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The Quick And Easy Way To Consistently Profit from Stock And Futures Trading In 30 Days or less.

In fact, as you devour the instructions contained within these pages and put this proprietary information into
practice, you WILL make a BARE MINIMUM of AT LEAST 10x the price of our software within your first
year or your money back.

The Fractal’s Edge

Basic User’s Guide

Fundamental Methodology
for Trading Stocks and Commodities
with The Fractal’s Edge

by Ken Herbert Sr., developer of the Fractal’s Edge Trading System

The Fractal's Edge Basic User’s Guide
The only cutting-edge trading system that allows you to consistently profit
from the underlying order beyond the chaos of the stock and futures markets.

Congratulations on taking the next step in your trading education. Enjoy the course. When you’re ready to
maximize the profit potential of the priceless information contained within these pages, then order The Fractal’s
Edge Stock and Futures Trading Software at

Let's review exactly what you get with this TOTAL stock and futures trading solution:

1. Proprietary Education. The Fractal's Edge Stock and Futures Trading Method. Also, on-going
education in the form of an email newsletter, TFE In Action, highlighting the specific applications of TFE in
various scenarios.

2. The Fractal's Edge Stock and Futures Trading Software. This stand-alone application (illustrated
throughout the course) automatically displays the key indicators used to read the current direction of the
market and aids in the selection of precise entry and exit points. The program distinguishes between stocks
and commodities.

3. US and Canadian End of Day Stock and Futures Market Data. TFE software includes built-in, single
click, stock data download capability from Primate Data, a premier data vendor.

4. Quarterly TFE Stock and Futures Trading Watch Lists Delivered Directly through the Software. While
there is nothing stopping you from creating your own stock watch list, every quarter (more often for futures) we
will filter out thousands of stocks and futures contracts and deliver to you (via the software itself) the 100-150
stocks and 10-20 futures contracts that we believe have the best potential for use with TFE in the coming

5. Ability to create, manage and share (if you choose) your own portfolios and access those of
other TFE users who are willing to share theirs.

Visit to immediately access and download the Fractal’s Edge Trading
Software and benefits described above.

To your success!

Ken Herbert
Quantum Futures
7456 SW Baseline Suite #333
Hillsboro, OR 97123 USA
[email protected]

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Effort is required to learn the system. Just as the potential for profit exists
in trading stocks, so does the risk of loss. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

Trading stocks has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks
and be willing to accept them in order to place responsible, informed trading orders. Don't trade with money
you can't afford to lose.

The Fractal's Edge Stock and Futures Trading Method is a system that provides information to assist you in
making informed trading decisions; you are free to disregard the information entirely or to act on it in any
manner you see fit. No representation is being made that any trade based on use of the system's information
will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed in this document or on our web site. While
we have done our best to provide you with a quality product, we must caution you that the past performance of
any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.

All content provided on our website is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized
reproduction or distribution of this information, or any portion of it, including information in this User's Manual,
may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under
the law.

© Copyright 2001-2006, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

NOTICE: This publication is designed to provide valuable information. It is sold with the understanding that the
publisher or author is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice
or other assistance is required, the service of a competent professional should be sought.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No Part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the publishers.

This course would be incomplete without the work of various scholars, researchers, and technical analysts,
among them R. N. Elliott, W. D. Gann, James Gleick, Edward Lorenz, Benoit Mandelbrot, Edgar Peters, Robert
Prechter, and others, who lay the foundation for atypical approaches to analyzing data for trading the markets.

Quantum Futures acknowledges particularly the work of Bill Williams, Ph. D., whose research and findings are
shared in his book, New Trading Dimensions (J. Wiley and Sons, Inc., Publishers, 1998)

Professor Williams' pioneering efforts led to the identity, definition, and development of the concept of fractals
as they appear on price charts and as they apply to the analysis of market action. For more information about
Bill Williams and the Profitunity Trading Group programs, go to

Fractal’s Edge Basic User’s Guide Table of Contents
Module 1 Introduction to a Radically New Stock and Futures Trading Approach
The perfect business
How do you fit in?
Purpose of the course

Module 2 Visual Display and Descriptions of System Components

Examples of system graphics
Description of The Fractal’s Edge Indicators

Module 3 The Gatekeeper- Staying Out of Trouble

This module introduces you to the Gatekeeper, a tool to assist you in
deciding when it is safe to enter the market and when it is time to exit.
This tool will also help you to know how long to stay with a trend so that
you can maximize the profit potential of your trade.

Module 4 Screening stocks and futures for potential trades

In this module, you will learn how to use the Gatekeeper to screen and
select stocks and futures for potential trades. It answers the question,
“How do I select stocks and futures for potential trades?”

Module 5 Finding a wave to ride: The Momentum Oscillator, the Accelerometer, and the
In this module, you will learn how the Momentum Oscillator (MO) and the
Accelerometer (ACC) work together with the Gatekeeper to provide entry
signals, stop loss values, profit targets, and exit points.

Module 6 Determining stop loss values – Making the ride smooth

In this module, we will go through two long trades and two short trades to
see how the ACC and the Gatekeeper show us where to set our daily stop
loss points and when to exit a profitable trade.

Module 7 Exiting when the market moves against your position.

In this module, you’ll learn how to exit with minimal loss when the market
moves against your position. It answers the question, “If the market
moves against my position, where do I exit?”

Module 8 Money Management

The goal of this module is to present a strategy for preserving capital so
that you can trade another day while building account equity.

Module 9 Optional Indicators

This module presents a brief introduction to the Gatekeeper Histogram,
the E-wave Oscillator, and the Psychometric Evaluators

Module 10 Quick-Reference Tables

This module provides a recap of the entry signals, entry rules, stop loss
rules, and exit rules

Forward to User’s Basic Guide

The purpose of this User’s Basic Guide is to bring you up to speed with TFE’s (The Fractal’s Edge) basic
trading methodology as quickly as possible. While the methodology taught in this Guide is based on certain
principles or concepts found in Chaos Theory, Wavelet Theory, and Quantum Mechanics, it does not go into
detail. If you are interested in the science behind the system, a separate manual containing all the fine points is
available to our clients.

This course answers the following basic questions:

• How do I select a stock or futures contract to trade?
• After I make my selection, is there a potential trade?
• If so, where is my entry point?
• What should my initial stop loss be?
• How do I determine my daily stop loss value?
• How do I know when to exit?
• If the market moves against my position, where do I exit?

In addition, since money management is one of the most important and often neglected aspect of trading, we
have included a section that addresses money management strategies, with a section for stocks and a section
for futures. It answers the questions:
• What should my portfolio look like in terms of risk management?
• How much can I safely risk on this trade?
• What should my position size be?

The Fractal's Edge is one of the finest trading tools anywhere. If you carefully study the course, follow the
trading rules, and apply sound money management strategies, you will do well. I wish you every success with
your trading.

Ken Herbert, Sr.

Module 1. Introduction to a Radically New Stock and Futures Trading Approach

The Perfect Business

You are about to get into a business that gives you everything you've ever wanted from a business of your
own. It offers the potential for unlimited earnings and, in the course of time, real wealth. What's more, you can
run it working your own hours while continuing to do whatever you're doing now. You operate this business
entirely on your own, and can start with very little capital. You won't have any employees, so you don't need
attorneys, accountants, or bookkeepers. In fact, you'll never have collection problems because you won't have
any "customers," and since there is no competition, you won't have to pay the high cost of advertising. You
also won't need office space, warehousing, or a distribution system. All you need is a personal computer and
you can conduct business from anywhere in the world.

How Do YOU Fit In?

If you are in the business of trading stocks, you become a "silent financial partner" in companies, not
because you know anything about, say, auto parts, pharmaceuticals, aircraft, or biotechnology, but because
you expect to make a profit.

If you are in the business of trading commodities, you become a "silent contractor" in the exchange of the
basic staples of life, not because you know anything about, lumber, fuel, meats, coffee, metals, or currencies,
but because you also expect to make a profit on the deal.

In fact, most stock and futures traders have no use for the actual, products, services, or commodities they are
dealing with; they never even see them. They are just people like you and me; people with a certain amount of
capital to invest getting started in their own business. There are millions of them and they come from almost
every profession: from clerks to executives, from janitors to doctors, from students to university presidents. It is
the millions of traders controlling the millions and millions of shares and futures contracts that allow the
exchanges to exist. But more than that, we provide farmers, suppliers, manufacturers, and dealers with the
capital they need to reduce their own risk and expand their operations. For performing this service, we expect
to make a profit.

The great thing about all of this is that you don't need a college degree or even a high school education to do
well trading stocks or futures. However, you do need some training, you need an objective system, and you
need a plan. This manual provides everything you'll need to get started, to become successful, and to build
real wealth. So if you're ready, let's get going.

The purpose of this Basic Course Book is to help you understand and use The Fractal's Edge, an innovative
trading system for the stock and futures markets. While the system is based on principles and concepts from
Chaos Theory, Wavelet Theory, and Quantum Mechanics, the software performs most of the functions
automatically. So, you won't need any special ability with math or computer programming. We will show you
exactly how to enter the market data and interpret the results.

Unique Approach
The Fractal's Edge Stock and Futures Trading Method will show you that what happens in the market is not
random. There is an underlying order behind price movement. As the underlying structure of the market
becomes clear to you through an understanding of the principles and methods taught in this course, you will
begin to reap the financial rewards.

The Fractal's Edge (TFE) is unique in that it does not attempt to predict the future. Rather it is a tool that helps
you to recognize and go with the market's current flow. Mastering this system will give you greater peace of
mind because you won't need to keep up with the Fed, pending legislation, interest rates or the opinions of

Unlike most other trading systems, TFE does not depend on past performance. Its formulas are not optimized
or curved to fit statistical models. And it doesn't depend on pattern recognition algorithms. One key principle to
always keep in mind is that the past does not equal the future. The future is always constantly replacing the
The Fractal's Edge deals with the here and now, the thin line between the past and future.

So, what does The Fractal's Edge Stock and Futures Trading System look like?
Continue on to Module 2 to find out.

Module 2. Visual Display and Descriptions of System Components

The purpose of this module is to provide you with a visual bird's eye view of the The Fractal's Edge Trading
System and to give you a quick description of each component. Illustration 2.1 below shows the indicators
you'll be working with after you update the day's trading data. It includes the bar chart with Stability Lines, the
Gatekeeper, the Momentum Oscillator, and the Accelerometer.

By the way, don't let the technical sound of the system component names scare you. They are based on easy
to understand principles that you will quickly learn as you go through the remainder of this course. Each part of
the system works in concert with the others to give you an accurate picture of current market conditions.

The indicator display allows you to view all indicators simultaneously, one below the other. In addition, the
software has a cross-hair cursor and contains a drawing component that allows you to draw straight lines in
any direction. However, it does not draw arrows, circles, or other illustrative devices. We have added them
simply for clarification. Below Illustration 2.1, you will see a brief description of the system indicators.

Illustration 2.1. View of Fractal's Edge system graphics.

The Fractal's Edge Stock and Futures Trading Software features a visually rich environment that converts
market data into the following charts and graphics. The below is a description of the components:

• Portfolio and Symbol tables: located on the left, allows you to quickly "thumb" through the stocks or
futures you are interested in.

• Data tables: located on the right, displays price data, values of the various indicators, and information
about the stock or futures contract you are trading.

• A standard price chart: depicts the high, the low, and the close. Can be set for either candlestick or
OHLC bars.

• Initiating Fractal Signals: fractal formations appearing on the price chart indicate entry points for
trading and pyramiding. When combined with the Gatekeeper, these fractals show you where to place
the initial order. On the chart, initiating buy fractals are marked with a green "B," and initiating sell
fractals with a red "S."

• The Gatekeeper: assists you in preventing unwise trades and provides entry and exit points for valid
trades. It also helps you to know how long to stay with a trend so that you can maximize the profit
potential of your trade. It is comprised of a series of three moving average Stability Lines (colored
green, red, and blue on the chart in Illustration 2.1) and a Safety Line (colored white) superimposed
over the individual price chart. Averages are based on ratios derived through the application of fractal

• The Momentum Oscillator: shows the strength and direction of the market's underlying momentum.
Based on concepts from fractal geometry and wavelet theory, it depicts the major price waves.

• The Accelerometer: acts as an early warning signal, alerting you to future changes in a market's trend.
It is extremely sensitive to changes in the acceleration or deceleration of market momentum and
depicts minor waves. When coupled with the Momentum Oscillator, it aids in making inferences about
how the "mass mind" has affected the day's trading. Formulas are derivatives of the formula for the
Momentum Oscillator.

These components combine to provide you with all of the information you need to make sound trading
decisions. The modules that follow contain detailed descriptions of the system's indicators.

Other Indicators
• The Gatekeeper Histogram: assists you in identifying range-bound channels.

• E-wave Oscillator: confirms that the momentum of a current trend has turned and that it's time to exit
the market. It is a precise indicator of overall market rhythm. Formulas for this histogram are based on
fractal ratios.

• The Psychometric Evaluators: a pair of histograms (Volume and Volume Range Ratio) that work with
the current day's volume to give you a picture of the how the "mass mind" has affected the day's

Because of ongoing research findings, the last three indicators are now optional. Their use will be summarized
in Module 9.

How do I trade with The Fractal’s Edge? Read the following instructional modules to find out.

Module 3. The Gatekeeper- Staying Out of Trouble

This module introduces you to the Gatekeeper, a tool to assist you in deciding when it is safe to enter
the market and when it is time to exit. This tool will also help you to know how long to stay with a trend
so that you can maximize the profit potential of your trade.

The Gatekeeper is a series of three Stability Lines plus a Safety Line that combine with the Momentum
Oscillator and Accelerometer to help us know when to get into the market, when to stay with the current trend,
and when to exit. (See Illustration 3.1 below.)

Illustration 3.1. The Gatekeeper

In his system, Williams (1998) calls his combination of moving average lines the Alligator. Each of the
Alligator's moving averages is based on Fibonacci ratios. For example, Williams' "Balance Lines" were
constructed using time frames that are each approximately 62% of the next higher frame. However, we have
chosen to use a derivative of the Fibonacci sequence that is obtained by applying an additional computation
that also allows an iterative accretion of the Fibonacci sequence to occur. In addition, Williams' Balance Lines
are offset 3, 5, and 8 bars into the future, while TFE's are not offset at all.

So, while the Gatekeeper's three Stability Lines are based on time frames that are each about 62% of the next
highest time frame, they were constructed using an alternative sequence of moving averages. We have also
added a 3-period simple moving average to the original Gatekeeper. These adjustments allow us to be more
certain about where a trend is beginning or ending, and more precise in entering and exiting the market.

The Wall
Illustration 3.2 below shows the interaction of the three Stability Lines with the bars on a daily chart. The blue
moving average line (The Wall) provides information for setting the first day's stop loss and acts as a
measure of the market's long-term direction. In fact, it marks the boundary between stability and chaos, and is
like a high stone wall that the price must clear before it makes a major change in direction. That is why we call
it "The Wall."

The Tripwire
The red moving average line, or Tripwire, provides information for setting stop loss points after the first day
in the market. It also acts as a measure of the market's intermediate direction and provides an early warning
that the trend may be changing. If the price closes between the Tripwire and the Wall (the red and blue
Stability Lines), it is a warning to prepare to exit your trade. However, since all of the constituents of The
Fractal's Edge should be used together, the other components may indicate only that you tighten your stops.
You'll learn more about this later.

The Picket Fence

The green moving average line, or Picket Fence, is a measure of the market's short-term direction. It carries
information for tightening stop loss points. It's also like a little Picket Fence that is relatively easy for price to
jump over. Particularly toward the end of a trend, price will cross the Fence and enter the area between the
Fence and the Tripwire. This is still a "safe" area, but as more and more successive price bars collect there,
the easier it will be for them to cross the Tripwire. When price crosses the Fence, it serves as a reminder to
pay close attention to what the MO and ACC are telling us.

The Safety Line

The pink moving average line is the Safety Line. It's a 3-period simple moving average (3SMA) that
provides information for a safe exit for profit as well as an exit point for safety when TFE's other indicators warn
us to get out of the market quickly.

Illustration 3.2. Interaction of the Stability Lines on a daily chart (Alcoa Inc—AA, 9/8/2005 – 12/7/2005)

Review of the Gatekeeper

The Gatekeeper is a series of three Stability Lines plus a Safety Line that combine to help us know when to
enter the market, when to stay with the current trend and when to exit the market.

The blue Stability Line, otherwise known as the Wall,

• acts as a measure of long-term market direction
• provides information for where to place an initial stop loss point.

The red moving average line, or Tripwire,

• provides information for setting stop loss points after the first day in the market
• acts as a measure of the market's intermediate direction
• provides an early warning that the trend may be changing.

The green Stability line, or Picket Fence,

• is a measure of the market's short-term direction.
• reminds us to pay attention to the MO and ACC when price crosses it.

The pink moving average line, or Safety Line,

• is a 3-period simple moving average (3SMA)
• provides information for a safe exit when TFE's other indicators warn us to get out of the market

Beltrami, E. Mathematics for dynamic modeling. Boston: Academic Press, 1987.
Davis, R. E. and Thiel, C. C. A computer analysis of moving average applied to commodity futures trading.
West Lafayette, IN: Ouiatenon Management Company, 1969.
Kaufman, P. J. Trading systems and methods. Third edition. NY: John Wiley and Sons, 1998.
Williams, B. New trading dimensions: how to profit from chaos in stocks, bonds, and commodities. New York:
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1998. (,

Module 4. Screening stocks and futures contracts for potential trades
In this module, you will learn how to use the Gatekeeper to screen and select stocks for potential
trades. It answers the question, “How do I select stocks for potential trades?”

How do I select stocks or futures contracts to trade?

There are two ways to go about selecting stocks or futures contracts to trade:

1) choose stocks from TFE’s Quarterly Watch List; choose contracts from TFE’s Bi-monthly Futures Watch
List, or

2) find a stock or contract of interest to you and “map” it to TFE.

All stocks and futures contracts cycle through trending and non-trending periods. Moreover, even when they
are trending, some will go through phases where the bars are inconsistent in length, and frequently cut through
more than one of the Gatekeeper Stability Lines, and in some cases, all three.

However, in any given quarter, approximately 10% of all the stocks listed on the American Stock Exchange
and the New York Stock Exchange, and 15% to 20% of all futures contracts, exhibit properties that are in
complete harmony with The Fractal’s Edge. That is, their price bars only infrequently cut through one or more
of the Stability Lines, and bar length is fairly consistent. This section outlines the methodology we employ when
building our watch lists. You can also use the same methodology to screen stocks or futures contracts you are
interested in.

