silicate anions make up 95% of the two industrial insulators
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that utilize this mechanism, and are claimed to remain present for the majority of the

insulators lifetime. 11

Operating Conditions:

When considering carbon steels for piping or equipment, operating with surface

temperatures in the temperature range of -4°C (25°F) to 175°C (350°F) promotes a

greater likeliness of CUI occurring.3 At temperatures below -4°C carbon steel equipment

that is under insulation commonly remains standing without falling victim to CUI.3

Operating temperatures of carbon steel equipment above 175°C tend to exhibit surfaces

warm enough to burn away moisture that may initiate corrosion.3 It is important to note

that higher temperatures can be beneficial as they stay warm enough to evaporate

moisture, yet can be detrimental since the corrosion rate of a material is generally

increased as service temperatures rise.

When considering an open system, aerated water has a decrease in oxygen content as

temperature increases. At temperatures above 80°C, the corrosion rate of carbon steels

exposed to aerated water decreases as temperature rises. However in a closed system,

when carbon steel is subject to water it is shown that an increase in the water temperature

results in an increase in corrosion rate.3 This is due to the oxygen-saturated environment

that the closed system exhibits. It is found that field measurements of carbon steels

subjected to CUI are closely related to carbon steels corroding in a closed system, and

can be shown in Figure 3.3 An increase in temperature correlated to a greater corrosion

rate for the carbons steels under insulation.3 The insulator surrounding the carbon steels

acts as a barrier, trapping a surface layer of aerated, oxygen-saturated water. Figure 3

compares the relationship between water temperature and corrosion rate of an open
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system, a closed system, and various field measurements of carbon steel CUI rates at a

chemical plant.3

Figure 3. Effect of temperature on steel corrosion in water.3

Generally an increase in service temperature will increase the corrosion rate of carbon

steels. It is also detrimental for the operating temperature to undergo cyclic service, or

intermittent periods of hot and cold service. Carbon steels operating under -4°C are

considered in a safe operating temperature region in the presence of water, yet due to

operating services steels may heat up and cool off again. During these hot periods water

on the surface may dry up to the atmosphere or insulation, and these wet-dry cycles will

promote atmospheric corrosion.

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Stratmann’s Wet-Dry Cycle Model:

The wet-dry cyclic mechanism of corrosion of plain carbon steel is illustrated by

Stratmann’s model as proposed in 1987.9 The initial wetting of the steel surface is the

first stage, and causes the anodic dissolution of iron as shown below:

Fe → Fe2+ + 2e-

The iron is yielding a high dissolution rate, and in comparison the reduction reaction of

O2 is slow. Due to this, the anodic dissolution of iron is balanced by the cathodic

reduction of the iron oxide-hydroxide surface layer:

2γ-FeOOH + 2H+ + 2e- → 2Fe(OH)2

The formation of the cathodic iron oxide-hydroxide γ-FeOOH, also known as

lepidocrocite, is shown as follows:

Fe dissolution
Fe2+ hyrdolysis
FeOH+ oxidation and precipitation

This initiates a corrosion cell. Although the dissolution rate of iron is high, the amount of

reducible γ-FeOOH in the rust layer is limiting the amount of iron able to be dissolved.9

The second stage of Stratmann’s model regards the wet surface of the metal, and

commences once the cathodic reduction of γ-FeOOH is used up.9 At this point the

reduction reaction of O2 takes over as the cathodic reaction:

1/2O2+ H2O + 2e- → 2OH-

The dissolution of iron is now limited by the reduction reaction of O2. Stratmann and

Müller found that oxygen is reduced within the oxide scale (rust layer) and not at the

metal/electrolyte interface.9 The O2 must diffuse through the electrolyte saturated pores in

the oxide rust layer, therefore the current density of the O2 reduction reaction is diffusion

limited.9 This implies that the corrosion rate and reduction of O2 is influenced by the
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electronic/conductive properties of the oxides. Good conductive properties lead to more

reduction of O2 in oxides, causing further dissolution of iron, which in turn leads to an

increase in corrosion rate.

