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The human activity, among the following, which causes maximum environmental pollution having
regional and global impact, is
A. Industrialization B. Urbanization
C. Agriculture D. Mining

Answer: A

2. The science that deals with the relationship of various organisms with their environment is known
A. anthropology B. economics
C. ecology D. geology

Answer: C

3. Objective of environmental studies is to

A. Create environmental ethics that foster B. Acquiring skills to help the concerned
awareness about the ecological inter - individuals in identifying and
dependence of economic, social and political solving environmental problems
factors in a human community and the
C. Raise consciousness about environmental D. All of the above

Answer: D

4. An ecosystem consists of
A. Population B. A biotic community
C. A population and its non-living elements D. A biotic ecommunity and its non-living

Answer: D

5. The perfect equilibrium existing in the biosphere between the various organisms is known as
A. Ecological cycle B. Ecological balance
C. Environmental balance D. None of these
Answer: B

6. A simple detritus food chain starts with

A. green plant B. wastes of organisms and dead organisms
C. both of the above D. none of these

Answer: A

7. In a food chain humans are

A. Producers B. Primary consumers
C. Secondary consumers D. Primary and secondary consumers

Answer: D

8. Facultative Bacteria exisiing in which type of Environmental condition?

A. Presence of oxygen B. Absence of oxygen
C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of these

Answer: C

9. Word "Environment" is derived from :

A. Italy B. French
C. German D. English

Answer: B

10. Organisms who directly feed on producers are called :

A. Herbivores B. Omnivores
C. Carnivores D. Decomposers

Answer: A
11. Largest reservoir of Nitrogen is exists in :
A. Atmosphere B. Stratosphere.
C. Hydrosphere D. Lithosphere

Answer: A

12. 'World Environmental Day' is celebrated every year on:

A. 5th May B. 5th June
C. 5th July D. 18th July

Answer: B

13. 'Earth's Day' is celebrated every year on:

A. Oct 26th B. April 22nd
C. June 5th D. Dec 23rd

Answer: B

14. Eutrophication means :

A. Water purification B. Neutralization of waste water
C. Waste water Treatment process D. Enrichment of plant nutrients in water

Answer: D

15. An ecosystem is a region in which

A. Dead organism interact with their B. Living organism interact with their
environment environment
C. Living organism do not interact with their D. All of the above

Answer: B

16. The term ecosystem was first proposed by

A. Costanza B. Tyler Miller
C. A.G. Tansley D. Jacob Van Verkul

Answer: C

17. The two major components of ecosystem are

A. Abiotic and biotic B. Cyclic and biologic
C. Adiabatic and isotropic D. Ecologic and climatologic

Answer: A

18. Biotic components include

A. All living organisms B. Light, temperature etc
C. Water, mineral and gases D. Self-nourishing green plants

Answer: A

19. The sequence of eating and being eaten in an ecosystem is called

A. food chain B. carbon cycle
C. sulphur cycle D. hydrological cycle

Answer: A

20. An animal that feeds upon another animal is

A. producer B. consumer
C. decomposer D. predator

Answer: B

21. Which part of plant contains nitrogen fixing bacteria?

A. Roots B. Stems
C. Leaves D. All the above

Answer: A
22. Green revolution is
A. Crop variety improvement B. Judicious use of fertilizers
C. Expansion of irrigation D. All the above

Answer: D

23. Organic farming is

A. enhancing biodiversity B. promoting soil biological activity
C. farming without using pesticides and D. all the above
chemical fertilizers

Answer: D

24. Percentage of nitrogen in earth's atmosphere is

A. 12% B. 21%
C. 78% D. 98%

Answer: C

25. The major objective of the family welfare programs in India is

A. Disease control B. Employment generation
C. Population growth rate control D. None of these

Answer: C

26. Which of the following components of the environment are effective transporters of matter?
A. Atmosphere and lithosphere B. Atmosphere and hydrosphere
C. Lithosphere and thermosphere D. Hydrosphere and lithosphere

Answer: D

27. A food web consists of

A. A portion of food chain B. A set of similar consumers
C. Interlocking of food chains D. Producers, consumers and decomposers
Answer: C

28. Tendency of pollutants to become concentrated in successive tropic levels is known as

A. Biopiracy B. Biorhythm
C. Bioremediation D. Biomagnification

Answer: D

29. The Government of India adopted the National Housing and habitat policy in
A. 1995 B. 1996
C. 1997 D. 1998

Answer: D

30. Social security is one of the most important programmes providing benefits to
A. Un-employee B. Worker/employee
C. Families of deceased D. All of the above

Answer: D

31. Which atmospheric layer is closest to the Earth's surface?

A. Troposphere B. Thermosphere
C. Stratosphere D. Mesosphere

Answer: A

32. Earth's body temperature is approximately equal to

A. 16.4°C B. 26.4°C
C. 36.4°C D. 46.4°C

Answer: A
33. Which of the following is a biotic component of an ecosystem?
A. Fungi B. Wind
C. Sunlight D. Temperature & Water