Option 1) Choose Stocks/Futures from TFE’s Watch Lists

TFE’s Quarterly Stock Watch Lists contain hundreds of stocks assembled into Low-Risk, Medium-Risk, and
High-Risk portfolios, according to how well they match TFE’s strengths. TFE’s Bi-monthly Futures watch list
contains 10 to 20 futures contracts that are highly compatible with TFE. However, even the High-Risk stocks
stand a good chance of earning decent profits. Each portfolio is well-diversified, and contains stocks that have
been mapped to TFE. These stocks and futures contracts are stable in terms of volatility and the frequency at
which TFE’s Stability Lines are breached.

To access the pre-built Watch List portfolios, follow these steps:

a. Click on the Download Prebuilt Portfolios icon located in the upper left corner of the screen
(Illustration 4.1)

b. The dialog box shown below will pop up (Illustration 4.2). Select QuarterlyStockLowRisk or
FuturesWatchList (or any other portfolio of interest) and click OK. The portfolio will be imported into

Illustration 4.1. Locating Pre-built Portfolios icon Illustration 4.2. Pre-Built Portfolios dialog box

c. After TFE is finished downloading the portfolio, the choice box shown below will pop up
(Illustration 4.3). If you want to import additional portfolios, click No. If you click Yes, TFE will update
all portfolios including the one you just added. You will save time if you wait until you are finished
importing portfolios.

Illustration 4.3. Choice box for downloading data

After clicking on the Yes button, TFE will automatically download and update data for all of your portfolios. You
can also update your portfolios daily by clicking on the download icon located in the upper left corner of the
screen (Illustration 4.4), or by pressing the F9 key on your keyboard.

Illustration 4.4. Locating the download button

Option 2) Or Map Your Own Stocks/Futures to TFE

The methodology we will be discussing below is called “mapping.” It is a technique that effectively matches
stocks and futures contracts to TFE’s strengths as a trend-following system. If the stock does not map, do not
trade it.

Step One: Create and populate your portfolio

The first step in the process is to create a portfolio in TFE that will contain the symbols you are interested in
mapping. Do so by clicking on the Add Portfolio icon in the upper left corner of the screen. The Add Portfolio
dialog box shown below will pop up. Name the portfolio and set it to retrieve one year of data, then click OK.
Your portfolio is now ready to accept symbols. (See Illustration 4.5.)

Illustration 4.5. Add Portfolio icon and dialog box

To add symbols to your portfolio, click on the Add Portfolio icon located in the upper left corner of the screen.
The Add Symbols dialog box shown below will pop up. If you have typed a column of symbols in a text editor
such as NotePad, you can select the “I want to import a list from a file” button. This feature is handy if you have
a large list of symbols, because it will allow you to import the file without having to enter each individual
symbol. If you have only a few symbols, click on the “I know the symbols and will type them” button. You can
then type in each symbol. When you are finished, click OK and your symbols will load into the portfolio you
created. (See Illustration 4.6).

Illustration 4.6. Add Symbols icon and dialog box

Finally, click on the Download icon to import the data. With that finished, you are now ready for the next step.

Step Two: Visual mapping of individual stocks and futures contracts

Start at the top of your portfolio’s list of stocks or futures contracts and examine each one for the following:
• Concentrate on the actual trends a stock has made in the past 3 - 6 months
• Determine if the price bars extend through the Fence, the Wall or the Tripwire frequently in the
course of the trend. (For mapping, ignore the 3SMA Safety Line.)
• Check to see whether the daily range for each bar is consistent, or whether there are large
variations in bar length, or frequent gaps, or both.

In Illustrations 4.7a- 4.10 below, notice that the price bars are inconsistent in length and cut regularly through
the Stability lines. If any stock you are studying exhibits characteristics similar to those in Figures 1-4, it is not
currently a good candidate for TFE even though it may be trending. Discard it and go on to the next one.

Illustration 4.7a. Example of poor candidate for trading with TFE (FRO – 9/9/05-12/7/05)

Illustration 4.7b. Example of poor candidate for trading with TFE (ASH – 9/8/05-12/7/05)

Illustration 4.8a. Example of poor candidate for trading with TFE (TNH – 9/8/05-12/7/05)

Illustration 4.8b. Example of poor candidate for trading with TFE (KEY – 7/28/05-10/25/05)

Illustration 4.9. Example of poor trading candidate, March ’06 Cocoa—CCH6 (9/20/05-12/20/05)

Illustration 4.10. Example of poor trading candidate, January ’06 Crude Light—CLF6 (9/20/05-12/20/05)

Note that the bars in this chart are inconsistent in length. Also,
quite a few bars cross all of the Stability Lines

As you go through Illustrations 4.7a – 4.10 above, you will notice that in every case, bar length (which
translates into volatility) is inconsistent. Furthermore the bars themselves frequently cross one or more of the
stability lines. If a stock or futures contract you are examining exhibits similar traits, don’t include it in your
watch list.

Low-risk stocks and futures contracts
We’re now going to take a look at examples of Low-Risk stocks and future contracts whose present cycles are
in harmony with TFE. The first examples, Illustrations 4.11 and 4.12, will show Alcoa’s behavior prior to
transition into a potentially tradable candidate. Notice in Illustration 4.11 that bar length is inconsistent and
that there are quite a few longer bars. Price movement tends to be erratic. The chart doesn’t differ too much
from the examples in Illustrations 4.7 – 4.10 above.

Illustration 4.11. Low-Risk Alcoa Inc. prior to transition. (AA—1/21/05-4/25/05)

In Illustration 4.12, we can see that as time goes forward, bar length is shortening and becoming more
consistent. Chart behavior is somewhere between a poor candidate and a good candidate.

Illustration 4.12. Low-Risk Alcoa Inc. beginning transition. (AA—6/7/05-9/7/05)

Illustration 4.13 shows Alcoa’s behavior after transition into its present stable cycle. Notice that the bars are
shorter and more uniform in length. Notice also, that only the Fence gets crossed occasionally, the Tripwire
rarely, and the Wall only during a major change in direction. This stock is mapped and can be included in the
watch list. It can be traded with confidence as signals are generated because it is in sync with TFE.

Illustration 4.13. Low-Risk Alcoa Inc. after transition. (AA—9/8/05-12/7/05)

Illustrations 4.14a through 4.17 show additional examples of Low-Risk stocks and futures that have been
mapped for TFE.

Illustration 4.14a. Low-Risk Agere Systems Inc. after transition. (AGR—9/8/05-12/7/05)

Illustration 4.14b. Low-Risk Ishare DJ FN SRV CMP Inc. after transition. (IYG—9/8/05-12/7/05)

Illustration 4.14c. Low-Risk Prudential Financial Inc. after transition. (PRU—9/8/05-12/7/05)

Illustration 4.15. Low-Risk OM Group Inc. after transition. (OMG—9/8/05-12/7/05)

Illustration 4.16. Low-risk Futures Contract March ’06 Sugar—SBH6 (9/21/05-12/20/05)

Illustration 4.16. Low-risk Futures Contract March ’06 Sugar—SBH6 (9/21/05-12/20/05)

Illustration 4.17. Low-risk futures contract, June ’06 EuroDollar—EDM6 (9/20/05-12/20/05)

In summary, the Low-Risk category contains stocks and futures contracts with
• bars of consistent length
• and relatively low frequency of breaching of the Stability Lines.

Medium-Risk stocks and futures contracts
Illustrations 4.18a through 4.20 show examples of stocks and futures from the Medium-Risk watch list. Notice
that while the bars are fairly consistent in length, they tend to occasionally breach the Tripwire, and once in a
while, the Wall.

Illustration 4.18a. Medium-Risk ABV after transition. (ABV—9/8/05-12/7/05)

Illustration 4.18b. Medium-Risk HSBC Holdings PLC ADS after transition. (HBC—9/8/05-12/7/05)

Illustration 4.18c. Medium-Risk Schering Plough CP after transition. (SGP—9/8/05-12/7/05)

Illustration 4.19. Medium-risk futures contract, March ’06 Nasdaq E-Mini—NQH6 (9/21/05-12/20/05)

Illustration 4.20. Medium-risk futures contract, January ’06 Unleaded Gas—HUH6 (9/21/05-12/20/05)

In summary, although the bars in the Medium-Risk category are fairly consistent in length,
• they tend to occasionally produce a few longer bars.
• The bars are also more likely to breach the Tripwire, and once in a while, the Wall.

Stocks on the High-Risk Watch List

Illustrations 4.21a through 4.23 show examples of stocks and futures from the High-Risk watch list. Unlike the
Medium-Risk charts, the bars in High-Risk charts are less consistent in length. However, like the Medium-Risk
stocks, the bars often breach the Fence, and tend to occasionally breach the Tripwire, and once in a while, the

Illustration 4.21a. High-Risk American Campus Comm after transition. (ACC—9/8/05-12/7/05)

Illustration 4.21b. High-Risk Equus II Inc. after transition. (EQS—9/8/05-12/7/05)

Illustration 4.22. High-Risk Limited Brands Inc. after transition. (LTD—9/8/05-12/7/05)

Illustration 4.23. High-Risk Futures Contract, March ’06 Cotton—CTH6 (9/20/05-12/20/05)

To summarize the characteristics of stocks and futures contracts in the High-Risk category,
• the price bars are less consistent in length than those found in the Low- and Medium-Risk groups.
• Also, breaches of the Stability Lines occur with greater frequency.

Now that you have been introduced to the methodology of mapping as outlined above, you can perform your
own screens on the thousands of stocks in the AMEX and NYSE, or the hundreds of futures contracts, if you
desire, or you can simply look over the pre-screened stock and futures Watch lists.

A word about volume

The Watch Lists do not filter volume because every trader has a different idea of what constitutes acceptable
volume levels. Thus, whether you choose to use TFE’s Watch Lists, or develop your own, be sure to apply
whatever volume filter you deem necessary.

The great thing with TFE, however, is that once you find a good group of stocks from the Watch Lists or from
your own efforts at mapping, then all you need to do is follow the signals TFE generates and trade them over
the next three to six months.

Now that I’ve screened and mapped my portfolio, how do I know if there is a potential trade? Proceed
to Module 5 to find out how the Gatekeeper, the Momentum Oscillator, and the Accelerometer work
together to reveal potential trades.

Module 5. Finding a wave to ride: The Momentum Oscillator, the Accelerometer, and the Gatekeeper

In this module, you will learn how the Momentum Oscillator (MO) and the Accelerometer (ACC) work
together with the Gatekeeper to provide entry signals, stop loss values, profit targets, and exit points.
The basic trading rules for stocks and futures are exactly the same, so all instructional references to
stocks apply to futures, and all instructional references to futures apply to stocks.

In the markets, each stock or futures contract emits a signal that we recognize as a price chart. That signal
carries a wealth of information and expresses itself in the form of price waves moving up and down through
time. TFE breaks the chart's signal down into its component parts, two of which are the MO and the ACC.

The MO shows us the strength and direction of market movement, including approximately where major waves
begin and end, and how often they occur. It also generates buy and sell signals.

The ACC measures the speed at which price is moving and provides an early warning of possible changes in
market direction. As an indicator, the ACC also identifies minor waves, which carry information for stop loss
values and exit points.

Together, the MO, the ACC, and the Gatekeeper reveal the market’s underlying structure. The following
instructional modules will show you how.

Module 4 answered the question, “How do I select a stock or futures contract to trade?” This module answers
these questions:

A. After I make my selection, is there a potential trade?

B. If so, where is my entry point?
C. What should my initial stop loss be?
D. How do I determine my daily stop loss value?
E. How do I know when to exit?
F. If the market moves against my position, where do I exit?

A. Is there a potential trade?

Set up for possible long trade

Now that you have screened candidates for possible trades, let's get started! The upward or downward trends
in many of the stocks and futures on the Watch Lists, and many of those you screened yourself, may be
maturing. Ideally, we want to get aboard a trend (a major wave) as early as possible. The question is, how do
we know a new trend is beginning? To get a better feel for the answer, we'll examine Illustration 5.1, where
we'll be looking at how to identify a potential long trade using these three early warning criteria:

• The first sign of change in a trend's direction from down to up comes from the ACC. We're looking for the
ACC's histogram bars to turn green. The value of each successive bar will be greater than the last as they
move toward, or cross, the zero line from negative to positive (Area 1 in Illustration 5.1).

• The second indication of trend change occurs when the MO is below zero and the MO's histogram bars
turn green. Also, the value of each successive green bar is greater than the last as the MO moves toward
the zero line from negative to positive. And, most importantly, the value of the MO's Signal Line is less than
the value of the MO. In other words, the Signal Line is separating from the MO’s histogram bars. (Area 2 in
Illustration 5.1).

• The third mark of a possible change in trend is when the 3SMA and the Fence cross. For an upward move
the value of the 3SMA is greater than the value of the Fence (Area 3 in Illustration 5.1). In this case, the
3SMA's value of 27.55 is larger than the Fence's value of 27.38.

Illustration 5.1. Locating a potential long trade. (ABV.C – Comp De Bebi AM ADS 9/24/2005–10/27/2005)

When all three criteria are met, we have confirmation that a change in direction from down to up could be in the
making. Illustration 5.2 shows what happened over the next few weeks.

Illustration 5.2. Change in trend. (ABV.C – Comp De Bebi AM ADS 9/24/2005–11/21/2005)

Setup for possible short trade
Let's move on to Illustration 5.3 for an example of the set up for a possible short trade using these three early
warning criteria:

1. The first sign of change in a trend's direction from up to down comes from the ACC. We're looking for the
ACC's histogram bars to turn red. The value of each successive bar will be lower than the last as they
move toward, or cross, the zero line from positive to negative (Area 1 in Illustration 5.3).

2. The second indication of trend change occurs when the MO is above zero, the MO's histogram bars turn
red. Also, the value of each successive red bar is less than the last as the MO moves toward the zero line
from positive to negative. And, most importantly, the value of the MO's Signal Line is greater than the value
of the MO (Area 2 in Illustration 5.3).

3. The third mark of a changing trend is when the 3SMA and the Fence cross. For a downward move, the
value of the 3SMA is lower than the value of the Fence (Area 3 in Illustration 5.3). In this case, the
3SMA's value of 42.39 is lower than the Fence's value of 42.53.

Illustration 5.3. Locating a potential short trade. (TI – Telecom ITL New, 8/16/2005-10/6/05)

When all three criteria are met, we have confirmation that a change in direction from up to down is in the

When all three criteria are met, we have confirmation that a change in direction from up to down may be in the
making. Illustration 5.4 shows what happened over the next few weeks.

Illustration 5.4. Change in trend. (TI – Telecom ITL New, 8/16/2005-11/14/2005)

B. If there is a potential trade, where is my entry point?

Basic entry signals come from two sources: fractals and Momentum Crossovers (MOXO). In this section, we'll
cover entering a trade with each type of signal. At this point, we're only interested in what the indicators tell us
for entry. We'll get to stop loss and exit points later.


Fractal formations in the price charts

Williams (1998) [[] was the first to identify, define, and develop the concept of fractals as
they appear on price charts and as they apply to the analysis of market action. He observed that it is precisely
those fractals that are the key to how the markets organize themselves. And it is those fractals that we will
examine now, because we will work with them every day. This type of fractal is composed of at least five
consecutive bars, the center bar of which has a higher high (or lower low) than the two (or more) bars
preceding it and the two (or more) bars following it.

Illustration 5.5 illustrates this ideal fractal pattern (the two on the far left labeled "A") and depicts several
variations as well. Notice that in every case, the fractal bar (the one with the arrow) is higher (lower) than the
two (or more) bars preceding it and the two (or more) bars following it. Note: There are times when two
middle bars with the same high/low occur (see circled fractals in Illustration 5.5). In that case, the most
recent of the two is the fractal bar.

Illustration 5.5. Frequently-occurring fractal formations

For stocks, the fractal bar is considered valid only if it is completely clear of all stability lines. For futures, the
fractal bar is considered valid only if at least 62% of the bar extends beyond all stability lines. Don’t worry about
this, though, because the TFE software distinguishes between stocks and futures, and automatically identifies
valid buy and sell fractals for you. It marks valid buy fractals with a green "B" and valid sell fractals with a red

NOTE: Once generated, fractals remain valid until they are "hit." Theoretically, a fractal is valid until
price rises two ticks above a buy fractal bar's high, or falls two ticks below a sell fractal's low. In
reality, most fractals over 21 trading days old will have already been superceded by other signals.

Buy Fractals
We'll use Illustration 5.6 to demonstrate how we enter the market using a fractal. Let's suppose we want to
buy Abercrombie and Fitch (ANF).

• Find the most recent valid buy fractal (marked with a green "B"). In this case, it's the 10/21/05 bar.
• Add two ticks to the high of the buy fractal to get the entry point. In this case, the high 50.34 + .02 = 50.36.
• Input 50.36 as a buy order electronically, or call you broker with instructions to buy x shares when the price
reaches or exceeds 50.36.

Illustration 5.6. Using a buy fractal to enter the market (ANF – Abercrombie & Fitch, 8/17/05-10/31/05).

2 3

Sell Fractals
We'll use Illustration 5.7 to demonstrate how we enter the market using a fractal. Let's suppose we want to
take a short position in Ormat Technologies:

• Find the most recent valid sell fractal (marked with a red "S"). In this case, it's the 9/30/05 bar.
• Subtract two ticks from the low of the sell fractal to get the entry point. In this case, the low 21.97 - .02 =
• Input 21.95 as a sell order electronically, or call you broker with instructions to sell x shares when the price
reaches or falls below 21.95.

Illustration 5.7. Using a sell fractal to enter the market (ORA – Ormat Technologies, 7/19/05-10/5/05).


That's basically all there is to entering the market using fractals. Next, let's look at Momentum Crossover
(MOXO) signals for entry.

Momentum Crossover Buy Signals (MOXO Buy)
The Momentum Oscillator generates a buy signal that consists of only two histogram bars and actually begins
below the zero line. The zero line is the point at which the momentum has completely changed direction, but
has not yet begun moving in the new direction. However, when the histogram bars cross the zero line,
movement has begun, and we are moving with it.

NOTE: A MOXO buy signal is valid until hit. We can use this signal to enter the market regardless of how near
or far away a buy fractal is from the MOXO.

For a MOXO buy signal to be valid, the criteria below must be met:

1. The first MO histogram bar must be immediately below the zero line and the very next bar, the signal bar,
must cross the zero line from negative to positive. Illustration 5.8 depicts this formation.