Drying out of the wet surface as the third stage of Stratmann’s model causes a sharp

increase of the diffusion-limited cathodic O2 reduction reaction, which is connected to the

electrolyte film on the inner surface of the rust layer decreasing in thickness and

saturation.9 As the cathodic O2 reduction reaction is increased, both the dissolution of

iron and the corrosion rate are increased. The O2 is also able to reoxidize the reduced

layer of γ-FeOOH formed in stage 1 as follows, restarting the cycle:

2Fe(OH)2 + 2O2 → 2FeOOH + H2O

These factors leading to increased corrosion rate in the drying mechanism of stage 3

causes the most metal loss throughout the wet-dry cycle. The regeneration of

lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH) and production of goethite (a-FeOOH) are the main corrosion

products and are a result of reoxidizing the γ-FeOOH and other ferrous species. This

alters the composition of the rust layer and directly affects the intensity of the next wet-

dry cycle. The corrosion process is fully stopped once the electrolyte film is completely

used up, as shown in Figure 4.9

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Figure 4. Schematic of the atmospheric corrosion wet-dry cycle.9


Corrosion under insulation is a critical problem that is present in the oil and gas

processing industry. Considering factors that contribute to CUI and an understanding of

how the mechanisms occur are the first steps to preventing the mechanism. Avoiding

water infiltration eliminates the potential for CUI, however this can be a challenging

solution. Design of the insulator along with proper sealing between the insulator and

weathering jacket interface are steps taken to ensure no water ingress may occur. The

goal in choosing an insulator for servicing equipment is to consider one that will hinder

water infiltration, leaching of ions from the insulator, and efficiently and successfully

serve its purpose in insulating service equipment. The goal of this project is to investigate

different insulating materials for their ability to inhibit corrosion under insulation (CUI).

The inhibiting mechanism under study utilizes water ingress that leaches ions from the

insulator to bond with the surface metal and create a passive layer, inhibiting any further

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Methods and Materials

ASTM C1617-15:

In order to test industrial insulators for their ability to mitigate CUI, an experiment is ran

in accordance to the standard ASTM C1617-15. This standard is titled “Standard Practice

for Quantitative Accelerated Laboratory Evaluation of Extraction Solutions Containing

Ions Leached from Thermal Insulation on Aqueous Corrosion of Metals.” 12 ASTM

C1617-15 in comprised of two procedures, Procedure A and Procedure B.

Procedure A:

Procedure A is specified for insulator materials that are not classified as hydrophobic.

Insulators are ground down to a dust and mixed with de-ionized (DI) water and boiled to

extract any leachable ions that may be produced in a CUI mechanism.12 Once the solution

is produced it is delivered in a drip wise fashion over four days to the surface of three

carbon steel coupons of .13wt% C. Three coupons is the minimum sample size for

accurate results. The coupons are heated to 250°F on a hot plate for the entirety of testing

to evaporate water producing a wet-dry cycle, to provide an accelerated corrosion test for

significant results, and to also mimic temperature levels that CUI is likely to occur in a

real-life scenario. Samples are weighed for their initial and final weight in order to

calculate the mass loss corrosion rate (MLCR) of each solution. Reference standards are

ran alongside the insulator solutions in order to compare the corrosiveness of different

solutions. The reference standards are DI water, 1 ppm chloride solution, and 5 ppm

chloride solution.12 A blank test cell is produced to observe any mass loss due to the set

up and cleaning of a test cell without being exposed to any corrosive solution.
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Procedure B:

Procedure B is specified for insulator materials that are classified as hydrophobic.12

Insulators are cut into cross-sectional pieces and layered to produce a stack of the cross-

sectional insulator layers. This stack is then placed in the bottom of a DI water bath and

heated to a specific temperature recommended by the manufacturer.12 The resulting

solution represents any leachable ions that may be found in a CUI mechanism. This

solution is then introduced to heated carbon steel coupons in a drip-wise fashion over a

span of four days in the same manner as Procedure A. The reference standards are also

ran alongside insulator solutions in Procedure B. Because of the previously stated

observation that hydrophobic insulators will become non-hydrophobic throughout their

lifetime, Procedure A is the only testing conducted for this experiment.


A Ninja® blender was used to properly grind down insulators. The carbon steel coupons

are heated on a Wolfgang Puck® hot plate that is monitored by a thermocouple to ensure

consistent temperature levels. To deliver the solutions to the carbon steel coupons a 24-

Channel Ismatec IPC® peristaltic pump is used. The full set up of the testing apparatus is

shown in Figure 5.
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Figure 5. Testing apparatus of ASTM C1617-15.