Answer: A

34. Amount of carbon dioxide present in atmospheric air is

A. 0.318% B. 0.383%
C. 21% D. 78%

Answer: A

35. The ideal of sustainable development was defined for the first time by the world commission on
environment and development in the year
A. 1985 B. 1986
C. 1987 D. 1988

Answer: C

36. The type of mass movement characterized by a slow and gradual down slope movement is known
A. Creep B. Rockfill
C. Landslide D. Mud flow

Answer: D

37. The natural disastrous events like volcanoes, earthquakes, cyclones, bring about environmental
changes which are
A. Reversible B. Irreversible
C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of these

Answer: C

38. Which of the following is not caused by the use of fertilizers in agriculture?
A. Eutrophication B. Methemoglobinemia
C. Acidification and Salinity of soils D. None of these

Answer: B

39. Anthropoginal activities means :

A. Human activities B. Natural activities
C. Bacteriological activities D. Wild animals activities

Answer: A

40. Which of the following is major Environmental issues in Mining activities?

A. Water pollution B. Soil Degradation
C. Air pollution and Dust D. All the above

Answer: D

41. ELA is related to :

A. Environmental Impact Assessment B. Environmental and Industrial Activities
C. Environmental Internal Activities D. Environmental Impact Activities

Answer: A

42. Sustainable development

A. Encourages environmentally economic B. Discourages environmentally economic
growth growth
C. Encourages environmentally harmful and D. All the above
unsustainable forms of economic growth

Answer: D

43. Smog is combination of

A. Smoke and snow B. Snow and fog
C. Smoke and fog D. All the above
Answer: C

44. Decreased soil fertility through rapid leaching of the essential mineral nutrients is due to
A. Reforestation B. Deforestation
C. Over exploitation D. Recycling of forest products

Answer: B

45. Bhopal gas tragedy occurred due to the leakage of

A. Mustard gas B. Methane gas
C. Sulphur dioxide D. Methyl Isocyanate

Answer: D

46. Mining means

A. Process of extracting ores to obtain the B. To check pollution
metal of interest
C. To conserve minerals D. To reserve minerals

Answer: A

47. Major problem/s due to industrialization is/are

A. Urbanization B. Migration of people
C. Development of slums D. All of the above

Answer: D

48. Sustainability requires

A. Conservations of resources B. Minimizing depletion of non-renewable
C. Using sustainable practices for managing D. All the above
renewable resources

Answer: D
49. The adverse effect of modern agriculture is
A. Soil pollution B. Water pollution
C. Wastes logging D. All of these

Answer: D

50. Which of the following is major environmental issues in mining activities?

A. Water pollution B. Soil Degradation
C. Air pollution and dust D. All of these

Answer: D

51. Estuary means

A. Rich in nutrients B. Treatment of water
C. End point of the river D. Meeting place of river and sea

Answer: D

52. Physical pollution of water is due to

A. PH B. Chlorides
C. Turbidity D. All of these

Answer: C

53. Loss of water content through the plants into the atmosphere is called :
A. Evaporation B. Vaporization
C. Hydraulic cycle D. Transpiration

Answer: D

54. As per BIS, the permissible limit of PH value for Drinking water :
A. 6.5 to 7.5 B. 7.0
C. 6.5 to 8.5 D. 6.0 to 8.5
Answer: C

55. What is the Max. allowable concentration of Iron content in drinking water ?
A. 0.5 mg/l B. I.0 mg/l
C. 1.5 mg/l D. 2.0 mg/l

Answer: C

56. Nitrogen fixation from the atmosphere is high in which type of plants?
A. Liguminus B. Manocoteliden
C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of the above

Answer: A

57. Cholera and Typhoid are caused by

A. Virus B. Fungus
C. Housefly D. Bacteria

Answer: D

58. Major source of Fluoride available in :

A. River water B. Food products
C. Both (a) and (b) D. Ground water

Answer: C

59. Which of the following is not a Natural mineral?

A. Nitrogen B. Asbestos
C. Limestone D. Fluorospar

Answer: A
60. Among fresh water availability on Earth, the percentage of Groundwater occurs is about
A. 0.2% B. 0.5%
C. 0.8% D. 1.0%

Answer: B

61. Good example of sedimentary cycle is

A. Oxygen cycle B. Sulphur cycle
C. Nitrogen cycle D. Carbon cycle

Answer: B

62. Water used for irrigation of food crops, fodder crops and medical herbs in known as
A. Auxiliary use B. Productive use
C. Commercial use D. Consumptive use

Answer: B

63. Water quality involves measuring the number of colonies of

A. Cells B. Protozoa
C. Chromozomes D. Coliform bacteria

Answer: B

64. The earth's land surface covered by forest is about

A. 30 % B. 40 %
C. 50 % D. 60 %

Answer: A

65. A major carbon storage reservoir in the carbon cycle is

A. Trees B. Rivers
C. Oceans D. Atmosphere
Answer: A

66. The volume of nitrogen present in the troposphere is

A. 5% B. 21%
C. 78% D. 85%

Answer: C

67. Smelting of metallic minerals into copper, lead and zinc release large amounts of
A. Nitric oxide B. Carbon dioxide
C. Sulphur dioxide D. Hydrogen Sulphide