2. The value of the 3SMA Safety Line must be greater than the value of the Fence.

3. Set entry price at two ticks above high of signal bar.

Illustration 5.8. The MOXO buy signal

Signal Signal
Bar Bar

Zero Line

Let's take a look at Illustration 5.9 for an example of how this comes together on a price chart. The numbers
on the chart correspond to the criteria outlined above.

Illustration 5.9. MOXO buy signal (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/2/05).

Momentum Crossover Sell Signal (MOXO Sell)
The Momentum Oscillator generates a sell signal that consists of only two histogram bars and actually begins
above the zero line. The zero line is the point at which the momentum has completely changed direction, but
has not yet begun moving in the new direction. However, when the histogram bars cross the zero line,
movement has begun, and we are moving with it.

NOTE: A MOXO sell signal is valid until it is hit. We can use this signal to enter the market regardless
of how near or far away a sell fractal is from the MOXO.

For a MOXO sell signal to be valid, the following criteria must be met:
1. The first MO histogram bar must be immediately above the zero line and the very next bar, the signal
bar, must cross the zero line from positive to negative. Illustration 5.10 depicts this formation.

2. The value of the 3SMA Safety Line must be less than the value of the Fence.

3. Set entry price at two ticks below low of signal bar.

Illustration 5.10. The MOXO sell signal

Zero Line Signal Signal

Bar Bar

Let's take a look at Illustration 5.11 for an example of how this comes together on a price chart. The numbers
on the chart correspond to the criteria outlined above.

Illustration 5.11. MOXO sell signal (KEM – Kemet Corp, 7/27/05-10/10/05).

That's all there is to entry using Momentum Crossover (MOXO) signals. Table 5.12 recaps Fractal and MOXO
entry rules:

Table 5.12. Summary of entry signals and rules.

Buy Fractals Sell Fractals
1. Buy Fractals are marked with a green "B" 1. Sell Fractals are marked with a red "S" below
above the high of the fractal bar. the low of the fractal bar.
2. Enter market when price rises to an amount 2. Enter market when price falls to an amount
equal to or greater than two ticks above the equal to or less than two ticks below the fractal
fractal bar's high. bar's low.
3. A buy fractal is valid until it is hit. 3. A sell fractal is valid until it is hit.
1. Signal bar is first MO bar that crosses zero line 1. Signal bar is first MO bar that crosses zero line
from negative to positive. from positive to negative.
2. 3SMA Safety line must be greater than Fence. 2. 3SMA Safety line must be less than Fence.
3. Entry point is two ticks above high of 3. Entry point is two ticks below low of
corresponding price bar. corresponding price bar.
4. A MOXO buy signal is valid until hit. 4. A MOXO sell signal is valid until hit.

C. What should my initial stop loss be?

Long positions
In determining the first-day stop loss for a long position, we will consider the lower of either
• the lowest low of the last three price bars (including the signal bar)
• or the lowest stability line below the low of the signal bar

In Illustration 5.13, the lowest low of the last three price bars for this Fractal entry is 45.41. The lowest
Stability line below the low of the signal bar is the Fence, at 48.65. Since the value of the Fence is not below
the value of the lowest low of the last three price bars, we’ll set our first-day stop loss point at 45.41 (red “x”),
the lowest of the three most recent bars. You may, of course, employ a different method of determining a stop
loss that is in keeping with your risk tolerance and money management practices.

Illustration 5.13. Setting the initial stop loss for a long trade with Fractal entry (ANF, 8/29/05-10/25/05).

In Illustration 5.14, the lowest low of the last three price bars for this MOXO entry is 25.52. The lowest
Stability Line below the low of the signal bar is the Fence, at 25.66. However, the value of the Fence is not
below the lowest low of the most recent three price bars. So we’ll set our first-day stop loss point at 25.52 (red
“x”), the lowest of the three most recent bars. You may, of course, employ a different method of determining a
stop loss that is in keeping with your risk tolerance and money management practices.

Illustration 5.14. Setting the initial stop loss for a long trade with MOXO entry (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-

Entry point set at high plus 2 ticks = 26.45

Stop loss set at low of third bar back = 25.52


MOXO Entry

Short positions
In determining the first-day stop loss for a short position, we will consider the higher of either
• the highest high of the most recent three price bars (including the signal bar)
• or the highest stability line above the high of the signal bar.

In Illustration 5.15, the highest high of the last three price bars for this Fractal entry is 23.46. The highest
Stability line above the high of the signal bar is the Wall, at 22.94. Since the value of the Wall is not above the
value of the highest of the last three price bars, we’ll set our first-day stop loss point at 23.46 (red “x”), the
highest of the three most recent bars. You may, of course, employ a different method of determining a stop
loss that is in keeping with your risk tolerance and money management practices.

Illustration 5.15. Setting the initial stop loss for a short trade with Fractal entry (ORA, 7/19/05-10/5/05).

Stop loss set at high of third bar back = 23.46

Entry point set at low minus 2 ticks = 21.95

In Illustration 5.16, the highest high of the last three price bars for this MOXO entry is 8.65. The highest
Stability line above the high of the signal bar is the Fence, at 8.33. Since the value of the Fence is not above
the value of the highest of the last three price bars, we’ll set our first-day stop loss point at 8.65 (red “x”), the
highest of the three most recent bars. You may, of course, employ a different method of determining a stop
loss that is in keeping with your risk tolerance and money management practices.

Illustration 5.16. Setting the initial stop loss for a short trade with MOXO entry (KEM, 7/27/05-10/10/05).

Stop loss set at high of third bar back= 8.65


Entry point set at low minus 2 ticks = 7.84

Now that you have your entry point and your first-day stop loss point, you’re ready to give that information to
your broker, or to enter into your online trading platform. In the next module, we answer these questions:

• How do I determine my daily stop loss value?

• How do I know when to exit?
• If the market moves against my position, where do I exit?
Module 6. Determining stop loss values – Making the ride smooth

In Module 5, we learned how to identify Fractal and MOXO entry signals and how to determine our initial stop
loss point.

In this module, we will go through two long and 2 short stock trades, and one long and one short
futures trade to see how the ACC and the Gatekeeper show us where to set our daily stop loss points
and when to exit a profitable trade.

A Long Stock Fractal Entry Trade from Entry to Exit

Fractal Entry
We’ll begin this part of our instruction with the set up for a long trade using a Fractal entry. Let’s assume that
the date is 10/28/05 and we’re looking at a chart of Abercrombie & Fitch (Illustration 6.1). Recall from Module
5 that for a Fractal entry, we:
• Find the most recent valid buy fractal (marked with a green "B"). In this case, it's the 10/21/05 bar.
• Add two ticks to the high of the buy fractal bar to get the entry point. In this case, the high 50.34 + .02 =

Illustration 6.1. Possible long trade with Fractal entry. (ANF, 8/29/2005 –

Initial Stop Loss

Recall from Module 5 that for the first-day stop loss for a long position, we will consider the lower of either
1. the lowest low of the last three price bars (including the signal bar)
2. or the lowest stability line below the low of the signal bar

In Illustration 6.1 above, the lowest low of the last three price bars (including the signal bar) for this Fractal
entry is 45.41. The lowest Stability line below the low of the signal bar is the Fence, at 48.65. Since the value
of the Fence is not below the value of the lowest low of the last three price bars, we’ll set our first-day stop loss
point at 45.41 (red “x”), the lowest of the three most recent bars. You may, of course, employ a different
method of determining a stop loss that is in keeping with your risk tolerance and money management

Now that we have determined our entry point and initial stop loss point, and have either given the information
to our broker or entered it into our electronic trading platform, we are ready to trade. Our overall plan is to enter
the market when the price equals or exceeds 50.36, and in accordance with the initial stop loss rule, we have
set our initial stop loss at 45.41. To demonstrate the functionality of the stop loss algorithms, we’ll trade
aggressively. Let’s see what occurs on the next day, 10/31/05.

Day 1, 10/31/05 Illustration 6.2

The 10/31/05 bar has exceeded our entry price, and we are in the market at 50.36.

Illustration 6.2. Long trade with Fractal entry, Day 1 (ANF, 8/29/2005 – 10/31/2005)

Now that we’ve entered the trade, we need to determine our daily stop loss values. So before we continue with
the trade, we will go through the rules for setting trailing stop loss points and exiting with a profit.

D. How do I determine my daily stop loss value?

Rules for setting stop loss points for long positions

TFE’s stop loss rules integrate the Accelerometer and the Gatekeeper.

1. Set initial stop at the lower of either:

a. the lowest low of last three price bars (including the signal bar), or
b. or the value of the lowest stability line below the low of the signal bar.

2. If the low of the entry-day bar is lower than the farthest Stability Line, stay with initial stop until the low of
the current day’s bar is above the farthest Stability Line, then go to Rule #3.

If the low of the entry-day bar is higher than the farthest Stability Line, go directly to Rule #3.

3. Depending on your trading style, risk tolerance, and money management practices,
a. For an aggressive approach, if the Wall (blue line) is the farthest Stability Line, follow the Wall;
otherwise, follow the farthest Stability Line until it crosses the Wall, then follow the Wall.

b. For a less aggressive approach, if the Tripwire (red line) is the farthest Stability Line, follow the
Tripwire; otherwise follow the farthest Stability Line until it crosses the Tripwire, then follow the

c. For a conservative approach, if the Fence (green line) is the farthest Stability Line, follow the Fence;
otherwise, follow the farthest Stability Line until it crosses the Fence, then follow the Fence.

4. If the ACC is greater than zero, follow rule #3 above.

5. If the current ACC histogram bar is above zero and three consecutive red ACC bars (including the current
bar) have occurred, move up one Stability Line for each set of three red ACC bars. For example, if you are
currently following the Wall and there are three consecutive red ACC bars (including the current bar) then
move up to the Tripwire. When the next set of three reds occurs, move up to the Fence, and so on until
stopped out.

6. If the current ACC histogram bar crosses the zero line from positive to negative, move immediately to the
3SMA Safety Line and follow it.

7. Other than on entry day, if the 3SMA Safety Line crosses the Fence so that the value of the Fence is
greater than the value of the 3SMA Safety Line, move to and follow the 3SMA Safety Line as your stop loss
until stopped out

As we proceed through our trade, you’ll have a chance to see how easy it is to apply the stop loss rules. So
let’s continue with Day 1, as viewed in Illustration 6.3 below.

Day 1, 10/31/05 Illustration 6.3

Our entry price has been hit and we are in the market. Since the low of the current bar is above the lowest
Stability Line, we are now following stop loss rule #3. We are trading aggressively, so we’ll use the lowest
Stability Line until the Wall becomes the lowest. In this case, the Tripwire, at 48.95, has the lowest value, so
we will set that as our stop loss point (red “x”).

Illustration 6.3. Long trade with Fractal entry, Day 1 (ANF, 8/29/2005 – 10/31/2005)

Day 2, 11/1/05 Illustration 6.4

As the trade continues, we are still following stop loss rule #3. The Wall, at 49.12, is now the Stability Line with
the lowest value. In addition, the ACC is above zero and green, so we will use 49.12 as our trailing stop loss
(red “x”).

Illustration 6.4. Long trade with Fractal entry, Day 2 (ANF, 8/29/2005 – 11/1/2005)

Day 3, 11/2/05 Illustration 6.5

Moving along, we continue to follow stop loss rule #3. We are following the Wall, and since the ACC is above
zero and green, we will use the Wall’s value of 49.34 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”).

Illustration 6.5. Long trade with Fractal entry, Day 3 (ANF, 8/29/2005 – 11/2/2005)

Day 4, 11/3/05 Illustration 6.6

We are still following stop loss rule #3. We are following the Wall, and since the ACC remains above zero and
green, we will use the Wall’s value of 49.84 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”).

Illustration 6.6. Long trade with Fractal entry, Day 4 (ANF, 8/29/2005 – 11/3/2005)

Day 5, 11/4/05 Illustration 6.7

At the end of Day 5, we are still following stop loss rule #3. We are trailing the Wall, and since the ACC
remains above zero and green, we will use the Wall’s value of 50.43 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”).

Illustration 6.7. Long trade with Fractal entry, Day 5 (ANF, 8/29/2005 – 11/4/2005)

Day 6, 11/7/05 Illustration 6.8

At the end of Day 6, we are still following stop loss rule #3. We are trailing the Wall, and since the ACC
remains above zero and green, we will use the Wall’s value of 51.06 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”).

Illustration 6.8. Long trade with Fractal entry, Day 6 (ANF, 8/29/2005 – 11/7/2005)

Day 7, 11/8/05 Illustration 6.9

At the end of Day 7, we are still following stop loss rule #3. We are currently trailing the Wall. However,
although the ACC remains above zero, it has turned red. This is an indication that the speed at which price is
traveling may be slowing down. We will still use the Wall’s value of 51.67 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”), but
we’ll watch the indicators closely.

Illustration 6.9. Long trade with Fractal entry, Day 7 (ANF, 8/29/2005 – 11/8/2005)

Day 8, 11/9/05 Illustration 6.10

At the end of Day 8, we are still following stop loss rule #3, and are currently trailing the Wall. However,
although the ACC remains above zero, it has now shown us a second consecutive red bar. This is an
indication that the speed at which price is traveling is slowing down. We will still use the Wall’s value of 52.41
as our trailing stop loss (red “x”), but we’ll watch the indicators closely.

Illustration 6.10. Long trade with Fractal entry, Day 8 (ANF, 8/29/2005 – 11/9/2005)

Day 9, 11/10/05 Illustration 6.11

At the end of Day 9, in addition to a third consecutive red bar, the ACC crossed the zero line from positive to
negative. This is a signal to follow rule #6, which has us move our stop loss point immediately to the Safety
Line. We will use the Safety Line’s value of 58.73 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”), and follow the Safety Line
until we are stopped out.

Illustration 6.11. Long trade with Fractal entry, Day 9 (ANF, 8/29/2005 – 11/10/2005)

Day 10, 11/11/05 Illustration 6.12

On Day 10, we are stopped out at 58.73 for a gain of $8.37 per share.

Illustration 6.12. Long trade with Fractal entry, Day 10 (ANF, 8/29/2005 – 11/15/2005)

A Long Stock Momentum Crossover Entry Trade from Entry to Exit
We will now examine another long trade, but this time using the Momentum Crossover (MOXO) buy signal.
Let’s assume that the date is 11/2/05 and we’re looking at a chart of Pall CP—PLL (Illustration 6.13). Recall
from Module 5 that for a MOXO buy signal to be valid:

1. The first MO histogram bar must be immediately below the zero line and the very next bar, the signal bar,
must cross the zero line from negative to positive.

2. The value of the 3SMA Safety Line must be greater than the value of the Fence.

3. If conditions 1 and 2 are met, set entry price at two ticks above high of signal bar.

Setup Day, 11/2/05 Illustration 6.13

In Illustration 6.13 below, we can see that the Momentum Oscillator has crossed the zero line, and that the
value of 3SMA Safety Line, at 26.13, is higher than the value of the Fence, at 25.77. The high of the signal bar
is 26.43. We will set our entry point at 2 ticks above that price, or 26.45.

Also, the lowest low of the last three price bars (including the signal bar) for this MOXO entry is 25.52. The
lowest Stability line below the low of the signal bar is the Tripwire, at 25.74. Since the value of the Tripwire is
not below the value of the lowest low of the last three price bars, we’ll set our first-day stop loss point at 25.52
(red “x”), the lowest of the three most recent bars. You may, of course, employ a different method of
determining a stop loss that is in keeping with your risk tolerance and money management practices.

Illustration 6.13. Possible long trade with MOXO entry. (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/2/05).

Now that we have determined our entry point and initial stop loss point, and have either given the information
to our broker or entered it into our electronic trading platform, we are ready to trade. Our overall plan is to enter
the market when the price equals or exceeds 26.45, and in accordance with the initial stop loss rule, we have
set our initial stop loss at 25.52. To demonstrate the functionality of the stop loss algorithms, we’ll trade
aggressively. Let’s see what occurs on the next day,11/3/05.

Day 1, 11/3/05 Illustration 6.14

The 11/2/05 bar has exceeded our entry price, and we are in the market at 26.45. Since the low of the current
bar is above the Stability Lines, we are now following stop loss rule #3. We are trading aggressively, so we’ll
use the lowest Stability Line until the Wall becomes the lowest. In this case, the Tripwire, at 25.78, has the
lowest value, so we will set that as our stop loss point (red “x”). We also note that the ACC is showing a red

Illustration 6.14. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 1 (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/3/05).

Day 2, 11/4/05 Illustration 6.15

As the trade continues, we are still following stop loss rule #3. The Wall, at 25.84, is now the Stability Line with
the lowest value. We will use 25.84 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). However, while the ACC is above zero it
is showing its second consecutive red bar. This is an early warning of a slowdown in the speed at which price
is moving. The MO is above zero, green, and the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of the
histogram bars. Thus, a change in overall direction is not indicated.

Illustration 6.15. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 2 (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/4/05).

Day 3, 11/7/05 Illustration 6.16

At the end of Day 3, we find that while the ACC is above zero it is showing its third consecutive red bar. This is
an early warning of a slowdown in the speed at which price is moving, and a signal to follow stop loss rule # 5,
moving from following the Wall to following the Tripwire. We will use the Tripwire’s value of 25.93 as our trailing
stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the Tripwire until the ACC shows us another three consecutive red bars, or it
crosses the zero line into negative territory. However, since the MO is above zero, green, and the value of the
MO signal line is lower than the value of the histogram bars, a change in overall direction is not yet indicated.

Illustration 6.16. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 3 (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/7/05).

Day 4, 11/8/05 Illustration 6.17

At the end of Day 4, we find that the ACC is above zero and is showing a green bar. We’ll continue to observe
stop loss rule # 5, and follow the Tripwire. Thus, we will use the Tripwire’s value of 26.04 as our trailing stop
loss (red “x”). We will follow the Tripwire until the ACC either shows us another three consecutive red bars or
crosses the zero line into negative territory. In addition, since the MO is above zero and green, and the value of
the MO signal line is lower than the value of the histogram bars, a change in overall direction is not yet

Illustration 6.17. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 4 (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/8/05).

Day 5, 11/9/05 Illustration 6.18

At the end of Day 5, we find that the ACC is above zero and still green. Also, since the MO is above zero,
green, and the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of the histogram bars, a change in overall
direction is not yet indicated. We’ll continue to observe stop loss rule # 5, and follow the Tripwire. Thus, we will
use the Tripwire’s value of 26.16 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the Tripwire until the ACC
either shows us another three consecutive red bars or crosses the zero line into negative territory.

Illustration 6.18. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 5 (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/9/05).