Each test cell is composed of a PVC tube sealed to a carbon steel coupon. An O-ring is

put in place with a silicone sealant in order produce a sealed and defined area to analyze

corrosion. Tubing from the peristaltic pump is placed in a small hole drilled at the top of

the PVC cell, which delivers the tested solutions. An example of one test cell is shown in

Figure 6 from ASTM C1617-15.12

Figure 6. Test cell in accordance to ASTM C1617-15.12

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Insulators Tested:

Three insulators are tested in accordance to ASTM C1617-15 Procedure A in order to

compare the corrosion mitigating properties of each insulator. The insulators consist of

two Johns Manville products that exhibit their XOX® corrosion inhibitor ions, Thermo-

12® Gold and Sproule WR-1200®, and one Aspen Aerogel product, Pyrogel® XT-E,

that does not exhibit corrosion inhibiting ions within its chemistry. Thermo-12® Gold is

a calcium silicate insulator material and is qualified to operate up to temperatures of

1200°F.13 Sproule WR-1200® is an expanded perlite insulator material classified as

hydrophobic, and is also qualified to operate up to temperatures of 1200°F.14 Pyrogel®

XT-E is a silica aerogel insulator material that is also classified as hydrophobic, and is

too qualified to operate up to temperatures of 1200°F.15 All insulators are tested in

accordance of Procedure A. The three insulators are shown in Figure 7.

(a) Sproule WR-1200® 13

(b) Thermo- 12® Gold 12 15

(c) Pyrogel® XT-E
Figure 7. Insulators tested in accordance to ASTM C1617-15
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Upon completion of the four day trial samples are cleaned from any corrosion product

and weighed to produce a MLCR. MLCR is calculated using the following equation12:

K W
MLCR = mils/year
AT D

K = 3.45e6 (a constant to convert cm/h to mils/year)
T = time of exposure in h
A = area of exposure (cm2), based on inner radius of PVC cell.
W = mass loss from the coupon (g)
D = bulk density of the test metal (g/cm3)

It is important to properly clean the samples of corrosion product formed without

stripping the coupon of any metal that was not lost to corrosion product. Proper cleaning

techniques followed that of ASTM C1617-15, however the use of a dental pick to scrap

the metal was avoided so as not to lose metal material not lost to corrosion product. The

final MLCR in mils/year of each sample with the respective solution can be shown in

Table I.

Table I. MLCR (mils/year) of each solution tested.

DI Water 1 ppm Cl- 5 ppm Cl- Sproule WR- Thermo-12® Pyrogel® XT-E
Solution Solution 1200® Gold
Sample 1 11.0025 35.9900 98.1606 2.6512 4.6396 31.3504
Sample 2 8.6827 37.1168 53.9519 5.5012 6.0978 19.4200
Sample 3 - 36.7191 54.4158 5.6338 5.8326 23.5294
AVG 9.843 36.609 68.843 4.595 5.523 24.767

The average mass loss corrosion rate of the insulators were: Sproule WR-1200® at 4.595

mils/yr, Thermo-12® Gold at 5.523 mils/yr, and Pyrogel® XT-E at 24.767 mils/yr.

Graphically, the MLCR results are illustrated in Figure 8. The red line is depicting the

average MLCR of DI water.

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Figure 8. MLCR (mils/year) of each solution tested


Results determine that Sproule WR-1200® yielded the lowest average MLCR at 4.595

mils/yr. Thermo-12® Gold yielded the second lowest average MLCR at 5.523 mils/yr.

Pyrogel® XT-E had the highest average MLCR of the three tested insulators at 24.767

mils/yr. The blank cell coupon exhibited a MLCR of 3.0489 mils/yr, only 1.5462 mils/yr

less than Sproule WR-1200®’s average MLCR.

When considering these results it is important to note that the only thing added to the

insulator solution upon being ground up is DI water. Since this is the case, any insulator

solutions yielding a MLCR greater than DI water is composed of corrosive ions that

promote an environment causing corrosion to occur. This is a safe claim, as DI water is

not composed of any ions whatsoever. Alternatively, any insulator solutions yielding a

MLCR lower than DI water is composed of corrosion mitigating ions that deter corrosive

environments. Therefore Thermo-12® Gold and Sproule WR-1200® are confirmed to

incorporate corrosion mitigating ions, and Pyrogel® XT-E is confirmed to be composed

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of corrosive ions. A passive layer on both corrosion mitigating insulator solution coupons

is shown in Figure 9. Heavy layers of corrosion product can be observed on the samples

exposed to Pyrogel® XT-E’s solution.