Answer: B

68. What is the percentage of fresh water available in lakes and streams?
A. 0.1% B. 0.01%
C. 0.001% D. 0.0001%

Answer: B

69. Which is considered as energy source of future?

A. Wind B. Ocean
C. Hydrogen D. None of these

Answer: C

70. The fossil fuel which causes maximum environmental pollution due to its use in generation of
thermal power is
A. Oil B. Coal
C. Natural gas D. None of these

Answer: B

71. Tidal power plants are not preferred by environmentalists because,

A. Tidal power is a renewable source B. Tidal power can be developed only in coasts
C. Tidal power stations bring about major D. None of the above
ecological changes in sensitive coastal

Answer: B

72. Energy obtained from the Earth's hot interior is called the
A. Geo-Thermal energy B. Thermal energy
C. Biomass energy D. None of these

Answer: A

73. Sulabh biogas plants are based on the use of

A. Cattle dung B. Human excreta
C. Agriculture waste D. None of these

Answer: A

74. Bhopal Gas Tragedy happened in the year

A. Dec. 1983 B. Dec. 1984
C. Dec. 1987 D. Dec. 1994

Answer: B

75. Renewable energy is

A. Primary source B. Secondary source
C. Tertiary source D. None of the above

Answer: A

76. Electromagnetic radiation energy is an energy in the form of

A. Heat B. Wave
C. Light D. All the above
Answer: D

77. Fermentation in the biogas plant is carried out between

A. 30-50°C B. 35-50°C
C. 85-15°C D. None of the above

Answer: A

78. Percentage methane content of biogas is

A. 10–20 % B. 20–35 %
C. 40–45 % D. 50–75 %

Answer: D

79. Hydrogen is found on earth in combination with

A. Copper B. Oxygen
C. Helium D. Sulphur

Answer: B

80. About 30% of the country's coal deposits are found in

A. Kashmir B. Karnataka
C. Tamil Nadu D. Bihar and Orissa

Answer: D

81. Good example of renew able energy resource is

A. Oil B. Coal
C. Hydropower D. All the above

Answer: C
82. The basic element in fossil fuels is
A. Oxygen B. Carbon
C. Sulphur D. Phosphorus

Answer: B

83. Hydro electricity is generated from

A. Forests B. Coal plants
C. Lakes and ponds D. Water reservoir of river dams

Answer: D

84. Cow dung can be used

A. as manure B. for production of biogas
C. both (a) and (b) D. none of these

Answer: C

85. Recycled water can be used for

A. Crop irrigation B. Landscape gardening
C. Replenishing fast depleting aquifers D. All of these

Answer: D

86. Solar radiations consist of

A. Visible region B. Infra-red region
C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of these

Answer: C

87. Liquefied petroleum gas is a mixture of

A. Propane and butane B. Methane and propane
C. Methane and butane D. Methane and ethane
Answer: A

88. ____ is the best environmental clean alternative fuel.

A. CNG B. Coal
C. Petrol D. Diesel

Answer: A

89. Direct conversion of solar energy is attained by

A. Galvanic cells B. Electrolytic cells
C. Hydrogen fuel cells D. Solar photovoltaic system

Answer: D

90. Use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) came into effect from
A. Dec 2000 B. Dec 2001
C. Dec 2002 D. Dec 2003

Answer: C

91. Identify the non-renewable sources of energy from the following

A. Coal B. Fuel cells
C. Wind power D. Wave power

Answer: A

92. Hydrogen can be produced commercially by

A. Cracking of ammonia B. Electrolysis of water
C. Both (a) and (b) D. Gasification

Answer: C
93. Generation of wind energy is mainly based on which factor
A. Storms B. Pressure
C. Velocity of wind D. Direction of wind

Answer: C

94. The air pollutant which causes severs damage to plants, even at much lower concentrations than
what may be harmful to human health is
A. Peroxyacyl nitrates (PAN) B. Ozone
C. Fluorine D. None of these

Answer: A

95. The term 'Refuse' generally does not include is

A. Ashes B. Excreta
C. Putrescible solid waste D. Non putrescible solid waste

Answer: A

96. The maximum average permissible noise levels during day time hours as per environment
protection act in India is
A. 30 dB B. 45 dB
C. 50 dB D. 55 dB

Answer: B

97. Noise pollution means

A. Loud sound B. Unwanted sound
C. High frequency sound D. Environmental pollution

Answer: B

98. Liquid waste generated from Bathrooms and Kitchens are called
A. Runoff B. Sullage
C. Domestic sewage D. All the above

Answer: C

99. Non-point source of water pollution is caused by

A. Pipes B. Ditches
C. Sewers D. Mining wastes

Answer: D

100. Trickle irrigation reduces

A. Percolation B. Salinization
C. Water evaporation D. All of these

Answer: D

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