Day 6, 11/10/05 Illustration 6.19

At the end of Day 6, we find that the ACC is above zero but is now showing a red bar. However, since the MO
is above zero, green, and the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of the histogram bars, a
change in overall direction is not yet indicated. We’ll continue to observe stop loss rule # 5, and follow the
Tripwire. Thus, we will use the Tripwire’s value of 26.34 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the
Tripwire until the ACC either shows us another three consecutive red bars or crosses the zero line into
negative territory.

Illustration 6.19. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 6 (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/10/05).

Day 7, 11/11/05 Illustration 6.20

At the end of Day 7, we find that the ACC is above zero but is now showing two consecutive red bars.
However, since the MO is above zero, green, and the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of the
histogram bars, a change in overall direction is not yet indicated. We’ll continue to observe stop loss rule # 5,
and follow the Tripwire. Thus, we will use the Tripwire’s value of 26.53 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will
follow the Tripwire until the ACC either shows us another three consecutive red bars or crosses the zero line
into negative territory.

Illustration 6.20. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 7 (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/11/05).

Day 8, 11/14/05 Illustration 6.21

At the end of Day 8, we find that the ACC is above zero but is now showing three consecutive red bars, a
warning of a slow down in the speed at which price is moving. However, since the MO is above zero, green,
and the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of the histogram bars, a change in overall direction
is not yet indicated. We’ll continue to observe stop loss rule # 5, which states that for each set of three
consecutive red ACC bars, we move up one Stability Line.

Up to this point we have been following the Tripwire, so now we will move to the Fence and use its value of
26.97 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the Fence until the ACC either shows us another three
consecutive red bars or crosses the zero line into negative territory.

Illustration 6.21. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 8 (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/14/05).

Day 9, 11/15/05 Illustration 6.22

At the end of Day 9, we find that the ACC is above zero and has now returned to green. Moreover, since the
MO is above zero and green, and the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of the histogram bars,
a change in overall direction is not yet indicated. We’ll continue to observe stop loss rule # 5 and follow the
Fence, using its value of 27.12 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the Fence until the ACC either
shows us another three consecutive red bars or crosses the zero line into negative territory.

Illustration 6.22. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 9 (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/15/05).

Day 10, 11/16/05 Illustration 6.23

At the end of Day 10, we find that the ACC is above zero and green. Moreover, since the MO is above zero
and green, and the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of the histogram bars, a change in
overall direction is not yet indicated. We’ll continue to observe stop loss rule # 5 and follow the Fence, using its
value of 27.28 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the Fence until the ACC either shows us another
three consecutive red bars or crosses the zero line into negative territory.

Illustration 6.23. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 10 (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/16/05).

Day 11, 11/17/05 Illustration 6.24

At the end of Day 11, we find that the ACC is above zero and green. Moreover, since the MO is above zero
and green, and the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of the histogram bars, a change in
overall direction is not yet indicated. We’ll continue to observe stop loss rule # 5 and follow the Fence, using its
value of 27.47 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the Fence until the ACC either shows us another
three consecutive red bars or crosses the zero line into negative territory.

Illustration 6.24. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 11 (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/17/05).

Day 12, 11/18/05 Illustration 6.25

At the end of Day 12, we find that the ACC is above zero but has again turned red. However, since the MO is
above zero and green, and the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of the histogram bars, a
change in overall direction is not yet indicated. We’ll continue to observe stop loss rule # 5 and follow the
Fence, using its value of 27.62 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the Fence until the ACC either
shows us another three consecutive red bars or crosses the zero line into negative territory.

Illustration 6.25. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 12 (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/18/05).

Day 13, 11/21/05 Illustration 6.26

At the end of Day 13, we find that the ACC is above zero but is now showing two consecutive red bars, again
warning us of a slow down in price movement. In addition, although the MO is above zero and the value of the
MO signal line is lower than the value of the histogram bars, the current MO bar is red. This is a warning that a
change in overall direction may occur. We’ll continue to observe stop loss rule # 5 and follow the Fence, using
its value of 27.76 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the Fence until the ACC either shows us
another three consecutive red bars or crosses the zero line into negative territory.

Illustration 6.26. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 13 (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/21/05).

Day 14, 11/22/05 Illustration 6.27

At the end of Day 14, we find that the ACC has crossed the zero line, a strong warning that price movement is
slowing down. In addition, although the MO is above zero, the value of the MO signal line is just barely lower
than the value of the histogram bars. The fact that MO is showing two consecutive red bars adds to the
probability of a change in direction. Since the ACC has moved below zero, we’ll now observe stop loss rule #6,
and move to the 3SMA Safety Line, using its value of 28.10 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the
Safety Line until we are stopped out.

Illustration 6.27. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 14 (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/22/05).

Day 15, 11/23/05 Illustration 6.28

On Day 15 we are stopped out at 28.10. Our entry point was 26.45, so we experienced a gain of $1.65 per

Illustration 6.28. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 15 (PLL – Pall CP, 8/31/05-11/23/05).

You have followed two successful long stock trades, one with a Fractal entry and one with a MOXO
entry. Remember that futures are traded with the same set of rules as stocks. We’ll now turn our
attention to short trades with Fractal and MOXO entries.

A Short Stock Trade with Fractal Entry from Entry to Exit

Fractal Entry
We’ll begin this part of our instruction with the set up for a short trade using a Fractal entry. Let’s assume that
the date is 10/4/05 and we’re looking at a chart of Ormat Technologies (Illustration 6.29). Recall from Module
5 that for a Fractal entry, we:

• Find the most recent valid sell fractal (marked with a red "S"). In this case, it's the 9/30/05 bar.
• Subtract two ticks from the low of the sell fractal bar to get the entry point. In this case, the low 21.97 - .02
= 21.95.

Illustration 6.29. Possible short trade with Fractal entry. (ORA, 7/26/2005 – 10/4/2005)

Initial Stop Loss
Recall from Module 5 that for the first-day stop loss for a short position, we will consider the higher of either
1. the highest high of the last three price bars (including the signal bar)
2. or the highest stability line above the high of the signal bar

In Illustration 6.29 above, the highest high of the last three price bars (including the signal bar) for this Fractal
entry is 23.46. The highest Stability line above the high of the signal bar is the Wall, at 22.94. Since the value
of the Wall is not above the value of the highest high of the last three price bars, we’ll set our first-day stop loss
point at 23.46 (red “x”), the highest of the three most recent bars. You may, of course, employ a different
method of determining a stop loss that is in keeping with your risk tolerance and money management

Now that we have determined our entry point and initial stop loss point, and have either given the information
to our broker or entered it into our electronic trading platform, we are ready to trade. Our overall plan is to enter
the market when the price equals or falls below 21.95, and in accordance with the initial stop loss rule, we have
set our initial stop loss at 23.46. To demonstrate the functionality of the stop loss algorithms, we’ll trade
aggressively. Let’s see what occurs on the next day, 10/5/05.

Day 1, 10/5/05 Illustration 6.30

The 10/5/05 bar has fallen below our entry price, and we are in the market at 21.95.

Illustration 6.30. Short Trade with Fractal Entry, Day 1 (ORA, 7/26/200510/5/20057/26/200510/5/2005)

Now that we’ve entered the trade, we need to determine our daily stop loss values. So before we continue with
the trade, we will go through the rules for setting trailing stop loss points and exiting with a profit.

D. How do I determine my daily stop loss value?

Rules for setting stop loss points for short positions

TFE’s stop loss rules integrate the Accelerometer and the Gatekeeper.

1. Set initial stop at the higher of either

a. the highest high of last three price bars (including the signal bar), or
b. or the value of the highest stability line above the high of the signal bar.

2. If the high of the entry-day bar is higher than the farthest Stability Line, stay with initial stop until the
high is below the farthest Stability Line, then go to Rule #3. If the high of the entry-day bar is lower than
the farthest Stability Line, go directly to Rule #3.

3. Depending on your trading style, risk tolerance, and money management practices,
a. For an aggressive approach, if the Wall (blue line) is the farthest Stability Line, follow the Wall;
otherwise, follow the farthest Stability Line until it crosses the Wall, then follow the Wall.

b. For a less aggressive approach, if the Tripwire (red line) is the farthest Stability Line, follow the
Tripwire; otherwise follow the farthest Stability Line until it crosses the Tripwire, then follow the

c. For a conservative approach, if the Fence (green line) is the farthest Stability Line, follow the Fence;
otherwise, follow the farthest Stability Line until it crosses the Fence, then follow the Fence.

4. If the ACC is less than zero, follow rule #3 above.

5. If the current ACC histogram bar is below zero and three consecutive green ACC bars (including the
current bar) have occurred, move down one Stability Line for each set of three green ACC bars. For
example, if you are currently following the Wall and there are three consecutive green ACC bars
(including the current bar) then move down to the Tripwire. When the next set of three greens occurs,
move down to the Fence, and so on until stopped out.

6. If the current ACC histogram bar crosses the zero line from negative to positive, move immediately to
the 3SMA Safety Line and follow it.

7. Other than on entry day, if the 3SMA Safety Line crosses the Fence so that the value of the Fence is
less than the value of the 3SMA Safety Line, move to and follow the 3SMA Safety Line as your stop
loss until stopped out.

As we proceed through our trade, you’ll have a chance to see how easy it is to apply the stop loss rules. So
let’s continue with Day 1, as viewed in Illustration 6.31 below.

Day 1, 10/5/05 Illustration 6.31

Our entry price has been hit and we are in the market. The ACC is showing three consecutive green bars, so
since we are trading aggressively, we’ll use the Wall as our reference point. With three consecutive ACC bars,
we observe rule #5, which moves us one Stability Line down. In this case, the Tripwire, at 22.38, becomes our
trailing stop loss, so we will set that as our stop loss point (red “x”). We’ll follow the Tripwire until the ACC
either shows three more consecutive green bars or crosses the zero line from negative to positive.

Illustration 6.31. Short trade with Fractal entry, Day 1 (ORA, 7/26/2005 – 10/5/2005)

Day 2, 10/6/05 Illustration 6.32

At the end of Day 2, we find that the ACC is below zero and is showing a red bar. We’ll continue to observe
stop loss rule # 5, and follow the Tripwire. Thus, we will use the Tripwire’s value of 22.21 as our trailing stop
loss (red “x”). We will follow the Tripwire until the ACC either shows us another three consecutive green bars or
crosses the zero line into positive territory. In addition, since the MO is below zero and red, and the value of
the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars, a change in overall direction is not yet

Illustration 6.32. Short trade with Fractal entry, Day 2 (ORA, 7/26/2005 – 10/6/2005)

Day 3, 10/7/05 Illustration 6.33

At the end of Day 3, we find that the ACC is below zero and red. In addition, since the MO is below zero and
red, and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars, a change in overall
direction is not yet indicated. We’ll continue to observe stop loss rule # 5, and follow the Tripwire. Thus, we will
use the Tripwire’s value of 21.99 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the Tripwire until the ACC
either shows us another three consecutive green bars or crosses the zero line into positive territory.

Illustration 6.33. Short trade with Fractal entry, Day 3 (ORA, 7/26/2005 – 10/7/2005)

Day 4, 10/10/05 Illustration 6.34

At the end of Day 4, we find that the ACC is below zero with one green bar showing. However, since the MO is
below zero and red, and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars, a
change in overall direction is not yet indicated. We’ll continue to observe stop loss rule # 5, and follow the
Tripwire. Thus, we will use the Tripwire’s value of 21.73 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the
Tripwire until the ACC either shows us another three consecutive green bars or crosses the zero line into
positive territory.

Illustration 6.34. Short trade with Fractal entry, Day 4 (ORA, 7/26/2005 – 10/10/2005)

Day 5, 10/11/05 Illustration 6.35

At the end of Day 5, we find that the ACC is below zero with two consecutive green bars showing. This is an
early warning of a slow-down in the speed at which price is changing. However, since the MO is below zero
and red, and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars, a change in overall
direction is not yet indicated. We’ll continue to observe stop loss rule # 5, and follow the Tripwire. Thus, we will
use the Tripwire’s value of 21.44 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the Tripwire until the ACC
either shows us another three consecutive green bars or crosses the zero line into positive territory.

Illustration 6.35. Short trade with Fractal entry, Day 5 (ORA, 7/26/2005 – 10/11/2005)

Day 6, 10/12/05 Illustration 6.36

At the end of Day 6, we find that the ACC is below zero with three consecutive green bars showing. This is a
strong early warning of a slow-down in the speed at which price is changing. However, since the MO is below
zero and red, and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars, a change in
overall direction is not yet indicated.

We’ll continue to observe stop loss rule # 5, which requires us to move down one Stability Line with the
appearance of three consecutive green ACC bars. Therefore, we will move from the Tripwire to the Fence, and
we will use the Fence’s value of 20.30 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the Fence until the ACC
either shows us another three consecutive green bars or crosses the zero line into positive territory.

Illustration 6.36. Short trade with Fractal entry, Day 6 (ORA, 7/26/2005 – 10/12/2005)

Day 7, 10/13/05 Illustration 6.37

At the end of Day 7, we find that the ACC is below zero and red, but the value of the current bar is very close
to zero. This does little to change the strong early warning of a slow-down in the speed at which price is
changing. However, since the MO is below zero and red, and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the
value of the histogram bars, a change in overall direction is not yet indicated. We’ll continue to observe stop
loss rule # 5, using the Fence’s value of 19.94 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the Fence until
the ACC either shows us another three consecutive green bars or crosses the zero line into positive territory.

Illustration 6.37. Short trade with Fractal entry, Day 7 (ORA, 7/26/2005 – 10/13/2005)

Day 8, 10/14/05 Illustration 6.38

Our stop loss was hit at 19.94, and we are out of this trade. Our entry point was 21.95, so we experienced a
gain of $2.01 per share.

Illustration 6.38. Short trade with Fractal entry, Day 8 (ORA, 7/26/2005 – 10/14/2005)

A Short Stock Trade with Momentum Crossover (MOXO) Entry from Entry to Exit

We will now examine another short trade, but this time using the Momentum Crossover (MOXO) sell signal.

Let’s assume that the date is 9/21/05 and we’re looking at a chart International Paper—IP (Illustration 6.39).
Recall from Module 5 that for a MOXO sell signal to be valid:

1. The first MO histogram bar must be immediately above the zero line and the very next bar, the signal bar,
must cross the zero line from positive to negative.

2. The value of the 3SMA Safety Line must be less than the value of the Fence.

3. If conditions 1 and 2 are met, set entry price at two ticks below the low of signal the bar.

Setup Day, 9/21/05 Illustration 6.39

In Illustration 6.39 below, we can see that the Momentum Oscillator has crossed the zero line in the negative
direction, and that the value of 3SMA Safety Line, at 30.65, is lower than the value of the Fence, at 31.02.
Thus, this is a valid MOXO signal. The low of the signal bar is 30.37. We will set our entry point at 2 ticks below
that price, or 30.35.

Also, the highest high of the last three price bars (including the signal bar) for this MOXO entry is 31.27. The
highest Stability line above the high of the signal bar is the Tripwire, at 31.15. Since the value of the Tripwire is
not above the value of the highest high of the last three price bars, we’ll set our first-day stop loss point at
31.27 (red “x”), the highest high of the three most recent bars. You may, of course, employ a different method
of determining a stop loss that is in keeping with your risk tolerance and money management practices.

Illustration 6.39. Possible short trade with MOXO entry. (IP, 7/27/05-9/21/05).

Now that we have determined our entry point and initial stop loss point, and have either given the information
to our broker or entered it into our electronic trading platform, we are ready to trade. Our overall plan is to enter
the market when the price equals or falls below 30.35, and in accordance with the initial stop loss rule, we have
set our initial stop loss at 31.27. To demonstrate the functionality of the stop loss algorithms, we’ll trade
aggressively. Let’s see what occurs on the next day, 9/22/05.

Day 1, 9/22/05 Illustration 6.40

The 9/22/05 bar has opened at 30.24, below our entry price of 30.35, so we are in the market at 30.24. Since
the high of the current bar is below the Stability Lines, we are now following stop loss rule #3. We are trading
aggressively, so we’ll use the highest Stability Line until the Wall becomes the highest. In this case, the
Tripwire, at 31.07, has the highest value, so we will set that as our stop loss point (red “x”). We also note that
the ACC is showing a green bar. However, since the MO is below zero and red, and the value of the MO signal
line is greater than the value of the histogram bars, a change in overall direction is not yet indicated.

Illustration 6.40. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 1. (IP, 7/27/05-9/22/05).

Day 2, 9/23/05 Illustration 6.41

At the end of Day 2, we find that the ACC is below zero and is red. In addition, since the MO is below zero and
red, and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars, a change in overall
direction is not yet indicated. Thus, we’ll continue to observe stop loss rule # 3. Up to now, Tripwire has been
the highest Stability Line. Today, however, the Wall’s value, at 30.95 is the highest, so we will use that value as
our trailing stop loss (red “x”).

Illustration 6.41. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 2. (IP, 7/27/05-9/23/05).

Day 3, 9/26/05 Illustration 6.42

At the end of Day 3, we find that the ACC is below zero and is showing a green bar, a warning that the speed
of downward price movement is slowing. However, since the MO is below zero and red, and the value of the
MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars, a change in overall direction is not yet indicated.
We’ll continue to observe stop loss rule # 3, and follow the Wall. Thus, we will use the Wall’s value of 30.90 as
our trailing stop loss (red “x”).

Illustration 6.42. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 3. (IP, 7/27/05-9/26/05).

Day 4, 9/27/05 Illustration 6.43

At the end of Day 4, we find that the ACC is below zero and is showing a second consecutive green bar, a
warning that the speed of downward price movement is continuing to slow. However, since the MO remains
below zero and red, and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars, a
change in overall direction is not yet indicated. We’ll continue to observe stop loss rule # 3, and follow the Wall.
Thus, we will use the Wall’s value of 30.87 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”).

Illustration 6.43. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 4. (IP, 7/27/05-9/27/05).

Day 5, 9/28/05 Illustration 6.44

At the end of Day 5, we find that the ACC is below zero and is showing a third consecutive green bar, a
warning that the speed of downward price movement is continuing to slow. However, since the MO remains
below zero and red, and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars, a
change in overall direction is not yet indicated.

Since we are trading aggressively, we have been using the Wall as our stop loss point. With three consecutive
ACC bars, we now observe rule #5, which moves us one Stability Line down. In this case, the Tripwire, at
30.42, becomes our trailing stop loss, so we will set that as our stop loss point (red “x”). We’ll follow the
Tripwire until the ACC either shows three more consecutive green bars or crosses the zero line from negative
to positive.

Illustration 6.44. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 5. (IP, 7/27/05-9/28/05).