Figure 9. Corrosion product formed on carbon steel samples after the four-day trial.

ASTM standards call for different “PASS” levels of each insulator. Table II depicts these

different “PASS” levels of each the insulator types tested.

Table II. MLCR Thresholds of different insulation materials.

From this table it is shown that calcium silicate insulators (Thermo-12® Gold) are the

only insulator material required to exhibit a lower MLCR than that of DI water in order to

“PASS” as a usable insulator. Insulators that are flexible aerogels (Pyrogel® XT-E) and

mineral fibers are only required to exhibit a lower MLCR than that of 5 ppm chloride
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solution in order to “PASS” as a usable insulator. DI water is never seen in environments

where systems need to be insulated, so it seems ridiculous to use this as the point at

which calcium silicate insulators must pass. However, the Thermo-12® Gold still did

pass. Pyrogel® XT-E did in fact exhibit a lower MLCR than that of 5 ppm chloride

solution, however it is appropriate to analyze the results in comparison to DI water to see

what corrosive environment the insulators produce at the chemical level. Therefore, all

insulators should be held against the MLCR of DI water, as done in this analysis, to

properly observe the corrisiveness of each insulator’s chemistry.


1. Sproule WR-1200® and Thermo-12® Gold solutions both yielded a lower MLCR than

DI water, confirming these insulators leached corrosion mitigating ions.

2. Pyrogel® XT-E’s solution yielded a greater MLCR than DI water, therefore this

insulator leached corrosion promoting ions.

3. Incorporating ions in thermal insulators to produce a passive layer on metal equipment

effectively mitigates CUI.

Future Work

Some manufacturers of insulator materials classified as “hydrophobic” may find the

claim to use only Procedure A inaccurate. For these reasons it would be appropriate to

run all of the insulators again in accordance to Procedure B. Results should be compared

to that of the results from Procedure A to justify the claim, and to provide further

evidence that Sproule WR-1200® and Thermo-12® Gold produced corrosion mitigating

ions, while Pyrogel® XT-E produced corrosion promoting ions.

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This particular study was conducted on an off-campus site and time was limited. Due to

this, cleaning and weighing of the samples was done before any characterization of the

passive layer formed could be conducted. In future studies SEM imaging of the corrosion

product would serve as investigative measures to further understand the properties of the

silicate layer. Chemical analysis of the solutions would be an option for future testing in a

scenario where time is not a limitation, and should follow in accordance to ASTM C871.

As mentioned earlier, it is uncommon to see DI water in an environment that requires

insulator materials. Testing in accordance to ASTM C1617-15 with reference standards

of rain water or a mimic solution of ocean fog in marine applications may prove to have

interesting results, and would show a more accurate corrosion rate of a real life scenario

of CUI.

Another mode of testing insulators properties to mimic CUI is ASTM C692. This tests

for chloride stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of stainless steels. Running ASTM C692 in a

modified test for carbon steel coupons to instead analyze general corrosion and not SCC

would more appropriately serve as a physical representation of a CUI attack. ASTM

C692 is shown in Figure 10.16

Figure 10. ASTM C692.16

Lowes - 25

Works Citied

[1.] Gibbs, David. “The Basic Concepts.” Lecture. California Polytechnic SLO.

[2.] Chemistry LibreTexts. “20.6: Corrosion: Unwanted Voltaic Cells.” UC Davis. April

18, 2017. Accessed May 16, 2017.

[3.] NACE SP0198-2010. Control of Corrosion Under Thermal Insulation and

Fireproofing Materials – A Systems Approach.

[4.] Chevron IS 46. Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI). Version 1.4, Sept. 11, 2016.

Downstream & Chemicals – Manufacturing.

[5.] Gibbs, David. “Pitting Corrosion.” Lecture. California Polytechnic SLO.

[6.] Vogelaere, Frank. “Corrosion Under Insulation.” Nov. 19, 2008. Wiley InterScience.

[7.] Beach, Emily. “What is Granular Fill?”


[8.] Donev, Jason. “Fibrous Insulation.”