Day 6, 9/29/05 Illustration 6.45

At the end of Day 6, we find that the ACC is below zero and red. Moreover, since the MO remains below zero
and red, and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars, a change in overall
direction is not yet indicated. We continue to observe rule #5, using the Tripwire, at 30.25, as our trailing stop
loss (red “x”). We’ll follow the Tripwire until the ACC either shows three more consecutive green bars or
crosses the zero line from negative to positive.

Illustration 6.45. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 6. (IP, 7/27/05-9/29/05).

Day 7, 9/30/05 Illustration 6.46

At the end of Day 7, we find that the ACC is below zero and presenting a green bar. However, since the MO
remains below zero and red, and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram
bars, a change in overall direction is not yet indicated. We continue to observe rule #5, using the Tripwire, at
30.08, as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We’ll follow the Tripwire until the ACC either shows three more
consecutive green bars or crosses the zero line from negative to positive.

Illustration 6.46. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 7. (IP, 7/27/05-9/30/05).

xx x

x Stop loss at 30.08

Day 8, 10/3/05 Illustration 6.47

At the end of Day 8, we find that the ACC is below zero and presenting two consecutive green bars. This is an
indication that the speed of price change is slowing down, and an early warning of a potential change in short-
term direction. However, since the MO remains below zero and red, and the value of the MO signal line is
greater than the value of the histogram bars, a change in overall direction is not yet indicated. We continue to
observe rule #5, using the Tripwire, at 29.95, as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We’ll follow the Tripwire until the
ACC either shows three consecutive green bars or crosses the zero line from negative to positive.

Illustration 6.47. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 8. (IP, 7/27/05-10/3/05).

xx x

x Stop loss at 29.95

Day 9, 10/4/05 Illustration 6.48

At the end of Day 9, we find that the ACC is below zero and red. In addition, since the MO remains below zero
and red, and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars, no change in
overall direction is indicated. We continue to observe rule #5, using the Tripwire, at 29.72, as our trailing stop
loss (red “x”). We’ll follow the Tripwire until the ACC either shows three more consecutive green bars or
crosses the zero line from negative to positive.

Illustration 6.48. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 9. (IP, 7/27/05-10/4/05).

xx x

x Stop loss at 29.72

Day 10, 10/5/05 Illustration 6.49

At the end of Day 10, we find that the ACC is below zero and red. In addition, since the MO remains below
zero and red, and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars, no change in
overall direction is indicated. We continue to observe rule #5, using the Tripwire, at 29.52, as our trailing stop
loss (red “x”). We’ll follow the Tripwire until the ACC either shows three more consecutive green bars or
crosses the zero line from negative to positive.

Illustration 6.49. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 10. (IP, 7/27/05-10/5/05).

xx x

x Stop loss at 29.52

Day 11, 10/6/05 Illustration 6.50

At the end of Day 11, we find that the ACC is below zero and red. In addition, since the MO remains below
zero and red, and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars, no change in
overall direction is indicated. We continue to observe rule #5, using the Tripwire, at 29.29, as our trailing stop
loss (red “x”). We’ll follow the Tripwire until the ACC either shows three more consecutive green bars or
crosses the zero line from negative to positive.

Illustration 6.50. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 11. (IP, 7/27/05-10/6/05).

xx x

x Stop loss at 29.29

Day 12, 10/7/05 Illustration 6.51

At the end of Day 12, we find that the ACC is below zero and presenting a green bar. However, since the MO
remains below zero and red, and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram
bars, no change in overall direction is indicated. We continue to observe rule #5, using the Tripwire, at 29.10,
as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We’ll follow the Tripwire until the ACC either shows three more consecutive
green bars or crosses the zero line from negative to positive.

Illustration 6.51. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 12. (IP, 7/27/05-10/7/05).

xx x

x Stop loss at 29.10

Day 13, 10/10/05 Illustration 6.52

At the end of Day 13, we find that the ACC is below zero, but is showing two consecutive green bars. This is
an indication that the downward speed of price movement is slowing. In addition, although the MO remains
below zero, and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars, the MO is
showing a green bar. This is a strong indication that change in overall direction may occur in the near future.
We continue to observe rule #5, using the Tripwire, at 28.88, as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We’ll follow the
Tripwire until the ACC either shows three consecutive green bars or crosses the zero line from negative to

Illustration 6.52. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 13. (IP, 7/27/05-10/10/05).

xx x

x Stop loss at 28.88

Day 14, 10/11/05 Illustration 6.53

At the end of Day 14, we find that the ACC has crossed the zero line. This is an indication that the downward
speed of price movement is slowing. Also, although the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of
the histogram bars, the MO is showing two consecutive green bars. This is a very strong indication that price
direction may be changing. We go to stop loss rule #6, which requires us to immediately move to the Safety
Line. We will use the current value of the Safety Line, 27.93, as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow
the Safety Line until we are stopped out.

Illustration 6.53. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 14. (IP, 7/27/05-10/11/05).

xx x


x Stop loss at 27.93

Day 15, 10/12/05 Illustration 6.54

At the end of Day 15, we find that the ACC is above the zero line and red, but very close to zero. This is an
indication that the downward speed of price movement has slowed. Also, the value of the MO signal line is now
only slightly greater than the value of the histogram bars, even though the MO is below zero and showing a red
bar. This is a very strong indication that price direction may be changing. We will continue to follow stop loss
rule #6, and will use the current value of the Safety Line, 27.63, as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We’ll follow
the Safety Line until we are stopped out.

Illustration 6.54. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 15. (IP, 7/27/05-10/12/05).

xx x


x Stop loss
at 27.63

Day 16, 10/13/05 Illustration 6.55

At the end of Day 16, we find that the ACC is below the zero line and red. Also, the value of the MO signal line
is now only slightly greater than the value of the histogram bars, even though the MO is below zero and
showing a red bar. This is an indication that price direction may be changing. We will continue to follow stop
loss rule #6, and will use the current value of the Safety Line, 27.31, as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We’ll
follow the Safety Line until we are stopped out.

Illustration 6.55. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 16. (IP, 7/27/05-10/13/05).

xx x


Stop loss
x at 27.31

Day 17, 10/14/05 Illustration 6.56

At the end of Day 17, we find that the ACC is below the zero line and green. Also, the value of the MO signal
line continues to be only slightly greater than the value of the histogram bars, even though the MO is below
zero and showing a red bar. This is an indication that price direction may be changing. We will continue to
follow stop loss rule #6, and will use the current value of the Safety Line, 27.03, as our trailing stop loss (red
“x”). We’ll follow the Safety Line until we are stopped out.

Illustration 6.56. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 17. (IP, 7/27/05-10/14/05).

xx x


x Stop loss
x at 27.03

Day 18, 10/17/05 Illustration 6.57

At the end of Day 18, we find that the ACC is above the zero line and green. Also, the value of the MO signal
line continues to be only slightly greater than the value of the histogram bars. Moreover, even though the MO
is below zero, it is showing a green bar. This is an indication that price direction may soon be changing. We will
continue to follow stop loss rule #6, and will use the current value of the Safety Line, 26.95, as our trailing stop
loss (red “x”). We’ll follow the Safety Line until we are stopped out.

Illustration 6.57. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 18. (IP, 7/27/05-10/17/05).

xx x


Stop loss at 26.95

Day 19, 10/18/05 Illustration 6.58

The market opened at 27.43. Since that price is above our stop loss price of 26.95, we’ve been stopped out.
We entered the market at 30.35, our gain is $2.92 per share.

Illustration 6.58. Short trade with MOXO entry, Day 19. (IP, 7/27/05-10/18/05).

xx x

x Stopped out
x at 27.43


The preceding examples have taken you step-by step through four stock trades (remember that futures trades
use the same rules and methodology.) You have learned how to identify long and short fractal and MOXO
entry signals and stop loss points. You have seen how TFE guides you into, through, and out of profitable

Let’s now examine two futures trades, one long fractal entry and one short MOXO entry.

Long Gold Futures Fractal Entry Trade

Setup Day, 9/7/05 Illustration 6.59

On 9/7/05, we can see that a buy fractal has formed and TFE has generated a buy signal based on the 9/2/05
fractal bar. The high of the fractal bar is 453.70. Gold has a tick value of 0.10. That is, for every tick, price
moves 0.10 on the price chart. So, we will set our entry point at 2 ticks (0.20) above that price, or 453.90.

Also, the lowest low of the last three price bars (including the signal bar) for this Fractal entry is 439.1. The
lowest Stability line below the low of the signal bar is the Fence, at 445.20. Since the value of the Fence is not
below the value of the lowest low of the last three price bars, we’ll set our first-day stop loss point at 439.10
(red “x”), the lowest of the three most recent bars. You may, of course, employ a different method of
determining a stop loss that is in keeping with your risk tolerance and money management practices.

Illustration 6.59. Possible long trade with Fractal entry. (GCG6 – Feb ’06 Gold, 6/28/05-9/7/05).

Now that we have determined our entry point and initial stop loss point, and have either given the information
to our broker or entered it into our electronic trading platform, we are ready to trade. Our overall plan is to enter
the market when the price equals or exceeds 453.90, and in accordance with the initial stop loss rule, we have
set our initial stop loss at 439.10. To demonstrate the functionality of the stop loss algorithms, we’ll trade
aggressively. Let’s see what occurs on the next day,9/8/05.

Day 1, 9/8/05 Illustration 6.60

The 9/8/05 bar has exceeded our entry price, and we are in the market at 453.90. Since the low of the current
bar is above the Stability Lines, we are now following stop loss rule #3. We are trading aggressively, so we’ll
use the lowest Stability Line. In this case, the Wall, at 447.30, has the lowest value, so we will set that as our
stop loss point (red “x”). We also note that the ACC is showing two consecutive red bars. This is an early
warning that the speed at which price is moving is slowing down. However, since the MO is above zero and
green, and the MO Signal Line is less than the value of the MO histogram bars, an overall change in direction
is not indicated.

Illustration 6.60. Long futures trade with Fractal entry. (GCG6 – Feb ’06 Gold, 6/28/05-9/8/05).

Day 2, 9/9/05 Illustration 6.61

At the end of Day 2, we find that the ACC is now above zero and green. Moreover, the MO is above zero,
green, and the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of the histogram bars. Thus, a change in
overall direction is not indicated. We are still observing stop loss rule #3 and are trailing the Wall, whose
current value is 447.80. Therefore, we will use 447.80 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”).

Illustration 6.61. Long futures trade with Fractal entry. (GCG6 – Feb ’06 Gold, 6/28/05-9/9/05).

Day 3, 9/12/05 Illustration 6.62

At the end of Day 3, we find that the ACC is above zero and still green. Moreover, the MO remains above zero,
green, and the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of the histogram bars. Thus, a change in
overall direction is not indicated. We are still observing stop loss rule #3 and are trailing the Wall, whose
current value is 448.30. Therefore, we will use 448.30 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”).

Illustration 6.62. Long futures trade with Fractal entry. (GCG6 – Feb ’06 Gold, 6/28/05-9/12/05).

Day 4, 9/13/05 Illustration 6.63

At the end of Day 4, we find that the ACC is above zero and is showing a red bar, indicating that the speed of
upward price movement is slowing. In addition, while the MO remains above zero, it is also showing a red bar,
indicating a weakening of the momentum. However, the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of
the histogram bars. Thus, a change in overall direction is not yet indicated. We are still observing stop loss rule
#3 and are trailing the Wall, whose current value is 448.80. Therefore, we will use 448.80 as our trailing stop
loss (red “x”).

Illustration 6.63. Long futures trade with Fractal entry. (GCG6 – Feb ’06 Gold, 6/28/05-9/13/05).

Day 5, 9/14/05 Illustration 6.64

At the end of Day 4, we find that the ACC is now showing two consecutive red bars. It has also crossed the
zero line from positive to negative, indicating that the speed of upward price movement is continuing to slow
down. In addition, while the MO remains above zero, it is also showing a second consecutive red bar,
indicating further weakening of the momentum. However, the value of the MO signal line is still lower than the
value of the histogram bars. Thus, a change in overall direction is not yet indicated. However, the ACC has
crossed the zero line, requiring us to observe stop loss rule #5, and move our stop loss point to the Safety
Line. The Safety Line’s current value is 455.70. Therefore, we will use 455.70 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”),
and will follow the Safety Line until we are stopped out.

Illustration 6.64. Long futures trade with Fractal entry. (GCG6 – Feb ’06 Gold, 6/28/05-9/14/05).

Day 6, 9/15/05 Illustration 6.65

At the end of Day 6, we find that the ACC is has crossed the zero line from negative to positive, and is now
showing a green bar. In addition, the MO remains above zero and is also showing a green bar. Moreover, the
value of the MO signal line is still lower than the value of the histogram bars. Thus, a change in overall
direction from up to down is not yet indicated. We continue to observe stop loss rule #5, and are using the
Safety Line, at 457.60, as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the Safety Line until we are stopped out.

Illustration 6.65. Long futures trade with Fractal entry. (GCG6 – Feb ’06 Gold, 6/28/05-9/15/05).

Day 7, 9/16/05 Illustration 6.66

At the end of Day 7, we find that the ACC is positive and green. In addition, the MO is above zero and green.
Moreover, the value of the MO signal line is still lower than the value of the histogram bars. Given the
foregoing information, it appears that the upward momentum is strengthening. We continue to observe stop
loss rule #5, and are using the Safety Line, at 462.00, as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the
Safety Line until we are stopped out.

Illustration 6.66. Long futures trade with Fractal entry. (GCG6 – Feb ’06 Gold, 6/28/05-9/16/05).

Day 8, 9/19/05 Illustration 6.67

At the end of Day 8, we find that the ACC is positive and green. In addition, the MO is above zero and green.
Moreover, the value of the MO signal line is still lower than the value of the histogram bars. Given the
foregoing information, it appears that the upward momentum remains strong. We continue to observe stop loss
rule #5, and are using the Safety Line, at 467.60, as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the Safety
Line until we are stopped out.

Illustration 6.67. Long futures trade with Fractal entry. (GCG6 – Feb ’06 Gold, 6/28/05-9/19/05).

Day 9, 9/20/05 Illustration 6.68a

At the end of Day 9, we find that the ACC is positive, but showing a red bar. This is an early warning of a
possible slow down in the speed at which price is moving. However, the MO is above zero and green, and the
value of the MO signal line is still lower than the value of the histogram bars. Given the foregoing information,
no change in the overall upward direction is indicated. We continue to observe stop loss rule #5, and are using
the Safety Line, at 471.20, as our trailing stop loss (red “x”). We will follow the Safety Line until we are stopped

Illustration 6.68a. Long futures trade with Fractal entry. (GCG6 – Feb ’06 Gold, 6/28/05-9/20/05).

Day 10, 9/21/05 Illustration 6.68b
The market opened today at 471.20 which means our stop loss was hit today and we are out at 471.20. Each
.10 of gain or loss in Gold is worth $10.00. We entered the market at 453.90 and exited at 471.20 for a gain of
173 points which translates to about $1,730 in gains for this trade.

Illustration 6.68b. Long futures trade with Fractal entry. (GCG6 – Feb ’06 Gold, 6/28/05-9/21/05).

Next, let’s examine another future’s trade, this time using a short MOXO entry.

A Short British Pound Futures Trade with Momentum Crossover (MOXO) Entry from Entry to Exit

Setup Day, 9/16/05 Illustration 6.69

In Illustration 6.69 below, we can see that the Momentum Oscillator has crossed the zero line, and that the
value of 3SMA Safety Line, at 1.8088, is lower than the value of the Fence, at 1.8167. This satisfies the
conditions for a valid MOXO entry.

The low of the signal bar is 1.7991. We will set our entry point at 2 ticks below that price. Since British Pound’s
tick value is .0001, our entry price would be 1.7991 minus .0002, or 1.7989.

Also, the highest high of the last three price bars (including the signal bar) for this MOXO entry is 1.8274. The
highest Stability line above the high of the signal bar is the Tripwire, at 1.8245. Since the value of the Tripwire
is not above the value of the highest high of the last three price bars, we’ll set our first-day stop loss point at
1.8274 (red “x”), the highest high of the three most recent bars. You may, of course, employ a different method
of determining a stop loss that is in keeping with your risk tolerance and money management practices.

Illustration 6.69. Possible short trade with MOXO entry. (BPZ5, 7/15/05-9/16/05).

Now that we have determined our entry point and initial stop loss point, and have either given the information
to our broker or entered it into our electronic trading platform, we are ready to trade. Our overall plan is to enter
the market when the price equals or falls below 1.7989, and in accordance with the initial stop loss rule, we
have set our initial stop loss at 1.8274. To demonstrate the functionality of the stop loss algorithms, we’ll trade
aggressively. Let’s see what occurs on the next day,9/19/05.

Day 1, 9/19/05 Illustration 6.70

The 9/19/05 bar has fallen below our entry price, and we are in the market at 1.7989. Since the high of the
current bar is below the Stability Lines, we are now following stop loss rule #3. We are trading aggressively, so
we’ll use the highest Stability Line until the Wall becomes the highest. In this case, the Tripwire, at 1.8207, has
the highest value, so we will set that as our stop loss point (red “x”). We also note that the ACC is negative and
red. Moreover, the MO is also below zero and red, and the MO Signal Line is greater than the value of the MO
histogram bars. Thus, an overall change in direction is not indicated.

Illustration 6.70. Possible short trade with MOXO entry. (BPZ5, 7/15/05-9/19/05).

x Stop loss at 1.8207

Entered trade
at 1.7989

Day 2, 9/20/05 Illustration 6.71

At the end of Day 2, we find that the ACC is below zero but showing one green bar. This is an early warning
that the speed at which price is moving is slowing down. However, the MO is below zero, red, and the value of
the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars. Thus, a change in overall direction is not
indicated. We are still observing stop loss rule #3 and are trailing the Tripwire, whose current value is 1.8163,
just above the Wall, which is at 1.8156. Therefore, we will use 1.8163 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”).

Illustration 6.71. Possible short trade with MOXO entry. (BPZ5, 7/15/05-9/20/05).

x Stop loss at 1.8163

Entered trade
at 1.7989

Day 3, 9/21/05 Illustration 6.72

At the end of Day 3, we find that the ACC is below zero and showing two consecutive green bars. This is a
strong early warning that the speed at which price is moving is slowing down. Also, although the MO is below
zero, it is showing one green bar, an indication that the strength of the downward trend may be weakening.
However the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars. Thus, a change in
overall direction is not indicated at this time. We are still observing stop loss rule #3 and are trailing the Wall,
whose current value, at 1.8164, just above the Tripwire, which is at 1.8136. Therefore, we will use 1.8164 as
our trailing stop loss (red “x”).

Illustration 6.72. Possible short trade with MOXO entry. (BPZ5, 7/15/05-9/21/05).

x x Stop loss at 1.8164

Entered trade
at 1.7989

Day 4, 9/22/05 Illustration 6.73

At the end of Day 4, we find that the ACC is below zero and red. The MO is also below zero and red, and the
value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars. Thus, a change in overall direction
from down to up is not indicated at this time. We are still observing stop loss rule #3 and are trailing the Wall,
whose current value, at 1.8168, is the highest of the three Stability Lines. Therefore, we will use 1.8168 as our
trailing stop loss (red “x”).

Illustration 6.73. Possible short trade with MOXO entry. (BPZ5, 7/15/05-9/22/05).

xx x Stop loss at 1.8168

Entered trade
at 1.7989

Day 5, 9/23/05 Illustration 6.74

At the end of Day 5, we find that the ACC is below zero and red. The MO is also below zero and red, and the
value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars. Thus, a change in overall direction
from down to up is not indicated at this time. The foregoing information indicates that the downward
momentum is still strong. We are still observing stop loss rule #3 and are trailing the Wall, whose current value,
at 1.8152, is the highest of the three Stability Lines. Therefore, we will use 1.8152 as our trailing stop loss (red

Illustration 6.74. Possible short trade with MOXO entry. (BPZ5, 7/15/05-9/23/05).

x x x x Stop loss at 1.8152

Entered trade
at 1.7989

Day 6, 9/26/05 Illustration 6.75

At the end of Day 6, we find that the ACC is below zero and red. The MO is also below zero and red, and the
value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars. Thus, a change in overall direction
from down to up is not indicated at this time. The foregoing information indicates that the downward
momentum is still strong. We are still observing stop loss rule #3 and are trailing the Wall, whose current value,
at 1.8117, is the highest of the three Stability Lines. Therefore, we will use 1.8117 as our trailing stop loss (red

Illustration 6.75. Possible short trade with MOXO entry. (BPZ5, 7/15/05-9/26/05).

xx x x
x Stop loss at 1.8117

Entered trade
at 1.7989

Day 7, 9/27/05 Illustration 6.76

At the end of Day 7, we find that the ACC is below zero and showing one green bar. This is an early warning of
a possible slowing up of the speed at which price is moving. The MO is also below zero and red, and the value
of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars. Thus, a change in overall direction from
down to up is not indicated at this time. We are still observing stop loss rule #3 and are trailing the Wall, whose
current value, at 1.8071, is the highest of the three Stability Lines. Therefore, we will use 1.8071 as our trailing
stop loss (red “x”).

Illustration 6.76. Possible short trade with MOXO entry. (BPZ5, 7/15/05-9/27/05).

xx x x
x Stop loss at 1.8071

Entered trade
at 1.7989

Day 8, 9/28/05 Illustration 6.77

At the end of Day 8, we find that the ACC is below zero and showing two consecutive green bars. This is an
early warning of a possible slowing up of the speed at which price is moving. The MO is below zero and red,
and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars. Thus, while price movement
may be slowing, a change in overall direction from down to up is not indicated at this time. We are still
observing stop loss rule #3 and are trailing the Wall, whose current value, at 1.8023, is the highest of the three
Stability Lines. Therefore, we will use 1.8023 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”).

Illustration 6.77. Possible short trade with MOXO entry. (BPZ5, 7/15/05-9/28/05).

xx x x
x Stop loss
x at 1.8023
Entered trade
at 1.7989

Day 9, 9/29/05 Illustration 6.78

At the end of Day 9, we find that the ACC is below zero and showing three consecutive green bars. This is a
very strong warning that the speed at which price is moving is slowing down. However, the MO is below zero
and red, and the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars. Thus, while price
movement may be slowing a change in overall direction from down to up is not indicated at this time.
Nevertheless, with three consecutive green ACC bars, stop loss rule #4 takes effect, requiring us to move
down one Stability Line. Thus, we will move from trailing the Wall to trailing the Tripwire. Therefore, we will use
the Tripwire’s value of 1.7836 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”).

Illustration 6.78. Possible short trade with MOXO entry. (BPZ5, 7/15/05-9/29/05).

xx x x
Entered trade
at 1.7989
x Stop loss
at 1.7836

Day 10, 9/30/05 Illustration 6.79

At the end of Day 10, we find that the ACC is below zero and showing four consecutive green bars (the fourth
green bar has such a low value that it isn’t visible.) This is a very strong warning that the speed at which price
is moving is slowing down. In addition, although the MO is below zero, it is now showing a green bar. However,
the value of the MO signal line is greater than the value of the histogram bars. This information is an indication
that momentum may be slowing and turning. Nevertheless, while price movement may be slowing a change in
overall direction from down to is not indicated at this time. We are presently observing stop loss rule #4, and
will use the Tripwire’s value of 1.7791 as our trailing stop loss (red “x”) until the ACC shows three more
consecutive green bars, or until the ACC crosses from negative to positive or until we are stopped out.

Illustration 6.79. Possible short trade with MOXO entry. (BPZ5, 7/15/05-9/30/05).

xx x x
Entered trade
at 1.7989
x Stop loss
at 1.7791

Day 11, 10/3/05 Illustration 6.80

At the end of Day 11, we find that the ACC has crossed the zero line from negative to positive. This is very
strong evidence that the speed at which price is moving has slowed down. In addition, although the MO is
below zero, it is now showing two green bars. Moreover, although the value of the MO signal line is greater
than the value of the histogram bars, it is only barely so. This information is an indication that momentum is in
the process of slowing and turning.

Since the ACC has crossed zero, we are required to observe rule #5, which calls for us to change our stop loss
line to the Safety Line. Accordingly, we will use the Safety Line’s value of 1.7575 as our trailing stop loss (red
“x”) until we are stopped out.

Illustration 6.80. Possible short trade with MOXO entry. (BPZ5, 7/15/05-10/3/05).

xx x x
Entered trade
at 1.7989

Stop loss
at 1.7575

Day 12, 10/4/05 Illustration 6.81

Our stop loss was hit today and we are out at 1.7575. Each .0001 of gain or loss in British Pound is worth
$6.25. We entered the market at 1.7989 and exited at 1.7575 for a gain of 414 points. 414 points times $6.25
comes to about $2,587 in gains for this trade.

Illustration 6.81. Possible short trade with MOXO entry. (BPZ5, 7/15/05-10/4/05).

xx x x
Entered trade
at 1.7989

Stopped out
at 1.7575

The preceding examples have taken you step-by step through six trades with long and short fractal and MOXO
entries for stocks and futures. You have learned how to identify entry signals and stop loss points. You have
learned to use the Gatekeeper, the ACC, and the MO to help in your trading decisions. You have seen how
TFE guides you into, through, and out of profitable trades. Finally, you have seen how powerful the system is.

In the next module, you’ll learn how to exit with minimal loss when the market moves against your
position. It answers the question, “If the market moves against my position, where do I exit?”

Module 7. Exiting when the market moves against your position.

In this module, you’ll learn how to exit with minimal loss when the market moves against your position.
It answers the question, “If the market moves against my position, where do I exit?” Again, any
reference to stocks in this section applies equally to futures.

The Fractal’s Edge was designed to guide you into, through, and out of your trades. However, no system is
perfect. From time to time, TFE will generate a signal, you’ll do your planning, and you’ll enter a trade.
However, the market will, for whatever reason, move in the opposite direction. Fortunately, because of the
interaction between the Gatekeeper, the Momentum Oscillator, and the Accelerometer, TFE will guide you out
of those trades, usually with minimum loss.

To demonstrate how this works, we’ll take you through two trades—one long, and one short.

Exiting a long trade where the market has moved against your position

The set up: Assume that today is 11/17/05. On 11/11/05, TFE generates a MOXO buy signal for BMY at
22.16. Recall from Module 5 that a MOXO signal is valid until hit. Your initial stop loss is at 21.15, the low of
the signal bar, which is also the lowest of the three most current bars as of 11/11/05. The ACC is positive and
green. The MO is positive and green, and the value of the MO Signal Line is less than the value of the
histogram bars. No change in direction is indicated. Your plan is to enter the trade when price equals or
exceeds 22.16, and to exit when your daily stop loss is hit. Illustration 7.1 depicts the set up.
Illustration 7.1. Set up for possible long MOXO entry (BMY, 9/1/05 11/17/05)

Day 1, 11/18/05 Illustration 7.2

The 11/18/05 bar has exceeded our entry price, and we are in the market at 22.16. Since the low of the current
bar is above the Stability Lines, we are now following stop loss rule #3. We are trading aggressively, so we’ll
use the lowest Stability Line. In this case, the Wall, at 21.54, has the lowest value, so we will set that as our
stop loss point (red “x”). We note that the ACC is positive and green. In addition, since the MO is above zero
and green, and the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of the histogram bars, a change in
overall direction is not yet indicated.

Illustration 7.2. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 1 (BMY, 9/1/05-11/18/05)

Day 2, 11/21/05 Illustration 7.3

At the end of Day 2, we find that the ACC is positive and green. In addition, since the MO is above zero and
green, and the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of the histogram bars, a change in overall
direction is not yet indicated. We will continue to observe stop loss rule #3, using the Wall, at 21.61, as our
stop loss point (red “x”).

Illustration 7.3. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 2 (BMY, 9/1/05-11/21/05)

Day 3, 11/22/05 Illustration 7.4

At the end of Day 3, we find that the ACC is positive, but showing one red bar. This is an early indication that
the speed at which price is moving may be slowing down. However, since the MO is above zero and green,
and the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of the histogram bars, a change in overall direction
is not yet indicated. We will continue to observe stop loss rule #3, using the Wall, at 21.68, as our stop loss
point (red “x”).

Illustration 7.4. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 3 (BMY, 9/1/05-11/22/05)

Day 4, 11/23/05 Illustration 7.5

At the end of Day 4, we find that the ACC is positive, but showing two consecutive red bars. This is an early
indication that the speed at which price is moving is beginning to slow. However, since the MO is above zero
and green, and the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of the histogram bars, a change in
overall direction is not yet indicated. We will continue to observe stop loss rule #3, using the Wall, at 21.77, as
our stop loss point (red “x”).

Illustration 7.5. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 4 (BMY, 9/1/05-11/23/05)

Day 5, 11/25/05 Illustration 7.6

At the end of Day 5, we find that the ACC is positive, but showing three consecutive red bars (the third bar’s
value is so low that it’s very visible.) This is a strong early indication that the speed at which price is moving is
beginning to slow. In addition, although the MO is above zero, it is showing a red bar. This is an indication that
momentum is beginning to weaken. However, since the value of the MO signal line is lower than the value of
the histogram bars, a change in overall direction is not yet indicated.

Since the ACC had presented us with three consecutive red bars, it is time to observe stop loss rule #5. Thus,
we will move from the Wall, to the Tripwire. At 22.09, we will use the Tripwire as our stop loss point (red “x”).

Illustration 7.6. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 5 (BMY, 9/1/05-11/25/05)

Day 6, 11/28/05 Illustration 7.7

TFE guided us out of this trade at 22.09 for a minimal loss of $0.07 per share.

Illustration 7.7. Long trade with MOXO entry, Day 6 (BMY, 9/1/05-11/28/05)

Let’s now take a look at how TFE guides us into, through, and out of a short trade when the market
turns against our position.

Exiting a short trade where the market has moved against your position

The set up: Assume that today is 10/10/05, and we are following the 9/21/05 Fractal sell signal, at 30.85. Our
initial stop loss is at 36.27, the value of the 9/19/05 Tripwire, which is the highest Stability Line above the
highest high among the 9/21/05 Fractal bar and the two preceding bars. The ACC is negative but green. The
MO is negative and red, but the value of the MO Signal Line is less than the value of the histogram bars. This
is strong evidence that a change in direction may occur in the near future. Nonetheless, our plan is to enter the
trade when price equals or falls below 30.85, and to exit when our daily stop loss is hit. Illustration 7.8 depicts
the set up.

Illustration 7.8. Short trade with Fractal entry, Day 1 (LVS, 7/26/05-10/10/05)

Day 1,10/11/05 Illustration 7.9

The 10/11/05 bar has fallen just below our entry price, and we are in the market at 30.85. We note that the
ACC is negative, but with two consecutive green bars (the second bar is not visible because the value is so
low.) In addition, the MO is below zero and green, and the value of the MO signal line is slightly lower than the
value of the histogram bars. All of these indications point to a change in overall direction. Nevertheless, since
the high of the current bar is below the highest Stability Line, we are now following stop loss rule #3. We are
trading aggressively, so we’ll use the highest Stability Line. In this case, the Tripwire, at 32.48, has the highest
value, so we will set that as our stop loss point (red “x”).

Illustration 7.9. Set up for possible short Fractal entry (LVS, 7/26/05-10/11/05)

Day 2, 10/12/05 Illustration 7.10

At the end of Day 2, we find that the ACC is negative and red. The MO is also below zero and red, and the
value of the MO signal line is now greater than the value of the current histogram bar. At this time, an overall
change in direction is not indicated. We continue to observe stop loss rule #3, using the Tripwire, at 32.23, as
our stop loss point (red “x”).

Illustration 7.10. Short trade with Fractal entry, Day 2 (LVS, 7/26/05-10/12/05)

Day 3, 10/13/05 Illustration 7.11

At the end of Day 3, we find that the ACC is still negative and red. The MO also remains below zero and red,
and the value of the MO signal line is still greater than the value of the current histogram bar. At this time, an
overall change in direction is not indicated. We continue to observe stop loss rule #3, moving from the Tripwire
to the Wall, which is now the Stability Line with the highest value. We are now using the Wall, at 32.05, as our
stop loss point (red “x”).

Illustration 7.11. Short trade with Fractal entry, Day 3 (LVS, 7/26/05-10/13/05)

Day 4, 10/14/05 Illustration 7.12

At the end of Day 4, we find that the ACC is negative, but green. The MO also remains below zero, but is now
green, and the value of the MO signal line is still greater than the value of the current histogram bar. This is an
early warning of a possible change in overall direction. We continue to observe stop loss rule #3, using the
Wall, at 31.99, as our stop loss point (red “x”).

Illustration 7.12. Short trade with Fractal entry, Day 4 (LVS, 7/26/05-10/14/05)

Day 5, 10/17/05 Illustration 7.13

At the end of Day 5, we find that the ACC crossed the zero line from negative to positive. The MO also remains
below zero, but is now showing two consecutive green bars. Since the value of the MO signal line is now less
than the value of the current histogram bar, we have a strong warning of a possible change in overall direction.

With the ACC crossing the zero line, it is time to observe stop loss rule #6, which requires us to immediately
move to and follow the Safety Line. The value of the Safety Line is 30.74, so we will set that value as our stop
loss point (red “x”).

Illustration 7.13. Short trade with Fractal entry, Day 5 (LVS, 7/26/05-10/17/05)

Day 6, 10/18/05 Illustration 7.14

Our stop loss was filled at the open, and we are out of the trade at 30.98 for a small loss of $0.13 per share.

Illustration 7.14. Short trade with Fractal entry, Day 6 (LVS, 7/26/05-10/18/05)

The preceding modules have provided detailed instruction that answers the following questions:

A. How do I select a stock to trade?

B. After I make my selection, is there a potential trade?
C. If so, where is my entry point?
D. What should my initial stop loss be?
E. How do I determine my daily stop loss value?
F. How do I know when to exit?
G. If the market moves against my position, where do I exit?

You should now have a good basic understanding of how to trade with The Fractal’s Edge. However, trading
without a good money management approach is doomed to failure. The next module, Module 8, presents a
simple system for money management.

Module 8, SECTION ONE: Money Management Guidelines for Trading Stocks with TFE
(If you are trading only futures, skip ahead to SECTION TWO)

Money management is the most important and most often neglected aspect of trading. It answers the
questions, “How much can I safely risk on this trade?” and “What should my position size be?”

According to the literature, most trading gurus recommend that a trader risk no more than 2% of total account
equity on any one trade. Some place volatility into the mix, while others talk about the virtues of diversification.
The goal of this module is to present a strategy for preserving capital so that you can trade another
day while building account equity.

In trading with TFE, we take a multifaceted approach to money management that can be broken down into
these simple strategies:
1. Allocate 75% of your total account size to available trading equity, and keep the remaining 25% in
2. Screen stocks and allocate them to your portfolio according to the risk diversification matrix below:

Low Risk — 50% Medium Risk— 30% Speculative — 20%

Large, Mid, Small Cap: Large, Mid, Small Cap: Any Size Cap, Share Price $5+
Share Price $20+ Share Price $20+
Large, Mid, Small Cap: Large, Mid, Small Cap:
Share Price $5 to $20 Share Price $5 to $20 Find stocks that exhibit these
Find stocks that exhibit these Find stocks that exhibit these e • The stock tends to trend
traits: traits: • Bars are less consistent in
• The stock tends to trend length with a
• The stock tends to trend
• Bars are short and more preponderance of longer
• Bars are fairly consistent in
uniform in length (low bars (high volatility).
length, with a few
occasional longer bars • Bars regularly breach the
• Bars occasionally breach (medium volatility). Fence
the Fence
• Bars are also more likely to • Bars are also more likely to
• Bars rarely breach the breach the Tripwire breach the Tripwire
• Bars will once in a while • Bars will once in a while
• Bars breach the Wall only breach the Wall breach the Wall
during a major change in
Stocks from the Medium-Risk Stocks from the High-Risk pre-
Stocks from the Low-Risk pre- pre-built portfolio match these built portfolio match these
built portfolio match these characteristics characteristics

To illustrate how the matrix works, we’ll assume a beginning account size of $30,000 and ability to buy on 50%

• We’ll use 75% of that amount, or $22,500 for available trading equity, and we’ll hold 25%, or $7,500, in
reserve. The $22,500 represents $45,000 in buying power.

• First, we’ll allocate 50% of the $22,500 available trading equity, or $11,250, to stocks in the low-
risk/value category

• Then we’ll put 30% of the $22,500 available trading equity, or $6,750, into stocks in the medium-
risk/value category
• Finally, we’ll allocate 20% of the $22,500 available trading equity, or $4,500, to stocks in the
speculative category

Position Size
3. We want to have the ability to maximize our ability to diversify (i.e., stocks from several sectors in odd
lots to 100-share lots) or to trade with greater initial position size (lots of greater than 100 shares) as the
opportunity arises. The following simple formula will help you with your position sizing and risk
management goals. Assuming that we buy our shares on a 50% margin, and we want to diversify our
trading across several sectors and with at least ten stocks (1000 total shares), then:

• In the low-risk category, we can purchase 500 shares (five 100-share lots representing 50% of the 1000
shares) at a price no greater than $45.00 per share ($11,250*2)/500.
• In the medium-risk category, we can purchase 300 shares (three 100-share lots representing 30% of
the 1000 shares) at a price no greater than $45.00 per share ($6,750*2)/300.
• In the high-risk category, we can purchase 200 shares (two 100-share lots representing 20% of the
1000 shares) at a price no greater than $45.00 per share ($4,500*2)/200.