[9.] M, Morcillo, D. de la Fuente, I. Diaz and H. Cano. Atmospheric corrosion of mild


[10.] Shong, David. “Understanding Insulation Chemistry Proven to Inhibit Corrosion

Under Insulation (CUI).” NACE International, 2017, Accessed 6 June 2017.

[11.] Shong, D. (2015, September 1). “Expanded Perlite Insulation: Why Hydrophobicity
is Only Part of the Solution to Prevent CUI.” Retrieved 31 August 2016, from

[12.] ASTM International. (Latest Edition). ASTM C1617 Standard Practice for
Quantitative Accelerated Laboratory Evaluation of Extraction Solutions Containing Ions
Lowes - 26

Leached from Thermal Insulation on Aqueous Corrosion of Metals. West Conshohocken:

ASTM International.

[13.] Johns Manville Industrial Insulation Group. “Thermo-12® Gold Pipe and Block
Insulation.” ©2016 Industrial Insulation Group, LLC. Accessed June 6, 2017.

[14.] Johns Manville Industrial Insulation Group. “Sproule WR-1200® Perlite Pipe &
Block Insulation.” ©2015 Industrial Insulation Group, LLC. Accessed June 6, 2017.

[15.] Aspen Aerogels. “Pyrogel XT-E, Flexible Industrial Insulation for High-
Temperature Applications”. ©2015 Aspen Aerogels, Inc. Accesed June 6, 2017.

[16.] Shong, David. “Using Insulation to Inhibit Corrosion Under Insulation.” Lecture.
Johns Manville.
Lowes - 27

Appendix I

Standard Operating Procedure for Corrosion Under Insulation

(CUI) Investigation Procedure
Procedure: ASTM C1617-15 PROCEDURE A
Description: Standard practice for quantitative accelerated laboratory evaluation of
extraction solutions containing ions leached from thermal insulation on aqueous
corrosion of metals.

1. Scope
1.1 This practice uses controlled amounts of test solutions delivered in a drip wise
fashion onto a defined area of carbon steel coupons at elevated temperatures for
the purpose of producing, comparing, and measuring the corrosion that occurs on
the metals due to the exposure of test solutions.
2. Hazards
2.1 Use of hydrochloric acid (35%)
3. Standards Reference Tests
3.1 DI water
3.2 1 ppm chloride solution
3.3 5 ppm chloride solution
4. Reagents and Materials
4.1 Carbon steel coupons: ASTM D609-Type 1, Temper = ¼ hard, Carbon = 0.13
wt%; size = 0.032 x 2 x 3.5 in.
4.2 Sproule WR-1200®
4.3 Thermo-12® Gold
4.4 Pyrogel® XT-E
5. Testing Equipment
5.1 Wolfgang Puck® hot plate
5.2 24-Channel Ismatec IPC® peristaltic pump
5.3 Ninja® Blender
5.4 Silicone rubber tubing to deliver solutions
5.5 Mettler Toledo Mass Balance Scale (capable of 0.0001 (+/- 0.0002) mass
5.6 Drying oven
Lowes - 28

5.7 Nominal 1-in. Thin-wall PVC Pipe

5.8 Thermal cover for consistent heating
5.9 High temperature grease or oil for consistent heating
5.10 Thermocouple to ensure consistent heating
5.11 Silicone sealant
5.12 Rubber O-rings
5.13 Filter paper of 0.45 micron filter
5.14 DI water
5.15 Chloride Standard, 1000 ppm
5.16 VWR Signature™ Ergonomic High-Performance Pipettor
5.17 Fiberglass-felt clothe abrasive
6. Test Cell Preparation
6.1 Mark each coupon for identification.
6.2 Heat coupons in 180ºF drying oven to drive off surface moisture. Weigh for
initial mass.
6.3 Cut PVC pipe into 1.25 in lengths, smoothing ragged edges. Drill a 1/8 in hole
in the side of the pipe 1/8 in from the top end of the PVC pipe. Clean pipe with DI
water and dry.
6.4 Position O-ring on PVC cell 0.5 in from bottom end of the PVC pipe. Place
the PVC pipe on a metal coupon. Apply silicone sealant on PVC pipe between the
metal coupon interface and the O-ring. Push firmly into the metal coupon while
sliding the O-ring down to the interface forming a continuous, watertight seal.
Avoid silicone sealant on the inside of the pipe and metal. Allow silicone to cure
overnight prior to testing. Insert silicone tubing in 1/8 in hole for testing. Produce
three test cells for each solution tested. Produce one blank cell for control.
7. Standard Reference Preparation
7.1 DI water 3000 mL for testing of four-day span (250mL/day on 3 coupons).
7.2 1 ppm chloride solution Using the VWR Signature™ Ergonomic High-
Performance Pipettor measure out 0.001 mL of Chloride Standard and add to
1000 mL of DI water. Do this three times to total 3000 mL.
Lowes - 29