Let’s see what happens if one of the low-risk stocks we want to trade is at a price over $45.00 per share—
say, at $65.00. Assuming the $30,000 account above and 50% margin, we would put up $3,250, leaving
us with $8,000 of our initial $11,250. In keeping with our goal of five low-risk stocks, we could still enter four
100-lot trades at a maximum of $40.00 per share ($8,000*2)/400.

The idea here is that you can be flexible in position size and still meet your diversification goals.

This answers the question, “What should my position size be?”

Volatility Risk
4. Because we are making short-term trades, we need to include a measure of short-term volatility in our stop
loss. TFE takes volatility into account when computing stop loss points by using the highest high (or lowest
low) of the three most recent bars (including the signal bar). This gives us a reliable measure of short-term
volatility for short-term trading. We want this stop loss to represent no more than 3% of our total
account equity. If your account equity is $30,000, then 3% of that amount would be $900. On the other
hand, if your account equity is $10,000, then 3% of that amount would be $300.

In our example of a long trade in Module 6, Illustration 6.1, we used the bar with the lowest low (45.41) of
the most recent three bars to set the stop loss. When subtracted from the entry price (50.36), we had a
range of 4.95, including the volatility factor. This 4.95 represented an initial risk of $495, or 1.7%
($495/$30,000) of our total account equity. The minimum account size to make this trade using the volatility
risk stop would be $16,500.

If your account size were $10,000, then the most you would want to risk on this trade would be $300. On a
100-lot trade, this would mean adjusting the stop loss in Module 6, Illustration 6.1, to 50.36 (entry price)
minus 3.00 (maximum risk), or 50.36-3.00= 47.36.

For stock traders, this answers the question, “How much am I willing to risk on this trade?”

Module 8, SECTION TWO. Money Management Guidelines for Trading Commodities with TFE

Money management is the most important and most often neglected aspect of trading. It answers the
questions, “How much can I safely risk on this trade?” “What should my position size be?” and, “Will the reward
be worth the risk?”

According to the literature, most trading gurus recommend that a trader risk no more than 2% of total account
equity on any one trade. Some place volatility into the mix, while others talk about the virtues of diversification.

As with any system, occasional whipsaws will occur, usually, but not always, with a relatively small loss.
However, since risk and loss are a fact of life in trading, money management is absolutely essential. What
follows is an outline of money management practices we suggest you use when trading with TFE.

In this module, you will learn how to diversify your own trading portfolio based on your account equity
and the risk category for each futures contract. While you will find that the mix of contracts in your portfolio
will vary according to your available trading equity, it is this diversity that helps preserve and build equity. With
this in mind, we have designed portfolios for two modes of trading: Secure Growth and Accelerated Growth.
Illustration 8.1 describes them.

Illustration 8.1. Definition and Description of Trading Modes
For traders with between $2,500 and 50,000 in available trade equity.
Secure Growth Traders in this mode are building equity toward the Aggressive Growth
Position size: 1 contract per
market segment up to the This mode is divided into:
maximum number of • Level 1 ($2,500 to $12,000)
contracts allowed for the • Level 2 ($12,500 to $29,500)
mode as determined by • Level 3, ($30,000 to $50,000).
available trade equity.
Commodities falling within the parameters of the Secure Growth Mode

Portfolio Market Segments

Corn, Oats, Rough Rice, Wheat, Soybean Oil
Eurodollar, 2-year Notes, 5-year Notes, Muni Bonds Index, 10-year Notes
Interest Rates/Financials
1-Month LIBOR, CRB Index
Sugar, Cocoa, Cotton
Lean Hogs, Live Cattle
Gold, Silver
Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar, New Zealand Dollar, US Dollar Index
Swiss Franc

For traders with $51K or more in available trade equity.

Aggressive Growth
Traders in this mode are building toward increased wealth.
Position size: 1-3 contracts per
market segment up to the This mode is divided into:
maximum number of contracts • Level 4 ($51,000 to $100,000)
allowed for the mode as • Level 5 (above $100,000)
determined by available trade
equity. Commodities falling within the parameters of the Aggressive Growth
Portfolio Market Segments
Grains Corn, Oats, Rough Rice, Wheat, Soybean Oil, Soybean Meal, Soybeans
Interest Rates/Financials Eurodollar, 2-year Notes, 5-year Notes, Muni Bonds Index, 10-year Notes,
30-Year Bonds
Indices 1-Month LIBOR, CRB Index, Nikkei 225, Dow E-mini, Nasdaq E-mini, S&P
E-Mini, Value Line
Softs Sugar, Cocoa, Cotton, Orange Juice, Lumber, Coffee
Livestock Lean Hogs, Live Cattle, Feeder Cattle, Pork Bellies
Metals Gold, Silver, Palladium, Platinum, Copper
Currencies Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar, New Zealand Dollar, US Dollar Index
Swiss Franc, British Pound, Japanese Yen, Euro FX
Energies Crude Light, Heating Oil, Natural Gas, Unleaded Gas

A word about volatility, reward, and risk

Volatility is a statistical measure of the tendency of price to rise or fall sharply within a given time frame. In a
way, it’s a barometer of reward and risk. High volatility generates enormous price swings within very short
intervals. Highly volatile markets offer greater potential rewards, but also expose the trader to higher risk. Low
volatility, on the other hand, produces steadier, more gradual increases and decreases in price. As a
consequence, the rewards are usually less spectacular, but the risk of heavy losses is also much lower.
Moreover, each market sector has its own volatility. For example, the livestock group has a higher collective

volatility than the grains, but a lower collective volatility than the currencies. Therefore, it is important to build a
portfolio across and within all market sectors.

Illustration 8.2 below shows how the Secure Growth Mode portfolio is broken down for risk and diversification.
The commodities in the portfolio are categorized both horizontally and vertically according to their scaled
volatilities. Volatility increases from left to right and from top to bottom. Consequently, commodities in the
upper left cell have much lower volatilities than those in the lower right cell. Percentage amounts indicate the
proportion of available trade equity to be invested in each market segment.

Illustration 8.2 is only a guide. Whether you use the Watch Lists or do your own mapping, you may find that
some of the higher risk commodities are currently showing characteristics of lower risk commodities. On the
other hand, you may find some of the lower-risk contracts behaving like high-risk contracts. If this is the case,
you can move them to the left or right, placing them in the cell that best corresponds to their actual risk level.

Illustration 8.2. Secure Growth Portfolio--$2,500 to $50,000 (Combined Levels 1-3)

Sector Lower Risk Moderate Risk Higher Risk Speculative
50% 35% 15% 0%
Grains Corn Rough Rice Soybean Meal
Oats Wheat Soybeans
Soybean Oil
Financials Euro Dollars Municipal Bond 30-year Bonds
Two-year Notes Index
Five-year Notes Ten-year Notes
Indices 1-Month Libor CRB Index Nikkei 225
Softs Sugar Cotton Orange Juice
Livestock Lean Hogs Feeder Cattle
Live Cattle
Metals Gold Palladium
Silver Platinum
Currencies Canadian Dollar US Dollar Index British Pound
Australian Dollar Swiss Franc Japanese Yen
New Zealand
Energies Crude Light
Heating Oil

Determining Available Trade Equity in the Secure Growth Mode, Level 1 ($2,500 to $12,000)
We’ll use two scenarios in this example: the $2,500 account and the $10,000 account.

We want to commit no more than 40% of total account equity to the pits at any one time. To arrive at the
Maximum Available Trade Equity, multiply the total account equity by .4.

$2,500*.4= $1,000 $10,000*.4 = $4,000

Thus, the maximum Available Trade Equity for the $2,500 account is $1,000, while the maximum Available
Trade Equity for the $10,000 account is $4,000.

Determining Trading Mix from the Secure Growth Mode Level 1 Portfolio, $2,500 to $12,000
Illustration 8.3 below contains sixteen commodities that can be traded within the parameters of Level 1.
NOTE: The margins listed in this module have been compiled from sources believed to be reliable, and are
provided here strictly for instructional purposes. However, since margin requirements are in constant flux and
are subject to change without notice, it would be best to consult your broker prior to actual trading.

Illustration 8.3. Secure Growth Mode Level 1 Portfolio ($2,500 to $12,000)
Sector Lower Risk Moderate Risk Higher Risk Speculative
50% 50% 0% 0%
Grains Corn Rough Rice
Oats Wheat

Financials Euro Dollars Municipal Bond

Two-year Notes Index

Indices 1-Month Libor

Softs Sugar Cotton

Livestock Lean Hogs
Live Cattle
Metals Gold

Currencies Canadian Dollar

Australian Dollar


For the $2,500 account

Select one or more Lower-Risk contracts whose margin requirement fall within the $1,000 Max Available Trade
Equity. For a $2,500 account, any of the contracts below is viable.

Grains: Corn $506, Oats $338

Financials: Euro Dollars $700, Two-year Notes $540, Five-year Notes $675
Indices: 1-Month LIBOR $405
Softs: Sugar $700, Cocoa $980

Depending on your Low-risk selection, any ONE of the Moderate-risk contracts below is viable.

Grains: Rough Rice $513, Wheat $506

OR: ANY COMBINATION of allowable contracts that does not exceed $1,000. For example, you could go with
one Oats and one LIBOR, one Corn and one LIBOR, one LIBOR and one Wheat, one LIBOR and one Rice, or
one of any contract over $500. As an example, let’s say you chose one LIBOR and one Wheat. Your
allocations would be as follows:

Total Contracts = 2 Total equity committed = $911 Total reserves = $2,500 - $911 = $1,589

For the $10,000 portfolio, it would go something like this:

1) Compute Max Available Trade Equity

Max Available Trade Equity = $10,000*.4 = $4,000

2) Select Secure Growth contracts whose margin requirement falls within the $4,000 Max Available
Trade Equity
a) Allocate about 50% of the $4,000 ($2,500) to Lower-risk markets

In this case, we could go with any combination of these that comes to about $2,000. As an example,

One Oats $338, one Two-yr. Notes $540, one LIBOR $405, one Sugar $700. TOTAL MARGIN = $1,983.

b) Allocate the remaining $2,000 to the Moderate-risk markets. In this case, you could go with one of the
currencies, or you could select one Live Cattle $945 and one Cocoa $980. TOTAL MARGIN = $1,925.
At this point, your trading would be spread across Grains, Financials, Indices, Softs, and Livestock as

Total Contracts = 6 Total equity committed = $3,908 Total reserves = $10,000 - $3,908 = $6,092

Determining Trading Mix from the Secure Growth Mode Level 2 Portfolio, $12,500 to $29,000
Illustration 8.4 below contains the sixteen commodities that can be traded within the parameters of Level 1
plus an additional set (in bold).

Illustration 8.4. Secure Growth Mode Level 2 Portfolio ($12,500 to $29,500)

Sector Lower Risk Moderate Risk Higher Risk Speculative
50% 35% 15% 0%
Grains Corn Rough Rice Soybean Meal
Oats Wheat Soybeans
Soybean Oil
Financials Euro Dollars Municipal Bond
Two-year Notes Index
Five-year Notes Ten-year Notes
Indices 1-Month Libor CRB Index

Softs Sugar Cotton Orange Juice

Livestock Lean Hogs Feeder Cattle
Live Cattle
Metals Gold Palladium
Currencies Canadian Dollar US Dollar Index
Australian Dollar Swiss Franc
New Zealand

For an example of Level 2 diversification, we’ll assume an account size of $20,000.

1) Compute Max Available Trade Equity

Max Available Trade Equity = $20,000*.4 = $8,000

2) Select contracts whose margin requirement falls within the $8,000 Max Available Trade Equity
a) Allocate about 50% of the $8,000 ($4,000) to Lower-risk markets

In this case, we could go with any combination of these that comes to about $4,000. For example:
One Euro Dollars $700, one LIBOR $405, one Sugar $700, one Cocoa $980, one Canadian Dollar $1,215

Total Lower-risk equity committed = $4,000

Total Lower-risk contracts = 5

b) Allocate 35% of the $8,000 trade equity ($2,800) to contracts in the Moderate-risk markets

One Wheat $506, one Gold $2,025

Total Moderate-risk equity committed = $2,531

Total Moderate-risk contracts = 2

c) Allocate the remaining 15% of available trade equity ($1,200) to Higher-risk contracts
One Orange Juice $910

Total Higher-risk equity committed = $910

Total Higher-risk contracts = 1

Total Contracts = 8 Total equity committed = $7,441 Total reserves = $20,000 - $7,441 = $12,559

Market sectors represented in portfolio: Grains, Financials, Indices, Softs, Metals, Currencies

Determining Trading Mix from the Secure Growth Mode Level 3 Portfolio, $30,000 to $50,000
Illustration 8.5 below contains the twenty-nine commodities that can be traded within the parameters of Level
2 plus an additional set (in bold).

Illustration 8.5. Secure Growth Mode Level 3 Portfolio ($30,000 to $50,000)

Sector Lower Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Speculative
50% 35% 15% 0%
Grains Corn Rough Rice Soybean Meal
Oats Wheat Soybeans
Soybean Oil
Financials Euro Dollars Municipal Bond 30-year Bonds
Two-year Notes Index
Five-year Notes Ten-year Notes
Indices 1-Month Libor CRB Index Nikkei 225

Softs Sugar Cotton Orange Juice

Livestock Lean Hogs Feeder Cattle
Live Cattle
Metals Gold Palladium
Silver Platinum
Currencies Canadian Dollar US Dollar Index British Pound
Australian Dollar Swiss Franc Japanese Yen
New Zealand

For an example of Level 3 diversification, we’ll assume an account size of $40,000.

1) Compute Max Available Trade Equity

Max Available Trade Equity = $40,000*.4 = $16,000

2) Select contracts whose margin requirement falls within the $16,000 Max Available Trade Equity
a) Allocate about 50% of the $16,000 ($8,000) to Lower-risk markets

In this case, we could go with any combination of these that comes to about $8,000. For example:
One contract of each Lower-risk commodity, excepting New Zealand Dollar.

Total Lower-risk equity committed = $7,342

Total Lower-risk contracts = 10

b) Allocate 35% of the $16,000 trade equity ($5,600) to contracts in the Moderate-risk markets

One Wheat, one CRB Index, one Gold

Total Moderate-risk equity committed = $5,355

Total Moderate-risk contracts = 3

c) Allocate 15% of the $16,000 available trade equity ($2,400) to Higher-risk contracts
One Soybean Meal, one Orange Juice, one Feeder Cattle

Total Higher-risk equity committed = $2,969

Total Higher-risk contracts = 3

Total Contracts = 16 Total equity committed = $15,666 Total reserves = $40,000 - $15,666 = $24,334

Market sectors represented in portfolio: Grains, Financials, Indices, Softs, Livestock, Metals, Currencies

Determining Trading Mix from the Aggressive Growth Mode Level 4 Portfolio, $51,000 to $100,000
Illustration 8.6 below contains the thirty-four commodities that can be traded within the parameters of Secure
Growth Mode Level 3 plus an additional set (in bold).

Illustration 8.6. Aggressive Growth Mode Level 4 Portfolio ($51,000 to $100,000)

Sector Lower Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Speculative
40% 35% 15% 10%
Grains Corn Rough Rice Soybean Meal
Oats Wheat Soybeans
Soybean Oil
Financials Euro Dollars Municipal Bond 30-year Bonds
Two-year Notes Index
Five-year Notes Ten-year Notes
Indices 1-Month Libor CRB Index Nikkei 225 Dow E-mini

Softs Sugar Cotton Orange Juice Lumber

Cocoa Coffee
Livestock Lean Hogs Feeder Cattle Pork Bellies
Live Cattle
Metals Gold Palladium Copper
Silver Platinum
Currencies Canadian Dollar US Dollar Index British Pound
Australian Dollar Swiss Franc Japanese Yen
New Zealand
Energies Crude Light
Heating Oil

For an example of Level 4 diversification, we’ll assume an account size of $80,000.

1) Compute Max Available Trade Equity

Max Available Trade Equity = $80,000*.4 = $32,000

2) Select contracts whose margin requirement falls within the $32,000 Max Available Trade Equity
a) Allocate about 40% of the $32,000 ($12,800) to Lower-risk markets

In this case, we could go with any combination of these that comes to about $12,800. For example:
Two contracts each of Corn, Oats, Euro Dollars, 2-yr Notes, 5-yr Notes, and Sugar, and one contract of
each of the rest.

Total Lower-risk equity committed = $12,556

Total Lower-risk contracts = 17

b) Allocate 35% of the $32,000 trade equity ($11,200) to contracts in the Moderate-risk markets

One each of Soybean Oil, CRB Index, Cotton, Lean Hogs, Live Cattle, Gold, and Silver

Total Moderate-risk equity committed = $11,215

Total Moderate-risk contracts = 7

c) Allocate 15% of the $32,000 available trade equity ($4,800) to Higher-risk contracts
One each of Soybeans, Municipal Bonds, Orange Juice, and Feeder Cattle

Total Higher-risk equity committed = $4,893

Total Higher-risk contracts = 4

d) Allocate 10% of the $32,000 available trade equity ($3,200) to Speculative contracts
One Coffee

Total Speculative equity committed = $3,080

Total Speculative contracts = 1

Total Contracts = 29 Total equity committed = $31,654 Total reserves = $80,000 - $31,744 = $48,256
Market sectors represented in portfolio: Grains, Financials, Indices, Softs, Livestock, Metals, Currencies and

Determining Trading Mix from the Aggressive Growth Mode Level 5 Portfolio, $101,000 and above
Illustration 8.7 below contains the forty commodities that can be traded within the parameters of Aggressive
Growth Mode Level 4 plus an additional set (in bold).

Illustration 8.7. Aggressive Growth Mode Level 5 Portfolio ($101,000 and above)
Sector Lower Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Speculative
30% 30% 20% 20%
Grains Corn Rough Rice Soybean Meal
Oats Wheat Soybeans
Soybean Oil
Financials Euro Dollars Municipal Bond 30-year Bonds
Two-year Notes Index
Five-year Notes Ten-year Notes
Indices 1-Month Libor CRB Index Nikkei 225 Dow E-mini
Nasdaq E-mini
S&P 500 E-mini
Value Line Futures
Softs Sugar Cotton Orange Juice Lumber
Cocoa Coffee
Livestock Lean Hogs Feeder Cattle Pork Bellies
Live Cattle
Metals Gold Palladium Copper
Silver Platinum
Currencies Canadian Dollar US Dollar Index British Pound Euro FX
Australian Dollar Swiss Franc Japanese Yen
New Zealand
Energies Crude Light Natural Gas
Heating Oil Unleaded Gas

For an example of Level 5 diversification, we’ll assume an account size of $150,000.