7.3 5 ppm chloride solution Using the VWR Signature™ Ergonomic High-
Performance Pipettor measure out 0.005 mL of Chloride Standard and add to
1000 mL of DI water. Do this three times to total 3000 mL.
8. Procedure A Insulator Solution Preparation
8.1 Weigh out 20.0 g of insulator to be tested.
8.2 Grind down each insulator in Ninja® Blender until fine dust. If unable to
produce a fine dust, add 450 mL of DI water prematurely to help mix. This
proved necessary when producing the silica aerogel solution.
8.3 Add previously stated 450 mL of DI water to ground insulator.
8.4 Boil this mixture for 30 min.
8.5 Adjust solution to total 500 mL by adding more DI water.
8.6 Filter this solution to remove solids.
8.7 Adjust this solution to total 3000 mL by adding more DI water. This provides
for enough for a four-day trial on 3 coupons (250mL/day each coupon).
9. Dripping Solutions on Hot Plate
9.1 Ensure hot plate stays at constant 250ºF (+/- 10ºF) for 1 h to calibrate for
9.2 Place test cells in a manner that allows each respective silicone tube to
properly deliver test solutions without error.
9.3 Connect silicone tubing to the peristaltic pump and place opposite end in each
respective test solution to be delivered.
9.4 Set peristaltic pump rate to deliver 250 mL/day (+/- 50 mL).
9.5 Run test over a four-day span
10. Evaluation
10.1 Cleaning coupons
10.1.1 Gently remove the PVC cell from the metal coupons, leaving the
silicone sealant and O-ring in tact when possible. This aids to prevent stripping
the coupons of any metal not lost to corrosion.
10.1.2 Using proper PPE (eyewear, nitrile gloves, apron, closed-toe
shoes), place each metal coupon in a Pyrex bowl and introduce HCl to the
coupon. Lightly agitate the bowl. After a minute grab the coupons and rub with
fiberglass-felt clothe abrasive to remove corrosion product.
Lowes - 30

10.1.3 Repeat these steps if necessary to properly remove as much

corrosion product as possible. Record the amount of HCl baths for each coupon.
10.2 Weighing the Samples
10.2.1 Rinse coupons with DI water upon completion of cleaing.
10.2.2 Place coupons in a 180ºF drying oven to drive off moisture.
10.2.3 Record final mass
10.3 MLCR Calculation
10.3.1 Using equation 1 below calculate MLCR:
K W
MLCR = mils/year
AT D

K = 3.45e6 (a constant to convert cm/h to mils/year)
T = time of exposure in h
A = area of exposure (cm2), based on inner radius of PVC cell.
W = mass loss from the coupon (g)
D = bulk density of the test metal (g/cm3)
11. Report
11.1 Report on MLCR of all tested cells and solutions including DI water, 1 ppm
chloride solution, 5 ppm chloride solution, and the blank test cell.
12. Uncontrolled Variables
12.1 Atmosphere within laboratory. A fan is helpful in circulating the air above
the cells and reducing localized humidity from the water evaporating from the
12.2 Rate of evaporation form the coupon.
12.3 Distribution of localized and general corrosion.
12.4 Change in the corrosion rate. Longer testing may provide information on the
change in corrosion rate over time.
12.5 Different metal coupon qualities. All coupons meet ASTM specification
however possible localized variances with the coupon are probable.
13. Controlled Variables
13.1 Temperature of the hot plate during testing.
13.2 Duration of the test.
Lowes - 31

13.3 Rate and volume of testing solution delivered.

13.4 Solution concentrations.
13.5 Cell tubes and defined corrosion area.
13.6 Cleaning of the coupons.
Michael Lowes
Dr. Trevor Harding
Documentation of Training for SOP of CUI Investigation ASTM C1617-15

Primary Investigator and Supervisor

Primary Investigator: Michael Lowes


Supervisor: Dr. Trevor Harding


ASTM International. (Latest Edition). ASTM C1617 Standard Practice for
Quantitative Accelerated Laboratory Evaluation of Extraction Solutions
Containing Ions Leached from Thermal Insulation on Aqueous Corrosion of
Metals. West Conshohocken: ASTM International.
Lowes - 32

Appendix II

Materials/Insulators Tested Safety Analysis for Corrosion

Under Insulation (CUI) Investigation Procedure

Thermo-12® Gold Calcium Silicate Insulation

- GHS Classification: Not a hazardous substance or mixture
- GHS Label element: Not a hazardous substance or mixture
- Other hazards: Temporary mechanical abrasion (itching) of skin, eyes and respiratory may
occur upon exposure to fibers or dust during handling of this product.

Chemical Name CAS-No. Concentration (%)
Synthetic calcium silicate 1344-95-2 >=90
Cellulose fiber 9004-34-6 >= 0 - <= 4


General advice: No hazards, which require special first aid measures.
If inhaled: If symptoms persist, call a physician.
In case of skin contact: If symptoms persist, call a physician.
In case of eye contact: Remove contact lenses. Protect unharmed eye. Rinse thoroughly with
plenty of water, also under the eyelids. If eye irritation persists, consult a specialist.
If swallowed: Keep respiratory tract clear. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious
person. If symptoms persist, call a physician.

Suitable extinguishing media: Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local
circumstances and the surrounding environment.
Hazardous combustion products: No hazardous combustion products are known
Specific extinguishing methods: Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local
circumstances and the surrounding environment.
Further information: Standard procedure for chemical fires.
Special protective equipment for firefighters: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for
firefighting if necessary.


Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures: Avoid dust
Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up: Pick up and arrange disposal without
creating dust. Sweep up and shovel. Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal.


Advice on safe handling: For personal protection see section 8.
Smoking, eating and drinking should be prohibited in the application area.
Conditions for safe storage: Keep in a dry, cool place.
Materials to avoid: No materials to be especially mentioned.
Lowes - 33

Respiratory protection: When workers are facing concentrations above the exposure limit they
must use appropriate certified respirators. No personal respiratory protective equipment normally
Hand protection Remarks: For prolonged or repeated contact use protective gloves.
Eye protection: Safety glasses
Skin and body protection: If used and stored as directed, no special protective equipment is
Hygiene measures: Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice.

Contaminated packaging: Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste-handling site
for recycling or disposal. Packaging that cannot be reused after cleaning must be disposed or
recycled in accordance with all federal, national and local regulations.

Sproule WR-1200® Bonded Perlite Thermal Insulation

- GHS Classification: Not a hazardous substance or mixture
- GHS Label element: Not a hazardous substance or mixture
- Other hazards: None known.

Chemical Name CAS-No. Concentration (%)
Perlite 93763-70-3 >= 90 - <= 100


General advice: Do not leave victim unattended.
If inhaled: If unconscious place in recovery position and seek medical advice. If symptoms
persist, call a physician
In case of skin contact: If symptoms persist, call a physician.
In case of eye contact: Remove contact lenses. Protect unharmed eye. Rinse thoroughly with
plenty of water, also under the eyelids. If eye irritation persists, consult a specialist.
If swallowed: Keep respiratory tract clear. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious
person. If symptoms persist, call a physician.

Specific extinguishing methods: Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local
circumstances and the surrounding environment.
Further information: Standard procedure for chemical fires.
Special protective equipment for firefighters: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for
firefighting if necessary.
Hazardous combustion products: No hazardous combustion products are known.


Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures: Avoid dust
Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up: Pick up and arrange disposal without
creating dust. Sweep up and shovel. Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal.


Advice on safe handling: For personal protection see section 8.
Smoking, eating and drinking should be prohibited in the application area.
Conditions for safe storage: Keep in a dry, cool place.
Materials to avoid: No materials to be especially mentioned.
Lowes - 34

Respiratory protection: When workers are facing concentrations above the exposure limit they
must use appropriate certified respirators. No personal respiratory protective equipment normally
Hand protection Remarks: For prolonged or repeated contact use protective gloves. Barrier
creams may help to protect the exposed areas of skin, they should however not be applied once
exposure has occurred.
Eye protection: Safety glasses
Skin and body protection: If used and stored as directed, no special protective equipment is
Hygiene measures: Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice.
Written instructions for handling must be available at the work place.