1) Compute Max Available Trade Equity

Max Available Trade Equity = $150,000*.4 = $60,000

2) Select contracts whose margin requirement falls within the $60,000 Max Available Trade Equity
a) Allocate about 30% of the $60,000 ($18,000) to Lower-risk markets

In this case, we could go with any combination of these that comes to about $12,800. For example:
Two contracts each of all contracts in the Lower-risk category

Total Lower-risk equity committed = $18,194

Total Lower-risk contracts = 22

b) Allocate 30% of the $60,000 trade equity ($18,000) to contracts in the Moderate-risk markets

One each of all contracts in this category except Wheat, which has two

Total Moderate-risk equity committed = $18,119

Total Moderate-risk contracts = 14

c) Allocate 20% of the $60,000 available trade equity ($12,000) to Higher-risk contracts
One each of Soybeans, Nikkei, Orange Juice, Feeder Cattle, and Crude Light

Total Higher-risk equity committed = $11,540

Total Higher-risk contracts = 5

d) Allocate 20% of the $60,000 available trade equity ($12,000) to Speculative contracts
One each of Dow Jones E-mini, Lumber, Coffee, Pork Bellies, and Copper

Total Speculative equity committed = $11,688

Total Speculative contracts = 5

Total Contracts = 46 Total equity committed = $59,541 Total reserves = $150,000 - $59,541 = $90,459
Market sectors represented in portfolio: Grains, Financials, Indices, Softs, Livestock, Metals, Currencies and

By building your portfolio in this manner, you limit your exposure by spreading risk not only across the range of
market sectors, but also within each sector. This type of systematic diversification will help you preserve your
capital and earn steady profits.

Let’s now go to Module 9, where we’ll learn about the optional TFE indicators, the Gatekeeper
Histogram chart, the E-wave Oscillator, and the Psychometric Evaluators.

Module 9. Optional Indicators

Research has provided insights into relationships among certain concepts found among the sciences and
TFE’s powerful indicators. As a consequence, TFE is now easier to use. Some indicators, such as the
Gatekeeper Stability Lines, the Momentum Oscillator (MO), and the Accelerometer (ACC) playing a more
dominant role, while the Gatekeeper Histogram, the E-Wave, and the Psychometric Evaluators have become

This does not mean that they don’t have value. It just means that they are now optional. Below is a brief
description of each optional indicator.

The Gatekeeper Histogram

The Gatekeeper Histogram was designed to 1) provide a confirmation of the Gate’s status, and 2) to locate
channeling, range-bound markets.

It is actually a histogram chart of two of the three Stability Lines that make up the Gatekeeper, adjusted to give
us an early warning of the gate’s closing. The gate closes whenever two or more of the Stability Lines are
intertwined. When the gate is closed, a trade should not be considered. Observe in Illustration 9.1 that the
Gatekeeper histogram broadens as the gate is opening (blue arrows), and narrows as the gate is closing (red
arrows). The gate is open for long trades when the value of the Fence is greater than the value of the Tripwire,
and the value of the Tripwire is greater than the value of the Wall. The gate is open for short trades when the
Wall is greater than the Tripwire and the Tripwire is greater than the Fence. Histogram bar positive values
indicate upward price movement, while negative values indicate downward movement.

Illustration 9.1. Gatekeeper histogram showing gate opening and closing (JNJ, 2/8/2002 – 5/13/2002)

The GateKeeper histogram also gives us the advantage of seeing approximately where channels are located.
We can easily identify channels whenever a series of histogram bars remains relatively close to the zero line.
This is illustrated by the dotted lines in Illustration 9.2. The longer the histogram remains relatively close to the
zero line, the longer the channel, and the more potential we have of getting in on the beginning of a significant
price move.

Both of the functions described above have been replaced by the interaction of the 3SMA Safety Line with the
other elements of the Gatekeeper: the Wall, the Tripwire, and the Fence. The Gatekeeper Histogram can still
be used to enhance your pre-trade analysis.

Illustration 9.2. Gatekeeper histogram showing identifying channels (JNJ, 2/8/2002 – 5/13/2002)

To summarize, in conjunction with the Stability Lines, the GateKeeper histogram:

• provides another confirmation of the gate's status (open/closed).

• gives an early warning that the gate is closing.

• indicates approximately where channels are located.

The E-Wave Oscillator

The E-Wave oscillator is an indicator of overall, longer-range market rhythm. It measures the ebb and flow of
the market and confirms the Momentum Oscillator’s estimation of where the market begins to pick up or run
out of steam. For example, when the signal line is no longer touching the histogram bars of the E-wave
oscillator, it is a confirming indicator that the market is running out of energy and possibly changing direction.
This is particularly true if the bars become shorter and shorter as they move toward the zero line. On the other
hand, when the signal line is cutting through the bars, it is an indicator of the strength and direction of the
trend, particularly if the histogram bars become progressively longer as they move away from the zero line.

The histogram bars themselves provide the confirmation of overall trend direction. If the bars are above the
zero line, the overall trend direction is upward, and if they are below the zero line, the overall trend direction is
downward. When the signal line is cutting through the histogram bars, then market momentum is strong. Let’s
look at Illustration 9.3a. the E-Wave Oscillator without the price chart, and examine it for evidence of overall
market direction.

Illustration 9.3a. E-Wave Oscillator (JNJ, 11/20/2001 – 5/28/2002)

The dotted vertical arrows indicate separation of the signal bar from the histogram bars, with red representing
downward pressure or direction and green representing upward pressure or direction. The solid vertical arrows
indicate where the histogram bars cross the zero line and represent confirmation of major directional change.
The solid horizontal arrows show the extreme limits of directional movement. We do not want to be long the
market when the E-Wave histogram bars are below the zero line.

The Psychometric Evaluators

When we make a decision to buy, sell, enter, or exit, or stay, that decision is combined with the decisions of all
the other traders in the market. The Psychometric Evaluators are a pair of histograms that depict the current
day’s volume (the Volume histogram) and a ratio of the current volume to the day’s trading range (the Volume-
Range Ratio—VRR histogram). These graphs work together to give us a picture of the how the “mass mind”
has affected the day’s trading. Illustration 9.3b is an example of what they look like.

Illustration 9.3b The Psychometric Evaluators

Combining Volume and VRR

Like the MO and ACC, the bars in the Volume and VRR graphs are either green or red. A green bar means
that the value of that particular bar is higher than the value of the bar to its immediate left. A red bar means that
the value of that particular bar is lower than the value of the bar to its immediate left. There are four possible
color combinations when the Volume and VRR are integrated. Reading from Volume down to VRR, they are
Green-Green, Red-Red, Red-Green, and Green-Red. The white arrows in Illustration 9.3b indicate that the
most recent combination is Green-Green, and the combination to the left of that is Green-Red.

An increase (Green) or decrease (Red) in volume tells us whether more of fewer traders are entering the
market, and an increase (Green) or decrease (Red) in VRR tells us how the market is reacting to the changes.
When we combine the Volume and the VRR, we have a tool that gives us powerful insight into the mass mind.

Think of the market as a river that you’re planning on rafting down. It’s a river that is perfectly safe if you
understand the structure of the riverbed and know what to look for along the way; and it’s perfectly treacherous
if you don’t. Imagine the four combinations of green and red bars as signs, posted on the bank, that describe
the bed of that river. You are not able to actually see the riverbed, but all along the shore there are
combinations of green and red signs that tell you what’s happening underneath. Table 9.4 below describes the
signs and their meanings.

Table 9.4. Volume/VRR color combinations and their interpretations

and the current VRR bar is the underlying structure is
If the current Volume bar is
Green (high volume) Green (high facilitation) Deep, broad channel; smooth
bottom; downhill grade; strong
and swift undercurrent;
go with the flow
Red (low volume) Red (low facilitation) Wide, smooth bottom; no
grade; almost no current;
things are slowing down
Red (low volume) Green (high facilitation) Semi-deep, narrow, man-
made channel with gate;
rocky, uneven bottom; swift,
rough current; possible price
Green (high volume) Red (low facilitation) Deep and narrow; smooth
bottom; river forks ahead;
watch for change in trend

Let’s take a trip down the river as we examine these four combinations of signs in more detail.

Illustration 9.5. The Psychometric Evaluators (Green-Green) with price chart (JNJ, 12/4/2001 -

Green-Green (Illustration 9.5)

Imagine that we're in a quiet pool just off the main stream. If we look down river, we can see that there is a fork
ahead. In front of us are two signs, and both are green. If we understand the signs, what do we know about the
river? Well, we know that the riverbed is smooth, deep, and running down hill. We also know that there is a
high volume of water and the undercurrent is swift and very strong. Once we enter the main stream, we know
we will have no choice but to go with the current and travel down whichever fork it takes us. If we try to choose
the other fork, the current will be way too strong to paddle against, and we'd probably end up capsizing.

So, what do we know about the market when the Psychometric Evaluators show us two green bars? We know
that a lot more shares are being traded (higher volume). We also know that the trades are favoring the
direction in which the current bar is moving, and we know that price movement is picking up speed (higher
VRR). Usually, but not quite always, the green-green combination is accompanied by a close in the upper third
of the price bar in an upward trend, and in the lower third of the price bar in a downward trend. Thus, if we
enter the market with two greens, our best immediate strategy would be to go with the flow. It would be
disastrous for us to trade against the direction of the current bar.

Illustration 9.6. The Psychometric Evaluators (Red-Red) with price chart (JNJ, 12/4/2001 - 3/08/2002)

Red-Red (Illustration 9.6)

As we continue down the river, the current begins to force us toward a narrow branch that opens into a wide,
but shallow body of water. Posted near the entry to that branch are two red signs. What do we know about the
river at this point? We know that the riverbed is smooth and there is no grade, so the surface will be calm and
there will be very little current. Things are slowing way down.

In the market, when the Psychometric Evaluators show us two red bars, it means that fewer shares are trading,
and price movement is slowing down. This often happens near the end of an Elliot wave of some lower time
frame. For example, the price has been rising, but as traders loose interest and are no longer willing to enter
the market, there is a general slowing or even slight decline in price. The close will often be in the lower half of
the day's price range.

Illustration 9.7. The Psychometric Evaluators (Red-Green) with price chart (JNJ, 12/4/2001 - 3/08/2002)

Red-Green (Illustration 9.7)

Back to the river. Up ahead we see a man-made channel with a gate. A red sign and a green sign stand
nearby. From the signs, we know that when the volume of water in the river is low, farmers in the area, sensing
a possible change in the weather, open the gate. They store water in anticipation of a drought, or run it off in
anticipation of rain. Because of the red-green combination, we know that this channel is narrow, just deep
enough to be over our heads, and uneven on the bottom.

Although the volume flowing through the channel is not high, the channel itself is capable of moving us along at
break-neck speed. Even though we would like to go in another direction, if the farmers open the gate, we will
be drawn into the channel's swift, rough current. Knowing this, we wear life jackets, helmets, and whatever
other safety equipment we may need.

How does all of this relate to the market? The Red-Green combination is probably the most frequently
occurring of all the patterns. When the Psychometric Evaluators show us Red-Green, we know that we have
low volume, but high price facilitation. If this situation is not followed within the next two bars by an increase in
volume, we can be pretty sure we are experiencing a temporary change in direction (Illustration 9.7), the blue
and violet arrows in area 1 on the price chart). If Red-Green is followed within one or two bars by higher
volume, then it is just a pause in the action before the market moves in our direction again. Because of Red-
Green's turbulent nature, the close will be at the lower end of the price bar on one day, and the upper end on
another day, and somewhere in between on yet another day.

Illustration 9.8. The Psychometric Evaluators (Green-Red) with price chart (JNJ, 12/4/2001 - 3/08/2002)
Illustration 11.7

Green-Red (Illustration 9.8)

As we continue down the river, we come into an area that is deep and narrow. On the bank we see a green
sign and a red sign. Our knowledge of the signs tells us that the riverbed is smooth with no grade. There is
high water volume, and the current is strong but slow-moving in comparison to Green-Green or Red-Green
areas. We also know that the river forks ahead, and each fork is gated. A battle over water rights is raging
between two neighboring towns, and each is trying to get as much of the river to flow down its fork as possible.
Depending on who is controlling the water flow, we'll either continue toward our destination, or we'll have to
prepare take a detour.

In the market, a Green-Red combination offers us the greatest potential for getting in on the beginning of a
trend. Almost all major price moves end with a Green-Red as one of the top/bottom three bars (Illustration
9.7, solid arrows). Knowing this can help us identify the beginning of a trend. However, while almost all trends
end with Green-Red, not all Green-Red combinations mark the end of a trend. Green-Reds appear quite often,
and if they don't end a trend, they let us know the current one will go on until the Psychometric Evaluators
show us the next Green-Red combination (Illustration 9.7, dotted arrows).

Green-Reds signify the last great battle between buyers (bulls) and sellers (bears). Buyers want the price to
rise, sellers want the price to fall. More and more shares are being traded, but there is less price movement in
relation to the volume coming in. In the river analogy, the farmers are duking it out at the gates, and whoever
wins, that's the way the water will flow; in the market, that's the way the trend will go.

The course concludes with Module 10, a recap of signals and entry and exit points.

Dalton, J. F., Jones, E. T., and Dalton, R. B. Mind over markets. Chicago, IL: Probus Publishing Co., 1990.
Kindelberger, C. P. Manias, panics and crashes. New York: Basic Books, 1978.
Lebon, G. The crowd. Deleware: Cherokee Publishing, 1982.
Smith, A. Powers of the mind. New York: Random House, 1975.
Steidlmayer, P. J., and Koy, K. Markets and market logic. Chicago: Porcupine Press, 1986.
Williams, B. Trading chaos: Applying expert techniques to maximize your profits. New York: John Wiley and
Sons, Inc., 1995. (,
Zweig, M. Winning on Wall Street. New York: Warner Books, 1990.

Module 10. Quick-Reference Tables
Recap of entry signals and rules for long and short trades
Buy Fractals Sell Fractals
1) Buy Fractals are marked with a green "B" above the 1) Sell Fractals are marked with a red "S" below the low of
high of the fractal bar. the fractal bar.
2) Enter market when price rises to an amount equal to or 2) Enter market when price falls to an amount equal to or
greater than two ticks above the fractal bar's high. less than two ticks below the fractal bar's low.
3) A buy fractal is valid until it is hit. 3) A sell fractal is valid until it is hit.
1) Signal bar is first MO bar that crosses zero line from 1) Signal bar is first MO bar that crosses zero line from
negative to positive. positive to negative.
2) 3SMA Safety line must be greater than Fence. 2) 3SMA Safety line must be less than Fence.
3) Entry point is two ticks above high of corresponding 3) Entry point is two ticks below low of corresponding
price bar. price bar.
4) A MOXO buy signal is valid until hit. 4) A MOXO sell signal is valid until hit.

Recap of the stop loss rules for both long and short trades.
1. Set initial stop at the LOWER of either 1. Set initial stop at the HIGHER of either
• the lowest low of last three price bars (including the • the highest high of last three price bars (including the
signal bar), or signal bar), or
• the value of the lowest Stability Line • the value of the highest Stability Line.
• If the low of the entry-day bar is lower than the lowest • If the high of the entry-day bar is higher than the
Stability Line, stay with initial stop until the low of the highest Stability Line, stay with initial stop until the high
current bar is greater than lowest Stability Line, then go of the previous bar is lower than highest Stability Line,
to Rule #3. If the low of the entry-day bar is higher than then go to Rule #3. If the high of the entry-day bar is
the lowest Stability Line, go to Rule #3. lower than the highest Stability Line go to Rule #3.
2. Depending on your trading style, risk tolerance, and 2. Depending on your trading style, risk tolerance, and
money management practices, money management practices,
• For an aggressive approach, if the Wall (blue line) is • For an aggressive approach, if the Wall (blue line) is
the lowest Stability Line, follow the Wall; otherwise, the highest Stability Line, follow the Wall; otherwise,
follow the lowest Stability Line until it crosses the Wall, follow the highest Stability Line until it crosses the Wall,
then follow the Wall. then follow the Wall.
• For a less aggressive approach, if the Tripwire (red • For a less aggressive approach, if the Tripwire (red
line) is the lowest Stability Line, follow the Tripwire; line) is the highest Stability Line, follow the Tripwire;
otherwise follow the lowest Stability Line until it crosses otherwise follow the highest Stability Line until it
the Tripwire, then follow the Tripwire. crosses the Tripwire, then follow the Tripwire.
• For a conservative approach, if the Fence (green line) • For a conservative approach, if the Fence (green line)
is the lowest Stability Line, follow the Fence; otherwise is the highest Stability Line, follow the Fence; otherwise
follow the lowest Stability Line until it crosses the follow the highest Stability Line until it crosses the
Fence, then follow the Fence. Fence, then follow the Fence.
3. If the ACC is greater than zero, follow rule #3 above. 3. If the ACC is less than zero, follow rule #3 above.
4. If the ACC is above zero and three consecutive red 4. If the ACC is below zero and three consecutive green
ACC bars (including the current bar) have occurred, ACC bars (including the current bar) have occurred,
move up one Stability Line for each set of three red move down one Stability Line for each set of three
ACC bars. For example, if you are currently following green ACC bars. For example, if you are currently
the Wall and there are three consecutive red ACC bars following the Wall and there are three consecutive
(including the current bar) then move up to the Tripwire. green ACC bars (including the current bar) then move
When the next set of three reds occurs, move up to the down to the Tripwire. When the next set of three greens
Fence, and so on until stopped out. occurs, move down to the Fence, and so on until
5. If the current ACC histogram bar crosses the zero line stopped out.
from positive to negative, move immediately to the 5. If the current ACC histogram bar crosses the zero line
3SMA Safety Line and follow it. from negative to positive, move immediately to the
6. Other than on entry day, if the 3SMA Safety Line 3SMA Safety Line and follow it.
crosses the Fence, and the value of the Fence is 6. Other than on entry day, if the 3SMA Safety Line
greater than the value of the 3SMA Safety Line, move crosses the Fence, and the value of the Fence is less
to and follow the 3SMA Safety Line as your stop loss. than the value of the 3SMA Safety Line, move to and
follow the 3SMA Safety Line as your stop loss.


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