Contaminated packaging: Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste-handling site
for recycling or disposal. Packaging that cannot be reused after cleaning must be disposed or
recycled in accordance with all federal, national and local regulations.

Pyrogel® XT-E Silica Aerogel Insulation

- GHS Classification: Not a hazardous substance or mixture
- GHS Label element: Not a hazardous substance or mixture
- Other hazards: None known.

Chemical Name CAS-No. Concentration (%)
Synthetic Amorphous Silica 7631-86-9 30-40%
Methylsilylated Silica 68909-20-6 10-20%
Fibrous Glass (textile grade) Not Applicable 40-50%
Iron Oxide (iron (III) oxide) 1309-37-1 1-10%
Aluminum Trihydrate (aluminum hydroxide) 21645-51-2 1-5%
Other components are either non-hazardous Mixture Balance
ingredients or are below the concentration limit for


Inhalation: If dust is inhaled, remove to fresh air. Drink water to clear throat, and blow nose. If
irritation occurs or symptoms develop, seek medical attention.
Skin contact: Wash skin with soap and water. If irritation develops, get medical attention, launder
clothing before reuse.
Eye contact: Do not rub eyes. Dust particles may cause abrasive injury. Immediately flush eyes
with water while lifting the upper and lower lids. Seek medical attention if irritation persists.
Ingestion: No first aid is generally required. No adverse effects are expected from incidental
Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed: Dust may cause eye irritation. Silica
aerogels are hydrophobic (repel water) and may cause temporary drying and irritation of the skin,
eyes, and mucous membranes. Inhalation of dust from handling may cause temporary upper
respiratory tract irritation. Handling may cause dryness and irritation of the skin.
Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment, if necessary: Immediate
medical attention is generally not required.

Extinguishing media: Use any media that is suitable for the surrounding fire.
Lowes - 35

Specific hazards arising from the substance or mixture: Product is a super-insulator. Rolls of
material will retain heat within internal layers that may be a source of ignition after the fire is
extinguished. Keep hot material away from combustible materials and cool hot insulation with
Special protective equipment and precautions for fire-fighters: Normal firefighting procedures
should be followed to avoid inhalation of smoke and gases produced by a fire.


Personal precautions, protective equipment, and emergency procedures: Wear appropriate
protective clothing and equipment as described in Section 8. Avoid generating airborne dust
during cleanup. Ensure adequate ventilation.
Environmental Precautions: Material is not water-soluble. Report spills as required under
federal, state and local regulations.
Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up: Collect using methods that avoid the
generation of dust (pick up or vacuum dust) and place in appropriate container for disposal.


Precautions for safe handling: Aerogel blankets may generate dust when handled. Workplace
exposures to all dusts should be controlled with standard industrial hygiene practices. Local
exhaust should be the primary dust control method. Dust generated when handling this product
should be cleaned up promptly. Dry vacuuming is the preferred method for cleaning up dust.
Because aerogel dust is hydrophobic, water is not an effective dust control agent. Unpack material
in the work area. This will help to minimize the area where dust exposure may occur. Trimmed
material should be promptly packed in disposal bags. Trims and off-cuts may be reused in
secondary applications; otherwise scrap material should be packed for disposal. Avoid dust
contact with eyes, skin and clothing and avoid breathing dust. Wash hands with soap and water
after handling.
Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities: Keep tightly closed in the
packaging until ready for use. Store in a dry location.

Respiratory protection: If exposures exceed the occupational exposure limits or if inhalation of
dust results in experiencing irritation, an appropriate certified particulate respirator is
recommended. Selection of respiratory protection depends on the contaminant type, form and
concentration. Select and use in accordance with OSHA 1910.134 and good Industrial Hygiene
practice, e.g. a NIOSH approved P100 or N100 particulate filtering facepiece respirator.
Skin protection: Impervious gloves recommended for handling product. Long-sleeved and long-
legged work clothing are also advised.
Eye protection: Safety glasses with side shields or dust goggles recommended.

Documentation of Training for Materials Safety

Primary Investigator and Supervisor

Primary Investigator: Michael Lowes


Supervisor: Dr. Trevor Harding


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